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From: Sarah Thompson <righter@aros.net>
Subject: MEDIA - Women & Self-Defense
Date: 10 Jan 1996 07:17:27 -0700
Kathy Torina, Producer of "Cover Story" for Channel 4 in Salt Lake City is
a Cover Story on Women and Guns, with emphasis on the increased number of
women carrying concealed for self-defense.
In order for her to do the story, she needs a subject - a woman who
successfully defended herself from a crime or potential crime with a
firearm. The firearm does
NOT have to have been fired, nor does the incident have to have been reported.
Merely "brandishing" a weapon to scare off an attacker/intruder is quite
The woman does NOT have to appear on TV, nor reveal her name publicly if she
chooses not to do so.
This sounds like a great topic for a Cover Story, and Kathy seems like a
responsible and considerate journalist.
If you know of a woman who meets the criteria and would be willing to talk to
Kathy, please have her contact Kathy at 801-975-4439. If Kathy is out of her
office, please leave a message.
If anyone wishes me to act as a go-between, I'd be happy to do so.
DEADLINE is Friday, Jan. 12!
Thanks for your help!
Sarah Thompson
From: Sarah Thompson <righter@aros.net>
Subject: ACTION: UT Gun Rally
Date: 11 Jan 1996 20:09:39 -0700
Join with many hundreds of fellow Utah firearms owners and activists at the
3rd Annual Utah Fierarms Freedom Rally. This event has become the largest
political event in Utah devoted to the issue of firearms rights. Invited
speakers will include members of the Utah Legislature, Utah Congressional
Delegation, and Utah firearms activists and media personalities. The success
of this event will depend on every Utah firearms owner turning out along with
friends and family members to show their support for the right to keep and
bear arms.
Get dressed in your Sunday best and bring your tasteful signs, flags, and
enthusiasm for freedom. Please do not mount your signs on poles or sticks or
bring firearms or other weapons to the event.
This event is sponsored by the NRA, USSC, Women Against Gun Control, American
Gun Review, and KTKK Radio 630 AM. Bring your fellow gun owners and show your
support for freedom.
Please distribute widely!
Utah Shooting Sports Council - Office of Legislative Affairs
PO Box 711819
Salt Lake City, UT
Tel./Fax: 801-575-USSC
From: Sarah Thompson <righter@aros.net>
Subject: ALERT - UT: USSC Fax Alert
Date: 17 Jan 1996 10:52:31 -0700
>Utah Shooting Sports Council
>1996 Utah Legislative Fax Alert #2
>This Information Current as of 15 January 1996
>Utah Legislature Opens Today-Plenty of Bills Impacting Utah Gun Owners
>The 1996 Utah Legislative Session is underway. Numerous bills that impact
>Utah gun owners have been pre-filed and already assigned to a standing
>committee for public comment. It is critical that YOU as a concerned Utah
>firearms owner let your elected officials know how you feel about these
>bills and how they may either benefit you of restrict your rights.
>HB 008-Limitation of Civil Action-S. Lockman (R-Kearns)
>This bill will provide to Utah's citizens an active defense against a civil
>lawsuit brought by a criminal who was injured or killed while in the
>commission of a felony criminal activity. This will not be limited to
>issues of use of a firearm in lawful self defense, but also to other lawful
>uses of force, or situations in which a dog bites a criminal or a criminal
>cuts themselves on a window while breaking into a home or slipping and
>falling down the stairs while carrying your TV to the getaway car. This is
>not a firearms issue, but an issue of protecting the law-abiding citizens of
>Utah from criminals and an abusive civil legal system.
>We strongly suggest you contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee
>listed below and encourage their support of HB008. Please plan on
>attending the House Judiciary Committee hearings on this bill. They are
>tentatively scheduled for Friday January 19th at 9:00 AM at the Utah State
>Capitol. Call the Housesecretary at (801) 538-1029 to check for final date,
>committee time and room number.
