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- From: Charles C Hardy <utbagpiper@juno.com>
- Subject: SLTrib correction
- Date: 07 Jan 2002 12:53:57 -0700
- This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
- this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
- ----__JNP_000_5df3.2466.6b4e
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- For any who saw the SLTrib article the mis-identified me as the spokesman
- for USSC and missed the subsequent correction, here it is from Friday's
- SLTrib.
- (I also continue to assist Janalee with her wagc email list.)
- Charles
- http://www.sltrib.com/2002/jan/01042002/utah/164371.htm
- Corrections & Clarifications
- Friday, January 4, 2002
- Charles Hardy is spokesman and policy director for the Gun Owners of
- Utah. A Salt Lake Tribune story Dec. 26 incorrectly identified his
- affiliation.
- ----__JNP_000_5df3.2466.6b4e
- Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
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- <BODY bottomMargin=3D0 leftMargin=3D3 topMargin=3D0 rightMargin=3D3>
- <DIV>For any who saw the SLTrib article the mis-identified me as the =
- spokesman=20
- for USSC and missed the subsequent correction, here it is from Friday's=20
- SLTrib.</DIV>
- <DIV> </DIV>
- <DIV>(I also continue to assist Janalee with her wagc email list.)</DIV>
- <DIV> </DIV>
- <DIV>Charles</DIV>
- <DIV> </DIV>
- <DIV><A=20
- href=3D"http://www.sltrib.com/2002/jan/01042002/utah/164371.htm">http://www=
- .sltrib.com/2002/jan/01042002/utah/164371.htm</A></DIV>
- <DIV> </DIV>
- <DIV>
- <TABLE cellPadding=3D4 width=3D"100%" border=3D0>
- <TR>
- <TD width=3D"80%"><B><FONT face=3D"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-=
- serif"=20
- size=3D4>Corrections &=20
- Clarifications</FONT></B><BR><I><!--SUBHEAD--></I></TD>
- <TD vAlign=3Dtop width=3D"20%"><FONT=20
- face=3D"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=3D1><I><B>Friday<=
- /B>,=20
- January 4, 2002</I></FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
- <TABLE width=3D"100%" border=3D0>
- <TR>
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- GENEVA"=20
- size=3D2><!--WEBCAPTION1--></FONT></CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></=
- face=3D"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"=20
- size=3D1><BR></FONT></B><BR><BR> Charles Hardy is=20
- spokesman and policy director for the Gun Owners of Utah. A Salt Lake=
- =20
- Tribune story Dec. 26 incorrectly identified his affiliation.=20
- ----__JNP_000_5df3.2466.6b4e--
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Charles C Hardy <utbagpiper@juno.com>
- Subject: SLTrib editorial against gun control ?!?!?
- Date: 08 Jan 2002 11:37:02 -0700
- From today's sltrib.
- Never surrender, never compromise. We've got the antis on the run and
- this is the time to work even harder to regain our lost rights.
- charles
- Opportunism in Action
- Salt Lake Tribune
- January 1, 2002
- http://www.sltrib.com/01082002/opinion/opinion.htm
- A few members of Congress have been using last year's
- terrorist attacks to justify another push for tough gun
- laws. Fear makes fertile ground for any law that promises
- greater security, but this effort is a stretch. Everyone
- knows that the only weapons used in the Sept. 11 hijackings
- were box cutters.
- A more legitimate link between firearms, 9/11 and
- citizens' safety can be found today in London, where armed
- robberies are up more than 100 percent. Cops have been
- pulled from the streets to guard sites that might be
- vulnerable to terrorists, and gun-wielding thugs have
- filled the void. Britain's rash of robberies -- more than
- 19,000 between September and November -- is an acceleration
- of a violent four-year trend. Firearms assaults were up 53
- percent last year, and every category of violent crime,
- from simple mugging to rape, has been rising in steady
- leaps. Brazen British burglars now strike when residents
- are home about half the time.
- Those in favor of more gun restrictions might be
- interested in Jamaica, where firearms have turned Britain's
- former colony into one of the most violent places on Earth.
- About one of every 2,000 Jamaicans was a victim of homicide
- last year, an increase of 28 percent. Last week, about 30
- armed thugs opened fire on a Kingston neighborhood and
- killed seven people, including two young sisters.
- The troubles in Britain and Jamaica might make a strong
- argument for tougher gun laws except for one inconvenient
- detail: The existing laws can't get much tougher. Britain
- outlawed handguns four years ago, the start of its current
- explosion in violent crime, while Jamaica's firearms
- restrictions fall just short of a total ban. The
- law-abiding citizens of both nations are disarmed and armed
- criminals are out of control.
- Is there a connection? That question is worth debating,
- but it seems far more plausible than the link some
- lawmakers are attempting to forge between America's gun
- rights and the terrorism of Sept. 11.
- ________________________________________________________________
- Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!
- Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:
- http://dl.www.juno.com/get/web/.
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Charles C Hardy <utbagpiper@juno.com>
- Subject: Hansen retiring
- Date: 08 Jan 2002 12:41:33 -0700
- From today's DesNews:
- http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,360007005,00.html?
- Hansen bowing out after 22 years on Hill
- By Lee Davidson
- Deseret News Washington correspondent
- WASHINGTON ù Rep. Jim Hansen, R-Utah, made the surprise
- announcement Tuesday that he will not seek re-election this year, ending
- his congressional career after 22 years.
