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From: owner-yello-digest@lists.xmission.com (yello-digest)
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Subject: yello-digest V2 #20
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yello-digest Monday, February 2 1998 Volume 02 : Number 020
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 18:06:19 EST
From: JULZMON@aol.com
Subject: (yello) Re: (Yello) Haunted House, Love it or Hate it?
PS. I think if the 12" collection could be like the Pet Shop Boys B-sides
double, and better yet like the Japanies Depeche Mode's X1 and X2. That
probably would be asking to much. Oh well we can dream.
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 12:59:14 +0100
From: "Niclas Jacobsson" <t95_jas.t95.t.mmt.kth.se@sivalinga.fkt.kth.se>
Subject: SV: (yello) Yello (MP3)
Hi, my name is Niclas Jacobsson and I have been lurking around sometime now.
I have a friend with an ftp server. He could setup an account for the list
that we could use. The connection is pretty fast (2Mbit). Sorry for my
lousy english. :)
I have had a couple of positive responses to my initiative. What I would
propose now is to find simply a popular mp3-server and send those files
there. How about one of the servers that can be found on
http://www.execpc.com/~pmj/mp3/ ? Has anybody had any experience with those
servers yet?
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 23:51:35 GMT/BST
From: nic <nic@python.demon.co.uk>
Subject: (yello) Blender
From the results of the survey, I was interested to discover that
"Blender" was the worst track for a number of people, personally it was
the best (narrowly beaten by Sometimes Dr. Hirch). I thought I'd explain
why I like it.
A tense, mysterious beginning, low bass, then a helicopter. Has it taken
someone away? Or dropped someone off? The bassline is wet, precise
percussion, if you listen carefully you can hear the sound of life.
Laughing, living, blending...
Random Tox, speaking to the housewives of the world, selling to girls,
sales talk, but it's not fooling her.
Vacuum cleaners suck, and so can the life associated with mundane living.
What makes her come alive is leading, dominating, living life on the
edge, who needs to be tied to kitchen appliances when there's a welcoming
world in clubland, she dresses to kill, she controls, she doesn't need
him, but he's privileged enough to share the experience with her, he
drowns in her power, her purity, and she takes it right to the limit.
This is the song for me, very powerful, very emotive. I'm also lucky
enough to have such a woman in my life, she's at home with the mundane,
but in the night she leads. I love to see others reactions to her, the
way she dresses, what she's not afraid to do, she has power, but whatever
technology is created for her life, she will always beat it's
sophistication. I'm hooked on her, she's changed my view of the world.
As the song says
"They always know who I am, what I do
She gave me no wink
Just a smile of her hips
And a sip of my glass"
Maybe that's why you guy's don't like it? It confirms the power women
have. Me? I just go with the flow!
Jungle Bill from the same album is another powerful track, I noted quite
a number in the survey put this as the worst album. For me this album
speaks of the power of the woman. I feel very comfortable with that.
BTW, A typo on my reply to the survey: Pat Metheny, not Pat Methenty!
Enjoyed that survey!
Best regards
- --
- -- We are the architects, not the victims, of our own destiny --
- -- nic nic at python.demon.co.uk http://www.python.demon.co.uk/ --
- -- Bolton, UK website http://www.bolton.ac.uk/bolton/ --
- -- Digital Equipment VAX hardware running OpenVMS/X-Windows-Motif --
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 02:07:11 -0600
From: "Rocket Ranger" <shanef@visi.com>
Subject: (yello) YELLO FTP-SPACE OPEN
Hi Yello-Friends,
I am Posting in Regards to Kay and Andreas E-Mail Pertaining to the
Existence of an FTP-SERVER so Yello-Citizens Can Share Rare and Immpossible
to Get Tracks. I am Offering Space on My Site. The Site is Behind T1, and an
Account Has Been Set-Up Just for Yello-Freaks Like Us.
