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Text File  |  2005-11-17  |  6KB  |  627 lines

  1. #endinitclip
  2. #include
  3. #initclip
  4. add
  5. and
  6. break
  7. case
  8. catch
  9. class
  10. continue
  11. default
  12. delete
  13. do
  14. dynamic
  15. else
  16. eq
  17. extends
  18. finally
  19. for
  20. function
  21. ge
  22. gt
  23. if
  24. implements
  25. import
  26. in
  27. instanceof
  28. interface
  29. le
  30. lt
  31. ne
  32. new
  33. not
  34. on
  35. onClipEvent
  36. or
  37. private
  38. public
  39. return
  40. static
  41. switch
  42. throw
  43. try
  44. typeof
  45. var
  46. void
  47. while
  48. with
  49. _global
  50. _level
  51. _parent
  52. _root
  53. -Infinity
  54. __proto__
  55. activityLevel
  56. addPage
  57. addProperty
  58. album
  59. align
  60. allowDomain
  61. allowInsecureDomain
  62. appendChild
  63. apply
  64. artist
  65. ascent
  66. attachAudio
  67. attachMovie
  68. attachSound
  69. attributes
  70. autoSize
  71. avHardwareDisable
  72. background
  73. backgroundColor
  74. bandwidth
  75. beginFill
  76. beginGradientFill
  77. bold
  78. border
  79. borderColor
  80. bottomScroll
  81. builtInItems
  82. bullet
  83. bytesLoaded
  84. bytesTotal
  85. caption
  86. charAt
  87. charCodeAt
  88. childNodes
  89. cloneNode
  90. color
  91. COMM
  92. comment
  93. concat
  94. condenseWhite
  95. contentType
  96. copy
  97. createElement
  98. createTextField
  99. createTextNode
  100. customItems
  101. data
  102. deblocking
  103. descent
  104. docTypeDecl
  105. domain
  106. duplicateMovieClip
  107. duration
  108. embedFonts
  109. enabled
  110. endFill
  111. exactSettings
  112. firstChild
  113. flush
  114. font
  115. forward_back
  116. fps
  117. gain
  118. genre
  119. get
  120. getBounds
  121. getBytesLoaded
  122. getBytesTotal
  123. getDate
  124. getDay
  125. getDepth
  126. getFontList
  127. getFullYear
  128. getHours
  129. getInstanceAtDepth
  130. getLocal
  131. getMilliseconds
  132. getMinutes
  133. getMonth
  134. getNewTextFormat
  135. getNextDepth
  136. getNextHighestDepth
  137. getPan
  138. getProgress
  139. getRemote
  140. getRGB
  141. getSeconds
  142. getSize
  143. getStyle
  144. getStyleNames
  145. getSWFVersion
  146. getTextExtent
  147. getTextFormat
  148. getTextSnapshot
  149. getTime
  150. getTimezoneOffset
  151. getTransform
  152. getURL
  153. getUTCDate
  154. getUTCDay
  155. getUTCFullYear
  156. getUTCHours
  157. getUTCMilliseconds
  158. getUTCMinutes
  159. getUTCMonth
  160. getUTCSeconds
  161. getVolume
  162. getYear
  163. globalToLocal
  164. gotoAndPlay
  165. gotoAndStop
  166. hasAccessibility
  167. hasAudio
  168. hasAudioEncoder
  169. hasChildNodes
  170. hasEmbeddedVideo
  171. hasMP3
  172. hasPrinting
  173. hasScreenBroadcast
  174. hasScreenPlayback
  175. hasStreamingAudio
  176. hasStreamingVideo
  177. hasVideoEncoder
  178. hideBuiltInItems
  179. hitTest
  180. hscroll
  181. html
  182. htmlText
  183. id3
  184. ignoreWhite
  185. indent
  186. index
  187. indexOf
  188. input
  189. insertBefore
  190. isConnected
  191. isDebugger
  192. italic
  193. join
  194. keyFrameInterval
  195. language
  196. lastChild
  197. lastIndexOf
  198. leading
  199. leftMargin
  200. length
  201. lineStyle