- Jim Hansen
- It comes as Hansen, 69, achieved a pinnacle of power during his
- now-final term, serving as chairman of the full House Resources
- Committee. He is the only House member from Utah to ever chair a full
- committee.
- "After a lot of thought, I feel it is time to move on, and I will
- not stand for election in 2002," Hansen said in a written statement. He
- announced his decision by faxing a press release to the news media, after
- calling other leaders in the morning.
- Hansen's decision, of course, will lead to a wide-open battle to
- succeed him in the 1st House District, which he has represented since
- 1980 when he defeated Rep. Gunn McKay, D-Utah.
- In a telephone interview, Hansen said a desire to spend more time
- with his family was his main reason to retire, but he also has had some
- minor health problems recently and was unhappy with the Legislature's
- redrawing of his district's boundaries.
- "I will have served 22 years at the end of this term. I will be 70
- in August. I would like to do some things with my family and grandkids.
- My wife has been supportive and long-suffering, and I'd like to give her
- more attention. I feel there should be life after Congress," he said.
- [...]
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Charles C Hardy <utbagpiper@juno.com>
- Subject: Blather from the DesNews
- Date: 17 Jan 2002 11:30:51 -0700
- If anyone is in the mood to write a letter to the editor, this editorial
- from the DesNews needs a response or 10. Their closing sentence is
- particularly appalling:
- The DesNews hopes the courts can determine "whether schools, colleges and
- other agencies are strictly bound by Utah's concealed weapons law."
- Gee, are any of us allowed to be anything other than "strictly bound" by
- all of the thousands of laws on the books? And why should Utah taxpayers
- have to foot both sides of a lawsuit? Just to give the egomaniacs at the
- U one more chance to disobey a law that was passed by the legislature,
- signed by the governor, and has now been given identical interpretations
- by both the State AG and the Legislatures' own counsel?
- It is time to impose some serious penalties in the finacial arena on the
- U and her sister institutions who incist on flaunting the law.
- Letters to the Deseret News editor can be emailed to letters@desnews.com.
- Letters must include a full name, address and telephone number.
- However, only name and city/State will be published.
- Charles
- http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,365008295,00.html?
- Litigate concealed weapons law
- Deseret News editorial
- University of Utah President J. Bernard Machen makes a good point.
- If respective Utah officials and policymakers are ever to get to the
- bottom of the concealed weapons ban question, the matter needs to be
- litigated. What's more, Utah's attorney general agrees.
- While this issue appears headed for a "friendly lawsuit," it is
- regrettable that cooler heads couldn't have hammered out the issue at a
- conference table. While this page understands that Utah's law and state
- constitution are not identical to those in surrounding states, we can't
- help noticing that nearby Western states do not extend the concealed
- weapons permit privilege to schools or college campuses.
- For Machen, the gun issue is tied to academic freedom. He contends
- that the presence of firearms on a college campus would undermine a free
- exchange of ideas. We would further argue that college campuses are
- unique because they are gathering places of people with vastly divergent
- backgrounds and points of view.
- If Attorney General Mark Shurtleff is amenable to this challenge of
- Utah's concealed weapons law, which has very few exceptions, perhaps
- other affected public segments should join the litigation, among them
- public schools and agencies under the Department of Human Services.
- Public school districts and boards overseeing everything from mental
- health to foster care have created their own policies in this area, but
- it is not clear whether they could be enforced.
- The problem with legislating gun law is that common sense and
- scholarly investigation often take a backseat to political whim. Utah
- lawmakers relied heavily on the research of University of Chicago
- visiting scholar John Lott, which was published in the 1998 book "More
- Guns, Less Crime." What lawmakers didn't hear were the contrasting points
- of view of academics who have since dissected Lott's research,
- specifically, Daniel Webster of John Hopkins University and Jens Ludwig
- of Georgetown University. Webster and Ludwig, authors of "Myths about
- Defensive Gun Use and Permissive Gun Carry Laws," wrote "Errors aside,
- the fundamental problem with Lott's research can by summarized by the old
- social science adage 'correlation is not causation.' "
- We raise Lott's body of work not to impugn it. Even critics
- consider many of Lott's methodologies as relatively sophisticated and, in
- some respects, an improvement on previous evaluations of gun laws.
- Rather, it's an example that public policymaking too often is relegated
- to quieting the squeaky wheel rather than hearing all voices in a debate.
- While this page understands that the concealed weapon issue that
- would be decided in court is primarily a legal one, we are hopeful that
- in a setting removed from politics, the court can make a thoughtful and
- informed determination whether schools, colleges and other agencies are
- strictly bound by Utah's concealed weapons law.
- ________________________________________________________________
- Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!
- Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:
- http://dl.www.juno.com/get/web/.
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Scott Bergeson <scottb@xmission.com>
- Subject: K-Mart in the News -- On the ropes. Time to give quarter? Maybe...
- Date: 17 Jan 2002 15:01:37 -0700
- 'Lo folks. Haven't written much, and the list has undergone some big changes -- so
- I don't even know if this is the right place, but heck, an idea virus has to travel
- as it can...
