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- From: Paul DeCelle <PaulDC@prodigy.net>
- Subject: (fractint) 4 pars
- Date: 01 Jan 1999 12:58:29 -0500
- Happy 1999!
- Here're four gallet-8-08 pars, derived from Jim Weaver's posting
- yesterday.
- Jim - Good luck getting your new gear up & running.. I also plan to
- upgrade
- computers this year (If the tax refund materializes as hoped <G>).
- Regards, Paul DeCelle
- jwpd01 { ; t=0:03:39 (P60) Paul DeCelle 1/1/99
- ; frm:gallet-8-08
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=*.frm
- formulaname=gallet-8-08 passes=1
- center-mag=-8.88178e-016/1.11022e-014/1.0059/1/90
- params=0.13/-0.039/-1.83/0.2 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60
- outside=0 periodicity=0
- colors=000G0E<5>304102010<4>0B10D10F10H20J20L20N2<2>0T40V40X3<9>0p6<4>cz\
- e<3>0s8<5>0g60e60c4<2>0Y40W30U4<5>0I20G20E20C20A1081<3>00001012215326538\
- 63A84DA5EB5HB<2>7NG8PI8RJ9TKAVNAXM<5>EhWFjYFlYGn_Gp`Prd<3>zzz<2>_ulRsgHq\
- aHo`GmZFkXFiX<5>BYOAWMAUL9SK<3>7KE6IC5GB5DA<5>121000001023025047049<5>0B\
- L0DN0DP<4>0KZ0L`0Mb0Nd0Of0Qh<3>0Up4Yr8atCgvGkxKqz<4>0Vq<13>0FQ0DO0DM<3>0\
- 8E06C06A048046024012000100<11>P0JR0LT0NV0PX0P<2>b0Vd0Wf0Yh0Zj0`<2>p0e<4>\
- zUxyOuwIquCns6iq0g<2>k0bi0`g0_e0Z<3>Y0SW0RU0O<5>I0F
- }
- jwpd02 { ; t=0:03:36 (P60) Paul DeCelle 1/1/99
- ; frm:gallet-8-08
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=*.frm
- formulaname=gallet-8-08 passes=1
- center-mag=-8.88178e-016/1.11022e-014/1.0059/1/90
- params=0.13/-0.039/-1.73/0.1 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60
- outside=0 periodicity=0
- colors=000<8>000000222<22>zzz<23>000<6>000000111222<44>rtxtvzsuy<45>2220\
- 00000<6>000100311<9>J77L88N99PAAQBA<22>zk8<22>RC9PAAOAA<8>A5584473352242\
- 2211000<5>000
- }
- jwpd03 { ; t=0:02:04 (P60) Paul DeCelle 1/1/99
- ; frm:gallet-8-08
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=*.frm
- formulaname=gallet-8-08 passes=1
- center-mag=1.11022e-015/1.24345e-014/0.8293871
- params=-0.7/0.218/3.14159265358979/0.01 float=y maxiter=25
- inside=bof60 outside=0 periodicity=0
- colors=000689134<18>kqx<29>467<13>jqw<28>222000011<47>`oraqt`ps<36>000<1\
- 8>lvvJNXHLW000<39>nsz<9>ACE
- }
- jwpd04 { ; t=0:04:53 (P60) Paul DeCelle 1/1/99
- ; frm:gallet-8-08
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=*.frm
- formulaname=gallet-8-08 passes=1
- center-mag=0.72463/0.302659/6.557573/1/90
- params=0.23/-0.039/-1.83/0.2 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60
- outside=0 periodicity=0
- colors=000G0E<5>304102010<4>0B10D10F10H20J20L20N2<2>0T40V40X3<9>0p6<4>cz\
- e<3>0s8<5>0g60e60c4<2>0Y40W30U4<5>0I20G20E20C20A1081<3>00001012215326538\
- 63A84DA5EB5HB<2>7NG8PI8RJ9TKAVNAXM<5>EhWFjYFlYGn_Gp`Prd<3>zzz<2>_ulRsgHq\
- aHo`GmZFkXFiX<5>BYOAWMAUL9SK<3>7KE6IC5GB5DA<5>121000001023025047049<5>0B\
- L0DN0DP<4>0KZ0L`0Mb0Nd0Of0Qh<3>0Up4Yr8atCgvGkxKqz<4>0Vq<13>0FQ0DO0DM<3>0\
- 8E06C06A048046024012000100<11>P0JR0LT0NV0PX0P<2>b0Vd0Wf0Yh0Zj0`<2>p0e<4>\
- zUxyOuwIquCns6iq0g<2>k0bi0`g0_e0Z<3>Y0SW0RU0O<5>I0F
- }
- frm:Gallet-8-08 {; Sylvie Gallet, sylvie_gallet@compuserve.com, Mar 1997
- ; Requires periodicity = 0
- ; 0 < p2 <= 1 (default = 1)
- z = zn = pixel
- IF (p2 || imag(p2))
- k = p2
- k = 1
- :
- zn = zn*zn + p1
- IF (abs(zn) < abs(z) && flip(abs(zn)) < flip(abs(z)))
- z = k*zn
- |zn| <= 4
- ;SOURCE: gallet_8.frm
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Robert Hailman <robert@apexwood.com>
- Subject: (fractint) Par Collection
- Date: 30 Dec 1999 21:41:14 -0500
- I am keeping a collection of every par and frm posted to this list, the
- first one is the door3 par posted by Bill Decker a few days back. It will
- all be in a big par file. It will be available upon request.
- Robert Hailman
- robert@apexwood.com
- -----
- Peace, love and excessive drug use.
- "I'm starting a war for peace."
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: PKyleCA@aol.com
- Subject: (fractint) What did I do wrong?
- Date: 01 Jan 1999 16:59:09 EST
- I saved the following posting- maybe my mistake was trying to save two pars as
- one, or maybe I saved a form as a par. When I access this one- it tells me it
- cant find gallet-8-08.
- Any ideas?
- Thanks
- Paul Kyle
- --------------
- EZ80801.GIF { ; image(c)1998 JimWeaver Gallet-8-08 t=01min44s
- ;
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_p.frm formulaname=Gallet-8-08
- passes=1 center-mag=-7.77156e-016/1.13243e-014/1.175117/1/90
- params=0.31/-0.034/-1.5/0.2 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60
- outside=0 periodicity=0
- colors=000aPP<7>IDDGCCEAAC99A77<3>000<26>XXXyoRxmNxkJwiF<4>qU6pR4oQ4<12>\
- ZC5YB5W96U87T77R58<12>zpN<3>jmVelW___```aaaccc<29>000B0A<14>d9H<10>A00<8\
- >Y0B`0Ca2D<25>zzm<4>yqVakYYj_Uia<13>EP7DO5CM3AK0BJ0CI0<13>U30<15>zcc<8>d\
- RR
- }
- EZDUZIT.GIF { ; image(c)1998 JimWeaver Gallet-8-08 t=09min40s
- ;
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_p.frm formulaname=Gallet-8-08
- passes=t center-mag=-6.43929e-015/5.10703e-015/1.133203/1/90
- params=0.305/-0.0295/-1.2/0.55 float=y maxiter=255 inside=bof61
- periodicity=0
- colors=000C0K<6>000<31>xxxzzzyyyzwwuuu0zzqqqzoommmzkziii<9>RRRzzPNNN<11>\
- 000<6>F0P<6>204000000<29>U00V0zW00X00<32>000<6>F0P<6>204000011<39>Dtg0zz\
- zqeCpd<23>3EB3Cz3A8<3>143z22000<6>F0PzzN
- }
- EZDUZIT2.GIF { ; image(c)1998 JimWeaver Gallet-5-09 t=05min44s
- ;
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_p.frm formulaname=Gallet-5-09
- function=flip/acos passes=t
- center-mag=-1.06581e-014/5.32907e-014/0.04976336/1/45
- params=0.1/0/0.2/0 float=y maxiter=75 inside=bof61 periodicity=0
- colors=000154zoommmzkziii<9>RRRzzPNNN<11>000<6>F0P<6>204000000<29>U00V0z\
- W00X00<32>000<6>F0P<6>204000011<3>1862972B82C93DA<30>Dtg0zzzqeCpd<23>3EB\
- 3Cz3A8<3>143z22000<6>F0PzzNC0K<6>000<31>xxxzzzyyyzwwuuu0zzqqq
- cyclerange=2/255
- }
- MNFNDZL1.GIF { ; image(c)1998 JimWeaver mandel(fn::fn) t=03min07s
- ;
- reset=1960 type=mandel(fn||fn) function=tan/cos passes=t
- center-mag=2.73039/-7.81597e-014/0.03663419/1/-90
- params=0.675/0/0.65 float=y maxiter=50 bailoutest=and inside=bof61
- outside=atan invert=1/-0.09/0 periodicity=0
- colors=000vz4zz0<6>z_S<5>zD4z90x87<3>m3bj1jf1f<10>000<15>0f0<15>zz0<15>z\
- zz<15>000<12>TN0WO0YQ0`S0aU0<14>zz0<14>jB0i70f70<14>000<15>S5N<15>zz0<14\
- >ZZ8XX8VW8TU8RS8<2>LM6JK6HI6FG6DF5<2>795574354033077<10>3nn3rr5nr7jr9frB\
- br<3>Qzb<7>sz8
- }
- MNFNTWST.GIF { ; image(c)1998 JimWeaver mandel(fn::fn) t=02min13s
- ;
- reset=1960 type=mandel(fn||fn) function=exp/sqr passes=t
- center-mag=-7.11960784424144700/+4.62032094257837300/0.2764504
- params=1/0/0.1250000000000001 float=y maxiter=50 bailoutest=manh
- inside=bof60 invert=1/-0.606/0 periodicity=0
- colors=000cac<9>707<15>upz<14>74L<2>ECRHFTKJW<12>szz<46>EAE<15>spz<9>QNV\
- NKSMKS<7>9MO<10>KvtMzxLwu<13>2G804C<15>dzt<15>0LL<13>vqw<7>eWeLKh_P_<6>E\
- 1E<15>www<4>fdf
- }
- Gallet-5-09 { ; Sylvie Gallet [101324,3444], 1996
- ; PHC formula
- z = pixel * (whitesq - 0.5*(whitesq == 0 )) :
- x = real(z) , y = imag(z)
- x1 = x - p1 * fn1(y + p2*fn2(y))
- y1 = y - p1 * fn1(x + p2*fn2(x))
- z = x1 + flip(y1)
- |z| <= 64
- }
- Gallet-8-08 { ; Sylvie Gallet, sylvie_gallet@compuserve.com, Mar 1997
- ; Requires periodicity = 0
- ; 0 < p2 <= 1 (default = 1)
- z = zn = pixel
- IF (p2 || imag(p2))
- k = p2
- k = 1
- :
- zn = zn*zn + p1
- IF (abs(zn) < abs(z) && flip(abs(zn)) < flip(abs(z)))
- z = k*zn
- |zn| <= 4
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Gedeon Peteri <gedeon@InfoAve.Net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) What did I do wrong?
- Date: 01 Jan 1999 17:52:15 -0500
- Try putting "frm:" (without the quotation marks) in front of all the formula names
- in this posting. Thus, you should have: frm:Gallet-8-08 etc. Save changes to the
- file then try to run it in Fractint.
- Gedeon
- PKyleCA@aol.com wrote:
- > I saved the following posting- maybe my mistake was trying to save two pars as
- > one, or maybe I saved a form as a par. When I access this one- it tells me it
- > cant find gallet-8-08.
- >
- > Any ideas?
- > Thanks
- > Paul Kyle
- > --------------
- > EZ80801.GIF { ; image(c)1998 JimWeaver Gallet-8-08 t=01min44s
- > ;
- > reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_p.frm formulaname=Gallet-8-08
- > passes=1 center-mag=-7.77156e-016/1.13243e-014/1.175117/1/90
- > params=0.31/-0.034/-1.5/0.2 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60
- > outside=0 periodicity=0
- > colors=000aPP<7>IDDGCCEAAC99A77<3>000<26>XXXyoRxmNxkJwiF<4>qU6pR4oQ4<12>\
- > ZC5YB5W96U87T77R58<12>zpN<3>jmVelW___```aaaccc<29>000B0A<14>d9H<10>A00<8\
- > >Y0B`0Ca2D<25>zzm<4>yqVakYYj_Uia<13>EP7DO5CM3AK0BJ0CI0<13>U30<15>zcc<8>d\
- > RR
- > }
- >
- > EZDUZIT.GIF { ; image(c)1998 JimWeaver Gallet-8-08 t=09min40s
- > ;
- > reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_p.frm formulaname=Gallet-8-08
- > passes=t center-mag=-6.43929e-015/5.10703e-015/1.133203/1/90
- > params=0.305/-0.0295/-1.2/0.55 float=y maxiter=255 inside=bof61
- > periodicity=0
- > colors=000C0K<6>000<31>xxxzzzyyyzwwuuu0zzqqqzoommmzkziii<9>RRRzzPNNN<11>\
- > 000<6>F0P<6>204000000<29>U00V0zW00X00<32>000<6>F0P<6>204000011<39>Dtg0zz\
- > zqeCpd<23>3EB3Cz3A8<3>143z22000<6>F0PzzN
- > }
- >
- > EZDUZIT2.GIF { ; image(c)1998 JimWeaver Gallet-5-09 t=05min44s
- > ;
- > reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_p.frm formulaname=Gallet-5-09
- > function=flip/acos passes=t
- > center-mag=-1.06581e-014/5.32907e-014/0.04976336/1/45
- > params=0.1/0/0.2/0 float=y maxiter=75 inside=bof61 periodicity=0
- > colors=000154zoommmzkziii<9>RRRzzPNNN<11>000<6>F0P<6>204000000<29>U00V0z\
- > W00X00<32>000<6>F0P<6>204000011<3>1862972B82C93DA<30>Dtg0zzzqeCpd<23>3EB\
- > 3Cz3A8<3>143z22000<6>F0PzzNC0K<6>000<31>xxxzzzyyyzwwuuu0zzqqq
- > cyclerange=2/255
- > }
- >
- > MNFNDZL1.GIF { ; image(c)1998 JimWeaver mandel(fn::fn) t=03min07s
- > ;
- > reset=1960 type=mandel(fn||fn) function=tan/cos passes=t
- > center-mag=2.73039/-7.81597e-014/0.03663419/1/-90
- > params=0.675/0/0.65 float=y maxiter=50 bailoutest=and inside=bof61
- > outside=atan invert=1/-0.09/0 periodicity=0
- > colors=000vz4zz0<6>z_S<5>zD4z90x87<3>m3bj1jf1f<10>000<15>0f0<15>zz0<15>z\
- > zz<15>000<12>TN0WO0YQ0`S0aU0<14>zz0<14>jB0i70f70<14>000<15>S5N<15>zz0<14\
- > >ZZ8XX8VW8TU8RS8<2>LM6JK6HI6FG6DF5<2>795574354033077<10>3nn3rr5nr7jr9frB\
- > br<3>Qzb<7>sz8
- > }
- >
- > MNFNTWST.GIF { ; image(c)1998 JimWeaver mandel(fn::fn) t=02min13s
- > ;
- > reset=1960 type=mandel(fn||fn) function=exp/sqr passes=t
- > center-mag=-7.11960784424144700/+4.62032094257837300/0.2764504
- > params=1/0/0.1250000000000001 float=y maxiter=50 bailoutest=manh
- > inside=bof60 invert=1/-0.606/0 periodicity=0
- > colors=000cac<9>707<15>upz<14>74L<2>ECRHFTKJW<12>szz<46>EAE<15>spz<9>QNV\
- > NKSMKS<7>9MO<10>KvtMzxLwu<13>2G804C<15>dzt<15>0LL<13>vqw<7>eWeLKh_P_<6>E\
- > 1E<15>www<4>fdf
- > }
- >
- > Gallet-5-09 { ; Sylvie Gallet [101324,3444], 1996
- > ; PHC formula
- > z = pixel * (whitesq - 0.5*(whitesq == 0 )) :
- > x = real(z) , y = imag(z)
- > x1 = x - p1 * fn1(y + p2*fn2(y))
- > y1 = y - p1 * fn1(x + p2*fn2(x))
- > z = x1 + flip(y1)
- > |z| <= 64
- > }
- >
- > Gallet-8-08 { ; Sylvie Gallet, sylvie_gallet@compuserve.com, Mar 1997
- > ; Requires periodicity = 0
- > ; 0 < p2 <= 1 (default = 1)
- > z = zn = pixel
- > IF (p2 || imag(p2))
- > k = p2
- > ELSE
- > k = 1
- > :
- > zn = zn*zn + p1
- > IF (abs(zn) < abs(z) && flip(abs(zn)) < flip(abs(z)))
- > z = k*zn
- > |zn| <= 4
- > }
- >
- > --------------------------------------------------------------
- > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- > Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- > Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- > Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- > Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- --
- Fractals: http://www.geocities.com/~gedeonp/index.html
- Member Infinite Fractal Loop
- Last updated: December 11, 1998 - new page added
- Photography: http://members.xoom.com/gedeonp/index.html
- Last updated: November 8, 1998
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: PKyleCA@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) What did I do wrong?
- Date: 01 Jan 1999 21:08:18 EST
- In a message dated 1/1/99 2:56:13 PM Pacific Standard Time, gedeon@InfoAve.Net
- writes:
- > Try putting "frm:" (without the quotation marks) in front of all the formula
- > names
- > in this posting. Thus, you should have: frm:Gallet-8-08 etc. Save changes
- > to the
- > file then try to run it in Fractint.
- >
- I guess I am not doing this right. Still coming up empty.
- I guess because I do not have the file _p.frm, I am having the problems. If
- someone could post that, I'd probably get it to work.
- Thanks
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Gedeon Peteri <gedeon@InfoAve.Net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) What did I do wrong?
- Date: 01 Jan 1999 21:28:14 -0500
- The file _p.frm is part of the large ORGFORM compilation of formulas which you can
- download here:
- http://spanky.triumf.ca/www/fractint/fractint.html
- It is possible that the method I suggested previously doesn't work for you if you
- do not have the latest version -- 19.6 -- of Fractint. Embedding formulas in such
- a manner into par files does not work in earlier versions. If you don't have 19.6,
- you can download that too at the above address.
- As an alternative, you can separate the pars from the formulas in any of the
- postings on this list in which they are presented together. Make separate files of
- the pars and formulas respectively, saving the former with .par extension, the
- latter with .frm extension. If you do this, however, be sure to delete and frm:
- prefix which may be attached to the formulas.
- Gedeon
- PKyleCA@aol.com wrote:
- > In a message dated 1/1/99 2:56:13 PM Pacific Standard Time, gedeon@InfoAve.Net
- > writes:
- >
- > > Try putting "frm:" (without the quotation marks) in front of all the formula
- > > names
- > > in this posting. Thus, you should have: frm:Gallet-8-08 etc. Save changes
- > > to the
- > > file then try to run it in Fractint.
- > >
- >
- > I guess I am not doing this right. Still coming up empty.
- >
- > I guess because I do not have the file _p.frm, I am having the problems. If
- > someone could post that, I'd probably get it to work.
- >
- > Thanks
- >
- > --------------------------------------------------------------
- > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- > Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- > Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- > Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- > Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- --
- Fractals: http://www.geocities.com/~gedeonp/index.html
- Member Infinite Fractal Loop
- Last updated: December 11, 1998 - new page added
- Photography: http://members.xoom.com/gedeonp/index.html
- Last updated: November 8, 1998
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: PKyleCA@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) What did I do wrong?
- Date: 01 Jan 1999 21:54:21 EST
- I am using 19.6. Perhaps I've overlooked something simple.
- Thanks for the link. I'll download the frm files I need.
- In a message dated 1/1/99 6:37:46 PM Pacific Standard Time, gedeon@InfoAve.Net
- writes:
- > It is possible that the method I suggested previously doesn't work for you
- if
- > you do not have the latest version -- 19.6 -- of Fractint. Embedding
- formulas in
- > such a manner into par files does not work in earlier versions. If you
- don't have
- > 19.6, you can download that too at the above address.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Robert Hailman <robert@apexwood.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) What did I do wrong?
- Date: 31 Dec 1999 15:07:00 -0500
- I had that problem. When you put the frm: in front of the formula name,
- that tells fractint that it is a formula and shouldnt appear on the list of
- entry. When trying to find a formula, it only looks in the par file if it's
- not a builtin frm and no other frm file is referenced. if you remove the
- reference to _p.frm (formulafile=_p.frm) it will look in the par file
- itself and then it should work.
- At 09:54 PM 01/01/99 EST, you wrote:
- >
- >I am using 19.6. Perhaps I've overlooked something simple.
- >Thanks for the link. I'll download the frm files I need.
- >
- >In a message dated 1/1/99 6:37:46 PM Pacific Standard Time,
- gedeon@InfoAve.Net
- >writes:
- >
- >> It is possible that the method I suggested previously doesn't work for you
- >if
- >> you do not have the latest version -- 19.6 -- of Fractint. Embedding
- >formulas in
- >> such a manner into par files does not work in earlier versions. If you
- >don't have
- >> 19.6, you can download that too at the above address.
- >
- >--------------------------------------------------------------
- >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- >Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- >Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- >Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- >Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- >
- >
- Robert Hailman
- robert@apexwood.com
- -----
- Peace, love and excessive drug use.
- "I'm starting a war for peace."
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) 2 pars
- Date: 02 Jan 1999 11:42:15 -0500
- Happy New Year to All!
- 6SG80503 { ; . t=3D 0:04:32=
- .48
- ; Copyright Sylvie Gallet, Jan 02, 1999
- ; <sylvie_gallet@compuserve.com>
- ; t=3Dcalc time using a PII 300 at 1600 x 1200
- reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D_g.frm formulaname=3Dgallet-8=
- -05
- passes=3D1
- center-mag=3D-0.10451345534796250/+0.92495565829145730/70.87156
- params=3D0.2/0.2 float=3Dy maxiter=3D1500 inside=3D88 decomp=3D256
- periodicity=3D0
- colors=3Dgdh<4>c`ec`edae<37>yykzzlzyj<12>zsMzrKzqK<13>oTGnRFlQE<13>A00<=
- 8>K\
- 00<16>wp0zt0zs0<4>yk0yi0yh0xg0<12>nS0mQ0lP0kN0jM0<5>dE0cC0aB0_A0<9>F00<=
- 2\
- >I04J06J17K28<5>P9EQAFRBGSDHTEJUGK<9>cUXeWZeWZ<13>mijnjknjknkl<16>vvvww=
- w\
- wwwwww<24>gei cyclerange=3D0/255
- }
- 6SG80504 { ; . t=3D 0:06:18=
- .49
- ; Copyright Sylvie Gallet, Jan 02, 1999
- ; <sylvie_gallet@compuserve.com>
- ; t=3Dcalc time using a PII 300 at 1600 x 1200
- reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D_g.frm formulaname=3Dgallet-8=
- -05
- passes=3D1
- center-mag=3D-1.26060643713928600/+0.09171467647605767/889.8796
- params=3D0.2/0.2 float=3Dy maxiter=3D1500 inside=3D0 decomp=3D256
- periodicity=3D0
- colors=3D33D<40>ffiggjiik<14>wwwxxxxwv<11>yqUypSyoQynNymLzlI<2>ykFyjEyi=
- Dyh\
- CxhBxgAxf8xf8<3>wc4vc3vb2ua0t`0<13>cL0aJ0`J0<13>ID2GC3GC3<13>7CG6DH6DH6=
- D\
- I<17>BJUCKUCKVDLVDLW<4>MSaNTbPVdRXe<5>aemcgocgo<13>pppqqqppq<51>22C11B0=
- 0\
- A00A11B22C cyclerange=3D0/255
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Les St Clair" <les_stclair@crosstrees.prestel.co.uk>
- Subject: (fractint) December par Collection available
- Date: 02 Jan 1999 18:29:59 -0000
- Happy New Year,
- The December par collection from these pages is now available at:
- http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Les_StClair/fml.htm
- (just the parameters)
- or, if you prefer the pars with their original messages left intact you can get
- this version:
- http://www.homeusers.prestel.co.uk/crosstrees/fml.htm
- An updated companion formula collection (frac_ml.frm) is available from both
- sites.
- cheers,
- Les
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Lee&SusanLane <slane@kiwi.dep.anl.gov>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) 2 pars
- Date: 02 Jan 1999 13:49:18 -0600
- Hi Sylvie,
- My Fractint 19.6 doesn't recognize reset=3d1960. What should do to help
- it? And, by the way, your timings of your recent pars (and for, that
- matter, those of Jim Beau) are so far to the right that they wrap around
- and, not the being behind a semicolon, are not recognized either.
- My best to you as always, Lee
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Kerry Mitchell <lkmitch@primenet.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) 2 pars
- Date: 02 Jan 1999 12:58:34 -0700 (MST)
- I'm not sure how UF treats the "reset=" parameter, but your par got
- infected by the dreaded "3d" disease. Just remove the 3d from between the
- = and the 1960. It's an artifact of some binary/text translation.
- Kerry Mitchell
- lkmitch@primenet.com www.primenet.com/~lkmitch/
- On Sat, 2 Jan 1999, Lee&SusanLane wrote:
- > Hi Sylvie,
- >
- > My Fractint 19.6 doesn't recognize reset=3d1960. What should do to help
- > it? And, by the way, your timings of your recent pars (and for, that
- > matter, those of Jim Beau) are so far to the right that they wrap around
- > and, not the being behind a semicolon, are not recognized either.
- >
- > My best to you as always, Lee
- >
- >
- > --------------------------------------------------------------
- > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- > Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- > Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- > Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- > Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- >
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) 2 pars
- Date: 02 Jan 1999 19:03:01 -0500
- Hi Kerry,
- >> I'm not sure how UF treats the "reset=3D" parameter,
- ^^
- ;-)
- Cheers,
- - Sylvie
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) 2 pars
- Date: 02 Jan 1999 19:03:00 -0500
- Bonsoir Lee,
- >> My Fractint 19.6 doesn't recognize reset=3D3d1960. What should do to h=
- elp =
- >> it? And, by the way, your timings of your recent pars (and for, that =
- >> matter, those of Jim Beau) are so far to the right that they wrap arou=
- nd
- >> and, not the being behind a semicolon, are not recognized either.
- Ah, the "=3D3D" disease... I am emailing you these pars in a zip file.=
- As for Jim's pars, I always have to edit them so that Fractint can read=
- them.
- Amicalement,
- - Sylvie
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Paul DeCelle <PaulDC@prodigy.net>
- Subject: (fractint) More Pars for '99
- Date: 02 Jan 1999 22:04:55 -0500
- Hi, Everyone --
- Here are seven nice quick-generating pars - "Michigan_1_2_99" pretty
- much sums it up for today's weather; 12in (30cm) snow & still counting
- as I type.
- I seem to be in a somewhat metallic coloring phase, lately...
- Enjoy! Paul DeCelle
- Gray_Cross { ; Paul DeCelle 2/2/99 t= 0:01:15
- ; Derived from a Kathy Roth PAR
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm
- formulaname=gravijul-v2 function=tan/sqrt/ident passes=1
- center-mag=0.312351/0.296574/1.095379/1/-135
- params=1.4/0/0.13/0/3.14159265358979/2.71828182845905 float=y
- maxiter=300 inside=0 invert=1/0.2/0.15 decomp=256
- colors=000966<19>qsq<35>995773884<36>qsq111<19>VVQXXSYYT__V``W<7>llgnnio\
- okqqmrro<4>zzw<14>YYUWWRUUQ<13>222000000<82>302744
- }
- Dread { ; Paul DeCelle 2/2/99 t= 0:01:47
- ; Derived from a Kathy Roth PAR
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm
- formulaname=gravijul-v2 function=tan/sqrt/tan passes=1
- center-mag=0.312351/0.296574/0.425007/1/-135
- params=1.4/0/0.13/0/3.14159265358979/2.71828182845905 float=y
- maxiter=300 inside=0 invert=1/0.2/0.15 decomp=256
- colors=000966<19>qsq<35>995773884<36>qsq111<19>VVQXXSYYT__V``W<7>llgnnio\
- okqqmrro<4>zzw<14>YYUWWRUUQ<13>222000000<82>302744
- }
- Ringworld { ; Paul DeCelle 2/2/99 t= 0:01:37
- ; Derived from a Kathy Roth PAR
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm
- formulaname=gravijul-v2 function=conj/log/cotan passes=1
- center-mag=0.152792/0.606921/4.561974/2.1082/-139.133/-32.475
- params=1.88/0/0.13/0/3.14159265358979/2.71828182845905 float=y
- maxiter=300 inside=0 invert=1/0.2/0.15 decomp=256
- colors=000966<19>qsq<33>CC8AA6995773884<36>qsq111<19>VVQXXSYYT__V``W<7>l\
- lgnniookqqmrro<4>zzw<14>YYUWWRUUQ<13>222000000<82>302744
- }
- Michigan_1-2-99 { ; Paul DeCelle t=0:02:28 P60
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_g.frm formulaname=Gallet-3-02
- function=exp/tan center-mag=-1.87663/3.0793/9.05748
- params=3.14159265358979/0.7/10/2 outside=atan
- colors=000000<39>nsz<11>134<18>kqx<29>467<13>jqw<28>222000011<47>`oraqt`\
- ps<36>000<18>lvvJNXHLW
- }
- Buckle_up { ; Paul DeCelle t=0:01:16 P60
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_g.frm formulaname=gallet-3-02
- function=sqr/conj center-mag=-1.484e-005/-0.0487643/0.1883117
- params=3.14159265358979/0.7/10/2 outside=atan
- colors=000000<39>nsz<11>134<18>kqx<29>467<13>jqw<28>222000011<47>`oraqt`\
- ps<36>000<18>lvvJNXHLW
- }
- Wrought_Iron { ; Paul DeCelle t=0:01:26 P60
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_g.frm formulaname=Gallet-3-02
- function=recip/atanh center-mag=1.71983/0.395901/0.1649671
- params=3.14159265358979/0.7/-4/2 outside=atan
- colors=000000<39>nsz<11>134<18>kqx<29>467<13>jqw<28>222000011<47>`oraqt`\
- ps<36>000<18>lvvJNXHLW
- }
- Trantor_In_Ruins { ; Paul DeCelle t=0:02:36 P60
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_g.frm formulaname=Gallet-3-02
- function=tan/exp center-mag=-1.85416/-1.86588/10.69649/1/45
- params=6.28/0.7/-9/50 outside=atan
- colors=000000<39>nsz<11>134<18>kqx<29>\
- 467<13>jqw<28>222000011<47>`oraqt`ps<36>000<18>lvvJNXHLW
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: JimBeau549@aol.com
- Subject: (fractint) 1 par
- Date: 03 Jan 1999 06:31:57 EST
- Hi All,
- This is my 1st posting of the year and from the new 'puter. More to come
- later.
- Enjoy~
- Jim Weaver
- *******************************
- prnrnbo1.gif { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver PRN_02 t=03m13s PII350
- 1024x768
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=PRN_02
- function=cosxx/recip/sinh passes=t
- center-mag=0.321252/4.44089e-016/0.5580357/1/-90 params=0/0/0/0
- float=y maxiter=255 logmode=fly periodicity=0
- colors=00F5BF<3>000<3>FD8ABBNKD<9>zrZ<15>000<15>z00<15>000<15>www<15>000\
- <15>0m0<15>000<15>zrZ<15>000<15>z0r<8>S0PK0I<4>000<15>www<15>000<6>8JP9M\
- SBPWCS_DUbEXf<3>Khu<10>6EI
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Paul N. Lee" <Paul.N.Lee@Worldnet.att.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) 1 par
- Date: 03 Jan 1999 05:42:01 -0600
- Jim Weaver <JimBeau549@aol.com> wrote:
- >
- > Hi All,
- >
- > This is my 1st posting of the year and from the new 'puter.
- > More to come later.
- >
- > Enjoy~
- >
- Have you been up all night playing with this new PC?? :-)
- P.N.L.
- http://www.fractalus.com/cgi-bin/theway?ring=fractals&id=43&go
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: JimBeau549@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) 1 par
- Date: 03 Jan 1999 06:52:08 EST
- In response to Paul Lee's mail:
- Guilty!!! :)
- G'Nite~
- Jim
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Paul DeCelle <PaulDC@prodigy.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) 1 par
- Date: 03 Jan 1999 14:05:41 -0500
- JimBeau549@aol.com wrote:
- >
- > Hi All,
- >
- > This is my 1st posting of the year and from the new 'puter. More to come
- > later.
- >
- > Enjoy~
- >
- > Jim Weaver
- >
- > *******************************
- >
- > prnrnbo1.gif { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver PRN_02 t=03m13s PII350
- Jim-- Nice image! BTW, my time (P60) was 10m37s, or about 3.3 times
- slower. I'm impressed (and a little bit envious!).
- Regards, Paul DeCelle
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: JoWeber <JoWeber@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) 1 par
- Date: 03 Jan 1999 20:06:46 -0500
- Hi Jim,
- what's going on?
- >>prnrnbo1.gif { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver PRN_02 t=3D03m13s PII35=
- 0
- 1024x768
- My time on P233MMX is 2:37.19!!!
- I'm running Windows 95 and start fractint under Norton Commander 5.0 DOS.=
- Cheers --Jo (Jochen) Weber--
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: JoWeber <JoWeber@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) 1 par
- Date: 03 Jan 1999 20:33:24 -0500
- Hi Jim,
- it's me again.
- I rebooted my machine and started fractint solo in pure DOS-mode. Now the=
- time is
- 2:33.63!!
- Even on my P166 the image only needs 3:30.53 in pure DOS-mode.
- Cheers --Jo Weber--
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Lee&SusanLane <slane@kiwi.dep.anl.gov>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) 1 par
- Date: 03 Jan 1999 23:57:01 -0600
- Hi Jim,
- Beautiful image...like a great throned samurai displaying his
- magnificent robes. Nice first for '99 and your 'puter. But I join
- JoWeber in wondering about the time. My P200 did it in 3:10:15 @
- 1024X768.
- Lee Lane
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: JimBeau549@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) 1 par
- Date: 04 Jan 1999 04:28:40 EST
- Hmmm......I guess maybe there's a bit of tweaking to be done here. If
- anyone who is familiar with Windows 98 and knows of any suggestions I'd be
- grateful for some tips. Also, I'm running Fractint from a shortcut icon that
- jumps to DOS. I tried running directly from DOS and only shaved about 3
- seconds off an image. :( I do have a lot to learn about Win98 such as how to
- trim all the fat away and get down to the meat.
- Anyway, at least I can see my stuff in 1024x768 now. Has anyone ever
- converted their images to BMPs and used them on the maze screensaver in Win98?
- Now THAT's really cool. :) Enough text for now~
- Jim
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: JimBeau549@aol.com
- Subject: (fractint) 4 pars (2nd post)
- Date: 04 Jan 1999 06:21:55 EST
- Here's a cool looking mask/face and various other stuff I culled from the
- last few days(hrs). <g>
- Enjoy~
- Jim
- ****************************************
- prnrnbo4.gif { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver PRN_02 t=03m18s PII350
- 1024x768
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_p.frm formulaname=PRN_02
- function=sinh/recip/tanh passes=t
- center-mag=-0.0260756/-2.22045e-015/0.4098361/1/-90 params=0/0/0/0
- float=y maxiter=255 logmode=fly periodicity=0
- colors=0004H20F0MMU<13>_mx`hz<30>CHS00L012<12>AFSBGUAFS<14>0007Mw<4>e00<\
- 4>zz0<4>UFw00`<5>`oz<4>YFw<2>sff0o`000<14>zo`<15>000000<13>J9`KAcJDc<14>\
- 0z`<14>Zky`jzaky<13>rudsvcrsd<14>WFx<15>zo`<13>8K5
- }
- prnrnb11.gif { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver PRN_02 t=03m37s PII350
- 1024x768
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_p.frm formulaname=PRN_02
- function=cotan/cotanh/log passes=t
- center-mag=-1.37668e-014/-1.86517e-014/0.9296309/1/-90
- params=0/0/0/0 float=y maxiter=255 logmode=fly periodicity=0
- colors=000236<2>0007Mw<4>e00<4>zz0<4>UFw00`<5>`oz<4>YFw<2>sff0o`000<14>z\
- o`<15>000000<13>J9`KAcJDc<14>0z`<14>Zky`jzaky<13>rudsvcrsd<14>WFx<15>zo`\
- <15>0F0MMU<13>_mx`hz<30>CHS00L012<12>AFSBGUAFS<10>347
- }
- strmkrn1.gif { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver manlam(fn::fn)
- ; t=00m33s PII350 1024x768
- reset=1960 type=manlam(fn||fn) function=sin/ident passes=t
- center-mag=+0.55715089660642110/+0.77114821685158450/2.583497/1/-4.999
- params=0/0/15 float=y maxiter=25 bailout=32767 inside=bof60
- logmode=fly invert=1/0/0.9 periodicity=0
- colors=000gK4<6>ZC5YB5W96U87T77R58<12>zpN<3>jmVelW___```aaaccc<29>000B0A\
- <14>d9H<10>A00<8>Y0B`0Ca2D<25>zzm<4>yqVakYYj_Uia<15>CM3AK0BJ0<14>U30<15>\
- zcc<17>IDDGCCEAAC99A77<3>000<26>XXXyoRxmNxkJwiF<4>qU6pR4oQ4<4>hL4
- }
- strmkrn4.gif { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver manlam(fn::fn)
- ; t=01m08s PII350 1024x768
- reset=1960 type=manlam(fn||fn) function=sin/conj passes=b
- center-mag=+0.34976060900827510/-1.73822393300725400/10.6135/1/-155
- params=0/0/39 float=y maxiter=255 bailout=12760 bailoutest=and
- inside=bof61 logmode=fly invert=1/0/-0.5 periodicity=0
- colors=000vZZxaazcc<17>IDDGCCEAAC99A77<3>000<26>XXXyoRxmNxkJwiF<4>qU6pR4\
- oQ4<7>dI4cH5bF5aE5_D5ZC5<4>R58<12>zpN<3>jmVelW___```aaaccc<29>000B0A<14>\
- d9H<10>A00<8>Y0B`0Ca2D<25>zzm<4>yqVakYYj_Uia<15>CM3AK0BJ0<14>U30<12>tXX
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: wdecker@csc.com
- Subject: (fractint) All Crossed Up
- Date: 04 Jan 1999 08:20:31 -0500
- I?m not sure if someone posted a recent par using the Lesfrm34 formula =
- or
- if I started from scratch, but something got me started on investigatin=
- g
- what you could do with it. Crosses are the connecting theme of most of =
- the
- images that I liked.
- Vine-lattice2 was the first image that I was satisfied with. It is eith=
- er a
- finely etched, gray, matte surface or a general glowing source obscured=
- by
- a vine-like lattice. Depends on how your eyes are processing 2D images =
- into
- 3D at the moment. Zooms or slight color shifts accentuate a glassy, gen=
- tly
- rounded surface.
- Disassembly was a derivative of the vine images. It seems to be coming
- apart (or coming together.) The fine lines seem to suggest jigsaw puzzl=
- e
- shapes, adding to the sense of fragmentation.
- Biaxial-subframe is a derivative of Disassembly. It is so mechanical in=
- appearance that an astronaut?s gloved hand seems just about to enter th=
- e
- image. Pumps, filters, and hoses peek from access ports. Waffled, rivet=
- ed
- protective covers hide all except the mechanical nexus where the main
- action seems to be (if only we could figure out what it is supposed to =
- DO.)
- Bill Decker
- vine-lattice2 { ; (c) Bill Decker Dec 04, 1998 t=3D 0:03:16.47
- ; on P100 1024x768
- reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dfrac_ml.frm formulaname=3Dl=
- esfrm34
- function=3Dcosxx/sin/asin passes=3D1
- center-mag=3D0.138443/-0.0508563/0.1011455/1/-44.998 params=3D5/5/5/5=
- potential=3D255/200/0
- colors=3D000242<2>111000000000<28>F0FF0FG1GG2G<27>UUUVVVWVVXWWYWW<27>=
- yiizj\
- jzjjzkk<29>zzzzzzzzy<28>llYkkXkkXjjX<28>XXXWWWWWWVWVVWV<27>HWHGVGGVGF=
- UFF\
- TF<23>353
- }
- disassembly { ; (c) Bill Decker Dec 05, 1998 t=3D 0:01:22.22
- ; on P150 800x600
- reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dfrac_ml.frm formulaname=3Dl=
- esfrm34
- function=3Dcotanh/cotan/cosxx passes=3D1
- center-mag=3D0.138346/-0.0504816/0.1192496/1/-134.999 params=3D1/0/1/=
- 0
- potential=3D255/200/0
- colors=3D000a`L<24>k`ek_ejZd<25>T8PS6OS6O<31>gPThQThRTiSTiTT<31>yxxzz=
- zzzy<\
- 29>llWkkUkkU<45>BPBAOAAOAAOA<18>6E66E66D65C56C58C5<2>CE6DF6EG7GH8<13>=
- __I\
- ``J``J``Ka`L
- }
- biaxial-subframe { ; (c) Bill Decker Dec 30, 1998 t=3D 0:02:47.74
- ; on P100 1024x768
- reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dfrac_ml.frm formulaname=3Dl=
- esfrm34
- function=3Dcotanh/cotan/cosxx passes=3D1
- center-mag=3D0.576302/-0.138974/0.09307674/1/-122.499 params=3D10/0/1=
- 0/0
- potential=3D255/200/0
- colors=3D000CLS<3>7GO5FN4EM2CK1AH18E05A<6>1JR1LU3MV<26>vyw<19>NVaLT`J=
- R_HPY\
- FNX<3>8HT6FS6FS<2>7EQ7EP8DP9CO<16>J1BK0AM3A<14>zt0<13>tb0ta0s_0rZ0<6>=
- iL0\
- hJ0gI0fH0<10>R60Q50P50O40N30<3>H00<39>jfbkgclhe<11>vuuwwwvww<2>ruwqtv=
- osv\
- nrulqt<2>hnsfmrelqdkpcjo<21>DMT
- }
- =
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Gedeon Peteri <gedeon@InfoAve.Net>
- Subject: (fractint) added new page to website
- Date: 04 Jan 1999 20:06:28 -0500
- I uploaded a new page to my Geocities website containing images I
- created with simple formulas I wrote based on some equations of curves I
- found in an ancient textbook of elementary analytic geometry. I hope you
- enjoy them.
- I also played around with making bordered backgrounds; some fractal,
- some floral, and others. A link to the site containing them is also
- found on my Geocities page.
- Gedeon
- --
- Fractals: http://www.geocities.com/~gedeonp/index.html
- Member Infinite Fractal Loop
- Last updated: December 11, 1998 - new page added
- Photography: http://members.xoom.com/gedeonp/index.html
- Last updated: November 8, 1998
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: SKarl52884@aol.com
- Subject: (fractint) AGP
- Date: 05 Jan 1999 07:14:59 EST
- Greetings,
- As I am on the verge of building a machine [ 440BX / PII450 ] I see the lure
- of AGP and wonder how, if I choose to use AGP, it will impact images done in
- fractint,
- and or, imaging in general.
- Is anyone using an AGP card and if so [ or if not ] do you have any input?
- I realize this is off topic. Anyone can write me direct if they would be
- inclined.
- Thank you,
- Steve
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: PKyleCA@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) All Crossed Up
- Date: 05 Jan 1999 15:24:31 EST
- I think I've got the hang of these par things now- I posted some duplicates
- last month, not realizing I had done so until seeing the entire file posting.
- The following are interesting modifications of files I've been looking at:
- --------------
- tiles { ; (c) 1998 by Paul Kyle, PKyleCA@aol.com
- ; image a Modification of "Pop Rivet", originally
- ; (c) 1996 by Les St Clair 101461.2032@compuserve.com
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=forum_96.frm
- formulaname=bj-sg-3-03-gb function=sqr/tan passes=1
- center-mag=-0.311771/0.233278/0.1387319/1/-62.498
- params=3.1417/0.31414/3.1417/0.6 float=y maxiter=483 outside=atan
- periodicity=0
- colors=110<109>zz0zz0yy0<45>110000010<45>0y_0z`0y_<46>100
- }
- GaussianDistortion { ; (c) 1998 by Paul Kyle, PKyleCA@aol.com
- ; image a Modification of "Pop Rivet", originally
- ; (c) 1996 by Les St Clair 101461.2032@compuserve.com
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=forum_96.frm
- formulaname=bj-sg-3-03-gb function=cosxx/log passes=1
- center-mag=-10.2394/0.532741/0.09792811/1/-90
- params=0.14423423/2.414/2.7188/0.00054 float=y maxiter=256
- outside=atan periodicity=0
- colors=110<109>zz0zz0yy0<45>110000001<45>00x00z00y<43>013121110100
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: PKyleCA@aol.com
- Subject: (fractint) Pars
- Date: 05 Jan 1999 15:29:02 EST
- A few more, all modifications of Moire Mask....(forgot where I found that one)
- Temple puddles { ; Modification of Moire Mask
- ; (C) 1998 Paul Kyle
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=chby8.frm formulaname=ca10-08
- center-mag=-0.00207363/-0.00207363/0.09361006/1/44.999
- params=0.5/0/1/0 float=y maxiter=147 inside=255 potential=255/344/0
- invert=6/0/0 colors=000zzz<47>5zz4yy4yy<77>0Wy0Vx0Vx0Vw0Uw<121>000
- }
- pouring { ; Modification of Moire Mask
- ; (C) 1998 Paul Kyle
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=chby8.frm formulaname=ca10-08
- center-mag=6.9531/6.95334/1.492843/1/44.999 params=0.5/0/3/0 float=y
- maxiter=35 inside=255 potential=255/344/0 invert=6/0/0
- colors=000<75>xx0yy0zz0zz0yy0xx0<60>110000000001<60>00x00y00x<44>0010000\
- 00
- }
- cathedral { ; Modification of Moire Mask
- ; (C) 1998 Paul Kyle
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=chby8.frm formulaname=ca10-08
- center-mag=+6.88710589927545400/+6.88734638120362100/364.4637/1/44.998
- params=0.5/0/3/0 float=y maxiter=35 inside=255 potential=255/344/0
- invert=6/0/0
- colors=000<75>xx0yy0zz0zz0yy0xx0<60>110000000001<60>00x00y00x<44>0010000\
- 00
- }
- butterflyafire { ; Modification of Moire Mask
- ; (C) 1998 Paul Kyle
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=chby8.frm formulaname=ca10-08
- center-mag=27.5656/27.5646/0.007381165/1/44.998
- params=0.34343/-0.3234/-0.343/0 float=y maxiter=35 inside=255
- potential=255/344/0 invert=6/0/0
- colors=000<75>xx0yy0zz0zz0yy0xx0<60>110000000001<60>00x00y00x<44>0010000\
- 00
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Christopher Springer <santini@home.com>
- Subject: (fractint) Accuracy
- Date: 05 Jan 1999 21:31:21 -0800
- Greetings...