>Members of the 1996 Utah Legislature House Judiciary Committee:
>Byron Harward 377-2110 Greg Curtis 943-3091
>Darlene Gubler 277-3268 Shirley Jensen 572-2388
>John Arrington 621-5639 Bill Hickman 673-2671
>Loretta Baca 487-2738 Ted Bradford 295-1922
>Steve Barth 484-8653 Pete Suazo 521-3751
>Reese Hunter 278-1600 Doyle Mortimer 226-1890
>Attend the 3rd Annual Utah Firearms Freedom Rally from 10:00AM to 11:00AM
>on Saturday, 27 January 1996 at the Utah Capitol Rotunda!
>Join with many hundreds of fellow Utah firearms owners and activists at the
>3rd Annual Utah Firearms Freedom Rally. This event has become the largest
>political event in Utah devoted to the issue of firearms rights. Invited
>speakers will include members of the Utah Legislature, Utah Congressional
>Delegation, and Utah firearms activists and media personalities. The
>success of this event will depend on every Utah firearms owner turning out
>along with friends and family members to show their support for the right to
>keep and bear arms. Get dressed in your Sunday best and bring your tasteful
>signs, flags and enthusiasm for freedom. Please do not mount your signs on
>poles or sticks or bring firearms or other weapons to the event.
>This event is sponsored by the NRA, USSC, Women Against Gun Control,
>American Gun Review and KTKK Radio 630 AM. Bring your fellow gun owners and
>show your support for freedom.
>Please Duplicate and Distribute this Information to as many Utah Firearms
>Owners as Possible! Thanks
>Utah Shooting Sports Council - Office of Legislative Affairs
>PO Box 711819, Salt Lake City, Utah 84171-1819, Telephone/Fax (801) 575-USSC
From: Charles Hardy <bagpiper@MIT.EDU>
Subject: [etg002@comm.mot.com (Tim Grothause): M. New found guilty]
Date: 24 Jan 1996 20:33:33 EST
From FAP
- ------- Forwarded Message
1/24/96 8 AM
CBS Radio News is reporting that Michale New was convicted of
"failing to obey a lawful order" for refusing to wear a UN blue
beret and insignia.
First I must say BRAVO! to Mr. New for sticking to his principles.
He's more correct than most of us realize. Memo to God: Anything
"good" you had planned for me -- give to him instead; He deserves it.
Second, once again, the press trivializes the issue or misses the
main point completely. It ain't about the patches and hats, it's
about whose nation (government?) you agreed to risk your life for and
defend -- and the Geneva Convention versus total incivility.
The media just don't get it -- or they do get it, but think we're stupid
enough to accept whatever they spoon-feed us instead (per their agenda).
Looks like the U.N.'s "disarm the populace" efforts may be closer to our
leaders ears than we realize if our military has already, so solidly,
sold-out to the U.N.
Keep the oil in those lanterns fresh, and the stairs to the bell tower
clear. One if by land...
Tim G.
- ------- End of Forwarded Message
From: Sarah Thompson <righter@aros.net>
Subject: USSC Recap Week Ended 1/26/96
Date: 30 Jan 1996 06:39:53 -0700
>From: gavinsw@aros.net (Gavin Wallace)
>Subject: USSC Recap Week Ended 1/26/96
>>Utah Shooting Sports Council
>>1996 Utah Legislature Proposed Bills
>>Information current as of Noon Friday, 26 January 1996
>>USSC Urges You to Contact Your State Representative and State Senator and Ask
>>Them to SUPPORT the Following Bills Being Considered by the 1996 General
>>Session of the Utah State Legislature.
>>Utah House Phone (801) 538-1029 Utah House Fax (801) 1908
>>Utah Senate Phone (801) 538-1035 Utah Senate Fax (801) 1414
>>HB8:Limitation of Civil Action-Rep. Sue Lockman (R-SLC)
>>This bill will prevent an individual that was injured while in the commission
>>of a crime from collecting in a civil lawsuit against any other individual
>>who may have used force to deter or prevent the commission of the crime, or
>>upon whose property the criminal was injured.
