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From: owner-mobility-digest@lists.xmission.com (mobility-digest)
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Subject: mobility-digest V2 #77
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mobility-digest Tuesday, August 10 1999 Volume 02 : Number 077
Re: (mobility) Moby @ Endfest
Re: (mobility) An all inclusive type message. Sorta
RE: (mobility) Jayson: thanx :)
(mobility) Gigs in Scotland
(mobility) bodyrock/interview/liamail!
RE: (mobility) what makes it great...
(mobility) OOT: Gatecrasher?
Re: (mobility) ***Moby Disk ~ it works!!!***
Re: (mobility) ***Moby Disk ~ it works!!!***
(mobility) I'm back
(mobility) i'm back as well
Re: (mobility) I'm back
RE: (mobility) what makes it great...
Re: (mobility) Clifton Park Show Aug. 2nd
(mobility) Voodoo Child
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 1999 23:57:07 EDT
From: CaMuS888@aol.com
Subject: Re: (mobility) Moby @ Endfest
"If i remember correctly, Moby also played "Go!,
"Porcelain" (which he introduced as a slow, sweet,
gentle love song), "Honey" (a very sexy song, so say
he), and what he called the greatest disco song,
without wanting to sound too egotistical: "Feeling so
Moby let it be known that if it were possible, he
would have sex with everyone of us in the crowd. But
since it wasn't, he said he'd play a song, which was
like having sex with all of us. For the life of me, i
can't remember which song that was."
Now we know MOBY doesn't ad-lib at his concerts.....He said the same exact
things to us at the Vanderbilt last weekend. I guess he spends hours in his
dressing room practicing those lines in the mirror, eh? Still love him
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 22:04:17 PDT
From: "Jake M." <rockmanrock@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: (mobility) An all inclusive type message. Sorta
Dear fellow subscribers of Mobility...
Well tonight on 120 minutes (a show I've honestly never ever seen
before...only some videos I have seen while surfing) they showed the
Bodyrock video...its only the second full moby video I've seen...I loved
this video even though bodyrock is not one of may fave songs. It consists of
moby and who I assume is the video director auditioning people for the
bodyrock video...other than a few disgusted head shakes by moby the video
consists of a bunch of people dancing to the song (as if we were watching
individual auditions)...very good video in my opinion...fitting for the
song. For those of you who have seen it sorry for explaining it...
ON the thought of selling out...This is an issue where I admire many rappers
(i.e. No LImit Family, Cash Money Records etc etc etc) who flat out say "We
are in it for the money"...at least these guys are straight forward about
it...they sold out before they had a chance not too...but this is not to say
I still don't like some of their music...I do so do hundreds and thousands
of other people...so you ask yourself...what really is the point Jake is
trying to make...well I think all artists who are in the biz and making
money are selling out...but thats not wrong at all...their music can still
be great, incredible etc...The difference between groups is that some are
not True to themselves..this is the key to the good music...now I won't list
groups who I believe are true to themselves..its not my place to judge
them...but I do think to some extent all in the biz have sold out...they've
gone from doing music for the fun to doing for the dough (but they can go
together). So if that makes sense...I am exhausted and have been a couple
weeks without caffine...
Other stuff...Moby is playing at the Ogden Theater in Denver on Aug 18 at
9pm (all ages) (according to the station sponsoring)...the concert is free
if you sign up at www.ktcl.com (I don't like this idea at all...if you knew
the station you would know why). If anyone is going please let me know...I
know a couple of you are traveling to it...the Ogden seats about 1000 or
so...from what I know all under 21 are usually in the balcony...now I hope
this is not the case...I want to be right at the stage.
I think it is great that moby writes to the list on occasion...I think that
having a link with the fans is great...and it increases the "humanity" of
his music...Thank you Moby.
This is enough from me for a while.
"The unexamined life is not worth living"-Plato
"The pursuit of truth shall set you free even if you never catch
it"-Clarence Darrow
- -- http://www.angelfire.com/co/rockman/index.html
> EXACTLY! example: Boyz2Men, who the hell cares about them now?
>(well, maybe a couple people, but screw them too!)
hey! I still care about them now...so what are you saying about me
then...hehe...just joking...but I do still like Boyz II Men. But that
statement could be said about many groups...including ones I know some of us
have said we enjoy (i.e. the KLF)...