- I have always heard that Fractint is blindingly fast
- compared to other such programs because it is
- based on integer math instead of floating point math.
- However, to do this it makes certain "approximations".
- Could this mean the results obtained are only
- "approximately" Mandlebrot, perhaps becoming
- more and more approximate as iterations and
- zoom levels increase???
- Are we looking at "true" fractals, or are we just
- doing dances with Wolves
- in Mandelbrot's clothing???
- (I shall now "duck and cover"!!!)
- Chris Springer
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Jay Hill" <ehill1@san.rr.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Accuracy
- Date: 05 Jan 1999 22:23:00 -0800
- Hi Christopher,
- Fractint uses more floating point than you might think,
- since the current Pentium processors have very fast
- floating point math. After you zoom into the Mandelbrot set
- a certain amount you pass the limits of double precision
- and Fractint switches to extended precision math. So you
- can zoom into very high magnifications and get very
- nice results.
- Jay Hill
- ----------
- > From: Christopher Springer <santini@home.com>
- > To: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- > Subject: (fractint) Accuracy
- > Date: Tuesday, January 05, 1999 9:31 PM
- >
- > Greetings...
- >
- > I have always heard that Fractint is blindingly fast
- > compared to other such programs because it is
- > based on integer math instead of floating point math.
- >
- > However, to do this it makes certain "approximations".
- >
- > Could this mean the results obtained are only
- > "approximately" Mandlebrot, perhaps becoming
- > more and more approximate as iterations and
- > zoom levels increase???
- >
- > Are we looking at "true" fractals, or are we just
- > doing dances with Wolves
- > in Mandelbrot's clothing???
- >
- > (I shall now "duck and cover"!!!)
- >
- > Chris Springer
- >
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: wdecker@csc.com
- Subject: (fractint) Taking it for granite
- Date: 06 Jan 1999 07:33:03 -0500
- (Sorry, I couldn?t resist the chance for a silly Malapropism.)
- These images have the general theme of carved stone chased with silver =
- or
- gold. The fractal is not fully resolved in the regions where very fine
- striations are well below the resolution of the screen. The result is a=
- fine textured, speckled stone-like surface resembling polished granite.=
- The pars are presented in time order in which I created them. (I saved
- about 25 pars on my journey in this quest of the best rendition of what=
- I
- imagined that I saw in the first par in the series.) I?ve got some comm=
- ents
- that try to let you inside my head as I pursued the ?perfect? image fro=
- m
- this fractal.
- Padds was the first of the images that I saved. It has a slightly diffe=
- rent
- formula set than the others (asinh rather than sin). I decided to see w=
- hat
- the pad-like stone surfaces could be evolved to.
- Pebble-flowers finally settled on the formula set that I liked, but the=
- challenge now was to see if I could find a part of the fractal surface =
- that
- reminded me of something ?real?. I got some good detail in the dark are=
- as
- of the image that I would have difficulty in achieving in later pars.
- Pebble-flowers3 seemed like something I could work with. The compositio=
- n
- was kind of symmetric (something I usually don?t like) and seemed to co=
- nvey
- a stone carver?s decorative intent.
- Pebble-flowers4 ends up being my favorite. The granite surface has a mo=
- ssy
- shade and the moon silver holding the flower petals in place has a mute=
- d
- sparkle. For some reason, I imagine that the carving is the artist?s
- decoration of a natural rock crevice that crosses a stream bed. Water
- flowing over this carving seems natural given the dark green shadows in=
- the
- crevice.
- Pebble4p is a fantasy in garnet with gold tinged clasps holding the pie=
- ces
- in place. Just a side excursion, I liked the glassy reds and gold tinge=
- s
- but it seemed too unreal for me.
- Talus-pebbles is a wider view of a pebbled scene. The rounded rocks and=
- broken gems lie in cemented heaps like fossils; an ancient treasure, no=
- w
- petrified. I like this one almost as much as pebble-flowers4 since it s=
- eems
- to have a story behind it. Still, the simpler story of pebble-flowers4 =
- wins
- out. I can see now that I should have stayed with the pebble-flowers4
- colors.
- Pebbles-wh2 was an attempt to get more detail visible in the depths of =
- the
- crevices in the carving. Didn?t work. Too light and still no better
- definition of the carving in the crevices.
- I finally gave it a rest today and decided to try to document the evolu=
- tion
- of this particular series. I think pebble-flowers4 is still the best
- rendition I have to date. Like most other series of this sort (where I =
- try
- to evolve a fractal), the best result seems to be one of the attempts i=
- n
- the middle of the series, in this case number 13 in the series.
- Without saying so directly in this tale of search and reward, my search=
- es
- tend to focus on finding fractals that tell me a story. Hmmm, I?ll have=
- to
- think about that. I'm not sure that it applies to me all the time.
- Anyone care to comment on my attempt to tell you how I worked this frac=
- tal?
- Anyone see a way to get that damn detail in the crevices to become more=
- apparent?
- If you would like to see a contact print of these seven fractals, go to=
- http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Studios/1450/granite.jpg
- The old copy of LView I use for contact prints does not understand long=
- file names and seems to use some arcane ordering for drag and dropped
- files. Here is the translation table:
- padds.gif Padds
- pebble~1.gif Pebble-flowers
- pebble~2.gif Pebble-flowers3
- pebble~3.gif Pebble-flowers4
- pebble4p.gif Pebble4p
- talus-~1.gif Talus-pebbles
- pebble~4.gif Pebbles-wh2
- Bill Decker
- padds { ; (c) Bill Decker Jan 02, 1999 t=3D 0:02:18.52
- ; on P150 800x600
- reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm
- formulaname=3Dbills_xy-trade4 function=3Dtanh/asinh passes=3D1
- center-mag=3D-0.59067018549382360/+0.85725534526282780/2612.355/1/-70=
- params=3D5/-5/5/-5/2/2000 float=3Dy potential=3D255/400/0
- colors=3D000GH8<13>__I``J``J<27>k`ek_ejZd<25>T8PS6OS6O<32>hQThRTiSTiT=
- TjUU<\
- 30>yxxzzzzzy<29>llWkkUkkU<45>BPBAOAAOAAOA<20>6D65C56C5<2>BD6CE6DF6EG7=
- }
- pebble-flowers { ; (c) Bill Decker Jan 02, 1999 t=3D 0:02:15.89
- ; on P150 800x600
- reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm
- formulaname=3Dbills_xy-trade4 function=3Dtanh/sin passes=3D1
- center-mag=3D-0.78631140962978900/-0.01006275807433995/676.604/1/-117=
- .499
- params=3D5/-5/5/-5/2/2000 float=3Dy potential=3D255/400/0
- colors=3D0005C5<2>9D5BD6CE6DF6<5>MMBNOCPPCQRDRSE<5>__I``J``J<27>k`ek_=
- ejZd<\
- 25>T8PS6OS6O<32>hQThRTiSTiTTjUU<30>yxxzzzzzy<29>llWkkUkkU<45>BPBAOAAO=
- AAO\
- A<20>6D6
- }
- pebble-flowers3 { ; (c) Bill Decker Jan 02, 1999 t=3D 0:02:35.94
- ; on P150 800x600
- reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm
- formulaname=3Dbills_xy-trade4 function=3Dtanh/sin passes=3D1
- center-mag=3D-0.82456563416819680/+0.00038519494123827/593.9744/1/147=
- .499
- params=3D4/-3/-5/-5/2/2000 float=3Dy potential=3D255/600/0
- colors=3D0009D5BD6CE6<4>JK9KLAMMBNOCPPCQRD<6>__I``J``J<27>k`ek_ejZd<2=
- 5>T8P\
- S6OS6O<32>hQThRTiSTiTTjUU<30>yxxzzzzzy<29>llWkkUkkU<45>BPBAOAAOAAOA<2=
- 0>6\
- D65C56C58C5
- }
- pebble-flowers4 { ; (c) Bill Decker Jan 03, 1999 t=3D 0:02:26.16
- ; on P150 800x600
- reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm
- formulaname=3Dbills_xy-trade4 function=3Dtanh/sin passes=3D1
- center-mag=3D-0.78550758907534370/-0.00005011653741778/695.1953/1/-17=
- 7.498
- params=3D5/-5/5/-5/2/2000 float=3Dy logmode=3Dfly potential=3D255/400=
- /0
- colors=3D0009L9<13>6E66E66D65C56C58D59D5BD6CE6<6>MMBNOCPPCQRDRSE<5>__=
- I``J`\
- `J<25>j`ck`dk`ek_ejZdiYc<24>T8PS6OS6O<31>gPThQThRTiSTiTT<31>yxxzzzzzy=
- <29\
- >llWkkUkkU<45>BPBAOAAOAAOA<3>9M9
- }
- pebble4p { ; (c) Bill Decker Jan 03, 1999 t=3D 0:02:13.47
- ; on P150 800x600
- reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm
- formulaname=3Dbills_xy-trade4 function=3Dtanh/sin passes=3D1
- center-mag=3D-1.04982526055679900/+0.02567678695971272/105.0201/1/162=
- .499
- params=3D5/-5/5/-5/2/2000 float=3Dy logmode=3Dfly potential=3D255/600=
- /0
- colors=3D000500<7>100000000000<38>K00K00K00K10L20<38>cV0dW0dW1eX2<39>=
- yyxzz\
- zzyz<39>g2Xf0Wf0W<39>N01M00M00L00<30>600
- }
- talus-pebbles { ; (c) Bill Decker Jan 03, 1999 t=3D 0:02:21.49
- ; on P150 800x600
- reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm
- formulaname=3Dbills_xy-trade4 function=3Dtanh/sin passes=3D1
- center-mag=3D-1.05119645670889500/+0.01473867280503022/45.16367/1/-13=
- 2.5
- params=3D5/-5/5/-5/2/2000 float=3Dy logmode=3Dfly potential=3D255/300=
- /0
- colors=3D000202<22>E0EF0FF0FF0F<29>UUUVVVVVWWWXWWY<27>iiyjjzjjzkkz<30=
- >zzzz\
- zzyyz<28>kkzkkzjjyjjx<28>WWWWWWVWVVWVVWV<26>HWHGVGGVGFUFFTF<27>111000=
- 000\
- 000<2>202
- }
- pebbles-wh2 { ; (c) Bill Decker Jan 04, 1999 t=3D 0:02:26.33
- ; on P150 800x600
- reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dfrac_ml.frm
- formulaname=3Dbills_xy-trade4 function=3Dtanh/sin passes=3D1
- center-mag=3D-0.78550758907534370/-0.00005011653741778/695.1953/1/-17=
- 7.497
- params=3D5/-5/5/-5/2/2000 float=3Dy logmode=3Dfly potential=3D255/100=
- 0/0
- colors=3D0F0<68>zzzzzzzzy<43>hkYgjXgjXgjX<35>XaNXaNWaNWaNW`NV`M<6>S_L=
- S_LS_\
- LS_LR_L<84>0F0
- }
- frm:bills_xy-trade4 {
- a =3D real(p1), b =3D imag(p1)
- c =3D real(p2), d =3D imag(p2)
- e =3D real(p3), f =3D imag(p3)
- z =3D pixel+1/pixel
- zold =3D pixel^e:
- x =3D (real(z)-real(zold))^a
- y =3D (imag(z)-imag(zold))^b
- zold =3D z
- z =3D (y +flip(x))
- z =3D (fn1(z))^c - (fn2(zold))^d
- |z| < f
- }
- =
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Matthew Bennett" <bennett@btinternet.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Accuracy
- Date: 06 Jan 1999 16:40:41 -0000
- It depends, I think, partially on your drawing method. If you choose the
- "guessing" type (where the fractal appears to be "focused" in to a clear
- picture) then I think there's the possibility all the pixels may not be the
- exact correct colour. However, choose the 1-pass option and I'm pretty sure
- the fractal produced is perfect - regardless of zoom level.
- Matt
- -----Original Message-----
- >Greetings...
- >
- >I have always heard that Fractint is blindingly fast
- >compared to other such programs because it is
- >based on integer math instead of floating point math.
- >
- >However, to do this it makes certain "approximations".
- >
- >Could this mean the results obtained are only
- >"approximately" Mandlebrot, perhaps becoming
- >more and more approximate as iterations and
- >zoom levels increase???
- >
- >Are we looking at "true" fractals, or are we just
- >doing dances with Wolves
- >in Mandelbrot's clothing???
- >
- >(I shall now "duck and cover"!!!)
- >
- >Chris Springer
- >
- >
- >--------------------------------------------------------------
- >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- >Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- >Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- >Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- >Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- >
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@fractalus.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Accuracy
- Date: 06 Jan 1999 11:15:11 -0600
- Chris,
- - I have always heard that Fractint is blindingly fast
- - compared to other such programs because it is
- - based on integer math instead of floating point math.
- Actually, these days FractInt is only moderately fast. It's not the
- fastest (I believe that prize currently goes to Fractal eXtreme) but it's
- far from the slowest.
- FractInt is as fast as it is for several different reasons, not just
- integer math. It's also fast because it takes advantage of fractal
- symmetry (when it can), because it uses solid guessing to eliminate
- calculating portions of the image, and because it uses periodicity checking
- to detect periodic orbits early in the iterating sequence.
- The idea behind using integer math is that it lets you work with 32-bit
- precision instead of 64-bit precision. Prior to the Pentium this was a big
- win; 32-bit precision could be done with integers the core CPU could
- handle, while 64-bit precision required using the (slow) FPU. With the
- Pentium, the FPU is fiendishly fast, and the advantage of using 32-bit
- precision is gone. In any case, using 32-bit precision does cause some
- distortion when you zoom in far enough; FractInt automatically switches to
- 64-bit precision when necessary so you won't notice (usually).
- Solid guessing is the progressive refinement process, but on each
- refinement pass, FractInt checks each block to see if its neighboring
- blocks are all the same color. If they are, it stops refining that block.
- This can eliminate a lot of calculations, although in the more detailed
- areas it is less effective. FractInt also offers boundary tracing, which
- is a similar concept--outline areas of solid color, and don't calculate the
- interior of those regions.
- Periodicity checking is about paying attention to the iterations and
- looking for periodic patterns. Most of the points that do not bail out of
- the M-set calculation fall into periodic orbits. If these can be detected
- at the start of the periodic cycle, then it is safe to skip the rest of the
- iterations, since they will just produce repeating values. This allows
- interior regions to be calculated very quickly.
- - However, to do this it makes certain "approximations".
- -
- - Could this mean the results obtained are only
- - "approximately" Mandlebrot, perhaps becoming
- - more and more approximate as iterations and
- - zoom levels increase???
- In one sense, every image is an approximation, since the precision of our
- computers is always (at some point) limited. Any algorithm or technique
- used to avoid doing the actual work of generating a fractal will introduce
- some errors, sometimes very subtle. Solid guessing fails on thin strands
- of detail. Periodicity checking fails on spiral arms (since these often
- exhibit periodic-like behavior before diverging). And limited precision
- produces blockiness when the error between the correct pixel coordinate and
- its closest approximation in the limited precision becomes significant.
- If you continued to zoom in FractInt without switching away from integer
- math, you would certainly be getting a more and more distorted view of the
- fractal. Similarly, if you zoomed in on a spiral arm that was incorrectly
- rendered because of periodicity checking, you would be getting a more and
- more inaccurate view of the fractal. Acceleration techniques are tools,
- and knowing when to disable them is important if you are interested in
- accurate fractals.
- The fact that there is such close agreement between the "true" fractal
- shape and the approximations provided by acceleration techniques is
- precisely what makes them valuable. If you have no confidence in limited
- precision having any resemblance to the "true" fractal shape, I can explain
- further.
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "J.P. Louvet" <louvet@iuta.u-bordeaux.fr>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Accuracy
- Date: 06 Jan 1999 19:29:16 +1
- le 5 Jan 99 a 22:23, Jay Hill ecrivait (Jay Hill wrote) :
- > Hi Christopher,
- >
- > Fractint uses more floating point than you might think,
- > since the current Pentium processors have very fast
- > floating point math. After you zoom into the Mandelbrot set
- > a certain amount you pass the limits of double precision
- > and Fractint switches to extended precision math. So you
- > can zoom into very high magnifications and get very
- > nice results.
- >
- > Jay Hill
- > ----------
- It uses floating point if you select Floating point algorithm = yes in the
- Basic Options menu.
- J.P. Louvet | Phone : (33)56-84-58-35
- IUT Universite Bordeaux I | email : louvet@iuta.u-bordeaux.fr
- 33405 Talence CEDEX France | email : louvet@hs-serveur.iuta.u-bordeaux.fr
- Fractales sur serveur Web Universite Bordeaux I :
- http://graffiti.cribx1.u-bordeaux.fr/MAPBX/louvet/jpl0.html
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Accuracy
- Date: 06 Jan 1999 19:01:52 -0600
- Matt wrote:
- > However, choose the 1-pass option and I'm pretty sure
- > the fractal produced is perfect - regardless of zoom level.
- You are correct as far as you go. The one pass option with
- symmetry=none and periodicity=0 is relatively accurate.
- However, there are still two large inaccuracies.
- 1. The maxiteration limit has to be infinity for perfect accuracy. For
- any finite value of maxiter, it is possible that some points are "in
- the lake" that ought not be. For example, if the maximum iteration
- is set for 1000000 and a particular orbit has not escaped by then,
- the pixel is colored the "inside" color. But for all you know, the orbit
- was about to escape, and in fact would have escaped at iteration
- number 1000001. So that point is colored wrong. The "lake" is
- always slightly too big.
- 2. Computers can only represent complex numbers approximately.
- Even using arbitrary precision, the orbit is not absolutely correct.
- Some of the fractal algorithms are extraordinarily sensitive to very
- small changes and show this clearly. One example is popcornjul. I
- have been experimenting with this, and small differences in coding
- logic that, for example, cause an intermediate value to be truncated
- to 64 bits, can change many image colors.
- Tim
- Given these two facts, it is amazing how well computers do. Try
- the default mandelbrot using 1500 digits of arbitrary precision and
- with maxiter set to 32000 and see how different it looks. The
- answer is not very different!
- Tim
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: davides <davides@pipeline.com>
- Subject: (fractint) video card/makemig
- Date: 07 Jan 1999 18:03:14 -0500
- On attempting to make a large image (v window/300 x 300 or otherwise), "b"
- command: 6 x 6 or otherwise (4 x 4 etc), goto main screen, shell to dos,
- makemig, and now I have a large file. I see comments as it whizzes by about
- not enough memory...at end, simplgif fractmig.gif <name>.gif I receive an
- "oops, insufficent memory (words to that effect). Is Fractint attempting
- to tell me that I should maybe replace my S3 Vision864PCI with something
- else? Or do I have another another problem? Any guesses?
- Off topic and I do apologize for this...(and you wouldn't believe the story
- behind why I am doing this...)
- davides@pipeline.com
- ds30@umail.umd.edu
- Back up my hard drive?
- How do I put it in reverse?
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Jacco Burger" <jaccobu@kabelfoon.nl>
- Subject: (fractint) gallery update
- Date: 07 Jan 1999 23:38:00 +0100
- I recently finished making a new version of my web gallery, and
- uploaded it yesterday.
- I renamed it 'Jacco's Fractal Pages' because I discovered two other
- Jacco's Homepages on the Internet.
- Some changes and additions are:
- I got rid of the frames and most of the non-fractal graphics (do I
- hear 'Hurray!!' ?).
- I added a gallery with new fractals, a page with my contest
- submissions and another zip-file of color maps for Fractint.
- Some of you already had a preview of the color maps.
- The URL hasn't changed, it is still:
- http://wwwserv.caiw.nl/~jaccobu/index.htm
- I hope you will enjoy it and let me know what you think!
- Bye!
- Jacco
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: JimBeau549@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) gallery update
- Date: 07 Jan 1999 19:02:50 EST
- Hi Jacco,
- Jim Weaver here. Just saw your pages and wanted to tell you I really liked
- them. By the way....are you a Frank Zappa fan?? The reason I ask is a few of
- your images have titles I recognize from his music. I have about 23 or so of
- his vinyl albums that I've collected over the years. Too bad he isn't around
- anymore.
- Anyway, great work on the site.
- Take care~
- Jim Weaver
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: JimBeau549@aol.com
- Subject: (fractint) 13 pars
- Date: 07 Jan 1999 19:06:40 EST
- Hi Folks,
- Here are a few more images from the last couple of days.
- Enjoy~
- Jim Weaver
- ******************************************************************************
- **
- Epsilon01 { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver manlam(fn:fn)
- t=01m13s@1024x768
- ; strmkre3.gif
- reset=1960 type=manlam(fn||fn) function=sin/ident passes=t
- center-mag=-0.38546299257569520/+2.04627746292502000/8.701738/1/65
- params=0/0/10 float=y maxiter=75 bailout=32767 inside=epsiloncross
- logmode=fly invert=1/0/0.5 periodicity=0
- colors=000XCA<10>zpN<3>jmVelW___```aaaccc<29>000B0A<14>d9H<10>A00<8>Y0B`\
- 0Ca2D<25>zzm<4>yqVakYYj_Uia<15>CM3AK0BJ0<14>U30<15>zcc<17>IDDGCCEAAC99A7\
- 7<3>000<26>XXXyoRxmNxkJwiF<4>qU6pR4oQ4<7>dI4cH5bF5aE5_D5ZC5<4>R58U99
- }
- Epsilon02 { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver manlam(fn:fn)
- t=01m34s@1024x768
- ; strmkre5.gif
- reset=1960 type=manlam(fn||fn) function=sin/ident passes=t
- center-mag=-0.42757133808480210/+2.07054662670096300/41.37695/1/87.499
- params=0/0/10 float=y maxiter=75 bailout=32767 inside=epsiloncross
- logmode=fly invert=1/0/0.5 periodicity=0
- colors=000XCA<10>zpN<3>jmVelW___```aaaccc<29>000B0A<14>d9H<10>A00<8>Y0B`\
- 0Ca2D<25>zzm<4>yqVakYYj_Uia<15>CM3AK0BJ0<14>U30<15>zcc<17>IDDGCCEAAC99A7\
- 7<3>000<26>XXXyoRxmNxkJwiF<4>qU6pR4oQ4<7>dI4cH5bF5aE5_D5ZC5<4>R58U99
- }
- Epsilon03 { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver manlam(fn:fn)
- t=00m42s@1024x768
- ; strmkrep.gif
- reset=1960 type=manlam(fn||fn) function=sin/ident passes=t
- center-mag=+0.75399936894768000/+0.60498643306685650/2.583497/1/-4.999
- params=0/0/15 float=y maxiter=40 bailout=32767 inside=epsiloncross
- logmode=fly invert=1/0/0.9 periodicity=0
- colors=000lON<6>zcc<17>IDDGCCEAAC99A77<3>000<26>XXXyoRxmNxkJwiF<4>qU6pR4\
- oQ4<7>dI4cH5bF5aE5_D5ZC5<4>R58<12>zpN<3>jmVelW___```aaaccc<29>000B0A<14>\
- d9H<10>A00<8>Y0B`0Ca2D<25>zzm<4>yqVakYYj_Uia<15>CM3AK0BJ0<14>U30<7>jMK
- }
- Epsilon04 { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver lambda
- t=00m05s@1024x768
- ; lambda05.gif
- reset=1960 type=lambda passes=t
- center-mag=1.22897/2.17354/0.1008976/1/-10
- params=0.8633999999999999/0.65 float=y maxiter=23
- inside=epsiloncross invert=0.5/0/0 decomp=256 periodicity=0
- colors=000000<15>0pp<9>0LL0HH2II<12>TZVW`WW`W<12>a`Xb_Ya_X<5>aXS`WRZUQ<3\
- >PMK<13>m_Qo`Ro`R<13>oeWoeWoeWoeWneX<9>ke_ke_je_ie_<9>baXaaX``W`_W<9>jfe\
- kgfkgfkgf<11>niiojjnjgmidlha<7>f_UeZTdZT<13>MWWWZZfba<7>zjo<4>ncjkbijbi<\
- 12>OSXMRWMQU<13>L80<2>UG0YJ0`L0dO0gR0<2>rZ0<11>400A00700300
- }
- Inverted01 { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver manlam(fn:fn)
- t=00m40s@1024x768
- ; zmndl001.gif
- reset=1960 type=manlam(fn||fn) function=tanh/exp passes=t
- center-mag=+1.40808344198175800/+0.00782013685239269/0.6016847/1/-90
- params=-1.1/0/1 float=y maxiter=25 bailoutest=and inside=bof60
- invert=1/0.5/0 periodicity=0
- colors=000zr8<4>z_S<5>zD4z90x87<3>m3bj1jf1f<10>000<15>0f0<15>zz0<15>zzz<\
- 15>000<12>TN0WO0YQ0`S0aU0<14>zz0<14>jB0i70f70<14>000<15>S5N<15>zz0<14>ZZ\
- 8XX8VW8TU8RS8<2>LM6JK6HI6FG6DF5<2>795574354033077<10>3nn3rr5nr7jr9frBbr<\
- 3>Qzb<9>zz0zv4
- }
- Inverted02z { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver manlam(fn:fn)
- t=01m02s@1024x768
- ; zmndl002.gif
- reset=1960 type=manlam(fn||fn) function=tanh/exp passes=t
- center-mag=+1.44086018210112400/-0.59332913437865510/2.730165/1/175
- params=-1.1/0/1 float=y maxiter=25 bailoutest=and inside=bof60
- invert=1/0.5/0 periodicity=0
- colors=000znC<3>z_S<5>zD4z90x87<3>m3bj1jf1f<10>000<15>0f0<15>zz0<15>zzz<\
- 15>000<12>TN0WO0YQ0`S0aU0<14>zz0<14>jB0i70f70<14>000<15>S5N<15>zz0<14>ZZ\
- 8XX8VW8TU8RS8<2>LM6JK6HI6FG6DF5<2>795574354033077<10>3nn3rr5nr7jr9frBbr<\
- 3>Qzb<9>zz0zv4zr8
- }
- Inverted03 { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver manlam(fn:fn)
- t=01m33s@1024x768
- ; zmndl007.gif
- reset=1960 type=manlam(fn||fn) function=tan/exp passes=t
- center-mag=+1.20878997795874200/+0.00782013685238781/0.6491804/1/-90
- params=-1/0/0.7854 float=y maxiter=75 bailout=400 inside=bof60
- invert=1/0.5/0 periodicity=0
- colors=000ZIJ<2>IA1000F57Q9C_CHhGMoKPtORwSSwSTuORpLPjHMaDIS9DH58513000KE\
- FVKHcPJlVLr_NwePyjRzkRxePs`NmVLeQJ<2>BAD000QOEZUPgZYncetilxnpzsrztsxoqti\
- lodfh_Z`UQRPGIK60009MGHULPaQXgUclZkpcsrhtrhlqddm_XhVQbQ<2>2FC000CFC<5>l`\
- hm`h<6>7C7000JBCRMGXWKbcOgjQjoSlrTlrUkpThkRceOZXL<2>D18000EE7KMEPTMVZT`b\
- `ffglgolgpgfhacaWZUQUN<2>9800006BKCJQJQVPY`TdfWklYsrYtsWlmUegQYaKRWEKQ8C\
- mXjrbpubquYksTenN_gIUZDNP8HD2B1sZJuVN<12>Q53D0000A00PILYNOfTQmYSsbTwgUyh\
- 00S76XACbCIgFOjIUhQ`iTfiTfhQ`fNVbLP
- }
- Inverted04 { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver manlam(fn:fn)
- t=01m01s@1024x768
- ; zmndl008.gif
- reset=1960 type=manlam(fn||fn) function=tan/exp passes=t
- center-mag=+1.31486475445177000/+0.00782013685238736/0.6104876/1/-90
- params=-2/0/0.3 float=y maxiter=75 bailout=400 inside=bof60
- invert=1/0.5/0 periodicity=0
- colors=000JBQH3HF00S76XACbCIgFOjIUhQ`iTfiTfhQ`fNVbLPZIJ<2>IA1000F57Q9C_C\
- LeQJ<2>BAD000QOEZUPgZYncetilxnpzsrztsxoqtilodfh_Z`UQRPGIK60009MGHULPaQXg\
- UclZkpcsrhtrhlqddm_XhVQbQ<2>2FC000CFC<5>l`hm`h<6>7C7000JBCRMGXWKbcOgjQjo\
- SlrTlrUkpThkRceOZXL<2>D18000EE7KMEPTMVZT`b`ffglgolgpgfhacaWZUQUN<2>98000\
- }
- Inverted05 { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver manlam(fn:fn)
- t=02m57s@1024x768
- ; zmndl010.gif
- reset=1960 type=manlam(fn||fn) function=tan/exp passes=t
- center-mag=+0.86628858419803010/-1.06314975157572800/4.131818/1.1046/-15\
- 4.999 params=0.1/0/0.3 float=y maxiter=75 bailout=400 inside=bof60
- invert=1/0.5/0 periodicity=0
- colors=000trhlqddm_XhVQbQ<2>2FC000CFC<5>l`hm`h<6>7C7000JBCRMGXWKbcOgjQjo\
- SlrTlrUkpThkRceOZXL<2>D18000EE7KMEPTMVZT`b`ffglgolgpgfhacaWZUQUN<2>98000\
- PJlVLr_NwePyjRzkRxePs`NmVLeQJ<2>BAD000QOEZUPgZYncetilxnpzsrztsxoqtilodfh\
- _Z`UQRPGIK60009MGHULPaQXgUclZkpcsrh
- }
- Inverted06 { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver manlam(fn:fn)
- t=00m56s@1024x768
- ; zmndl011.gif
- reset=1960 type=manlam(fn||fn) function=tan/sqr passes=t
- center-mag=+1.11675606098442400/+0.00782013685238070/0.6028182/1/-90
- params=-1.5/0/0.3 float=y maxiter=75 bailout=400 inside=bof60
- invert=1/0.5/0 periodicity=0
- colors=000VZT`b`ffglgolgpgfhacaWZUQUN<2>9800006BKCJQJQVPY`TdfWklYsrYtsWl\
- D7HBCNNITYNZfSdmXjrbpubquYksTenN_gIUZDNP8HD2B1sZJuVN<12>Q53D0000A00PILYN\
- QJ<2>BAD000QOEZUPgZYncetilxnpzsrztsxoqtilodfh_Z`UQRPGIK60009MGHULPaQXgUc\
- lZkpcsrhtrhlqddm_XhVQbQ<2>2FC000CFC<5>l`hm`h<6>7C7000JBCRMGXWKbcOgjQjoSl\
- rTlrUkpThkRceOZXL<2>D18000EE7KMEPTM
- }
- Inverted07 { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver manlam(fn:fn)
- t=02m51s@1024x768
- ; zmndl012.gif
- reset=1960 type=manlam(fn||fn) function=tan/sqr passes=t
- center-mag=+1.90182126728575400/+0.36444632948469860/1.938572/1/-117.5
- params=-1.5/0/0.3 float=y maxiter=75 bailout=400 inside=bof60
- invert=1/0.5/0 periodicity=0
- colors=000acaWZUQUN<2>9800006BKCJQJQVPY`TdfWklYsrYtsWlmUegQYaKRWEKQ8CK05\
- rbpubquYksTenN_gIUZDNP8HD2B1sZJuVN<12>Q53D0000A00PILYNOfTQmYSsbTwgUyhUyc\
- ZYncetilxnpzsrztsxoqtilodfh_Z`UQRPGIK60009MGHULPaQXgUclZkpcsrhtrhlqddm_X\
- hVQbQ<2>2FC000CFC<5>l`hm`h<6>7C7000JBCRMGXWKbcOgjQjoSlrTlrUkpThkRceOZXL<\
- 2>D18000EE7KMEPTMVZT`b`ffglgolgpgfh
- }
- Inverted08 { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver manlam(fn:fn)
- t=02m44s@1024x768
- ; zmndl013.gif
- reset=1960 type=manlam(fn||fn) function=tan/sqr passes=t
- center-mag=+5.43676662320729900/-0.00000000000000533/0.1972387/1/-90
- params=-1.5/0/0.3 float=y maxiter=75 bailout=400 inside=bof60
- invert=1/0.9/0 periodicity=0
- colors=0009EQ<13>0007Mw<4>e00<4>zz0<4>UFw00`<5>`oz<4>YFw<2>sff0o`000<14>\
- zo`<15>000000<13>J9`KAcJDc<14>0z`<14>Zky`jzaky<13>rudsvcrsd<14>WFx<15>zo\
- `<15>0F0MMU<13>_mx`hz<30>CHS00L012<12>AFSBGUAFS
- }
- Inverted09 { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver manlam(fn:fn)
- t=02m41s@1024x768
- ; zmndl014.gif
- reset=1960 type=manlam(fn||fn) function=tan/sqr passes=t
- center-mag=+4.33947848761407700/-2.88109481915934300/0.3472512
- params=-1.5/0/0.3 float=y maxiter=75 bailout=400 inside=bof60
- invert=1/0.9/0 periodicity=0
- colors=0009EQ<13>0007Mw<4>e00<4>zz0<4>UFw00`<5>`oz<4>YFw<2>sff0o`000<14>\
- zo`<15>000000<13>J9`KAcJDc<14>0z`<14>Zky`jzaky<13>rudsvcrsd<14>WFx<15>zo\
- `<15>0F0MMU<13>_mx`hz<30>CHS00L012<12>AFSBGUAFS
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Paul DeCelle <PaulDC@prodigy.net>
- Subject: (fractint) Gallery Update
- Date: 07 Jan 1999 19:50:53 -0500
- Jacco - I visited your updated site & I like it very much. I also
- spotted the Frank Zappa inspired titles. Could there be some bizarre
- connection between enjoying Zappa's music and being interested in
- fractals? I've noticed a few fans on this list alone:-) FZ would love
- it--
- Anyway, here's a par that may (or may not) have anything to do with
- Zappa!
- Regards, Paul DeCelle
- ******************************************************************
- Standing_Waves { ; A lesfrm34 image t=0:05:03
- ; Paul DeCelle 1/7/99
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm
- formulaname=lesfrm34 function=sin/cosxx/exp passes=3
- center-mag=0.39549/0.332018/7.248986/1/-90
- params=2.71828182845905/0.44/3.14159265358979/0.032
- potential=255/200/0
- colors=dtyqzy<13>hvzgvzfuyfuyetycty<10>VnuVmuUltTktSks<9>LcnKcnJbmJalI`k\
- H_k<16>7NZ6MY6MX6MX<10>1EP1DO1DN1CN1BM<7>07G06F06F06E<7>029029128128117<\
- 7>304403403502502<3>701701801900<11>G30H30H30I40J40J51<4>N72O82P82P82Q92\
- RA3<7>XE6YF6ZG7_H7_H8<14>kTHkUIlUIlVJmWK<14>ufVvgWvgXvhY<5>ylaymbyncyndy\
- oe<2>zpfzqgzqhzrizri<4>zumzvnzvnzvo<6>yysyysyytxytxyu<2>wzuvzvvzvvzwuzw<\
- 2>tzytzyszyszyrzyrzyqzy
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Fliguer, Miguel" <M_Fliguer@miniphone.com.ar>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Gallery Update
- Date: 08 Jan 1999 10:17:47 -0300
- Paul DeCelle wrote :
- >>> Could there be some bizarre connection
- >>> between enjoying Zappa's music and being
- >>> interested in fractals? I've noticed a few fans
- >>> on this list alone:-) FZ would love it--
- One more reason to love this list !
- Yes, there is a connection. Zappa's music, just like a well crafted
- fractal, is beautiful, complex, sometimes chaotic, and it reveals
- more beautiful layers when you dig (or zoom) a bit.
- So far the detected Zappa fans at this list are Jim Weaver,
- Jacco Burger, Paul DeCelle and myself. Not bad, not bad....
- Incidentally, I'm a member of one of the thousands of groups
- trying to crack the RC5-64 key. And our group is called, you
- guessed it, "alt.fan.frank-zappa RC5-64 Crack Decryption Squad"
- So there should be another strange connection...
- And BTW, I'm still working on my FZ Memorial Fractal Page
- (to be displayed at my Franktal site), I'll make the announcement
- when it's finished. Meanwhile, enjoy these ZappaPars ;-)
- swami {; Who you jivin' with that Cosmik Debris ?
- ; from the FZ Memorial Fractal Page
- ; by Miguel Fliguer - 1999
- reset=1960 type=tim's_error function=tan
- center-mag=-1.0642/-0.0273895/1.223492/1/90 params=1/0
- bailoutest=imag potential=255/240/0
- colors=222323545<18>OMTQNVPMU<17>B4DA3CB4D<10>VFOXGP_HRbHSeIUdKTbNS<7>f6
- \
- Og3Nf3N<6>X4GV5FV5F<6>a3Fb2Eb4G<6>iLWjOZjOY<7>cIQ<7>jghkkkjhf<6>cO8bL2`K
- \
- 3<7>H7E<5>`WVc`Yfd`jicifa<6>bKK`GHYGH<3>448227<7>QQVUTZWUZ<7>nia<8>EAA<8
- \
- >F23F23E23<5>A55966855622<8>ZAB<8>EA6<6>LA9MAANABOBCQDD<5>_PJaRKbRJ<6>lX
- \
- 6nY4mY6<4>gVG434 cyclerange=2/255
- }
- Pink_Napkins {; from the FZ Memorial Fractal Page
- ; by Miguel Fliguer - 1999
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=miguel.frm formulaname=zappa-1
- function=sin/exp
- center-mag=-0.37849950750000000/+0.10243439650000000/1342.673/0.9995/12.
- \
- 171 potential=255/50000/0
- colors=000mYT<22>bAI000<37>J7aK8bL8cM8dM8fN8gO9i<10>O9aO9`O9`O9`<9>K9XJ8
- \
- XJ8WI8V<26>112000000<27>325436534423<8>wuu<11>YJ9VF4SD4<5>421445<9>`THdW
- \
- JfXJ<4>n`IoaIn`I<16>Y54X33Y65<13>skYuo`un`<14>mZT
- }
- frm:zappa-1 {; by Miguel Fliguer
- z=c=pixel:
- x=z*pixel+c
- y=c*pixel+z
- IF ( |x| > |y| )
- z = fn1(x)-fn2(y)
- z = fn1(fn2(x-y))
- |z|<4
- }
- Regards,
- Miguel Fliguer - Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Franktal Gallery - Shut Up And Draw Yer Fractals
- http://members.xoom.com/fliguer/franktal.html
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Alejandro Kainer" <alejandro.kainer@usa.net>
- Subject: (fractint) The best band ...
- Date: 08 Jan 1999 11:07:59 -0300
- Hi, guys,
- I'm sorry I can't do my own fractals as well (I assure you that soon they
- will be in your screens), but I'm a Frank Zappa's fan too. By now, I'm
- looking at your fractals and as Miguel Fliguer said, the connection betwe=
- en
- complexity in both fractals and Frank's music is, excuse my words,
- outstanding and amazing. Paul, I'm sure FZ would love it... He does fract=
- al
- music, doesn't he?
- ________________________________
- Alejandro Gustavo Kainer
- Sirti Argentina S.A.
- Hip=F3lito Irigoyen 4848
- (1602) - Florida - Bs.As.
- Tel: (54)-1-760-0061 - Int. 1417 / 1418
- Fax: (54)-1-760-0095
- e-mail: alejandro.kainer@usa.net
- ________________________________
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Baxter Tocher <baxter@trance.ednet.co.uk>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Gallery Update
- Date: 08 Jan 1999 18:45:21 +0000
- "Fliguer, Miguel" wrote:
- > >>> Could there be some bizarre connection
- > >>> between enjoying Zappa's music and being
- > >>> interested in fractals? I've noticed a few fans
- > One more reason to love this list !
- >
- > Yes, there is a connection. Zappa's music, just like a well crafted
- > fractal, is beautiful, complex, sometimes chaotic, and it reveals
- > more beautiful layers when you dig (or zoom) a bit.
- Very nicely put, Miguel, and it looks like an appropriate moment for
- this lurker to say "hello" to the list! I'm a big fan of both FZ as well
- as fractals.
- I've been dabbling with fractals for a few years now, firstly on the
- Atari ST, then on the Amiga (using an earlier version of Fractint
- amongst others), and now on the PC with Windows 95 (and soon with Linux
- once I get Fractint working properly there!).
- I've still a lot to learn about what the program can do; you are all
- finding some truly beautiful images and writing some wonderful formulae.
- Nearly forgot - my first two pars. I'll post more when I know a bit more
- about what I'm doing :)
- NEONJLRY { ; "Neon Jewellery" t=
- 0:00:12.36
- ; t=calc time [h:mm:ss.] using a P150 at
- 800x600
- ; based on "Pinwheel" by Les St Clair
- ; e-mail to: baxter@trance.ednet.co.uk
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=chby1.frm formulaname=s03-01
- passes=1 center-mag=1.33227e-015/-1.33227e-015/0.5324087
- params=3.14159265358979/0.7 float=y maxiter=255 inside=bof60
- decomp=256
- colors=I1B<4>Z1Bb2Cf1A<4>z00<8>zs0zv0zs0<7>z00<8>S2HO2JM2I<12>000<10>O2J\
- <8>31a00d04f<8>0cz<7>05g00d20b<8>O2J<12>101201<8>M2HO2JS2H<8>z00<8>zs0zv\
- 0zs0<7>z00<9>O2J<2>K2FI2EG2DE2BD2A<5>212000000<4>D1AF1CH1DJ1FM2HO2JK2LK2\
- N<6>30b00d04f<8>0cz<7>05g00d20b<8>O2J<13>000<4>A07C19D19D1AE1B
- }
- SERPENTR { ; "Serpent Ring" t=
- 0:00:21.70
- ; t=calc time [h:mm:ss.] using a P150 at
- 800x600
- ; based on "Pinwheel" by Les St Clair
- ; e-mail to: baxter@trance.ednet.co.uk
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=chby1.frm formulaname=s03-01
- passes=1 center-mag=8.04912e-016/-9.99201e-016/9.210343/1/22.5
- params=3.14159265358979/0.7 float=y maxiter=128 inside=bof61
- invert=0.0215459539510404/0/0 decomp=256
- colors=HGN<4>JIPKJPLKQMLR<32>jghjghkhikhilij<3>nklnklmjm<20>X7KW5JV3HU1F\
- <6>L3MK3NI3M<6>31F00E02F<6>4KT5NV5PV<4>2YV<8>RedUfeVfe<29>ttjuukttjrriqq\
- hqqh<2>nlfmjekgc<2>dXZaTXYNU<3>K0KK0K<2>F4KE5KD5K<3>85K66J55I<3>22G11F11\
- F11F<7>33I33I44J55J55K<4>CCODDPFFR<3>MMWNNXQQZ<2>WWcZZd``fccheej<2>nnppp\
- rttuttupprllojhlffjcch<6>UU_SSZQQWQQW<4>KKQIIPHHOFFMFFM<6>GGN
- }
- frm:S03-01(Origin){;V.1.0 - earlier versions may be discarded
- ; = zS02-S01
- t=p1,bailout=4,z=pixel:
- x=real(z),y=imag(z)
- Tx=x*(x*x-2)
- Ty=y*(y*y-2)
- x=x-t*Ty,y=y+t*Tx
- z=x+flip(y)
- |z|<=bailout}
- --
- Baxter
- baxter@trance.ednet.co.uk
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Jacco Burger" <jaccobu@kabelfoon.nl>
- Subject: (fractint) We're only in it for the fractals
- Date: 08 Jan 1999 21:27:32 +0100
- When I first tried to think of names for my fractals I really had no
- inspiration. I didn't want to give them those often used names like
- 'Neon Spiral' or 'Blue Mandelbrot' or 'Red Alien', but I couldn't
- think of anything better either...
- So one day I was sitting, staring at one of my fractals on my
- computerscreen, thinking and thinking: how should I call this one? At
- that moment I had a record of Frank Zappa playing, and I heard him
- singing: "In the dangerous kitchen..... if it ain't one thing it's
- another...." and I thought: that's it! So I started reading the
- sleeves of all the LP and CD records I had, and that is how many of my
- fractals got their names.
- So if you take a good look at my fractal gallery you might also find
- some songtitles from other bands and musicians. I am not going to
- spoil the fun by telling which ones they are, that is for you to
- discover.
- A source of inspiration for exotic fractal names are dictionaries of
- foreign languages. The dictionary also provides you very conveniantly
- with the meaning of the word so you can be sure you are not using
- offensive words. This can be tricky, though! I know for instance that
- some very ordinary Dutch words sound very rude to Polish people....
- Another way of finding names is fun and very easy. Just show a fractal
- to somebody, preferably a child, and ask: "what does this look like?".
- You will be surprised! At least 3 of my fractals got their names this
- way.
- Actually, I am thinking of adding some of this kind of information to
- my fractals on my webpages. I will let you know in time.
- I am very curious about other people's sources for names. Anyone who
- would like to tell about it?
- Bye!
- Jacco
- webgallery: www.caiw.nl/~jaccobu
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Ricardo M. Forno" <rforno@afip.gov.ar>
- Subject: (fractint) Fractal names
- Date: 08 Jan 1999 17:42:13 -0300
- Jacco:
- I sometimes use names from my classical music CD collection. Once, for
- example, I named one of them 'Sprotar', an Icelandic word of which I do not
- know the meaning yet, but surely it is not offensive.
- Ricardo.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@fractalus.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Naming fractals
- Date: 08 Jan 1999 14:45:42 -0600
- Jacco,
- - I am very curious about other people's sources for names. Anyone who
- - would like to tell about it?
- Normally I just look at the fractal and think of what it reminds me of.
- That probably accounts for most of the lame names I've used. :-) Often
- while exploring I will see a shape that makes me think of something, and
- I'll refine the image in that direction to make it fit the name. Sometimes
- I'm just totally stumped; at that point, I turn to a few friends for help.
- I do have one friend who has named several fractals who doesn't know much
- about fractals at all (just that he likes them). And sometimes it just
- helps to have someone else look at the images, so that you get a fresh
- perspective.
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Damascena@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) We're only in it for the fractals
- Date: 08 Jan 1999 16:38:36 EST
- In a message dated 1/8/99 12:32:40 PM Pacific Standard Time,
- jaccobu@kabelfoon.nl writes:
- > I am very curious about other people's sources for names. Anyone who
- > would like to tell about it?
- Some I name for friends, some for mythological characters, some for my own
- transient thoughts......
- You mentioned using words in other languages. I just found a wonderful site
- for that, which provides links to languages most of us have never even *heard*
- of, for translation and even on-line language lessons:
- http://www.elite.net/~runner/jennifers/languag2.htm
- BTW I have a Frank Zappa for President tee-shirt.....count me in :)
- Dama
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Paul Derbyshire <pderbysh@usa.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) We're only in it for the fractals
- Date: 08 Jan 1999 17:16:30 -0500
- At 04:38 PM 1/8/99 EST, you wrote:
- >In a message dated 1/8/99 12:32:40 PM Pacific Standard Time,
- >jaccobu@kabelfoon.nl writes:
- >
- >> I am very curious about other people's sources for names. Anyone who
- >> would like to tell about it?
