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From: owner-fractint-digest@lists.xmission.com (fractint-digest)
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Subject: fractint-digest V1 #597
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fractint-digest Wednesday, September 12 2001 Volume 01 : Number 597
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 10:55:50 +0200
From: Guy Marson <guy.marson@mnhn.lu>
Subject: Re: (fractint) There's no best fractal book, but lots of good ones
At 23:13 08/09/01 -0500, you wrote:
But first, RUN to Amazon.com's website and
>1) look up "fractals",
>2) read the "Reviews", and
>3) look at the Ratings (1->5 stars). Then choose, purchase and read the
>highest-rated, least-expensive 5 books characterized as "introductory
>level" by their readers. No need to reinvent the wheel.
good idea; rated 5!
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Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 11:01:21 EDT
From: JimMuth@aol.com
Subject: (fractint) FOTD 10-09-01 (Now You See It [4])
FOTD -- September 10, 2001 (Rating 4)
Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:
Maybe it's there, but we can't see it. This describes today's
image, which resembles the surroundings of a midget. But no
midget is visible. The midget does exist of course, way down at
the center of the image, unfortunately well beyond resolution.
As a result I named the image "Now You See It". We'll let the
viewer mentally add the "Now You Don't".
The formula 5(Z^(-1.333))+0.5(Z^(-13.33))+(1/C), which is
responsible for today's fractal, is another of my whimsical
expressions that come from nowhere but make a reasonable
fractal. Because I put so little energy into the image, I could
rate it at only a 4.
The draw time of just under one hour is slow for a fractal that
rates only a 4. But relief is at hand in the form of the
pre-rendered GIF image, which will soon be available on the
internet at:
and at:
from where it may be downloaded in a minute or so.
The fractal weather today was once again near perfect, with blue
skies, fluffy white clouds, gentle breezes, and a temperature of
86F 30C. Only a few too many clouds and a couple degrees too
much heat prevented absolute perfection. The fractal cats had a
great day doing nothing but sleep and eat.
I am making good progress on the FOTD CD. All the material I
have on file is now gathered, and the next task is to determine
what is missing, so that I can pick it up from other sources.
An even more immediate task is to start and finish the day's
work. Until next time, take care, and I've never seen a purple
Jim Muth
START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================
Now_You_See_It { ; time=0:59:08.35--SF5 on a P200
reset=2001 type=formula formulafile=allinone.frm
formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 function=recip passes=1
params=5/-1.333/0.5/-13.33/0/800 float=y
maxiter=3000 inside=0 logmap=843
frm:MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth
a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2),
g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j,
k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel):
|z| < l
END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE==================================
- --------------------------------------------------------------
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Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 20:22:20 +0200
From: Ralph Feltens <feltens@biochem.mu-luebeck.de>
Subject: Re: (fractint) FOTD 10-09-01 (Now You See It [4])
Hi Jim
> Until next time, take care, and I've never seen a purple
> cow.
But maybe a violet one: http://www.milka.de/home/home.html
(The Milka cow is so well known here in Germany that a lot of the little
kids growing up in the big towns really think that violet is the natural
color of a cow)
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Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 10:37:32 EDT
From: JimMuth@aol.com
Subject: (fractint) FOTD 11-09-01 (Fuzzy Fractal Logic [7])
FOTD -- September 11, 2001 (Rating 7)
Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:
An extremely simple formula can produce a striking fractal.
This is the premise I set out to demonstrate when I started the
FOTD 4-1/2 years ago, and once again, I feel I have demonstrated
True, I did not demonstrate it today with the classic
equal-iteration bands, but the <tdis> outside in today's image
creates a fractal striking enough so that when combined with the
simple expression (-Z)^1.26+C, it once again demonstrates the
original premise of the FOTD.
The MandelbrotMiN formula, which stands for Mandelbrot-minus-n,
is an old one that I haven't used in several years. It has some
good fractals in it however, and deserves to be brought out at
least once in a while to do its thing.
Today's fractal rates a 7, and is a sample of the things this
formula can do. The name "Fuzzy Fractal Logic" comes from the
fuzzy appearance of the unusually brilliant elements surrounding
the less-than-impressive midget at the center.
Fuzzy logic is a loose type of logic, which when programmed into
a computer is supposed to make the machine respond to input more
like a human mind. It works in a rudimentary sort of way, but
don't expect to be carrying on a stimulating conversation with a
computer in the next year or so.