YELLO. I Happen to LOVE Their Work, and Want to See Them Rolling in the
Dough!!!!! If the Site is Abused in the Open Downloads Areas, Access to That
User will be RESTRICTED. The RARE and IMMPOSSIBLE Directory of the Site Will
I am Looking Forward to Some New and Exciting Tracks By Yello. I Do
Hope Those on this List Who May Have Some Rare and hard-To-GetStuff Will
Participate in Our Dream to Make This Material Available to Others. WithOut
Your Help. We May Never Get to Fully and Thoroghly Listen to Yello!!!!!
Site Access Information:
IP: Port:2666 User: Yello Password: Yello
Browser Access:
Thanks Again to You All, and I Hope This Will Be Successfull!!!!!
Shane Foss
(This Will Be RePosted About Once a Month for Those New-Yello Fans Who Need
the Site INFO)
*****(This Was Posted Two Days back, but Was Returned Due to MIME Content. I
Have Now ReSumbitted it in the CORRECT Format)
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 02:08:42 -0600
From: "Rocket Ranger" <shanef@visi.com>
Subject: (yello) NOTE on Yello FTP-SPACE OPEN
There Was Some Concern About the Existence of Tracks from Existing
Albums on My Site.
These Tracks are Available for Those of Us Who Want to IntroDuce
Yello to Others Can Use this Site.
All Activity on My Site is Monitored Daily. Those That Abuse YELLO
will be Banned from Access to My Server.
I Think This is Fair Enough. The Other 12GB of Music is NOT
AvailAble to AnyOne, Is It Not Clear Where I Stand???
I am Going to Create Another Directory on the Site Right Outta The
Yello DIR for Those Who Want to Introduce to Your Yello Friends Some New
Music That We May Want to Purchase. Please Get Us Some SAMPLES!!!!!!!! I
Will Toss A Couple of My Favorites in This Location for Starters. Please
Put the Name of the Group or Artist in the Front End of the File-Name Before
UpLoading, and Also Breif Us All from the List Telling Us More About the
This Should Work-Out Great!!!!
(This Was Posted YESTERDAY. ReSumbitted Today After it's Return to ME)
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 02:35:09 -0600
From: "Rocket Ranger" <shanef@visi.com>
Subject: (yello) SAMPLE Some NEW Stuff
This Group Obviously Has Excellant Taste in Music. I am Sire I Am
Not the Only One OPEN to Discovering What Else the Other Yello-Lovers are
Listening to When Not Listening to Yello.
Like I Had Mentioned Earlier. My Site is Up, and Open to You People.
The Directory for SAMPLES of Other Artists or Groups will Be a Sub-Dir of
I Started the SAMPLE OTHERS Area with a Couple of My Own Other Picks:
MARS LASER "The Eleventh Hour" NEW AGE (VERY VERY Feisty Synthesizer
Music for NewAge)
-Those with the Reproductive Systems Should Scope Some Mars
-The Eleventh Hour Album Has Several Tracks with the Q-Sound
Encoding Technique On. NEAT!!!
Mars Lasar Released His Debut Albbum in 92 Called "Olympus". Since Then 3
Others Have Been Released "Eleventh Hour" "Escape" adn the Most
Recent "Sapphire Dreams"
Both Olympus and The Eleventh Hour are VERY Rich in Dynamic Content. I Also
Think That MARS LOVES 1st Octave Alot!!!! He Goes Out of His Way to include
Plenty of It!!! (Yello Like)
The Second Song:
Cirque Du Soleil "Let Me Fall" New Age Mellow to VERY Exciting
Synth\Ambient Music.
-They have VERY VERY Clean Ambient Recording.
-"Quidam" is a Great Album to Start with.
This Group Deos the Music for the Famous Circus Acts Outta France Called
"Cirque Du Soleil"
-WonderFull Circus Production. The Music\Costumes\Acts are
-Each of Their Albums is Actually a SoundTrack to Their Particulair
-Found in Either New AGE or SoundTracks.
