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From: bag@hubris.net
Subject: Re: (exotica) Theremin Box Query
Date: 01 Mar 1999 00:22:39 +0000
At 12:08 AM 01-03-99 EST, BasicHip wrote:
>>It [The Basta Theremin 3 CD Set] is also very expensive,
close to fourty bucks. Each CD is less than 20 minutes long...
I would have preferred all three on one CD and a more affordable price tag.<<
There is a point at which artfulness gets too much. I would have to say
this is it. As a customer, I would gladly pay $20 for a nicely done
"full-platter" CD with the contents of all 10-inch EPs. However, I just don't
think it reasonable to expect anyone to fork over more than that to get the
amount of music a normal CD would hold...just for the sake of some artistic
What bugs me about this is that Basta has done a wonderful job with the
audio (I have heard samples which really have impressed me) but its
ill-conceived presentation argues with me not to buy the set.
Give me art but give me practicality, too!
Byron Caloz
Portland, Oregon, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way
The Mr. Smooth site: http://www.hubris.net/zolac/smooth
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From: Ton Rueckert <mojoto@plex.nl>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Theremin Box Query
Date: 01 Mar 1999 11:37:55 +0100
>>>It [The Basta Theremin 3 CD Set] is also very expensive,
>close to fourty bucks. Each CD is less than 20 minutes long...
>I would have preferred all three on one CD and a more affordable price tag.<<
>There is a point at which artfulness gets too much. I would have to say
>this is it. As a customer, I would gladly pay $20 for a nicely done
>"full-platter" CD with the contents of all 10-inch EPs. However, I just
>think it reasonable to expect anyone to fork over more than that to get the
>amount of music a normal CD would hold...just for the sake of some artistic
>What bugs me about this is that Basta has done a wonderful job with the
>audio (I have heard samples which really have impressed me) but its
>ill-conceived presentation argues with me not to buy the set.
>Give me art but give me practicality, too!
When buying in Europe, you have to push aside your American notion of
prices. $20, that's about the price bestselling CD's go for here, so
$30 (that's what the box actually costs...) is not hugely overpriced
for a 'nicely done' 3 CD set with an hour of exquisite music.
The thing is, you're just not used to buying overseas like we are
with all the extra costs for shipping and handling that go with it, I mean,
you can easily get outraged when you don't realise how lucky you are.
Cheers, Ton
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** Ton Rueckert Mozartstraat 12 5914 RB Venlo The Netherlands ***
*** mojoto@plex.nl http://www.plex.nl/~mojoto Ph 31/0 773545386 ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Remain calm. And share your bananas. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Mantra for the Modern Jungle. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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From: Peter Risser <risser@goodnews.net>
Subject: (exotica) The People's Court
Date: 01 Mar 1999 09:24:51 -0500
Apparently Alan Tew wrote "The Big One" which was used as production music
for the People's Court. Didn't someone here say that a long version
existed on some comp somewhere?
I'd love to know what that was.
Two other things:
One, does anyone remember the intro music for General Cinema's?
I'd love a copy of that.
Two, Henry Mancini wrote the theme for "What's Happening?"! Where's Oranj
Symphonette when you need them?
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) Moldy-oldies!
Date: 01 Mar 1999 10:01:57 -0500
Well, I will NEVER be one to complain about getting a lot of sealed vinyl.
However, some of my recent scores, sealed while they are, havesome water
damage from being stored in a basement for who knows how long! So even
though "mint", there is some mold on them, as well as in the inner parts
of the covers that are gate-folds. Some other of the records in the same
haul also have mold either on the jackets or the vinyl itself. Is there a
way after cleaning these, to prevent the MOLD from further, uh, growing and
spreading? EEEK!
Jane "goldbond" Fondle
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From: "Brian Karasick" <brian@PHYRES.Lan.McGill.CA>
Subject: (exotica) Ye-Ye/Schlager & XoTiCa
Date: 01 Mar 1999 10:57:41 -0500
Johan writes:
> >I don't think the French 'Ye-Ye' is the equivalent of the Schlager. As
> >far as I know 'Ye-Ye' refers only to French sixties-music. Sort of the
> >French answer to the Beatles and beat in general.
> correct. "ye-ye" is french for "yeah yeah", like in
> "she loves you, yeah yeah yeah".
I have to admit to being a bit baffled but I hate to classify music
and in trying to do so I bring on myself this sort of problem. While ye-ye
seems to refer to a rather narrow range of music, unless someone else
knows otherwise, I sense Schlager refers to a much wider range of
music, covering the range from the dreaded Heino to the poppy German
vocals of of France Gall, who is of course herself French (but amazingly
good in German!). The question then is, can some Schlager also be the
equivalent of ye-ye or are the French the only Europeans that can claim
ownership to this particular musical style? Or are the two terms simply
not compatible?
> > I was in Virgin today and saw that XTC have returned to the studio
> > after a 7-year break. The blurb describes the new album it as
> > superb "orchestral pop" which sparked my interest. Has anyone
> > heard anything of it?
Say I don't know what all the fuss is about this, after having listened to
the samples on the website. Maybe its just that I best remember XTC
from their pioneering new wave days but there is little if any sign of
renewed life in this new recording, at least from what I heard! But,
that's only one person's opinion so...
Brian Karasick
Physical Planner
McGill University
Montreal, Canada
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) RCA Stereo Action Series
Date: 01 Mar 1999 12:12:15 -0500
At 02:58 PM 2/28/99 EST, DJJimmyBee@aol.com wrote:
>Can anyone furnish a list of "good" RCA Stereo Action LP's? I have four.
>are excellent and one disappointing. The excellent ones are:
> "Dynamica" Ray Martin Orchestra
> "It's Magic" Marty Gold Orchestra
> "Futura" Bernie Green Orchestra
Well before I go ahead and put my foot in my mouth, I wish you'd mentioned
the one you have that you don't like. But I'm going to guess that it's Leo
Addeo's "Paradise Regained" which I have and only keep because it's Stereo
I would add the other Ray Martin one "Excitement Incorporated" and Dick
Schory's "Running Wild" to your list. I can't say that the Ray Martin is
better than the other one but it has a grey cover if you're impressed by
that kind of thing.
(I must be if I'm mentioning it.) And I love that title.
On the Stereo Action "sampler" called "Unlimited" there's a cut each by
Keith Textor and Guitars Unlimited Plus 7 that make me want to hear each of
the records that those cuts come from, especially the latter.
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From: "Darrell Brogdon" <dbrogdon@falcon.cc.ukans.edu>
Subject: (exotica) Retro Cocktail Hour this week
Date: 01 Mar 1999 11:35:41 +0000
This week on the Retro Cocktail Hour webcast, hear a modest musical
tribute to the Big Apple with Phil Moore's wonderful "New York
Sweet"; "Sub-Manhattan Blues" by Bob Thompson (from "The Sound of
Speed"); Susan Barrett sings "Manhattan", conducted by Kenyon
Hopkins(!); and David Shire's amazing '70s crime jazz from "The
Taking of Pelham 1-2-3".
Also, music from Del-Fi's new "Jungle Jive" CD, plus Yma Sumac, Dick
Hyman, Don Ralke's "Bongo Madness", Warren Kime and the Brass Impact
Orchestra and Maynard Ferguson with "Mambo La Mans" from the very
rare LP "Straightaway Jazz Themes" (soundtrack from a short-lived
early '60s TV show about race drivers). We'll hear a track from
Martin Denny's "Latin Village" - indications are it's one of the
notorious "ghosted" LPs recently discussed here (Bob Florence at the
Important note for Retro Cocktail Hour listeners. Since so many are
still using RealPlayer 5.0, this week we've established a 5.0 archive
of shows alongside the G2 shows. For the time being, new shows
will be available in both 5.0 or G2 streams. So, if you've not yet
upgraded to RealPlayer G2, you can still hear the show!
To hear The Retro Cocktail Hour on the Web, just go to:
Requires at least 28.8 Internet connection and, of course, RealPlayer
5.0 or G2. If you tune us in, please drop us a line.
Thanks for the space.
Darrell Brogdon
The Retro Cocktail Hour
KANU FM 91.5
Broadcasting Hall
The University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045
Visit The Retro Cocktail Hour at:
Listen to The Retro Cocktail Hour at:
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From: "Br. Cleve" <bcleve@pop.tiac.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) The People's Court
Date: 01 Mar 1999 12:48:55 -0500
At 9:24 AM -0500 3/1/99, Peter Risser wrote:
>One, does anyone remember the intro music for General Cinema's?
>I'd love a copy of that.
oh yeah, I always loved that. In fact, I just wrote a homage/take off of it
for the Cinemax cable channel (for their "Friday Premiere" trailers; I
think it starts airing today). I haven't been to a General Cinema in years;
I wonder if they still use it? Last time I heard it, the soundtrack seemed
to be falling apart. The earliest I remember hearing/seeing it was around
1966. For years I've wondered who it is playing the electric harpsichord on
it - could it be Dick Hyman? Sounds like him, and he did play a Baldwin
electric harpsichord.
for those of you who don't have any idea what we're talking about: this was
a 30 second clip of the General Cinema Corp logo (GCC), which looked like a
movie projector. As the reels moved, it was accompanied by a trade off
between electric harpsichord and snare drum played with brushes, that
followed the animation. The harpsichord dropped out after 12 measures,
leaving the snare to finish the last 4. When it ended, either the words
"Coming Attractions" or "Feature Presentation" appeared on the screen.
br cleve
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Tell me about these, PLEASE!
Date: 01 Mar 1999 16:05:12 +0100
>From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
>Can anyone tell me if these are good or not ?
Italian 70's psychedelic b-movies soundtracks & sonorizations.
Groovy jazzy funk, like the "Easy Tempo" compilations, but
nothing special. my rate: 3 on 5
>PULSAR MUSIC LTD. "Milano Violenta"
Looks like a music library album (Pulsar Music LTD is
a music library), only on the back it says "Milano Violenta
original movie soundtrack"... mellow cop funk, jazzy funk,
"dramatic" funk, 1 really beautiful EZ track, and 3 dark & moody
tracks that are described as: dramatic, suspense/ neurosia, stress/
painful, obsessing.
my rate: 3 on 5.
these 2 are not bad, but i find that after a while, all these
funky 70's library records start to sound the same.
i'm not wild about any of them...
recommended however is
* Nico Fidenco: Black Emanuelle's Groove
(A collection of famous original soundtracks' themes)
CD/LP, Abraxas Records/Dago Red 101, Italy, 1998
Compilation from the "Emanuelle Nera/Black Emanuelle" soft erotic
film series from the 60's and 70's. Fidenco combines flute and wordless
vocals and lush strings, with subtle exotic percussion, electric guitar and
organ, and a really weird bass guitar sound (at least, I THINK it is a
bass, run through some effect pedal). The result is a very original sound
of his own, both sensous and mysterious, or Black Emanuelle painted in
Dusty Groove says: This nifty set brings together 17 very sexy
tracks from the classic Emanuel softcore erotic film series. All the music
is composed by Nico Fidenco, and it's got a sound that's different from a
lot of these other Italian soundtracks, and which sounds a bit like some of
the French stuff of the 70's, particularly the scoring that was being done
by Serge Gainsbourg at the time. There's lots of isolated instruments,
slowly gyrating basslines, choppy guitar, and cool electronic bits on
keyboards or other instruments. titles include "Red Hot Wax", "Emanuelle's
Theme", "Kamasutra In Love", "Sweet Bossa", and "Samba Safari".
| ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \
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From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" <weirdomusic@wxs.nl>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Ye-Ye/Schlager
Date: 01 Mar 1999 19:10:17 +0100
Brian Karasick wrote:
> The question then is, can some Schlager also be the
> equivalent of ye-ye or are the French the only Europeans that can claim=
> ownership to this particular musical style? =
I think that during a certain period in the sixties a lot of European
popular music was influenced by what was happening in England. So it's
true that there must be Schlagers that sound like the French Y=E9 Y=E9, j=
like Italian or Dutch hits were influenced by the Beatles at the same
time. So Schlager refers to a very broad range of music, but at one time
it certainly included things that could be the equivalent of what the
French were doing.
-- =
Marco "Kallie" Kalnenek
Record Collector's Heaven
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From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" <weirdomusic@wxs.nl>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Theremin Box Query
Date: 01 Mar 1999 19:10:27 +0100
bag@hubris.net wrote:
> What bugs me about this is that Basta has done a wonderful job with > the
> audio but its
> ill-conceived presentation argues with me not to buy the set.
> Give me art but give me practicality, too!
What's more practical than having exact copies of the original records
in their orignal sleeves? Wouln't it be great to have, for example, all
of the Esquivel-reissues in this manner? I've always wondered why the CD
was introduced in these stupid plastic boxes. Why didn't they issue CDs
in cardboard sleeves right from the start?
Marco "Kallie" Kalnenek
Record Collector's Heaven
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From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" <weirdomusic@wxs.nl>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Theremin Box Query
Date: 01 Mar 1999 19:10:33 +0100
Ton Rueckert wrote:
> When buying in Europe, you have to push aside your American notion of
> prices. $20, that's about the price bestselling CD's go for here, so
> $30 (that's what the box actually costs...) is not hugely overpriced
> for a 'nicely done' 3 CD set with an hour of exquisite music.
> The thing is, you're just not used to buying overseas like we are
> with all the extra costs for shipping and handling that go with it, I mean,
> you can easily get outraged when you don't realise how lucky you are.
I agree. And think of what you would pay for one of the original
records! I think one of the original 10-inch records would set you back
at least 20 bucks - if you're lucky enough to find one.
Marco "Kallie" Kalnenek
Record Collector's Heaven
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) too many obits
Date: 01 Mar 1999 13:49:18 -0600
*John L. Goldwater =09
NEW YORK (AP) -- John L. Goldwater, creator of the syndicated comic
character Archie, died Friday. He was 83.=20
Goldwater grew up in East Harlem as an orphan and, as a teen-ager, left to
travel across the country, working odd jobs as he went. He returned to New
York several years later and worked loading magazines at the docks before
creating the Archie character in 1941.=20
Far from being a ``superhero,'' Archie is an average teen-ager with a
penchant for getting into trouble. The red-haired character was an instant
success and remained popular decades after his first appearance in print.=20
In the late 1960s, Archie made his TV debut. In 1973, Goldwater wrote
``Americana in Four Colors.'' ``Archie: To Riverdale and Back Again,'' a
television movie based on the Archie characters, was broadcast on NBC in=
Goldwater ran Archie Comic Publications until his retirement in 1983. The
Archie comic books are now published in over 35 countries. Goldwater also
founded the Comics Magazine Association of America and served as its
president for 25 years. He was also a national commissioner of the
Anti-Defamation League.=20
*Michael Avallone =09
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Michael Angelo Avallone, a mystery writer who penned
the Ed Noon series and whose original novels were based on the television
series ``The Man from U.N.C.L.E.'' and ``Hawaii Five-0,'' died Friday after
suffering from heart failure. He was 74.=20
Avallone wrote more than 200 books and short stories during his 45 year
career, including Westerns, horror stories and children's books. He was best
known as the author of the Ed Noon series of detective novels published
between 1953 and 1988.=20
Avallone also wrote movie novelizations, including ``Beneath the Planet of
Apes'' and ``Shock Corridor.''=20
The author, whose works were translated and published around the world,
once said he began to write ``when he discovered pencils'' and said: ``I
never wrote a book I didn't like.''=20
His first novel, ``The Tall Dolores,'' was published in 1953 and featured
his detective character Ed Noon. He went on to pen 36 Ed Noon novels. His
last Noon novel, ``High Noon at Midnight,'' featured an older detective,
much like the author, and addressed the author's thoughts on aging.=20
He also wrote gothic romances under the pen name Edwina Noone. =20
March 1, 1999
Michael Avallone, 74, Author of Ed Noon Detective Stories
Michael Avallone, a prolific writer of detective stories and other
novels that were sometimes reminiscent of old-fashioned pulp fiction, died
on Friday at his home in Los Angeles. He was 74 and lived in Middlesex
County, N.J., for 30 years until 1995. The cause was heart failure, said his
son-in-law, Carr D'Angelo.=20
Avallone wrote more than 200 books, about half under his own name and
the rest under pseudonyms, D'Angelo said, and he published many short
stories in collections.=20
He is perhaps best known for his Ed Noon series of detective novels,
published from 1953 to 1988.=20
The first was "The Tall Dolores" and the last, "High Noon at Midnight,"
was his final book. Ed Noon is a wisecracking private eye based in Manhattan
whose Runyonesque views on baseball and movies echo those of Avallone.=20
Other fiction he wrote included horror tales, novels of the old West
and mysteries for children. For Gothic romances he used female pseudonyms.=
In a 1973 interview, Avallone said that one book he wrote in the
Partridge Family series of children's mysteries had sold 2.5 million copies.
More than two million copies of Avallone's 1965 espionage novel "The Man
From U.N.C.L.E.: The Thousand Coffins Affair," were sold in the United
States and elsewhere, D'Angelo said. That book's spy protagonist was
borrowed from the television series "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." Much of his
work was translated into foreign languages and sold abroad.=20
Avallone was sometimes called "the Fastest Typewriter in the East." In
a recent issue of the weekly New Times, he was called a "pulpmeister."
Avallone liked to say, "I never wrote a book I didn't like," and the critic
John Gross called him "a formidable figure."=20
But Gross objected to some of Avallone's sentences, like, "The whites
of his eyes came up in their sockets like moons over an oasis lined with
palm trees." In describing what he called irresistibly bad prose, the critic
Newgate Callendar cited another Avallone excerpt in The New York Times: "The
footsteps didn't walk right in. They stopped outside the door and knocked."=
He was born in Manhattan, one of the 17 children of a stonemason who
was also a sculptor, and grew up in the Bronx. He served in the Army from
1943 to 1946, mainly in Europe, rising to sergeant.=20
Avallone belonged to the New Jersey Literary Hall of Fame and was on
the awards committee of the Mystery Writers of America from 1961 to 1971.=20
An early marriage ended in divorce.=20
He is survived by his wife, Frances; two sons, Stephen, of the Bronx,
and David, a writer and film director, of Los Angeles; a daughter, Susan,
who is a screenwriter, of Los Angeles; four brothers, Nicky Iacovetti and
Patrick, both of Brooklyn, William, of Middle Island, N.Y., and Gerald, of
Florida, and three sisters, Marie Antoinette Fernandez of Brooklyn, Madelyn
Fortmuller of Plainview, N.Y., and Grace Conlan of Carlsbad, Calif.=20
*Stanley Dance =09
SAN DIEGO (AP) -- Jazz critic Stanley Dance, a confidant of Duke Ellington
and Earl Hines who won a Grammy in 1963, died Tuesday of pneumonia. He was=
Dance was one of the genre's most respected critics and his work spanned 60
Revered by fans and musicians, Dance coined the term ``mainstream'' as a
way to describe a jazz style. He won a Grammy Award in 1963 for writing the
liner notes for the album ``The Ellington Era.''=20
Dance also wrote liner notes for the Sweet Baby Blues Band and was featured
chanting on the track ``Sometimes it be That Way'' on singer-pianist Jeannie
Cheatham's 1987 album ``Homeward Bound.''=20
``Stanley was a giant, a lifelong jazz devotee and one of the most honest
men I've ever met,'' Ms. Cheatham said. ``He didn't bite his tongue, he said
what he thought, and that was that.''=20
Born in England, Dance began writing about jazz professionally in 1935,
eventually marrying Helen Oakley, who was in charge of Variety Records and
produced several of Ellington's small group records in the 1930s.=20
Dance read the eulogy at Ellington's funeral in 1974. The jazz critic
co-wrote Ellington's autobiography and other books, including ``The World of
Swing'' and ``The World of Earl Hines.'' His work appeared in the New York
Herald Tribune, Saturday Review, Down Beat and Jazz Times. He was also book
review editor at Jazz Times from 1980 until last fall.=20
*Harry Rossoll =09
ATLANTA (AP) -- Harry Rossoll, who as a U .S. Forest Service illustrator
created the Smokey Bear fire prevention messages that became one of the most
successful public relations campaigns, died Thursday of an intestinal
aneurysm. He was 89.=20
A native of Norwich, Conn., he provided the rough draft for Smokey Bear in
1944 as the character to promote forest fire prevention after rejecting
figures including a forest ranger and a beaver.=20
Rossoll drew more than 1,000 ``Smokey Says'' cartoons that were published
in newspapers across the nation for 25 years. He also talked with foresters
in the field and gave talks about Smokey and fire prevention to school
March 1, 1999
Betty Roche, Singer of Blues and Be-Bop, Dead at 81
Betty Roche, a singer who performed with Duke Ellington in the 1940s
and '50s and was noted for her strong, dramatic delivery of blues material,
died on Feb. 16 at the Mainland Manor Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in
Pleasantville, N.J. She was 81.=20
"She had a soul inflection in a bop state of intrigue," Ellington wrote
about Ms. Roche in his oblique style of praise, "and every word was
understandable despite the sophisticated hip and jive connotations."=20
Born Mary Elizabeth Roche (pronounced ro-SHAY) in Wilmington, Del., she
began her career by winning an amateur contest at the Apollo Theater in
Harlem. In 1941 she sang with the Savoy Sultans.=20
Ms. Roche joined Ellington in 1943, replacing Ivie Anderson just before
Ellington's first Carnegie Hall concert and scored highly with the critics
and audience in her section of the Ellington suite "Black, Brown and Beige."=
Her feature within the suite was the "Blues" sequence, meant to express
the feelings of blacks who settled into urban life at the start of the 20th
century. With its famous pyramidal lyric scheme -- it begins, "The blues/the
blues ain't/the blues ain't nothing/the blues ain't nothing but a cold gray
day" -- it became one of Ellington's greatest pieces for a singer.=20
But Ms. Roche's rendition, in a concert recording, was not released
until the 1970s because when Ellington made a studio recording of the suite
in 1944, Ms. Roche already had been replaced by Joya Sherrill. In a similar
bit of unfortunate luck, Ms. Roche sang "Take the A Train" with Ellington in
the 1943 film "Reveille With Beverly" but wasn't recorded singing
Ellington's signature tune until nine years later, in a be-bop style, on the
album "Ellington Uptown."=20
Ms. Roche also performed and recorded with the pianist Earl Hines, the
trumpeter Clark Terry and the singer and pianist Charles Brown. She made
three recordings under her name for the Bethlehem and Prestige labels in the
late 1950s and early 60s.=20
She is survived by three grandchildren.
March 1, 1999
Charles Allan Gerhardt, 72, Record Producer and Conductor
Charles Allan Gerhardt, a record producer who recorded many of the
great classical music performers of the 1950's and 1960's and who also
conducted a series of classic film-score albums, died on Feb. 22 at Mercy
Hospital in Redding, Calif. He was 72 and lived in Redding.=20
Robert E. Benson, a music critic and friend of Gerhardt, said the cause
was complications from surgery for brain cancer.=20
Gerhardt was born in Detroit in 1927 and grew up in Little Rock, Ark.,
where he began studying the piano at age 5 and composition at 9. After
service in the Navy as a chaplain's assistant during World War II, he
studied music and science at several colleges, including the University of
Illinois and the University of Southern California.=20
Gerhardt, who was fascinated with recordings, joined the technical
staff of RCA Victor in 1950, first to prepare long-playing reissues of
recordings by Enrico Caruso and Artur Schnabel and then to assist at
sessions for Vladimir Horowitz, Wanda Landowska, Kirsten Flagstad and
William Kapell. He also worked closely with Arturo Toscanini, who encouraged
him to study conducting. By the early 1960's, he was overseeing RCA's
productions in London.=20
As a producer, Gerhardt's first major project was "A Festival of Light
Classical Music," sold through the Reader's Digest in 1960.=20
He also produced a Beethoven cycle conducted by Ren=E9 Leibowitz, in
1961, that is prized by collectors and has recently been reissued by Chesky
In 1964, Gerhardt formed an orchestra of London musicians for use at
his recording sessions. It was incorporated as the National Philharmonic
Orchestra in 1970, and besides producing its recordings with a variety of
conductors and soloists, Gerhardt conducted it himself on recordings of
standard repertory works and contemporary pieces.=20
His best-known series was an extensive collection of film scores that
began in 1972 with "The Sea Hawk," the first major overview of Erich
Korngold's film music, and included volumes devoted to the works of Max
Steiner, Miklos Rozsa, Franz Waxman, Alfred Newman, Dmitri Tiomkin, Bernard
Hermann and John Williams. The success of his Korngold disk also led to a
reinvestigation of Korngold's serious music, and in 1975 he produced the
first recording of the composer's opera, "Die Tote Stadt."=20
Gerhardt retired from RCA in 1986 and worked as a freelance producer
until 1997. No immediate family members survive.=20
Death anniversaries for the week of 1 March - 7 March:
Monday, 1 March
1984 - Jackie Coogan; actor, "The Addams Family" TV series
1988 - Joe Besser; comic actor, "The Three Stooges"
Tuesday, 2 March
1987 - Randolph Scott; actor
Wednesday, 3 March
1966 - William Frawley; actor, "I Love Lucy"
1991 - Arthur Murray; dance instructor
Thursday, 4 March
1994 - John Candy; actor
1996 - Minnie Pearl; TV & stage performer
Friday, 5 March
1980 - Jay Silverheels; actor, Tonto on "The Lone Ranger"
1982 - John Belushi; actor
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From: Peter Risser <risser@goodnews.net>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Stereo Action
Date: 01 Mar 1999 14:35:27 -0500
Dick Schory is alright. It has some great tracks, but others are sorta lame.
Lest we not forget: Three Suns Movin' and Groovin was Stereo Action.
Fever and Smoke may have been also, but I don't know.
And apparently Esquivel had at least one Stereo Action release.
If you are interested in knowing a few RCA Artists up close and personal,
you can pick up the RCA Space Age Pop series of CDs, which include cuts
from many of those albums. They are all great.
BTW, I haven't heard the whole Leo Addeo album, but I *love* the ocarina
cuts on this comp. They rule, especially Stumbling. So there. A
different 2 pence.
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From: Ross Orr <rotohut@ic.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Tech: I Have Seen The Future
Date: 01 Mar 1999 15:26:21 -0500
>> . . . The old concept that you are
>>going to pay to own the object looks to be in real trouble here. . .
>I think the object will always be important to me and to others as crazy as
I think I'd make a distinction between new and old music here.
When you spend months going through spore-infested record bins, unearthing
music that has nearly vanished into oblivion, then finally come upon some
surprise killer track that just tickles you to death--Well, then I think
you can't help wanting the object. It becomes a kind of talisman embodying
that sucessful hunt. That's how I see it, anyway--anyway I'm sure not
giving up any of *my* LPs.
But I was talking more about NEW music--where often I might not
particularly care about getting the packaging or a complete album as a
unit. Basically my problem is that I don't have the time or income to sift
through all the hundreds of new groups and find ones I like. So what I do
end up buying is a very skewed and random selection of what my friends are
listening to (particularly if something turns up as a used CD). So I
actually might be interested in a kind of personalized "subscription"
service, where you could download compilations of different artists.
(Particularly if they could ever figure out a reliable "if you liked THAT
you'll probably like THIS" algorithm, which would still periodically send
you a wild card or two.)
Also, perhaps the definition of "the object" that you feel you need to
possess might evolve slightly in the digital world. I was thinking about
this when I found out about those maniacs who have lovingly archived
the ROM images of all the classic arcade videogames from the late 70s
and early 80s.
I generally don't care about games at all--but when I tried out the
"genuine" Asteroids on my mac, even I had to laugh at the audacity of the
Trinitron going black and perfectly displaying all those goofy wireframe
graphics-- right down to the "Copyright 1977 Atari" across the bottom of
the screen. So in that case what they're "collecting" isn't a physical
thing anymore--but it still has some of those same elements of searching
out and rediscovering something from the past, that was apparently going to
be lost.
Maybe when we all have fiber-optic lines coming into our houses and MP3
data compression is unnecessary, there will be collectors who ransack old
backup archives for MP3's of obscure bands. . . the ones who never got a
recording contract, who bravely put their songs on the web and then sank
into oblivion. . .
|| Ross "Mambo Frenzy" Orr <rotohut@ic.net>
|| Ann Arbor, Michigan USA
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From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
Subject: (exotica) Tell me about the, PLEASE!
Date: 01 Mar 1999 12:30:16 -0800
Dusty Groove says: Johan agrees
I reviewed that Black Emmanuelle's Groove for KFJC and though I didn't say
it in my review, it did nothing for me at all.
So, different strokes fo' diffowent fokes
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) you rang?
Date: 01 Mar 1999 12:14:09 -0500
Hello, Hugh and the rest of the world! Boston is woefully lame when it
comes to great places just to "hang out," especially for free!
>JAKE IVORY'S 1 Landsdowne Street: Karaoke with
live pianists to belt out songs from the Fifties to the
80's. Loud, brash and raucous.
Never been, probably stoopit college students spending their parents money
on karaoke to the strains of Billy Joel.
>HIBERNIA, 25 Kingston Street: Boston's trendiest
small night club is tucked away on the edges of the
Financial District. Most of Boston's bars tend to
embrace the Cheers look with a tad too much
enthusiasm, but Hibernia bucks the tweed and pine
trend. Cool, with loud, loud music.
But the "loud,loud music" is probably nothing this list wants to hear,
>THE GOOD LIFE, 28 Kingston Street: No compost
but plenty of crooning in a trashy but trendy bar.
Live music Wednesday to Saturday tends towards
mellow jazz. Exudes a sense of Sinatra-esque sleeze,
red leatherette walls, chrome chairs and an impressive
cocktail menu.
>The lastmentioned sounds wonderful, but might it
warrant the Lounge Laura stamp of approval?
I have never been, but all of my friends have here. Yes, there is a good
jazz trio on Thursdays, who play with a singer of standards on Saturdays.
The drinks are suppossedly expensive. This means: BRING YOUR OWN FLASK!
post script: Ain't been to the new place where our Brother Cleve bartends,
but it's on my "to do" list! The best things in Boston are our THREE (or
more) Tiki Restaurants, and the glorious record stores...
Jane Fondle, the artiste formerly known as Lounge Laura, or something
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From: Jeff Phillips <jphillips@philharmonia.org>
Subject: Re: (exotica) The People's Court
Date: 01 Mar 1999 10:39:45 -0800
Br. Cleve wrote:
> for those of you who don't have any idea what we're talking about: this=
> a 30 second clip of the General Cinema Corp logo (GCC), which looked li=
ke a
> movie projector. As the reels moved, it was accompanied by a trade off
> between electric harpsichord and snare drum played with brushes, that
> followed the animation. The harpsichord dropped out after 12 measures,
> leaving the snare to finish the last 4. When it ended, either the words
> "Coming Attractions" or "Feature Presentation" appeared on the screen.
And I miss the old Loew's intro theme (before Sony bought 'em out), with
a peppy vixen singing, "Thank you for coming to Loew's / Sit back and
relax / Enjoy the show!"
EZ does it,
Jeff Phillips
Director of Concert Production |=AF( http://www.philharmonia.org
Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra | \ jphillips@philharmonia.org
333 Market Street, Plaza Suite | =BA \ phone (415) 495-7445
San Francisco, California 94105 |=86=86=86=86| fax (415) 495-747=
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From: Bump <bumpy@megsinet.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) General Cinema
Date: 01 Mar 1999 18:11:28 -0500
>>One, does anyone remember the intro music for General Cinema's?
>>I'd love a copy of that.
ME TOO!!!! good call. i loved that, luckily almost every movie i
went to see as a kid was at a general cinema...i would play air drums to it
while bopping around in my seat! it still plays in my head to this day...
i believe i have it on a trailer tape somewhere?????
>oh yeah, I always loved that. In fact, I just wrote a homage/take off of it
>for the Cinemax cable channel (for their "Friday Premiere" trailers; I
>think it starts airing today). I haven't been to a General Cinema in years;
>I wonder if they still use it?
they still use the "tune" but it is so washed out and made ultra mellow by
cheesy/spacey keyboards and it just plain souless.
they used the one we are talking about well into the 70's.
wish i had cable, i would love to hear your homage!
bump out
Universal DJ
Defective Records
"...there's a whole lots of times i wish i could say i'm not white." --FZ
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From: Pearmania@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) More good Stereo Action titles
Date: 01 Mar 1999 18:16:12 EST
>DJJimmyBee@aol.com wrote:
>Can anyone furnish a list of "good" RCA Stereo Action LP's? I have four.
>are excellent and one disappointing. The excellent ones are:
> "Dynamica" Ray Martin Orchestra
> "It's Magic" Marty Gold Orchestra
> "Futura" Bernie Green Orchestra
>Anyone have others to recommend? Thanks.
The following additional Stereo Action titles get my personal thumbs up:
Guitars Unlimited + 7 -- Crazy Rhythm
The Three Suns -- Movin' and Groovin' (strong contender for their best)
Dick Schory -- Runnin' Wild
Like Nat Kone, I'm not wild about Leo Addeo's Stereo Action records. I don't
care much for Marty Gold's Stereo Action Goes Hollywood, either. It's Magic
is better, but even it is not one of the best in the Stereo Action series
While we're on the subject, anyone who has a lead on a copy of Bernie Green's
Futura (CDR o.k. too) for less than $30, please let me know. I'd love to
follow the sound of it around my living room.
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Leeteg documentary
Date: 01 Mar 1999 18:18:59 -0600
At 04:43 AM 2/27/99 EST, you wrote:
>For those of you who missed the opening of the Tiki art show and Leeteg
>exhibit at the Huntington Beach Art Center
There's a RealAudio story on Leeteg from last Saturday's NPR Weekend=
Scroll down to:
=A0 Black Velvet -- An art exhibit at the Huntington Beach Art Center honors
the originator of black velvet painting. Scott talks to curator Greg
Escalante about the fine line between kitsch and art. (2:45)=20
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) New MP3 search engine
Date: 01 Mar 1999 19:19:51 -0600
SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A., 1999 MAR 1 (NB) -- By Matt Hines,
Newsbytes. A new search engine has been launched to help Internet users find
links to music downloads utilizing the controversial MP3 format.
Dubbed MP3meta, the site was created by SavvySearch Inc. which operates a
multi-engine Internet search by the same name. The tool searches across a
number of different Web engines and returns links to sites which carry MP3
MP3 allows computer users to download and distribute songs over the Web but
is attracting criticism from recording companies which claim there are
insufficient parameters in place to protect their copyrights.
Last Friday, a standards group, which includes major players from the
recording and computer industries, met to discuss guidelines for secure
online music applications including MP3.com, the leading online source for
MP3 files.
MP3.com claims that it successfully bought advertising time during the
television broadcast of last week's Grammy Awards, but that its spots were
canceled leading up to the event as a result of the recording industry's
distaste for the MP3 format.
The recording industry has become increasingly concerned as new modes for
copying and distributing music over the Internet have popped up. The Secure
Digital Music Initiative (SDMI) was established at the end of last year in
order to protect the record companies' copyrights on the Web. The initiative
was founded by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and
includes support from major labels such as Universal, EMI, Sony, and Time
SDMI was created partly in reaction to the high-profile court battle ongoing
between a number of record companies and Diamond Multimedia. Diamond was
brought to court over its Rio device which uses the MP3 platform.
The goal issued by SDMI is to provide a forum where technology companies can
work together to create an open architecture and specification for digital
music security. The group wants to insure interoperability among digital
products as well as protect copyrighted music in existing and emerging
digital formats, according to SDMI spokesmen.
The MP3meta search engine is located at http://www.mp3meta.com
MP3.com is located online at MP3.com
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From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
Subject: (exotica) Mirium Burton-African Lament
Date: 01 Mar 1999 16:47:46 -0800
Anyone have this LP who would care to elaborate ?
I know it's a super dooper rare 1, I do know that
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From: "Kevin C." <kevin@kevdo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Martin Denny articles
Date: 01 Mar 1999 17:42:38 -0800
I finally obtained issue #7 of Cool and Strange Music, featuring the excellent
interview with Martin Denny. Besides the article on Denny in "Incredibly Strange
Music", or things on the net, are there any other good articles on Denny that
anyone can point me towards.
I've got a lead on an Utne Reader article. If you've seen this, please comment
(to see if my pursuit is worth it).
Kevin Crossman
The Search for the Ulimate Mai Tai
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From: "Kevin C." <kevin@kevdo.com>
Subject: (exotica) "Tiki" vs. "Jungle" exotica
Date: 01 Mar 1999 17:47:21 -0800
They ID two strains of Exotica music:
"Jungle"- Les Baxter and hollywood creations
"Tiki"- Denny and Lyman, et. al.
"The strictest definition limits exotica to the imitations of Polynesian,
Afro-Caribbean, and Hawaiian music that were produced by Les Baxter and others
from the mid-1950s to the very early 1960s. This music blended the elements of
Afro-Cuban rhythms, unusual instrumentations, environmental sounds, and lush
romantic themes from Hollywood movies, topped off with evocative titles like
"Jaguar God," into a cultural hybrid native to no place outside the San Fernando
There were two primary strains of this kind of exotica: Jungle and Tiki. Jungle
was definitely a Hollywood creation, with its roots in Tarzan movies (and
further back, to W.H. Hudson's novel, Green Mansions. Les Baxter was the king of
jungle exotica, and spawned a host of imitators while opening the doors for a
few more genuine articles such as Chaino, Thurston Knudson, and Guy Warren. Tiki
was introduced with Martin Denny's Waikiki nightclub combo cum jungle noises
cover of Baxter's "Quiet Village," although Denny's vibe player, Arthur Lyman,
soon became the style's most representative artist. Tiki rode a wave of
popularity in the late 1950s and early 1960s marked by the entrance of Hawaii as
the 50th state in 1959 and the introduction of Tiki hut cocktail bars and
restaurants around the continental United States. Tiki exotica is now enjoying a
resurgence in popularity, and Tiki mugs and torches that once collected dust in
thrift stores are now hot items."
Do others concur with this?
Kevin Crossman
The Search for the Ulimate Mai Tai
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From: cheryl <cheryls@dsuper.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Martin Denny articles
Date: 01 Mar 1999 23:01:27 -0500
The Utne Reader (Sept/Oct 1994) article (slightly under one page on
Martin Denny, actually) doesn't really tell you anything you probably
don't already know. Don't bother searching too hard for it, if that's
all you're interested in. The Cocktail Nation article in the same issue
is a lot of fun, however - lots of info on ComEd, cocktail recipes, etc.
Both are excerpted from "Cake", a journal from Minneapolis.
Kevin C. wrote:
> I finally obtained issue #7 of Cool and Strange Music, featuring the excellent
> interview with Martin Denny.
> I've got a lead on an Utne Reader article. If you've seen this, please comment
> (to see if my pursuit is worth it).
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From: LTepedino@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) The People's Court
Date: 02 Mar 1999 00:29:09 EST
In a message dated 3/1/99 9:58:55 AM EST, risser@goodnews.net writes:
<< Apparently Alan Tew wrote "The Big One" which was used as production music
for the People's Court. Didn't someone here say that a long version
existed on some comp somewhere?
I'd love to know what that was. >>
It is available on "The Hanged Man" soundtrack CD/LP
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Ye-Ye/Schlager
Date: 02 Mar 1999 00:53:39 -0500
At 07:10 PM 3/1/99 +0100, Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek wrote:
>Brian Karasick wrote:
>> The question then is, can some Schlager also be the
>> equivalent of ye-ye ?
> Schlager refers to a very broad range of music, but at one time
>it certainly included things that could be the equivalent of what the
>French were doing.
I'm way out of my element here but I'd say Brian, that it's wishful
thinking on your part that "Schlager" and "ye ye" be the same thing.
I believe that the "ye ye" style of Schlager is the style of Schlager that
you overwhelmingly prefer.
If Schlager and ye ye were the same thing, you wouldn't have to dread this
"Lolita sings in German" record that I'm thinking of bringing you when I
come to Montreal next week. You wouldn't have to worry about all your
friends buying you yodelling polka records and expecting you to be thrilled.
You could just wholeheartedly declare yourself a Schlager fan and not fear
the flood of crap that might come your way as a result of the declaration.
But life's not that easy, is it, my poor record-collecting colleague?
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Re: Stereo Action
Date: 02 Mar 1999 00:53:41 -0500
At 02:35 PM 3/1/99 -0500, Peter Risser wrote:
>BTW, I haven't heard the whole Leo Addeo album, but I *love* the ocarina
>cuts on this comp. They rule, especially Stumbling. So there. A
>different 2 pence.
Not so fast pardner. There's more than one Leo Addeo record on Stereo
Action. There's no cut called "Stumbling" on "Paradise Regained" which
means it's probably on the record called "The music goes round and round",
I think.
I was only referring to Paradise which is essentially a Hawaiian record.
I've heard a lot of great, wildly-over-the-top Leo Addeo. At his best, his
use of extraneous touches is rivalled only by Esquivel.
But that usually doesn't happen on his Hawaiian records.
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From: LTepedino@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) "Tiki" vs. "Jungle" exotica
Date: 02 Mar 1999 00:55:36 EST
In a message dated 3/1/99 8:46:47 PM EST, kevin@kevdo.com writes:
<< There were two primary strains of this kind of exotica: Jungle and Tiki.
was definitely a Hollywood creation, with its roots in Tarzan movies (and
further back, to W.H. Hudson's novel, Green Mansions. Les Baxter was the king
jungle exotica, and spawned a host of imitators while opening the doors for a
few more genuine articles such as Chaino, Thurston Knudson, and Guy Warren.
was introduced with Martin Denny's Waikiki nightclub combo cum jungle noises
cover of Baxter's "Quiet Village," although Denny's vibe player, Arthur
soon became the style's most representative artist. Tiki rode a wave of
popularity in the late 1950s and early 1960s marked by the entrance of Hawaii
the 50th state in 1959 and the introduction of Tiki hut cocktail bars and
restaurants around the continental United States. Tiki exotica is now
enjoying a
resurgence in popularity, and Tiki mugs and torches that once collected dust
thrift stores are now hot items."
Do others concur with this? >>
Actually the whole Tiki thing started much earlier. It was a result of GI's
whio fought in the Pacific during WW2 and bringing back mementos to the
mainland. Remember a big influence on exotica music was the musical "South
Pacific" which I believe hit Broadway around the mid-50s (based on James
Michener's book "Tales Of The Souuth Pacific" which was a best seller was
published in 1947). The whole thing really got big when "South Pacific" was
made into a movie (1958) and given further ammo with the Hawaiian statehood in
1959. By that time, establishments that had been around since the '40s like
Don The Beachcomber's and Trader Vic's really started to rake it in. That's
when the tiki bars/restaurants aping the style of these entrereneurs started
to crop up.
I have to disagree with the statement about Arthur Lyman being exotica's "most
representative artist." Lyman only left Denny's band because he was offered a
lucrative deal by Henry J. Kaiser to replicate Denny's style so Kaiser could
continue to get the crowds who wanted to hear "exotica" music at his Hawaiian
Village. The reason Denny left the Hawaiian Village was beacuse Kaiser wanted
him and his band exclusively, including for recording contracts. Denny baulked
at this deal and jumped ship, while Henry J. Kaiser nearly broke up the band
-- gaining Lyman and one other member of his original band. Denny was the
arranger who came up with the idea of having his band do the jungle noises.
Lyman was primarily a jazz vibist, a damn good one mind you, but his
arrangements were really not in the same league as Denny.
Also Martin Denny insists that his music was more of an "exotica" rather than
"tiki" sound as you mentioned. "Exotica" has always been a mixture of world
musics from the far east, middle east, Africa, Latin America and Polyenisia.
Denny denies having any real knowledge of "tiki" culture, rather it was an
adaptation of these worl d musical elements into what were standards, jazz and
easly listening music of the time.
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From: Moritz R <exotica@munich.netsurf.de>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Ye-Ye/Schlager & XoTiCa
Date: 02 Mar 1999 11:28:38 +0100
The term "Schlager" seems to come up in 1880 in Vienna, describing the
success of a popular song comparing it to the hit of a flash. The German
word "Schlag" means "hit" or "beat" as in "Blitzschlag", the hit of a
flashlight. Popular music was always considered as a lower form of
music, but you could say that Schlager is the German word for Pop.
Today by the mention of "the German Schlager" most people would probably
think of it as in his "great old days", i.e. in the 1960s. It was often
pointed out in this list that the German pop music at that time was
heavily influenced by Rock'n'Roll, so the term seems to refer most to a
time when the music lost most of its own unique character. Which has
been mostly a development of the "Operette" mixed with mild Jazz
elements up to those days. The performers of the Schlager in post-war
Germany draw a line between them and the ever popular "Volksmusik",
which was considered as old-fashioned and provincial, if not Nazi. Today
they often go together, at least in TV shows, a combination that Heino
had sort of invented. To many this had made him a dangerous right-winger
and the most hated singer in Germany.
As English music gained more and more popularity since the 50s the term
Schlager was more and more used mainly for music of German language; but
you could read sentences like "Paul Anka, Canadian Schlager-singer...."
as well, showing the universal meaning of the term. The word is also
used for popular products in general, "the new VW became a huge
Verkaufsschlager", ie. sales hit...
Exotic influences were early: In the 1920s the "Comedian Harmonists" let
all kinds of foreign musical influences slip into their repertoire
("Onkel Bumba aus Kalumba tanzte Rumba", "Mein lieber Schatz, bist du
aus Spanien" etc.).
They sang in at least five different languages and were incredibly
successful even in the States at that time. As most of their 6 members
were Jews you guess what happened to them after 1933...
The Schlager of the 50s and 60s was full of escapist ideas, the lyrics
were dreaming of the "white sands of Athens", as well as of a "fiesta
Mexicana", they wished to recieve a "telegram from Tennessee" or
expressed their "desire for Samoa"... The exotic element became a
cornerstone for the Schlager, unfortunately rather in its lyrics than in
the music.
Today's Schlager revival a la Guildo Horn also refers mainly to the 60s
and is all about singing in German and having fun at the same time, an
attempt that seems to have a rebellious character to many people, yet
cannot quite hide its ironical character.
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From: Moritz R <exotica@munich.netsurf.de>
Subject: Re: (exotica) film music
Date: 02 Mar 1999 12:28:05 +0100
Nat Kone wrote:
>I don't really like to talk about how music complements a film
I still think film music is something interesting to talk about, but you're
right, when you say there isn't *one* way of making film music. Sometimes the
music is like "the sound of the situation" sometimes it is "the sound of the
state of mind of the main figure". As a film maker you probably have to make
clear where you are, especially when you mix these different perspectives in one
>it's kind of silly to separate the music from the film
Nobody did that. A statement like "you can't separate the music from the
soundtrack of a film" would make more sense to me.
>And yet even when they fail, they seldom ruin the film.
I can't agree with you here. For me the soundtrack is not more and not less than
half of the truth of a movie. But I'm too lazy now to prove this with a number of
examples. Just try to look at a film without the sound and compare the experience
to listening to a film from the TV in the next room without seeing it.
>From my knowledge and experience of how the process works, I think that a >true
symbiosis is usually a happy accident. When you leave behind the
>tried-and-true, it's a shot in the dark. Sometimes you're lucky and
>sometimes you're not but you get away with it anyway.Hm. Of course you can work
like that, try and error, in a more unconcious way, and it's probably much more
creative; intuition is the strong side of the artist. But it doesn't mean you
can't tell what happened when you look at the results afterwards. It's still an
interesting point to analyze how soundtrack and music work....
>I also think that some of your examples of perfectly chosen scores are more
>examples of things that you can't imagine any other way because that's how
>you're used to seeing them.
>Everybody now knows the story of how Bogart wasn't the actor originally
>cast in Casablanca.but before that, it was a story of perfect casting.I didn't
know the story, but I think Bogart was a perfect cast. So what?
>I understand that you're a musician. Maybe this is just a classic case of
>musician versus filmmaker.I made music, I made films, but in this case the
misunderstanding apparently was about the perspective of what we were talking
about: The motives of the artists (you), the way film music works (me). Actually
I like to discuss this in free creative way, I don't state I know the truth, esp.
not at such an early point of discussion, I'd rather collect ideas and come
closer to a subject slowly. It's really not about being right or wrong.
>Sometimes I subscribe to the theory that the score shouldn't even be
>noticed. But I must admit I'm not consistent. Still, though I own a few
>soundtrack records that I enjoy, I seldom walk out of a film commenting
>about the music beyond acknowledging that it worked.I often do, especially when
it didn't work. :)
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From: studio@wayno.com
Subject: (exotica) Stereo Action discography
Date: 02 Mar 1999 04:54:32 PST
At 02:58 PM 2/28/99 EST, DJJimmyBee@aol.com wrote:
>Can anyone furnish a list of "good" RCA Stereo Action LP's?
I have four.
>are excellent and one disappointing. The excellent ones are:
> "Dynamica" Ray Martin Orchestra
> "It's Magic" Marty Gold Orchestra
> "Futura" Bernie Green Orchestra
Here's a Stereo Action discography I assembled about three years
ago, which I believe to be complete:
LSA2287 Ray Martin and his Orchestra - Dynamica (1961)
LSA2290 Marty Gold and his Orchestra - ItÆs Magic (1961)
LSA2306 Dick SchoryÆs Percussion and Brass Ensemble - RunninÆ
Wild (1961)
LSA2344 Vic Schoen and his Orchestra - Brass Laced with Strings
LSA2353 Leo Addeo and his Orchestra - The Music Goes æRound and
æRound (1961)
LSA2365 The Chorus and Percussion of Keith Textor - Sounds Terrific!
LSA2371 The Guitars Unlimited Plus 7 - Crazy Rhythm (1961)
LSA2376 Bernie Green and his Orchestra - Futura (1961)
LSA2381 Marty Gold and his Orchestra - Stereo Action Goes Hollywood
LSA2382 Dick SchoryÆs Percussion and Brass Ensemble - Stereo
Action Goes Broadway (1961)
LSA2396 Henri Rene and his Orchestra - Dynamic Dimensions (1961)
LSA2414 Leo Addeo and his Orchestra - Paradise Regained (The
Exotic Music of the Pacific) (1961)
LSA2418 Esquivel and his Orchestra - Latin-Esque (1962)
LSA2422 Ray Martin and his Orchestra - Excitement, Incorporated
LSA2425 The Chorus and Percussion of Keith Textor - Sounds Sensational!
LSA2432 Manny Albam and his Orchestra - More Double Exposure
(Twenty Tunes - Two at a Time) (1962)
LSA2485 Dick SchoryÆs Percussion and Brass Ensemble - Holiday
for Percussion (1962)
LSA2489 Various Artists - Stereo Action Unlimited! (1961)
LSA2532 The Three Suns - MovinÆÆnÆ GroovinÆ (1962)
LSA2508 Manny Albam and his Orchestra - I Had The Craziest Dream
The Keith Textor LPs are among my favorites in the series. Textor
added sound effects and vocal choruses, resulting in a sort of
souped-up children's record sound. Other highly recommended Stereo
Action titles are Guitars Unlimited Plus 7, Henri Rene, Esquivel
(natch), and the Three Suns.
I find most of the Marty Gold and Ray Martin material to be boring,
but every Stereo Action LP has its interesting moments.
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From: Peter Risser <risser@goodnews.net>
Subject: (exotica) Ma(i)s Que Nada
Date: 02 Mar 1999 08:52:01 -0500
I've seen it both ways, Mais Que Nada and Mas Que Nada.
What does it mean, and which way is correct?
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From: pmazz@cysource.com (Paul Mazzucca)
Subject: Re: (exotica) Stereo Action discography
Date: 02 Mar 1999 08:39:06 -0500
I think the manny albam ' i had the craziest dream ' is awesome.
marty gold i've actually passed up on and the 'stereo action unlimited'.
isn't that good
i have:
latin- esque
runnin' wild
sounds terrific, (least favorite)
the music goes round and round
craziest dream
movin' n' groovin
i never paid more than a $1.50 for any of these gems. ( the guy in an
old junk shop thought he better up to $1.50 instead of his usual $1.00)
it is possible.
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From: "Charles Moseley" <Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-EXTERNAL@MCKINSEY.COM>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Ma(i)s Que Nada
Date: 02 Mar 1999 15:03:41 +0000
Mas - more
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From: "Charles Moseley" <Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-EXTERNAL@MCKINSEY.COM>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Ma(i)s Que Nada
Date: 02 Mar 1999 15:03:12 +0000
More than nothing?
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From: cheryl <cheryls@dsuper.net>
Subject: (exotica) Sound Gallery vol. 1
Date: 02 Mar 1999 10:22:02 -0500
I'm wondering if anyone can tell me more about this one - I'm assuming
it would be a worthy addition to my collection? (I found a copy used,
but haven't bought it yet). Ashley? Johan?
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) Wives and Lovers
Date: 02 Mar 1999 10:26:28 -0500
1. Are Burt Bacharach and Angie Dickinson still married? That's a perfect
pairing, if you ask me! I bet they went to a lot of ski lodges
2. YEESH! I found out this weekend that Mamie VanDoren and __Ray
Anthony__ were married...It's a puzzling a mix as Julie London and Jack
Webb! Hot dames and SQUARESVILLE hubbies....
Hmph!- Jane Fondle
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Crosthwaite, Partridge, Goldwater obits
Date: 02 Mar 1999 10:28:29 -0600
*Donald F. Crosthwaite
PADUCAH, Ky. (AP) -- Donald F. Crosthwaite, a broadcaster and entertainer,
died Saturday from complications of a stroke. He was 72.
Crosthwaite, known professionally as Don Cross, was the co-host of Paducah
television station WPSD's ``Lions Club Telethon of Stars'' each year from
1968 until 1991. During a 30-year recording career, he released several pop,
country, gospel and nostalgia albums.
He later managed and owned two radio stations before selling them and
returning to Paducah in 1985.
Survivors include his wife, Virginia; a daughter, two brothers, a sister,
and a granddaughter.
*Cora Cheney Partridge
TACOMA PARK, Md. (AP) -- Cora Cheney Partridge, a writer of children's
books and one of the oldest women to be ordained an Episcopal priest, died
Feb. 21 of complications from a stroke. She was 82.
Partridge wrote more than 20 books of fiction, history and folklore.
Her first book was ``Skeleton Cave,'' in 1954 describes a boy who finds
American Indian relics near his home. She went on to write as many as 15
children's novels, among them ``The Pegged Leg Pirate of Sulu,'' `The Girl
at Jungle's Edge,'' ``Tales from a Taiwan Kitchen'' and ``The Case of the
Iceland Dogs.''
She was ordained an Episcopalian priest at age 65 and helped establish
rural church missions in Vermont, Delaware and Florida. She worked with
shut-ins and the elderly, often using a portable altar made from an ironing
board. In 1989, Partridge helped organize an abortion rights march of ``the
matriarchs,'' a group of women in their 60s and 70s, in Tallahassee, Fla.
March 2, 1999
John Goldwater, Creator of Archie and Pals, Dies at 83
NEW YORK -- He is survived by Archie, Jughead, Betty and Veronica in
Riverdale, U.S.A.
Their creator, John L. Goldwater, an orphan from East Harlem who
hitchhiked his way west in the Depression and invented prototypical teen-age
America in the comics, died of a heart attack on Friday at his home in
Manhattan. He was 83.
Archie Andrews and his pals remain forever 16 going on 17.
In 1941 Goldwater, a struggling writer distantly related to the late
Sen. Barry M. Goldwater, dreamed up the carrot-topped, freckle-faced
character perpetually torn between two loves, one blond, one dark-haired. He
was a hapless teen-age Everyman counterpoised to the hyperpotent Superman,
who had made his debut just a few years earlier.
Naming his creation Archie, after a school chum, Goldwater surrounded
him with other characters patterned after teen-agers he had met in the
Midwest, gave them jalopies and typical teen-age problems, placed them in
the mythical and idyllic town of Riverdale, and found a young artist, Bob
Montana, who provided what became indelible faces.
Millions worldwide came to chuckle over Archie's misadventures at
school with his spinster teacher, Miss Grundy, and the fussy principal, Mr.
Wetherbee; his intractable romantic triangle with the sweet Betty and
spoiled, rich Veronica; the hamburger obsession of the nerdy Jughead; the
rivalry with the handsome, conceited Reggie. In time, the supporting cast
members grew to star in their own comic books.
Over the years the settings have been updated -- Archie and his friends
now exchange e-mail and go in-line skating -- but the problems have not
The guiding idea, Goldwater always said, was simple. It came down to
Archie. "He's basically a square, but in my opinion the squares are the
backbone of America," he told The New York Times in 1973. "If we didn't have
squares we wouldn't have strong families."
The formula clearly hit a responsive nerve. The comic strip once ran in
750 newspapers. Comic book sales sometimes reached 50 million a year, though
they have leveled off at about 15 million a year.
Goldwater's touch catapulted him to the pinnacle of the comics world,
with a multimillion-dollar fortune and publishing empire, Archie Comic
Publications Inc. of Mamaroneck, N.Y., one of the industry's big three,
along with Marvel and D.C. Comics. Archie was on the radio, on television
and in the movies. There was even a short-lived chain of Archie restaurants.
Goldwater was also instrumental in creating the Comics Code Authority,
which was formed in 1954 to self-police the industry's depictions of sex and
violence. He was also a national commissioner of the Anti-Defamation League
of B'nai B'rith and his wife, Gloria, was the first national chairwoman of
its women's division.
His childhood world of East Harlem was no Riverdale, U.S.A. His mother
died giving birth to him in 1916 and his father succumbed to grief,
abandoning his baby and dying soon afterward. Young John was raised by a
foster mother and grew up to complete high school, where he knew a
red-haired boy who became the prototype for Archie. Goldwater was six feet
tall and husky with dark hair, more the Reggie type.
With the Depression worsening, he left New York, hopping freight trains
and bumming rides to the Midwest, where he worked for a time in Kansas as a
news reporter. Assigned to school sports, he hung around with football
teams, meeting the players and the girls they attracted, who would later
supply him with ample comic material.
After a few years he continued west to the Grand Canyon, where he
worked at a lodge, but was dismissed for socializing with the female help,
affording him more future material. The lodge paid his way to San Francisco,
where he found work again as a reporter and saved enough to book passage on
a ship back to New York. On board, he met two young women bound for the
novitiate. Both fell for him, which later gave him the idea of the
Betty-Veronica rivalry.
Back in New York, he got a job on the docks and his experience with
shipping gave him an idea. He went to a magazine publisher and offered to
buy his outdated issues at a penny each. Then he shipped them abroad to an
avid market. The business prospered and Goldwater soon joined with a pulp
magazine publisher, Louis Silberkleit, to found a magazine publishing
business in 1941, just as the war was restricting paper supplies.
Their Archie venture, with illustrations by Montana, himself then a
teen-ager, began as a four-page insert in another comic. It proved an
immediate hit and Archie and his pals quickly got their own comic.
In 1954, with national critics decrying brutality, vulgarity and sex in
the comics, Goldwater helped found the Comics Magazine Association of
America, whose Comics Code Authority persuaded magazines to voluntarily weed
out offensive copy as well as ads for guns, knives and war weapons. He was
president for 25 years.
In 1973, he went further, licensing Archie for evangelical Christian
messages. Although Jewish, Goldwater said the sentiments were in line with
his wholesome family message.
In 1983, the Archie comics company, then public, was acquired by a son,
Richard, from Goldwater's first marriage, and by Silberkleit's son, Michael,
and returned to private ownership. It now employs 32 writers and artists and
publishes more than 30 comics.
In addition to his wife and his son Richard, of White Plains, N.Y., he
is survived by two other sons, Jonathan, of Scarsdale, and Jared, of Manhattan.
This is not Goldwater's first obituary. When he was 48, in June 1964,
The New York World-Telegram and Sun reported that he had died at age 89,
confusing him with someone else with a similar name. In a letter to the
editor, Goldwater responded, "This is a unique experience, and I guess that
I am one of the very few men in the world who is able to laugh at his own
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From: "Charles Moseley" <Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-EXTERNAL@MCKINSEY.COM>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Sound Gallery vol. 1
Date: 02 Mar 1999 15:34:28 +0000
A big thumbs up, well put together, top tunes, quality pressing, fantastic,
now soundy, KPM style, danceable and worth every penny. Buy it now!
And I still can't get over the quality tracks on the French and German Get
Easy LPs. They are currently my faves and regularly make it onto tape and
minidisc compilations.
After all the talk about schlager this morning, I feel like I've had an
education. I always thought Schlager meant whipped cream and denoted sickly
sweet music. We live and learn.
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From: Peter Hipwell <petehip@cogsci.ed.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Wives and Lovers
Date: 02 Mar 1999 15:38:28 GMT
> From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
> 1. Are Burt Bacharach and Angie Dickinson still married? That's a perfect
> pairing, if you ask me! I bet they went to a lot of ski lodges
> together....
> 2. YEESH! I found out this weekend that Mamie VanDoren and __Ray
> Anthony__ were married...It's a puzzling a mix as Julie London and Jack
> Webb! Hot dames and SQUARESVILLE hubbies....
I just found out that Caterina Valente and Roy Budd are (were?)
married. Do/did they make sweet music together?
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From: chuck <chuckmk@yahoo.com>
Subject: (exotica) "Tiki" vs. "Jungle" exotica
Date: 02 Mar 1999 07:49:11 -0800 (PST)
It always seemed to me that a primitive "exotica" sound was captured
somewhat (though not in the refined Denny way) in the early 30's with
Cugat in the song "Jungle Drums" Maybe I'm way off here but that song
feels more then "latin" to me. Its been injected with a dose of
Hollowood exotica of a mysterious distant land. It seems that Cugat
in his radio shows was marketed as an exotic creature, though
definitely he was marketeed first as latin/rhumba.
Easy listening in the Big Easy
---LTepedino@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 3/1/99 8:46:47 PM EST, kevin@kevdo.com writes:
> << There were two primary strains of this kind of exotica: Jungle
and Tiki.
Jungle was definitely a Hollywood creation, with its roots in Tarzan
movies (and Actually the whole Tiki thing started much earlier. It was
a result of GI's whio fought in the Pacific during WW2 and bringing
back mementos to the mainland. Remember a big influence on exotica
music was the musical "South Pacific" which I believe hit Broadway
around the mid-50s (based on James Michener's book "Tales Of The
Souuth Pacific" which was a best seller was
> published in 1947). The whole thing really got big when "South
Pacific" was
Also Martin Denny insists that his music was more of an "exotica"
rather than "tiki" sound as you mentioned. "Exotica" has always been a
mixture of world musics from the far east, middle east, Africa, Latin
America and Polyenisia. Denny denies having any real knowledge of
"tiki" culture, rather it was an adaptation of these worl d musical
elements into what were standards, jazz and easly listening music of
the time.
> Ashley
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From: "Kevin C." <kevin@kevdo.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) "Tiki" vs. "Jungle" exotica
Date: 02 Mar 1999 08:20:45 -0800
LTepedino@aol.com wrote:
> I have to disagree with the statement about Arthur Lyman being exotica's "most
> representative artist." Lyman only left Denny's band because he was offered a
> lucrative deal by Henry J. Kaiser to replicate Denny's style so Kaiser could
> continue to get the crowds who wanted to hear "exotica" music at his Hawaiian
> Village. The reason Denny left the Hawaiian Village was beacuse Kaiser wanted
> him and his band exclusively, including for recording contracts. Denny baulked
> at this deal and jumped ship, while Henry J. Kaiser nearly broke up the band
> -- gaining Lyman and one other member of his original band. Denny was the
> arranger who came up with the idea of having his band do the jungle noises.
> Lyman was primarily a jazz vibist, a damn good one mind you, but his
> arrangements were really not in the same league as Denny.
