>kinda like fatboyslim he has a kiddy clean version its called where in heavin
>is now called illin in heaven i'm not sure but i heard that the lyrics are
>even changed to "fatboy slim is illin in heaven" quite lame eh ?
i was in wal-mart a few weeks ago when i was really bored and saw this cd. but the cd that really intigued me was nirvana'a "in utero". the song "rape me" was listed on the back of the cd as "waif me". what hte fuck does that even mean? maybe im stupid, but i didnt even know waif was a verb. second of all it changes the whole meaning of the song, in fact it takes away all meaning the song had. thats my 2 cents for a while.
Subject: (mobility) Bodyrock singles and THANKS II
Date: 21 Jul 1999 08:40:22 -0500
Can anyone help me out here? I wonder if anyone can get me a copy of eack of the UK Bodyrock singles and the US single. I have no means of ordering them here sadly enough. Mail me privately (n64racer@ignmail.com) if you can be of assistance! Thanks!
And concerning Thanks2...I too am wondering exactly where that sits...G? any word?
gingerbread man
"run, run, as fast as you can,
you can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!"
Andrew J. Davies
ICQ# 38182405
Madison, WI 53704
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> Okay, I was listening to "Rare" today and 'Thousand' came on and I got to
> thinking, did Moby write 'Thousand' because he was honestly inspired and
> had a vision to write this song exactly as it was or do you think he just
> had an urge to do sort of a "gimmick" type song with a hook, what with the
> guiness record for fastest song and all?
I've wondered that before as well. Good question. I think I've heard somewhere that a big part of it was just to push the limits. He heard some other song that was changing it's BPM count and got as high as a few hundred or something and thought it sounded cool and said, "hey, why not a thousand?" I'm sure someone else knows the story better than I do, and I may be way off anyway. It's a pretty cool song nonetheless--I think "power" may be the evident key word. I've heard people say it's kickass live, and I think that's what I'd look forward to if I ever got to a Moby show.