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Text File  |  1993-07-19  |  6KB  |  76 lines

  1. FROM THE PUBLISHER                                    ;2\MOY\052592\0525680.000
  2. GRAPEVINE                                             ;9
  3.  R.A.F. to U.S.A.F.: Gotcha!                          ;2\MOY\052592\0525550.000
  4.  Urban Renewal, L.A.-Style                            ;2\MOY\052592\0525551.000
  5.  An Idea Whose Time Has Passed                        ;2\MOY\052592\0525552.000
  6.  Your Enemy Is My Enemy                               ;2\MOY\052592\0525553.000
  7.  Let's Boogie                                         ;2\MOY\052592\0525554.000
  8.  Forward Spin                                         ;2\MOY\052592\0525555.000
  9. THE WEEK: MAY 10-16, 1992                             ;9
  10.  NATION                                               ;9
  11.   Back in the Straddle                                ;2\MOY\052592\0525990.000
  12.   The Shuttlenauts Make a Great Catch                 ;2\MOY\052592\0525991.000
  13.   See the Sideshow                                    ;2\MOY\052592\0525992.000
  14.   Run, Ross, Run                                      ;2\MOY\052592\0525993.000
  15.   No Way to Fix an Image                              ;2\MOY\052592\0525994.000
  16.   Attention Shoppers                                  ;2\MOY\052592\0525996.000
  17.   One for the Loggers                                 ;2\MOY\052592\0525997.000
  18.   Et Cetera                                           ;2\MOY\052592\0525998.000
  19.  WORLD                                                ;9
  20.   Balkan Bullies Put the U.N. in Retreat              ;2\MOY\052592\0525999.000
  21.   To Two . . . and Counting                           ;2\MOY\052592\05259910.000
  22.   Et Cetera                                           ;2\MOY\052592\05259911.000
  23.  BUSINESS                                             ;9
  24.   How Failed a Foundation                             ;2\MOY\052592\05259912.000
  25.   Doing God's Work?                                   ;2\MOY\052592\05259913.000
  26.   A Bear Amid the Bulls                               ;2\MOY\052592\05259914.000
  27.   Pollution Swap                                      ;2\MOY\052592\05259915.000
  28.   Missing from Action                                 ;2\MOY\052592\05259916.000
  29.  SOCIETY                                              ;9
  30.  Doctor Death's Visit                                 ;2\MOY\052592\05259917.000
  31.   Health Care for All                                 ;2\MOY\052592\05259918.000
  32.   Et Cetera                                           ;2\MOY\052592\05259919.000
  33. MILESTONES                                            ;9
  34.  Illness Revealed:Linus Pauling                       ;2\MOY\052592\0525540.000
  35.      Hospitalized:Dale Evans                          ;2\MOY\052592\0525541.000
  36.      Hospitalized:Minnesota Fats                      ;2\MOY\052592\0525542.000
  37.              Died:Lyle Alzado                         ;2\MOY\052592\0525543.000
  38.                   Robert Reed                         ;2\MOY\052592\0525544.000
  39.                   Sylvia Syms                         ;2\MOY\052592\0525545.000
  40. COVER STORIES                                         ;9
  41.  He's Ready, But Is America Ready for President Perot?;2\MOY\052592\05259921.000
  42.  Perot's Lieutenants                                  ;2\MOY\052592\05259922.000
  43.  Perot and His Presidents                             ;2\MOY\052592\05259923.000
  44.  Electoral Roulette                                   ;2\MOY\052592\05259924.000
  45.  Interview:Ross Perot                                 ;2\MOY\052592\05259925.000
  46. SOCIETY                                               ;9
  47.  How to Get America Off the Dole                      ;2\MOY\052592\05259926.000
  48. PROFILE                                               ;9
  49.  Hanan Mikhail-Ashrawi:Voice of Her People            ;2\MOY\052592\0525520.000
  50. DIPLOMACY                                             ;9
  51.  A Chat with the Gorbachevs                           ;2\MOY\052592\05259927.000
  52. DESIGN                                                ;9
  53.  Gilded Cages                                         ;2\MOY\052592\0525430.000
  54. HEALTH                                                ;9
  55.  Getting the Point In New Haven                       ;2\MOY\052592\0525130.000
  56. ENVIRONMENT                                           ;9
  57.  Manuel Lujan:The Stealth Secretary                   ;2\MOY\052592\0525330.000
  58. ART                                                   ;9
  59.  Really Rembrandt?                                    ;2\MOY\052592\0525400.000
  60. THEATER                                               ;9
  61.  Guys, Dolls and Other Hot Tickets                    ;2\MOY\052592\0525410.000
  62. REVIEWS                                               ;9
  63.  Cinema:Surviving in A New World                     ;2\MOY\052592\05259928.000
  64.  Books:How I Won The War                             ;2\MOY\052592\05259929.000
  65.  Books:Year of Living Dangerously                    ;2\MOY\052592\05259930.000
  66.  Music:Angst for Art's Sake                          ;2\MOY\052592\05259931.000
  67.  Television:Tales of the SoHo Seven                  ;2\MOY\052592\05259932.000
  68.  Short Takes                                          ;2\MOY\052592\05259933.000
  69. PEOPLE                                                ;9
  70.  Marathon Man                                         ;2\MOY\052592\0525500.000
  71.  Cry Me A Rivers                                      ;2\MOY\052592\0525501.000
  72.  Bakshi's Back and Basinger's Got 'Im                 ;2\MOY\052592\0525502.000
  73.  The Kid's All Right                                  ;2\MOY\052592\0525503.000
  74. ESSAY                                                 ;9
  75.  What Oscar Wilde Knew About Japan                    ;2\MOY\052592\0525640.000