>>USSC Position on HB8: Support HB8 Passed House on 25 Jan. Please Call your
>>Utah State Senator today at (801) 538-1035 and ask them to support HB8
>>HB70:Fines for Poaching-Rep. Michael Styler (R-Delta)
>>Will provide for additional protection for wildlife against poaching for
>>profit. USSC suggests additional protections for either sex of Bighorn,
>>Rocky Mountain and Desert Sheep, Moose and Bison. USSC also suggests
>>maintaining the current fine of $1000 for poaching cougar rather than the
>>$250 fine contained in the current bill. USSC also suggests the mandatory
>>sentences contained in the bill be converted to sentencing guidelines to
>>provide flexibility in sentencing due to limitations in correctional space
>>and resources.USSC Position on HB70: Support
>>HB165:Concealed Weapon Permit-Rep. M. Waddoups (R.Taylorsville)
>>Will clarify the $24.00 fingerprint clearance fee required by the FBI to
>>check fingerprints related to concealed firearms permit applications.USSC
>>Position on HB165:Support
>>Other Bills of Interest to Utah Firearms Owners:
>>HJR1:Resolution Regarding U.S. Military Action-Rep. D.Bush (R.Clearfield)
>>Will urge Congress to not support any major commitment of U.S. troops without
>>prior consent of Congress as required by U.S. Constitution.USSC Position on
>>HJR1:Support This Resolution will be Debated on the Utah House Floor at
>>10:15 AM on Tuesday, January 30th. Please Plan to Attend this Floor Action!
>>HJR3:Resolution Rescinding Call for Constitutional Convention-Rep. R. Hunter
>>(R.SLC)Will rescind Utah's outstanding call for a constitutional convention.
>> Constitutional scholars are concerned that any such convention would not be
>>limited as to scope or authority and might modify of abolish current our
>>constitutional checks and balances and remove protections to our firearms
>>rights.USSC Position on HJR3:Support
>>HB14:Posting American Heritage Information in Schools-Rep. Norm Nielsen (R.
>>Orem) Encourages public schools to post information on American History and
>>Constitutional principles in schools and add them to their curriculum.USSC
>>Position on HB14:Support
>>HB138- Civic Literacy Act-Rep. Nora Stephens (R. Sunset) Requires that
>>students graduating from Utah public high schools be tested on their
>>knowledge of American History and Constitutional principles.USSC Position on
>>HB159- Eliminating Wild Animals-Rep. Tom Hatch (R. Panguitch) Allows an
>>individual to defend themselves and their property against animals with
>>life-threatening propensities within city limits without being charged with
>>game law violations. We support the concept, but wish to be clear that such
>>life-threatening situations should be clearly defined in the statute.USSC
>>Position on HB159 Support
>>SB63-Teaching Utah History-Sen. Charles Stewart (R. Provo) Requires that
>>students in public schools be taught Utah History from 1847 to present.USSC
>>Position on SB63:Support
>>Utah Shooting Sports Council
>>1996 Utah Legislature Proposed Bills
>>Information current as of Noon Friday, 26 January 1996
>>USSC Urges You to Contact Your State Representative and State Senator and Ask
>>Them to OPPOSE the Following Bills Being Considered by the 1996 General
>>Session of the Utah State Legislature.
>>Utah House Phone (801) 538-1029 Utah House Fax (801) 1908
>>Utah Senate Phone (801) 538-1035 Utah Senate Fax (801) 1414
>>SB93-Firearms Locking Device-Sen. L. Beattie (R-Bountiful)
>>Comments by the sponsor indicate this bill was requested by former Sen.
