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- From: owner-mobility-digest@lists.xmission.com (mobility-digest)
- To: mobility-digest@lists.xmission.com
- Subject: mobility-digest V1 #320
- Reply-To: mobility
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- Precedence: bulk
- X-No-Archive: yes
- mobility-digest Tuesday, February 2 1999 Volume 01 : Number 320
- Re: (mobility) evil ninja moby the non-vegan
- (mobility) Goldie...
- Re: (mobility) I am, well not so new...the reply...
- (mobility) step on my neck
- (mobility) [Fwd: Majordomo results: please unsubscribe me]
- Re: (mobility) survey
- Re: (mobility) Bessie Jones
- (mobility) Vegetarian split personalities
- (mobility) @@@@here's some reality for Ed & Tim.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 21:56:22 -0800
- From: "Kelbert" <bergstrom@globalserve.net>
- Subject: Re: (mobility) evil ninja moby the non-vegan
- > I have been meat free for over a month now!!! I actually went for it.
- > I feel much better of course for the most part and lost a little weight.
- > I don't know if I will ever be able to be vegan, I'm not ready for that!
- > I like milk and cheese too much. What no sour cream??? What no ice cream?
- > Not likely.
- well, first things first.
- congrats. tis a big step. not eating meat.
- moby would be proud :)
- its all about finding a happy medium.
- moby is happy as a vegan. good for him. find YOUR happy medium. that's
- all you need to do. so if that includes dairy products, so be it. do what
- ya gotta do. don't let anyone put you down for it. then again, some
- militant vegans will disagree with me. but what can i say? thats my two
- cents...
- - -kelly
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 19:47:10 CST
- From: "Derek Goodwrench" <dgoodwrench@hotmail.com>
- Subject: (mobility) Goldie...
- >personally, i have never paid more than 20 bucks for a cd, and that cd
- was
- >goldie"s saturnz return, a double cd. i guess i'm lucky enough to work
- for
- >best buy and have friends at rolling stones and tower.
- >andrew
- >
- I paid 7 bucks for it used. Despite the media wrestling with it, I
- thought it was fabulous. Made me even more of a fan. Saying it wasn't
- DnB is a total piece of crap, seeing as how it sounded enough like it
- for me.
- d...
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- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 20:50:41 -0600
- From: John Turpin <jct1@Ra.MsState.Edu>
- Subject: Re: (mobility) I am, well not so new...the reply...
- >I think that's great when people have high morals, but when they vote to pass
- >laws to hold everyone else to their high moral standards- that is wrong.
- >It can be compared to not believing in abortion- if you feel it is wrong,
- >then don't do it. But when you can't have your way by forcing a law on people,
- >SOME religious terrorists feel that killing doctors and blowing up clinics
- >is somehow moral. The ultimate in self righteousness, and ignorant blind evil.
- >You should tone down the self righteousness a bit if you want to argue your
- >point.
- >Perhaps you should explain yourself further about why you feel so morally
- >superior
- >as a republican...
- To make this Moby-related, I suppose that liberal activists
- (environmentalists, vegans, anti-smokers, etc.) don't typically conduct
- themselves in such self-righteous ways, right? Enforcing any kind of law is
- forcing one set of morals on someone else.
- - --
- C The C.O.D. John Turpin
- | <jct1@
- / \ Ra.MsState.Edu>
- O D <http://www2.msstate.edu/~jct1/cod/>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 19:46:24 +0000
- From: clay <clayev2k@ixpres.com>
- Subject: (mobility) step on my neck
- chris step on a neck wrote:
- > I couldn't resist one more spin on this...
- > >
- It's pretty obvious chris
- you can't resist shit............
- i guess we're alike in that respect.
- damian.....please.....i'm beggin ya.
- clay
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 19:53:30 +0000
- From: clay <clayev2k@ixpres.com>
- Subject: (mobility) [Fwd: Majordomo results: please unsubscribe me]
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- the individual is god
- nobody's rights matter besides the individual's.
- chris.......
- you suck
- totally and for a long time....it seems.
- please remove from from this list and this god awful
- bullshit.
- clay
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- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 21:54:44 CST
- From: "Derek Goodwrench" <dgoodwrench@hotmail.com>
- Subject: Re: (mobility) survey
- >>an someone start a new thread please?
- >like a survey or sumpin?
