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Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2000 18:20:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul Simpson <>
Subject: (mobility) MTV Moby Webeo thing
Thanks Sara I think it was who sent us that link!
Altho I don't have all the plugins n junk and I cant
download em all cuz... well.... anyway, it sure looks
cool, and the "Moby Concentration" game was fun for a
few rounds. What's thsi interactive Webeo thing like
What do I do for a living? Bitch about how I've sent
out 2 dozen applications for my first job and nobody
will hire me. What the fuck.
Anyone like The Fall here? I just got into them.
They're pretty cool.
I Am Kurious Oranj,
np: The Little Mermaid (they were going to watch The
Beatles Anthology, but they couldn't find the first
tape, so they're watching this instead ;)
"I ain't the cat y'all saw yesterday, att least I mean by tomorrow I won't be anyway, whole new ball game whole new day....GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!" Quasimoto
DJ PAUL, host of Chester's Blanket Fort, 89.5 FM/
Hybrid's been listed for the Boise show since it was announced....maybe this
means RitM will be coming here unannounced as a "special guest" - which, i
should add, would be FREAKING COOL!!!
"Is it any wonder I can't sleep, all I have is all you gave to me, is it any
wonder I've found peace through you..." - Smashing Pumpkins
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Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2000 19:23:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul Simpson <>
Subject: (mobility) soulpsychnews
in case anyone gives a crap about Ryu anymore, his
soulpsychadelicide page now has its own domain and hes
got his own modem in his home now. go to and see stuff. of course, the
page is the same as it was before. but he has a new cd
out under the pseudonym Dreamboy, so that should be
out soon. he said he sent me a copy but i havent got
it yet.
"I ain't the cat y'all saw yesterday, att least I mean by tomorrow I won't be anyway, whole new ball game whole new day....GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!" Quasimoto
DJ PAUL, host of Chester's Blanket Fort, 89.5 FM/
the video was cute... a lot of cartoon'ish animations and things swooping
around and you can click your mouse around on the cartoons and it turns
off and on different portions of the mix - like the vocals or the piano or
the vocoder or the strings, etc. it was quite addicting and i had a lot
of fun messing about with it. :)
i wonder if moby had any hand in it's production.
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Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2000 21:51:13 -0700
From: "Sara Musko" <>
Subject: Re: (mobility) MTV Moby Webeo thing
It was cool. I got bored pretty quickly though. Maybe it's just my short attention span. I thought the Bjork one was much more interesting. Nice idea though.
- -Sara
>you should seriously download all the plug-ins! it was a pain in the