>>Delpha Baird, who was also reported to be the moving force behind Sen. Robert
>> Montgomery's Firearms Training Bill in 1995. Early versions of the bill
>>will require the sale of a locking device with all firearms sold, leased or
>>transferred in Utah, however the device would not be required to be used on
>>the gun. USSC is concerned that the requirement of purchase of an item not
>>required to be used creates yet another barrier to the legal acquisition of a
>>firearm b the citizens of Utah. Potential annual out-of-pocket costs to Utah
>>firearms consumers is estimated at $1.25 million to $6.25 million dollars.
>> Further, we are concerned about the potential dangers of inserting ant item,
>>including a trigger lock, into the trigger guard of a loaded firearm. Any
>>such practice is strongly discouraged by most firearms manufacturers. USSC
>>has met with the sponsor, and amendments are currently being drafted by the
>>sponsor, but have not as yet been reviewed by USSC.
>>HB192-Negligent Storage of a Firearm-Rep. D. Jones (D-SLC)
>>Similar to last years bill by the same sponsor, it will create the
>>presumption of negligence on the part of an individual whose loaded firearm
>>is accessed by an juvenile and causes injury of death to themselves or any
>>other person. This would create in statute a certain legal nightmare to
>> follow a tragic accident, and would serve no positive public policy purpose.
>> Previous statements by the sponsor indicate the bill is intended to "send a
>>message" to firearms owners regarding storage of a firearm. USSC feels
>>broad-based public awareness and voluntary education and training will better
>>accomplish this goal. USSC opposed the similar 1995 bill by this sponsor.
>>Other Bills Concerning Firearms for Which All Details Not Yet Available.
>>Possession of a Dangerous Weapon Near a School-Rep. R. Short (R-SLC)
>>Early comments by the sponsor as published in the media indicate this bill
>>may impact the lawful possession of firearms by private citizens, possibly
>>including CCW permit holders. A similar 1990 federal law was struck down by
>>the U.S. Supreme Court in 1995 as unconstitutional. Sponsor indicates
>>limited interest in pressing this bill this session.
>>Prohibiting Live Animals as Targets at Shooting Events-Rep. F. Pignanelli
>>Part of a package of animal rights legislation by this sponsor. Will impact
>>on hunting and other activities
>>Other bills may be introduced or amendments made to current bills at any
>> In order to keep informed on the current status of the Firearms Bills before
>>the Utah State legislature, you can listen daily to KTKK Radio 630 AM You
>>may also subscribe to the USSC Fax Alert Network. If you have access to a
>>dedicated or auto switched fax machine, you may receive nightly updates on
>>Utah Gun Bills. Call (801) 575-USSC to subscribe to this service.
>> Please make sure you have the prior permission of your employer to use a
>>work fax before submitting that fax number to USSC. These faxes are
>>transmitted late at night to keep the costs to USSC as low as possible.
>> Please take this into account if getting a fax transmission late at night is
>>unacceptable to you, your family or your employer.
>>Utah Shooting Sports Council - Office of Legislative Affairs
>>PO Box 711819, Salt Lake City, Utah 84171-1819, Ph/Fax (801) 571-USSC
>E-Mail to: USSCinfo@aol.com
From: Sarah Thompson <righter@aros.net>
Subject: MEDIA - Women & Self-Defense
Date: 10 Jan 1996 07:17:27 -0700
Kathy Torina, Producer of "Cover Story" for Channel 4 in Salt Lake City is
a Cover Story on Women and Guns, with emphasis on the increased number of
women carrying concealed for self-defense.
In order for her to do the story, she needs a subject - a woman who
successfully defended herself from a crime or potential crime with a
firearm. The firearm does
NOT have to have been fired, nor does the incident have to have been reported.
Merely "brandishing" a weapon to scare off an attacker/intruder is quite
The woman does NOT have to appear on TV, nor reveal her name publicly if she
chooses not to do so.
This sounds like a great topic for a Cover Story, and Kathy seems like a
responsible and considerate journalist.
If you know of a woman who meets the criteria and would be willing to talk to
Kathy, please have her contact Kathy at 801-975-4439. If Kathy is out of her
office, please leave a message.
