A lot of people that are used to vinyl tend to complain about that. The way that analog works, it ends up having a much "fuller" bottom sound, according to listeners. That's due to the nature of the process used to play back/record the music.
Digital recording/playback reproduces the sound *MUCH* more truthfully than analog could ever hope to, though (more on that in a sec).
So, part it of might have been the way they remastered it (cuz it can get screwed up pretty badly from the way it sounds on, say, a DAT tape), but another, larger, part of it might actually be the sound system you're using.
Have you considered buying "Message in a Box"? It has all the Police albums and most their B-sides on 4 CDs... you should be able to get it used (usually in sparkling condition, but cheaper) for about $35. I'm not sure if the remasters there and the remastered albums were remastered at different times.
I have the vinyl of all the Police albums but one, and although I'm 21 and didn't grow up listening to the Police on vinyl (but did use a record player studiously), so my opinion may be biased, but IMO, the recordings on "Message in a Box" are a lot better than on vinyl.(Then again, the speakers are 20 years old<g>)
But, like I said, it has more to do with your sound system than anything. If it has a "bass boost" on it, then it's a guarantee that it won't faithfully reproduce what's on that CD (euphemism for: sorry, but it sucks). 99% of people that listen to CDs will never understand how amazing the quality of one is, because they never spend the money to buy a truly *good* stereo system. Beside that, though, a decent car stereo, with a low, mid, and high speaker, is the best I have, actually (2000 Saturn, in too much detail), and I love it :).
Anyway, a long post, but I hope this helps.
Til Again,
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That's *movies*. A completely different (okay, VERY different) form of entertainment than simply *music* in surround sound...
I guess I can't really see how hearing Sting fret the notes on his bass can be the same as a movie that has sound effects (and voice tracks many times, for that matter) edited in later, as opposed to having everything recorded as is. (at least Sting's bass and such what. Yes there's stuff put in later, but in a movie, most of what's there is put in during post production. Sort of contrived.)
So, I guess I can't see how one could compare DTS / Dolby Digital/ EX in a movie to in music, and only that way. (can somebody set me straight which is what and who is where why when and how? [yikes])
Til Again,
-Dave [Man in a Suitcase]
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Subject: Re: (police) Police remasters & the inherant sonic prejudice of the digital medium
Date: 05 Jul 2001 14:46:08 EDT
I'd heard that tube amplification could be/is much better than the average "speaker" we have today.... but when it comes right down to it, vinyl degrades *a lot* when it is played over and over. Granted, yes, the first few times a new record is played, it has better quality than a CD, but after that I'm not thinking so. Of course, correct me if I'm wrong. (this discussion is neat!)
On the other hand... I agree that the "separation" idea could certainly be an issue. However, here's the way I understand sound quality: (I guess to clarify or something? I dunno. Maybe just make myself look ignorant if I get it wrong :o) )
Sound is a simple concept in physics (for those that don't know. Not trying to insult anyone's intelligence) It is the vibration of molecules/"compressions" of the medium through which it travels (cuz it's energy) (which is why sound travels so much better under water, and even better through metal, because the molecules are closer together and less energy is lost when they all "bump together") Anyway, the reason that live music is so "rich" is because the difference between the louds and softs is so much bigger than recorded. More importantly though, the ability of the speaker to reproduce that sound is typically the largest barrier. I've seen some speakers that cost ungodly amounts of money which reproduce the sound next to perfectly (they look like tubas, but cost a lot more) btw, I'm beginning to *really* approach some unknown territory on this, so please, please nab me up where I stumble in my knowledge here.
So, does it come down to whether analog or digital recording techniques are better, or whether it's in the reproduction of the sound?
So, is there anything *definitive* which can prove (like an article detailing the physics of it and such) whether analog or digital is more accurate?
I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes, here. This discussion is very intriguing to me, and I'd love to find out if, perhaps, the unmastered version could be better. Although, I don't see how, since the music that went on the CD had to be digitally encoded in order to go on the CD (in 20 bits, as opposed to the 24 bits that make up the remastered, but according to Todd this is a mere technicality. oh, and btw, Todd, I could very easily believe that a lot of this IS just music industry hype. Indeed, it is a *very* corrupt industry in many ways, so I guess some more info is just needed) So, maybe we go back to vinyl?