- K-mart experienced a very disappointing Christmas season. Now, the Board of
- Directors is meeting to discuss the direction for the future of the company. ONE
- of the options is to declare bankruptcy. If nothing else, they will probably close
- hundreds of stores.
- NOW is the time for all gun-owners to pipe up and ask them if it might have been
- different had they not sold the Second Amendment out. Now is the time to remind
- them what happened to Smith and Wesson, and hint -- only hint -- that maybe some
- public statements about the sanctity of the Second Amendment, and recanting their
- previous actions -- _enumerating and apologizing for them_ -- might actually get
- business from firearms owners who swore off the company after being betrayed by
- them.
- I know what you may be thinking... "it's better if they died, it'll serve 'em
- right". But I have been thinking on this... if a national organization publicly
- recants its previously anti-gun stance and then survives, I think it casts a much
- louder statement than if they slowly wilt and die and we crow posthumously. S&W was
- a victory, but still a loss... I think that if we could get KM to hang its head in
- shame while apologizing profusely, and then see it recover (even if only somewhat)
- we could claim a much bigger victory.
- Spread the word, and call/write/email K-Mart and let them know that their current
- situation is not just the economy.
- It MIGHT work. Of course, even tho' it's still winter, I don't think they've had
- any snow in Hell for several millenia.
- Marc Visconte ⌠┐⌠¼
- =====
- To the States or any one of them, or any city of the States, Resist much, obey little,
- Once unquestioning obedience, once fully enslaved,
- Once fully enslaved, no nation, state, city of this earth, ever afterward resumes its liberty.
- -- Walt Whitman, "Leave of Grass", 1881
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Charles C Hardy <utbagpiper@juno.com>
- Subject: Ogden Standard gun cartoon
- Date: 17 Jan 2002 15:15:09 -0700
- This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
- this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
- ----__JNP_000_2cf7.4faf.670b
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- The following link is a great little political cartoon showing the
- hypocrasy of the current University hysteria over guns.
- http://www.standard.net/show_cartoon.html?sid=00020117080850482879
- Ogden Standard gun cartoon
- Charles
- ----__JNP_000_2cf7.4faf.670b
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- <BODY>
- <DIV>The following link is a great little political cartoon showing the=20
- hypocrasy of the current University hysteria over guns.</DIV>
- <DIV> </DIV>
- <DIV><A=20
- href=3D"http://www.standard.net/show_cartoon.html?sid=3D=
- 00020117080850482879"=20
- EUDORA=3D"AUTOURL">http://www.standard.net/show_cartoon.html?sid=3D=
- 00020117080850482879</A></DIV>Ogden=20
- Standard gun cartoon <BR><FONT=20
- face=3D"Times New Roman, Times"><BR>Charles</FONT></BODY></HTML>
- ----__JNP_000_2cf7.4faf.670b--
- ________________________________________________________________
- Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!
- Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:
- http://dl.www.juno.com/get/web/.
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Scott Bergeson <scottb@xmission.com>
- Subject: The safest place to commit crime in America
- Date: 23 Jan 2002 20:29:12 -0700
- The safest place to commit crime in America
- ----------
- by Alan L. Lundy
- "When one looks at the rest of the world, America is not
- necessarily the safest place to commit crime, yet, but if
- certain politicians, entertainers and special interest groups
- have their way, one day we will be. Where is the safest place
- to commit crime? Any place you know of where there will be
- little or no resistance to that crime." (01/22/02)
- http://keepandbeararms.Com/newsarchives/XcNewsPlus.asp?cmd=view&articleid=1312
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Scott Bergeson <scottb@xmission.com>
- Subject: The Facts About Gun Shows
- Date: 24 Jan 2002 10:12:00 -0700
- In "The Facts About Gun Shows", (http://www.cato.org/dailys/01-10-00.html)
- Associate Policy Analyst David B. Kopel demonstrates that there is no
- "gun show loophole." "Despite what some media commentators have claimed,"
- he writes, "existing gun laws apply just as much to gun shows as they do
- to any other place where guns are sold." Attempts to shut down gun shows
- are simply further attacks on the First and Second Amendments.
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Scott Bergeson <scottb@xmission.com>
- Subject: Chicago Gun Registration and Confiscation
- Date: 22 Jan 2002 10:45:32 -0700
- Confiscation of Registered Guns Begins in Illinois
- Source: Illinois State Rifle Association
- The Chicago Police Department and the Illinois State
- Police have teamed up to make good on Mayor Daley's
- pledge that, if it were up to him, nobody would have
- a gun.
- http://www.kc3.com/news/chicago_confiscation.htm
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Scott Bergeson <scottb@xmission.com>
- Subject: Mark Shurtleff on Television
- Date: 25 Jan 2002 11:05:14 -0700
- Heads up:
- Mark will be discussing Utah gun law and the University of Utah's
- concealed weapons ban on CNN's "Crossfire" tonight (Friday) from
- 5:45 to 6:00 p.m.
- ABC will also be doing an interview today that is set to air
- on Sunday's version of World News Tonight.
- Thought you might like a heads up.
- Take care,
- Ric Cantrell
- Community Action Director
- Utah Attorney General's Office
- P.S. Check out our new website at http://www.attorneygeneral.utah.gov.
