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From: owner-mobility-digest@lists.xmission.com (mobility-digest)
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Subject: mobility-digest V1 #173
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mobility-digest Wednesday, June 3 1998 Volume 01 : Number 173
Re: (mobility) Re Recoil and MA
Re: (mobility) Moby / Bulls game
(mobility) Voodoo Children
Re: (mobility) AC Superstar, sampling...
Re: (mobility) Re Recoil and MA
Re: (mobility) Voodoo Children
RE: (mobility) Voodoo Children
(mobility) jimmy puff poppy page
Re: (mobility) Re Recoil and MA
Re: (mobility) Voodoo Children
(mobility) stuff
Re: (mobility) stuff
(mobility) old record sale
Re: (mobility) Voodoo Children
(mobility) friend of moby's
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 07:27:51 -0500
From: "Scott Stegenga" <steg@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Re: (mobility) Re Recoil and MA
>Speaking of Toni Halliday, can anyone confirm for me
>whether Curve have reformed and released a new single, or
>was I dreaming about hearing it on radio 'X' FM?
Curve has come back and have released a new album, 'Come Clean', which hits
alot more electronica than I think it should, but nonetheless, its still a
good CD. Toni and Dean make a great duo. They're going on tour soon with The
Dandy Warhols as the opener. They did a mini-tour earlier this year and I
saw it in Chicago...not bad.
- ---
Scott Steg...I Love Carrots
"Please could you stop the noise I'm trying to get some rest...
from all the unborn chicken voices in my head."
- Radiohead
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 17:36:36 +0200
From: Jonathan Ruano <kobalt@james.encomix.es>
Subject: Re: (mobility) Moby / Bulls game
On Thu, May 28, 1998 at 01:04:14PM -0700, Rasidel Jedro Slika wrote:
Hola, Mobidicts:
> Wow this was very cool. Last night during the Bulls/Pacers game pregame,
> "Shining" was played! And then, if that wasn't enough, they played
> "New Dawn Fades" later on, during the 3rd quarter I think. Just clips,
> but still awesome to hear!
They're great when are played as back of something you like!
> Someone at NBC is a hardcore Moby fan, I
> should think.
I heard several times JB Theme after the film was released, but never though
there was a Moby fan on TV, but (unfortunately) somebody who gets trendy
films OSTs, and finds something grooving to play as a clip.
I swear I try to pay attention to those clips, if they amaze me with some
other "not so recent" Moby song, but I'vent been lucky till now :(
Jonathan "Kobalt".
- --
If at first you don't succeed, quit; don't be a nut about success.
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 11:29:52 -0400
From: Steve Giles <Steve.Giles@digital.com>
Subject: (mobility) Voodoo Children
I was watching Eddie Griifin's comedy hour on HBO the other day. His
stage name / nickname is, you guessed it, Voodoo Child. He was hilarious
when he was off the wall, when he did his stereotype acts, it was kind of
lame. His impression of a white guy was of a stereotype of an uptight
yuppie. Maybe I'm being silly, but it bothered me a little. However, his
charades about black people were very funny to me. I wonder how a white
comedian doing a caricature of a black guy would be received by a black
person. Hmm.
Club iMusic made a Moby mistake, saying that Moby created Oil1 brand
new for the Saint.
My buddy Taco was playing my Animal Rights CD which I lent him and
his girlfriend was saying that her sister has it, too. She also said she
really really liked it a whole lot. Taco got her to rant and rave about how
great it was before telling her who it was. You see, she is very anti-Moby,
anti-techno, anti-dance. And anti-hip-hop. Just alternamuzak on the new rawk
alternative, Q101.
Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 11:56:34 -0700
From: Rekkit <rekkit@spectranet.ca>
Subject: Re: (mobility) AC Superstar, sampling...
>I'm really turned off by the yo boy sound
>It ruined quite a few MLWTTKK songs in my opinion, is MA like them
>at all...soimetimes dark, gothic, techno- with divas and a soul pop
>kind of sound over all of it?
The new Massive Attack (actually, any of their material) sounds nothing
like MLWTTKK. It's kind of funny, trying to picture Daddy G spout out some
Groovy Mann lyrics "Put your eyes on the road and SUCK the wild!"...Their
stuff is fairly mellow, and yeah the new album is much "darker" than
previous releases. It's not nearly as good as Protection or Blue Lines
however. The Teardrop 12" is phenominal though-Primal Scream & Mad
Professor both do spectacular mixes...