Well, regardless, I still can't seem to get the opening instrumentals on "Don't Stand So Close To Me" out of my head. Yike.
Til Again,
-Dave [Man in a Suitcase]
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Subject: (police)Remasters & inherent sonic prejudice of the digital medium
Date: 05 Jul 2001 15:13:43 EDT
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Oh, and btw, another thing:
Higher frequencies are noticed better byt he human ear (they have more energy, I think.... cuz the wavelength is longer (???eek???) ) So, in order to have people respopnd better to the music, perhaps these higher frequencies are just "turned up" more on the remasters, in order to make it sound "clearer"/"more defined".
To some, this might seem better. To others, they might prefer a sound that is fuller. So, perhaps, what we're after is a preference of the "way it really sounds" to "doctored but, in the mind of the person who remasters it, sounds even better".
I like this analog vs digital thingie tho.
-Dave[Man in a Suitcase]
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Subject: Re: (police) Police remasters & the inherant sonic prejudice of the digital medium
Date: 05 Jul 2001 15:29:42 EDT
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I dunno....
speaking as a guy, I'm a huge fan of live music. It just blows me away completely.
Being able to experience, for instance, The POlice (especially) live (little chance, was born in 1979, so I grew up w/ it on the radio, but never saw them) would be amazing...
Maybe it's the whole "analytical" thing that more guys are into... and this is gonna sound off base (of course, so was that last comment) but, I get the feeling that guys like to pay attention to details like that a lot more... ??? (ducking for cover)
I would think more women would be interested in that... for me, I get more emotional (this is just me, mind you) over music that is clearer and better sounding (I'm positively a MANIAC/emotional hurricane at concerts... you couldn't get me to sit down, stop singing/cheering, or stop grinning like an absolute fool unless you had a couple horse tranquilizers or a gun)
Maybe it's just that I'm a musician (among other things). I played piano for ten years, alto sax for eight, took second spot in my high school music theory class (music dept. was pretty high up nationally), learned some percussion, and have played bass for two and a half years now, in addition to listening to records/being a musical nutroll since my parents and I can remember. I don't know.
Maybe it just has to do with some male instinct, like who has the bigger, well, you know :o).
I have no clue.
Again, ducking,
-Dave[Man in a Suitcase]
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<P>That is halarious !!!, we always smile when we see him sing-a-long with lose my faith... and that is just a great trick to play on him..... no if only I cold have done this to Fred.. and Andrea...(snicker snicker></P>
<P>Excellent stuff</P>
<P>Voice was great and they did a joke to Chris Botti: Sting called him to sing<BR>the line of 'If I Ever Lose My Faith In You' and while singing it, they all<BR>stopped playing, living his voice alone.....he was so imbarassed that he<BR>started laughing and suddenly got away from the centre of the stage;<BR><BR></P></DIV><br clear=all><hr>Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at <a href="http://www.hotmail.com">http://www.hotmail.com</a>.<br></p></html>
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<DIV> Sorry to use the list as my personal paging service, but I exhausted all the other routes, please email me James</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Jer</DIV><br clear=all><hr>Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at <a href="http://www.hotmail.com">http://www.hotmail.com</a>.<br></p></html>
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I've been out of touch for awhile, due to illness, but did anyone know this
was coming or was it a complete surprise? I don't understand completely what
happened but I guess everyone may be reluctant to discuss it? This is so sad.
In a message dated 7/9/01 8:46:54 PM Central Daylight Time, DeDoDeDa@aol.com
> That was the best Sting web site, and Wendy and Dave were the nicest people.
> I'm so sad that they pulled the web site! They worked directly with
> outlandos
> and had sooo much good information. It really is too bad.
Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2>I've been out of touch for awhile, due to illness, but did anyone know this
<BR>was coming or was it a complete surprise? I don't understand completely what
<BR>happened but I guess everyone may be reluctant to discuss it? This is so sad.
