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Text File  |  1993-04-29  |  16KB  |  193 lines

  2. PRINT SELECTION FOR APAR - II06157 93/04/29                                     
  3.            PIN INFO-PC-LIB-088 II06157-IN-INCORROUT                             
  4. F   -     -     -                                                               
  5. 5250WSF - CM ES/1 TO AS/400 CONFIGURATION                                       
  6. CMINFO                                                                          
  7. END OF ABSTRACT   FESN5NFO000-000                                               
  8. REPORTED RELEASE    R001                                                        
  9. ERROR DESCRIPTION:                                                              
  11. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  12. |II06157                                                      |                 
  13. |          COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER INFORMATION APAR            |                 
  14. |                                                             |                 
  15. |             CM ES/1 TO AS/400 CONFIGURATION                 |                 
  16. |                       INFORMATION                           |                 
  17. |                                                             |                 
  18. |LAST UPDATE:  04/29/93                          BY: RHB      |                 
  19. |                                                             |                 
  21. |          CHECK TO MAKE SURE CM ES/1 AND THE AS/400 ARE      |                 
  22. |          CORRECTLY CONFIGURED.                              |                 
  23. |                                                             |                 
  24. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  25. |                                                                               
  26. |  OVERVIEW:                                                                    
  27. |                                                                               
  28. |      A. CHECKLIST FOR CM ES/1 CONFIGURATION                                   
  29. |      B. CHECKLIST FOR AS/400 CONFIGURATION                                    
  30. |      C. PUBLICATION REFERENCES                                                
  31. |      D. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION                                                
  32. |                                                                               
  33. |                                                                               
  34. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  35. |      A. CHECKLIST FOR CM ES/1 CONFIGURATION                 |                 
  36. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  37. |12/17/92                                                                       
  38. |                                                                               
  39. | 1. Please verify the following CONFIGURATION VERB                             
  40. |    definitions in the .NDF file.                                              
  41. |                                                                               
  42. |    a) In the DEFINE_LOCAL_CP verb, the FQ_CP_NAME is                          
  43. |       a unique name in the network.                                           
  44. |                                                                               
  45. |    b) In the DEFINE_LOGICAL_LINK verb for the AS/400,                         
  46. |       ADJACENT_NODE_TYPE(LEARN) is defined.                                   
  47. |                                                                               
  48. |    c) In the DEFINE_LOGICAL_LINK verb for the AS/400,                         
  49. |       CP_CP_SESSION_SUPPORT(YES) is defined.                                  
  50. |                                                                               
  51. |                                                                               
  52. |                                                                               
  53. | NOTE: The .NDF file is an ASCII file located in                               
  54. |        CMLIB APPN.  You can edit this file                                    
  55. |       to make changes.  Please make a back-up copy                            
  56. |       before changing the file.  If you make any changes                      
  57. |       please remember to VERIFY the CM configuration                          
  58. |       thru CM's ADVANCED, CONFIGURATION panels.                               
  59. |                                                                               
  60. |                                                                               
  61. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  62. |      B. CHECKLIST FOR AS/400 CONFIGURATION                  |                 
  63. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  64. |12/17/92                                                                       
  65. |                                                                               
  66. | 1. Please verify the following AS/400 Controller                              
  67. |    definitions.                                                               
  68. |                                                                               
  69. |    a) APPN CP session support, CPSSN is defined as                            
  70. |       ' *YES '.                                                               
  71. |                                                                               
  72. |    b) APPN node type, NODETYPE is defined as                                  
  73. |       ' *CALC '.                                                              
  74. |                                                                               
  75. |                                                                               
  76. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  77. |      C. PUBLICATION REFERENCES                              |                 
  78. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  79. | 12/17/92                                                                      
  80. |                                                                               
  81. | 1. IBM Extended Services for OS/2 Host Connection                             
  82. |    Reference, S04G-1004, Chapter 2. IBM AS/400 Host                           
  83. |    Programming.                                                               
  84. |                                                                               
  85. | 2. IBM Extended Services for OS/2 Communications Manager                      
  86. |    System Management Programming Reference, S04G-1116,                        
  87. |    Chapter 5 Configuration Verbs.                                             
  88. |                                                                               
  89. |                                                                               
  90. | 3. IBM Extended Services for OS/2 Communications Manager                      
  91. |    Configuration Guide, S04G-1002, Chapter 14. 5250                           
  92. |    Work Station Feature.                                                      
  93. |                                                                               
  94. |                                                                               
  95. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  96. |      D. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION                              |                 
  97. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  98. |                                                                               
  99. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  100. | 12/17/92 TWINAX DRIVER.                                     |                 
  101. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  102. |                                                                               
  103. | The ES1 Hardware and Software Reference, P1-9, lists two                      
  104. | drivers for TWINAX adapters, but it doesn't make clear                        
  105. | which is for the AT-type bus and which is for Microchannel.                   
