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From: mobility-owner@xmission.com
To: mobility-digest@xmission.com
Subject: mobility Digest V1 #7
Reply-To: mobility@xmission.com
Errors-To: mobility-owner@xmission.com
mobility Digest Wednesday, 19 February 1997 Volume 01 : Number 007
In this issue:
(mobility) Re: mobility Digest V1 #6
Re: (mobility) Twin Peaks / Go Remixes
Re: (mobility) Prodigy - Charly/Everybody In The Place
Re: (mobility) Prodigy - Charly/Everybody In The Place
(mobility) sellouts? (was Re: mobility Digest V1 #6)
(mobility) old moby snail mailing list....anyone?
Re: (mobility) old moby snail mailing list...
Re: (mobility) sellouts?
Re: (mobility) hey, how about that
Re: (mobility) Moby in Chicago 2/19!!!
(mobility) moby the saint
Re: (mobility) moby on amp
(mobility) Re : Selling Out?
Re: (mobility) Moby in Chicago 2/19!!!
Re: (mobility) Moby in Chicago 2/19!!!
(mobility) A Moby Archive.
See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the mobility
or mobility-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues.
From: Scott Nahabedian <iagoq@bu.edu>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 20:44:28 -0500 (EST)
Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility Digest V1 #6
i cant believe some of you are promoting the unpopularity of electronic
music. "keep it underground man!!"
here, let me reach into my pocket and pick out a clue for you :-)
sure, there is the inevitable seven mary threeization of electronica, but
do any of you actually like modern/alternative/grunge rock? i am sure
lots of you do. are you going to say that EVERY alternative band that
came out after it became commercial is crap?? not even! groups that are
as lame and cheesy as sevenmary three and silverchair die by themselves.
as will the electronica artists that are products and not artists.
By the way, someone made me laugh "now all these wannabes are gonna start
showin up at raves!!" please, youre killing me!! 1997 Raves are already
full of faux philosphers or acetatebarbiebackpack wearing
adidasheads.... pretty wannabeish already i think. Hey man, plur. Hey
man... OH GOD. just give me loud music bright lights and room to dance
baby :-)
and isnt it ironic that people on a MOBY list are freaking out on
popularity. Moby, the most wretched hated reviled man in all of
electronica, considered a sellout by virtually every electronic artist.
There is no inherent value in being unknown. I want to hear good music on
the radio, see cool guys (and sexpots like moby) tour the local club so i
dont have to find a car and drive bloody three hous into suburban hell to
a warehouse full of hello kitties, to know that previously untapped
talent is getting a real chance.
Point is, it is about damn time. When the crap comes, dont buy it. It
will die off.
And i happen to LIKE the firestarter songs (although i DID buy it like a
year ago :-) )
all in love and fun,
The light at the end of the tunnel is the headlights of an approaching train.
S c o t t N a h a b e d i a n
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From: Daniel Cerman <keen@webaccess.net>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 18:55:45 -0700
Subject: Re: (mobility) Twin Peaks / Go Remixes
Brad Caviness wrote:
> > Hey guys, I've been looking around for the version of "Go" with the
> > "Twin Peaks" music on it.
> Try Moby's self-titled debut on Instint for the radio/album version that
> you're looking for and the "Rare/Go" 2-cd for all the other mixes (except
> the "Mover." What were they thinking?)
I have the Mover Mix of "Go", and I can tell you why they didn't include
it. Because it's cheesy, uninspired, cliche old farty German wannabe
techno. Yes, I'm being kind of harsh. But really, the Mover Mix is no
prize. It's just a collectible. Somebody put a meaty bass drum under
samples of Moby's Go, and switched back and forth between the Go samples
and some original talentless techno noise. If a DJ played it in his set
five years ago, really loud, in a jumping place, I'd probably enjoy it
and have a great time with it, but now it just sounds like dated (moldy)
old techno cheese.
The whole Twin Peaks theme isn't in any Go remix that I know of, though
the same little piece is in the majority of the remixes. So if you want
to hear the whole theme from Twin Peaks (which is quite good, but short),
look for a Twin Peaks soundtrack -- NOT a Moby CD. I have seen one or
two Twin Peaks CDs, so they are out there.
Daniel Cerman
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From: Brian Ruh <beruh@expert.cc.purdue.edu>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 21:00:03 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: (mobility) Prodigy - Charly/Everybody In The Place
> 1) the US exploits everything to the fullest. Soon well have the
> Prodigy and Underworld et al on our Wheeties boxes and punk teens
> will be moshing at Lallapalooza to Orbital and stuff. You'll have
> pathetic wannabe's at raves and Moby concerts just to be cool.
