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From: owner-fractint-digest@lists.xmission.com (fractint-digest)
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Subject: fractint-digest V1 #503
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fractint-digest Monday, October 23 2000 Volume 01 : Number 503
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 04:15:48 -0700 (PDT)
From: makin_mischief@webtv.net
Subject: Re: (fractint) FOTD 19-10-00 (Convoluted Fractal [5])
- --WebTV-Mail-19366-2314
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Just want to let you know that this FOTD loaded ok for me. I've not
been experiencing the problem that Multiple Bogeys has been having.
- --WebTV-Mail-19366-2314
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Message-ID: <39EE8BEC.4EF4@Worldnet.att.net>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 00:51:40 -0500
From: "Paul N. Lee" <Paul.N.Lee@Worldnet.att.net>
Organization: Nahee Enterprises
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To: fractint@lists.xmission.com
Cc: Multiple Bogeys <neo_1061@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) FOTD 19-10-00 (Convoluted Fractal [5])
References: <F31bdkSmLAztxc1o8yf00000268@hotmail.com>
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Multiple Bogeys wrote:
> For some reason, this one isn't linked from
> the October 2000 index page.
Yes, it is. :-)
> However, it's still accessible by directly
> punching in the filename.
You might try refreshing your browser's cache. Both pages get uploaded
at the same time, and tested afterwards.
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- --WebTV-Mail-19366-2314--
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Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 04:30:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: makin_mischief@webtv.net
Subject: Re: (fractint) Life of the FOTD
- --WebTV-Mail-19922-1102
Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII
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Thanks for sharing this information!
And keep those FOTD coming. I've been enjoying them for a long time.
- --WebTV-Mail-19922-1102
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Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 20:30:04 -0400 (EDT)
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To: fractint@lists.xmission.com
From: Jim Muth <jamth@mindspring.com>
Subject: (fractint) Life of the FOTD
Sender: owner-fractint@lists.xmission.com
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: fractint@lists.xmission.com
At 11:19 AM 10/21/00 EDT, Multiple Bogeys wrote:
>Let me get this straight. Instead of simply posting the FOTD
>simultaneously to the Web, the newsgroup, and the list, the
>FOTD is posted to the list and newsgroup and emailed somewhere,
>and several hours later it is *then* posted on the Web?
What happens in the life of the FOTD is this: When I complete
my day's work, usually after 8pm, I relax with a brief trip to
the world of fractals. When I find a promising image, I fuss
with the colors. If the result is acceptable, I make the image
the FOTD. If not, I try again.
Then I study the image for a few minutes, trying to decide what
to write about it and the day in general. By the time I finish
writing, it is usually near 10pm. After a late snack, I read
the article one more time to check for accuracy, then I post the
image and discussion to the Usenet group. Occasionally, the
Mindspring news server is down, which delays the Usenet posting.
Next I post the discussion to the fractint list and the
philofractal list. The version posted to the philofractal list
often has material that I omit from the versions posted to the
Fractint list and Usenet group. I do not send a personal e-mail
to Paul. He receives the discussion from one of the mailing
lists, and I assume he receives the image from the Usenet group.
When he has the material, he posts it to his web site as soon
as he can, but he too leads a busy life, and sometimes the
posting to the web site is delayed.
>This seems a needlessly convoluted way of doing things, and it
>means the line saying the FOTD can be found on the Web at <url>
>is a lie for several hours before becoming true!
Then wait a few hours before visiting the web site, and
presto -- that lie will magically be transformed into an
honorable truth.
>Certainly a counter-intuitive way to manage the thing. It's no
>wonder people are hitting odd dead links and being confused.
As I state in every FOTD, the image can also be obtained by
running the parameter file or downloading it from Usenet. If
the time lag and occasional bad links at the web site annoy
anyone, they may obtain the image from one of these alternate
The FOTD for October 22 is coming soon. (I hope)
Jim Muth
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- --WebTV-Mail-19922-1102--
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Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 12:07:51 EDT
From: "Multiple Bogeys" <neo_1061@hotmail.com>
Subject: (fractint) FOTD Flap.
Gee. All I did was get rather confused when I read a message saying an image
could be found on such-and-such a Web page, and it turned out not to be
there. Understandably. And then more confused when informed that the fractal
takes a non-intuitive convoluted route there instead of the obvious
straightforward one. Hardly justification for some recent snide and even
flaming remarks. I am starting to wonder if I am the only person here who
thinks with a level head, and logically...