If anyone wishes me to act as a go-between, I'd be happy to do so.
DEADLINE is Friday, Jan. 12!
Thanks for your help!
Sarah Thompson
From: Sarah Thompson <righter@aros.net>
Subject: ACTION: UT Gun Rally
Date: 11 Jan 1996 20:09:39 -0700
Join with many hundreds of fellow Utah firearms owners and activists at the
3rd Annual Utah Fierarms Freedom Rally. This event has become the largest
political event in Utah devoted to the issue of firearms rights. Invited
speakers will include members of the Utah Legislature, Utah Congressional
Delegation, and Utah firearms activists and media personalities. The success
of this event will depend on every Utah firearms owner turning out along with
friends and family members to show their support for the right to keep and
bear arms.
Get dressed in your Sunday best and bring your tasteful signs, flags, and
enthusiasm for freedom. Please do not mount your signs on poles or sticks or
bring firearms or other weapons to the event.
This event is sponsored by the NRA, USSC, Women Against Gun Control, American
Gun Review, and KTKK Radio 630 AM. Bring your fellow gun owners and show your
support for freedom.
Please distribute widely!
Utah Shooting Sports Council - Office of Legislative Affairs
PO Box 711819
Salt Lake City, UT
Tel./Fax: 801-575-USSC
From: Sarah Thompson <righter@aros.net>
Subject: ALERT - UT: USSC Fax Alert
Date: 17 Jan 1996 10:52:31 -0700
>Utah Shooting Sports Council
>1996 Utah Legislative Fax Alert #2
>This Information Current as of 15 January 1996
>Utah Legislature Opens Today-Plenty of Bills Impacting Utah Gun Owners
>The 1996 Utah Legislative Session is underway. Numerous bills that impact
>Utah gun owners have been pre-filed and already assigned to a standing
>committee for public comment. It is critical that YOU as a concerned Utah
>firearms owner let your elected officials know how you feel about these
>bills and how they may either benefit you of restrict your rights.
>HB 008-Limitation of Civil Action-S. Lockman (R-Kearns)
>This bill will provide to Utah's citizens an active defense against a civil
>lawsuit brought by a criminal who was injured or killed while in the
>commission of a felony criminal activity. This will not be limited to
>issues of use of a firearm in lawful self defense, but also to other lawful
>uses of force, or situations in which a dog bites a criminal or a criminal
>cuts themselves on a window while breaking into a home or slipping and
>falling down the stairs while carrying your TV to the getaway car. This is
>not a firearms issue, but an issue of protecting the law-abiding citizens of
>Utah from criminals and an abusive civil legal system.
>We strongly suggest you contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee
>listed below and encourage their support of HB008. Please plan on
>attending the House Judiciary Committee hearings on this bill. They are
>tentatively scheduled for Friday January 19th at 9:00 AM at the Utah State
>Capitol. Call the Housesecretary at (801) 538-1029 to check for final date,
>committee time and room number.
>Members of the 1996 Utah Legislature House Judiciary Committee:
>Byron Harward 377-2110 Greg Curtis 943-3091
>Darlene Gubler 277-3268 Shirley Jensen 572-2388
>John Arrington 621-5639 Bill Hickman 673-2671
>Loretta Baca 487-2738 Ted Bradford 295-1922
>Steve Barth 484-8653 Pete Suazo 521-3751
>Reese Hunter 278-1600 Doyle Mortimer 226-1890
>Attend the 3rd Annual Utah Firearms Freedom Rally from 10:00AM to 11:00AM
>on Saturday, 27 January 1996 at the Utah Capitol Rotunda!