Hey, what do you have against punks? :)
But I understand what you mean - the mainstreaming of punk culture has been
going on in the U.S. for quite a while now. More exposure will attract some
genuine fans who haven't heard of the music before, but it will certainly
attract some assholes.
Yeah, it's the same old trendy thing. But it just doesn't worry me - I mean,
the people who truly like the music will still be here once all the hype has
died down.
> 4) On a positive side, the music won't be so taxing on our
> incomes/wallets. Less record digging too(I don't know if that's
> always good). And the artists we've grown to love are getting the
> money and recognition that they obviously deserve....unlike some
> artists like Alanis Morisette.
> 5) Another positive - the likelihood of more American Tours and
> Video/radio exposure. We can finally hear good stuff on the radio.
Two definite benefits - I mean, wouldn't you rather hear Moby on the radio
than most of the crap that is played these days?
I'm not sure that less record-digging is a plus, though. That's part of the
- --
"Life goes by way too fast to spend it working for somebody else / It don't
make any sense." - Screeching Weasel
"The subculture is the main line and what we see around us is the anomaly."
- Gary Snyder
For all your needs since 1977:
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From: Matt Himes <mrh160@psu.edu>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 21:20:47 -0500
Subject: Re: (mobility) Prodigy - Charly/Everybody In The Place
At 06:28 PM 2/18/97 CST, you wrote:
>To add to the electronic music discussion, watch out for CURRENT
>STATUS. I predict that this band will be the downfall to electronic
>music. I made the name up, so I'm not sure if it will really happen.
>p.s. If you ever hear of Current Status, let me know.
And thus begins the campaign of misinformation. You know what? The scary
thing is that this type of thing would actually work if enough people
participated. The strategy? While you're in a record store, make sure you
station yourself in front of the techno, and then watch for your first
target. Who is the target of this campaign? Well, watch for younger
teenagers who first enter the store and head directly for the alternative
section and stay there for at least fifteen minutes or so. Your target will
be the kids who then bop over to the techno section for the last five
minutes of their stay in the store before they steal/purchase the latest
alternative sillyness that they picked up. Whenever they come over to the
section, watch if they search for a specific artist or are just looking at
the cool pictures on the cover. If they do the latter, then you can do one
of two things (or both!)
you can:
a)tell that the disc they are looking at is "Ok" (even if it's your favorite
artist) (remember, tone of voice is important here. you can make sex
sound lame to a fifteen year old if say "Ok" correctly) and then
recommend the worst stuff you can find in the section.
b)do the "ok" thing with their selection, then recommend a "new" chill group
that doesn't exist. extoll the many virtues of this amazing imaginary
band, and then inform them that the store doesn't have it and that the
only time you saw a copy, you bought it. Also, tell them that you've
seen other copies, but you can't remember where.
Of course, you could do this just for fun, regardless of what you're trying
to protect.
Matt Himes
_______________ ___________ __________ ___ ___
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mrh160@psu.edu trey@psu.edu
Trey's Mechwarrior Niche-> http://www.ecsel.psu.edu/~mhimes/
Trey's Other Mechwarrior Niche-> http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/3527
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From: MOBYchild@aol.com
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 22:36:27 -0500 (EST)
Subject: (mobility) sellouts? (was Re: mobility Digest V1 #6)
In a message dated 97-02-18 20:52:00 EST, you write:
> Moby, the most wretched hated reviled man in all of
> electronica, considered a sellout by virtually every electronic artist
lets remember, there is a difference from the artist selling out and people
buying in--
moby, in no way, has changed or styled his music to reflect the current trend
and/or what people consider "cool" of his.
prdigy, however--well, i think by playing at that eMpTy Vee fashion show have
lost, to me, their credibility as artists and are now the new Nirvana--the
idol of every alterna-boy in my school. (hey, man, did ya hear that
firestarter song...it is soooo kewl...i heard it last nite when i was fucked
up, etc.)
the renegade robot
Liam of the cosmos and beyond
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From: Don Quixote <ryu97@twd.net>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 22:40:44 -0500 (EST)
Subject: (mobility) old moby snail mailing list....anyone?
does anyone remember the older pre-EIW moby mailing list that
depended on the u.s. postal service? i only have one letter from
it, and at the moment, i can't seem to find it.
if you don't know, it is a list for fans that moby started
himself (i think). every so often, you would get letters from moby
letting you know what he was up to at the moment. mine was
from right after "move" i believe, because i can remember him talking
about his guitar version of "ATINITBL" and his cover of "New Dawn
Fades". if anyone else here has more and would be willing to
share them, i'd really appreciate it. the letter came on a xeroxed
sheet of typing paper with black ink and moby charicatures on it
in the usual computerized hand written moby font.