- >
- >Some I name for friends, some for mythological characters, some for my own
- >transient thoughts......
- I invent names for mine. If you see "Teralla" or "Krenias" or something
- similar in an online dictionary it is entirely coincidental.
- >You mentioned using words in other languages. I just found a wonderful site
- >for that, which provides links to languages most of us have never even
- *heard*
- >of, for translation and even on-line language lessons:
- >
- >http://www.elite.net/~runner/jennifers/languag2.htm
- Thanks! Might be interesting and/or useful. :-)
- >BTW I have a Frank Zappa for President tee-shirt.....count me in :)
- How about Gillian Anderson for president-ess?
- (I don't think there's ever been a red-head in office in the western
- world.... let alone a lady one.)
- --
- .*. "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
- -() < circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
- `*' straight line." -------------------------------------------------
- -- B. Mandelbrot |http://surf.to/pgd.net
- _____________________ ____|________ Paul Derbyshire pderbysh@usa.net
- Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: BillatNY@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) video card/makemig
- Date: 08 Jan 1999 19:27:04 EST
- Davides,
- I have also run into this problem. Instead of shelling to DOS, restart the
- computer in MS-DOS mode. (I am assuming here that you have Windows 95.) Then
- you should be able to run Makemig with no trouble.
- Bill
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: PKyleCA@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) We're only in it for the fractals
- Date: 08 Jan 1999 19:51:49 EST
- In a message dated 01/08/1999 12:32:40 PM Pacific Standard Time,
- jaccobu@kabelfoon.nl writes:
- << I am very curious about other people's sources for names. Anyone who
- would like to tell about it? >>
- how about http://members.aol.com/vbolug/fractal.htm. Here is where various
- people get to give them names in a contest format. Amazing to see how many
- different people think in naming a fractal. Sparks the creative process.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Paul DeCelle <PaulDC@prodigy.net>
- Subject: (fractint) Gallery Update
- Date: 08 Jan 1999 21:19:52 -0500
- Hi, Everyone--
- Miguel Fliguer wrote:
- >Yes, there is a connection. Zappa's music, just like a well crafted
- >fractal, is beautiful, complex, sometimes chaotic, and it reveals
- >more beautiful layers when you dig (or zoom) a bit.
- Miguel makes a good point - I never really thought about it that way,
- but it does make a lot of sense..
- Damascena, About that tee shirt - he'd certainly do a better job of it
- than the one we have now. Wear it with pride!
- In keeping with the theme, here's a par from the Zappa_1 formula Miguel
- posted earlier today - Took more than 30 minutes on my P60, but worth
- the wait.. Oddly, activating floating point caused the fanlike
- structures to disappear, resulting in a very different image. Anyone
- know why?
- Regards, Paul DeCelle
- Fossil_Floss { ; A Fossilized Dental Floss Bush
- ; From the Zappa-1 formula t=30+min P60
- ; Paul DeCelle 1/8/98
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=*.frm formulaname=zappa-1
- function=tan/tanh passes=1
- center-mag=-0.21433481550000000/+0.50233301550000000/94.35625/0.9997/-85\
- .174 potential=255/50000/0
- colors=00504B<2>029029128128117<2>216EEF<114>wvywvywvywvywvy<24>wvyvuxvu\
- xutwutw<67>MILLHKMIL<21>mkn00305C04C
- }
- frm:zappa-1 {; by Miguel Fliguer
- z=c=pixel:
- x=z*pixel+c
- y=c*pixel+z
- IF ( |x| > |y| )
- z = fn1(x)-fn2(y)
- z = fn1(fn2(x-y))
- |z|<4
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Paul DeCelle <PaulDC@prodigy.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Gallery Update
- Date: 08 Jan 1999 21:58:29 -0500
- Baxter Tocher wrote:
- > I'm a big fan of both FZ as well as fractals.
- :-) :-)
- > Nearly forgot - my first two pars. I'll post more when I know a bit more
- > about what I'm doing :)
- >
- Welcome, Baxter! Very nice images. Just took a little text editing to
- format them for Fractint. I find that (using Netscape and Notepad,
- anyway), if I delete any open spaces at the beginning of each line of
- the par where the parameters and color info is contained before I send,
- it transmits true. You can check by opening your posting after you've
- sent it by opening it from the "Sent" folder. Other browsers probably
- have similar features..
- I look forward to seeing more of your work..
- Regards, Paul DeCelle
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Paul DeCelle <PaulDC@prodigy.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) We're only in it for the fractals
- Date: 08 Jan 1999 22:26:05 -0500
- PKyleCA@aol.com wrote:
- >
- > how about http://members.aol.com/vbolug/fractal.htm. Here is where various
- > people get to give them names in a contest format. Amazing to see how many
- > different people think in naming a fractal. Sparks the creative process.
- I checked this out - A pretty nice site. I entered a vote, but my
- e-mail was returned "undeliverable" with the following:
- >The line beginning with "<<<" describes the specific reason your e-mail could
- >not be delivered. The next line contains a second error message which is a
- >general translation for other e-mail servers.
- It's an AOL address; It may only be intended for AOL members.. Anyone
- else experience this?
- Regards, Paul DeCelle
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Christopher Springer <santini@home.com>
- Subject: (fractint) Infinity and All Things
- Date: 08 Jan 1999 19:57:49 -0800
- Hi Everyone...
- We have all heard that a Fractal is Self-Similar
- (but not Self-Identical) at increasing magnifications.
- This means adjacent consecutive magnification levels
- are not identical. Maybe very close, but not identical.
- But might a (perhaps very long) sequence of such adjacent
- levels not Start and End with Self-Identical shapes???
- If so, perhaps this sequence may repeat indefinitely in what
- I would call a "linear" manner. This is comparable to leaving
- your home for a walk and always taking the same route and
- then returning. This is the "First Possibility".
- The "Second Possibility" is that the second sequence may traverse
- different shapes than the first yet still return to the identical
- "Starter/Ender" pattern in what I would call a "rooted" wave pattern.
- This is comparable to leaving your home for a walk and taking a
- different route each time but always returning to the "home"
- location (location=pattern).
- The "Third Possibility" is the zoom changes are in no way repetitive
- but are open ended, ever changing and ever different.
- Now, since the Fractal zoom levels continue without end, then
- if the First Possibility applied, only a finite number of shapes
- would be generated.
- But, if the Second or Third Possibilities applied, an Infinite number
- of shapes would be generated. This means the sum total of
- "All Possible Shapes" which COULD be generated, percieved or
- imagined would be generated by...
- Mandelbrot to power 2
- Mandelbrot to power 3
- Mandelbrot to power 4... etcetera, etcetera and so forth.
- So, somewhere deep within EACH Mandelbrot lurks
- not only a Mona Lisa, but the entire Works all of ALL
- the Artists who have ever been and will ever be...
- PLUS a fair bit of just plain gobbledegook.
- These same images (the "Infinite Set") would arise from
- ALL Mandelbrots, regardless of to what power. So, at
- "Infinity", the outputs generated by ALL Fractal types,
- to whatever power, becomes the same, namely "every
- shape that can possibly be". Strange!!!
- There is of course one possible fly in the ointment of this
- Fanciful Flight to Fractal Infinity...
- If the successive zoom differences gave increasingly smaller
- pattern differences such that these tinier amd tinear differences
- asymtopically approaches zero... never ceasing to change,
- but with changes becoming literally infinitesimally small...
- then, no more Mona Lisa.
- So, what do you folks, many much brighter than me, think???
- Or does this kind of thing just give you a headache?
- Christopher Springer
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Kerry Mitchell <lkmitch@primenet.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Infinity and All Things
- Date: 08 Jan 1999 22:20:11 -0700 (MST)
- On Fri, 8 Jan 1999, Christopher Springer wrote:
- > The "Third Possibility" is the zoom changes are in no way repetitive
- > but are open ended, ever changing and ever different.
- To my understanding, this is the case. Each "midget" is slightly warped
- with respect to the main cardioid; the relative warping is different for
- each midget.
- > So, somewhere deep within EACH Mandelbrot lurks
- > not only a Mona Lisa, but the entire Works all of ALL
- > the Artists who have ever been and will ever be...
- > PLUS a fair bit of just plain gobbledegook.
- This is a common mistake, confusing "infinite" with "containing
- everything". The Mandelbrot set truly is infinite, that is, going on (in)
- forever, but it certainly doesn't contain everything. It's similar to a
- sequence of numbers. Consider any infinite sequence of the digits 0-9.
- No matter what sequence you choose or how long you look, you'll never find
- the sequence "THIS SPACE FOR RENT" in the sequence. In the same vein,
- you'll not find a Mona Lisa in the Mandelbrot set.
- Kerry Mitchell
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: PKyleCA@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) We're only in it for the fractals
- Date: 09 Jan 1999 00:49:41 EST
- In a message dated 1/8/99 7:24:01 PM Pacific Standard Time, PaulDC@prodigy.net
- writes:
- << >The line beginning with "<<<" describes the specific reason your e-mail
- could
- >not be delivered. The next line contains a second error message which is a
- >general translation for other e-mail servers.
- It's an AOL address; It may only be intended for AOL members.. Anyone
- else experience this? >>
- Try again. AOL has its peak times where it tends to do this.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Jon Camp" <jon.camp@valpo.edu>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Infinity and All Things
- Date: 08 Jan 1999 22:37:25 -0800
- But what if we took at, say, pi. Some where in the sequence of digits we
- will find a representation of the words "This space is for rent" i.e.. 20 08
- 09 19 19 16 01 03 05 .....
- If we digitized the Mona Lisa into say 100 colors, and then made a sequence
- out of the picture, line by line, we would have a finite sequence that would
- have to exist inside of an infinite sequence. Could not the same thing be
- said about a fractal? If we take a line straight across a given fractal and
- obtain a sequence of numbers, won't there be an infinite number of possible
- sequences? Just my thoughts.... :)
- Jon Camp
- Valparaiso University
- chaotic n-space network
- http://www.valpo.edu/home/student/jcamp/fractals_gate.html
- -----Original Message-----
- >On Fri, 8 Jan 1999, Christopher Springer wrote:
- >
- >> The "Third Possibility" is the zoom changes are in no way repetitive
- >> but are open ended, ever changing and ever different.
- >
- >To my understanding, this is the case. Each "midget" is slightly warped
- >with respect to the main cardioid; the relative warping is different for
- >each midget.
- >
- >> So, somewhere deep within EACH Mandelbrot lurks
- >> not only a Mona Lisa, but the entire Works all of ALL
- >> the Artists who have ever been and will ever be...
- >> PLUS a fair bit of just plain gobbledegook.
- >
- >This is a common mistake, confusing "infinite" with "containing
- >everything". The Mandelbrot set truly is infinite, that is, going on (in)
- >forever, but it certainly doesn't contain everything. It's similar to a
- >sequence of numbers. Consider any infinite sequence of the digits 0-9.
- >No matter what sequence you choose or how long you look, you'll never find
- >the sequence "THIS SPACE FOR RENT" in the sequence. In the same vein,
- >you'll not find a Mona Lisa in the Mandelbrot set.
- >
- >Kerry Mitchell
- >
- >
- >
- >--------------------------------------------------------------
- >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- >Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- >Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- >Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- >Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- >
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Kerry Mitchell <lkmitch@primenet.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Infinity and All Things
- Date: 08 Jan 1999 23:59:51 -0700 (MST)
- On Fri, 8 Jan 1999, Jon Camp wrote:
- > But what if we took at, say, pi. Some where in the sequence of digits we
- > will find a representation of the words "This space is for rent" i.e.. 20 08
- > 09 19 19 16 01 03 05 .....
- Strictly speaking: probably, but not necessarily. If pi is what is
- called a "normal" number, then its decimal representation contains all
- finite strings of the digits 0-9. However, pi's normality has not yet
- been proven. But more generally, there are infinite, non-repeating
- numbers that won't contain even your decimal representation of "This space
- is for rent", such as the number 0.10010000100000000100000000000000001...
- > If we digitized the Mona Lisa into say 100 colors, and then made a sequence
- > out of the picture, line by line, we would have a finite sequence that would
- > have to exist inside of an infinite sequence. Could not the same thing be
- ^^^^
- No--just because a sequence is infinite, that doesn't mean that it
- necessarily contains all finite sequences.
- > said about a fractal? If we take a line straight across a given fractal and
- > obtain a sequence of numbers, won't there be an infinite number of possible
- > sequences?
- If you go to digitizing the Mona Lisa, then I'm sure you could find it
- somewhere in the Mandelbrot set with some suitable transformations. But
- that would border on tweaking the answer to fit the problem, rather than
- truly finding another image in an infinite fractal.
- These are subtle points, and I don't mean to stomp on your thoughts, just
- help clarify them.
- Kerry
- Kerry Mitchell
- lkmitch@primenet.com www.primenet.com/~lkmitch/
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Barry N Merenoff <110144.2274@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) video modes
- Date: 09 Jan 1999 02:04:20 -0500
- I have a Hitachi SuperScan Pro 600 monitor and a Trident 9660/968x/938x
- Linear Accelerated for PCI (v5.00.12) version 211. My screen resolution i=
- s
- 1600x1200x256. How do I get this resolution in Fractint?
- BTW, thank you, Kerry Mitchell, for explaining the flaw in that argument =
- on
- infinity. I was going to send in something like that, but I couldn't have=
- said it better than you! BTW, has anyone ever tried to categorize these
- distortions? And is the set of midgits countable?
- Collin Merenoff
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Kerry Mitchell <lkmitch@primenet.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) video modes
- Date: 09 Jan 1999 00:16:51 -0700 (MST)
- On Sat, 9 Jan 1999, Barry N Merenoff wrote:
- > I have a Hitachi SuperScan Pro 600 monitor and a Trident 9660/968x/938x
- > Linear Accelerated for PCI (v5.00.12) version 211. My screen resolution is
- > 1600x1200x256. How do I get this resolution in Fractint?
- Have you tried the mode that Sylvie Gallet wrote? It's for a Matrox
- Millenium 1600x1200, but it may work.
- > BTW, thank you, Kerry Mitchell, for explaining the flaw in that argument on
- > infinity. I was going to send in something like that, but I couldn't have
- > said it better than you! BTW, has anyone ever tried to categorize these
- > distortions? And is the set of midgits countable?
- Thanks for the kind words. I was able to respond like that because I had
- the same question years ago and got the same response. Likewise, I argued
- that the set of midgets was uncountable, and was quite resoundly
- corrected. The short answers seem to be: 1) to every midget, a rational
- number can be assigned. Thus, the set is countable. 2) Since every
- midget has an area, the set must be countable since the whole collection
- fits within the circle of radius 2.
- Regarding the distortions, several years ago, Michael Frame (of Union
- College) and I wrote a paper about the distortions within a particular
- midget, as opposed to distortions of the midgets (I mention this because I
- think there may be some similarity). The disks along the boundary of the
- cardioid of a midget are located and sized according to a simple general
- rule. However, the actual disks are distorted slightly from this rule.
- The distortions are distributed "fractally". That is, when plotting the
- distortions, a "fractal" results. The quotes are required because the set
- of distortions is a countable set, and thus cannot be a true fractal.
- Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised to see that midget distortions were also
- "fractally" distributed.
- Kerry
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Kerry Mitchell <lkmitch@primenet.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) video modes
- Date: 09 Jan 1999 00:16:51 -0700 (MST)
- On Sat, 9 Jan 1999, Barry N Merenoff wrote:
- > I have a Hitachi SuperScan Pro 600 monitor and a Trident 9660/968x/938x
- > Linear Accelerated for PCI (v5.00.12) version 211. My screen resolution is
- > 1600x1200x256. How do I get this resolution in Fractint?
- Have you tried the mode that Sylvie Gallet wrote? It's for a Matrox
- Millenium 1600x1200, but it may work.
- > BTW, thank you, Kerry Mitchell, for explaining the flaw in that argument on
- > infinity. I was going to send in something like that, but I couldn't have
- > said it better than you! BTW, has anyone ever tried to categorize these
- > distortions? And is the set of midgits countable?
- Thanks for the kind words. I was able to respond like that because I had
- the same question years ago and got the same response. Likewise, I argued
- that the set of midgets was uncountable, and was quite resoundly
- corrected. The short answers seem to be: 1) to every midget, a rational
- number can be assigned. Thus, the set is countable. 2) Since every
- midget has an area, the set must be countable since the whole collection
- fits within the circle of radius 2.
- Regarding the distortions, several years ago, Michael Frame (of Union
- College) and I wrote a paper about the distortions within a particular
- midget, as opposed to distortions of the midgets (I mention this because I
- think there may be some similarity). The disks along the boundary of the
- cardioid of a midget are located and sized according to a simple general
- rule. However, the actual disks are distorted slightly from this rule.
- The distortions are distributed "fractally". That is, when plotting the
- distortions, a "fractal" results. The quotes are required because the set
- of distortions is a countable set, and thus cannot be a true fractal.
- Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised to see that midget distortions were also
- "fractally" distributed.
- Kerry
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: JimBeau549@aol.com
- Subject: (fractint) 3D overlay par
- Date: 09 Jan 1999 04:13:57 EST
- Hi All,
- Here is my first attempt at making a parfile for a 3d overlay image.
- It's nothing special but I thought I'd post anyway, just in case someone
- hasn't seen how to batch a 3d pic yet. More to come later.
- Enjoy~
- JimWeaver
- *************************************************
- barneps5.gif { ; image(c)1999 Jim Weaver (save this image 1st)
- t=46sec+
- reset=1960 type=barnsleym1 passes=t
- center-mag=0.627662/1.28824/27.70908/1/105 params=-0.9/0 float=y
- maxiter=255 bailoutest=imag inside=epsiloncross outside=atan
- invert=1/0.9/0 periodicity=0 savename=barneps5.gif
- colors=000423<8>wuu<11>YJ9VF4SD4<5>421445<9>`THdWJfXJ<4>n`IoaIn`I<16>Y54\
- X33Y65<13>skYuo`un`<4>riYqhYogX<31>221000101<17>J4AK4AL4BM5BN6BP7B<26>xd\
- EzfFyeF<28>K7CI5BH5A<2>E4873D<9>112000000<27>325436534
- }
- stars(background) { ; image(c)1999 Jim Weaver
- ; use @ and run 3d_operation after this image has drawn
- reset=1960 type=mandelcloud passes=t
- center-mag=-0.16435972629521090/+0.00000000000000663/1.063499/1.0633/-46\
- .153/11.286 params=35 float=y maxiter=1000 periodicity=0
- colors=00000e0e00eee00e0eeL0eeeLLLLLzLzLLzzzLLzLzzzLzzz000555<3>HHHKKKOO\
- OSSSWWW___ccchhhmmmssszzz00z<3>z0z<3>z00<3>zz0<3>0z0<3>0zz<2>0GzVVz<3>zV\
- z<3>zVV<3>zzV<3>VzV<3>Vzz<2>Vbzhhz<3>zhz<3>zhh<3>zzh<3>hzh<3>hzz<2>hlz00\
- S<3>S0S<3>S00<3>SS0<3>0S0<3>0SS<2>07SEES<3>SES<3>SEE<3>SSE<3>ESE<3>ESS<2\
- >G0G<3>G00<3>GG0<3>0G0<3>0GG<2>04G88G<2>E8GG8GG8EG8CG8AG88<2>GE8GG8EG8CG\
- }
- 3d_operation { ; image(c)1999 Jim Weaver Enjoy!
- ;
- 3d=overlay filename=barneps5.gif scalexyz=100/100 roughness=0
- waterline=0 transparent=6/6 ambient=20 rotation=0/0/0 perspective=0
- xyshift=0/0
- colors=000NJE<13>000<18>J4AK4AL4BM5BN6BP7B<26>xdEzfFyeF<28>K7CI5BH5A<2>E\
- 4873D<9>112000000<27>325436534423<8>wuu<11>YJ9VF4SD4<5>421445<9>`THdWJfX\
- J<4>n`IoaIn`I<16>Y54X33Y65<13>skYuo`un`<4>riYqhYogX<17>OKF
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Barry N Merenoff <110144.2274@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) video modes
- Date: 09 Jan 1999 06:30:23 -0500
- Thanks for the suggestions, but I've tried Sylvie Gallet's mode -- and Da=
- n
- Paccaloni's mode. They both give an error message. I've also tried variou=
- s
- ways of adding my own mode in FRACTINT.CFG, but it either draws in the
- wrong places or freezes. I think the way to do it will involve modifying
- the source code, but I'll need a little help with this.
- Collin Merenoff
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Paul Derbyshire <pderbysh@usa.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) video modes
- Date: 09 Jan 1999 08:00:56 -0500
- The set of midgets is countable... for each period from 1 upwards there is
- a finite collection of midgets whose cardioid has this period. Thus the
- midgets comprise a countable union of finite sets, whichis countable.
- --
- .*. "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
- -() < circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
- `*' straight line." -------------------------------------------------
- -- B. Mandelbrot |http://surf.to/pgd.net
- _____________________ ____|________ Paul Derbyshire pderbysh@usa.net
- Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) video modes
- Date: 09 Jan 1999 08:33:52 -0500
- Hi Collin,
- >> Thanks for the suggestions, but I've tried Sylvie Gallet's mode -- and=
- >> Dan Paccaloni's mode. They both give an error message. I've also tried=
- >> various ways of adding my own mode in FRACTINT.CFG, but it either draw=
- s
- >> in the wrong places or freezes.
- Download the following file from my web site:
- http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Sylvie_Gallet/vesa2cfg.zip
- Run vesa2cfg.exe and email me the file qpv.cfg it will create.
- Cheers,
- - Sylvie
- E-mail:
- Sylvie_Gallet@CompuServe.com
- Visit my exhibit at Museum of Computer Art:
- http://www.dorsai.org/~moca/
- My Fractal Galleries:
- http://spanky.triumf.ca/www/fractint/sylvie/gallet.html
- http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Sylvie_Gallet/homepage.htm
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Jason Hine" <tumnus@together.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Infinity and All Things
- Date: 09 Jan 1999 12:13:55 -0500
- -----Original Message-----
- >On Fri, 8 Jan 1999, Jon Camp wrote:
- >
- >> But what if we took at, say, pi. Some where in the sequence of digits we
- >> will find a representation of the words "This space is for rent" i.e.. 20 08
- >> 09 19 19 16 01 03 05 .....
- >
- and on 1/9, Kerry replied:
- >
- >Strictly speaking: probably, but not necessarily. If pi is what is
- >called a "normal" number, then its decimal representation contains all
- >finite strings of the digits 0-9. However, pi's normality has not yet
- >been proven. But more generally, there are infinite, non-repeating
- >numbers that won't contain even your decimal representation of "This space
- >is for rent", such as the number 0.10010000100000000100000000000000001...
- For a good, concise, and simple description of this problem, check out:
- http://www.ast.univie.ac.at/~wasi/PI/pi_normal.html
- >
- >> If we digitized the Mona Lisa into say 100 colors, and then made a sequence
- >> out of the picture, line by line, we would have a finite sequence that would
- >> have to exist inside of an infinite sequence. Could not the same thing be
- > ^^^^
- > No--just because a sequence is infinite, that doesn't mean that it
- >necessarily contains all finite sequences.
- >
- >> said about a fractal? If we take a line straight across a given fractal and
- >> obtain a sequence of numbers, won't there be an infinite number of possible
- >> sequences?
- >
- >If you go to digitizing the Mona Lisa, then I'm sure you could find it
- >somewhere in the Mandelbrot set with some suitable transformations. But
- >that would border on tweaking the answer to fit the problem, rather than
- >truly finding another image in an infinite fractal.
- Kerry's right... this is tweaking the answer to fit the problem, but if the
- tweak results in the appearance of meaningful relationships between answers,
- then it might just be a good idea. For example, if the same coding method were
- applied to the name "Leonardo DaVinci" and to the Mona Lisa, and the resulting
- encoded number sequences were found in close proximity (or intermingled?) within
- pi, it might make us go "hmm." And if that same coding method had similar
- results when applied to other situations, and a recognizable pattern began to
- appear in the relationships of the encoded number sequences within pi, it might
- make us go "hmm!"
- If what's being proposed is possible at all, I kinda doubt we're going to reason
- our way to the correct "coding method"... things in our universe might be
- encoded/contained within the structure of the Mandelbrot set in a number of
- different ways; perhaps in the relative angles and lengths of different
- filaments, the relative position and orientation of baby brots, the relative
- "roughness" (read: fractal dimension) of a filament or baby brot at a given
- resolution/magnification... lotsa parameters to play with here! And might we
- need to consider the hypercomplex Mandelbrot? I personally believe some good
- stuff along these lines await those willing to explore the possibilities.
- And now for a par >:')
- monalisa { ; Time: 462.5 hrs on
- ; a PII266
- ; 144 decimal places
- reset=1960 type=mandel passes=1
- center-mag=-0.22563063284104807566410639404\
- 69227820046699558432459993619\ 678982729428177074751376141733506809848938\
- 929300302683606404912778251442\
- 30441208847849/0.81188676437233157170463228\
- 83932476187633796780685500735\
- 668701233494887105445128647138527626138028\
- 567972428051471821127845598201\
- 48238895886674325/5.5406e+138/1/47.704 params=0/0 float=y
- maxiter=63031 logmap=34831 colors=@webdeep5.map
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Jason Hine" <tumnus@together.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Infinity and All Things
- Date: 09 Jan 1999 12:21:47 -0500
- Oops,
- I forgot to record colors!
- >maxiter=63031 logmap=34831 colors=@webdeep5.map
- If anyone wants a par that'll actually run with the colors I came up with, email
- me and I'll send it... or better yet, wait a few hours and I'll have it up on my
- web page at
- http://boralf.agsci.colostate.edu/~jason/personal/deeper.html
- Cheers!
- Jason Hine
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Christopher Springer <santini@home.com>
- Subject: Re: Re: (fractint) Infinity and All Things
- Date: 09 Jan 1999 14:35:04 -0800
- --------------1B54523875DBDAC07E379CA5
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Hi Everyone...
- Thank you Kerry Mitchell, John Camp and Jason Hine for your interest and
- replies regarding Infinity and All Things. Most interesting.
- Kerry Mitchell replied:
- > This is a common mistake, confusing "infinite" with "containing
- > everything". The Mandelbrot set truly is infinite, that is, going on (in)
- > forever, but it certainly doesn't contain everything. It's similar to a
- > sequence of numbers. Consider any infinite sequence of the digits 0-9.
- > No matter what sequence you choose or how long you look, you'll never find
- > the sequence "THIS SPACE FOR RENT" in the sequence. In the same vein,
- > you'll not find a Mona Lisa in the Mandelbrot set.
- >
- I agree that "infinite" will not "contain everything" if the infinity
- referred to is one of stasis,
- either Unchanging (e.g. continuous sequence of "1") or Looped (e.g.
- 123123123...)
- BUT if the infinity is Ever Changing I think it will. Consider the
- following...
- My computer screen is set at 1024x768. That is, 786432 pixels.
- So, we generate a binary sequence starting from Zero, and
- continuing on up to 2^786432 (a RATHER LARGE number).
- This will yield EVERY POSSIBLE arrangement of "ones" and "zeroes"
- in the 786432 digit binary number. Equivalent to EVERY POSSIBLE
- arrangement if "on" and "off" pixels on my computer screen. This means
- (if we limit ourselves to a Black and White screen) that my computer
- screen will show the set of "All Possible Images" that it is capable of
- showing.
- This will INCLUDE a picture of you, me, Mona, Lisa, and every cat, dog
- and Fractal (!!!)
- which is capable of being shown on a 1024x768 pixel black and white
- screen.
- This even includes "THIS SPACE FOR RENT", and many, many variations
- thereon!
- Now is this an "Infinite" number of images? No! Because anything Digital
- has
- the "Jaggies" at some level or other. But if the pixel number was
- increased
- sufficiently until our ability to see the image was the limiting factor
- in our
- perception, it would for all intents and purposes be "Infinite" to us
- because
- even if we further increased the screen resolution to display even
- "finer"
- differences of in-between images, we couldn't see the difference anyhow.
- But for the Purist, what the heck, just get a nice Infinite Pixel
- Screen, and
- have done with it. THEN the number of images WOULD be INFINITE!
- It is not difficult to see that all possible arrangements of Colour
- could be
- imposed on the "on" pixels of each image. But I kept that out of it for
- now
- just for simplicity.
- Furthermore, the 2-dimensional Screen could be replaced with a
- 3-dimensional
- Block of screens (Cube) to model 3-d images. Not only that, but for each
- 3-d Block Image could be opened rows upon rows of 3-d Block Sequences
- showing All Possibilities for the NEXT image, which would define the sum
- of all
- possible motions through time. Talk about needing a MASSIVELY Parallel
- computer!!!
- So, does the original premise of Infinity and All Things, namely that
- Fractals
- may generate:
- << an Infinite number of shapes would be generated. This means the sum
- total of
- "All Possible Shapes" which COULD be generated, percieved or imagined >>
- gain any sort of reprieve? Or is it doomed, in your opinions, and
- therefore
- should I go back to the drawing board?
- Has anyone considered displaying the DIFFERENCES in the same Fractal
- Object in ZOOMS seperated by ONE or MORE Zoom Levels???
- I think they would be still "Fractal" in nature, and this may open up a
- whole
- new area of "Difference Fractals" or "Subtractal Fractals" or whatever!
- Since the differences should be small, especially between adjacent
- levels,
- they might be quite "whispy" and beautiful.
- Is there any way the Fractal Math (as performed by Fractint and others)
- can be REVERSED? That is, instead of calculating at Zoom Level Zero,
- then at Zoom 1, Zoom 2 etcetera, etcetera and so forth, could we
- calculate BACKWARDS to Zoom -1, Zoom -2 etc.?
- The same effect could be produced (I think!) by taking Zoom 1,2,3...etc
- images and running them through what I shall call an "Extrapolative
- Morph Program"
- to extrapolate back to what Zoom 0 ("The Lake") -1, -2,-3... Fractals
- should look like.
- I think all Morph programs may be Interpolative ("Blending"). But
- perhaps
- an Extrapolative one does exist or could be written.
- FRACTALS FOREVER!!! So many are so beautiful, let's push the Fractal
- Boundaries
- to the limit, and squeeze the Sponge of Beauty for all that is in it!!!
- What do you all think?
- Christopher de Jacques Springer
- --------------1B54523875DBDAC07E379CA5
- Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- <HTML>
- Hi Everyone...
- <P>PART I:
- <P>Thank you Kerry Mitchell, John Camp and Jason Hine for your interest
- and
- <BR>replies regarding Infinity and All Things. Most interesting.
- <P>Kerry Mitchell replied:
- <PRE>This is a common mistake, confusing "infinite" with "containing
- everything". The Mandelbrot set truly is infinite, that is, going on (in)
- forever, but it certainly doesn't contain everything. It's similar to a
- sequence of numbers. Consider any infinite sequence of the digits 0-9.
- No matter what sequence you choose or how long you look, you'll never find
- the sequence "THIS SPACE FOR RENT" in the sequence. In the same vein,
- you'll not find a Mona Lisa in the Mandelbrot set.</PRE>
- I agree that "infinite" will not "contain everything" if the infinity referred
- to is one of stasis,
- <BR>either Unchanging (e.g. continuous sequence of "1") or Looped (e.g.
- 123123123...)
- <BR>BUT if the infinity is Ever Changing I think it will. Consider the
- following...
- <P>My computer screen is set at 1024x768. That is, 786432 pixels.
- <P>So, we generate a binary sequence starting from Zero, and
- <BR>continuing on up to 2^786432 (a RATHER LARGE number).
- <P>This will yield EVERY POSSIBLE arrangement of "ones" and "zeroes"
- <BR>in the 786432 digit binary number. Equivalent to EVERY POSSIBLE
- <BR>arrangement if "on" and "off" pixels on my computer screen. This means
- <BR>(if we limit ourselves to a Black and White screen) that my computer
- <BR>screen will show the set of "All Possible Images" that it is capable
- of showing.
- <BR>This will INCLUDE a picture of you, me, Mona, Lisa, and every cat,
- dog and Fractal (!!!)
- <BR>which is capable of being shown on a 1024x768 pixel black and white
- screen.
- <BR>This even includes "THIS SPACE FOR RENT", and many, many variations
- thereon!
- <P>Now is this an "Infinite" number of images? No! Because anything Digital
- has
- <BR>the "Jaggies" at some level or other. But if the pixel number was increased
- <BR>sufficiently until our ability to see the image was the limiting factor
- in our
- <BR>perception, it would for all intents and purposes be "Infinite" to
- us because
- <BR>even if we further increased the screen resolution to display even
- "finer"
- <BR>differences of in-between images, we couldn't see the difference anyhow.
- <BR>But for the Purist, what the heck, just get a nice Infinite Pixel Screen,
- and
- <BR>have done with it. THEN the number of images WOULD be INFINITE!
- <P>It is not difficult to see that all possible arrangements of Colour
- could be
- <BR>imposed on the "on" pixels of each image. But I kept that out of it
- for now
- <BR>just for simplicity.
- <P>Furthermore, the 2-dimensional Screen could be replaced with a 3-dimensional
- <BR>Block of screens (Cube) to model 3-d images. Not only that, but for
- each
- <BR>3-d Block Image could be opened rows upon rows of 3-d Block Sequences
- <BR>showing All Possibilities for the NEXT image, which would define the
- sum of all
- <BR>possible motions through time. Talk about needing a MASSIVELY Parallel
- <BR>computer!!!
- <P>So, does the original premise of Infinity and All Things, namely that
- Fractals
- <BR>may generate:
- <P><< an Infinite number of shapes would be generated. This means
- the sum total of
- <BR>"All Possible Shapes" which COULD be generated, percieved or imagined
- >>
- <P>gain any sort of reprieve? Or is it doomed, in your opinions, and therefore
- <BR>should I go back to the drawing board?
- <P>Has anyone considered displaying the DIFFERENCES in the same Fractal
- <BR>Object in ZOOMS seperated by ONE or MORE Zoom Levels???
- <P>I think they would be still "Fractal" in nature, and this may open up
- a whole
- <BR>new area of "Difference Fractals" or "Subtractal Fractals" or whatever!
- <P>Since the differences should be small, especially between adjacent levels,
- <BR>they might be quite "whispy" and beautiful.
- <P>Is there any way the Fractal Math (as performed by Fractint and others)
- <BR>can be REVERSED? That is, instead of calculating at Zoom Level Zero,
- <BR>then at Zoom 1, Zoom 2 etcetera, etcetera and so forth, could we
- <BR>calculate BACKWARDS to Zoom -1, Zoom -2 etc.?
- <BR>The same effect could be produced (I think!) by taking Zoom 1,2,3...etc
- <BR>images and running them through what I shall call an "Extrapolative
- Morph Program"
- <BR>to extrapolate back to what Zoom 0 ("The Lake") -1, -2,-3... Fractals
- should look like.
- <BR>I think all Morph programs may be Interpolative ("Blending"). But perhaps
- <BR>an Extrapolative one does exist or could be written.
- <P>FRACTALS FOREVER!!! So many are so beautiful, let's push the Fractal
- Boundaries
- <BR>to the limit, and squeeze the Sponge of Beauty for all that is in it!!!
- <P>What do you all think?
- <P>Christopher de Jacques Springer
- <BR> </HTML>
- --------------1B54523875DBDAC07E379CA5--
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Janet Preslar <jp@parkenet.org>
- Subject: (fractint) Re: Resource list
- Date: 09 Jan 1999 16:42:27 -0600
- After today's post, I will no longer be updating or posting the
- FractInt Resource List. If
- anyone wants to continue posting it, please feel free to use and adapt
- it as needed.
- Janet
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Janet Preslar <jp@parkenet.org>
- Subject: (fractint) Resource List
- Date: 09 Jan 1999 16:42:21 -0600
- The following is a list of resources for FractInt users and Discussion
- List
- members=2E (Last update -- November 12, 1998)=20
- Thanks to Noel Giffin, this list is also available online at:
- http://spanky=2Etriumf=2Eca/www/fractint/preslar=2Ehtml
- *** New entries
- FractInt
- At Spanky =97
- http://spanky=2Etriumf=2Eca/www/fractint/fractint=2Ehtml
- Mirror site =97
- http://fractal=2Emta=2Eca/fractint/fractint=2Ehtml
- FractInt Documentation =97
- http://spanky=2Etriumf=2Eca/www/fractint/findex=2Ehtml
- FractInt semi-official wish list =97
- http://web=2Eukonline=2Eco=2Euk/members/robin=2Eb2/olig/fracwish=2Eh=
- tm
- Information, Tutorials and Explanations
- Anti-Aliasing Explained (Damien M=2E Jones) =97
- http://www=2Efractalus=2Ecom/misc/antialias=2Ehtm
- Basic FractInt Hints and Tips (Linda Allison) =97
- http://wizzle=2Esimplenet=2Ecom/linda/basic/basic-information=2Ehtm
- Coloring Algorithms Explained (Damien M=2E Jones) =97
- http://www=2Efractalus=2Ecom/misc/implement=2Ehtm
- ColorMap tutorial (Linda Allison) =97
- http://www=2Egeocities=2Ecom/Paris/5519/colors=2Ehtml
- http://wizzle=2Esimplenet=2Ecom/linda/colormaps/colormaps=2Ehtm
- (mirror)
- Color Map Magic (Wizzle) =97
- http://wizzle=2Esimplenet=2Ecom/fractals/wizmaps/wizmaps=2Ehtm
- Color Tricks (Linda Allison) =97
- http://wizzle=2Esimplenet=2Ecom/linda/colortricks/colortricks=2Ehtm
- Formula tutorial (Bradley Beacham) =97 =20
- http://spanky=2Etriumf=2Eca/www/fractint/frm-tut/frm-tutor=2Ehtml
- Fractals Explained (Linda Allison) =97
- http://wizzle=2Esimplenet=2Ecom/linda/define/fractals_defined=2Ehtm
- Fractal Information Page (Damien M=2E Jones) =97
- http://www=2Efractalus=2Ecom/misc/info=2Ehtm
- FractInt Tutorial (Bill Rossi) -=20
- http://members=2Eaol=2Ecom/billatny/fractopi=2Ehtm
- Guide to the Mandelbrot and Julia Sets (Paul Derbyshire) =97
- http://www3=2Esympatico=2Eca/bob=2Ebeland/manguide=2Ehtml
- Help for FractInt Discussion List newcomers!! (Wizzle) =97
- http://wizzle=2Esimplenet=2Ecom/fractals/hints/fractint_list_q&a=2Ehtm
- High Resolution tutorial (Linda Allison) =97
- http://www=2Egeocities=2Ecom/Paris/5519/lesson4=2Ehtml
- Hints on getting started (Wizzle) =97
- http://wizzle=2Esimplenet=2Ecom/fractals/hints/tips-fractint=2Ehtm
- If=2E=2E=2EElse tutorial =97
- http://spanky=2Etriumf=2Eca/www/fractint/If_else=2Ehtml
- Par and Frm tutorial (Linda Allison) =97
- http://www=2Egeocities=2Ecom/Paris/5519/lesson=2Ehtml
- http://wizzle=2Esimplenet=2Ecom/linda/pars_and_frms/lesson=2Ehtml (mirror)
- ParToBat, Tips and Hints for Using (or how to have a life AND
- generate a
- zillion fractals a day ;) ) (Linda Allison)=20
- http://www=2Egeocities=2Ecom/Paris/5519/epic=2Ehtml
- PHC and PTC Formula tutorial (Sylvie Gallet) =97
- http://spanky=2Etriumf=2Eca/www/fractint/phc/phc-tutor=2Ehtml
- PNG vs=2E JPEG discussed (Damien M=2E Jones) =97
- http://www=2Efractalus=2Ecom/misc/png-jpeg=2Ehtm
- Proportioning, Sizing, and Skewing tutorial (Linda Allison) =97
- http://wizzle=2Esimplenet=2Ecom/linda/proportion/proportions=2Ehtm
- sci=2Efractals FAQ =97
- http://www=2Emta=2Eca/~mctaylor/sci=2Efractals-faq/
- Windows 95, How to run FractInt for DOS under =97
- http://fractal=2Emta=2Eca/fractint/fracwin95=2Ehtml
- Zooming tutorial (Linda Allison) =97
- http://wizzle=2Esimplenet=2Ecom/linda/zoom/zoom-lesson=2Ehtml
- FractInt Discussion List
- Fractal '98 Contest =97
- http://www=2Efractalus=2Ecom/contest98/
- FractInt Discussion List archive =97
- ftp://ftp=2Exmission=2Ecom/pub/lists/fractint/archive/
- 1997 Contest (thumbnails of all the entries) =97
- http://www=2Efractalus=2Ecom/contest/
- The 1997 Contest Kit (Re-create the magic at home!!) =97
- http://home=2Esan=2Err=2Ecom/jayrhill/Contestk=2Ezip
- Collection of Discussion List Pars & Formulas (Les St=2E Clair)
- (all the pars and frms since August 1997) =97
- http://ourworld=2Ecompuserve=2Ecom/homepages/Les_StClair/fml=2Ehtm
- The iFAQ (collected topics from the list) =97
- http://home=2Esan=2Err=2Ecom/jayrhill/iFAQ/iFAQ=2Ehtml
- Copyrights Discussed (and discussed) =97
- http://www=2Egeocities=2Ecom/CapeCanaveral/Lab/3825/copyright=2Ezip
- ColorMaps collected and organized by Wizzle =97
- http://wizzle=2Esimplenet=2Ecom/fractals/fractint_maps/newmaps=2Ehtm
- Dr=2E J's Fractal of the Night =97
- http://home=2Esan=2Err=2Ecom/jayrhill/FotN/FotNindx=2Ehtml
- List of FractInt Mailing List members with ICQ numbers =97
- http://come=2Eto/fractinticq
- Additional Programs & Utilities
- AddGifs program (Paul Carlson) =97
- http://www=2Egeocities=2Ecom/CapeCanaveral/Lab/3825/addgifs=2Ezip
- FractInt Screensaver v1=2E70 (Thore Berntsen) =97
- http://home=2Esol=2Eno/~thbernt/fintsave=2Ehtm
- Fractal Map Generator (Paulo Guagliumi) -
- http://members=2Etripod=2Ecom/softwork/map
- MakeMap utility (Ron Barnett) =97
- http://members=2Eaol=2Ecom/RBarn0001/makemap=2Ezip
- Orgfrm program (George Martin) =97
- http://spanky=2Etriumf=2Eca/pub/fractals/programs/ibmpc/orgfrm=2Ezip
- Partobat utility (version 3=2E4 for slower machines) (Michael
- Peters) =97
- http://spanky=2Etriumf=2Eca/pub/fractals/programs/IBMPC/PARTOB=2EZIP
- http://ourworld=2Ecompuserve=2Ecom/homepages/JoWeber/jo_05=2Ehtm
- Partobat utility (version 3=2E5 for faster machines) (Michael
- Peters) =97
- http://ourworld=2Ecompuserve=2Ecom/homepages/JoWeber/jo_05=2Ehtm
- XMAP and MMAP utilities (Jim Prickett) =97
- http://www=2Egeocities=2Ecom/SiliconValley/Way/9943
- Infinite Fractal Loop
- Home Page =97
- http://www=2Efractalus=2Ecom/ifl/
- Graphical List =97
- http://www=2Efractalus=2Ecom/ifl/list=2Ehtm
- Particularly Helpful Links Pages
- Wizzle's Graphlinks =97
- http://wizzle=2Esimplenet=2Ecom/fractals/hints/graphlinks=2Ehtm
- Fractal merchandise (posters, mouse mats, t-shirts, etc=2E)
- Lifesmith =97
- http://www=2Elifesmith=2Ecom/
- Refractal Design Inc=2E (fractal jewelry) =97
- http://www=2Erefractal=2Ecom
- Fractal-Art Mailing List
- Subscribe: majordomo@icd=2Ecom "subscribe fractal-art"
- Post Message: fractal-art@icd=2Ecom
- Get Commands: majordomo@icd=2Ecom "help"
- Administrator: fractal-art-owner@icd=2Ecom
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@icd=2Ecom "unsubscribe fractal-art"
- Fractal '98 Contest =97
- http://www=2Efractalus=2Ecom/contest98/
- Archive of messages =97=20
- ftp://ftp=2Efractalus=2Ecom/pub/lists/fractal-art/
- Jim Muth's Fractal of the Day index (last few weeks)
- http://home=2Eatt=2Enet/~Paul=2EN=2ELee/FotD/FotD=2Ehtml
- Jim Muth's complete FOTD archive of PARs and FRMs
- http://ourworld=2Ecompuserve=2Ecom/homepages/Les_StClair/pars=2Ehtm
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Paul Derbyshire <pderbysh@usa.net>
- Subject: Re: Re: (fractint) Infinity and All Things
- Date: 09 Jan 1999 18:35:30 -0500
- >BUT if the infinity is Ever Changing I think it will.
- {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, ...} never repeats and never contains 3 either.
- --
- .*. "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
- -() < circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
- `*' straight line." -------------------------------------------------
- -- B. Mandelbrot |http://surf.to/pgd.net
- _____________________ ____|________ Paul Derbyshire pderbysh@usa.net
- Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: comdotatdotcom@csi.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Infinity and All Things
- Date: 10 Jan 1999 00:37:42 +0000
- Hi Christopher
- >
- > Has anyone considered displaying the DIFFERENCES in the same Fractal
- > Object in ZOOMS seperated by ONE or MORE Zoom Levels???
- >
- Easily done, thanks to a debug feature left in fractint that will colour only
- the different pixels in an image loaded on top of another one if fractint is
- started with the command debugflag=50.
- To do this just save the two images you want to subtract, load the first one,
- hit 'g' to bring up the command dialogue, enter the string:
- debugflag=50
- hit return then 'r'estore the second image on top of the first.
- Easy!
- Now if anyone gets really into this sort of thing howabout composing a
- difference matrix (well half matrix really)for all the types of plotting (i.e
- guessing vs tesseral, tesseral vs boundary plot, boundary plot vs single pass
- etc,) and putting up a page with the results, that'd be fun!
- Cheers,
- Robin.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: comdotatdotcom@csi.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Infinity and All Things
- Date: 10 Jan 1999 00:42:16 +0000
- Oops! I forgot to mention that debugflag=50 puts a large file in your fractint
- directory that notes all the co-ordinates of the pixels that
- were different. It's called cmperr and you might want to get rid of it after a
- session as it can easily reach a few meg in size.
- Cheers,
- Robin.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Matthew Bennett" <bennett@btinternet.com>
- Subject: (fractint) Next version of Fractint
- Date: 10 Jan 1999 01:13:34 -0000
- Anyone know if/when the next version of Fractint will come out?
- It's been so long, I'd like to know if there ever will be one, or at least
- one in the next year or so.. :(
- For me, I still don't know which is best.. Ultra Fractal 2.0 or Fractint...
