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Subject: utah-firearms-digest V2 #49
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utah-firearms-digest Monday, April 27 1998 Volume 02 : Number 049
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 16:05:09 -0700
From: DAVID SAGERS <dsagers@ci.west-valley.ut.us>
Subject: Repost of garbeled cross post [Mall Murders] -Forwarded
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From: Brian Baron <bbaron@lava.net>
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Subject: Repost of garbeled cross post [Mall Murders]
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X-Comment: Anti-Gun-Ban list
Somehow the original I sent got garbeled. Here's a clean version (I hope).
- ----------------------------------------- http://GunsSaveLives.com
Bubba wrote:
> News Release: S.A.F.E. Merchant Awareness Project
> P.O. Box 56321
> Phoenix, AZ 85079-6321
> Date: 10 April 1998 - For immediate release
> For additional information:
> Frank Golubski, project co-ordinator
> Phone: (602) 435-1154
> E-Mail: safemap@aol.com
> Dangerous mall policy may have contributed to woman's murder
> PHOENIX, AZ - Had a Phoenix mall allowed its patrons to exercise the
> right to bear arms, the fatal stabbing of a Glendale mother Tuesday might
> have been prevented, the SAFE Merchant Awareness Project announced today.
> "The thing that really strikes me is how this happened in broad
> daylight, in front of numerous bystanders," said Frank Golubski, project
> "Had just one of those witnesses been armed, he might have been able to come
> to Lisa Barnes' defense. But Metrocenter's 'no weapons' policy almost
> guaranteed that that wouldn't happen."
> After leaving the Metrocenter Mall Tuesday afternoon, Jack and Lisa
> Barnes got into an argument in the Sears parking lot. Witnesses said that
> Jack Barnes began pounding his wife with his fists, then pulled a knife and
> stabbed her repeatedly.
> Barnes fled in his pickup truck while witnesses tried to render aid to
> his wife, who died at the scene. Barnes returned to the couple's Glendale
> home and there committed suicide.
> "The mall police showed up - as did the Phoenix police - but only after
> Mrs. Barnes was dead," Golubski noted. "There are only so many police in our
> communities, and they can't possibly be everywhere at the same time.
> Consequently, they are rarely present when somebody is being attacked. Ask a
> cop. He'll tell you that in most cases, all they can do is gather evidence
> AFTER the crime - AFTER you have become a victim - in hopes of bringing the
> attacker to justice."
> Golubski says this is why many Arizonans exercise their right to
> carry a gun. "The Arizona Constitution says, 'The right of the individual
> citizen to bear arms in self defense shall not be impaired.' Arizona law
> that right with no-permit-required 'open' carry, and with concealed carry by
> permit. Many Arizonans take personal responsibility for their safety in this
> manner, but what good is the right to bear arms when businesses or malls
> post signs prohibiting you from exercising it?"
> This is why Golubski and other members of the Arizona State Rifle and
> Pistol Association, Brassroots, Inc. and Second Amendment is For Everyone
> (SAFE), launched the SAFE Merchant Awareness Project. SAFE-MAP notifies
> Arizona gun owners which businesses are anti-self-defense. They also
> encourage Arizona merchants to support their patrons' right to bear arms.
> "Some gun owners have always encouraged family and friends to avoid
> businesses which disarm their customers, but such efforts inherently have
> limited results," Golubski said. "The Merchant Awareness Project greatly
> multiplies the 'pass-it-on' effect by gathering info on anti-gun businesses
> from across Arizona and then distributing it statewide."
> Golubski emphasized that the "boycott effect" of the Merchant Awareness
> Project, while desirable, is actually a secondary goal. "We want businesses
> who post against firearm possession to understand that they are placing
> themselves in a position of increased liability. It's a real double whammy."
> "First, their 'no guns' signs make their customers more attractive
> targets in the eyes of criminals," he said. "Then, if a violent crime does
> occur in a posted establishment and a disarmed patron is injured or
> killed, he or his survivors can make the case that he may not have been
> harmed had the store not disarmed him."