0(+> <+)0 0(+> <+)0 0(+> <+)0 0(+> <+)0 0(+> <+)0 0(+>
IT MAY HURT BUT..." - Mark Gluth
0(+> <+)0 0(+> <+)0 0(+> <+)0 0(+> <+)0 0(+> <+)0 0(+>
Ryu * ryu97@twd.net * 814-238-3171
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From: Daniel Cerman <keen@webaccess.net>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 20:58:02 -0700
Subject: Re: (mobility) old moby snail mailing list...
Don Quixote wrote:
> does anyone remember the older pre-EIW moby mailing list that
> depended on the u.s. postal service? i only have one letter from
> it, and at the moment, i can't seem to find it.
Yes, I remember that list. I thought that MCT (not Moby himself) was
in charge of it, but I don't know for sure. I got a mailing announcing
Feeling So Real, and then nothing. I thought that they lost my
address or something, but I believe I got something last spring,
though I can't remember what it was. Not a very active or consistent
mailing list, methinks.
> if you don't know, it is a list for fans that moby started
> himself (i think). every so often, you would get letters from moby
> letting you know what he was up to at the moment. mine was
> from right after "move" i believe, because i can remember him talking
> about his guitar version of "ATINITBL" and his cover of "New Dawn
> Fades". if anyone else here has more and would be willing to
> share them, i'd really appreciate it. the letter came on a xeroxed
> sheet of typing paper with black ink and moby charicatures on it
> in the usual computerized hand written moby font.
That would be great if we could collect all the back issues. It would
be cool for the zine (or a possible future edition/appendix thereof).
Daniel Cerman
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From: eric weiss <eric_w@geocities.com>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 20:06:54 -0800
Subject: Re: (mobility) sellouts?
well to go deeper into the prodigy thing.. whats the point of releasing
a single months before the album comes out? to build hype of course
(look at U2 for more of it).. why build hype.. to sell records.. it
seems to me that prodigy or their record company had this whole thing
figured out from the start.. dont get angry at people for falling for a
trap that was set just for them... that song was picked and released in
such a way as to entice (spelling?) the rock-n-rollier crowd to slide on
over to the techno section...
- --
Eric Weiss
Epicentre Productions
"If you were god what would upset you more,
bare breasts on t.v. or the destruction of
healthy and beautiful eco-systems?" -Moby
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From: Chilidiba9@aol.com
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 1997 15:20:16 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: (mobility) hey, how about that
i think i missed th ryu's adress a bit ago .....i'm the one who might buy the
come on baby cds...well. i hope i can get it again..bye
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From: DAVIESA@uwplatt.edu
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 1997 22:16:13 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: (mobility) Moby in Chicago 2/19!!!
can someone please tell me where moby will be in chicago again? and is there
anyone that can give me directions to this place? please!!!
"run, run, as fast as you can,
you can't catch me, i'm the gingerbread man!"
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From: Don Quixote <ryu97@twd.net>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 00:33:16 -0500 (EST)
Subject: (mobility) moby the saint
while there is some non-moby discussing going on
here, i thought it'd be ok if i asked the group
a non-moby question:
does anyone here know when the new utah saints
album is being released and if it will be music + rom
like it was supposed to be? email me privately
if you like.
sorry 'bout that, but i gotta know. i've been looking
forward to it for a while now. thanks.
0(+> <+)0 0(+> <+)0 0(+> <+)0 0(+> <+)0 0(+> <+)0 0(+>
IT MAY HURT BUT..." - Mark Gluth
0(+> <+)0 0(+> <+)0 0(+> <+)0 0(+> <+)0 0(+> <+)0 0(+>
Ryu * ryu97@twd.net * 814-238-3171
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From: eric weiss <eric_w@geocities.com>
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 1997 08:39:06 -0800
Subject: Re: (mobility) moby on amp
i have caught GO several times on the weekday hour long preview of M2
- --
Eric Weiss
Epicentre Productions
"If you were god what would upset you more,
bare breasts on t.v. or the destruction of
healthy and beautiful eco-systems?" -Moby
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From: Col <claird.ca2@CompApp.DCU.IE>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 11:30:00 +0000
Subject: (mobility) Re : Selling Out?