- If Fractint could add True color support and a couple of other things (such
- as anti-analysis) then I'd probably stick with it. However, if Ultra Fractal
- just added Fractint's "Deep Zooming" (arbitrary precision), then I'd move
- over to UF instead... At the moment, I don't know which to get going with :(
- Will Fractint 17.x come out before Ultra Fractal 3.0 (that should have
- arbitrary precision..)?
- Seems the next one to upgrade wins ;)
- Any thoughts on this?
- Matt
- ----
- Author of the DataCloak file encryption utility:
- http://www.btinternet.com/~bennett/datacloak.html
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@fractalus.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Next version of Fractint
- Date: 09 Jan 1999 19:39:21 -0600
- Matt,
- - Will Fractint 17.x come out before Ultra Fractal 3.0 (that should have
- - arbitrary precision..)?
- Um, don't you mean FractInt 20.x? :-) Even so, I don't think true color
- support is slated for v20... I think it's v21 that will have full true
- color support. (I am sure the FractInt developers will squash me like a bug
- if I'm wrong here. :)
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Jason Hine" <tumnus@together.net>
- Subject: Re: Re: (fractint) Infinity and All Things
- Date: 09 Jan 1999 17:53:56 -0500
- This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
- ------=_NextPart_000_005E_01BE3BF9.07095460
- Content-Type: text/plain;
- charset="iso-8859-1"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
- Christopher recently wrote:
- =20
- PART II:=20
- =20
- Has anyone considered displaying the DIFFERENCES in the same Fractal =
- Object in ZOOMS seperated by ONE or MORE Zoom Levels???=20
- =20
- I think they would be still "Fractal" in nature, and this may open =
- up a whole=20
- new area of "Difference Fractals" or "Subtractal Fractals" or =
- whatever!=20
- =20
- Since the differences should be small, especially between adjacent =
- levels,=20
- they might be quite "whispy" and beautiful.=20
- =20
- =20
- I had, at one point, considered making a little program that would =
- try to automatically orient two baby 'brots so they were the same scale =
- and pointed in the same direction, then perform some "image algebra" =
- (subtraction or addition or multiplication or the like) on the two =
- images. I never got a Round Tuit, so the program was never written.
- This topic was brought up on the list before, though, and I remember =
- someone posting a formula (Paul Carlson?) which could draw two baby =
- 'brots superimposed on each other... I searched my save emails, but =
- could not find it - can anyone else help here?
- BTW, the "Mona Lisa" image, my most recent deepzoom effort, is up at:
- http://boralf.agsci.colostate.edu/~jason/personal/deeper.html
- Cheers,
- Jason Hine
- ------=_NextPart_000_005E_01BE3BF9.07095460
- Content-Type: text/html;
- charset="iso-8859-1"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- <META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1 =
- http-equiv=3DContent-Type>
- <META content=3D'"MSHTML 4.71.2016.0"' name=3DGENERATOR>
- </HEAD>
- <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
- style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #000000 solid 2px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: =
- 5px">
- <P><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>Christopher recently =
- wrote:</FONT>
- <P>PART II: </P>
- <P>Has anyone considered displaying the DIFFERENCES in the same =
- Fractal=20
- <BR>Object in ZOOMS seperated by ONE or MORE Zoom Levels???=20
- <P>I think they would be still "Fractal" in nature, and =
- this may=20
- open up a whole <BR>new area of "Difference Fractals" or=20
- "Subtractal Fractals" or whatever!=20
- <P>Since the differences should be small, especially between =
- adjacent=20
- levels, <BR>they might be quite "whispy" and beautiful. =
- <DIV><FONT face=3DArial>I had, at one point, considered making a little =
- program=20
- that would try to automatically orient two baby 'brots so they were the =
- same=20
- scale and pointed in the same direction, then perform some "image=20
- algebra" (subtraction or addition or multiplication or the like) on =
- the two=20
- images. I never got a Round Tuit, so the program was never=20
- written.</FONT></DIV>
- <DIV><FONT face=3DArial></FONT> </DIV>
- <DIV><FONT face=3DArial>This topic was brought up on the list before, =
- though, and=20
- I remember someone posting a formula (Paul Carlson?) which could draw =
- two baby=20
- 'brots superimposed on each other... I searched my save emails, but =
- could not=20
- find it - can anyone else help here?</FONT></DIV>
- <DIV><FONT face=3DArial></FONT> </DIV>
- <DIV><FONT face=3DArial>BTW, the "Mona Lisa" image, my most =
- recent=20
- deepzoom effort, is up at:</FONT></DIV>
- <DIV><FONT face=3DArial></FONT> </DIV>
- <DIV><FONT face=3DArial><A=20
- href=3D"http://boralf.agsci.colostate.edu/~jason/personal/deeper.html">ht=
- tp://boralf.agsci.colostate.edu/~jason/personal/deeper.html</A></FONT></D=
- IV>
- <DIV><FONT face=3DArial></FONT> </DIV>
- <DIV><FONT face=3DArial>Cheers,</FONT></DIV>
- <DIV><FONT face=3DArial>Jason Hine</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
- ------=_NextPart_000_005E_01BE3BF9.07095460--
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Jay Hill" <ehill1@san.rr.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Resource list
- Date: 09 Jan 1999 19:13:03 -0800
- Janet,
- The resource has been echoed as part of the iFAQ
- http://home.san.rr.com/jayrhill/iFAQ/iFAQ.html
- which I last updated 10/24/98. I will update it again
- and be happy to maintain it. Truly a resource
- which should not be lost. Thank you Janet.
- http://home.san.rr.com/jayrhill/iFAQ/Resource.htm
- Jay
- ----------
- > From: Janet Preslar <jp@parkenet.org>
- > To: Fractint <fractint@lists.xmission.com>
- > Subject: (fractint) Re: Resource list
- > Date: Saturday, January 09, 1999 2:42 PM
- >
- > After today's post, I will no longer be updating or posting the
- > FractInt Resource List. If
- > anyone wants to continue posting it, please feel free to use and adapt
- > it as needed.
- >
- > Janet
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Christopher Springer <santini@home.com>
- Subject: Re: Re: (fractint) Infinity and All Things
- Date: 09 Jan 1999 19:33:24 -0800
- Hi Everyone...
- Jason Hine wrote:
- the "Mona Lisa" image, my most recent deepzoom effort, is up at:
- http://boralf.agsci.colostate.edu/~jason/personal/deeper.html
- Now, that's a really beautiful Mona Lisa!!!
- But to distinguish it from the original by Leonardo Babe, perhaps it
- should
- be re-named either:
- "Mona Lisa on a Bad Hair Day", or:
- "Shania Twain"
- Any printable comments, Jason?
- Chris Springer
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jim Muth <jamth@mindspring.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Infinity and All Things
- Date: 10 Jan 1999 00:59:55 -0500 (EST)
- At 12:37 AM 1/10/99 +0000, you wrote:
- >Now if anyone gets really into this sort of thing howabout composing
- >a difference matrix (well half matrix really)for all the types of
- >plotting (i.e guessing vs tesseral, tesseral vs boundary plot,
- >boundary plot vs single pass etc,) and putting up a page with the
- >results, that'd be fun!
- Speaking of differences, curiously enough, I've been experimenting
- with fractals created from tiny differences between near identical
- powers of Z magnified thousands of times. The attached par file is a
- sample of what is possible with this technique.
- Jim Muth
- jamth@mindspring.com
- Punched-Out_Midget { ; 25min on a 486-100, 640x480
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm
- formulaname=MandelbrotMix5 passes=1
- center-mag=+0.40335944301036460/+0.04045049900665\
- 295/1097.327/1/95 params=-1/-9.999/1/-10/5000/-1.2
- float=y maxiter=850 bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=17
- symmetry=xaxis periodicity=10
- colors=000zfKzfKwIKrJPmKThLUcMW`NYXOZWP_VQ`WRaXSbZSc\
- <42>nS_nS_oS_pS_<5>vSZvSZwSZwSZxSZ<3>zSZzSYzSYzSYzSY\
- <4>zSYzSXzSY<9>zSezSfzSh<2>zSnzSozSqzSrzSs<5>zSyzSzz\
- SzzSz<140>zSzmSz
- }
- frm:MandelbrotMix5 {; Jim Muth
- a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2), g=1/f,
- h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j, k=real(p3)+1,
- l=imag(p3)+1, c=pixel:
- z=k*((a*(z^b))+(d*(z^f)))+c^l,
- |z| < 100
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: JimBeau549@aol.com
- Subject: (fractint) 6 pars (jm04)
- Date: 10 Jan 1999 09:09:02 EST
- Good Morning,
- I keep wandering back to this formula quite often, so here's a few
- recent pics from last nights escapade.
- Enjoy~
- Jim Weaver
- ******************************
- jm4n003.gif { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver jm_04 t=02m23s
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=jm_04
- function=ident/recip/acosh/cosxx passes=t
- center-mag=0.629007/-2.22045e-014/0.2869595/1/-90 params=25/0
- float=y maxiter=75 inside=bof60
- colors=000dOqlYlsff0o`000<14>zo`<15>000000<13>J9`KAcJDc<14>0z`<14>Zky`jz\
- aky<13>rudsvcrsd<14>WFx<15>zo`<15>0F0MMU<13>_mx`hz<30>CHS00L012<12>AFSBG\
- UAFS<14>0007Mw<4>e00<4>zz0<4>UFw00`<5>`oz<4>YFw
- }
- jm4n004.gif { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver jm_04 t=04m53s
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=jm_04
- function=ident/recip/acosh/cosxx passes=t
- center-mag=0.57205/-2.53131e-014/0.8428086/1/-90 params=25/0 float=y
- maxiter=75 inside=bof60
- colors=000dOqlYlsff0o`000<14>zo`<15>000000<13>J9`KAcJDc<14>0z`<14>Zky`jz\
- aky<13>rudsvcrsd<14>WFx<15>zo`<15>0F0MMU<13>_mx`hz<30>CHS00L012<12>AFSBG\
- UAFS<14>0007Mw<4>e00<4>zz0<4>UFw00`<5>`oz<4>YFw
- }
- jm4n007.gif { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver jm_04 t=01m01s
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=jm_04
- function=conj/recip/acos/cosxx passes=t
- center-mag=0.629007/-3.73035e-014/0.1809846/1/-90 params=25/0
- float=y maxiter=75 inside=bof60
- colors=000wwwwwv<3>ttpssorqm<10>c`Wb_U_WR<14>G92E70E70<12>HB0HB0HB0IC1JD\
- 2KE3<22>khYmj_mj_<34>SQKRPKQPJPOI<29>665654854<12>YH4_I3_I3ZJ4ZJ5YK6<2>Z\
- O9_PA_PA<10>_ZK<9>342<18>7PN8RP7QP<7>2KO1JO0IN0IM<11>0BD<15>stt
- }
- jm4n009.gif { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver jm_04 t=00m46s
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=jm_04
- function=ident/recip/acos/tan passes=t
- center-mag=-9.76996e-015/-1.43468/0.1167788 params=39/0 float=y
- maxiter=25 inside=bof60 periodicity=0
- colors=0000BE0BD<16>wwwwwv<3>ttpssorqm<10>c`Wb_U_WR<14>G92E70E70<12>HB0H\
- B0HB0IC1JD2KE3<22>khYmj_mj_<34>SQKRPKQPJPOI<29>665654854<12>YH4_I3_I3ZJ4\
- ZJ5YK6<2>ZO9_PA_PA<10>_ZK<9>342<18>7PN8RP7QP<7>2KO1JO0IN0IM<9>0CF
- }
- jm4n010.gif { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver jm_04 t=00m33s
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=jm_04
- function=ident/recip/acos/tanh passes=t
- center-mag=-2.66454e-014/0.0922157/0.1632061 params=39/0 float=y
- maxiter=25 inside=bof60 periodicity=0
- colors=0000BE0BD<16>wwwwwv<3>ttpssorqm<10>c`Wb_U_WR<14>G92E70E70<12>HB0H\
- B0HB0IC1JD2KE3<22>khYmj_mj_<34>SQKRPKQPJPOI<29>665654854<12>YH4_I3_I3ZJ4\
- ZJ5YK6<2>ZO9_PA_PA<10>_ZK<9>342<18>7PN8RP7QP<7>2KO1JO0IN0IM<9>0CF
- }
- jm4n011.gif { ; image(c)1999 JimWeaver jm_04 t=00m14s
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=jm_04
- function=ident/recip/acos/cotanh passes=t
- center-mag=-4.26326e-014/0.0922157/0.0830941 params=39/0 float=y
- maxiter=25 inside=bof60 periodicity=0
- colors=0000BE0BD<16>wwwwwv<3>ttpssorqm<10>c`Wb_U_WR<14>G92E70E70<12>HB0H\
- B0HB0IC1JD2KE3<22>khYmj_mj_<34>SQKRPKQPJPOI<29>665654854<12>YH4_I3_I3ZJ4\
- ZJ5YK6<2>ZO9_PA_PA<10>_ZK<9>342<18>7PN8RP7QP<7>2KO1JO0IN0IM<9>0CF
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Guy Marson <guy.marson@mnhn.lu>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) 6 pars (jm04)
- Date: 11 Jan 1999 00:32:47 +0100
- At 09:09 10.01.1999 EST, you wrote:
- >
- > Good Morning,
- >
- > I keep wandering back to this formula quite often, so here's a few
- >recent pics from last nights escapade.
- Hi Jim,
- got the .frm on another (mostly removed) HD.. so what's the jm_04.frm?
- >
- > Enjoy~
- >
- > Jim Weaver
- >
- cannot enjoy
- Guy
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Paul DeCelle <PaulDC@prodigy.net>
- Subject: (fractint) Two New pars
- Date: 10 Jan 1999 21:22:52 -0500
- Hi, Everyone--
- Here are a couple pars based on Jim Weaver's "jm_04" postings (Thanks,
- Jim!). "Alien Mystic" has to be one of the better "alien being"
- fractals I've seen, lately. Worth the 20 minute wait, IMHO.. "In The
- Smoke Ring" - Title inspired by Larry Niven. Enjoy!
- Regards, Paul DeCelle
- In_The_Smoke_Ring { ; From Jim Weaver's jm_04 formula
- ; Paul DeCelle 1/10/99
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=jm_04
- function=ident/recip/acosh/cosxx passes=3
- center-mag=-1.31326/-0.932677/3.928333/1.137/-124.423/46.299
- params=25/0 float=y maxiter=75 inside=bof60
- colors=000<4>0kO<13>0L30J10I1<7>091081181<7>C91EA1EA1<15>OO6MR9KUBJXEJYE\
- <20>3w_2ya4xc<5>Hnt<6>9msEmr<2>GmrHmsImsJntKnt<7>XnlYokYoj<27>KRC<4>0F0<\
- 73>252343454<27>XZvZ`xZMxYFw
- }
- Alien_Mystic { ; From Jim Weaver's jm_04 frm t=0:19:05 P60
- ; One of the best alien fractals I've seen
- ; Paul DeCelle 1/10/99
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=jm_04
- function=conj/recip/acos/sinh passes=3
- center-mag=0.00947825/0.604924/1.052236 params=25/0 float=y
- maxiter=75 inside=bof60
- colors=000zzz<5>qqnooknnj<3>jieihdhfbge`<2>c`Wb_U_WR<14>G92E70E70<13>HB0\
- HB0IC1JD2<21>ieVjgXkhYmj_mj_li_<32>TRKSQKRPKQPJPOI<30>654<13>YH4_I3_I3<2\
- >YK6YL7ZN8<13>_ZK<9>342<16>7NL7OM7PN8RP7QP6PP<5>3LO2KO1JO0IN0IM<11>0BD<1\
- 5>stt
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Jason Hine" <tumnus@together.net>
- Subject: (fractint) Re: Mona's Bad Hair Day
- Date: 10 Jan 1999 20:59:28 -0500
- Chris resmirked:
- >But to distinguish it from the original by Leonardo Babe, perhaps it
- >should
- >
- >be re-named either:
- >
- >"Mona Lisa on a Bad Hair Day", or:
- >
- >"Shania Twain"
- >
- Heh heh... hey, I don't decide what they look like, I just name 'em. To tie in
- with another recent thread, how about "Zircon-Encrusted Tweezers"? And that's
- probably as far as either of these threads should go....
- Cheers!
- Jason Hine
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: noel giffin <noel@triumf.ca>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Resource List
- Date: 11 Jan 1999 11:15:49 -0800 (PST)
- Hi Janet,
- Thanks for your work on updating the fractint resource list. I'm
- sorry to hear that you won't be able to maintain it. I hope you have found
- new and exciting things to keep you busy. It was a very useful resource.
- I found it an extremely valuable tool in keeping up with the constant
- flood of fractint information.
- I'm glad Jay has found a way to maintain it.
- Regards,
- Noel Giffin
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Proffwak@aol.com
- Subject: (fractint) Video output question
- Date: 11 Jan 1999 18:03:11 EST
- Hi, I'm new to this list and actually still quite a beginner when it comes to
- fracint.
- My question is:
- Is there any way I can send the images from my monitor while in fractint out
- to a VCR or TV. My computer has a TV out jack which is, if I'm not mistaken,
- an S-Video jack. I tried hooking this up to my VCR and TV neither of which
- produced any images. I'm thinking either this is *not* possible, or I need
- some special video card or software.
- I can't believe, though, that I'm the only person who has tried to do this.
- Think of how amazing it would look on a 50" TV screen.
- My main reason for wanting to do this is: I play in a band, and one of the
- venues that we often perform at has a big screen TV right behind where we
- play. And I want, somehow, to have the images I've created with fractint be
- up on the screen while we perform. I think it would add a lot to the whole
- effect of our performance.
- Any help would be appreciated.
- Dan McFarland
- sinch@thelocalscene.com
- http://members.xoom.com/sinch1/index.htm
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Ian Kaplan <ijk@force.stwing.upenn.edu>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Video output question
- Date: 11 Jan 1999 19:39:37 -0500 (EST)
- > My question is:
- > Is there any way I can send the images from my monitor while in fractint out
- > to a VCR or TV. My computer has a TV out jack which is, if I'm not mistaken,
- > an S-Video jack. I tried hooking this up to my VCR and TV neither of which
- > produced any images. I'm thinking either this is *not* possible, or I need
- > some special video card or software.
- You'd need... ponders... well, if you're running fractint from within
- Win95, then I'm not sure I know enough about how Win95 DOSmode works to
- tell you. If you're running fractint by booting to DOS, you might be able
- to do this with some sort of DOS driver for your card, if the manufacturer
- has bothered to write such a thing. What video card are you using?
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Paul DeCelle <PaulDC@prodigy.net>
- Subject: (fractint) Web Site Update
- Date: 11 Jan 1999 20:08:00 -0500
- Hi, Everyone--
- I've finally added some new images to my Fractint site (Had to find more
- server space). List subscribers will probably seen most of the new ones
- from recent par postings, though. Anyway, go to
- http://members.xoom.com/PaulDeCelle/welcome.html and pick "Collection 8"
- for the newest material.
- Regards, Paul DeCelle
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: JimBeau549@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Two New pars
- Date: 12 Jan 1999 04:53:13 EST
- Nice alien Paul!
- Just so no one gets the wrong impression I want to state that the
- jm_04 formula isn't mine, I only borrow it to make fractal art as I do ALL my
- images. I most likely will never claim ownership to a formula because I don't
- understand them even in the simplest form.<G> I used to think that if I knew
- how a formula worked and could make my own that I could make better pics, but
- that's not necessarily the case in some instances. And besides, I'm having
- enough headaches learning how to use all these programs I recently
- d/l'ed....Ultra Fractal, Flarium24, Iterations, and Tierazon. BTW, this here
- UltraFractal deserves some more close inspection....I like the looks of it so
- far.
- How about something in the future like....Ultra Fractint!? There's an
- idea.
- Thanks~
- Jim Weaver
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Proffwak@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Video output question
- Date: 12 Jan 1999 16:57:45 EST
- In a message dated 1/11/99 4:41:49 PM Pacific Standard Time,
- ijk@force.stwing.upenn.edu writes:
- << > My question is:
- > Is there any way I can send the images from my monitor while in fractint
- out
- > to a VCR or TV. My computer has a TV out jack which is, if I'm not
- mistaken,
- > an S-Video jack. I tried hooking this up to my VCR and TV neither of which
- > produced any images. I'm thinking either this is *not* possible, or I need
- > some special video card or software.
- You'd need... ponders... well, if you're running fractint from within
- Win95, then I'm not sure I know enough about how Win95 DOSmode works to
- tell you. If you're running fractint by booting to DOS, you might be able
- to do this with some sort of DOS driver for your card, if the manufacturer
- has bothered to write such a thing. What video card are you using?
- >>
- Well, I think I've answered my own question.
- The card I'm using is an ATI Rage graphics accellerator. And if you go into
- the display options on your control panel there's a page that enables the
- output device you are using. Once you have the TV hooked up, you can check
- "television" and whatever is on your monitor will show up on the TV screen.
- Unfortunately, the TV doesn't come close to reproducing the colors on the
- monitor. But, for what I'm using it for it should be OK.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Dave Hershey <rain@blarg.net>
- Subject: (fractint) Terrian Generating Algorythm
- Date: 12 Jan 1999 23:44:28 -0800
- I'm working on a routine in VB 6.0 for generating a random maps. =
- However, I'm having a little trouble with the coastlines. Either they =
- come out too chaotic, or too bland. I'm also getting some strange =
- textures where there should be none. I've been looking high and low for =
- a simple (yet concise) explanation of the plasma fractal algorythm that =
- Fractint uses, which has a very nice balance of smooth coastlines and =
- interesting features. Can anyone within the reach of this email help? =
- I'd be forever grateful.
- Dave Hershey
- http://www.blarg.net/~rain/index.html
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Les St Clair" <les_stclair@crosstrees.prestel.co.uk>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Next version of Fractint
- Date: 13 Jan 1999 08:59:19 -0000
- Hi Matthew,
- >For me, I still don't know which is best.. Ultra Fractal 2.0 or Fractint...
- >If Fractint could add True color support and a couple of other things (such
- >as anti-analysis) then I'd probably stick with it. However, if Ultra Fractal
- >just added Fractint's "Deep Zooming" (arbitrary precision), then I'd move
- >over to UF instead... At the moment, I don't know which to get going with :(
- Why not enjoy the best of both worlds?
- Fractint remains a superlative program, and it's completely free - so why give
- it up at all?
- Ultra-Fractal, on the other hand, is a state of the art imaging program with
- almost total compatibility with Fractint.
- The great fun is that you can re-work your favourite Fractint images, converting
- them to true color, adding layers, manipulating layer transparency with the
- alpha-channel etc... The possibilities are literally endless!
- I've just posted a small selection of my Fractint images, re-worked in UF, to
- the Ultra Fractal mail list if you want to take a look.
- cheers, Les
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Andrew Coppin" <KHCM8AC@dmu.ac.uk>
- Subject: (fractint) The Last Port
- Date: 13 Jan 1999 11:02:56 GMT
- How manny platforms has FractInt been ported to? Why doesn't someone
- port it to Java? Then it would run (admitadly not very fast) on
- almost every modern platform.
- By the way, has anyone seen somewhere that I can download the Amiga
- version of FractInt from?
- Nam et ipsa scientia potestus est!
- Andrew Orphi Coppin
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Barry N Merenoff <110144.2274@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Terrain Generating Algorithm
- Date: 13 Jan 1999 09:08:28 -0500
- As far as I can tell from the source code, the old algorithm for Plasma i=
- s
- a recursive algorithm that defines the colors of the edge midpoints and
- center of a rectangle based on the colors of its corners. The original
- rectangle is the entire screen, and its corners are colored randomly. The=
- n
- the color of the midpoint of each edge is the average of the colors of th=
- e
- endpoints plus a random variable (presumably with mean zero) times the
- length of the edge. The color of the center is the average of the colors =
- of
- the edge midpoints. (Note that the color values are much more precise tha=
- n
- the actual palette, so as to allow them to be averaged and displaced
- fairly.) I can't figure out what the new algorithm does.
- Note: This algorithm is technically incorrect because it is stratified
- along the dyadic grid (Mandelbrot FGN p258). A more realistic model of a
- terrain can be obtained by adding Weierstrass functions projected along
- various directions. Note, however, that there must be a large number of
- such functions. Otherwise, a "striping" effect will be seen along these
- directions.
- Collin Merenoff
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Dave Hershey <rain@blarg.net>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Terrain Generating Algorithm
- Date: 13 Jan 1999 08:47:26 -0800
- ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE3ED1.5973C980
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
- So we would start with this (where x,y are cartesian coordinates and p =
- is the color value at that point):
- p(x1,y2) p(x,y2) p(x2,y2)
- p(x1,y) p(x,y) p(x2,y)
- p(x1,y1) p(x,y1) p(x2,y1)
- And then generate the mid points between these lines as so:
- p(x,y1) =3D [ p(x1,y1) + p(x2,y1) ] / 2
- p(x1,y) =3D [ p(x1,y1) + p(x1,y2) ] / 2
- p(x,y2) =3D [ p(x1,y2) + p(x2,y2) ] / 2
- p(x2,y) =3D [ p(x2,y1) + p(x2,y2) ] / 2
- Then each edge point gets modified up or down by a random amount. The =
- mean of zero means that the random number has an equal chance of being =
- as positive as negative? Hello! Part that I was missing! Multiply the =
- edge midpoint by the length of the edge:
- p(x,y1) =3D [ p(x,y1) + rand(10 to -10) ] * [ x2 - x1 ]
- p(x1,y) =3D [ p(x1,y) + rand(10 to -10) ] * [ y2 - y1 ]
- p(x,y2) =3D [ p(x,y2) + rand(10 to -10) ] * [ x2 - x1 ]
- p(x2,y) =3D [ p(x2,y) + rand(10 to -10) ] * [ y2 - y1 ]
- Then the center point:
- p(x,y) =3D [ p(x,y1) + p(x1,y) + p(x,y2) + p(x2,y) ] / 4
- What happens if (when) p goes beyond the 255 palette limit? Or, am I =
- taking the average too soon for the edge mid points?
- This is where my ignorance shines through, I'm afraid, but what is a =
- Weierstrass function?
- ----------
- Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 1999 6:08 AM
- As far as I can tell from the source code, the old algorithm for Plasma =
- is
- a recursive algorithm that defines the colors of the edge midpoints and
- center of a rectangle based on the colors of its corners. The original
- rectangle is the entire screen, and its corners are colored randomly. =
- Then
- the color of the midpoint of each edge is the average of the colors of =
- the
- endpoints plus a random variable (presumably with mean zero) times the
- length of the edge. The color of the center is the average of the colors =
- of
- the edge midpoints. (Note that the color values are much more precise =
- than
- the actual palette, so as to allow them to be averaged and displaced
- fairly.) I can't figure out what the new algorithm does.
- Note: This algorithm is technically incorrect because it is stratified
- along the dyadic grid (Mandelbrot FGN p258). A more realistic model of a
- terrain can be obtained by adding Weierstrass functions projected along
- various directions. Note, however, that there must be a large number of
- such functions. Otherwise, a "striping" effect will be seen along these
- directions.
- Collin Merenoff
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE3ED1.5973C980
- Content-Type: application/ms-tnef
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- ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE3ED1.5973C980--
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@fractalus.com>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Terrain Generating Algorithm
- Date: 13 Jan 1999 11:14:09 -0600
- Dave,
- a b c
- d e f
- g h i
- Given this grid of points, with a, c, g, and i already defined, we want to
- define the remaining points (b, d, e, f, h) in a way that generates fractal
- terrain. What you suggested is to generate the edge points first, then the
- center point. In fact, when I tried to adapt the triangular
- midpoint-displacement algorithm to a square grid, I tried this too, but in
- fact it's the wrong way to do it. You should generate the center point
- first, then the edge points.
- The problem with doing the edges first is that it increases the resolution
- of the grid unevenly. When doing midpoint-displacement on a triangular
- grid, you can increase resolution along each of your grid axes
- independently; it doesn't matter what order you do them in. When you're
- done, you have a new triangular grid with twice as many points. With a
- square grid, though, you can't do it all in one step; you have to do it in
- two. And if you do the edges first, you're generating one set of points by
- averaging only two neighbors (the edges) and then another set of points by
- averaging four neighbors (the centers). This doesn't look right.
- By doing the centers first, you are doing two steps, but now they're
- *equal*. The first pass does the centers; average the four corners, then
- displace by some random amount. At the end of this intermediate step you
- have a new, complete square grid at double the resolution of the previous
- one--rotated forty-five degrees. Now you want to do the edges, but notice
- with the new grid you get after doing the centers, the edge points that
- still need to be done have become the centers of the new, forty-five degree
- grid. So you repeat the process of averaging four corners for each new
- point--but two of those corners will be new points created in the previous
- step.
- This makes each half-step totally equal and produces far better results. I
- think FractInt does the edge points first, but I haven't checked the code
- myself, so I can't be sure.
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Alejandro Kainer" <alejandro.kainer@usa.net>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Terrain Generating Algorithm
- Date: 13 Jan 1999 15:03:27 -0300
- Did I miss something? I've just received this from Dave, but I ignore whe=
- n
- it started. Please someone tell me what was first.
- Thank you,
- Ale
- -----Original Message-----
- De: Dave Hershey <rain@blarg.net>
- Para: 'fractint@lists.xmission.com' <fractint@lists.xmission.com>
- CC: 'a-' <a-davehe@microsoft.com>
- Fecha: Mi=E9rcoles 13 de Enero de 1999 13:50
- Asunto: RE: (fractint) Terrain Generating Algorithm
- So we would start with this (where x,y are cartesian coordinates and p is
- the color value at that point):
- p(x1,y2) p(x,y2) p(x2,y2)
- p(x1,y) p(x,y) p(x2,y)
- p(x1,y1) p(x,y1) p(x2,y1)
- And then generate the mid points between these lines as so:
- p(x,y1) =3D [ p(x1,y1) + p(x2,y1) ] / 2
- p(x1,y) =3D [ p(x1,y1) + p(x1,y2) ] / 2
- p(x,y2) =3D [ p(x1,y2) + p(x2,y2) ] / 2
- p(x2,y) =3D [ p(x2,y1) + p(x2,y2) ] / 2
- Then each edge point gets modified up or down by a random amount. The me=
- an
- of zero means that the random number has an equal chance of being as
- positive as negative? Hello! Part that I was missing! Multiply the edg=
- e
- midpoint by the length of the edge:
- p(x,y1) =3D [ p(x,y1) + rand(10 to -10) ] * [ x2 - x1 ]
- p(x1,y) =3D [ p(x1,y) + rand(10 to -10) ] * [ y2 - y1 ]
- p(x,y2) =3D [ p(x,y2) + rand(10 to -10) ] * [ x2 - x1 ]
- p(x2,y) =3D [ p(x2,y) + rand(10 to -10) ] * [ y2 - y1 ]
- Then the center point:
- p(x,y) =3D [ p(x,y1) + p(x1,y) + p(x,y2) + p(x2,y) ] / 4
- What happens if (when) p goes beyond the 255 palette limit? Or, am I tak=
- ing
- the average too soon for the edge mid points?
- This is where my ignorance shines through, I'm afraid, but what is a
- Weierstrass function?
- ----------
- Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 1999 6:08 AM
- As far as I can tell from the source code, the old algorithm for Plasma i=
- s
- a recursive algorithm that defines the colors of the edge midpoints and
- center of a rectangle based on the colors of its corners. The original
- rectangle is the entire screen, and its corners are colored randomly. The=
- n
- the color of the midpoint of each edge is the average of the colors of th=
- e
- endpoints plus a random variable (presumably with mean zero) times the
- length of the edge. The color of the center is the average of the colors =
- of
- the edge midpoints. (Note that the color values are much more precise tha=
- n
- the actual palette, so as to allow them to be averaged and displaced
- fairly.) I can't figure out what the new algorithm does.
- Note: This algorithm is technically incorrect because it is stratified
- along the dyadic grid (Mandelbrot FGN p258). A more realistic model of a
- terrain can be obtained by adding Weierstrass functions projected along
- various directions. Note, however, that there must be a large number of
- such functions. Otherwise, a "striping" effect will be seen along these
- directions.
- Collin Merenoff
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Dave Hershey (Volt Computer)" <a-davehe@microsoft.com>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Terrain Generating Algorithm
- Date: 13 Jan 1999 10:23:13 -0800
- I'm trying to build a plasma fractal algorythm for generating random terrain
- in a VB program. But, what I have so far comes out either too chaotic or
- too bland, and so I'm asking for help.
- -----Original Message-----
- Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 1999 10:03 AM
- Did I miss something? I've just received this from Dave, but I ignore when
- it started. Please someone tell me what was first.
- Thank you,
- Ale
- <snip>
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Dave Hershey (Volt Computer)" <a-davehe@microsoft.com>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Terrain Generating Algorithm
- Date: 13 Jan 1999 10:53:29 -0800
- What do you do about the points on the outside of the field that only have
- three legal neighbors? How much random displacement would you use?
- -----Original Message-----
- Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 1999 9:14 AM
- Dave,
- a b c
- d e f
- g h i
- Given this grid of points, with a, c, g, and i already defined, we want to
- define the remaining points (b, d, e, f, h) in a way that generates fractal
- terrain. What you suggested is to generate the edge points first, then the
- center point. In fact, when I tried to adapt the triangular
- midpoint-displacement algorithm to a square grid, I tried this too, but in
- fact it's the wrong way to do it. You should generate the center point
- first, then the edge points.
- The problem with doing the edges first is that it increases the resolution
- of the grid unevenly. When doing midpoint-displacement on a triangular
- grid, you can increase resolution along each of your grid axes
- independently; it doesn't matter what order you do them in. When you're
- done, you have a new triangular grid with twice as many points. With a
- square grid, though, you can't do it all in one step; you have to do it in
- two. And if you do the edges first, you're generating one set of points by
- averaging only two neighbors (the edges) and then another set of points by
- averaging four neighbors (the centers). This doesn't look right.
- By doing the centers first, you are doing two steps, but now they're
- *equal*. The first pass does the centers; average the four corners, then
- displace by some random amount. At the end of this intermediate step you
- have a new, complete square grid at double the resolution of the previous
- one--rotated forty-five degrees. Now you want to do the edges, but notice
- with the new grid you get after doing the centers, the edge points that
- still need to be done have become the centers of the new, forty-five degree
- grid. So you repeat the process of averaging four corners for each new
- point--but two of those corners will be new points created in the previous
- step.
- This makes each half-step totally equal and produces far better results. I
- think FractInt does the edge points first, but I haven't checked the code
- myself, so I can't be sure.
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Dave Hershey (Volt Computer)" <a-davehe@microsoft.com>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Terrain Generating Algorithm
- Date: 13 Jan 1999 10:54:46 -0800
- What language was Fractint written in?
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Dave Hershey (Volt Computer)" <a-davehe@microsoft.com>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Terrain Generating Algorithm
- Date: 13 Jan 1999 10:57:29 -0800
- Does anyone know where I can get my hands on the file called Plasma.arc?
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@fractalus.com>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Terrain Generating Algorithm
- Date: 13 Jan 1999 13:10:21 -0600
- Dave,
- - What do you do about the points on the outside of the field that only
- - have three legal neighbors?
- You can either average only three ways, wrap, or "reflect" and use a legal
- neighbor more than once.
- - How much random displacement would you use?
- Each full step should have half the displacement range of the previous full
- step. This means each half-step should have 1/sqrt(2) the range of the
- previous half-step.
- - What language was Fractint written in?
- C and x86 assembly.
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Dave Hershey (Volt Computer)" <a-davehe@microsoft.com>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Terrain Generating Algorithm
- Date: 13 Jan 1999 11:38:49 -0800
- This is what I'm starting to see for the center point. Please correct me.
- p(x,y) = [ p(x1,y1) + p(x1,y2) + p(x2,y1) + p(x2,y2) ] / 4
- p(x,y) = p(x,y) + rand(weight to -weight)
- Then, for recursion, weight is multiplied by 1/sqrt(2).
- -----Original Message-----
- Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 1999 11:10 AM
- - How much random displacement would you use?
- Each full step should have half the displacement range of the previous full
- step. This means each half-step should have 1/sqrt(2) the range of the
- previous half-step.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@fractalus.com>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Terrain Generating Algorithm
- Date: 13 Jan 1999 14:19:03 -0600
- Dave,
- - This is what I'm starting to see for the center point. Please correct
- - me.
- No correction necessary, this is precisely right. This is the first half-step.
- - Then, for recursion, weight is multiplied by 1/sqrt(2).
- Right.
- What you do when you hit 0 or 255 is up to you. Personally, I would
- generate the entire thing at 16- or 32-bit precision, then check for the
- lower and upper bounds and scale/offset accordingly. You could also just
- clip intermediate values, or wrap. Wrapping is, of course, bad. :)
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Dave Hershey (Volt Computer)" <a-davehe@microsoft.com>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Terrain Generating Algorithm
- Date: 13 Jan 1999 12:27:27 -0800
- This approach starts with a square, then moves onto a diamond, then back to
- a square (a smaller one than the first). From the first square to the
- diamond, weight is multiplied by 1/sqrt(2). Does multiplying weight by
- 1/sqrt(2) a second time equate to weight/2? I'm just double-checking my
- math here.
- -----Original Message-----
- Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 1999 12:19 PM
- Dave,
- - This is what I'm starting to see for the center point. Please correct
- - me.
- No correction necessary, this is precisely right. This is the first
- half-step.
- - Then, for recursion, weight is multiplied by 1/sqrt(2).
- Right.
- What you do when you hit 0 or 255 is up to you. Personally, I would
- generate the entire thing at 16- or 32-bit precision, then check for the
- lower and upper bounds and scale/offset accordingly. You could also just
- clip intermediate values, or wrap. Wrapping is, of course, bad. :)
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@fractalus.com>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Terrain Generating Algorithm
- Date: 13 Jan 1999 15:05:20 -0600
- Dave,
- - This approach starts with a square, then moves onto a diamond, then
- - back to a square (a smaller one than the first).
- Right.
- - From the first square to the diamond, weight is multiplied by 1/sqrt(2).
- - Does multiplying weight by 1/sqrt(2) a second time equate to weight/2?
- Yes.
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Dave Hershey (Volt Computer)" <a-davehe@microsoft.com>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Terrain Generating Algorithm
- Date: 13 Jan 1999 13:05:06 -0800
- Damien! Thank you! It's working beautifully now.
- -----Original Message-----
- Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 1999 12:19 PM
- Dave,
- - This is what I'm starting to see for the center point. Please correct
- - me.
- No correction necessary, this is precisely right. This is the first
- half-step.
- - Then, for recursion, weight is multiplied by 1/sqrt(2).
- Right.
- What you do when you hit 0 or 255 is up to you. Personally, I would
- generate the entire thing at 16- or 32-bit precision, then check for the
- lower and upper bounds and scale/offset accordingly. You could also just
- clip intermediate values, or wrap. Wrapping is, of course, bad. :)
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: PKyleCA@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Next version of Fractint
- Date: 13 Jan 1999 18:19:08 EST
- In a message dated 01/13/1999 1:07:35 AM Pacific Standard Time,
- les_stclair@crosstrees.prestel.co.uk writes:
- << The great fun is that you can re-work your favourite Fractint images,
- converting
- them to true color, adding layers, manipulating layer transparency with the
- alpha-channel etc... The possibilities are literally endless! >>
- Is this done by importing the par or the gif? I've not explored UF yet.
- Thanks.
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@fractalus.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Next version of Fractint
- Date: 13 Jan 1999 17:34:54 -0600
- At 06:19 PM 1/13/99 EST, PKyleCA@aol.com wrote:
- - Is this done by importing the par or the gif? I've not explored UF yet.
- You import the PAR. There are a very few things which are not importable,
- but most things come in fine.
- Ultra Fractal is not a complete replacement for FractInt. It doesn't do IFS
- fractals, it doesn't do any strange attractors... just escape-time
- fractals, like Mandelbrot, Phoenix, and anything from the formula parser.
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Mark Townsend" <marktown@netspace.net.au>
- Subject: (fractint) Please help with simple(?) math problem
- Date: 14 Jan 1999 10:52:03 +1100
- Hi everyone...
- For my first post to this list I'd like to ask for help with a little
- probelm I'm having.
- It's sort of Fractint related--I'm writing a program for creating and
- editing colour maps. One feature will be to generate palettes with
- waveforms, but I'm really bad at maths.
- To create a sine wave I use:
- amp*sin(freq*time+phase),
- and I stumbled upon a square wave as:
- amp*sign(sin(freq*time+phase)).
- Can anyone suggest equivalent fomulas for generating sawtooth and triangle
- waves?
- If I get this program finished I can get around to actually playing with
- fractals.
- Thank you.
- Mark Townsend
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Kerry Mitchell <lkmitch@primenet.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Please help with simple(?) math problem
- Date: 13 Jan 1999 18:26:02 -0700 (MST)
- You can generate a sawtooth wave using the mod() function:
- y=amp*mod(freq*x)
- will give a y wave that linearly ramps from 0 to amp, then drops
- immediately back to 0. Changing freq controls the width of the ramp.
- Kerry Mitchell
- lkmitch@primenet.com www.primenet.com/~lkmitch/
- On Thu, 14 Jan 1999, Mark Townsend wrote:
- > Can anyone suggest equivalent fomulas for generating sawtooth and triangle
- > waves?
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Dennis Murphy <ldmurphy@sprintmail.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Video output question
- Date: 13 Jan 1999 21:03:44 -0500
- The easiest way I know is to use a VCR camera, and just film the image from your
- monitor. Ever try it?
- Ian Kaplan wrote:
- > > My question is:
- > > Is there any way I can send the images from my monitor while in fractint out
- > > to a VCR or TV.
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Mark Townsend" <marktown@netspace.net.au>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Please help with simple(?) math problem
- Date: 14 Jan 1999 14:31:07 +1100
- Kerry Mitchell wrote:
- >You can generate a sawtooth wave using the mod() function:
- >
- >y=amp*mod(freq*x)
- >
- >will give a y wave that linearly ramps from 0 to amp, then drops
- >immediately back to 0. Changing freq controls the width of the ramp.
- Thanks for the suggestion, Kerry. That's basically what I've been using for
- ramps, but I wanted to create waves at the same frequency and phase as the
- sine wave. I seem to have the sawtooth worked out now--with the
- serendipitous use of Pi and the fact that the byte data type automatically
- clocks to zero when you increment it too high.
- Mark Townsend
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jim Watson <jimbo@eureka.lk>
- Subject: (fractint) perl based partobat utility
- Date: 14 Jan 1999 12:30:02 -0000 (GMT)
- Dear All,
- I've just finished writing a Perl script that reads par files and
- generates batch files, just as partobat does. However, unlike partobat I
- can run it on my Linux system with xfractint (the Unix port of fractint).
- It should also work on dos based systems (that support perl) but I've not
- tested on such systems. If anybody would like a copy, please drop me a
- line (off the list) and I'll send a copy on. The program is freeware and
- my be freely used and passed on.
- Best Regards
- Jim Watson
- Marconi Communications,
- VOA (Sri Lanka) Project Site Office,
- P.O. Box 14,
- Negombo,
- Sri Lanka.
- Fax : + 94 32 54584
- Tel : + 94 71 770542
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Barry N Merenoff <110144.2274@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Please help with simple(?) math problem
- Date: 14 Jan 1999 05:07:03 -0500
- From Kerry Mitchell's formula, you could put
- if(amp>.5) amp=3D1-amp
- to make a triangular wave.
- Note that Kerry Mitchell's sawtooth ranges from 0 to 1. This triangular
- wave ranges from 0 to .5.
- Collin Merenoff
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Barry N Merenoff <110144.2274@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) fractal formula
- Date: 14 Jan 1999 05:19:44 -0500
- I know this isn't very original, but I have found an enhancement to Kerry=
- Mitchell's contest4 formula. It consists of changing the commands before
- the colon to
- z=3Dpixel, c=3D3*sqr(pixel)/(2*pixel-1)
- Collin Merenoff
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Mark Townsend" <marktown@netspace.net.au>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Please help with simple(?) math problem
- Date: 15 Jan 1999 00:08:05 +1100
- Collin Merenoff wrote:
- >>From Kerry Mitchell's formula, you could put
- >if(amp>.5) amp=1-amp
- >to make a triangular wave.
- Thanks. I'm still working on it. Kerry's reply got me thinking--I should
- modify the sine wave formula to fit the ramp and triangle, rather than the
- other way around. After a bit more research I discovered how to make a sine
- wave with a frequency of 1 fit the range of the map exactly, and that makes
- it easier to scale the frequencies of the other waves. The hardest part
- seems to be getting the waveform's phases to match.
- Mark Townsend
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Barry N Merenoff <110144.2274@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) video modes
- Date: 14 Jan 1999 13:27:17 -0500
- I asked a few days ago about how I can get the 1600x1200x256 mode in
- Fractint. Sylvie Gallet gave me a program that lists all the VESA-complia=
- nt
- modes on one's adapter. The 1600x1200x256 mode in which I run Windows is
- not listed among them. When Sylvie Gallet found this out, she never
- bothered to tell me how I can get around this problem. Could someone who
- knows about C and Assembly please tell me how I can modify the source cod=
- e
- to get this mode to work in Fractint?
- Please don't think the answer will be too complicated for me.
- Collin Merenoff
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Barry N Merenoff <110144.2274@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) Re: video modes
- Date: 14 Jan 1999 13:29:55 -0500
- Never mind, I just got an answer from Sylvie Gallet.
- Sorry! :)
- Collin Merenoff
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Barry N Merenoff <110144.2274@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) Re: video modes
- Date: 14 Jan 1999 13:37:20 -0500
- She did, however, say that she's not a programmer. Is one of you a
- programmer that would know how to do this?
- Collin Merenoff
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Andrew Coppin" <KHCM8AC@dmu.ac.uk>
- Subject: (fractint) True Colour
- Date: 15 Jan 1999 10:15:47 GMT
- How are the "True-Colour" video modes in FractInt supposed to work?
- All I get is lots of shades of blue and green. The video mode entries
- don't seem to say how many colours you get in these modes, they just
- say things like "15k", which means nothing to me.
- On a slightly different note, would it be possible to create a disk
- video mode using more than 256 colours just be editing FRACTINT.CFG?
- Sorry, I'm just greedy like that!
- Nam et ipsa scientia potestus est!
- Andrew Orphi Coppin
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Jason Hine" <tumnus@together.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) True Colour
- Date: 15 Jan 1999 07:42:39 -0500
- Andrew Coppin asked:
- >How are the "True-Colour" video modes in FractInt supposed to work?
- >All I get is lots of shades of blue and green. The video mode entries
- >don't seem to say how many colours you get in these modes, they just
- >say things like "15k", which means nothing to me.
- The current version of Fractint has a very minimal amount of true-color support;
- you can use one of the true color video modes, but palettes in Fractint are
- still limited to 256 colors, so when you view a fractal in one of these modes,
- you see 256 slightly different shades of blue and green. The "15k" is a
- notation that makes use of the metric system, and means "fifteen thousand"
- colors.