>Join with many hundreds of fellow Utah firearms owners and activists at the
>3rd Annual Utah Firearms Freedom Rally. This event has become the largest
>political event in Utah devoted to the issue of firearms rights. Invited
>speakers will include members of the Utah Legislature, Utah Congressional
>Delegation, and Utah firearms activists and media personalities. The
>success of this event will depend on every Utah firearms owner turning out
>along with friends and family members to show their support for the right to
>keep and bear arms. Get dressed in your Sunday best and bring your tasteful
>signs, flags and enthusiasm for freedom. Please do not mount your signs on
>poles or sticks or bring firearms or other weapons to the event.
>This event is sponsored by the NRA, USSC, Women Against Gun Control,
>American Gun Review and KTKK Radio 630 AM. Bring your fellow gun owners and
>show your support for freedom.
>Please Duplicate and Distribute this Information to as many Utah Firearms
>Owners as Possible! Thanks
>Utah Shooting Sports Council - Office of Legislative Affairs
>PO Box 711819, Salt Lake City, Utah 84171-1819, Telephone/Fax (801) 575-USSC
From: Charles Hardy <bagpiper@MIT.EDU>
Subject: [etg002@comm.mot.com (Tim Grothause): M. New found guilty]
Date: 24 Jan 1996 20:33:33 EST
From FAP
------- Forwarded Message
1/24/96 8 AM
CBS Radio News is reporting that Michale New was convicted of
"failing to obey a lawful order" for refusing to wear a UN blue
beret and insignia.
First I must say BRAVO! to Mr. New for sticking to his principles.
He's more correct than most of us realize. Memo to God: Anything
"good" you had planned for me -- give to him instead; He deserves it.
Second, once again, the press trivializes the issue or misses the
main point completely. It ain't about the patches and hats, it's
about whose nation (government?) you agreed to risk your life for and
defend -- and the Geneva Convention versus total incivility.
The media just don't get it -- or they do get it, but think we're stupid
enough to accept whatever they spoon-feed us instead (per their agenda).
Looks like the U.N.'s "disarm the populace" efforts may be closer to our
leaders ears than we realize if our military has already, so solidly,
sold-out to the U.N.
Keep the oil in those lanterns fresh, and the stairs to the bell tower
clear. One if by land...
Tim G.
------- End of Forwarded Message
From: Sarah Thompson <righter@aros.net>
Subject: USSC Recap Week Ended 1/26/96
Date: 30 Jan 1996 06:39:53 -0700
>From: gavinsw@aros.net (Gavin Wallace)
>Subject: USSC Recap Week Ended 1/26/96
>>Utah Shooting Sports Council
>>1996 Utah Legislature Proposed Bills
>>Information current as of Noon Friday, 26 January 1996
>>USSC Urges You to Contact Your State Representative and State Senator and Ask
>>Them to SUPPORT the Following Bills Being Considered by the 1996 General
>>Session of the Utah State Legislature.
>>Utah House Phone (801) 538-1029 Utah House Fax (801) 1908
>>Utah Senate Phone (801) 538-1035 Utah Senate Fax (801) 1414
>>HB8:Limitation of Civil Action-Rep. Sue Lockman (R-SLC)
>>This bill will prevent an individual that was injured while in the commission
>>of a crime from collecting in a civil lawsuit against any other individual
>>who may have used force to deter or prevent the commission of the crime, or
>>upon whose property the criminal was injured.
>>USSC Position on HB8: Support HB8 Passed House on 25 Jan. Please Call your
>>Utah State Senator today at (801) 538-1035 and ask them to support HB8
>>HB70:Fines for Poaching-Rep. Michael Styler (R-Delta)
>>Will provide for additional protection for wildlife against poaching for
>>profit. USSC suggests additional protections for either sex of Bighorn,
>>Rocky Mountain and Desert Sheep, Moose and Bison. USSC also suggests
>>maintaining the current fine of $1000 for poaching cougar rather than the
>>$250 fine contained in the current bill. USSC also suggests the mandatory
>>sentences contained in the bill be converted to sentencing guidelines to
>>provide flexibility in sentencing due to limitations in correctional space
>>and resources.USSC Position on HB70: Support
>>HB165:Concealed Weapon Permit-Rep. M. Waddoups (R.Taylorsville)
>>Will clarify the $24.00 fingerprint clearance fee required by the FBI to
>>check fingerprints related to concealed firearms permit applications.USSC
>>Position on HB165:Support
>>Other Bills of Interest to Utah Firearms Owners:
>>HJR1:Resolution Regarding U.S. Military Action-Rep. D.Bush (R.Clearfield)
>>Will urge Congress to not support any major commitment of U.S. troops without
>>prior consent of Congress as required by U.S. Constitution.USSC Position on
>>HJR1:Support This Resolution will be Debated on the Utah House Floor at
>>10:15 AM on Tuesday, January 30th. Please Plan to Attend this Floor Action!