In any case, I refuse to be dragged into a flamewar, and will not post
anything further on the subject of delayed FOTD images, except to note that
not everyone has ready access to Usenet (especially binary newsgroups), not
all of those who do have the ability to decode binaries from Usenet, and the
parameter files are not always as fast as 30-odd seconds.
However, I do feel the need to remark that home.att.net is continuing to be
flaky in ways that cannot possibly be caused by delays or convoluted
trajectories of FOTDs. When trying to view Seaweed, I had to make 4 attempts
- -- the first time the page rendered oddly (could be a Netscrape glitch
though), the second time the image came up broken, the third time the whole
page wouldn't load because the SYN sent to home.att.net received an
incorrect response (RST instead of ACK), and the fourth time it acted
normal. Does anyone have any idea why home.att.net's Web server is behaving
flaky? It had been functioning normally for months until a few days ago...
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Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 20:52:17 -0500
From: "Jonathan Osuch" <osuchj@uswest.net>
Subject: (fractint) Version 20.1 patch 1
The executable for patch 1 to version 20.1 is now available as fradev.zip
Here's what's new:
Fixed the <TAB> display screen so the video memory doesn't get overwritten.
This clears up the problem with extraneous dots with some fractal types.
It should be possible to remove the textsafe=save from your sstools.ini
Added Iain Stirling to the scrolling credits screen for his contribution
of the inside=fmod and outside=fmod options.
Reworded the error message received when more memory is requested than
is available on your disk drive.
The background= parameter, for 3D TGA files, is now saved to a PAR entry.
Fixed the error message that appears when a parsing error occurs on
Cleaned up the savegraphics() and restoregraphics() routines. This should
make them faster.
- --------------------------------------------------------------
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Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 15:50:21 -0500
From: DeBow Freed II PhD <bmc1@airmail.net>
Subject: Let Me Re-Phrase the Question Re: (fractint) FOTD Flap.
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Dear MB's:
<p>Please accept apologies for any rudeness in my recent public post referring
to your questions. Any rudeness, again, was both unintended and previously
apologized for in the body of the message itself.
<br>I was trying, through the use of a light dose of sarcasm and no "emoto-faces",
to ask whether there wasn't some circularity to the discussion. I meant
it sincerely, and not as an insult, nor to initiate or to contribute to
(what do you guys call it?) a "flamewar".
<br>As the hoped for response from you has not been forthcoming, and <u>I
honestly don't know</u>, may I ask the following, which is predicated solely
on my personal experience with Jim's site and FOTD's, Paul's site located
in the same city I live in (might that be a factor?) and obviously is limited
by my lack of insight into the technical aspects of the numerical analysis
you guys are in fact discussing?:
<p>I always hungrily download Jim's FOTD description first from <fractint@lists.xmission.com>
whenever he posts it (almost invariably by 11-12M, CST), which is, in turn,
rarely more than 1-2hrs before Paul has a chance to do the work necessary
to set it up to be rapidly downloadable from his site here in Dallas.
<br>At that point, I can begin to investigate the pearls whose links Jim
has placed in his text for his readers, many of which lead to other sites
and tangential issues I find of great interest.
<br>As often as not, by the time I've finished snuffling for truffles,
Paul has done his thing, and with one further mouse click on Jim's page
I get Paul's, which by now (almost invariably by 2amCST) has the text <u>and
image</u>, all of which downloads in < 1min.
<br>If I try to download from the other site mentioned (alt.binaries.pictures.fractals),
I consistently have trouble. You indicate, as I understand it, that
you either do not have acces to the binary site, or prefer not to use it
for some other reason. Is that correct?
<br>Apparently your problem lies exclusively with Paul's home.att.net -based
site, right? And the discussion has been centered on those problems and
speculation as to possible causes, ranging all the way from your own machine
to the host's server. Is that right?
<p>If those are correct interpretations of your posts, I'm wondering <b>how
many other readers have the same or similar problem with Paul's site?</b>
<p>I concluded from the lack of posts to that effect that the answer may
be "none", but perhaps I didn't understand the nature of the issue. (I'm
not trying to insult anyone's intelligence, just to make sure I understand
what's going on).
<p>If so, what other options remain to improve your access to the FOTD's?
Nothing is more frustrating than inability to access or to <u>timely</u>
access a juicy website.
<p>Is that a fair or even remotely correct summary of the fact situation?