- >On a slightly different note, would it be possible to create a disk
- >video mode using more than 256 colours just be editing FRACTINT.CFG?
- >Sorry, I'm just greedy like that!
- I believe so, but the results in Fractint would be similar... you must save the
- images and re-color them in another software, or better yet, save the .par for
- your fractal and load it into Ultra Fractal, which has good true-color support.
- The URL where you can find Ultra Fractal escapes me at the time... sorry!
- Jason Hine
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: wdecker@csc.com
- Subject: (fractint) Winter pinwheel
- Date: 15 Jan 1999 08:01:05 -0500
- This one just sort of popped up as I was experimenting with some pastel
- color maps. Some of the color brightness gradients contribute to a sense of
- depth, giving it a paper cutout look.
- Enjoy.
- Bill Decker
- snowheel { ; (c) Bill Decker Jan 13, 1999 t= 0:01:05.64
- ; on P100 1024x768
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=0bill.frm
- formulaname=bills_wonder2 function=log/ident passes=1
- center-mag=-0.0515424/0.0351789/1.814173/1/-90
- params=3.01/3/2/2/100000/0 float=y potential=255/200/0 periodicity=0
- colors=000<30>F0FF0FG1GG2G<27>UUUVVVVVWWWXWWY<27>iiyjjzjjzkkz<30>zzzzzzy\
- yz<28>kkzkkzjjyjjx<28>WWWWWWVWVVWVVWV<26>HWHGVGGVGFUFFTF<28>000
- }
- frm:bills_wonder2 {
- z = 1/pixel, a = real(p1), b = imag(p1):
- ztemp = z^a - z^b
- z = (fn1(ztemp)^p2)/fn2(z)
- |z| < real(p3)
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Frederik Slijkerman" <fjslman@wins.uva.nl>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) True Colour
- Date: 15 Jan 1999 14:22:42 +0100
- > The URL where you can find Ultra Fractal escapes me at the time... sorry!
- http://www.ultrafractal.com/
- Best regards,
- Frederik.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Fliguer, Miguel" <M_Fliguer@miniphone.com.ar>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) True Colour
- Date: 15 Jan 1999 10:52:24 -0300
- >>> http://www.ultrafractal.com/
- Looks good. Unfortunately, when I try to retrieve the full size
- images from the gallery, I get :
- 403 Forbidden
- Access to the document /~fjslman/image_02.jpg is denied for some reason.
- Possible reasons are:
- The document you requested is not world readable
- The account of the owner of the file has been disabled
- Access to this document is only granted to certain hosts
- www@wins.uva.nl
- Miguel Fliguer - Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Franktal Gallery - Shut Up And Draw Yer Fractals
- http://members.xoom.com/fliguer/franktal.html
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Barry N Merenoff <110144.2274@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) my first par (based on Snaketree)
- Date: 15 Jan 1999 10:59:47 -0500
- test {
- reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dfrac_art.frm
- formulaname=3Dsnaketree3 passes=3Dt
- center-mag=3D+1.66406732314922900/-0.01369319868715437/25641.02/1/-90
- params=3D0.01/0/0.5/0 float=3Dy maxiter=3D2000 bailout=3D100 inside=3Dm=
- axiter
- logmap=3Dyes symmetry=3Dxaxis periodicity=3D10
- colors=3D000xVb<14>yOd5CE<33>gojhpkgoj<25>HIXGHWGIV<15>AaJ9cJ9dI9eIAfK<=
- 34>\
- TjrTjsWhi<2>abIc`8c`8<44>Jd1Jd1Kc3<27>WbvWbwYav<23>wZaxZaxZa<8>xVb
- }
- SnakeTree3 {
- z=3Dpixel, a=3D0, b=3D10000*p1*p1:
- y=3D1-cos(p1*a), z=3D((-z)^(1.06+y/b)+3.4)*(1-p2*y), a=3Da+1
- |z|<=3D100
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Alejandro Kainer" <alejandro.kainer@usa.net>
- Subject: (fractint) First 4 pars
- Date: 18 Jan 1999 10:13:21 -0300
- Hi all.
- These are my first attempts on fractals. They're rather naive, but I'm st=
- ill
- trying to understand how come if you see that colored default palette it
- won't be that colored at all by using another
- one (I mean having different colors, not a quasi-continuum color). And I
- still don't know how to get that 3d smooth quality that some of the fract=
- als
- I saw do have.
- The Yellow Snow resembles to me Nanook, the Frozen Eskimo, eating some
- doggie snow. But I know it seems like one of the snakes you can find at t=
- he
- beginning of Out of this world, if you know what I'm talking about. FZ,
- please forgive me.
- The Blue Pulsar, began as a vain attempt on having some flowers out of th=
- e
- A0 formula. In some part of the original drawing you can see a kind of
- garden. But for some reason it didn't get the right colors. Instead it
- seemed like a skeleton and I disliked it. But looking at the garden I cou=
- ld
- see a starlike form. Then I zoomed the star and again had the same proble=
- m
- by trying to color it. I wanted a Black Star, not a Blue Pulsar, but the
- latter won.
- The Fire Spear is like a ray emerging from a volcano. I liked the colors =
- in
- it, though it has nothing special.
- Train to Mars is based on a magnetic fractal. I liked the colors too, and
- the image of Mars shining above the railways.
- Talking about names, of course the first one is named after Frank Zappa's
- Don't Eat The Yellow Snow song. And the Pulsar is the first name I grabbe=
- d
- knowing that I won't (by now) get a Black Star, the Radiohead's song. I d=
- o
- think that fractals and music have a strong relationship. Haven't you tri=
- ed
- Bach yet?
- Hope you like them.
- Nice week,
- Alejandro
- The_Yellow_Snow { ; by Alejandro Kainer - Jan 17, 1999 t=3D 0:04:56.55
- ; on a 486-100
- ; palette by Ron Barnett
- ; based on PRN_02 formula
- reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dale.frm formulaname=3Dprn_02
- function=3Dsin/sqr/sinh center-mag=3D-0.285357/1.5/3.875969
- params=3D0/0/0/0 float=3Dy
- colors=3DWWW<50>lD6lC6lD6<79>zy0zz0zz0zz0<64>XH0WG0WG0WG0<50>WWW
- cyclerange=3D0/255
- }
- Blue_Pulsar { ; by Alejandro Kainer - Jan 17, 1999 t=3D 0:02:05.62
- ; on a 486-100
- ; based on Miguel Fliguer's A0 formula
- reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dale.frm formulaname=3Da0
- function=3Dsqrt/recip/sqr/sqr
- center-mag=3D-0.62167906750000000/+0.54511803400000000/148.9825/0.6834
- logmode=3Dfly
- colors=3D00000K<17>002000000000<29>00k00m01m<29>0ky0mz1mz<30>zzz<46>2zz=
- 0zz\
- 0yz<45>02z00z00y<40>00L
- }
- Fire_Spear { ; by Alejandro Kainer - Jan 17, 1999 t=3D 0:00:39.93
- ; on a 486-100
- reset=3D1960 type=3Dbarnsleym1
- center-mag=3D1.27658/7.957e-006/4.901769/1/90 params=3D0/0
- colors=3D000FFF<29>x11z00z10<29>zx0zz0zz1<29>zzxzzzzzz<61>zV1zU0zU0zT0<=
- 28>\
- z10z00z00y00<30>c00b11a11`22_22<25>FFF
- }
- Train_to_Mars { ; by Alejandro Kainer - Jan 17, 1999 - t=3D 0:00:17.=
- 85
- ; on a 486-100
- reset=3D1960 type=3Dmagnet2j
- center-mag=3D+4.86608260325406700/+4.40734557595993900/1.677476/1.1553/=
- -90
- params=3D0/0 float=3Dy periodicity=3D0
- colors=3D000<14>w00004<14>w04008<14>w0800C<14>w0C00G<14>w0G00K<14>w0K00=
- O<1\
- 4>w0O00S<14>w0S00W<14>w0W00_<14>w0_00c<14>w0c00g<14>w0g00k<14>w0k00o<14=
- >\
- w0o00s<14>w0s00w<14>w0w
- }
- ________________________________
- Alejandro Gustavo Kainer
- Sirti Argentina S.A.
- Hip=F3lito Irigoyen 4848
- (1602) - Florida - Bs.As.
- Tel: (54)-1-760-0061 - Int. 1417 / 1418
- Fax: (54)-1-760-0095
- e-mail: alejandro.kainer@usa.net
- ________________________________
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: wdecker@csc.com
- Subject: (fractint) Taffy Pull
- Date: 18 Jan 1999 08:12:52 -0500
- That's not a very original name, but I was in a hurry when I named it. I
- like the glossy effect in some areas of the image and the feeling of depth
- in other areas. The bridge-like structures seem quite solid, yet
- paradoxically, delicate.
- Enjoy.
- Bill Decker
- taffy-pull { ; (c) Bill Decker Jan 18, 1999 t= 0:02:31.54
- ; on P100 1024x768
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm
- formulaname=bills_xy-trade4 function=sin/tan passes=1
- center-mag=0.479995/0.363266/0.3745722/1/-32.494
- params=1/-1/1/-5/1/200 float=y logmode=fly potential=255/100/0
- rseed=-2436
- colors=000<41>K00K00K10L20<38>cV0dW0dW1eX2<39>yyxzzzzyz<39>g2Xf0Wf0W<39>\
- N01M00M00L00<40>000
- }
- frm:bills_xy-trade4 {
- a = real(p1), b = imag(p1)
- c = real(p2), d = imag(p2)
- e = real(p3), f = imag(p3)
- z = pixel+1/pixel
- zold = pixel^e:
- x = (real(z)-real(zold))^a
- y = (imag(z)-imag(zold))^b
- zold = z
- z = (y +flip(x))
- z = (fn1(z))^c - (fn2(zold))^d
- |z| < f
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Fliguer, Miguel" <M_Fliguer@miniphone.com.ar>
- Subject: (fractint) PARs from the A0/A1 formulae
- Date: 18 Jan 1999 13:10:06 -0300
- The following A0 pars are zooms, displacements and recolorings
- of the recent Blue_Pulsar (no change in the functions).
- Buen comienzo, Alejandro ! The A1 pars are the first tests
- with this formula (an attemp to introduce some parameters
- in A0 )
- ENJOY !!!!!
- ----
- Maelstrom { ; by Miguel Fliguer - 1999
- ;
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=miguel.frm formulaname=a0
- function=sqrt/recip/sqr/sqr
- center-mag=-0.98051416054843480/-0.35007324217454940/1117018/1/22.531/-8
- \
- .807 float=y maxiter=20000000 logmode=fly
- colors=000GA6<12>511511621<60>qdOrePqdO<22>SD4QB3RC4<14>B53942942<3>8425
- \
- 42<6>eWJ<23>111<46>pdOrePreP<48>GA7
- }
- Opposed { ; by Miguel Fliguer - 1999
- ;
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=miguel.frm formulaname=a0
- function=sqrt/recip/sqr/sqr
- center-mag=-0.98053071943042300/-0.35007544984948970/39962.44/1/22.531/-
- \
- 8.807 float=y maxiter=20000000 logmode=fly
- colors=eVM0IV0FT<18>0Uu<37>021010000220<24>wwu<9>fYNeVKeVK<3>ZL6XI2VF0<1
- \
- 0>wU0<22>QD0OC0OC0OC0<7>w00<22>OO0<22>ww0<27>II0HK2<12>2tq0wu0ut<14>0KX
- }
- Broken_Vitraux { ; by Miguel Fliguer - 1999
- ;
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=miguel.frm formulaname=a0
- function=sqrt/recip/sqr/sqr
- center-mag=-0.73880695075295640/-0.31763072437293130/83.97749/1.142/-39.
- \
- 298/4.438 float=y logmode=fly
- colors=eVM08D<7>021010000220<24>wwu<9>fYNeVKeVK<3>ZL6XI2VF0<10>wU0<22>QD
- \
- 0OC0OC0OC0<7>w00<22>OO0<22>ww0<27>II0HK2<12>2tq0wu0ut<16>0FT<18>0Uu<28>0
- \
- 9F
- }
- Universe_Warmstart { ; by Miguel Fliguer - 1999
- ;
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=miguel.frm formulaname=a1
- function=cosxx/tan/cos
- center-mag=0.663284/-0.157081/32.79894/1/54.999
- params=0.6/0/0.1/0/0.2/0 float=y maxiter=200000 outside=imag
- potential=255/235/0 decomp=256
- colors=eVMNNL<15>wwu<9>fYNeVKeVK<3>ZL6XI2VF0<10>wU0<22>QD0OC0OC0OC0<7>w0
- \
- 0<22>OO0<22>ww0<27>II0HK2<12>2tq0wu0ut<16>0FT<18>0Uu<37>021010000220<7>K
- \
- KI
- }
- We_Come_In_Peace { ; by Miguel Fliguer - 1999
- ;
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=miguel.frm formulaname=a1
- function=cosxx/tan/cos center-mag=7.70784/0.0535083/0.485162/1/90
- params=0.6/0/0.1/0/0.2/0 float=y maxiter=200000 outside=imag
- potential=255/235/0 decomp=256
- colors=eVM0IZ<14>0Uu<37>021010000220<24>wwu<9>fYNeVKeVK<3>ZL6XI2VF0<10>w
- \
- U0<22>QD0OC0OC0OC0<7>w00<22>OO0<22>ww0<27>II0HK2<12>2tq0wu0ut<16>0FT<2>0
- \
- IY
- }
- frm:a0 {; (c) by Miguel Fliguer
- z=c=pixel:
- z=fn1(z/fn2(z/fn3(z/fn4(z))))+c
- |z|<4
- }
- frm:a1 {; (c) by Miguel Fliguer
- z=c=pixel:
- z=fn1(p1*z/fn2(p2+z/fn3(p3-z/fn1(z))))+c
- |z|<4
- }
- Miguel Fliguer - Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Franktal Gallery - Shut Up And Draw Yer Fractals
- http://members.xoom.com/fliguer/franktal.html
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Alejandro Kainer" <alejandro.kainer@usa.net>
- Subject: (fractint) One par
- Date: 19 Jan 1999 16:48:54 -0300
- Hi all,
- This is a new par based on Bill Decker's formula. It reminded me a noctur=
- nal
- view from a hill down to a coastline (I swear I did not drink or smoke
- anything, it's just my imagination - No animals were harmed during the
- making of this fractal). Hope you like it.
- Ale
- Night_at_sea { ; by Alejandro Kainer - Jan 18, 1999 t=3D 0:11:01.19
- ; on a 486-100
- ; palette lindaa04.map
- ; based on bills_xy-trade4
- reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dale.frm
- formulaname=3Dbills_xy-trade4 function=3Dsin/tan
- center-mag=3D-1.46684/1.31219/7.752203 params=3D-1/1/-5/1/200/1
- logmode=3Dfly
- colors=3D0D0<7>020000001002<14>8Rv9Tz9Sy<25>12M00K00J<16>000300600800<2=
- >I1\
- 0L10O20R30<2>Z50a60c70e80<2>lC0nD0oE0qF0<3>wM0xN0xO0yQ0<2>zV0zW0yT0<2>s=
- J\
- 0qF0nE0mE0<6>T50Q30O30<4>C00<11>100000101200<28>k0y<8>K0O<18>403000<2>0=
- 1\
- 0020040<26>0d00f00e0<21>0D0
- }
- ________________________________
- Alejandro Gustavo Kainer
- Sirti Argentina S.A.
- Hip=F3lito Irigoyen 4848
- (1602) - Florida - Bs.As.
- Tel: (54)-1-760-0061 - Int. 1417 / 1418
- Fax: (54)-1-760-0095
- e-mail: alejandro.kainer@usa.net
- ________________________________
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Fabio Fazzi <fazzi@dada.it>
- Subject: (fractint) Fabio
- Date: 19 Jan 1999 13:13:00 +0100
- Hi everybody! My name's Fabio and I'm from Italy. I'm novel about Fractals, I
- downloaded Fractint 19.6 for Dos, also I've got WinFract 16.x; I can change
- colors in Winfract but not in Fractint, can somebody explain me how i can
- change colors (as Volcano, Blue, etc...)? Thank you very much. Yours faithfully
- Fabio.
- Fabio Fazzi
- fazzi@dada.it
- fax74@technologist.com
- ICQ:12650354
- http:\\www.geocities.com\SunsetStrip\Pit\5779\index.htm
- Cso Indipendenza 30A
- 15033 Casale Monferrato (AL), Italy
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: PKyleCA@aol.com
- Subject: (fractint) Changing Colors in Fractint
- Date: 19 Jan 1999 20:21:50 EST
- There are two ways:
- 1: for color maps already in existence ( many are available at many of the
- fractint support links), you simply hit "C" for color and "L" for list, and
- select one of the available color maps. If the first one is not satisfactory,
- then hit "L" again, and the list comes back. When you find one you like, you
- will notice the border is lighter color- hit escape and you will be back in
- fractint with full menu availability
- 2: The other way is to design them yourself.
- hit "E" and you will see a ghosted box. Move it to where you can view your
- fractal and hit enter. This brings up your color pallett. Move the cursor
- into the area and select the colors you wish to edit. Reading the help files
- on pallette manipulation will help you here tremendously.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Gedeon Peteri <gedeon@InfoAve.Net>
- Subject: (fractint) Ultra Fractal pages
- Date: 20 Jan 1999 00:24:04 -0500
- Two pages at my Geocities website have been extensively revised. The
- Chebyshev and the Zf_Ang pages are now entirely made up of multi-layered
- true color images generated with Ultra Fractal. Some of the images are
- reworked Fractint pars; others
- are new. I hope you'll enjoy your visit.
- Gedeon
- --
- Fractals: http://www.geocities.com/~gedeonp/index.html
- Member Infinite Fractal Loop
- Last updated: January 20, 1999 - two Ultra Fractal pages added
- Photography: http://members.xoom.com/gedeonp/index.html
- Last updated: November 8, 1998
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Paul N. Lee" <Paul.N.Lee@Worldnet.att.net>
- Subject: (fractint) The FOTD website....
- Date: 19 Jan 1999 23:44:27 -0600
- Greetings,
- I got an email this evening from the folks at my ISP. A portion of that
- message reads as follows:
- Your AT&T WorldNet Personal Web Page at
- http://home.att.net/~Paul.N.Lee/FotD/FotD.html
- is terrific-- so good, in fact, that weÆve added it to
- our Member Showcase listing for Science & Technology.
- ItÆs where we feature the most interesting and active
- community sites in AT&T WorldNet Community Port. YouÆll
- definitely get more traffic and visibility for your site
- as a result of your hard work.
- To see the Web site listed with their other top community Web sites,
- please go to http://community.att.net/community/showcase/index.html.
- P.N.L.
- http://www.fractalus.com/cgi-bin/theway?ring=fractals&id=43&go
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Gedeon Peteri <gedeon@InfoAve.Net>
- Subject: (fractint) True color Zf_Angs
- Date: 20 Jan 1999 00:44:12 -0500
- Paul,
- I have missed your postings lately. Having started working with Ultra
- Fractal a short time ago, the first formula I worked with in it was my
- old favorite, your Zf_Ang. I have replaced the images on my old Zf_Ang
- page at my Geocities website with these true color images. I thought you
- might like to see them. Thanks for your fine formula!
- Gedeon
- --
- Fractals: http://www.geocities.com/~gedeonp/index.html
- Member Infinite Fractal Loop
- Last updated: January 20, 1999 - two Ultra Fractal pages added
- Photography: http://members.xoom.com/gedeonp/index.html
- Last updated: November 8, 1998
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@fractalus.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) The FOTD website....
- Date: 20 Jan 1999 10:38:54 -0600
- Paul, Jim,
- Congratulations!
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: RENRAD1@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) The FOTD website....
- Date: 20 Jan 1999 16:27:31 EST
- Congratulations Paul and Jim!
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Paul DeCelle <PaulDC@prodigy.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Fabio
- Date: 20 Jan 1999 18:09:34 -0500
- Fabio Fazzi wrote:
- >
- >
- > I can change colors in Winfract but not in Fractint, can somebody explain me how i can
- > change colors (as Volcano, Blue, etc...)?
- Fabio--
- With your image loaded (or even while it's still loading), press "C",
- then press "L". This will allow you to load any colormap in the
- Fractint directory. You can cycle the colors by pressing "C" again, and
- stop cycling by pressing "C" yet again. The "<" and ">" keys change the
- cycling direction. Once you have the look you want, press "ESC" to get
- back to normal Fractint operations. I hope this is clear; I change and
- cycle colors without really hinking about the steps...
- Regards, Paul DeCelle
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Paul DeCelle <PaulDC@prodigy.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Changing Colors
- Date: 20 Jan 1999 18:21:53 -0500
- Oops, looks like Fabio's question already got answered. Guess I should
- read ALL my mail before replying (66 messages waiting after a two day
- absence!)
- Paul
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Ognen Ivanovski" <milkman@soros.org.mk>
- Subject: (fractint) Fw: Fractint & it's color decomposition
- Date: 21 Jan 1999 00:35:57 +0100
- Hi everyone.
- I found the address of Lee Crocker, the author of the Decomposition coloring
- method on Fractint's cerdits screen.
- I've sent the message below to that address but the author could not be
- reached thatways.
- So I am hoping that he'll read this message.
- Also, if anyone else knows the answer, it would be nice to read it.
- Once my project is built, be sure it will be a good source of unusual
- "geneticaly engeineered" formulas.
- Thanks in advance.
- Ognen
- -----Original Message-----
- >Hello,
- >
- >I'm a computer science student who has his love for fractals since early
- >highschool. At last I got the oportunity to do something with it, i.e. to
- >learn about fractals better.
- >
- >Now, I am working on a project that I call The Genetic Artist. Using
- Genetic
- >Algorithm I'm supposed to make a population of fractals (roughly speaking)
- >to mate between themselves and produce "better" ones. The more the fractal
- >is "fit" the better are the chances to spread it's genes. The fitness is
- >based on votes from the visitors of the project's page.
- >
- >I borrowed the idea from a project that appears at gatech.edu (called
- DNA).
- >They are using fractint to generate their images. But I want to make my own
- >generator (so I can learn the process throughly) and some of the images
- that
- >I intend to use as generation one are that beautiful due to using
- >decomposition.
- >
- >In Fractint's Help there is a rough explanation of how it is done. Could
- you
- >explain the process to me in short terms. All I need to know is:
- >
- >When the iterations stop at a value of (x, z) and the decomposition factor
- >is 64 (I like that value best) how do I determine the color of the pixel
- >(ranging 0..255)?
- >
- >I hope I'm not asking too much of your time. I'd love to send a .par file
- in
- >exchange for the information. Also when I finish the project I'd like you
- to
- >come to the web page and see how the generations are going.
- >
- >Needless to say that my first mean of relaxation at home is of course
- >spending hours in front of fractint. :)
- >
- >Thanks in advance,
- >Ognen Ivanovski
- >student at the Institute of Informatics
- >University of "St. Cyril and Methodius"
- >Skopje, Macedonia (former Yougoslav Republic of)
- >
- >_____
- >http://eon.pmf.ukim.edu.mk/~milkman/ [coming soon]
- >
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Barry N Merenoff <110144.2274@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) Re: Decomposition
- Date: 20 Jan 1999 19:43:00 -0500
- I would assume that the way this is done is by repeatedly squaring the
- value from the final iteration. A binary number would be built up from le=
- ft
- to right. The first (leftmost) bit would be one when the final iteration
- has a negative real part or zero when the final iteration has a positive
- real part. The second bit would be determined the same way from the squar=
- e
- of the final iteration; the third, from the fourth power of the final
- iteration; etc.
- If any of these values has a zero real part, it would be grouped with
- either the positive or negative real parts; it's up to you. However, you
- would have to be consistent.
- Note: I haven't actually checked the source code on this. It just seems t=
- he
- sensible way decomposition would be done. If someone knows a mistake in
- this algorithm, please let both of us know.
- Collin Merenoff
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@fractalus.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Decomposition
- Date: 20 Jan 1999 19:35:58 -0600
- Collin,
- Actually I'd expect the decomposition to simply be read off from the angle
- directly. You could keep squaring the number, but if you don't add c each
- time this has precisely the same effect, but it also increases the
- magnitude of the number substantially each time, and if your bailout is set
- too high you will overflow.
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Kerry Mitchell <lkmitch@primenet.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Decomposition
- Date: 20 Jan 1999 18:47:28 -0700 (MST)
- That's my understanding, too. Setting "decomp=n" will cause Fractint to
- color the image by breaking the final polar angle into n segments. Binary
- decomposition would come from setting decomp=2. Then, all the angles from
- 0 to pi would be rendered in one color, and pi to 2*pi in another.
- Kerry
- Kerry Mitchell
- lkmitch@primenet.com www.primenet.com/~lkmitch/
- On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, Damien M. Jones wrote:
- > Collin,
- >
- > Actually I'd expect the decomposition to simply be read off from the angle
- > directly. You could keep squaring the number, but if you don't add c each
- > time this has precisely the same effect, but it also increases the
- > magnitude of the number substantially each time, and if your bailout is set
- > too high you will overflow.
- >
- > Damien M. Jones \\
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: JoWeber <JoWeber@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) web-site has been moved
- Date: 20 Jan 1999 21:12:53 -0500
- Hi All,
- I moved my site to
- http://www.joweber.de
- and added a new page. Cheers --Jo--
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Andrew Coppin" <KHCM8AC@dmu.ac.uk>
- Subject: (fractint) Algorithm for Decomposition
- Date: 21 Jan 1999 10:36:45 GMT
- To draw a fractal with binary decomposition, e.i. decomp="n":
- 1. Do the usual calculation for the pixel colour exactly as normal.
- 2. Instead of using the iteration count for the colour value...
- a) Work out the imaginary part of the final value of Z (or
- whatever) divided by the real part.
- b) Take the arc-tangent of this value.
- c) You now have an angle (radians!) between +Pi and -Pi.
- d) Split that range into "n" intervals, and see which interval
- contains your angle. The number of this interval is than the pixel
- colour.
- Simple.
- Nam et ipsa scientia potestus est!
- Andrew Orphi Coppin
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Andrew Coppin" <KHCM8AC@dmu.ac.uk>
- Subject: (fractint) Set Union
- Date: 21 Jan 1999 11:23:37 GMT
- I'm working with the formula (Z^3) - 3(A^2)Z + B, which is
- (apparently) a generalization of all possible 3rd degree polynomials.
- I've got Julia sets working fine, but I'm having trouble with the M
- set. You see, with the good old quadratic M you must iterate one
- point, zero, and see where that goes. However, for this Cubic M,
- there are two points to worry about, +A and -A. So there are two M
- sets, M+ and M-. I've got formulas for these working just fine, but M
- itself is the Union of M+ and M-. How do I do that in FractInt?
- P.S. For anyone interested, you can do these Julias with
- CubicJulia = {
- A = p1,
- B = p2,
- T = 3*A*A,
- Z = Pixel:
- Z = Z*Z*Z - T*Z + B,
- |Z| < 4
- }
- For anyone wanting to see the M set (or M+ or M-), there's an
- additional problem: they're 4-dimensional!!! I can do slices parallel
- to the "A" plane of the "B" plane (B looks best). For example
- CubicMandelbrotBP = {
- A = p1,
- B = Pixel,
- T = 3*A*A,
- Z = A:
- Z = Z*Z*Z - T*Z + B,
- |Z| < 4
- }
- That gives you M+ in the B plane. To change it to the M- set, change
- "Z=A" to "Z=-A". To change to the "A" plane, replace "A=p1" with
- "A=Pixel" and replace "B=Pixel" with "B=p1".
- P.P.S Yes, I *KNOW* that M+ and M- are symmetrical.
- Nam et ipsa scientia potestus est!
- Andrew Orphi Coppin
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Andrew Coppin" <KHCM8AC@dmu.ac.uk>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Set Union
- Date: 21 Jan 1999 11:50:24 GMT
- O.K., I've solved it. I've managed to find a quick work arround. If
- you use two orbit variables, X and Y, and initalize them to +A and -A
- respectivly, then run them both though the normal iteration formula,
- then at the end of each iteration assign the one with the highest
- magnitude to be the value of Z, then use |Z| < 4 as your bailout.
- Behold:
- CubicMandelbrotB = {
- A = p1,
- B = Pixel,
- T = 3*A*A,
- X = A,
- Y =-A,
- X = X*X*X - T*X + B,
- Y = Y*Y*Y - T*Y + B,
- if(|X|>|Y|)
- Z=X
- else
- Z=Y
- endif
- |Z| < 4
- }
- By reversing the ">" in the if() to an "<" you can do intersection
- instead. So this method works, but it's sssssllooooowwww. If anyone
- has a faster idea I'd just love to hear it.
- Nam et ipsa scientia potestus est!
- Andrew Orphi Coppin
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Alejandro Kainer" <alejandro.kainer@usa.net>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Set Union
- Date: 21 Jan 1999 10:25:21 -0300
- Hi Andrew,
- I know that maybe it's nonsense, but have you tried putting A^2 and X^3 and
- Y^3 instead of A*A and X*X*X and Y*Y*Y?. Maybe the formula parser process it
- faster if it doesn't have to work with three or two variables at the same
- time...
- Ale
- PS: I'm still trying to understand how the formulas work, so forgive me if I
- ignore some facts that may result obvious to others.
- ________________________________
- Alejandro Gustavo Kainer
- e-mail: alejandro.kainer@usa.net
- ________________________________
- -----Original Message-----
- De: Andrew Coppin <KHCM8AC@dmu.ac.uk>
- Para: fractint@xmission.com <fractint@xmission.com>
- Fecha: Jueves 21 de Enero de 1999 09:01
- Asunto: Re: (fractint) Set Union
- O.K., I've solved it. I've managed to find a quick work arround. If
- you use two orbit variables, X and Y, and initalize them to +A and -A
- respectivly, then run them both though the normal iteration formula,
- then at the end of each iteration assign the one with the highest
- magnitude to be the value of Z, then use |Z| < 4 as your bailout.
- Behold:
- CubicMandelbrotB = {
- A = p1,
- B = Pixel,
- T = 3*A*A,
- X = A,
- Y =-A,
- X = X*X*X - T*X + B,
- Y = Y*Y*Y - T*Y + B,
- if(|X|>|Y|)
- Z=X
- else
- Z=Y
- endif
- |Z| < 4
- }
- By reversing the ">" in the if() to an "<" you can do intersection
- instead. So this method works, but it's sssssllooooowwww. If anyone
- has a faster idea I'd just love to hear it.
- Nam et ipsa scientia potestus est!
- Andrew Orphi Coppin
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Paul Derbyshire <pderbysh@usa.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Set Union
- Date: 21 Jan 1999 10:24:14 -0500
- At 11:23 AM 1/21/99 GMT, you wrote:
- >I'm working with the formula (Z^3) - 3(A^2)Z + B, which is
- >(apparently) a generalization of all possible 3rd degree polynomials.
- >I've got Julia sets working fine, but I'm having trouble with the M
- >set. You see, with the good old quadratic M you must iterate one
- >point, zero, and see where that goes. However, for this Cubic M,
- >there are two points to worry about, +A and -A. So there are two M
- >sets, M+ and M-. I've got formulas for these working just fine, but M
- >itself is the Union of M+ and M-. How do I do that in FractInt?
- I've created images for this type of fractal by superimposing images for
- both critical points. I even have Fractint formulas to generate such
- images; they use color ranges to color various areas...
- --
- .*. "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
- -() < circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
- `*' straight line." -------------------------------------------------
- -- B. Mandelbrot |http://surf.to/pgd.net
- _____________________ ____|________ Paul Derbyshire pderbysh@usa.net
- Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: George Martin <GGMARTIN@compuserve.com>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Set Union
- Date: 21 Jan 1999 11:22:14 -0500
- Ale wrote:
- >
- I know that maybe it's nonsense, but have you tried putting A^2 and X^3 a=
- nd
- Y^3 instead of A*A and X*X*X and Y*Y*Y?. Maybe the formula parser process=
- it faster if it doesn't have to work with three or two variables at the
- same time...
- <
- The "fast" parser used with floating point math calculates x*x with the
- same function as x^2, so there is no speed up here.
- George Martin
- =
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@fractalus.com>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Set Union
- Date: 21 Jan 1999 10:03:47 -0600
- Ale,
- - I know that maybe it's nonsense, but have you tried putting A^2 and
- - X^3 and Y^3 instead of A*A and X*X*X and Y*Y*Y?. Maybe the formula
- - parser process it faster if it doesn't have to work with three or
- - two variables at the same time...
- Not at all--exponentiation is a very expensive process, but multiplication
- is relatively cheap. In fact, sqr(A) is faster than A*A.
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Alejandro Kainer" <alejandro.kainer@usa.net>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Set Union
- Date: 21 Jan 1999 14:11:50 -0300
- Damien,
- OK, I understand that exponentiation is expensive. But you wrote "In fact,
- sqr(A) is faster than A*A". How could that be? I mean, I think that the
- function sqr() acts the same as A*A, but first the parser has to translate
- it. Doesn't it mean an expensive way of doing the same thing too?
- Ale
- -----Original Message-----
- De: Damien M. Jones <dmj@fractalus.com>
- Para: fractint@lists.xmission.com <fractint@lists.xmission.com>
- Fecha: Jueves 21 de Enero de 1999 13:52
- Asunto: RE: (fractint) Set Union
- >Ale,
- >
- > - I know that maybe it's nonsense, but have you tried putting A^2 and
- > - X^3 and Y^3 instead of A*A and X*X*X and Y*Y*Y?. Maybe the formula
- > - parser process it faster if it doesn't have to work with three or
- > - two variables at the same time...
- >
- >Not at all--exponentiation is a very expensive process, but multiplication
- >is relatively cheap. In fact, sqr(A) is faster than A*A.
- >
- >Damien M. Jones \\
- >dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- > \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- >
- >Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- >in a newsgroup. Thank you.
- >
- >--------------------------------------------------------------
- >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- >Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- >Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- >Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- >Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Barry N Merenoff <110144.2274@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) Re: Sqr function
- Date: 21 Jan 1999 12:25:10 -0500
- The expansion of (a+bi)^2 is (a^2-b^2)+2abi. If this were done with regul=
- ar
- multiplication, you would multiply a by a, multiply b by b, and then
- subtract. However, a faster way to do this, which Sqr probably takes
- advantage of, is to factor the real part as (a+b)(a-b). This would give y=
- ou
- one addition, one subtraction, and one multiplication. Since addition is
- cheaper (faster) than multiplication, this is probably how Sqr(z) can be
- faster than z*z. Note that this shortcut works only when the two complex
- factors are equal, so it couldn't be programmed into the regular
- multiplication operation.
- Collin Merenoff
- PS: Yes, of course, repeated squaring would cause overflow; I should have=
- realized that. However, an easy way to avoid this would be to halve each
- square until it is within a certain "safety zone." I think this would be
- faster than computing the arctangent.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@fractalus.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Sqr function
- Date: 21 Jan 1999 11:59:25 -0600
- Collin,
- - The expansion of (a+bi)^2 is (a^2-b^2)+2abi. If this were done with
- - regular multiplication, you would multiply a by a, multiply b by b,
- - and then subtract. However, a faster way to do this, which Sqr
- - probably takes advantage of, is to factor the real part as (a+b)(a-b).
- - This would give you one addition, one subtraction, and one
- - multiplication. Since addition is cheaper (faster) than
- - multiplication, this is probably how Sqr(z) can be faster than z*z.
- Actually, the differences in cost between multiplication and addition are
- almost negligible on a Pentium, and still minor on a Pentium-II. Unless you
- are doing assembly programming, you might as well totally ignore the
- difference and treat them as equal (at least for floating-point work;
- integers are another matter). And when you DO get to the floating-point
- level, other considerations come into play, such as pipelining, register
- availability, etc. I actually found in several cases it's faster to skip
- this "optimization" entirely and use a^2-b^2, especially if you need
- a^2+b^2 for bailout (as you do for the M-set and J-sets).
- For architectures where multiplication is still expensive (80x486 and
- earlier; 680x0; others, no doubt) this optimization makes more sense.
- - PS: Yes, of course, repeated squaring would cause overflow; I should
- - have realized that. However, an easy way to avoid this would be to
- - halve each square until it is within a certain "safety zone." I think
- - this would be faster than computing the arctangent.
- Not so much as you'd think. Figure at least ten cycles per bit for the
- squaring method, versus 35 to 150 cycles for directly computing the
- arctangent (on a Pentium). You can get eight bits in eighty cycles, which
- is faster than arctangent in some cases. If you need more bits, you might
- as well compute it directly. And don't forget, you only do this calculation
- once per point, not once per iteration; this makes optimizing it
- considerably less important.
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@fractalus.com>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Set Union
- Date: 21 Jan 1999 11:41:55 -0600
- Ale,
- - OK, I understand that exponentiation is expensive. But you wrote "In
- - fact, sqr(A) is faster than A*A". How could that be? I mean, I think
- - that the function sqr() acts the same as A*A, but first the parser
- - has to translate it. Doesn't it mean an expensive way of doing the
- - same thing too?
- sqr(A) returns the same result as A*A, of course. But as Collin points out,
- it is slightly faster because the calculation can be optimized a bit. The
- FractInt parser only parses the formula once, it doesn't parse it over and
- over. So the cost of parsing sqr(A) versus A*A is only incurred once.
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Paul Derbyshire <pderbysh@usa.net>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Set Union
- Date: 21 Jan 1999 13:16:06 -0500
- At 02:11 PM 1/21/99 -0300, you wrote:
- >Damien,
- >
- >OK, I understand that exponentiation is expensive. But you wrote "In fact,
- >sqr(A) is faster than A*A". How could that be? I mean, I think that the
- >function sqr() acts the same as A*A, but first the parser has to translate
- >it. Doesn't it mean an expensive way of doing the same thing too?
- No, the parser doesn't change sqr(x) into x*x and reparse it...
- it parses x*y where x=a+bi and y=c+di as (ac-bd) + (bc+ad)i, four fmuls and
- an fadd and fsub. (It doesn't care whether y=x in particular so x*x is
- still four fmuls...)
- It parses sqr(x) into (a+b)(a-b) + 2abi, which is two fmuls and two fadds
- and a fsub. (The 2ab is one fmul and a fadd since, assuming Tim Wegener
- wasn't drunk or deranged on the day he wrote that particular line of code,
- he has it actually work as ab + ab, since the add is less expensive than
- another multiply.)
- Since multiplies are the main contributors to cycle-eating in mathematical
- iterations, we highlight this as follows: x*x causes four multiples and
- sqr(x) only two. sqr(x) may be as much as twice as fast depending on how
- much more expensive fmuls are than fadds. This might depend on your
- processor of course...
- --
- .*. "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
- -() < circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
- `*' straight line." -------------------------------------------------
- -- B. Mandelbrot |http://surf.to/pgd.net
- _____________________ ____|________ Paul Derbyshire pderbysh@usa.net
- Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Paul N. Lee" <Paul.N.Lee@Worldnet.att.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) The FOTD website....
- Date: 22 Jan 1999 01:16:03 -0600
- Michael Traynor wrote:
- >
- > Paul,
- >
- > No surprise, and well deserved. Congrats.
- >
- Damien M. Jones wrote:
- >
- > Paul, Jim,
- >
- > Congratulations!
- >
- RENRAD1@aol.com wrote:
- >
- > Congratulations Paul and Jim!
- >
- Thank you (one and all) very much !!!
- The comments and praise are most welcome. :-)
- Later,
- P.N.L.
- http://www.fractalus.com/cgi-bin/theway?ring=fractals&id=43&go
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Andrew Coppin" <KHCM8AC@dmu.ac.uk>
- Subject: (fractint) Re: Alejandro Kainer's Message
- Date: 22 Jan 1999 10:25:10 GMT
- Yeh, it is nonsense. If you read the documents (I can't remember
- exactly where it says so) you'll see that the FractInt authors
- strongly warn *against* using, e.g. Q^5, and say that Q*Q*Q*Q*Q is
- raster (about 4 times faster in my experience). The reason is that
- the "^" operator is designed to work with complex number powers as
- well, which means it's programmed with an X. X. Complicated Formula.
- But never mind, and thanks for the message all the same.
- Nam et ipsa scientia potestus est!
- Andrew Orphi Coppin
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Andrew Coppin" <KHCM8AC@dmu.ac.uk>
- Subject: (fractint) MIDI
- Date: 22 Jan 1999 10:41:48 GMT
- I had a look on the semi-offical FractInt Wish List, and at the
- botton one of the Authors wrote "MIDI support requires someone who
- understands MIDI". Well, I do, so what on earth is it going to be
- used for in a graphics program?!?!
- Nam et ipsa scientia potestus est!
- Andrew Orphi Coppin
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: George Martin <GGMARTIN@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) Re: Alejandro Kainer's Message
- Date: 22 Jan 1999 09:07:23 -0500
- Ale wrote:
- >
- Yeh, it is nonsense. If you read the documents (I can't remember =
- exactly where it says so) you'll see that the FractInt authors =
- strongly warn *against* using, e.g. Q^5, and say that Q*Q*Q*Q*Q is =
- faster (about 4 times faster in my experience). The reason is that =
- the "^" operator is designed to work with complex number powers as =
- well...
- <
- This is correct. If the power is a real integer constant -1, 0, 1, or 2,
- the parser recognizes this and does not run the power function ("^"), but=
- instead runs recip, one, ident, or sqr respectively. Any other power,
- whether real, imaginary or complex, runs the power function, which is one=
- of the slowest in the arsenal. Thus real postive integers greater than tw=
- o
- are likely to run much faster if expressed as multiplication rather than
- power, e.g. X*X*X is better than x^3.
- Paul wrote:
- >
- It parses sqr(x) into (a+b)(a-b) + 2abi, which is two fmuls and two fadds=
- and a fsub. (The 2ab is one fmul and a fadd since, assuming Tim Wegener
- wasn't drunk or deranged on the day he wrote that particular line of code=
- ,
- he has it actually work as ab + ab, since the add is less expensive than
- another multiply.)
- <
- Paul is right. Here is the ASM code for the sqr function:
- fld st(0) ; x x y
- fld st(0) ; x x x y
- fmul st,st(3) ; xy x x y
- fadd st,st ; 2xy x x y
- fxch st(3) ; y x x 2xy
- fadd st(2),st ; y x x+y 2xy
- fsubp st(1),st ; x-y x+y 2xy
- fmulp st(1),st ; xx-yy 2xy
- Note line 4. This code was written by the eminently sober Chuck Ebbert. :=
- )
- George Martin
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: comdotatdotcom@csi.com
- Subject: RE: (fractint) MIDI
- Date: 22 Jan 1999 15:14 0000
- Hi Andrew
- > "MIDI support requires someone who
- >understands MIDI". Well, I do, so what on earth is it going to be
- >used for in a graphics program?!?!
- It's OK, I'm dealing with it :-) there have been a number of people
- interested in turning the chaotic orbits of fractal caculation into music
- of some sort, and since most modern sound cards include
- comprehensive wavetable support I guess folks just want their favorite
- program to use their new hardware :-)
- Cheers,
- Robin.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Bill Jemison <fishburnIII@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) MIDI
- Date: 22 Jan 1999 12:54:28 -0500
- Robin wrote:
- <there have been a number of people interested in turning the chaotic
- <orbits of fractal caculation into music of some sort,
- You can say that again! Hi Robin...this is my first day on the list.
- Anything new on the sound front?
- Bill
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Alejandro Kainer" <alejandro.kainer@usa.net>
- Subject: RE: (fractint) Re: Alejandro Kainer's Message
- Date: 22 Jan 1999 16:24:14 -0300
- Thank you, George, but I didn't write that. It was Andrew's writing. By the
- way, Andrew, did you solve your problem? Because it seems that my "little
- contribution" generated a cascade of boos!! and #@$~~~#@ that displaced your
- original question. I promise I will study my fractint lessons before I ever
- think of helping someone.
- -----Original Message-----
- De: George Martin <GGMARTIN@compuserve.com>
- Para: Blind.Copy.Receiver@compuserve.com
- <Blind.Copy.Receiver@compuserve.com>
- Fecha: Viernes 22 de Enero de 1999 15:36
- Asunto: (fractint) Re: Alejandro Kainer's Message
- Ale wrote:
- >
- Yeh, it is nonsense. If you read the documents (I can't remember
- exactly where it says so) you'll see that the FractInt authors
- strongly warn *against* using, e.g. Q^5, and say that Q*Q*Q*Q*Q is
- faster (about 4 times faster in my experience). The reason is that
- the "^" operator is designed to work with complex number powers as
- well...
- <
- This is correct. If the power is a real integer constant -1, 0, 1, or 2,
- the parser recognizes this and does not run the power function ("^"), but
- instead runs recip, one, ident, or sqr respectively. Any other power,
- whether real, imaginary or complex, runs the power function, which is one
- of the slowest in the arsenal. Thus real postive integers greater than two
- are likely to run much faster if expressed as multiplication rather than
- power, e.g. X*X*X is better than x^3.
- Paul wrote:
- >
- It parses sqr(x) into (a+b)(a-b) + 2abi, which is two fmuls and two fadds
- and a fsub. (The 2ab is one fmul and a fadd since, assuming Tim Wegener
- wasn't drunk or deranged on the day he wrote that particular line of code,
- he has it actually work as ab + ab, since the add is less expensive than
- another multiply.)
- <
- Paul is right. Here is the ASM code for the sqr function:
- fld st(0) ; x x y
- fld st(0) ; x x x y
- fmul st,st(3) ; xy x x y
- fadd st,st ; 2xy x x y
- fxch st(3) ; y x x 2xy
- fadd st(2),st ; y x x+y 2xy
- fsubp st(1),st ; x-y x+y 2xy
- fmulp st(1),st ; xx-yy 2xy
- Note line 4. This code was written by the eminently sober Chuck Ebbert. :)
- George Martin
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Xylen <mctupper@holly.colostate.edu>
- Subject: (fractint) Simply Elegant and a question
- Date: 22 Jan 1999 17:34:15 -0700
- In a recent newsletter, I learned something interesting.
- "That under orthodox Jewish law, the word "God" cannot be destroyed.
- You can't, for example, throw away a piece of paper with the word=20
- God on it--instead you have to ritually bury it or arrange for its
- storage. The inevitable question arose over what to do when computers
- are
- involved: can you erase the word from a word processing document or from
- some other digital form?=20
- Last week, one of the leading orthodox rabbis, Rabbi Moshe Shaul Klein,
- decided that it was OK to erase or delete digital versions of the word
- "God," because they did not contain the actual word, but a composition
- of 1s and 0s. If everything is binary underneath, the rabbi reasoned,
- then even the word "God" is not actually G-o-d but a series of
- numbers."--Alice Hill
- Okay, so if everything is binary, including fractals, I guess that means
- that they don't really exist. Just a bunch of 1's and 0's. But we all
- know that fractals exist, since we spend a lot of time creating them and
- coloring them. :) Now my questions is--when did fractals first exist?