> Ashley
I wasn't buying the props for Lyman either, so I'm glad I'm not totally out of
it. I like a lot of the Lyman stuff, especially since he often threw more
"native" Hawaiin sounds (ukelele, etc) into the mix. But in almost all cases I
prefer the Denny arrangement for songs that overlap (though, to be fair, in some
cases Lyman did record some songs first (like Miserlou)).
Lyman's also a lot more "vibey" to be considered "tiki", IMHO.
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From: chuck <chuckmk@yahoo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Sound Gallery vol. 1
Date: 02 Mar 1999 08:27:01 -0800 (PST)
This album is one great cut after the other. It stands for me with
Karminsky Inflight comps as defining cds of the "now sound". One of
the first and still one of the best. Used? What good luck you have!
Its for sale hear at Virgin for $16 or so.
Easy listening in the Big Easy
---cheryl wrote:
> I'm wondering if anyone can tell me more about this one - I'm assuming
> it would be a worthy addition to my collection? (I found a copy used,
> but haven't bought it yet). Ashley? Johan?
> cheryl
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From: G.R.Reader@bton.ac.uk
Subject: Subject: (exotica) Sound Gallery vol. 1
Date: 02 Mar 1999 16:35:26 -0000
Its a fine LP culled from the British Studio 2 imprint, (recorded at
Abbey road's Studio 2). A good selection of 60's style swinging
orchestral songs. Not massively stereo or exotic, more e-type music.
The vinyl is well pressed (better than some of the original releases,
the John Keating tracks are a lot fuller and more attacking than on his
LP). it seems to have been compiled by the DJ's from London's
'Smashing' club.
Definitely well worth having. Lots of fun.
I'm wondering if anyone can tell me more about this one - I'm assuming
it would be a worthy addition to my collection? (I found a copy used,
but haven't bought it yet). Ashley? Johan?
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From: "dymaxia@ripco.com" <dymaxia@ripco.com>
Subject: Subject: Re: (exotica) Wives and Lovers
Date: 02 Mar 1999 11:27:10 -0600 (CST)
On Tue, 2 Mar 1999 laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com wrote:
> 1. Are Burt Bacharach and Angie Dickinson still married? That's a perfect
> pairing, if you ask me! I bet they went to a lot of ski lodges
> together....
No doubt they looked fabulous in their parkas
and sympatico silver / gold hair. But no, they split up
in the mid-to-late 70s, I believe, after Burt
had some sort of emotional/physical/spiritual breakdown.
He was married to Carol Bayer-Sager for a while, with
whom he perpetrated the horrific "That's What Friends
are For", I believe. Now he's married to some youngish
frosted blond woman.
I used to have such a crush on BB until I
learned that he's only 3 feet tall.
This was all in that Bacharach documentary that
was on PBS a couple of years back.
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: Re: (exotica) Ma(i)s Que Nada
Date: 02 Mar 1999 12:37:20 EST
In a message dated 3/2/99 11:13:15 AM, Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-
>More than nothing?
I think its (mais que nada) more of a Brazilian/Portugese colloquialism, but I
believe roughly translated means "But For Nothing" or "But what, nothing" or
maybe even "But whatnot". In New York slang, something along the lines of
"butkus" (.02 from yours true)
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From: "Keith E. Lo Bue" <keith@lobue-art.com>
Subject: (exotica) SOUNDPROOF date??
Date: 02 Mar 1999 12:59:57 +0000
Any of you fine trivia-bent folks able to cough up a recording date for
Ferrante and Teicher's 'SOUNDPROOF' LP? How about 'BLAST OFF'? I'll be
yer best friend.....
Thanks in 'vance,
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) Re: THOMAS, PETER: Kriminal Filmmusik
Date: 02 Mar 1999 16:08:25 +0100
>From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
>Anyone have/heard this 1 yet ?
* Kriminalfilmmusik
cd, Prudence/BSC Music 398.6533 distr. Rough Trade, Germany, 1998
Music from "Der Zinker", "Die seltsame Gr=E4fin", "Der Hexer", "Das
Verr=E4tertor", "Das Geheimnis de weissen Nonnezimmer 13", "Das Indische
Tuch", "Das R=E4tsel der roten Orchidee", "Die weisse Spinne". There's a lot
of gentle, ultra-light cocktail music without any surprises, nothing
special really; only about half of the tracks are worth hearing, so this
one's only for Peter Thomas completionists.
my rate: 3/5
| ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Playlist for "Jimmy's Easy" 3.2.99
Date: 02 Mar 1999 13:05:59 EST
"Jimmy's Easy" airs on WMBR-FM, 88.1, Cambridge Tuesdays from 6-8 a.m.
-----Billy Taylor Orchestra-David Frost Theme-----
John Schroeder Orchestra-Soul Coaxing-CD Space Age Soul (request)
Les Baxter-Tropicando-CD Que Mango (Scamp) (request)
Jerry Van Royen-Lullaby In Red-CD 250 MPH (mixes well with Tropicando)
Fatback Band-Feeling Mellow (Instrumental)-LP Feel My Soul
Xavier Cugat-Autumn Leaves (bossa nova)-LP Cugat's Gold
John Barry-Main Theme-CD OST The Knack
David Amram-Harold's Way-CD Crime Jazz Volume 1 (Rhino)
Johnny Hawksworth-Danger Girl-CD Danger Girl Betty Page
James Taylor Quartet-Car Chase-CD The Money Spyder
-George Cates-Pagan Love Song-LP Polynesian Percussion
-The Executives-Moonglow Cha Cha Cha-CD Jungle Jive (Del-Fi)
-Horst Jankowski-Pink Balloon-LP Black Forest Explosion
-Heinz Kiessling Orchestra-Feeling Young-Get Easy (German Pops)
-Chim Kothari-Guantanamera-LP Sound Of The Sitar
-Ananda Shanker-Light My Fire-CD-R Basic Hip
-Cornershop-Coming Up-CD Born The 7th Time (hip-hop beat w/ sitar samples)
Love Unlimited Orchestra-Love's Theme-LP Under The Influence Of Love (request)
Cecil Holmes Soulful Sounds-Trouble Man/Trouble-LP Songs From Black Films
Hugo Montenegro-Ilya-CD Man From Uncle
Dave "Baby" Cortez-Summertime-LP The Happy Organ (RCA Living Stereo)
Orpheus-Leslie's World-LP Orpheus (excellent soft-pop, great album)
T-Bones-What Now My Love-LP Sippin' & Chippin'
Barry Lipman Orchestra-The Girls From Paramarimbo-CD Get Easy (German Pops)
Miss Toni Fisher-The Big Hurt-7" 45 RPM on Signet Records, 1960
-Warren Barker/Frank Comstock-The D.A.'s Man-LP TV Guide's Top TV Themes
-Bernie Green-Ping Pong-LP Futura
-Billy Mure-Peg 'O' My Heart-LP Fireworks (RCA Living Stereo)
-Al Caiola-Guns Of Navarone-LP Solid Gold Guitar
-Creed Taylor Orchestra-Its A Lonely Old Town-LP Lonelyville, The Nervous Beat
-Universal Robot Band-Disco Trek (Star Trek Theme)-LP Freak In The Moonlight
-Down To The Bone-Carlito's Way-CD From Manhattan To Staten
-United Future Organization-United Future Airlines-CD Get Easy (Future
-Frank Zappa-Peaches En Regalia-LP Hot Rats
-Charles Earland-Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head-LP Black Drops (Prestige)
-----Wayne Newton-Wives & Lovers-----
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Cash for CDs
Date: 02 Mar 1999 13:33:26 -0600
Has anyone used this service? - Lou
Title: Cash for CDs
Description: What a great way to make money! Sell the used music CDs
you have laying around! This site will quote you a price for four or
more CDs. If you accept their quote they send out a prepaid mailer for
you to send your CDs in. Once they are received you get a check!
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From: "Robert McKenna" <rmckenna@hotmail.com>
Subject: Fwd: Re: (exotica) Ma(i)s Que Nada
Date: 02 Mar 1999 10:45:59 PST
>Mas - more
Literally more than nothing but it means more than anything.
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) fwd: ULTRA LOUNGE -- TIKI SAMPLER
Date: 02 Mar 1999 15:04:13 -0600
>Return-Path: <owner-ultralounge@CAPREC.COM>
>Apparently-To: ultralounge@hollywoodandvine.com
>Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 10:52:18 -0800
>From: Hollywood And Vine <mailinglist@hollywoodandvine.com>
>Tuesday, March 2, 1999
>The Little Voice Soundtrack includes legendary performances by
>Judy Garland, Billie Holiday, Tom Jones, Shirley Bassey and more!
>To listen go to http://hollywoodandvine.com/littlevoice
>The newsletter of
>SEE Hollywood and Vine
>Another round of intoxicating sounds from the Grammy-award
>winning series ULTRA-LOUNGE featuring selections from
>Ultra-Lounge Volumes 13-18, On The Rocks Parts 1&2,
>Ultra-Lounge releases by Martin Denny, Les Baxter &
>Jackie Gleason...
>PLUS six bonus tracks you won't find anywhere else in the
>All luxuriously decanted in exotic bamboo-look packaging!
>In stores 5/4/99
>WILD, COOL & SWINGIN' - the new series
>Six solo sets of finger-snappin', hip-shakin' vocals performed
>by the coolest cats and kittens this side of the Copa.
>(C) 1999 Capitol Records, Inc.
>For all the latest on the Ultra Lounge visit
>Questions? Write to mail@hollywoodandvine.com
>Copyright 1998 Capitol Records, Inc. All rights reserved.
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Wives and Lovers
Date: 02 Mar 1999 18:06:54 -0500
>> 1. Are Burt Bacharach and Angie Dickinson still married?
>No doubt they looked fabulous in their parkas
>and sympatico silver / gold hair. But no, they split up
>in the mid-to-late 70s, I believe, after Burt
>had some sort of emotional/physical/spiritual breakdown.
>He was married to Carol Bayer-Sager for a while, with
>whom he perpetrated the horrific "That's What Friends
>are For", I believe.
Not to mention "Arthur's Theme" (Christopher Cross) and "On My Own" (Patti
LaBelle & Michael McDonald). Gives one more appreciation for the
significance of under-appreciated Hal David.
Burt and Ms. Bayer Sager are said to have met on the Merv Griffin show,
which seems fitting. They were married in '82. The breakup with Angie was
in the early 70s. The current wife is supposed to be #4, so we're missing
one somewhere along the line. Wait a minute -- found her: singer Paula
Stewart in the 50s.
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: King Kini <kingkini@tamboo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Re: fwd: ULTRA LOUNGE -- TIKI SAMPLER
Date: 02 Mar 1999 17:12:55 -0600
Never doubt Kini.
>>Another round of intoxicating sounds from the Grammy-award
>>winning series ULTRA-LOUNGE featuring selections from
>>Ultra-Lounge Volumes 13-18, On The Rocks Parts 1&2,
>>Ultra-Lounge releases by Martin Denny, Les Baxter &
>>Jackie Gleason...
>>PLUS six bonus tracks you won't find anywhere else in the
>>All luxuriously decanted in exotic bamboo-look packaging!
>>In stores 5/4/99
King Kini's C L U B V E L V E T
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From: "telstar" <telstar@albedo.net>
Subject: Fw: (exotica) "Mondo Bongos" playlist for March 3, 1999
Date: 02 Mar 1999 18:44:39 -0500
Mondo Bongos can be heard every Wed at 9 am on CFRU 93.3 fm in Guelph,
Ontario.Canada. Comments & questions welcome.
Les Baxter - It's a Big Wide Wonderful World "Sensational!"
Enoch Light and his Light Brigade - Theme from Zorba the Greek "Magnificent
Movie Themes"
Tony Hatch - Out of this World "House of Loungecore"
The Electric Indian - Broad Street 7"
Piero Umiliani - Mah Na' Mah Na' "Svezia - Inferno and Paradiso"
The Saint Orchestra - Funko "House of Loungecore"
The Electric Indian - Keem-O-Sabe 7"
The Dave Pike Set - Do You Know the Way to San Jose? "Got the Feelin' "
The Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combination - A Different Forrest "I Was Young
& I Needed the Money"
X-Ray Tango - Ghost Riders in the Sky "Spy Fidelity"
Riz Ortolani - Day of Anger "Day of Anger" [ost]
Ennio Morricone - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly "The Good, the Bad and the
Ugly" [ost]
Bixio-Frizzi-Tempera - Nucleo Antirapina "Beretta 70"
Claude Larson & his Computor Controlled Oscillators - Highway E1
"Electronic Toys"
Killer Watts - Sleep Walk "House of Loungecore"
The Dave Pike Set - Spooky "Got the Feelin' "
Thanks for reading,
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From: BasicHip@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) More on Bruce Haack Cassettes
Date: 02 Mar 1999 18:54:56 EST
I received this from Miss Nelson, listing what Bruce Haack albums are
<< The list of cassettes that are available from Dimension 5 are:
There are also cassettes that Bruce did the music for that correspond to
books I have written, and they are
These books are also available from Dimension 5.>>
Below is the track list of the amazing Hush Little Robot comp and the three
albums the tracks come from. So there is alot of material to still be heard
with no overlap. I think Jack has this great CD for sale.
1. Electric To Me Turn [1]
2. This Old Man [2]
3. Bods [2]
4. Elizabeth Foster Goose [2]
5. Four Dances [2]
6. Wooden Bread [2]
7. Program Me [1]
8. School For Robots [3]
9. Shine On [2]
10. Rubberbands [3]
11. War [1]
12. Chant of the Unborn [1]
13. Incantation [1]
14. Song of The Death Machine [1]
15. Word Game [1]
16. Thank You [2]
17. Campus Radio Voice A [?]
18. Campus Radio Voice B [?]
[1] - Electric Lucifer (1969) - 7 titles
[2] - This Old Man (1974)- 7 titles
[3] - The Way Out Record (Cassette) (1968) - 2 titles
[?] - I dunno - 2 titles
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From: Rod Lott <rlott@jordanet.com>
Subject: (exotica) ULTRA LOUNGE -- TIKI SAMPLER
Date: 02 Mar 1999 13:38:43 -0600
I'd say this answers everyone's questions about the mysterious Tiki
Sampler, as well as the state of the Ultra Lounge in general. This came to
me from Capitol via e-mail today.
>Tuesday, March 2, 1999
>Another round of intoxicating sounds from the Grammy-award
>winning series ULTRA-LOUNGE featuring selections from
>Ultra-Lounge Volumes 13-18, On The Rocks Parts 1&2,
>Ultra-Lounge releases by Martin Denny, Les Baxter &
>Jackie Gleason...
>PLUS six bonus tracks you won't find anywhere else in the
>All luxuriously decanted in exotic bamboo-look packaging!
>In stores 5/4/99
>WILD, COOL & SWINGIN' - the new series
>Six solo sets of finger-snappin', hip-shakin' vocals performed
>by the coolest cats and kittens this side of the Copa.
>(C) 1999 Capitol Records, Inc.
>For all the latest on the Ultra Lounge visit
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From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
Subject: (exotica) Bell Book and Candle
Date: 02 Mar 1999 19:47:42 -0800
Bell Book and Candle at your fave place in the entire galaxy!
Love ya, especially chicks that dig Mundell Lowe (nudge nudge wink wink)
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From: ccarlson@greennet.net (Craig Carlson)
Subject: (exotica) Re: Goldwater Obit
Date: 02 Mar 1999 23:50:45 -0800
To Lou and list,
I may be mistaken about this, but I believe that the Archie characters were
based on Bob Montana's schoolmates from Haverhill (MA) High School ca late
'20s early '30s. John Goldwater was indeed the publisher of Archie comics
(he was the "J" in MLJ publications, who also put out some of the most
violent "Golden Age" comics during WW II), but the Archie series was pretty
much Montana's creation. Some of the people that the Archie characters were
based on (Big Moose, Betty, in particular) still live in the Haverhill and
southern NH area and have commented on Montana's works in the recent past.
The "Thinker" statue which can be seen in various depictions of Riverdale
High School in the strips and comics is still extant in front of the former
Haverhill High building (now the city police staion). Indeed, the name
"Riverdale" is probably a reflection of the fact that the city Haverhill is
hard on the banks of the Merrimac River.
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From: Bump <bumpy@megsinet.net>
Subject: (exotica) Pervirella
Date: 03 Mar 1999 02:07:56 -0500
Chello everyone. Don't know if this one has been mentioned but...
Gotta tell ya about a great NEW soundtrack from 1999!
Pervirella on Dionysus Records. (recorded in Pervidelity!)
I saw the flick a few months back and i must say i like the sndtrk better.
The movie is debaucherous RnR fairytale made in the UK.
It reminds me of Monty Python meets the Dark Brothers.
the music however is all over the proverbial place.
and it is all really good, from jazzy organ bop to garage RnR
(a member of thee Headcoats stars in it), loungeyness and more.
it has got an incredibly cheesey theme song i cannot get out of my head
that sorta reminds me of the theme song to the Hammer adventure The Lost
along with the great cover and the purple vinly you cannnot go wrong.
bands include: Francois Evans and the London Gay Symphony Orchestra
Les hommes Qui Adorent Les Femmes
The Diaboliks
Dave Kraft Five
Frat Shack All-Stars
Sexton Ming and the Diamond Gussetts
Bradley Ghoulstein Combo
The Constellations
Baine Watson Orchestra
and more....
bump out
Universal DJ
Defective Records
"...there's a whole lots of times i wish i could say i'm not white." --FZ
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) ULTRA LOUNGE -- TIKI SAMPLER
Date: 03 Mar 1999 09:39:00 EST
In a message dated 03/02/99 7:14:05 PM Eastern Standard Time,
rlott@jordanet.com writes:
<< >Another round of intoxicating sounds from the Grammy-award
>winning series ULTRA-LOUNGE >>
this continues to bug me. the Grammy Award was for the packaging -- not the
music, arrangements, etc.
of course the packaging award in hollywood is probably treasured (if at not at
least winked at) in the back room meetings and discussions.
"To Hell with the talent -- It's packaging my boys!!!!!"
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) ULTRA LOUNGE -- TIKI SAMPLER
Date: 03 Mar 1999 09:36:38 EST
In a message dated 03/02/99 7:14:05 PM Eastern Standard Time,
rlott@jordanet.com writes:
<< I'd say this answers everyone's questions about the mysterious Tiki
Sampler, as well as the state of the Ultra Lounge in general. This came to
me from Capitol via e-mail today.
--Rod >>
And it is exactly as I said. It does not deal specifically with "Tiki stuff"
but continues where the Leopard Skin (which they now call "Fuzzy Skin")
sampler leaves off. Namely to drag newbies into ultimately sell Vol. 13 thru
18 plus the "bonus" track samplings.
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From: "dymaxia@ripco.com" <dymaxia@ripco.com>
Subject: (exotica) Singer Dusty Springfield Dies At 59 (fwd)
Date: 03 Mar 1999 08:52:44 -0600 (CST)
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I just found this out.
I knew that she had cancer,
but my heart has just sunk to the floor.
> Singer Dusty Springfield Dies At 59
> LONDON (Reuters) - Dusty Springfield, the 1960s British pop star
> famous for her husky voice and blonde beehive hairdo, has died at the
> age of 59, her agent said Wednesday.
> Springfield, who had fought a long battle against breast cancer, died
> Tuesday night at her home in Henley-on-Thames, west of London, agent
> Paul Fenn said. Her cancer had first been detected in 1994.
> Born Mary O'Brien in London, she teamed up in the early 1960s with her
> brother Tom to form the Springfields, which became one of the
> country's top pop and folk acts.
> Once described as Britain's finest white soul singer, Springfield's
> 1963 solo debut ``I Only Want To Be With You'' is now a pop classic.
> Worldwide success came in 1966, with ``You Don't Have To Say You Love
> Me,'' which sold a million copies to become her only British number
> one hit.
> In 1968, she moved to Memphis, Tennessee, where she recorded ``Dusty
> In Memphis,'' regarded by some critics as one of the decade's finest
> albums. At the same time she released her classic single ``Son Of A
> Preacher Man.''
> After disappearing from the charts, Springfield let slip in a 1975
> newspaper interview a veiled admission that she was bisexual and moved
> to Los Angeles.
> She recorded little, preferring to spend time with tennis star Billie
> Jean King and campaign for animal rights.
> In the 1980s, she found renewed success when she teamed up with
> Britain's Pet Shop Boys, who persuaded her to duet with them on their
> hit single ``What Have I Done to Deserve This?.''
> The group also wrote the theme song to ``Scandal,'' the film of one of
> Britain's most notorious political scandals of the 1960s, which also
> became a hit for Springfield.
> In May last year, Springfield announced a financial deal in Los
> Angeles under which she would get millions of dollars in exchange for
> future royalties from her hits.
> Just two months ago, Springfield was honored by Britain, being granted
> an OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire).
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.net>
Subject: (exotica) Ma(i)s Que Nada
Date: 03 Mar 1999 10:53:18 -0500
I've seen it both ways, Mais Que Nada and Mas Que Nada.
According to that funny but helpful tool the Alta Vista Translator, Mas Que
Nada, gives you "But That Nothing" and Mais Que Nada gives you "More Than
Nothing". If you go to BMI's site, it is listed as "Mas Que Nada"
According to this page http://www.brmusic.com/uptodate/up1/lyrics.htm
The winner is... "Mas Que Nada"
Here are the lyrics in English:
Oaria raio=20
Oba Oba Oba (repeat)=20
But no way=20
Get out of my way=20
I want to pass=20
'Cause the samba's hot=20
What I want is to samba
This samba=20
That's mixed with maracatu=20
Is old black mens' samba=20
Black man's samba you=20
But no way=20
A samba as great as this=20
You're not gonna want me
To get to the end.
But what he is singing is,
Oari=E1 rai=F4=20
Ob=E1 Ob=E1 Ob=E1 (bis)=20
Mas que nada=20
Sai da minha frente=20
Eu quero passar=20
Pois o samba est=E1 animado=20
O que eu quero =E9 sambar=20
Este samba=20
Que =E9 misto de maracatu=20
=C9 samba de preto velho=20
Samba de preto tu=20
Mas que nada=20
Um samba como esse t=E3o legal=20
Voc=EA n=E3o vai querer=20
Que eu chegue no final=20
No Mais, No Mais,
Brian Duran Phillips
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From: "Kevin C." <kevin@kevdo.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) ULTRA LOUNGE -- TIKI SAMPLER
Date: 03 Mar 1999 08:22:10 -0800
Rcbrooksod@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 03/02/99 7:14:05 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> rlott@jordanet.com writes:
> << >Another round of intoxicating sounds from the Grammy-award
> >winning series ULTRA-LOUNGE >>
> this continues to bug me. the Grammy Award was for the packaging -- not the
> music, arrangements, etc.
Forgive me for stating the obvious, but if it wasn't for the packaging many of
us wouldn't care. There are lots of us who will be turned by anything with
"tiki" in the title. Thus, the fact that the UL folks have a good tradition of
packaging actually makes a big difference in this case.
As someone who is in the "any release of this music is fine by me" camp, I'm
looking forward to the Tiki Sampler for the music, and yes also for the
-Kevin Crossman
The Search for the Ultimate Mai Tai
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From: "Charles Moseley" <Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-EXTERNAL@MCKINSEY.COM>
Subject: Re: (exotica) ULTRA LOUNGE
Date: 03 Mar 1999 16:26:36 +0000
I saw all that Ultralounge crap in the CD department of HMV and it looked
cheap and tacky. I did not investigate further for fear of embarrassing
myself in front of the sales assistants who had obviously put a rack of the
stuff there as some sort of wind-up.
Johan Dada Vis - that MP3 file is superb, where are the rest?
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Mossman, Springfield, Tapscott obits
Date: 03 Mar 1999 11:52:21 -0600
*Stuart Mossman
WINFIELD, Kan., (AP) -- Stuart Mossman, a guitar maker, entertainer and
entrepreneur, died Tuesday after a long hospitalization following a heart
attack. He was 56.
Mossman built 6,000 guitars from 1968 to 1984, first in his garage and
later in a factory with 28 employees.
His guitars attracted the attention of professionals and celebrities,
including John Denver, Eric Clapton, Albert Lee, Doc Watson, Hank Snow, Cat
Stevens and Merle Travis.
The Carradine brothers -- actors David, Keith and Robert -- own Mossman
guitars and found him parts in the movies ``The Long Riders,'' ``Cloud
Dancer'' and the made-for-TV movie ``Murder Ordained.''
Mossman stopped making guitars when he suffered severe headaches and a skin
condition caused by the chemicals used in guitar-making.
The company was sold to a former employee and moved to Garland, Texas,
where Mossman guitars are still being built.
*Dusty Springfield
LONDON (AP) -- Singer Dusty Springfield, whose husky voice fueled such
1960s hits as ``Son of a Preacher Man'' and ``Wishin' and Hopin','' has died
after a long battle with breast cancer. She was 59.
Springfield died Tuesday night at her home in Henley-on-Thames, about 30
miles west of London, said her agent, Paul Fenn.
``She was one of the icons of the music industry,'' Fenn said. ``She was
one of the most talented female singers of this century.''
Springfield's first hit was 1964's ``I Only Want To Be With You,'' followed
by a string of smashes, including ``I Just Don't Know What To Do With
Myself'' and ``You Don't Have to Say You Love Me.''
In the 1990s, she resurfaced with another hit, teaming up with the Pet Shop
Boys for the single ``What Have I Done to Deserve This.''
Springfield's breast cancer was diagnosed in 1994 shortly after she
recorded her most recent album, ``A Very Fine Love.''
LONDON, March 3 (UPI) -- British pop singer Dusty Springfield has died
after a lengthy battle with breast cancer. She was 59.
Her agent, Paul Fenn, said today she passed away Tuesday night at her
Henley-on-Thames home in Oxfordshire, some 30 miles west of London.
Born in north London as Mary Isabel Catherine Bernadette O'Brien,
Springfield won early fame for her 1964 Motown-influenced hit ``I Only Want
To Be With You.''
Among her other hit records during the 1960s were ``Wishin and Hopin,'' and
``Son of a Preacher Man.''
Her agent Paul Finn told the British Broadcasting Corp.: ``She was one of
the icons of the music industry. She was one of the most talented female
singers of this century.''
Her doctors first diagnosed her cancer in 1994.
Among those reacting to news of her death, Gerry Marsden, lead singer of
the group Gerry and the Pacemakers said: ``I think Dusty would want us to
remember her now with a load of fun. I don't think she would want us sitting
around moping.
And Mike Gill, a friend and business associate of the singer's for nearly
32 years, said: ``We're all terrifically sad this morning. She was very warm
and great fun to be with.''
Springfield was also widely-known for her blonde beehive hair and trademark
heavy-black ``panda-style'' make-up.
She took on the Springfield name after working with her brothers Tom and
Tim Field in a folk trio, The Springfields.
Her career nose-dived in the 1970s, when in 1972, claiming she was ``bored
with Britain,'' she picked up and went to Los Angeles and lived there for 15
But the Pet Shop Boys rediscovered her in 1987 and her collaboration with
them produced, ``What Have I Done To Deserve This?,'' which reached No. 2 on
the British charts.
Even after her cancer diagnosis she continued to record -- making her most
recent album ``A Very Fine Love in 1995.''
Reflecting on her cancer diagnosis, she once told The British newspaper,
The Mail on Sunday, ``When hard times come, my family knows how to stare it
in the face and get on with it.''
She was to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame later this month
in New York, along with Paul McCartney and Bruce Springsteen.
Unconfirmed reports that Lulubelle, of Nashville's "Lulubelle and Scotty"
and Hee Haw fame, has died.
Horace Tapscott, Jazz Pianist and Community Advocate, 64
Horace Tapscott, whose accomplishments as a jazz pianist and band
leader were matched by his legacy as a local community organizer, died on
Saturday at his home in Los Angeles. He was 64.
The cause was cancer, his manager and publicist, Corine Hunter, said.
Few jazz musicians with an individual style and a recognized name
reject the promise of an international solo career, but Tapscott, for the
most part, stayed at home.
His anchor was the Union of God's Musicians and Artists Ascension
(Ugmaa), a collective he set up in the Watts neighborhood in 1961 to find
employment for musicians, dancers and visual artists in Los Angeles.
He also taught and guided hundreds of youths who could not afford music
lessons. One of his methods of teaching young students was to enlist them in
his Pan-Afrikan Peoples Arkestra, a group he conducted, supplied with
compositions and kept together until his death.
Tapscott was born in Houston and was taken to Los Angeles at the age of
9 by his mother, a stride pianist and tuba player named Mary Lou Malone.
They lived close to Local 767, the city's black musicians union, and he
often spent time around older musicians and friends of the family like Buddy
Collette and Gerald Wilson.
As a teen-ager, Tapscott was a trombone player during the golden era of
Central Avenue, which was the Los Angeles equivalent of New York's 125th
Street -- a mecca of black American entrepreneurship and entertainment.
Among his friends were soon-to-be-famous young players from the area,
including the trumpeter Don Cherry, the saxophonists Eric Dolphy and Frank
Morgan and the clarinetist John Carter.
But by the early 1950's the scene had changed: the black and white
musicians' unions integrated, enabling blacks to find work playing on film
and television soundtracks, and simultaneously the Central Avenue clubs
sputtered out.
After spending four years in the United States Air Force during the
1950's, Tapscott began to think about new ways that jazz could gain some
measure of respect and support within the black population of Los Angeles; a
disillusioning tour of the South that he took with Lionel Hampton's big band
in 1958 sharpened those ideas and led him to organize his own union.
The organization limped along until 1965, when the Watts neighborhood
of Los Angeles erupted in riots. Tapscott and his Arkestra rode through the
thick of it, playing on the backs of flatbed trucks. In the aftermath of the
riots, the union got some state and Federal funding, and the Arkestra began
to cohere through weekly performances, often in universities and churches.
In 1968, Tapscott composed and arranged music for a memorable album by
the alto saxophonist Sonny Criss called "Birth of the New Cool." The first
recording under his own name, "The Giant Is Awakened," appeared in 1969 and
introduced the saxophonist Arthur Blythe, who would become an important
player in New York a decade later.
The Arkestra was not recorded until 1978, and despite all its
continuous activity -- musicians like David Murray, Butch Morris and Azar
Lawrence were members for a time -- it never became a touring band; its
first European concert was in 1995. ( Tapscott himself had never played a
significant concert in New York until he was booked at the Village Vanguard
in the summer of 1991.)
He began playing the piano in the late 1950's, after a car crash that
weakened his embouchure for the trombone. He developed a loose-limbed,
Thelonious Monk-inspired style, with banged dissonances and dark, seductive
harmonies; it suited the percussive vamps and odd time signatures of his
writing. Seven of his recordings since the mid-70's were released by the
small record label Nimbus; other recordings since the 80's appeared on the
Hat Hut and Arabesque labels.
The latest, from 1997, is the trio recording "Thoughts of Dar es Salaam."
Tapscott is survived by his wife, Cecilia; a sister, Robbie Byrd of
Dallas; nine children; 21 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
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From: "Brian Karasick" <brian@PHYRES.Lan.McGill.CA>
Subject: (exotica) Schlager
Date: 03 Mar 1999 13:00:59 -0500
Charles wrote:
> After all the talk about schlager this morning, I feel like I've had an
> education. I always thought Schlager meant whipped cream and denoted sickly
> sweet music. We live and learn.
Yes, thanks to Moritz for the details. Since it was through Moritz
and the gang at AtaTak that I first heard about Schlager in the first
place, I'm confident we're getting it from a reliable source!
Peter wrote:
> I just found out that Caterina Valente and Roy Budd are (were?)
> married. Do/did they make sweet music together?
While we're on the Schlager subject many may not know Caterina
Valente made some fine records in German including an expert
version of the song "Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini"
in German, under the name "Club Honolulu" as well a some more
straightforward material in the style of say Connie Francis or Doris Day
and I think some even more serious yet. But... mix that with Roy Budd
and I'd say musically not a bad match! Don't know if they ever performed
together but she did a lot of singing with I think her brother under the
group Caterina & Silvio.
Brian Karasick
Physical Planner
McGill University
Montreal, Canada
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) ULTRA LOUNGE -- TIKI SAMPLER
Date: 03 Mar 1999 13:29:10 EST
In a message dated 03/03/99 11:21:23 AM Eastern Standard Time, kevin@kevdo.com
<< As someone who is in the "any release of this music is fine by me" camp,
looking forward to the Tiki Sampler for the music, and yes also for the
packaging. >>
My point is this: When I heard Leopard Skin Sampler the first time I could
see how the music would have a varied "Lounge" theme (Exotica included). When
lots of folks on the List heard "Tiki Sampler" we discussed the hopeful event
that this would be new (i.e. cuts not already available on released UL CDs)
and material directly related to Exotica/Tiki.
To those of us wishing for something new this is a disappointment. And don't
think that I don't enjoy the UL series. I have all but a few of them. I just
don't know if I need a sampler of music I already have.
Let's look at if differently. When the Vols 1-12 were relatively new and you
could buy the Sampler to see which ones you want that was great. Vols 13 thru
whatever have been out for almost 2 years now. For me at least, this was done
backwards. And while UL can release whatever they want and call it whatever
they want I think "Leopard Skin Sampler Number II" would have been more
With the notice of "Look for a Tiki Sampler" being out for close to a year now
I was hoping for a more Tiki/Exotica oriented CD.
Of course I was also the one that FROM THE MOMENT THEY ANNOUNCED A TIKI
SAMPLER suspected (and voiced at this forum) that it would probably be a
continuation of the Leopard Skin Sampler idea and include no new music.
UL/Capitol did not disappoint us (or did they?).
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From: cscheffy@kinglet.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: (exotica) San Francisco: opportunity to hear music
Date: 03 Mar 1999 11:55:12 -0800
Sound Annex.
For those of you who want to get out and hear some music of the ilk
discussed here, I'll be DJ-ing at 563 Second St (btw Brannan and Bryant at
Deboom Alley, close to Montgomery Station) in San Francisco.
The date is this Saturday, March 6. Doors Open 8p, Music 9p, You Leave 1a.
The music will be all over the map, with many stops in the lands of Now!,
Brit. Swinging Scene, and Brazil, likely with brief layovers in the
airports of Jazz, Soundtracks (to the lives of the stars), and Electronic
Music from the 40s to the 90s. Bring no luggage and you won't have any
luggage to lose; leave your baggage with your shrink.
Cover is $5 (inside, you'll find 1$ drafts) with proceeds going to support
Annex, an artist-initiated exhibition. (Annex: Twenty artists will show
work of their choice in enclosed units of differing sizes at California
Mini-Storage in SF. More info on Annex at the event.)
3 bands (Applesaucer, The Giraffe had a Voice, and Shantigs) will also be
playing. I have no idea what any of them sound like. It think they are
mostly of the guitar/bass/drums variety. I will be playing before, after,
and between sets. It'll be a good time.
Say hi if you show up.
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) another Springfield obit
Date: 03 Mar 1999 15:27:56 -0600
LONDON, March 3 (AFP) - British 1960s singer Dusty Springfield died late
Tuesday after a long battle against cancer, her agent said.
Paul Fenn said the 59-year-old died at her home in Henley-on-Thames, near
Oxford, west of London. The singer had been fighting breast cancer since it
was diagnosed in 1994.
Springfield achieved huge chart success in the 1960s, starting with her
debut and most famous single "I Only Want to Be With You" and clocking up 17
hits throughout the decade along with a series of acclaimed albums.
She was awarded the title of Officer of Order of the British Empire (OBE)
in January this year while being treated in hospital.
A spokesman for Queen Elizabeth II said the sovereign was "saddened to
hear of her death so soon after she was awarded an OBE".
Other figures from the music business around the world paid tribute.
Elton John said from America that Springfield was "the best white British
female singer to come along at the time ... as good a singer as Aretha
Franklin ... completely timeless".
Fellow 1960s star Cilla Black, a friend for many years, said: "She was an
incredible artist. I'm very sad and deeply shocked."
The Pet Shop Boys, with whom Springfield collaborated at the end of her
career, called her Britain's "greatest female singer".
Springfield was born Mary Isabel Catherine Bernadette O'Brien in north
London on April 16, 1939.
She changed her name when she teamed up with her brother Tom in the folk
trio The Springfields in the early 1960s and they had several significant hits.
But they split after seeing The Beatles at the Cavern in Liverpool. "We
saw the writing on the wall," she said.
A visit to Nashville at that time gave her the musical edge on her
contemporaries, and she began her solo career with "I Only Want To Be With
You" in 1964.
It was the first record to be played on the BBC's new youth music
programme "Top Of The Pops" and its Motown sound took it to number four in
the charts.
Throughout the mid-1960s Dusty Springfield's husky soulful style was
rarely out of the hit parade.
Springfield was known for her glitzy gowns, peroxide-blonde beehive and
panda-like eye make-up, which she achieved by leaving her caked-up mascara
on for three weeks at a time.
The image was almost a parody, dreamed up by the convent girl to appear
simultaneously attractive and unthreatening.
"It was a good thing to hide behind. Without the mask I was a quivering
wreck. I was terribly shy," she said later.
Unusually for a woman singer of the time, she insisted on heavy
involvement in production and gained a reputation for being "difficult".
Eventually Springfield was eclipsed by the advent of a growing taste for
rock after 1967.
She left Britain in 1970 and lived in Los Angeles for more than 15 years
before returning in the late 1980s. During this time she recorded with
numerous US artists, releasing one of her most famous tracks "Son of a
Preacher Man".
During her time in the United States, she brought herself low by years of
drink and drugs.
After returning to Britain in semi-retirement, she had a hit in a duet
with the Pet Shop Boys singing "What Have I Done to Deserve This?"
The success brought her a new generation of followers, especially in the
gay community, where she became an icon.
She recorded her most recent album "A Very Fine Love" in 1994 shortly
before her cancer was diagnosed. She underwent extensive chemotherapy until
1995, when she was diagnosed as being clear of the disease.
However, the following year the cancer returned.
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From: "NIELS KREISHOLT" <nkreisholt@hotmail.com>
Subject: (exotica) Trade
Date: 03 Mar 1999 13:18:48 PST
Hello there,
I have the CD re-issue of Jean Jacques Perrey: Moog Indigo for trade.
I am looking for the Henry Mancini tribute: Shots in the dark.
Please contact me off-line.
Niels Kreisholt
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) news: DVD-Audio format
Date: 03 Mar 1999 16:33:33 -0600
BURBANK, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A., 1999 MAR 3 (NB) -- By Matt Hines,Newsbytes. A
panel representing IBM Corp., Intel Corp., Matsushita Electric (Panasonic)
and Toshiba Corp. has created new content protection standards for the
Digital Versatile Disk (DVD)-Audio
platform, paving the way for its commercial introduction later this year.
DVD-Audio is a music industry format based on high capacity DVD technology
which claims to offer significant improvements over present audio formats.
The new framework uses watermark and encryption technologies to protect the
music made available on prerecorded DVD-Audio disc. The copy protected
DVD-Audio discs can be played only on licensed players, in a method similar
to that used for today's DVD-Video discs and players.
The guidelines provide consumers with the ability to make one digital copy,
per recorder, of the original audio content for personal use at a
sound-quality equal to CD-Audio or less. For example, a consumer who
purchases a DVD-Audio disc would be able to make one copy on a CD or
MiniDisc for their automobile or other personal music players. Content
owners will have the option of allowing additional copies at various levels
of quality, up to and including the full quality of the prerecorded
DVD-Audio original.
Information technology manufacturers including IBM Corp., Intel Corp.,
Matsushita Electric (Panasonic) and Toshiba Corp. have been developing a
content protection framework for DVD-Audio in conjunction with BMG, EMI,
Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group and Warner Music Group.
The collective organization issued a statement calling the public release of
the music industry-supported copyright protection guidelines the last major
step enabling DVD-Audio to be commercially introduced into the marketplace
this year. All of the involved technology companies are building new
applications for DVD-Audio and the group was interested in appeasing the
copyright concerns of the recording industry so that the new products are
accepted free of protest.
The recording industry has become increasingly concerned as new modes for
copying and distributing music over the Internet have popped up. Last week,
a group called the Secure Digital Music Initiative (SDMI) met in order to
begin establishing other standards for protecting copyrights online. Among
the issues being debated by that organization is the validity of the popular
but controversial MP3 digital music format.
IBM, Intel, Matsushita Electric and Toshiba have all actively contributed to
developing methods to protect digital entertainment content from
unauthorized copying including participation in the efforts to develop the
DVD Content Scrambling System (CSS).
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From: "Ron Grandia" <rgrandia@earthlink.net>
Subject: (exotica) Fantastica JJ Perrey special on www.xtabay.com
Date: 03 Mar 1999 14:55:10 -0800
Okay kiddies... For an encore I just uploaded one of my FAVORITE =
Fantastica programs: #21, the JJ Perrey special. Perrey with Kingsley, =
Perrey with Chazam, Perrey with Breuer, Perrey with Perrey...and many =
MANY more... all cut together with neato bits from Forrest Ackerman =
Editor of "Famous Monsters of Filmland" and "Spacemen." Also added are =
links to the Fantastica playlist archive which is a fun read all by =
itself. Look for it all under the "Streaming Audio" link.
I REALLY need reports about how the MP3 stream is working.. especially =
from users with slow modems. Also, if'n ya dig it, send Johan a note... =
there is a Mailto link on the page.
Also added to the main page is opportunity to subscribe to an occasional =
email update of the page. There will be a lot of changes soon, and I =
would like to be able to send off-list updates. Please make use of it.
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) news: DVD-Audio format
Date: 03 Mar 1999 18:27:41 -0500
Yeah, yeah, copy-protect this, digital-watermark that. Big Warner Brother
is watching.
I just want to know what sampling rate they finally decided on.
More importantly, goodbye to Dusty... thanks always for your art and soul.
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: "Ron Grandia" <rgrandia@earthlink.net>
Subject: RE: (exotica) news: DVD-Audio format
Date: 03 Mar 1999 15:30:36 -0800
> Yeah, yeah, copy-protect this, digital-watermark that. Big Warner =
> is watching.
Hehehehe... too true, brotha... It's kinda funny, really... They are =
gonna pour bajillions into copy protection to try and save a relative =
pittance, and the College kids will copy them all to ANALOG, redigitize, =
and post 'em on the net....WITHOUT the copy management scheme.
Meanwhile legitimate consumers will have to put up with all the hassles =
of crippled copies. They are shooting at the birds to shoo away the =
Just my $.00000002 Million
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From: "Br. Cleve" <bcleve@pop.tiac.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) SOUNDPROOF date??
Date: 03 Mar 1999 19:22:53 -0500
At 12:59 PM +0000 3/2/99, Keith E. Lo Bue wrote:
>Any of you fine trivia-bent folks able to cough up a recording date for
>Ferrante and Teicher's 'SOUNDPROOF' LP?
>How about 'BLAST OFF'?
br cleve
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From: itsvern@ibm.net
Subject: Re: (exotica) Ma(i)s Que Nada
Date: 03 Mar 1999 19:23:00 -0500
> I've seen it both ways, Mais Que Nada and Mas Que Nada.
I just purchased a very good 'a cappella' version of the song 'Mas Que Nada'.
It is performed by a Singapore vocal group called Vocaluptuous, and is based on
the arrangement by Sergio Mendes. The only non-vocal instrument is a small
rattle - all other instruments and percussion are simulated with the human
voice. It all works rather well.
The CD is called 'aka a cappella' , and is the third in a series of compiled
songs from the annual Singapore a cappella festival.
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From: itsvern@ibm.net
Subject: Re: (exotica) Wives and Lovers
Date: 03 Mar 1999 19:31:26 -0500
> Are Burt Bacharach and Angie Dickinson still married?
A monument to this marriage can be found at the East Norwich Inn, a hotel
located on Long Island near New York. This hotel used to be owned by Burt
In the pseudo breakfast lounge area just off from the main desk, there is a
framed photograph showing a picture of Burt and Angie (and I can't remember who
else) sitting at a table. The photograph was most likely taken in that very
same room.
This must have been in the 70's, because the background wall was made up of a
cheap looking plywood panels, similar to the style Calvin Klein used in his
controversial 'underage teen' ads a few years back.
I asked the clerk if Burt still owned the hotel, and she said he sold it
several years ago during one of his divorces.
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From: RLott@aol.com
Subject: Fwd: (exotica) ULTRA LOUNGE -- TIKI SAMPLER
Date: 03 Mar 1999 19:14:05 EST
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In a message dated 3/3/99 8:48:43 AM Central Standard Time, Rcbrooksod@aol.com
<< And it is exactly as I said. It does not deal specifically with "Tiki
but continues where the Leopard Skin (which they now call "Fuzzy Skin")
sampler leaves off. Namely to drag newbies into ultimately sell Vol. 13 thru
18 plus the "bonus" track samplings. >>
Well, not *exactly.* You were convinced it was the same sampler as in the
MusicHound Lounge book, which it is not, given the cuts from On the Rocks, the
Denny/Gleason/Baxter discs and the six bonus tracks. I don't think anyone ever
thought it was going to be truly "tiki."
As for the UL series being promoted as Grammy-winning, I don't have a problem
with it. A Grammy is a Grammy, as far as I'm concerned. I think consumers are
pretty astute to know something like UL wasn't up for Album of the Year.
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From: LTepedino@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) ULTRA LOUNGE -- TIKI SAMPLER
Date: 04 Mar 1999 07:54:23 EST
In a message dated 3/3/99 9:43:07 AM EST, Rcbrooksod@aol.com writes:
<< << >Another round of intoxicating sounds from the Grammy-award
>winning series ULTRA-LOUNGE >>
this continues to bug me. the Grammy Award was for the packaging -- not the
music, arrangements, etc.
of course the packaging award in hollywood is probably treasured (if at not
least winked at) in the back room meetings and discussions.
"To Hell with the talent -- It's packaging my boys!!!!!" >>
That's right up there with my other favorite Grammy award - best liner notes!
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Atlas, Simmons, Springfield obits
Date: 04 Mar 1999 11:15:46 -0600
*Jack Atlas
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Jack Atlas, who made some of the earliest movie
trailers and started a company devoted to making the previews, died Friday.
He was 81.
Atlas became a key figure in the trailer industry during the past 40 years
of their evolution and was an authority on their history.
He began his career in MGM's publicity department and later worked
full-time creating previews. MGM was one of the first studios with a
full-time trailer production staff, and only a dozen companies in the world
produced trailers at the time Atlas started.
Trailers grew in popularity with ``talkies,'' and over the years evolved
into a key marketing strategy for new film releases. Today, more than 100
companies make trailers.
After working for MGM and then Columbia, he started his own production
company, Atlas Organization, in 1973, which made trailers for films and Ted
Turner's television enterprises.
*Shirley Satin Simmons
NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- Shirley Satin Simmons, who appeared in television
commercials and exercise videos with her son, fitness guru Richard Simmons,
died Sunday. She was 87.
Mrs. Simmons, a New York City native, was a tap dancer when she met Leonard
D. Simmons Sr., a singer and master of ceremonies, at a theatrical boarding
house in Philadelphia in 1938, according to Leonard Simmons Jr.
They married and performed under the stage names Bobby and Shirley Leonard.
They moved to New Orleans in 1939, where Mrs. Simmons tap danced in Bourbon
Street variety shows.
After Leonard Jr. and Richard were born in 1946 and 1948, she abandoned
show business and went to work selling cosmetics. She retired in 1965.
When Richard Simmons became well known through his exercise programs and
fitness videos, his mother often was with him. She appeared in commercials
with him and did an exercise video, ``The Silver Foxes,'' with the parents
of other celebrities, including
Sylvester Stallone's father and Dustin Hoffman's mother.
Sr. Wences still going at 102. S'awright!
March 4, 1999
Dusty Springfield, 59, Pop Star of the 60's, Dies
Dusty Springfield, the smoky-voiced English torch singer whose
interpretations of pop ballads were suffused with a heartbroken wistfulness,
died on Tuesday at her home in Henley-on-Thames, near Oxford, west of
London. She was 59.
The cause was breast cancer, said her agent, Paul Fenn.
Ms. Springfield had one of the longest recording careers of any
contemporary pop star, beginning in 1961 when she had the first of several
hits with her folk-pop trio, the Springfields, and ending with her 1995
album, "A Very Fine Love." She had most of her major hits in the 1960s when
she was considered the British equivalent of Dionne Warwick; she recorded
only intermittently after the early 1970s.
Her career was briefly rejuvenated in 1987 when the English duo the Pet
Shop Boys (Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe), who were longtime fans, produced
her Top Five hit, "What Have I Done to Deserve This?" They also wrote and
produced "Nothing Has Been Proved," the dense, swirling post-disco theme
song that she sang on the soundtrack of the 1989 movie "Scandal," about the
Profumo sex scandal that had rocked the British government in the early 1960s.
Ms. Springfield became an international pop star in 1964 with "I Only
Want to Be With You," a perky early-Beatles-style love song. Other major
'60s hits included "Wishin' and Hopin"' (1964), and "The Look of Love"
(1967), both written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David, the team that supplied
Ms. Warwick with most of her early hits. Ms. Springfield's sultry rendition
of "The Look of Love," from the soundtrack of "Casino Royale," anticipated
the heavy-breathing eroticism of Donna Summer a decade later.
Her best seller, "You Don't Have to Say You Love Me" (1966), was a
big-belting tear-jerker that reached No. 4 on Billboard's singles chart and
won her her first Grammy nomination. The country-soul ballad "Son of a
Preacher Man," her Top 10 hit from 1969, won her new respect and her second
Grammy nomination after being prominently featured in the 1994 movie "Pulp
Dusty Springfield was born Mary Isabel Catherine Bernadette O'Brien on
April 16, 1939, in Hampstead, London. While attending British convent
schools, she discovered the music of Peggy Lee, whose intimate come-hither
style was a major formative influence.
She got her professional start with an Andrews Sisters-style group
called the Lana Sisters, but quit to form her own folk-pop group, the
Springfields, with a friend, Tim Field, and her brother, Dion O'Brien, now
known as Tom Springfield, who is her only survivor. Promoted as a British
answer to Peter, Paul and Mary, the group had a popular British television
show and scored several English hits before breaking through in the United
States with a Top 20 single, "Silver Threads and Golden Needles."
While visiting New York with the trio, Ms. Springfield recalled many
years later, she heard the Exciters' brash, aggressive song "Tell Him"
coming out of a Broadway record store and decided that she wanted to go pop.
"I was deeply influenced by black singers from the early 1960s," she
said. "I liked everybody at Motown and most of the Stax artists. I really
wanted to be Mavis Staples. What they shared in common was a kind of
strength I didn't hear on English radio."
Ms. Springfield subsequently broke up her folk group and signed as a
soloist with Philips Records. Her first single for the label, "I Only Want
to Be With You," established her new direction. Ms. Springfield, with her
teased beehive hairdo and eyes heavily blackened with mascara, was a 1960s
pop fashion icon. From 1964 and 1967, when she left Philips, 11 of her
singles hit the American pop charts.
"Son of a Preacher Man," a song that Aretha Franklin had rejected but
later recorded, became Ms. Springfield's first single for Atlantic Records
and was featured on her Atlantic debut album, "Dusty in Memphis," which is
widely regarded as a pop masterpiece. To make the album, the Atlantic
producing team of Jerry Wexler, Tom Dowd and Arif Mardin, who had brought
Ms. Franklin to her peak of popularity, took Ms. Springfield to Memphis to
record with a hot rhythm section.
The record, which included "The Windmills of Your Mind," an early
collaboration of Michel Legrand with the lyricists Alan and Marilyn Bergman
that was written for the movie "The Thomas Crown Affair," was a perfect
blend of warm country-soul and New York pop sophistication. For many
singers, including Melissa Manchester, Linda Ronstadt and k.d. lang, it
provided a blueprint for stylistically adventurous vocal showcases.
But "Dusty in Memphis" was not a big hit, reaching only No. 99 on
Billboard's album chart. In 1970 Atlantic released her much-admired
rhythm-and-blues-flavored album, "A Brand New Me." Recorded in Philadelphia,
the album fared no better than its forerunner.
Thereafter Ms. Springfield, who was awarded the Order of the British
Empire in January, recorded only sporadically. Although her subsequent
American albums -- "Cameo" (1973, ABC-Dunhill), "It Begins Again" (1978,
United Artists), "Living Without Your Love" (1979, United Artists), "White
Heat" (1982, Casablanca) and "A Very Fine Love" (1995, Columbia) -- found
her voice as full and compelling as ever, the material and production rarely
matched the singing.
After the 1970s she led a peripatetic existence, living sometimes in
Los Angeles, at other times in the Netherlands and Britain. In 1997 Mercury
Records released the 3-CD, 77-song "Dusty Springfield Anthology Collection."
Last month Rhino Records released an expanded version of "Dusty in Memphis."
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) news: DVD-Audio format
Date: 04 Mar 1999 11:15:49 -0600
At 06:27 PM 3/3/99 -0500, m.ace wrote:
>I just want to know what sampling rate they finally decided on.
Here's excerpts from a Press Release that answers some questions:
OneClick DVD and DVD AV Workstation Enable Seamless DVD-Audio Production
NOVATO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 4, 1999--Sonic Solutions
announced today the Phase 1 release of the world's first complete DVD-Audio
authoring systems, Sonic DVD AV Workstation and OneClick DVD(TM).
DVD-Audio is the next-generation consumer audio format that extends the
wildly successful DVD-Video format into a very high-quality musical
experience. DVD-Audio enhances consumer audio with 24-bit, uncompressed
digital audio at high-resolution sampling rates of 96kHz and 192kHz, and
surrounds listeners with the realism of
multi-channel High-Density Audio(TM).
It also provides an interactive interface for the listener, such as
real-time text, on-screen slide shows graphics, menus, and integrated
digital video.
About DVD-Audio
Designed to store 4.7 Gigabytes of content -- seven times CD capacity --
on a single-layer, single-sided disc, DVD-Audio enables dramatically greater
sound quality and provides a multitude of new features, such as
multi-channel High-Density Audio, menu navigation, direct Web connections
and added-value content such as visual display of lyrics, artist commentary
and audio/video discography.
DVD-Audio discs will be playable on many new DVD-Video players as well
as on specialized DVD-Audio players. Virtually all DVD player manufacturers
intend to support the new format.
The DVD-Audio format is supported by the industry's leading audio
companies, electronics manufacturers, content developers and computer
manufacturers including Intel, LG Electronics, MEI, NEC, Nippon Columbia,
Pioneer, Sanyo, Sonic Solutions, Time Warner, Toshiba, Victor Company of
Japan, Yamaha and many others.
About Sonic Solutions
Sonic Solutions can be contacted on the Web at: http://www.sonic.com.
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) Hey, NY!
Date: 04 Mar 1999 10:32:52 -0500
I've been having e-mail problems, so I hope this isn't a
duplicate...but...are there any safe, clean and cheap places to stay in
NYC? You can reply directly to the venerable Jane Fondle
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) ULTRA LOUNGE -- TIKI SAMPLER
Date: 04 Mar 1999 11:29:07 EST
In a message dated 03/03/99 7:10:39 PM Eastern Standard Time, RLott writes:
<< Well, not *exactly.* >>
As I said: "(to) not deal specifically with "Tiki stuff"
but (to) continue where the Leopard Skin (which they now call "Fuzzy Skin")
sampler leaves off."
It will be interesting to see what cuts are on the Tiki one. I suspect that
it will be the same as the ones on the Hound one with the Rocks, "bonus" ones
added. Time will tell on this. I suspect they will add a couple/few more
cuts and repackage.
My main argument was that it would not be "new" music not already available
on currently released UL CD's. Maybe my prediction was not 100% Dionne
Warwick correct so I apologize for using the word "exactly". Substitute
"mainly" or "mostly" if we are being so picky.
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Dion McGregor on WNYC
Date: 04 Mar 1999 11:33:43 -0600
>DION McGREGOR "Dion McGregor Dreams Again" (Tzadik) cd 15.98
> How long would last if your roommate screamed his dreams out loud every
>night? Would you have the foresight to capture these disturbances on tape?
>Lucky for us back in the 1960's Dion McGregor's roommate stuck it out long
>enough to provide us with this aural document of one man's nocturnal pain
>and pleasure. Dion's dreams range from queeny dress up parties to drooling
>descriptions of large breasted women and cunnilingus contests. Equally
>disturbing as it is riveting.
Note from Phil Milstein:
Just wanted to let you know about an upcoming radio show that will focus on
Dion McGregor, and on the new CD "Dion McGregor Dreams Again."
The show will be an episode (or perhaps a portion of an episode, I'm not
sure) of David Garland's "Spinning On Air." The program is on WNYC, 93.9 FM,
with the McGregor episode airing Friday, March 12 at 10pm. David interviewed
both Phil Milstein and Michael Barr, the man who recorded the McGregor
tapes, and will also hopefully include an excellent outtake entitled "Tenses."
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) ULTRA LOUNGE -- TIKI SAMPLER
Date: 04 Mar 1999 11:35:31 EST
In a message dated 03/04/99 4:26:14 AM Eastern Standard Time, an exoticat
<< While we're on the subject of UL Sampler packaging. Does anyone know how
many different versions of the Sampler there are? I own the one with White
text outlined in Gold on a Purple background. I've seen at least two other
variations of the glossy cover plaque but can't recall them at the moment.
Please help, I'm considering getting them all! Also, mine came with an
Ultra Lounge drink coaster inside, is it possible there are variations of
these as well? >>
And to repeat: "I'm considering getting them all! "
It is the same CD in each sampler. I say this carefully, so the point is to
collect different packages of the same sampler? I am totally lost on this but
I am sure the Capitol Packaging department know what they are doing.
I musta missed the boat because I only want/need the one Sampler I have (and I
am not sure what the color of the logo is).
P.S. They sent me a set of six coasters (all of different colors!!!!) when I
returned the little survey card.
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From: "Dom Ciccone" <dciccone@inspex.com>
Subject: (exotica) Martinis With Mancini Playlist. 3/4/99
Date: 04 Mar 1999 12:50:06 -0500
"Martinis With Mancini" broadcasting Thursday's from 6-9 AM. WJUL 91.5 in
Lowell Massachusetts.
The playlist: (Abbreviated 2 hour program due to technical difficulties.)
Fugue (Vivaldi. arr.:J.S.Bach), Swingle Singers (LP)
You'd Be Surprised, Marilyn Monroe
O Morro Nao Tem Vez, Stan Getz
If I Were A Bell, Miles Davis
Siboney, Xavier Cugat (LP)
He's A Tramp, Peggy Lee (From Lady And The Tramp)
Opus 1, Gene Krupa, Anita O'Day, Roy Eldridge
Casino Royal, OST Casino Royal, Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass (LP)
The Look Of Love, OST Casino Royal, Dusty Springfield (LP)
Sooner Of Later, M.V.L. Ciccone
Mercy Mercy Mercy, Cannonball Adderly and his Sextet (LP)
Mack The Knife, Patty Page (LP)
Caravan, Les Brown and His Band of Renown (LP)
Rat Pack Six Pack:
I've Got a Lot of Livin' To Do, Sammy Davis JR.
Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone, Sammy Davis JR.
Love Me My Love, Dean Martin
Ain't That A Kick In the Head, Dean Martin
You Make Me Feel So Young, Frank Sinatra
I Won't Dance, Nnenna Freelon
Get Otta My Girl, The Wonderful World Of Joey
Vertigogo, OST Four Rooms/ Combustible Edison
That Old Black Magic, Esquivel!
Slow Boat To China, Holly Cole Trio
Alice In Wonderland, Adam Markowicz
Go Ahead And Burn, 4 Piece Suit
Something Wonderful, Nina Simone
Angel Eyes, Frank Sinatra (The last of the 6 pack that rolled away)
Never Never Land, Madeline Eastman
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Fantastica MP3 file
Date: 04 Mar 1999 15:56:23 +0100
At 09:53 -0700 99/03/03, Charles Moseley wrote:
>Johan Dada Vis - that MP3 file is superb, where are the rest?
thanx for the suppport!
the credits for the MP3 file itself go to Ron; he's the man
that - hopefully - will put up more episodes (he has a dozen
of them on MiniDisk, and I've got many more here at home, so
... to be continued.
| ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) Re: More on Bruce Haack Cassettes
Date: 04 Mar 1999 15:48:27 +0100
At 09:53 -0700 99/03/03, BasicHip wrote:
>I received this from Miss Nelson, listing what Bruce Haack albums are
><< The list of cassettes that are available from Dimension 5 are:
> 1. DANCE SING & LISTEN (1963)
> 6. DANCE TO THE MUSIC (1972)
these are all Nelson & Haack collaborations. the best is
has its moments...
| ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \
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From: kbonnett@coax.net (Kevin Bonnett)
Subject: Re: (exotica) ULTRA LOUNGE -- TIKI SAMPLER
Date: 04 Mar 1999 04:34:38 -0500
-----Original Message-----
>And it is exactly as I said. It does not deal specifically with "Tiki
>but continues where the Leopard Skin (which they now call "Fuzzy Skin")
>sampler leaves off. Namely to drag newbies into ultimately sell Vol. 13
>18 plus the "bonus" track samplings.
It's shameless I know, but I'll be there at the cash register when it comes
out : )
I love the music and wish to spend quality time listening to it. Digging
through thrift store record bins to find scratched and carelessly kept
versions of these wonderful pieces just doesn't fit into my schedule
anymore. I used to do it, but trying to do so with my infant son along soon
broke me of the habit. Of course, back then I had totally different
treasures to hunt and I now regret passing on many quality items that
would've fit right in on this list. <sigh>
Kevin : )
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From: kbonnett@coax.net (Kevin Bonnett)
Subject: Re: (exotica) ULTRA LOUNGE -- TIKI SAMPLER
Date: 04 Mar 1999 04:25:29 -0500
-----Original Message-----
>this continues to bug me. the Grammy Award was for the packaging -- not
>music, arrangements, etc.
>of course the packaging award in hollywood is probably treasured (if at not
>least winked at) in the back room meetings and discussions.
>"To Hell with the talent -- It's packaging my boys!!!!!"
While I totally agree with your sentiment I must point out that had it
not been for the UL-Leopardskin Sampler package, I would never (or would
have much later) discovered my love of Exotica. That damned fuzzy sheath
with the glistening retro logo, blew my mind! Honestly, I bought it solely
because of the package. At that moment it didn't matter what was on the
disc, but that first glance sold me. All the talk about first impressions
and Love at first sight apply 100% in this particular case. (Did I just
make a punny? 'case' as in situation/ 'case' as in CD packaging? LOL)
Anyway, I too will praise the packaging gods for bringing my attention
to Lounge/Exotica through this wonderful little sheet of leopard skin print
fuzz covered cardboard. Blessed be! ;-)
While we're on the subject of UL Sampler packaging. Does anyone know how
many different versions of the Sampler there are? I own the one with White
text outlined in Gold on a Purple background. I've seen at least two other
variations of the glossy cover plaque but can't recall them at the moment.
Please help, I'm considering getting them all! Also, mine came with an
Ultra Lounge drink coaster inside, is it possible there are variations of
these as well?
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From: kbonnett@coax.net (Kevin Bonnett)
Subject: Re: (exotica) ULTRA LOUNGE / XoTiCa
Date: 04 Mar 1999 04:52:53 -0500
-----Original Message-----
>I saw all that Ultralounge crap in the CD department of HMV and it looked
>cheap and tacky. I did not investigate further for fear of embarrassing
>myself in front of the sales assistants who had obviously put a rack of the
>stuff there as some sort of wind-up.
While on the subject of packaging, and in light of the recent XTC release of
Apple Venus vol. 1, I picked up issue 25 of Launch today which reviewed a
1998 compilation of early XTC material performed both live in concert and
live in the BBC studios for various programmes. The Launch reviewer used a
1-7 scale 7 being the high mark and rated this compilation a 5 due to what
he considered poor liner notes and overly 'kitschy' packaging. Eyes of the
beholder I suppose. ;-)
Ciao 4 now!
