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From: owner-roswell-digest@lists.xmission.com (roswell-digest)
To: roswell-digest@lists.xmission.com
Subject: roswell-digest V1 #40
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roswell-digest Thursday, May 18 2000 Volume 01 : Number 040
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 12:45:41 -0400
From: "Mel" <melroswellfan@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: [roswell] Destiny
Here are my top five episodes in order Mike:
1. Leaving Normal...my fave since the day I saw it
2. 285 South..love the M&M comical moments
3. Toy House...Isabel was great..very emotional
4. Crazy...first dive into the sci-fi, suspenseful and I liked Topolsky
5. Sexual Healing...I'm a dreamer, what can I say...LOL...Max is hot
- -----Original Message-----
From: owner-roswell@lists.xmission.com
[mailto:owner-roswell@lists.xmission.com]On Behalf Of Mike Stone
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 10:28 PM
To: roswell@lists.xmission.com
Subject: [roswell] Destiny
Well, I don't have a lot of time to talk about this episode, but MAN, was it
weird. I'll have to critique the entire season as a whole later on, but the
only problem I had with the last few episodes is that the plot line was
pretty scattered with too many twists.
I am a little forgiving of this, since I think it was obvious that Katims,
et al, knew the show was in jeopardy earlier on that they let on to the
public, and decided to try to wrap everything up before the show may have
been canceled. I really doubt the last 4 episodes, or so, were really
written as we saw it. I remember reading that Roswell was one of the few
shows that actually had not only the first season's story line ready to go,
but the season after that.
Anyway, the only real thing I would have changed about Destiny, is the whole
mother thing. For one thing, it's a bit silly, and if they really needed to
divulge that much information in just the first season, then it should have
been done in some other way (such as in a book or something, or at least in
an original language that had to be deciphered later on.) I'd give this
episode a 7.5 out of 10.
So I'm curious, now that the season is wrapped up... What was your favorite
episode(s) of the season? (Saying 'All of them!' is not allowed. ;)
My answer would be:
1) Independence Day
2) Toy House
3) White Room
The first episodes were really great, and helped build the season, but I
thought these particular episodes were the best written and acted all the
way around. Other episodes suffered from bad cinematography, minor
inconsistencies, or just weird lines. But overall, I'd rate the whole season
an 8.0 out of 10.
Hopefully the next season won't continue to go TOO far into the whole sci-fi
thing, and maintain a nice human/teen sentimentality to it. I'd also like
Riverdog again, the interesting mythology with the whole indian thing, and
keep it mysterious.
And could next season REALLY not have Liz, Maria or Alex and still be
Roswell? :)
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Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 12:47:22 -0400
From: "Mel" <melroswellfan@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: [roswell] Hi Everyone
welcome abopard Erica...don't be scared..we won't chew your head off...all
Roswellians are friends of mine!
I agree with you about Tess...but I felt bad for her too..Nasedo was all she
had and she was worried for him. I also think she will grow on me more, as
she develops more as a human...I mean she is more alien than the others.
- -----Original Message-----
From: owner-roswell@lists.xmission.com
[mailto:owner-roswell@lists.xmission.com]On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 7:36 AM
To: roswell@lists.xmission.com
Subject: [roswell] Hi Everyone
Hi Everyone!
My name is Erica and I have been watching the show
since the very beginning. Roswell is the best show ever. I was so excited
when they said it was going to be renewed for 13 more epiosdes.
I have been getting these emails like this for about 3 weeks
but never got enough courage to say something. All I can
say about last nights episode was that it was so sad. I cried
and I cried. It was so sweet when Liz and Max were in that
van and Max told her he loved her. That was so sweet. I can't
believe that Michael killed Agent Pierce. I didnt think
that Michael could actually do it. Michael isn't gonna be
one of those persons that are just gonna kill people just for the
fun of it. As for Tess, I can't stand her. When she said ,"I knew
it was meant to be", I wanted to slap her. I mean did she forget that
Liz was in the same room. I mean Liz loves Max and that just made Liz
just that more upset. Does anyone know if Tess is gonna be in the next
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Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 12:50:56 -0400
From: "Mel" <melroswellfan@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: [roswell] "What happens now?. . ."
