From: Ryan Donovan <>
Subject: [roswell] Sci-Fi Content- Why I'm Not Worried
Date: 05 Sep 2000 20:08:43 -0700 (PDT)
I'll try and be brief (I say that, and then I'm not, but bear with me...).
Okay, the thing I tell myself to keep from waking up screaming in the middle of the night (about what I cutely named "The Sci-Fi Crises") is that the same people will be working on the show- actors, producers, directors, and most of all writers. I do know that a new guy is coming in who Jon (Riker) knows from DEEP SPACE NINE (I think he'll join the writing team), but even this does not worry me.
The direction of the show *had* to change. I don't think (even though I partly do think this) that it would be enjoyable to watch pretty much the same thing we did last season. The show would get boring and unintresting.
I will admit that I was disappointed by "Destiny"- we waited a year with the pod squad, only to have their whole purpose spurted out in under 5 minutes.
Still, the show should be great this year. Relationships are still going to be dealt with, so I'm not worried.
From: Ryan Donovan <>
Subject: [roswell] Novel Opinions
Date: 05 Sep 2000 20:01:39 -0700 (PDT)
Tess is not in the novels, but your question has sparked a rant that's been brewing inside of me.
If you do not want to be surprised as to the content of the novels, I'd suggest you stop reading this now. I really don't like surprises (well, I do... I just say that I don't) but I do like to get the facts straight before I rush into anything- even reading, so I hope this helps.
Here's a brief run-down of characters from the novels, in case you do not have the time/energy/money to read/buy them: (I may spell some names wrong, but I'm trying to do this from memory)
Nikolas - a teen alien who crashed with the pod squad originally. This character is very reminiscent of Tess, but instead of messing up the Max/Liz dynamic, he screws instead with Alex and Isabel. Isabel is extremely taken with him... I have no idea *why*. He's only in the one book, Isabel moons over him in the subsequent book, and he's briefly mentioned (though,
not my name) in another towards the end. He's the most like Tess, in my opinion.
Ray Iburg - Milton's character on the show, except the curator of the UFO museum turns out to be an alien himself. Ray's kind of like Nacedo, but an extremely watered-down, laid back, Elvis-loving version of him. The aliens don't really get the much of a chance to know him, as he dies rather early on in the series.
Adam - *another* alien teen that crashed with the pod squad, Adam was the most complex and intresting character introduced in the series. He was raised in an underground compound by Valenti, only to believe himself the sheriff's son. Adam later escapes with Michael, who is taken to the same compund. He is later controlled by DuPris and subsequently killed by him. Adam had the most realistic death- the characters actually mourned him via a funeral sequence.
Cameron - the only new major human character, Cameron was also in the underground compund with Michael and Adam. Valenti was using her to spy on Michael. The two eventually fall for each other, but their relationship is later compromised by the fact that Cameron lied. Later on, Cameron heroically saves *everyone* from DuPris, but skips town before Michael can thank her. Much in the same way Isabel was hung over Nikolas, I don't understand why Michael was so attracted to Cameron.
Elsevan DuPris - the local owner of a tabloid alien magazine, DuPris was originally just a noisy journalist who bugged the characters for a few paragraphs in every story. In what was perhaps the biggest revelation of the series, it's found out the DuPris, himself, is an alien. A rogue who was determined to shatter the "Collective Consciousness" of Max, Michael, and Isabel's home planet, DuPris savagely attacks and toys with everyone. He kills Adam, only to be subsequently killed by Trevor.
Trevor - the birth brother of Michael, Trevor arrives on Earth (I could tell you how, but it's not really relevant) from the home planet. He originally intends to be sincere, until he betrays everyone to DuPris. Trevor believed in DuPris's ideals, but he quickly finds that his hero isn't the man he thought he was. When he witnesses Adam's unnecessary death, Trevor kills DuPris in vengeance. The only survivor of the four new aliens introduced in the series, Trevor goes back to the home planet at the end of the last story. It's also implied that him and Isabel may have a future relationship before he leaves.
I know several people on the mailing list enjoyed the novels, but I really didn't. I read them and id my best to get through them, but they really have *nothing* at all to do with the TV show. Most of the character's personalities are completely different. Michael is a perfect example. He's flippant and humorous in the books, but nothing like the rather pissy portrayal Brendon Fehr gives. Max is also much more withdrawn on TV than he is in the books. Some characters last names are different (Liz Parker = Liz Ortecho and Alex's is different) and other's hair is different (Max is a blond, Alex a redhead). Jim Valenti and Kyle are totally evil with no redeemable
If your bored and you *really* love Roswell, so much that you can't wait for the next episode, then you may want to read the books. Personally, I found them a disappoint. So much thought goes into the television series- there doesn't seem to be that in the stories I read. Just when I could picture the characters I know and love in a situation I was reading, something in the book would be so off it would shatter that image completely.