> "By posting 'no guns' signs, businesses mislead their customers into
> thinking their stores are safe, while actually endangering them. Then
> when an attack does occur there, they'll cry, 'The safety of our customers
> isn't OUR responsibility!'"
> Golubski notes that the murder at Metrocenter is not typical of the
> kind of violence one might expect to occur on commercial property. "While
> Barnes murder was a case of domestic violence, the most common violent
> one anticipates in stores or parking lots are probably armed robbery,
> carjacking, and kidnaping leading to sexual assault. But regardless of the
> kind of crime one might encounter, people should be allowed to defend
> themselves - or others - if they choose. And 'no guns' policies like
> Metrocenter's deprive people of that ability."
> The Merchant Awareness Project hopes that the recent tragedy at
> Metrocenter will cause the mall to rethink their policy. "Criminals aren't
> stupid," Golubski said. "They can read. And to a criminal, 'no guns' signs
> really say, 'Come on in. Our customers are defenseless.'"
> S.A.F.E. Merchant Awareness Project
> P.O. Box 56321
> Phoenix, AZ 85079-6321
- --
Don't agonize. Organize.
(Opinions here are personal and not those of any organization.)
- --------------------------
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Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 16:26:27 -0600
From: "S. Thompson" <righter@therighter.com>
Subject: Re: Bennett / Bishop debacle
At 06:17 PM 4/23/98 -0700, you wrote:
>As State GOP chair I suspect the Salt Lake County GOP officers
>would listen were he to have objected to their shenanigans.
>Regardless of his sincerity or insincerity, Sen. Bennett *did*
>denounce them. This makes him look much better than otherwise,
>and more likely to prevail in his antigun efforts.
I already agreed that SL Co. GOP officers would likely have listened to
Rob Bishop. However, I don't know whether or not Bishop _knew_ about
Quist's plans to have leafletters arrested, or whether he was present at
the time the arrests took place.
Bennett appears to be a hypocrite of the first order, doing nothing while
abuses took place and then denouncing them afterwards. Nonetheless he now
"looks" better - at least to those who don't look closely. But I don't
quite get your point. Should we now _oppose_ ethical (or even
quasi-ethical) behavior on the part of anti-gun candidates merely because
of their position on gun control? Doesn't it make more sense to insist
that if they support the First Amendment, they must also support the Second?
>Note that Mike Leavitt is in league with Sen. Bennett in the
>antigun campaign.
Of course I know that! And then there's Cook, and Hatch, and most of our
other elected officials. The main difference is that only Hatch and
Leavitt failed to denounce tyranny.
>It was my understanding that the USSC had retained Rob Bishop as
>its lobbyist with the Utah Legislature. If he doesn't object to
>the GOP's tyrannical actions, the perception may rub off on gun
>rights people as supporting tyranny. The newspapers already attempt
>to make gun righters appear as special interests who have no concern
>for the rights of private property owners, school children, or
>government agencies such as schools and universities, as though
>governments could *have* rights rather than mere raw power.
Yeah, perceptions. There's no law against stupidity. If you're worried
about public perceptions, I'd suggest you direct your complaints to the
newspapers, TV stations and other media who work so hard to create those
perceptions. If you perceive that Rob Bishop is a tyrant, that's _your_
perception. I perceive otherwise.
If you'd like to validate your perception, why don't you talk to him?
>While perhaps incorrect, there is a perception that the USSC and
>the NRA are closely allied.
More perceptions. I've stated repeatedly that there is no formal
affiliation. It is true that USSC and the NRA cooperate, often more than I
personally would like. But if people choose to believe that USSC is "part"
of the NRA, or that aliens are running the UN, it's not my problem. If
you're waiting for USSC to formally disavow and denounce the NRA, don't
hold your breath.
>Indeed. However, the USSC has a contract with its Chairman.
One more time.... Rob Bishop is Chairman of the Utah GOP. I have no idea
of whether he has a contract with them and it's none of my business. Rob
Bishop is NOT Chairman of USSC. That position is held by Elwood Powell who
serves without pay and whose duties are outlined in the bylaws.