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Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 09:20:00 -0400
From: jgmagnus@bkb.com
Subject: RE: (mobility) Jayson: thanx :)
But I (Jayson) thanked Peanut for the good words earlier.
Yer Welcome Peanut.
- Jayson
- -----Original Message-----
From: mobility@lists.xmission.com at INTERNET
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 1999 12:37 PM
To: mobility@lists.xmission.com at INTERNET
Subject: RE: (mobility) Jayson: thanx :)
I'm not Jayson, my friend...I'm Vedaben
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 06:54:13 PDT
From: "Edward Friday" <recorder_1@hotmail.com>
Subject: (mobility) Gigs in Scotland
Hey there, are there any Scottish Moby fans out there?(especially female
ones, Linzi Mitchell in particular)
I heard a rumor that he was due to play in the Barrowlands in Glasgow. Any
truth in this or not ? Is he playing anywhere else in Scotland or Britain?
Pleas let me know it's 3 years since I last saw him and I am suffering
withdrawal symptons here.
Ed Friday
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Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 12:53:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul Simpson <techno_gpig@yahoo.com>
Subject: (mobility) bodyrock/interview/liamail!
back to earth..........
my heart will never heal.............
no more butter in my coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
right, anyway i saw the BODYROCK video on 1ne20enty
last night, and it was crap. just some folks cheezily
dancing to a not-as-good-as-the-album-version-version
of Bodyrock, with Moby kind of embarisingly looking
on. can you say "Praise You"? i'm sorry, if any1ne
said that it would'nt be me, but with the slightly
grainy shots and Moby not doing much in the video
(hey, he hasnt run much in the last 2wo vids!!!! and
the last was called Run On!!!!!) i cant but help be
reminded of that, and any1ne who sees that will too.
very disapointed. the (animated!!!) video for WDMHFSB?
MUST be better than that.
oh well, it doesnt matter. but why did they have to
use a remixed version of BR? they eliminated the
secret "Rock the House!" part in the middle!!!!
anyway, i taped part of a moby in'vw from WPKN,
conducted by Davo and Annette Szczesiul (or sumthin)
in his tour bus (yes he has a bus! i saw it! and next
time i meet Annette i'll ask her what it was like in
be4our the Toads show. rock! okay, heres the exciting
DAVO:So this is gonna be your lounge for the next
couple months touring?
MOBY:This is, well, the tour plan as of present is 6ix
weeks in the U.S., 6ix weeks in Europe, 2wo weeks in
the Pacific Rim, like Australia, New Zealand, Japan,
and then back to the States for 3hree weeks.
MOBY:And I started doing a promotional trip in the
beginning of March, so essentially, from the beginning
of March 9inety9ine to January of next year, I'll be
away from home
D:And home now is what, London?
M:New York
D:New York
M:Yeah, I've been a New York resident for like 10en
years now
D:Really? I thought you were living in England
M:No, I've never, I mean I spend a lot of time in
Europe, but thank goodness I've never had to live
D:You live In Manhattan?
....it goes on saying about how cool it is being
influenced by the sounds of the city, and how Moby
says he's not good at judging his own work so its hard
to find where influences are from, then it says about
the album, etc. then Davo says:
D:I lost my Vatican Commandoes album
M:I actually didn't play on the Vatican Commandoes
album, the only thing I ever played on was a 7even" in
19ineteen8ighty3hree called "Hit Squad For God", which
was the 1st Vaticna Commandoes 7even", and that's the
only thing I was involved in
D:Right, I remember years ago I used to go down to The
Beat back in the 80ighties, and I ecently found out
that you used to DJ there
M:I DJ'ed there for 4our years
D:Which phase? was that when it was in its white
phase, where they painted everything white, or was it
still all graffiti and vacuum cleaners hanging from
the ceiling?
M:This was the grafitti/vacuum cleaners, I didnt paint
it white, we might have painted it white, it was from
8ighty-4our to 8ighty8ight
D:you held ford up there in barbed wire,
M:Oh yeah, I DJ'ed there every Friday,Saturday nite,
sometimes Wednesday nite, for 4our years
then it says about the drinking age in Port CHESTER
which was 18ighteen and in CT it was 2wenty1ne, so all
this about that.....
i probly should go soon... it says about some
technical stuff, i'll write that later, and Davo sayd
he had a Sonny Terry 10en" record he's been trying to
sample and do sumthin with for 3hree-4our years. then
Moby comes out, w/Play, "It's been done." i thought
that was funny. I've heard Davo's muzik, its pretty
good. too bad he doesnt have a web page up anymore
(than i know of.....)
tried to get the new Billboard, but its disapeard from
the library.........so who knows where it (Or moby)
got an email from Olly himself, LIAM LYNCH!!! about
the words to the Sgt. Blind Kiwi Tarzan song, here
they are from the horses mouth:
(ding di-di-di-DING!)