<BR>In a message dated 7/9/01 8:46:54 PM Central Daylight Time, DeDoDeDa@aol.com
<BR><BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE style="BORDER-LEFT: #0000ff 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">That was the best Sting web site, and Wendy and Dave were the nicest people.
<BR>I'm so sad that they pulled the web site! They worked directly with
<BR>and had sooo much good information. It really is too bad.
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<P>What is live aid ?, I seem to remember my parents telling me something about that when they were younger. I think it was some sort of old fogies music day or something ?</P>
<DIV></DIV>July 13 (Friday) is the 16th anniversary of Live Aid. How old does that
<DIV></DIV>make you feel?
<DIV></DIV>I still remember standing in front of a big screen TV at Costco watching
<DIV></DIV>U2 while my parents shopped and then trying to tune in a radio station
<DIV></DIV>which was broadcasting it while we drove home.
<DIV></DIV>I'd like to wear the Live Aid shirt I bought on eBay to work tomorrow,
<DIV></DIV>but it's a little too ratty looking. Oh well.
<DIV></DIV><br clear=all><hr>Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at <a href="http://www.hotmail.com">http://www.hotmail.com</a>.<br></p></html>
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<P> I was just being silly when I wrote the email. It was more just a reply to Maggie feeling like an old person. Anyways, Magda, you know me, you have met me many times, and should know that I am old enough to have been watching Live aid. At 32, I at least hope I was old enough.... thanks for the email though</P>
<P>Jer<BR>Ps you coming to any of the upcoming shows ?<BR><BR></P></DIV>
<DIV></DIV>> What is live aid ?, I seem to remember my parents telling me something
<DIV></DIV>> about that when they were younger. I think it was some sort of old
<DIV></DIV>> fogies music day or something ?
<DIV></DIV>Hi Jeremy
<DIV></DIV>Live Aid was one of the first great televisized concerts for a good
<DIV></DIV>Live Aid was Bob Geldof's idea
<DIV></DIV>There was a disaster going in Ethiopia Africa; where millions of people
<DIV></DIV>were starving
<DIV></DIV>Bob started all 1984 bringing many UK-artists together for "Band Aid" ;
<DIV></DIV>Artists in UK recorded the single: "Do They Know It's Christmas?"
<DIV></DIV>selling millions and the profits were for Ethiopia.
<DIV></DIV>Then there was "USA For Africa" Lionel Richie and Michael Jackson wrote
<DIV></DIV>this song: "We are the world"; and they had it recorded by a big number
<DIV></DIV>of USA wellknown singers.
<DIV></DIV>Following this there was held this great Live AID event, held July 13th
<DIV></DIV>1985 in Wembley- London and in Philadelphia in USA.
<DIV></DIV>Where many important famous artists performed for this cause.
<DIV></DIV>The Event (10 or 12 hours?) was on TV in 140 countries.
<DIV></DIV>And Sting performed in Wembly together with Phill Collins and Branford
<DIV></DIV>Sting also jumped on Stage with Dire Straits for "Money For Nothing"
<DIV></DIV>For U2 their performance was a break through...
<DIV></DIV>And Sting was just great.
<DIV></DIV>Phill Collins performed in both cities flying in to Philly by Concorde.
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>July 13 (Friday) is the 16th anniversary of Live Aid. How old does that
>make you feel? ...
Wow! 16 years guys! That makes me think, I'll tell ya. Me & my best
friend in high school went over to a friends place who had Much Music to
watch the concert. I remember the whole thing being very exciting to me at
the time -- rock stars as altuists & all of that.
Oddly, I don't remember Sting being there except with the Dire Straits tune
that he had recorded with them (I know, shame on me -- I was rather a big
fan even then).
Do any of you know if there was ever any Live Aid production brought out on
DVD? That would be well worth the price I daresay.
Back to lurking for now...
Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"
At 05:34 PM 7/12/01 -0700, you wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite>July 13 (Friday) is the <u>16th</u>
anniversary of Live Aid. How old does that make you feel? ...<br><br>
Maggie </blockquote><br>
Wow! 16 years guys! That makes me think, I'll tell ya. Me & my best friend in high school went over to a friends place who had Much Music to watch the concert. I remember the whole thing being very exciting to me at the time -- rock stars as altuists & all of that.<br><br>
Oddly, I don't remember Sting being there except with the Dire Straits tune that he had recorded with them (I know, shame on me -- I was rather a big fan even then).<br><br>
Do any of you know if there was ever any Live Aid production brought out on DVD? That would be well worth the price I daresay.<br><br>
Back to lurking for now...<br><br>
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Subject: (police) Look what I just found on iWon.com!
Date: 15 Jul 2001 13:56:39 -0400 (EDT)
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<P>Hey list, sorry about this. Very Important!<BR></P>
<P>I've been infected with a really bad virius that also sends itself to everyone on my email list I have ever written. Do not open any other messages from me today that do not have the heading "From Morgan" ok. I would advise that you are extremely careful today and for the next while. Its the worm virius that is like 2nd worst virius in the world right now. if you get infected go to pccillin.com and get the quarentine, your normal norton's wont work. Careful!</P>
<P>Morgan<BR></P><BR><BR><BR>Morgan Jolly </DIV>
<DIV></DIV>>From: Jason_Daly@dell.com
<DIV></DIV>>Reply-To: Jason_Daly@dell.com
<DIV></DIV>>To: police@xmission.com
<DIV></DIV>>Subject: (police) Dublin GIG
<DIV></DIV>>Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 13:18:47 -0500
<DIV></DIV>>Hi Gang ,
<DIV></DIV>>Anybody going to the concert tomorrow evening in Dublin and interested in
<DIV></DIV>>meeting up ?
<DIV></DIV>>Give us a shout ...
<DIV></DIV>>Jason from Ireland
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Subject: (police) Hi guys... It has been a long time but I'm back now... :)
Date: 29 Jul 2001 18:53:44 +0200
The thing I wanted you guys to know is that there is a interview with Jack Bruce on this adress "http://wwww.allaboutjazz.com/iviews/jbruce.htm" That mentions Andy and the Police and the band he and Andy has... Visit it and read a really interesting interview...
Anders SΣllstedt
WebMail frσn Everyday http://www.everyday.com
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I found it quite interesting that in the middle of reading some Police list mail about Andy and Dominic I should come upon mention of the Edge just as Van Dieman's Land off of Rattle and Hum came up on my playlist... Anyways, I got to thinking... Sting was always so hung up with how far the Police could go and how they'd reached the highest mark possible so they might as well quit. I believe that he sighted the Rolling Stones as a good example of why they should stop while they were ahead. But look at U2. They've reached almost every goal possible and even created some new ones just by reinventing themselves and by "keeping it real" so to speak. Sure Bono can be a little too flashy at times, but I can't help but imagine what the Police would have reached if only they had taken a similar path. I think that if the Police would've stayed together, they would've been more like U2 than the Rolling Stones. And briefly back to Sting's comment on when he should "move on" becaus!
e he's doing nothing new and has
reached the highest plateau... I think that if he heeded his own motto he should've stopped a while ago. He obviously makes his best music in times of crisis and I don't think he has much left in him. Why not "move on and try something new"... Don't get me wrong, I still love the man, but I think it would've been great to see the Police around still making great inovative music like U2 than Sting flying on autopilot...
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> reached the highest plateau... I think that if he heeded his own motto he should've stopped a while ago. He obviously makes his best music in times of crisis and I don't think he has much left in him. Why not "move on and try something new"... Don't get me wrong, I still love the man, but I think it would've been great to see the Police around still making great inovative music like U2 than Sting flying on autopilot...
I dunno...I was one of those people who loved Brand New Day. Still do
though I haven't listened to it as much of late. I know everyone's a bit
sick of Desert Rose but to me that song in itself shows me that he's
still got plenty left...and I would rather listen to Sting on autopilot
than most artists at their very best. I would love another Soul Cages
but most musicians (or writers, or whatever) only come up with one such
masterpiece in their life. Whatever Sting puts out next, I'm looking
forward to it.
And I have to say I'm one of those people who disliked Zooropa and Pop,
I thought they were quite unworthy of U2. But maybe they needed to put
out those records to come back to something as straightforward (though
completely wonderful) as the new album...
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