The render time of 2-1/2 minutes from today's parameter file is
fast enough. The GIF image downloads even faster from:
or from:
After it has been posted there of course.
The fractal weather today was less than perfect, with lots of
clouds and a few sprinkles of rain. The rain, rather than the
temperature of 83F 28C, kept the cats confined to the porch,
where they watched for unwanted cats that might intrude.
It's now time to shut down the fractal aspect and rev up the
design aspect of the workshop. But I'll return in 24 hours more
or less with a new fractal to delight and amaze. Until then,
take care, and be at peace with everything.
Jim Muth
START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================
FuzzyFractal_Logic { ; time=0:02:39.61--SF5 on a P200
reset=2001 type=formula formulafile=slices.frm
formulaname=MandelbrotMiN passes=1
params=1.26/0/0/0/0/0 float=y maxiter=6000
inside=0 outside=tdis logmap=37
frm:MandelbrotMiN {; Jim Muth
b=p1, z=p2, c=p3+pixel:
|z| <= 16
END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE==================================
- --------------------------------------------------------------
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Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 06:49:47 EDT
From: JimMuth@aol.com
Subject: (fractint) THE LAST FOTD! 12-09-01 (Simplicity [0])
THE LAST FOTD -- September 12, 2001 (Rating 0)
Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:
Regretfully, due to world conditions, this will be the last
FOTD. If I wrote what I feel, you would no longer like me, so I
shall go out instead in a blaze of simplicity.
Today's fractal is the fastest and simplest of all time. 1/3
second is not to be sneezed at. That is why I named it
"Simplicity". The rating of 0 is as much a description as a
statement of the image's worth.
With a render time of 0.33 seconds, there is hardly a need to
pick up the image from the web sites at:
and at:
The fractal weather today was once again perfect, with brilliant
blue skies and a temperature of 81F 27C. The fractal cats did
not enjoy the perfection however. They hid themselves away all
day, probably sensing my anger.
That's it for a long time, most likely forever. I will *NOT*
return in 24 hours with another fractal. I will be too busy
from now on, venting my wrath on the political forums.
But it's been a fun 4-1/2 years.
Good Bye.
Jim Muth
START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================
Simplicity { ; time=0:00:00.33--SF5 on a P200
reset=2001 type=julia
params=0/0 float=y maxiter=95 inside=0 logmap=yes
END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE==================================
- --------------------------------------------------------------
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Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 09:24:45 -0500
From: Programmer Dude <cjsonnack@mmm.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) THE LAST FOTD! 12-09-01 (Simplicity [0])
JimMuth@aol.com wrote:
> THE LAST FOTD -- September 12, 2001 (Rating 0)
> [...]
> Good Bye.
Good bye, Jim.
But, a thought: if you quit because of this... they win.
- --
|_ CJSonnack <Chris@Sonnack.com> _____________| How's my programming? |
|_ http://www.Sonnack.com/ ___________________| Call: 1-800-DEV-NULL |
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Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 12:42:50 -0500
From: "Paul N. Lee" <Paul.N.Lee@Worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) THE LAST FOTD! 12-09-01 (Simplicity [0])
Programmer Dude wrote:
> Jim Muth wrote:
> >
> > THE LAST FOTD -- September 12, 2001 (Rating 0)
> > ....... Good Bye.
> But, a thought: if you quit because of this... they win.
That is one of the main reasons of terrorism, the disruption of normal
There are probably hundreds of individuals that appreciate the FOTD and
benefit from your daily efforts. Your images and formulae have been
used to enhance the artistic efforts of almost everyone that uses
FractInt, not to mention those that use other fractal generators capable
of using the PARs and FRMs: UltraFractal, ChaosPro, etc...
I have seen such individuals as Brian Prentice recreate many of your
images (and variations thereof) under UltraFractal, which causes others
to try out using your files.
It would be a sad day for sure if you allow the actions of terrorists to
influence your own actions. Maybe a short interim between now and
future FOTDs might be something to consider, in memory of those involved
in this terrible tragedy.
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------
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Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 13:16:20 -0500
From: bmc1@airmail.net
Subject: (fractint) [Fwd: THE LAST FOTD]
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See attached . . .