>Even if I am not currently a member of the USSC, political fallout
>from this can affect me as much as its members and officers. FYI
>I am a Republican Party delegate to both the county and state
>conventions. You may want to request updated delegate lists if
>yours do not list my name. I submitted and was signatory to the
>above-mentioned Fair Election Practices amendment that Gary Utt,
>at Bill Quist's request, trashed.
My apologies. I didn't know you were a delegate, and I don't have a
delegate list. I commend your support of the Fair Election Practices
amendment. Since you are a delegate to the County Convention, I will take
the risk of assuming you were present when these abuses occurred. So maybe
you know.... Was Rob Bishop in attendance? If so, what was his reaction
to the SL Co. GOP actions? For that matter, what did you do to oppose the
abuses? I, for one, would appreciate some objective reporting from someone
who was there. (I've already heard from Arnold Gaunt, who was threatened
with arrest.)
If you feel USSC's actions have the potential to adversely affect you,
perhaps you should consider becoming a member so you have a say in those
>>And believe it or not, Rob Bishop has the same freedom of speech
>>that everyone else in this country has.
>This does not extend to denying others freedom of speech, or
>allowing the parliamentary processes of a political party he
>chairs to be subverted. Didn't Voltaire say "I disagree with what
>you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it."?
Well, the GOP seems somewhat confused as to whether it's a private entity
or a government agency. <g>
If it's a government agency, it may not deny freedom of speech. If it's a
private entity, it may do so, providing there's nothing prohibiting it in
its bylaws. For essentially the same reasons, USSC can place a "gag order"
on its Board members. I don't condone such behavior, but I will defend the
right of private entities to make their own rules. And my original point
was that Mr. Bishop is certainly free to _remain silent_ on an issue, and
is under no obligation to comment on it.
>>It seems clear that you have an extreme dislike for USSC and Rob Bishop.
>Disappointment at apparently counterproductive efforts in pursuit
>of goals largely overlapping my own. I send no such comments to
>officers of HCI, CeaseFire, or VPC. (What is that last one?)
That's a common enough problem, and one most likely shared by all of us.
I get disappointed at the GOP for not pursuing goals that philosophically
we both claim to share. I get disappointed at the Libertarian Party for
the same reason. I've given up on the NRA for the most part. At one time
or another I've been disgusted, disappointed, or disillusioned by the
actions of every single organization to which I've ever belonged. No
person and no organization is _ever_ going to agree with me all the time.
So I support organizations and candidates who come closest to what I
support and/or organize my own when necessary. Maybe those of us with
common goals need to get together to discuss how we can best accomplish
those goals, if we feel existing organizations and candidates are failing us.
And VPC is the Violence Policy Center, Josh Sugarmann's lying think tank
in Washington.
(again, for myself only)
Sarah Thompson, M.D.
A well-regulated population being necessary to the security of a police
state, the right of the Government to keep and destroy arms shall
not be infringed.
- -
Date: Sat, 25 Apr 98 19:26:00 -0700
From: scott.bergeson@ucs.org (SCOTT BERGESON)
Subject: Bennett / Bishop debacle
On Fri, 24 Apr 1998 16:26:27 -0600 S. Thompson wrote:
> Should we now _oppose_ ethical (or even quasi-ethical) behavior
> on the part of anti-gun candidates merely because of their position
> on gun control?
We should insist that our pro-gun representatives exhibit ethical,
not merely quasi-ethical, behavior.
> Doesn't it make more sense to insist that if they support
> the First Amendment, they must also support the Second?
The hypocrites support neither, except in the breach.
> only Hatch and Leavitt failed to denounce tyranny.
Take 'em down from their elective offices.
> If you're waiting for USSC to formally disavow and denounce the NRA,
> don't hold your breath.
But don't let either endorse politicians opposed to the Second amendment,
or any part of the Bill of Rights. Those are my major differences with
the NRA and ACLU. As they say; 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 is counting
with the ACLU, while for the NRA it is 2, and then they consider any
form of permissive license compatible with "shall not be infringed."
> >the USSC has a contract with its Chairman.