I am with you Irene..I love the sci-fi, but the last few eps needed more
Human action. I loved last nights show, but I really am disappointed that we
did not have at least more of Maria in the final eps. She was such a ket
role for so long, and then she was just pushed aside. I can see why they
held off with Alex since he was just getting airtime anyway, but
Maria...come one! I am stilla devoted Roswellian (and very much obsessed). I
cannot wait to see how it pans out next season. someone told me last night
she was worried the humans would take on a lesser role next year, but I do
not think that will be the case, rather, I think they just needed to tie up
loose ends in case it was cancelled, as someone said on here earlier.
- -----Original Message-----
From: owner-roswell@lists.xmission.com
[mailto:owner-roswell@lists.xmission.com]On Behalf Of irene
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 8:37 AM
To: All-Roswell@egroups.com; roswell@lists.xmission.com
Subject: [roswell] "What happens now?. . ."
What the blond said. . .
What *does* happen now?
I've been pretty well spoiled for weeks now, so I knew what was to come in
"Destiny". I just have to say that I *cannot* get a bead on what next season
will be about. . .
No, I mean, *really* not.
Do they leave home and head off somewhere to formulate plans and fight off
the bad guys? Do they go back home and try to pretend everything is normal,
ignoring Liz, Maria and Alex now because it's not their destiny? Is next
year about fighting and ray guns and more astral communiques from the great
I just cannot see what comes next.
As it stands, though, (and my faith in Katim's promise that he has no
intentions of breaking Max and Liz up -- and really, that extends to *all*
of the relationships -- Michael and Maria <sob>, Isabel and Alex -- is
weakening), I do not see how they can make the destiny thing and
relationship thing work at the same time. Argh!!! When I look ahead to next
fall - it's just a big blank page. A black hole.
This is tearing me up inside. I just don't see how any of them will ever be
happy again.
(And if they ain't happy, well, I'm not either. . .)
I'm just not sure I want this to turn into a cheesy Sci Fi series. Can't we
have both?
<sob> I want both. . .
So I'm freaking. Sue me. . . No, wait, better yet! Reassure me! Please?
- -- who may even be too sad to write sad stories. . .
"Knowing you has made me. . . human.
Whether I die tomorrow or fifty years from
now, my destiny is the same. It's *you*.
I want to be with *you*, Liz. . . I *love* you."
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Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 12:51:52 -0400
From: "Mel" <melroswellfan@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: [roswell] Re:
Welcome Chantell..so how is NM? I would love to visit..I have always been
really into Roswell and aliens..that is why I originally started watching
Roswell...for the title.
- -----Original Message-----
From: owner-roswell@lists.xmission.com
[mailto:owner-roswell@lists.xmission.com]On Behalf Of Chantel Reynolds
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 6:52 PM
To: roswell@lists.xmission.com
Subject: Re: [roswell] Re:
Hi Jen,
I'm new as well--I just joined last night and hadn't
had time to say anything yet! I can't remember when I
recognized my obsession with Roswell, but I think it
happened somewhere about the time I *really* noticed
Brendan Fehr. ;) Plus I live in New Mexico, and
we're all still obsessed with 1947.
I've gotten my friend hooked in the last three
episodes, and I'll be spending the summer getting him
caught up on the earlier shows.
So from one newbie to another: welcome!
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Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 09:59:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: Chantel Reynolds <chantel_reynolds@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: [roswell] "What happens now?. . ."
Hi guys,
I too was disappointed in the lack of airtime for
Maria. But I'm not worried about the humans reduced
to bit parts next season. If I understand correctly,
basically the Pod Squad is heading back to
Roswell--they aren't leaving. And I'm assuming
they'll act as normally as possible within the
confines of their new understanding about themselves.
So, the human/alien interaction will HAVE to continue.
Michael, our Mr. Emancipated, still needs a source of
income, so I imagine we'll continue to see him working
in the Crashdown, which means he'll continue, whether
he likes it or not, to be around Maria.
And hey, "save the homeworld" mission aside, they're
all still in high school! And though we've missed
them in the last episodes, Max and Isabel still have
human parents, who presumably would notice if their
kids suddenly stopped going to school. I mean, the
parentals certainly figured out that Max and Liz spent
a night out together (though I wonder where all the
parents thought their kids were during the White Room
and Destiny).
I liked last night's episode, and while I was unhappy
in places (Max and Liz parting, Michael and Maria,
etc), I feel optimistic about next season.
