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Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 05:03:29 -0400 (EDT)
From: delicado@cheerful.com
Subject: (exotica) Bobby Byrne, Command and the Spaced Out site
Congratulations are due to Robbie, as the Enoch Light site is looking cooler than ever.
I actually visited to check out this record:
Bobby Byrne and His Orchestra - 1966 - Magnificent Movie Themes
, which I dug out of my uk collection when I was over there last week.
I'd forgotten what a fantastic record it is, in spite of its unspectacular title. It has a couple of great Bacharach film themes I didn't know before ('promise her anything' and 'made in paris'), a great 'thunderball', 'spy who came in from the cold' and 'cincinatti kid'.
I think this is from the period just after Enoch Light left the label. It has that great loose, slightly funky sound also found on Dick Hyman's 'Man from O.R.G.A.N.' lp. I wish I had a scanner, as my UK issue of this has a really beautiful cover.
Also on Command, after having it for 3 years, I've finally got really into the Warren Kime 'Brass Impact' LP - great song choices (eg 'mas que nada', 'prelude to a kiss', 'the breeze and I').
Nice to be getting back into Command stuff; as a friend of mine said, just seeing one of those classic command album covers seems to cause some kind of happiness-generating chemical reaction in the brain...
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Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 11:53:23 -0500
From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) [obit] Ed Peterson, Frank Gunther
BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- Ed Peterson, inventor of the alarm that beeps to warn
people when trucks and heavy machinery are backing up, has died at 78.
Peterson, who died Wednesday, also invented collapsible luggage carriers,
home security alarms and automotive electrical devices.
In the mid-1960s, he invented the Bac-A-Larm, marketing it initially to
international construction and engineering giant Morrison Knudsen Corp.,
which, like Peterson's company, was based in Boise.
The system is used worldwide now, and the company he founded with his
brother, Peterson Rebuild and Exchange Co., or Preco Inc. as it is known
today, is the world's largest supplier of reverse warning systems.
*Frank Gunther
VENICE, Fla. (AP) -- Frank Gunther, who devised some of the first radio
communications devices, died Monday. He was 91.
Gunther helped create shortwave, two-way and FM systems, often working with
the military and police and fire departments. In 1932 he built what is
believed to be the first two-way mobile police radio system for the Bayonne,
N.J., police department.
Gunther also installed one of the first one-way radios used on an aircraft.
In 1931, he took part in the first public broadcast from an aircraft. A year
later he installed the first two-way radio system on an airplane.
He joined Radio Engineering Laboratories in 1925. It was there that he
constructed and operated an experimental station that was one of the first
shortwave broadcasting systems.
In 1935, Gunther and Edwin Armstrong gave the first public demonstration of
frequency modulation, or FM transmission. The signal was much superior in
clarity to AM or shortwave.
- ------------------------------
Death anniversaries for the week of 31 May - 6 June:
Monday, 31 May
1996 - Timothy Leary; hallucinogen advocate
Thursday, 3 June
1992 - William M. Gaines; publisher, "MAD"
Sunday, 6 May
1979 - Jack Haley; actor, "The Wizard of Oz"
1993 - Conway Twitty; country and western performer
- ------------------------------
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Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 10:20:47 -0700 (PDT)
From: Robert Wallace <robtfwallace@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Poupee de son
- --- Robbie Baldock <rcb@easynet.co.uk> wrote:
> Er, close! It's "puppet of sound"
Ah, I knew it had something to do with sound. Moi,
j'ai oublie le definition du mot "poupee."
Nobody's perfect, and that's something that I'm sure she'll know, 'coz trying to persuade myself not to think about her is like trying to divide ice from the snow....so here I sit, crawling back to bed, knowing love's a hazard that I'd never guessed. But from this side of the morning, I couldn't care less."