>>HJR3:Resolution Rescinding Call for Constitutional Convention-Rep. R. Hunter
>>(R.SLC)Will rescind Utah's outstanding call for a constitutional convention.
>> Constitutional scholars are concerned that any such convention would not be
>>limited as to scope or authority and might modify of abolish current our
>>constitutional checks and balances and remove protections to our firearms
>>rights.USSC Position on HJR3:Support
>>HB14:Posting American Heritage Information in Schools-Rep. Norm Nielsen (R.
>>Orem) Encourages public schools to post information on American History and
>>Constitutional principles in schools and add them to their curriculum.USSC
>>Position on HB14:Support
>>HB138- Civic Literacy Act-Rep. Nora Stephens (R. Sunset) Requires that
>>students graduating from Utah public high schools be tested on their
>>knowledge of American History and Constitutional principles.USSC Position on
>>HB159- Eliminating Wild Animals-Rep. Tom Hatch (R. Panguitch) Allows an
>>individual to defend themselves and their property against animals with
>>life-threatening propensities within city limits without being charged with
>>game law violations. We support the concept, but wish to be clear that such
>>life-threatening situations should be clearly defined in the statute.USSC
>>Position on HB159 Support
>>SB63-Teaching Utah History-Sen. Charles Stewart (R. Provo) Requires that
>>students in public schools be taught Utah History from 1847 to present.USSC
>>Position on SB63:Support
>>Utah Shooting Sports Council
>>1996 Utah Legislature Proposed Bills
>>Information current as of Noon Friday, 26 January 1996
>>USSC Urges You to Contact Your State Representative and State Senator and Ask
>>Them to OPPOSE the Following Bills Being Considered by the 1996 General
>>Session of the Utah State Legislature.
>>Utah House Phone (801) 538-1029 Utah House Fax (801) 1908
>>Utah Senate Phone (801) 538-1035 Utah Senate Fax (801) 1414
>>SB93-Firearms Locking Device-Sen. L. Beattie (R-Bountiful)
>>Comments by the sponsor indicate this bill was requested by former Sen.
>>Delpha Baird, who was also reported to be the moving force behind Sen. Robert
>> Montgomery's Firearms Training Bill in 1995. Early versions of the bill
>>will require the sale of a locking device with all firearms sold, leased or
>>transferred in Utah, however the device would not be required to be used on
>>the gun. USSC is concerned that the requirement of purchase of an item not
>>required to be used creates yet another barrier to the legal acquisition of a
>>firearm b the citizens of Utah. Potential annual out-of-pocket costs to Utah
>>firearms consumers is estimated at $1.25 million to $6.25 million dollars.
>> Further, we are concerned about the potential dangers of inserting ant item,
>>including a trigger lock, into the trigger guard of a loaded firearm. Any
>>such practice is strongly discouraged by most firearms manufacturers. USSC
>>has met with the sponsor, and amendments are currently being drafted by the
>>sponsor, but have not as yet been reviewed by USSC.
>>HB192-Negligent Storage of a Firearm-Rep. D. Jones (D-SLC)
>>Similar to last years bill by the same sponsor, it will create the
>>presumption of negligence on the part of an individual whose loaded firearm
>>is accessed by an juvenile and causes injury of death to themselves or any
>>other person. This would create in statute a certain legal nightmare to
>> follow a tragic accident, and would serve no positive public policy purpose.