  202. liveDelay
  203. load
  204. loadClip
  205. loaded
  206. loadMovie
  207. loadSound
  208. loadVariables
  209. localFileReadDisable
  210. localToGlobal
  211. loop
  212. loopback
  213. manufacturer
  214. maxChars
  215. maxhscroll
  216. maxscroll
  217. menu
  218. message
  219. motionLevel
  220. motionTimeOut
  221. mouseWheelEnabled
  222. multiline
  223. muted
  224. names
  225. nextFrame
  226. nextSibling
  227. nodeName
  228. nodeType
  229. nodeValue
  230. os
  231. parentNode
  232. parse
  233. parseCSS
  234. parseXML
  235. password
  236. pixelAspectRatio
  237. playerType
  238. pop
  239. position
  240. prevFrame
  241. previousSibling
  242. print
  243. prototype
  244. publish
  245. push
  246. rate
  247. receiveAudio
  248. receiveVideo
  249. registerClass
  250. removeMovieClip
  251. removeNode
  252. removeTextField
  253. replaceSel
  254. replaceText
  255. restrict
  256. reverse
  257. rewind
  258. rightMargin
  259. save
  260. screenColor
  261. screenDPI
  262. screenResolutionX
  263. screenResolutionY
  264. scroll
  265. selectable
  266. sendAndLoad
  267. separatorBefore
  268. serverString
  269. setClipboard
  270. setDate
  271. setFps
  272. setFullYear
  273. setGain
  274. setHours
  275. setKeyFrameInterval
  276. setLoopback
  277. setMask
  278. setMilliseconds
  279. setMinutes
  280. setMode
  281. setMonth
  282. setMotionLevel
  283. setNewTextFormat
  284. setPan
  285. setQuality
  286. setRate
  287. setRGB
  288. setSeconds
  289. setSilenceLevel
  290. setStyle
  291. setTextFormat
  292. setTime
  293. setTransform
  294. setUseEchoSuppression
  295. setUTCDate
  296. setUTCFullYear
  297. setUTCHours
  298. setUTCMilliseconds
  299. setUTCMinutes
  300. setUTCMonth
  301. setUTCSeconds
  302. setVolume
  303. setYear
  304. shift
  305. showSettings
  306. silenceLevel
  307. silenceTimeOut
  308. size
  309. slice
  310. songtitle
  311. sort
  312. sortOn
  313. splice
  314. split
  315. startDrag
  316. status
  317. stop
  318. stopDrag
  319. styleSheet
  320. substr
  321. substring
  322. swapDepths
  323. tabStops
  324. TALB
  325. target
  326. TBPM
  327. TCOM
  328. TCON
  329. TCOP
  330. TDAT
  331. TDLY
  332. TENC
  333. textColor
  334. textFieldHeight
  335. textFieldWidth
  336. textHeight
  337. textWidth
  338. TFLT
  339. TIT1
  340. TIT2
  341. TIT3
  342. TKEY
  343. TLAN
  344. TLEN
  345. TMED
  346. TOAL
  347. TOFN
  348. toLowerCase
  349. TOLY
  350. TOPE
  351. TORY
  352. toString
  353. toUpperCase
  354. TOWN
  355. TPE1
  356. TPE2
  357. TPE3
  358. TPE4
  359. TPOS
  360. TPUB
  361. track
  362. trackAsMenu
  363. transform
  364. TRCK
  365. TRDA
  366. TRSN
  367. TRSO
  368. TSIZ
  369. TSRX
  370. TSSE
  371. TYER
  372. type
  373. underline
  374. unloadClip
  375. unloadMovie
  376. unshift
  377. unwatch
  378. url
  379. useEchoSuppression
  380. useHandCursor
  381. valueOf
  382. variable
  383. version
  384. visible
  385. watch
  386. windowlessDisable
  387. wordWrap
  388. WXXX
  389. xmlDecl
  390. year
  391. zoom
  392. Accessibility
  393. isActive
  394. updateProperties
  395. addListener
  396. addRequestHeader
  397. arguments
  398. callee
  399. caller
  400. Array
  403. NUMERIC
  406. Boolean
  407. Button
  408. call
  409. Camera
  410. chr