Kevin : )
XTC - Transistor Blast/The Best of the BBC Sessions
1998 Cooking Vinyl
PO Box 1845
London W3 OZA
(Released by arrangement with the BBC) Made in England
Manufactured and Distributed by TVT Records 1998
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From: kbonnett@coax.net (Kevin Bonnett)
Subject: Re: (exotica) ULTRA LOUNGE -- TIKI SAMPLER
Date: 04 Mar 1999 05:04:00 -0500
-----Original Message-----
>To those of us wishing for something new this is a disappointment. And
>think that I don't enjoy the UL series. I have all but a few of them. I
>don't know if I need a sampler of music I already have.
Ahh, now I understand : ) Thank you Robert. This discussion occurred
before my arrival on the list. I agree with this thinking. I make my own
compilations on tape all the time, just for use in my car. However, I have
a gut feeling that Lounge/Exotica hasn't reached it's current mainstream
peak yet. The Tiki Sampler will bring a great many more of us out of the
woodwork. A scary thought, especially considering that most of them will be
gone when the next fad comes along.
I just thought of something... I wonder which one of us on the list works
for Capitol and is taking notes? hee hee If the answer is NO ONE, maybe we
should invite someone in and help them give us what we REALLY want? ;-)
Ciao 4 now!
Kevin : )
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: Re: (exotica) ULTRA LOUNGE -- TIKI SAMPLER
Date: 04 Mar 1999 14:32:09 EST
In a message dated 3/4/99 3:21:16 PM, kbonnett@coax.net wrote:
>However, I have
>a gut feeling that Lounge/Exotica hasn't reached it's current mainstream
>peak yet. The Tiki Sampler will bring a great many more of us out of the
>woodwork. A scary thought, especially considering that most of them will be
>gone when the next fad comes along.
Since my arrival on this list this sound has come and gone twice. The first
time it "yielded" to the "Swing" sound which I think many agree is recycled
Jump music that merely talks about swing and zoot suits while it imitates jump
in its own digital way. The second time it "yielded" to Rockabilly which has
allegedly been enjoying a minor re-birth in these parts, itself a second re-
birth following its first re-birth in the early 8T's. Yet there continue to be
MANY listeners of what once was called "Lounge" music and now I just think of
as instrumental pop since it includes SO many genres. (My .02 for you) Jimmy
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) ULTRA LOUNGE -- TIKI SAMPLER
Date: 04 Mar 1999 14:56:16 EST
In a message dated 03/04/99 2:21:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,
kbonnett@coax.net writes:
<< However, I have
a gut feeling that Lounge/Exotica hasn't reached it's current mainstream
peak yet. The Tiki Sampler will bring a great many more of us out of the
woodwork. A scary thought, especially considering that most of them will be
gone when the next fad comes along. >>
I hate to say this Kevin, but most of us feel (and are pretty sure) the peak
of Lounge/Exotica "mainstream" interest peaked about 1.5 to 2 years ago. We
are the weirdos that are holding on (or the weirdos that were here all along).
Anyway, that was about the time that the UL folks stopped keeping their page
up and making "new" releases. It was also about the time the Swing stuff
started. (bletch)
And if you notice the recent UL "Notice" highlights the "Wild, Cool and
Swingin' " stuff . Emphasis on "Swingin' ". It is not as Wild, Swank and
Loungeing as most of us would prefer. (Don't freak out people I said prefer,
not like.)
This discussion has upset most here in the past: The days of lots of new CD
releases of Lounge/Tiki/SABP/etc. are gone.
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From: "Kevin C." <kevin@kevdo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Back issues of Tiki News
Date: 04 Mar 1999 12:24:42 -0800
Anyone willing to sell or otherwise photocopy any of the following issues of the
Tiki News? #1-4,6-8,9
Am willing to make it worth your while... please let me know. :-)
Kevin Crossman
The Search for the Ultimate Mai Tai
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From: Peter Risser <risser@goodnews.net>
Subject: (exotica) Tiki Sampler, Part 2
Date: 04 Mar 1999 15:12:19 -0500
I was pretty much ignoring the Tiki Sampler thread until someone mentioned
"bonus tracks".
What are those? Are they from the UL discs as well, or are they Tiki
Sampler only tracks?
Did the first sampler have bonus tracks?
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From: Peter Risser <risser@goodnews.net>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Ma(i)s Que Nada
Date: 04 Mar 1999 15:08:16 -0500
I spoke with a Brazilian exchange student, and she wasn't sure, but she
guessed it was probably Mas Que Nada, which she said was idiomatic and
meant something like, "It's nothing." She said "Mais Que Nada" would be
approximately "More than Nothing" in Brazilian, but she said it didn't
quite make sense.
From that, I'd deduce it's probably Mas. Still, I'd like to hear from
someone in the know, ya know?
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.net>
Subject: (exotica) About the liner notes...
Date: 04 Mar 1999 15:55:14 -0500
>That's right up there with my other favorite Grammy award - best liner notes!
Granted, some of the WINNERS of that category have been pure hokum.
Domingo "Sam the Sham" Samudio won for a heartfelt but not all that great
essay on the "Sam-Hard and Heavy" album and whoever (Pete _______ ?) wrote
the liners for Bob Dylan's "Blood on the Tracks" may have been shocked when
his notes were deleted from the next pressing.
However, if you have written something scholarly, such as the Robert
Johnson box set notes, when there was no information because two
folklorists and two of Johnson's relatives (in other words, one relative
per folklorists) didn't see eye to eye, thus ending a nearly twenty year
embargo of facts AND pictures, I will grant that there is no music in liner
notes but there is information to be had, sometimes even accurate things :^).
Sometimes liners are fun to read, such as Jon Hendricks' notes to a King
Pleasure two-fer reissue on Prestige. I have no King Pleasure in my
collection, because I am looking for a copy of that reissue, with those
wonderful notes, which go on for quite a while and may not contain much
info about Pleasure, but they rhyme all the way through! There have been
many threads about the wonderful and unintentionally hilarious notes on the
albums we find in the thrift stores, such as the one that I found that ends
with "...Pow! Zap!".
There are also the touching ones, such as John Coltrane's notes to "A Love
So is it a legitimate category, you bet, in my opinion. Does Grammy have
taste? Not always.
As far as packaging goes, doesn't that include artwork, too? If so, what's
wrong with recognizing album art? I certainly would once again debate the
winners, but just think if you were as good an artist as David Stone
Martin, wouldn't you like a little recognition for your covers? And yes,
covers do help sell what is inside, just as much as they can turn us off
from them. Blow Fly's album covers are aesthetic nightmares and whoever
designed the Narada label albums so they all looked like assembly-line
products may have wanted to think twice, too. Some of us have galleries of
album covers (some just stick to record labels, uh...hee, hee!) on our
sites, so I cannot be too upset about the category, although I cannot think
of a better name for it. Packaging does indeed sound like a Clio award,
but if they didn't have that the art would go languishing.
So while I see the point of missing the music when you are lauding the
package, I also see the need to recognize the art, too. It's better than
nothing, I guess.
Brian Phillips, winner of the 1994 Ondioline "Best Post - Work Category" Award
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From: "Dom Ciccone" <dciccone@inspex.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) RCA Stereo Action Series
Date: 04 Mar 1999 16:19:51 -0500
>Can anyone furnish a list of "good" RCA Stereo Action LP's?
"Brass Laced With Strings" Vic Schoen
"Runnin' Wild" Dick Schory's Percussion and Brass Ensemble
These are pretty good. BTW my copies are missing the thick die cut jackets.
But I do have the glossy paper inserts.
I also own "It's Magic" (Minus jacket). Marty Gold's music is usually pretty
mello. Here he really cuts loose (for him).
I found a copy of the "Stereo Action Unlimited" LP a few weeks ago. It's the
sampler of the series. I assumed most of the tracks would be on the 3
sampler CD's reissued on RCA. I was pleasantly surprised to find only one
duplicate track. So I have 4 samplers! A good crossection.
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Tiki Sampler, Part 2
Date: 04 Mar 1999 17:04:55 EST
In a message dated 03/04/99 3:29:35 PM Eastern Standard Time,
risser@goodnews.net writes:
<< What are those? Are they from the UL discs as well, or are they Tiki
Sampler only tracks? >>
<<Did the first sampler have bonus tracks?>>
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From: cheryl <cheryls@dsuper.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) ULTRA LOUNGE -- TIKI SAMPLER
Date: 04 Mar 1999 21:48:37 -0500
Kevin Bonnett wrote:
> I love the music and wish to spend quality time listening to it. Digging
> through thrift store record bins to find scratched and carelessly kept
> versions of these wonderful pieces just doesn't fit into my schedule
> anymore. I used to do it, but trying to do so with my infant son along soon
> broke me of the habit.
I can relate to that. Children and record stores don't mix well too
often. It's hard to look through record bins with a two-year-old
swinging from them, or crawling underneath them. Or leaving a food
trail through the store. Or trying to take the records from the display
However, there are many CD compilations out there of a similar genre,
that are far superior (IMHO) to the Ultra-Lounge series. U-L is fine as
a starting point, but that's it. Unfortunately, they had more
visibility (read: money for in-store displays and promos) than any of
the others, which helps to explain their relative popularity. For a
much better alternative, I would recommend getting the 3 CDs in RCA's
"Space-Age Pop" series (deleted, but still available) and the 4
"Cocktail Mix" CDs on Rhino. Then there are the Sound Gallery CDs on
Scamp, and "Easy Project" vol. 1 and 2 on Sequel. And that's just for
starters. (I won't even get into the Get Easy and Karminsky Experience
Far more varied than the Ultra Lounge compilations, and they don't have
any annoying song medleys on them! Once you've listened to these, you
may begin to understand the relative merits and drawbacks of the U-L
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From: Lazlo Nibble <lazlo@studio-nibble.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) ULTRA LOUNGE -- TIKI SAMPLER
Date: 04 Mar 1999 19:54:11 -0700
On Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 07:54:23AM -0500, LTepedino@aol.com wrote:
>> "To Hell with the talent -- It's packaging my boys!!!!!" >>
> That's right up there with my other favorite Grammy award - best liner notes!
My favorite piece of meaningless Liner Note trivia: Rory Guy, "Best Album
Notes - Classical" winner for his work on a 1974 Korngold disc for Angel, went
on to become internationally famous under the name "Angus Scrimm" as The Tall
Man in Don Coscarelli's "Phantasm" movies...
That's a good one to haul out in rental racks at the local video store...
Lazlo Nibble - lazlo@studio-nibble.com - http://www.studio-nibble.com
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From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
Subject: (exotica) Wierdness, Hipness, and Del Close
Date: 04 Mar 1999 19:41:21 -0800
>Return-Path: <geets@3-cities.com>
>From: geets@3-cities.com
>To: jack@jackdiamond.com
>Ellen Warren & Teresa Wiltz
>March 4, 1999
>To celebrate the life of Chicago comedy legend Del Close, show business
>friends from around the country flew in to party at Illinois Masonic
>Hospital with the grievously ill pioneer of improv theater.
>At the request of the flamboyant Close, comedian Bill Murray and Close's
>partner, Charna Halpern, organized a bash Wednesday night in a hospital
>dining hall.
>Close, a Second City veteran and co-founder of ImprovOlympic, was listed
>serious condition with emphysema late Wednesday.
>Ordered up for the private party, in a hospital dining hall, were:
>players, catered food and martinis for 40 or so of Close's friends,
>including Second City alums Aaron Freeman, Tim Kazurinsky and Second
>owner Andrew Alexander.
>"He wants to die on his own terms," said Halpern. "He wants a party.
>(for) his 65th birthday as well as his bon voyage party. Del is being a
>comedian to the end."
>A crew from Comedy Central was expected to film the event, Halpern said
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) no ms. know-it-all
Date: 05 Mar 1999 10:44:43 -0500
Hmm...whilst going thru Ebay, today I spy:
ALAKAZAM THE GREAT - Original Film Soundtrack LP record. Vee-Jay LP-6000
score by none other than our pal Les Baxter...
Some cartoony soundtrack, with the likes of Jonathan Winters(!) doing
(All OSTs with Jonathan Winters, have to be good, right DJJimmy Bee?)
Can anyone tell me what this album is like?
OOo, Jane Fondle
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From: "SANDBERG MAGNUS" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: SV: (exotica) no ms. know-it-all
Date: 05 Mar 1999 17:14:25 +0100
>ALAKAZAM THE GREAT - Original Film Soundtrack LP record. Vee-Jay =
>score by none other than our pal Les Baxter...
>Can anyone tell me what this album is like?
Its the cutiest little thang! Its not that spacey or anything but a must =
for soundtrack/Les Baxter collectors.
There is a speaker voice introducing all tracks, telling the stort about =
Alakazaam the little monkey. Alakazaam fights monsters and becomes king =
of all the animals in the world. He even meets a little girl monkey! (I =
wish I would too...). Some are instrumentals but most has vocals. It =
sure swings!
I am thinking of letting it make it to CDr togheter with Milton DeLuggs =
"Gullivers travels beyond the moon". I dont want money for it, because i =
rather trade for another CDr (or an LP). I have more scheduled CDrs so =
please email me if interested.
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From: "Darrell Brogdon" <dbrogdon@falcon.cc.ukans.edu>
Subject: Re: (exotica) no ms. know-it-all
Date: 05 Mar 1999 10:46:34 +0000
> ALAKAZAM THE GREAT - Original Film Soundtrack LP record. Vee-Jay
> LP-6000 [mono-1961] score by none other than our pal Les Baxter...
I've seen this movie! It's a Japanese animated film that got
re-dubbed with new songs by Frankie Avalon, Dodie Stevens, et al.
Saw it when I was a kid and it was sooo cool! I can still sing the
title song--well, the first part of it anyway ("Ala-ki, Ala-ko,
Ala-kazam..."). Then years later it got written up in one of those
"50 Worst Films of All Time" books. So maybe I shouldn't try to see
it again...? I'd hate to find out it really does suck.
Darrell Brogdon
Program Director
KANU FM 91.5
Broadcasting Hall
The University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Caddy-isms
Date: 05 Mar 1999 12:30:24 EST
In a message dated 03/05/99 11:18:27 AM Eastern Standard Time,
m.sandberg@telia.com writes:
<< He even meets a little girl monkey! (I wish I would too...) >>
reminds me of one of my many favorite lines from Caddy Shack when Bill Murry
calls Mrs. Green a "monkey woman". Makes me laugh every time.
Anybody else for a little low brow (Caddy Shack) humor? Send 'em on.
Loggins and Messina so it is music related (and damn, could that "Golfer"
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From: King Kini <kingkini@tamboo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Fwd: "VOODOO!"
Date: 05 Mar 1999 16:46:09 -0600
>> "VOODOO!"
>> Fine Line Music Cafe -April 23rd - Doors open at 8PM
>> Tickets $13 advance - $15 day of show - all Ticketmaster outlets
>> Minnesota Contemporary Ensemble (MCE), called "one of the country's leading
>> advocates of the new in music" by the Dallas Morning News and "a 70 minute
>> blast of brilliance" by Pulse, will present three living legends of the Los
>> Angeles music scene accompanied by 14 members of MCE.
>> Robert Drasnin, you have heard his music a million times! He was the head
>> of music at CBS Television for 17 years and scored episodes of Twilight
>> Zone, Mission Impossible, Man from UNCLE, Wild Wild West, I Spy, and many
>> MANY more! The 1959 album "Voodoo" is his only recorded work released under
>> his own name and is considered a masterpiece of the "exotica/lounge" genre.
>> With Robert Drasnin conducting, MCE will present the first ever live
>> performance of "Voodoo" in its entirety, a once in a lifetime opportunity!!
>> If Robert Drasnin is California's old master, Skip Heller is it's new
>> vision! His set will focus on his patented 50's Hollywood noire and
>> feature his new release "Couch Los Angeles", a baffling eclectic overview
>> of vintage and contemporary space age pop. A journalist, composer,
>> guitarist, arranger, and producer, Skip Heller is the only living
>> contemporary composer to have worked with "exotica" masters Les Baxter, Yma
>> Sumac, Korla Pandit, and Robert Drasnin. His work shows influences of such
>> progressive figures as John Zorn, Frank Zappa, Gustav Mahler, and Don Byron
>> as well as works by American composers Johnny "Guitar" Watson, Allen
>> Toussaint, and Reverend James Cleveland.
>> D.J. Bonebrake is the drummer of the seminal and legendary Los Angeles punk
>> band "X". He also performs with the Heller, Drasnin, Bonebrake combo and
>> is a percussionist with the Palisades Symphony Orchestra.
>> In between sets, audience members will be treated to Minneapolis' own
>> "lounge/exotica" expert, King Kini, spinning vinyl from his truly unique
>> and unmatched collection of vintage recordings.
>> Please contact MCE by phone, fax, or email for photos, interviews,
>> or questions.
>> *************
>> MCE
>> classcial music that doesn't suck
>> 515 Ontario St. SE
>> Minnepaolis MN 55414
>> www.newmusicmce.org
>> MCE@NewmusicMCE.org
>> (612) 331-3785
>> fax 331-2696
King Kini's C L U B V E L V E T
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) HELP!QUICKLY!
Date: 05 Mar 1999 13:28:04 -0500
Could someone please provide me an opinion of the following:
The Love Machine Soundtrack, featuring Dionne Warwick
I need it in a few hours(it's noon EST here!)
xoxox-Jane Fondle, who owes you a back rub for your trouble
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From: BasicHip@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) no ms. know-it-all
Date: 05 Mar 1999 21:48:35 EST
laura taylor writes:
<< Hmm...whilst going thru Ebay, today I spy:
ALAKAZAM THE GREAT - Original Film Soundtrack LP record. Vee-Jay LP-6000
score by none other than our pal Les Baxter.. >>
In that same group (KEYWORD: Baxter) is Hell's Belles. Despite the seller
advertising that this is not an original (which tops out around $30) and is a
"later" release, it is at currently at 45 bucks with a number of days to go
before closing. I'm 99.9% sure it is the same record that was recently
reissued and can be had for $8.99.
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From: cheryl <cheryls@dsuper.net>
Subject: (exotica) Playlist For Space Bop, March 7
Date: 05 Mar 1999 21:51:24 -0500
Beyond kitsch, Space Bop is one hour of full galactical wonder, and can
be heard every Sunday from 4 to 5 pm on CKUT 90.3 FM in Montreal,
Canada, and very soon to be on RealAudio! All comments and questions
Space Bop #38 Aloha Oe
The Ventures: Hawaii Five-0 "Hawaii Five-0"
Laika & The Cosmonauts: Oahu Luau "Zero Gravity"
Easy Aloha's: Aloha "Easy Tune Vol. 3"
Werner Muller: On The Beach At Waikiki "Hawaiian Swing"
X-Ray Tango: The Hero Of Waimea Bay "Spy Fidelity"
Caterina Valente: Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Honolulu-Strand-Bikini "Die
Grossen Hits"
Roberto Delgado: Sun Of Hawaii "Blue Hawaii"
Tiki Tones: Kon Tiki "Play Songs For The Suburban Savage"
Galaxy Trio: Surficide "In The Harem"
Laika & The Cosmonauts: O.C.C.C. (Oahu Community Correctional Center)
"The Amazing Colossal Band"
Martin Denny: Quiet Village "Exotic Moog"
Martin Denny: The Queen Chant "Exotica"
Don Tiki: Hot Like Lava "The Forbidden Sounds Of..."
Johnny Pineapple: Hawaiian War Chant "Hawaii"
Arthur Lyman: Taboo "Shaken Not Stirred"
X-Ray Tango: Tanqueray Sunset "Spy Fidelity"
Arthur Lyman: Hawaii Five-0 "Sonic Sixties"
Thanks for reading.
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: (exotica) drip drip drip
Date: 05 Mar 1999 22:37:54 -0500
I haven't bought any records recently so I don't have any thrift store or
record purchase report to post.
But I wish I did.
It's pretty quiet here on the list lately.
I pretty well ignored all those UltraLounge posts but now I wish they'd
return because it's better than nothing.
Then again, maybe it's good to say nothing when you have nothing to say.
(If it is good, it's also clearly something I haven't learned. And this
post isn't the only example of that.)
I'm just wondering if maybe we've said all we can say about this stuff and
we need a bunch of new people so we can engage in the annual "Cugat vs.
Ros" debate or so that I can tell them why Arthur Lyman is truly a "poor
man's Martin Denny".
Alternatively maybe we should recruit some people and some threads from the
Lawrence Welk mailing list or some such parallel group.
Or maybe someone can find a way to include Star Trek and Star Wars in their
posts and then things would really start hopping.
I need a fix.
If I don't get one soon, I'm going to have to talk about this Cozy Cole
record I have or these two Sam the Man Taylor records which kind of sound
like exotica.
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From: Pearmania@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Assignment to Kill
Date: 05 Mar 1999 23:05:46 EST
I've been watching this movie on the Mystery Channel called "Assignment to
Kill" made in 1968. So far it is utterly hip with an equally cool soundtrack.
The Internet Movie Database does not list the soundtrack's composer. Does
anyone (Ratso perhaps?) know who penned this very groovy soundtrack?
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From: "Br. Cleve" <bcleve@pop.tiac.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Assignment to Kill
Date: 05 Mar 1999 23:33:33 -0500
At 11:05 PM -0500 3/5/99, Pearmania@aol.com wrote:
>I've been watching this movie on the Mystery Channel called "Assignment to
>Kill" made in 1968. So far it is utterly hip with an equally cool soundtrack.
>The Internet Movie Database does not list the soundtrack's composer. Does
>anyone (Ratso perhaps?) know who penned this very groovy soundtrack?
According to the All-Movie Guide (www.allmovie.com), the composer is
William Lava, who wrote his first score in 1937, and continued into the
early 80's. He evidently did music for the 'Zorro' TV series produced by
Disney in the 50s/60s.
br cleve
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From: Dlsmay@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Assignment to Kill
Date: 06 Mar 1999 00:11:11 EST
Didn't Bill Lava replace Carl Stalling as the Warner Bros. cartoon composer in
the sixties?
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From: Hugh Petfield <tribute@dircon.co.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) drip drip drip
Date: 06 Mar 1999 06:51:30 +0000
Nat wrote (with simmering angst, one detected....)
>I need a fix.
>If I don't get one soon, I'm going to have to talk about this Cozy Cole
>record I have
Please do! I've often wondered if it was Cozy himself who sort of moaned
quietly in odd places on his records.
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From: Moritz R <exotica@munich.netsurf.de>
Subject: (exotica) Lee Hazlewood Story
Date: 06 Mar 1999 10:45:33 +0100
Received this yesterday... (Couldn't get those quote characters away, sor=
Netscape is a very unperfect programm)
> > A Brief Introduction to Lee Hazlewood
> >
> >Born on 9 July 1929, in the town of Mannford, Oklahoma, Barton Lee
> >Hazlewood spent his early years moving with his family between there a=
> >towns in Arkansas and Texas, where they settled long enough for Lee to
> >attend high school and meet his future wife, Naomi Shackleford. After =
> >stint at SMU in Dallas, Lee was called into service in Korea.
> >
> >After his discharge, Lee attended broadcasting school in California, a=
> >upon graduation was hired by KCKY in tiny Coolidge, Arizona. It wasn1t
> >long before his eccentric on-air performances, which consisted of
> >conversations between an elaborate dramatis personae with all the voic=
> >done by Lee himself, garnered him a local following. One devotee, a
> >teenage guitarist named Duane Eddy, began dropping by to rid the stati=
> >of its excess country records. Lee befriended Duane and, along with
> >Duane1s pianist buddy James 3Jimmy Dell2 Delbridge, they began fleshin=
> >out some songs Hazlewood had written, recording them at a local studio.
> >The trio also began driving to Phoenix for country music shows, where
> >they came to know the house band, particularly the young guitarist Al
> >Casey, forging some important alliances for the years to come.
> >
> >By 1955 Lee had moved to KRUX in Phoenix (where he was the first DJ in
> >town to play Elvis), and started the Viv label as an outlet for his
> >productions. Using Ramsey Recorders as his home studio, and a phalanx =
> >talented local players including Eddy and Casey, Lee finally struck
> >paydirt in 1956 with his tune 3The Fool2, sung by Casey1s high school
> >chum Sanford Clark, birthing the Phoenix music scene in the process. I=
> >1957, Lee gave up DJing for writing and producing full-time when he
> >accepted a job as staff producer with Dot Records, and moved to LA.
> >
> >Soon after, Hazlewood hooked up with producer Lester Sill, forming a
> >partnership that would alter the course of American music. Still makin=
> >regular pilgrimages back to Phoenix, where he continued to explore the
> >sounds he was hearing in the now-familiar context of Ramsey and his
> >erstwhile group of session players, Lee finally broke through when he
> >suggested that Duane play the simple, repetitive melodic riffs they ha=
> >written on the lower strings of his guitar. It was a radical departure
> >from the searing, high pitched runs of the Chet Atkins style. Although
> >the sound had its genesis in Lee1s head, he couldn1t possibly have bee=
> >prepared for how sublimely it tumbled from Duane1s amplifier, and just
> >how far the two would be able to take it.
> >
> >Knowing they had the makings of something bigger, Hazlewood and Sill
> >began liscencing the Eddy masters to Philadelphia-based Jamie Records =
> >1958, and enjoyed a huge string of international instrumental hits whi=
> >helped define what people were just beginning to call 3rock and roll2.
> >
> >Hazlewood was obsessive about acheiving new sounds, and this pursuit l=
> >to the installation of a gigantic grain tank onto the side of the
> >building which housed the studio. The tank was outfitted with a mike a=
> >speaker setup, and became a truly monstrous echo chamber, heard to gre=
> >effect on those early Eddy sides. Another of Lee1s many innovations in
> >this period was the 3stacking2 of bass players; Fender bass for crispn=
> >on top of an upright bass for depth of tone underneath.
> >
> >What most people don1t know is that observing these sessions, and no
> >doubt absorbing most of Lee1s techniques, was a young wannabe producer
> >newly recruited by Sill, by the name of Phil Spector. And it1s also no
> >coincidence that many of Lee1s hand-picked session players, including =
> >Casey, Steve Douglas, Jim Horn and Larry Knechtel, went on to become p=
> >of the legendary 3Wrecking Crew2, Hollywood1s most in-demand group of
> >session musicians, and the interpreters of countless milestones of
> >American music from the 60s and 70s.
> >
> >The early 60s saw Hazlewood establish a new label, LHI (Lee Hazlewood
> >Industries), and branch out into new territory both as writer/producer
> >and as a performer, with his first solo albums, 19631s Trouble Is A
> >Lonesome Town and The N.S.V.I.P.s, the following year. In 1967 LHI
> >released the first album by Gram Parsons1 short-lived group, the
> >International Submarine Band.
> >
> >By the mid-sixties, Lee had acheived some significance with mega-hits =
> >artistic milestones, and had garnered the respect of his peers (not to
> >mention a swimming pool and a nice little stockpile of Chivas Regal). =
> >with the advent of the British Invasion (which was itself profoundly
> >fueled by those pioneering Duane Eddy records), and the sea-change
> >brought upon the Industry by more self-contained artistic projects lik=
> >the Beatles et al, he had become quite taken with the idea of
> >3retirement2 from the music business. That is, until he met Nancy.
> >
> >The young daughter of the Amercian icon, Nancy Sinatra was an aspiring
> >diva with a string of disappointments even her father1s usually
> >indomitable influence couldn1t make into hits. Thus she was delivered =
> >Hazlewood by fellow producer and Reprise bigwig Jimmy Bowen. The resul=
> >to almost everyone1s satisfaction, was wall to wall hits for about the
> >next 5 years.
> >
> >Described by detractors as a tuneless drone, Nancy1s voice was more
> >importantly a tough and life-wisened instrument, and certainly not
> >lacking in a canny sexuality which, inadvertently or not, anticipated
> >liberated, strong female singing from Nico and Pat Benatar to Kim Gord=
> >and Joan Jett. Hazlewood, naturally, saw these elements for the streng=
> >that they were, and knew exactly how to highlight them sonically. He
> >sculpted, again with the help of his now famous session men, a
> >countryfied pop brew to bathe tunes which, though not without their
> >3novelty2 aspects, were more 3novel2 in the literary sense: concisely
> >constructed layers of sophisticated artifice operating on several leve=
> >of meaning, depending on how deep you were willing to go.
> >
> >The first string of hits, 3These Boots Are Made For Walking2, 3Sugar
> >Town2, 3How Does That Grab You Darlin1?2, made Nancy Sinatra a worldwi=
> >star, and is perhaps what gave her the confidence to begin sharing th=
> >mike with Lee. The duet hits that followed include the hardcore C&W
> >rollick of 3Jackson2, and the sublime 3Some Velvet Morning2, perhaps
> >Lee1s finest moment as a lyricist. It1s important to note that Lee was
> >stalking the very top of the pops with vaguely cloaked S&M and drug
> >references, amid other implications of miscellaneous naughtiness, yet
> >because of the context in which he worked was the epitome of unhip. By
> >contrast, Lou Reed was addressing similar subjects in his eventually m=
> >celebrated style, but within the hermetic confines of Warhol1s Factory=
> >an association which inevitably made his 3vanguard2 work infinitely le=
> >assailable.
> >
> >Lee1s other Hollywood (mis)adventures included producing Frank and Nac=
> >hit duet 3Somethin1 Stupid2, writing and producing the Dean Martin hit
> >3Houston2, and the record The Cowboy And The Lady, a hilarious duet LP
> >with the actress and singer Ann-Margaret. He also contributed music to
> >the films Tony Rome and Sweet Ride, and even acted in the latter and i=
> >The Moonshine Wars, alongside Richard Widmark.
> >
> >Newly minted from this second wave of success, Hazlewood began traveli=
> >abroad, landing in Sweden in 1970, where he met director Tobj=F6rn Axe=
> >The two embarked upon a collaboration which would produce several film
> >and music projects, beginning with Cowboy In Sweden, and continuing
> >through Smoke and A House Safe For Tigers. The Swedish Viking label al=
> >issued two very rare but strong Hazlewood solo albums. Requiem For An
> >Almost Lady, released in 1971, is an aching meditation on love lost (w=
> >some harrowing narration), while 13, from the following year, is a
> >horn-laden departure from the Hazlewood formula that succeeds on the
> >strength of its exuberantly dazed mania.
> >
> >It1s during this period that Hazlewood emerged as a singer and perform=
> >inseperable from his writing and production. After hearing these 70s
> >albums, one gets the feeling that Lee is perhaps the best interpreter =
> >his own ideas, and without a doubt the albums benefit from everything =
> >had developed up to that point: a singular signature sound synthesizin=
> >swinging cowboy shanties, the rhythmic heat of rockabilly, and soaring
> >symphonic pop, punctuated by dark, poetic lyrics at once esoteric, wit=
> >and honest.
> >
> >Towards the end of the 70s Lee gradually retired (again) from music,
> >taking up short residences in different locales across the globe and
> >working only sporadically. By the 90s, the first compact disk issues o=
> >Lee1s solo work - most of them illegal - began to appear on shady
> >European labels, while his original LHI LPs steadily began fetching
> >higher prices in the collector1s market. All of this, combined with hi=
> >reclusive lifestyle and the enigmatic nature of his available oeuvre,
> >afforded quite a mythology.
> >
> >After Rhino Records reissued their hit 60s duets on CD as Fairytales &
> >Fantasies, Lee and Nancy reunited in 1995 for a small-scale world tour=
> >rave reviews. Backstage at the Limelight in NYC, the members of Sonic
> >Youth were able to meet the man, and two years later drummer Steve
> >Shelley managed to track down the elusive Hazlewood and sell him on a
> >reissue project, to be released on his own Smells Like Records label. =
> >was decided that six old titles would be reissued: Trouble Is A Loneso=
> >Town (=8C63), The N.S.V.I.P.s (=8C64), The Cowboy And The Lady (=8C69)=
, Cowboy
> >In Sweden (=8C70), Requiem For An Almost Lady (=8C71), and 13 (=8C72).
> >Additionally, an album of old pop standards titled Farmisht Flatulence=
> >Origami, ARF!!! and me, recorded between 1996 and 1998, and featuring =
> >backed by his old pal Al Casey, will be Hazlewood's first domestic
> >release in over two decades. A CD compilation of 45rpm singles origina=
> >released on LHI will round out the series.
> >
> >Lee1s music has been covered over the years by the likes of Einsturzen=
> >Neubauten, Petula Clark, Lisa Germano, Roland S. Howard and Lydia Lunc=
> >Dusty Springfield, The Jesus and Mary Chain and Billy Ray Cyrus. 3Boot=
> >and the Duane Eddy tracks continue to make appearances in films, some
> >recent ones including Full Metal Jacket, Forrest Gump, Ready To Wear,
> >Fargo, Natural Born Killers, Feeling Minnesota and Austin Powers. Ther=
> >has always been a small but loyal group of Hazlewood fanatics, but wit=
> >seemingly more and more music lovers discovering and appreciating Lee'=
> >place in the history of American music, now is finally the time for hi=
> >solo work to be made widely available on CD.
> >
> >NYC1s Anthology Film Archives to screen Lee Hazlewood films
> >Smells Like Records, in association with Anthology Film Archives, is
> >proud to present 3 unique films featuring the talents of the endearing=
> >iconoclastic singer/songwriter/producer Lee Hazlewood, produced in
> >collaboration with the Swedish director Torbj=F6rn Axelman. Known prim=
> >for his work as a songwriter and producer for Duane Eddy and Nancy
> >Sinatra, Hazlewood was also a performing and recording artist in his o=
> >right, releasing a string of sterling solo albums throughout the 60s a=
> >70s.
> >Cowboy In Sweden, released in 1970, sets a suite of Hazlewood
> >compositions to Axelman1s footage of various Swedish landscapes; a
> >long-form music video made well before the advent of MTV. A critical a=
> >commercial success in Sweden, the soundtrack, performed by Lee with th=
> >help of singers Nina Lizell and Suzie Jane Hokom, went gold in that
> >country.
> >In The N.S.V.I.P.s, a Swedish television special from 1973, Hazlewood
> >sings and stars in a sentimental series of vignettes based upon songs =
> >the late Harry Chapin. Directed again by Axelman, it won both the Gold=
> >Rose of Montreux and the International Press Prize at The Montreux
> >TV-Festival in Switzerland.
> >Nancy & Lee in Las Vegas, from 1972, intertwines a vintage performance=
> >this incomparable duo at Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin1s Riviera with
> >backstage/behind the scenes shenanigans as seen through the eyes of
> >co-director Axelman. Hazlewood1s verit=E9-style editing manages to cap=
> >both the surreal glitz and the lighter side of the Vegas experience.
> >The screenings will take place on the 22nd of April 1999, and will
> >coincide with the re-release of two Hazlewood albums on CD: the album
> >Cowboy In Sweden, and Farmisht, Flatulence, Origami, ARF!!! and me (th=
> >first new Hazlewood album in two decades). These will be the first in =
> >series of Hazlewood re-issues by Hoboken based Smells Like Records, an
> >independent label run by Sonic Youth drummer Steve Shelley.
> >
> >
> >
> >=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=
> >smells like records pobox 6179 hoboken nj 07030
> > 201.659.1556 fax <smellslikerecords.com>
> >
> >available now: CDs by Bluetile Lounge, Scarnella,
> >Two Dollar Guitar and the Rondelles
> >
> >coming soon: music from Lee Hazlewood, Robert Gordon,
> >and the Clears
> >
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) drip drip drip
Date: 06 Mar 1999 10:16:01 -0500
At 06:51 AM 3/6/99 +0000, Hugh Petfield wrote:
>Nat wrote (with simmering angst, one detected....)
>>I need a fix.
>>If I don't get one soon, I'm going to have to talk about this Cozy Cole
>>record I have
>Please do! I've often wondered if it was Cozy himself who sort of moaned
>quietly in odd places on his records.
Well okay, but I don't think this is going to solve the problem.
(Maybe it's just the low end in the cycle and it'll pick up again soon.)
I know Cozy Cole as basically a jazz drummer and I have one pretty good
straight ahead bebop record where he's the leader.
But then I have this record on "King" called "The drummer man with the big
beat" and the music there is a little harder to classify. It's definitely
not bebop or even jazz at all. I guess it's basically rock n roll in the
spirit of Bill Doggett or Sam the Man Taylor or the Bill Black Combo. Or
Earl Bostic, whose records are pictured all over the back of the record.
(But even having said that, I have these two Sam the Man records - "Blue
Mist" and "More Blue Mist" - which kind of roll over into lounge/exotica...)
There's something about this Cozy Cole record though. It's like one of
those happy accidents. They went in to make another generic dance record
but something happened.
Not on all the tunes mind you. But some of them. There's this one cut
"Dmitri" which I've thrown onto a number of tapes of all kinds because it
has this sort of crime jazz/reggae feel to it. Then there are just the
names of some of the tunes.
"Teen age ideal". "Blop Up". "Blop Down".
"Marimba Rhythm" also has a bit of that crime jazz feel. The tunes are
mostly written by "Cole-Catalan-Kelly". There's also this slow dance tune
called "Strange" that sounds like it could have been a hit.
Is this a relatively unexplored part of the lounge/exotica sound?
Instrumental rock n roll dance records from the late fifties? Even on this
record, a lot of it is pretty generic with wailing sax and a driving beat.
But I bet there are more gems out there like Dmitri and this other tune
"International Cha Cha".
Is there perhaps a CD compilation of this stuff?
And what about Earl Bostic? I have a couple of his 78's but they did
nothing for me. I know that Coltrane played with him for a while but I'm
not sure I've heard those records or that if I did, I would recognize
Coltrane in the mix.
I'm just trying to see if there are other roads we can go down so that I
won't get that disappointing "you have no new mail" announcement.
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From: "Robert Baldock" <rcb@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) drip drip drip
Date: 06 Mar 1999 15:53:19 -0000
While we're on the subject of Cozy Cole, I have a 1952 Johnny
Guarnieri LP (which feels like a slab of slate!) with Tony Mottola on
guitar, Bob Haggart on bass and Cozy Cole on "traps". It's quite
bland though...
** ** ** * Spaced Out - the Enoch Light Website * ** ** **
** ** ** * http://www.rcb.easynet.co.uk/light/ * ** ** **
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From: pmazz@cysource.com (Paul Mazzucca)
Subject: (exotica) more exotica not less
Date: 06 Mar 1999 10:01:09 -0500
i was suprised to read that some people are tiring of this site orthe
music in general. more for us, less for them.
but i thought i would add some tidbit.
last summer at a great old junk shop, full of moldy oldies, (not for the
light of heart) i bought for a buck, a nice big band blues album, called
" al nevins and his orchestra, dancing with the blues" and although it
is somewhat big bandy the arranging is superb, for some reason my brain
works slowly, and it took me til last night to put 2 x 2 togoether and
remember, al nevins is the brain behind the 3 suns. not only that but
the arranger on this is the same, charles albertine, that did their
movin' n' groovin', fever, and smoke, etc. good stuff.
so take that extra minute and listen to what moved them and where else
it went.
on another note, my husband swears that emerson, lake, and palmer stole
their ideas on moog directly from dick hyman, electric eclectic moog.
any comments?
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From: "Charles Moseley" <Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-EXTERNAL@MCKINSEY.COM>
Subject: (exotica) Instrument/questions
Date: 06 Mar 1999 16:05:30 +0000
What is a Vibra-slap? and where can I hear one?
And do you know Eris Soya's 17 soundtrack?
Recommendations? criticisms?
And who wants to trade MDs?
And who found what records recently?
And where is everybody?
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: Re: (exotica) drip drip drip
Date: 06 Mar 1999 11:03:06 EST
In a message dated 3/6/99 2:55:55 AM, tribute@dircon.co.uk wrote:
>Cozy Cole
Is he the guy that did "Topsy Part 2"? (which begs the question, was there a
part one?)
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From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
Subject: (exotica) Record Scores
Date: 06 Mar 1999 08:05:49 -0800
Hello all,
I get so many killer records all the time and since MOST of them are for
sale, I just forget about them.
Though every great once in awhile I do score.
I just traded with a major player on EBay and scored a Classical
record, accompanied by Harp.
I'm REALLY looking forward to playing that on my show
Even though I've had it for a few days, I haven't listened to it yet:)
I also just got the original ORIGINAL 10" release of Spellbound on ARA,
which I only had on 78's for quite a few years and that's VERY
Very clean too. Haven't scanned it yet and though it came in 2 different
covers, this is the more plain cover BUT THE BACK COVER has 6 or 7 black
and white photos from the film that are waaaaaaaaaay cooooooool.
Though it's going up on EBay, a VG++/Mint Dean Elliot Orchestra-"Zounds !
What Sounds!! in Stereo.
The scan could be better, but this will have to do until now
OH FUCK! I got this record from a guy who is "usually" really expensive
and who hadn't listened to it, thank god, because by looking at the
cover" you'd think it was just music and Music for Schlitz Beer
Commercials but in reality it is 30 Schlitz Beer Radio Commercials all
intact with different music. FUCKIN AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! 10 BUCKS, MINT!
Then, awhile back you were al talking about this 1;
Another AMAZING record score from the WORD label is "The Game of Life"
Check this 1 out. I just played a few minutes of it on my show last week
and it is the most amazing record there is!
Definitely top 5! If there even is a top 5;)
Then, of course also on the WORD label;
I've had this a few times and was in a scannin' state of mind,
Same with this 1;
Just sold this on EBay;
Just bought this on EBay
Until another time;
Jack Diamond Music
1960's German & Italian Import CD/LP Reissue Soundtracks, US Reissue
CD/LP Soundtracks, Moog & Electronic CD's, Psychedelic CD's/LP's AND
Instrumental Guitars of all Kinds, Rockabilly, Outer Space Electronique
CD's/LP's, Crime Jazz, Bossa Nova, Science Fiction Soundtrack CD's/LP's,
Western Swing, Exotica CD's, Country Jazz, Steel Guitars, Musique
Concrete, Easy Listening, Male/Female Lounge Vocals and Lounge in
General, Latin/Afro Cuban, Bongos/Percussion For Days, Sitar Rock,
Theremin, Whistling, 1950's West Coast Jazz CD's and LP's, Exotica
CD's/LP's, Spoken Word CD's, Ken Nordine, Beatnik Poetry CD's et al...,
Cheesecake and Outre Album Covers.
Also of great note is that I have THOUSANDS OF LP'S NOT YET ON MY SITE as
well as MANY MANY CD's not yet POSTED, so if you have any particular
wants or needs, I just may have it.
One of a Kind CD/LP 1950's-70's Re-Issues and Original Out of Print LP's
for sale and trade.
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) drip drip drip
Date: 06 Mar 1999 11:03:47 -0500
There is also this record of Cole's
Brian Phillips
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Assignment to Kill
Date: 06 Mar 1999 11:07:21 -0500
Didn't Bill Lava replace Carl Stalling as the Warner Bros. cartoon composer in
the sixties?
As I understand the succession, Carl Stalling (although someone preceded
him), Milt Franklyn (who was Stalling's assistant), John Seely (who seems
to have used stock music) and then William Lava, who was hampered by a
shrinking Warner Brothers budget and orchestra in the 1960's.
Brian Phillips
Brian Phillips
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) drip drip drip
Date: 06 Mar 1999 11:17:55 EST
In a message dated 3/5/99 11:38:12 PM, bruno@yhammer.com wrote:
>I need a fix.
>If I don't get one soon, I'm going to have to talk about this Cozy Cole
>record I have or these two Sam the Man Taylor records which kind of sound
>like exotica.
I sympathize with this. If I may make a suggestion, this is what I try to do
when I feel I have run into a wall. I return to the source (vinyl supply
outlets) and look for something new that augments what I have already found
and researched ad nauseum. For example, there exists a whole world of early
7T's jazz funk (pre "fusion") LP's by the likes of Charles Earland, Ramsey
Lewis, Soul Searchers, Bohannon, Nite-Liters, El Chicano, Billy Preston,
Johnny Griffith, Phil Upchurch, Hugh Masekela, Ripple, The Meters, Lou
Donaldson, etc. that do not necessarily meet the guidelines of exotica/now
sound, but are great, hook-laden, often wordless vocally-arranged instrumental
pop with strong compelling playing that can be quite satisfying. And it often
mixes well with already discussed stuff from this list. It also gives you a
new way to look at the stuff discussed here. When in doubt, branch out, but
stay here too, its good for you... Jimmy Botticelli/My .02 for you
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From: "SANDBERG MAGNUS" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: SV: (exotica) Record Scores
Date: 06 Mar 1999 17:20:51 +0100
Another AMAZING record score from the WORD label is "The Game of =
Check this 1 out. I just played a few minutes of it on my show last =
week and it is the most amazing record there is!
Definitely top 5! If there even is a top 5;)
It's awesome Jack! What a record!=20
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From: "SANDBERG MAGNUS" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: SV: (exotica) Instrument/questions
Date: 06 Mar 1999 17:52:44 +0100
>What is a Vibra-slap? and where can I hear one?
On the "HI FI In a porn shop" LP :)
>And who found what records recently?
From the US:
Bruce Haack -Electronic record for children -Dimension 5
Frankie Stein -Introducing Frankie Stein and his ghouls -Power records
Frankie Stein -Ghoul music -this one has the ghouliest (is that a =
correct word?) cover of them all! -Power records
Three rare ones that i found together on a LP mailing list under =
"Goofball" Paid $35 for all together.
I dont know much about Frankie Stein, I bought them because I remembered =
his name from a cd-collection of rare Horror tracks from the 50s and =
60s. Both records have great dance music (A la Swim, Watusi, Monkey etc) =
in a surf/las vegas grind kind of way. And the eerie astonishing monster =
sounds fits in perfectly. On the back sleeve three more Frankie Stein =
LPs is listed. I want them all!
And yes, the Haack LP is amazing. More on that later.
Today at the flea
a swedish childrens record "Alice in wonderland" 78 rpm set of two =
records from 1951.=20
Moving with Nancy -N Sinatra. I see this all the time but the condition =
is always too poor. Finally a good copy.
A swedish moog record with Bo Hansson interpreting the Tokien saga =
"Lords of the rings" (or what it is called?) In swedish its "Sagan om =
ringen". A nice one! Beautiful painting on the cover. I am not sure =
about this but I think Bo Hansson was the first part of the swedish band =
"Hansson and Karlsson" who actually inspired Jimi Hendrix a bit.
And just now i got hold of a copy of Miriam Burtons masterpiece "African =
Lament". Thanks Jack!
So i have scored some big ones lately. Yes, I am happy!
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From: Ron Grandia <rgrandia@earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Assignment to Kill
Date: 06 Mar 1999 09:18:14 -0800
Dlsmay@aol.com wrote:
> Didn't Bill Lava replace Carl Stalling as the Warner Bros. cartoon composer in
> the sixties?
Indeed he did.... I have always wondered if I really hated his music, or am just
reacting to the strangeness of a WB cartoon without Stallings music. (Also, these
later cartoons are pretty weak with or without music.)
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From: "Charles Moseley" <Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-EXTERNAL@MCKINSEY.COM>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Carl Stalling
Date: 06 Mar 1999 17:14:10 +0000
Can anybody make recommendations as to which Carl Stalling LPs are worth
tracking down?
And are his works like his cartoons? Did he ever get serious with his
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From: Larson/Thomas <jlarson1@san.rr.com>
Subject: (exotica) CD Recommendations
Date: 06 Mar 1999 09:20:20 -0800
I've seen the following CD's for sale recently, and while I am somewhat
familiar with each performer I don't know enough about their individual
albums to say whether these rank among the best.
Hene Rene - "Music for bachelors"
Robert Maxwell - "Ebb Tide"
Any opinions?
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From: Ron Grandia <rgrandia@earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) CD Recommendations
Date: 06 Mar 1999 09:53:47 -0800
I guess it all depends what you are looking for. I vote no on both.
> Hene Rene - "Music for bachelors"
If it were not for Jayne Mansfield (and a barely perceptible nipple) I would
not own this record. Snooze-o-rama. The cover is a keeper.
> Robert Maxwell - "Ebb Tide"
I like Harp music, but most of it is pretty listless and drab. You want some
harpin? Get a Dorothy Ashby record.
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From: BasicHip@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Basic Hip - WHISTLING FOR YOU
Date: 06 Mar 1999 13:41:05 EST
The 26 track list for my recently completed collection of whistling and bird
Rather than including anything and everything that had whistling on it, I
focused only on whistling and bird albums. Not making the final list where an
assortment of various canary training, bird song field recordings and goose
call records, which I passed up in favor of the two very rare Max Gilstrap
selections, which transferred beautifully from cassette tape, compliments of
Mickey McGowan.
Despite my frantic search, I never managed to locate that elusive copy of
Marcellino's "Birds Of A Feather".
The cover I chose to scan and edit for the jewel case is from a set of four
78's, Fred Lowery's "Whistling For You", circa 1947.
If this is of interest, let me know.
John Brent and Del Close played over Joe Puma and the Audibon All-Stars
(Flight Patterns "Like Tweet")
Walking Along Kicking The Leaves (Decca DL-8476 Mono)
House Party Music Time (Capitol T-1284 Mono)
The Fabulous Whistling Nun Presents The Sound Of Music (ACE Recording Stereo)
- thanks to Frank for sending the tape from which this comes
The Canaries (United Artists UAS-6251 Stereo)
Symphony Of The Birds (Ficker CD-R Mono)
Whistle A Happy Tune! (Decca DL-8995 Mono)
- with the Anita Kerr Singers
HILO MARCH Muzzy Marcellino
Whistling On The Beach At Waikiki (Coral CRL-57441 Mono)
Adventure In The National Parks No. 1 (Gilstrap Records Mono)
Whistling Like the Birds (Dot DLP-25781 Stereo)
Virginia Belmont's Famous Singing And Talking Birds (Virginia Belmont
Enterprises VB-713 Stereo)
Whistles Your Gospel Favorites (Word WST-8326-LP Stereo)
THE CONTINENTAL Muzzy Marcellino
House Party Music Time (Capitol T-1284 Mono)
WIVES AND LOVERS Toots Thielemans
The Whistler And His Guitar (ABC Paramount ABC-482 Mono)
THE BIRDS Alfred Hitchcock
Movie Trailer (Video Cassette)
- my latest thing, snatching audio from Driver's Ed scare films, drive-in
movie snack bar intermissions and personal hygeine / sex education / anti-drug
SUKIYAKI Johan Dalgas Frisch
Symphony Of The Birds (MGM SE-4442 Mono)
Whistle A Happy Tune! (Decca DL-8995 Mono)
Whistling On The Beach At Waikiki (Coral CRL-57441 Mono)
Susan Zagon - Whistler (Zagon Records Stereo)
The Canaries (United Artists UAS-6251 Stereo)
Adventure In The National Parks No.1 (Gilstrap Records Mono)
Walking Along Kicking The Leaves (Decca DL-8476 Mono)
The Birds Sing His Praise Volume 2 (Sacred LPS-4041 Stereo)
45 RPM (Simon Says Mono)
Breezin' The Classics (Pro Arte Digital PAD-258 Stereo)
AVE MARIA Virginia Belmont
Virginia Belmont's Famous Singing And Talking Birds (Virginia Belmont
Enterprises VB-713 Stereo)
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) ELP? 'Elp!
Date: 06 Mar 1999 13:57:28 -0500
>on another note, my husband swears that emerson, lake, and palmer stole
>their ideas on moog directly from dick hyman, electric eclectic moog.
>any comments?
I don't know the exact chronology of who did what when, but when you hear
Hyman's "Minotaur" it sure seems that way.
My basic instinct is to leave my childhood prog rock years deeply buried
(sort of like the Wonder Years, but with overlong solos), but with two
mentions of ELP in one morning -- not to mention Bo Hansson --
synchronicity seems to be at work.
Has anyone else seen the documentary film of the Isle Of Wight rock
festival? (happened in 1970, I think) I saw it a few weeks ago, and
unexpectedly and unbelieveably, ELP appear in it with the impact of punk
rockers from outer space! Demonstrating that context is everything, I suppose.
The Isle Of Wight Festival was intended as Europe's Woodstock, but was a
bit of a disaster. Finances in a shambles, "free festival" protesters
battering the concentration-camp-like walls, a fire in the stage roof, and
lots more more fun. The lineup was mostly sensitive hippy staples, getting
all weepy over the political battles going on behind the scenes. And in the
midst of all this, suddenly here's Emerson, Lake & Palmer firing *cannons*
from the corners of the stage and blasting huge quantities of aggressive
notes at the crowd. It was like a reality fracture -- there was no
connection to anything else that was going on. And then there's Keith
Emerson, dressed like a bondage-VegasElvis-pimp, literally hurling his
Hammond around the stage, doing show-off tricks like playing from behind
the organ (upside-down and backwards) with only his pinkies and index
fingers (Satan!). Insane! I can't imagine what the crowd made of it.
But not many years later, ELP played the boring old fart role. Context.
Magnus -- your Bo Hansson record -- is that on "The Famous Charisma Label"?
That's the case with my copy. Yes, he worked with Janne Karlsson. Quoting
the back cover notes (by Grammy winner, Stratton Smith (only kidding)):
"A few years ago one began to hear from Scandinavia of a brilliant
organist, BO HANSSON. He formed that rarity, a rock duo, with a fellow
Swede, Janne Karlsson. The two toured regularly from '67 through '69, and
released three albums, now something of collectors' pieces. Few British
musicians of the time were unaware of them; Jimi Hendrix not only jammed
regularly with them, but invited them to tour with his Experience.
"Bo split to concentrate on his writing. Professor Tolkien's trilogy
fascinated him, reached deep into his remote and rather other-worldly
nature. The music thus inspired was recorded on a portable eight-track, in
a rented house on an island off Stockholm. It is very much Hansson's album:
Apart from the writing, he plays organ, guitar, Moog Synthesiser, and bass.
Helping him are RUNE CARLSSON (drums), GUNNAR BERGSTEN (saxophone), STEN
BERGMAN (flute), and a few anonymous 'friends'."
And now I think I need to listen to some Boredoms to balance back out...
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: "Robert Baldock" <rcb@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: (exotica) Spaced Out Website redesign
Date: 06 Mar 1999 19:11:39 -0000
Just to let you all know that I've redesigned the Spaced Out site to
make it much more reader-friendly. So, rather than dark red text
on a starry black background(!) it's now a clean and simple black
on white. This has been applied throughout the whole site, though
echoes of the previous design can still be seen, particularly in the
interviews section.
There has been another major improvement to the site, namely the
addition of four Shockwave Flash animations which bring four of
Enoch Light's LP covers to life.
As many, if not all, of the covers on later Grand Award, Command
and Project 3 labels are highly suggestive of movement, it struck
me that they would make great animations - and I wanted an
excuse to learn Flash anyway!
I hope to gradually build up a huge library of singing, dancing cover
art for the site. But for the time being you can feast your eyes on
animated versions of Persuasive Percussion, Vibrations,
Permissive Polyphonics and Discotheque.
Shockwave Flash requires a plug-in to your browser but I believe
recent browsers come with this plug-in pre-installed. If you don't
have it you can get it from http://www.macromedia.com/
Hope you like the new look.
** ** ** * Spaced Out - the Enoch Light Website * ** ** **
** ** ** * http://www.rcb.easynet.co.uk/light/ * ** ** **
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From: James G <jamesbg@home.com>
Subject: (exotica) Yin/Yang Award
Date: 06 Mar 1999 11:13:50 -0800
Brian wrote re liner notes and album covers:
<There are also the touching ones, such as John Coltrane's notes to "A
<Blow Fly's album covers are aesthetic nightmares >
I hereby present Brian with the Yin/Yang Award for mentioning 'Trane and
Blowfly in the same post. Think I'll dig out some Blowfly today, maybe
exercise to his aerobics tune "F*** the Fat Off," while I contemplate
aesthetic nightmares.
And on a more personal note, I actually showed my parents the liner
notes from "A Love Supreme" during the "discussion" we had in 1969 after
they learned I was "on" LSD. Well, it made sense to ME at the time.....
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) drip drip drip, instro r&r
Date: 06 Mar 1999 14:16:47 -0500
>Is this a relatively unexplored part of the lounge/exotica sound?
>Instrumental rock n roll dance records from the late fifties? Even on this
>record, a lot of it is pretty generic with wailing sax and a driving beat.
>But I bet there are more gems out there like Dmitri and this other tune
>"International Cha Cha".
>Is there perhaps a CD compilation of this stuff?
Ace Records (British label) has an excellent series called "Teen Beat",
which is up to four volumes. Every disc is packed with 30 tracks. They
compile R&R, R&B and genre-vague instrumentals from the 50s into the mid
60s. Some surf, but fortunately not much (that stuff is so easily available
elsewhere). Some primitive, many smooth -- not necessarily fitting into
"official" list genres, but much would probably be enjoyable. The booklets
are illustrated with 45 labels and promo ads from old trade magazines.
And no, no relation at all. I wish.
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Instrument/questions
Date: 06 Mar 1999 14:21:15 -0500
>What is a Vibra-slap? and where can I hear one?
You can *see* it here:
They say: "It has appeared in more recordings, soundtracks and
advertisements than any sound effect ever made."
Stout words.
You hold the wire frame with one hand, strike the knob against your other
hand, and it goes, "KKKKKKKkkkkkkkk..."
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: Ron Grandia <rgrandia@earthlink.net>
Subject: (exotica) Mp3spy/Shoutcast
Date: 06 Mar 1999 11:28:24 -0800
I have been parked at my front window all mornign waiting for the Covad
truck to come and bring me 768kbps of symmetric connectivity. When he
leaves, the first thing I am gonna do is put up an audio stream onto the
Shoutcast server. I will post the details,
but if anyone wants to "Tune in" you can download the latest version
(necessary to work with shoutcast) version of Winamp at
I've been goofing around with shoutcast for a few weeks, and it's neat
stuff.. the most interesting aspect is the fact that anyone with a
dial-up account can stream audio. It's also possible for that sam
edial-up stream to be "mirrored" by other servers, thus expanding the
number of potential listeners. To hear scores of home-based netcasts,
go to http://www.shoutcast.com.
I'll post more info when I have my server up and running. I intend to
stream some recorded programs, and hope to have a live signal running by
9pm or so Pacific time.
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Instrument/questions
Date: 06 Mar 1999 14:25:50 -0500
>>What is a Vibra-slap? and where can I hear one?
>You can *see* it here:
D'oh... I forgot to add...
The Flex-A-Tone:
is a lot more fun.
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: "SANDBERG MAGNUS" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: SV: (exotica) ELP? 'Elp!
Date: 06 Mar 1999 20:38:29 +0100
M Ace wrote:
>Magnus -- your Bo Hansson record -- is that on "The Famous Charisma =
No its on Silence. A swedish only release i guess.=20
Bo Hansson -"Sagan om ringen" SRS 4600=20
I just listened to it and it is really great. Do you know when it was =
>That's the case with my copy.=20
Is your copy an international release? Please tell me about "The Famous =
Charisma Label"
From now on I will buy every Bo Hansson LP I see, because I see them =
allatime. I have neglected music by swedish guys I think...
>Yes, he worked with Janne Karlsson.
Yeah here we know him as "Loffe". He is known here as one of swedens =
most tiresome comedians, but he is a fantastic drummer. In the late 90s =
Hansson och Karlsson performs again. Reports says they sound swell.
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) CD Recommendations
Date: 06 Mar 1999 14:53:59 -0500
At 09:20 AM 3/6/99 -0800, Larson/Thomas wrote:
>I've seen the following CD's for sale recently, and while I am somewhat
>familiar with each performer I don't know enough about their individual
>albums to say whether these rank among the best.
>Hene Rene - "Music for bachelors"
If this is the original LP, it's not among his best, I don't think. Unless
you like things more subdued.
>Robert Maxwell - "Ebb Tide"
I don't have this one but I like all his records.
Nat, proud of everyone for turning on the faucets today
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) CD Recommendations
Date: 06 Mar 1999 15:01:03 -0500
At 09:53 AM 3/6/99 -0800, Ron Grandia wrote:
>> Robert Maxwell - "Ebb Tide"
>I like Harp music, but most of it is pretty listless and drab. You want some
>harpin? Get a Dorothy Ashby record.
I can't agree. Of course I've never heard a Dorothy Ashby record so I can't
disagree either. But I have records by a number of other harpists and
overall I'd put the Robert Maxwell records at the head of the class.
Of course I can't comment on the quality of the actual harp-playing but
it's not the harp playing that makes Robert Maxwell records cool. It's the
energy, the arrangements and the often exotic ambience.
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From: "Darrell Brogdon" <dbrogdon@falcon.cc.ukans.edu>
Subject: (exotica) Retro Cocktail Hour
Date: 06 Mar 1999 14:42:44 +0000
You'll find some Jurassic Percussion on this week's Retro Cocktail
Hour webcast! We'll hear what may be the earliest of the "percussion
show-off" records - Jimmy Carroll's famous "Speed the Parting Guest".
Also, playful and pretty percussion by Candido, Mr. Bongo, Bobby
Rosengarden and Phil Kraus (with a track from Phil's rare LP on
Golden Crest, "The Percussive Phil Kraus").
There's music for teenage rebellion from "Hot Rod Rumble"; seduction
bachelor-style with Bryce Bond and Bernadette; Vic Damone's exotica
LP "Strange Enchantment"; rock and roll meets the mambo; plus the
Markko Polo Adventurers, Lenny Dee, Lalo Schifrin, Esquivel and...
Ginger sings!
We now offer The Retro Cocktail Hour in streaming format for BOTH
RealPlayer G2 and 5.0. Just use the format that best suits your
particular player. Requires a minimum 28.8 Internet connection and
RealPlayer. Download RealPlayer for free at:
Then, to hear The Retro Cocktail Hour on the Web, just go to:
And while you're there, tour the album cover gallery (this month's
theme is Exotica), scan playlists of past shows and enter our CD
Thanks for the space!
Darrell Brogdon
The Retro Cocktail Hour
KANU FM 91.5
Broadcasting Hall
The University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045
Visit The Retro Cocktail Hour at:
Listen to The Retro Cocktail Hour at:
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From: "Kevin C." <kevin@kevdo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Jungle Jive (Go Exotic)
Date: 06 Mar 1999 13:31:05 -0800
anyone familiar with this CD, Jungle Jive, go exotic with Kari Wuher!
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From: Lloyd Kandell <loidlink@pixi.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) CD Recommendations
Date: 06 Mar 1999 11:59:30 -1000
Nat Kone wrote:
> Of course I've never heard a Dorothy Ashby record...
me neither. i've seen a couple of titles recently in catalogs and at
dustygroove. anybody know her stuff, any recommendations? impulse! has
released 3 alice coltrane titles on cd... buy them all! alice rules my
house. deep, moving, spiritual, otherworldly and exotic in an
egyptian/indian jazzy sort of way. titles are ptah the el daoud, journey
to satchidinanda, and a monastic trio. hope it sounds like this in
fluid floyd
don tiki/taboo records
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From: "SANDBERG MAGNUS" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: SV: (exotica) Jungle Jive (Go Exotic)
Date: 06 Mar 1999 23:22:14 +0100
>anyone familiar with this CD, Jungle Jive, go exotic with Kari Wuher!
I listened to parts of the first track that was available as a real =
audio file. Voices Of Africa -Seduction. Sounded like Yma Sumac. This is =
interesting, lots of (for me) new names on this cd. But the other tiny =
soundfiles were not as thrilling as the first.=20
Anyone heard of "Voices of Africa"?
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From: Hugh Petfield <tribute@dircon.co.uk>
Subject: (exotica) Cozy Cole...drip drip drip
Date: 06 Mar 1999 22:32:36 +0000
JimmyBee wrote:
>>Cozy Cole
>Is he the guy that did "Topsy Part 2"? (which begs the question, was there a
>part one?)