- The current events addicts among you might find the News & High Profile
- Issues section especially helpful. If you have suggestions for the new
- site, just reply to this e'mail and let me know!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Charles C Hardy <utbagpiper@juno.com>
- Subject: Need help on DesNews gun poll
- Date: 25 Jan 2002 13:40:37 -0700
- This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
- this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
- ----__JNP_000_34e9.0f97.4488
- Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=--__JNP_000_0a5d.6ad3.6ae3
- This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
- this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
- ----__JNP_000_0a5d.6ad3.6ae3
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- The on line version of the Deseret News is running a poll on our
- concealed carry law and Sen. Poulton's efforts to reduce the cost, time,
- and hassle of getting a permit by dropping the unneeded mandated
- training. We're not doing well so far and if current trends continue,
- this poll will be one more club to beat us with. I'm sure "improve" the
- test will be interpretted to mean, "add a live-fire requiremnt." Of
- course, if we turn the tide, we'll never hear about the poll since it is
- unscientific. But I'd rather have that than the alternative.
- To log your opinion, go to http://www.desnews.com.
- The poll is along the right edge of the page, near the bottom. You'll
- probably have to scroll down to see it.
- Thank you.
- Charles
- Here are current results:
- Thanks for voting!
- Question: Utahns who want a concealed-weapons permit have to take a
- class, familiarizing them with weapons and Utah's deadly force laws, and
- pass a test. Proposed legislation would eliminate those requirements.
- Part of the rationale is that the class is ineffective. What is your
- position?
- Keep the class and test 68 votes (17%)
- Eliminate the class and test 65 votes (16%)
- Keep and improve the class and test 272 votes (67%)
- ----__JNP_000_0a5d.6ad3.6ae3
- Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
- <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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- <BODY bottomMargin=3D0 leftMargin=3D3 topMargin=3D0 rightMargin=3D3>
- <DIV>The on line version of the Deseret News is running a poll on our =
- concealed=20
- carry law and Sen. Poulton's efforts to reduce the cost, time, and hassle =
- of=20
- getting a permit by dropping the unneeded mandated training. We're =
- not=20
- doing well so far and if current trends continue, this poll will be one =
- more=20
- club to beat us with. I'm sure "improve" the test will be interpretted=
- to=20
- mean, "add a live-fire requiremnt." Of course, if we turn the =
- tide,=20
- we'll never hear about the poll since it is unscientific. But I'd =
- rather=20
- have that than the alternative.</DIV>
- <DIV> </DIV>
- <DIV>To log your opinion, go to <A=20
- href=3D"http://www.desnews.com">http://www.desnews.com</A>.</DIV>
- <DIV> </DIV>
- <DIV>The poll is along the right edge of the page, near the bottom. =
- You'll=20
- probably have to scroll down to see it.</DIV>
- <DIV> </DIV>
- <DIV>Thank you.</DIV>
- <DIV> </DIV>
- <DIV>Charles</DIV>
- <DIV> </DIV>
- <DIV>Here are current results:</DIV>
- <DIV> </DIV>
- <DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana><STRONG><FONT color=3D#46025e size=3D5>Thanks for=
- =20
- voting!</FONT></STRONG><FONT size=3D4> </FONT></FONT>
- <P><B>Question:</B> Utahns who want a concealed-weapons permit have to take=
- a=20
- class, familiarizing them with weapons and Utah's deadly force laws, and =
- pass a=20
- test. Proposed legislation would eliminate those requirements. Part of the=
- =20
- rationale is that the class is ineffective. What is your position?=20
- <P>
- <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D8 width=3D"90%" border=3D3>
- <TR>
- <TD bgColor=3D#ffffff>
- <TABLE cellSpacing=3D3 cellPadding=3D3 width=3D"100%" border=3D0>
- <TR>
- <TD width=3D"33%"><FONT face=3DVerdana,Helvetica,Arial color=3D#=
- 46025e=20
- size=3D4><B>Keep the class and test</B></FONT></TD>
- <TD width=3D51><IMG height=3D30=20
- src=3D"http://deseretnews.com/dn/poll/results/i/polls/red.jpg"=
- =20
- width=3D51 border=3D0> </TD>
- <TD align=3Dleft width=3D"33%"><FONT face=3DVerdana,Helvetica,=
- Arial=20
- size=3D3>68 votes (17%) </FONT></TD></TR>
- <TR>
- <TD width=3D"33%"><FONT face=3DVerdana,Helvetica,Arial color=3D#=
- 46025e=20
- size=3D4><B>Eliminate the class and test</B></FONT></TD>
- <TD width=3D48><IMG height=3D30=20
- src=3D"http://deseretnews.com/dn/poll/results/i/polls/red.jpg"=
- =20
- width=3D48 border=3D0> </TD>
- <TD align=3Dleft width=3D"33%"><FONT face=3DVerdana,Helvetica,=
- Arial=20
- size=3D3>65 votes (16%) </FONT></TD></TR>
- <TR>
- <TD width=3D"33%"><FONT face=3DVerdana,Helvetica,Arial color=3D#=
- 46025e=20
- size=3D4><B>Keep and improve the class and test</B></FONT></TD>
- <TD width=3D201><IMG height=3D30=20
- src=3D"http://deseretnews.com/dn/poll/results/i/polls/red.jpg"=
- =20
- width=3D201 border=3D0> </TD>
- <TD align=3Dleft width=3D"33%"><FONT face=3DVerdana,Helvetica,=
- Arial=20
- size=3D3>272 votes (67%)=20
- ----__JNP_000_0a5d.6ad3.6ae3--
- ----__JNP_000_34e9.0f97.4488--
- ________________________________________________________________
- Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!
- Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:
- http://dl.www.juno.com/get/web/.
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Charles C Hardy <utbagpiper@juno.com>
- Subject: Rolly & Wells stirring up anti-gun sentiment.
- Date: 28 Jan 2002 14:15:04 -0700
- This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
- this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
- ----__JNP_000_1fb6.1a17.1365
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- The following is from today's SLTrib.
- By these numbers, CCW permitees are not very likely to commit a crime.
- 64 felonies out of 41,800 permit holders works out to about 1 1/2
- felonies per 1000. And 480 revocaktions for non-felony convictions works
- out to only about 11 non-felony convictions per 1000.
- If the general populace did so well we would have only seen between 1500
- and 3000 felony convictions last year STATEWIDE. We have between 1
- million and 2 million adults in the State and since only those over 21
- can currently get a permit, let's compare apples to apples. Similar
- numbers on the non-felony side would have resulted in only 11,000 to
- 22,000 non-felony convictions STATEWIDE.
- Anyone got actual numbers on what kind of business we are seeing in
- Utah's courts in terms of felony and non-felony activities?
- Charles
- http://www.sltrib.com/01282002/utah/171318.htm
- Rolly and Wells: Not All Holders Of Gun Permits Are Good Guys
- Monday, January 28, 2002
- Paul Rolley and JoAnn Jacobson Wells
- The Salt Lake Tribune
- David Tubbs, a former FBI supervisor and director for the Utah
- Olympic Public Safety Command, told The Associated Press recently that
- Utah has 41,800 concealed weapons permit holders and he doesn't know of
- any who have used a weapon unlawfully.
- He may want to check his facts. According to the "Firearms
- Statistical Review" prepared by the Utah State Bureau of Criminal
- Identification, 64 concealed weapons permit holders have had their
- permits revoked due to felony convictions since 1994. Five were convicted
- of homicides, 20 for rape or sexual assault, three for aggravated
- assault, three for burglary, eight for drugs, four for fraud, six for
- theft, one for kidnapping and 14 for various other offenses. Another 480
- permits were revoked for nonfelony convictions.
- Still, the Capitol Preservation Board ruled that concealed weapons
- holders can carry their guns inside the Capitol during the legislative
- session, and lawmakers are considering bills to relax gun-safety class
- requirements and fees to get a concealed-carry permit.
- ----__JNP_000_1fb6.1a17.1365
- Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
- <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
- <META http-equiv=3Dcontent-type content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1>
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- <BODY bottomMargin=3D0 leftMargin=3D3 topMargin=3D0 rightMargin=3D3>
- <DIV>The following is from today's SLTrib.</DIV>
- <DIV> </DIV>
- <DIV>By these numbers, CCW permitees are not very likely to commit a=20
- crime. 64 felonies out of 41,800 permit holders works out to about 1 =
- 1/2=20
- felonies per 1000. And 480 revocaktions for non-felony convictions =
- works=20
- out to only about 11 non-felony convictions per 1000.</DIV>
- <DIV> </DIV>
- <DIV>If the general populace did so well we would have only seen between =
- 1500=20
- and 3000 felony convictions last year STATEWIDE. We have between 1 =
- million=20
- and 2 million adults in the State and since only those over 21 can =
- currently get=20
- a permit, let's compare apples to apples. Similar numbers on the=20
- non-felony side would have resulted in only 11,000 to 22,000 non-felony=20
- convictions STATEWIDE.</DIV>
- <DIV> </DIV>
- <DIV>Anyone got actual numbers on what kind of business we are seeing in =
- Utah's=20
- courts in terms of felony and non-felony activities?</DIV>
- <DIV> </DIV>
- <DIV>Charles</DIV>
- <DIV> </DIV>
- <DIV><A=20
- href=3D"http://www.sltrib.com/01282002/utah/171318.htm">http://www.sltrib.=
- com/01282002/utah/171318.htm</A></DIV>
- <DIV>
- <TABLE cellPadding=3D4 width=3D"100%" border=3D0>
- <TR>
- <TD width=3D"80%">
- <DIV><B><FONT face=3D"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"=20
- size=3D4></FONT></B> </DIV>
- <DIV><B><FONT face=3D"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=3D4=
- >Rolly=20
- and Wells: Not All Holders Of Gun Permits Are Good=20
- Guys</FONT></B><BR></DIV><I><!--SUBHEAD--></I></TD>
- <TD vAlign=3Dtop width=3D"20%"><FONT=20
- face=3D"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=3D1><I><B>Monday<=
- /B>,=20
- January 28, 2002</I></FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
- <TABLE width=3D"100%" border=3D0>
- <TR>
- <TD width=3D"7%" height=3D119> </TD>
- <TD vAlign=3Dtop width=3D"73%" height=3D119>
- <TABLE cellPadding=3D4 width=3D275 align=3Dright border=3D0 hspace=3D=
- "4">
- <TR>
- <TD vAlign=3Dtop>
- GENEVA"=20
- size=3D2><!--WEBCAPTION1--></FONT></CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></=
- <DIV><B><FONT face=3D"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=3D1=
- >Paul=20
- Rolley and JoAnn Jacobson Wells<BR>The Salt Lake=20
- Tribune</FONT></B><BR><BR> David Tubbs, a former =
- FBI=20
- supervisor and director for the Utah Olympic Public Safety Command, =
- told=20
- The Associated Press recently that Utah has 41,800 concealed weapons=
- =20
- permit holders and he doesn't know of any who have used a weapon=20
- unlawfully. <BR> He may want to check his facts.=20
- According to the "Firearms Statistical Review" prepared by the Utah =
- State=20
- Bureau of Criminal Identification, 64 concealed weapons permit =
- holders=20
- have had their permits revoked due to felony convictions since 1994. =
- Five=20
- were convicted of homicides, 20 for rape or sexual assault, three for=
- =20
- aggravated assault, three for burglary, eight for drugs, four for =
- fraud,=20
- six for theft, one for kidnapping and 14 for various other offenses.=
- =20
- Another 480 permits were revoked for nonfelony convictions.=20
- <BR> Still, the Capitol Preservation Board ruled =
- that=20
- concealed weapons holders can carry their guns inside the Capitol =
- during=20
- the legislative session, and lawmakers are considering bills to relax=
- =20
- gun-safety class requirements and fees to get a concealed-carry =
- permit.=20
- </DIV>
- <DIV> </DIV>
- <DIV> </DIV>
- ----__JNP_000_1fb6.1a17.1365--
- ________________________________________________________________
- Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!
- Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:
- http://dl.www.juno.com/get/web/.
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Scott Bergeson <scottb@xmission.com>
- Date: 28 Jan 2002 18:49:10 -0700
- http://nypost.com/postopinion/opedcolumnists/38115.htm
- January 25, 2002 -- ANOTHER school shooting occurred last week
- and the headlines were everywhere the same, from Australia to
- Nigeria. This time the shooting occurred at a university, the
- Appalachian Law School. As usual, there were calls for more gun
- control.
- Yet in this age of "gun-free school zones," one fact was missing
- from virtually all the news coverage: The attack was stopped by
- two students who had guns in their cars.
- The fast responses of two male students, Mikael Gross, 34, and
- Tracy Bridges, 25, undoubtedly saved multiple lives.
- Mikael was outside the law school and just returning from lunch
- when Peter Odighizuwa started his attack. Tracy was in a classroom
- waiting for class to start.
- When the shots rang out, utter chaos erupted. Mikael said,
- "People were running everywhere. They were jumping behind cars,
- running out in front of traffic, trying to get away."
- Mikael and Tracy did something quite different: Both immediately
- ran to their cars and got their guns. Mikael had to run about 100
- yards to get to his car. Along with Ted Besen (who was unarmed),
- they approached Peter from different sides.
- As Tracy explained it, "I aimed my gun at him, and Peter tossed
- his gun down. Ted approached Peter, and Peter hit Ted in the jaw.
- Ted pushed him back and we all jumped on."
- What is so remarkable is that out of 280 separate news stories
- (from a computerized Nexis-Lexis search) in the week after the
- event, just four stories mentioned that the students who stopped
- the attack had guns.
- Only two local newspapers (the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the
- Charlotte Observer) mentioned that the students actually pointed
- their guns at the attacker.
- Much more typical was the scenario described by the Washington
- Post, where the heroes had simply "helped subdue" the killer.
- The New York Times noted only that the attacker was "tackled
- by fellow students."
- Most in the media who discussed how the attack was stopped said:
- "students overpowered a gunman," "students ended the rampage by
- tackling him," "the gunman was tackled by four male students
- before being arrested," or "Students ended the rampage by
- confronting and then tackling the gunman, who dropped his
- weapon."
- In all, 72, stories described how the attacker was stopped
- without mentioning that the student heroes had guns.
- Unfortunately, the coverage in this case was not unusual. In
- the other public school shootings where citizens with guns have
- stopped attacks, rarely do more than one percent of the news
- stories mention that citizens with guns stopped the attacks.
- Many people find it hard to believe that research shows that
- there are 2 million defensive gun uses each year. After all,
- if these events were really happening, wouldn't we hear about
- them on the news? But when was the last time you saw a story
- on the national evening news (or even the local news) about
- a citizen using his gun to stop a crime?
- This misreporting actually endangers people's lives. By
- selectively reporting the news and turning a defensive gun use
- story into one where students merely "overpowered a gunman"
- the media gives misleading impressions of what works when
- people are confronted by violence.
- Research consistently shows that having a gun is the safest
- way to respond to any type of criminal attack, especially
- these multiple victim shootings.
- John Lott is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise
- Institute and the author of "More Guns, Less Crime."
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: charles hardy <utbagpiper@juno.com>
- Date: 28 Jan 2002 20:47:20 -0700
- I think a few elected officials, University officers, and media types
- ought to read the following. Sadly, few will and even those that do will
- dismiss it out of hand.
- ----------------
- Charles Hardy
- <utbagpiper@juno.com>
- --------- Forwarded message ----------
- http://nypost.com/postopinion/opedcolumnists/38115.htm
- January 25, 2002 -- ANOTHER school shooting occurred last week
- and the headlines were everywhere the same, from Australia to
- Nigeria. This time the shooting occurred at a university, the
- Appalachian Law School. As usual, there were calls for more gun
- control.