Program Specialist
Santa Fe Community College
6401 Richards Avenue
Santa Fe, NM 87505
505-428-1633/505-428-1338 (fax)
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Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 16:00:03 EDT
From: Hiproxygirl@aol.com
Subject: Re: [roswell]
Thank you Mel. I do feel bad for
Tess in a way. I could tell she felt really
left out in a way. I think that she will grow
on me more. I think that she is a good
actress but i don't like her character. I also
agree w/ you, when you said that Tess is more
alien than Max, Isabel, Michael. Tess has
been w/ Nasedo all of her life, while the rest of the
alien have been living on Earth.
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Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 14:02:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: Chantel Reynolds <chantel_reynolds@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: [roswell] Re:
Hi Mel,
NM is currently on fire. I think at last count we had
about five fires around the state. Frankly, we've run
out of places to evacuate TO.
My summer project is to bring more of my friends over
to ROSWELL. Since many of the episodes will be
re-runs, I think I stand a decent chance of addicting
a few others.
The best part is giggling over the occasional artist
licenses taken with geography in Roswell.
Occasionally, you get these mountain scenes, or
something that might be mistaken for mountains.
Roswell, NM is flat, hot, and dusty. Also, in Max to
the Max, the carnival seems to appear out in the
middle of the desert, which cracked me up.
Program Specialist
Santa Fe Community College
6401 Richards Avenue
Santa Fe, NM 87505
505-428-1633/505-428-1338 (fax)
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Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 16:53:04 -0500
From: "Adam DiCarlo" <bikko@enteract.com>
Subject: Re: [roswell] "What happens now?. . ."
You'd THINK Liz's parents would notice that her car is missing, and wonder
why, when it is found, that it's all shot up with bullets.
(btw, Hi, I just joined the list. Roswell is awesome! I didn't see the
very first episodes, though; I'm looking forward to reruns.)
- -- Adam DiCarlo
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Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 22:45:06 -0400
From: "Mel" <melroswellfan@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: [roswell] Re:
LOL..thats cool to have someone on here from NM. I kinda thought of NM as
being very flat and dry...and it is always raining on the show!
Good Luck "abducting" new viewers this summer...I will be doing the same
thing. I have reached about 7 or so thus far...some being family members..so
we shall see. My biggest project will be my Mom. She refuses to watch, but I
got two of her friends hooked...wierd,eh? She will come around...LOL
- -----Original Message-----
From: owner-roswell@lists.xmission.com
[mailto:owner-roswell@lists.xmission.com]On Behalf Of Chantel Reynolds
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 5:03 PM
To: roswell@lists.xmission.com
Subject: RE: [roswell] Re:
Hi Mel,
NM is currently on fire. I think at last count we had
about five fires around the state. Frankly, we've run
out of places to evacuate TO.
My summer project is to bring more of my friends over
to ROSWELL. Since many of the episodes will be
re-runs, I think I stand a decent chance of addicting
a few others.
The best part is giggling over the occasional artist
licenses taken with geography in Roswell.
Occasionally, you get these mountain scenes, or
something that might be mistaken for mountains.
Roswell, NM is flat, hot, and dusty. Also, in Max to
the Max, the carnival seems to appear out in the
middle of the desert, which cracked me up.
Program Specialist
Santa Fe Community College
6401 Richards Avenue
Santa Fe, NM 87505
505-428-1633/505-428-1338 (fax)
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Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 07:41:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: Chantel Reynolds <chantel_reynolds@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: [roswell] Re:
Well, I'm technically a transplant from TN, but I
think ten years in NM should qualify me for something.
If I remember my rumors correctly, we thought the show
was going to be filmed in Roswell (I think the pilot
might have been). So people were excited about the
boost for our film industry. But obviously, that
didn't happen, although I think the show's second unit
films/has filmed around Roswell for some of the
geography. However, I've noticed that during the
show, the geography got progressively "off", probably
because it's expensive to fly to Roswell to film some
desert plants. And as someone said, it seems to rain
an awful lot on the TV show.
As far as the plot of the show and the crash, please.
Since nobody has any kind of real answer about that
incident, why isn't this explanation as plausible as
any other? I think those Roswellians in the real town
are more upset because of the location of the actual
filming than anything else.
Off to a conference in San Antonio, so it will be a
few days before I can check email again.
- --- Mike Stone <mikestone65@home.com> wrote:
> > ... Plus I live in New Mexico, and
> > we're all still obsessed with 1947.