Yes, on the other side of part 2. And, he later did a record called
'Turvey' pts
1 and 2.
Well, could we now discuss the 'Little' prefix phenomenon? I got to thinking
last night at 01.55am (as you do) about various artists who either because of
their stature or age (both potentially non-PC concepts....) had stage names
starting with 'Little'. e.g.,
Little Stevie Wonder (Little later dropped)
Little Anthony
Little Richard
Little Peggy March
Little Eva
Little Jimmy Dickins (spelling?)
To provide balance, we ought to mention
Big Maybelle
Big Bopper
Finally, someone mentioned Phil Upchurch. What instrument did he play
in his combo please? (assuming he did).
Thanks, Hugh.
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From: kbonnett@coax.net (Kevin Bonnett)
Subject: Re: (exotica) drip drip drip
Date: 06 Mar 1999 03:43:16 -0500
Oh Nat, why oh why did you give us this opening!
The Cantina Band from Star Wars was such a wickedly original thing!
The setting, the added effects, surely it counts as some kind of Space
And Star Trek, the original series... my god, I grew up on that, man!
Remember the Orion Slavegirl? Yeah, the one with green skin. Well, there
was nothing hinting at the Exotic there, nah...
Both would/could be valid lines of discussion here. But I'm only teasing.
: )
Come to think of it, I see now that the Star Trek theme, heard weekly, and
eventually daily in re-runs, has obviously had a deep impact on the trends
in my musical taste. Voluntary brainwashing? I tell ya, that Captain Kirk
was one helluva Space-Age Bachelor wouldn't you say? And oh what a Bachelor
Pad he had! ALL the amenities, and cocktails replicated from hundreds of
planets throughout the galaxy... that's the life, man! Yeah, baby!
Smashing. ;-)
Kevin B (playing Devil's Advocate) }:-)
-----Original Message-----
>Or maybe someone can find a way to include Star Trek and Star Wars in their
>posts and then things would really start hopping.
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Jungle Jive (Go Exotic)
Date: 06 Mar 1999 18:47:08 -0500
>anyone familiar with this CD, Jungle Jive, go exotic with Kari Wuhrer!
Listening to the samples, it seems to be a comp of 50s/60s material from
the Del-Fi vaults. Seems to be mostly rock 'n' roll that fits into a loose
"jungle" theme. Dig those hot rod sounds on "Jungle Fever"! Kari Wuhrer is
a tv/b actress who's apparently indulging her Bettie Page impulses on the
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: VANESSA COX <vanessa.cox@virgin.net>
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Re: (exotica) Carl Stalling]]
Date: 06 Mar 1999 22:04:39 +0000
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---VANESSA COX <vanessa.cox@virgin.net> wrote:
Perhaps YOU could help???
Can anybody make recommendations as to which Carl Stalling LPs are
worth tracking down? And are his works like his cartoons? Did he ever
get serious with his music?
As far as I know, there aren't any 'serious'(and I'm assuming you
mean 'non-cartoon') Carl Stalling recordings out there...but if there
are, I for one would like to hear them.
There are two compilations of Carl Stalling cartoon scores available
on compact disc titled "The Carl Stalling Project". They offer bits
and pieces of his musical scores from various cartoons throughout his
career at Warner Brothers. Both are quite good, yet the zaniest music
in most Looney Tunes wasn't written by Mr. Stalling, but by a man
named Raymond Scott.(For those of you who know who Raymond Scott is,
you might as well go on to the next letter.)
Raymond Scott, an accomplished musician who was VERY SERIOUS about
his work, recorded such cartoon soundtrack staples as "Powerhouse",
"The Tin Trumpet", and "Dinner Music for a Pack of Hungry Cannibals"
as far back as the early 1930's...yet he never wrote or played a song
for a cartoon during his entire career. Some of his original songs can
be heard in certain "Ren & Stimpy" episodes.
A Raymond Scott compilation (titled "Reckless Nights and Turkish
Twilights") is available on CD. The liner notes have an extensive
biography on Mr. Scott's life, career, inventions, innovations...and
his music.
Well, I'm done. I hope I didn't bore anybody.
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
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From: itsvern@ibm.net
Subject: (exotica) Sinatra and the FBI
Date: 06 Mar 1999 19:28:26 -0500
For the Sinatra fans;
Today's Washington Post Magazine has an interesting article tracing the
history between Frank Sinatra and the FBI. A brief mention is made of
the 1962 show at the Villa Venice niteclub Wheeling, Ill with Frank,
Sammy Davis Jr, Dean Matin, and Eddie Fischer at the Villa Venice Club.
There's some other interesting things in their too.
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.net>
Subject: (exotica) Cozy Cole...drip drip drip
Date: 06 Mar 1999 19:40:28 -0500
To provide balance, we ought to mention
Big Maybelle
Big Bopper
Finally, someone mentioned Phil Upchurch. What instrument did he play
in his combo please? (assuming he did).
Upchurch was/is a guitarist. To add to your list, there was also a fellow with
TWO nicknames, Lucky Big Carter who sang "I'm Gonna Break That Lock" on Sun
Records and there was also a Little Jack Little.
"Just the right-sized" Brian Phillips
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From: Taro HOSHIJIMA <wy9t-hsjm@asahi-net.or.jp>
Subject: Re: (exotica) drip drip drip
Date: 07 Mar 1999 09:40:47 +0900
On Sat, 06 Mar 1999 10:16:01 -0500
Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com> wrote:
> Is this a relatively unexplored part of the lounge/exotica sound?
> Instrumental rock n roll dance records from the late fifties? Even on this
> record, a lot of it is pretty generic with wailing sax and a driving beat.
> But I bet there are more gems out there like Dmitri and this other tune
> "International Cha Cha".
> Is there perhaps a CD compilation of this stuff?
One of my all-time favorite CDs is "Rock Instrumental Classics, Volume
1: the fifties" (Rhino R2 71601)". I guess it's worth mentioning in
this list since it includes Cozy Cole's "Topsy II" and Preston Epps'
"Bongo Rock" which was also discussed here. It doesn't include Sam
Taylor but "Harlem Nocturne" by the Viscounts, if that matters.
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) ELP? 'Elp!
Date: 06 Mar 1999 20:17:52 -0500
>>Magnus -- your Bo Hansson record -- is that on "The Famous Charisma Label"?
>No its on Silence. A swedish only release i guess.
>Bo Hansson -"Sagan om ringen" SRS 4600
>I just listened to it and it is really great. Do you know when it was
>Is your copy an international release? Please tell me about "The Famous
Charisma Label"
My copy is a British release. The label says 1972.
"The Famous Charisma Label" was a British label. My perception has always
been that they more or less specialized in prog rock. They had stateside
distribution through Buddha Records (yes, the big bubblegum label). Then
through Atlantic. The switch to Atlantic was probably fueled by their main
act: Genesis (I deeply apologize for mentioning that name here -- I hate
myself...). That's all I can really say about them. Oh yeah: their label
design featured Lewis Carroll's White Rabbit, Mad Hatter and Cheshire Cat
-- John Tenniel illustrations or a facsimile thereof.
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: Pearmania@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Robert Maxwell
Date: 06 Mar 1999 21:23:47 EST
At 09:53 AM 3/6/99 -0800, Ron Grandia wrote:
>> Robert Maxwell - "Ebb Tide"
I third the thumbs up on Robert Maxwell. Ebb Tide is his own composition,
too. It, along with his tune Shangri-La, are two exotica standards that have
been covered on many great exotica/spage age records. Bobby isn't one of the
pillars of exotica, but his records are almost always listenable and at times,
quite hip. Check out his version of "Nature Boy" on Shangri-La.
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) CD Recommendations
Date: 06 Mar 1999 21:57:34 -0500
At 11:59 AM 3/6/99 -1000, Lloyd Kandell wrote:
impulse! has
>released 3 alice coltrane titles on cd... buy them all! alice rules my
>house. deep, moving, spiritual, otherworldly and exotic in an
>egyptian/indian jazzy sort of way. titles are ptah the el daoud, journey
>to satchidinanda, and a monastic trio. hope it sounds like this in
Wonder why they haven't released other records of hers. I have one called
"Huntington Ashram Monastery" - on Impulse like the others - and I don't
believe it's been reissued. It's just a trio with Alice, Ron Carter and
Rashied Ali so it's a bit different than the others but it's definitely got
that heavenly sound.
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From: Ottotemp@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Mr. Lucky live appearance tonight
Date: 06 Mar 1999 21:56:49 EST
hey gang, hey gang,
two shows in march:
beauty bar: this sunday, march 7, 9 pm, at the beauty bar on the corner
of 19th and mission, the church of frank sinatra will be saying mass and
distributing the great sacrament of scotch and water. saint marci will
be your hostess, msgr. giancarlo will be spinning discs and...
mr. lucky will be singing accompanied by kevin gerzevitz on piano in a
reprise of mr. lucky's legendary ring-a-ding-duo which ushered in the
dawn of the post-modern swing/lounge movement. promises to be quite a
club deluxe: saturday, march 27, 10pm to 1am (three sets), just off the
southwest corner of haight and ashbury, it's ...
"the cocktail party" a quintet featuring mr. lucky, ralph carney, j.
raoul brody. this wild-style band will be covering lots of favorites
and raucous music from the era. the last show set the crowd on its
ear--so...lucky's back at the deluxe and you're all invited.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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From: Ottotemp@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Taboo Tiki 2
Date: 06 Mar 1999 21:56:54 EST
just a reminder
Thursday, March 11
9:30 - 1:30
at 9th & Harrison
Tiki News, Space Cowgirls & Sounds Good music productions bring you
Djs Alvin A Go-Go & DJ The Now Sound
The Hobnobbers featuring Frank Novicki
Exotica dances
and best lei contest
Bring your wildest lei or make one at the club
(or ruin everyone else's so yours ends up winning by default)
Lei contest hosted by The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence's
Sister Kitty and Sister Dana
prizes for the winners!!
don't miss Otto DJing every Tuesday at
The Beauty Bar 9:00 - 1:30
Mission @ 19th
and the first Thursday of the month at
Li Lo Lounge 9:00 - 1:30
Connecticut @ 18th
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: (exotica) Showbiz, don't ya love it
Date: 06 Mar 1999 22:20:52 -0500
Lawrence Welk fans, stop reading here.
The rest of you, I have a little story. It doesn't really go anywhere but
it does have lounge/exotica content. Mostly though it just makes me think
about showbiz and smoke-filled rooms.
It starts off with this friend of mine who's a musician and also owns a
used record store. He goes to the biggest music store here in Toronto,
"Long and McQuade" to buy some Burt Bacharach sheet music and it turns out
that the guy who sells it to him once played trombone with Bacharach.
Don't ask me when because I don't know.
Anyway, when this guy hears that my friend has a used record store, he
tells him that he's been looking for this Nelson Riddle record."The Joy of
Living". Apparently he's interested in the trombone player on the record.
My friend says he thinks he does and the guy says he'll call in a couple of
days. As it turns out, my friend does have the record, just like I do. I
think it's a pretty drab record but I keep it for the cover. It turns out
that my friend hasn't put it out for sale for the same reason. He likes
the cover.
But this guy is so eager to find it - and willing to pay good money for it
- that my friend decides to sell it to him.
So I'm in the store today, sampling records and I'm playing Lawrence Welk's
version of "The theme from S.W.A.T" just as this guy phones to see if my
friend has the record.
Well, for me the story could end when this guy, hearing the tune through
the phone, identifies it as the Lawrence Welk version. That's pretty
impressive right there.
But then he tells my friend this story. It seems that Michael Caine and
Milton Berle were at a party and Berle was smoking a cigar. So Caine asks
Berle what kind of cigar it is. And Berle says "It's a Lawrence Welk".
And of course Caine asks "A Lawrence Welk??" And Berle says "Yeah. It's
some crap with a band around it".
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From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
Subject: Subject: (exotica) Instrument/questions
Date: 06 Mar 1999 19:39:42 -0800
>What is a Vibra-slap? and where can I hear one?
Ah yes, the good 'ol vibra-slap. I LOVE VIBRA-SLAP'S
BOING! No! Not Schwing! BOING! Kind of anyways.
It is a hand held percussive instrument that is held straight up and has a
FLAT polished piece of wood, much like a large paddle, with a handle that
you hold.
If I remember correctly as I only saw it played once a
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG ASS TIME AGO BY CE in a tiny tiny little club in San
Jose, CA, where I 1st spoke with Cleve.
So, attached to this paddle thing, is a curved wire or piece of metal of
sorts that has a wooden ball or something on the end of it and when you
SLAP IT against the palm of your hand it RATTLES a WOODEN BUZZZZZZZZZ.
You'd know it when you hear it. I can't remember who uses it or a
particular title or soundtrack, BUT I'M SURE CLEVE OR ASHLEY WILL COME TO
I am sure Ennio Morricone uses vibra-slap's a lot in his stuff.
I love vibra-slap's:) ((((((((((BOING)))))))) (((((((((((BUZZZZZZZZ))))))))
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From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
Subject: (exotica) Harp Rekkids
Date: 06 Mar 1999 19:50:26 -0800
I like Harp music, but most of it is pretty listless and drab. You want some
>harpin? Get a Dorothy Ashby record.
Harpo Marx, believe it or not was a killer harp player and made a couple of
GREAT records.
Dorothy Ashby, yeah.
Robert Maxwell's "Spectacular Harps" is overdubbed "Prepared Harp" and is
freakin' awesome.
Let's not forget that the Fortune Tellers are led by Robert Maxwell:)
Thjat's a killer rekkid too.
Also, Betty Glamann on Mercury
Funk Jazz Harp by Dot;
There's more, but I'mm a tired boy and I gotta prepare for my show,
tomorrow AM
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From: cheryl <cheryls@dsuper.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Showbiz, don't ya love it
Date: 06 Mar 1999 23:05:51 -0500
Nat's posting reminded me of something I read in today's paper, which I
just had to share with you all ;-)
Fort Lupton, Colorado (Robert Weller, Associated Press)
They don't take requests at this after-hours club, and there's
definitely no karaoke.
The DJ is a police officer, and he's ready to bounce anyone who dances
or talks.
Municipal Judge Paul Sacco requires people convicted of violating the
city's noise ordinance to listen to music they don't like.
The noise scofflaws - most of whom got in trouble for playing their
stereos too loud - gather once a month, on a weekend night, to listen to
court-selected songs.
The offenders are mostly young, so there is a heavy dose of lounge
music, including Wayne Newton and Dean Martin, plus some Navajo flute
music, bagpipes and John Denver songs. God help us all.
During the most recent session, the group of seven heard one of the
judge's own jazz compositions, I'm Sleeping In My Car.
Seventeen-year-old David Mascarenas was apparently scared straight.
"I'm not going to jam no more," Mascarenas said. "I took my stereo
out already. I don't want to be hassled no more."
Court co-ordinator Patrice Redearth, who suggested the one-hour music
treatment, said she got her first playlist by asking her 17-year-old
"what the kids would hate."
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From: Ron Grandia <rgrandia@earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Showbiz, don't ya love it
Date: 06 Mar 1999 22:18:11 -0800
cheryl wrote:
> Court co-ordinator Patrice Redearth, who suggested the one-hour music
> treatment, said she got her first playlist by asking her 17-year-old
> "what the kids would hate."
As a public serveice, we should put our heads together and cook up a mix for
I'll start with TAmmy Faye Bakker's, "Oops. there comes a smile." Add some
Little Marcy - Throw in some Mrs. Miller (Cuz they won't get it) Oh, and some
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From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
Subject: (exotica) Harpists
Date: 06 Mar 1999 22:27:01 -0800
More harpists; Jazz, Pop and beyond
Daphne Hellman Quintet with Mundell Lowe-Guitar
I think it's on Harmony, BUT it's not a reissue/2nd pressing from Columbia
It's the original label. Great rekkit, great cover
Fondle, where are ya ?
Corky Hale on GNP
Gene Bianco's 2 records on RCA Camden has at least 1 good track for each
LP, also featuring Mundell Lowe-Electric Guitar.
Janet Putnam played in The Jazz Modes on the Dawn label, mid to late 50's
Who's the lady on that Surfmen-Exotic Island LP on Somerset ?
Mimi Allen on Mercury has some good licks
Am I missing anyone ?
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Cozy Cole...drip drip drip
Date: 07 Mar 1999 02:28:51 EST
In a message dated 3/6/99 6:36:37 PM, tribute@dircon.co.uk wrote:
>Finally, someone mentioned Phil Upchurch.
Keys plus from what I knw
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Sinatra and the FBI
Date: 07 Mar 1999 02:32:59 EST
In a message dated 3/6/99 8:32:47 PM, itsvern@ibm.net wrote:
>Dean Matin, and Eddie Fischer
Who? ;-)
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From: bag@hubris.net
Subject: Re: (exotica) drip drip drip
Date: 07 Mar 1999 00:11:44 +0000
At 03:43 AM 06-03-99 -0500, Kevin wrote:
>Come to think of it, I see now that the Star Trek theme, heard weekly, and
>eventually daily in re-runs, has obviously had a deep impact on the trends
>in my musical taste.
Really, the original Star Trek theme had all the elements of exotica...
except it has become TOO familiar. Listen some time...the bongos, the
wordless vocals (although this may only be in the first year). Stretch out
the theme for another couple of minutes (see the "2nd pilot" episode
beginning which has an extended theme to give you an idea) and you can hear
the true exotic connections. I have often thought if the theme had any
ties to Desi Arnez, being that the first year of Star Trek was produced by
Desilu before becoming part of Paramount. I have often considered that it
was Desi himself playing the bongos.
Oh, but my mind meanders!
Byron Caloz
Portland, Oregon, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way
The Mr. Smooth site: http://www.hubris.net/zolac/smooth
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From: bag@hubris.net
Subject: Re: (exotica) Jungle Jive (Go Exotic)
Date: 07 Mar 1999 00:11:53 +0000
At 06:47 PM 06-03-99 -0500, m. ace wrote:
>Kari Wuhrer is
>a tv/b actress who's apparently indulging her Bettie Page impulses on the
She is a regular on the Sci Fi Channel's (formerly Fox's) Sliders TV
series. She has done some pretty sexy things there...and dressed quite
provacatively at times as well. I am certainly tempted by these CDs
because she is on the cover, but I guess that is the idea. Ah, those
clever marketers!
Byron Caloz
Portland, Oregon, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way
The Mr. Smooth site: http://www.hubris.net/zolac/smooth
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From: Hugh Petfield <tribute@dircon.co.uk>
Subject: (exotica) Info please...
Date: 07 Mar 1999 10:21:23 +0000
Just bought an ancient (1955 or so, I'd say..) 10" LP by Bill Snyder
and his magic piano and orchestra. Eight tracks inc. Bewitched,
Drifting Sands (vocal: Ralph Sterling), Choppin' up Chopin, etc.
Definitely an American outfit: anyone any info please, especially
the US label? It's a UK record on London American series, most
of which show the US label name, but this early one doesn't.
It's actually very listenable.
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Cozy Cole...drip drip drip
Date: 07 Mar 1999 06:10:38 -0500
At 10:32 PM 3/6/99 +0000, Hugh Petfield wrote:
>Well, could we now discuss the 'Little' prefix phenomenon?
I think the only one of those who truly deserved the name was Little Jimmy
Dickens who couldn't be taller than four feet. Then again calling him
"little" was kind of redundant. And if you only know him as the "mascot"
of the Grand Ole Opry, you're missing some good country records.
>To provide balance, we ought to mention
>Big Maybelle
>Big Bopper
And best of all, "Big Tiny Little"
>Finally, someone mentioned Phil Upchurch. What instrument did he play
>in his combo please? (assuming he did).
Guitar. He also played electric sitar on a record called "Lovin Feelin".
There's a tune called "Sitar Soul" but your imagination of what it could be
is probably better than what it actually is.
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From: "SANDBERG MAGNUS" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: (exotica) Alice Coltrane
Date: 07 Mar 1999 13:00:38 +0100
> impulse! has
>>released 3 alice coltrane titles on cd... buy them all
There are currently 5 Alice Coltrane LPs up on Ebay.=20
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From: "Jill Mingo" <mingo@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: (exotica) The Hip Trip - March/April
Date: 10 Feb 1999 02:58:53 PST
For any of you groovers in Scotland over the next couple months...
Check out Glasgow's newest weekly Sunday night club where you can experie=
nce the now sounds of tomorrow...
The Hip Trip!
An eclectic mix of funkadelic lounge, triptastic pop and groovy beatz wit=
h your hostess DJ Mingo-go.
Upcoming guests include:
March 7: Andrew Divine
March 14: Stephen Pastel
March 21: Sean!
March 28: Hush Puppy
April 3: Duglas T. Stewart (BMX Bandits)
April 10: Andrew Divine
April 17: Chris "Beans" Geddes (Belle & Sebastian)
April 24: DJ Westworld
Located in The White Lounge in Club Alaska, Bath Lane, Glasgow, Sundays, =
11pm - 3am. Entrance =A33/=A32 (Student, OAPs, UB40s)
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From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" <weirdomusic@wxs.nl>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Carl Stalling
Date: 07 Mar 1999 14:18:02 +0100
Charles Moseley wrote:
> Can anybody make recommendations as to which Carl Stalling LPs are worth
> tracking down?
The 2 volumes of The Carl Stalling Project (CD, Warner Brothers) are
highly reccommended. I am not awar of any LPs with his music.
The CD Bugs Bunny on Broadway is also very nice. It's not credited to
Stalling though, but to the Warner Bros Symponhy Orchestra.
Marco "Kallie" Kalnenek
Record Collector's Heaven
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) playlist for Fantastica MP3 file on Ron's web site "Xtabay"
Date: 06 Mar 1999 15:20:20 +0100
Fantastica # 05
title: Stan Freberg's DIY grand piano - identification: piano chord
1. Button Down Brass: "Frere Jacques"
o album "Ha! Ha! Ha!" (Hee-Hee-Hee)
o LP, Fontana LPS 16255 | +++
2. Rex Brown Company: "Round up"
o compil. "Electronic Toys"
o CD/LP, Q.D.K. Media Indigo 0983, Germany, 1996 | ++++
3. Hot Butter: "Tequila"
o album "Hot Butter"
o LP, Musicor MS 3254 (st) | +++
4. The Frivolous Five: "A taste of honey"
o album "Sour Cream & Other Delights"
o LP, RCA LPM-3663 | +++++
o info: Novelty, "so bad it's good" categgory covers of Tijuana
brass classics
5. Lew Davies and his Orchestra: "April in paris"
o album "Two Pianos & Twenty Voices"
o LP, Command RS 33-813 | +++
6. LEITMOTIV: Stan Freberg: "The Do It Yourself grand piano"
o album "The Stan Freberg Show #10" (1957)
o cassette, Radio Yesteryear COM 23, USA, 198? | not rated
7. Ferrante & Teicher: "Susanna's last stand"
o album "Hi-Fireworks"
o LP, Columbia CL 573 mono, 1955 | +++++
o info: Prepared piano; contains 2 tracks not found on "Fireworks".
8. The Creed Taylor Orchestra (music by Kenyon Hopkins): "The chase"
o album "Panic: Son of Shock"
o CD, half of the LP on Fear (bootleg) | +++++
o info: nervous jazz with sound effects
9. Esquivel, his Piano & Group: "Oye negra"
o album "Four Corners of the World"
o CD, RCA Living Stereo 29856 2, Germany, 1995 | +++
o Review: "http://bewoner.dma.be/Dada/critiq/A/Esq4.htm"
10. Robert C. Pritikin: "Sawthing (Something) (edit)"
o album "There's A Song In My Saw"
o LP, P&G 108 | +++
11. The Three Suns: "Danny's inferno"
o compil. "Cocktail Mix Volume 1: Bachelor's guide to the galaxy"
o CD, Rhino R2 72155, USA, 1995 | +++++
o info: my favorite volume of the series
12. Bobby Christian: "Doll dance"
o album "Mr. Percussion"
o LP, Mercury SR-60015 | +++
13. Koka: "Poor Elise 2"
o album "Fantasy, Pastiche Sabotage"
o CD, Koka | +++++
o info: Sonorisation novelty music.
14. Sound FX: "Piano chord VII (rhythmic pounding)"
o album "Living sound effects vol 6"
o CD, Bainbridge BCD-2006 | ++++
15. Jack Fascinato: "Spring, sprang, sprung"
o album "Music from A Surplus Store"
o CD, Junkyard (bootleg) | +++
o info: big band with sound effects
16. Speedy West & Jimmy Bryant: "Blue bonnet rag (edit)"
o album "Stratosphere Boogie"
o CD, Razor & Tie RE 2067, USA, 1995 | +++
17. King Uszniewicz and his Uszniewicztones: "The crusher"
o album "Teenage Dance Party with"
o LP, Norton 208, USA, 1989 | ++++
o Review: "http://bewoner.dma.be/Dada/critiq/A/Kingu.htm"
18. The Red Hot Chili Dogs: "Wild thing"
o compil. "Barnyard Beat. Livestock rock and jungle jams" (a parody
o CD, Rhino R2 71989, USA, 1995 | +++++
o info: Animals doing rock classics.
19. Groupe Folklorique Temaeva: "Mama tu"
o compil. "Drums of Bora Bora and songs of Tahiti"
o CD, GNP/Crescendo GNPD 2214, USA, 1993 | +++
o info: ethnic exotica
20. Country Rockers: "Wipe out"
o album "Free range chicken"
o CD, Telstar TR004CD, USA, 1992 | ++++
o info: Novelty
21. Anton Szandor LaVey: "Strange music"
o album "Strange Music"
o 10", Amarillo AM-586, USA, 1994 | ++++
22. The 52 key Verbeek fairground organ: "And I love her"
o compil. "The exotic Beatles Part 1"
o CD, Exotica Pele 3, distributed by Revolver, UK, 1993 | +++++
o Review: "http://bewoner.dma.be/Dada/critiq/T/Exobtl.htm"
23. The In Group: "The man with the golden gun"
o compil. "Shaken Not Stirred"
o CD, Rykodisc 1443 50337 2, USA, 1996 | +++++
24. Jimmy Smith: "Walk on the wild side"
o album "Bashin'" (the unpredictable Jimmy Smith)
o LP, Verve CLP 1596 | +++++
o info: Exists on CD, see details in my "eXotica Releases Overview".
25. Milt Buckner: "The Beast"
o compil. "Ultra-Lounge Volume 4: Bachelor Pad Royale"
o CD, Captiol 35177, USA, 1996 | +++++
26. Jan August: "Cumana"
o album "Accent!"
o LP, Mercury MMC 14086, 1961 | +++
album ratings:
+++++outstanding, ++++very good, +++good, ++not bad, +so-so, -yuk
the radio pages + "eXotica Releases Overview" on my web site:
Johan Dada Vis
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) playlists for Fantastica MP3 files on Ron's "Xtabay" web site
Date: 06 Mar 1999 16:12:23 +0100
Fantastica # 05
title: Stan Freberg's DIY grand piano - identification: piano chord
1. Button Down Brass: "Frere Jacques"
o album "Ha! Ha! Ha!" (Hee-Hee-Hee)
o LP, Fontana LPS 16255 | +++
2. Rex Brown Company: "Round up"
o compil. "Electronic Toys"
o CD/LP, Q.D.K. Media Indigo 0983, Germany, 1996 | ++++
3. Hot Butter: "Tequila"
o album "Hot Butter"
o LP, Musicor MS 3254 (st) | +++
4. The Frivolous Five: "A taste of honey"
o album "Sour Cream & Other Delights"
o LP, RCA LPM-3663 | +++++
o info: Novelty, "so bad it's good" categgory covers of Tijuana
brass classics
5. Lew Davies and his Orchestra: "April in paris"
o album "Two Pianos & Twenty Voices"
o LP, Command RS 33-813 | +++
6. LEITMOTIV: Stan Freberg: "The Do It Yourself grand piano"
o album "The Stan Freberg Show #10" (1957)
o cassette, Radio Yesteryear COM 23, USA, 198? | not rated
7. Ferrante & Teicher: "Susanna's last stand"
o album "Hi-Fireworks"
o LP, Columbia CL 573 mono, 1955 | +++++
o info: Prepared piano; contains 2 tracks not found on "Fireworks".
8. The Creed Taylor Orchestra (music by Kenyon Hopkins): "The chase"
o album "Panic: Son of Shock"
o CD, half of the LP on Fear (bootleg) | +++++
o info: nervous jazz with sound effects
9. Esquivel, his Piano & Group: "Oye negra"
o album "Four Corners of the World"
o CD, RCA Living Stereo 29856 2, Germany, 1995 | +++
o Review: "http://bewoner.dma.be/Dada/critiq/A/Esq4.htm"
10. Robert C. Pritikin: "Sawthing (Something) (edit)"
o album "There's A Song In My Saw"
o LP, P&G 108 | +++
11. The Three Suns: "Danny's inferno"
o compil. "Cocktail Mix Volume 1: Bachelor's guide to the galaxy"
o CD, Rhino R2 72155, USA, 1995 | +++++
o info: my favorite volume of the series
12. Bobby Christian: "Doll dance"
o album "Mr. Percussion"
o LP, Mercury SR-60015 | +++
13. Koka: "Poor Elise 2"
o album "Fantasy, Pastiche Sabotage"
o CD, Koka | +++++
o info: Sonorisation novelty music.
14. Sound FX: "Piano chord VII (rhythmic pounding)"
o album "Living sound effects vol 6"
o CD, Bainbridge BCD-2006 | ++++
15. Jack Fascinato: "Spring, sprang, sprung"
o album "Music from A Surplus Store"
o CD, Junkyard (bootleg) | +++
o info: big band with sound effects
16. Speedy West & Jimmy Bryant: "Blue bonnet rag (edit)"
o album "Stratosphere Boogie"
o CD, Razor & Tie RE 2067, USA, 1995 | +++
17. King Uszniewicz and his Uszniewicztones: "The crusher"
o album "Teenage Dance Party with"
o LP, Norton 208, USA, 1989 | ++++
o Review: "http://bewoner.dma.be/Dada/critiq/A/Kingu.htm"
18. The Red Hot Chili Dogs: "Wild thing"
o compil. "Barnyard Beat. Livestock rock and jungle jams" (a parody
o CD, Rhino R2 71989, USA, 1995 | +++++
o info: Animals doing rock classics.
19. Groupe Folklorique Temaeva: "Mama tu"
o compil. "Drums of Bora Bora and songs of Tahiti"
o CD, GNP/Crescendo GNPD 2214, USA, 1993 | +++
o info: ethnic exotica
20. Country Rockers: "Wipe out"
o album "Free range chicken"
o CD, Telstar TR004CD, USA, 1992 | ++++
o info: Novelty
21. Anton Szandor LaVey: "Strange music"
o album "Strange Music"
o 10", Amarillo AM-586, USA, 1994 | ++++
22. The 52 key Verbeek fairground organ: "And I love her"
o compil. "The exotic Beatles Part 1"
o CD, Exotica Pele 3, distributed by Revolver, UK, 1993 | +++++
o Review: "http://bewoner.dma.be/Dada/critiq/T/Exobtl.htm"
23. The In Group: "The man with the golden gun"
o compil. "Shaken Not Stirred"
o CD, Rykodisc 1443 50337 2, USA, 1996 | +++++
24. Jimmy Smith: "Walk on the wild side"
o album "Bashin'" (the unpredictable Jimmy Smith)
o LP, Verve CLP 1596 | +++++
o info: Exists on CD, see details in my "eXotica Releases Overview".
25. Milt Buckner: "The Beast"
o compil. "Ultra-Lounge Volume 4: Bachelor Pad Royale"
o CD, Captiol 35177, USA, 1996 | +++++
26. Jan August: "Cumana"
o album "Accent!"
o LP, Mercury MMC 14086, 1961 | +++
Fantastica # 21
title: SPECIAL: Jean Jacques Perrey - identification: Forrest Ackerman
1. Jean Jacques Perrey & David Chazam: "Neutronia"
o album "Eclektronics"
o LP, Basenotic B.A.T.C. 001 (Distr. in France: Discograph) France,
1998 | +++
o info: Jean Jacques Perrey is back, which on itself is great,
although this LP is certainly not the best thing he ever did. Side
A is more a novelty than a Moog record, full of musical jokes. The
whole LP lacks good melodies. Instead of writing the melody first,
and then playing it with lots of funny sounds, they seam to have
worked the other way 'round, by chaining wacky sounds without
hardly any melodic structure. About half of the tracks are
remarkably serious for the clownesque Mr. Perrey, with modern
trip-hoppy/technoid influences that might be too aggressive for
the typical "old" J.J. Perrey fan, but then again, they might
attract a whole new and young public, which is great!
2. Jean Jacques Perrey: "Mister James Bond"
o album "The amazing new electronic pop sound of Jean Jacques
o CD, Vanguard VMD 79286, UK, 1996 | +++++
o info: Not as groovy as Moog Indigo with its "E.V.A." cult track,
more in the lines of the Kingsley collaboration: that means fun!
But also a couple of heavenly beautiful melodies with wordless
3. LEITMOTIV 1: Forrest J. Ackerman: "The tin age story"
o album "Music for Robots"
o LP, Science Fiction Records MFR-1001A (repro), USA, 199? | +++
o info: Forrest travels through space to the future and talks about
the robots he encounters.
4. Perrey & Kingsley: "Strangers in the night"
o album "The essential Perrey & Kingsley"
o CD, Vanguard VCD 71/72, USA, 1988 & 1996
CD, Vanguard VCD 71, UK, 1997 | +++++
o info: Combines "The In Sound From Way Out" and "Kaleidoscopic
Vibrations: Spotlight on the Moog". It says ESSENTIAL, OK?!
5. Perrey & Kingsley: "Umbrellas of Cherbourg"
o album "The essential Perrey & Kingsley"
o see above mention of this record for more details.
6. LEITMOTIV 2: Hiller, Gaburo, Brun, Martirano: "fragments"
o compilation "Electronic music from the University of Illinois"
o LP, HELIODOR Hs25047 | not rated
7. Jean Jacques Perrey: "Passport to the future"
o album "Moog indigo"
o CD, Vanguard 6549, USA, 1996
CD/LP, BGP, UK, 1996 | +++++
o info: Source of cult hit "E.V.A.", and "Gossipo perpetuo" which
was featured on "Incredibly Strange Music 2".
8. Perrey & Kingsley: "Cosmic ballad"
o album "The essential Perrey & Kingsley"
o see above mention of this record for more details.
9. Jean Jacques Perrey: "E.V.A."
o album "Moog indigo"
o see above mention of this record for more details.
10. Jean Jacques Perrey & Gilbert Sigrist: "L'homme a l'index coupe"
o album "DynaMoog"
o LP, Crea Sound MON 33, Canada, 197? | +++
o info: A really nice Moog LP that grows. Three tracks are funny in
a tipically Perrey way, others are more ambient. Besides Moog &
Moog sequencer, also used are: Ondioline, Ondes maetinot, electric
piano, "Eminent" organ, Clavinet, and guitar & drums.
11. Jean Jacques Perrey: "Porcupine rock"
o album "The amazing new electronic pop sound of Jean Jacques
o see above mention of this record for more details.
12. Jean Jacques Perrey: "In the heart of the rose"
o album "The amazing new electronic pop sound of Jean Jacques
o see above mention of this record for more details.
13. Harry Breuer & Jean Jacques Perrey: "Moog foo yong"
o album "The happy Moog"
o LP, Pickwick 3160, USA | +++++
o info: Electronic Keystone Kapers in space. Six out of the 10
tracks are (co-)written by Perrey.
14. Jean Jacques Perrey & Gilbert Sigrist: "Le fugitif"
o album "DynaMoog"
o see above mention of this record for more details.
15. Jean Jacques Perrey: "Mary France"
o album "The amazing new electronic pop sound of Jean Jacques
o see above mention of this record for more details.
16. Jean Jacques Perrey & David Chazam: "An elephant on the roof"
o album "Eclektronics"
o see above mention of this record for more details.
17. Perrey & Kingsley: "Jungle blues from Jupiter"
o album "The essential Perrey & Kingsley"
o see above mention of this record for more details.
18. Perrey & Kingsley: "Countdown at 6"
o album "The essential Perrey & Kingsley"
o see above mention of this record for more details.
19. Harry Breuer & Jean Jacques Perrey: "Re-entry to the moon"
o album "The happy Moog"
o see above mention of this record for more details.
20. Jean Jacques Perrey: "Flight of the bumble bee"
o album "Moog indigo"
o see above mention of this record for more details.
21. Perrey & Kingsley: "Moon river"
o album "The essential Perrey & Kingsley"
o see above mention of this record for more details.
album ratings:
+++++outstanding, ++++very good, +++good, ++not bad, +so-so, -yuk
the radio pages + "eXotica Releases Overview" on my web site:
Johan Dada Vis
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From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
Subject: (exotica) Phil Upchurch
Date: 07 Mar 1999 07:59:32 -0800
Phil Upchurch is/was 1 of THE MOST under rated guitarists EVER!
He was a MAJOR studio player in the 60' and early 70's and made a few
really good solo records on Cadet (late 60's) as well as being part of the
"Soulful Strings", also on Cadet.
Many times, as with all studio musicians, you are hearing him and diggin'
him, ya just don't know it though.
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From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
Subject: (exotica) JJ Perrey
Date: 07 Mar 1999 08:18:24 -0800
I totally disagree (as well as KFJC-FM in general)
about the Jean Jacques Perrey/David Chazam collaboration; Eclektronics LP
They played the livin shit out of it, when we 1st got it.
Then again, I am talking about people that listen to SO MUCH MUSIC and SO
different than "regular" people that listen to music "all the time"
Many times, it has been proven time and time again how the personal tastes
of this list differ greatly from person to person.
Also of great note in reference to this record is that it was created and
released in 1998 as opposed to 1968.
Is anyone familiar with the concept of doing something new ?
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From: mimim@texas.net (Mimi Mayer)
Subject: Re: (exotica) drip drip drip/Star Trek
Date: 07 Mar 1999 10:58:36 -0500
Byron wrote:
>>Come to think of it, I see now that the Star Trek theme, heard weekly, and
>>eventually daily in re-runs, has obviously had a deep impact on the trends
>>in my musical taste.
Did you know the lyrics to the original Star Trek theme were penned by Gene
Roddenberry himself? And you wondered why the theme went instrumental.
The Theme from Star Trek
The rim of the starlight
My love
Is wand'ring in star-flight.
I know
He'll find in star-clustered reaches
Strange love a star woman teaches.
I know
His journey ends never.
His star trek
Will go on forever.
But tell him
While he wanders his starry sea
Remember, remember me.
Try singing the lyrics to the melody. Guaranteed to unnerve your spouse,
disturb your pets, and set your babies to crying.
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) errors in playlist Fantastica # 21
Date: 07 Mar 1999 15:55:04 +0100
the playlist i posted for Fantastica # 21 has errors... Ron has the first
version of that show. when JJP released his new "Eclektronics" LP, i
replaced some tracks from Perrey & Kingsley's "The essential Perrey &
Kingsley" by 2 tracks from "Eclektronics" (that's so nice about an MD, it's
a piece of cake to replace tracks when you want)... but i can't remember
what the original (first version) tracks were...
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) http://members.aol.com/cdr870/
Date: 07 Mar 1999 14:57:25 +0100
someone (Ron?) posted this URL of a page about using standard (cheapo)
CDR's on a Philips Audio CD Recorder, but the URL is no good ("not
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From: "B. Yost" <byost@megsinet.net>
Subject: (exotica) budget label audacity
Date: 07 Mar 1999 13:02:31 -0800
someone mentioned:
> Though it's going up on EBay, a VG++/Mint Dean Elliot Orchestra-"Zounds !
> What Sounds!! in Stereo.
A few months ago I found an LP by 'The Polyphonics' with the same title,
"Zounds! What Sounds!" I bought it thinking that even if it were a
watered down imitation of the Dean Elliot record, it still should/could
be pretty decent.
No such luck. It's just another one of those attempts by a budget label
(Seeco records) to cash in on a trend. The cover has a cool, zany
appearance, but the music is dullsville and even sounds like one of
those records that had existed for many years and just got re-released
as a public domain item with a new name.
What is most stunning is the direct theft of the title. Weren't these
things copywrighted? I could understand a title that cleverly referred
to another, but taking the exact words is low even for a budget label.
-- Brad
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From: James G <jamesbg@home.com>
Subject: (exotica) Jungle Jive & Del-Fi & San Quentin & Basin St.
Date: 07 Mar 1999 10:50:36 -0800
The whole Jungle Jive CD can be heard at broadcast.com, along with 58
other Del-Fi releases in their entirety. JJ and the similar Beach and
Pool Party comps cover the basic Las Vegas Grind/Jungle Exotica
territory, nothing to turn somersaults over, but I bought a couple cuz
i'll but almost anything if its cheap (and i HAD to have the Soupy
Shuffle song with the bad White Fang impression.)
But then for almost the same price you COULD get the newly re-issued OST
of "I Want To Live" with the Gerry Mulligan jazz versions tacked on as a
bonus to Johnny Mandel's score (plus the movie trailer!); OR you could
get Herbie Mann's "Flautista! herbie mann plays afro cuban jazz,"
recorded 1959 at Basin St. East, with Herbie on flute, Johnny Rae(?)on
vibes/marimba, and an ass-kicking 3 man percussion section of Patato
Valdez, Jose Mangual and Santos Miranda. (No topless pictures of hairy
Herbie included, but you get almost 10 minutes of Caravan.)
Whatever floats your boat.
JB, off to listen to Jack's show...........
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: (exotica) Stanley Kubrick obit
Date: 07 Mar 1999 15:42:49 -0500
This is a rough week.
BBC obituary here:
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: bag@hubris.net
Subject: (exotica) Mel Henke's Dynamic Adventures
Date: 07 Mar 1999 14:16:01 +0000
At least seven months ago I found the cover of "Dynamic Adventures in
Sound", Mel Henke's debut LP on Warner Brothers. Cost me $1...but I
held out hope I would eventually find the record, besides which there is
some nice graphics and good info about Mr. Henke.
Today, guess what? I found the record without the cover and got it for 25
cents. The record has a slight warp, but plays through.
Now, some of the cuts from this made it as bonus cuts on the La Dolce Henke
CD...but it is good to get the whole album now. Every cut is great! Those
folks at Scamp must have really fought over which cuts to put on the CD,
because I certainly would wanted to include ALL of them (if only CDs had
more than the approximate 72 minutes of audio on them).
This was the ONLY record I saw in the bins that I wanted, which is unusual
because I usually find several. Still, I'd rather find only this one than
hundreds of lamer LPs.
I feel lucky today.
Byron Caloz
Portland, Oregon, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way
The Mr. Smooth site: http://www.hubris.net/zolac/smooth
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From: Risser Family <risser@goodnews.net>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Drip Drip Drip
Date: 07 Mar 1999 09:03:55 -0500
Is this a relatively unexplored part of the lounge/exotica sound?
Instrumental rock n roll dance records from the late fifties? Even on =
record, a lot of it is pretty generic with wailing sax and a driving =
But I bet there are more gems out there like Dmitri and this other tune
"International Cha Cha".
I wouldn't say relatively unexplored, except maybe on this list.
One of my major beefs with the UL comps is that they stray so far into =
this territory all the time. Too far sometimes, I think. To much early =
rock combo instrumental, and not enough "and His Orchestra" straight =
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From: bag@hubris.net
Subject: Re: (exotica) Jungle Jive & Del-Fi & San Quentin & Basin St.
Date: 07 Mar 1999 15:42:40 +0000
At 10:50 AM 07-03-99 -0800, JB wrote:
>The whole Jungle Jive CD can be heard at broadcast.com, along with 58
>other Del-Fi releases in their entirety.
Thanks! This was the best CD of the Del Fi series, and only about half
of them were my kind of exotica, the rest R&B or Rock type entries (which
I also enjoyed, but not as exotica). I tried some of the other CDs offered
by Del-Fi and the only other one that interests me is Emil Richards' Yazz Band
with "Yazz Per Favore" (its latin flavored jazz, basically). There is also
Bob Keane and His Big Orchestra and the Shots in the Dark (Mancini covers)
Byron Caloz
Portland, Oregon, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way
The Mr. Smooth site: http://www.hubris.net/zolac/smooth
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From: Risser Family <risser@goodnews.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Cozy Cole...drip drip drip
Date: 07 Mar 1999 21:13:47 -0500
Little Steven played with Bruce, didn't he?
Also, did we say Little Jimmy Scott?
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From: Risser Family <risser@goodnews.net>
Subject: (exotica) Fantastica
Date: 07 Mar 1999 21:16:02 -0500
I for one have downloaded BOTH Fantastica "releases" from Ron Grandia's site and have been bowled over by both.
I'm looking forward to more, if it's possible!
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From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
Subject: (exotica) New Crippled Dick release ?
Date: 07 Mar 1999 19:25:43 -0800
Anyone know about this ?
<fontfamily><param>Geneva</param><bigger>CRIPPLED DICK HOT WAX
O.S.T.: Signor Rossi CD (CDHW ? CD). "Signore Rossi -- original music
from the classic animation series - music composed, arranged and
performed by Franco Godi. Original Soundtrack and Dialogues from the
well-known TV-cartoon-series & CD-debut for Signor Rossi! For the first
time since the seventies the soundtrack to the cartoon-classic by Bruno
Bozzetto (Allegro Non Troppo) with its intelligent and full-of-fantasies
musical ideas by Franco Godi and his Ensemble is available. With the help
of carefully re-created German and Italian original-tapes that had been
lost for so long, this unique collection of musical highlights mixed with
some high dialogues was put together. We join Signor Rossi and his friend
Gastone on their 'looks for happiness' through the stoneage, the antique
and from the middle-ages into the future, travel with them through the
Orient, Wild West, (Town-) Jungle and even on their holidays. Beneath the
German, English and Italian version of the famous titel-track"Viva la
Felicita" , many more unreleased tracks are the special attraction on
this unique record for fans and young-at-hearts."=20
O.S.T.: Signor Rossi LP (CDHW ? LP)</bigger></fontfamily>
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: (exotica) Henry M.usic TV
Date: 07 Mar 1999 23:04:50 -0500
"A Shot In The Dark" (1964) AMC - Monday night, 10:00pm, 4:00am (eastern
time, late show is supposedly in letterbox format).
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: "Carl Russo" <c_russo@email.msn.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Instrument/questions
Date: 14 Mar 1999 21:01:36 -0800
>>What is a Vibra-slap? and where can I hear one?
>They say: "It has appeared in more recordings, soundtracks and
>advertisements than any sound effect ever made."
>Stout words.
It's in every suspenseful scene shot in a warehouse where the protagonist is
hiding behind boxes and the bad guys are just around the corner.
Interchangeable with "claves" [CLAW-vays]. Those are the two fat, wooden
sticks that are struck together with increasing frequency:
C. "Ratso" Russo
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From: "Kevin C." <kevin@kevdo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Orig. rec. date for Voodoo Dreams (Lex Baxter)
Date: 07 Mar 1999 22:23:25 -0700
So, I've been totally geeking out again. My fave exotica track is Denny's
version of Voodoo Dreams. Both Denny and Lyman recorded this song in '58
(according to the liner notes), both using a very similar arrangement with vocals/chants.
I just got the Les Baxter "Exotic Moods" comp, it says that Voodoo Dreams was
recorded in Feb. '59 for the Jungle Jazz album. This version has no vocals.
The strange thing is that the Denny/Lyman version actually sounds much closer
to Baxter's "Simba" recorded for '55's "Tamboo"
Can anyone enlighten the confusion on this one. Does "Voodoo Dreams" date from
an earlier time? I'm sure someone out there knows the answer...
As always, much abliged!
Kevin Crossman
The Search for the Ultimate Mai Tai
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From: "Br. Cleve" <bcleve@pop.tiac.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) budget label audacity
Date: 08 Mar 1999 01:57:58 -0500
At 1:02 PM -0800 3/7/99, B. Yost wrote:
>>"Zounds ! What Sounds!! in Stereo.
>What is most stunning is the direct theft of the title. Weren't these
>things copywrighted? I could understand a title that cleverly referred
>to another, but taking the exact words is low even for a budget label.
You can't copyright a title under U.S. copyright laws
br cleve
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From: Peter Hipwell <petehip@cogsci.ed.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Harpists
Date: 08 Mar 1999 12:24:51 GMT
> More harpists; Jazz, Pop and beyond
> Daphne Hellman Quintet with Mundell Lowe-Guitar
> I think it's on Harmony, BUT it's not a reissue/2nd pressing from Columbia
> It's the original label. Great rekkit, great cover
> Fondle, where are ya ?
> Corky Hale on GNP
> Gene Bianco's 2 records on RCA Camden has at least 1 good track for each
> LP, also featuring Mundell Lowe-Electric Guitar.
> Janet Putnam played in The Jazz Modes on the Dawn label, mid to late 50's
> Who's the lady on that Surfmen-Exotic Island LP on Somerset ?
> Mimi Allen on Mercury has some good licks
> Am I missing anyone ?
Lloyd Lindroth: "Harpist Bazaar". On WRC in the UK, must be an
American original out there.
Liner notes say that Liberace said that if he played the harp he would
want to play like Lindroth, also mentions big light show and show
finale of faster and faster playing, leading to an exploding harp. No
overdubs or gimmickry; pretty impressive (but not fantastic as
music). Tunes like "Tequila", "A Walk in the Black Forest", "Up Up
And Away". Band with cordovox, bass and drums, I think.
Also, I have an RCA Bianco record which was apparently exclusive to
the members of RCA's record club, but I can't remember the title.
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From: "Giovanni Berti" <giovanni@pirulazio.interim.it>
Subject: (exotica) shalimar - the movie
Date: 08 Mar 1999 15:01:40 +0000
> > From: "Brian Karasick" <BRIAN@PHYRES.Lan.McGill.CA>
> > Subject: (exotica) Indian Exotica
> > Speaking of great exotica Indian music, I stumbled across 3 extracts
> > from an 1978 Indian film called "Shalimar" by Anand Bakshi on that
> > very incredible but very expensive Karminsky project "Further In-
> > Flight Entertainment". Credited to Usha Uthap, they're the best
> > pieces on an already outstanding compilation! Anyone ever seen a
> > recording of this soundtrack or even a copy of the film? A lot of
> > Indian film music tends to be cassette only but I'm not fussy.
> > Any help appreciated!
My facts:
1) the Karminsky compilations were really seminal to me in the
discover and appreciation of the exotica music;
2) I taped the "Inflight" comps to a friend of mine, who was going to
India for a trip with his family;
3) when he came back, he told me that they loved the tape and that
his 2 year old baby boy became obsessed with Usha Ulthup's "One Two
Cha Cha Cha", and they all kept singing it all the trip through;
4) they loved it so much they even bought there the video of the
movie, which we saw at my house at their return. It's really amazing,
just as cheesy as you'd like it to be!
5) Now, every time I see the baby, I ask him (in italian, he's not
that smart to already speak english!): "what do you say if I say One
Two"? Answer always is an enthusiast "Cha Cha Cha"!
6) To end my ranting, I will be pleasured to provide Brian and
everyone else who might be interested a copy of the video. Problem is
that my friend is back in India at the moment, and he will be back in
a couple of months. But please, do register now!
Gionni Paludi
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From: Thinkmatic@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Fantastica
Date: 08 Mar 1999 09:17:29 EST
The show is great. I'd love to hear more. Even the streamed sound quality
seems superior to Realaudio. Please keep them comming.
Transmission ends.........................................
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From: "Charles Moseley" <Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-EXTERNAL@MCKINSEY.COM>
Subject: Re: (exotica) shalimar - the movie
Date: 08 Mar 1999 14:49:04 +0000
And you should see the fold-out mega-gatefold childrens-book-style cover to
the soundtrack. Very colourful and very Asian-camp. There is another track
from the soundtrack worthy of note. I do not know what its called but its
psychedelic, with double speed wailing guitar over tabla drums and moogy
rocky sounds. It was also featured on another bootleg compilation. All in
all a cool soundtrack.
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Henry M.usic TV -- Caution!
Date: 08 Mar 1999 11:16:17 -0500
>"A Shot In The Dark" (1964) AMC - Monday night, 10:00pm, 4:00am (eastern
>time, late show is supposedly in letterbox format).
Now it seems that the times might instead be 6:15pm and 11:45pm. Feh!
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Eddie Dean, Richard Kiley obits
Date: 08 Mar 1999 11:33:31 -0600
*Eddie Dean
NEWHALL, Calif. (AP) -- Actor Eddie Dean, a singing cowboy known in Western
films from the 1930s and 1940s, died Thursday at age 91.
Dean, whose real name was Edgar Gloslup, came to Hollywood in 1936 after
performing on radio shows in the Midwest.
He starred in ABC's ``The Marshal of Gunsight Pass,'' which ran for six
months in 1950.
He appeared in many Western movies, including ``Shadow Valley,'' ``Prairie
Outlaws,'' and ``Tumbleweed Trail.''
*Richard Kiley
NEW YORK (AP) -- Richard Kiley, who was Broadway's original ``Man of La
Mancha'' and had countless other roles on TV, in movies and on the stage,
died Friday at 76.
Kiley was a strong-voiced baritone who became of one of Broadway's stalwart
leading men in musicals and dramas of the 1950s and '60s.
Kiley had his biggest success singing ``The Impossible Dream'' in ``La
Mancha.'' He won a Tony Award for his role as Don Quixote in the musical,
which opened in 1965 and ran for more than five years.
The actor also won a Tony for his performance in ``Redhead,'' a Victorian
murder-mystery musical.
On television, Kiley appeared in ``The Thorn Birds,'' one of the most
successful miniseries of all time, and won an Emmy Award for playing an
Australian sheep farmer. He also won Emmys for the TV series ``A Year in the
Life,'' which lasted only a year on NBC, and for ``Picket Fences.''
Among the movies in which he appeared were ``The Blackboard Jungle,'' ``The
Little Prince,'' ``Looking for Mr. Goodbar,'' ``Endless Love'' and ``Patch
Blues guitarist and singer Lowell Fulson, composer of "Reconsider Baby" and
many other blues classics, died this morning (March 7).
Death anniversaries for the week of 8 March - 14 March:
Monday, 8 March
1997 - Alexander Salkind; producer, "Superman" movie
Tuesday, 9 March
1989 - Robert Mapplethorpe; photographer
1988 - Andy Gibb; pop singer
1996 - George Burns; comedian
Wednesday, 10 March
1998 - Lloyd Bridges; actor
Friday, 12 March
1989 - Maurice Evans; actor, "Bewitched", "Planet of the Apes"
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Del Close obits
Date: 08 Mar 1999 11:33:32 -0600
*Del Close
CHICAGO (AP) -- Del Close, an icon in the world of improvisational theatre
who inspired generations of Chicago comedians, died Thursday from
complications due to emphysema. He was 64.
Close was a veteran of the Second City comedy troupe and, with Charna
Halpern, he co-founded Chicago's Improv Olympic comedy club.
``Del was ... the single most powerful force in improv comedy in America,''
writer and director Harold Ramis said. ``He's the intellectual and moral
standard that guides us all in our work. He taught everybody the process.''
CHICAGO, March 4 (UPI) -- Del Close, a Chicago comedy legend whose career
spanned five decades and included such standards as the Compass Players and
The Second City, has died at 64.
Close had been suffering from emphysema and was surrounded by family and
friends when he died Thursday night at the Illinois Masonic Medical Center
in Chicago.
Along with fellow Second City alums Mike Nichols and Elaine May, Close
performed with the West Compass Players in St. Louis from 1956 until coming
to Chicago to join Second City founder Bernard Sahlins in the early 1960s.
Close served as resident director of Second City from 1972 to 1981, and
directed his last program for the troupe in 1988 before setting out with
Charna Halpern to form ImprovOlympic, a Chicago-based group specializing in
improvisational comedy.
Second City Chicago producer Kelly Leonard called Close ``a brilliant but
dark and sinister force whose influence stretched across all brands of
Close was also involved with the television program ``SCTV,'' which
featured various alumni from Second City troupes in Chicago and Toronto.
Ironically, his death came five years to the day after SCTV co-star and
fellow Second City alumnus John Candy died at 43 while filming a movie in
There was no immediate word on survivors or funeral arrangements.
'In death, he may get the last laugh. In one of his final acts, Close willed
his skull to Chicago's Goodman Theatre. He will play Yorick in its next
production of "Hamlet."'
Another of Del's last requests was that his wake be held prior to his death,
which it was. Many of his closest Second City friends were there, including
Bill Murray and Harold Ramis, and the whole thing was taped by Comedy
Central for future airing.
from rec.arts.comics.misc:
To those of us in the comics community, Del is best known as the co-writer
(with John Ostrander) of WASTELAND, one of the more progressive mainstream
comics ever published (alternating horror, humor and amazingly candid
autobiography; WASTELAND was arguably a forerunner of Dennis Eichhorn's REAL
STUFF, well-written autobiography by someone who lived a life worth reading
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From: cscheffy@kinglet.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: (exotica) commercial use of music
Date: 08 Mar 1999 08:38:03 -0800
To continue an earlier thread (re: DJ Dmitri from Paris's tune, itself a
construction of other music, being used in a Volvo ad.), anyone hear/see
the television ad for Mastercard featuring J.J. Perrey's "E.V.A.?" Pretty
I'm plum sick of being a marketing target. It didn't used to be this way.
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) Brian Auger question
Date: 08 Mar 1999 15:03:31 +0100
I have this Julie Driscoll & Brian Auger "Pop History Vol. 26" greatest
hits LP, which is not great, BUT contains an absolute killer instrumental
version of the Beatles' "A day in the life". in the latest record
Collector, i read that several of Auger's albums are to be reissued on cd,
and i wondered if any of those can be recommended, knowing that i like the
kind of sound & production as in "A day in the life".
| ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \
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From: "Bryan J. Cuevas" <bjc8f@server3.mail.virginia.edu>
Subject: (exotica) Merda in Atlanta
Date: 08 Mar 1999 14:31:15 -0500
This is a bit off topic, but I just had to say that ** big ** scores are
still possible in large cities. I was antiquing in Atlanta this past
weekend and found buried in a stack of old records a beauuuutiful copy of
Black Merda's S/T album on Chess (LPS-1551, 1970). Price paid...$1.25.
Keep on steppin' folks, the deals ** are ** out there!
bryan c.
Bryan J. Cuevas
Department of Religious Studies
University of Virginia
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Merda in Atlanta
Date: 08 Mar 1999 14:30:41 EST
In a message dated 3/8/99 3:28:32 PM, bjc8f@server3.mail.virginia.edu wrote:
>Black Merda
WOW! I thought he only did one single. He is the hands down winner of the
Jimi Hendrix sound-alike contest. Excellent find Bryan
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From: Chris Boe <chrisboe@pressenter.com>
Subject: RE: (exotica) commercial use of music
Date: 08 Mar 1999 13:54:32 -0800
I heard that, but wasn't it Soul City?
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, March 08, 1999 8:38 AM
To continue an earlier thread (re: DJ Dmitri from Paris's tune, itself a
construction of other music, being used in a Volvo ad.), anyone hear/see
the television ad for Mastercard featuring J.J. Perrey's "E.V.A.?" Pretty
I'm plum sick of being a marketing target. It didn't used to be this way.
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From: cscheffy@kinglet.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: RE: (exotica) commercial use of music
Date: 08 Mar 1999 11:57:22 -0800
Mebbe so - I didn't specifically check the song - but it was definitely JJP
from "Moog Indigo"
At 01:54 PM 3/8/1999 -0800, Chris Boe wrote:
>I heard that, but wasn't it Soul City?
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Showbiz, don't ya love it
Date: 08 Mar 1999 15:42:41 -0600
At 11:05 PM 3/6/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Fort Lupton, Colorado (Robert Weller, Associated Press)
> They don't take requests at this after-hours club, and there's
>definitely no karaoke.
> The DJ is a police officer, and he's ready to bounce anyone who dances
>or talks.
> Municipal Judge Paul Sacco requires people convicted of violating the
>city's noise ordinance to listen to music they don't like.
The playlist for the most recent music punishment session:
Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, Moonlight Sonata and Fuer Elise.
Wayne Newton, ``Danke Schoen''
Wayne Newton, ``Bill Bailey Won't You Please Come Home''
Disney's ``This Old Man''
Judge Paul Sacco, ``Sleepin in My Car''
Trevor Jones, ``Theme from `The Last of the Mohicans'''
Dean Martin, ``One Cup of Happiness''
Dean Martin, ``It's Cryin' Time''
Tony Orlando and Dawn, ``Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree''
Hugo Montenegro, ``Theme from `The Good, the Bad and the Ugly'''
Jerry Vail, ``Volare.''
Henry Mancini, ``Love Theme From Romeo and Juliet''
John Denver, ``Sunshine on My Shoulders''
Indian flute instrumental
Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, ``Happy Trails to You''
Roger Whitaker, ``I'm Going to Leave Old Durham Town''
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) no comment
Date: 08 Mar 1999 16:56:22 -0600
Forbes magazine's list of the highest-earning celebrities worldwide:
1. Jerry Seinfeld, comedian, producer, $267 million
2. Larry David, writer, director, $242 million
3. Steven Spielberg, director, producer, $175 million
4. Oprah Winfrey, TV show host, actress, producer, $125 million
5. James Cameron, director, $115 million
6. Tim Allen, actor, $77 million
7. Michael Jordan, basketball player, $69 million
8. Michael Crichton, writer, director $65 million
9. Harrison Ford, actor, $58 million
10. Rolling Stones, rock group, $57 million
11. Master P., music producer, $56.5 million
12. Robin Williams, actor, $56 million
13. Celine Dion, singer, $55.5 million
14. Mel Gibson, actor, director, producer, $55 million
15. Garth Brooks, singer, $54 million
16. Sean ``Puffy'' Combs, music producer, $53.5 million
17. Greg Daniels, writer, director, $53 million
18. Mike Judge, writer, director, $53 million
19. Chris Carter, writer, director, producer, $52 million
20. David Copperfield, illusionist $49.5 million
21. Spice Girls, singers, $49 million
22. Paul Reiser, actor, writer, director, $48 million
23. Eddie Murphy, actor, $47.5 million
24. John Travolta, actor, $47 million
25. Drew Carey, actor, $45.5 million
26. Bonnie and Terry Turner, writer, director, $45 million
27. Tom Hanks, actor, director, producer, $44 million
28. Danny Jacobson, writer, director, $42 million
29. Kevin Costner, actor, director, producer, $41 million
30. Bright/Kauffman/Crane, TV producers, $40.5 million
31. Brad Pitt, actor, $40 million
32. Stephen King, writer, director, $40 million
33. Nicolas Cage, actor, $38 million
34. Bruce Helford, writer, director, $38 million
35. Michael Schumacher, race car driver, $38 million
36. Leonardo DiCaprio, actor, $37 million
37. John Wells, writer, director, $35 million
38. Will Smith, singer, actor, $34 million
39. Jim Carrey, actor, $32.5 million
40. Metallica, rock group, $32 million
41. Helen Hunt, actress, $31 million
42. Dave Matthews Band, music group, $30 million
43. Sergei Fedorov, hockey player, $29.8 million
44. Tiger Woods, golfer, $26.8 million
45. Brian Grazer, writer, director, $26 million
46. Dale Earnhardt, race car driver $24.1 million
47. Jerry Bruckheimer, director, producer, $22 million
48. Grant Hill, basketball player, $21.6 million
49. Howard Stern, TV and radio host, $20 million
50. Oscar de la Hoya, boxer, $18.5 million
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From: "Robert Baldock" <rcb@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Vibra-Slap
Date: 08 Mar 1999 23:29:42 -0000
Jack wrote:
> It is a hand held percussive instrument that is held straight
> up and has a FLAT polished piece of wood, much like a
> large paddle, with a handle that you hold.