  411. clearInterval
  412. ContextMenu
  413. ContextMenuItem
  414. CustomActions
  415. install
  416. list
  417. uninstall
  418. Date
  419. UTC
  420. dragOut
  421. dragOver
  422. enterFrame
  423. Error
  424. escape
  425. eval
  426. false
  427. findText
  428. focusEnabled
  429. fscommand
  430. getCount
  431. getProperty
  432. getSelected
  433. getSelectedText
  434. getText
  435. getTimer
  436. getVersion
  437. hitArea
  438. hitTestTextNearPos
  439. ifFrameLoaded
  440. Infinity
  441. int
  442. isFinite
  443. isNaN
  444. Key
  445. ALT
  448. CONTROL
  450. DOWN
  451. END
  452. ENTER
  453. getAscii
  454. getCode
  455. HOME
  456. INSERT
  457. isDown
  458. isToggled
  459. LEFT
  460. PGDN
  461. PGUP
  462. RIGHT
  463. SPACE
  464. TAB
  465. UP
  466. keyDown
  467. keyPress
  468. keyUp
  469. loadMovieNum
  470. loadVariablesNum
  471. LoadVars
  472. LocalConnection
  473. Math
  474. abs
  475. acos
  476. asin
  477. atan
  478. atan2
  479. ceil
  480. cos
  481. E
  482. exp
  483. floor
  484. LN10
  485. LN2
  486. log
  487. LOG10E
  488. LOG2E
  489. max
  490. min
  491. PI
  492. pow
  493. random
  494. round
  495. sin
  496. sqrt
  497. SQRT1_2
  498. SQRT2
  499. tan
  500. mbchr
  501. mblength
  502. mbord
  503. mbsubstring
  504. Microphone
  505. MMExecute
  506. Mouse
  507. hide
  508. show
  509. mouseDown
  510. mouseMove
  511. mouseUp
  512. MovieClip
  513. MovieClipLoader
  514. NetConnection
  515. NetStream
  516. newline
  517. nextScene
  518. null
  519. Number
  520. MAX_VALUE
  521. MIN_VALUE
  522. NaN
  525. Object
  526. onActivity
  527. onChanged
  528. onClose
  529. onConnect
  530. onData
  531. onDragOut
  532. onDragOver
  533. onEnterFrame
  534. onID3
  535. onKeyDown
  536. onKeyUp
  537. onKillFocus
  538. onLoadComplete
  539. onLoadError
  540. onLoadInit
  541. onLoadProgress
  542. onLoadStart
  543. onMouseDown
  544. onMouseMove
  545. onMouseUp
  546. onMouseWheel
  547. onPress
  548. onRelease
  549. onReleaseOutside
  550. onResize
  551. onRollOut
  552. onRollOver
  553. onScroller
  554. onSelect
  555. onSetFocus
  556. onSoundComplete
  557. onSync
  558. onUnload
  559. onXML
  560. ord
  561. orientation
  562. pageHeight
  563. pageWidth
  564. paperHeight
  565. paperWidth
  566. parseFloat
  567. parseInt
  568. play
  569. press
  570. prevScene
  571. printAsBitmap
  572. printAsBitmapNum
  573. PrintJob
  574. printNum
  575. release
  576. releaseOutside
  577. removeListener
  578. rollOut
  579. rollOver
  580. Selection
  581. getBeginIndex
  582. getCaretIndex
  583. getEndIndex
  584. getFocus
  585. setFocus
  586. setSelection
  587. set
  588. setInterval
  589. setProperty
  590. setSelectColor
  591. setSelected
  592. SharedObject
  593. Sound
  594. Stage
  595. height
  596. scaleMode
  597. showMenu
  598. width
  599. stopAllSounds
  600. String
  601. fromCharCode
  602. super
  603. System
  604. security
  605. useCodepage
  606. tabChildren
  607. tabEnabled
  608. tabIndex
  609. targetPath
  610. tellTarget
  611. TextField
  612. TextFormat
  613. TextSnapshot
  614. this
  615. toggleHighQuality
  616. trace
  617. true
  618. undefined
  619. unescape
  620. unload
  621. unloadMovieNum
  622. updateAfterEvent
  623. Video
  624. XML
  625. XMLNode
  626. XMLSocket