> One more time.... Rob Bishop is Chairman of the Utah GOP. I have no
> idea of whether he has a contract with them and it's none of my business.
> Rob Bishop is NOT Chairman of USSC.
I meant as lobbyist.
> Since you are a delegate to the County Convention, I will take
> the risk of assuming you were present when these abuses occurred.
Only some. The arrests and trashing were around 7:30 am.
I got there at 10 am. I did hear Bill Quist explain and defend
his actions to the KUTV cameraman and interviewer.
> So maybe you know.... Was Rob Bishop in attendance?
Sorry, I don't know.
> For that matter, what did you do to oppose the abuses?
Asked Bill Quist and Gary Utt to replace our amendment flyers
they trashed. They refused, and claimed they were abandoned trash.
They also alleged there were rules against such distribution, but
no such rule appears on the proposed convention rules provided
delegates and candidates.
> (I've already heard from Arnold Gaunt, who was threatened with arrest.)
Him, too?
> Well, the GOP seems somewhat confused as to whether it's a private entity
> or a government agency. <g>
As the power behind the throne, perhaps they think they're above
both, as well as any rules, and that delegates only serve the purpose
of providing the appearance of lawful process.
> I've given up on the NRA for the most part. At one time or another
> I've been disgusted, disappointed, or disillusioned by the actions of
> every single organization to which I've ever belonged. No person and
> no organization is _ever_ going to agree with me all the time. So I
> support organizations and candidates who come closest to what I support
> and/or organize my own when necessary. Maybe those of us with common
> goals need to get together to discuss how we can best accomplish those
> goals, if we feel existing organizations and candidates are failing us.
Has JPFO disappointed you? (Other than maintaining a nearly invisible
profile) What would it take to organize a Utah affiliate? I suspect
a name change for the affiliate might be needed here in Utah, where
Gov. Bamberger, a Jew, was Utah's first Gentile Governor.
> And VPC is the Violence Policy Center, Josh Sugarmann's lying think
> tank in Washington.
Thank you.
- -
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 21:46:14 -0600
From: "S. Thompson" <righter@therighter.com>
Subject: The John Schaefer Picture Clarifies
More on the John Schaefer incident in NJ, to be followed by yet another
Once again, it appears that the truth is rarely simple to ascertain.
> From: TSBench@aol.com
>Subject: Re: NJ Incident
>As you may or may not know, I run a radio station in Boston. I saw the
>original story on the NJ raid, thought it may make an interesting topic
>on our saturday morning talk show. I asked my News Director to check it
>out. He came up with the following, which seem to be missing from the
>original description of the incident.
>Shaefer is a convicted felon, taking a fall for endangering a child in
>1989 in Monmouth, NJ, court. He walked on two other charges.
>The Feds found out he was a disqualified person in possession of
>firearms and reported him to the NJ authorities. Both the state and Feds
>were on the scene since he was in violation of both fed and state
>statutes. A judge in NJ issued the warrant.
>He was peppered, not maced, when he continued to approach the entry team
>after being told to halt. Since he's a convicted felon and self-defense
>instructor believed to be in possession of firearms, what exactly did he
>expect. In the event, it turns out he had a loaded .45 in his dresser.
>He neglected to mention that what was confiscated included 27 firearms,
>CS and Smoke grenades, det cord, plus documents he used to falsify his
>FFL renewal form.
>The story about the dummy mortar round was a smokescreen. He is being
>charged with being a convicted felon in possession of firearms and
>destructive devices, so I guess not all that stuff was 'inert.'
>At the time, he only asked the police to change the position of his
>handcuffs (from back to front) when he said it hurt his back. They did.
>He never requested medical attention while with the police.
>When they start giving you the 'church going, family man, pillor of the
>community, loved by all' line instead of real facts, the warning flags
>should go up. All we need is bunch of pro-gunners, who continually
>mention, factually, that gun owners are the most law-abiding segment of
>the population, shooting off letters to the editor supporting this guy
>and then get hung out to dry by appearing to be supporting illegal
>activity (we may not agree with it, but it is still illegal.) I can well
>understand Shaefer's reluctance to relate all the little details, but he
>damages all of us by neglecting to mention all the pertinent
>information, especially the most important details.