A great description Jack!
And would you believe it's actually a technological take on
one of the world's oldest instruments - the jaw bone of some
sort of horse/cow/goat creature (I can't remember which!).
If you imagine the metal pins which jiggle about inside the
wooden box as teeth you'll get the idea.
Personally, I think I prefer the sound of a vibra-slap...
** ** ** * Spaced Out - the Enoch Light Website * ** ** **
** ** ** * http://www.rcb.easynet.co.uk/light/ * ** ** **
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From: cscheffy@kinglet.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: Re: (exotica) Re: Vibra-Slap
Date: 08 Mar 1999 15:42:24 -0800
Yeah, I was putting the handle in my ass, and got no sound, but I think I'm
getting it now.
> It is a hand held percussive instrument that is held straight
> up and has a FLAT polished piece of wood, much like a
> large paddle, with a handle that you hold.
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From: Bump <bumpy@megsinet.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Re: Vibra-Slap dat ass
Date: 08 Mar 1999 19:29:43 -0500
Nice one!
now how does that "scratcher" work?
>Yeah, I was putting the handle in my ass, and got no sound, but I think I'm
>getting it now.
>> It is a hand held percussive instrument that is held straight
>> up and has a FLAT polished piece of wood, much like a
>> large paddle, with a handle that you hold.
Universal DJ
Defective Records
"The future will be better tomorrow."
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
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From: "SANDBERG MAGNUS" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: SV: (exotica) no comment
Date: 09 Mar 1999 02:05:28 +0100
>Forbes magazine's list of the highest-earning celebrities worldwide:=20
> 1. Jerry Seinfeld, comedian, producer, $267 million =20
> 2. Larry David, writer, director, $242 million =20
> 3. Steven Spielberg, director, producer, $175 million =20
> 4. Oprah Winfrey, TV show host, actress, producer, $125 million =20
> 5. James Cameron, director, $115 million =20
> 6. Tim Allen, actor, $77 million =20
> 7. Michael Jordan, basketball player, $69 million =20
> 8. Michael Crichton, writer, director $65 million =20
> 9. Harrison Ford, actor, $58 million =20
> 10. Rolling Stones, rock group, $57 million =20
> 11. Master P., music producer, $56.5 million =20
> 12. Robin Williams, actor, $56 million =20
> 13. Celine Dion, singer, $55.5 million =20
> 14. Mel Gibson, actor, director, producer, $55 million =20
> 15. Garth Brooks, singer, $54 million =20
> 16. Sean ``Puffy'' Combs, music producer, $53.5 million =20
> 17. Greg Daniels, writer, director, $53 million =20
> 18. Mike Judge, writer, director, $53 million =20
> 19. Chris Carter, writer, director, producer, $52 million =20
> 20. David Copperfield, illusionist $49.5 million =20
> 21. Spice Girls, singers, $49 million =20
> 22. Paul Reiser, actor, writer, director, $48 million =20
> 23. Eddie Murphy, actor, $47.5 million =20
> 24. John Travolta, actor, $47 million =20
> 25. Drew Carey, actor, $45.5 million =20
> 26. Bonnie and Terry Turner, writer, director, $45 million =20
> 27. Tom Hanks, actor, director, producer, $44 million =20
> 28. Danny Jacobson, writer, director, $42 million =20
> 29. Kevin Costner, actor, director, producer, $41 million =20
> 30. Bright/Kauffman/Crane, TV producers, $40.5 million =20
> 31. Brad Pitt, actor, $40 million =20
> 32. Stephen King, writer, director, $40 million =20
> 33. Nicolas Cage, actor, $38 million =20
> 34. Bruce Helford, writer, director, $38 million =20
> 35. Michael Schumacher, race car driver, $38 million =20
> 36. Leonardo DiCaprio, actor, $37 million =20
> 37. John Wells, writer, director, $35 million =20
> 38. Will Smith, singer, actor, $34 million =20
> 39. Jim Carrey, actor, $32.5 million =20
> 40. Metallica, rock group, $32 million =20
> 41. Helen Hunt, actress, $31 million =20
> 42. Dave Matthews Band, music group, $30 million =20
> 43. Sergei Fedorov, hockey player, $29.8 million =20
> 44. Tiger Woods, golfer, $26.8 million =20
> 45. Brian Grazer, writer, director, $26 million =20
> 46. Dale Earnhardt, race car driver $24.1 million =20
> 47. Jerry Bruckheimer, director, producer, $22 million =20
> 48. Grant Hill, basketball player, $21.6 million =20
> 49. Howard Stern, TV and radio host, $20 million =20
> 50. Oscar de la Hoya, boxer, $18.5 million =20
I would trade them all for a drink at Kahiki.
Magnus, thirsty.
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From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
Subject: (exotica) Zound! What Sounds!!
Date: 08 Mar 1999 17:40:57 -0800
What is most stunning is the direct theft of the title. Weren't these
things copywrighted? I could understand a title that cleverly referred
to another, but taking the exact words is low even for a budget label.
- -- Brad
I think that that wacky harmonica trio/qrt, whatever, came up with the
title before Capitol did.
I'm not sure if that Harp LP was ever released in Stereo, might have been,
but the Capitol LP was well into the 60's with its release and that harp
LP, was before it.
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From: Elisabeth Vincentelli <teppaz@panix.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) commercial use of music
Date: 08 Mar 1999 21:16:48 -0500
>To continue an earlier thread (re: DJ Dmitri from Paris's tune, itself a
>construction of other music, being used in a Volvo ad.), anyone hear/see
>the television ad for Mastercard featuring J.J. Perrey's "E.V.A.?" Pretty
I think it's the Fatboy Slim mix.
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From: "SANDBERG MAGNUS" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: SV: (exotica) Zound! What Sounds!!
Date: 09 Mar 1999 03:44:33 +0100
I must add that the Zounds! what sounds by the Polyphonics is a great =
record, its not at all "dullsville! But then again, my taste seem to be =
differ with others... I just wanted to speak in favour of it so the =
balance is correct again. Brad almost killed it.
No such luck. It's just another one of those attempts by a budget label
(Seeco records) to cash in on a trend. The cover has a cool, zany
appearance, but the music is dullsville and even sounds like one of
those records that had existed for many years and just got re-released
as a public domain item with a new name.
>What is most stunning is the direct theft of the title. Weren't these
>things copywrighted? I could understand a title that cleverly referred
>to another, but taking the exact words is low even for a budget label.
>- -- Brad
>I think that that wacky harmonica trio/qrt, whatever, came up with the
>title before Capitol did.
>I'm not sure if that Harp LP was ever released in Stereo, might have =
>but the Capitol LP was well into the 60's with its release and that =
>LP, was before it.
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From: James G <jamesbg@home.com>
Subject: (exotica) Harps & Slaps
Date: 08 Mar 1999 18:55:31 -0800
1. Harpo could make time stand still when he played the harp. "Harpo In
Hi-Fi" has some classy Fred Katz orchestral arrangements of standards
like Autumn Leaves, My Funny Valentine and That's All, but nothing
exotic except for a little bit of whistling on a few cuts, as Harpo did
often in the movies. I've said it before, but watch for the "I Love
Lucy" where he plays a mesmerizing "Take Me Out To The Ball Game."
2. Dorothy Ashby's "The Jazz Harpist" is straight-ahead jazz, nothing
fancy, but she goes well with Frank Wess's flute.
3. Alice Coltrane is indeed the exotic harpist, espec when backed by oud
or tamboura drone on parts of her Impulse records. She also has a few
minutes perfectly named "Celestialness" in Roland Kirk's wild
"Expansions" suite on the recently reissued "Left and Right" , part of a
4 CD package on 32 Jazz records. There is an unusual harp and harmonica
tune on one of the other CD's in that set, Kirk on harmonica and Gloria
Agostini on standard harp.
4. First place I ever saw a vibraslap listed was on the Dead's
brain-frying "Anthem of the Sun", which also had prepared piano. Jerry
plays vibraslap in that wild little percussion section that also
features claves, guiro, the two drummers and lots of ping-ponging before
the boys launch into the blood-curdling but gorgeous
Alligator/Caution/Feedback" jam, which I saw them do live a few times.
And the gongs, those goddam gongs !!!
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) Love that LOVE MACHINE!
Date: 08 Mar 1999 10:35:17 -0500
Hello> The Love Machine soundtrack ,if I remember well, is pretty much
an avarage lounge record. Nothing too thrilling. Not too hard to find
either. Not worth more than 5-6$ US. I may have it in my store....
Well, Denis Darling(The winner of "The Only Person Who Replied to My Stress
Call" award) et. al., I am happy to report I scored that score this
weekend, and baby, one man's "average lounge" record is another gal's NOW
SOUND! I sink it's a SWINGING soundtrack, with some little known
Bacharach/David pieces and some N-O-W S*O*U*N*D party-scene-instros..
Of course, I didn't pay more than 5-6, so I am ok there. Oh, and for those
of you whom think John Phillip Law (Danger Diabolik, Barbarella) is
hots-ville, his beautifully painted bust is on the album!
Just my (non) cents!
Jane Fondle
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Stanley Kubrick obits
Date: 08 Mar 1999 11:46:53 -0600
HERTFORDSHIRE, England, March 7 (UPI) -- Film director Stanley Kubrick,
whose films have intrigued, shocked and mesmerized audiences for four
decades, has died at his home in Hertfordshire, England, near London. He was
Known for innovative and influential films such as ``A Clockwork Orange,''
``Spartacus,'' ``2001: A Space Odyssey'' and ``Full Metal Jacket,'' Kubrick
was preparing for the release of ``Eyes Wide Shut,'' starring Tom Cruise and
Nicole Kidman, in July.=20
A spokeswoman said: ``The family of Stanley Kubrick regret to announce that
Stanley Kubrick died in the early hours of this morning. There will be no
further comment at this time.''=20
Kubrick was enigmatic and notoriously reclusive, and sometimes ordered his
casts and crews to keep the details of his films secret. The official Web
page for ``Eyes Wide Shut'' contains only the title and the release date.
Rumors abound about Kubrick's new film, but a few details have emerged:
Cruise and Kidman play married psychologists who have bizarre secret lives
and affairs.=20
Kubrick's films have often been controversial -- his adaptation of author
Anthony Burgess's ``A Clockwork Orange'' spares no details in its portrayal
of an ultra-violent British youth gang. Likewise, his contribution to the
horror genre, 1980's ``The Shining,'' based on Stephen King's novel, and his
1987 Vietnam War study ``Full Metal Jacket'' also give full attention to the
grotesque side of human nature.=20
But Kubrick, a demanding and rigorous director, could also craft scenes of
stunning beauty. ``2001: A Space Odyssey,'' which won Oscars in 1969 for
best special visual effects, set the visual standard for science fiction
films. Its graceful depictions of spaceflight still look authentic even by
the standards of current high-tech special effects.=20
He was born in New York on July 26, 1928 and throughout his childhood
earned a reputation for being smarter than his grades in school indicated.
His father Jack sent him to Pasadena, Calif., to live with an uncle in 1940,
but it didn't help, and Kubrick came back to the Bronx a year later.=20
Soon after, Jack gave Stanley a camera for his birthday, and by age 17 he
had taken a job as an apprentice photographer at Look Magazine. Kubrick
leaped into the film industry in 1950, using his life savings to make the
boxing documentary ``Day of the Fight.''=20
He was commissioned to shoot two documentaries, ``Flying Padre'' in 1951
and ``The Seafarers'' in 1952 and his major break came three years later
with Fear and Desire, which he wrote, photographed and financed with $13,000
borrowed from relatives.=20
He formed a production company to make ``The Killing,'' a crime drama,
which brought him to the notice of the critics, and followed it in 1957 with
the controversial and powerful film, ``Paths of Glory,'' an indictment of
military hypocrisy.=20
Kubrick's next film, Spartacus, was an 187-minute Roman saga and was hailed
by critics upon its release in 1960. Its battle spectacles are famous, but
it had more intellectual substance than many of the epics Hollywood was
famous for. He followed it with an adaptation of Vladimir Nabokov's=
``Dr. Strangelove,'' Kubrick's 1965 black-and-white Cold War black comedy,
got him his first Oscar nominations for best director, best picture and best
adapted screenplay. The film is a classic satire, and its key scene of actor
Slim Pickens riding a bomb as it drops to earth is one of Hollywood's most
famous on-screen moments.=20
Kubrick also received best director, best picture and best adapted
screenplay nods for ``A Clockwork Orange'' and the 1976 period piece ``Barry
Lyndon,'' about an 18th century Irish rogue-hero who takes up gambling as a
career but eventually marries the widow of a wealthy knight and lets his
newfound society life go to his head.=20
Kubrick's other Oscar nominations included best director for ``2001'' and
one for the adapted screenplay for ``Full Metal Jacket.''=20
British director Michael Winner told the British Broadcasting Corp. today
that he was shocked to learn of Kubrick's death. ``I will miss him
terribly,'' he said. Winner said he had planned to phone Kubrick on Monday
to offer him a lifetime award from the Directors Guild of Great Britain.=20
In 1997, Kubrick received the D.W. Griffith award, the highest honor
bestowed by the Directors Guild of America.=20
He joined in 1990 with directors Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen, Francis Ford
Coppola, Steven Spielberg, Robert Redford, Sydney Pollack and George Lucas
in forming the Film Foundation, an organization meant to promote the
restoration and preservation of films.=20
Kubrick began filming ``Eyes Wide Shut'' in November 1996. In February
1998, Variety reported that he had finished shooting all the scenes, but by
the end of the year the film still wasn't ready for release.=20
Another of Kubrick's announced films, ``Artificial Intelligence'' or AI,
said by critics to be one of the most technically challenging and innovative
special effects films yet attempted, is still being developed. There was no
word today on its fate.=20
*Stanley Kubrick =09
LONDON (AP) -- Stanley Kubrick, a visionary craftsman whose films--
including ``Dr. Strangelove,'' ``A Clockwork Orange'' and ``2001: A Space
Odyssey'' -- often reflected a violent and despairing view of life, died
Sunday. He was 70.=20
Police were summoned Sunday to Kubrick's rural estate in Herfordshire, 25
miles northwest of London, and certified his death. ``There are no
suspicious circumstances,'' police said.=20
At the time of his death, the publicity-shy Kubrick was preparing for the
midyear release of ``Eyes Wide Shut,'' his first film in 12 years. Starring
Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, the film had been shrouded in the secrecy that
attended all of Kubrick's later movies.=20
Over a career spanning four decades, Kubrick worked infrequently but often
brilliantly, and was regarded as a maverick talent -- to some, a genius.=20
``Stanley Kubrick was the grandmaster of filmmaking. He copied no one,
while all of us were scrambling to imitate him,'' director Steven Spielberg
said in a statement released by his office.=20
Kubrick was a fierce perfectionist who wouldn't do one take if he could do
a hundred.=20
Kubrick chronicled the effects of war in ``Fear and Desire'' (1953) and
``Paths of Glory'' (1957); the suicidal logic of the Cold War in the blackly
comic ``Dr. Strangelove: or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the
Bomb'' (1964); and sexual obsession in ``Lolita'' (1962).=20
``2001: A Space Odyssey,'' with its dazzling visual imagery and inspired
use of music, was a great success, and Kubrick got the second of his four
Academy Award nominations for best director. The other nominations were for
``Dr. Strangelove,'' ``Barry Lyndon,'' and ``A Clockwork Orange,'' which
unlike ``2001'' were also nominated for best picture.=20
``A Clockwork Orange,'' set in a violent future, was one of Kubrick's most
provocative films and was disparaged by Anthony Burgess, whose novel was the
basis of the film. Burgess accused Kubrick of turning his novelistic study
of free will into an orgy of violence.=20
March 8, 1999
Stanley Kubrick, Film Director With a Bleak Vision, Dies at 70
Stanley Kubrick, the famously reclusive director of such classic films
as "Dr. Strangelove," "2001: A Space Odyssey" and "A Clockwork Orange," died
Sunday at his home in England, his family said. He was 70.=20
The police were summoned to Kubrick's rural home in Hertfordshire,
north of London, Sunday afternoon, when he was pronounced dead.=20
"There are no suspicious circumstances," a police spokesman said.
Kubrick's family announced his death and said there would be no further
One of the few American directors who had the prestige to make
big-budget movies while working outside the Hollywood mainstream, Kubrick
directed coldly brilliant films that explored humanity's baser instincts
with great visual flair and often savage wit. Although those films won eight
Academy Awards, none were for best director.=20
That may be because his subjects were often dark. The comic satire "Dr.
Strangelove," made at the height of the cold war, portrayed the military as
a collection of incompetent, jingoistic yahoos itching for an chance to
unleash nuclear devastation.=20
The film was a harsher and much funnier version of the same vision of
military pathology and hypocrisy found in "Paths of Glory," the movie that
brought him to prominence in 1957, and that was reiterated 30 years later in
"Full Metal Jacket."=20
Kubrick's sarcasm and ironic humor flared memorably in "Dr.
Strangelove" in the juxtaposition of Vera Lynn singing "We'll Meet Again"
against images of nuclear catastrophe. It was also evident in "The Blue
Danube Waltz" accompanying a space-docking sequence in "2001" and in a scene
of Malcolm McDowell jauntily crowing "Singin' in the Rain" while delivering
a brutal beating in "A Clockwork Orange." That film's savagery was so
pointed that some critics complained that the movie glorified violence.=20
Kubrick withdrew the film from distribution in Britain after it was
said to have inspired copycat crimes. But if Kubrick's misanthropy prompted
some critics to accuse him of coldness and inhumanity, others saw his
pessimism as an uncompromisingly Swiftian vision of human absurdity.=20
Kubrick's chilly outlook coincided with his reputation for being an
extreme perfectionist who insisted on control over every aspect of his
films, from casting and screenwriting to editing, lighting and music. It
often took him many months and sometimes years to complete a film. He was
known to film up to 100 takes of a scene.=20
Increasingly reclusive, he announced in 1974 that he was settling
permanently in England. Refusing to give interviews, he withdrew so
completely that an Englishman impersonated him for several months before
being discovered.=20
This is a list of Stanley Kubrick's films. The first three are documentary
Day of the Fight (1951)=20
Flying Padre (1951)=20
The Seafarers (1953)=20
Fear and Desire (1953)=20
Killer's Kiss (1955)=20
The Killing (1956)=20
Paths of Glory (1957)=20
Spartacus (1960)=20
Lolita (1962)=20
Dr. Strangelove (1964)=20
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)=20
A Clockwork Orange (1971)=20
Barry Lyndon (1975)=20
The Shining (1980)=20
Full Metal Jacket (1987)=20
Eyes Wide Shut (To be released this summer)=20
Stanley Kubrick was born on July 26, 1928, in the Bronx. As a child he
was encouraged by his father, a doctor, to take up still photography, and
when he was 17 he was hired as a staff photographer by Look magazine, which
had been impressed by a picture he had snapped the day President Franklin D.
Roosevelt died.=20
While working at Look he attended film screenings at the Museum of
Modern Art and later said that seeing so many bad films gave him the
confidence to do better.=20
"I was aware that I didn't know anything about making films, but I
believed I couldn't make them any worse than the majority of films I was
seeing," Kubrick once said. "Bad films gave me the courage to try making a
In 1950 he quit his job at Look to make his first film, "Day of the
Fight," a 16-minute documentary, which he sold to RKO-Path=E9.=20
He completed two more documentary shorts before making his feature
debut in 1953 with "Fear and Desire," a low-budget film that was financed
with family money, and that he wrote, directed, photographed and edited.=20
After making a second feature, "Killer's Kiss," he formed a production
company in 1954 with a producer, James B. Harris, and made "The Killing," a
drama about a racetrack heist starring Sterling Hayden.=20
Kubrick's fourth full-length film, "Paths of Glory," established him as
one of the most promising postwar American filmmakers. The World War I
drama, starring Kirk Douglas, was a devastating indictment of military
duplicity that still stands as one of the most powerful antiwar movies.=20
He made "The Killing" and "Paths of Glory" for a percentage of the
profits, and both received critical acclaim while faring indifferently at
the box office.=20
Two years later, in 1959, Kubrick was invited to replace Anthony Mann,
the director of the high-budget Roman epic "Spartacus," which starred
Douglas as the leader of a slave rebellion against the Roman state. The
film, released in 1960, was noticeably more intelligent than most Roman
spectacles of the era and was an enormous box-office success.=20
Soon after, Kubrick moved to England, where he hoped to maintain
greater creative control of his films than he could in Hollywood.=20
But he soon returned to the United States to scout locations for
"Lolita," an adaptation of the Vladimir Nabokov novel in which James Mason
played Humbert Humbert, the middle-aged lover of the pubescent Lolita (Sue
The director's taste for the controversial and bizarre sharpened with
the nightmarish comic satire "Dr. Strangelove" (subtitled "How I Learned to
Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"), which imagined nuclear Armageddon as a
macabre joke. More than any other film "Dr. Strangelove" established
Kubrick's reputation for coldness.=20
The successes of "Spartacus," "Lolita" and "Dr. Strangelove" gave
Kubrick the rare freedom to choose his subjects and to control his projects.
For the next several years, he worked on the science fiction epic "2001"
(1968), which he wrote with Arthur C. Clarke. Its spectacular psychedelic
effects earned the film a reputation as the era's quintessential "head"
movie. In its visual grandeur and dazzling special effects, "2001" paved the
way for George Lucas's "Star Wars" trilogy.=20
In an interview with Playboy magazine, Kubrick said that in "2001" he
had "tried to create a visual experience, one that bypasses verbalized
pigeonholing and directly penetrates the subconscious with an emotional and
philosophic content . . . just as music does. . . . You're free to speculate
as you wish about the philosophical and allegorical meaning."=20
After the spaced-out fantasies of "2001," in which the hero is reborn
as an angelic child, Kubrick's pessimism reared up savagely in his
adaptation of the Anthony Burgess novel "A Clockwork Orange."=20
The work was voted the year's best in 1971 by the New York Film Critics
Circle, which also named Kubrick best director. The film paints a portrait
of Alex ( McDowell), a violent, homicidal thug who is sadistically
brainwashed into placidity by the state, and it has no sympathetic=
"Dr. Strangelove," "2001" and "A Clockwork Orange" were the high-water
marks in a career that stumbled with "Barry Lyndon" (1975), a visually
stunning but static film based on a Thackeray novel in which the director
took enormous pains to evoke a lighting and imagery that would recreate an
authentic 18th-century ambiance. The costly movie took 300 shooting days to
complete and fared only modestly at the box office.=20
Five years later came "The Shining," an icy Gothic fable based on a
Stephen King novel in which a writer (Jack Nicholson) holes up with his
family in a Colorado hotel and goes mad, turning into a homicidal maniac.=20
Kubrick's next film, "Full Metal Jacket" (1987), adapted from Gustav
Hasford's novel "The Short-Timers," was a grim near-horror movie about the
Vietnam War.=20
Kubrick was married four times. His marriages to Toba Metz in 1948,
Ruth Sobtka in 1954 and Susanne Harlan (with whom he had three daughters) in
1958 ended in divorce. He is survived by his fourth wife, Christiane, and
his daughters Katharine, Anya and Vivian.=20
Kubrick had recently finished editing his final film, "Eyes Wide Shut,"
a psychosexual thriller based on Arthur Schnitzler's "Traumnovelle" ("Dream
Story") and starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman as psychiatrists. Filmed
in Britain in an atmosphere of military secrecy, it took 15 months to shoot.
The film is to be released on July 16.=20
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: Re: (exotica) Re: Vibra-Slap
Date: 08 Mar 1999 22:24:16 EST
In a message dated 3/8/99 7:54:03 PM, cscheffy@kinglet.Berkeley.EDU wrote:
>Yeah, I was putting the handle in my ass, and got no sound, but I think I'm
>getting it now.
The sound may become secondary in some cases............................
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From: Micheleflp@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) R.J. Smith Interview
Date: 09 Mar 1999 02:27:06 EST
Did anyone in Los Angeles besides me catch R.J. Smith on the Global Music show
on KPFK this morning from 11am to 12:30pm? I taped most of it.. He played
alot of "exotica 101" type stuff off alot of early generic compilations...
some Yma Sumac, Baxter, Denny... nothing special but what was interesting was
his statements concerning lounge culture and the future of Capitol Releases, I
assume he meant Ultra Lounge, since they provided alot of complimentary music
for him. Contrary to what we have all been assuming Mr. Smith assured the
radio listeners that Capital had plenty of new releases planned. I will have
to re-listen to the tape to see if I can cull any more info than that, but at
this point I am not sure if he meant more Ultra Lounge releases or if he meant
re-issues of old lounge albums. Anyone out there hear this interview and can
I'm sorry I can't be more specific, but I was at work and it was really hard
to pay attention and type a report at the same time!
- Michele
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From: Ottotemp@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) commercial Keely
Date: 09 Mar 1999 02:58:43 EST
Anyone catch the ad that Keely Smith did for L.A. Eyeworks?
She is looking sharp in a new set of black rimmed specs that are retro
the ads can be found in
Glue, OUT, Paper, and Wallpaper mags
(I got the ad as a postcard and it mentions her collaboration with Big Bad
Voodoo Daddy)
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) commercial Keely
Date: 09 Mar 1999 06:55:42 EST
In a message dated 3/9/99 3:00:09 AM Eastern Standard Time, Ottotemp@aol.com
<< Anyone catch the ad that Keely Smith did for L.A. Eyeworks?
She is looking sharp in a new set of black rimmed specs that are retro
reminiscent >>
Really??? Well I have been in negotiations with Esquivel to do some ads for
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) R.J. Smith Interview
Date: 09 Mar 1999 06:58:26 EST
In a message dated 3/9/99 2:28:37 AM Eastern Standard Time, Micheleflp@aol.com
<< Did anyone in Los Angeles besides me catch R.J. Smith on the Global Music
on KPFK this morning from 11am to 12:30pm? >>
Doesn't this dude still owe money to someone on the List???
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From: LTepedino@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) R.J. Smith Interview
Date: 09 Mar 1999 08:10:09 EST
In a message dated 3/9/99 6:59:29 AM EST, Rcbrooksod@aol.com writes:
<< << Did anyone in Los Angeles besides me catch R.J. Smith on the Global
on KPFK this morning from 11am to 12:30pm? >>
Doesn't this dude still owe money to someone on the List??? >>
I know he owes an apology to everyone on this list for rather mediocre liner
notes on the Ultra Lounge series!
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From: LTepedino@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) commercial Keely
Date: 09 Mar 1999 08:19:32 EST
In a message dated 3/9/99 3:00:09 AM EST, Ottotemp@aol.com writes:
<< Anyone catch the ad that Keely Smith did for L.A. Eyeworks?
(I got the ad as a postcard and it mentions her collaboration with Big Bad
Voodoo Daddy) >>
Lord help us all, save us from Big Bad Voodoo Daddy!!!!
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From: "Mojo Workin'" <mojoworkin@rocketmail.com>
Subject: (exotica) Now DIG THIS: Shoutcasting!
Date: 09 Mar 1999 00:18:32 -0800 (PST)
AKA Rgrandia - Email still all cattywampus.
Okay! Finally! I have been in internet HELL for a few days, and
between funerals and real-life business-type emergencies, I have
managed to get the shoutcast thingy into shape. If you don't have it,
get the latest version of Winamp at www.winamp.com and then click on
the thingy below. You SHOULD hear 4, count 'em FOUR Fantastica!'s.
#6, #7, #8, and #10. This is a live stream, so you get whatever is
playing at the time. ONLY Winamp will work. I am searching for an
(affordable) option for all you beautiful Mac people out there.
Click and DIG!
No time to get my own programming together, So you lucky bahhhstids
get some more FANTASTICA!
Feedback much appreciated. Sorry no playlists right now. I'm too
tired. Rock on with your bad selves.
If encryption is a crime, then only
criminals will jtry ifhmqxouhf.
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) R.J. Smith Interview
Date: 09 Mar 1999 12:21:21 EST
In a message dated 03/09/99 8:11:39 AM Eastern Standard Time,
LTepedino@aol.com writes:
<< Doesn't this dude still owe money to someone on the List??? >>
I know he owes an apology to everyone on this list for rather mediocre liner
notes on the Ultra Lounge series!
Boy do I agree on that! But somebody about 2 years ago said they roomed with
him or something and he skipped out without repaying a loan or something.
You know me, I like to rake up the dirt every so often.
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From: "Ron Grandia" <rgrandia@xtabay.com>
Subject: (exotica) test - sorry...
Date: 09 Mar 1999 10:45:04 -0800
Concentric.net email service sucks.
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Ann Corio, Stefan Hatos obits
Date: 09 Mar 1999 16:53:55 -0600
*Ann Corio
ENGLEWOOD, N.J. (AP) -- Ann Corio, the queen of burlesque who kept the
tradition alive into the age of X-rated movies, died March 1. She was
believed to be in her 80's.
One of the last to practice the art of striptease as a put-on, Ms. Corio
said her shows emphasized comedy and didn't contain full nudity.
Her two decade run of ``This Was Burlesque,'' a musical satire based on Ms.
Corio's recollections, began off Broadway in 1962. Over the years, Ms. Corio
served as author, director and star.
In the 1980's, the show moved to the Playhouse Mall in Paramaus, where it
was eventually filmed by HBO for cable television.
Ms. Corio, who retired from show business about eight years ago, was always
proud of the burlesque tradition. She said her shows were entertainment the
whole family could watch.
As she once put it, ``We do nothing you wouldn't write home about to your
aunt in East Cupcake, Ohio.''
March 9, 1999
Ann Corio, Who Helped Keep Alive the Memory of Burlesque, Is Dead
NEW YORK -- Ann Corio, the auburn-haired, green-eyed queen of burlesque
whose long-running show, "This Was Burlesque," kept alive the art of
strippers and the comedy of baggy-pants clowns in the age of the X-rated
film, died on March 1 at Englewood Hospital in Englewood, N.J. Ms. Corio, a
resident of Cliffside Park, N.J., kept her age a closely guarded secret, but
was believed to be in her 80s.
A survivor of a shapely sisterhood that included Gypsy Rose Lee, Maggie
Hart and Georgia Sothern, Ms. Corio lasted long enough to reach the iconic
status that enabled her to present the striptease as a put-on.
"We emphasize comedy," she said one day in 1976 as she discussed her
show, which began Off Broadway in 1962 and continued for at least two
decades in various productions, tours and revivals with Ms. Corio as author,
director, star and interlocutor. "There is no total nudity. The girls are
lovely and artistic, and they're terribly, terribly pretty.
"What is called burlesque today isn't that at all. Those girls aren't
artists. They just take clothes off, and they don't even do that very well.
Burlesque is exactly what it says it is. It's from the Italian word burlare,
to satirize, to laugh. That's what we do, and we are not offensive."
Those old enough to remember when strippers in burlesque houses were
regarded as hot stuff could recall Ms. Corio as a reigning beauty of the
East Coast wheel of burlesque houses that extended from Boston to
Washington, with many a whistle-stop in between.
Her fame won her roles in jungle films like "Swamp Woman" (1941) and
touring stage productions like "White Cargo," in which she sashayed onstage
one night in Boston, playing a native girl under a light layer of brown
powder and not much more. When she declaimed, "I am Tondelayo," a Harvard
undergraduate leaped from his seat and shouted, "What an actress!"
Legend had it that it was said in Boston, "You can't graduate from
Harvard until you've seen Ann Corio."
The play had the honor of being banned in Boston, Chicago and Hoboken,
Of her movies, Ms. Corio said, "Those pictures always made money, and I
made a lot of money. I asked for $10,000 a week and a percentage and got it,
but I didn't know they were going to shoot the movie in six days. They
didn't want the movie good. They wanted it Tuesday. I was the Queen of the
Quickies. Those pictures weren't released, they escaped."
As burlesque faded away, Ms. Corio toured in shows like "Rain," "Cat on
a Hot Tin Roof" and "Once More With Feeling" until she conceived the idea of
"This Was Burlesque."
"We're naughty and bawdy, but never vulgar," she said. "More than half
our audience are women. They love it. Even the kids respond to it. To go to
a movie these days, you need a computer to figure out the ratings. The whole
family can see my show."
"Nudity," she added, "is an invasion of privacy on both sides of the
Ms. Corio was one of 12 children of Italian immigrants from Naples who
settled in Hartford, Conn., where, she said, she was once a Sunday school
teacher. Her father died when she was young, and, at 16, after working as a
dancer, she discovered she could earn more on the burlesque circuit.
In addition to her husband, Michael P. Iannucci, she is survived by two
sisters, Helen LaRue of West Hartford, Conn., and Lillian Denote of Bristol,
"This Was Burlesque," billed as a musical satire based on Ms. Corio's
recollections, opened at the Casino East Theater on Second Avenue and 12th
Street in Manhattan and ran for 1,509 performances before it moved to the
Hudson Theater on Broadway and ran for 124 more. Over the ensuing years,
numerous productions played across the country from Miami to Las Vegas to
San Juan. The last performance was in St. Petersburg, Fla., in 1991.
In a 1981 review of a revival at the Princess Theater on West 48th
Street, Richard F. Shepard of The New York Times wrote: "Miss Corio, who
looks radiant, does it all by the book and, whether you like the book or
not, it is to her credit that she catches the flavor of the old burlesque
with little attempt to ennoble or elevate it. This is close to the real thing."
Ms. Corio and her third husband, Iannucci, a former linebacker for the
Pittsburgh Steelers, made millions from the show. Eventually, they leased
the Playhouse on the Mall in Paramus, N.J., where, for many years, they
presented legitimate productions and where "This Was Burlesque" was
eventually filmed as an HBO cable attraction.
Ms. Corio, who retired about eight years ago, recalled that shortly
after the show first opened on Second Avenue, the police showed up. "One
night we thought we were being raided, but it was only the cops arriving to
escort Mike to the bank. We never had trouble with the police. And I was
invited to Gracie Mansion. Mayor Wagner insisted I sit next to him for the
As a result of charges that burlesque had become lewd and unsavory, it
was banned in New York in 1937. Five years later, it was permitted to
return, but without the use of the label and in a restricted format. A court
finally lifted the ban in 1955.
Nevertheless, Ms. Corio's efforts to present her show at the 1964-65
World's Fair in Flushing Meadows, Queens, were rebuffed by Robert Moses, the
pillar of municipal rectitude who presided over the corporation that ran the
"You know, we're really quite mild compared to what children are
exposed to on television -- topless bathing suits and all," Ms. Corio said.
But the show did not go on.
"There's nothing really new," she said. "It's comedy, pretty girls,
bubble gum, stepping on toes, the kind of stuff you can leave your brains
home for. It's burlesque."
As she once put it, "We do nothing you wouldn't write home about to
your aunt in East Cupcake, Ohio."
*Stefan Hatos
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- ``Let's Make A Deal'' gameshow co-creator Stefan Hatos,
a longtime radio and television writer and producer, died of a heart ailment
March 2. He was 78.
Hatos began his career at age 19 behind the microphones of Detroit stations
WJLB and WXYZ. While doing announcing work, he wrote episodes of ``The Lone
Ranger'' and ``The Green Hornet.''
Hatos then moved to New York where he wrote episodes of Orson Welles'
Mercury Theater and ``Inner Sanctum.'' He worked for CBS until World War II
when he was commissioned in the Navy in 1942.
After the war, he returned to CBS Radio in New York and Chicago. He also
directed ``Lucky Strike Hit Parade'' for NBC Radio and produced ``Ladies Be
Seated'' for ABC Radio.
He won a Peabody Award for the ABC-TV show, ``The Adventures of Uncle
Mistletoe.'' Hatos probably was best known for the gameshow ``Let's Make A
Deal,'' with host Monty Hall. It debuted in 1963 and ran for 16 years in
daytime and 10 years in primetime on NBC and ABC.
Hatos is survived by his wife, Shirley; a daughter; a brother and a sister.
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From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
Subject: (exotica) Dr Death and his obituaries
Date: 09 Mar 1999 14:22:01 -0800
I'm really sick of these freakin' obituaries on this list.
What the fuck does it have to do with exotica ?
Too much crap
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From: "Robert Baldock" <rcb@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Dr Death
Date: 09 Mar 1999 22:32:47 -0000
Jack wrote:
> I'm really sick of these freakin' obituaries on this list.
> What the fuck does it have to do with exotica ?
> Too much crap
I had a passionate rant about this a few months back but I
have to say I'm kind of getting used to them now...
I guess the answer is to set your mail reader to
automatically trash anything from the list with "obit" in the
** ** ** * Spaced Out - the Enoch Light Website * ** ** **
** ** ** * http://www.rcb.easynet.co.uk/light/ * ** ** **
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From: "telstar" <telstar@albedo.net>
Subject: (exotica) "Mondo Bongos" playlist for March 10, 1999
Date: 09 Mar 1999 17:36:58 -0500
Mondo Bongos can be heard every Wed at 9 am on CFRU 93.3 fm in Guelph,
Ontario.Canada. Comments & questions welcome.
Cozy Cole & his Orchestra- I Could Have Danced All Night "Drum Beat for
Dancing Feet"
The Three Suns - Delicado "Twilight Memories"
Enoch Light & the Light Brigade - No Rest for the Drummer Man "Big Bold &
"Sounds in Space" excerpt narrated by Ken Nordine
Esquivel & his Orchestra - Music Makers "Infinity in Sound"
Henry Mancini - Charade "Charade" ost
Esquivel & his Orchestra - Harlem Nocturne "Infinity in Sound"
Yma Sumac - Wayra (Dance of the Winds) "Voice of the Xtabay"
Edmundo Ros - This Nearly was Mine "Latin Love-In"
Roy Budd - I'll Remember April "Late Night Listening in Stereo"
Roy Budd - Sixteen Going on Seventeen "Stereo '69"
Jack Fascinato - Chinatown Bricklayer "Music from a Surplus Store"
Marty Gold - Hindustan "Skin Tight"
Enoch Light & the Light Brigade - When Yuba Plays the Rumba on the Tuba
"Big Bold & Brassy"
Marty Gold - Hawaiian War Chant "Skin Tight"
The Three Suns - Moonlight Shuffle "Swingin' on a Star"
Esquivel & his Orchestra - Whatchamacallit "Exploring New Sounds in Hi-Fi"
The Three Suns - Anna "Twilight Memories"
Thanks for reading,
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From: Bump <bumpy@megsinet.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Dr Death and his obituaries
Date: 09 Mar 1999 18:10:55 -0500
Then don't read 'em!!!
what can be more exotic than death?
keep 'em coming i say.
plus it should make us pause and reflect on just how lucky we are to be
alive and able to listen to "exotica"!
For that matter, what the fuck does "bitching" have to do with exotica?
>I'm really sick of these freakin' obituaries on this list.
>What the fuck does it have to do with exotica ?
>Too much crap
Universal DJ
Defective Records
"The future will be better tomorrow."
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
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From: Citizen Kafka <ckafka@dti.net>
Subject: (exotica) Dr. Death...
Date: 09 Mar 1999 19:11:47 -0500
Dear list members,
I find that i remove or ignore about 75% of all messages on this list
reading, based on their subject. I skim or scan or read almost all of
obituary listings from Lou, and find that many of the dead folks have
oddly relational exotica characteristic... I congratulate Lou for
spending the
time and energy to differentiate between the thousands of UNexotic dead
and those he lists.
It is possible to be critical of the blatantly commercial and highly
opinionated aspects of Jacks postings, but i almost always read
and enjoy them, too, even if they tend to seem bipolar (manic).
Since my primary exotica love is the early years (1890 to the 1950s)
and records more exquisitely rare than most mentioned on the lists,
I feel comfortable being exposed to the widely varying opinions and
comments on this list.
Besides, Lou never claimed to be a doctor.
Thanks for letting me share,
citizen kafka
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From: Jeffery Hess <grinderman@juno.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Dr Death and his obituaries
Date: 09 Mar 1999 17:44:06 -0600
>Then don't read 'em!!!
>what can be more exotic than death?
>keep 'em coming i say.
Here, here!! I love those things! That Stanley Kubrick obit was
very informative.
Comes In Colours
KDHX FM 88.1 Sunday mornings 3-6 AM (CST)
Immediately following The Wayback Machine
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Dr. Death...
Date: 09 Mar 1999 19:53:58 EST
I use Lou's obits to add some flavor to my radio show. The loss of some of
these characters is reflective of the loss of some of our cultural past, of
which exotica is a part. As we re-invigorate our listening experience with
this great music, we also get to reflect on the cultural debris and
personalities that were part and parcel of the zeitgeist of exotica and its
spinoffs. Jimmy Botticelli/one for Lou's obits
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: (exotica) Biographical and Movieological TV
Date: 09 Mar 1999 20:26:57 -0500
Unless they pull another schedule change, A&E's "Biography" (8:00pm and
midnight, eastern times) features:
Bugsy Seigel - Wednesday night
Merv Griffin - Friday night
Thursday morning at 6:00am, AMC shows W.C. Fields' deconstructed comedy
destruction, "Never Give A Sucker An Even Break" (1941).
"Omar Khayyam" (1957), with Yma Sumac in a background role throughout the
movie (includes three tiny songlets, don't blink) gets another airing on
AMC, Thursday afternoon at 2:00pm. The subplot of the secret society of
Assassins and their stronghold on Alamout is the most intriguing part.
Liz & Dick's "Cleopatra" (1963) AMC again, Saturday morning, 8:00am.
Probably not wide-screen at that hour.
See a NASA space-race movie directed by the unmistakable hand of Robert
Altman: "Countdown" (1968). AMC, Saturday night, 6:00pm. Can't remember the
music, but the movie has a definite Altman feel, which is an unusual thing
to feel in this genre of movie.
Finish Saturday night up with a monster-rama double feature. "Hercules Vs.
The Moloch" (1963), AMC at midnight. Then Joan Crawford and a missing link
in "Trog" (1970), TNT at 2:40am.
All times and programs subject to change because broadcasters are fickle
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: "Br. Cleve" <bcleve@pop.tiac.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Dr. Death...
Date: 09 Mar 1999 20:53:41 -0500
Personally, I like reading Lou's obit posts. As a guy who works up to 16
hours a day, and also travels/tours a lot, I don't always get to read
newspapers or spend time on line checking out the news. And I never watch
TV news, except if I'm stuck in some hotel and it's the only thing on. So I
say, keep 'em coming. They're informative, and always relate, in my mind,
to this list in some odd sort of way (just like postings of loungecore
reissues, instrumental disco, french pop, radio playlists, Arthur Lyman,
Cosy Cole and ebay listings all relate). Plus, it's not like Lou is sending
out huge .exe files or attachments or anything..........it's a fucking 2
second download! Freedom of Choice is what it's all about, and 'Delete' is
the command that gives it to ya, baby!
br cleve
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From: itsvern@ibm.net
Subject: (exotica) glad for the postings
Date: 09 Mar 1999 21:43:38 -0500
Here's another vote for Lou's obituary listings.
I like the idea of honoring the various creative people who lived 30-40
years in the past, whose glory and claim to fame may not be recognized
by the general public. Who else is going to appreciate these people?
Us exotica lovers, who already have a strong interest in that era, are
perhaps the best people to pause, reflect, and sincerely feel glad that
the recently deceased chose to take a risk and lead a creative life.
Their fame may have since diminished, but they did do something exciting
enough to warrant a pat on the back 30-40 years later. I know they
inspire me to try to be more creative and expressive myself.
I don't recognize half the names on the obit list, but that's also fine
for me. The whole artistic community from the 50's/60's wasn't just
made up of the true geniuses that we've already recognized (Martin
Denny, Esquivel, Yma Sumac) but many others whose talent will never be
discovered by the masses, or who played some minor, but critical role in
the formation of our culture. These 'lesser' unrecognized names are
also a humble reminder that even though I enjoy the exotica era, I still
know very little about it. Everytime I see some unknown artist obituary
from that era, my sense of the richness for that era deepens....and the
possibility for further exploration increases
That's all
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From: Hugh Petfield <tribute@dircon.co.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Dr. Death...
Date: 10 Mar 1999 08:40:54 +0000
I enjoy reading obituaries that inform me, but I don't like
reading posts containing obscenities which insult me.
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From: "Charles Moseley" <Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-EXTERNAL@MCKINSEY.COM>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Dr Death and his obituaries
Date: 10 Mar 1999 10:05:17 +0000
While we're on the subject of obituaries, I've always wanted to ask the
poster what his/her motivation is for posting them. Does (s)he have to
write them him/herself or are they copied from Reuters or some other news
agency. Or maybe they're copied from a newspaper?
So, Lou please make a personal and public appearance on the list to solve
some mysteries for us. Why do you do it? Where do you get them from? Why do
you feel that we need them? Why do you put so much time and effort into
telling us about the dead?
Thanks in advance for selling the idea of continuous obituaries to me (and
the list)
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From: Moritz R <exotica@munich.netsurf.de>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Dr. Death...
Date: 10 Mar 1999 13:06:27 +0100
> What the fuck does it have to do with exotica ?
> I guess the answer is to set your mail reader to
> automatically trash anything from the list with "obit" in the
> Subject...
> it should make us pause and reflect on just how lucky we are to be
> alive and able to listen to "exotica"!
> I congratulate Lou for spending the
> time and energy to differentiate between the thousands of UNexotic dead
> and those he lists.
> I use Lou's obits to add some flavor to my radio show.
> They're informative, and always relate, in my mind,
> to this list in some odd sort of way (just like postings of loungecore
> reissues, instrumental disco, french pop, radio playlists, Arthur Lyman,
> Cosy Cole and ebay listings all relate)
> Us exotica lovers, who already have a strong interest in that era, are
> perhaps the best people to pause, reflect, and sincerely feel glad that
> the recently deceased chose to take a risk and lead a creative life.
These answers can't satisfy... Let's face it: This list has developed to
an all-music list, if not general culture discussion forum. According to
the definition of the Exotica list Jack is right to ask the question. On
the other hand: I guess there is nobody in this list, who strictly
listens to Exotica only or wants to exclude all side-information about
the subjects, that come in.
Consequences? We can either close this list down, or leave it, or
reglement it, to make it fit to a more narrow definition, accepting,
that we run out of subjects or appreciate it despite the fact that it
has outgrown its original definition.
I for my part stay here and keep on looking for names that I know in
Lou's death lists.
#Exotica mailing list frequently asked questions at:
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Dr. Death...
Date: 10 Mar 1999 07:45:06 EST
In a message dated 3/10/99 7:08:07 AM Eastern Standard Time,
exotica@munich.netsurf.de writes:
<< What the fuck does it have to do with exotica ? >>
Now that one where the lava rock wall at Don Ho's theater fell on that dude
was about as exotic as it gets!
I want to see more like that!
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From: Bump <bumpy@megsinet.net>
Subject: (exotica) Dr Death and his obituaries
Date: 10 Mar 1999 08:01:55 -0500
>This list has developed to
>an all-music list
PUH-LEEEESE!!! 4 stars for the new InSync CD! its killer, and they're so cute!
>Consequences? We can either close this list down, or leave it, or
>reglement it, to make it fit to a more narrow definition
Just seems like healthy Evolution to me.
i mean how many times can you keep talking/reading about the same things?
Seems very "Duran Duran".
Lets get NARROW!!!
Maybe the list should be called "Fascistica"!!!
"You VILL talk about Esquivel, or you see this Vibra-Slap????"
>or appreciate it despite the fact that it
>has outgrown its original definition.
Now we're talkin'!
like the US Constitution!
may i rest in peace.
Universal DJ
Defective Records
"The future will be better tomorrow."
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
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From: Bump <bumpy@megsinet.net>
Subject: (exotica) Dr Death and his obituaries
Date: 10 Mar 1999 08:02:59 -0500
>So, Lou please make a personal and public appearance on the list to solve
>some mysteries for us. Why do you do it? Where do you get them from? Why do
>you feel that we need them? Why do you put so much time and effort into
>telling us about the dead?
NO, don't do it Lou!
if you do, make sure you say so in the Subject so i can delete it.
i like it the way it is, a mystery. Just out there looming.
>but I don't like
>reading posts containing obscenities which insult me.
I really do not know what to make of this???
Are you sure you didn't mean to send this to EXXXOTICA?
Holy Moly, by golly, just what the heck is so gosh darned obscene and insulting
on THIS list, for petes sake?
One (wo)mans Humor is another (wo)mans Insult.
"Humans are such easy prey" --DR. PRETORIUS
I am even boring myself now...back to the music, please.
Long Live Death!!!
P.S Question Mark and the Mysterians opening for The Make Up (What an EGO!)
at the Black Cat in Washington DC this Saturday.
Playing soon in Baltimore at Fletchers.
Universal DJ
"yeah baby, wooooo, alright, cheah" -- Question Mark
Universal DJ
Defective Records
"The future will be better tomorrow."
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
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From: Ross Orr <rotohut@ic.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) R.J. Smith Interview
Date: 10 Mar 1999 09:31:22 -0500
>> I know he owes an apology to everyone on this list for rather mediocre
>> liner notes on the Ultra Lounge series!
>> Ashley
>Boy do I agree on that! But somebody about 2 years ago said they roomed with
>him or something and he skipped out without repaying a loan or something.
Oh no, this again! That story originated with me. . . in about 1979 he was
dating one of my housemates at the U of Michigan (and writing music reviews
for the Michigan Daily, if you happen to have kept all your back issues).
He graduated and left town forgetting to repay a loan of, oh, $20 or
so from another friend of mine.
As I mentioned the last time, I would hate to be held accountable for every
bonehead thing *I* did when I was 20.
There was another R.J. Smith story, that I think he was arrested during an
FCC raid on a pirate radio ship operating off NYC? Anyone have details on
that one?
Now Ashley and others, about those liner notes. . . I know the UL notes are
mainly fluff, and I haven't seen the Denny ones, but I thought he got off
one or two interesting points about Baxter in the Capitol _Exotic Moods_
liner notes. Were there some inaccuracies in those too?
|| Ross "Mambo Frenzy" Orr <rotohut@ic.net>
|| Ann Arbor, Michigan USA
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Dr. Death...
Date: 10 Mar 1999 07:41:50 EST
In a message dated 3/9/99 9:20:34 PM Eastern Standard Time,
bcleve@pop.tiac.net writes:
<< Plus, it's not like Lou is sending
out huge .exe files or attachments or anything >>
Or the Happy99.exe virus laiden download . . . .
Hummmmmmmm, it seem to escape me at the moment just who sent that one and I
can't remember the arguement for it being an exotica related issue. I guess
if my computer woulda crashed that would have been exotic.
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From: "Nathan Miner" <nminer@jhmi.edu>
Subject: (exotica) Peter Thomas.....
Date: 10 Mar 1999 09:38:04 -0500
Hey, just saw "Warp Back to Earth" (Box Set) on Amazon.com and was =
wondering if this is worthwhile?
I have Futuremusick and LOVE it. Is there much from that disc repeated on =
the box set?
Comments? Comments?
- Nate
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From: "Indy Rutks" <rutks002@tc.umn.edu>
Subject: RE: (exotica) Dr Death and his obituaries
Date: 10 Mar 1999 09:55:17 -0600
On Wednesday, March 10, 1999, Bump wrote:
> >So, Lou please make a personal and public appearance on the list to solve
> >some mysteries for us. Why do you do it? Where do you get them
> from? Why do
> >you feel that we need them? Why do you put so much time and effort into
> >telling us about the dead?
> NO, don't do it Lou!
> if you do, make sure you say so in the Subject so i can delete it.
> i like it the way it is, a mystery. Just out there looming.
Good point, Bump. It's like the mysterious figure that leaves flowers and a
bottle of cognac at Edgar Allan Poe's gravesite every year on Poe's
birthday. It's better to not know...
-Indy Rutks (rutks002@tc.umn.edu)
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From: "Charles Moseley" <Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-EXTERNAL@MCKINSEY.COM>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Peter Thomas.....
Date: 10 Mar 1999 15:32:56 +0000
Talking of Peter Thomas, does anybody on the list have the knowledge to
tell me 1. Which Peter Thomas song was sampled by Pulp for This Is
Hardcore, 2. Which CD the song is from and 3. (the toughie) Which LP this
originally appeared on.
Thanks guys and gals
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From: "Robert McKenna" <rmckenna@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Peter Thomas.....
Date: 10 Mar 1999 08:22:16 PST
1 'Bolero on the moon rocks'
2 'Raumpatrouille' was reissued on CD by Bungalow last year.
3 'Raumpatrouille' on Philiips, Germany. The original is not
particularly rare or difficult to get, but if it is (now) the kind
people at Bungalow also reissued on CD
>Talking of Peter Thomas, does anybody on the list have the knowledge to
>tell me 1. Which Peter Thomas song was sampled by Pulp for This Is
>Hardcore, 2. Which CD the song is from and 3. (the toughie) Which LP
>originally appeared on.
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
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From: "Kevin C." <kevin@kevdo.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) R.J. Smith Interview
Date: 10 Mar 1999 08:42:07 -0800
Ross Orr wrote:
> Now Ashley and others, about those liner notes. . . I know the UL notes are
> mainly fluff, and I haven't seen the Denny ones, but I thought he got off
> one or two interesting points about Baxter in the Capitol _Exotic Moods_
> liner notes. Were there some inaccuracies in those too?
I also thought the Baxter notes were pretty good (except for the section which
basically said Denny was "sipping drinks in Hawaii" until he started playing
"Quiet Village". Even if that was true, this is the same guy who wrote glowingly
about Denny in the Denny comp... Seems a little bit "two-faced").
I think the Denny Scamp liner notes are wonderful! (Note: Denny had a couple
inaccuracies too, including saying Don the Beachcomber invented the Mai Tai...
it really was Trader Vic). But I also think the notes to the UL stuff is good
too, especially as an introduction to this stuff for the "uninitiated". Way back
when, I appreciated the Mondo Exotica notes as a way to get my feet wet.
Kevin Crossman
The Search for the Ultimtate Mai Tai
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) R.J. Smith AND Dr. Death
Date: 10 Mar 1999 11:41:26 EST
In a message dated 03/10/99 9:32:18 AM Eastern Standard Time, rotohut@ic.net
writes about the Smith being a dead beat issue:
<< Oh no, this again! That story originated with me. . . in about 1979 >>
I just love this dirt. Just add water and you got mud. Sling some more.
Oh, and on the line of the appropriate exotica material, just who did send
that Happy99.exe file to all the list members????
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From: "SANDBERG MAGNUS" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: SV: (exotica) Dr. Death...
Date: 10 Mar 1999 16:30:25 +0100
><< Plus, it's not like Lou is sending
> out huge .exe files or attachments or anything >>
>Or the Happy99.exe virus laiden download . . . .=20
>Hummmmmmmm, it seem to escape me at the moment just who sent that one =
and I
>can't remember the arguement for it being an exotica related issue. I =
>if my computer woulda crashed that would have been exotic.
Hey what are you talking about here! That Happy99.exe was actually a =
program that connected itself to emails, I may have been the one that =
infected the list because I had that bug in my system. I am glad Jack =
warned us and also sended a description of what to do about it, because =
I know nothing of such stuff.
I think this discussion about Lous postings is ridiculous, and =
especially when it comes to personal vendettas.
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From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
Subject: (exotica) HELLS BELLE'S OST!!!
Date: 10 Mar 1999 12:02:53 -0800
New LP Add, Limited Edition Release
Les Baxter's "Hell's Belles" (Sidewalk Records ST-5919 )
Released 1969 from American International Pictures
Starring Jeremy Slate and Adam Roarke !
$12.50 + Shipping/Insurance
Totally fuckin' cool and great Biker soundtrack with fuzz and some
serious 60's pseudo-psychedelic/
psychedelic Go Go Now Sounds.
1 just sold on EBay for $70 +++
See it here; http://www.jackdiamond.to/houseofgames/helles_belles.JPG
And here; http://www.jackdiamond.to/houseofgames/helles_belles_label.JPG
"Wheels", "Hell's Belles", "Soul Groove", "Dan's Theme", "Hot Wind",
"Take it From Me", "Chain Fight", "Travelin' Man", "Dan Again", "Hogin'
Machine","Scoobee Doo" & "Goin' Home"
Get 'em while you can, they are going to go fasssssssssssssssssst!
$12.50 + Shipping/Insurance
Thanks to all and long live the world wide web!
Jack Diamond Music
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) who is Luther Price?
Date: 10 Mar 1999 14:33:00 -0500
A Boston film-maker wants to work with my band, AstroSlut. He says he was
mentored by Luther Price, supposedly some soft-porn magnate...
Y'all know who Luther Price is?
Curiously unyellow, Jane Fondle
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From: chuck <chuckmk@yahoo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Vinyl Finds, Denny Etc
Date: 10 Mar 1999 12:19:22 -0800 (PST)
I was walking past a bookstore in New Orleans and lo and behold there
were all these exotic record albums basking in the sun outside the
Grabbed a handful for free and went inside and spent a cool $17 on 16
more. All the albums are in good condition. The ones with ?? I don't
know anything about. Any info you have is helpful to me and welcome.
Thanks in advance
"The Versatile Martin Denny" "Plays Theme from Mondo Cane. More
Sukiyaki" (Liberty)
What kind of Martin Deny Album is this? Is it a real Denny record?
Enoch Light "Persuasive Percussion Vol 2"
Ame Caline and Raymond Lefevre & His Orchestra "Soul Coaxing ??
Brass Ring "The Disadvantages of You" ??
Enoch Light's "Its Happening So Lets Dance"
Brass Ring "The Now Sound Of featuring Phil Bodner"
"POP SPECIAL" on Command Records VA
The Howard Roberts Quartet" "Out Of Sight" ??
Les Reed "Love Is All" on Phase 4 label ??
Harry Robinson Orchestra "Moody & Magnificent" ??
Anita Kerr Singers "Velvet Voices & Bold Brass"
Manznilla Sound "Make Mine Manzanilla" ??
Provocative Percussion Vol III Enoch Light
Anita Kerr Singers "All You Need is Love"
"Hugo Winterhalter Goes LATIN"
Juan Torres "Organo Melodico" ??
Anita Kerr Singers "Reflect"
" " " "Slightly Baroque"
Georgie Auld and his Sextet "Good Enough To Keep"??
Ray Charles Singers "Songs For Lonesome Lovers"
Billy Vaughn "Thats Life"
Woody Herman "Light My Fire"
Los Hermanos Castro "Yo sin ti" ??
Longines Symphnette "Enchanted Island"
Peggy Lee "Latin ala Lee!"
Andy Williams "Days of Wine & Roses"
VA "Taking It Easy"
Midnight String Quartet "Rhapsodies for Young Lovers" ??
Living marimbas "Sugar Sugar & Other Hits"
Terry Baxter, His Orchestra & Chorus "Feeling Groovy"
Woody Herman "Jazz Hoot"
Mexacali Brass "Downtown"
The Bossa Nova Pops, Joe Harnell, "Fly Me To The Moon"
Sandy Nelson "Let There Be Drums"
Coniff "Say It With Music"
Its time to dust off the moving coil cartridge on my Stax tonearm and
give these guys and gals a listen. Won't be firing my laser up for a
while There's nothing like the vinyl record cover as all of you
know. And the price! It was the cost of one cd! I use to haunt
vinyl stores for Cugat/ Prado etc in the late 70's & 80s but all the
exotica cds of the 90s have kept me quite busy (and broke). Now it
seems like the Big Easy will be good for vinyl hunting. Its hard to
imagine all the wild cats listening to exotic music in the French
Quarter in the 50s & 60s. All of these records came from one person's
collection according to the store. From some of the other records for
sale it looked like he traveled to Mexico in the mid 60s. He (or she)
certainly had a taste for the exotic.
Easy listenin in the Big Easy
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Peggy Cass, Herman L. Weisman, Sidney Gottlieb
Date: 10 Mar 1999 15:44:58 -0600
NEW YORK (AP) -- Peggy Cass, who won a 1957 Tony for her portrayal of Agnes
Gooch in ``Auntie Mame'' on Broadway and reprised the role on film, has
died. She was 74.
Ms. Cass died at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, said David
Williams, her agent.
``She was just a great comedienne,'' Williams said. ``You just have to
remember her for her generous spirit and her charming personality and her
quick one-liners.''
Agnes Gooch was Mame's young secretary. Ms. Cass won a Tony for the role on
stage and was nominated for an Academy Award for the film musical ``Mame''
starring Rosalind Russell.
Ms. Cass made her Broadway debut in ``Touch and Go'' and later acted in
``Bernadine'' and ``Oh, Men, Oh, Women.'' She also starred in ``A Thurber
Carnival,'' ``The Front Page'' and ``Agnes of God'' on stage.
Movie credits included ``The Marrying Kind'' (1952), ``Gidget Goes
Hawaiian'' (1961) and ``If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium'' (1969).
She is survived by her husband, Eugene Feeney.
March 10, 1999
Peggy Cass, 74, an Actress; Won Tony in 'Auntie Mame'
NEW YORK -- Peggy Cass, a brassy-voiced comedian best known for her
portrayal of the pregnant, unwed secretary in "Auntie Mame," died on Monday
at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital in Manhattan. She was 74 and had homes
in Manhattan and Westhampton, N.Y.
The cause was heart failure, Eugene Feeney, her husband and only
survivor, said.
Born in Boston, Mary Margaret Cass succumbed to the lure of Broadway
and moved to New York at 19 after spending three years in the Cambridge
Latin School drama club without winning a single speaking role.
After turns as a stenographer, telephone operator, advertising
solicitor and model, she finally convinced a producer that she was an
actress. She was cast in a USO tour of "The Doughgirls" and spent seven
months in Australia without stepping into costume because the U.S. Army had
by then moved to the Philippines.
Her break came when, as an understudy, she took over for Jan Sterling
in Chicago in the national tour of "Born Yesterday." Soon after, the
producer George Abbott hired her for the 1949 Broadway musical "Touch and Go."
But it was the role of the dimwitted secretary, Agnes Gooch, in the
1956 Broadway show "Auntie Mame" with which Ms. Cass was most associated.
Her performance earned her a Tony Award for best supporting actress. She was
nominated for an Academy Award for her work in the 1958 film version.
By the late 1950s, Ms. Cass' facility for brash repartee landed her
regular appearances on the television quiz show "Keep Talking." She also
appeared often on "The Jack Paar Show" in the late '50s and early '60s.
The possessor of an encyclopedic mind, she could be seen during the
'60s as often as seven times a week on the quiz shows "Match Game,"
"Password" and "To Tell the Truth."
*Herman L. Weisman
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) -- Herman L. Weisman, a former New York
prosecutor who took on the likes of mobsters Lucky Luciano and Bugsy Siegel,
died Sunday at 95.
Weisman was a Harvard Law graduate who won appointment to special posts in
the New York attorney general's office.
He helped prosecute members of Murder Inc., a gang of contract killers
organized by Luciano and Siegel.
Later, in private practice, Weisman counted Eleanor Roosevelt among his
He also served as president of several Zionist organizations.
WASHINGTON, Va. (AP) -- Sidney Gottlieb, who oversaw CIA experiments during
the Cold War that included the use of LSD and other mind-altering drugs on
unwitting test subjects, has died at age 80.
Gottlieb died Sunday in this small town near the Blue Ridge Mountains where
he had spent his final years tending to dying people in a hospice. His
family withheld the cause of his death.
The CIA experiments with psychedelics, a project called MKUltra, began at a
time when the agency feared the Soviet Union might use LSD as a chemical
weapon or that China would perfect brainwashing techniques.
``We were in a World War II mode,'' John Gittinger, a CIA psychologist who
described Gottlieb as one of the most brilliant men he had ever known, told
The New York Times. ``The war never really ended for us.''