I'm your greasy tiger lover
I'm 50ifty bucks worth of waffles
I'm your beefy tender serpent
I'm your ravioli ancient man
I'm your sexy Chinese dentist
I'll meet you at tooth hurty
yeah!!!!!! sung a lot like Tom Waits, on top of the
Casio rock waltz tempo at like 100bmp or sumthin, i
dont know. rock!!!
got my MONTY PYTHON cds today!!!! and RYU OPPOSITES
ARE 1NE!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! but im stuck at the
library so i cant listen to um....... wah!!!!!
"I liked the can...I could re-use it later as a can."-Chester
on 1ne of his favorite cereals, RAISIN HELL
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Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 13:34:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: Bjorkdoll <slurb@scn.org>
Subject: RE: (mobility) what makes it great...
nOn Thu, 5 Aug 1999 jgmagnus@bkb.com wrote:
> the harmony (like in Porcelain, EverLoving)<-- Sarah agrees!
> the creativity (like in Sunday, ARP, Shining)
Ack! Yes. Just bring up my heartbreak about not getting to see Moby
perform 'Porcelain' live by mentioning it! *boohoo*
But yes I do agree with you about 'Porcleain'. Just those few notes right
after he sings "tell the truth you never wanted me....tell me" hit me just
right and always get a sigh out of me and put a smile on my lips. :)
I think what makes a song great for me is if it feels like it has genuine
powerful emotions sewn into it. 'Headphones' by Bjork is this way for me.
Every word feels carefully chosen and conveys such powerful feelings.
Also it's a very special song for me because it is the first one I ever
heard her perform live and in person. 'Unravel' is another good one by
Bjork. Hearing her sing it a cappella is overwhelming! Another Moby song
that always gets me is 'when it's cold i'd like to die'....such an aching
Also there are songs that are great just because they are fun to listen
to....almost goofy. :)
"...a fountain of blood in the shape of a girl..."
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::rescue me::::::::::
::::::::::::::::from levelheadedness::::::::::
::::::::::and the unnecessary luxury::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::of being calm::::::::::
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 20:39:02 GMT
From: "Paul Ramos" <lansuyar@hotmail.com>
Subject: (mobility) OOT: Gatecrasher?
<de lurks>
Has anybody here heard anything from the Gatecrasher cds?
Found this somewhere: http://www.gatecrasher.co.uk
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Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 16:59:24 -0500
From: John Turpin <jct1@Ra.MsState.Edu>
Subject: Re: (mobility) ***Moby Disk ~ it works!!!***
>so those of u who are still desperately trying to run the CD, my advice is
>to install the quicktime on that CD. i had to get a newer version of
>quicktime (i think it can be downloaded from the microsoft site.. don't
I bet it's not on MS's site! :) Try <http://www.quicktime.com/>
>now, this advice is for PC users. i don't know if macintosh users were
>having the same problem.
I doubt any Mac users are having problems with it. Every revision of
Windows seems to break all the enhanced CDs that worked with the previous
version, while I can still run the first-available E-CDs on Mac OS 8.6.
(Gotta plug my platform when the opportunity arises! Hey, Moby uses Macs.
No flames, please.)
- --
The C.O.D. / John Turpin / <http://www2.msstate.edu/~jct1/cod/>
"I believe in this reality / But it doesn't answer what it means to me
My hope is / Above and beyond" -- Mortal, "Above & Beyond"
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 23:15:50 -0700
From: "Michaela Gerstner" <thiger2@earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: (mobility) ***Moby Disk ~ it works!!!***
yeah.. i know u can download from the quicktime site.. but i dunno how i
got this copy on my computer because i never had it before. microsoft
update allows u to download programs like the quicktime.. that's the only
way i could have gotten it because i haven't downloaded the program from the
John Turpin wrote:
>I bet it's not on MS's site! :) Try <http://www.quicktime.com/>
but in any case, once u have a current version of quicktime installed, it
will recognize the older one on that cd and then upload that one from the
cdrom. if it worked for me, it should work for u guys!!! and if u guys
have any Q's, feel free to ask... i can try to provide any info that i can
and i saw that bodyrock video last night and i couldn't help but laugh my
ass off! i saw moby on the cell phone at the beginning and i was like,
"what?! why's he on a cell?" those dancing fools were the best!!!!