My ease of access to Paul's mirror site may relate purely to my being geographically
close to Paul, or exist for another completely unrelated reason. Is there
something I am missing here, or missed earlier?
<p>Feel free to respond publicly or otherwise.
<p>DeBow Freed
<p>Multiple Bogeys wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Gee. All I did was get rather confused when I read
a message saying an image
<br>could be found on such-and-such a Web page, and it turned out not to
<br>there. Understandably. And then more confused when informed that the
<br>takes a non-intuitive convoluted route there instead of the obvious
<br>straightforward one. Hardly justification for some recent snide and
<br>flaming remarks. I am starting to wonder if I am the only person here
<br>thinks with a level head, and logically...
<p>In any case, I refuse to be dragged into a flamewar, and will not post
<br>anything further on the subject of delayed FOTD images, except to note
<br>not everyone has ready access to Usenet (especially binary newsgroups),
<br>all of those who do have the ability to decode binaries from Usenet,
and the
<br>parameter files are not always as fast as 30-odd seconds.
<p>However, I do feel the need to remark that home.att.net is continuing
to be
<br>flaky in ways that cannot possibly be caused by delays or convoluted
<br>trajectories of FOTDs. When trying to view Seaweed, I had to make 4
<br>-- the first time the page rendered oddly (could be a Netscrape glitch
<br>though), the second time the image came up broken, the third time the
<br>page wouldn't load because the SYN sent to home.att.net received an
<br>incorrect response (RST instead of ACK), and the fourth time it acted
<br>normal. Does anyone have any idea why home.att.net's Web server is
<br>flaky? It had been functioning normally for months until a few days
<br>Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at <a href="http://www.hotmail.com">http://www.hotmail.com</a>.
<p>Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at
<br><a href="http://profiles.msn.com">http://profiles.msn.com</a>.
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Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 06:43:54 -0700
From: Karl Simanonok <karl@dcn.davis.ca.us>
Subject: Re: (fractint) FOTD 20-10-00 (The Oddest Angle [4])
To make things worse, we don't even get a link to the FOTD itself, but
instead to another URL where we have to go hunt for it. It would be far
more considerate to everyone if one day could be skipped, just one time,
and then each FOTD could represent the previous day's creation with its
dissemination done well instead of done in so flaky a fashion.
Karl Simanonok
At 11:19 AM 10/21/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>Let me get this straight. Instead of simply posting the FOTD
>simultaneously to the Web, the newsgroup, and the list, the FOTD is posted
>to the list and newsgroup and emailed somewhere, and several hours later
>it is *then* posted on the Web? This seems a needlessly convoluted way of
>doing things, and it means the line saying the FOTD can be found on the
>Web at <url> is a lie for several hours before becoming true! Certainly a
>counter-intuitive way to manage the thing. It's no wonder people are
>hitting odd dead links and being confused.
>Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.
>Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at
>Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
>Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
>Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
>Administrator: twegner@fractint.org
>Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
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Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 17:18:40 -0400
From: Lee Skinner <LeeHSkinner@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) FOTD 20-10-00 (The Oddest Angle [4])
>> To make things worse, we don't even get a link to the FOTD itself, but=
instead to another URL where we have to go hunt for it. It would be far
more considerate to everyone if one day could be skipped, just one time,
and then each FOTD could represent the previous day's creation with its
dissemination done well instead of done in so flaky a fashion. <<
Considerate to everone? I dob't think so!! The other solution I can see=
to this whineing and bickering would be that Jim send the FOTD <only> to
Paul, and Paul would then forward it to the lists when he modifies the FO=
pages. This would put additional work on Paul, and make the FOTD hours
later for the rest of us who have no problems with it. (Anyway, the FOTD=
always looks better if you generate it at higher resolutions from the par=
file that the posted low resolution of 640x480 - so I prefer getting it
before I go to bed in order to generate it at hi-res during the night. I=
the morning, I can behold it's wonder at 1600x1200.)
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Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 01:08:35 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jim Muth <jamth@mindspring.com>
Subject: (fractint) FOTD 23-10-00 (Whinpeel [6])
FOTD -- October 23, 2000 (Rating 6)
Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:
While the mini-debate about the promptness of the FOTD rages,
the FOTD goes on. Today's image has pinwheel-like
characteristics. I could have named it "Pinwheel", but being
one to do things differently, I have named it "Whinpeel", which
is the same word with a few letters transposed.