> Hey there;
> When the show first came out, I remember hearing
> some news reports of people
> in NM, specifically around Roswell, that said they
> didn't like the show
> because it was nothing like the real Roswell (go
> figure). How would you
> comment on that, as a resident? :)
Program Specialist
Santa Fe Community College
6401 Richards Avenue
Santa Fe, NM 87505
505-428-1633/505-428-1338 (fax)
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Date: Wed, 17 May 00 08:03:51 -0700
From: Martha Jackson <marthajack@freewwweb.com>
Subject: Re: [roswell] "What happens now?. . ."
Hi Adam,
Welcome to the list! We're all looking forward to rewatching all the
episodes this summer, so you'll be able to catch up then. I hope they
rerun them in order so it will grow on you the same way it did on us!
It's a funny thing about Liz's car and her parents (actually I'm pretty
sure that was Maria's red Jetta, Liz doesn't have a car). There are
pretty much no parental repercussions ever in this series, no matter what
happens! Either the parents are extremely permissive, or we're expected
to believe the gang just talks their way out of getting into trouble each
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Date: Wed, 17 May 00 08:03:53 -0700
From: Martha Jackson <marthajack@freewwweb.com>
Subject: Re: [roswell] The White Room
>My problem was the fact that an agent was killed on the grounds
>by Nasedo... they found the body... took it to the morgue... and yet,
>they didn't go on high security alert or something?! Uh-huh... sure!
But don't forget that the body they took to the morgue was the agent that
Nasedo had killed in town a couple of days before, not the one killed
that day on the base. Though I do agree that their security was a little
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Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 10:12:38 -0500
From: "Yoder, Denise" <peyoder@augustana.edu>
Subject: RE: [roswell] The White Room
This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
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Couldn't agree more about the security...I thought this was
kind of strange...like many other things in this ep...but I digress! I was
waiting for all the bells and whistles to go off when they approached the
base and clamored around in there. But then that would have been too many
obstacles for our fearless crew!
>My problem was the fact that an agent was killed on
the grounds
>by Nasedo... they found the body... took it to the
morgue... and yet,
>they didn't go on high security alert or
something?! Uh-huh... sure!
But don't forget that the body they took to the
morgue was the agent that
Nasedo had killed in town a couple of days before,
not the one killed
that day on the base. Though I do agree that their
security was a little
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Content-Type: text/html;
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<TITLE>RE: [roswell] The White Room</TITLE>
<P><FONT SIZE=3D4>Couldn't agree more about the security...I thought =
this was kind of strange...like many other things in this ep...but I =
digress! I was waiting for all the bells and whistles to go off =
when they approached the base and clamored around in there. But then =
that would have been too many obstacles for our fearless =
<P><FONT SIZE=3D4>...denise</FONT>
<P><U></U><A NAME=3D"_MailData"><U><FONT COLOR=3D"#000080" =
<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">>My problem was the fact that an =
agent was killed on the grounds</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">>by Nasedo... they found the =
body... took it to the morgue... and yet, </FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">>they didn't go on high security =
alert or something?! Uh-huh... sure!</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">But don't forget that the body they =
took to the morgue was the agent that </FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">Nasedo had killed in town a couple of =
days before, not the one killed </FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">that day on the base. Though I do =
agree that their security was a little </FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">lax!</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">Martha</FONT>
- -------</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial"> Visit <A =
HREF=3D"http://www.xmission.com/~btvs/roswell/" =
TARGET=3D"_blank">http://www.xmission.com/~btvs/roswell/</A> for help =
and info.</FONT>
- -------</FONT>
- ------_=_NextPart_001_01BFC012.56E5C9AC--
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Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 22:05:14 -0400
From: "irene" <ibshafer@frontiernet.net>
Subject: [roswell] Summer repeat schedule
Anyone heard anything about this?
I've got everything on tape, but now I want to go back and retape them in SP
for the higher quality.
Plus my copy of "Heatwave" is pretty much toast. . . (And SH isn't far
behind that. . . )<g>
"Knowing you has made me. . . human.
Whether I die tomorrow or fifty years from
now, my destiny is the same. It's *you*.
I want to be with *you*, Liz. . . I *love* you."
"Late for the Sky" - a soon to be produced,
all-Roswell, all-music-inspired fanzine -- now
accepting thoughtful contributions. For info contact
ibshafer@frontiernet.net ibshafer, who b u?