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Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 10:45:51 -0500
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To: Jim Muth <jamth@mindspring.com>
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Dear Jim,
Yesterday you said:
"But I'll return . . . Until then, take care, and be at peace with
I hope you feel better.
Best regards,
DeBow Freed
- --------------0F41B09836C5BE2495F0DC30--
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Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 11:29:15 -1000
From: gnome@hawaii.rr.com
Subject: Re: (fractint) THE LAST FOTD! 12-09-01 (Simplicity [0])
>Programmer Dude wrote:
>> Jim Muth wrote:
>> >
>> > THE LAST FOTD -- September 12, 2001 (Rating 0)
>> > ....... Good Bye.
>> But, a thought: if you quit because of this... they win.
>That is one of the main reasons of terrorism, the disruption of normal
>There are probably hundreds of individuals that appreciate the FOTD and
>benefit from your daily efforts. Your images and formulae have been
>used to enhance the artistic efforts of almost everyone that uses
>FractInt, not to mention those that use other fractal generators capable
>of using the PARs and FRMs: UltraFractal, ChaosPro, etc...
>I have seen such individuals as Brian Prentice recreate many of your
>images (and variations thereof) under UltraFractal, which causes others
>to try out using your files.
>It would be a sad day for sure if you allow the actions of terrorists to
>influence your own actions. Maybe a short interim between now and
>future FOTDs might be something to consider, in memory of those involved
>in this terrible tragedy.
Or a special FOTD in memory of those who died in the attack. Of all the Fractint-related
email that comes to my account, the FOTD are the only ones that I always keep.
Please don't quit! I've read somewhere, "All that evil needs in order to succeed
is for good people to do nothing." While there seems to be little balance between
the great evil of the attack, and the (seemingly small) good of your FOTD, your
FOTD is still a good.
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Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 21:39:23 -0400
From: Ken MacLean <kmaclean@ic.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) THE LAST FOTD! 12-09-01 (Simplicity [0])
Dear Jim --
I agree with all of those who have urged you to continue. Your fractals are excellent, but I
will miss more your good humor. Do not let the negative energy consume you, else the dark
side will have won a victory. The force is more powerful. Please find it in your heart to
continue, after an appropriate period of grieving and venting.
- -- Ken
gnome@hawaii.rr.com wrote:
> >Programmer Dude wrote:
> >>
> >> Jim Muth wrote:
> >> >
> >> > THE LAST FOTD -- September 12, 2001 (Rating 0)
> >> > ....... Good Bye.
> >>
> >> But, a thought: if you quit because of this... they win.
> >
> >That is one of the main reasons of terrorism, the disruption of normal
> >processes.
> >
> >There are probably hundreds of individuals that appreciate the FOTD and
> >benefit from your daily efforts. Your images and formulae have been
> >used to enhance the artistic efforts of almost everyone that uses
> >FractInt, not to mention those that use other fractal generators capable
> >of using the PARs and FRMs: UltraFractal, ChaosPro, etc...
> >
> >I have seen such individuals as Brian Prentice recreate many of your
> >images (and variations thereof) under UltraFractal, which causes others
> >to try out using your files.
> >
> >It would be a sad day for sure if you allow the actions of terrorists to
> >influence your own actions. Maybe a short interim between now and
> >future FOTDs might be something to consider, in memory of those involved
> >in this terrible tragedy.
> Or a special FOTD in memory of those who died in the attack. Of all the Fractint-related
> email that comes to my account, the FOTD are the only ones that I always keep.
> Please don't quit! I've read somewhere, "All that evil needs in order to succeed
> is for good people to do nothing." While there seems to be little balance between
> the great evil of the attack, and the (seemingly small) good of your FOTD, your
> FOTD is still a good.
> David
> gnome@hawaii.rr.com
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
> Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
> Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
> Administrator: twegner@fractint.org
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Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 19:47:54 -0700
From: Mark Christenson <mchris@value.net>
Subject: (fractint) Re: THE LAST FOTD! 12-09-01 (Simplicity [0])
At 06:49 AM 9/12/01 EDT, Jim Muth wrote:
>THE LAST FOTD -- September 12, 2001 (Rating 0)
>Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:
>Regretfully, due to world conditions, this will be the last
>FOTD. If I wrote what I feel, you would no longer like me...
I'm not at all sure about that, Jim. We are not all Americans,
but all who love peace and freedom felt the sting of yesterday's
evil. If I spoke my mind I would be banned from the list. But that
is, of course, way off topic and inappropriate for this forum.