- With the invention of the computer, or did they exist but we were unable
- to perceive them? Jim Muth asked where do fractals go when the power
- fails. Do they continue to exist or is it really our power of perception
- that is lost with the loss of electricity? If they exist only while on
- the screen, are we guilty of murder every time we change screens?=20
- Sorry about my rambling, but it has been too long since Jim has had a
- good philosophical post. To make up for my rambling, here is a PAR.
- Instead of seeking infinite detail and a fancy coloring algorithms, this
- one is "Simply Elegant."
- ************************
- Minimal { ; ;
- ; Dec 10, 1998 (c) Mary Tupper=20
- ; 0:00:02.58 generation time at 320x
- reset=3D1960 type=3Dmandel center-mag=3D0.0407306/0.873298/5.350562
- params=3D0/0 float=3Dy maxiter=3D2 inside=3Dstartrail
- invert=3D0.4168904722619/0/0
- colors=3D00000e0e00eee00e0eeL0eeeLLLLLzLzLLzzzLLzLzzzLzzz000555<3>HHHKKKO=
- O\
- OSSSWWW___ccchhhmmmssszzz00z<3>z0z<3>z00<3>zz0<3>0z0<3>0zz<2>0GzVVz<3>zV\
- z<3>zVV<3>zzV<3>VzV<3>Vzz<2>Vbzhhz<3>zhz<3>zhh<3>zzh<3>hzh<3>hzz<2>hlz00\
- S<3>S0S<3>S00<3>SS0<3>0S0<3>0SS<2>07SEES<3>SES<3>SEE<3>SSE<3>ESE<3>ESS<2\
- >G0G<3>G00<3>GG0<3>0G0<3>0GG<2>04G88G<2>E8GG8GG8EG8CG8AG88<2>GE8GG8EG8CG\
- }
- --=20
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Windows 98 Pentium of Borg--=94Prepare to be assimil-Gated=94
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Nature Leseul" <nleseul@zurich.crosswinds.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Simply Elegant and a question
- Date: 22 Jan 1999 19:30:08 -0600
- <<If they exist only while on
- the screen, are we guilty of murder every time we change screens? >>
- Not any more than things out the window cease to exist when you close the
- window. Fractals have been ingrained in the nature of mathematics ever since
- God decreed that 1+1=2, so they're there, no matter what.
- Which brings up another point that I've been wondering about for some
- time. If you've read Carl Sagan's novel Contact, the final scene involves
- the discovery of a message from God ingrained in the nature of the universe,
- specically in a deep decimal place in the value of pi, supposedly since God
- would want to leave His signature in something universal and apparent to any
- alien race anywhere in the universe. But the value of pi is ingrained in the
- nature of the circle, which is geometric and not purely mathematical in
- nature. It's concievable, although improbable, that an alien race could
- exist with no concept of physical shape and thus be unaware of the existence
- of the circle. Mathematics, however, is universal, and the process behind
- fractal images is purely mathematical. Fractals can be shown to include
- chaotic order and/or orderly chaos in both light and sound, and probably
- would be able to in other human senses and in alien senses as well. So a
- fractal seems like the perfect place for God to leave His "signature" in the
- universe.
- Plus, pi was fairly well known to nearly every ancient civilization on the
- planet, most of which were still fairly spiritual and faithful to their
- god(s). (Even the Bible mentions pi at one point, though it just uses the
- value of 3.) Fractals, however, cannot concievably be generated without the
- aid of computers. Computers by their nature are unlikely to be developed
- except by a race which has succeeded in unlocking a large part of the
- physical nature of the universe and is beginning to doubt its faith in God.
- If I were God, I'd want to place My signature at exactly the point where a
- race with growing science and atheism would find it and reaffirm their faith
- in a higher power. Fractals seem perfect for this purpose.
- ||===================== ||
- || --v^v-[Nature Leseul]-v^v-- ||
- || The weird guy in the corner ||
- || Dreamy Smurf ||
- || Donatello! ||
- || "Some are vicious, ||
- || some are fools, ||
- || and others blind ||
- || to see in me, ||
- || one of their kind." ||
- || -Anatoly, Endgame (Chess)||
- || "Is this off-topic or what?" ||
- ||===================== ||
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Genealogy1@aol.com
- Subject: (fractint) 3 Mandel types...
- Date: 22 Jan 1999 20:29:29 EST
- I thought these Mandel type images may interest some of you. They look best
- (too me) at resolution 1600 x 1200. I'd like UltraFractal to be able to
- handle these
- PHC formulas in the future.
- --Bob Carr--
- Carr3385 {; Clown's Face. Copyright 1999 Bob Carr
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=43hCarr.frm formulaname=Carr3385
- passes=1 center-mag=-0.000890819/0.0465995/0.8539132/1/180
- params=200/300/400/550 float=y maxiter=647 periodicity=0
- colors=000<10>00048Q45O53M<10>0kt0ow0qn<3>0wF0xG000000000wlZ<10>MF7<14>z\
- o`000700<11>b00e00f70<5>oo0<5>g70e00b00<9>70000000003F<14>Rft<4>0wF<3>K_\
- t<16>15H03F000000``U<13>zyn<14>``U000000F00<15>d00<12>800000<33>0000tX0r\
- e0qn0ow<4>1bm
- }
- Carr3385a { ; A Framed Clown. Copyright 1999 Bob Carr
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=43hCarr.frm formulaname=Carr3385
- passes=1 center-mag=0.0010622/-0.019894/0.3939572/1/180
- params=200/300/400/550 float=y maxiter=647 invert=0.25/0/0
- periodicity=0
- colors=000<10>00048Q45O53M<10>0kt0ow0qn<3>0wF0xG000000000wlZ<10>MF7<14>z\
- o`000700<11>b00e00f70<5>oo0<5>g70e00b00<9>70000000003F<14>Rft<4>0wF<3>K_\
- t<16>15H03F000000``U<13>zyn<14>``U000000F00<15>d00<2>X00000<2>000L00<4>8\
- 00000<33>0000tX0re0qn0ow<4>1bm
- }
- frm: Carr3385(YAXIS){;Modified Sylvie Gallet frm
- ;passes 1 needs to be used with this PHC formula
- pixel=(-abs(real(pixel))+flip(imag(pixel)))
- b5=flip(conj(abs((pixel*pixel))))+0.1-conj(0.1/pixel)
- b4=flip(conj(abs((pixel*pixel))))
- c=whitesq*b4-(whitesq==0)*b4
- z=whitesq*b5-(whitesq==0)*b5
- c1=1.5*z^1.2,c2=2.25*z,c3=3.375*z,c4=5.0625*z
- l1=real(p1),l2=imag(p1),l3=real(p2),l4=imag(p2),l5=300
- bailout=16,iter=0,pp2=pixel/imag(p2):
- t1=(iter==l1),t2=(iter==l2),t3=(iter==l3),t4=(iter==l4),t5=(iter==l5)
- t=1-(t1||t2||t3||t4||t5),z=z*t+0.02/pixel-0.25
- c=c*t+c1*t1+c2*t2+c3*t3+c4*t4+c5*t5+pp2+0.0009995
- z=(|z|/5)+z*z+c-0.09/pixel
- iter=iter+1
- (|real(z)|)<=bailout
- }
- Carr3386 { ; Just beautiful ! Copyright 1999 Bob Carr
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=43hCarr.frm formulaname=Carr3386
- passes=1 center-mag=-0.00131402/-0.00173241/1.404666/1/180
- params=200/300/400/550 float=y maxiter=647 periodicity=0
- colors=000<10>FIK<4>000_YS<6>OI5<6>eYJg_LiaNkcPneR<4>zpa<4>jdWgaVcZT`WSY\
- UR<6>AAK000000A3M<11>`Fw<6>5oP<10>007000000000A00<10>c00<16>A00000000UDG\
- <10>zz0<7>``9YYAXVB<6>KAJMAKOAM<12>ziF<13>K8C413000<2>BB8EFAIIDLLG<10>zy\
- n<15>UMH00000000053M<10>5Px<6>5wP<5>5Ur5Px5Ms<6>53M000000
- }
- frm: Carr3386(YAXIS){;Modified Sylvie Gallet frm
- ;passes 1 needs to be used with this PHC formula
- pixel=(-abs(real(pixel))+flip(imag(pixel)))
- b5=(((pixel^4)*(conj(pixel*1.5)))/(tanh(0.3/pixel)))-0.12
- b4=pixel/(tanh(0.3/pixel))
- c=whitesq*b4-(whitesq==0)*b4
- z=whitesq*b5^0.745-(whitesq==0)*b5
- c1=1.5*z^1.2,c2=2.25*z,c3=3.375*z,c4=5.0625*z
- l1=real(p1),l2=imag(p1),l3=real(p2),l4=imag(p2),l5=300
- bailout=16,iter=0,pp2=pixel/imag(p2):
- t1=(iter==l1),t2=(iter==l2),t3=(iter==l3),t4=(iter==l4),t5=(iter==l5)
- t=1-(t1||t2||t3||t4||t5),z=z*t+0.02/pixel-0.25
- c=c*t+c1*t1+c2*t2+c3*t3+c4*t4+c5*t5+pp2+0.0009995
- z=z*z+c
- iter=iter+1
- (|real(z)|)<=bailout
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@fractalus.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) 3 Mandel types...
- Date: 22 Jan 1999 20:12:33 -0600
- Bob,
- - I thought these Mandel type images may interest some of you. They look
- - best (too me) at resolution 1600 x 1200. I'd like UltraFractal to be
- - able to handle these PHC formulas in the future.
- Well, the reason Ultra Fractal doesn't like them has nothing to do with
- them being PHC formulas (UF handles those fine) but is because this formula
- writes a value to "pixel", which in UF is not permitted. I was able to
- rewrite Carr3386 to work, but I can't get 3385 to work yet.
- A quick look at the formula indicates you are only writing to pixel so as
- to enforce horizontal symmetry, which you only need to do in the formula
- (instead of by using the symmetry feature in FractInt) because it's a PHC
- formula and using built-in symmetry would produce a break in the dither
- pattern at the symmetry seam. The idea behind the PHC method is to
- composite two fractal shapes, at a 50/50 mix. Ultra Fractal supports this
- more effectively through layering, which can take advantage of 24-bit color
- and eliminate the PHC dithering. And, you get to pick more than just a
- 50/50 mix. Layering is like PHC, much the way a Saturn V rocket is like a
- firecracker. :-)
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: PKyleCA@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Simply Elegant and a question
- Date: 22 Jan 1999 21:39:08 EST
- In a message dated 1/22/99 5:31:50 PM Pacific Standard Time,
- nleseul@zurich.crosswinds.net writes:
- << Computers by their nature are unlikely to be developed
- except by a race which has succeeded in unlocking a large part of the
- physical nature of the universe and is beginning to doubt its faith in God.
- If I were God, I'd want to place My signature at exactly the point where a
- race with growing science and atheism would find it and reaffirm their faith
- in a higher power. Fractals seem perfect for this purpose. >>
- Amen! I like the type of fractals that show me this "signature".......
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Kerry Mitchell <lkmitch@primenet.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Simply Elegant and a question
- Date: 22 Jan 1999 19:52:34 -0700 (MST)
- On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Nature Leseul wrote:
- > Which brings up another point that I've been wondering about for some
- > time. If you've read Carl Sagan's novel Contact, the final scene involves
- > the discovery of a message from God ingrained in the nature of the universe,
- > specically in a deep decimal place in the value of pi, supposedly since God
- > would want to leave His signature in something universal and apparent to any
- > alien race anywhere in the universe. But the value of pi is ingrained in the
- > nature of the circle, which is geometric and not purely mathematical in
- > nature. It's concievable, although improbable, that an alien race could
- > exist with no concept of physical shape and thus be unaware of the existence
- > of the circle. Mathematics, however, is universal, and the process behind
- > fractal images is purely mathematical. Fractals can be shown to include
- > chaotic order and/or orderly chaos in both light and sound, and probably
- > would be able to in other human senses and in alien senses as well. So a
- > fractal seems like the perfect place for God to leave His "signature" in the
- > universe.
- Ah, but geometry is one aspect of mathematics, and pi has many
- applications in other aspects of mathematics. For example, if you have a
- set of horizontal lines on a piece of paper on a tabletop, and you drop a
- toothpick onto the paper, the probability that the toothpick will cross a
- line is related to pi. Also, pi can be found in the Mandelbrot set, in
- terms of the relationship between the number of iterations to escape and
- the distance of the point from the edge of the set.
- > Plus, pi was fairly well known to nearly every ancient civilization on the
- > planet, most of which were still fairly spiritual and faithful to their
- > god(s). (Even the Bible mentions pi at one point, though it just uses the
- > value of 3.) Fractals, however, cannot concievably be generated without the
- > aid of computers. Computers by their nature are unlikely to be developed
- > except by a race which has succeeded in unlocking a large part of the
- > physical nature of the universe and is beginning to doubt its faith in God.
- I wouldn't go that far. Fractals (not called that, of course) were know
- to mathematicians of many years ago. For example, Gaston Julia of Julia
- set fame (1800's ?) and David Hilbert, of Hilbert curve fame (early
- 1900's). Most mathematicians didn't quite know what to do with them
- (maybe something like Pythagoras not knowing how to handle irrational
- numbers), but they were certainly known.
- Also, don't underestimate the computational power of a society without
- cable tv. Log and trig tables to n decimal places have been around for
- hundreds of years, as has many decimal places of pi. Since the
- fundamental calculation involved in fractal generation is simple, most
- cultures could probably do it, should they choose to. A great deal of
- calculation has been accomplished by dedicated individuals with very
- little in the way of (modern) technology. In fact, the first "computers"
- were people, not machines, who calculated such things as projectile
- trajectories.
- Fractals, in the guise of natural objects, have been around forever, so
- it's not inconceivable that non-electronic cultures are making them.
- > If I were God, I'd want to place My signature at exactly the point where a
- > race with growing science and atheism would find it and reaffirm their faith
- > in a higher power. Fractals seem perfect for this purpose.
- If I were God, I'd probably make myself more visible to my people.
- Kerry
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Nature Leseul" <nleseul@zurich.crosswinds.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Simply Elegant and a question
- Date: 22 Jan 1999 21:01:28 -0600
- <<I wouldn't go that far. Fractals (not called that, of course) were know
- to mathematicians of many years ago. For example, Gaston Julia of Julia
- set fame (1800's ?) and David Hilbert, of Hilbert curve fame (early
- 1900's). Most mathematicians didn't quite know what to do with them
- (maybe something like Pythagoras not knowing how to handle irrational
- numbers), but they were certainly known.>>
- Right, but there were philosophers who started questioning the existence
- of God in the Renaissance.
- <<Also, don't underestimate the computational power of a society without
- cable tv. Log and trig tables to n decimal places have been around for
- hundreds of years, as has many decimal places of pi. Since the
- fundamental calculation involved in fractal generation is simple, most
- cultures could probably do it, should they choose to. A great deal of
- calculation has been accomplished by dedicated individuals with very
- little in the way of (modern) technology. In fact, the first "computers"
- were people, not machines, who calculated such things as projectile
- trajectories.>>
- Agreed, you could calculate fractals by hand, but it would take a whole
- lot of scratch paper and a very bored mathematician. And computers make it
- far easier to actually explore the full complexity of the M-set and others.
- <<If I were God, I'd probably make myself more visible to my people.>>
- Ah, but if we knew Him for sure, then that'd take all the mystery out of
- life. :-)
- ||===================== ||
- || --v^v-[Nature Leseul]-v^v-- ||
- || The weird guy in the corner ||
- || Dreamy Smurf ||
- || Donatello! ||
- || "Some are vicious, ||
- || some are fools, ||
- || and others blind ||
- || to see in me, ||
- || one of their kind." ||
- || -Anatoly, Endgame (Chess)||
- ||"Is this off-topic or what?"||
- ||===================== ||
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jim Muth <jamth@mindspring.com>
- Subject: (fractint) Re: Simply Elegant and a question
- Date: 22 Jan 1999 23:58:17 -0500 (EST)
- At 05:34 PM 1/22/99 -0700, you wrote:
- <snip>
- >Sorry about my rambling, but it has been too long since Jim has had a
- >good philosophical post.
- <snip>
- This situation will soon be remedied!
- Jim Muth
- jamth@mindspring.com
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Matthew Bennett" <bennett@btinternet.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Simply Elegant and a question
- Date: 23 Jan 1999 14:08:39 -0000
- I know some people have linked Fractals and God's existence, but I'd guess
- this sort of thing might not appeal to as many subscribers as more "down to
- earth" Fractal topics ;)
- There's no problem with the chat that's been going on so far, but I just
- thought I'd suggest it wasn't taken too far - before someone gets cross and
- fills our mail boxes with angry rubbish (you know the sort that need only
- the slightest hint of religion before releasing their "strong opinions").
- Don't forget though, I'm not saying anything that has been said so far is
- particularly unreasonable for this group (most of the stuff has been
- relevant to Fractals) - but just a warning to start changing/ending the
- topic (from previous experience with the for and against God arguments!)...
- Matt
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jim Muth <jamth@mindspring.com>
- Subject: (fractint) Re: Simply Elegant?
- Date: 23 Jan 1999 12:33:45 -0500 (EST)
- At 02:08 PM 1/23/99 -0000, Matt wrote:
- >I know some people have linked Fractals and God's existence,
- Yes they have! The connection might or might not be valid, but
- isn't it curious that the abstraction of fractal math can be
- connected in this way in some people's minds with the even more
- abstract idea some call God?
- >but I'd guess this sort of thing might not appeal to as many
- >subscribers as more "down to earth" Fractal topics ;)
- Yes it might not! As a result, I suggest we stay "down to earth"
- and limit our search to the fractal dirt instead of aspiring to
- the fractal stars. :-(
- >There's no problem with the chat that's been going on so far,
- That's because it hasn't gone anywhere yet.
- >but I just thought I'd suggest it wasn't taken too far - before
- >someone gets cross and fills our mail boxes with angry rubbish
- >(you know the sort that need only the slightest hint of religion
- >before releasing their "strong opinions").
- I suppose this implies that the Fractint group has such members.
- >Don't forget though, I'm not saying anything that has been said
- >so far is particularly unreasonable for this group (most of the
- >stuff has been relevant to Fractals) - but just a warning to [not]
- >start changing/ending the topic (from previous experience with the
- >for and against God arguments!)...
- You are right. Mankind has not yet reached the stage of maturity
- where he can intelligently and unemotionally discuss such important
- non-objective topics as religion and the philosophy of science.
- So let's stick to objectively real things such as fractals.
- Jim Muth
- jamth@mindspring.com
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Xylen <mctupper@holly.colostate.edu>
- Subject: (fractint) Re: Simply Elegant?
- Date: 23 Jan 1999 11:36:31 -0700
- > So let's stick to objectively real things such as fractals.
- But are fractals "real"? Intuitively, something isn't real unless I can
- touch it, smell it, or taste it. Yes, I can see an image of a fractal,
- but is this the real fractal itself or an artifact of 1's and 0's?
- Consider a fractal that is viewed at F3 and the "exact" same fractal
- viewed at SF3. They look different. Are they the same fractal or just a
- different arrangement of bits?
- Xylen
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Christopher Springer <santini@home.com>
- Subject: (fractint) Re: Simply Elegant and a question
- Date: 23 Jan 1999 11:03:24 -0800
- --------------4D5B890CD7BDC265C71EA918
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Matthew Bennet wrote:
- There's no problem with the chat that's been going on so far, but I just
- thought I'd suggest it wasn't taken too far - before someone gets cross
- and
- fills our mail boxes with angry rubbish (you know the sort that need
- only
- the slightest hint of religion before releasing their "strong
- opinions").
- I sympathize with Matt's position.
- BUT we should realize there is a price for "Peace in the Mailbox",
- namely that by "giving in" to the mail threat, we have allowed another
- group to control our free speech.
- I doubt any of us "want" to risk a fight with anybody, but if we let our
- tongues be tied today regarding Fractals and God, on what will
- we allow them to be tied tomorrow??? And by whom???
- Now I'm no hacker, and only have about four months experience on the
- Internet, but if every item of email was date stamped upon reciept
- and a full copy mailed back to the sender, this would serve
- two useful purposes: First, acknowledgement of receipt. Second, anyone
- trying to hose another with ludicrous email would equally hose himself.
- Any thoughts???
- Chris Springer
- --------------4D5B890CD7BDC265C71EA918
- Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- <HTML>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Matthew Bennet wrote:</FONT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"></FONT>
- <P><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">There's no problem with the chat that's been going
- on so far, but I just</FONT>
- <BR><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">thought I'd suggest it wasn't taken too far -
- before someone gets cross and</FONT>
- <BR><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">fills our mail boxes with angry rubbish (you
- know the sort that need only</FONT>
- <BR><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">the slightest hint of religion before releasing
- their "strong opinions").</FONT>
- <P>I sympathize with Matt's position.
- <P>BUT we should realize there is a price for "Peace in the Mailbox",
- <BR>namely that by "giving in" to the mail threat, we have allowed another
- <BR>group to control our free speech.
- <P>I doubt any of us "want" to risk a fight with anybody, but if we let
- our
- <BR>tongues be tied today regarding Fractals and God, on what will
- <BR>we allow them to be tied tomorrow??? And by whom???
- <P>Now I'm no hacker, and only have about four months experience on the
- <BR>Internet, but if every item of email was date stamped upon reciept
- <BR>and a full copy mailed back to the sender, this would serve
- <BR>two useful purposes: First, acknowledgement of receipt. Second, anyone
- <BR>trying to hose another with ludicrous email would equally hose himself.
- <P>Any thoughts???
- <P>Chris Springer</HTML>
- --------------4D5B890CD7BDC265C71EA918--
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@fractalus.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Simply Elegant?
- Date: 23 Jan 1999 13:08:54 -0600
- Xylen,
- - But are fractals "real"? Intuitively, something isn't real unless I can
- - touch it, smell it, or taste it.
- Not true. These are *physical* aspects. Is love real? How about hate?
- Fractals are as "real" as any other abstract concept. Arguing whether
- fractals are "real" seems rather silly to me, an excuse to sound
- philosophical. :-) The very definition of "abstract" is "considered apart
- from concrete existence".
- - Consider a fractal that is viewed at F3 and the "exact" same fractal
- - viewed at SF3. They look different. Are they the same fractal or just
- - a different arrangement of bits?
- They are two approximations of the same abstract object. Although we can
- never achieve a precise physical representation of the object, that doesn't
- mean the abstract object "does not exist".
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@fractalus.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Simply Elegant and a question
- Date: 23 Jan 1999 13:23:43 -0600
- Chris,
- - BUT we should realize there is a price for "Peace in the Mailbox",
- - namely that by "giving in" to the mail threat, we have allowed another
- - group to control our free speech.
- You err in _assuming_ you have a right to free speech on this mailing list.
- Tim is the list administrator; he is within his rights to squelch any
- discussion at any time, ultimately by removing the participants from the
- subscriber list if necessary. That he generally lets the discussion wander
- where it will, without too much restriction, is our good fortune in having
- such a benevolent moderator. And ultimately, since this list is run on
- Xmission's servers, they have the option of suspending the entire list if
- they so choose.
- We have freedom in this forum to discuss what we want, subject to the
- overriding decisions of Tim and Xmission. (Although I don't think Xmission
- monitors the list.) So while you have the freedom to say what you want, you
- don't necessarily have the freedom to use this forum to do it. If you don't
- like the forum, you have the freedom to set up your own.
- PLEASE NOTE: I'm not saying Tim will censor us! I'm not saying he should or
- shouldn't! I'm just saying that before we rally behind the cry of "free
- speech" we should understand what we're really getting into. I've read the
- discussion with interest, even though I don't necessarily agree with the
- participants.
- - Now I'm no hacker, and only have about four months experience on the
- - Internet, but if every item of email was date stamped upon reciept
- - and a full copy mailed back to the sender, this would serve
- - two useful purposes: First, acknowledgement of receipt. Second, anyone
- - trying to hose another with ludicrous email would equally hose himself.
- Nice thought, except for a few problems. First, you instantly *double* the
- mail load on the Internet. This is a bad idea; the net is already heavily
- loaded. :) Second, you double the amount of mail everybody receives. Third,
- what about mailing lists like this one? If I post a message to this list,
- should I receive "your message was read on Thursday" notices from every one
- of the hundreds of subscribers? Please, no.
- Oh, and you might want to refrain from using HTML-formatted mail when
- posting to a mailing list. There are still quite a few situations where it
- renders your mail totally unreadable.
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Hackberg91@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) MIDI
- Date: 23 Jan 1999 15:03:41 EST
- Hi folks.
- Fractals and music is an interesting topic and there are some serious attemps
- there (I know some Germans and some US Americans) to make the orbits audible
- and to get these series of notes into something like a piece. As I don't have
- the URLs at hand, please let'em serach with "fractal music" and you'll get a
- real lot valuable stuff.
- What I am interested in is a way to transform linear fractals into waveforms
- to beplayed by a soundcard. If anyone would like to communicate on that,
- please email me. Thank you.
- And many thanks to all the contributors who made my screen glow in ever
- renewed beauty.
- Michael Hackenberger
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Simply Elegant and a question
- Date: 23 Jan 1999 14:11:00 -0600
- Damien wrote:
- > You err in _assuming_ you have a right to free speech on this mailing list.
- > Tim is the list administrator; he is within his rights to squelch any
- > discussion at any time, ultimately by removing the participants from the
- > subscriber list if necessary.
- Darn tootin I can and will squelch discussion and boot list
- members if I see fit :-)
- > That he generally lets the discussion wander
- > where it will, without too much restriction, is our good fortune in having
- > such a benevolent moderator.
- My only concern is that this list be useful for the members. That
- means keeping reasonably on topic. The reason for this is that the
- traffic is high, and the more off topic messages there are, the less
- useful the list is for it's intended purpose. Otherwise I see little
- reason to use a heavy hand to try to control what list members
- write. Over the life of the list there has been very little trouble. From
- time to time I have nudged folks to stay on topic.
- The topic is fractals and fractint. It can wander a bit into related
- topics such as philosophy or computer issues related to fractal
- images.
- Everybody should be clear that there is no "free speech" on this
- list. The list is for discussion of fractals and fractint, and not other
- subjects. But quite frankly we are all mature folks here and
- policing on my part is unnecessary and won't happen without good
- cause. I expect everybody understands why the list has the most
- utility if we stay on topic.
- FWIW I hereby declare mail bombing etc. as off topic. This should
- be obvious to everybody. If folks want to talk about philosophy or
- religion with regard to fractals, that is OK with me, within the limits
- of what is of interest to most list members. I would ask that anyone
- who posts a message on any subject do a sanilty check on
- themselves and make sure sure their posting has a reasonable
- chance of being of interest to many of the list members. Postings
- of limited general interest should go as emails to specific folks you
- know are interested.
- Tim
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jim Muth <jamth@mindspring.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Simply Elegant?
- Date: 23 Jan 1999 15:15:36 -0500 (EST)
- At 11:36 AM 1/23/99 -0700, you wrote:
- >
- >
- >> So let's stick to objectively real things such as fractals.
- >
- >But are fractals "real"? Intuitively, something isn't real unless I can
- >touch it, smell it, or taste it. <snip>
- >
- >Xylen
- Precisely correct! My sentence is intentional irony.
- Mankind constantly handles abstract concepts that are not
- "real" in the physical sense, yet most certainly do exist.
- If we give these concepts names such as: "love", "honor",
- or "fractals", there is no contention. It is only when we
- begin applying names such as "God", "Heaven", or "the human
- soul that survives death" to our abstract concepts that the
- contention arises. Why are mere labels so important?
- There obviously is a connection between the idea of fractals
- and the idea of God, since both are abstractions. But I
- don't feel that this list is the place to discuss the topic.
- Maybe we need a separate mailing list to discuss the
- philosophical aspect of fractals. But if fractals had no
- philosophical aspect, I would have grown tired of them 10
- years ago.
- Jim Muth
- jamth@mindspring.com
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Xylen <mctupper@holly.colostate.edu>
- Subject: (fractint) Re: Simply Elegant?
- Date: 23 Jan 1999 13:47:14 -0700
- Jim Muth wrote:
- > Maybe we need a separate mailing list to discuss the
- > philosophical aspect of fractals. But if fractals had no
- > philosophical aspect, I would have grown tired of them 10
- > years ago.
- I heartily agree with you on the philosophical aspects of fractals. I
- can't look at a fractal without trying to understand it and anything it
- may represent. This goes beyond just trying to title a fractal.=20
- Your FOTD essays have generated a lot of philosophical discussions,
- including subjects like GOD, reality, and their relationship to
- fractals. There also seems to be several people that like to comment on
- or just read the discussion on these ideas. I wonder if it would be
- possible to talk Tim into creating another mailing list, or perhaps
- somebody else has an idea on where such a mailing list could be created.
- Xylen
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Windows 98 Pentium of Borg--=94Prepare to be assimil-Gated=94
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: PKyleCA@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Simply Elegant?
- Date: 23 Jan 1999 16:20:00 EST
- In a message dated 1/23/99 12:49:11 PM Pacific Standard Time,
- mctupper@holly.colostate.edu writes:
- << I can't look at a fractal without trying to understand it and anything it
- may represent. This goes beyond just trying to title a fractal. >>
- I don't know about others, but some fractals really are interesting, while
- others are not the slightest bit interesting at all... at first I thought it
- might be the color maps, then I realized it was more the intricacy and
- complexity vs the simplicity. Hard to explain, but some fractals 'have it'
- and some 'don't'.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@fractalus.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Simply Elegant?
- Date: 23 Jan 1999 15:56:26 -0600
- Xylen,
- - There also seems to be several people that like to comment on
- - or just read the discussion on these ideas. I wonder if it would be
- - possible to talk Tim into creating another mailing list, or perhaps
- - somebody else has an idea on where such a mailing list could be
- - created.
- I can create such a list, if there is interest. I thought about whether
- this sort of discussion is appropriate for the Fractal-Art list, and I
- don't think it is. I'm not sure another list will survive long, once the
- current surge of interest dies, but I don't have any objections to setting
- up the list if someone else wants to actually administer it. (i.e. deal
- with unsubscribing people whose addresses fail, etc--and of course keeping
- the discussion on topic and squelching nuisances. :)
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jim Muth <jamth@mindspring.com>
- Subject: (fractint) Re: Simply Elegant?
- Date: 23 Jan 1999 19:22:55 -0500 (EST)
- At 03:56 PM 1/23/99 -0600, Damien Jones wrote:
- >I'm not sure another list will survive long, once the current
- >surge of interest [in fractal philosophy] dies, but I don't have
- >any objections to setting up the list if someone else wants to
- >actually administer it.
- I also fear that a fractal philosophy list would come on with a
- burst of activity and then die a lingering death. Tim seems
- willing to admit the topic of fractal philosophy onto this list
- -- as long as we don't start fighting among ourselves. What we
- want to avoid is the anger that so often arises whenever matters
- of religion and Atheism are discussed. Unfortunately, in my
- experience, this is nearly impossible to do.
- See you in the FOTD.
- Jim Muth
- jamth@mindspring.com
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Shauna Jones" <shauna@aloha.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) MIDI
- Date: 23 Jan 1999 15:12:49 -1000
- On 23 Jan 99 at 15:03, Hackberg91@aol.com wrote:
- > Fractals and music is an interesting topic and there are
- > some serious attemps there (I know some Germans and some
- > US Americans) to make the orbits audible and to get
- > these series of notes into something like a piece. As I
- > don't have the URLs at hand, please let'em serach with
- > "fractal music" and you'll get a real lot valuable
- > stuff. What I am interested in is a way to transform
- > linear fractals into waveforms to beplayed by a
- > soundcard. If anyone would like to communicate on that,
- > please email me. Thank you. And many thanks to all the
- > contributors who made my screen glow in ever renewed
- > beauty. Michael Hackenberger
- There are some links to fractal music info at our web
- site ... <http://www.aloha.net/~shauna/fractals.html>.
- Another blast of bits from David
- http://www.aloha.net/~shauna/ http://www.hawastsoc.org/
- For the best Hawaii & Pacific Basin surf forecast: mailto:hisurf@aloha.net
- Random Thought for this Nanosecond
- Cowboys always died with their boots on because if they took them off everybody *else* would die. (D.Jones)
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Shauna Jones" <shauna@aloha.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Simply Elegant and a question
- Date: 23 Jan 1999 15:12:50 -1000
- On 22 Jan 99 at 19:30, Nature Leseul wrote:
- > Fractals, however, cannot concievably be generated
- > without the aid of computers.
- Sure they could, although it could well take hundreds of
- years to generate one. But humanity has completed other
- projects which took hundreds of years, such as building
- cathedrals. In fact, you could say that building present
- day cultures has taken thousands of years. Remember also
- that the original meaning of the word "computer" was a
- person who performed mathematical calculations.
- Another blast of bits from David
- http://www.aloha.net/~shauna/ http://www.hawastsoc.org/
- For the best Hawaii & Pacific Basin surf forecast: mailto:hisurf@aloha.net
- Random Thought for this Nanosecond
- The real problem with cloning programmers is the difficulty of genetically engineering the silicon portions. (D.Jones)
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: wdecker@csc.com
- Subject: (fractint) Spines and rivers
- Date: 23 Jan 1999 20:19:19 -0500
- Usually I post related pars but this time I feel like posting images that
- go in wildly different directions.
- The Spines par is in a series of plastic, rounded forms. Gradual changes in
- the color map produce highlights and muted depths.
- The river view series of pars is something I have just started to wander
- through. I imagine folded hills covered with cultivated fields, ponds in
- valleys, pathways or rustic roads meandering.
- Bill Decker
- spines3 { ; (c) Bill Decker Jan 22, 1999 t= 0:00:58.00
- ; on P100 1024x768
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm
- formulaname=bills_xy-trade4 function=abs/atanh passes=1
- center-mag=-2.22045e-015/-1.77636e-015/0.3657358/1/90
- params=-3/1/4/3/50/2000 float=y logmode=fly potential=255/30/0
- colors=000HTE<7>BPBAOAAOAAOA<18>6E66E66D65C56C58C5<2>CE6DF6EG7GH8<13>__I\
- ``J``J<25>j`ck`dk`ek_ejZdiYc<24>T8PS6OS6O<31>gPThQThRTiSTiTT<31>yxxzzzzz\
- y<29>llWkkUkkU<36>IUF
- }
- riparian-view { ; (c) Bill Decker Jan 22, 1999 t= 0:01:26.45
- ; on P100 1024x768
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm
- formulaname=gallet-9-02 function=sin/acosh passes=1
- center-mag=1.45718/-0.57671/0.6023617/8/90 params=4/2/20/5/-1/1
- float=y logmode=fly potential=255/500/0 rseed=-2436
- colors=000B0B<7>F0FF0FG1GG2G<27>UUUVVVWVVXWWYWW<27>yiizjjzjjzkk<29>zzzER\
- Ezzy<28>llYkkXkkXjjX<28>XXXWWWWWWVWVVWV<27>HWHGVGGVGFUFFTF<27>1110000000\
- 00<19>A0A
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Morgan L. Owens" <packrat@nznet.gen.nz>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Simply Elegant?
- Date: 24 Jan 1999 15:48:01 +1300
- At 13:08 23/01/99 -0600, Damien M. Jones wrote:
- >Xylen,
- >
- > - But are fractals "real"? Intuitively, something isn't real unless I can
- > - touch it, smell it, or taste it.
- >
- >Not true. These are *physical* aspects. Is love real? How about hate?
- >Fractals are as "real" as any other abstract concept. Arguing whether
- >fractals are "real" seems rather silly to me, an excuse to sound
- >philosophical. :-) The very definition of "abstract" is "considered apart
- >from concrete existence".
- >
- > - Consider a fractal that is viewed at F3 and the "exact" same fractal
- > - viewed at SF3. They look different. Are they the same fractal or just
- > - a different arrangement of bits?
- >
- >They are two approximations of the same abstract object. Although we can
- >never achieve a precise physical representation of the object, that doesn't
- >mean the abstract object "does not exist".
- >
- >Damien M. Jones \\
- >
- After all, _all_ of these experiences (fractals, tastes, hate and so on),
- are the outcome (somehow) of the working of our brains. All of them have
- the same physical existence as variations in the electrical and chemical
- dynamics of the subject's brain.
- Thing is, there's only so much brainpower to go round in any given person
- (some more than others, but still: what you've got is what you've got). So
- how are fractals treated by the brain? When you're contemplating a fractal,
- are the parts of your brain that are the most active the same as or working
- with parts that respond particularly to music? Vision? Trees? The concept
- of God? Modern brain scanning techniques may well put some meat on what is
- here just a stick-figure idea.
- It may be that fractals have such a profound effect on so many people with
- all sorts of outlooks on life has something to do with our brains just
- happening to be wired up to appreciate them? Not because they're fractals,
- but because they're so much like (neurologically speaking) things we're
- already bred to find fascinating?
- And if so, what guarantee would we have that another intelligence (aliens,
- for short) would find the things at all interesting?
- Morgan
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Gedeon Peteri <gedeon@InfoAve.Net>
- Subject: (fractint) updated web site
- Date: 24 Jan 1999 01:06:11 -0500
- I completely revised and updated the Euler Gallery at my Geocities web
- site with true color multilayered fractals. I hope you enjoy your visit.
- Gedeon
- --
- Fractals: http://www.geocities.com/~gedeonp/index.html
- Member Infinite Fractal Loop
- Last updated: January 23, 1999 - updated Euler Gallery
- Photography: http://members.xoom.com/gedeonp/index.html
- Last updated: November 8, 1998
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Wayne Kiely" <kiely+co@riverland.net.au>
- Subject: (fractint) ParToBat
- Date: 24 Jan 1999 22:10:24 +1030
- Anybody had problems running ParToBat from Windows 98?
- Last night I simply could not get it to work - not from Windows, from the
- Windows DOS prompt or after rebooting to DOS and trying it from various
- directories. All I could ever get was "Runtime error 200 @ 0356:0091" -
- whatever I tried.
- Tonight no problems - same files, same directories???
- Gremlins.
- Wayne
- BTW I'm impressed with the way '98 handles video mapping. I can now generate
- images in SF7 mode and swap back and forth to other programs and not
- have a garbled Fractint screen when I return. Saves generating them
- in Video Mode and converting back to SF7 later.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Les St Clair" <les_stclair@crosstrees.prestel.co.uk>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) 3 Mandel types...
- Date: 24 Jan 1999 15:53:26 -0000
- Hi Bob,
- >I thought these Mandel type images may interest some of you.
- Nice to see you posting here. Really nice images too!
- cheers, Les
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Les St Clair" <les_stclair@crosstrees.prestel.co.uk>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) ParToBat
- Date: 24 Jan 1999 16:34:38 -0000
- Hi Wayne,
- >Anybody had problems running ParToBat from Windows 98?
- >
- >Last night I simply could not get it to work - not from Windows, from the
- >Windows DOS prompt or after rebooting to DOS and trying it from various
- >directories. All I could ever get was "Runtime error 200 @ 0356:0091" -
- You probably need the new version of partobat (v3.5), designed to run on very
- fast machines. You can get a copy from Jo Weber's page at:
- http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/joweber/jo_01.htm
- cheers, Les
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Jason Hine" <tumnus@together.net>
- Subject: (fractint) Fractosophy List? (was Re: Simply Elegant)
- Date: 24 Jan 1999 14:26:05 -0500
- > > There also seems to be several people that like to comment on
- > > or just read the discussion on these ideas. I wonder if it would be
- > > possible to talk Tim into creating another mailing list, or perhaps
- > > somebody else has an idea on where such a mailing list could be
- > > created.
- >
- Damien replied:
- >I can create such a list, if there is interest. I thought about whether
- >this sort of discussion is appropriate for the Fractal-Art list, and I
- >don't think it is. I'm not sure another list will survive long, once the
- >current surge of interest dies, but I don't have any objections to setting
- >up the list if someone else wants to actually administer it. (i.e. deal
- >with unsubscribing people whose addresses fail, etc--and of course keeping
- >the discussion on topic and squelching nuisances. :)
- I would like to see such a list created; one where the long-winded nature of
- fractal philosophy discussions could reach its potential. As far as the current
- interest in this thread dwindling, I suspect the list traffic would surge and
- calm as most lists do, but at least the list would be there for the surges; it
- would also give individuals interested in philosophy, but not so much in the
- workings of Fractint, a fractal-related list they might like to subscribe to.
- Hopefully, Jim Muth would post his FOTD there, providing a minimum of traffic
- and philosophy at all times!
- Jason Hine
- net.together@tumnus
- "Whoa - strike that; reverse it; that's better!"
- - Willy Wonka
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: wdecker@csc.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Spines and rivers
- Date: 24 Jan 1999 15:18:26 -0500
- The other day I posted a par (reposted below) that reminded me of views of
- a river country. Since then I've found a few more that please me. I like
- the gray and tan areas that remind me of sandy soil. The neat rows that
- seem to be orchards or vineyards. Dark lakes and meandering waterways and
- roads.
- This series has been instructive in learning another Fractint tool. The
- initial view of each of the fractals was flat and (if you think of them as
- landscapes) from directly overhead. With some experimenting with the
- x-magnification parameter, I was able to create views that were more akin
- to views from less lofty heights; from scenic overlooks if you will. (Type
- z, F6 to get to the screen with x-mag. If you rotate the image you will
- probably want to type z, F6, F4 to reset the x-mag.)
- Bill Decker
- riparian-view { ; (c) Bill Decker Jan 22, 1999 t= 0:01:26.45
- ; on P100 1024x768
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm
- formulaname=gallet-9-02 function=sin/acosh passes=1
- center-mag=1.45718/-0.57671/0.6023617/8/90 params=4/2/20/5/-1/1
- float=y logmode=fly potential=255/500/0 rseed=-2436
- colors=000B0B<7>F0FF0FG1GG2G<27>UUUVVVWVVXWWYWW<27>yiizjjzjjzkk<29>zzzER\
- Ezzy<28>llYkkXkkXjjX<28>XXXWWWWWWVWVVWV<27>HWHGVGGVGFUFFTF<27>1110000000\
- 00<19>A0A
- }
- riparian-view2 { ; (c) Bill Decker Jan 23, 1999 t= 0:01:05.74
- ; on P150 800x600
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm
- formulaname=gallet-9-02 function=sin/sin passes=1
- center-mag=-0.220275/0.656093/3.205128/4/40 params=4/2/20/5/-1/1
- float=y logmode=fly potential=255/500/0 rseed=-2436
- colors=000303<23>F0FF0FG1GG2G<27>UUUVVVVVWWWXWWY<27>iiyjjzjjzkkz<30>zzzz\
- zzyyz<28>kkzkkzjjyjjx<28>WWWWWWVWVVWVVWV<26>HWHGVGGVGFUFFTF<27>111000000\
- 000<3>202
- }
- riparian-view3 { ; (c) Bill Decker Jan 24, 1999 t= 0:00:32.24
- ; on P150 800x600
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm
- formulaname=gallet-9-02 function=cosxx/cosxx passes=1
- center-mag=-2.97223/0.0597456/0.4651498/7/39.999
- params=4/2/20/5/-1/1 float=y logmode=fly potential=255/250/0
- rseed=-2436
- colors=000<30>F0FF0FG1GG2G<27>UUUVVVWVVXWWYWW<27>yiizjjzjjzkk<29>zzzzzzz\
- }
- riparian-view4 { ; (c) Bill Decker Jan 24, 1999 t= 0:01:05.85
- ; on P150 800x600
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm
- formulaname=gallet-9-02 function=sin/cosxx passes=1
- center-mag=-0.633341/-0.145475/0.7222892/8/-37.5
- params=4/2/20/5/-1/1 float=y logmode=fly potential=255/500/0
- rseed=-2436
- colors=000<30>F0FF0FG1GG2G<27>UUUVVVWVVXWWYWW<27>yiizjjzjjzkk<29>zzzzzzz\
- }
- ;
- ; Most of the time when I post pars based on formulas found in
- ; frac_ml.frm I do not post the formula.
- ; However, I've had several people ask me to post the formulas
- ; becuse they are unaware of where frac_ml.frm is available.
- ;
- ; You can find frac_ml.frm at
- ;
- ; http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Les_StClair/fml.htm
- ;
- frm:Gallet-9-02 { ; Sylvie Gallet, sylvie_gallet@compuserve.com, Aug 1997
- ; Bailout: real part of p2 (must be > 0)
- ; Real and Imag parts of p1 must be > 0
- ; Imag part of p2 must be non-zero
- ; Use periodicity=0
- z1 = c = pixel , mz1 = cabs(fn2(z1)) , k = real(p1)*mz1
- bailout = real(p2) , z = imag(p1) :
- z1 = z1*z1 + c
- z1 = fn1(real(z1)) + flip(imag(z1)) , mz1 = cabs(z1)
- if (mz1 <= k)
- z1 = (z1 + 1) * p3 , mz1 = cabs(z1)
- endif
- if (mz1 < imag(p1))
- z = z1^imag(p2)
- endif
- mz1 <= bailout
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: JoWeber <JoWeber@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) ParToBat
- Date: 24 Jan 1999 15:57:47 -0500
- Hi Les & Wayne,
- my site has been moved to
- http://www.joweber.com.
- =46rom there you can reach the download area.
- Cheers --Jo Weber--
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "P.J. Bakker" <pbakker@westbrabant.net>
- Subject: (fractint) fractals and music
- Date: 25 Jan 1999 00:49:42 +0100
- Dear fractal lovers,
- I just followed the discussion for some days and now I found something of
- which at least some you might interest: mid files based on the Gingerbread
- fractal.
- I really enjoy the 'strange' sound of the jazz.mid
- Have a nice hour! and here is the address:
- http://users1.ee.net/pmason/music2.html
- Peter Bakker, e-mail: pbakker@westbrabant.net
- tel/fax: +31(0)164 239637
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: JoWeber <JoWeber@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) ParToBat-wrong address
- Date: 24 Jan 1999 19:52:54 -0500
- Hi Les & Wayne,
- >>my site has been moved to
- >>http://www.joweber.com - wrong, correct is
- http://www.joweber.de
- Cheers --Jo--
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "John Wilson" <johnw@netpointer.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Fractosophy List?
- Date: 24 Jan 1999 17:50:42 -0800
- -----Original Message-----
- >> > There also seems to be several people that like to comment
- on
- >> > or just read the discussion on these ideas. I wonder if it
- would be
- >> > possible to talk Tim into creating another mailing list, or
- perhaps
- >> > somebody else has an idea on where such a mailing list could
- be
- >> > created.
- This sort of mailing list is a natural for
- http://www.egroups.com/ It's
- free, spam-free and already has a couple of philosophy lists,
- (mostly
- jobs, meetings and calls for papers).