During the 1950s and early '60s, the CIA gave psychedelic drugs to hundreds
of Americans who were unaware that they were part of the agency's
experiments on mind control.
The subjects ranged from prisoners and mental patients to military officers
and college students. At least one subject died, others went insane and
others were damaged psychologically, according to firsthand testimony,
government documents and court
Shortly before his retirement in 1972, Gottlieb concluded that the
experiments had been useless.
Gottlieb was also involved in CIA assassination plots, the Times reported.
During the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations, he carried out orders to
develop a poison handkerchief to kill an Iraqi colonel, toxic gifts for
Fidel Castro and a poison dart to kill a leftist leader in the Congo. None
of the plots succeeded.
After leaving the CIA, Gottlieb and his wife, Margaret, ran a leprosy
hospital in India for 18 months. They bought a small farm near Boston, Va.,
about 10 miles northwest of Culpeper, and indulged in folk dancing and goat
herding, two lifelong hobbies.
See also:
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) The Mysterious Virus of Dr. Death
Date: 10 Mar 1999 14:27:59 -0500
Oh, this stuff is getting silly.
First, I highly doubt that anyone has been infected via this list (keeping
in mind the "y'never know" factor).
A virus in an .exe file will not infect your system unless you *run* it.
Delete it without monkeying with it and you're safe. And I don't remember
an .exe file attachment ever coming through from Exotica. I don't really
remember *any* attachments coming through from Exotica (which is a good
thing, as it's bad manners to send attachments through mailing lists).
Maybe Xmission wisely chops out any attachments?
The other major known source for a virus is a Word macro file (as in
Microsoft Word). Again, it would be an attachment (a Word document?) --
don't open it, just delete it -- and you're safe.
Now as for Lou's obits, we just hashed through this several months ago, and
there was a pretty clear majority in favor of them. They're clearly marked
as "obit(s)" in the subject line -- easily deleted unread or filtered out
automatically. May we please move on?
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: Michael Hibarger <hibarger@cportcorp.com>
Subject: (exotica) Keely Smith & l.a. Eyeworks
Date: 10 Mar 1999 16:16:16 -0500
I looked for Keely on the L.A. Eyeworks website and then I sent them email
asking why she wasn't on there yet. This is what they sent back: Feel free
to tell them how cool Keely it is that they have her!
----->from l.a. Eyeworks...
Wow! Great to hear from you. We love Keely! Did you know she was just
inducted into the Las Vegas Casino Performers Hall of Fame?
Keely's image is soon to be up on our site. She wears our new Carlisle.
Did you see the ad in a magazine?
The l.a.Eyeworkers
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From: Peter Risser <risser@goodnews.net>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Dr. Death
Date: 10 Mar 1999 16:53:08 -0500
As for the obits, I don't mind a few, but in the last digest, there were
several large obits posted for, I think Stan Kubrick (I didn't read 'em).
They took up more than half the digest. I will say, if you're going to
post any huge obits, or multiple obits for the same person,
how about just posting the links?
No need to copy an entire web page to the list.
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From: chuck <chuckmk@yahoo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Jungle Jive (Go Exotic)
Date: 10 Mar 1999 14:05:43 -0800 (PST)
Its more of the same from the Del Fi label. Nothing real interesting
other then the jungle "Chants" at the very begining and end of the cd.
These cuts are wild and crazy screaming and chanting, with lots of
chaos in the background, though they are not recorded well.
The rest of the cd is rather just okay surf car music without any
Easy listening in the Big Easy
---"Kevin C." wrote:
anyone familiar with this CD, Jungle Jive, go exotic with Kari Wuher!
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: Re: (exotica) Dr. Death...
Date: 10 Mar 1999 17:04:47 EST
In a message dated 3/10/99 8:08:07 AM, exotica@munich.netsurf.de wrote:
>I for my part stay here and keep on looking for names that I know in
>Lou's death lists.
But you may be missing something if you look only for names you know. Its the
names, records, events, films, books, personalities, etc of those NOT KNOWN,
but just now discovered that make this such a good time, for me at least. Its
like stepping through the looking glass. The other side, so appealing, has
been there all along! I just didn't know it. Exotica is more than music, lets
face it. It is the Great Unknown. Keep the list growing. Let it go where it
wants I say. Its more fun that way....Jimmy Botticelli
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From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
Subject: (exotica) New CD Add:Jean Jacques Perrey-Good Moog !!!
Date: 10 Mar 1999 14:26:20 -0800
Hello Don,
New REISSUE CD of (the great) Jean Jacques Perrey's music from the 1960's
and early 1970's, ONLY AVAILABLE IN FRANCE and EUROPE, UNTIL...now!!!
$20 plus shipping
You heard/read it here 1st!
Jean Jacques Perrey: GOOD MOOG; Astral Animations & Komputer Kartoons
Borborygmus, Crazy Crow and Daffyduck, La-Bas, Boys and Girls, Colonie
Celeste, The Melancholy Mule, La Panthere Cosmique, Quand Le Temps Serr
Venu, One Two Two, Comical Logos, The Old Bell Ringer, The Percolators,
Toy Town Parade, Brazilian Chick, Russian Rump, Kiyouli Le Clown,
Pizzicato Polka, Mod Ghost, Blues in 3/4 Time, L'Horloge Hantee, Bal
Campagnard, Waltzing The Weasel, Musique De L'Infini, Fusee Dans Le Ciel,
In Texas Tonight, Dancing Silhouette, Krazy Cat Rag, Rush Hour-Traffic Jam,
Washing Machine, Moogy Boogy, Sailors Delight, El Payaso, Funny Blues,
Madder Than Mad, One Zero Zero, Glockenspiel Gavotte, Kiddie Kappers,
Chronophonic, Moog Sensations (and last but certainly, not least) Indicatif
Totally brilliant, fun, funny, funky, cartooney, psychedelic and seriously
wonderful, like you CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE, no shit. 10 stars onna scale of
Music for commercials that WE ALL HAVE GROWN UP WITH, music for cartoons
WITH HAVE ALL GROWN UP WITH!!! and more!!!!!!!!!
It's Pop, it's Psychedelic, It's Jean Jacques Perrey on the Moog and
Ondioline with Tape Manipulations, with rhythm accompaniment like Vinnie
Bell-Electric Guitar and Effects, Bass, Drums and Percussion.
It's fuckin' awesome.
Available now. $20 plus shipping
Inquire within.
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From: Bump <bumpy@megsinet.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Peter Thomas.....
Date: 10 Mar 1999 17:47:35 -0500
>Hey, just saw "Warp Back to Earth" (Box Set) on Amazon.com and was
>wondering if this is worthwhile?
>I have Futuremusick and LOVE it. Is there much from that disc repeated on
>the box set?
Futuremusik is one of THE best discs i have ever heard!
as far as repeated tunes,
I doubt it...
i think the first disc is all remixes by exotically influenced folks, Tipsy
for one, and the second disc is supposedly all "unrealeased" material.
I just called my local record store about this yesterday.
I just ordered the vinyl version.
Universal DJ
Defective Records
"The future will be better tomorrow."
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) death, exotica, Kurt Weill
Date: 10 Mar 1999 17:29:17 -0500
When I first joined this list in 1996, I sheepishly asked a question about
a singer named Georgia Brown, who recorded an entire album of Kurt Weill
songs. I prefaced my query by saying, "now, I know this isn't exactly
exotica." I got a lot of responses saying "Oh, but lounge standards are
exotic, and that fits in, etc." Jello Biara says he was influenced by Les
Baxter, who in turn ran around and bragged about it. ON another list to
which I belong, "Bomp!", so named after a seminal punk/new wave label,
they occasionally yammer about Joe Meek or Keely Smith or hell, Lenny Dee.
My point is I believe so much good music is all related: intellectually,
artistically, aesthetically...So, I disagree that this hath become an "All
music list".
Just be careful if you ever join the Scott Walker list for tolerance. I
got flamed for bringing up one of this idols, Frank Sinatra.
Oh yeah, and we're all gonna die, so keep up them obits, Lou.
Fondling ya'll - Jane F.
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Death? Still On That Rag???
Date: 10 Mar 1999 18:01:51 EST
In a message dated 03/10/99 5:58:19 PM Eastern Standard Time,
laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com writes:
<< So, I disagree that this hath become an "All
music list". >>
So does anybody have any comments on Eubie Blake?
Just curious,
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From: Bump <bumpy@megsinet.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Death? Still On That Rag???
Date: 10 Mar 1999 18:50:21 -0500
><< So, I disagree that this hath become an "All
> music list". >>
>So does anybody have any comments on Eubie Blake?
>Just curious,
Dead,from BALTIMORE and played the piano! that is the extent of my knowledge!
a fellow Baltimoron
bump (listening to Frank Zappa-another baltimoron that played the guitar)
Universal DJ
Defective Records
"The future will be better tomorrow."
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) fwd: David Ackles obit
Date: 10 Mar 1999 16:13:51 -0600
DAVID ACKLES (American singer-songwriter)
Hello - My name is Martin Lewis. And I=92ve been proud to have been a=
of David Ackles since 1971. It is with great regret that I write to tell
you that David has just passed on - succumbing to cancer after a long, brave
(I think the three Elektra albums are still available on CD in the UK.
Elektra in the USA has shown no interest in releasing them. The fourth album
- made for Columbia - has never been issued on CD anywhere.)
I can tell you that a couple of months ago I collected together all the
appreciations I could find on the web and in news groups about David and
gave him a print-out on the last occasion I saw him - Christmas Day 1998.
He was very touched by the appreciation of his work - and the concerns
expressed about his health by those who were aware of his illness..
I know that his surviving family - including his wife Janice, son George,
sisters Sally and Kim and his mother Queenie, would be very moved to read
any thoughts that admirers of David=92s work might have.
Since I am not very good at reading news groups - may I ask that you please
e-mail a copy to me of anything you post or read from others (perhaps also
giving me the link) so that I can forward all tributes to the family.
A memorial service for family and friends will be held in California on
Saturday March 20th - so I would love to have some tributes from admirers to
share with the family on that day.
So far I have discovered one website dedicated to David Ackles. It is run by
a fan called Brian Mathieson e-mail: mathieson@msn.com
I do hope that as time goes by that other fans will feel moved to emulate
this site and create their own cyber-tributes so that there are several
lasting memorials to this great - and vastly under-rated artist. As someone
who was lucky enough to have been one of his many friends - I can say that
he was truly a gift to the world as a person as much as an artist.
On behalf of his family and his other friends - I thank you very much.
Martin Lewis martin@martinlewis.com
One of America's most gifted - and most under-appreciated singer-songwriters
- the great David Ackles - passed away in L.A. last Tuesday - March 2nd
after a long, brave battle with cancer. He was a very young 62. He is
survived by his his wife Janice, son George, sisters Sally and Kim and his
mother Queenie.
A memorial service at which his family and friends will celebrate his life
and work will be held in California on: Saturday March 20th 1999. Messages
from admirers of his work would be most valued by his family. Please send
messages to the Ackles family c/o Martin Lewis ackles@martinlewis.com
Those who wish to make a donation in his memory may do so to any of the
following three organizations:
University of Southern California School of Theater =95 University Park =95
L.A. =95 CA 90089 Attention: Dean Robert Scales (tel: 213 740 1285)
The Lehman Engel Musical Theater Workshop =95 335 North Brand Boulevard =95
Glendale =95 CA 91203 Attention: John Sparks (tel: 818 502 3309)
All Saints Episcopal Church =95 132 North Euclid Avenue =95 Pasadena =95 CA
91101 Attention: Ackles Memorial Fund (tel: 626 796 1172)
1968 David Ackles (Elektra)
1968 The Road to Cairo (Elektra)
1970 Subway to the Country (Elektra)
1972 American Gothic (Elektra)=20
1973 Five & Dime (Columbia)=20
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Vinyl Finds, Denny Etc
Date: 10 Mar 1999 21:39:12 -0500
At 12:19 PM 3/10/99 -0800, chuck wrote:
>I was walking past a bookstore in New Orleans and lo and behold there
>were all these exotic record albums basking in the sun outside the
>Grabbed a handful for free and went inside and spent a cool $17 on 16
>Brass Ring "The Disadvantages of You" ??
>Brass Ring "The Now Sound Of featuring Phil Bodner"
Brass Ring for a buck is not a particularly great score, price-wise. I've
spent as much as four bucks for them but you can find them for a buck.
Having said that, I consider The Brass Ring to be the absolute center of
"The Now Sound". Sometimes they get a bit too "Tijuana Brass-y" but at
their best, they define that sound for me. I have both those records; the
second one is a bit better. The tune "Amy's Theme" from the film "You're a
big boy now", is a nice surprise.
>The Howard Roberts Quartet" "Out Of Sight" ??
This is the real score as far as I'm concerned. As one of our fellow
list-ers found out, I love these mid-60's Howard Roberts records with
various cool organ players rounding out the quartets. And this particular
record is probably the best of the ten or so that I love.
>Les Reed "Love Is All" on Phase 4 label ??
Cool cover on that one. The girl with the psychedelic body-paint-job. The
version of "Something in the air" is remarkably close to the original if
you ask me, even though it is a choir singing the lyrics.
>Manznilla Sound "Make Mine Manzanilla" ??
Speaking of classic Now Sound, this record has a version of "Mammy Blue"
which I've probably put on more tapes than any tune in my accumulation.
There's a great little organ break on it. Also check out the tune "Land
for Lovers". Don't know if that's a cover song but it's a great
pseudo-soundtrack cut.
>Anita Kerr Singers "All You Need is Love"
>Anita Kerr Singers "Reflect"
The Anita Kerr Singers absolutely transcend that whole crappy choir/unison
singing Living Voices/Doodletown Pipers/Ray Conniff Singers genre. If you
like that stuff, this is the cream de la crap.
>Georgie Auld and his Sextet "Good Enough To Keep"??
I now take off my Now Sound hat and don my Canadian flag-waver hat and
point out that Georgie Auld dubbed the sax parts for Robert DeNiro in "New
York New York". I assume this is a pretty straight ahead jazz record. I
have an album of Georgie Auld 78's so that kind of indicates how long his
career was.
>Woody Herman "Light My Fire"
He does a pretty good version of that tune. If you're looking for jazz
rock "fusion" records that you overlooked the first time around and you
don't want endless noodling guitar solos, check out Woody's end-of-career
>Peggy Lee "Latin ala Lee!"
Latin music on downers. Cool record.
>Living marimbas "Sugar Sugar & Other Hits"
I'd buy this.
>Sandy Nelson "Let There Be Drums"
Not his best record. In fact, these earlier drum-centred Sandy Nelson
records almost sound like they were made by a different band than his later
sixties records like "Superdrums" and "Rebirth of the Beat" which were much
more organ and guitar centred. Still, I have this one and I seldom pass up
a Sandy record.
All in all a pretty great score. Never thought of New Orleans as a good
record shopping spot but when I go visit my buddy in Mobile, we'll have to
set aside a little extra time in New Orleans.
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: (exotica) Chris Dedrick dreams
Date: 10 Mar 1999 21:39:14 -0500
On the off chance that any of you Free Design fanatics have ever wondered
if there's any of that "F.D aesthetic" in Chris Dedrick's soundtrack work
these days, let me tell you that you didn't miss anything if you missed the
pilot episode of the new Canadian melodrama "The City".
There actually was a snippet or two of frothy pop songs somewhere in the
mix. For no discernible reason. But most of it was that tired late 80's
"fake urban" sound with wailing sax and screaming guitars that I heard more
than enough of in another late unlamented Canadian TV series "Night Heat".
No knock against Mr.Dedrick. The show is first class cliched crap and I'm
sure they wanted a corresponding cliched soundtrack.
I can imagine that if I had some musical hero who was now doing soundtrack
work I would have drooling fantasies about it. So I just thought I'd tell
you Dedrickophiles to stop drooling. For now.
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From: PrimoChuck@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Vinyl Finds
Date: 10 Mar 1999 22:09:22 EST
I recently picked up....still sealed for $10 ....a box set of LPs on RCA
60 Greatest Hits featuring
Ann Margaret, Rosemary Clooney, Bing Crosby, Esquivel, John Gary, Marty
Gold, Morton Gould, Ray Hartley, Skitch Henderson, Hugo & Luigi Chorus, Norman
Luboff Choir, Peter Nero, Perez Prado, Hugo Winterhalter
I picked it up as it had some promise and I didn't have any Esquivel on vinyl
and probably would never find anything, albeit a complilation, still sealed on
vinyl of Esquivel.
I am always leery of opening the shrink wrap on such things and was wondering:
1) Does this have any value?
2) Any great tracks on this set?
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From: James G <jamesbg@home.com>
Subject: (exotica) Back Door to Exotica
Date: 10 Mar 1999 19:13:01 -0800
IMHO the discussion of movie/tv scores and soundtracks here is what
opens up the exotica list back door to many genres and helps keeps this
list alive. In comes beatnik & crime jazz, blaxsploitation funk, Mancini
magic and mush, monster movies, exoterotica, psych & surf, Barry & Rota
& Herrmann & Takemitsu, schlock & roll et cetera (but NOT Peter Cetera).
So call it exotic, incredibly strange, cool & strange, psychotronic,
lounge, EZ, or pure unadulterated crap, I'm glad to be alive with ears
to hear. Quite a century of music we've had, Caruso to Combustible
Edison. What's next ? Who have we missed ? Stay tuned...
"Open your ears and LISTEN Goddamn!" - Rahsaan Roland Kirk
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From: Brad Bigelow <spaceagepop@earthlink.net>
Subject: (exotica) Sounds Impossible
Date: 02 Mar 1999 12:26:44
Stumbled across a Marty Gold album I'd never heard of, from 1971 on the
Audio Fidelity label:
Sounds Impossible
Marty Gold and his orchestra Presenting the Electrifying Sounds of Donald
Audio Fidelity AFSD 6428
Donald Hulme "is recognized as the international accordion champion" and
plays the Cordovox, a "new electronic instrument" that "has unlimited sound
combinations and can imitate more than 20 instruments." Donald is shown
modelling Seinfeld's puffy shirt with Marty on the back.
Tunes include a sample of then-current hits: "Classical Gas," "Close to
You," Spinning Wheel," "Overture from 'Tommy'," "Soulful Strut." Don's
Cordovox sounds like a wheezy Moog, often coming in unexpectedly in a
grating minor key. Marty's arrangements are nothing special, the standard
strings and things background. Close your eyes and you can imagine
yourself in 1971, sitting in one of the "supper clubs in seventeen
countries" that Don's appeared in. Your parents smile approvingly--"See,
he plays your kind of music, too." You fantasize about killing them, and
Don, and running off with that waitress over there. If only you had more
than a learner's permit.
C'mon Don, play that "Soulful Strut" one more time!
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From: G.R.Reader@bton.ac.uk
Subject: (exotica) 101 Strings
Date: 11 Mar 1999 14:43:40 -0000
Got my first 101 strings record - music from the 60's (?), no inner
sleeve, marked cover, lots of scratches but plays OK, 50pence only.
At first I thought it was like a super Mantovani LP, but halfway
through the second side something clicked. I don't know what. Where
does this fit with the other 101 strings LP's, the only ones mentioned
on the sleeve were
Music of the 30's (possibly)
Music of the 40's
Music of the 50's
Although I've seen the 101 strings mentioned on the list more than once,
I don't remember any of these titles, so I'm assuming they are not the
best. Any recommendations?
I also saw Ferrante and Teischers (excuse spelling) Music from Exodus
and other Songs in another charity shop. It had no mention of prepared
piano's and I had great fitting suit for only ten pounds (the only ten
pounds I had) in the other hand, so I left the LP in the box. Was this
a mistake?
El Maestro Con Queso
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.net>
Subject: (exotica) 101 Strings
Date: 11 Mar 1999 09:55:58 -0500
>I also saw Ferrante and Teischers (excuse spelling) Music from Exodus
>and other Songs in another charity shop. It had no mention of prepared
>piano's and I had great fitting suit for only ten pounds (the only ten
>pounds I had) in the other hand, so I left the LP in the box. Was this
>a mistake?
No, unless you wished to hear lush renditions of soundtrack music. There isn't
any prepared piano work on this record, so you made the right choice, in my
opinion. In the shops here (Atlanta, GA), you can buy F&T soundtrack albums by
the metric ton, which is why I was surprised when I saw their guest shot on
Ernie Kovacs' show, plucking and scraping the strings.
Brian Phillips
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From: "Charles Moseley" <Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-EXTERNAL@MCKINSEY.COM>
Subject: Re: (exotica) 101 Strings
Date: 11 Mar 1999 15:17:45 +0000
If something clicked halfway through side 2, I suggest giving it a good
clean. In fact, take it back to the charity shop so that the next hapless
customer may experience the same sensations. Astro Sounds is the only 101
strings record I have ever heard that comes close to being good (and even
that one doesn't come very high on the scale of most desirable records).
Generally, 101 strings, with or without Les Baxter should be left to rest
in peace in charity shops where they belong. Don't try to move them.
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From: Chazbam@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Exchange proposition for exotic music lovers
Date: 11 Mar 1999 05:25:41 EST
Hello exotic music lovers
You are talking about exotic music all day long and all of this looks very
attractive and fun ! What about trying to share more than infos ?
My name is David Chazam, I'm a musician, maybe you heard about me because I
made some cool&strange records in my life (one of the last was with Jean
Jacques Perrey...) ---- ----- I try to be an exotic musician, because
first of all, I'm also an exotic music lover... My collection of vinyls
contains some funny very exotic treasures from everywhere -- -- I usually
spend my time playing them as a dj, and sharing them with my friends...
I'm also a TAPE lover, and I love to send tapes and to receive them
Tape is great media for music lovers, and I got hundred of them
I've got a friendly proposition :
I make sometimes some compilations of the weirdest and nicest stuff I have, on
tapes called "Compi for me & my friends"
I can send one of those tapes if you do send me before one tape made like this
by yourself...
If you're interested please send me an email, I'll tell you more
This idea of exchanging tapes is mine now, but I do encourage you to steal it
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Denny Goes Easy
Date: 11 Mar 1999 07:43:04 EST
I picked up a copy of Exotic Love by Martin Denny. Not Exotic but Denny none
the less. It has:
The Look of Love
Mac Arthur's Park
I Say A Little
Love Is All Around
More on the easy listening side but with the typical lucious babe on the
cover. This one has a throng on that shows the cleveage and she is
seductively holding grapes to her mouth.
What is interesting is under that is an inscription written in pen:
Happy Birthday
I guess Jack knew what his mother liked but still, that cover did not look
like the kind of album I would give my mother for her birthday.
I wonder where "mother" is now. Lou probably has a line on that.
Just an observation.
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From: "Charles Moseley" <Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-EXTERNAL@MCKINSEY.COM>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Exchange proposition for exotic music lovers
Date: 11 Mar 1999 15:46:44 +0000
Is this something to do with Jack D?
Or is it someone having a laugh?
If you're interested please send me an email, I'll tell you more
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From: Bissia <eyecon@dma.be>
Subject: (exotica) Barbarella
Date: 11 Mar 1999 17:30:31 +0100
Hi ho,
i just aquired the Barbarella soundtrack reissue
it is perefct as the original and comes in red color vinyl,
however my pickup jump at the end of each sides groove
because they seam to have scracthed the space where
the serie number is !!!
Why do they do that ?
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From: "Lou's Myth" <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Denny Goes Easy
Date: 11 Mar 1999 11:44:07 -0600
At 07:43 AM 3/11/99 EST, Robert wrote:
>I picked up a copy of Exotic Love by Martin Denny.
>What is interesting is under that is an inscription written in pen:
>Happy Birthday
>To: Mother
>From: Jack
>I guess Jack knew what his mother liked but still, that cover did not look
>like the kind of album I would give my mother for her birthday.
>I wonder where "mother" is now. Lou probably has a line on that.
"Mother"'s not dead. She's only sleeping.
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From: "Charles Moseley" <Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-EXTERNAL@MCKINSEY.COM>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Barbarella
Date: 11 Mar 1999 16:46:24 +0000
i just aquired the Barbarella soundtrack reissue
it is perefct as the original and comes in red color vinyl,
however my pickup jump at the end of each sides groove
because they seam to have scracthed the space where
the serie number is !!!
Why do they do that ?
Bootleg bootleg bootleg!
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From: JayMan282@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Denny and Liberty Records
Date: 11 Mar 1999 12:07:08 EST
Does anybody know what the reason(s) were for Martin Denny's departure from
Liberty records? Didn't he leave in 1969/1970? Did he continue to record after
that? Was it becuase the label folded? Any info you can give would be much
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From: Moritz R <exotica@munich.netsurf.de>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Dr Death and his obituaries
Date: 11 Mar 1999 18:22:57 +0100
Bump wrote:
> >This list has developed to
> >an all-music list
> PUH-LEEEESE!!! 4 stars for the new InSync CD! its killer, and they're so cute!
> >Consequences? We can either close this list down, or leave it, or
> >reglement it, to make it fit to a more narrow definition
> Just seems like healthy Evolution to me.
> i mean how many times can you keep talking/reading about the same things?
> Seems very "Duran Duran".
> Lets get NARROW!!!
> Maybe the list should be called "Fascistica"!!!
> "You VILL talk about Esquivel, or you see this Vibra-Slap????"
> >or appreciate it despite the fact that it
> >has outgrown its original definition.
> Now we're talkin'!
> like the US Constitution!
> may i rest in peace.
Absolutely. Your head will soon implode.
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From: cscheffy@kinglet.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: (exotica) Now! versus Swingin' Scene
Date: 11 Mar 1999 09:22:21 -0800
A few recent posts have suggested to me that either there is no distinction
between Now! Sound and Swinging Scene, or I'm the only one who makes the
distinction. Just wondering what people think?
For example, I think that the artists on the Sound Gallery comp (and the
British sound from that time, including Ray Manzanilla's "Make Mine
Manzanilla," which though released on GNP Crescendo, is a British recording),
EMI Studio 2, Deram, and PYE orchestral stuff from the late 60's and into the
very early 70's ... is all "British Swinging Scene." Other artists that have
dabbled in this genre at one point or another would, in my opinion, include
Johnny Harris, Zack Laurence, Les Reed, Laurie Johnson, et al. The genre
can be
described as hard-hitting brassy arrangements, a bit funky, and usually
rhythmic in a groovy way - when people listen, they bob their heads and feel
cool and part of the "In" crowd. Swingin' - like the soundtrack to Austin
Power's should've been...
The Now! Sound, on the other hand, is a more typically American sound, like
Love American Style, and includes the output of a number of famous American
composer/arrangers when they were starting to dry up a bit (Billy May's "The
Sound of Today," Les Baxter's "Love is Blue," and other similar). And of
course, Enoch Light's "Spaced Out" (which almost defines a genre of its own),
and many more. Other artists I'd include (for reasons of one album or more)
are: Woody Herman, Hugo Montenegro, Norman Luboff ("More Today than
Yesterday"), and other similar. The sound is more silly, more upbeat, less
"cool" than Brit. Swinging Scene. It also often includes choral work. The
are typically covers of popular hits of the time (who can resist Bacharach?).
So, anyone agree? Disagree?
I would never call "Sound Gallery" a Now! Sound comp, nor would I call Ray
Manzanilla's "Make Mine Manzanilla" a Now! Sound record. Similarly, I'd never
call Billy May's "The Sound of Today" British Swingin' Scene.
Obviously, the distinction is a difficult one to draw in some cases - both
genres existed in roughly the same time period, and both had a certain
to their sound. It's too simple to say one is American and one is British, but
by listening, I think I can usually tell. The British Swingin' Scene is
hipper, more often instrumental, and more "mod." The Now! Sound is sillier,
funnier, more often choral, and more "post-hippy."
And both, of course, were the soundtracks to sexual freedom.
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From: Pea Hicks <phix@adnc.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Now! versus Swingin' Scene
Date: 11 Mar 1999 09:37:38 -0800
I don't really have any commentary on Now! vs Swingin', but i just
thought i'd take the opportunity to point out a fantastic Now Sound
record i got last week: "Narrowing The Generation Gap" by Lester Lanin &
His Orchestra!! If you see it, and are into Now Sound stuff, do not
hesitate to pick it up.
Oh and just for the hell of it i thought i'd mention this too: awhile
back there was a thread about the "best renditions of Caravan" or
something like that........... at the time I voted for Lenny Dee.......
while i still rate his version very high, it's just been surpassed by
the version that Les Paul does on "Les Paul Now!" Simply amazing!!!!!!
Another record you should be ASHAMED to pass up!!
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Exchange proposition for exotic music lovers
Date: 11 Mar 1999 12:48:58 EST
In a message dated 03/11/99 10:47:24 AM Eastern Standard Time,
<< Is this something to do with Jack D?
Or is it someone having a laugh?
And the original post had: "My name is David Chazam"
Isn't this guy related to Gomer???
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Zound! What Sounds!! theft of the title
Date: 10 Mar 1999 19:55:51 +0100
At 14:55 -0700 99/03/09, Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com> wrote:
>What is most stunning is the direct theft of the title. Weren't these
>things copywrighted? I could understand a title that cleverly referred
>to another, but taking the exact words is low even for a budget label.
just out of curiosity, i checked to see what other titles
have been duplicated:
* Quincy Jones: "Big band bossa nova"
* Enoch Light: "Big Band Bossa Nova"
* Stanley Black Orchestra: "Exotic Percussion"
* Martin Denny: "Exotic percussion"
* Ted Auletta Orchestra: "Exotica"
* Manuel and the Music of the Mountains: "Exotica"
* Jos=E9 Feliciano: "Fireworks"
* Ferrante & Teicher: "Fireworks"
* Jim Fassett: "Symphony of the birds"
* Johan Dalgas Frisch: "Symphony of The Birds"
Johan DadaBase ;-)
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From: "Charles Moseley" <Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-EXTERNAL@MCKINSEY.COM>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Exchange proposition for exotic music lovers
Date: 11 Mar 1999 18:09:13 +0000
That geezer's winding us up - he's avin a laugh, takin the piss an all
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From: "SANDBERG MAGNUS" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: SV: (exotica) Re: Zound! What Sounds!! theft of the title
Date: 11 Mar 1999 19:45:04 +0100
>* Stanley Black Orchestra: "Exotic Percussion"
>* Martin Denny: "Exotic percussion"
And Milt Raskin -"Exotic percussion"
>* Ted Auletta Orchestra: "Exotica"
>* Manuel and the Music of the Mountains: "Exotica"
>* Jos=E9 Feliciano: "Fireworks"
>* Ferrante & Teicher: "Fireworks"
And Billy Mure -"Fireworks"
>* Jim Fassett: "Symphony of the birds"
>* Johan Dalgas Frisch: "Symphony of The Birds"
> Johan DadaBase ;-)
Magnus99.exe -"I am in your mailbox"
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From: "SANDBERG MAGNUS" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: SV: (exotica) Caravan
Date: 11 Mar 1999 19:49:30 +0100
>Oh and just for the hell of it i thought i'd mention this too: awhile
>back there was a thread about the "best renditions of Caravan" or
>something like that........... at the time I voted for Lenny Dee.......
>while i still rate his version very high, it's just been surpassed by
>the version that Les Paul does on "Les Paul Now!" Simply amazing!!!!!!
>Another record you should be ASHAMED to pass up!!
Ah Caravan....
Maybe not the best, but the fastest Caravan I have heard is on a Preston =
Epps album, is it Bongola? I cant remember and i am to lazy to go and =
check. But its essential listening.
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From: "Robert McKenna" <rmckenna@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Now! versus Swingin' Scene
Date: 11 Mar 1999 10:55:28 PST
>Oh and just for the hell of it i thought i'd mention this too: awhile
>back there was a thread about the "best renditions of Caravan" or
>something like that........... at the time I voted for Lenny Dee.......
>while i still rate his version very high, it's just been surpassed by
>the version that Les Paul does on "Les Paul Now!" Simply amazing!!!!!!
>Another record you should be ASHAMED to pass up!!
oh yes, what a version! the album i have this on also has an absolutely
bonkers 'tiger rag' (familiar to my generation as 'catch the pigeon')
lots of sped up guitar, multitracking, mad harmonies and killer rythm.
also, on Barbarella, (i wish), my copy is very asymetrically cut. it
doesn't look particularly like a bootleg, and it's sadly not on red
vinyl, but is that the reason the quality is iffy.
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From: Ben Waugh <sophisticatedsavage@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Now! versus Swingin' Scene
Date: 11 Mar 1999 11:33:58 -0800 (PST)
Les Paul did at least 3 different versions of Caravan (including the one
with Chet Atkins). The version from "LP Now!" (re-issued in the US as
"Multi-Trackin'")is fuzzed-out, rockish. If
I am correct (and I may not be), I have the lp you are talking about,
it's not same as the Now! version: multi-tracked, not fuzzed....
---Robert McKenna <rmckenna@hotmail.com> wrote:
> oh yes, what a version! the album i have this on also has an
bonkers 'tiger rag' (familiar to my generation as 'catch the pigeon')
lots of sped up guitar, multitracking, mad harmonies and killer rythm.
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From: "Dom Ciccone" <dciccone@inspex.com>
Subject: (exotica) Martinis With Mancini Playlist. 3/11/99
Date: 11 Mar 1999 15:17:40 -0500
"Martinis With Mancini" broadcasting Thursday's at 6-9 AM from WJUL 91.5 =
Lowell Massachusetts.
Thank=92s Lou Smith and everyone else who contributes to the mailing list=
. A
lot of my material and programming ideas come from the list and the obits=
I read the AP article describing the =93atrocities=94 being perpetuated i=
n Fort
Lupton, Colorado and then played Wayne Newton and Dean Martin. Also read
=93meaty chunks=94 of the Ann Corio obit with stripper music in the backg=
The playlist:
Like Someone In Love, Bjork
Dream the Impossible Dream, Richard Kiley OBR Man Of La Mancha
Blues and the Abstract Truth, Jimmy Smith
For Strippers Only, =93Sonny Lester=94/Ann Corio Presents: How To Strip F=
or Your
Anything Goes, Ella Fitzegerald
I Get A Kick Out Of You, Dave Brubeck
Look A Here, The Ramsey Lewis Trio
My Bucket got A Hole in It, The Ramsey Lewis Trio
Hello, Cello, The Ramsey Lewis Trio
The Peanut Vendor, Xavier Cugat
Soul Sauce, Cal Tjader
Mambo #8, Perez Prado
Body and Soul, The Thelonious Monk Quartet
The Shake, The Laurie Johnson Orchestra (The Easy Project)
Mama Elephant, E.Cap, (The Sound Gallery Vol.2)
Girl In A Sports Car, Alan Hawshaw, (The Sound Gallery Vol.1)
Spartacus-Love Theme, Bill Evans
I Wanna Be Loved By You, Marilyn Monroe, OST Some Like It Hot
The Continental, Billy May
This Girls In Love With You, Dusty Springfield
Prologue, Stan Kenton
Prince Ali, OST Aladdin
23N-82W, Stan Kenton
Taboo, Stan Kenton
My One And Only Love, Dean Martin
Danke Schoen, Wayne Newton
Cast Your Fate To The Wind, George Winston
Teach Me Tonight, Laurindo Armeida,
My Baby Just Cares For Me, Nina Simone
Charade, Nelson Riddle
Fallout!, OST Peter Gunn
I Can See Clearly Now, Holly Cole Trio
Selfish Love, Gus Bivona Plays The Music Of Steve Allen
Fever, The Three Suns
Instanbul (Not Constantinople) Joe =93Fingers=94 Carr/80 Drums Around The=
Poinciana, Esquivel!
The Boulevard Of Broken Dreams, Jack (Bongo) Burger
Dreamsville, Br. Cleve and His Lush Orchestra
Waltz For Debby, Tony Bennet/Bill Evans
Is You Is Or Is You Not My Baby, Joe Jackson
Life Is So Peculiar, Louis Jordan/Louis Armstrong
The Best Is Yet To Come, Nancy Wilson
Why Don=92t You Do Right, Atomic Cocktail
Make Love To Me, Louis Prima/Keely Smith
Sloppy Shopping, 4 Piece Suit
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From: chuck <chuckmk@yahoo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Caravan
Date: 11 Mar 1999 12:17:18 -0800 (PST)
When I was a really young guy the first major concert I saw was Frank
Zappa. He asked the audience "What would you rather hear, Caravan
with a drum solo or Louie Louie?"
After a few yells from the crowd he broke into a great rendition of
Caravan. I'm sure its somewhere available by him but this has always
been my favorite version.
Easy listening in the Big Easy
> >Oh and just for the hell of it i thought i'd mention this too: awhile
> >back there was a thread about the "best renditions of Caravan" or
> >something like that........... at the time I voted for Lenny
> >while i still rate his version very high, it's just been surpassed by
> >the version that Les Paul does on "Les Paul Now!" Simply
> >Another record you should be ASHAMED to pass up!!
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From: Ron Grandia <rgrandia@xtabay.com>
Subject: (exotica) 'nother test. (so sorry)
Date: 11 Mar 1999 12:48:31 -0800
Concentric.net can't find their ass with both hands when it comes to
supporting Mac.
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: Re: (exotica) 101 Strings
Date: 11 Mar 1999 16:55:41 EST
In a message dated 3/11/99 11:19:15 AM, Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-
>Generally, 101 strings, with or without Les Baxter should be left to rest
>in peace in charity shops where they belong. Don't try to move them.
Jonathan Richman has a line about this in a song on his new album, in which he
says something about being in a "thrift shop with all the discarded things,
like bibles and toasters and Music from 101 Strings"
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From: chuck <chuckmk@yahoo.com>
Subject: (exotica) More Vinyl Finds, Baxter etc.
Date: 11 Mar 1999 14:35:26 -0800 (PST)
Went back to the store and the owner took me to the back to show me
some more records.
Topping the list
Les Baxters 10 inch "Le Sacre du Sauvage"
Arthur Lyman "Love For Sale"
T-Bones "No Matter What Shape"
Biily Vaughn "As Requested"
Edmundo Ros "Rythms of the South"
Brass Ring "Sunday Night At The Movies"
Brass Ring Feat Phil Bodner (4 Channel Stereo on Project 3) This
brings me back to the days of quad cartridge?
Ray Charles Singers "Young Lovers"
Ray Charles Singers "Macartha Park"
Matt Monro "This Is The Life"
Howard Roberts Quartet ":All-Time Great Instrumental" ?? What's this
A coupel of Conifsf & a Norman Luboffs
All for the same low price!
I picked up another large batch yesterday afternoon, but they are at
home waitng to be played and posted about later.
Easy listening in the Big Easy
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
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From: "B. Yost" <byost@megsinet.net>
Subject: (exotica) My Vinyl Recliner
Date: 11 Mar 1999 18:52:11 -0800
My pal from this list, Frank (aka "Recliner"), got some press about his
radio program, "My Vinyl Recliner", heard in Maine. Check out 'da link:
He's not been heard from on this list lately because of a change in
ISPs, but he's trying to get subbed again.
Over & Out,
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From: Pearmania@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) 101 Strings
Date: 11 Mar 1999 18:56:19 EST
>Astro Sounds is the only 101
>strings record I have ever heard that comes close to being good
>101 strings, with or without Les Baxter should be left to rest
>in peace in charity shops where they belong.
I don't claim to have heard every 101 Strings album (is it even possible?)
But, these were worth every bit of small change to me:
Songs of the Seasons in Japan
East of Suez
African Safari
The Romance of Magic Island
Fire and Romance of South America
Jet Set
The Sounds of Love (with Bebe Bardon)
101 Strings Plus Dynamic Percussion
The Sounds of Today
Astro Sounds is definitely the magnum opus, though.
The string sound isn't for everyone, but it always sounds best between
midnight and 3 a.m.
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From: cheryl <cheryls@dsuper.net>
Subject: (exotica) Playlist For Space Bop, March 14
Date: 11 Mar 1999 20:51:08 -0500
Beyond kitsch, Space Bop is one hour of full galactical wonder, and can
be heard every Sunday from 4 to 5 pm on CKUT 90.3 FM in Montreal,
Canada, and (FINALLY!)on RealAudio (www.ckut.ca) All comments,
questions, and feedback welcome.
Space Bop #39 Loungin' Ladies
CKUT is presenting a week of programming, called RadioActive Estrogen,
to celebrate International Women's Day. Hence, our selection of music
this week - loungin' ladies!
Rosemary Clooney: Come On-A My House "Cocktail Mix 3: Swingin'
Caterina Valente: Quando, Quando, Quando "Die Grossen Hits"
Lilian Atterer & das Orchester Maurice Pop: Weil ich so sexy bin "Get
Easy 4 - Germany"
Sarah Vaughan: One Mint Julep "Cocktail Mix 3: Swingin' Singles"
Doris Day: Whatever Will Be, Will Be "Greatest Hits"
France Gall: Avant la bagarre "Get Easy 3 - France"
Connie Francis: Bossa Nova Hand Dance "Cocktail Mix 2: Martini
Brigitte Bardot: Tu veux ou tu veux pas "Best of BB"
Petula Clark: Boum "Hello Paris - Anthologie Vol. 2"
Julie London: Go Slow "UltraLounge Leopard Skin Sampler"
Francoise Hardy: Tous les garcons et les filles "Francoise Hardy: La
Miss Ann-Margret: Thirteen Men "Cocktail Mix 2: Martini Madness"
April Stevens: Teach Me Tiger "UltraLounge Leopard Skin Sampler"
Flabby featuring Carla Boni: Mambo Italiano "Ultradolce"
Blossom Dearie: I Like London In The Rain "Inflight Entertainment"
Walter Wanderley, featuring Astrud Gilberto: Call Me "Samba Swing!"
The Gimmicks: Roda "Espresso, Espresso"
Sophia Loren: De jour en jour "Get Easy 3 - France"
France Gall: Hippie Hippie "Das beste in deutsch"
Thanks for reading.
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From: Moritz R <exotica@munich.netsurf.de>
Subject: (exotica) Indian Vibes Vol.2: Ashwin Batish
Date: 12 Mar 1999 02:55:26 +0100
Another burner out of the Indian Pop file, this time from the 80s:
(...and another one with a relative related to the Beatles)
Ashwin Batish, "SITAR POWER" (LP 12" Vinyl)
(1986 Batish Records, Shanachie 64004)
Groooovy Stuff! And fast. Side B, Track 1, "Bombay Boogie"(9:11) is a
On the back of the cover it says:
His father, S.D.Batish, (...) taught George Harrison the traditional
Indian instrument dilrubba and later performed on the Beatles soundtrack
This one's for dancing and driving. Anything with sitar sounds
psychedelic in a way.
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From: "Brian Karasick" <BRIAN@PHYRES.Lan.McGill.CA>
Subject: (exotica) A few things I had to comment on...
Date: 11 Mar 1999 23:22:17 -0500
Nat writes:
> All in all a pretty great score. Never thought of New Orleans as a good
> record shopping spot but when I go visit my buddy in Mobile, we'll have to
> set aside a little extra time in New Orleans.
My last visit to New Orleans was a good 10 years ago and it was an
intersting record hunting experience. While I found an awseome
selection of Dixieland Jazz & R&B cutouts really cheap, the used
store prices were astronomic. I mean we're talking about $40 price
tags for Klaus Schulze records! Sounds like it's changed a bit but
the good thing about this City is that there's a lot of real live
music happening both in the clubs in in the streets too. A treat to
visit for anyone interested in music (and food!) No, I don't work for
the New Orleans tourist bureau...
Nat also writes:
> ...let me tell you that you didn't miss anything if you missed the
> pilot episode of the new Canadian melodrama "The City".
> There actually was a snippet or two of frothy pop songs somewhere in the
> mix. For no discernible reason. But most of it was that tired late 80's
> "fake urban" sound with wailing sax and screaming guitars that I heard more
> than enough of in another late unlamented Canadian TV series "Night Heat".
The fake urban sound works well with the profiled wanna be New York
urban setting that is Toronto! If only we produced more in this
country that tried less to mimmick what we're already fed from our
neighbour to the south, I'd be a lot less embarrased about being
Canadian. Sometimes I'm really glad Quebec considers itself a
"distinct society", although the creator of this show, none other
than actor Michael Sarrazin's brother, bodes from Montreal. sigh...
Re 101 Strings:
While I do agree the only good one musically is "Astro Sounds", a
few of them do have great covers. Does it make up for what is
(or is not) inside, you have to ask that one of yourselves.
Brian Karasick
Physical Planner
McGill University
Montreal, Canada
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: (exotica) Caravan
Date: 11 Mar 1999 23:25:23 -0500
I don't know if it's one of the versions that's been mentioned, but the Les
Paul "Legend and The Legacy" cd set includes a late 40s version of
"Caravan" recorded in his disc cutter to disc cutter overdub days. Wild
stuff. According to the notes, he cut the lead line while still in a body
cast from his big car crash. When he had the doctors set his virtually
destroyed right arm in permanent playing position.
The set also includes a version of "Tiger Rag" from the early 50s, recorded
in Oakland, New Jersey. Sez the neighbors called the cops to complain about
the noise.
If anyone knows where or if Zappa's version of "Caravan" is, please give a
yell. That should be interesting.
Of course, *any* version of "Caravan" is interesting.
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: kbonnett@coax.net (Kevin Bonnett)
Subject: (exotica) Retro Future - What Y2K looked like in the 50's
Date: 11 Mar 1999 23:43:55 -0500
Hiya gang : )
I just found a keen new area on AOL (apologies to the AOL-impaired). Go
to Keyword: Retro Future.
Ciao 4 now!
Kevin : )
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From: "Charles Moseley" <Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-EXTERNAL@MCKINSEY.COM>
Subject: Re: Re: (exotica) 101 Strings
Date: 12 Mar 1999 11:04:58 +0000
The SOund of Music
I'm in a thrift shop with discarded things, like bibles and toasters and
101 Strings - These are a few of my favourite things.
Good old Julie Andrews
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From: "Lou's Myth" <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Mike Anthony, Lowell Fulson, Lee Phillips,Yehudi Menuhin obits
Date: 12 Mar 1999 10:08:59 -0600
*Mike Anthony
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- Songwriter Mike Anthony, who co-wrote the Johnny
Tillotson hit ``Poetry in Motion,'' died Tuesday from complications related
to a heart attack and stroke suffered Feb. 6. He was 68.
Anthony co-wrote ``Poetry in Motion'' with Paul Kaufman in 1960. He wrote
the 1997 country hit ``I Miss You a Little'' with Richard Fagan and John
Michael Montgomery. He also wrote ``Grass Is Greener,'' a Brenda Lee hit in
*Lowell Fulson
LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP) -- Blues singer Lowell Fulson, instrumental in the
early careers of Ray Charles and B.B. King and whose 1954 hit ``Reconsider
Baby'' was recorded by Elvis Presley, died Sunday of kidney disease,
diabetes and congestive heart failure. He was 77.
Fulson was inducted into the Blues Hall of Fame in 1993, and his ``Them
Update Blues'' was nominated for a 1995 Grammy. Among his other hits were
``Tramp,'' ``Blues Shadows Falling'' and ``Lonesome Christmas'' in the 1960s.
His first success, ``Reconsider Baby,'' came immediately after he signed
his first record contract. He helped then-newcomers Charles and King in the
*Lee Philips
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Lee Philips, a movie actor and television director,
died March 3 from complications of Parkinson's disease. He was 72.
Philips had roles in ``Marty,'' the 1957 version of ``12 Angry Men,'' ``The
Hunters'' and ``Middle of the Night,'' among other films.
He directed the 1971 television series ``The Man and the City,'' starring
Anthony Quinn and Mike Farrell.
A year later, Philips joined the durable ``MASH.'' He remained for several
years, again directing Farrell, who played one of the series' irreverent
Army surgeons in the Korean War.
Philips also directed episodes of ``The Waltons,'' ``The Practice,'' ``The
American Girls,'' ``Salvage 1,'' ``Lottery!'' and most recently ``Diagnosis
Murder,'' starring Dick Van Dyke.
His credits also include dozens of television movies and miniseries,
including Sidney Sheldon's ``Windmills of the Gods'' in 1988 and James A.
Michener's ``Space'' in 1985.
Among his made-for-TV movies were ``Silent Movie,'' ``Barnum,'' ``American
Geisha,'' ``Samson and Delilah,'' ``Mae West,'' ``Wanted: The Sundance
Woman'' and ``Louis Armstrong -- Chicago Style.''
BERLIN, March 12 (UPI) -- Yehudi Menuhin, an accomplished violinist by the
age of 7 who played Beethoven's violin concerto with the New York
Philharmonic at the age of 11, died today in Berlin of heart failure. He was
Menuhin was born in New York City April 22, 1916, the son of Russian
immigrants, Moshe and Marutha Menuhin. Moshe was a teacher of Hebrew.
Looking for an apartment when Marutha was pregnant, they were told by a
potential landlady, ``You will be glad to know I don't take Jews.'' As they
resumed their search Marutha vowed her unborn child would bear a label
proclaiming his race. So (Menuhin wrote in his autobiography) he was named
Yehudi, ``the Jew.''
He was closely committed to Amnesty International's work for prisoners of
conscience. He was a vegetarian and advocate of ``whole food,'' a
practitioner of yoga who spent several minutes a day standing on his head.
Give Me Exotica or Give Me Death!
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) A few things I had to comment on...
Date: 12 Mar 1999 10:34:28 EST
In a message dated 03/11/99 11:23:51 PM Eastern Standard Time,
BRIAN@PHYRES.Lan.McGill.CA writes:
<< Re 101 Strings:
While I do agree the only good one musically is "Astro Sounds", a
few of them do have great covers. Does it make up for what is
(or is not) inside, you have to ask that one of yourselves. >>
If spread the opening of the cover real wide and put it up to your ear you can
hear the ocean. I think I will pass.
Of course you can put the album cover on your head. That is always fun.
Still not as fun as putting the 45's on your ears tho (and on that thread --
are there any NEW list members that remember doing this? The old farts on the
list said they never heard of this the last time I mentioned it.)
With two pencils stuck under my upper lip and making walrus noises,
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Fwd: Sunday Night Luau
Date: 11 Mar 1999 17:02:38 EST
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Aloha from the Pinapple Ranch Hands (Boston's traditional Hawaiian band
and cheapest trip to the islands!)
Come see us this Sunday, March 14, at the Kendall Cafe, 233 Cardinal
Medeiros Avenue, Cambridge, a block from the Kendall Movie theater.
We'll be Swingin' the HulaWestern style at this week's HellCountry
from about 8:45 PM to 10:45 PM. Admission's free and the food's
great, so come on down to HellCountry (where the beer flows like
fizzy brown Hawaiian stream) and hula your blues away with the
Pineapple Ranch Hands.
For more info about HellCounty go to http://www.hellcountry.com.
For more info about the Ranch Hands, read on, friend, read on.
The Pineapple Ranch Hands is a six-piece outfit playing
steel-guitar-based Hawaiian style favorites from the 20=92s through the
50=92s and on. Mixing hulas, island chants and marches, with jazz, swing
and western tunes, their repertoire follows the stream of steel guitar
and pumping rhythm that flows through all these styles.
The band features John "Keoni" Johnson on the big guitar, Steve "Kiwi"
Bird on bass, Scott "Koka" Rogers on drums, Phil "Pilippo" Mahoney on
the not-so-big guitar, Pacey "Palani" Foster on the uke, and leading the
whole group gently down the stream is Tim "Kimo" Obetz on various and
sundry steel guitars. Close harmony vocals and the occasional peanut
gallery chorus round out the sound.
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From: <Jonathan.Perl@mail.ing.nl>
Subject: (exotica) 101 Strings
Date: 12 Mar 1999 08:53:48 +0000
>Astro Sounds is the only 101 strings record I have ever heard that
>comes close to being good (and even that one doesn't come very
>high on the scale of most desirable records).
I never found a good 101 strings record in England either. All I
ever found there was 'the soul of Spain', 'Gypsy Dances' etc, which
weren't enjoyable. But the stuff which ends up in thrift stores in
the states is often very different.
Amongst great 101 strings finds in the states was '101 strings
salute the trendsetters of the 60s', which contains, amongst
others, fantastic versions of 'desafinado' and 'hard day's night'.
I'm sure there's much more I never found too... 'Backbeat
Symphony' is supposed to be great...
>Generally, 101 strings, with or without Les Baxter should be left
>to rest in peace in charity shops where they belong. Don't try to
>move them.
I strongly disagree here, since Les with 101 strings's 'que mango',
also released as 'latin holiday' is one of my favourite records of
all time. Great rock-orchestral instrumentation, latin rhythms,
mysterious feel, original compositions - fantastic record!
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Retro Future - What Y2K looked like in the 50's
Date: 12 Mar 1999 10:42:45 EST
I tried to figure out how to give the URL to non-AOL'ers (you lucky dogs)
this is all I could get:
any ideas how to make this work???
In a message dated 03/11/99 11:45:06 PM Eastern Standard Time,
kbonnett@coax.net writes:
<< Hiya gang : )
I just found a keen new area on AOL (apologies to the AOL-impaired). Go
to Keyword: Retro Future.
Ciao 4 now!
Kevin : )
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) Speak French to me!
Date: 12 Mar 1999 10:44:20 -0500
I am absolutely infatuated with the MICHEL LEGRAND SINGS album. It just
couldn't do more for me! It swings,
it ye-yes(if that's a verb!) the man is just too-much! It was recorded, I
do believe, in the 1060s. Dusty Groove is also selling:
Michel Legrand -- Michel Legrand Chante L'Ete 42
which was done in 1970. Is anyone familiar with this, and is it nearly as
good as SINGS?
Oui, oui! Jane Fondle
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Speak French to me ('Tish)!
Date: 12 Mar 1999 11:58:16 -0500
>I am absolutely infatuated with the MICHEL LEGRAND SINGS album. It just
>couldn't do more for me! It swings,
> it ye-yes(if that's a verb!) the man is just too-much! It was recorded, I
> do believe, in the 1060s.
Wow, now that's a long-lived career!
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) That foxy Pam Grier
Date: 12 Mar 1999 12:00:29 -0500
OK, I have a copy of BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE DOLLS! I don't even know how
many times I have seen it, but I just found out Pam Grier is in it!?! What
the heck part is she in that classique film?
Jane Fondle - loining something new every day
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From: Hugh Petfield <tribute@dircon.co.uk>
Subject: (exotica) 101 Strings
Date: 12 Mar 1999 17:34:36 +0000
Brian wrote:
>Re 101 Strings:
>While I do agree the only good one musically is "Astro Sounds", a
>few of them do have great covers. Does it make up for what is
>(or is not) inside, you have to ask that one of yourselves.
I must be the only person on this list who has never encountered
Astro Sounds! Is it available on CD too?
Agreed, some of their titles are near muzak, but the 101 Strings with
Nelson Riddle album is well above average, and I second the thoughts
of someone here who mentioned it fondly last year.
Little Anthony & the Imperials had a few records in the mid-60's on the
DCP label which were billed as ...with 101 Strings". Anyone here know
of other acts which used them as backup?
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Indian Vibes Vol.2: Ashwin Batish
Date: 12 Mar 1999 12:25:45 -0600
At 02:55 AM 3/12/99 +0100, you wrote:
>Another burner out of the Indian Pop file, this time from the 80s:
>(...and another one with a relative related to the Beatles)
>Ashwin Batish, "SITAR POWER" (LP 12" Vinyl)
Batish runs a fine web site. Check out: http://www.raganet.com/RagaNet/
I like his "Cowboys and Indians" track myself.
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) 101 Strings
Date: 12 Mar 1999 14:47:23 EST
In a message dated 3/12/99 1:48:10 PM, tribute@dircon.co.uk wrote:
>Little Anthony & the Imperials had a few records in the mid-60's on the
>DCP label
The DCP label was owned by Don Costa who employed Teddy Randazzo as his staff
arranger. Teddy was responsible for the lush exotic arrangements of such
Little Anthony hits as "I'm On The Outside (Looking In)" and "Hurt So Bad".
For exotic swirling arrangements on the soulful Mid-6T's tip, it don't get no
betta than this........Jimmy Botticelli
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From: chuck <chuckmk@yahoo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Shibuya-kei Is Alive
Date: 12 Mar 1999 12:17:29 -0800 (PST)
Of course, Momus titled his article in the Glasgow Herald just the
opposite, but as he so well pointed out, the '90s Japanese pop
movement known as Shibuya-kei is alive and thriving.
Some recent purchases over the last couple of months have confirmed
this. An ep "Yukari's Perfect" Escalator (Japan 1997) and full
length album "New Years Fresh" (Escalator 1999) both by Yukari Fresh
lead the way in keeping the Shibuya- kei sound fresh and full of
surprises. Yukari Fresh sings in a Kahimi Karie style but the
comparrison stops there. This is wild zany music akin to Cornelius or
Fantastic Plastic Machine at their outer limits. This is as good as
it gets in the Japanese club pop world. If you liked Sushi 3003 &
4004 or Luxury by FPM run out and get both of these. Available at
"One Too Many Chocolat" by Chocolat (Sony Japan 1998) A perfect album
all over the place in style from wild Japanese club pop to indie twee
pop sensibilities and soft dreamy ballads to modern grunge pop themes
all done with a very artful style of haunting melodies. This is one
of most played cds I've purchased. The songs melodies are so
wonderful that you want to hum along with each song.
Takako Minekawa "Roomic Cube" (March Records 1997) & "Cloudy Cloud
(Emperor Norton1998) Buffalo Daughter produced the first and what an
offbeat shbuya-kei adventure it is. Casios, moog, synths, fuzz guitar
and a soft young voice with off the wall beats and melodies. If
you've heard Fantasy Cat on the Sushi comp or college radio you have
an idea of what she's like. The music and melodies are not as well
crafted as Yukari Fresh, Chocolat, FPM or P5 but both records are a
fun ride through another dimension of shibuya-kei. Cloudy Cloud
Calculator is the better of the 2.
Buffalo Daughter's "New Rock" Grand Royal 1998) takes japanese club
pop to another place with a more off the wall sensibilities mixing
'60s '70s with shibuya-kei "Socks, Drugs and Rock'n'roll" is one of
the best lines in the last few years. The way Buffalo Daughter say
those words its sooo.......
Buffalo Daughter reminds me a little like the underproduced Flying
Lizards doing "Money"
from the late '70s early '80s
Spring does "Tokyo Drifter" (Elefant Records, Spain 199?) Soft
indie pop with Kahimi Karie whispered vocals and style. Perfect soft
melodies, soft guitars make this one amazing 8 song ep Available at
a great low price from roundaboutpop@hotmail.com
roundaboutpop@hotmail.com also carries the Siesta & Marina record
labels very cheaply. Spring also does "Matinees" Elefant Records
Spain 1995) More soft soft melodies, guitars and whispering ala
Marilyn Monroe on a 5 song ep. If any lister know more about this
band please email me. This a great soft melodic music.
The best of the soft indie pop shibuya-kei influenced artists is April
March. Her newest album"chrominance decoder" is a classic, her best
effort yet! (1999 Ideal Records) Produced and arranged by Bertrand
Burgalt (who is he?) The first song evokes both Momus and Cornelius,
worldless bouncing vocals over exotic sounding instruments, its worth
the album price along! Sung in French and English her voice is
remarkably young at heart and juxtaposed against soft mysterious
melodies with a romantic feel, the sound is quite thrilling. As
another list member once said and I have to agree, I like her voice
best when she sings in French. I liked her first bouncing album and
her last soft indie pop album "April March & Los Cincos" alot, but
this has the sophisticated feel of the great Louis Phillipe's "Jackie
If you enjoy the above I also recomend "Astrud" by Astrud on (Sealed
Fate Records199?) Most of the songs are sung in spanish. More great
melodies and sounds comparable to Chocolat.
Just got "S/T" by Qypthone (Happi Japan released 03/07/99) This is
tremendous on just one listen at work. Full blown shibuya-kei indie
pop melodies with another great japanese female vocalist.
In a Brazilian vain I am surprised how great "a divina comedia ou" by
Mutantes is. I didn't expect to like it as much as their first 2
albums but its just as wild and great. Sometimes its so wild its
sick, stupid and poorly played. After liking this stuff I know the
Shaggs are right up my alley.
Finally if you like Bossa Nova get the soundtrack to "Next Stop
Wonderland" mixing standards with new songs and new versions, its
solid all the way through. (1998 Polygram)
Don't get 40 Anos De Bossa Nova (Gold 1998) Its available at dusty
and its 80's feeling bossa and its terrible, boring etc.
Also a big thanks to whoever posted over a year ago about the "Cafe"
series of cds (1997 Time Records) They are so cheap, less then $5 and
the help with those $10 off coupons at cdnow. Got to love the real
coffee beans that come in the jewel cases spine!
With the number of cds availbale and the different genres reprisented
they may pass Capital records up yet.
Easy listening in the Big Easy
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From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
Subject: (exotica) 101 Strings
Date: 12 Mar 1999 12:44:21 -0800
Anyone ever see or hear the "101 Strings Play Jimi Hendrix"
It'sa good 1:)
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From: "Nathan Miner" <nminer@jhmi.edu>
Subject: Re: (exotica) 101 Strings
Date: 12 Mar 1999 10:51:18 -0500
Symphony' is supposed to be great...
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) PERVIRELLA!
Date: 12 Mar 1999 16:00:42 -0500
Hiya, kids...time for Jane Fondle's record corner. Today we find the
smashing new soundtrack to the B-movie(or in her case, it should be Double
D) PERVIRELLA! (yes I know, DJ Bumpy was oooo-ing and ahhh-ing over this,
too, great minds think alike, and two great tastes go great toge-tha!)
Like a good, varied soundtrack, it has just about everything(except, the
keen minds at Dionysus and Exotic Entertainment left off the obligatory
country tune and koo-koo circus numbers found on so many Mancinis and
Rotas!) You will find Italian-sound spy instrumental, organ grroooovvve,
and 70s futuristic orchestra madness a la SPACE 1999!
OK, I'm gonna take a leap here, but yes, this soundtrack is better than
it's for-runner BARBARELLA.
Even the main title, by Francois Evans and The London Gay Symphony
Orchestra, is swankier than the BARB theme. It has that same vibe, but
also sounds sorta like Mike Flowers! And of course, since garage-groovies
the Diaboliks are featured in the flim, you get some of them too. They
also contribute a spicey, Middle Eastern flavoured-num-bah! Seriously,
sugar, this will stir your LOINS! I ordered mine from Dionysus on "pink"
vinyl, if that ain't saucy! Smack, smack - Jane Fondle
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) Caravan faves
Date: 12 Mar 1999 16:07:00 -0500
Among my favorite versions are those by Nat King Cole and by Lambert,
Hendricks and Ross. OK, anyone for their favorite "Miserlou"? (Just
Jane"p-s, I took a lot of flak for that Michel LeGrand 1060 type-OH!"
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.net>
Subject: (exotica) Caravan faves
Date: 12 Mar 1999 16:21:09 -0500
>Among my favorite versions are those by Nat King Cole and by Lambert,
>Hendricks and Ross.
This is the ONLY time you may ever hear me say this on this list, but, Johnny
Mathis' version is one of the few vocal versions of it and it's rather good.
It is on his first album (Author Harlan Ellison is a great fan of this album)
Brian Phillips
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From: Indulis R Rutks <rutks002@tc.umn.edu>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Caravan faves
Date: 12 Mar 1999 15:33:43 -0600 (CST)
On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Brian Phillips wrote:
> >Among my favorite versions are those by Nat King Cole and by Lambert,
> >Hendricks and Ross.
> This is the ONLY time you may ever hear me say this on this list, but, Johnny
> Mathis' version is one of the few vocal versions of it and it's rather good.
> It is on his first album (Author Harlan Ellison is a great fan of this album)
I recently picked up a Duke Ellington CD (on Verve) just to have a version
of "Caravan" by the man. I was (pleasantly) surprised to find that it was
a version with vocals by Ella Fitzgerald.