>I'm still counting my blessings that I checked this out before putting
>it on the air. I have a pro-gun editorial policy here at the station,
>and the damage to our credibility would have been enormous. I would have
>had the 'anti' crowd beating me over the head with this for the next ten
- -
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 21:47:23 -0600
From: "S. Thompson" <righter@therighter.com>
Subject: And Yet ANOTHER Shoe Drops in NJSP Story
Another chaper in the John Schaefer story.
>Subject: And Yet ANOTHER Shoe Drops in NJSP Story
> From: #1 - Dave Workman <handgnr@nwlink.com>
> #2 - Charles Riggs <dvcnra45@dcr.net>
>>Dear Mr. Shaefer:
>> I was forwarded your e-mail posting on the internet, partly, I
>>preseume, because I am a working journalist. Upon receiving it, I
>>posted a message to Gov. Whitman's office, asking for an explanation
>>by Monday morning.
>> Your tale got my immediate attention, as I have heard horror
>>stories coming out of New Jersey for some years about state police
>>treatment of law abiding firearms owners. This seemed like S.O.P.
>> However, "Tale" seems to be an operative word, here, in your
>>case, sir. Would you care to comment on the posting, below?
>> My thanks to my East Coast colleague, Mr. Bench, for having
>>had the time to check this story out beyond what I was able to do
>>at the late hour at which it arrived at my terminal.
>>- Dave Workman
> John can't respond as he's been told by his attorney to withhold
>so I'll presume to speak in his defense in the interim.
> Mr. Bench should go to work for the BATF, what with the job he's
>doing on John on this one. He took their statements at face value, and
>never batted an eye when they and the NJSP, hardly stalwarts of gun
>rights as you observed, slagged John's reputation. Didn't they do the
>same thing to Koresh and Weaver? Were they right then? Haven't they
>WRONG quite a lot?
> John denies the charges. He's been without blemish in the 30 years
>he's had an FFL. And no matter what he may or may not have done, he
>didn't deserve to be physically abused and to have his family abused and
>threatened. I was raised around cops, and I know how they're SUPPOSED to
>do it, and this ain't it.
> You want to see who John Schaeffer is? Go to his web page,
> http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/frfrog/project.htm
> ...and check out the people in the photos there. Go to the third one
>down, under "Those who dared to dream." That's John just to the right of
>Col. Cooper - real "gangsta"-type, huh? I can see why those adrenaline-
>charged, body-armored, ranting, charging NJSP SWAT boys with their MP5s
>were all shook up over taking on ol' John, can't you?
> Mr. Bench should go to work writing copy for the BATF "Book of
>Apologia" if this is how he "helps" those of us in the arms-bearing
>fraternity. Need I say more or is the picture clear enough for now,
>until John is cleared and can speak for himself?
> Watch six - Charles Riggs.
> Charles Riggs - Gunsite 1991 - DVC!
> "Stop Crime - Be Armed - Fight Back!"
> Kentucky Coalition to Carry Concealed (KC3)
> IDPA (Ky) - NRA - GOA
> Visit http://www.kc3.com
- -
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 00:03:03 -0600
From: "S. Thompson" <righter@therighter.com>
Subject: The Local Media's View from NJ
>From: DeanSpeir@prodigy.com ( DEAN SPEIR)
>Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 01:38:59, -0500
>Subject: The Local Media's (NJSP Spoon-fed) View
> [Since the information in this story originated
> with ATF and/or NJSP, I like Schaefer's version
> of events more and more... Imagine that!...
> buying guns by mail! - Dean Speir]
>>From Asbury Park Press ONLINE edition... http://www.injersey.com
> Raid on house of felon turns up a small arsenal
> Published in the Asbury Park Press 4/25/98
> TOMS RIVER -- A felon who maintains a Website about the
> importance of bearing arms was paid a surprise visit by a team
> of law enforcement officers, who confiscated a small arsenal of
> weapons from his home, a state police spokesman said.