- John Wilson
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Benjamin S. Franzus" <bfranzus@stc.net>
- Subject: (fractint) Re: Fractals and G_d
- Date: 24 Jan 1999 23:41:10 -0500
- <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
- <html>
- <body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#3366FF" vlink="#800040" alink="#000099">
- Simple solution: Note the spelling in the subject area.
- <br>This is how most of us really religious types deal with not spelling
- the word, and as for the rest:
- <br>anyone intelligent enough to play with fractals, knows that there must
- be a greater power.
- <p>I include this little poem in the parameters to remind myself.
- <br>Stupid, but what the hell.
- <p> Thank you Lord for giving me
- <br> The incredible ability
- <br> To make machines that can see
- <br> Your mathematical subtlety.
- <br>
- <blockquote TYPE=CITE>I doubt any of us "want" to risk a fight with anybody,
- but if we let our
- <br>tongues be tied today regarding Fractals and God, on what will
- <br>we allow them to be tied tomorrow??? And by whom???
- <p>Now I'm no hacker, and only have about four months experience on the
- <br>Internet, but if every item of email was date stamped upon reciept
- <br>and a full copy mailed back to the sender, this would serve
- <br>two useful purposes: First, acknowledgement of receipt. Second, anyone
- <br>trying to hose another with ludicrous email would equally hose himself.
- <p>Any thoughts???
- <p>Chris Springer</blockquote>
- </body>
- </html>
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Wayne Kiely" <kiely+co@riverland.net.au>
- Subject: (fractint) Re: ParToBat problems
- Date: 26 Jan 1999 01:11:11 +1030
- Les and Jo,
- Many thanks for your help.
- Regards,
- Wayne
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Ken Childress <kchildre@uccs.jpl.nasa.gov>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Simply Elegant and a question
- Date: 25 Jan 1999 08:50:07 -0800 (PST)
- >
- > Plus, pi was fairly well known to nearly every ancient civilization on the
- > planet, most of which were still fairly spiritual and faithful to their
- > god(s). (Even the Bible mentions pi at one point, though it just uses the
- > value of 3.)
- Actually, I've heard an explanation of the verse in question that showed
- that the value of Pi was not 3, but a very accurate representation of
- the actual value of Pi. Unfortunately, I cannot recall the details well
- enough to present them here. Should anyone be interested in specific
- details, please email me privately, and I'll try to locate the reference
- of the explanation.
- Ken...
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) New UF Galleries
- Date: 25 Jan 1999 12:37:15 -0500
- Hi All,
- I just reorganized my web site and added two Ultra Fractal galleries (#=
- 8
- and 9). The "Fractal of the Week" gallery (#4) will now have only the la=
- st
- twelve FOTWs.
- Enjoy!
- - Sylvie
- E-mail:
- Sylvie_Gallet@CompuServe.com
- Visit my exhibit at Museum of Computer Art:
- http://www.dorsai.org/~moca/
- My Fractal Galleries:
- http://spanky.triumf.ca/www/fractint/sylvie/gallet.html
- http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Sylvie_Gallet/homepage.htm
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "J.P. Louvet" <louvet@iuta.u-bordeaux.fr>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) New UF Galleries
- Date: 25 Jan 1999 19:05:03 +1
- le 25 Jan 99 a 12:37, Sylvie Gallet ecrivait (Sylvie Gallet wrote) :
- > I just reorganized my web site and added two Ultra Fractal galleries
- > (#8
- > and 9). The "Fractal of the Week" gallery (#4) will now have only the
- > last twelve FOTWs.
- >
- Sylvie,
- Wonderful, as usually, but I was very intrigued by the fern in the lower
- row of page 8.
- Jean-Pierre
- J.P. Louvet | Phone : (33)56-84-58-35
- IUT Universite Bordeaux I | email : louvet@iuta.u-bordeaux.fr
- 33405 Talence CEDEX France | email : louvet@hs-serveur.iuta.u-bordeaux.fr
- Fractales sur serveur Web Universite Bordeaux I :
- http://graffiti.cribx1.u-bordeaux.fr/MAPBX/louvet/jpl0.html
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Fliguer, Miguel" <M_Fliguer@miniphone.com.ar>
- Subject: (fractint) Franktal Gallery - Issue #3
- Date: 25 Jan 1999 15:22:30 -0300
- Your attention, please, this is an important public announcement...
- The January issue (#3) of the Franktal Gallery is hot off the press.
- It features a Zappafractals special, a bunch of images from my A0
- formula, and lots of miscellaneous fractalettes for your viewing
- pleasure.
- Enjoy ! And please let me know your reactions.
- You have been warned.
- > Miguel Fliguer - Buenos Aires, Argentina
- > Franktal Gallery (Shut Up And Draw Yer Fractals)
- > http://members.xoom.com/fliguer/franktal.html
- >
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) New UF Galleries
- Date: 25 Jan 1999 17:03:33 -0500
- Bonjour Jean-Pierre,
- >> Wonderful, as usually, but I was very intrigued by the fern in the low=
- er
- >> row of page 8.
- Thank you! The fern was made with a Fractint formula created from one =
- of
- my IFS. The original colored version is in Gallery 4.
- Here are the formulas and pars:
- sg_ifs_45 { ; sylvie_gallet@compuserve.com, Nov 98
- ; ported from Fdesign
- 0.409445 0.635563 0.699769 -0.364293 -1.362228 6.947697 0.6
- 0.440026 -0.218392 0.413335 0.376756 -3.087240 3.169590 0.25
- 0.107881 0.438639 0.084792 0.257114 -5.570585 1.155089 0.15
- }
- SG_ifs_45 { ; . t=3D 0:06:54=
- .59
- ; Copyright Sylvie Gallet, Nov 21, 1998
- ; <sylvie_gallet@compuserve.com>
- ; t=3Dcalc time using a PII 300 at 1600 x 1200
- reset=3D1960 type=3Difs ifsfile=3Dgallet.ifs ifs=3Dsg_ifs_45 passes=3D1=
- center-mag=3D+0.00637816999999963/+5.00474550000000000/0.1868814/0.9998=
- /7.\
- 465 params=3D0 float=3Dy maxiter=3D10000
- colors=3DzzzFSD<5>iiBnlBtpAzt9<9>AT1<10>Pa1Qa1Qa1<32>JZ7<8>0P8<6>000<8>=
- R50\
- U60V70W90YA0ZC0<46>n`GoaHn_FmYClW9<2>eO2<5>A00<13>XH0YI0YI0<17>lT5mU6nU=
- 6\
- nU6<61>UF0
- }
- sg_ifs_45_J{
- a0=3D0.40944,b0=3D0.63556,c0=3D0.69977,d0=3D-0.36429,
- a1=3D0.44003,b1=3D-0.21839,c1=3D0.41333,d1=3D0.37676,
- a2=3D0.10788,b2=3D0.43864,c2=3D0.08479,d2=3D0.25711,
- al0=3D-0.59391,k0=3D3.91945,l0=3D-3.79794,
- al1=3D0.25605,k1=3D0.47092,l1=3D-2.67077,
- al2=3D-0.00946,k2=3D1.93894,l2=3D-0.59695,
- z=3Dpixel:
- x=3Dreal(z)
- y=3Dimag(z)
- o0=3D(d0*x-b0*y+k0)/al0+flip((-c0*x+a0*y+l0)/al0)
- op0=3D|o0-p2|
- o1=3D(d1*x-b1*y+k1)/al1+flip((-c1*x+a1*y+l1)/al1)
- op1=3D|o1-p2|
- o2=3D(d2*x-b2*y+k2)/al2+flip((-c2*x+a2*y+l2)/al2)
- op2=3D|o2-p2|
- IF (op0<op1 && op0<op2)
- z=3Do0
- ELSEIF (op1<op0 && op1<op2)
- z=3Do1
- ELSEIF (op2<op1 && op2<op0)
- z=3Do2
- |z|<=3Dp1
- }
- 6GIFS45J.GIF { ; . t=3D 0:05:47=
- .73
- ; Copyright Sylvie Gallet, Dec 24, 1998
- ; <sylvie_gallet@compuserve.com>
- ; t=3Dcalc time using a PII 300 at 1600 x 1200
- reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dfractint.frm
- formulaname=3Dsg_ifs_45_j passes=3D1
- center-mag=3D-0.144195/4.71538/0.1811085/1/7.499 params=3D1000/0/0/14
- float=3Dy maxiter=3D511 inside=3D0 decomp=3D256
- colors=3DO60R90TC0VF4XI8YKA_MDaOG<10>zwzywz<11>intgnsgns<27>LT_KSZKRYKR=
- Y<1\
- 4>5IN5IN6IN<28>KRWLSXLSXMSYMTY<73>vvuwwvwwtwws<63>M30
- cyclerange=3D0/255
- }
- Au revoir,
- - Sylvie
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jeff Field <jfield@clark.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) MIDI
- Date: 25 Jan 1999 20:22:09 -0500 (EST)
- There's an interesting demonstration of fractals and music on the
- Discovery Channel's web site:
- http://www.discovery.com/stories/technology/fractals/fractals.html
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Gedeon Peteri <gedeon@InfoAve.Net>
- Subject: (fractint) page added to website
- Date: 25 Jan 1999 15:29:46 -0500
- Inspired by an ongoing challenge at the Ultrafractal list for gray scale
- images, I added a page of black and white fractals to my Geocities web
- site. I hope you enjoy your visit.
- If you visited my site recently, the old version may still be in your
- cache. Please hit reload button to make sure you are getting the updated
- version. I made some extensive changes on many of the pages. Thanks.
- Gedeon
- --
- Fractals: http://www.geocities.com/~gedeonp/index.html
- Member Infinite Fractal Loop
- Last updated: January 25, 1999 - updated Euler Gallery and added new
- page
- Photography: http://members.xoom.com/gedeonp/index.html
- Last updated: November 8, 1998
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Barry N Merenoff <110144.2274@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) Re: Spines and Rivers
- Date: 26 Jan 1999 15:53:30 -0500
- Two questions:
- What does the command "logmap=3Dfly" do?
- Where did you get the word Riparian? Is this a Star Trek word?
- Collin Merenoff
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Bob Margolis <rttyman@wwa.com>
- Subject: (fractint) Pars for the course
- Date: 26 Jan 1999 14:53:00 -0600
- 012699-1 { ; (c) 1999 by Bob Margolis
- reset=1960 type=julia passes=1
- center-mag=-7.77156e-016/7.77156e-016/0.8440015/1.3333
- params=0.2957631958525612/-0.01682239149687881 float=y maxiter=1250
- inside=0 symmetry=xyaxis viewwindows=1/1/yes/0/0
- colors=000<31>000<3>O00U00Z00c00h00l00o00s00u00x00y00z00<2>x00u00s00o00l\
- 00<2>Z00U00O00<3>000000<3>OO0UU0ZZ0cc0hh0ll0oo0ss0uu0xx0yy0zz0<2>xx0uu0s\
- s0oo0ll0<2>ZZ0UU0OO0<3>000000<3>OOOUUUZZZccchhhlllooosssuuuxxxyyyzzz<2>x\
- xxuuusssooolll<2>ZZZUUUOOO<3>000000<4>B0NE0SF0V<2>K0dM0gN0iO0jO0lO0lO0lO\
- 0lO0jN0i<2>J0aH0ZF0VE0S<5>000000<3>O00U00Z00c00h00l00o00s00u00x00y00z00<\
- 2>x00u00s00o00l00<2>Z00U00O00<3>000000<3>OO0UU0ZZ0cc0hh0ll0oo0ss0uu0xx0y\
- y0zz0<2>xx0uu0ss0oo0ll0<2>ZZ0UU0OO0<3>000000<3>OOOUUUZZZccchhhlllooosssu\
- uuxxxyyyzzz<2>xxxuuusssooolll<2>ZZZUUUOOO<3>000 cyclerange=0/0
- }
- 012699-2 { ; (c) 1999 by Bob Margolis
- reset=1960 type=julia passes=1
- center-mag=-6.66134e-016/4.44089e-016/1.56913
- params=-0.00490500399877384/-0.7157539284218196 float=y maxiter=1250
- bailoutest=and logmap=yes distest=-1/5/768/768 symmetry=xyaxis
- viewwindows=1/1/yes/0/0
- colors=000O0l409<29>000<3>O00U00Z00c00h00l00o00s00u00x00y00z00<2>x00u00s\
- 00o00l00<2>Z00U00O00<3>000<191>000 cyclerange=0/0
- }
- 012699-3 { ; (c) 1999 by Bob Margolis
- reset=1960 type=julia passes=1
- center-mag=-6.66134e-016/4.44089e-016/0.9245494
- params=-0.7451693332340752/-0.1130613598870986 float=y maxiter=1250
- symmetry=xyaxis viewwindows=1/1/yes/0/0
- colors=000<30>B32822612<15>uhT<15>612<15>fE2<15>612<15>uhT<14>944<126>94\
- 4 cyclerange=0/0
- }
- 012699-4 { ; (c) 1999 by Bob Margolis
- reset=1960 type=julia passes=1
- center-mag=0/7.27596e-012/4.069012e-005
- params=-0.5427712593671016/0.50681109359754 float=y maxiter=1250
- bailoutest=and outside=real logmap=95 invert=0.5/0/0 symmetry=xyaxis
- periodicity=0 viewwindows=1/1/yes/0/0
- colors=000<158>000`0D<15>u02w02x01z00z20<22>zw0000<50>000
- cyclerange=0/0
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: wdecker@csc.com
- Subject: (fractint) Re: Spines and Rivers
- Date: 26 Jan 1999 21:07:29 -0500
- According to the Fractint manual, "LOGMODE=fly/table Forces the use of the
- on-the-fly routine or the logarithm table for the calculation of log
- palettes. Not normally needed."
- Goodness knows where I picked it up. Must have been in someone else's par I
- extracted from the list. I removed it from one of the riparian pars and did
- not see any difference in the image or speed of computaion.
- Riparian means river bank or estuary. As for SciFi, this applies more to
- Philip Jose Farmer's Riverworld stories (where I first ran across the word)
- than to Star Trek.
- Bill Decker
- A couple more odd pars.
- star-burst { ; (c) Bill Decker Jan 25, 1999 t= 0:00:53.50
- ; on P150 800x600
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=0bill.frm formulaname=Prueba_003
- function=recip/abs passes=1
- center-mag=-0.0208003/-0.0684588/0.4197822 params=-5/-1/2/5/4/100
- potential=255/150/0 periodicity=0
- colors=000494<15>000000101<43>N0NN0NN0NN0NO1N<43>rhGsiFsiG<30>yyxzzzzzy<\
- 30>tjHsiFsiF<42>DQCCQCBPBAOA<29>494
- }
- mandalla2 { ; (c) Bill Decker Jan 23, 1999 t= 0:01:33.65
- ; on P150 800x600
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=0bill.frm
- formulaname=bills_xy-trade function=cotan/cotan/flip passes=1
- center-mag=-0.997672/-0.326282/5.237235/1/-110.087/-0.036
- params=-10/-1/-2/-2/0/0 potential=255/200/0
- colors=000unT<7>tjHsiFsiF<42>DQCCQCBPBAOA<46>000000101<43>N0NN0NN0NN0NO1\
- N<43>rhGsiFsiG<30>yyxzzzzzy<21>voU
- }
- frm:Prueba_003 {; Bill Decker mod 10/98 of Prueba_000
- ; Miguel Fliguer - Buenos Aires, Argentina
- ; m_fliguer@miniphone.com.ar
- z=fn1(pixel), c=fn2(pixel)
- e1=real(p3), e2=e1*2, f=imag(p3):
- z=fn2(p1/z^e2) - fn1(p2/z^e1) + c
- |z|<f
- }
- frm:bills_xy-trade {
- a = real(p1), b = imag(p1), z = pixel
- d = real(p2), e = imag(p2)
- bail = real(p3):
- x = real(z), x1 = z^a
- y = imag(z), y1 = z^b
- ztemp = fn1(x) + d*fn2(y1) + fn1(y) + e*fn2(x1)
- z = fn3(ztemp)
- |z| > bail
- }
- Two questions:
- What does the command "logmap=fly" do?
- Where did you get the word Riparian? Is this a Star Trek word?
- Collin Merenoff
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: PKyleCA@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Spines and Rivers
- Date: 26 Jan 1999 23:37:29 EST
- In a message dated 1/26/99 12:59:05 PM Pacific Standard Time,
- 110144.2274@compuserve.com writes:
- << Where did you get the word Riparian? >>
- Goes back to Latin for water
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: PKyleCA@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Spines and Rivers
- Date: 26 Jan 1999 23:45:26 EST
- In a message dated 1/26/99 8:42:38 PM Pacific Standard Time, PKyleCA@aol.com
- writes:
- << << Where did you get the word Riparian? >>
- Goes back to Latin for water >>
- oops, was cut off mid sentence.....
- Water bank or shore line... usually or most commonly in the legal term, such
- as "riparian rights"
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "J.P. Louvet" <louvet@iuta.u-bordeaux.fr>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) New UF Galleries
- Date: 27 Jan 1999 10:22:41 +1
- le 25 Jan 99 a 17:03, Sylvie Gallet ecrivait (Sylvie Gallet wrote) :
- > Thank you! The fern was made with a Fractint formula created from one
- > of
- > my IFS. The original colored version is in Gallery 4.
- > Here are the formulas and pars:
- Merci Sylvie.
- Jean-Pierre
- Jean-Pierre louvet : louvet@iuta.u-bordeaux.fr
- Fractal album :
- http://graffiti.cribx1.u-bordeaux.fr/MAPBX/louvet/jpl0.html
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Valery VALENTIN" <wali@fcmail.com>
- Subject: (fractint) Xfractint
- Date: 27 Jan 1999 08:07:16 -0800
- Hi,
- How can I execute Xfractint with the batch option in the background (using the command line), I mean without having the Xfractint window opened.
- ______________________________________________________
- Sent by FortuneCity Mail at http://www.fortunecity.com
- Join now and receive 20Mb of free web space and E-mail
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Bob Margolis <rttyman@wwa.com>
- Subject: (fractint) PARS for the course
- Date: 27 Jan 1999 15:44:48 -0600
- 012799-1 { ; (c) 1999 by Bob Margolis
- reset=1960 type=julzpower passes=1
- center-mag=1.42109e-014/-1.42109e-014/0.01175928/1.3333
- params=-0.5022268202424391/-0.06350611496938727/3/0 float=y
- maxiter=75 inside=0 outside=summ invert=0.5/0/0 symmetry=xyaxis
- periodicity=0 viewwindows=1/1/yes/0/0
- colors=000ve0<2>qS0oO0lK0iG0eD0bA0Y80U60Q40<2>B20<31>205G20L30<2>Y80bA0e\
- D0iG0lK0<2>sX0u`0ve0wj0wj0ve0<2>qS0oO0lK0iG0eD0bA0Y80U60Q40<2>B20205<175\
- >205 cyclerange=0/0
- }
- 012799-2 { ; (c) 1999 by Bob Margolis
- reset=1960 type=julzpower passes=1 center-mag=0/0/0.6666667/5.5
- params=0.1578301636484797/-0.8125838443710536/3/0 float=y
- maxiter=255 inside=0 symmetry=xyaxis periodicity=0
- viewwindows=1/5.5/yes/0/0
- colors=000<2>000wwx<12>wwxH0X<12>407zzz<15>0QZ0S`0Uc<12>068zzz<15>Z0Z`0`\
- c0c<12>808zzz<15>Kg0Lj0Nn0<12>470zzz<15>e04h05<13>301zzz<15>90eA0h<13>20\
- 6zzz<15>sW0wZ0<13>850zzz<15>0C00D0<13>020 cyclerange=0/0
- }
- 012799-3 { ; (c) 1999 by Bob Margolis
- reset=1960 type=julzpower passes=1
- center-mag=-7.77156e-016/6.66134e-016/1.344086
- params=-0.118322116444647/0.7951516531989524/3/0 float=y maxiter=255
- inside=0 symmetry=xyaxis periodicity=0 viewwindows=1/1/yes/0/0
- colors=ghj<11>ghjghjfgjffi<44>MEIRK6<62>zp`zp`yo`<60>SL7000MEI<61>nrtnrt\
- nqsmqsRK6 cyclerange=0/0
- }
- 012799-4 { ; (c) 1999 by Bob Margolis
- reset=1960 type=julzpower passes=1
- center-mag=-6.03961e-014/5.59552e-014/0.09259684
- params=0.590770457134538/-0.06023088054352765/4/0 float=y maxiter=40
- inside=0 outside=mult invert=0.64/0/0 biomorph=111 symmetry=xyaxis
- periodicity=0 viewwindows=1/1/yes/0/0
- colors=000Q6C<2>lNWqT`uZcwdeweeu_crU`mOXfIR_CKS6DJ05000JLIOQRUUZZYec`jhc\
- nndpndpicodakZZf<2>KMKEHA0007AADDEIHJOKMUNP_QReTSfUS<2>PKN<3>1760005BG<5\
- >ecafca<6>07D0007L5BRB<2>PiOUoQYvRZvSUpQQjOLdLGYHCSC7M63F1000DCCPHEZMHgQ\
- eDGX7CN28C000NJFQSLU`RXhXZnb`rh`tnato`siZocXiYUbS<2>JAA000OIKUJN_KQdMShN\
- E44A000FE9RIF`LMiOSpQYuRdwSjxSkuSeqQZjOTaLM<2>6B3000GIGLNKPROUWS<2>giXgi\
- XceWZ`VUXS<3>CED000IJBLRMOYXRdeUimXlr_nu_nuXmsUjnRegO_Z<2>GC10006QGCYHHe\
- JNkLTpNZtPcvQdvRZtPTqNOlLIfJC_I6SG1JE000M8GUGL`OPfWUkcYokaqtfqufolbldYgX\
- UaPQ<2>F0C000A9H<5>kQPlRP<6>57G cyclerange=0/0
- }
- 012799-5 { ; (c) 1999 by Bob Margolis
- reset=1960 type=julzpower passes=1
- center-mag=8.88178e-016/-4.44089e-016/0.3563218
- params=-0.5117570815143607/0.6703791068929505/5/0 float=y maxiter=75
- inside=0 outside=atan logmap=yes invert=0.5/0/0 distest=-1/5/768/768
- symmetry=xyaxis periodicity=0 viewwindows=1/1/yes/0/0
- colors=000000zzzyzzzyzzyyyyyxyyyxzyxxxxxwxxxwyxwwwwwvwwwvxwvvvvvuvvvuwvu\
- uuuutuuutvutttttstttsutsssssrsssrtsrrrrrqrrrqsrqqqqqpqqqprqpppppopppoqpo\
- oooonooonponnnnnmnnnmonmmmmmlmmmlnmlllllklllkmlkkkkkjkkkjlkjjjjjijjjikji\
- iiiihiiihjihhhhhghhhgihgggggfgggfhgfffffefffegfeeeeedeeedfedddddcdddcedc\
- ccccbcccbdcbbbbbabbbacbaaaaa`aaa`ba`````_```_a`_____Z___Z`_ZZZZZYZZZY_ZY\
- AAAA9AAA9BA9999989998A98888878887987777767776876666656665765555545554654\
- 4444344435433333233324322222122213211111011102100000000
- cyclerange=0/0
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Xylen <mctupper@holly.colostate.edu>
- Subject: (fractint) philofractal mailing list
- Date: 27 Jan 1999 20:33:45 -0700
- Well folks, here it is. The Philosophical-Fractal mailing list is
- finally up and running. Thanks to Damien for doing the hard part. :)
- This mailing list is for the discussion of fractal philosophy. This
- includes science and religion, at least in their non-dogmatic aspects,
- and the way they relate to fractals. This list will have broader limits
- than the three current fractal lists. The new list is the place for
- discussions that are fractal related yet don't fit into the current
- lists. But this is not an "anything goes" policy. Any attempt to
- promote an agenda, such as converting to Christianity or debunking the
- paranormal will not be allowed. This is how arguments start. We must
- remember that one person's nonsense is another person's truth, and all
- opinions are worth a consideration. What we want is a free exchange and
- blending of fractal and philosophical ideas.
- This list is closed and unmoderated. This means that only subscribers to
- the list can post messages, and all the messages you post go out to
- subscribers without advance checking by the administrator. Although I do
- reserve the right to warn, and if necessary, remove posters who become
- belligerent, use foul language, or in any other way are abusive in their
- posts.
- You can subscribe by sending a message to philofractal-request@icd.com
- with the words "subscribe philofractal" in the body of the email (please
- remove the quotes when you send the message). If you have any questions
- about the list you can reach me at philofractal-owner@icd.com
- Xylen
- --
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- GO BRONCO'S----Winners of the 98 Super Bowl and
- future winners of the 99 Super Bowl
- http://members.tripod.com/~Xylen
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Xfractint
- Date: 27 Jan 1999 23:45:26 -0600
- Valery asked:
- > Hi,
- > How can I execute Xfractint with the batch option in the background (using the command line), I mean without having the Xfractint window opened.
- Try
- xfractint -disk
- This is a sort of disk video mode, and it works without Xwindows.
- Tim
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Benjamin S. Franzus" <bfranzus@stc.net>
- Subject: (fractint) Ultra Fractal colors
- Date: 28 Jan 1999 01:19:37 -0500
- <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
- <html>
- <body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#3366FF" vlink="#800040" alink="#000099">
- For the beginner at writing parameters,
- <br>these are some of the the color gradients.
- <br>Since I don't care much for pastels, I didn't list them.
- <p>index= color=0 ;Black
- <br>index= color=90 ;Very Dark Red
- <br>index= color=160 ;Dark Red
- <br>index= color=255 ;Red
- <br>index= color=65280 ;Green
- <br>index= color=65535 ;Yellow
- <br>index= color=655360 ;Dark Blue
- <br>index= color=8388608 ;Medium Dark Blue
- <br>index= color=16056575 ;Slightly Dark Magenta
- <br>index= color=16711680 ;Blue
- <br>index= color=16711935 ;Magenta
- <br>index= color=16755200 ;Light Blue
- <br>index= color=16758271 ;Light Magenta
- <br>
- </body>
- </html>
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Hackberg91@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Some Questions
- Date: 28 Jan 1999 12:51:11 EST
- In einer eMail vom 24.12.98 07:56:07 MEZ, schreiben Sie:
- << Oh, also Les St. Clair saves them all up every month into a zip file and
- you can download all the formulas in one bunch from his web site:
- http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Les_StClair/ >>
- Oh, me fool, I should have known. Thanks for reminding and saving editing time
- with notespad (still I collect the Limericks, the hints, the URLs, ...)
- Thank you.
- Michael Hackenberger (Berlin, Germany)
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Tim Gilman <t.gilman@apple.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Xfractint
- Date: 28 Jan 1999 15:12:27 -0800
- Recently my housemate, Blade, has been playing with XFractint on his
- Irix-running Indy. I forwarded him Tim's reply 'cause he was having
- trouble generating large fractals to video. He replied with this, which
- is pretty obvious if you read the README (which he didn't, and hence
- spent a few futile hours trying to fix a non-existant bug!), but who
- knows, maybe it'll help..
- _______________________________________________
- Hi,
- You may want to mention the "-private" flag to enable all 256 colors.
- It is also necessary (desired) to specift the inage resolution with that
- -disk option.
- example:
- xfractint -disk -geometry 1024x768
- Blade
- _______________________________________________
- =- Tim Gilman
- Fractint for Macintosh, underway at:
- http://www.scruz.net/~tgilman/tim/macfract/
- >* (twegner@phoenix.net) coughed this up on 1/27/99 9:45 PM:
- >Valery asked:
- >
- >> Hi,
- >> How can I execute Xfractint with the batch option in the background (using
- >the command line), I mean without having the Xfractint window opened.
- >
- >Try
- >
- >xfractint -disk
- >
- >This is a sort of disk video mode, and it works without Xwindows.
- >
- >Tim
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Guy Marson <guy.marson@mnhn.lu>
- Subject: (fractint) puzzle
- Date: 29 Jan 1999 00:57:16 +0100
- Hi fractinters,
- this seems to be a good way to visualize the inverse and the normal plain
- of a given formula..
- puzzle5 {
- reset=1920 type=formula formulafile=puzzle.frm formulaname=punkt-2
- function=ident/recip/cosh passes=1
- center-mag=0.00650846/-0.127698/8.206697/1/-77.498 params=5/0/0/-3.2
- float=y maxiter=1000 inside=0 symmetry=none
- colors=D36KLd<5>E6BC00<3>G00H00K00O10S20V20<4>fM1iQ1jT1<5>vo1xs1xr1<15>l\
- Q1kO0jN0iM0<17>Q28O09M0A<6>000<151>000000223<15>fjn<4>NSsMQnLNi
- }
- puzzle4 {
- reset=1920 type=formula formulafile=punkt.frm formulaname=punkt-2
- function=ident/recip/cosh passes=1
- center-mag=0.0144481/0.115406/2.348495/1/-77.498 params=5/0/0/-3.2
- float=y maxiter=1000 inside=0 symmetry=none
- colors=D36000000000<3>AACCDFFGIHJLKMO<8>fjn<4>NSs<8>E6BC00<3>G00H00K00O1\
- 0S20V20<4>fM1iQ1jT1<5>vo1xs1xr1<15>lQ1kO0jN0iM0<17>Q28O09M0A<6>000<149>0\
- 00
- }
- frm:punkt-2 { ; using FRACTEXT (10'1996) by Jan Maarten van der Valk
- ; 'periodicity=0' and 'passes=1' recommended
- x=real(scrnpix)/real(scrnmax), y=(imag(scrnmax)-imag(scrnpix))/(rea\
- l(scrnmax)*0.75), z=x+flip(y)
- chrDT1 = y<0.9999&&x>-0.14935&&x<-0.04945
- chrDT2 = y<0.9999&&x>0.05045&&x<0.15035
- chrDT3 = y<0.9999&&x>0.25025&&x<0.35015
- chrDT4 = y<0.9999&&x>0.45005&&x<0.54995
- chrDT5 = y<0.9999&&x>0.64985&&x<0.74975
- chrDT6 = y<0.9999&&x>0.84965&&x<0.94955
- chrDT7 = y<0.9999&&x>1.04945&&x<1.14935
- test1 = chrDT1||chrDT2||chrDT3||chrDT4||chrDT5||chrDT6||chrDT7&&y>0\
- .9&&y<1.233
- chrDT8 = y<0.8999&&x>-0.04945&&x<0.05045
- chrDT9 = y<0.8999&&x>0.15035&&x<0.25025
- chrDT10 = y<0.8999&&x>0.35015&&x<0.45005
- chrDT11 = y<0.8999&&x>0.54995&&x<0.64985
- chrDT12 = y<0.8999&&x>0.74975&&x<0.84965
- chrDT13 = y<0.8999&&x>0.94955&&x<1.04945
- test2 = chrDT8||chrDT9||chrDT10||chrDT11||chrDT12||chrDT13&&y>0.8&&\
- y<1.133
- chrDT14 = y<0.7999&&x>-0.14935&&x<-0.04945
- chrDT15 = y<0.7999&&x>0.05045&&x<0.15035
- chrDT16 = y<0.7999&&x>0.25025&&x<0.35015
- chrDT17 = y<0.7999&&x>0.45005&&x<0.54995
- chrDT18 = y<0.7999&&x>0.64985&&x<0.74975
- chrDT19 = y<0.7999&&x>0.84965&&x<0.94955
- chrDT20 = y<0.7999&&x>1.04945&&x<1.14935
- test3 = chrDT14||chrDT15||chrDT16||chrDT17||chrDT18||chrDT19||chrDT\
- 20&&y>0.7&&y<1.033
- chrDT21 = y<0.6999&&x>-0.04945&&x<0.05045
- chrDT22 = y<0.6999&&x>0.15035&&x<0.25025
- chrDT23 = y<0.6999&&x>0.35015&&x<0.45005
- chrDT24 = y<0.6999&&x>0.54995&&x<0.64985
- chrDT25 = y<0.6999&&x>0.74975&&x<0.84965
- chrDT26 = y<0.6999&&x>0.94955&&x<1.04945
- test4 = chrDT21||chrDT22||chrDT23||chrDT24||chrDT25||chrDT26&&y>0.6\
- &&y<0.933
- chrDT27 = y<0.5999&&x>-0.14935&&x<-0.04945
- chrDT28 = y<0.5999&&x>0.05045&&x<0.15035
- chrDT29 = y<0.5999&&x>0.25025&&x<0.35015
- chrDT30 = y<0.5999&&x>0.45005&&x<0.54995
- chrDT31 = y<0.5999&&x>0.64985&&x<0.74975
- chrDT32 = y<0.5999&&x>0.84965&&x<0.94955
- chrDT33 = y<0.5999&&x>1.04945&&x<1.14935
- test5 = chrDT27||chrDT28||chrDT29||chrDT30||chrDT31||chrDT32||chrDT\
- 33&&y>0.5&&y<0.833
- chrDT34 = y<0.4999&&x>-0.04945&&x<0.05045
- chrDT35 = y<0.4999&&x>0.15035&&x<0.25025
- chrDT36 = y<0.4999&&x>0.35015&&x<0.45005
- chrDT37 = y<0.4999&&x>0.54995&&x<0.64985
- chrDT38 = y<0.4999&&x>0.74975&&x<0.84965
- chrDT39 = y<0.4999&&x>0.94955&&x<1.04945
- test6 = chrDT34||chrDT35||chrDT36||chrDT37||chrDT38||chrDT39&&y>0.4\
- &&y<0.733
- chrDT40 = y<0.3999&&x>-0.14935&&x<-0.04945
- chrDT41 = y<0.3999&&x>0.05045&&x<0.15035
- chrDT42 = y<0.3999&&x>0.25025&&x<0.35015
- chrDT43 = y<0.3999&&x>0.45005&&x<0.54995
- chrDT44 = y<0.3999&&x>0.64985&&x<0.74975
- chrDT45 = y<0.3999&&x>0.84965&&x<0.94955
- chrDT46 = y<0.3999&&x>1.04945&&x<1.14935
- test7 = chrDT40||chrDT41||chrDT42||chrDT43||chrDT44||chrDT45||chrDT\
- 46&&y>0.3&&y<0.633
- chrDT47 = y<0.2999&&x>-0.04945&&x<0.05045
- chrDT48 = y<0.2999&&x>0.15035&&x<0.25025
- chrDT49 = y<0.2999&&x>0.35015&&x<0.45005
- chrDT50 = y<0.2999&&x>0.54995&&x<0.64985
- chrDT51 = y<0.2999&&x>0.74975&&x<0.84965
- chrDT52 = y<0.2999&&x>0.94955&&x<1.04945
- test8 = chrDT47||chrDT48||chrDT49||chrDT50||chrDT51||chrDT52&&y>0.2\
- &&y<0.533
- chrDT53 = y<0.1999&&x>-0.14935&&x<-0.04945
- chrDT54 = y<0.1999&&x>0.05045&&x<0.15035
- chrDT55 = y<0.1999&&x>0.25025&&x<0.35015
- chrDT56 = y<0.1999&&x>0.45005&&x<0.54995
- chrDT57 = y<0.1999&&x>0.64985&&x<0.74975
- chrDT58 = y<0.1999&&x>0.84965&&x<0.94955
- chrDT59 = y<0.1999&&x>1.04945&&x<1.14935
- test9 = chrDT53||chrDT54||chrDT55||chrDT56||chrDT57||chrDT58||chrDT\
- 59&&y>0.1&&y<0.433
- chrDT60 = y<0.0999&&x>-0.04945&&x<0.05045
- chrDT61 = y<0.0999&&x>0.15035&&x<0.25025
- chrDT62 = y<0.0999&&x>0.35015&&x<0.45005
- chrDT63 = y<0.0999&&x>0.54995&&x<0.64985
- chrDT64 = y<0.0999&&x>0.74975&&x<0.84965
- chrDT65 = y<0.0999&&x>0.94955&&x<1.04945
- test10 = chrDT60||chrDT61||chrDT62||chrDT63||chrDT64||chrDT65&&y>0&\
- &y<0.333
- test=test1||test2||test3||test4||test5||test6||test7||test8||test9|\
- |test10
- test0=test0&&whitesq
- test0=((test0||test)==0)
- f1=sin(.5*pixel)
- f2=1/(32*pixel)
- pixel=(test==0)*f2+test*f1
- ; Import of formula 'Nwtbumps3' from file _N.FRM
- z = pixel + fn1( fn2( fn3( (pixel/|pixel|) * exp( p2 * |pixel|))))
- Root = 1 :
- z = ((p1-1)*z^p1+Root)/(p1*z^(p1-1))
- .001 <= |z^p1-Root|
- ;SOURCE: crazynwt.frm
- }
- enjoy!
- Guy
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) puzzle
- Date: 29 Jan 1999 15:59:44 -0500
- Hi Guy,
- >> this seems to be a good way to visualize the inverse and the normal
- >> plain of a given formula.. =
- >> frm:punkt-2 { ; using FRACTEXT (10'1996) by Jan Maarten van der Valk
- Here is a much faster version of the formula:
- frm:punkt-2 { ; Original formula by Guy Marson
- ; Optimized by Sylvie Gallet
- ; 'periodicity=3D0' and 'passes=3D1' recommended
- width =3D real(scrnmax/10)
- x =3D trunc(real(scrnpix)/width + 0.5)
- y =3D trunc(imag(scrnmax - scrnpix)/width/0.75)
- if ( x+y =3D=3D 2*trunc((x+y)/2) )
- pix =3D sin(.5*pixel)
- else
- pix =3D 1/(32*pixel)
- endif
- ; Import of formula 'Nwtbumps3' from file _N.FRM
- z =3D pix + fn1( fn2( fn3( (pix/|pix|) * exp( p2 * |pix|))))
- Root =3D 1 , p1_1 =3D p1 - 1 , zp1_1 =3D z^p1_1
- a =3D 1 - 1/p1 , b =3D root/p1 :
- z =3D a*z + b/zp1_1
- zp1_1 =3D z^p1_1
- .001 <=3D |zp1_1*z - Root|
- }
- Cheers,
- - Sylvie
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@fractalus.com>
- Subject: (fractint) No really, these are my last FractInt PARs :-)
- Date: 29 Jan 1999 19:12:38 -0600
- Consider these a "proof of concept", they are not my best work. Some might
- find them interesting, though. Best viewed at the highest possible
- resolution (1600x1200 looks nice).
- -----8<----- begin dmj-tce.par
- Cobwebs {
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm
- formulaname=dmj-Mand-TC1 passes=2
- center-mag=-1.25869/0.369857/15.88512 params=0.125/0.125/0.125/0
- float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 outside=real
- colors=000000<4>z000C0<4>zC00P0<4>zP00a0<4>za00n0<4>zn00z0<4>zz000C<4>z0\
- C0CC<4>zCC0PC<4>zPC0aC<4>zaC0nC<4>znC0zC<4>zzC00P<4>z0P0CP<4>zCP0PP<4>zP\
- P0aP<4>zaP0nP<4>znP0zP<4>zzP00a<4>z0a0Ca<4>zCa0Pa<4>zPa0aa<4>zaa0na<4>zn\
- a0za<4>zza00n<4>z0n0Cn<4>zCn0Pn<4>zPn0an<4>zan0nn<4>znn0zn<4>zzn00z<4>z0\
- z0Cz<4>zCz0Pz<4>zPz0az<4>zaz0nz<4>znz0zz<4>zzz000<29>zzz000<6>000
- cyclerange=0/255
- }
- Spots {
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm
- formulaname=dmj-Mand-TC002 passes=2
- center-mag=+0.00187793427230018/+0.82296450939457240/66.66667
- params=0.25/0.0625/0.5/0 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 outside=real
- colors=000000<4>z000C0<4>zC00P0<4>zP00a0<4>za00n0<4>zn00z0<4>zz000C<4>z0\
- C0CC<4>zCC0PC<4>zPC0aC<4>zaC0nC<4>znC0zC<4>zzC00P<4>z0P0CP<4>zCP0PP<4>zP\
- P0aP<4>zaP0nP<4>znP0zP<4>zzP00a<4>z0a0Ca<4>zCa0Pa<4>zPa0aa<4>zaa0na<4>zn\
- a0za<4>zza00n<4>z0n0Cn<4>zCn0Pn<4>zPn0an<4>zan0nn<4>znn0zn<4>zzn00z<4>z0\
- z0Cz<4>zCz0Pz<4>zPz0az<4>zaz0nz<4>znz0zz<4>zzz000<29>zzz000<6>000
- cyclerange=0/255
- }
- Gummi {
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm
- formulaname=dmj-Mand-TC003 passes=2
- center-mag=-0.07356494522691753/-0.97147390396659760/49.01961
- params=2/3/-15/0/-1.25/0 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 outside=real
- colors=000000<4>z000C0<4>zC00P0<4>zP00a0<4>za00n0<4>zn00z0<4>zz000C<4>z0\
- C0CC<4>zCC0PC<4>zPC0aC<4>zaC0nC<4>znC0zC<4>zzC00P<4>z0P0CP<4>zCP0PP<4>zP\
- P0aP<4>zaP0nP<4>znP0zP<4>zzP00a<4>z0a0Ca<4>zCa0Pa<4>zPa0aa<4>zaa0na<4>zn\
- a0za<4>zza00n<4>z0n0Cn<4>zCn0Pn<4>zPn0an<4>zan0nn<4>znn0zn<4>zzn00z<4>z0\
- z0Cz<4>zCz0Pz<4>zPz0az<4>zaz0nz<4>znz0zz<4>zzz000<29>zzz000<6>000
- cyclerange=0/255
- }
- FRM:dmj-Mand-TC001 {
- ;
- ; This formula places three traps on the complex
- ; plane, each a wide straight line. Each trap is
- ; a different color; as the orbit falls into the
- ; trap, it is "blended" towards the color of the
- ; trap. Colors accumulate until the point bails
- ; out.
- ;
- ; p1r Trap 1 width
- ; p1i Trap 2 width
- ; p2r Trap 3 width
- ;
- ; To modify the trap centers, rotations, or
- ; colors, clone this formula, add your initials
- ; and a number onto the end of the formula name,
- ; and make your changes.
- ;
- ; initialization:
- r = 0
- g = 0
- b = 0
- done = 0
- i = 0
- t1 = (1.0, 0.5) ; trap centers
- t2 = (0.0, 1.0)
- t3 = (-0.5, -1.0)
- t1r = 255, t1g = 0, t1b = 64 ; trap colors
- t2r = 255, t2g = 192, t2b = 0
- t3r = 0, t3g = 192, t3b = 255
- r1 = (0,1)^(0/90) ; trap rotations
- r2 = (0,1)^(45/90)
- r3 = (0,1)^(60/90)
- IF (real(p1) == 0) ; default thresholds
- p1 = 0.5 + flip(imag(p1))
- IF (imag(p1) == 0)
- p1 = real(p1) + (0,0.5)
- IF (real(p2) == 0)
- p2 = 0.5 + flip(imag(p2))
- tt1 = 1 / real(p1) ; reciprocals of trap thresholds
- tt2 = 1 / imag(p1)
- tt3 = 1 / real(p2)
- z = pixel, c = pixel
- :
- ; iteration:
- z = sqr(z) + c
- d1 = abs(real((t1-z)*r1))
- d2 = abs(real((t2-z)*r2))
- d3 = abs(real((t3-z)*r3))
- IF (d1 < real(p1))
- r = r + (t1r-r)*sqr(d1*tt1)
- g = g + (t1g-g)*sqr(d1*tt1)
- b = b + (t1b-b)*sqr(d1*tt1)
- IF (d2 < imag(p1))
- r = r + (t2r-r)*sqr(d2*tt2)
- g = g + (t2g-g)*sqr(d2*tt2)
- b = b + (t2b-b)*sqr(d2*tt2)
- IF (d3 < real(p2))
- r = r + (t3r-r)*sqr(d3*tt3)
- g = g + (t3g-g)*sqr(d3*tt3)
- b = b + (t3b-b)*sqr(d3*tt3)
- ; bailout test:
- IF (|z| > 128 ); || i == maxit-2) ; include last part for inside
- done = 1
- i = i + 1
- ; color processing:
- ;
- ; True Color Engine 1.0
- ; Copyright 1999 Damien M. Jones
- ; http://www.fractalus.com/
- ;
- ; This block of formula code provides simulated true color
- ; in FractInt by dithering. Simply feed red, green, and blue
- ; values into the variables r, g, and b, set done=1 when your
- ; values are ready, and store the iteration count in i. To
- ; view the results, use the associated true color palette,
- ; use outside=real, and use passes=1 or passes=2; don't use
- ; guessing.
- ;
- ; You can re-use this code in your own formulas, but please
- ; give credit. Thanks!
- ;
- IF (done > 0)
- ; 1. Clip to valid ranges
- IF (r > 255) ; You can remove these lines
- r = 255 ; if you are absolutely sure
- ENDIF ; your RGB values will never
- IF (g > 255) ; be out of range. That will
- g = 255 ; make your formula run a bit
- ENDIF ; faster.
- IF (b > 255)
- b = 255
- IF (r < 0)
- r = 0
- IF (g < 0)
- g = 0
- IF (b < 0)
- b = 0
- ; 2. Figure out which spot in the dither pattern to use
- ; The dither pattern is a 4x4 matrix; since there are
- ; only six shades of each color, in-between shades must
- ; be "mixed".
- xdither = real(scrnpix) - floor(real(scrnpix)*0.25)*4
- ydither = imag(scrnpix) - floor(imag(scrnpix)*0.25)*4
- ; 3. Calculate the dither threshold for each channel
- ; a. Determine quadrant in dither pattern
- IF (ydither > 1.5) ; bottom half
- ydither = ydither - 2 ; move to top half
- IF (xdither < 1.5) ; left half (lower left quadrant)
- rdither = 3
- gdither = 3
- bdither = 3
- ELSE ; right half (lower right quadrant)
- xdither = xdither - 2 ; move to left half
- rdither = 1
- gdither = 1
- bdither = 1
- ELSE ; top half
- IF (xdither > 1.5) ; right half (upper right quadrant)
- xdither = xdither - 2 ; move to left half
- rdither = 2
- gdither = 2
- bdither = 2
- ELSE ; left half (upper left quadrant)
- rdither = 0
- gdither = 0
- bdither = 0
- ; b. Determine precise cell in quadrant
- IF (ydither > 0.5) ; bottom half
- IF (xdither < 0.5) ; left half (bottom left cell)
- rdither = rdither + 12
- gdither = gdither + 12
- bdither = bdither + 12
- ELSE ; right half (bottom right cell)
- rdither = rdither + 4
- gdither = gdither + 4
- bdither = bdither + 4
- ELSE ; top half
- IF (xdither > 0.5) ; right half (upper right cell)
- rdither = rdither + 8
- gdither = gdither + 8
- bdither = bdither + 8
- ; 4. Scale r, g, b with dither weight added
- r = (r*80/255 + rdither) * 0.0625
- g = (g*80/255 + rdither) * 0.0625
- b = (b*80/255 + rdither) * 0.0625
- ; 5. Compute final color and fudge z
- r = floor(r) + floor(g)*6 + floor(b)*36
- z = r - i - 6
- ; FractInt bailout:
- done == 0
- }
- FRM:dmj-Mand-TC002 {
- ;
- ; This formula places three traps on the complex
- ; plane, each a circle. Each trap is
- ; a different color; as the orbit falls into the
- ; trap, it is "blended" towards the color of the
- ; trap. Colors accumulate until the point bails
- ; out.