**Don't Know Whether This Will Catch?? If it Deos Though, I am Looking
Forward to Experiencing the Music That Others on this List are
PLEASE SAMPLE These Two Artists and Many More (I HOPE) from My
IP: Port: 2666 User: Yello Password: Yello
Later Then Shane
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 10:16:10 EST
From: JULZMON@aol.com
Subject: Re: (yello) SAMPLE Some NEW Stuff
In a message dated 1/31/98 4:33:44 am, you wrote:
>MARS LASER "The Eleventh Hour" NEW AGE (VERY VERY Feisty Synthesizer
>Music for NewAge)
Just a small correction. It's Mars Lasar. Not Laser. His music is
wonderful. Also look forward for a future album by him with his wife singing.
Forgot the name of the group that he is going to call it, but if you really
want to know I could look it up.
Also lets not forget about William Orbit who is a genius to me also he is
producing the new Madonna album. (probably will be the best one with William
producing and all).
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 15:14:57 EST
From: FGriego@aol.com
Subject: Re: (yello) Blender
Not being a "lyrics" person- I hardly know what the song was about. I chose it
as my worst track simply because I *did* notice the lyrics. I thought the song
wasted a fantastic hook by utilizing the blender metaphor.
Best, FG
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 22:21:43 +0200
From: Yuri Chercasski <ycher@3dmail.com>
Subject: (yello) Mp3 request...
Could anyone please make an Mp3 of I.T.Splash -
and upload it to Shane Foss's FTP?
Thanx in advance!
I'm afraid that this may be my only chance to hear this RARE song :)
Yuri Chercasski.
PS Thanx to Shane Foss for the FTP!
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 16:28:42 -0600
From: "Rocket Ranger" <shanef@visi.com>
Subject: (yello) The Blender Song
In Response to Nic's Interpretation of the Blender Song.
That Song is One of My Favorites. I Loved Nics Interpretation of the Lyrics.
It is Right-on. Jungle Bill is Also Excellant. the Whole BABY Album Was is
The Bass in the BlenderSong Was Very Special to!!!!!
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 21:37:29 EST
From: JULZMON@aol.com
Subject: Re: Re: (yello) SAMPLE Some NEW Stuff
Yes! BassOmatic is William. I consider it to be one of his works. But they
are all so good. That one though stands out from the rest. In an interview
he him self said that it was his favorite.
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 1998 19:27:23 -0000
From: Bonzo <Bonzo@wbvm.demon.co.uk>
Subject: (yello) Top Ten Survey update...
Hello girls and boys,
Just a note about my Yello top ten survey. I`ll keep it going for a few
more days so SEND ME YOUR TOP TEN LISTS! I give ten points for your first
choice, down to one for your last. What song is the favourite at the moment?
You`d never believe it....
I`ll post the results Wednesday or Thursday.
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 08:54:33 +0100
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Sch=E4der_Eric?= <eric.schader@gambro.se>
Subject: RE: (yello) Re: (Yello) Haunted House, Love it or Hate it?
>>but I think it is the words that annoy me, along with the
cheery whistling. It
>>still gets the worst track award I am afraid.
>That is so funny those are the best things in the song to me.
They are such
>funny words. My favorite being "He's riding for ever with no
where to go
>ect..". Funny how tastes differ!
I agree. The first time I heard it I tought "hey, what in the
world is this" but the second time I just had to laugh. I think the
track is so funny, specially with the whistling. I wouldn't consider it
as my favourite, but I sure am happy that it exist. I think it's one of
their funnier tracks.
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 08:58:57 +0100
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Sch=E4der_Eric?= <eric.schader@gambro.se>
Subject: RE: (yello) Goldmine Ad
Hi all!
>4. same as above, no picture sleeve "4 Specially Remixed Dance
If this is the one from -83, I have to say "just my luck". I've
just orderd it from Esprit at quite a different price. (more expensive
that is).
Well, at least I'll get it.
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 1998 23:49:54 +0000
From: "Minstrel Arts" <och@dds.nl>
Subject: Re: (yello) Big Thanks to James
> It was also nice to see that there was a good spread in age and that
> there are at least one female on the list. One question that could have
> been interesting is if Yello appeals more to a male audience than a
> female, and if so, Why?
> Anyone?.
> The list seams to be dominated by males.
I don't know if Yello appeals more to males then females, but one of
the reasons this list is dominated by males is probably because there are
much more men on the net then there are woman.