  106. | T1P1NDD.SYS is for Microchannel, and T1P1SDD.SYS is the                       
  107. | driver for AT, ISA, or non-MCA machines.                                      
  108. |                                                                               
  109. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  110. |  SDLC CONNECTION TO AN OS400 - HINTS                        |                 
  111. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  112. |                                                                               
  113. | 1: Be sure the controller description on the                                  
  114. | 400 uses an XID of 05D XXXXX. Apparently, DOS                                 
  115. | pcsupport creates a description with a default                                
  116. | xid of 001 XXXXX.                                                             
  117. | Also, do not define role as negotiable;                                       
  118. | The 400 should be primary, and the                                            
  119. | workstation should be secondary                                               
  120. |                                                                               
  121. | 2: ES1 Basic config can insert a default                                      
  122. | Partner Node Name (in the Network Definitions/                                
  123. | SNA Connections profile) of CP000002. This                                    
  124. | should be changed to match the actual partner                                 
  125. | node name of the host.                                                        
  126. |                                                                               
  127. | 3: ES1 doesnt support autodial. If the modem                                  
  128. | does not support manual dial, the following may                               
  129. | help: leave the modem off until the popup                                     
  130. | message telling the user to dial the line                                     
  131. | appears, then turn it on. This allowed one                                    
  132. | customer to connect. For normal use, possibly                                 
  133. | a delay can be put in the command stream so the                               
  134. | modem doesn't dial until Comm Mgr is ready.                                   
  135. | This may take some experimentation.                                           
  136. |                                                                               
  137. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  138. | 04/09/93 ACS0127 MESSAGE WHEN RESTARTING COMMUNICATIONS MGR |                 
  139. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  140. |                                                                               
  141. | Environment: AS/400 V2R1.1, OS/2 EE 1.3, and OS/2 PC Support                  
  142. |              installed.                                                       
  143. |                                                                               
  144. | Scenario: 1. Start OS/2 Communications Manager.                               
  145. |           2. Start OS/2 PC Support.                                           
  146. |           3. End OS/2 Communications Manager                                  
  147. |              (Exit Immediately)                                               
  148. |           4. Start OS/2 Communications Manager.                               
  149. |           5. Receive OS/2 Communications Manager error                        
  150. |              message ACS0127 or ACS0127C.                                     
  151. |              ('Communications Manager is already started                      
  152. |              or is being restarted and previous                               
  153. |              application programs using it are still                          
  154. |              active').                                                        
  155. |                                                                               
  156. | Cause:    AS/400 Shared Folders are still active in the                       
  157. |           background.                                                         
  158. |                                                                               
  159. | Solution: There is no way in OS/2 to end the background                       
  160. |           task that controls Shared Folders. However, in                      
  161. |           PC Support/400 V2R2 there is a program STOPFLR                      
  162. |           which will end the task and let you restart                         
  163. |           Communications Manager without a reboot.                            
  164. |                                                                               
  165. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  166. | 04/09/93 REMOTE CONTROL UNITS DO NOT SUPPORT SEGMENTING     |                 
  167. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  168. |                                                                               
  169. | The 5394 & 5494 remote control unit devices do not support                    
  170. | segmenting. The RUSIZE parameter in the AS/400 controller                     
  171. | description should be smaller than 512 and should match                       
  172. | Communication Manager's RUSIZE exactly. Recommended size 496.                 
  173. |                                                                               
  174. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  175. |KEYWORDS: CMINFO 562121301 R100 5250WSF 5250 CM APPC APPN    |                 
  176. |          NDF CONFIG ACS0619W ACS0608W  XID SDLC AUTODIAL    |                 
  177. |          5250 WORK STATION FEATURE MODEM SHARED FOLDERS     |                 
  178. |          08090049 001b 00000700 ACS0127 ACS0127C PC SUPPORT |                 
  179. |          5394 5494 RUSIZE RU SIZE SEGMENT CONTROLLER        |                 
  180. |                                                             |                 
  181. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  183. SEE ERROR DESCRIPTION                                                           
  184. CIRCUMVENTION:                                                                  
  185. REPINNED 12/17/92  RHB/RALFS                                                    
  186. REPINNED 12/17/92  RHB/RALFS                                                    
  187. REPINNED 04/29/93  RALFS/RHB                                                    
  188. 93/04/29,UNKNOWN                                                                