- ;
- ; p1r Trap 1 width
- ; p1i Trap 2 width
- ; p2r Trap 3 width
- ;
- ; To modify the trap centers, rotations, or
- ; colors, clone this formula, add your initials
- ; and a number onto the end of the formula name,
- ; and make your changes.
- ;
- ; initialization:
- r = 0
- g = 0
- b = 0
- done = 0
- i = 0
- t1 = (0.75, 0.75) ; trap centers
- t2 = (-0.25, 0.0)
- t3 = (-2.0, -0.25)
- t1r = 255, t1g = 0, t1b = 128 ; trap colors
- t2r = 0, t2g = 255, t2b = 128
- t3r = 0, t3g = 64, t3b = 255
- r1 = (0,1)^(0/90) ; trap rotations
- r2 = (0,1)^(45/90)
- r3 = (0,1)^(60/90)
- IF (real(p1) == 0) ; default thresholds
- p1 = 0.5 + flip(imag(p1))
- IF (imag(p1) == 0)
- p1 = real(p1) + (0,0.5)
- IF (real(p2) == 0)
- p2 = 0.5 + flip(imag(p2))
- tt1 = 1 / real(p1) ; reciprocals of trap thresholds
- tt2 = 1 / imag(p1)
- tt3 = 1 / real(p2)
- z = pixel, c = pixel
- :
- ; iteration:
- z = sqr(z) + c
- d1 = |t1-z|
- d2 = |t2-z|
- d3 = |t3-z|
- IF (d1 < real(p1))
- r = r + (t1r-r)*(1-sqrt(d1*tt1))
- g = g + (t1g-g)*(1-sqrt(d1*tt1))
- b = b + (t1b-b)*(1-sqrt(d1*tt1))
- IF (d2 < imag(p1))
- r = r + (t2r-r)*(1-sqrt(d2*tt2))
- g = g + (t2g-g)*(1-sqrt(d2*tt2))
- b = b + (t2b-b)*(1-sqrt(d2*tt2))
- IF (d3 < real(p2))
- r = r + (t3r-r)*(1-sqrt(d3*tt3))
- g = g + (t3g-g)*(1-sqrt(d3*tt3))
- b = b + (t3b-b)*(1-sqrt(d3*tt3))
- ; bailout test:
- IF (|z| > 128 ); || i == maxit-2) ; include last part for inside
- done = 1
- i = i + 1
- ; color processing:
- ;
- ; True Color Engine 1.0
- ; Copyright 1999 Damien M. Jones
- ; http://www.fractalus.com/
- ;
- ; This block of formula code provides simulated true color
- ; in FractInt by dithering. Simply feed red, green, and blue
- ; values into the variables r, g, and b, set done=1 when your
- ; values are ready, and store the iteration count in i. To
- ; view the results, use the associated true color palette,
- ; use outside=real, and use passes=1 or passes=2; don't use
- ; guessing.
- ;
- ; You can re-use this code in your own formulas, but please
- ; give credit. Thanks!
- ;
- IF (done > 0)
- ; 1. Clip to valid ranges
- IF (r > 255) ; You can remove these lines
- r = 255 ; if you are absolutely sure
- ENDIF ; your RGB values will never
- IF (g > 255) ; be out of range. That will
- g = 255 ; make your formula run a bit
- ENDIF ; faster.
- IF (b > 255)
- b = 255
- IF (r < 0)
- r = 0
- IF (g < 0)
- g = 0
- IF (b < 0)
- b = 0
- ; 2. Figure out which spot in the dither pattern to use
- ; The dither pattern is a 4x4 matrix; since there are
- ; only six shades of each color, in-between shades must
- ; be "mixed".
- xdither = real(scrnpix) - floor(real(scrnpix)*0.25)*4
- ydither = imag(scrnpix) - floor(imag(scrnpix)*0.25)*4
- ; 3. Calculate the dither threshold for each channel
- ; a. Determine quadrant in dither pattern
- IF (ydither > 1.5) ; bottom half
- ydither = ydither - 2 ; move to top half
- IF (xdither < 1.5) ; left half (lower left quadrant)
- rdither = 3
- gdither = 3
- bdither = 3
- ELSE ; right half (lower right quadrant)
- xdither = xdither - 2 ; move to left half
- rdither = 1
- gdither = 1
- bdither = 1
- ELSE ; top half
- IF (xdither > 1.5) ; right half (upper right quadrant)
- xdither = xdither - 2 ; move to left half
- rdither = 2
- gdither = 2
- bdither = 2
- ELSE ; left half (upper left quadrant)
- rdither = 0
- gdither = 0
- bdither = 0
- ; b. Determine precise cell in quadrant
- IF (ydither > 0.5) ; bottom half
- IF (xdither < 0.5) ; left half (bottom left cell)
- rdither = rdither + 12
- gdither = gdither + 12
- bdither = bdither + 12
- ELSE ; right half (bottom right cell)
- rdither = rdither + 4
- gdither = gdither + 4
- bdither = bdither + 4
- ELSE ; top half
- IF (xdither > 0.5) ; right half (upper right cell)
- rdither = rdither + 8
- gdither = gdither + 8
- bdither = bdither + 8
- ; 4. Scale r, g, b with dither weight added
- r = (r*80/255 + rdither) * 0.0625
- g = (g*80/255 + rdither) * 0.0625
- b = (b*80/255 + rdither) * 0.0625
- ; 5. Compute final color and fudge z
- r = floor(r) + floor(g)*6 + floor(b)*36
- z = r - i - 6
- ; FractInt bailout:
- done == 0
- }
- FRM:dmj-Mand-TC003 {
- ;
- ; This formula places a single rainbow-colored
- ; ring trap on the complex plane. As the orbit falls
- ; into the trap, it is "blended" towards the
- ; color of the trap at the point it lands.
- ; Colors accumulate until the point bails out.
- ;
- ; p1r Trap 1 width
- ; p1i Trap 1 diameter
- ; p2r Trap rotation
- ; p2i Trap aspect
- ; p3 Trap center
- ;
- ; To modify the trap centers, rotations, or
- ; colors, clone this formula, add your initials
- ; and a number onto the end of the formula name,
- ; and make your changes.
- ;
- ; initialization:
- r = 0
- g = 0
- b = 0
- done = 0
- i = 0
- t1 = p3 ;(0.75, 0.75) ; trap centers
- r1 = (0,1)^(0/90) ; trap rotations
- IF (real(p1) == 0) ; default thresholds
- p1 = 0.5 + flip(imag(p1))
- IF (imag(p1) == 0)
- p1 = real(p1) + (0,0.25)
- IF (imag(p2) == 0)
- p2 = real(p2) + (0,1.0)
- r1 = (0,1)^(real(p2)/90) ; trap rotations
- a1 = imag(p2) ; aspect ratio
- tt1 = 1 / real(p1) ; reciprocals of trap thresholds
- z = pixel, c = pixel
- :
- ; iteration:
- z = sqr(z) + c
- z1 = (z-t1) * r1
- z1 = real(z1) + flip(imag(z1)*a1)
- d1 = abs(cabs(z1)-imag(p1))
- IF (d1 < real(p1))
- d1 = 1 - (d1*tt1)
- h = (atan(imag(z1)/real(z1)) + pi/2) * 127.5/pi
- IF (real(z1) < 0)
- h = h + 127.5
- s = 255
- l = 255 * sqr(d1)
- ; HSL -> RGB conversion code
- IF (s == 0) ; zero saturation (grey shade)
- t1r = l, t1g = l, t1b = l ; take the easy way out
- ELSE ; non-zero saturation
- IF (l < 128) ; lightness in the low half
- ls2 = l * (255+s) / 255 ; compute lightest value
- ELSE ; lightness in the high half
- ls2 = l+s - (l*s) / 255 ; compute lightest value
- ls1 = 2*l - ls2 ; compute darkest value
- IF (h < 42.6666667) ; first sixth: red to yellow
- t1r = 255
- t1g = h * 6
- t1b = 0
- ELSEIF (h < 87.3333333) ; second sixth: yellow to green
- t1r = (87.3333333 - h) * 6
- t1g = 255
- t1b = 0
- ELSEIF (h < 128) ; third sixth: green to cyan
- t1r = 0
- t1g = 255
- t1b = (h-87.3333333) * 6
- ELSEIF (h < 170.6666667) ; fourth sixth: cyan to blue
- t1r = 0
- t1g = (170.6666667 - h) * 6
- t1b = 255
- ELSEIF (h < 214.3333333) ; fifth sixth: blue to magenta
- t1r = (h-170.6666667) * 6
- t1g = 0
- t1b = 255
- ELSE ; last sixth: magenta to red
- t1r = 255
- t1g = 0
- t1b = (255 - h) * 6
- ls2 = (ls2 - ls1) / 255 ; brightness range
- t1r = ls1 + t1r*ls2 ; scale RGB accordingly
- t1g = ls1 + t1g*ls2
- t1b = ls1 + t1b*ls2
- r = r + (t1r-r)*(d1)
- g = g + (t1g-g)*(d1)
- b = b + (t1b-b)*(d1)
- ; bailout test:
- IF (|z| > 128 ); || i == maxit-2) ; include last part for inside
- done = 1
- i = i + 1
- ; color processing:
- ;
- ; True Color Engine 1.0
- ; Copyright 1999 Damien M. Jones
- ; http://www.fractalus.com/
- ;
- ; This block of formula code provides simulated true color
- ; in FractInt by dithering. Simply feed red, green, and blue
- ; values into the variables r, g, and b, set done=1 when your
- ; values are ready, and store the iteration count in i. To
- ; view the results, use the associated true color palette,
- ; use outside=real, and use passes=1 or passes=2; don't use
- ; guessing.
- ;
- ; You can re-use this code in your own formulas, but please
- ; give credit. Thanks!
- ;
- IF (done > 0)
- ; 1. Clip to valid ranges
- IF (r > 255) ; You can remove these lines
- r = 255 ; if you are absolutely sure
- ENDIF ; your RGB values will never
- IF (g > 255) ; be out of range. That will
- g = 255 ; make your formula run a bit
- ENDIF ; faster.
- IF (b > 255)
- b = 255
- IF (r < 0)
- r = 0
- IF (g < 0)
- g = 0
- IF (b < 0)
- b = 0
- ; 2. Figure out which spot in the dither pattern to use
- ; The dither pattern is a 4x4 matrix; since there are
- ; only six shades of each color, in-between shades must
- ; be "mixed".
- xdither = real(scrnpix) - floor(real(scrnpix)*0.25)*4
- ydither = imag(scrnpix) - floor(imag(scrnpix)*0.25)*4
- ; 3. Calculate the dither threshold for each channel
- ; a. Determine quadrant in dither pattern
- IF (ydither > 1.5) ; bottom half
- ydither = ydither - 2 ; move to top half
- IF (xdither < 1.5) ; left half (lower left quadrant)
- rdither = 3
- gdither = 3
- bdither = 3
- ELSE ; right half (lower right quadrant)
- xdither = xdither - 2 ; move to left half
- rdither = 1
- gdither = 1
- bdither = 1
- ELSE ; top half
- IF (xdither > 1.5) ; right half (upper right quadrant)
- xdither = xdither - 2 ; move to left half
- rdither = 2
- gdither = 2
- bdither = 2
- ELSE ; left half (upper left quadrant)
- rdither = 0
- gdither = 0
- bdither = 0
- ; b. Determine precise cell in quadrant
- IF (ydither > 0.5) ; bottom half
- IF (xdither < 0.5) ; left half (bottom left cell)
- rdither = rdither + 12
- gdither = gdither + 12
- bdither = bdither + 12
- ELSE ; right half (bottom right cell)
- rdither = rdither + 4
- gdither = gdither + 4
- bdither = bdither + 4
- ELSE ; top half
- IF (xdither > 0.5) ; right half (upper right cell)
- rdither = rdither + 8
- gdither = gdither + 8
- bdither = bdither + 8
- ; 4. Scale r, g, b with dither weight added
- r = (r*80/255 + rdither) * 0.0625
- g = (g*80/255 + rdither) * 0.0625
- b = (b*80/255 + rdither) * 0.0625
- ; 5. Compute final color and fudge z
- r = floor(r) + floor(g)*6 + floor(b)*36
- z = r - i - 6
- ; FractInt bailout:
- done == 0
- }
- -----8<----- end dmj-tce.par
- Damien M. Jones \\
- dmj@fractalus.com \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info:
- \\ http://www.fractalus.com/
- Please do not post my e-mail address on a web site or
- in a newsgroup. Thank you.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Barry N Merenoff <110144.2274@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) FW: IMPORTANT MESSAGE!!
- Date: 30 Jan 1999 03:38:26 -0500
- -------------Forwarded Message-----------------
- [unknown], INTERNET:sellers@monroe.k12.mi.us
- [unknown], INTERNET:complo@monroe.k12.mi.us
- "'cindy'", INTERNET:KCTAZ28@aol.com
- "'Michael Benham'", INTERNET:mbenham@ascservices.com
- "'Laura Strube'", INTERNET:Laura_C_Strube@comerica.com
- "'embee'", INTERNET:Mary_E_Will@comerica.com
- "'Dee'", INTERNET:malondi@aol.com
- "'Debbie Knoch'", INTERNET:tiggerdw10@aol.com
- "'Dave Franey'", INTERNET:DFRANEY@orbseal.ORSCHELN.com
- "'Brian LaBaza'", INTERNET:blabaza@ascservices.com
- "'Beth Clary'", INTERNET:bclaryclan@aol.com
- "'Barry at home'", [110144,2274]
- =
- Sender: gffaulhaber@hedesign.com
- Received: from hed2server.hedesign.com (hed2server.hedesign.com [207.91.2=
- 33.10])
- by arl-img-5.compuserve.com (8.8.6/8.8.6/2.17) with ESMTP id HAA01261
- for <110144.2274@compuserve.com>; Fri, 29 Jan 1999 07:16:03 -0500 (EST)
- Message-ID: <502F0301F885D11196C9080009C0939AF245CB@hed2server.hedesign.c=
- om>
- "'Beth Clary'"
- <bclaryclan@aol.com>,
- "'Brian LaBaza'" <blabaza@ascservices.com>,
- "'Dave Franey'" <DFRANEY@orbseal.ORSCHELN.com>,
- "'Debbie Knoch'"
- <tiggerdw10@aol.com>, "'Dee'" <malondi@aol.com>,
- "'embee'"
- <Mary_E_Will@comerica.com>,
- "'Laura Strube'" <Laura_C_Strube@comerica.com>,
- "'Michael Benham'"
- <mbenham@ascservices.com>,
- "'PRESBC@AOL.COM'" <PRESBC@aol.com>, "'cindy'"
- <KCTAZ28@aol.com>,
- complo@monroe.k12.mi.us, sellers@monroe.k12.mi.us,
- nwright@ascservices.com
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain;
- charset=3D"iso-8859-1"
- Beware of the frogs!
- -----Original Message-----
- Sent: Friday, January 29, 1999 7:05 AM
- Please be advised that there are several viruses floating around on the
- internet and especially e-mail.
- IT
- -----Original Message-----
- Sent: Thursday, January 28, 1999 4:40 PM
- Someone is sending out a very desirable
- screen-saver, the "Budweiser Frogs BUDDYLST.ZIP"
- If you download it, you will lose everything
- Your hard drive will crash and someone from the
- Internet will get your screen name and password =
- This is a new, very malicious virus and not many
- people know about it.
- This information was announced yesterday morning
- from Microsoft. Please share it with everyone
- that might access the Internet. Once again,
- pass this along to EVERYONE in your address book
- so that this may be stopped. Also do not open or
- even look at any mail that says "RETURNED OR
- This virus will attach itself to your computer
- components and render them useless. Immediately
- delete mail items that say this.
- cautionary measures and do not open any email
- that you are not sure of.
- 1-Delete all mail from outside sources which are
- unsolicited or not otherwise identified from a
- known source.
- 2-Do not download any executable files that you
- are not completely sure of.
- As the above warning indicates, some of these
- viruses attach themselves to your software and
- hardware.
- ___________________________________________________
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Barry N Merenoff <110144.2274@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) Notice from Symantec
- Date: 30 Jan 1999 04:32:09 -0500
- <Picture><Picture>
- <Picture: Symantec logo>
- <Picture: United States>
- <Picture: AntiVirus Research Center>
- Advanced Search
- <Picture>
- <Picture: Information for You>
- <Picture>
- <Picture: Shop Symantec>
- <Picture>
- <Picture: Products>
- <Picture>
- <Picture: Resource Centers>
- <Picture: -------->AntiVirus Research Center
- <Picture>Download Updates
- <Picture>Virus Encyclopedia
- <Picture>Virus Hoaxes
- <Picture>Reference Area
- <Picture>Submit Virus Samples
- <Picture>
- <Picture: Service and Support>
- <Picture>
- <Picture: About Symantec>
- <Picture>
- <Picture>
- <Picture>
- <Picture>
- <Picture: Feedback><Picture: Help>
- =A9 1998 Symantec Corporation
- All rights reserved. <Picture: spacer>BUDDYLST.ZIP =
- Aliases: Budweiser Infection length: Hoax Area of infection: Hoax
- Likelihood: Hoax Region reported: Online Characteristics: Hoax Target
- platform: Hoax Trigger date: Hoax <Picture>
- Description: =
- BUDDYLST.ZIP is not a virus. It is a hoax. The "virus" does not exist.
- There is currently no virus that has the characteristics ascribed to
- BUDDYLST.ZIP. It is a sham, meant only to panic new or inexperienced
- computer users. =
- The hoax message includes the following "warning" in several forms: =
- Form 1:
- Yesterday a friend of mine called and told me about something that happen=
- ed
- to him. He opened his E-mail and this BUDDYLST.ZIP was there. When he
- opened it his computer crashed and when he tried to re-boot he had lost
- everything! It was a Virus that os being passed around...........BEWARE! =
- Please forward to as many people as you can so no one will get hurt. Thes=
- e
- people need to be stopped. Don't download anything form "buddylst.zip" or=
- you will lose all your files. =
- Form 2:
- A computer virus is going around! It is called BUDDYLST.ZIP! Do not
- download or some jerk from the internet will get your screen name and
- password! Please send this to any names you can think of and remember nev=
- er
- download BUDDYLST.ZIP =
- Form 3: =
- Someone is sending out a very desirable screen-saver, the Budweiser Frogs=
- -
- "BUDDYLST.ZIP". If you download it, you will lose everything!!! Your hard=
- drive will crash and someone from the Internet will get your screen name
- and password!
- IT JUST WENT INTO circulation yesterday, as far as we know. Please
- distribute/inform this message.
- This is a new, very malicious virus and not many people know about it. Th=
- is
- information was announced yesterday morning from Microsoft. Please share =
- it
- with everyone that might access the Internet. Once again, pass this along=
- to EVERYONE in your address book so at this may be stopped.
- Also do not open or even look at any mail that says "RETURNED OR UNABLE T=
- O
- DELIVER". This virus will attach itself to your computer components and
- render them useless. Immediately delete mail=3DA0 items that say this. AO=
- L
- has said that this is a very dangerous virus and that there is NO remedy
- for it at this time. Please practice cautionary measures and forward this=
- to all you on-line friends ASAP.
- Please ignore any messages regarding this supposed "virus" and do not pas=
- s
- on any messages regarding it. Passing on messages about this hoax serves
- only to further propagate it. =
- <Picture>
- Use the index files to locate virus information by name: =
- A-AmDn-DzH-HmKn-KzO-OmR-RmU-UmX-XmAn-AzE-EmHn-HzL-LmOn-OzRn-RzUn-UzXn-XzB=
- -B
- mEn-EzI-ImLn-LzP-PmS-SmV-VmY-YmBn-BzF-FmIn-IzM-MmPn-PzSn-SzVn-VzYn-YzC-Cm=
- Fn
- -FzJ-JmMn-MzQ-QmT-TmW-WmZ-ZmCn-CzG-GmJn-JzN-NmQn-QzTn-TzWn-WzZn-ZzD-DmGn-=
- Gz
- K-KmNn-Nz0-9 and Special Characters
- <Picture>
- <Picture>Cross-reference data provided by Project VGrep.
- Implemented with permission of Virus Bulletin.
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) HOAX!!! (was IMPORTANT MESSAGE!!)
- Date: 30 Jan 1999 05:08:40 -0500
- It seems that you have a lot to learn about the Netiquette...
- BUDDYLST.ZIP is not a virus, it is a HOAX, and the Fractint list is not=
- a
- discussion list about viruses.
- Instead of getting two copies of this spam plus the notice from Symante=
- c,
- I would have much more appreciated a simple "thank you" for the time I
- spent in trying to help you about your video card problem, even though I
- didn't manage to solve it.
- - Sylvie
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Benjamin S. Franzus" <bfranzus@stc.net>
- Subject: (fractint) Re: Frog Scare
- Date: 30 Jan 1999 10:54:20 -0500
- <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
- <html>
- <body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#3366FF" vlink="#800040" alink="#000099">
- <br>The Budweiser Frogs BUDDYLST.ZIP" is <b><font size=+1>a Hoax</font></b>
- <p>Please check either the following site or one similar to it before forwarding
- crap like this:
- <br> <a href="http://www.nai.com/services/support/hoax/hoax.asp">Virus
- Hoax Information</a>
- <blockquote TYPE=CITE>Beware of the frogs!</blockquote>
- <blockquote TYPE=CITE>Someone is sending out a very desirable
- <br>screen-saver, the "Budweiser Frogs BUDDYLST.ZIP"
- <br>If you download it, you will lose everything
- <br>Your hard drive will crash and someone from the
- <br>Internet will get your screen name and password
- <br>MESSAGE.
- <br>This is a new, very malicious virus and not many
- <br>people know about it.
- <br>This information was announced yesterday morning
- <br>from Microsoft. Please share it with everyone
- <br>that might access the Internet. Once again,
- <br>pass this along to EVERYONE in your address book
- <br>so that this may be stopped. Also do not open or
- <br>even look at any mail that says "RETURNED OR
- <br>This virus will attach itself to your computer
- <br>components and render them useless. Immediately
- <br>delete mail items that say this.
- <br>PROTECT YOURSELF AND OTHERS: Please practice
- <br>cautionary measures and do not open any email
- <br>that you are not sure of.
- <br>1-Delete all mail from outside sources which are
- <br>unsolicited or not otherwise identified from a
- <br>known source.
- <br>2-Do not download any executable files that you
- <br>are not completely sure of.
- <br>As the above warning indicates, some of these
- <br>viruses attach themselves to your software and
- <br>hardware.</blockquote>
- </body>
- </html>
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
- Subject: (fractint) On topic please!
- Date: 30 Jan 1999 10:56:51 -0600
- <color><param>0100,0100,0100</param>Folks, no more messages about viruses, real or otherwise on this
- list, which is about fractals. Also, when you chastise a foolish list
- member for posting something off topic, unfortunately you
- exacerbate the problem if you post it on the list. Send the mail
- privately. I have written Barry an email about his off topic post, and
- I want to see no more discussion about this on the list.
- I don't even want to see any "right on" messages in response to
- THIS message, I already KNOW I'm "right on" :-)
- Thanks, I'm sure with a moment's thought you all see the point.
- This list is for fdiscussion about fractals. Messages on any other
- topic, even topics of weighty import, reduces the usefulness of this
- list.
- Thanks to everyone for generally following this quite well, with the
- occasional lapses that annoy us all.
- Tim Wegner
- Fractint list administrator
- <nofill>
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) On topic please!
- Date: 30 Jan 1999 13:01:12 -0500
- Hi Tim,
- Your message arrived as a binary attachment and I couldn't read it. =
- Could you repost it in plain text?
- Cheers,
- - Sylvie
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Bob Margolis <rttyman@wwa.com>
- Subject: (fractint) PARS for the course
- Date: 30 Jan 1999 17:25:47 -0600
- 012899-1 { ; (c) 1999 by Bob Margolis
- reset=1960 type=julzpower passes=1
- center-mag=-2.66454e-015/1.77636e-015/0.2788495
- params=-0.04601861277099815/-0.6446263229617188/5.0005/0 float=y
- maxiter=255 fillcolor=0 inside=0 invert=0.5/0/0 symmetry=xyaxis
- periodicity=0 viewwindows=1/1/yes/0/0
- colors=000NDK<12>unr<14>CIB000<4>000NWN<9>lyl<15>05A28D5BG<190>KAH
- cyclerange=0/0
- }
- 013099-1 { ; (c) 1999 by Bob Margolis
- reset=1960 type=julia passes=1
- center-mag=-0.0105135/0.753205/5.547585
- params=-0.7918912308256754/0.1619253730548343 float=y maxiter=1000
- inside=maxiter invert=0.5/0/0 symmetry=xyaxis periodicity=0
- viewwindows=1/0.75/yes/0/0
- colors=000<63>000<2>Da1<2>Fy3<5>Dn3<2>000000<2>9`2<8>5K14E12710000002224\
- 55788<3>D1JJ1SQ0`<2>M0V<2>000000<2>B0G<2>709<4>z00z10<2>000000<2>zE0<8>z\
- W0<2>000000<2>hS0<4>D80<2>zy0xw0<2>000000<2>hi0<2>bc0_`0YZ0VW0TU0QR0OO0<\
- 2>000000<2>Da1<2>Fy3<5>Dn3<2>000000<2>9`2<8>5K14E1271000<47>000
- cyclerange=0/0
- }
- 013099-2 { ; (c) 1999 by Bob Margolis
- reset=1960 type=julzpower passes=t
- center-mag=1.33227e-014/-1.42109e-014/0.8300813/1.3333
- params=-0.5667499414994914/0.5584738874017759/2.5/0 float=y
- maxiter=255 inside=maxiter distest=-2/30/768/768 symmetry=xyaxis
- periodicity=0 viewwindows=1/1/yes/0/0
- colors=00LLLL000e0ezLL<15>zLLzLezLzzezzz0zzezzzezz0zzLez00z0Le00LLLL000e\
- 0ezLLzLezLzzezzz0zzezzzezz0zzLez00z0Le00LLLL000e0ezLLzLezLzzezzz0zzezzze\
- zz0zzLez00z0Le00LLLL000e0ezLLzLezLzzezzz0zzezzzezz0zzLez00z0Le00LLLL000e\
- 0ezLLzLezLzzezzz0zzezzzezz0zzLez00z0Le00LLLL000e0ezLLzLezLzzezzz0zzezzze\
- zz0zzLez00z0Le00LLLL000e0ezLLzLezLzzezzz0zzezzzezz0zzLez00z0Le00LLLL000e\
- 0ezLLzLezLzzezzz0zzezzzezz0zzLez00z0Le00LLLL000e0ezLLzLezLzzezzz0zzezzze\
- zz0zzLez00z0Le00LLLL000e0ezLLzLezLzzezzz0zzezzzezz0zzLez00z0Le00LLLL000e\
- 0ezLLzLezLzzezzz0zzezzzezz0zzLez00z0Le00LLLL000e0ezLLzLezLzzezzz0zzezzze\
- zz0zzLez00z0Le00LLLL000e0ezLLzLezLzzezzz0zzezzzezz0zzLez00z0Le00LLLLccc<\
- 13>ccc000e0ezLLzLezLzzezzz0zzezzzezz0zzLez00z0Leccc cyclerange=0/0
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Guy Marson <guy.marson@mnhn.lu>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) puzzle
- Date: 31 Jan 1999 02:17:27 +0100
- Hi Sylvie!
- >frm:punkt-2 { ; Original formula by Guy Marson
- > ; Optimized by Sylvie Gallet
- > ; 'periodicity=0' and 'passes=1' recommended
- > width = real(scrnmax/10)
- Thanks for this job! It's a good idea! I'm now motivated to experience
- formulas this way...
- I think, I gonna set the: width = real(scrnmax/imag(p3))
- and the : x = trunc(real(scrnpix)/width + 0.5) to
- x = round(real(scrnpix)
- so the y = trunc(imag(scrnmax - scrnpix)/width/0.75) to
- y = round(imag(scrnmax - scrnpix)/width/imag(p3))
- ... with the old "try and error" methode.. (I'm a mathematically a simple "0")
- > if ( x+y == 2*trunc((x+y)/2) )
- > pix = sin(.5*pixel)
- > else
- > pix = 1/(32*pixel)
- > endif
- > ; Import of formula 'Nwtbumps3' from file _N.FRM
- > z = pix + fn1( fn2( fn3( (pix/|pix|) * exp( p2 * |pix|))))
- > Root = 1 , p1_1 = p1 - 1 , zp1_1 = z^p1_1
- > a = 1 - 1/p1 , b = root/p1 :
- > z = a*z + b/zp1_1
- > zp1_1 = z^p1_1
- > .001 <= |zp1_1*z - Root|
- > }
- >
- anyway, beautiful PRG, this FRACTEXT.EXE !
- Thanks a lot!
- Cheers,
- Guy
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: JimBeau549@aol.com
- Subject: (fractint) Loyal to Thee
- Date: 30 Jan 1999 22:26:18 EST
- Hi Folks,
- I just wanted to say that I'll always be a Fractint list member. I notice
- a bit of a migration towards UltraFractal as even myself have done, but
- Fractint will always be King in my opinion. Although UF does some really fine
- stuff with images, I prefer to search for them using Fractint first and then
- fine tuning them with UF afterwards.
- Regards~
- Jim Weaver
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Kivryn <kivryn_h@yahoo.com>
- Subject: (fractint) Web Page Construction--Help!! O/T?
- Date: 30 Jan 1999 19:55:55 -0800 (PST)
- Hi guys and gals,
- I really need some suggestions on how to get a web page up without
- having to learn all that html stuff. I've got a good book for it, but
- since I've been working I just don't have time to sit down and learn
- it and do everything else I have to do in a day. Is there an easier
- way to make a web page? I just want something simple: a front page
- for a little write up and links to gallery pages and maybe a link
- page. The galleries I simply want to set up for maybe 16 thumb nails
- to take you to the larger version of the fractal.
- Can anyone offer me some suggestions? I'm wanting to do another site
- for some other creative work, but it's a little more complicated (I
- think). But I'd love to get my fractal site up. :)
- Thanks to any and all who can help me.
- Debora
- _________________________________________________________
- Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Paul N. Lee" <Paul.N.Lee@Worldnet.att.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Web Page Construction--Help!! O/T?
- Date: 31 Jan 1999 07:12:16 -0600
- Debora wrote:
- >
- > I really need some suggestions on how to get a web page up without
- > having to learn all that html stuff. I've got a good book for it, but
- > since I've been working I just don't have time to sit down and learn
- > it and do everything else I have to do in a day. Is there an easier
- > way to make a web page? I just want something simple: a front page
- > for a little write up and links to gallery pages and maybe a link
- > page. The galleries I simply want to set up for maybe 16 thumb nails
- > to take you to the larger version of the fractal.
- >
- > Can anyone offer me some suggestions? I'm wanting to do another site
- > for some other creative work, but it's a little more complicated (I
- > think). But I'd love to get my fractal site up. :)
- >
- If you find a website that is similar to what you want to do for yours,
- then you could just use the browser's FILE | SAVE_AS to get a copy of
- the source HTML and modify it for your own.
- Also, there are several products available on the market for webpage
- creation (Freeware and Shareware). Just download one from the various
- "give-away" websites and have a go at learning that software.
- Either way, you will have to learn something new. But HTML is not hard
- at all, and Notepad is the perfect editor. :-)
- P.N.L.
- http://www.fractalus.com/cgi-bin/theway?ring=fractals&id=43&go
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Axel Schwanh?u?er" <Axel.H.G.Schwanhaeusser@physik.stud.uni-erlangen.de>
- Subject: (fractint) high res. pictures 4096*2732
- Date: 31 Jan 1999 16:11:50 +0000
- Hi alltogether,
- I would like to create large high res. Fractint Pictures with Fractint
- 19.6. My goal are 4096*2732 points 256colors. I didn't find an easier
- way to create manually the
- four 1024 * 768 pictures by evaluating the x-y-coordinates ba my own
- hands.
- And then putting them together in a pciture-edding-Program like Corel.
- Does anybody has an idea to make this more efficient?
- Yours sincerly,
- Axel Schwan=E4u=DFer
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: aq936@freenet.carleton.ca (Michael Traynor)
- Subject: Re: (fractint) high res. pictures 4096*2732
- Date: 31 Jan 1999 10:23:52 -0500 (EST)
- >I would like to create large high res. Fractint Pictures with Fractint
- >19.6. My goal are 4096*2732 points 256colors. I didn't find an easier
- >way to create manually the
- >four 1024 * 768 pictures by evaluating the x-y-coordinates ba my own
- >hands.
- >And then putting them together in a pciture-edding-Program like Corel.
- >
- >Does anybody has an idea to make this more efficient?
- Axel,
- In fractint, hit "b" for the save pars screen. Toward the bottom there
- are places for you to specify x and y multiples. If you put a "2" in
- each, fractint will divide the screen in 4, 2 rows, 2 columns and save the
- pars for the four images, together with a file called makemig.bat (IIRC).
- When you run makemig.bat from the command prompt it will batch generate the
- four images and piece them together into a multi-image gif file, and if you
- remove the "rem" at the beginning of the next to last line of makemig.bat
- (the line that refers to simplgif) it will convert the multi-image gif to
- a straightforward gif (since many viewers don't handle multi-image gifs).
- There is more in the fractint documentation.
- You can use this technique to make images up to 64Kx64K, if you have the
- machine to handle it. Even for smaller images, it helps to have lots of
- memory, as to make the simple gif image the machine needs enough memory
- (or disk space) to hold 3 copies, uncompressed.
- Sometimes there are problems at the edges of the component images,
- particularly if you use a guessing method for drawing, so I usually use
- the one pass method to avoid the problem.
- One thing to remember is that by dividing up the images, you are
- effectively zooming into the original. You might need to up the interation
- count in the original (or edit the pars, which are in fractint.par) and
- you need to be careful when you are near the limits of fp math, as a zoom
- my put you into arbitrary precision, and really slow things down.
- Hope this helps (and isn't wrong - but I'm sure someone will set me
- straight if it is).
- --
- Mike Traynor
- People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like.
- Abraham Lincoln
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Mike and Linda Allison" <gumbycat@ix.netcom.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) high res. pictures 4096*2732
- Date: 31 Jan 1999 08:18:00 -0800
- Your close, Michael. But there are a few steps that should be
- clarified, I think.
- I have a web page up that explains how to make high resolution prints in
- Fractint. You have to use makemig and simplgif both.
- You can check it out at:
- http://www.geocities.com/~gumbycat/lesson4.html
- Hope that helps!
- PS I have a revised gallery up at:
- http://www.fractalus.com/gumbycat/gallery4.html
- Please stop in for a visit!
- Linda
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Morgen H Bell" <morgenb@cobweb.net>
- Subject: (fractint) Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 15:31:43 -0500
- Date: 31 Jan 1999 13:30:37 -0700
- Hi there!
- I'm relatively new to fractals and I have a question about deep zooming.
- I've been looking at a mandelfn(sin) fractal, and when I zoom fairly far
- into it, the pixels stop being square and start being small vertical lines.
- Is this normal? Have I reached the effective limit of magnification or is
- there some way around this?
- Morgen Bell
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Ron Barnett <rbarnett@telenet.net>
- Subject: (fractint) Unusual minibrot
- Date: 31 Jan 1999 15:55:45 -0500
- I have been exploring some formula variations of the Mandelbrot set in
- which every other iteration is perturbed by another function. I came across
- an unusual set of spirals around a minibrot which I thought looked neat.
- ========== The Formula =======================
- multifract1 = { ; Ron Barnett, January 1999
- ; Use decomp = 256 or outside = atan
- ; Use imag(p3) to change the color spread
- zc = z = c = pixel
- IF ((real(p1)) == 0 && (imag(p1) == 0))
- p1 = (0,-0.5)
- IF ((real(p2)) == 0 && (imag(p2) == 0))
- p2 = 1
- IF (real(p3) == 0)
- p3 = p3 + (10000,0)
- IF (imag(p3) == 0)
- p3 = p3 + (0,10)
- choice = iterexp = 0:
- choice = (choice == 0)
- IF (choice == 0)
- zc = p2*(zc*zc + c)
- iterexp = iterexp + exp(-cabs(zc))
- z1 = exp(zc)
- z2 = sin(zc) + z1 - 1
- zc = zc - p1*z2/(cos(zc) + z1)
- IF (|zc| > real(p3))
- smooth = iterexp*imag(p3)*pi/128
- ang = cos(smooth)+flip(sin(smooth))
- z = 256*ang
- |zc| <= real(p3)
- }
- ============ The PAR ================================================
- Super_Spiral { ; Copyright Ron Barnett Jan 1999 t= 0:00:55.15
- ; On a Toshiba Pentium II at 320 x 200
- ; www.hiddendimension.com rbarnett@telenet.net
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=multfrac.frm formulaname=multifract1
- passes=1
- center-mag=+0.41400401544852570/+0.53717306017061310/2290.142
- params=2/0/0/0/0/10 float=y maxiter=1024 inside=0 outside=atan
- periodicity=0
- colors=bR6<12>ra7tb8teCthH<14>NHF<15>gYThZUgYT<13>KHE<36>nk_<10>KLDHIBGH\
- WM6<4>aQ6
- }
- Super_Spiral_2 { ; Copyright Ron Barnett Jan 1999 t= 0:01:05.74
- ; On a Toshiba Pentium II at 320 x 200
- ; www.hiddendimension.com rbarnett@telenet.net
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=multfrac.frm formulaname=multifract1
- passes=1
- center-mag=+0.41398941468292190/+0.53718183713837860/4617.222
- params=2/0/0/0/0/10 float=y maxiter=1024 inside=0 outside=atan
- periodicity=0
- colors=bR6<12>ra7tb8teCthH<14>NHF<15>gYThZUgYT<13>KHE<36>nk_<10>KLDHIBGH\
- WM6<4>aQ6
- }
- Super_Spiral_3 { ; Copyright Ron Barnett Jan 1999 t= 0:01:32.22
- ; On a Toshiba Pentium II at 320 x 200
- ; www.hiddendimension.com rbarnett@telenet.net
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=multfrac.frm formulaname=multifract1
- passes=1
- center-mag=+0.41400389864240080/+0.53718321280519830/14611.46
- params=2/0/0/0/0/10 float=y maxiter=1024 inside=0 outside=atan
- periodicity=0
- colors=bR6<12>ra7tb8teCthH<14>NHF<15>gYThZUgYT<13>KHE<36>nk_<10>KLDHIBGH\
- WM6<4>aQ6
- }
- Super_Spiral_4 { ; Copyright Ron Barnett Jan 1999 t= 0:03:48.11
- ; On a Toshiba Pentium II at 320 x 200
- ; www.hiddendimension.com rbarnett@telenet.net
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=multfrac.frm formulaname=multifract1
- passes=1
- center-mag=+0.41400389864240080/+0.53718321280519830/29458.59
- params=2/0/0/0/0/10 float=y maxiter=5000 inside=0 outside=atan
- periodicity=0
- colors=bR6<12>ra7tb8teCthH<14>NHF<15>gYThZUgYT<13>KHE<36>nk_<10>KLDHIBGH\
- WM6<4>aQ6
- }
- Star_Spiral { ; Copyright Ron Barnett Jan 1999 t= 0:02:36.92
- ; www.hiddendimension.com rbarnett@telenet.net
- ; On a Cyrix 6x86(P200+) at 320 x 200
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=multfrac.frm
- formulaname=multifract1 passes=1
- center-mag=-0.02129842959247609/+0.00777580703517566/18925.63
- params=0/2/2/0/10000/2 float=y maxiter=1024 inside=bof60
- outside=atan periodicity=0
- colors=bR6<12>ra7tb8teCthH<14>NHF<15>gYThZUgYT<13>KHE<36>nk_<10>KLDHIBGH\
- VL6WM6<4>aQ6
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Leon Duych" <leon_d@email.msn.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Simply Elegant and a question
- Date: 31 Jan 1999 14:04:32 -0800
- I think they continue to exist...
- They have existed, and always will exist, quite independently of being
- perceived.
- They exist ephemerally and imperfectly when perceived.
- But they POTENTIALLY exist, perfectly! (always have, and always shall).
- It's rather analogous to the existence of 'potential energy.'
- One should argue in a similar manner for the independent existence of ALL
- mathematical 'objects.'
- My little thought for the day.
- Leon Duych
- leon_d@msn.com
- -----Original Message-----
- In a recent newsletter, I learned something interesting.
- "That under orthodox Jewish law, the word "God" cannot be destroyed.
- You can't, for example, throw away a piece of paper with the word
- God on it--instead you have to ritually bury it or arrange for its
- storage. The inevitable question arose over what to do when computers
- are
- involved: can you erase the word from a word processing document or from
- some other digital form?
- Last week, one of the leading orthodox rabbis, Rabbi Moshe Shaul Klein,
- decided that it was OK to erase or delete digital versions of the word
- "God," because they did not contain the actual word, but a composition
- of 1s and 0s. If everything is binary underneath, the rabbi reasoned,
- then even the word "God" is not actually G-o-d but a series of
- numbers."--Alice Hill
- Okay, so if everything is binary, including fractals, I guess that means
- that they don't really exist. Just a bunch of 1's and 0's. But we all
- know that fractals exist, since we spend a lot of time creating them and
- coloring them. :) Now my questions is--when did fractals first exist?
- With the invention of the computer, or did they exist but we were unable
- to perceive them? Jim Muth asked where do fractals go when the power
- fails. Do they continue to exist or is it really our power of perception
- that is lost with the loss of electricity? If they exist only while on
- the screen, are we guilty of murder every time we change screens?
- Sorry about my rambling, but it has been too long since Jim has had a
- good philosophical post. To make up for my rambling, here is a PAR.
- Instead of seeking infinite detail and a fancy coloring algorithms, this
- one is "Simply Elegant."
- ************************
- Minimal { ; ;
- ; Dec 10, 1998 (c) Mary Tupper
- ; 0:00:02.58 generation time at 320x
- reset=1960 type=mandel center-mag=0.0407306/0.873298/5.350562
- params=0/0 float=y maxiter=2 inside=startrail
- invert=0.4168904722619/0/0
- colors=00000e0e00eee00e0eeL0eeeLLLLLzLzLLzzzLLzLzzzLzzz000555<3>HHHKKKOO\
- OSSSWWW___ccchhhmmmssszzz00z<3>z0z<3>z00<3>zz0<3>0z0<3>0zz<2>0GzVVz<3>zV\
- z<3>zVV<3>zzV<3>VzV<3>Vzz<2>Vbzhhz<3>zhz<3>zhh<3>zzh<3>hzh<3>hzz<2>hlz00\
- S<3>S0S<3>S00<3>SS0<3>0S0<3>0SS<2>07SEES<3>SES<3>SEE<3>SSE<3>ESE<3>ESS<2\
- >G0G<3>G00<3>GG0<3>0G0<3>0GG<2>04G88G<2>E8GG8GG8EG8CG8AG88<2>GE8GG8EG8CG\
- }
- --
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Windows 98 Pentium of Borg--öPrepare to be assimil-Gatedö
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: JOAN <savo@lleida.com>
- Subject: (fractint) Bifurcations
- Date: 01 Feb 1999 00:24:42 +0100
- I'm new in fractint mailing list. Excuse my english!
- As teacher, I need work with bifurcations (logistic maps) but may
- changing the parameters.
- In differents .FRM collections not find neither.
- Can you help me?
- Thanks to any and all !
- Joan Duran
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: JoWeber <JoWeber@compuserve.com>
- Subject: (fractint) rebuild my site
- Date: 31 Jan 1999 20:03:44 -0500
- Hi All,
- now that I have my own domain I rebuild my website, moved all files to fa=
- st
- servers
- - I hope they are fast - and added some new material, errors included -
- sorry about that.
- Any comment is welcome.
- Cheers --Jo--
- http://www.joweber.de
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: wdecker@csc.com
- Subject: (fractint) Visitor
- Date: 31 Jan 1999 21:28:45 -0500
- Every now and then I run across something that is anthropomorphic. This one
- is better than most I've generated.
- Someone is at the door.
- Bill Decker
- visitor { ; (c) Bill Decker Jan 31, 1999 t= 0:01:26.34
- ; on P150 800x600
- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=0bill.frm
- formulaname=bills-rotate3 function=atanh/cotan/cosxx passes=1
- center-mag=-5.01377/0.0118335/1.114486/1/-90 params=2/3/-1/1/1/100
- potential=255/100/0
- colors=000nna<3>llYkkXkkXjjX<28>XXXWWWWWWVWVVWV<27>HWHGVGGVGFUFFTF<27>11\
- 1000000000<28>F0FF0FG1GG2G<27>UUUVVVWVVXWWYWW<27>yiizjjzjjzkk<29>zzzzzzz\
- zy<23>nnb
- }
- bills-rotate3 {
- a = real(p1), b = imag(p1)
- c = real(p2), d = imag(p2)
- e = real(p3), f = imag(p3)
- w = pixel
- x = pixel
- y = pixel
- z = pixel
- :
- w = fn1(x+y)^a + w
- x = fn2(y+w)^b + x
- y = fn3(w+x)^c + y
- z = (w^2 - (x^2) * (y^2))*d + z*e
- |z| < f
- }
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: TEXART4U2@aol.com
- Subject: (fractint) Can I load my customm color maps (.pal) in real time during color cycling?
- Date: 01 Feb 1999 00:09:32 EST
- I have been using ver 19.6 to color cycle color compositions. I edit the
- palates to achieve a smooth or musical effect. Some work better than others
- of course. And then after composing various 256 color subroutines I want to
- splice them together or learn how to load them so that they "play" without the
- delay that occurs when I pause to load the new palate. I have tried to edit a
- custom text file, adding the text information from multiple subroutines, and
- loading it, but only the first 256 colors load. Any ideas on how to do this
- in Fractint?
- I also want to know if I can respecify key loaded color maps other than
- "default" = Dkey. IE: the number keys (1-9), the alt & shift + number keys.
- I use the preprogrammed colors for studies, but my own palate tastes are
- different.
- I also want to know what "routine" or filename controls the randomization
- colors from the enter key...Is this something that I could use to load a group
- of my precreated files from memory so they would load instantly.
- I have not been programming any source tools but I have a good eye toward
- color
- editing, and have been rewarded with the power of fractint for the past 3
- years.
- I would appreciate if if someone had suggestions or could point me toward some
- tools that might help me to sequence my color compositions.
- Thanks.
- Tom Baggs
- Texart4U2@AOL.com
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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- Administrator: twegner@phoenix.net
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