It seems to me that there are people on this list that are afraid of their
favourite artists going mainstream because people will like them!!
The Prodigy have been labelled as sell-outs for years,ever since they
released "Charly" because before that they used to be massive on the
underground scene in England.Just because they have become more popular
still can't take away the fact that they are excellent,I happen to like
Firestarter a lot.
Also this thing of bands coming along and copying them,it's happening everywhere
you look,I mean,Oasis,who seem to the most popular band around are a total
rip-off of The Beatles.The only way for music to move forward is through
bands copying others to a certain extent and adding something new to the
sound themselves.The Prodigy copied the Acid House style and changed it
slightly by adding breakbeats.
You surely can't deprive them the recognition (and money) that they deserve
for the contribution that they have made to music?
"What's that rhythm what's that sound
Party people getting down
When it hit the baddest man
Just Release Yo'Self! "
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From: Damian@xmission.com
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 11:16:37 -0700
Subject: [none]
Subject: Re: (mobility) right on!
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From: spacecat@spideyweb.net (Rick Ackerson)
>>1) we can listen to really bad pseudo-techno bands...
> which i think has already started in the form of pop/dance groups
> who think they are "techno bands"
> i dont want to name names but are we talking about a group that
> rhymes with "rice curls" ?
No. That's a pop group who thinks they are R&B/Hip-Hop. I've been
hearing a few songs on Q101 recently that have the structure and
melody of pop songs, but the noises of techno. I think the kind of
thing the first person was refering to. I'm not saying they are bad
songs. I do like them, but I can tell that they are just
Aaron Ackerson
- --
** Please update any links or references to my old account.
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From: spacecat@spideyweb.net (Rick Ackerson)
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 97 00:27:01 PST
Subject: Re: (mobility) Moby in Chicago 2/19!!!
>can someone please tell me where moby will be in chicago again?
>and is there
>anyone that can give me directions to this place? please!!!
I don't know the address, but the name of the place is Dome Room.
Admission will be free from 10-11pm, which is when I guess Moby will
be there.
Aaron Ackerson
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From: A New January <primal@interaccess.com>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 12:45:23 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: (mobility) Moby in Chicago 2/19!!!
On Wed, 19 Feb 1997, Rick Ackerson wrote:
> can someone please tell me where moby will be in chicago again? and is
> there anyone that can give me directions to this place? please!!!
dome room is right next door to excalibur (look for the iron gates). it's
on the corner of dearborn and ontario. price is typically $6 to get in
on the weekends...but i heard it was free from 10-11pm today. dome room
has always been 21 and over...no exceptions.
peace... prymal -- a regular patron of dome room
p.s. i'll be there this friday night when acumen nation plays...fyi,
acumen nation is actually acumen, but all techno! we're talkin' hard core
shit. wooo!
p.p.s. moby was on the wendy and bill show this morning. nothing special.
he said he may release another cd with mixes of animal rights songs.
other than that, no big deal. wendy and bill were complete morons. they
acted like they actually knew who moby was, but it was pretty obvious they
didn't until they got the press sheet. :>
A NEW JANUARY - CD debut, "Patchwork Shadows"
electronic dance with a driving edge
add some spice to your christ...necco wafers!
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From: Chilidiba9@aol.com
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 18:36:11 -0500 (EST)
Subject: (mobility) A Moby Archive.
i was going through the music news online and i sw something that caught my
The Boston Globe/BPI
(Feb. 19) The buzz of the moment in alternative rock circles: Techno,
a.k.a. electronica, will be the next big wave to wash over us.
The most prominent, popular, and charismatic techno artist of the early
'90s: Moby, a man who brought drama and passion to a genre often noted for
its anonymity and seamless grooves.
The artist who has abandoned what he once pioneered: one and the same,
''I lost interest,'' says Moby, 31, on the phone from his New York
studio. ''There was a period from about 1987 to around 1991 when I was in
love with the seminal house music, early techno, and the rave scene. Over the
last couple of years, though, I just think it's lost what made it special. It
ceased to be vulnerable. It didn't seem that passionate. A lot of the stuff
that's being championed these days seems like it's too suave, too stylistic,
like Orbital and the Chemical Brothers. It's nice, but cool ... not intense.