(Please feel free to contact me privately to vent.)
I completely understand, as many of my fractal dry spells have
been caused in part by such crusades. I have immersed myself
in politics from very local to national, including walking precincts
in the '92 presidential election, to fight for various causes. Take
the time you need to vent your wrath and affect (or effect, take
your choice, as both apply in this case) the trials that must come
to save us from the scourge of terrorism, but please don't entirely
abandon the medium through which you have contributed much
beauty and wonder to the world.
If you must end the FOTD, I highly suggest you start a Web
site of galleries when your rage diminishes and your sense
of beauty returns. That is a more manageable beast anyway,
and I'm sure most of us are adequately impressed with your
almost unbroken four-plus year streak to forgive the passing
of a fractal fixture.
Oddly enough, I bawled like a baby for a few minutes several
hours after Challenger, but haven't shed a tear over this. I'm
just seething with quiet rage and a wish that I were 20 years
younger so I could sign up to go kick some ass. But then
again, I knew two of the Challenger crew.
Condolences and God (by any name) bless us all,
- --------------------------------------------------------------
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Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 22:41:20 -0500
From: bmc1@airmail.net
Subject: (fractint) [Fwd: The Furry Critter Network - The Critter News]
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<li><font face="Arial" size="2">
<a href="http://www.furrycritter.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/classifieds.cgi?db=dogbreeders&website=&language=&session_key=">
<font color="#000000">Breeders</font></a></font></li>
<li><font face="Arial" size="2">
<a href="http://www.furrycritter.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/classifieds.cgi?db=dogrescue&website=&language=&session_key=">
<font color="#000000">Rescue</font></a></font></li>
<td width="25"> </td>
<td width="155"><b><font face="Arial" size="2">Cat Categories</font></b><br>
<li><font face="Arial" size="2">
<a href="http://www.furrycritter.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/classifieds.cgi?db=catsregistered&website=&language=&session_key=">
<font color="#000000">Registered</font></a> - Lineage is
required. Ad displays lineage.</font></li>
<li><font face="Arial" size="2">
<a href="http://www.furrycritter.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/classifieds.cgi?db=catbreeders&website=&language=&session_key=">
<font color="#000000">Breeders</font></a></font></li>
<li><font face="Arial" size="2">
<a href="http://www.furrycritter.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/classifieds.cgi?db=catrescue&website=&language=&session_key=">
<font color="#000000">Rescue</font></a></font></li>
<td width="25"> </td>
<td width="155"><b><font face="Arial" size="2">Rabbit
<li><font face="Arial" size="2">
<a href="http://www.furrycritter.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/classifieds.cgi?db=rabbitbreeders&website=&language=&session_key=">
<font color="#000000">Registered</font></a> - Lineage is
required. Ad displays lineage.</font></li>
<li><font face="Arial" size="2">
<a href="http://www.furrycritter.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/classifieds.cgi?db=rabbitsnonregistered&website=&language=&session_key=">
<font color="#000000">Non Registered</font></a> - No
lineage displayed</font></li>
<li><font face="Arial" size="2">
<a href="http://www.furrycritter.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/classifieds.cgi?db=rabbitbreeders&website=&language=&session_key=">
<font color="#000000">Breeders</font></a></font></li>
<li><font face="Arial" size="2">
<a href="http://www.furrycritter.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/classifieds.cgi?db=rabbitrescue&website=&language=&session_key=">
<font color="#000000">Rescue</font></a></font></li>
<td width="25"> </td>
<td width="155"><b><font face="Arial" size="2">Bird
<li><font face="Arial" size="2">
<a href="http://www.furrycritter.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/classifieds.cgi?db=birdsregistered&website=&language=&session_key=">
<font color="#000000">Registered</font></a> - Lineage is
required. Ad displays lineage.</font></li>
<li><font face="Arial" size="2">
<a href="http://www.furrycritter.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/classifieds.cgi?db=birdnonregistered&website=&language=&session_key=">
<font color="#000000">Non-Registered</font></a> - No
lineage displayed</font></li>
<li><font face="Arial" size="2">