- >
- >Okay.. for a new thread.. I have a survey if you want to answer it..
- >
- >1) Do you like Moby?
- Sometimes. He's been collecting dust lately, (except for EOE)
- >
- >2) Which album is your favourite?
- Probably, right now, 'End Of Everything'.
- >
- >3) Which single is your favourite?
- I don't have very many, but mine is probably the regular
- '...Revolver' single (not the orange one, but the other one )
- >
- >4) Which song is your favourite?
- Close, but it's "Alone" at this moment. I also like "Great Lake".
- Notice a resemblance between the two?
- >
- >5) If you could be anyone, who would it be?
- No one.
- >
- >6) Which hairdoo looks best on Moby?
- Either the mohawk in the bathrobe picture, or hie usual one.
- >
- >7) When do you predict Moby will next tour?
- Can't honestly say.
- >
- >8) What type of pet(s), if you have/had?
- Have: 1 white cat, 1 hamster, about 9 fish, 2 newts, 2 frogs.
- Had: 3 other cats, 1 dog, 3 other hamsters, 2 other fish, 1 newt, 2
- ghost shrimp.
- >
- >9) Where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world?
- Good question...lame answer...
- >
- >10) What is your favourite colour of socks and why?
- White. I'm used to them.
- >
- >11) What do you think will happen in the year 2000?
- People will celebrate all the holidays for exactly a year, then it'll
- be 2001, the REAL start of the 21st century.
- >
- >12) Where do you think you will be in 10 years?
- At home wondering how to cope with being 10 months away from my 30th
- birthday.
- >
- >13) What's your favourite colour of toothbrush?
- A definite green mint color.
- >
- >14) What's your biggest pet peeve?
- Newts with 3 arms.
- >
- >15) Do you want to be buried or cremated?
- Death isn't too high on my list goals anyway.
- >
- >16) What's your favourite type of cookie?
- Chewy Chips Ahoy!
- d
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- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 22:00:07 CST
- From: "Derek Goodwrench" <dgoodwrench@hotmail.com>
- Subject: Re: (mobility) Bessie Jones
- >BTW, they were talking about "The Smiths", a British band of the 80's,
- >I remember.
- >
- Long live the Moz!
- And they're both vegetarians?
- d
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- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 22:17:35 -0600
- From: Christopher Michael Bourke <cbourke1@bigred.unl.edu>
- Subject: (mobility) Vegetarian split personalities
- >very well said chris!
- >I think you should be a history major...
- >Sure it's easy to argue the other side and find the tyranny, but I
- >never heard anyone point out the good points in such a simple clear manner.
- >Perhaps all empires have a split personality- how can they not with
- >all the people that influence the agenda?
- >Sure- Moby does not eat meat or animal products....
- >but what about EVIL NINJA MOBY?
- >Hmmm....I don't know what a ninja's diet consists of, but I think
- >that if he were evil that perhaps that includes eating meat.
- >A Split personality can be very useful actually....how else can I be
- >a vegitarian and still eat prime rib a couple times a year?
- >
- >I'm working on that...
- >I have been meat free for over a month now!!! I actually went for it.
- First, thanks. Second, I have been meat free for about 1 year and 3 months.
- However, I am not a total vegan. Also, during the summer I went to New
- Orleans and broke my vegetarianism in order to partake in the local cuisine.
- I wonder how many other vegans/vegetarians break their tradition and under
- what circumstances. I also broke it and had some good prime rib with my
- family this past christmas/newyears.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 23:12:28 -0600
- From: Christopher Michael Bourke <cbourke1@bigred.unl.edu>
- Subject: (mobility) @@@@here's some reality for Ed & Tim.
- First, Ed, please, "I'm afraid I just don't agree with this"? It's mainly
- accepted historical interpretation and points of fact. Rebuttle if you
- wish, but please elaborate.
- Secondly, on to Tim's letter:
- >Oh come on both Chris', let's get some reality here.
- >Britain was primarily interested in advancing it's own
- >wealth at the expense of the people it conquered - thank
- >God colonialism has virtually died amongst the European
- >nations. It was pure exploitation, and competition for
- >power that accelerated the ravaging of other cultures and
- >their wealth to be ahead of their other European rivals.
- >The French and the British were constantly at it and look
- >how the Spanish before them decimated the peoples of
- >Central and South America. They had a very advanced
- >civilisation compared to many money grabbing, war mongering
- >Europeans.