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 17:32:26 +0100 (British Summer Time)
From: Tim Beecher <T.Beecher@Cranfield.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: (mobility) Re Recoil and MA
On Tue, 2 Jun 1998 07:27:51 -0500 Scott Stegenga
<steg@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> >Speaking of Toni Halliday, can anyone confirm for me
> >whether Curve have reformed and released a new single, or
> >was I dreaming about hearing it on radio 'X' FM?
> Curve has come back and have released a new album, 'Come Clean', which hits
> alot more electronica than I think it should, but nonetheless, its still a
> good CD. Toni and Dean make a great duo. They're going on tour soon with The
> Dandy Warhols as the opener. They did a mini-tour earlier this year and I
> saw it in Chicago...not bad.
Thanks Scott,
I thought I had finally lost the last thread of sanity I
had left. It was doing my head in because I thought I heard
their new single a few weeks ago, but wasn't sure.
Toni and Dean are a great duo and I was a tad gutted when
they split. Maybe they're trying to be a bit too trendy
today!? Still, I'd like to hear the album soon.
Did they do much of their old stuff when you saw them in
Chicago? You can e-mail me privately about this if you want?
TiM B.
> ---
> Scott Steg...I Love Carrots
> "Please could you stop the noise I'm trying to get some rest...
> from all the unborn chicken voices in my head."
> - Radiohead
- ----------------------
Tim Beecher
Cranfield University
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 17:52:10 +0100 (British Summer Time)
From: Tim Beecher <T.Beecher@Cranfield.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: (mobility) Voodoo Children
I was watching Eddie Griifin's comedy hour on HBO the other day. His
stage name / nickname is, you guessed it, Voodoo Child. He was hilarious
when he was off the wall, when he did his stereotype acts, it was kind of
lame. His impression of a white guy was of a stereotype of an uptight
yuppie. Maybe I'm being silly, but it bothered me a little. However, his
charades about black people were very funny to me. I wonder how a white
comedian doing a caricature of a black guy would be received by a black
person. Hmm.
Well, I thought everyone was after equality these days? If
that is the case, then black people making fun of white
people should not be allowed either - if we're to be fair
and consistent. Sometimes I think this 'political
correctness' can be taken too far though. I think so-called
'positive discrimination' is bollox - it's still
discrimination and all discrimination, no matter what race,
religion, gender or sexuality you are is negative. 'Two
wrongs don't make a right'; 'violence breeds violence' and
all that.....'love spreads', forgiveness and common
understanding, is the way forward people.
TiM B.
- ----------------------
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 15:20:54 -0400
From: Steve Giles <Steve.Giles@digital.com>
Subject: RE: (mobility) Voodoo Children
>>Well, I thought everyone was after equality these days? If
>>that is the case, then black people making fun of white
>>people should not be allowed either - if we're to be fair
>>and consistent.
If, if, if...
Although he used sterotypes that are not accurate portrayals, I am all for
it whether it offends me or not. I beleive that the whole "don't offend
these people and don't say this to them" thing is bad. It makes people too
careful, unlikely to speak their mind at all because one tiny thing they say
might......It discourages open communication which is the key to racial
- -Steve
Date: Tue, 02 Jun 1998 13:06:08 +0000
From: clayEV2k <EV2K@pacbell.net>
Subject: (mobility) jimmy puff poppy page
> I can't believe you would even say something like that actually...
> I don't even know what most of the artists I'm into look like
> at all! For all I know they could ALL be black, who cares...
> I don't listen to music to maintain an image of any kind,
> I listen to enjoy the feeling and emotion behind it, and to
> analyze what's going on for my own ideas on making music.
> At any rate, my question was...what does MA sound like?
> Knowing I can't stand most hip-hop, would I like them???
> paul
well at any off-topic rate
massive attack aren't new and almost anyone who has followed modern
dance music of ANY sort should know who they are.......the fact that you
don't isn't your fault i blame the industry who caters to only the sorts
of labels rap techno cowboy metal mental
blah blah
massive attack are like moby in that they regularly defy labelling and
truly work bewteen some serious lines
read about them go to a used cd store and hear them for free
mixmag rated their blue lines cd from some time ago as the most
important dance album of all time
maybe that's a clue and whether you like it or not
maybe it's something you should investaigete even if it costs you a dime
or tewo as
you could do much worse>>>>>>>>>>
good to see ya pumped
i think the puff daddy/page thing sucks myself....as do you....
it ain't an answer to nathin cept how are two too rich
musical yokels gon milk more money out of an unsuspecting circus
just cause they can...........
it's like once you're stuck in the arena who's gon argue the price of
i'll take 2....just like everybody else
but hey.....maybe moby likes it too?!!!!!!