<a href="http://www.furrycritter.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/classifieds.cgi?db=birdbreeders&website=&language=&session_key=">
<font color="#000000">Breeders</font></a></font></li>
<li><a href="http://www.furrycritter.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/classifieds.cgi?db=birdrescue&website=&language=&session_key=">
<font color="#000000" face="Arial" size="2">Rescue</font><font color="#000000"></li>
<td width="25"> </td>
<td width="155"><b><font face="Arial" size="2">Exotic
<li><font face="Arial" size="2">
<a href="http://www.furrycritter.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/classifieds.cgi?db=exoticregistered&website=&language=&session_key=">
<font color="#000000">Registered</font></a> - Lineage is
required. Ad displays lineage.</font></li>
<li><font face="Arial" size="2">
<a href="http://www.furrycritter.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/classifieds.cgi?db=exoticnonregistered&website=&language=&session_key=">
<font color="#000000">Non-Registered</font></a> - No
lineage displayed</font></li>
<li><font face="Arial" size="2">
<a href="http://www.furrycritter.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/classifieds.cgi?db=exoticbreeders&website=&language=&session_key=">
<font color="#000000">Breeders</font></a></font></li>
<li><a href="http://www.furrycritter.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/classifieds.cgi?db=exoticrescue&website=&language=&session_key=">
<font color="#000000" face="Arial" size="2">Rescue</font><font color="#000000"></li>
<td width="25"> </td>
<td width="155"> </td>
<td width="100%">
<p align="center"><font face="Arial"><b>New Categories Added
On Request.</b></font></td>
<td width="100%"> </td>
<td width="100%" align="center"><b><font face="Arial">Ad Pricing</font></b></td>
<td width="100%" align="center"><font size="2" face="Arial">30 Days - $7.99</font></td>
<td width="100%" align="center"><font size="2" face="Arial">60 Days - $12.98</font></td>
<td width="100%" align="center"><font size="2" face="Arial">90 Days - $17.97</font></td>
<td width="100%" align="center"><font size="2" face="Arial">Renewal - $4.99
(30 Days)</font></td>
<td width="100%" align="center"><font size="2" face="Arial">Upload Picture
$1.99 </font></td>
<td width="100%"> </td>
<td width="175" style="text-align: justify">
<td width="100%">
<p align="center"><b><font face="Arial">Coming Soon!</font></b></td>
<td width="100%"> </td>
<td width="100%" align="center"><font face="Arial" size="2">
<b>Forum Discussion Area</b></font></td>
<td width="100%" align="center"><font face="Arial" size="2">
<b>Horse Breed Information</b></font></td>
<td width="100%" align="center"><font face="Arial" size="2">
<b>Bird Breed Information</b></font></td>
<td width="100%" align="center"><font face="Arial" size="2">
<b>Rabbit Breed Information</b></font></td>
<td width="100%" align="center" height="25"> </td>
<td width="100%" align="center" height="15"><hr></td>
<td width="100%" align="center" style="text-align: justify">
<b><font size="2" face="Arial">If you wish to be removed from
this advertiser's future mailings, please reply with the
subject "Remove" and we will automatically
block you from future mailings.</font></b></td>
<td width="100%" align="center"><hr> </td>
<td width="100%" align="center"> </td>
<td width="100%" align="center"> </td>
<td width="600" align="center" valign="top">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" width="580" cellpadding="0" id="AutoNumber7">
<td align="center"><b>
<font face="Arial" size="4" color="#4E68A4">The Critter
Classifieds Are Now On-Line</font></b></td>
<td style="text-align: justify"><font face="Arial" size="2">
After five months of development the Critter Classifieds are
now on-line allowing Breeders and Rescue Organizations to
place ads which can be maintained by the user. As always,
Rescue Ads are free and Breeders, Businesses, Ranches, etc. may advertise for a minimal
charge. The Furry Critter Network will continue to provide a
platform for responsible breeders and only accept ads in the
Dog & Cat area from participants whom are able to input
lineage within the ad for both Puppies & Kittens, and for Dogs
& Cats advertised for stud or breeding. This is in an
effort to cut down access for the puppy mills and backyard
breeders. The Horse, Rabbit,
Bird and Exotic areas will accept mixed breeds due to the
acceptable breed practices of their respective species.. Features would
include; Breed Standards and behavior for Dogs & Cats tied to
the classifieds, Auto-Notify of information you select, ad page
counters to review traffic on your ad, multimedia
functionality for optional ad upgrades, to mention just a few.
