>me too!! in fact, i was less than that when I joined 2
>1/2 years ago. I don't think we had this "kid issue"
>thing when I joined. It was like "oh cool, a kid that
>likes Moby! that's cool!" or not even that. But
I'll be 16 Aug. 3rd. Woohoo! I feel so young on this list. There seems to be so many kids into Moby these days, why aren't my friends into him?
<<What does anyone think of the Interview cover?>>
Eh, he looks like an alien Jesus. I don't really like his Jesus poses, but the pics inside, wow! I love them. Moby takes such great pictures, he's really not camera shy you know :) I'm going to scan them someday for all you people that haven't seen them yet.
About the Q article, it's too much to type it all! I would but I'm way to lazy for that. I'll just type some important parts:
"It's a game called knob touch", Moby blurts. "If you're at a big celebrity party, with 2 or 3 friends, you take your penises out of your pants and just walk around. No one will notice 'cos it's really crowded. You just see how many celebrities you can touch with your penis. You just have to walk up and brush them. It's nothing really. I've never been caught."
So who, Q wonders, has been singled out as a knob touch target?
"Winona Rider. Dennis Rodman...you're just standing there with some friends and you send one off-'There's Drew Barrymore, go do knob touch'. It might sound distasteful and awful, but it's funny...."
"I've met tons of people," he ventures..."Some of the people i've met are wonderful and lovely-like Ewan McGregor. Just (adopts English accent) a Top Geezer....Stevie Wonder, Tony Bennett...Kate Moss. I had a very drunk Kate Moss going through my record bag when I was DJing, which was actually kind of annoying. She wanted Fatboy Slim. All I had was Praise You and she was like (slurring) 'Don't you have Rockefafeller Skank'?"
You've said before that you fnd being around celbrities a little nerve racking.
"Yeah. A lot of public figures do make me suddenly self conscious and kinda nervous. Who? (Thinks) Gwenyth Paltrow. Boy she makes me nervous, 'cos she's beautiful and extremely successful. Most everybody I've met, when I've 1st met them, I've been nervous around them."
Was that the case w/ Natalie Portman-aka Princess Amidala from The Phantom Menace, aka Moby's on-and-off squeeze-cum-platonic pal?
"Oh yeah. Yeah. Very much so. But now I've been friends w/ her for such a long time that it doesn't even cross my mind...."
Since the success of Play, sex is the one area of Moby's life that seems to have undergone a real change-so much so that rumours have drifted back to the UK that, despite being a 34-year-old bald vegan, he is currently "hopping on like the Easter Bunny". He has a slightly less coarse view of his new-found reputation as a freelance sexual jackhammer, but it adds up to much the same thing.
"There's a bizarre phenomenon," he muses, "where women do seem to be more inclined to rregard public figure musicians as being more attractive than non-public figure musicians. And it's a phenomenom I wholeheartedly support."
"I know a lot of public figures who are desperately permiscuous. And I'm certainly not desperately permiscuous 'cos I really like getting a good nights sleep, and one of my least favorite things in the world is waking up next to someone and having nothing to say to them. And oftentimes, one night stands lead to that sort of thing."
What's desperately permiscuous?
"Well I've got a friend who on average sleeps w/ 3 or 4 people a week...."
Well, let's try this one. Have you ever reached the desperately permiscuous rate?
"A couple of times. Sure."
And how does that leave you feeling?
"It depends.... Inherently it doesn't trouble me. And it's because I'm never indiscriminate. This might sound too PC of me-but I don't see the point of being sexually involved with somebody I don't really like."
...what happens when some awestruck lovely simply wants to sleep with him because she's seen him on MTV?
"You can tell very quickly. I would imagine it would be a turnoff. But that doesn't really happen....I get women who have enjoyed the concert or like the record. I don't get indiscriminate animal lust."
OK, I'm sick of typing! But the rest is mainly talking about ads. It mentions that he pronounces Glastonbury as "Glaston-berry". How are you supposed to pronounce it? Q is $7.50 in the U.S. I buy it every month anyway though. American music magazines usually don't have a very good sense of humor.
Heh, there's an ad for Paul Simon's greatest hits. It's called Paul Simon, Greatest Hits, Shining Like a National Guitar. Hah! That's awful. I love Paul Simon though.
Aw, Travis is coming to town but it's sold out. I didn't know that many people liked them in the U.S. Oh well.
Yea, some positivity! Love you all too. Seriously, this list brightens up my day. Even when we're fighting, I still like it, it just makes things interesting.
- -Sara
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