It makes nice background music for having people over and hanging out, but I
don't sit down and listen to - and vicariously get caught up in - what is
going on.''
You cannot say Moby's new disc, ''Animal Rights,'' is not intense. Yes,
it has quiet, cerebral, neo-classical passages, much as did his last album,
''Everything Is Wrong.'' Each side - if you listen to the cassette tape -
begins that way. But Moby is rocking out full tilt: guitars, drums, and
vocals, bursting with emotion, be it fury, protest or joy.
Moby is, essentially, a one-man band; he played everything but violin on
this CD@ and he's his own editor and producer. ''Animal Rights'' is not easy
listening. You'll hear echoes of, of all bands, Black Sabbath in ''Heavy
''On some level,'' says Moby, laughing. ''Completely. The guitar in
(Sabbath's) 'Paranoid' is probably the most unimaginative thing in the world.
It's so rudimentary - the vocals always follow what the guitar is doing - but
it's perfect. ... I'd say Black Sabbath is definitely British folk art.''
Of the album's jarring juxtapositions and sonic booms, Moby says, ''I
guess I'm kind of petulant.'' He desired and designed ''a 75-minute,
difficult record. It was of a specific intent, because I felt by putting the
really brutal, abrasive stuff up against the pastoral and bucolic things, it
made those characteristics stand out even more - it made the quieter stuff
more vulnerable and the hard stuff seem more brutal.''
The first single from ''Animal Rights'' is not a song Moby wrote. It's a
cover of Mission of Burma's ''(That's When I Reach for My) Revolver.'' Burma
was Boston's key art-punk band of the late '70s; the song, one of Burma's
poppiest, was written by bassist Clint Conley, now a producer at Channel 5's
''Revolver'' should have been a hit. In Moby's hands, it's looking like
it will be. His version is quite faithful (minus Burma's midsection free-form
bit), if cleaner - a roller-coaster rush of adrenaline, tension/release set
to moody, thoughtful lyrics that question the value of heroism, among other
things. Its refrain - climax - is ''That's when I reach for my
revolver/That's when it all gets blown away!'' The gesture might be outwardly
directed; it might be inwardly directed.
Moby says he thinks the album works on several levels - ''an organic
journey ... from visceral and reactionary to more resigned, resolving in a
strange, pastoral way'' - but there is certainly a self-destructive theme.
''Which is why I chose 'Revolver,' '' says Moby. ''Whether I'm reflecting
that motif in the culture around us or in myself, or both, I'm not sure. It's
just an attempt to make things stop. Feeling overwhelmed by despair, but ...
also joy.''
Also, Moby adds, it's an ''homage.'' As a young punk growing up in
Connecticut, he worshipped Mission of Burma. One day, as a teenager, he found
out Conley hailed from his own town, Darien. He met Conley's mother when he
was working in a pharmacy. He noticed how her last name was spelled and asked
if Clint was her son. He was, and the two met. ''I was really nervous,'' Moby
says, ''but it went fine, with my suburban understanding of punk rock and his
preppy understanding, it was a preppy/punk thing.''
As Moby matured, he embraced other causes, Christianity and vegan
vegetarianism, among them. Of the former, he says, ''I try to live according
to Christ's teachings, but any connection to cultural or denominational
Christianity - there's nothing there. As much as I love Christ, I'm almost
happy to throw away the word 'Christian.' ''
Moby plans to tour with a band in April. ''It's really easy to
translate,'' he says. He won't, however, excise his techno work from his live
set. ''The way I see it,'' he says of techno and himself, ''is kind of like a
divorce. Once the divorce is made and you have perspective, you kind of
realize she wasn't so bad after all - I don't want to be married to her, but
we can have lunch every now and then.''
The challenge in concert, Moby says, is ''to be as open and vulnerable as
possible. What bothers me is that sometimes I feel like I've figured out how
to appear vulnerable without being vulnerable. It's almost like method
acting, especially if you perform 100 shows a year.''
How does he get around that?
''I don't know,'' Moby says. ''Sometimes, it's more real than other
nights. Sometimes, I play tricks on myself, like imagining my ex-girlfriend
having sex with some sleazy guy. That is always a good motivation.''
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A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to
subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "mobility-digest"
in the commands above with "mobility".
Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from ftp.xmission.com, in
pub/lists/mobility/archive. These are organized by date.