For additional information please visit
<a href="http://www.furrycritter.com"><font color="#4E68A4">The Furry Critter Network</font></a>
email: <a href="mailto:information@furrycritter.com">
<font color="#4E68A4">information@furrycritter.com</font></a> .<BR><BR>
<b>All ads placed
by rescue organizations are free.</b> If you are involved in a rescue organization and wish to
publish your information on a high visibility site I invite you to come take a look and register
your information. The information that you register will be valid for six months at which
time you will need to place a new ad, again for free. If you are a statewide agency I invite
you to place your ads in the classifieds by either breed specific information or general rescue.
If you are part of a national or international organization I invite you to submit a banner ad with the
dimensions of 468 X 60 either gif or jpg with a hyperlink to your site
and we will include you in the randomizer that displays banner ads for national
or international rescue organizations on almost every page of the site. Again, I emphasize, <strong> THIS
Please take advantage. When placing your ad please emphasize
your organization and facility. <font color="#FF0000"><b>Do not advertise specific animals</b>.</font>
When filling out your ad do not choose any extra visibility options
or you will be charged for the ad. After
filling out your ad simply submit and you will be prompted for credit card information,
leave this info blank <b>(Rescue Organizations Only)</b> and the ad will be processed and posted. </font></td>
<td style="text-align: justify"><hr></td>
<td height="5"></td>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="AutoNumber8">
<td align="center" width="285">
<font face="Arial" color="#4E68A4"><b>
Aniwa.com and The Furry Critter Network Form Partnership</b></font></td>
<td align="center" width="10"> </td>
<td align="center" width="285"><b>
<font face="Arial" color="#4E68A4">
Current Project Status - The Furry Critter Network</font></b></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" align="center" valign="top">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%" cellpadding="0" id="AutoNumber9">
<td width="285" style="text-align: justify">
<font face="Arial" size="2">
<img border="0" src="http://www.furrycritter.com/images/Aniwa_Com_sm1.jpg" width="125" height="59"><BR>The
Furry Critter Network would like to take this
oppurtunity to thank the Staff and Management of
Aniwa.com for their generosity and support in
contributing to the Dog & Cat Breed Description area.
<a href="http://www.aniwa.com"><font color="#000000">Aniwa.com</font></a> is a complete
informational source worldwide for Dogs and Cats.<BR><BR></font></td>
<td width="100%"><hr> </td>
<td width="285" style="text-align: justify">
<font size="2" face="Arial">We need your participation. The
Furry Critter Network invites you to submit content in your
areas of expertise. The articles will be published on the
The articles if chosen will contain the information you submit
along with your logo and a link to your ad in the classifieds.
Articles are chosen at the sole discretion of FCN and may be
edited for content. Pictures submitted must be free of
copyright.</font><p><font size="2" face="Arial">Email your
submission <a href="mailto:content@furrycritter.com">
<font color="#4E68A4">content@furrycritter.com</font></a><font color="#4E68A4">
</font>be sure to include your logo and any other relevant
material. You must be a registered user in the Critter
Classifieds and have a current ad on the system. </font>
<p><font face="Arial" size="2">We require a current ad on the
system so it does not create unfair exposure to the folks who
have paid for an existing ad in your area of expertise.</font></td>
<td width="100%"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td width="285" style="text-align: justify" valign="top">
<font face="Arial" size="2"><b>
<a href="http://www.furrycritter.com/resources/cats/_menu.htm">
<font color="#000000">Cat Breed Standards & Information</font></a></b></font><font size="1" face="Arial"> </font>
<font size="2" face="Arial">- Complete<BR>FCN will ad additional photos and/or breeds as
information becomes available.<b><BR><a href="http://www.furrycritter.com/resources/dog/_menu.htm">
<font color="#000000">Dog Breed Standards & Information</font></a></B><font size="1" face="Arial"> </font>
<font face="Arial">- Complete<BR>FCN will ad additional photos and/or breeds as
information becomes available.</font><b><BR>Horse Breed Standards & Information</b><font size="1" face="Arial">
<BR> </font><font face="Arial"><font color="#FF0000">Under Construction</font><BR>FCN is looking for associations to represent specific
Equine breeds which would include breed standards, a photo representing the breed
(free of copyright) and a link to the association's
<a href="mailto:information@furrycritter.com">
<font color="#4E68A4">information@furrycritter.com</font></a><font color="#4E68A4">
</font> </font><b><BR>Bird
Species Standards & Information</b><font size="1" face="Arial">
<BR> </font><font face="Arial"><font color="#FF0000">Under Construction</font><BR>FCN is looking for associations to represent specific
Bird species which would include standards, a photo representing the
species (free of copyright) and a link to the
association's website.