The expression 0.03(Z^50)+1.5(Z)+(1/C) was iterated by the
MandelbrotMix4 formula to create the parent fractal, which is a
Mandeloid with a bulb at the tip of the negative tail. Beyond
the bulb lies an area of tiny dots, each of which expands into
an entire fractal world when enlarged. Today's scene lies deep
within one of those dots, on an axis of N-S symmetry that is
removed from the actual X-axis.
The coloring of this fractal was a bit problematical, with broad
gradients giving a basically featureless image, and narrow ones
not much better. I finally settled on one of the random
palettes sometimes created by striking the <enter> key, in which
there is virtually no order at all to the colors. To add a
little zip, I blacked out the first few registers, so that the
midget stands out like a glowing pinwheel in the black emptiness
of space, shooting off sparks of fractal brilliance.
The parameter file, which is attached below, takes 3 minutes to
run on a 200mhz Pentium machine after the minute or so required
to set it up and start it. The file of the GIF image takes only
about 30 seconds to download from the Usenet binary group:
after one reaches the site. The GIF file will also soon be
available on Paul Lee's web site at:
where it will soon be posted.
The fractal weather today was once again perfect, though the
temperature of 68F (20C) was a bit chilly for the ears of the
fractal cats, who chose to rest in the sun on the porch rather
than prowl the wilderness of the yard.
The philosophy is coming along nicely, and in a couple days will
burst forth in all its glory, but for the moment, the FOTD has
come to an end. I'll have another fractal in 24 hours. Until
then, take care, and you don't need to go searching for your
fractal -- fractals are everywhere.
Jim Muth
START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================
Whinpeel { ; time=0:03:09.22 -- SF5 on a p200
reset=2001 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm
formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 function=recip passes=1
/4.678664e+010 params=1/50/50/1/-0.97/0 float=y
maxiter=1400 inside=0 logmap=58 periodicity=10
frm:MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth
a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2),
g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j,
k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel):
|z| < l
END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE==================================
- --------------------------------------------------------------
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Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 21:21:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jim Muth <jamth@mindspring.com>
Subject: (fractint) FOTD 24-10-00 (Whinpeel [7])
FOTD -- October 24, 2000 (Rating 7)
Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:
Today's lively fractal was created by the mathematical formula
Z^(-11)-11Z^(-1.1)+(1/C), and calculated by the fractal formula
that I call MandelbrotMix4. As are most of my fractals, the
scene is one of a midget Mandelbrot set lying in a vastly larger
parent fractal.
This parent fractal is better seen than described, but basically
it consists of a fractal 'fan', with a spike extending out from
the fan along the positive X-axis and a ring at the end of the
spike. Today's midget lies in the suburbs of a larger midget,
which in turn lies in the eastern extremity of the ring.
I named the picture "Fractal Peanuts" because of the many peanut-
like shapes infesting the area. I rated the picture an above
average 7 because in my opinion it is above average. And yes, I
did enhance the colors a bit in a graphic program, but this is
no cause for concern, because I saved the enhanced version as a
GIF graphic, imported it into Fractint, saved the enhanced color
palette as a .map file, and applied the enhanced colors to the
original image. Then I made the parameter file from the color-
enhanced image, which means that the enhanced colors will be
seen regardless of whether the image is rendered from the
parameter file or downloaded from Usenet or the Web.
For those who choose to run the parameter file and wait 6
minutes, the file is attached to the bottom of this letter.
Those who choose to download the GIF image file from Usenet will
find it posted to the binary group:
Those who wish to pick up the image from Paul's web site at:
should wait until he has a chance to post it before visiting the
The fractal weather today was perfect. This perfect October is
making up for the far-from-perfect Summer that just ended. The
fractal cats must agree, for they spent the afternoon in the
yard, guarding the marigolds from butterflies and keeping the
local raccoons at bay.
And now it's time to shut down the fractal shoppe, give the cats
their nightly snacks, and call it a night. I've really got to
take some pictures, not only of the fractal cats but of myself
as well. One of these days I'll get that camera I keep thinking
about but never get around to purchasing.
Until next time, take care, and keep fractaling forever.