> John C. Schaefer, 52, whose Internet home page states he lives
> "behind the iron curtain in the People's Republic of New
> Jersey," was arrested Wednesday and charged with possession of
> firearms by a convicted felon, possession of assault firearms,
> possession of high-capacity magazines and possession of
> destructive devices, state police spokesman Sgt. Al Della Fave
> said.
> Police found 27 items, including a handgun and an assault rifle,
> in Schaefer's North Bay Avenue home, Della Fave said.
> The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the agency
> that prompted the arrest, had begun investigating Schaefer after
> he tried to buy a gun, said Steve Haskins, bureau spokesman.
> Since 1994, when the Brady Law was enacted, law enforcement
> agencies must check whether a would-be gun buyer has a felony
> record.
> In 1989, Schaefer was convicted of endangering the welfare od
> a child, Della Fave said.
> Della Fave said the bureau discovered he had the weapons, many
> of which he had purchased through the mail. It in turn warned
> the state police tactical response team that Schaefer was a
> self-defense instructor certified with the National Rifle
> Association, Della Fave said.
> A team made up of about 10 officers went to Schaefer's house
> at 7 a.m. Wednesday.
> "They hit the door and he came out in the hallway," Della Fave
> said.
> "They told him to freeze and get down on the floor, but instead
> he continued to move toward them," Della Fave said. "They
> immediately sprayed him with pepper spray, grabbed him, put him
> on the floor and handcuffed him.
> "It was over within seconds," Della Fave said.
> Armed with a search warrant, the state police firearms
> investigation unit and arson bomb squad, a member of the
> Ocean County prosecutor's office, Dover Township police
> officers and members of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and
> Firearms searched Schaefer's house.
> They confiscated a loaded .45-caliber handgun, an assault
> firearm, 10 large-capacity magazines, a high-explosive
> detonation cord, three hand-grenade simulators, three smoke
> grenades and a gas riot grenade, Della Fave said.
> State police also charged Schaefer with violating regulatory
> provisions of New Jersey law; sworn falsification on an official
> document, the statement he signed at Dover Township police
> station that he was never convicted of a crime punishable by more
> than a year in jail, and resisting arrest, Della Fave said. It
> could not be determined yesterday what sentence Schaefer received
> on the child endangerment charge.
> Schaefer, who was released from Ocean County Jail, Toms River,
> after posting $7,500 bail, was back in his home Thursday sending
> messages over the Internet claiming he had been brutalized by
> state police and referring to New Jersey as Nazi Germany. Schaefer
> could not be reached for comment.
> Staff writer Rick Linsk contributed to this report.
> Source: Asbury Park Press
> Published: April 25, 1998
> Copyright C1997-1998 IN Jersey.
> Use of this site signifies your agreement to the Terms of
> Service (updated 2/25/98). Site design by Neptune Interactive Designs.
- -
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 09:59:06 -0700
From: DAVID SAGERS <dsagers@ci.west-valley.ut.us>
Subject: Update 4/26/98 -Forwarded
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I called the Salt Lake county party headquarters, Friday, and spoke
with Kathy Arenst. I was intent on knowing the true origin of the
"rule" banning distribution of "unauthorized" literature in the
hallways and from rented tables in the convention hall.
She answered that it was probably passed by the county central
committee. I conveyed my skepticism reminding her such a change in
the rules would have had to have occurred between the time the Utah
Republican Assembly approached the party about the rental of a table
and the time I attended the drawing for table placement held April
8th. It was at that meeting that the individual in charge announced
the party had been approached by several groups, among them the
Libertarian Party, and had made a decision that it would rent
tables to no groups.
I challenged her to produce any supporting documentation to show that
this rule was anything more than a last minute, back room ploy to
shut down the activists that they had reason to believe would be
present at the convention (since the same activists had appeared in
other county conventions in the previous weeks).
She refused to promise me any such information citing rumors that the
activist intend to sue the party over this incident.
During the course of the conversation, she accused Tom and
Ruth of doing what they did with the express intent of being
arrested, citing the presence of a video camera as proof.