<a href="mailto:information@furrycritter.com">
<font color="#4E68A4">information@furrycritter.com</font></a><font color="#4E68A4">
</font> </font><b><BR>Rabbit Breed Standards & Information</b><font size="1" face="Arial">
<BR> </font><font face="Arial"><font color="#FF0000">Under Construction</font><BR>FCN is looking for associations to represent specific
Rabbit species which would include standards, a photo representing the
species (free of copyright) and a link to the
association's website.
<a href="mailto:information@furrycritter.com">
<font color="#4E68A4">information@furrycritter.com</font></a><font color="#4E68A4">
</font> </font><b><BR>Exotic
Species Standards & Information</b><font size="1" face="Arial">
<BR> </font><font face="Arial"><font color="#FF0000">Under Construction</font><BR>FCN is looking for associations to represent specific
Exotic species which would include standards, a photo representing the
species (free of copyright) and a link to the
association's website. <font color="#4E68A4"> </font>
<a href="mailto:information@furrycritter.com">
<font color="#4E68A4">information@furrycritter.com</font></a><font color="#4E68A4">
</font> </font><b><BR>
Additional Categories will be added based on user request. </b><font size="1" face="Arial"> </font></font></td>
<td style="text-align: justify"><b>
<font face="Arial" color="#4E68A4">The Furry Critter Forum</font></b><BR><BR><font size="2" face="Arial">
<i>The humane movement has always faced
an uphill battle as it competes with other charitable causes for
support and perhaps in the struggle, many organizations have lost
more than they have gained. In the need for financial contributions
they are pressured into telling only what pleases, forced to fight
only whatÆs popular and limited to speaking out against only that
which does not offend.<br><br>
As they have been forced to prostitute reality, the true nature of
the real suffering of the individual animal is lost to the need to
survive as an organization.<br>
There have always been those noble individuals who fight for animal
welfare causes. Public support, being the fickle thing that it is,
always rises and falls to one cause or another. The masses are often
unknowingly manipulated into abandoning the real need of those few
noble organizations with the tenacity to weather the storm of
popularity. <br>
Public awareness and willingness to contribute to any one of the
countless worthy causes created by manÆs occupation of planet Earth
is influenced if not entirely controlled by our media. Special
interest groups, political ties and individual ambition appear to be
major influencing factors in directing the distribution of funding.
In most instances these accumulated trusts are born of the purest of
intentions. Often times the sympathetic individual contributor
remains unaware of the underlying currents directing his/her
In my personal experience I have seen the respect earned through
years of dedication transformed into cynicism and doubt by a single
lie. IÆve experienced loyal supporters running for cover in the wake
of nothing more than a cruel, unsubstantiated rumor. Such action by
anyone can have only one purpose, the destruction of goodness. Who
suffers? As proven throughout history, the innocent, in this
instance the innocent are animals living day to day totally unaware
of their plight.<br>
It is a sad day indeed when one comes to realize that the continued
success of your lifeÆs work exists precariously hinged on the sway
of popular opinion. I urge every concerned individual to utilize the
free will endowed to all of us by our maker. <br>
Gather the facts on your own, have an opinion that is truly yours.
If you are suspicious, investigate. If you are in doubt, seek the
truth. If you are opposed, voice your opinion. If you are appalled,
make it known. DonÆt allow this worlds few remaining noble causes to
exist forever balanced precariously on the fragile thread of
popularity. </i> <br>
</font><table border="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%" cellpadding="0" id="AutoNumber10">
<td width="50%"><font size="2" face="Arial">Sandi Jolene Venables Markette<br>
JoleneÆs Horse Rescue</font></td>
<td width="50%">
<img border="0" src="http://www.furrycritter.com/images/Jolenes_Horse_Rescue_sm.gif" width="300" height="38"></td>
<td align="center"><font face="Arial, Sans-Serif" size="1">
Copyright ⌐ 2001 Bryntel Technologies, Inc., All Rights
<td width="100%"> </td>
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