>> Previous statements by the sponsor indicate the bill is intended to "send a
>>message" to firearms owners regarding storage of a firearm. USSC feels
>>broad-based public awareness and voluntary education and training will better
>>accomplish this goal. USSC opposed the similar 1995 bill by this sponsor.
>>Other Bills Concerning Firearms for Which All Details Not Yet Available.
>>Possession of a Dangerous Weapon Near a School-Rep. R. Short (R-SLC)
>>Early comments by the sponsor as published in the media indicate this bill
>>may impact the lawful possession of firearms by private citizens, possibly
>>including CCW permit holders. A similar 1990 federal law was struck down by
>>the U.S. Supreme Court in 1995 as unconstitutional. Sponsor indicates
>>limited interest in pressing this bill this session.
>>Prohibiting Live Animals as Targets at Shooting Events-Rep. F. Pignanelli
>>Part of a package of animal rights legislation by this sponsor. Will impact
>>on hunting and other activities
>>Other bills may be introduced or amendments made to current bills at any
>> In order to keep informed on the current status of the Firearms Bills before
>>the Utah State legislature, you can listen daily to KTKK Radio 630 AM You
>>may also subscribe to the USSC Fax Alert Network. If you have access to a
>>dedicated or auto switched fax machine, you may receive nightly updates on
>>Utah Gun Bills. Call (801) 575-USSC to subscribe to this service.
>> Please make sure you have the prior permission of your employer to use a
>>work fax before submitting that fax number to USSC. These faxes are
>>transmitted late at night to keep the costs to USSC as low as possible.
>> Please take this into account if getting a fax transmission late at night is
>>unacceptable to you, your family or your employer.
>>Utah Shooting Sports Council - Office of Legislative Affairs
>>PO Box 711819, Salt Lake City, Utah 84171-1819, Ph/Fax (801) 571-USSC
>E-Mail to: USSCinfo@aol.com
From: Sarah Thompson <righter@aros.net>
Subject: UT -Urgent Alert #13a
Date: 31 Jan 1996 16:47:01 -0700
>1996 Utah Legislative Fax Alert #13A
>Current as of 5:00PM Wednesday, 31 January 1996
>HB192 will be heard in Committee tomorrow, Thursday 1-Feb-96 at 8:00am in
room 303 of the State Capitol Building.
>HB192-Negligent Storage of a Firearm-Rep. D. Jones (D-SLC)
>Similar to last years bill by the same sponsor, it will create the
presumption of negligence on the part of an individual whose loaded firearm
is accessed by an juvenile and causes injury of death to themselves or any
other person. This would create in statute a certain legal nightmare to
follow a tragic accident, and would serve no positive public policy purpose.
Previous statements by the sponsor indicate the bill is intended to "send a
message" to firearms owners regarding storage of a firearm. USSC feels
broad-based public awareness and voluntary education and training will
better accomplish this goal. USSC opposed the similar 1995 bill by this
>Please call and leave messages or send fax messages to the members of the
House Energy, Natural Resources & Agriculture Committee shown below and urge
them to oppose HB192.
>Utah House Phone (801) 538-1029 Utah House Fax (801) 538-1908
>Bradley T. Johnson, Chair David Ure, Vice Chair
>Eli Anderson Stephen Bodily
>Beverly Ann Evans Christine R. Fox
>Brent Goodfellow James Gowans
>Tom Hatch Dennis Iverson
>Tom Matthews Tim Moran
>Evan Olsen Jack Seitz
>Michael Styler A. LaMont Tyler
>Bill Wright
>Please make every effort to attend this meeting!
>The Utah Shooting Sports Council
>PO Box 711819 - Salt Lake City, Utah 84171-1819
>Phone/Fax (801)575-USSC