When I challenged the party's authority to have individuals
arrested for being in position of printed political materials, she
countered with an assertion that I hadn't heard until then: That
the area the party had rented included not only the grand ballroom
and the adjoining meeting room but also the hallways leading into
those two rooms.
With regard to Jim Kirkwood's and Ken Olafson's calls for
resignations, I am beginning to concur. I would be inclined to give
suspected parties the benefit of the doubt but at every turn,
evidence of malicious intent and now, of a coverup grows weightier.
It seems to me, at this point that the burden of proof is now on all
those, such as Sheriff Kennard, to show that they had nothing to do
with Saturday's arrests, or that they tried to dissuade the party
from this outrageous line of attack.
This isn't a jury trial. And their taking the Fifth isn't grounds for
finding the "defendants" in this matter "not guilty."
This is about a scandal perpetrated in direct contravention of the
very principles that the Republican Party proclaims in it's
constitution, by-laws and platform. Those who were ultimately
responsible for this action should step down if the party is to
reclaim its good name. (All right, you guys. No snickering about the
'good name' part.)
- -
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 10:17:33 -0700
From: DAVID SAGERS <dsagers@ci.west-valley.ut.us>
Subject: [Fwd: Formal Objection to BATF] -Forwarded
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Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 13:10:28 -0600
From: "Charles 'Chuck' Inston" <hlmtfish@rmi.net>
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- -----------------------
Chris W. Stark wrote:
> =
> ****JPFO e-mail Alert!****
> =
> Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
> Aaron Zelman - Executive Director
> 2874 So. Wentworth Ave.
> Milwaukee, WI 53207
> Ph. (414) 769-0760 Fax (414) 483-8435
> http://www.JPFO.org
> Against-Genocide@JPFO.org
> =
> 04/23/98
> --------
> =
> On January 6, 1998, JPFO alerted its members and e-mail subscribers
> of the letter we sent to the BATF regarding Sporting Suitability of
> Modified Semi-Automatic Assault Rifles. You can find this letter on
> the JPFO web site at:
> =
> http://www.jpfo.org/batf.htm
> =
> On April 6, 1998, the Clinton Adminstration announced a broader ban
> on the importation of certain semi-automatic rifles because they did
> not meet the requirements for "sporting use." These rifles weren't
> for "sporting use," according to the administration, because they
> could be fitted with "large" magazines or clips.
> =
> We pointed out in an alert dated April 7, 1998, and found on the
> JPFO web site at:
> =
> http://www.jpfo.org/nazirot.htm
> =
> .....that "sporting use" strategy was used before. The Nazi
> Weapons Law (18 March 1938) forbade importation of weapons under
> substantially the same test.
> =
> To understand how the "sporting use" definition led to the
> Holocaust, how the same language was imported into the U.S.
> Gun Control Act of 1968, and how that language is bearing
> its vicious fruit now, get and read "Gun Control:" Gateway
> to Tyranny, available from JPFO at:
> =
> http://www.jpfo.org/GCA_68.htm
> =
> We now reply to the ""Comments Provided by Interest Groups" that
> BATF has published at:
> =
> http://www.atf.treas.gov/pub/assault_rifles/index.htm
> =
> We encourage our members to write a follow-up letter to the BATF,
> regarding the content of the letter below.
> =
> Our letter to Mr. John Magaw, Director of the BATF, follows:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> =
> April 17, 1998
> =
> Mr. John W. Magaw
> Director, BATF
> Room 8000
> 650 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
> Washington, D.C. 20226
> =
> Re:Formal Objection to Study on the Sporting Suitability of
> Modified Semi-Automatic Assault Rifles (April 1998)
> =
> Dear Director Magaw:
> =
> The Study on the Sporting Suitability of Modified Semi-Automatic
> Assault Rifles ("Study Report"), under "Comments Provided by Interest
> Groups", mentions our January 5, 1998 Comment Letter by stating as
> follows, in full:
> =
> (8) Identical comments were received from five members
> of JPFO. They are against any form of gun control
> or restriction regardless of the type of firearm.
> References are made comparing gun control to Nazi
> Germany.