- Again, in historical context if you pick up any book on Britain's history,
- instead of quoting the biased opinions of the "New Internationalist" you
- would see mounds of documentation. While France, Portugal and Spain
- attempted to drain colonies of natural resources and violently put down it's
- local people, enslaving them Britain had a much more positive effect. I'm
- not saying that colonialism was ever justified, just that relatively, the
- Brits never went to the extent of the rest of Europe. The Good that they
- did far outweighed the bad, and their motives were just as I said, attempts
- to open new markets and tear down trade barriers controlled by local and
- regional tyrants.
- >I think it's pure arrogance to suggest that any nation
- >should be encouraged to force others to accept its way of
- >life, culture and religion. Some people in the West have a
- >serious superiority complex!
- Again, if you know anything of true history, the Brits allowed self
- government, freedom of religion and even went to great extents to preserve
- language and culture in their colonies(observe for instance India, in which
- each local state was given local rule and encouraged to keep the mother
- tounge). Not so with the rest of Europe. Historical observation is not a
- justification for colonialism. I never suggested that any nation should "be
- encouraged to for others to accept its way". However, I will state that
- there are objective rules/guidelines for morality. Would you take your
- cultural relativism so far as to say WWII Germany was justified in their
- autrocities in so far as their own borders were concerned?
- >
- >Tribal wars in Africa were far less damaging to the world
- >and humanity than those fought by present 'first world'
- >nations over the centuries, but none so appalling as this
- >century.
- A result of Nationalism/Facism/and Socialistic trends, Capitalism did not
- percipitate in any measurable degree the events leading up to the Great
- world wars.
- >The U.S.A. was also built on colonialism to get where it is
- >today - the native peoples didn't get much say when it came
- >to living on their own land and what rights they had to
- >their own land. I don't think you'd be saying the same
- >things if the tables were turned.
- What the US Government did to the native americans was unforgivable. But
- one must understand the mentalities and situation involved. The Native
- Americans were largely Nomadic people who had no concept of "owning land."
- Even if the "white man" were to pay the native Americans for their land,
- they would see it as very odd and would probably not have anything to do
- with such a transaction. Europeans and Americans on the other hand had very
- evolved and developed sence and legal definitions of ownership which
- included land and natural resources. This culture clash was sadly
- inevitable, but I don't think that this country was build on the Manifest
- destiny move westward. The east already had highly developed and rich
- economic bases.
- >Capitalism and globalisation today, thanks to the 'free
- >market' has pushed its new brand of colonialism and
- >imperialism on other nations inside and outside the West,
- >to satisfy the minority rich in the rich nations and fuck
- >up the 'have-nots' in the process - the majority of these
- >people are forced into poverty by the current system. The
- >Majority world (Third World) nations are held to ransom by
- >the IMF and World Bank by never-ending debt and usury
- >(usury, at one time being a sin according to old
- >Judaeo-Christian and Islamic beliefs).
- Excuse me? The Third world's economic capital comes from INVESTMENT from
- the west, not extrodinarily high interest loans. If anything The third
- world nations would never (governmetns) would never get ANY loans because of
- political turmoil making them extremely bad credit risks. Instead these
- countries tend to print more money which leads to hyper inflation, ruining
- their OWN economies. The have nots are have nots, not because of external
- "multinational" corporations but because of thier own autocratic governments
- controlling their economy and raping their resources in attempts to continue
- their regimes.
- >Laissez-faire capitalism (sounds better than the present
- >form) but has led to ludicrous pacts between rich
- >governments allowing industry to have free reign, in
- >whatever countries industry chooses, i.e. the MAI pact
- >recently in Geneva. Industry will have no accountability -
- >so it can exploit workers, pollute the environment and just
- >continue to ravage about any decent thing left in society
- >and the world around us with no controls and governments of
- >poorer countries and even the rich ones won't be able to do
- >a damn thing about it unless this crazy notion is stopped.
- >So capitalism, laissez - frigging - faire or not, will
- >still exploit for capitalists' own ends; someone will
- >always suffer as a result.
