\paperw4260 \margr0\margl0 \plain \fs20 \f1 Italian painter. \par
He was one of the leading figures in the renewal of Venetian painting in the second half of the sixteenth centu
ry. Attracted by the art of Titian, in the \i Road to Calvary\i0 (Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum) and \i Beheading of the Baptist\i0 (Copenhagen, Museum) the artist used motifs from the Tuscan-Roman manner, adopting cold and iridescent colors that broke awa
y from the unitary character of GiorgioneÆs tonality (\i The Baptist\i0 , Bassano, Museum; \i Crucifixion\i0 , Treviso, Museum). In the \i Good Samaritan\i0 (Rome, Galleria Capitolina) and \i Rest on the Flight into Egypt\i0 (Milan, Pinacoteca Ambrosiana), the reli
gious subject is turned into a representation of rural themes set in vast landscapes, verging on truly pastoral scenes.\par