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 15:32:41 +0200
From: Juhana K Kouhia <kouhia@nic.funet.fi>
Subject: Re: (yello) Big Thanks to James
>I don't know if Yello appeals more to males then females, but one of
>the reasons this list is dominated by males is probably because there are
>much more men on the net then there are woman.
Perhaps, perhaps not.
I could think the reason is the www. People just browse. If it is
not browsable, then it is not interesting enough. Most of the women
come in to network after www.
Also, generally, how many man/woman collects some particular musician?
I think more men than women collects records.
I'm in believ that collecting is for filling (partial) loss in social
life. Even heard about it in some TV-program. Generally women has bigger
social life than men and simply has no time to get interested in, for
example, to some particular band.
So, that is a good reason why we have more men than women here.
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 13:05:44 +0100
From: "Bo Andersen" <boa@inet.uni2.dk>
Subject: Fw: (yello) Yello (MP3)
>If it hadn't been for Mp3 I never would have done that - so thanks to
>Mp3 they've made money on me.
I think the point is that it should be the decision of the artist (in this
case) yello,
whether they want to distribute free previews of their work this way or not.
Whether MP3s benefit them or not is not really important. You wouldn't want
somebody to make decisions on you behalf, just because they think something
is better for you.
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 1998 02:41:44 -0600
From: "Shane of SAMCO" <samco@visi.com>
Subject: (yello) MP3 Tools
Please Notify Me if Anyone Needs Help Getting Into the MP3 Encoding Process.
I Would Be Happy to Get You the Necessary Tools and Help.
Shane Foss
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 00:47:52 +0100
From: "Bo Andersen" <851ba@image.dk>
Subject: (yello) Help Help Help
I know this is off topic, but there just might be one of you guys who has
this record:
I'm looking for the album / CD "In Strict Tempo" by Dave Ball, who was the
forgotten half of Soft Cell. The Album is from 1983 and I heard it was
re-released on CD in 1993.
I'm especially interested in a song called "Rednecks". If anybody has this
album or know somebody or anything else useful, please let me know
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 15:07:29 EST
From: FGriego@aol.com
Subject: Re: (yello) Big Thanks to James
I think both replies to this topic have touched on some pertinent
aspects of women and collecting. I think there is line drawn where
women can simply appreciate something for what it is; where men
have to "own" it.
Regards, FG
P.S. some other questions I would have liked to see:
1. What is your sign?
2. Is Yello your most collected,second most,etc
3. How many (approx.) pieces to your collection?
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 14:30:39 -0500
From: BDawson@hrsa.dhhs.gov (Bruce Dawson)
Subject: (yello) Artist of the year contest
I was just visiting the CDNow website and they are running an Artist
of the Year, along with a Grammy contest.
The catagory of artist of the year is a fill in the blank, how about a
little good old fashioned ballot box stuffing!
The Grammy contest has pop up screens for the catagories, who knows
maybe you'll win some prizes. It's at http://www.cdnow.com. I've been
dealing with these folks for over a year now (it's where I finally
picked up Pocket Universe and To The Sea), and their really nice. So
let's stuff their ballot box, but be polite.
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 15:38:30 EST
From: FGriego@aol.com
Subject: (yello) Search
Hi Again,
I wanted to share a search engine I have come across recently:
<A HREF="http://www.askjeeves.com">ask jeeves</A> if the link doesn't work
[ http://www.askjeeves.com]
One can search in by asking a question, or by stating something like
Yello? It is so comprehensive I was able to put my name in the space
provided and it came up with Lazlo's discography (where my name is
among the credits).
Happy Hunting,
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 19:00:39 EST
From: JULZMON@aol.com
Subject: Re: Re: (yello) Big Thanks to James
In a message dated 2/2/98 8:59:26 am, you wrote:
>I don't know if Yello appeals more to males then females, but one of
>the reasons this list is dominated by males is probably because there are
>much more men on the net then there are woman.
This is true. I do know a few women that have been exposed to Yello, and they
love it!
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# Yello discography available at http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?yello
End of yello-digest V2 #20