I would appreciate comments from both people who liked and disliked the book, particularly from the latter, as I have yet to find anyone who agrees with my perspective.
This was really long. Thanks for sitting through it. I'm looking forward to what your opinion is.
From: Ryan Donovan <>
Subject: [roswell] Webpage... Need Help!
Date: 08 Sep 2000 19:17:18 -0700 (PDT)
Hi to all
Me, Emily (who is also on the list), and my *only* other Roswell bud have all started a webpage (it goes with my Yahoo! Club I told everyone about a few months ago) named Crashdown Encounters:
I'm intrested in getting help from anyone on the list. We have a Fan Fiction section, and an "Editorial" section in which anyone can rant about anything Roswell-related. I'd be very much appreciative if anyone could help out or contribute. You would receive full credit and awknowledgement, and could even work on the webpage on a regular basis if you wish.
I'm also looking for Reviewers, both of the books and of the First Season Episodes. Anyone experienced in graphic making would be *so* much help (if you see the graphics I made- they suck).
Anything anyone could do would be great. We could even make it -The Mailing List Page- for anybody who wants to state their opinions and ideas. Everyone on this list had been really great and offered a unique insight into Roswell, so that's why I'm pleeing to all of you for a few good Roswellians. Thanks for letting me ramble.
You can contact me through the list, at this address, or at the webpage account
i am building a wewbsite for roswell and i'm doing a page on the offical wb roswell high books and i was woundering if anyone can email me a paragraph or so on your favourite books
email address
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From: Ryan Donovan <>
Subject: [roswell] Roswell Questionaire
Date: 17 Sep 2000 18:00:43 -0700 (PDT)
>[What was your favorite episode last season. And why?]
The Morning After. It was the first episode I ever saw (I missed the original airing of "Pilot") and it literally made me fall in love with the show- I especially remember how much I liked the opening credit sequence, and I'm pleased now to know it wasn't present in "Pilot".
>[What was your least favorite episode last season. And why? What would you
>have like to have seen played out differently?]
Hmmm... I'm trying to think of an episode I didn't like. I would have to go with "Independence Day" because while I like the idea and character of Michael, Brendon Fehr's portrayal of the role is ghastly. Reviewing the season this summer, I find myself more apt to stomach Tess than Michael, which is just wrong. I don't think Mr. Fehr did a very good job in "Independence Day" even though others may think so.
>[Do you feel the season was wrapped up too quickly in 'Destiny?']
No, like the creators and producers, I'll say that the needed to go through a natural evolution process. It definitely suited ROSWELL and made the last 6 episodes stand out as especially suspenseful. I didn't like the resoltion of "Destiny"- I think it was wrong to reveal so much in 10 minutes.
>[Do you think that Hank, Michael's foster father, 'got what he deserved' in
>Independence Day?]
I guess so. I really didn't -and still don't- care what happens to Michael.
>[Do you think we should see more of the character's parents in the next
>season, as they suddenly took a back seat to other storylines last season?]
I would like to see more of Amy DeLuca and Diane Evans, but the rest of the parents didn't really strike me as "watchable" week after week. Amy really was on of the best supporting characters- I hope they do stuff with her next season
>[Do you like having Valenti as part of the 'gang' now? Why?]
Yes, I do, because it eliminates him as their enemy. I think, in all honesty, that Valenti was so invested in the whole alien storyline that he needed to know. After he saved Max from Hubble, he kind of made the choice to become their ally. He was never malevolent- he simply wanted the truth.
>[What roles do you think the Sheriff and Kyle could have next season, now
>that they know their secret?]
Valenti, I would assume, will become the kind of patriarchal father figure, similar to Giles on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. As an adult and a sheriff, he'll be able to do more in the ways or protecting them from potential human enemies. I don't think Kyle will be expanded too much- I don't think he's even supposed to appear in "Skin and Bones"
>[Do you think Max and Liz are truly meant to be together, or that people
>shouldn't date outside their own species?]
I think Max and Liz should do what *they* want to do. If they want to date, then they should date. Period.
>[Likewise, do you think that Michael and Maria stand a chance to get back
I think Michael is too much of a jerk. Maria should find someone else who better suits her eccentric personality.
>[For you north American viewers, has the move from Wednesday to Monday
>nights been better for you? If you're overseas, is it shown at an
>inconvenient time for it to catch more viewers?]
Neither night is inconvenient, but personally I liked it better when it was on after "Dawson's Creek" on Wednesday night. I don't watch "Dawson's Creek" but I think it was just a better timeslot for the show. I guess the Nielson's would disagree, though.