Date: Tue, 02 Jun 1998 13:13:07 +0000
From: clayEV2k <EV2K@pacbell.net>
Subject: Re: (mobility) Re Recoil and MA
curve has new singles out
chinese burn is okay
but i welcome you all once agin to rekkit's fearless list
> fearless@onelist.com <<<<<<<<<<<
where we always talk of
massive attack
lunatic calm
asian underground
talvin singh
messiah and a dozen other things with no needing to apologize for being
off topic>
there are only about 10 of us there and
we can talk about this sortof stuff without being rude to the moby
purist in all of us>>>>>>>
i invite you once again as i feel these off topics are getting outta
control again and
i know i'm somewhat to blame here and bad boy still!
sorry 4 getting so off the topic!
Date: Tue, 02 Jun 1998 13:21:35 +0000
From: clayEV2k <EV2K@pacbell.net>
Subject: Re: (mobility) Voodoo Children
> If
> that is the case, then black people making fun of white
> people should not be allowed either - if we're to be fair
> and consistent.
i think if we can't laugh at each other then we'll never be able to
laugh with each other
and if we
can't laugh wid each other then we gon hate each other
and if we all hate each other
brother we gon all kilt each other
so laugh and laugh and laugh
and man if ya gotsta run then better get on!!!!!!
: )
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 14:00:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul Simpson <techno_gpig@yahoo.com>
Subject: (mobility) stuff
okay sorry i wasnt online in a few days...
hmmm, for a whil i thought i was in trouble, with my name as the
subject for a series of letters (dont scare me like that clay!!!)
i dont think prince's music is all that great, but i do not at all in
any way doubt that he is influential, talented, and can write some
good music. i've only heard like his pop stuff, so maybe i might like
his undaground stuff, maybe i dont know.
and i love rap music. i mean, not all rap music (we all know how much
i h8 puffy to deth) but like wu-tang rules, and like tribe called
quest, and de la soul, j.beez, fugees, dr. octagon, prince paul,
cypress hill, krs1, timbaland and magoo, bustah rhymes, damn, theres
tons of great rap out there. of course theres bullshit like puffy and
foxy brown and lil kim and stuff, but i think overall rap music is
good. and like the more undaground tha better, i just mentioned more
mainstreem groups.
okay, on to moby (finally)
sunday i unexpectedly went to the music store, and i bought...i
bought......i bought.....ANIMAL RIGHTS W/ LITTLE IDIOT!!!! WOO HOO!!!
It was 26fuckin$ but i had a $10 gift certificate PLUS a used cd PLUS
my mom owed me some credit there (hanukkah present) so it was real
cheap. Plus i bought "Endtroducing....." used for $8. FINALLY. i guess
it was kind of a FINALLY kind of day. btw, theres a cool dj shadow
website i found, called "Just Your Favorite DJ Saviour":
about AR/LI: I thought these cds were cool. They were not as good, as
diverse, or as memorable as EIW but they were still cool. it's funny,
i was like singing along to AR, but like the only songs i remember the
words and/or melody to are Revolver (well duh ive heard it like a
million times) and for some reason Someone To love...and Come On Baby
(from the cryst. meth. remix which i remember better than the original.)
The ambient cd is pretty cool too.
btw someone asked what that "moving cuz the crowd says so" sample was
in ah-ah. in the ILTS liners it said it was "MC Shah-King". i didnt
know that that was what he was saying, i was like, "movie's got the
classics, what?" so thanks, it makes a lil sense now.
okay bye, i know i'm forgetting something...
"Roly poly fish heads are never seen drinking Capuccinos in
Italian restaurants with Oriental women."
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
Date: Tue, 02 Jun 1998 19:40:42 -0400
From: rtaylor@bsumail.idbsu.edu (Ryan Taylor)
Subject: Re: (mobility) stuff
>okay, on to moby (finally)
>sunday i unexpectedly went to the music store, and i bought...i
>bought......i bought.....ANIMAL RIGHTS W/ LITTLE IDIOT!!!! WOO HOO!!!
<snip snip>
>I so it was real cheap.
Ok..so it seems your strutting your stuff cuz you got it for really
cheap..So I must do the same..Cathy(my gf) called from Aukland last night to
let me know how she was doing..Well...She found the Aus. version of JBT for
me...for $4(US dollars)...Beats paying $10 here for import prices...I'll get
to hear it next Tuesday(woo woo for me ;>)
>btw someone asked what that "moving cuz the crowd says so" sample was
>in ah-ah. in the ILTS liners it said it was "MC Shah-King". i didnt
>know that that was what he was saying, i was like, "movie's got the
>classics, what?" so thanks, it makes a lil sense now.