Jim Muth
START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================
Fractal_Peanuts { ; time=0:06:44.25 -- SF5 on a P200
reset=2001 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm
formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 function=recip passes=1
params=1/-11/-11/-1.1/0/5000 float=y maxiter=1600
bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=124 periodicity=10
frm:MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth
a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2),
g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j,
k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel):
|z| < l
END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE==================================
- --------------------------------------------------------------
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Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 21:23:45 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jim Muth <jamth@mindspring.com>
Subject: (fractint) FOTD 24-10-00 (Fractal Peanuts [7])
FOTD -- October 24, 2000 (Rating 7)
Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:
Today's lively fractal was created by the mathematical formula
Z^(-11)-11Z^(-1.1)+(1/C), and calculated by the fractal formula
that I call MandelbrotMix4. As are most of my fractals, the
scene is one of a midget Mandelbrot set lying in a vastly larger
parent fractal.
This parent fractal is better seen than described, but basically
it consists of a fractal 'fan', with a spike extending out from
the fan along the positive X-axis and a ring at the end of the
spike. Today's midget lies in the suburbs of a larger midget,
which in turn lies in the eastern extremity of the ring.
I named the picture "Fractal Peanuts" because of the many peanut-
like shapes infesting the area. I rated the picture an above
average 7 because in my opinion it is above average. And yes, I
did enhance the colors a bit in a graphic program, but this is
no cause for concern, because I saved the enhanced version as a
GIF graphic, imported it into Fractint, saved the enhanced color
palette as a .map file, and applied the enhanced colors to the
original image. Then I made the parameter file from the color-
enhanced image, which means that the enhanced colors will be
seen regardless of whether the image is rendered from the
parameter file or downloaded from Usenet or the Web.
For those who choose to run the parameter file and wait 6
minutes, the file is attached to the bottom of this letter.
Those who choose to download the GIF image file from Usenet will
find it posted to the binary group:
Those who wish to pick up the image from Paul's web site at:
should wait until he has a chance to post it before visiting the
The fractal weather today was perfect. This perfect October is
making up for the far-from-perfect Summer that just ended. The
fractal cats must agree, for they spent the afternoon in the
yard, guarding the marigolds from butterflies and keeping the
local raccoons at bay.
And now it's time to shut down the fractal shoppe, give the cats
their nightly snacks, and call it a night. I've really got to
take some pictures, not only of the fractal cats but of myself
as well. One of these days I'll get that camera I keep thinking
about but never get around to purchasing.
Until next time, take care, and keep fractaling forever.
Jim Muth
START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================
Fractal_Peanuts { ; time=0:06:44.25 -- SF5 on a P200
reset=2001 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm
formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 function=recip passes=1
params=1/-11/-11/-1.1/0/5000 float=y maxiter=1600
bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=124 periodicity=10
frm:MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth
a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2),
g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j,
k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel):
|z| < l
END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE==================================
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Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 19:26:47 -0700
From: Karl Simanonok <karl@dcn.davis.ca.us>
Subject: (fractint) Re: Your FOTD post
Dear D. Freed II,
Well, you certainly know how to take on a smug, self-righteous tone, don't
you, DFII? You actually think that people who dislike wasting their time
are 'obsessive-compulsive'?
Just how is 'MB' supposed "to document his apparent representation that
this is a sytemic problem", the implication being that if he cannot (and it
seems for practical purposes it is an impossible task), then it really
isn't a problem? How do you think he might find people who long ago simply
gave up on the fractal-hunting hassle and stopped trying, and unsubscribed
from your list? There's no hint at all in your defensive text to me that
you'll do anything about it even if he scrapes up dozens of people who
agree with his assessment. So why the charade?
Yes, the FOTD is a 'free gift' for which nobody is 'charged', but it is not
'at no trouble to us' if it's necessary to go hunting for it, and if it's
not online when we get to where it ought to be; it's a time-wasting
nuisance to go hunting for it, and even more so if it isn't even where the
post said we should start our search. MB's gripe is that frequently it's
not online, mine is more that we shouldn't have to go hunting for it at
all. We see a little problem, we understand how the Internet works and how
easily the little problem could be fixed, and we comment on it in a public
forum. Why the negative reaction? The problems we observe and comment
upon have nothing to do with 'tolerance' or lack thereof, that is your spin
overlaid on the situation and it contributes nothing useful.
Understandably, as the owner of the list you probably feel that the FOTD is
the major thing that keeps it going, and you probably don't want to see
your prime contributor get 'pissed off' and quit posting. That's fine, but
it shouldn't go so far as to blind you to the rather obvious minor
irritants inherent in how the FOTD is presently set up, nor cause you to
deflect the issues as only being in the minds of the beholders. You could
do a lot more good by stimulating a discussion of how to make it better
than by reacting in defense of the status quo, is my point.