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Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 09:12:06 -0400
From: "Mel" <melroswellfan@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: [roswell] Summer repeat schedule
LOL...irene the reruns begin May 29th with the pilot..then morning after,
then they skip to 285 south and I guess riverdog..that is all we know so
- -----Original Message-----
From: owner-roswell@lists.xmission.com
[mailto:owner-roswell@lists.xmission.com]On Behalf Of irene
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 10:05 PM
To: seriousRoswell; roswell; All-Roswell
Subject: [roswell] Summer repeat schedule
Anyone heard anything about this?
I've got everything on tape, but now I want to go back and retape them in SP
for the higher quality.
Plus my copy of "Heatwave" is pretty much toast. . . (And SH isn't far
behind that. . . )<g>
"Knowing you has made me. . . human.
Whether I die tomorrow or fifty years from
now, my destiny is the same. It's *you*.
I want to be with *you*, Liz. . . I *love* you."
"Late for the Sky" - a soon to be produced,
all-Roswell, all-music-inspired fanzine -- now
accepting thoughtful contributions. For info contact
ibshafer@frontiernet.net ibshafer, who b u?
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Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 09:15:17 MST
From: "Laura Gaddy" <scadian13@hotmail.com>
Subject: [roswell] Roswell episodes - help!
hi everyone,
i was hoping someone could help me - i need copies of the roswell eps from
this season. i had them all but now a bunch got taped over and stuff, and i
was wondering if anybody had them all and could tape them for me??
please????? i will send you the tapes, and postage and all that!! just
contact me so we could work it out. thanks so much for any help!!!!!!
- --laura
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Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 12:37:19 -0400
From: "Mel" <melroswellfan@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: [roswell] Roswell episodes - help!
hey laura..the reruns are coming if that helps you any
- -----Original Message-----
From: owner-roswell@lists.xmission.com
[mailto:owner-roswell@lists.xmission.com]On Behalf Of Laura Gaddy
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 12:15 PM
To: roswell@lists.xmission.com
Subject: [roswell] Roswell episodes - help!
hi everyone,
i was hoping someone could help me - i need copies of the roswell eps from
this season. i had them all but now a bunch got taped over and stuff, and i
was wondering if anybody had them all and could tape them for me??
please????? i will send you the tapes, and postage and all that!! just
contact me so we could work it out. thanks so much for any help!!!!!!
- --laura
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Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 12:45:34 -0400
From: "Mel" <melroswellfan@yahoo.com>
Subject: [roswell] sorta OT
Has anyone else been getting their emails at random times...I just got some
from wednesday and sometimes I get them really quickly. Just wondering...it
is probably yahoo that is causing this.
- -----Original Message-----
From: owner-roswell@lists.xmission.com
[mailto:owner-roswell@lists.xmission.com]On Behalf Of Martha Jackson
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 11:04 AM
To: roswell@lists.xmission.com
Subject: Re: [roswell] The White Room
>My problem was the fact that an agent was killed on the grounds
>by Nasedo... they found the body... took it to the morgue... and yet,
>they didn't go on high security alert or something?! Uh-huh... sure!
But don't forget that the body they took to the morgue was the agent that
Nasedo had killed in town a couple of days before, not the one killed
that day on the base. Though I do agree that their security was a little
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Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 12:01:36 -0500 (CDT)
From: Rosweluvn00grad@webtv.net
Subject: [roswell] Kinda OT
I am moving to Georgia in Sept around when Roswell starts up agin and
everyone is teasing me saying they don't have WB down there. I was just
wondering if anyone knows whether or not there is any truth to this
harmless jesting?
"Max and Liz- the best of both worlds!"- My brother Terry
"I think I'll just have an alien blast."- Max
"Me too."- Liz from Roswell *Leaving Normal*
"No what we go through it's all worthwhile for me becase we're
together."- Max from Roswell *Heatwave*
"Lets hope nothing explodes."-Liz from Roswell *Heatwave*
"Now my life is in your hands."-Max from Roswell *Pilot*
"I said sit down Dogboy!"- Kyle from Roswell *Blind Date*
"What's so great about normal?"- Max from Roswell *Blind Date*
*************************************************"Can't beat a
blond."-Kyle from Roswell *Four Square*
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Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 13:28:47 PDT
From: "Harmony Cadien" <hcadien@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [roswell] Kinda OT
Well I'm from South Carolina and at home I get the WB on Satalite because
we don't have cable but when I'm at school we get the WB on regular network
programming. So, if that helps any, and if I remember correctly when they
first took the WB off of the WGN programming and they posted that number to
call to find a local affiliate that carried the WB I think I remember them
listing several affiliate stations in Georgia that carried it. There is
probably nothing to worry about. Good luck.