> =
> This brief response characterized but did not communicate our
> points. As a result, the decision makers were not fully informed
> about the opposition to the proposed rulemaking.
> =
> We strongly object to our organization's being referred to
> by only its four-letter acronym. JPFO stands for Jews for the
> Preservation of Firearms Ownership. The name and emphasis of
> our organization is unique. To reduce us to a largely unfamiliar
> acronym is to effectively dismiss our input.
> =
> For our organization and many of its members, "Nazi Germany"
> and "the Holocaust" are not mere clich=E9s or metaphors. These terms
> vividly recall destruction, disappearance, and death to friends and
> family members. Frankly, our organization takes offense at any
> casual reference to these subjects.
> =
> To dismiss our input into the decision process, the Study
> Report does treat the subject of Nazi Germany quite casually . By
> saying only that "References are made comparing gun control to Nazi
> Germany," the Report completely ignores the substance of our
> comment. Our comment did not compare "gun control" to Nazi Germany.
> Our comment was far more specific.
> =
> Our research shows that the statutory authority for BATF's
> regulation of the importation of semi-automatic firearms comes
> directly from the Nazi Weapons Law of 1938. With this letter we
> are providing you with a copy of our book, Gateway to Tyranny,
> which proves this connection by showing:
> =
> (1)Senator Thomas Dodd obtained a copy of the Nazi
> Weapons Law of 1938 and had it translated into
> English just before the U.S. Gun Control Act of
> 1968 was drafted (see pp. 130-132);
> =
> (2)The 1968 Gun Control Act is structured and patterned
> after the Nazi Weapons Law of 1938 (see pp. 54-63);
> =
> (3)The "sporting use" criteria for importing firearms,
> as developed in the 1968 Gun Control Act, comes
> directly from the Nazi Weapons Law and its implementing
> regulations (see pp. 60, 61, 88, 89, 90, 91, 102);
> and
> =
> (4)The Nazi Weapons Law (augmenting the pre-existing
> "gun control" laws) granted nearly unlimited power to
> government agents to deny to Jews (and others) all
> access to firearms, and once unarmed, the Jews were
> helpless against the well-armed police and soldiers
> (see pp. 7-11, 14, 52, 83, 113-121).
> =
> Our January 5 Comment Letter also pointed out the lack of
> constitutional authority for a federal agency to define and regulate
> "sports." In fact, the language of the Second Amendment expressly
> forbids the federal government to enact regulations which would
> "infringe" on the "right of the people to keep and bear arms." The
> Study Report should have squarely addressed these objections, because
> our government and your agency are subject to the Constitution, not
> above it.
> =
> Our organization's leaders and members ask that you review
> Gateway to Tyranny, and we would appreciate the favor of your reply
> to this letter. We would be particularly interested in any facts
> you have that would refute the points made in our book.
> =
> Very truly yours,
> =
> Aaron Zelman
> =
> Enclosure
> =
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> =
> To become a JPFO member, go to: http://www.jpfo.org/member.htm
> There you will see a printable member application, along with info
> on membership. If you wish, you can become a member using our on-line
> application as well. Membership IS open to ALL Law abiding citizens.
> =
> ****************************************************************
> Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO)
> Chris W. Stark - Director of Electronic Communications
> 2874 So. Wentworth Ave.
> Milwaukee, WI 53207
> Ph. (414) 769-0760
> Fax (414) 483-8435
> Against-Genocide@JPFO.org
> =
> Visit our Web Page at: http://www.JPFO.org
> =
> =
> "America's Most Aggressive Defender of Firearms Ownership."
> ****************************************************************
> Copyright (c) 1998, JPFO
> Republication permitted provided this article & attribution
> is left intact in its original state.
> ****************************************************************
> =
> TO SUBSCRIBE TO OUR E-MAIL ALERTS, send an e-mail to:
> =
> subscribe@JPFO.org
> =
> ...and in the body of the message, type the word "subscribe".
> ****************************************************************
- -- =
Charles 'Chuck' Inston
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- -
End of utah-firearms-digest V2 #49