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 09:44:40 PDT
From: "Robert Taylor" <nobuttonstopush@hotmail.com>
Subject: (mobility) I'm back
Hello people. This is Robert Taylor. I have been away from
Mobility for the last few months due to major problems with my
computer. I'm now trying to get things running again.
My email used to be phathead@flash.net. It is no longer.
I contributed several tracks for Thanks 2 but I have absolutly
no idea what is going on with it because I've been without a
computer. I would appreciate anyone who can get me back up
to speed on what's going on.
Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 10:28:07 MST
From: "Derek ~" <mechanical_roach@hotmail.com>
Subject: (mobility) i'm back as well
hey it's me again
i just got resubscribed again. Did I miss much?
- -derek
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Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 15:29:49 -0500
From: Anthony Gall <labrat99@megsinet.net>
Subject: Re: (mobility) I'm back
yea, i was wondering about Thanks 2 as well. i know that i could probably
look back through all those old posts but i'm too lazy :) ....so are all
the tracks in, and if so, does anyone know when it will be available?
- ----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Taylor <nobuttonstopush@hotmail.com>
To: <mobility@lists.xmission.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 1999 11:44 AM
Subject: (mobility) I'm back
> Hello people. This is Robert Taylor. I have been away from
> Mobility for the last few months due to major problems with my
> computer. I'm now trying to get things running again.
> My email used to be phathead@flash.net. It is no longer.
> I contributed several tracks for Thanks 2 but I have absolutly
> no idea what is going on with it because I've been without a
> computer. I would appreciate anyone who can get me back up
> to speed on what's going on.
> Thanks.
> Robert
> nobuttonstopush@hotmail.com
> _______________________________________________________________
> Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 12:41:00 -0400
From: jgmagnus@bkb.com
Subject: RE: (mobility) what makes it great...
I wonder why no remixes of WICILTD ever came out. I know there's that one
version on EIRemixed but that is just without the lyrics basically. Anyone ever
hear of a remix of it?
- jayson
- -----Original Message-----
Another Moby song
that always gets me is 'when it's cold i'd like to die'....such an aching
Also there are songs that are great just because they are fun to listen
to....almost goofy. :)
"...a fountain of blood in the shape of a girl..."
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::rescue me::::::::::
::::::::::::::::from levelheadedness::::::::::
::::::::::and the unnecessary luxury::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::of being calm::::::::::
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 23:46:51 -0400 (EDT)
From: m.marian@utoronto.ca
Subject: Re: (mobility) Clifton Park Show Aug. 2nd
I know that many people on the list have had the good fortune of seeing
Moby perform live, and the experience is almost universally enjoyed and
appreciated. I was sure it would be an amazing show, and it definitely
was- it was worth the eight hour each way bus ride! It has been much
easier to describe the concert and my feelings in
having seen it to friends who are not fans of Moby; writing to you is
somewhat like preaching to the converted. I came away feeling exhilerated
from the manic dancing, lucky and thankful to have seen Moby perform the
songs that I have enjoyed over the past years, and humbled. I guess a lot
of people appreciate Moby as a public figure as well as his music, which
cannot be said of many performers today. He really seems to care and
respect his audience, and is passioned by the music he performs; the
profuse "Thank yous" with which he responded to the applause of the crowd
seemed genuine, and how can you doubt the sincerity of someone who works
as hard as Moby does in the course of a performance? It was incredible. He
was incredible. I'm lucky to have seen him. I hope that at some point, all
of you have the opportunity. Don't miss it if you do- he is amazing.
Thanks, Meaghan
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 00:34:23 EDT
From: PuffDanny2@aol.com
Subject: (mobility) Voodoo Child
hey, can anybody tell me anything about to Voodoo Child CD "Demons/Horses"?
Basically, is it any good and/or comparable to Moby's other work?
End of mobility-digest V2 #77
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