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Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 16:24:12 -0500
From: John Geertz-Larson <j-geer@tc.umn.edu>
Subject: Re: [roswell] Kinda OT
Heather -
http://wwww.thewb.com has a list of network affiliates including WATL,
channel 36 in Atlanta. It also says that Albany and Columbus, GA, receive
WB on cable only. I don't know other cities' names in Georgia.
http://www.crashdown.com says there was a season finale party at a place
called Frankie's in the Prado Shopping Center at (coincidentally ?) 5600
Roswell Road in Atlanta. Door prizes were donated by WB36, Levi's, and
McIlhenny Co. (makers of Tabasco sauce).
The party's organizer was Samantha Wilson (mailto:pjaysam@aol.com). She
has a web site at http://www.athens.net/~jugular/roswell/ and it looks like
she may be planning another party for the second season's premiere (rumored
to be Mon., Oct. 2).
Atlanta seems to be quite a hotbed, or perhaps a Tabasco bottle, of alien
activity. Hope this is useful.
At 12:01 PM 5/18/2000 -0500, Rosweluvn00grad@webtv.net wrote:
>I am moving to Georgia in Sept around when Roswell starts up agin and
>everyone is teasing me saying they don't have WB down there. I was just
>wondering if anyone knows whether or not there is any truth to this
>harmless jesting?
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Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 18:57:16 -0400
From: "Mel" <melroswellfan@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: [roswell] Kinda OT
Hey..I live in NJ but that is definitely not true..Roswell in Atlanta even
has a website.
- -----Original Message-----
From: owner-roswell@lists.xmission.com
[mailto:owner-roswell@lists.xmission.com]On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 1:02 PM
To: roswell@lists.xmission.com
Subject: [roswell] Kinda OT
I am moving to Georgia in Sept around when Roswell starts up agin and
everyone is teasing me saying they don't have WB down there. I was just
wondering if anyone knows whether or not there is any truth to this
harmless jesting?
"Max and Liz- the best of both worlds!"- My brother Terry
"I think I'll just have an alien blast."- Max
"Me too."- Liz from Roswell *Leaving Normal*
"No what we go through it's all worthwhile for me becase we're
together."- Max from Roswell *Heatwave*
"Lets hope nothing explodes."-Liz from Roswell *Heatwave*
"Now my life is in your hands."-Max from Roswell *Pilot*
"I said sit down Dogboy!"- Kyle from Roswell *Blind Date*
"What's so great about normal?"- Max from Roswell *Blind Date*
*************************************************"Can't beat a
blond."-Kyle from Roswell *Four Square*
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Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 19:44:43 EDT
From: Debhanza@aol.com
Subject: [roswell] Roswell: Vote for Brendan on ABC.com
I saw this on the Crashdown board and would love group support for my
favorite actor- Brendan Fehr! Do this quick poll it only takes a sec.
'N Sync's Justin Timberlake Will Reveal Poll
Results During Telecast on Friday, May 26
'N Sync's Justin Timberlake Will Reveal Poll
Results During Telecast on Friday, May 26
Thank you! Show your support for Brendan!
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Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 10:37:51 +0930
From: "hayley willis" <hayleyw@iweb.net.au>
Subject: Re: [roswell] Roswell: Vote for Brendan on ABC.com
I just voted and they showed the results after
1. Best Actor
Freddie Prinze, Jr. 87.34 % (?????)
Jason Biggs 5.42 %
Brendan Fehr 7.23 %
Please change help change this around. Brendan Fehr deserves to
- -----Original Message-----
From: Debhanza@aol.com <Debhanza@aol.com>
To: roswell@lists.xmission.com <roswell@lists.xmission.com>
Date: Friday, 19 May 2000 9:09 AM
Subject: [roswell] Roswell: Vote for Brendan on ABC.com
>I saw this on the Crashdown board and would love group support for my
>favorite actor- Brendan Fehr! Do this quick poll it only takes a sec.
>'N Sync's Justin Timberlake Will Reveal Poll
>Results During Telecast on Friday, May 26
>'N Sync's Justin Timberlake Will Reveal Poll
>Results During Telecast on Friday, May 26
>Thank you! Show your support for Brendan!
> Visit http://www.xmission.com/~btvs/roswell/ for help and info.
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End of roswell-digest V1 #40
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