- Yet in this age of "gun-free school zones," one fact was missing
- from virtually all the news coverage: The attack was stopped by
- two students who had guns in their cars.
- The fast responses of two male students, Mikael Gross, 34, and
- Tracy Bridges, 25, undoubtedly saved multiple lives.
- Mikael was outside the law school and just returning from lunch
- when Peter Odighizuwa started his attack. Tracy was in a classroom
- waiting for class to start.
- When the shots rang out, utter chaos erupted. Mikael said,
- "People were running everywhere. They were jumping behind cars,
- running out in front of traffic, trying to get away."
- Mikael and Tracy did something quite different: Both immediately
- ran to their cars and got their guns. Mikael had to run about 100
- yards to get to his car. Along with Ted Besen (who was unarmed),
- they approached Peter from different sides.
- As Tracy explained it, "I aimed my gun at him, and Peter tossed
- his gun down. Ted approached Peter, and Peter hit Ted in the jaw.
- Ted pushed him back and we all jumped on."
- What is so remarkable is that out of 280 separate news stories
- (from a computerized Nexis-Lexis search) in the week after the
- event, just four stories mentioned that the students who stopped
- the attack had guns.
- Only two local newspapers (the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the
- Charlotte Observer) mentioned that the students actually pointed
- their guns at the attacker.
- Much more typical was the scenario described by the Washington
- Post, where the heroes had simply "helped subdue" the killer.
- The New York Times noted only that the attacker was "tackled
- by fellow students."
- Most in the media who discussed how the attack was stopped said:
- "students overpowered a gunman," "students ended the rampage by
- tackling him," "the gunman was tackled by four male students
- before being arrested," or "Students ended the rampage by
- confronting and then tackling the gunman, who dropped his
- weapon."
- In all, 72, stories described how the attacker was stopped
- without mentioning that the student heroes had guns.
- Unfortunately, the coverage in this case was not unusual. In
- the other public school shootings where citizens with guns have
- stopped attacks, rarely do more than one percent of the news
- stories mention that citizens with guns stopped the attacks.
- Many people find it hard to believe that research shows that
- there are 2 million defensive gun uses each year. After all,
- if these events were really happening, wouldn't we hear about
- them on the news? But when was the last time you saw a story
- on the national evening news (or even the local news) about
- a citizen using his gun to stop a crime?
- This misreporting actually endangers people's lives. By
- selectively reporting the news and turning a defensive gun use
- story into one where students merely "overpowered a gunman"
- the media gives misleading impressions of what works when
- people are confronted by violence.
- Research consistently shows that having a gun is the safest
- way to respond to any type of criminal attack, especially
- these multiple victim shootings.
- John Lott is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise
- Institute and the author of "More Guns, Less Crime."
- ________________________________________________________________
- Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!
- Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:
- http://dl.www.juno.com/get/web/.
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Charles C Hardy <utbagpiper@juno.com>
- Subject: Fw: [UTGOA] Good News! HB 183 passes committee
- Date: 29 Jan 2002 14:20:48 -0700
- --------- Forwarded message ----------
- HB 183, Firearm Criminal Background Check Amendments, sponsored by Rep.
- Morgan Philpot passed the House Judiciary Committee this morning. Thank
- you to those of you who took the time to attend the hearing!
- This bill, if passed, will eliminate the current $7.50 fee charged for
- background checks on firearms purchases.
- Rep. Philpot did an excellent job of presenting his bill and promoting
- the
- principle that no one should be charged a fee to exercise a
- Constitutional
- right, and most committee members responded favorably to his principled
- arguments.
- UTGOA will try to post some of Rep. Philpot's comments when we have time
- to
- transcribe them.
- Thanks also to Reps. Mike Thompson and Kathy Bryson for speaking in favor
- of the bill, as well as Rep. Jim Ferrin for asking some good
- questions. Committee Chair Glenn Way kept the discussion on topic,
- despite
- efforts by Maura Carabello to sidetrack the committee into a discussion
- of
- the "importance" of background checks.
- Charles Hardy of GOUtah! and Sarah Thompson of Utah Gun Owners Alliance
- spoke in favor of the bill, and Maura Carabello of the Utah Gun Violence
- Prevention Center spoke against it.
- The vote was a straight party vote with Republicans voting YES, Democrats
- voting NO, with the exception of Rep. Tyler who appeared not to vote, and
- Rep. Curtis who was absent.
- HB 183 will now go to the entire House for a vote.
- HB 219, Firearm Fee Amendments, also sponsored by Rep. Philpot, was
- briefly
- presented. As UTGOA mentioned before, Rep. Philpot has separated his
- initial HB 219, which dealt with both background check fees and permit
- fees
- into two separate bills. The background check fee half is now HB 183,
- above. The new, or substitute, HB 219 deals only with fees for CCW
- permits. The bill is now formally called 1st substitute HB 219, and can
- be
- found at http://www.le.state.ut.us/~2002/bills/hbillint/hb0219s1.htm
- Due to the fact that discussion of this bill will be involved and fairly
- controversial, and the fact that there was little time left in the
- meeting,
- the bill was "held". We don't know yet when it will be rescheduled, and
- will let you know when we do.