You may perhaps enjoy the luxury of plenty of free time on your hands, but
often when I check my email, my time is very limited. If I receive an
email containing an interesting hyperlink I may go to the Web site it
points to, and once in a while I do go to check out the FOTD. But since it
is a bit of a nuisance to do so, I only do that when I have a chunk of free
time (like I do right now, or I wouldn't bother), which boils down to maybe
once or twice a month. If I just got a clickable link in the FOTD posts
I'd view it a lot more often, and I'd like to be able to do that (I can
keep reading other emails while a Web page is downloading, but chasing
hyperlinks around is a single-threaded activity).
I thought I WAS providing a 'tractable alternative' by suggesting that the
FOTD could be delayed a single day, just once, as a cure for the problems
that exist with it. Since you're apparently already willing to chase
around for it and apparently you don't care that sometimes you don't even
find it, it's amazing to me that you think a one-time, one-day delay would
be such a big inconvenience for you and everybody else. Don't you realize
that every subsequent FOTD would be for 'that day', and in a very short
time you'd forget the one-time minor inconvenience in favor of the
long-term benefit gained? In the long run you'd probably get more
subscribers on the list too, if they got reliable FOTD links to click on
that would immediately load the graphic of interest (I've considered
unsubscribing because the list has only very marginal value to me
presently, and I can always go visit Jim Muth's Web site if I feel the urge).
There are plenty of other solutions, however. The best one would be a
better ISP, I suppose. I wrote Jim Muth shortly after subscribing to your
list about the poor links in his FOTD posts and he indicated that it had
something to do with how his ISP operates (if I remember
correctly). Unfortunately my DCN Web space is nearly filled already so I
can't offer it for the FOTD (sorry I can't implement that suggestion, but
keep them coming). There are many sites which do offer ample free space (I
have an account at zing.com for images, for example), and the readers of
your list may have numerous helpful suggestions to offer as well, if they
are encouraged to. As moderator of the fractint list you are in a good
position and (I would think) should be motivated to improve it instead of
digging in your heels and denigrating people for wanting to see it improved.
Karl Simanonok, Ph.D.
At 08:19 PM 10/22/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear Karl,
>For some reason, your post on the Fractint List - which is dated Saturday
>- just hit my machine about 5 minutes ago.
>Realize that your comments are damaging to a totally gratuitous process
>which is problem-free for virtually all users except, apparently, Monsieur
>Multiple Bogeys and yourself. I invited MB to document his apparent
>representation that this is a sytemic problem this afternoon. No reply.
>It apparently is an issue of tolerance. This is obviously somethng that is
>done in their spare time, at the end of their bill-able day, in the middle
>of the night, at no charge or trouble to us. A free gift.
>The 1-3 hr delay between Muth's posting of text and the posting of the
>image by Lee on his att.net site (which I assume is also your source of
>preference) is a small matter IMHOP. It only causes problems for people
>who elect to so define it.
>I would rather get the text from Muth when he produces it in realtime,
>have the opportunity to "root for truffles", before downloading the image
>in real time, as soon as Lee can get to it - rarely more than 1-2 hrs later.
>Apparently you would have us ALL wait an extra day so that you and
>Monsieur MB can satisfy a bizarre, and as-yet-unexplained,
>obsessive-compulsive insistence upon "simultaneity" satisfied. It's not
>"confusing" to anyone who elects to visit the site more than once. (Read
>the text which clearly makes no guarantee of immediacy or coincident
>appearance on both Muth's site and Lee's)
>I choose to view Paul Lee's contribution (which spares me a problematic
>trip to "alt.binary"-land) as an opportunity to get Muth's text and
>associated pearls a few hours earlier - or in your world, an entire DAY
>EARLY - rather than to accuse what strike me as extraordinarily generous
>hosts of not being "considerate" (of your own, individual needs).
>Quite frankly, I - and apparently other users as well - don't WANT to be
>compelled to wait one whole day longer to get Muth's text merely so that
>your own and MB's O/C demand for simultaneity can be satisfied. It would
>be great, but it ain't happenin'.
>Rather than piss off the providers, how about providing tractable
>alternatives (i.e., offer to use UC Davis' facilities to make Muth's FOTD
>available to the entire Web within seconds of its being posted??).
>D. Freed II PhD
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