-Indy Rutks (rutks002@tc.umn.edu)
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From: "Dom Ciccone" <dciccone@inspex.com>
Subject: Fw: (exotica) Caravan faves
Date: 12 Mar 1999 17:00:08 -0500
>This is the ONLY time you may ever hear me say this on this list, but,
>Mathis' version is one of the few vocal versions of it and it's rather
>It is on his first album (Author Harlan Ellison is a great fan of this
I read Harlan and remember that comment. What is the name of the album? And
is it available?
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From: "SANDBERG MAGNUS" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: SV: (exotica) Caravan faves
Date: 12 Mar 1999 23:04:17 +0100
one of the few vocal versions of it and it's rather
The Mills brothers did at least one vocal version of Caravan, a wordless =
vocal one thats quite nice.
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Caravan faves
Date: 12 Mar 1999 17:14:38 -0500
>I recently picked up a Duke Ellington CD (on Verve) just to have a version
>of "Caravan" by the man. I was (pleasantly) surprised to find that it was
>a version with vocals by Ella Fitzgerald.
Speaking of this song, here is a case where I do not prefer the original over
all (hold on Ellington fans, I am one of you!). The original is credited to
"Barney Bigard and his Jazz-O-Pators", which is Ellington and sidemen under a
different name, but this version is not as good as the later versions that he
cut. There is the version I have (the flipside is "Azure" another gem) which I
prefer,because there are more instruments, but the version I first heard is a
live one, with a VERY noisy crowd. The tempo is slower (they don't have to
rush to fit a 78!) and the crowd noise adds an interesting ambience to the
whole affair.
The Best of Duke Ellington on Capitol also has a great later version, with the
horms adding odd harmonies to the melody line.
The most different version of "Caravan" I ever saw and heard was performed by
one of my former teachers, bassist Mark Dresser, who not only played the melody
with the bass but added percussion parts as well by using the bow against the
bass and strings. I never could play the bass THAT well!
Brian Phillips
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From: chuck <chuckmk@yahoo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Some Interesting Vinyl Finds
Date: 12 Mar 1999 14:21:16 -0800 (PST)
Picked up a bunch more records in good condition from some super cool
collection a nice lady once had. I found out from the store owner he
picked up all of these records from some wonderful woman. I wonder
from looking at all these records what she was like. I sure would
like to meet her.
Any comments especially about the ones with ??? are very welcome, I
really am just getting my vinyl feet wet again, its been awhile.
Claudine Longet "Claudine Longet"
Caterine Valente with Edmundo Ros "Silk 'n' Latin"
Luiz Bonfa "Plays Great Songs"
Lew Raymond Orchestra & Chorus "South Pacific"???
Tony Osborne "Kind of Hush"???
King Richards Fluegel Knights "Something Super" ???
Don Tweedy & His Orchstra "The Honey Touch" ???
Billy Vaughn "Nearness of You"
Edmundo Ros "Heading Souh of the Border"
Mystic Moods "Mexican Trip"
Robert Sasian & his Organ "Mariachi"???
Don Swan & his orchestra "Latino Vol 2"???
Living Brass "Plays Songs by Tom Jones"???
Andre Kostelanetz "Wonderland of Golden Hits"
Charlie Fox & the Ring of Sound "All"???
James Lust "My Favorite Songs"???
"Montenegro in Italy"
Phillips 66 presents Tijuana Christmas"
Jane Morgan "Jane in Spain"
Brass Ring "Flight of the Phoenix"
Brass Ring "Only Love"
Carmen Cavallaro "Dancing in the Dark"
Percy Faith "Bon Voyage"
Lenny Dee "Sings Danny's Song"???
Bil Seymore "Pal Joey" ??? Wow nice cover!!!
"Mancini Plays Love Story"
Joe Cain "Hits of the 60s"???
David Carrol "Galaxy"???
Buddy Bregman "This Band Swings"
Bob Crewe "Music To Watch Girls By"
Sandpipers 3 Albums
Moms & Dads "Greatfully Yours" this looks terrible????
Rene Touzet "Below the Border"?????
Edmundo Ros "Hollywood Cha Cha Cha"
Tomey Dorsey feat Warren Covington "More Tea for Two Cha Cha Chas"
Ray martin "Michelle"???
Hollywood Soundstage Chorus "South Pacific"???
Hugo Winterhalter "Best of 64"
Lenny Dee "Organ Magic"
Villiage Stompers "Taste of Honey" whew nice!
Ray Anthony "Hit Songs to Remember"
Moonlight Strings "After Midnight"???
I wonder what ever happened to Jessica, I use to love those
Pennsylvania Posts
Easy listening in the Big Easy
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From: "Nathan Miner" <nminer@jhmi.edu>
Subject: (exotica) X-Ray Tango
Date: 12 Mar 1999 16:14:53 -0500
Anybody heard this new CD?
The title is "Spy-Fidelity"
- Nate
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From: Ben Waugh <sophisticatedsavage@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) A few things I had to comment on...
Date: 12 Mar 1999 15:28:32 -0800 (PST)
Play Hits Written by The Beatles ain't bad, either. Particularly the
Blues for the Guru, with its blistering "electric sitar" (accompanied
by 101 Strings).
---Brian Karasick <BRIAN@PHYRES.Lan.McGill.CA> wrote:
> Re 101 Strings:
> While I do agree the only good one musically is "Astro Sounds",
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Dusty's funeral
Date: 12 Mar 1999 18:50:30 -0600
HENLEY-ON-THAMES, England (AP) -- Tom Jones, Rod Stewart and Elton John
sent flowers and Elvis Costello, Kiki Dee and Lulu were among the mourners
Friday at Dusty Springfield's funeral.
The soulful pop singer died of breast cancer on March 3 at 59.
``She was the very essence of fabness,'' said Neil Tennant of the Pet Shop
Boys, who recorded ``What Have I Done to Deserve This?'' with Ms.
Springfield in 1987.
Costello told the congregation at St. Mary-the-Virgin Church that Ms.
Springfield's voice communicated a ``sense of longing that demanded your
Costello also read a tribute from American composer Burt Bacharach who
said: ``You could hear just three notes and you knew it was Dusty. It was
such a rare and beautiful voice. I just want to add my thanks for every
beautiful note Dusty sang.''
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From: Ron Grandia <rgrandia@xtabay.com>
Subject: (exotica) It WORKS!
Date: 12 Mar 1999 17:00:44 -0800
After nearly a week of testing and tweaking the FEELTHY MONKEY shoutcast
server is running GREAT, treating the web to some seriously weird
exotica flavored programming in S T E R E O!
It's amazing that the whole kit-and-kaboodle is humming along reasonably
well on ONE wood-burning steam-driven 200mhz Windoze OS machine, WOW!
We are also getting a tremendous amount of response from "drop-in"
listeners. Woohoo! (We also get lots of immediate tune-outs, but I see
this as a sign we are doing things right.)
As far as programming, I am STILL running Johan's FANTASTICA! programs,
and will be rotating in a new crop
of shows this evening. I will be putting up other gems very soon if time
permits to digitize and convert them to Mp3. I am hoping to have some
time to do some LIVE netcasting Saturday night starting around 8pm or so
Pacific Time. Friday night might yeald some time to go live too...
probable after 10pm Pacific.
http://www.xtabay.com/feelthyradio.htm is the place to join the grand
experiment. See the studio LIVE on the webcam. To listen, you need at
least a 56k modem and WINAMP. I provide links on the page to help you
get started if you don't have it. Winamp is FREE and a cinch to
install/run. It's also the essential player for sound files of ANY kind.
I would encourage anyone on this list to make an effort to listen to the
prerecorded loop of FANTASTICA! running right now - it really is an
amazing thing Johan cooks up.- a real treat. Also, if anyone wants to
send a mix that they are particularly proud of, I would be glad to put
it in the rotation. Radio programmers? anyone? anyone?
Please let me know how it works for you - especially the 56k modem
users... I am trying to find the perfect balance between high sound
quality and bandwidth, so your input would be appreciated. I MIGHT be
adding a second server to let 28.8 users tune in , too... that's a month
or two away, though.
Anyone with Linux experience? I need to pick a brain.
Thanks for the space. Remember.....FEEDBACK!
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From: kbonnett@coax.net (Kevin Bonnett)
Subject: Re: (exotica) Retro Future - What Y2K looked like in the 50's
Date: 12 Mar 1999 22:01:22 -0500
Sorry gang,
Those AOL URL's supposedly only work for AOL Members signed on to AOL at
the time they try to access them. I suppose we could discuss hacking it but
I'm not goin' there and I think hacking would be highly off topic. I doubt
we'll ever see a CD release called "tHe eXoTiC HaCkS Of tHe LeGiOn oF DoOm"
or anything similar. ;-)
Ciao 4 now!
Kevin : )
Robert says:
>I tried to figure out how to give the URL to non-AOL'ers (you lucky dogs)
>this is all I could get:
>any ideas how to make this work???
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Caravan faves
Date: 12 Mar 1999 23:10:48 -0500
A couple of my favorite "Caravans" are The Three Suns' version and that
early Les Paul take.
The Ventures do a truly scorching rendition on "Live In Japan '65". Except
an endless drum solo kind of takes the wind out of its sails.
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: Hugh Petfield <tribute@dircon.co.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Caravan faves
Date: 13 Mar 1999 06:41:41 +0000
MAce wrote:
>The Ventures do a truly scorching rendition on "Live In Japan '65". Except
>an endless drum solo kind of takes the wind out of its sails.
That's more a visual thing. At the start of the solo, the other three guys
leave the stage and leave the late (and missed) Mel Taylor to it. Bob Bogle
(bass) then returns and the penultimate part of the solo is Taylor using
a drumstick to play the 4th string of Bogle's bass. I'm sure they were not
the first group to do this, but they certainly did it well. I saw them do
in 1969 with a different drummer (Joe Barile I think) and it was quite a
cute act.
The studio recording of Caravan (on the "Bobby Vee meets The Ventures"
album) is not so long, and pretty fierce.
Hugh. (ex-Ventures anorak)
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From: "Br. Cleve" <bcleve@pop.tiac.net>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Teddy Randazzo
Date: 13 Mar 1999 03:07:00 -0500
At 2:47 PM -0500 3/12/99, DJJimmyBee@aol.com wrote:
> Teddy Randazzo...... was responsible for the lush exotic arrangements of such
>Little Anthony hits as "I'm On The Outside (Looking In)" and "Hurt So Bad".
He also arranged and conducted the "Girl From U.N.C.L.E." soundtrack
(wonder if he's making money off the theme song now that Dimitri's samples
of it have become a car commercial?")
Pretty sure he wrote "Can't Take My Eyes Off You", Frankie Valli's late
60's prom favorite.
br cleve
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From: "Giovanni Berti" <giovanni@pirulazio.interim.it>
Subject: (exotica) stinking merda
Date: 12 Mar 1999 20:07:38 +0000
> Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 14:31:15 -0500
> From: "Bryan J. Cuevas" <bjc8f@server3.mail.virginia.edu>
> Subject: (exotica) Merda in Atlanta
> This is a bit off topic, but I just had to say that ** big ** scores are
> still possible in large cities. I was antiquing in Atlanta this past
> weekend and found buried in a stack of old records a beauuuutiful copy of
> Black Merda's S/T album on Chess (LPS-1551, 1970). Price paid...$1.25.
I'm wondering if you all non-italians are aware that "merda" in
italian literally means "shit". This leads to the question: can the
record be any good?
Gionni Paludi
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From: "Giovanni Berti" <giovanni@pirulazio.interim.it>
Subject: (exotica) Signor Rossi
Date: 12 Mar 1999 20:07:38 +0000
> > Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 19:25:43 -0800
> > From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
> > Subject: (exotica) New Crippled Dick release ?
> > Anyone know about this ?
> > O.S.T.: Signor Rossi CD (CDHW ? CD). "Signore Rossi -- original music
> > from the classic animation series - music composed, arranged and
> > performed by Franco Godi. Original Soundtrack and Dialogues from the
> > well-known TV-cartoon-series & CD-debut for Signor Rossi!
The theme from Signor Rossi, "W la felicita'" is already featured in
the Studio Uno release "The Third Millennium", which includes both
the original italian version and the english sung version. More
remixed versions in the Studio Uno 12" mix I wrote about in the list
some weeks ago. The latter is still not available in the States.
Anyone interested can contact me.
Gionni Paludi
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From: kbonnett@coax.net (Kevin Bonnett)
Subject: (exotica) Retro Future - URLs
Date: 13 Mar 1999 05:30:29 -0500
Hi again,
OK, I've finally found time to cruise AOL's Retro Future area. It seems
much of it is web-based but they may be on servers accessible to AOL Members
First, I'd like to say that I'll not post more on this. I merely wanted
to let those who may be interested know that these possible areas of
possibly related interest exist on AOL.
There are 4 Topic folders in the Retro Future Message Board.
They are:
Retro Future Thoughts 61 posts
Flying Car 79 posts
Space Age Bachelor Pad 18 posts
Golf on the Moon 23 posts
I stated earlier that I thought this was a new area on AOL. They use a
Topic of the Week format, the current one "Flying Car", so "Golf on the
Moon" and "Space Age Bachelor Pad" probably came first. Not even a month
old! Looks like "Space Age Bachelor Pad" wasn't such a big hit, probably
the first ToW they had. I hope my fellow AOLers on this list will find time
to post and offer suggestions for the area. Could be fun to make it our
own. : )
Web Links for all(?):
Flying Car links
Space Age Bachelor Pad links
http://www.mtr.org/ Museum of Television and Radio website
Golf on the Moon links
Web Links for AOL only(?) never hurts to try!:
http://retrofuture.web.aol.com/flyingcar.html The Only Car That Flies: The
ConVAIRCAR (3-8-99)
http://retrofuture.web.aol.com/spaceage.htm Walter Cronkite's Space Age
Bachelor Pad (3-1-99)
http://retrofuture.web.aol.com/moongolf.htm Moon Shot: Alan Shepard Takes a
Swing in Space (2-22-99)
My AOL websites (nothing exotic, yet!)
http://members.aol.com/kbonnett/ just me and some of my mine
http://members.aol.com/nusance/ folderol
http://members.aol.com/ohyes937/ Ohio Area Code 937 spells YES - People,
Places, & Things of interest
If any of you wish to contact me on one of the above names, ID yourself
right away. Mail from unknowns is deleted and IM's are interrogated until
proven friendly. I also use the above names with AOL Instant Messenger.
Stop and say Hi : )
Ciao 4 now!
Kevin : )
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From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" <weirdomusic@wxs.nl>
Subject: Re: (exotica) 101 Strings
Date: 13 Mar 1999 12:02:21 +0100
Jack wrote:
> Anyone ever see or hear the "101 Strings Play Jimi Hendrix"
> It'sa good 1:)
Yeah, but it always reminds me of 'James Last plays Ac/Dc'!
Marco "Kallie" Kalnenek
Record Collector's Heaven
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From: Pearmania@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) More on 101 Strings
Date: 13 Mar 1999 06:53:30 EST
>Backbeat Symphony' is supposed to be great...
For me, this album is one of those "so bad it's good" titles. The combination
of classical standards with a doo-wop beat behind them is outrageous! What
were they thinking?
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From: mimim@texas.net (Mimi Mayer)
Subject: (exotica) Caravan faves
Date: 13 Mar 1999 09:45:17 -0500
It's twinkie and utterly irrational, but I love Buddy Cole's Caravan from
Pipes, Pedals and Fidelity on Columbia. Maybe it's the gong that opens the
arrangement or maybe it's the growl that Buddy pulls from his theatre
organ. You'd be mad to find it at all groovesque, but that's what I play
when I need a Caravan fix. Carioca from PP&F has a similar effect. The only
other decent tune on the record is You Go to My Head, in which Buddy
scatters these hesitations....uh-oh, looks like he's teetering....aiii,
fight an urge to leap to my feet and grab him before he topples right over!
Then Buddy catches himself and gets back to the tune.
Did somebody mention the John Buzon Trio's Caravan from Inferno?
Pandemonium on wax.
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From: "Robert Baldock" <rcb@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Caravan faves
Date: 13 Mar 1999 18:00:08 -0000
Mimi Mayer wrote:
> It's twinkie and utterly irrational, but I love Buddy Cole's Caravan from
> Pipes, Pedals and Fidelity on Columbia.
That sounds like an amazing LP!
Apart from the almost unbeatably classic versions by the Three
Suns and Sir Julian, I like the version by Bobby Byrne on
"Persuasive Percussion 1966" and also Johnny "Chaquito"
Gregory's version (which I have on a compilation LP). They both
take a cool, swingin' crime jazz approach.
** ** ** * Spaced Out - the Enoch Light Website * ** ** **
** ** ** * http://www.rcb.easynet.co.uk/light/ * ** ** **
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Teddy Randazzo
Date: 13 Mar 1999 13:28:27 -0500
A young Teddy Randazzo can be seen in "Mister Rock And Roll" (1957), one of
the Alan Freed rock exploitation movies. Not a cameo role either. He's the
male lead as a young singer who becomes a (fictional) star with a little
help and advice from Alan Freed. Also with Chuck Berry, Frankie Lymon and
The Teenagers, Little Richard, The Moonglows, Laverne Baker, Lionel
Hampton, Brook Benton, Clyde McPhatter and Ferlin Husky. Rocky Graziano too!
Back in real life, Teddy also produced the 60s psych band, The Third Bardo
("I'm Five Years Ahead Of My Time"). A full and varied career.
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: Re: (exotica) Teddy Randazzo
Date: 13 Mar 1999 14:12:39 EST
In a message dated 3/13/99 2:27:17 PM, ecam@voicenet.com wrote:
>Back in real life, Teddy also produced the 60s psych band, The Third Bardo
>("I'm Five Years Ahead Of My Time"). A full and varied career.
I also submit that Teddy's arrangements coupled with Burt Bacharach's
melodical influences were subliminally combined to give birth to The Sound of
Philadelphia, THEE soul sound of 1968-79.......My .02 for you, Jimmy
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From: "Giovanni Berti" <giovanni@pirulazio.interim.it>
Subject: (exotica) Re: exotica-digest V2 #345
Date: 12 Mar 1999 19:40:34 +0000
> Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 12:48:58 EST
> From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
> Subject: Re: (exotica) Exchange proposition for exotic music lovers
> And the original post had: "My name is David Chazam"
Could have been also: "Signed D.C."
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) New eXotica Releases Overview Update
Date: 13 Mar 1999 14:15:44 +0100
A new update to the eXotica Releases Overview is available.
These are the most important recent additions, that where not yet announced
(If you would like to receive the unabridged updates by e-mail, just
subscribe to my "XRO updater" by sending a messasge to
<Quiet@village.uunet.be> with "subscribe to XRO" as subject)
- March 13: new (1999) releases, announcements & corrections -
* The Huntington Cads: "Introducing The New Sound"
CD, Dr. Dream/Mai Tai DD01132, USA, 1999
* Mrs. Miller: "Ultra-Lounge: Wild, Cool & Swingin'"
CD, Capitol, USA, June 1999
* Andre Popp: "Holiday For DJ's"
CD, Basta, Netherlands, Announced For 1999
* Frank Pourcel:
"This Is Pourcel/Frank Pourcel Plays The Cole Porter Story"
Double CD, EMI, UK, 1999
* Louis Prima & Keely Smith: "Breaking It Up!"
CD, Columbia/Legacy CK 65259, USA, 1999
* Dave Samuels: "Tjader-Ized: Cal Tjader Tribute"
CD, ?, USA, 1999?
* Various Artists:
"The Sci-Fi Channel Presents Sci-Fi's Greatest Hits Volume 2: The Dark Side"
CD, TVT Records, USA, 1999
* Various Artists:
"The Sci-Fi Channel Presents Sci-Fi's Greatest Hits Volume 3: The Uninvited"
CD, TVT Records, USA, 1999
* Various Artists:
"The Sci-Fi Channel Presents Sci-Fi's Greatest Hits Volume 4:
Defenders Of Justice"
CD, TVT Records, USA, 1999
* Various Artists: "Ultimate Stereo Presentation/Break-Throug"
(An Introduction To Studio 2 Stereo)
Double CD, EMI, UK, 1999
- March 13: more or less recent (1998) stuff -
* The Blue Hawaiians: "Sway"
CD, Pascal Records, USA, 1998
* Mark Renwick: "Night Must Fall..." (Theatre Organ After Hours)
CD, Musette Records (No Catalog Number), USA, 1998
* Various Artists: "Porn Beats"
CD, Dust 2 Dust 503, UK, 1998
- March 13: other interesting finds I stumbled on -
* Soundtrack: "A Clockwork Orange" [by Walter Carlos]
CD, East Side Digital 81362, USA, 1996
* Various Artists: "Elvis Espanol"
Cassette, SSSH! 2, USA, 1988
* Vagabond Cinema Pops Arkestra: "Promotional Only" (From Outer Space)
CD, Midi Creative 1026, Japan, 199?
>>> Additions & corrections are more than welcome!
>>> The XRO is a discography, NOT a sale catalog!
For the online version of the eXotica Releases Overview,
visit "Dada'quariums Exotica": http://bewoner.dma.be/Dada/
Johan Dada Vis
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Leah's Lament
Date: 14 Mar 1999 00:01:32 EST
While transporting my kids, I often force them to listen to a tape of my most
recent radio show. My daughter, Leah, while listening to Ray Conniff's
version to "Love Is All Around" aka The Theme From Mary Tyler Moore , said
"Daddy, that song makes me sad". I, thinking it was a vintage life-affirmer,
said to Leah, 6, "Why honey? Its just a theme song for an old TV show shown
when Daddy was young." She said, "Its not the words Daddy, its the way the
song sounds that makes me sad." I savor the moment..........
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Not the one you think!
Date: 14 Mar 1999 08:49:51 EST
Anybody have an idea who this joker is? Is he one of our own?? Eck!!!!
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Not the one you think!
Date: 14 Mar 1999 09:04:52 EST
Oops! I guess this would help:
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Now DIG THIS: Shoutcasting!: playlists URL
Date: 14 Mar 1999 16:19:20 +0100
"Mojo Workin' AKA Rgrandia" <mojoworkin@rocketmail.com> wrote:
>You SHOULD hear 4, count 'em FOUR Fantastica!'s.
>#6, #7, #8, and #10.
for the playlists, visit my archive:
or mail me for a text version.
| ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \
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From: Nafichera@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) question for the list
Date: 14 Mar 1999 11:43:10 EST
where can I get, or does anyone on the list have info on the Limelight and
Probe record labels, e.g. discographies, who ran the companies,any old dealer
catalogues. I am intrigued by the contrast between "normal" music and whacked-
out stuff on both those labels. I would like to meet the A&R guy who signed
both Doc Severensen and the Soft Machine. although, I did buy a Doc S. LP, "D.
S.'s Closet", I think , that has a great version of "In The Court of the
Crimson King" . would have loved to seen him do that one on the Tonight Show
in one of his groovy Austin Powers-ish jackets. Also, a porn director wants to
work with "our" lovely Lounge Laura ! say it ain't so !
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From: "Robert L. Powell, Jr." <bobbo@gnt.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Not the one you think!
Date: 14 Mar 1999 09:58:58 -0600
Interesting. Very interesting. I think I like it. Can't tell yet if it's
a lounge parody, or lounge viewed through a late-nineties window. Kind of
like William Gibson or Bruce Sterling overdosing on Populuxe LSD ("Sinatra
in Dark Glasses and a Leopard-Skin Smoking Jacket"). No, maybe more like
Anne Rice ("Interview With The Vampire Peggy Lee"). Nicely designed, from
what I see so far.
-----Original Message-----
>Oops! I guess this would help:
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From: Moritz R <exotica@munich.netsurf.de>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Not the one you think!
Date: 14 Mar 1999 22:06:33 +0100
He looks a bit like I imagine Laszlo....
No, seriously... America is really the land of the cynics...
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From: Lazlo Nibble <lazlo@studio-nibble.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Not the one you think!
Date: 14 Mar 1999 15:48:47 -0700
On Sun, Mar 14, 1999 at 10:06:33PM +0100, Moritz R wrote:
> He looks a bit like I imagine Laszlo....
Yeek, that's fuckin' cold. I guess there's a vague resemblance, at least in
the lower of the two photos, but I haven't had long hair for a couple of years
now. I think the closest thing I have to an online photo at the moment is the
Dr. Katz thing at <http://www.studio-nibble.com/lazlo/quotes.html>.
Lazlo Nibble - lazlo@studio-nibble.com - http://www.studio-nibble.com
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From: kevin@astsoft.com (kevin leeeeee)
Subject: (exotica) new discussion list???
Date: 14 Mar 1999 19:07:34 -0800 (PST)
hi all,
i was just wondering if anyone knows if there's a discussion list dedicated
to new releases that tend to pop up here on this list occasionally. like
that great post chuck wrote about Shibuya-kei, as well as the french and
euro and u.k. stuff and whatever output is coming from the U.S. and
while i like the openness of exotica to include new as well as old stuff,
it just seems like there should or could be such a list too.
in case i've not made clear what sort of new stuff i'm talking about:
fantastic plstic machine, dimitri from paris, april march, cornelius,
kahimi kariye, (say whatever happened to tipsy anyway?), jimi tenor, pizz5,
st. etienne, stereolab, you get the idea, etc...
maybe there's a website for this already?
please advise? thanks!
kevin leeeeee
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From: Moritz R <exotica@munich.netsurf.de>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Signor Rossi
Date: 15 Mar 1999 10:31:48 +0100
> Giovanni Berti wrote:
> > The theme from Signor Rossi, "W la felicita'" is already featured in
> > the Studio Uno release "The Third Millennium", which includes both
> > the original italian version and the english sung version. More
> > remixed versions in the Studio Uno 12" mix I wrote about in the list
> > some weeks ago. The latter is still not available in the States.
A German version (naturallly called "Herr Rossi") appeared recentely on
Marina by the "Moulinettes", a former girl-group (now boys also) from
Munich. It's available as a single and on the relating album "20 Blumen"
("20 flowers")....
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From: Moritz R <exotica@munich.netsurf.de>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Not the one you think!
Date: 15 Mar 1999 10:34:43 +0100
So, you're actually Ernie Longmire... interesting. My remark was meant
friendly, of course.
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From: mighty65@pacbell.net
Subject: Re: (exotica) new discussion list???
Date: 15 Mar 1999 01:35:59 -0800 (PST)
Seems like a decent idea for a "broadcast only" list, of course.
Kind of a sister list to exotica possibly. Probably with the right
kind of development one might even be able to work their way
onto some label promo mailing lists with it :)
I recently initiated a list on One List. Its meeting the needs nicely
Paul Moshay
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From: Brad Bigelow <spaceagepop@earthlink.net>
Subject: (exotica) A Gajillion Strings
Date: 01 Jan 1999 00:28:32
I'm working on an article for "Cool and Strange Music" on strings albums,
so I've been following the short thread on 101 Strings albums. I recently
devoted a month of listening time to an immersion in string music. I must
have spent at least 20 bucks for a half gross of strings. And though I
plan to be much lengthier and eloquent in the article, to sum up my
conclusion from this experiment:
Most string music sucks. Meaning it's not enjoyable bad--just boringly bad.
Almost all 101 Strings albums suck. Even most with interesting covers.
Arranging for strings separates the pros from the hacks. People like Percy
Faith really did earn their pay.
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) obits: Les Barcus, Garson Kanin, Leon Falk, Nieson Himmel,
Date: 15 Mar 1999 10:24:09 -0600
*Les Barcus
SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) -- Les Barcus, inventor of an electronic pickup that
could be used on an array of instruments from acoustic guitars to flutes,
died March 4 at age 89.
The Barcus-Berry pickup, first produced in the 1960s, allowed clear
amplification of traditional non-electric instruments and led to new
possibilities in performance.
In 1963, John Berry brought him a violin, hoping Barcus could improve its
recorded sound.
Barcus built a small transducer that picked up the energy reverberating
from the strings as it passed to the bridge of the instrument. The invention
led to formation of Barcus-Berry Inc., which began operation in 1964.
Barcus was the technical wizard; Berry, a classical musician, tested his
new pickups and handled the business.
*Garson Kanin
NEW YORK (AP) -- Garson Kanin, a prolific playwright who created the
Broadway and Hollywood classic ``Born Yesterday,'' died Saturday of heart
failure after a long illness. He was 86.
Kanin's place in entertainment history would have been assured had Kanin
done no more than write and direct ``Born Yesterday,'' the oft-revived play
that made Judy Holliday a star of the theater in 1946 and won her an Oscar
for the movie version in 1950.
Kanin was the author or director of numerous stage and movie hits,
including some of the celebrated screen pairings of Spencer Tracy and
Katharine Hepburn.
In collaboration with his wife of 43 years, actress Ruth Gordon, he wrote
the screenplays of Tracy and Hepburn's ``Adam's Rib'' in 1949 and ``Pat and
Mike'' in 1952. He and his wife also received an Academy Award nomination
for writing ``A Double Life,'' the 1948 movie for which Ronald Colman
received a best-actor Oscar.
Ms. Gordon died in 1985. In 1990, Kanin married actress Marian Seldes, who
was with him when he died.
Kanin claimed collaboration in the first Tracy-Hepburn teaming, ``Woman of
the Year,'' in 1942. His screenwriter brother, Michael Kanin, and Ring
Lardner Jr. were the officially credited writers and won an Oscar.
He also said ``The More the Merrier,'' the delicious 1943 comedy of wartime
Washington, was his brainchild, but the screenplay is credited to four other
writers. The comedy of political corruption and personal redemption, which
ran for 1,642 performances on Broadway, boomed anew during the latter Nixon
As an officer in an Army film unit during World War II, Kanin was
co-director, with Carol Reed, of ``The True Glory,'' which won the Oscar for
best documentary in 1945.
He wrote some 14 books of fact and fiction and published numerous articles
and short stories everywhere from Good Housekeeping to Penthouse.
See also: http://www.nytimes.com/library/arts/031599obit-garson-kanin.html
*Leon Falk
NEW YORK (AP) -- Leon ``Lee'' Falk, the creator of the comic strips
``Mandrake the Magician'' and ``The Phantom, died Saturday of congestive
heart failure. He was 87.
Falk was a college student when he conceived ``Mandrake the Magician,''
about a hypnotist who used his powers to fight crime. The strip, which first
appeared in 1934 and has been drawn by Fred Fredericks since 1965, is still
syndicated in 125 newspapers.
In 1936, Falk developed ``The Phantom,'' which follows the exploits of a
costumed superhero. The strip runs in than 500 newspapers.
After working in secret intelligence with the Office of War Information
during World War II, Falk returned to playwriting and theatrical production.
For many years he was the owner of summer theaters in Massachusetts and a
winter theater in Nassau in the
Falk produced more than 300 plays and directed about 100 others, featuring
stars such as Dame May Whitty in ``Night Must Fall'' and Charlton Heston in
``Bell, Book and Candle.''
He also wrote several plays and two musicals, ``Happy Dollar'' and
``Mandrake the Magician and the Enchantress.''
See also: http://www.nytimes.com/yr/mo/day/news/national/obit-lee-falk.html
*Nieson Himmel
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Nieson Himmel, an eccentric newsroom character who
rubbed elbows with gangsters and celebrities while covering every major Los
Angeles crime story since World War II, died Saturday of pneumonia-related
complications. He was 77.
The Los Angeles Times reporter had been off work since February, after he
collapsed in the newsroom on the way to his desk.
He earned his reputation in the 1940s and 1950s covering the infamous Black
Dahlia murder and the shooting of gangster Bugsy Siegel during his 22-year
tenure with the now-defunct Los Angeles Herald-Examiner.
During the late '40s, Himmel befriended everyone from gangsters and call
girls to con men and cops, often arriving at crime scenes before police and
occasionally knocking back drinks with his sources when the night was through.
Himmel left the Herald-Examiner during a strike in the 1960s and worked for
the City News Service before joining the Times in 1975.
Himmel spent most nights at his desk in recent years, monitoring police and
fire department scanners.
The 5-foot-7 reporter weighed close to 300 pounds and was described in a
Times obituary as a newsroom ``Buddha-figure'' who listened comfortably from
his chair as dispatchers barked out ``the nightly mayhem.''
Survivors include a sister, four nieces and nephews.
And a tip o' the porkpie to Citizen Kafka for finding this one:
March 14, 1999
Gershon Legman, Anthologist of Erotic Humor, Dies at 81
Gershon Legman, a self-taught scholar of dirty jokes and bawdy
limericks and ballads who played a pivotal role in opening up the field of
erotic folklore to scholarly study in the 1960s and 70s, died on Feb. 23 at
a hospital near his home in Opio, France. He was
Legman is best known as the author of a two-volume psychoanalytic study
of sexual and scatological humor titled "Rationale of the Dirty Joke" and as
an industrious anthologist of limericks. He also published books on violence
in comic books, oral sex and various aspects of erotic folklore.
He accumulated what has been described as one of the world's largest
collections of published and unpublished erotic and scatological literature,
and served as a kind of intermediary for scholars worldwide, maintaining a
voluminous correspondence from his home in a hill town on the Riviera.
A tireless autodidact, he was credited with a role in introducing the art
of Japanese paper-folding to the West. In interviews, he also said he had
developed a vibrator in the late 1930s and coined the phrase "Make love, not
war" during a talk at the University of Ohio in 1963.
At his death, after a series of strokes that began in 1991, he left
behind several unpublished manuscripts, including a two-volume book on
ballads that he had worked on for years and an autobiography that his wife,
Judith, said he had lost the desire to
complete after he became ill.
In addition to his wife, he is survived by their three children, David,
of Summit, N.J., and Rafael and Sarah, of Opio, and by his daughter Ariela,
of Amsterdam. Mrs. Legman, his wife since 1966, said she was unsure whether
their marriage was his second or third.
The son of immigrants from Eastern Europe, Legman grew up in Scranton,
Pa. His parents, he said, expected him to become a rabbi. But he became
interested in erotica at an early age and took to clipping racy jokes out of
magazines, pasting them on index cards and filing them by subject.
He dropped out of college in his first semester, his wife said. In
interviews, Legman said he had traveled across the country lecturing on
contraception for organizations that promoted birth control and being
arrested for violating anti-obscenity statutes.
Eventually, he landed in New York, took a series of odd jobs and began
spending long hours at the New York Public Library, cultivating what his
wife called "his interest in all that was erotic and at that time completely
forbidden except in medical circles."
In the late 1940s, he became editor of Neurotica, a short-lived Freudian
quarterly. Along with work by Allen Ginsberg, Marshall McLuhan and others,
he published his own essays attacking violence in comic books, which later
appeared in his first book, "Love and Death: A Study in Censorship."
In the book, Legman questioned why children were exposed to lurid
depictions of violence but shielded from descriptions of people making love.
After publishers rejected the manuscript, he published it himself and
distributed it by mail out of his book-cluttered house in the Bronx.
Shortly afterward, the postal service stopped delivering his mail, Legman
said. So he moved to France with his first wife, Beverly Keith, in 1953.
They settled eventually on the Riviera, having arrived one day by train and
having been overwhelmed by the sight of the bougainvillea, Judith Legman said.
Legman's first anthology, "The Limerick," appeared in France in 1953 and
later in the United States. Like much of his work, it was encyclopedic; it
contained 1,739 limericks. In 1977, Crown Publishers published a sequel,
"The New Limerick," with 2,750.
"Rationale of the Dirty Joke" came out in 1968, published by Grove Press.
A second volume, "No Laughing Matter: Rationale of the Dirty Joke, 2d
Series," appeared in 1975. In it, Legman sorted more than 2,000 jokes into
categories like "sex and money,"
"castration" and "homosexuality."
In a review in Time magazine, R.Z. Sheppard called the book "an
undeniable presence, a work of majestic ego that was weathered by new
attitudes and ideas long before completion." The review continued: "In the
future, it will be plundered, measured and
thumbed through for titillation. But the book will remain impervious in all
its pocked dignity, authenticity and embattled romanticism."
Among Legman's other books are "The Horn Book: Studies in Erotic Folklore
and Bibliography" and "Oragenitalism," on oral sex.
A devotee of paper-folding, he put together a bibliography on the topic
in the early 1950s and is said to have helped initiate a museum exhibition
on origami in Amsterdam.
Bruce Jackson, a professor of American culture at the State University of
New York at Buffalo and the author of a 1974 book on narrative poetry from
the black oral tradition, said Legman made accessible to other scholars
material that scholarly journals had long been afraid to publish.
"Legman is the person, more than any other, who made research into erotic
folklore and erotic verbal behavior academically respectable," Jackson said.
"He's utterly famous in the world of erotica for what he did -- for making
these materials accessible by
providing them freely to anyone who asked and for finding stuff that nobody
else knew about."
Death anniversaries for the week of 15 March - 21 March:
Monday, 15 March
1975 - Aristotle Onassis; shipping magnate
1998 - Benjamin Spock; child-care author
Wednesday, 17 March
1992 - Grace Stafford; cartoon voice, Woody Woodpecker
Friday, 19 March
1974 - Edward Platt; actor, "Get Smart"
Saturday, 20 March
1974 - Chet Huntley; newscaster
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Some Interesting Vinyl Finds
Date: 15 Mar 1999 10:36:09 -0500
At 02:21 PM 3/12/99 -0800, chuck wrote:
>Any comments especially about the ones with ??? are very welcome, I
>really am just getting my vinyl feet wet again, its been awhile.
With lists like this one showing up, people are going to start posting
their entire collections. Anyway, uh....
>Claudine Longet "Claudine Longet"
Can't ever have too many Claudine's. I just picked up a rare-ish one
myself which I'll post as soon as I go through this huge pile - most of
which I did NOT pay a buck for.
>King Richards Fluegel Knights "Something Super" ???
>Don Tweedy & His Orchstra "The Honey Touch" ???
I've had records by both these "artists". They have their moments. (That
was hardly even worth saying.)
>Living Brass "Plays Songs by Tom Jones"???
What's with the question marks???? But if you want to be accurate, it's
"songs made famous by Tom Jones".
>"Montenegro in Italy"
General rule of thumb. Avoid these Montenegro records on this label.
>Brass Ring "Flight of the Phoenix"
>Brass Ring "Only Love"
Since Phil Bodner is God, I don't really need to comment on these.
>David Carrol "Galaxy"???
You must never pass up a David Carroll record. It may not be great but
even the mediocre ones have amazing surprises.
>Bob Crewe "Music To Watch Girls By"
>Sandpipers 3 Albums
Bob Crewe is also God. And the Sandpipers are angels.
>Rene Touzet "Below the Border"?????
>Edmundo Ros "Hollywood Cha Cha Cha"
>Tomey Dorsey feat Warren Covington "More Tea for Two Cha Cha Chas"
Rene Touzet is better than Edmondo but this kind of music was apparently so
easy to make that even Tommy Dorsey could make good cha cha records.
>Ray martin "Michelle"???
Ray Martin is more like Krishna than God but this is not Krishna's best
Oh and as far as your last post goes, once more you scored a good Howard
Roberts record.
Oh Oh, and as far as that "Now Sound vs Swingin Sounds" controversy goes, I
must say that I use the term "now sound" to describe all of it, not because
I think it's all that accurate but just to distinguish it from more general
terms like "lounge" or "easy listening".
I don't think I'm going to start distinguishing one form or cheesy 60's
covers from another just on the basis of country of origin.
Why don't we just call it all Schlager and then we can make this the
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) BoB ThOmpSon site
Date: 15 Mar 1999 10:49:17 -0600
Here's a note from Irwin Chusid:
>Bob Thompson's son Spenser has created a website devoted to his dad's Space
>Age Pop legacy.........
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Date: 15 Mar 1999 10:48:17 -0600
Forwarded for Dana Countryman (coolstrge@aol.com) of C&SM Mag:
Things just keep getting better! Not only do we keep upping our page-count
(currently at 56 pages,) but we now feature a four-color cover, and seven
more pages of full color throughout the magazine. Not just a " 'zine", our
magazine is a commercial venture, beautifully offset-printed, with a cool
color cover, lots of high-quality photos, great articles, tons of new wacky
and weird CD reviews and it's more fun than ever!
The new issue features:
=95 A cover story about the phenomenal TOM JONES, the grooviest cat to ever
wear a ruffled shirt on a Las Vegas stage. Truly one of a dying breed of
"hip" Vegas performers, Jones is a definite living legend, and in our
opinion is vastly under-rated as a R&B vocalist, stage performer and
all-around showman. Writer Matt Marchese gives a rundown of Jones' career,
that took him from a small Welsh mining town to the top of the charts,
collecting hotel room keys and panties flung en masse at his feet onstage
(and offstage.)
=95 An article on the music of THE ARCHIES. What made this cartoon group so
great? The music that this fictional "band" created, that's what!
Spearheaded by popmeister Jeff Barry, and propelled by Don Kirchner, this
recording-only band pumped out an incredibly high level of pop music, that
is just now getting the attention it deserves. Read all about the
behind-the-scenes creation of the legendary group behind hits like SUGAR,
SUGAR in Don Charles informative article.
=95 A feature interview with THE SLACKMATES, North Carolina's up-and-coming,
brilliant guitar instrumental band. The group has put out one of our
favorite CDs, to ever hit our offices (Hot Car Girls), that defies the
current trend of retro-surf-guitar bands. Editor Dana Countryman chats with
the band about its influences and goals.
=95 A tour though some of the coolest and strangest record stores in in
=95 Writer Byron Nilsson leads us into the netherworld of SONG POEMS, the
forsaken step-child of the music industry. Song Poems are created when an
amateur songwriter pays a company to put music to his or her lyrics, and
have one of their staff musicians record a demo of the tune(s), presumably
for release to radio stations for hit-bound status. Yeah, right. Basically
it's a scam, preying on poor, clueless average mom and dads. These records
went absolutely nowhere, and are pretty much horrible. But hey! -That's what
makes them fascinating, and our article will make you want to run out to
your local thrift shop and bring some of these oddities home yourself.
=95 A short look at four wacky "educational-themed" LPs of the '60s, in Ed
Kaz' ED KAZ KOLUMN. Learn all about Ed's favorites, including Dorothy
Collin's "Experiment Songs", which has lyrics like "Rub your palms, rub your
palms - Rub them hard, rub them hard - 'til they're very warm. Hi-Ho,
whaddaya know? - We're making heat!!"=20
=95 Our Color Centerfold is a spread of some of the WEIRDEST LP COVERS we've
ever seen, sent in to us by our readers from all over the world. You simply
haven't lived until you've seen Lenny Dee at the organ, being pulled on a
small barge, across a Florida lake with a doggie atop his organ, while Lenny
plays away!
=95 Ever come across some obscure LP in a thrift store of a local artist,=
probably sold their records in the lobby of the lounge they performed in? Of
course you have! That's what Jessica Ford Cameron's article on LOUNGE
RECORDS is all about. She's gathered up the best of these records in her
collection to describe why these oddities have a certain charm that you'll
never find on a major record label.
=95 Regular contributor Rich Wilhelm takes us on a tour of STRANGE DISCO
RECORDS from the '70s. Whoever thought that John Travolta, the BeeGees and
disco music, in general would ever be popular again? Yes, it's happening
right now, and just to re-live the first wave of Disco, we look at the
strangest of the strange disco records, culminating with what we consider
the GrandMama of all disco records, "The Ethel Merman Disco Album!!!"
All this, and a whole lot more fun stuff than we can bear to mention, and
you'll find a very Cool Issue #12 of COOL AND STRANGE MUSIC! MAGAZINE. So
get on board! It's gonna be a cool ride through the wild, wacky and
sometimes tacky world of records!
COOL AND STRANGE MUSIC! MAGAZINE is available at most Tower Records and
Tower Books stores, Borders and other national bookstore chains. We are also
in hundreds of newsstands and independent bookstores around the U.S., so
take a look!
If you have trouble locating COOL AND STRANGE MUSIC! MAGAZINE locally, you
can order by mail. You can purchase a single copy directly from us for a
measly $3.95 each in the US, $5 Canada, and $6 to all other countries. (U.S.
funds, please.) Hey, there's never an extra charge for postage. THAT'S the
kind of magazine we are! Sorry, but all of our back issues (except #7, which
is still available) are now SOLD OUT, and won't be reprinted.
Subscriptions (we publish quarterly) are just $12 a year (4 issues) for cool
guys and gals in the U.S.A., $16 Canada, and $25 (U.S. funds) for our
foreign buddies! All prices includes shipping.
Sorry, we don't take credit cards.
Send your Check, Cash or Money Order to:
Cool And Strange Music! Magazine
1101 Colby Ave.
Everett, WA USA 98201
Hey, take a look at our Web Site at=20
There are lots of fun LP covers to download, lots of cool links to other
great related websites, scads more info about the magazine, and even reviews
of the mag by other magazines!
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) GoodBye!, the Journal of Contemporary Obituaries
Date: 15 Mar 1999 11:06:12 -0600
The new issue of GoodBye!, the Journal of Contemporary Obituaries, has been
published on the web.
The new issue covers the months of January and Febuary of 1999.
To read GoodBye!, point your browser to:
Obits in the latest issue include:
Iron Eyes Cody, Movie Brave and Ecology PSA Star
Walter Lini, Vanuatuan
Mario Zacchini, Human Cannonballl
Deaths 100 Years Ago in the NY Tribune
George Popov, Grasshopper Maven
Gene Siskel, Movie Idiot
Jerry Quarry, Great White Hope
Lillian St. Cyr, Ecdysiast
William Whyte, Rules of Walking in the City
Plus Animal Deaths, Deaths Mayhem, and much more.
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From: "Rajnai, Charles, NNAD" <crajnai@att.com>
Subject: RE: (exotica) Leah's Lament
Date: 15 Mar 1999 11:14:23 -0500
its the way the
song sounds that makes me sad
I can relate. I always thought of this tune this way.
too young to remember it in prime time,
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: (exotica) Strange song selection
Date: 15 Mar 1999 13:17:59 -0500
I will eventually post a "weekend record acquisition report" based on the
weekend I just spent in "lounge heaven" - otherwise known as Montreal. So
get your delete fingers ready.
But I have a question based on one of the records I was actually given
while I was there. It seems that some collectors have no idea what they
have and so if you can find double copies in their collection, sometimes
they might give them to you.
Which happened with me and the Billy Strange "Goldfinger" LP that a certain
guy on this list had two copies of.
But here's the question.
Side two leads off with "Peter Gunn". Then the next tune is "Dear Hearts".
Yeah I know it's by Mancini but it's pretty sucky no matter who wrote it.
Right after Dear Hearts, the action picks up again and you've got the
"Munster's Theme" and a few more rockin' tunes, culminating in a
spectacular "Man with the Golden Arm". What the hell was he thinking with
"Dear Hearts"?????
I don't get it. Can anyone explain this? I guess he liked the tune but I
can't imagine anyone who bought this record for all those cool movie themes
like "Theme for Pussy Galore" that wouldn't just snooze through "Dear
Hearts" until the cool music started up again.
I did pay for another Billy Strange record while I was there by the way and
I'll include that in the upcoming post. But while we're on the subject of
"doubles", I also scored his extra copy of Lew Davies "Strange Interlude"
while I was staying with this listmember. And I really wanted to steal his
copy of Werner Muller's "Hawaiian Swing" which he only discovered he
actually had after Brian and Cheryl played it for us and blew our minds...
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Black Lodge Singers
Date: 15 Mar 1999 13:52:59 -0600
While listening to WFMU's fund-raising marathon (now in progress) I was
really struck by a powwow version of Mighty Mouse, sung in english, by the
Black Lodge Singers. A little web search later and I found this description
of the CD:
Kids' Pow-Wow Songs by Black Lodge Singers
Sure to be one of the most popular Black Lodge Singers' recordings, this fun
album features powwow songs for kids . Includes songs such as Looney Toons,
Mighty Mouse, Flintstones, Mickey Mouse, Kuna Matata, and more.
Is anyone familiar with the Black Lodge Singers? They seem to have over 20
CDs and cassettes, probably for sale at their performances on the powwow
circuit. I'd appreciate any info on this outfit and recommendations on their
other releases.
(You can listen, and pledge, to WFMU at http://wfmu.org )
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From: cscheffy@kinglet.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: (exotica) my weekend record scores
Date: 15 Mar 1999 10:54:06 -0800
Sacramento this weekend yielded a few real nice ones:
Planet of the Apes OST on Project 3. I didn't expect to ever see that one,
and then it's right under your nose under Soundtracks "P." Whooopee!
Dorothy Ashby's "The Jazz Harpist," her first album on Regent (1957). YEAH!
And clean bean too! Upgraded my other copy by a small margin.
Soulful Strings "Paint it Black." Cadet records - Richard Evans does it
again. Classic Evans arrangements, and better (I think) than the Soulful
Strings "Groovin' With ...".
Ramsey Lewis "Mother Nature's Son." Another cool record - Ramsey does the
Beatles with Moog and Fender Rhodes! I'm so into this one. Funky, moogy,
and soulful with Ramsey in some really fabulous duds on the cover.
Last weekend in San Francisco yielded (among others):
Harry Stoneham "High Power Hammond." EMI Studio 2 nuttiness. The liner
notes to this one are impossible to believe, describing Harry's "rutted
good looks" among his other qualities. The picture of Harry does indeed
reveal that his face is quite rutted, so rutted in fact, that the "good
looks" evaluation is somewhat questionable. He is also described as someone
who likes fast cars and smoking a pipe - *exactly* how I'd envisioned the
session men of Studio 2! Actually, the notes read more like a celebrity
roast of this regular session man for the glory that was EMI Studio 2 (He's
the organ man on a good number of the Sound Gallery cuts). This, his solo
effort, is strange in that every song is a medley! Sort of a disconcerting
listen, actually, but the cover just about made me wet my pants (shows a
Bird in a half-zipped leather jacket on a Motorcycle, and by Bird, I think
you know what I mean, baby). Very silly.
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From: "SANDBERG MAGNUS" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: SV: (exotica) Strange song selection
Date: 15 Mar 1999 19:56:39 +0100
And I really wanted to steal his
>copy of Werner Muller's "Hawaiian Swing" which he only discovered he
>actually had after Brian and Cheryl played it for us and blew our =
Hawaiian Swing was one of the first exotica records i bought. Back then =
I had it for laughs more or less on partys, (panic to some, satisfaction =
to others). but it has followed me since and I have come to love it =
deeply. I will look for a copy for you Nat, it is not so rare to find =
here in Sweden. It was rereleased under a different name too, so pay =
attention to any M=FCller with the name Hawaii on it.
Gotta listen to it, bye!
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) "The Exotic Beatles" part 3 out now.
Date: 15 Mar 1999 13:34:03 +0100
part 3 in the "The Exotic Beatles" series is out now on Exotica Records.
price: GBP11, postage included in UK. Europe: BPB12. Rest of the world:
Exotica Records
49, belvoir Road
London SE22 0QY
e-mail: jim.phelan@virgin.net
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From: cheryl <cheryls@dsuper.net>
Date: 15 Mar 1999 14:30:26 -0500
Is this the same Jessica? =20
> =95 Ever come across some obscure LP in a thrift store of a local artis=
t, who
> probably sold their records in the lobby of the lounge they performed i=
n? Of
> course you have! That's what Jessica Ford Cameron's article on LOUNGE
> RECORDS is all about. She's gathered up the best of these records in he=
> collection to describe why these oddities have a certain charm that you=
> never find on a major record label.
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Strange song selection
Date: 15 Mar 1999 14:44:45 -0500
>But here's the question.
>Side two leads off with "Peter Gunn". Then the next tune is "Dear Hearts".
> Yeah I know it's by Mancini but it's pretty sucky no matter who wrote it.
>Right after Dear Hearts, the action picks up again and you've got the
>"Munster's Theme" and a few more rockin' tunes, culminating in a
>spectacular "Man with the Golden Arm". What the hell was he thinking with
>"Dear Hearts"?????
Maybe he threw that one in for Mom. Or Grandma.
"Play a *nice* song for Grandma, Billy."
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) A Gajillion Strings
Date: 15 Mar 1999 11:20:44 -0500
At 12:28 AM 1/1/97, Brad Bigelow wrote:
>I'm working on an article for "Cool and Strange Music" on strings albums,
>so I've been following the short thread on 101 Strings albums. I recently
>devoted a month of listening time to an immersion in string music. And
though I
>plan to be much lengthier and eloquent in the article, to sum up my
>conclusion from this experiment:
>Most string music sucks.
>Almost all 101 Strings albums suck. Even most with interesting covers.
>Arranging for strings separates the pros from the hacks. People like Percy
>Faith really did earn their pay.
I think I'd probably agree that, on the surface, it's more difficult to
arrange strings and that might explain the dreary nature of so many
string-laden records.
But maybe it has something to do with how much you like the sound of
strings in the first place. Myself I'm a sucker for the organ and I'm sure
that I tolerate many many organ records, not because they're so well
arranged but simply because I like the sound of an organ doing almost
I guess I just don't see the point of saying that most string records suck.
I'm probably also more tolerant of your "average" brass or horn record but
that doesn't really mean that your average horn record is any better than
your average string record. It just means that I have a different reaction
to a bunch of horns just laying there than I do to a bunch of strings doing
the same thing.
The Hollyridge Strings have some great moments. The Soulful Strings are
pretty darn soulful. I have the Fantabulous Strings doing Sonny and Cher
hits, the Golden Gate Strings doing Dylan and the Marina Strings doing Neil
Diamond and I'd recommend all of them.
Then there's Percy Faith as you mentioned, especially his Black Magic Woman
record and his "Exotic Strings". I have a great Michel Legrand "Strings on
Fire" record. Then there are the Clebanoff Strings who have their moments
too. I have a record of Beatle covers by the Leon Young String Chorale and
it gets my highest marks.
I don't buy records where 101 Strings do their "tribute to the Viennese
Waltz" or "dreary sounds for a dreary day" but I don't buy the horn
versions of those records either. Maybe dreary string records are
disproportionate compared to other kinds of "easy-listening"
instrumentation but that just means you have to gamble a bit more. It
doesn't mean you can dismiss them. Just as you can't dismiss 101 S's.
The thing about the 101 Strings is that they weren't always just this
dreary string section. Check out their "Golden Oldies" records. On
Volumes 2 and 3, they do versions of Elvis tunes that are very interesting.
Their version of "Hound dog" has this Fender Rhodes/fake fusion thing
happening that's just fascinating.
And someone has already mentioned "The Sound of Love" with Bebe Bardon
having an orgasm and "Blues for the Guru" off their Beatles record both of
which are "classics". And if I'm putting together an "exotica tape", I can
usually a cut or so from 101 Strings "A night in the tropics" or "Dynamic
Percussion" (which also has a pretty cool cover.)
It's a bit strange to be posting this huge string section "defense". Yeah
I too prefer electric sitar and organ combos but I don't dismiss anything
but polka records. And just this past weekend, I heard two cuts on a
Werner Muller Hawaiian record that I probably would have passed up. But I
would have been way wrong.
Most records suck. Period. But if you're buying this kind of crap, you
probably shouldn't dismiss "string records" or polkas for that matter.
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From: Peter Risser <risser@goodnews.net>
Subject: (exotica) Caravan of the Bumble Bee
Date: 15 Mar 1999 15:03:04 -0500
I admit Caravan is one of my favorite tunes of all time.
And Flight of the Bumble Bee isn't,
It's an astounding phenomenon, how many people took on this bizarre tune
that can only be an excuse to show off chops. I think a tape full of
Bumble Bee versions would be a mind-bending experience. Anyone have a
favorite version?
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From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
Subject: (exotica) Playlist, 'nother 1
Date: 14 Mar 1999 21:31:25 -0800
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From: <Jonathan.Perl@mail.ing.nl>
Subject: (exotica) re: XRO
Date: 15 Mar 1999 08:33:03 +0000
* Various Artists: "Ultimate Stereo Presentation/Break-Throug"
(An Introduction To Studio 2 Stereo)
Double CD, EMI, UK, 1999
I saw this in a shop. Can't help wondering why it has been
reissued. These LPs can still often be had for 30p, and they're
not even that good anyway...
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) It's ok, baby
Date: 15 Mar 1999 10:42:14 -0500
>>>Also, a porn director wants to
work with "our" lovely Lounge Laura ! say it ain't so !
Al, don't worry...that's soft porn, as in the kind o' music that AstroSlut
often plays and would like to someday underscore film-wize. Hey, and if I
can star... ;)
Jane Fondle, aspiring, uh, film actress!
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) Why, Brian, WHY?
Date: 15 Mar 1999 10:39:01 -0500
>Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 16:21:09 -0500
This is the ONLY time you may ever hear me say this on this list, but,
Mathis' version is one of the few vocal versions of it and it's rather
It is on his first album (Author Harlan Ellison is a great fan of this
Brian Phillips
Brian, hit me where it hurts!? I love Johnny Mathis( though you and I seem
to be the only ones on the list who do!)...don't let that be the only time
you say this...say it a MILLION TIMES! Shout it from the mountain tops,
Sigh, Jane Fondle
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From: "Irwin Chusid" <ghostown@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: (exotica) BoB ThOmpSon site
Date: 15 Mar 1999 01:50:06 -0400
Bob Thompson's son Spenser has created a website devoted to his dad's Space
Age Pop legacy.........
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From: Will Straw <cxws@musica.mcgill.ca>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Strange song selection
Date: 15 Mar 1999 16:06:33 -0400
Nat, old buddy, you can mention my name here. There's
something wonderful when a visitor points out all the duplicates
in your collection; it provides a painless way to get rid of things.
Will Straw
Associate Professor and Director,
Graduate Program in Communications
McGill University
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Why, Brian, WHY?
Date: 15 Mar 1999 16:42:24 EST
In a message dated 3/15/99 5:06:55 PM, laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com wrote:
Hey Jane! Don't let's furget about how Johnny Mathis sings Nelson Riddle
arrangements, particularly on the jam "The Riviera"
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From: br@interport.net (B.R. Rolya)
Subject: Re: (exotica) Black Lodge Singers
Date: 15 Mar 1999 17:26:22 -0500 (EST)
Lou Smith writes:
>Is anyone familiar with the Black Lodge Singers? They seem to have over 20
>CDs and cassettes, probably for sale at their performances on the powwow
>circuit. I'd appreciate any info on this outfit and recommendations on their
>other releases.
I was also intrigued by them while listening to the fundraiser. Our office
enjoys their song about the Flintstones (although the song refers to them
as an 'American family' and not a 'Stone age family'. Details, details).
I asked someone familiar with pow wow music about them and he said that
Black Lodge is one of *the* drum groups in the US and that this album is a
real favorite among Indian children (I personally found it somewhat
surreal!). He didn't give me many details, but I'd love to find out more,
- B.R. Rolya
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.com>
Subject: (exotica) Hans-on experience for a Christian in Anderson
Date: 15 Mar 1999 17:30:23 -0500
Every so often, you drive into a town and figure that you have another
small town with nothing in it. Anyone who has spent a bit too long in
Macon, GA knows this feeling all too well.
My wife and I went on a cheap getaway (2 hour drive) to Anderson, SC. Why?
Because it's THERE, dagnabbit. Also, there was the threat of a lake
(threat fufilled. Hartwell Lake is nice. Took pictures.). I have quite
literally just gotten back home.
Other than that, not too much happening in old Anderson. It is small
enough that you have the feeling that everyone knows everyone else's
business. One of the main streets is called Clemson, which is the name of
a neighboring town. Best signs of the weekend: "Plant Entrance" (I thought
of Ficuses and Rhododendrons punching in for an honest day's work) and a
gas station that had a marquee that said:
Adult Videos
Beanie Babies
We could have headed down the 29 and hit the interstate, but I said, "So,
we can't do any shopping?" (before anyone goes into the old arms akimbo
stance, my wife asked me if I had found any record stores and I hadn't
thought to look until she said something).
I swear to all of you that I pulled into the first open antique store that
I saw, which was called "Useful Junk"
It was my only stop. After seeing the first "Living Stereo" record, 'Music
for Dancing" by the Melachrino Strings, I found:
The Three Suns - Swingin' on a Star - Not too way out, but it was a dollar
and it is in VG condition
Perfect for Dancing - MAMBOS (RCA LPM - 1067)(1955) - I almost put this
back, until I saw Perez Prado's name. I put it with the others, since for
a dollar, there was no need to read further. When I got home, I noticed
that this collection also had Noro Morales, Tito Rodriguez, Aldemaro Romero
AND Tito Puente.
Liner note goodies:
"...Mr. Prado recorded an opus entitled "Mambo Jambo" and the fun was on.
Appearing first in Mexico City, he creatied more excitement - and perhaps
more revolution---than Pancho Villa"
"It is interesting to note that a recent Mambo contest in Arequipa, Peru,
was won by an 18-year-old girl in partnership with a gay blade of 75."
How are ya fixed for gay blades?
Brian Phillips
Brian Phillips
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From: "Bryan J. Cuevas" <bjc8f@server3.mail.virginia.edu>
Subject: (exotica) Those Strings Again
Date: 15 Mar 1999 18:22:30 -0500
But then there's...
101 Strings Plays Hit Songs for Girls
Sounds of Today
Hits of Today
Swing with Hammond Organ
Guitars Galore, vols. 1 & 2
101 Strings Orchestra Play Jim Webb & Other Original Songs
Million Sellers from the Movies
So don't give up on 101 Strings just yet...look for those magic surprises!
bryan c.
Bryan J. Cuevas
Department of Religious Studies
University of Virginia
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Caravan of the Bumble Bee
Date: 15 Mar 1999 18:28:02 -0500
>I admit Caravan is one of my favorite tunes of all time.
>And Flight of the Bumble Bee isn't, yet,
>It's an astounding phenomenon, how many people took on this bizarre tune
>that can only be an excuse to show off chops. I think a tape full of
>Bumble Bee versions would be a mind-bending experience. Anyone have a
>favorite version?
Are we counting the various "boogie" offshoots? I'm fonda Jo Ann Castle's
"Bumble Boogie" on the accordion. Brain boggling!
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: "Giovanni Berti" <giovanni@pirulazio.interim.it>
Subject: (exotica) Betty Page records
Date: 16 Mar 1999 00:33:34 +0000
Few digests ago, I remember someone was recommending both "Betty Page
- Danger Girl" and "Betty Page - Jungle Girl" cd issues. I agree on
that; by the way, has anyone bought the Q.D.K. CD-Rom on Betty (with
hundreds of pics and screensavers, too) that is publicized in those
Speaking of dearie Betty, it's years that I'm after the following
items, both appeared on the 94/2 catalogue of Bear Family Records
from Germany (but they're not on the B.F. label); both bear the label
"The Cheesecake Collection" on the cover, and the catalogue sez (for
both) "Instrumental Fantasies In A Deluxe Box with 20 Page Photo
Booklet" (wouldn't you buy them after that?):
Tracklisting (no artists reported):
- Surf
- Riverside
- Chinese Blues
- Jazzy
- Love Machine
- If You Need
- Al Coda
- Sadness Time
- Clouds
- Sunny
- Hot Lava
- Sleep Walk
- Paradise News
- Voodoo Night
- Ridin'
- Aloha
- Sunny Days
- Greyhound Race
- Tiger Dance
- Aztec Bolero
MUST have them. Anyone ever heard them? Who's playin'?
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Black Lodge Singers
Date: 15 Mar 1999 18:11:34 -0600
At 05:26 PM 3/15/99 -0500, B.R. wrote:
>I was also intrigued by them while listening to the fundraiser. Our office
>enjoys their song about the Flintstones (although the song refers to them
>as an 'American family' and not a 'Stone age family'. Details, details).