- 1. Call YOUR OWN Representative and insist that s/he support HB
- 183. Contact info is at:
- http://www.utgoa.org/resources/legcontact02.html
- 2. Call Speaker of the House Marty Stephens and let him know that you
- expect him to support the bill, to do everything possible to help it
- pass,
- and to make sure it is funded. We expect opponents to try to "kill" the
- bill by refusing to provide funding to implement it. The cost is approx.
- $500,000, which is minimal compared to Utah's multi-billion dollar
- budget. Stephens's office number is 801-538-1930 and home is
- 801-731-5346.
- 3. Call members of the House Judiciary Committee. THANK those who voted
- for HB 183. Encourage all of them to support HB 219 when it comes back
- to
- the committee. See previous alerts for talking points.
- D, Patrice M. Arent, parent@le.state.ut.us, 801-272-1956, 801-538-1650
- R, Chad E.Bennion, cbennion@le.state.ut.us, 801-281-1607
- R, Ron Bigelow, rbigelow@le.state.ut.us, 801-968-4188
- R, Katherine M.Bryson, kbryson@le.state.ut.us, 801-226-2061
- R, Greg J.Curtis, gcurtis@le.state.ut.us, 801-943-3091
- D, Scott Daniels, sdaniels@le.state.ut.us, 801-582-8080
- R, James A. Ferrin, jferrin@le.state.ut.us, 801-224-6823
- R, Ben C.Ferry, bferry@le.state.ut.us, 435-744-2997
- D, Neal B. Hendrickson, nhendric@le.state.ut.us, 801-969-8920
- D, Eric K. Hutchings, ehutchings@le.state.ut.us, 801-963-2639
- R, Mike Thompson, mthompson@le.state.ut.us, 801-226-5032
- R, A. Lamont Tyler, atyler@le.state.ut.us, 801-272-1218
- R, Glenn L. Way, gway@le.state.ut.us, 801-798-2295, 801-636-0509
- Please also send Rep. Philpot a short note letting him know you
- appreciate
- his principled support of gun rights and our Constitution. His email is
- mphilpot@utah.gov.
- Copyright 2002, Utah Gun Owners Alliance, Inc. and Sarah Thompson
- PO Box 1185
- Sandy, UT 84091
- 801-566-1625
- http://www.utgoa.org
- Director@utgoa.org
- Did someone forward this to you? Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! That way you'll
- receive our FREE alerts as soon as they're released. During the
- legislative session, we send urgent, time limited alerts. Don't risk
- missing important information because someone else neglected to forward
- important information. Our alerts are low volume and average less than
- one
- alert per day.
- To subscribe to the UTGOA list, send a blank email to
- utgoa-subscribe@yahoogroups.com or use the form on our web site,
- http://www.utgoa.org. For more information, see
- http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/UTGOA.
- Utah Gun Owners Alliance is completely dependent on your generosity to
- cover our operating costs. Please consider joining us or sending a
- donation. Membership information is at:
- http://www.utgoa.org/pages/join.html Donations may be sent to: PO Box
- 1185, Sandy, UT 84091 Checks should be made payable to Utah Gun Owners
- Alliance, Inc. or UTGOA. Thank for your support!
- UTGOA is written and distributed by, Utah Gun Owners Alliance, Inc.
- www.utgoa.org, and Sarah Thompson, M.D. All information contained in
- these
- alerts is the responsibility of the author, unless otherwise attributed.
- Permission is granted for distribution of these alerts so long as no
- changes are made, UTGOA is clearly credited, and this message is left
- intact.
- Archives of the UTGOA alerts can be found at:
- http://www.utgoa.org/cgi-bin/alerts
- Utah Gun Owners Alliance, Inc. is a Utah non-profit corporation.
- ________________________________________________________________
- Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!
- Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:
- http://dl.www.juno.com/get/web/.
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Charles C Hardy <utbagpiper@juno.com>
- Subject: DesNews gun poll sliding against us
- Date: 30 Jan 2002 12:06:34 -0700
- The Deseret News on-line poll was looking really good for a couple of
- days, but has started to take a turn against us again. These polls are
- not scientific and you can rest assured that if it goes our way, in
- support of the RIGHT to own and carry guns, we won't hear about it.
- However, if it goes against us it will be trotted out to beat us over the
- head.
- Yes, the whole thing is stupid, but it is easy enough to counter, that we
- might as well do so.
- I believe the poll site is using some method to prevent casting multiple
- ballots from the same machine so don't waste time voting multiple times.
- But if you haven't made it the site yet, please take 60 seconds and cast
- a vote for the second option, "Eliminate the class and test."
- Poll is at http://www.desnews.com on the lower right edge of the page.
- You'll need to scroll down to see it.
- Current results, after hitting a high of 49% wanting to Eliminate the
- Class, 11% Wanting to keep the satus quo, and the remainer wanting to
- "improve" the class and test is:
- Question: Utahns who want a concealed-weapons permit have to take a
- class, familiarizing them with weapons and Utah's deadly force laws, and
- pass a test. Proposed legislation would eliminate those requirements.
- Part of the rationale is that the class is ineffective. What is your
- position?
- Keep the class and test 256 votes (13%)
- Eliminate the class and test 823 votes (43%)
- Keep and improve the class and test 824 votes (43%)
- Charles Hardy
- ________________________________________________________________
- Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!
- Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:
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- -