but you used your printer for this right? i'm talking about the other iron
ons... my brother still has his iron on shirt, which he had some buy do.
this was made of fabric paint, i think. so, it wasEekmaus that mentioned
the iron ons, right? maybe Eekmaus should clear this up.
Blessed Be,
About the iron ons - I have printed out 20 of them and made t shirts.
Afterwards, I decided I would never do it again. The print fades after 1
but I have had it for over a year now and it has not began to peel or fade
more than that first wash. But, the big problem and the reason I will never
it again is that it was such a hassle. Ironing it and making them all
or measured correctly and cutting them. Only a few came out right, after 2
hours of ironing. Getting one made is much easier and only a bit more
expensive. Later.
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Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 12:53:43 -0500 (EST)
From: Adekunle Olonoh <ade@anderson.edu>
Subject: (mobility) ILTS Cover Art
I didn't think the ILTS art was anything special, but it was simple and I liked it. I think it went along well with the 70's pimp sound on the ILTS track. Maybe noone else hears it that way but me.... I also like the picture of the concert--it kinda touches on the fantasy I have of attending one someday. Anyway, on those albums I look more at the essays than the art. Fantastic stuff.
I don't organize my CD's really. I have a case where I keep the ones I listen to most and then another that has the ones I listen to a little less. But then I only have around 50 CDs so it's not really needing much organization.
np: MTV's AMP
- --Ade.
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Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 13:59:29 -0700
From: "Rekkit" <rekkit@spectranet.ca>
Subject: (mobility) Birmingham 6
I just discovered a kinda neat sample. On "To Protect And Serve" by
Birmingham 6, there's a track called Policestate: Euphoric Experience Mix
(remixed by Lights Of Euphoria). About 10 seconds into it there's a
slightly distorted sample of Moby saying "Now, close your eyes and relax"
taken from The Blue Light Of The Underwater Sun...
They repeat the sample again at the and of the track...
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Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 14:20:32 EDT
From: Suprnaut00 <Suprnaut00@aol.com>
Subject: Re: (mobility) Beats
yeah, the first Urbal beats is pretty good, too. theyre worth the cost.
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Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 17:45:24 -0500
From: "Scott Stegenga" <steg@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Re: (mobility) Caught Up and Moving On(was: Ketchup)
>OK... time to start another poll. i read an article about this either in
>spin or RS a long time ago. How do you guys organize your CDs
I'll be the first to answer this...
I have a collection thats about 640+ and still growing. I know some other
people here have more than I do, and the fact that I also have no 12"
Records, 7" Singles, etc., this also puts me in a not-so-common place. Most
of the CD's I buy are just full-length albums or an EP or two. Not alot of
import singles because I prefer to have all of them and if I start with
Moby, who by the sound of it has several CD-singles with this mix and that
mix, I'll go overboard.
I do the alphabetical thing. If I have more than one CD of an artist and I'm
feeling very anal about the organization, I order each artist's CD in the
year they were released.
I will say I have no more room for my CD's in my room with alot of shelves.
I need to go back home to Mom and dad's garage and build myself a rack with
dad's tools. This will hold about 1000. Save some time for later.
- ---
Scott Steg...I Love Carrots
"Please could you stop the noise I'm trying to get some rest...
from all the unborn chicken voices in my head."
- Radiohead
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Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 16:20:32 -0700 (MST)
From: kimberly <kimberly@swo.org>
Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #165
> From: Chris <cdperk@trib.com>
> Subject: Re: (mobility) twin freak
> i definately agree. "ESCM" is one of my top 10 favorite albums of all time.
> i never get tired of it. "Ima" is great too, but i think "ESCM" blows it
> out of the water, imho. the "Remember" single is also very good.
I agree, "Remember" is a great song. Which reminds me of something almost
MOBY related......
Nils (my bf) is a big BT fan. When we first me, he hadn't heard of them
(nor had I) and he hadn't really hear any MOBY, but everyone told him
that MOBY was the bomb. :) When he asked me what music I like, I said
that I was really getting into MOBY.
Later, after we had been going out for a while, he told me that though he
wasn't very familar with MOBY's work, the fact that I said I was into MOBY
won brownie points because everyone he knew that liked MOBY was cool so
therefore, I must also be cool. That was one of the determining factors
in his descision to date me.
I must thank MOBY for being in existence for if he wasn't, who knows? I
might not be with Nils today! And, I love Nils very much. :-)
Now, isn't that touching. (I'm sure many stomaches have been touched with
something slightly unpleasant, but I just wanted to share. :)
> Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 16:30:53 -0700
> From: "Dr. Killpatient" <rfu@stitch.com>
> Subject: (mobility) shirts
> We need someone to come up with a graphic we can all agree on,
> but first we need to decide what color shirts we will be using
> them on- dark or lite (black or white?) or what since the iron
> on should be geared to work for one or the other right?
Uh, you guys working on a MOBILITY shirt or something? If anyone needs
possible logos, lemme know and I can work on them. I have a few neat MOBY
graphics if any one wants to view them. Please email me at