- Ha! You have shown that you have no concept of what Laissez-faire
- capitalism is! No Government intervention in the economy is exactly what it
- period! Capitalism extends from political and moral theories not a need for
- economic development. No controls doesn't mean no accountability! Yet
- another way government controls in the form of tort reform pervert the true
- principles of Capitalism! Public resources such as drinking water and the
- air would be subject to public protection, ie through civil action against
- those who would polute the environment. Exploitation in a true
- laissez-faire, free market economy is NOT possible. Every man/woman is free
- to decide who to work for and at mutually agreed upon wages. Low wages are
- NOT exploitation in and of themselves. Please.
- >I'm not sure you can refer to Indonesia as a socialist
- >nation - it is still hands-in-glove with the capitalists of
- >the West, which helps fund it's repression of the East
- >Timorese and it's own people. Even China is more of a
- >capitalist nation with the gloss of communist principles
- >over it - now that is repressive to the extreme - the worst
- >of both bad worlds.
- ?!?!!? Indonesia not a socialist country? What praytell is it? If not
- socialist I would agree that it is ruled by a MILITARY REGIME, and not
- governed by capitalistic principles(which include respect of personal
- liberty against a tyrannical government)
- There is not a single private, major industrial entity in all of China with
- the exception of HK. Communisms death has been staved off and they have
- made capitalistic reforms in the last few decades, but they are FAR from
- capitalism. Everything is still state owned.
- >As for the rainforests and indigenous peoples - I'm not
- >just referring to the Amazonian one. Their destruction is
- >fuelled by the insatiable desire of capitalist-driven
- >globalisation. Subsistence farmers wouldn't have to destroy
- >so much if they were in a state that provided controlled
- >and carefully managed agriculture and
- >conservation/ecological principles to benefit everybody and
- >everything. Let's also remember that the prime culprits of
- >rainforest destruction are the rich cattle ranchers, heavy
- >industry and dam builders funded by the World Bank, for the
- >rich countries own interest and usury.
- Just like Stalin's Russia huh? The murder of millions of Kulaks in the name
- of government controlled agricultural development. Global warming and the
- Rain Forests are scientifically questionable to begin with. Ha! You sound
- like a militia man they with your conspiritorial antagonisms toward the
- World Bank. They don't own everything my friend. again, see above.
- >There is enough food to feed everyone in the world right
- >now, but under the current economic regime (which is out of
- >control and is on the verge of self-destruction)- the haves
- >get more and the have-nots get even less. Where does it end?
- >
- >Are you saying that all us comfortable, well-off types
- >(usually already born with a silver spoon in our mouths,
- >while others are trapped in poverty with no chance of ever
- >escaping, all because of past silver spoon, exploitative
- >bastards), should leave people starve to death? Do you
- >think they willingly let themselves starve to death and so
- >they deserve it? Should we exterminate all handicapped and
- >ill people because they are a drain on our military
- >expenditure because they deserve it? People must be fired
- >from there jobs and become homeless because they're human
- >and not running around like headless chickens for the sake
- >of the stock market to feed the fat bastards at the top.
- >Some of us have short memories.
- <<<<snip>>>>but simply self-destruction.
- >
- Atlas Shrugged. You identify the prime mistake in all statist/conrolled
- economy advocates. First, you resort to pathos-like rhetoric trying to
- appeal to people with the pathetic starving masses. You ignore the entire
- basis of WEALTH. Wealth is not static, it is not given, it is created! The
- Atlases of our world create weath through hard work and earned(ie deserved)
- endeavors. In a free society wealth cannot be used to exploit put down or
- influence anyone to do anything! The only problem with today's system is
- that people with money(the rich) aren't true to the ideals of laissez-faire
- capitalism and the governments instituted allow such bribery. the wealth
- would rather not have to work to maintain or create weath and instead buy
- influence with governments and those in control. This is the TRUE problem
- and why many people still suffer poverty.
- >True equality is liberty against economic and social
- >oppression.
- True equality is equality before the law. The only entity that should
- morally be allowed to have a monopoly on physical force is the Government.
- And within that government, application of the law is equal accross all
- social/political/racial/etc... differences. Egalitarianism is a vile and
- perverse form of equality that should never be allowed("Harrison Bergeron").
- There is no such thing as a right to a house, a right to food, a right to
- entertainment or anything else. There is only a right to freely persue the
- acquisition of these things through one's own work and talent. No one is
- entitled to another man's property.
- >
- >Okay, that's it for now - just haed to get it off my chest
- >- I was bursting!
- Me too, but not the bursting part.
- ------------------------------
- End of mobility-digest V1 #320
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