Actually..I wasn't wondering who singing it..but if it was in there because
of how Moby has felt in the past for the rave culture. I'm glad I could
help though(Isn't it funny how each person can interpret a lyric? I've
heard/seen about 5 different versions for the lyrics to Ministry's "Psalm
69" :) )
>"Roly poly fish heads are never seen drinking Capuccinos in
>Italian restaurants with Oriental women."
"In the morning, laughing happy fish heads. In the evening, floating in the
Dr. Demento rules! :)
np: Mustard Plug: "Big Daddy Multitude"
Ryan Taylor ICQ#: 1607223
Homepage to come soon
"People suing ski areas should be shot." -Scot Schmidt
"Duhhh, don't do that! And stop with the wispery hissing, you
sound like a Brian Eno record." -Pearl Forester to Observer
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 00:44:24 EDT
From: <DropABeat@aol.com>
Subject: (mobility) old record sale
sorry, my mind's going ... who posted a message a short while back about a few
moby 12"s they were trying to unload (Feeling So Real and either Barracuda or
Brainstorm) ? please let me know privately. <adam>
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 09:56:19 +0100 (British Summer Time)
From: Tim Beecher <T.Beecher@Cranfield.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: (mobility) Voodoo Children
On Tue, 02 Jun 1998 13:21:35 +0000 clayEV2k
<EV2K@pacbell.net> wrote:
> > If
> > that is the case, then black people making fun of white
> > people should not be allowed either - if we're to be fair
> > and consistent.
> i think if we can't laugh at each other then we'll never be able to
> laugh with each other
> and if we
> can't laugh wid each other then we gon hate each other
> and if we all hate each other
> brother we gon all kilt each other
> so laugh and laugh and laugh
> and man if ya gotsta run then better get on!!!!!!
> I totally agree, but since people say it's politically
incorrect to joke about one ethnic group, it's somehow ok
to do it to another - that's hypocrisy. Personally I think
we should forget all that shit and laugh WITH each other
(as you say), without racist overtones.
Peace, joy and laughter brother,
TiM B.
> : )
> cc
- ----------------------
Date: Wed, 03 Jun 1998 09:12:09 +0000
From: clayEV2k <EV2K@pacbell.net>
Subject: (mobility) friend of moby's
last night i went to my singer's birthday party and there i met a woman
who works for sony
and knows moby
and his close friends from elektra
believe this if you will:
she says moby is still with elektra even though it looked like the deal
was over
his new album from what people who have heard tracks
is very hip hop and very almost pop oriented and from what the buzz is
it will be absolutely awesome!
she says that they are really really excited by everything that they've
and well.......
she is gonna try to get that hour of birth for me........still
so anyways roomies
i am certainly looking forward to that....yes!
but who knows maybe she is misinformed
we'll know soon enough though
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 12:01:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul Simpson <techno_gpig@yahoo.com>
this site says about this movie called Porno that moby is involved in.
courtesy of AP (Alt.press)
"Roly poly fish heads are never seen drinking Capuccinos in
Italian restaurants with Oriental women."
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
Date: Wed, 03 Jun 1998 15:26:14 -0500
From: Ade <ade@anderson.edu>
Subject: Re: (mobility) MOBY INVOLVED IN PORNO FILM
The address is actually http://www.altpress.com/pag/news/news.html#news4.
You forgot an extra 'l'.
It's not actually a porn film is it? It sounds like it's just about porn.
.oooO Oooo. --Ade.
( ) ( )
\ ( ) / adekunle@anderson.edu
\_) (_/ http://picard.anderson.edu/~adekunle
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 13:36:02 -0700
From: "Michaela Gerstner" <plovious@geocities.com>
Subject: Re: (mobility) MOBY INVOLVED IN PORNO FILM
- -----Original Message-----
From: Ade <ade@anderson.edu>
To: mobility@lists.xmission.com <mobility@lists.xmission.com>
Date: Wednesday, June 03, 1998 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: (mobility) MOBY INVOLVED IN PORNO FILM
>It's not actually a porn film is it? It sounds like it's just about porn.
no, it's not an actual porn film. there's a little tiny article about it in
the current SPIN. moby says, in answer to a Q like that: ".. there's
nothing really sexual about it, except that they're talking about dildos and
butt plugs." he even has a role in it, and did the music. the article makes
this sound really interesting. it's suppose to come out this christmas.
so.. that's all i can tell you. the article is in their usual Coverage
section, this one titled The Naked Truth. hope that helps!
Blessed Be,
End of mobility-digest V1 #173
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