>I asked someone familiar with pow wow music about them and he said that
>Black Lodge is one of *the* drum groups in the US and that this album is a
>real favorite among Indian children (I personally found it somewhat
>surreal!). He didn't give me many details, but I'd love to find out more,
I found an allmusic.com listing for Black Lodge Singers (White Swan Singers
in Canada). They seem to be the Scabby Robe clan with some added friends:
Keith Kicking Woman - Vocals=20
Shawn "Cheyenne" Old Mouse - Vocals=20
Darwin Scabby Robe - Vocals=20
Erwin Scabby Robe - Vocals=20
Scabby Robe, Jr. - Vocals=20
Kenneth Scabby Robe, Sr. - Vocals=20
Louise Scabby Robe - Vocals=20
Myron Scabby Robe - Vocals
Elgin Scabby Robe - Vocals=20
(Where's the drummers??)
The tunes on Kids' Pow-wow are:
1. =A0 Looney Toons (Robe/Robe) - 4:04=20
2. =A0 Mighty Mouse (Robe/Robe) - 2:56=20
3. =A0 Flintstones (Robe/Robe) - 3:07=20
4. =A0 Tiny Tots Contest Song "Indian... (Robe/Robe) - 3:25=20
5. =A0 Ask Your Mom for Fity Cents (Robe/Robe) - 2:34=20
6. =A0 Intertribal Song (Robe/Robe) - 2:45=20
7. =A0 Mickey Mouse (Robe/Robe) - 3:45=20
8. =A0 Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (Robe/Robe) - 3:02=20
9. =A0 Bunny Hop (Robe/Robe) - 2:16=20
10. =A0 Kuna Matata (Robe/Robe) - 3:15=20
11. =A0 Eight Ball Song (Robe/Robe) - 3:14=20
12. =A0 Monster Mash (Robe/Robe) - 2:27=20
13. =A0 Here's Kenny! (Robe/Robe) - :40=20
I notice that some Robe or other has taken composer credit for all the
tunes. We got the country; they get the songs.
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) obit: Nieson Himmel (Reuters)
Date: 15 Mar 1999 18:38:01 -0600
Monday March 15 12:43 AM ET
Famed Los Angeles Reporter Nieson Himmel Dies
By Mark Egan
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Nieson Himmel, an eccentric newsman who covered
infamous crimes in Los Angeles for more than 50 years, has died, colleagues
said Sunday. He was 77.
Himmel, who covered many of the city's biggest stories, from the murder of
mobster Bugsy Siegel to the slaying of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald
Goldman, died Saturday of pneumonia-related complications. He worked until
weeks before his death.
Himmel, who had worked at the Los Angeles Times since 1975, was well known
for his eccentricities.
In recent years, Himmel worked the graveyard shift at the paper, spending
hours slumped in his chair, listening to police scanners.
A subscriber to 56 magazines, Himmel never threw anything away. His
apartment in Echo Park where he lived since the 1950s, was stacked
floor-to-ceiling with newspapers, the Times said.
``Visitors had to negotiate tunnels of newsprint to move from one room to
another,'' the Times said in its obituary.
His car was not much better.
Despite working for decades in a city known for its love of cars, Himmel
never owned one. Instead, he rented one by the day and kept it until the
trash piled so high he could barely get inside.
``The interiors were always a sight to behold, an odorous melange of partly
eaten hamburgers, chicken bones, fast-food wrappers, French fries and stacks
of newspapers,'' the Times wrote.
During the 1940s, Himmel worked for Los Angeles' Herald-Express. He cruised
in his car with a 500-pound (225-kilogram) photographer called ``Tiny'' and
often arrived at crime scenes before detectives.
In 1947 he was among the first at the Beverly Hills scene where Bugsy
Siegel, one of America's most infamous gangsters and who often bought Himmel
lunch, was murdered.
Also in the late 1940s, Himmel lived for a few months with struggling
science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard who later founded the Church of
Scientology. ``He was a guy on the make,'' Himmel said of Hubbard. ``I
couldn't stand him.''
Himmel also crossed paths with another then-struggling writer, detective
novelist Raymond Chandler, whom he described as ``kind of morose.'' Among
Himmel's favorite adventures was being arrested for stealing a seal in the
Lionel Rolfe, a friend and a crime reporter at City News Service where
Himmel once worked, said Himmel's last years were sad and lonely. ``He came
out of another age.''
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From: Ron Grandia <rgrandia@xtabay.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Caravan of the Bumble Bee
Date: 15 Mar 1999 15:48:04 -0800
> Are we counting the various "boogie" offshoots? I'm fonda Jo Ann Castle's
> "Bumble Boogie" on the accordion. Brain boggling!
I am fond of the tune of the same name by B. Bumble and the Stingers.
The FTOBB that I am most taken with is one by Dick Contino one one of his
lovely records on "TIME."
You can hear his fingers clicking on the keys.... I believe it's the same one
as his cover of "Fascination"
I am at work and cannot recall the name of the album.
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From: "Jill Mingo" <mingo@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: (exotica) My LA/Vegas score list
Date: 12 Mar 1999 05:57:33 PST
Well, I finally have gotton around to posting what I found thrifting and =
second hand record shopping during my 2 week holiday to LA and Vegas. I =
know that some of the things I bought a bit above what I can find them =
for if I lived in the States...but I don't live in the States. And consid=
ering what I'd pay in the UK, I got a deal on every single thing I bought=
. The records marked with T means I got them thrifting. I've included the=
price too. I also left another 15 or so LPs that were either in bad cond=
ition, not very good, or just minidisked the best tracks and left 'em cos=
they were too damn heavy. This isn't counting the CDs I bought, many of =
which were second hand. My personal top scores are marked with "!". These=
are the ones I am happiest to have bought. Some of these I already have =
but bought to sell on or give to friends because they were good deals or =
in demand.
In no order....
BURT BACHARACH "Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid" OST, $1, T
HOLLYRIDGE STRINGS "Beatles Songbook Vol. 4" $4
ASSOCIATION "And then...Along Comes" $4.50 !!
GABOR SZABO "Bacchanal" $20
GABOR SZABO "Wind, Sky and Diamonds" $5 !!
BILLY STRANGE "Secret Agent File" $1
BYRDS "Greatest Hits" $1
CHAD & JEREMY "Distant Shores" $4
BOYCE & HART "Test Patterns" $7
DINO, DESI & BILLY "I'm A Fool" $15 !!
ANTONIO CARLOS JOBIM "A Certain Mr. Jobim" $1
MARTIN DENNY "Quiet Village" x 2 $1 each, one T
"Exotica" $1 T
"Exotica 2" $1, T
"Exotica 3" $1, T
"Exotica Suite" $1, T
"Afro-Desia" $3
ESQUIVEL "Other Worlds, Other Sounds" $1, T
The Groupies (spoken word) $12
PETER NERO "Midnight Cowboy" (a moog one!), $1, T
MAMA CASS double compilation LP, $4
DINO, DESI & BILLY "Memories are Made of This" $9 !!
SANDY NELSON "The 'In' Beat" $9
SOULFUL STRINGS "Another Exposure" $1
BRASS RING "The Dis-Advantages of You" $2
BRASS RING "Best of" $1, T
LIVING GUITARS "San Franciscan Nights" $7
Goodbye Columbus soundtrack $1
To Sir With Love soundtrack $10.
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From: "Darrell Brogdon" <dbrogdon@falcon.cc.ukans.edu>
Subject: (exotica) Retro Cocktail Hour
Date: 15 Mar 1999 18:57:59 -0600
This week and next on the Retro Cocktail Hour webcasts, it's a couple
of shows from the archives. Among the artists on this week's show
are Esquivel, the John Buzon Trio, Alvino Rey; passionate percussion
by Dick Schory, Frank Barber and the Markko Polo Adventurers; crime
jazz from Kenyon Hopkins and Johnny Mandel; space age pop by Mel
Henke, Dean Elliott and Walter Schumann; plus Chaino, Ken Nordine
and the Mambo King.
To hear The Retro Cocktail Hour on the Web, just go to:
Requires at least a 28.8 modem and RealPlayer (the program archive is
available for G2 and 5.0 RealPlayers). For this week's archive show,
just click on Program #138.
Next week, by popular demand--a repeat of the Outer Space Exotica
special! Back with brand new shows beginning March 27.
Thanks for the space!
Darrell Brogdon
The Retro Cocktail Hour
KANU Radio
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From: Pearmania@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Some Interesting Vinyl Finds
Date: 15 Mar 1999 22:07:00 EST
>"Montenegro in Italy"
>General rule of thumb. Avoid these Montenegro records on this label.
I can't agree with Nat on this one. I love it! It has the rockinest version
of Funiculi Funicula you'll ever here.
And Montenegro's Boogie Woogie + Bongos which is hotter still is on the Time
label as are several other good Hugo titles.
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Why, Brian, WHY?
Date: 16 Mar 1999 02:44:49 -0500
At 10:39 AM 3/15/99 -0500, laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com wrote:
>Brian, hit me where it hurts!? I love Johnny Mathis( though you and I seem
>to be the only ones on the list who do!)...don't let that be the only time
>you say this...say it a MILLION TIMES!
Okay here goes: I love Johnny Mathis's version of "Walk on By". (Repeated
a million times.)
And he's probably the only singer mentioned on this list who I saw perform
live back in the sixties.
I have to admit I'm surprised that Brian would write so lovingly about
Little Jimmy Scott and then "diss" another singer of questionable gender.
Not that little Johnny is in the same league as Little Jimmy.
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) My LA/Vegas score list
Date: 16 Mar 1999 02:44:51 -0500
At 05:57 AM 3/12/99 PST, Jill Mingo wrote:
>Well, I finally have gotton around to posting what I found thrifting and
second hand record shopping during my 2 week holiday to LA and Vegas.
>In no order....
>ASSOCIATION "And then...Along Comes" $4.50 !!
I'm so glad to see your exclamation marks next to this one. I bought my
first LP's from the Columbia Record Club and this was in the very first
batch. I don't have the same copy now but I was glad to find it again
Despite feeling something bordering on contempt for many of the records I
once owned, this one somehow stands up. I guess it's just sucky enough to
go along with my present light-pop tastes.
I've been putting "Enter the Young" on a lot of tapes lately. When I first
heard that song, I was one of the young who were entering. I think we
entered too soon.
>LIVING GUITARS "San Franciscan Nights" $7
Possibly the best psychedelic lounge guitar record on the planet.
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From: kbonnett@coax.net (Kevin Bonnett)
Subject: (exotica) Retro Future update & Yma Sumac/Xtabay
Date: 16 Mar 1999 03:16:46 -0500
The latest installment of Retro Future on AOL concerns the GM Prototype
Firebird III
Think 'The Jetsons' when they still had wheels! Ahhh, prototypes.
These are the cars parked in Space-Age Bachelor's Pad! I'm not talking moon
buggy golf carts here!
I mean Speed Racer wheels with Trixie in the passenger seat, her pink
scarf blowing in the breeze. Well, that is, if you leave the bubble tops
down. ;-)
http://retrofuture.web.aol.com/firebird.html - The Retro Future Firebird
III page.
http://www.conklinsystems.com/firebird/ - Conklin Systems, Firebird Pages.
Prototype versions I, II, & III, plus info.
http://www.damonent.com/history.htm - Damon Enterprises, a look back at
the Golden Era of GM cars featuring Motorama
(I was unable to access the above site, if anyone gets there or figures
out what's wrong, please let me know)
http://www.detnews.com/history/earl/earl.htm - Harley Earl, father of the
Dream Car, a look back by the Detroit News
http://cgi.pathfinder.com/time/digital/reports/cars/dream.html - TIME
digital, a look at Today's 'Car of the Future'
YMA SUMAC / Xtabay
The used & adult bookstore where I work is a family business, NO, not
the Mob, but Grandpa, Dad, Bro' & yours truly (Grandma, R.I.P.). As such,
we share our hobbies and interests frequently. Our in-store stereo system
has met the challenge of everything from Spinal Tap to Orson Welles' "War of
the Worlds" and then some. Our Fisher 24 disc CD player has been outfitted
with personal categories to program from and needles to say I've snuck in a
U LOUNGE category. But I stray...
In sharing this immense variety of music with one another, my brother
today fetched from his personal vinyl stash the Yma Sumac album "Voice of
the Xtabay" or "Voice of Xtabay" (excuse my faulty memory). I didn't have
time to play it through but what we heard was mahvelous! I especially
enjoyed the liner notes offering Yma Sumac's "origin".
Just to make note, I don't like opera... I hate not understanding the
words (this poor wretch is monolingual <pout>), and we'd spent the previous
2 hours listening to Verdi's "Il Travatore". Now, somehow, even in the face
of this, I still don't care for opera but I loved Xtabay. I don't know what
the hell Yma was singing either, but I liked it! Gotta be some kinda Incan
spell or something. <nudge nudge, wink wink>.
I know many of you are wondering "Why is this guy rambling on about
this?". Well, it's the first time I've heard the album. I thought it
deserved mentioning. Also, my Bro' and my Dad have an unusually large
treasure trove for me to dig through. The lid has been opened! BEWARE!
I'm taking notes of things I see on this list and expect to find much of it
in 'the vaults' here, aside from the foreign stuff. We'll see... I think
I'll start stocking up on head cleaner and blank cassettes, at least until I
can afford a CD burner. : -)
Ciao 4 now!
Kevin : )
PS - Anyone on list ever heard of "Hudson and Landry"?
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From: bag@hubris.net
Subject: (exotica) Sammy Herman
Date: 16 Mar 1999 01:06:09 +0000
One LP stands out of all those I bought at the Music Expo in Portland, OR over
the weekend. It is not that there weren't some interesting things happening
in most of the records, but this one was particularly notable because I had
never heard of the group before.
The Sammy Herman Sextet has an album on Everest (LPBR-5034) called
"Something Old and Something New." Sammy plays xylophone, William Dorn
plays marimba and vibes with Ed Safranski, bass; Nick Perito, organ; John
Cali, drums; and William Gussak, drums. Every cut is fun to listen to! I
believe I have seen Nick Perito's name on some Enoch Light or United
Artists LPs. Safranski was with the Kenton band.
Among the selections: Tico Tico, Mummer's Cha Cha and El Relicaro. Not
only were these expected to be good, but the performances had some
interesting highlights what with a xylophone playing counterpoint to an organ!
This album was in wonderful condition (which added to my enjoyment), and
the cover has a cover of right and left hands holding mallets over the
color-coded xylophone keys.
My only sorrow is that this album is also available in Stereo, SDBR 1034,
which (of course) I did not find. It was great enough in mono, just think
what it could be like in stereo!
Also I found New Sounds, the Pete Rugolo album. The vinyl looked good upon
visual inspection, but the sound was toast: every half turn of the record
the groove was cut into creating an obnoxious noise. I just have to find this
record someday (Harmony...Columbia's budget label: HL 7003): Quiet Village,
Poinciana, Latin Nocturne, but also Shave and a Haircut, When You're
Smiling and Come Back Little Rocket. Perhaps these cuts are on an original
Columbia album somewhere, too?
The Capitol album "Sounds!" features Jack Marshall (guitar) and Shelley
Manne (drums) playing mellow music, but with interesting additions like
special sound effects vocalized by Manne. Definitely different, but
nothing like either performer has done.
Also on Capitol "Bang! Bang! Bang!" with spy music by Elliott Fisher and
Orchestra, arranged by Hank Levine. Most cuts were playable and pretty
good, but of course the ones I really wanted had abominable skips
(Thunderball, Doctor No's Fantasy and Our Man Flint).
Ran across one record which I didn't get. It looked like some sort of
documentary record. One of the performers, talkers, was Jack Costanzo.
All of the participants were musicians talking about their craft/art (and
maybe playing something, although that was not clear from the album notes).
Anyone familiar with this?
Also, I turned down a record by Candido. Drats!
I'm glad I got what I did, but I have spent far less in thrift stores and
been far happier with my haul.
Byron Caloz
Portland, Oregon, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way
The Mr. Smooth site: http://www.hubris.net/zolac/smooth
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From: bag@hubris.net
Subject: Re: (exotica) Retro Future update & Yma Sumac/Xtabay
Date: 16 Mar 1999 01:15:13 +0000
At 03:16 AM 16-03-99 -0500, Kevin wrote:
>Anyone on list ever heard of "Hudson and Landry"?
Comedians who did a number of routines titled "Ajax..."
One of their routines that got plenty of airplay was the one
where two DJ's meet in the street, exchanging radio "liners"
back and forth where normal conversation would go. I think
they did an "Ajax Airlines" routine, too.
I always found them funny and they didn't use dirty language,
which is something I find refreshing in this era where
*some* people think such words actually adds meaning to their
Byron Caloz
Portland, Oregon, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way
The Mr. Smooth site: http://www.hubris.net/zolac/smooth
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From: kbonnett@coax.net (Kevin Bonnett)
Subject: Re: (exotica) Retro Future update & Yma Sumac/Xtabay
Date: 16 Mar 1999 04:22:55 -0500
Yes, them's the guys! : )
Thanks Byron! I think I still have two of their albums around here
The cut that stands out for me is Ajax Liquor. I was reminded of it the
other day when a TV news story spoke of kids getting liquor delivered to
their door via the internet. A guy, already plastered, calls Ajax Liquor
for a home delivery and it goes from there. Somehow, the images in my mind
fit the Lounge/Exotica timeframe but I may be mistaken.
Hilarious comedy from another, 'cleaner' time. : )
Hudson & Landry, remember the names, don't pass them up!
Ciao 4 now!
Kevin : )
>Comedians who did a number of routines titled "Ajax..."
>One of their routines that got plenty of airplay was the one
>where two DJ's meet in the street, exchanging radio "liners"
>back and forth where normal conversation would go. I think
>they did an "Ajax Airlines" routine, too.
>I always found them funny and they didn't use dirty language,
>which is something I find refreshing in this era where
>*some* people think such words actually adds meaning to their
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.com>
Subject: (exotica) 'Cause, Laura and Nat (and effect)!
Date: 16 Mar 1999 05:19:55 -0500
1. Yes, I like his version of "Caravan".
2. What I have heard of the first album, I rather like.
3. My mother bought nine of his albums during the 70's and 80's
4. She played them incessantly.
5. A local (San Diego) news program used a instrumental track from one of
his albums as their signoff theme.
6. This drove me crazy.
7. Like no one else.
8. Woo. Ooo.
9. Thanks to this, I now have built-in, "Johnny Mathis? Yee-woo!" reflex.
10. I consider it growth that I can acknowledge his talent (which is great)
and bypass the "Yee-woo!" factor.
11. I didn't hear Little Jimmy Scott until I was in my twenties (on the
Cosby Show) and it wasn't played day after day.
12. Who said that humans were consistent? I think my musical
unpredictability keeps me Tupperware fresh.
13. Questionable gender? His sexual preference aside (not that there's
anything wrong with that), his voice is deeper than Scott's; did anyone in
the fifties make the Johnny Ray mistake and think he was a woman?
Brian Phillips
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From: Peter Hipwell <petehip@cogsci.ed.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) A Gajillion Strings
Date: 16 Mar 1999 13:16:30 GMT
> From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
> At 12:28 AM 1/1/97, Brad Bigelow wrote:
> >
> >I'm working on an article for "Cool and Strange Music" on strings albums,
> >so I've been following the short thread on 101 Strings albums. I recently
> >devoted a month of listening time to an immersion in string music. And
> >though I plan to be much lengthier and eloquent in the article, to
> >sum up my conclusion from this experiment:
> >
> >Most string music sucks.
> I guess I just don't see the point of saying that most string records suck.
> The Hollyridge Strings have some great moments. The Soulful Strings are
> pretty darn soulful. I have the Fantabulous Strings doing Sonny and Cher
> hits, the Golden Gate Strings doing Dylan and the Marina Strings doing Neil
> Diamond and I'd recommend all of them.
> Then there's Percy Faith as you mentioned, especially his Black Magic Woman
> record and his "Exotic Strings". I have a great Michel Legrand "Strings on
> Fire" record. Then there are the Clebanoff Strings who have their moments
> too. I have a record of Beatle covers by the Leon Young String Chorale and
> it gets my highest marks.
OK. I would recommend, or re-recommend:
The Golden Gate Strings' Dylan record; Clebanoff's "Strings On Fire".
Michel Legrand's "Violent Violins"; Werner Muller's "Wild Strings" and
also "Sumptuous Strings", which is probably the most misleading title
ever -- it's wilder than the wild strings; Hash Brown and his Ignunt
Strings for a "twist with strings" style; some tracks by The Cascading
Strings (Johnny Gregory); The Percy Faith Strings' Beatles album, just
because it has a stupid version of "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds",
and I forget the rest...
> I don't buy records where 101 Strings do their "tribute to the Viennese
> Waltz" or "dreary sounds for a dreary day" but I don't buy the horn
> versions of those records either. Maybe dreary string records are
> disproportionate compared to other kinds of "easy-listening"
> instrumentation but that just means you have to gamble a bit more. It
> doesn't mean you can dismiss them. Just as you can't dismiss 101 S's.
Viennese waltzes... if you ever see a copy, check out The Len Hunter
Collection's "Swing Gently With Strauss". Again a misleading title,
this is one of the coolest rockin' cheese albums ("Now Sound"? Is that
what the youngsters are calling it nowadays?). This is one that most
people would definitely leave behind, but definitely shouldn't: the
version of "The Radetsky March" is a dancefloor-filling classic
> It's a bit strange to be posting this huge string section "defense". Yeah
> I too prefer electric sitar and organ combos but I don't dismiss anything
> but polka records. And just this past weekend, I heard two cuts on a
> Werner Muller Hawaiian record that I probably would have passed up. But I
> would have been way wrong.
> Most records suck. Period. But if you're buying this kind of crap, you
> probably shouldn't dismiss "string records" or polkas for that matter.
On the polka front, try "Polkarama" (Somerset) or "Strictly Oompah"
(Decca Phase 4). You've got to be steely not to crack up to
these. Then you can move on to the full-blown glory of yodelling
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From: Peter Hipwell <petehip@cogsci.ed.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) my weekend record scores
Date: 16 Mar 1999 13:23:26 GMT
> Last weekend in San Francisco yielded (among others):
> Harry Stoneham "High Power Hammond." EMI Studio 2 nuttiness. The liner
> notes to this one are impossible to believe, describing Harry's "rutted
> good looks" among his other qualities. The picture of Harry does indeed
> reveal that his face is quite rutted, so rutted in fact, that the "good
> looks" evaluation is somewhat questionable. He is also described as someone
> who likes fast cars and smoking a pipe - *exactly* how I'd envisioned the
> session men of Studio 2! Actually, the notes read more like a celebrity
> roast of this regular session man for the glory that was EMI Studio 2 (He's
> the organ man on a good number of the Sound Gallery cuts). This, his solo
> effort, is strange in that every song is a medley! Sort of a disconcerting
> listen, actually, but the cover just about made me wet my pants (shows a
> Bird in a half-zipped leather jacket on a Motorcycle, and by Bird, I think
> you know what I mean, baby). Very silly.
There are several of these Studio 2 Stoneham records, all of which
seem to feature some different absurd girl/motorbike cover
art. Collect 'em all! My favourite one has a medley that combines "The
Pink Panther Theme" and "The Stripper"... and (I think) also "Wheels
Cha Cha". Ulp!
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From: Peter Hipwell <petehip@cogsci.ed.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Caravan of the Bumble Bee
Date: 16 Mar 1999 13:27:41 GMT
> From: Peter Risser <risser@goodnews.net>
> I admit Caravan is one of my favorite tunes of all time.
> And Flight of the Bumble Bee isn't,
> yet,
> It's an astounding phenomenon, how many people took on this bizarre tune
> that can only be an excuse to show off chops. I think a tape full of
> Bumble Bee versions would be a mind-bending experience. Anyone have a
> favorite version?
Werner Muller's from "Sumptuous Strings". I stand by my description of
it as theme music for "Shaft Meets The Swarm". Totally bonkers.
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MUSIC?
Date: 16 Mar 1999 09:34:09 -0500
OK, so the Betty Page CDs are recommended on this here Exotica list(maybe
Bomp! too.) The deal is, I have plenty o' pix and items of Ms. Page, so I
don't want to buy a CD if it's just another Betty-item. What is the music
like on those? Anything like on the LAS VEGAS GRIND or JUNGLE EXOTICA
collections? Is it va-va-va-voooommm...a-go-go-go? What!?
Breathlessly awaiting your answers: Jane Fondle
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) obits: Kirk Alyn, Del Close
Date: 16 Mar 1999 10:17:18 -0600
HOUSTON (AP) -- Actor Kirk Alyn, a dancer who followed friend Red Skelton
to Hollywood and became film's first Superman, has died after a long
illness. He was 88.
Alyn died Sunday in a hospital near his home in The Woodlands, Texas, just
north of Houston, friends and family said Monday.
Superman, the comic book hero born in the Depression, already had captured
the imagination of a generation of children in print and on radio when Alyn
agreed to play the part in 1948.
He was 37 when he starred as the Man of Steel in two pictures for Columbia
Films: ``Superman'' in 1948 and in ``Atom Man vs. Superman'' in 1950. Each
film was done in a 15-part serial format.
``When he asked me if I wanted to play Superman I thought it was a
publicity stunt,'' Alyn told The Associated Press in 1987, the 50th
anniversary of the superhero. ``I didn't think you could ever put Superman
on film. They brought the people from D.C. Comics over and they said, 'Hey,
he looks just like Clark Kent.'''
Born John Feggo Jr. in Oxford, N.J., Alyn began his show business career in
New York, first in vaudeville acts and later in chorus lines.
When his friend Skelton left for Hollywood, Alyn soon followed. There he
met another dancer and actress, Virginia O'Brien. The two married in 1942
and divorced 12 years later.
``He was really a fantastic Superman because he could move, because he had
been a dancer,'' Ms. O'Brien said Monday.
In 1951, actor George Reeves was cast as the new film red-caped crusader.
Reeves later played the same role in the television series ``The Adventures
of Superman.''
Alyn later discovered that his role as Superman had typecast him.
``I couldn't get another film job,'' Alyn said in 1987. ``I did play
'Superman' again and 'Blackhawk,' another comic book character. Then I went
back to New York, where I had started. I did 10-12 Broadway plays. I was in
New York only two weeks when I got
my first show, 'Angel in Paris,' with Ilona Massey. I also did about 125
He returned to the superhero's story in 1978, when he appeared in an
uncredited role as young Lois Lane's father in ``Superman,'' starring
Christopher Reeve.
March 16, 1999
Del Close, 64, a Comedian With a Flair for Improvisation
Del Close, an actor, improvisational comic and mentor to such comedians as
John Belushi, John Candy and Bill Murray, died on March 4 at Illinois
Masonic Hospital in Chicago. He was 64 and lived in Chicago.
The cause was emphysema, said Charna Halpern, his partner for the last 15
years at Improv Olympic, a theater school and performance space.
A lifelong devotee of improvisational comedy, Close was one of those show
business legends whose influence was felt far beyond his limited fame. As
one of the founders of the Committee, the San Francisco comedy troupe of the
1960s; as a longtime performer with and director of the Second City troupe
in Chicago, and as a resident coach of the "Saturday Night Live" troupe
during its early years, Close played guru to many of the most prominent
comedians of the last quarter century.
Mercurial and hard-living, he had a dark -- some said morbid -- sense of
humor, which was evident on the night before he died. Some 50 of his
friends, including Murray and the director Harold Ramis, gathered in his
hospital room for a raucous farewell, during which, among other things,
Close bequeathed his skull to the Goodman Theater and telephoned his final
instructions to the group he had been coaching, the Upright Citizens Brigade.
Close never married and leaves no immediate survivors.
The son of a jeweler, Del Close was born on March 9, 1934, in Manhattan,
Kan. He was a second cousin of Dwight D. Eisenhower. As a teen-ager, he left
home to join a traveling carnival, learning to swallow fire and survive as
the target of a knife thrower. In the mid-1950s, he joined the St. Louis
company of the Compass Players, an improvisational troupe created by Mike
Nichols and Elaine May. The troupe was a direct ancestor of Second City,
which was founded in 1959 and which Close joined in 1962. By then he had
performed on Broadway in a comedy about beatniks called "The Nervous Set."
For the next two decades, he had an on-again, off-again relationship with
Second City, which grew ever rockier as his own predilection for
improvisation clashed with the troupe's scripted sketches. He finally left
in 1983, joining Ms. Halpern at Improv Olympic, where they developed a
method, which they called the Harold, for creating extended comic
Over the years, Close created two comedy albums, "How to Speak Hip" and "The
Do-It-Yourself Psychoanalysis Kit." He acted in many films, including
"Ferris Bueller's Day Off," "The Untouchables" and "Fat Man and Little Boy."
He also appeared onstage, most recently in the 1995 Steppenwolf revival of
Sam Shepard's "Buried Child," and in Peter Sellars' 1994 production, at the
Goodman, of "The Merchant of Venice," which was set in Venice Beach, Calif.
Indeed, Shakespeare sounded a continuous note in Close's life. In 1975, he
played Polonius in a production of Hamlet, at the Wisdom Bridge Theater in
Chicago, directed by Robert Falls, and in his second album, he imagined
Sigmund Freud with Hamlet as a patient.
He underscored the theme with his deathbed bequest to the Goodman, where
Falls is now the artistic director. "It was so he could play Yorick in their
next Hamlet production," Ms. Halpern said. "But he was also willing to be an
extra, you know, a desert skull if they needed one for a western. That's the
quintessential Del. He's still getting laughs even when he's gone."
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From: <Jonathan.Perl@mail.ing.nl>
Subject: (exotica) re: Perfect for Dancing - MAMBOS
Date: 16 Mar 1999 14:55:20 +0000
>Perfect for Dancing - MAMBOS (RCA LPM - 1067)(1955)
Great record, and a special one for me as it helped develop my
interest in the kind of records we talk about. I particuarly dig
the Tito Rodriguez tracks on this (although incidentally I have
never found an individual album by him which I liked much...).
I've not heard them, but there are other records in this series for
the Cha cha, foxtrot etc...
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From: cscheffy@kinglet.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: Re: (exotica) My LA/Vegas score list
Date: 16 Mar 1999 08:27:11 -0800
I'm gonna agree on the Association comments too - there is an element of the
Association that, for me, is right in there with the Free Design. I think the
optimism (for lack of a better descriptor) of the vocal harmonies is very
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From: "Jill Mingo" <mingo@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) My LA/Vegas score list
Date: 12 Mar 1999 13:02:54 PST
> I'm gonna agree on the Association comments too - there is an element =
of the
> Association that, for me, is right in there with the Free Design. I thi=
nk the
> optimism (for lack of a better descriptor) of the vocal harmonies is =
> similar.
I've heard a few Association LPs and while they are generally good, this =
one "And then...along Comes the Association" is produced by Curt Boettche=
r (Millennium, Sagittarius) and who is basically a god producer. This LP =
definitely shines as a jewel in the Association crown. I wouldn't have =
thought it was hard to find considering it has the hits "Cherish" and "Al=
ong Comes Mary", but I actually found only the one copy, and don't know =
anyone over here who has it. Maybe not a rarity, but definitely a hidden =
x Jill "Mingo-go"
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From: chuck <chuckmk@yahoo.com>
Subject: (exotica) My LA/Vegas score list
Date: 16 Mar 1999 09:47:58 -0800 (PST)
If you like the Association and Free Design, I highly recommend
Harpers Bizarre. Harpers Bizarre has the same optimistic vocal
harmonies and excellent song writers from the early Warner Bros staff.
The cd is available on sale for $9.49 at cdnow and with a $5 coupon
from yahoo or webcrawler its a steal.
Easy listening in the Big Easy
---cscheffy@kinglet.Berkeley.EDU wrote:
> I'm gonna agree on the Association comments too - there is an
element of the Association that, for me, is right in there with the
Free Design. I think the optimism (for lack of a better descriptor) of
the vocal harmonies is very similar.
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) Re: X-Ray Tango "Spy-Fidelity"
Date: 15 Mar 1999 19:47:24 +0100
At 20:07 -0700 99/03/14, exotica-digest wrote:
>From: "Nathan Miner" <nminer@jhmi.edu>
>Anybody heard this new CD?
Not as exotic and spy as the cover says IMO, but not bad at
all... if you like surf lite.
| ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \
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From: "telstar" <telstar@albedo.net>
Subject: (exotica) "Mondo Bongos" playlist for March 17, 1999
Date: 16 Mar 1999 14:00:33 -0500
Mondo Bongos can be heard every Wed at 9 am on CFRU 93.3 fm in Guelph,
Ontario.Canada. Comments & questions welcome.
Carnival in Rio - Catriburium Na Batacuda "Music for the Jet Set"
Kid Creole & the Coconuts - Latin Music "Fresh Fruit in Foreign Places"
Henry Mancini - Mambo Parisienne "Charade" [ost]
Bob Freeman & his Group - Devil "The Big Bossa Nova"
Duncan Lamont - One Note Samba "The Best of the Bossa Novas"
Nico Fidenco - Sweet Bossa "Black Emanuelle's Groove"
Full Moon Ensemble - Samba Miaou "Sexopolis"
The John Schroeder Orchestra - Wana Nana Wana Nana "House of Loungecore"
The Dave Pike Set - Middle Earth Herd "Got the Feelin' "
The Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combination - Ms. Looney's Last Embrace "I Was
Young & I Needed the Money"
Deodato - Baubles, Bangles & Beads "Prelude"
Bill 'Ravi' Harris & the Prophets - Soul Makossa "Funky Sitar Man"
Lonnie Liston Smith & the Cosmic Echoes - Cosmic Funk "Cosmic Funk"
Thanks for reading,
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: (exotica) tv spanning the ages
Date: 16 Mar 1999 14:18:55 -0500
Here's your retro future...
"This Island Earth" (1955) Square-jawed research scientists geek out with a
cool mail order catalog. And where order forms go, trouble follows. AMC -
Friday afternoon, 4:30pm (eastern).
And how about some retro PAST for a change...
"The Triumph Of Hercules" (1964) With "Dan Vadis" as the big guy. No, it's
not about Herc and his motorcycle. Though a swords & sandals / biker
cross-genre flick would be a unique combo, wouldn't it? AMC - Saturday
night, midnight.
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) My LA/Vegas score list
Date: 16 Mar 1999 14:52:24 EST
In a message dated 3/16/99 1:51:35 PM, chuckmk@yahoo.com wrote:
>If you like the Association and Free Design, I highly recommend
>Harpers Bizarre.
On that same tip, I can't say enough about the FIRST LP by Orpheus ("Can't
Find The Time")
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From: Ron Grandia <rgrandia@xtabay.com>
Subject: [Fwd: (exotica) A Gajillion Yodels
Date: 16 Mar 1999 13:43:17 -0800
> On the polka front, try "Polkarama" (Somerset) or "Strictly Oompah"
> (Decca Phase 4). You've got to be steely not to crack up to
> these. Then you can move on to the full-blown glory of yodelling
It's ALL good. Like the man, Geets Romo says: "Rudy Valee records are cool mixed
in between Diz and Bird, but if your BAG... wow!" Of all these things... too
much is too much, but when you drop 'em in sparingly they are a regular riot.
Now, having said that... who's gonna hip us to some funky-azz yodeling?
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Memorex CD Burners and ????????
Date: 16 Mar 1999 16:45:44 EST
Hey guys,
A friend of mine got a great deal on a Memorex CD burner (for about $ 140.00).
Is anybody familiar with the Memorex models? One of the computer stores here
says they are not worth it. He wants to copy (not so much edit) audio CD's
with it. Any comments? Off list is OK unless you think the List would enjoy
the "banter".
In a message dated 03/16/99 4:14:40 PM Eastern Standard Time,
RickerG@smtpgw2.musc.edu writes:
<< Just spoke with a guy about installing this Memorex burner. He installs
them for around $20. Said get rid of the Memorex. They are so inexpensive
because they are so difficult to use. Especially for CD audio recording.
Seemed to know what he was talking about. Said get an Mitzome or Acer with
the Adaptek software. Much better. I am thinking about getting a refund.
Any comments?
g >>
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Sammy Herman
Date: 16 Mar 1999 18:29:27 -0500
At 01:06 AM 3/16/99 +0000, bag@hubris.net wrote:
>Among the selections: Tico Tico, Mummer's Cha Cha and El Relicaro. Not
>only were these expected to be good, but the performances had some
>interesting highlights what with a xylophone playing counterpoint to an
If you like that organ and vibes sound, check out Johnny Lytle records.. if
you haven't already. His record "Village Caller" on Riverside has been
reissued on vinyl so I'm assuming it has on CD too. The one I prefer, also
on Riverside, is called "Moonchild" but I haven't seen that reissued. I
also have one of his records on Solid State - "A Man and a Woman" - but
it's not my favourite.
Organ and vibes, all that's missing is electric sitar.
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From: "Steve Sando" <mrlucky@mrlucky.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) re: Perfect for Dancing - MAMBOS
Date: 16 Mar 1999 10:16:22 -0800
-----Original Message-----
> >Perfect for Dancing - MAMBOS (RCA LPM - 1067)(1955)
> Great record, and a special one for me as it helped develop my
> interest in the kind of records we talk about. I particuarly dig
> the Tito Rodriguez tracks on this (although incidentally I have
> never found an individual album by him which I liked much...).
Try his Estoy Como Nunca if you like big brassy bands and a mambo beat. Only
one bolero to drag things down! Great sound quality as well.
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From: Mark Renwick <tibia@compuserve.com>
Subject: (exotica) Johan's New eXotica Releases Overview Update
Date: 16 Mar 1999 20:55:48 -0500
Johan Dada Vis included my self-produced CD in his latest
"New eXotica Releases Overview Update" here on this list.
It's called "Night Must Fall . . . Theatre Organ After
Hours." Since you won't find it in any stores or at
Amazon.com, I thought I'd let you know that further
information is available on my web site or from me directly.
--Mark Renwick
Jacksonville, Florida, USA
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Playlist for "Jimmy's Easy" 3.16.99
Date: 16 Mar 1999 21:39:27 EST
"Jimmy's Easy" airs on WMBR-FM, Cambridge at MIT on Tuesdays from 6-8 a.m.
------------Billy Taylor Orchestra-David Frost Theme-----------
Yo Yo Hashi-On The Ginza-CD Jungle Jive (Del-Fi) <who IS Yo Yo Hashi?>
Beach Boys-Pet Sounds-CD Pet Sounds (incredibly easy sounding)
Noveltones-Left Bank-CD Sound Gallery (smoky basement club style jazz)
Martin Denny-Girl From Ipanema-LP Denny A-Go-Go
Lenny Dee-Sweet Mouth-LP Turn Around Look At Me (donated by Jane Fondle)
Jimmy McGriff-Let's Stay Together-LP Let's Stay Together (exc organ groove)
Barbara Lewis-Stop That Girl-LP Best Of.... (penned by J. Deshannon & J. Page)
-Frank DeVol-Main Theme-LP OST Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
-Tony Hatch-Crosstown Commuter-CD Hatchback
-Nelson Riddle-Naked City Theme-45 7" on Capitol (a personal favorite)
-Quincy Jones-Hangin' Paper-LP OST In Cold Blood
-Isaac Hayes-Run Fay Run-LP OST Tough Guys
-Henry Mancini-Get It On-LP OST "10" (Bo makes corn rows safe for white
Henry Mancini-Tinpanola-LP Mr. Lucky Goes Latin
Paul Winter-Journey To Recife-LP Jazz Meets Bossa Nova (surprisingly great!)
String A-Longs-There Is A Mountain-LP Wide World Hits (cool & strange)
T-Bones-Colt 45 Theme-LP Sippin' & Chippin' (Malt Liquor Ad from the 6T's)
Dave "Baby" Cortez-Happy Soul-CD Sound Of Funk (UK-Goldmine label)
-Esquivel-Mucha Muchacha-CD Space Age Bachelor Pad Music (request)
-Warren Kime Orch-No Moon At All-LP Explosive Brass Impact (this IS brass!)
-101 Strings-Sabre Dance-LP Dynamic Percussion (this smokes)
-Billy Preston-Let Me Know-LP Soul'd Out (has to be heard to be believed <go-
-Creed Taylor Orchestra-The Nervous Beat-LP Lonelyville
-Al Caiola-The Eye In Flat Five-LP Sounds For Spies And Private Eyes
-Isaac Hayes-Two Tough Guys (Title Theme)-LP OST Tough Guys
Sid Ramin-Sugar In The Rain-LP OST Stiletto
Piero Umiliani-Flirt A Rio-CD Easy Tempo 4
Don Catelli All-Stars-Jungle Drums-LP Passionate Percussion
Lee Austin-Screwdriver-45 7" on People (nice chants of women saying "yeah")
Butterfly-Easter Bunny & Tarzan-LP Butterfly (black x-comedy on Weird World)
-Peter Thomas-Crime Of The Hidden Vault-CD Futurmuzik (Scamp)
-Ventures-Exploration In Terror-LP Ventures In Space
-Bobby Byrne-A Shade Of Brass-LP Shades Of Brass (Brass/Moog LP)
-Transmutator-A Fifth Of Beethoven-CD Electronica Night Fever
-Horst Jankowski-Dream Flight-LP Black Forest Explosion (wonderful LP)
-Jerry Goldsmith-Title Theme-Sebastian (CD furnished by Basic Hip)
-Eliminators-Eleanor Rigby-CD Out Of This World (6T's Brit Instros--GREATT!)
------------Wayne Newton-Wives & Lovers--------------
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: (exotica) History of Stereo tv show (last minute note)
Date: 16 Mar 1999 23:09:47 -0500
Sorry, didn't see this one coming, so this is very last minute notice.
The History Channel has a "History Of Stereo" at 2:00am tonight (late
Tuesday/early Wednesday). I just caught the 10pm showing. I wasn't real
impressed (didn't agree with some of their editorial choices or
conclusions), but it does show some nice old equipment.
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: Bump <bumpy@megsinet.net>
Subject: (exotica) german film composer
Date: 17 Mar 1999 00:33:20 -0500
hey y'all,
watched "Creature with the Blue Hand" with Klaus Kinski the other night
(story by Edgar Wallace)
and while the film was cool looking, the dubbed dialog hysterical,
and the plot ultra twisted, it was the music that was most memorable and
most groovy. I was by Martin Bottcher (with the two dots over the "o")
very close to the sound Peter Thomas/Gert Wilden most boppable bassline
beatnik jazz repleat with girls screams, breaking glass and gunshots.
any info on this guy would be appreciated.
check it out
Universal DJ
Defective Records
"The future will be better tomorrow."
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
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From: Lazlo Nibble <lazlo@studio-nibble.com>
Subject: (exotica) What 2 do on O A Hu
Date: 16 Mar 1999 22:46:42 -0700
Anyone with suggestions for thislisty things to do on Oahu, please post!
(I know, the whole island is exotica-relevant, but I need to narrow things
down with specific suggestions. Already know about the Bishop museum...)
Lazlo Nibble - lazlo@studio-nibble.com - http://www.studio-nibble.com
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From: Lazlo Nibble <lazlo@studio-nibble.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Retro Future - What Y2K looked like in the 50's
Date: 16 Mar 1999 22:53:34 -0700
On Thu, Mar 11, 1999 at 11:43:55PM -0500, Kevin Bonnett wrote:
> I just found a keen new area on AOL (apologies to the AOL-impaired). Go
> to Keyword: Retro Future.
I've been meaning to fire up the analog-future list as an adjunct to this list
for a couple of years now but just never got around to it. Would there be any
interest in a separate list discussing all things Jetsonesque?
Lazlo Nibble - lazlo@studio-nibble.com - http://www.studio-nibble.com
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From: PrimoChuck@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) All Nat King Cole, ,all the time
Date: 17 Mar 1999 00:53:10 EST
A local radio station here in Los Angeles (KGIL 1650)is in the middle of
switching formats from Traffic to the Music of Your Life or some syndicated
so from last Sunday and for the two weeks following they are playing nothing
Nat King Cole records..24 hours a day
Not my favorite artist, but have been waking up hearing so odd album cuts.....
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From: kbonnett@coax.net (Kevin Bonnett)
Subject: Re: (exotica) Retro Future - What Y2K looked like in the 50's
Date: 17 Mar 1999 01:41:20 -0500
I'm game! : )
C'mon, cast those votes folks!
Hey, I'll even post a note about it in AOL's Retro Future message boards
and see if anyone's interested. I'll let you know what I find from there
: )
Ciao 4 now!
Kevin : )
>I've been meaning to fire up the analog-future list as an adjunct to this
>for a couple of years now but just never got around to it. Would there be
>interest in a separate list discussing all things Jetsonesque?
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From: Bump <bumpy@megsinet.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Retro Future update & Yma Sumac/Xtabay
Date: 17 Mar 1999 05:21:17 -0500
>I know many of you are wondering "Why is this guy rambling on about
>this?". Well, it's the first time I've heard the album. I thought it
>deserved mentioning.
you are truely fortunate. (said with best conehead voice)
you are now fully indoctrinated. (gooble gobble gooble gobble, one of us)
the paddle wheel is next!
>treasure trove for me to dig through. The lid has been opened! BEWARE!
let me reword it for you
...treasure trove for you to dig. your lid has been flipped!
>Would there be any
>interest in a separate list discussing all things Jetsonesque?
"can't we all just get along?" --RK
Universal DJ
Defective Records
"The future will be better tomorrow."
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
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From: "Jill Mingo" <mingo@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: (exotica) Signor Rossi
Date: 12 Mar 1999 15:56:02 PST
Well, I got a promo of this newie on Crippled Dick Hot Wax! It is pretty =
smokin'. A lot of different versions of the theme. Apparently this is an =
Italian cartoon from the guy who animated "Allegro Non Troppo", but I've =
never seen the cartoon. There is some dialogue, but it really holds up =
as an LP. Jazzy at times, cartoonish with a bit of swingin' style that =
those Italians do oh so well. I'm sure there is a good 7 or 8 trax I will=
spin when I'm DJing so that's pretty high praise coming from me. Doesn't=
sound like the Beat at Cinecitta series - not quite that full on, but =
I think it would have appeal to many on the list.
Jill "Mingo-go"
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From: "Jill Mingo" <mingo@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: Fw: (exotica) Retro Future - What Y2K looked like in the 50's
Date: 12 Mar 1999 15:57:41 PST
> I've always refered to this as "phuture lounge" which is what I tell =
people I
> spin. I don't know if another list is needed for this type of thing as =
I think
> it gets covered pretty well on this one. But then again, if there was =
> seperate list, it might attract a different sort of person that I would=
be hip
> to exchanging ideas with.
> Jill "Mingo-go"
> >
> > >I've been meaning to fire up the analog-future list as an adjunct =
to this
> > list
> > >for a couple of years now but just never got around to it.
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From: "Giovanni Berti" <giovanni@pirulazio.interim.it>
Subject: (exotica) CLUB MORRICONE lp on Studio Uno
Date: 17 Mar 1999 12:59:54 +0000
Studio Uno is going to release in the next few days this issue, on
vinyl only for the moment. A cd issue is probably to follow.
I have heard it, and tracks are half bossa and half psycho-groovy.
You are the first to read the tracklisting, which goes:
1) Metti una sera a cena - 1969 (OST same);
2) Sandipipers: Hurry To Me - 1969 (OST "Metti una sera a cena");
3) Una voce allo specchio - 1969 (OST "La stagione dei sensi");
4) Giu' la testa - 1971 (OST same);
5) Quattro mosche di velluto grigio - 1971 (OST same);
6) Gli scatenati - 1978 (OST "Il gatto");
7) Patrick Samson: Gloria - 1969 (OST "La stagione dei sensi");
8) I Cantori Moderni: Matto, caldo, soldi, morto, girotondo - 1968
(OST "Vergogna schifosi");
9) Eat It - 1968 (OST "Eat It").
All tracks composed by E. Morricone.
All tracks performed by E. Morricone except where stated.
Anyone interested in receiving it can contact me.
Paolo Scotti has asked me to thank all you jornalists/d.j.'s
who responded to my previous message about Studio Uno. He
thinks he's gonna have the promo stuff ready soon, and hopes to
send it to as many of you that he can. Thanks for the massive
feedback on that.
I don't want to jam this digest, so you will read in the next digest
about another Studio Uno release ("Il mondo dei giovani") out soon.
Gionni Paludi
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From: "SANDBERG MAGNUS" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: (exotica) collecting turntables on video
Date: 17 Mar 1999 13:43:41 +0100
M Ace wrote about the history of Stereo:
I wasn't real
>impressed (didn't agree with some of their editorial choices or
>conclusions), but it does show some nice old equipment.
Sometimes I feel like collecting the parts in movies where there is =
turntables and HI FI equipment in action on video. But, that would go on =
forever. All good movies has a turntable as a very special guest =
star...Or a jukebox.
It's fun when you see the exact old stereo in motion picture that you =
have yourself. One of mine were displayed in a lot of shots in the =
german TV-serial "Heimat 2".=20
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Retro Future - What Y2K looked like in the 50's
Date: 17 Mar 1999 11:01:31 EST
In a message dated 03/17/99 12:54:04 AM Eastern Standard Time, lazlo@studio-
nibble.com writes:
<< I've been meaning to fire up the analog-future list as an adjunct to this
for a couple of years now but just never got around to it. Would there be any
interest in a separate list discussing all things Jetsonesque?>>
There is a great artist named Shag that does works along this line? Really
cool "Jetsonesque" (as Lazlo coined) art work. Check it out at www.Shag-
Art.com and/or run a search engine for Shag AND La Luz de Jesus Gallery.
His work is really spectacular and soooooooo reminiscent of the 60's idea of
what the future would look like.
He also does works with things tiki/exotica related and some cool monster/si-
fi stuff.
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From: Ottotemp@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Tease-O-Rama! March 20
Date: 17 Mar 1999 11:37:02 EST
Liftoff, Spacecapades & Tiki News present
One night only
March 20
The Cocodrie
1024 Kearny betw Broadway & Columbus
San Francisco
A daring dazzling display of forbidden women in a riot of mirth & medley
featuring the dances of
Inferno the human funeral pyre
Lusty Lady of the South Seas
Fisherman (aka Brian Lease of Frenchy) & his back alley boys
providin the riddem
From Hollywood
"In The Mood" vintage lingerie fashion revue
Kitten DeVille
starring in Exoteasia
for more info call the club at
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) All Cole + syndicated radio shows
Date: 17 Mar 1999 12:23:02 EST
In a message dated 03/17/99 12:55:31 AM Eastern Standard Time,
PrimoChuck@aol.com writes:
<< A local radio station here in Los Angeles (KGIL 1650)is in the middle of
switching formats from Traffic to the Music of Your Life or some syndicated
format....) >>
Once this is up and running, let me know who the morning DJ is. Jeff Rollins
was the head guy on a syndicated show here in Charleston, SC (no idea where it
originated though). Anyway, the station changed formats to RAP (shit!!!!).
the one with Rollin's was great with lounge, some exotica, torch singers, etc.
Anyone else in an area that has the Rollins syndicated show? Now keep in
mind, he was just the "morning drive" personality and he did not talk a lot.
Funny thing with these syndicated formats. They never told you the time or
temperature and the local station here that broadcast it never has any
personalities. It was great!
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Black Lodge Singers, powwow
Date: 17 Mar 1999 15:33:46 +0100
At 14:00 -0700 99/03/15, Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com> wrote:
>While listening to WFMU's fund-raising marathon (now in progress) I was
>really struck by a powwow version of Mighty Mouse, sung in english
pardon the silly question, but what is _powwow_?
| ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Date: 17 Mar 1999 13:10:48 EST
What does the album cover of this look like?
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From: Ottotemp@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Com Ed/Kahiki photos
Date: 17 Mar 1999 11:36:12 EST
On Oct 24, 1998 Combustible Edison opened their US tour at the historical site
of Tiki-lover worship - The Kahiki
after several months, I finally got a bunch of contact sheets
from Adam Bernard, a professional photographer guy I know who was at the
Kahiki that night with a medium-format camera. After a few more weeks, I
*finally* got them all scanned in and they're online for your perusal at:
Hopefully you have enough to go by with the screen-resolution JPEGs.
He's asking $10 for 5x7s and $13.50 for 8x10s if you're interested in prints
of any of these. If so, let me know the sheet/photo number and size for each
and we can work out additional details.
Michael David Toth
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Black Lodge Singers, powwow
Date: 17 Mar 1999 13:49:33 -0600
At 03:33 PM 3/17/99 +0100, Johan wrote:
>At 14:00 -0700 99/03/15, Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com> wrote:
>>While listening to WFMU's fund-raising marathon (now in progress) I was
>>really struck by a powwow version of Mighty Mouse, sung in english
> pardon the silly question, but what is _powwow_?
As I understand it, Pow-wows are intertribal gatherings of Native Americans
at which there are groups who do a circle dance around a drum. Sorta like
the stereotypical image of Indians doing a war dance around a fire.
Here's a description of powwow music from the Matoska Trading site:
This is the music typically heard at powwows. It consists of strong drumming
and singing. The dancers keep step to the drum and celebrate the dance in
their own unique styles. Some recordings are live in which you can hear the
bells and whistles of the dancers and others are studio recordings. There
are several distinct types of music in our powwow category:
Northern Style
A Northern Style drum is a drum group which sings in the style of the
Northern Plains tribes such as the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, Crow,
Blackfeet and Cree. Northern Style powwow music typically has very high
pitched singing and a fast beat. Note that members of Northern Style drums
are not always from northern tribes. There are excellent Northern Style
drums which are made up of drummers from the Navajo Nation (a very Southwest
tribe). Black Lodge Singers are a Northern Style drum.
Southern Style
A Southern Style drum sings in the style of the Southern Plains tribes such
as the Ponca and Kiowa. Southern Style powwow music is typically sung in a
lower pitch and slower beat than Northern style music and is somewhat more
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Re: Com Ed/Kahiki photos
Date: 17 Mar 1999 14:35:44 EST
Who is that with the chefs in picture 12 on sheet 4?
In a message dated 03/17/99 1:41:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, Ottotemp@aol.com
<< after several months, I finally got a bunch of contact sheets
from Adam Bernard, a professional photographer guy I know who was at the
Kahiki that night with a medium-format camera. After a few more weeks, I
*finally* got them all scanned in and they're online for your perusal at:
Hopefully you have enough to go by with the screen-resolution JPEGs.
He's asking $10 for 5x7s and $13.50 for 8x10s if you're interested in prints
of any of these. If so, let me know the sheet/photo number and size for each
and we can work out additional details. >>
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Re: Com Ed/Kahiki photos
Date: 17 Mar 1999 14:45:04 EST
In a message dated 03/17/99 1:41:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, Ottotemp@aol.com
<< http://members.aol.com/webpreview/comedphotos
Hopefully you have enough to go by with the screen-resolution JPEGs. >>
The ones with The Milliionare, Tiki friend and tubby oriental owner(???) are a
Thanks for posting these -- they are great. I hope the dude who took them
makes a little on this.
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Re: Black Lodge Singers, powwow
Date: 17 Mar 1999 14:47:05 EST
In a message dated 03/17/99 1:18:09 PM Eastern Standard Time,
Quiet@village.uunet.be writes:
<< pardon the silly question, but what is _powwow_? >>
a powwow was an indian (american) term for a "talk"
as in "We have um powwow with pale face and smokum peace pipe".
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Re: Black Lodge Singers, powwow
Date: 17 Mar 1999 14:49:08 EST
Like I said, a "talk" or "meeting" if you will.
Robert (Currently I am smoking a "piece" pipe. Or at least that is what I tell
the Law.)
In a message dated 03/17/99 1:51:46 PM Eastern Standard Time,
lousmith@pipeline.com writes:
<< Here's a description of powwow music from the Matoska Trading site:
This is the music typically heard at powwows. It consists of strong drumming
and singing. The dancers keep step to the drum and celebrate the dance in
their own unique styles. Some recordings are live in which you can hear the
bells and whistles of the dancers and others are studio recordings. There
are several distinct types of music in our powwow category:
Northern Style
A Northern Style drum is a drum group which sings in the style of the
Northern Plains tribes such as the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, Crow,
Blackfeet and Cree. Northern Style powwow music typically has very high
pitched singing and a fast beat. Note that members of Northern Style drums
are not always from northern tribes. There are excellent Northern Style
drums which are made up of drummers from the Navajo Nation (a very Southwest
tribe). Black Lodge Singers are a Northern Style drum.
Southern Style
A Southern Style drum sings in the style of the Southern Plains tribes such
as the Ponca and Kiowa. Southern Style powwow music is typically sung in a
lower pitch and slower beat than Northern style music and is somewhat more
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From: chuck <chuckmk@yahoo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Soukichi Kina
Date: 17 Mar 1999 12:38:14 -0800 (PST)
A friend of mine with a enormous vinyl and cd collection played me a
tune by this very weird band from Okinawa called Shoukichi Kini. It
is basicallly "now sound" music form Okinawa circa '60s Many of the
songs are sung in this super high pitched nasal voice, but not
speaking the language we could only be wowed by the weird weird sound
of her voice. My friend got ahold of the lyrics to one song and
they're just as wierd. This is not your typical worldbeat fake music
but real 60s pop from Okinawa. His message follows.
" The translated lyrics for "Haisai Ojisan" are given in the
cd booklet for Peppermint Tea House by Shoukichi Kina, who wrote the
music and lyrics:
> Haisai Ojisan (Hey Man!)
Hey, man! Hey, man!
If there's a drop of sake left in last night's little bottle
Won't you give me some?
Hey, boy! Hey, boy!
You think I'm satisfied with a little bottle?
Don't say there's none left!
OK, man! If the little bottle's not enough, give me a big one.
Hi, man! Hi, man!
I wanna marry, I'm not a kid anymore. Can I marry your daughter?
Hey, boy! Hey, boy!
Marry? No kidding!
You're still too young to talk about such things.
OK, man! I'll wait until my hair turns white.
Hi, man! Hi, man!
What a big bald spot you have!
Hey, boy! Hey, boy!
Bald men are excellent.
My forefathers were really excellent.
OK, man! I'm gonna have cosmetic surgery to add bald spots.
Hi, man! Hi, man!
Your beard is funny, like the whiskers of an attic mouse.
Hey, boy! Hey, boy!
Laugh at my beard, but women love bearded men.
OK, man! I don't wanna be outdone by you,
Starting tomorrow, I'll grow a beard that looks like the whiskers of a
Hi, man! Hi, man!
Last night's hooker was really pretty, you should go there, too.
Hey, boy! Hey, boy!
In Chiji, Nakajima and Watanji*, I'm a big shot.
OK, man! Going around here and there, I'm wasting my money.
You're wasting your money.
*red light districts in Okinawa
> The booklet says that the song is "from the single on
> Marufuku..." [careful!] "...Records, 1966."
> I never heard the version you mention, but Shoukichi Kina
rocks the house! His (now ex-)wife Tomoko sings like Yoko Ono with a
context (she is the "boy" in the lyric, I gather, and Shoukichi is the
> I heard of Shoukichi Kina from a Ry Cooder album, Get
Rhythm. Cooder does a song called "Going Back To Okinawa" which is in
the Kina style. Despite the fact that Kina is shamefully not credited
anywhere on Cooder's album, I read an interview with him and David
Lindley where they raved about this Okinawa rural dance music by
Shoukichi Kina.
> I think this album is great! But I hesitate to recommend
it to others. It is on David Byrne's Luaka Bop lable. I have learned
to buy everything on Luaka Bop, but that's just me."
When the music gets wierd, the weird listen to music
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From: Jeffery Hess <grinderman@juno.com>
Date: 17 Mar 1999 14:44:18 -0600
>What does the album cover of this look like?
What a coinkidink! I just picked up this record over the weekend and
I'm going to use it for a music bed on my show this week. At the top in
bold red is says, PROJECT: COMSTOCK. The picture below depicts a
spaceship/flying saucer obscured behind a reddish/orange haze. The
song titles are listed at the bottom of the picture.
Hope this helps,
Comes In Colours
KDHX FM 88.1 Sunday mornings 3-6 AM (CST)
Immediately following The Wayback Machine
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From: King Kini <kingkini@tamboo.com>
Date: 17 Mar 1999 15:04:26 -0600
i'll try to scan it for my site when i have a sec.
- kk
> What does the album cover of this look like?
> thanks,
> robert
King Kini's C L U B V E L V E T
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From: "Nathan Miner" <nminer@jhmi.edu>
Subject: (exotica) VW Commercial
Date: 17 Mar 1999 11:34:04 -0500
Heard a song Sat. night at a dance club that I heard originally as the =
background to a VW commercial - a bug spins in the center of the screen =
changing colors while a woman talks about recalling the sky and how the =
stars used to shine so bright, etc, etc.
Who does this tune? Where can I find it?
- Nate
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From: Lazlo Nibble <lazlo@studio-nibble.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) VW Commercial
Date: 17 Mar 1999 14:17:00 -0700
On Wed, Mar 17, 1999 at 11:34:04AM -0500, Nathan Miner wrote:
> Heard a song Sat. night at a dance club that I heard originally as the
> background to a VW commercial - a bug spins in the center of the screen
> changing colors while a woman talks about recalling the sky and how the
> stars used to shine so bright, etc, etc.
> Who does this tune? Where can I find it?
The Orb, "Little Fluffy Clouds", from their first LP Adventures Beyond The
Ultraworld and also on the recent U.F.Off: The Best Of The Orb. A good place
to start for further info (if I do say so myself) is the Orb discog page at
<http://www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discogs?orb>; there are links from there.
The voice is Rickie Lee Jones, by the way, as interviewed on Reading Rainbow
by LeVar Burton (who got dubbed over in the VW ad for some reason).
Lazlo Nibble - lazlo@studio-nibble.com - http://www.studio-nibble.com
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From: "Robert Baldock" <rcb@easynet.co.uk>
Date: 17 Mar 1999 21:23:43 -0000
King Kini wrote:
> i'll try to scan it for my site when i have a sec.
There's a scan on the web already at Jack Fetterman's Cocktail
Music for Robots page:
** ** ** * Spaced Out - the Enoch Light Website * ** ** **
** ** ** * http://www.rcb.easynet.co.uk/light/ * ** ** **
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From: chuck <chuckmk@yahoo.com>
Subject: (exotica) St Patrick's Day Record Finds
Date: 17 Mar 1999 13:42:21 -0800 (PST)
Out shopping again, love these record covers but I'm really surprised
at how little I know about these artists. Thanks for all the advice
those of you have given me. I really appreciate the help. I won't
list everything, only the ones I don't know anything about.
Billy Butterfield "I'm in the Mood"
Many Lopez Orchestra "Cha Cha Cha Pops"
George Cates "Take Five"
Doc Severinson & Friends "Swinging & Singing"
Ralph Burns "In Percussen ??
Enoch Light "Rome 35/MM"
Stanley Black "Tropical Moonlight"
Doc Severson& Strings
Skip martin "Dance to Seinging Things"
David Carroll "Mexico"
Baja Marimba Band "For Animals Only"
Doc Severson "Fever"
Bobby Byrne "Shades of Brass"
Brass Choir cond Warren Kime "Brass Impact"
Warren Kime Dynamic Brass Impact"
"The Versatile Henry Mancini"
King Richards FLuegel Knights "Just Some of those Songs Mrs Robinson"
"Presenting Botticelli & His Orchestra"
Cinema Sound Stage Orchestra "Umbrella of Cherbourg" &
"Yello Rolls Royce"
Tony Mottola "Plays Country & Western"
Eddie Cano & Jack Costanzo With Tony Martinez "Dancing on Sunset Strip"
Thanks for any more advice you can give me on these. Its so cool
buying vinyl again.
When the music gets weird, the weird listen to music
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From: chuck <chuckmk@yahoo.com>
Subject: (exotica) VW Commercial/Little Fluffy Clouds
Date: 17 Mar 1999 13:55:53 -0800 (PST)
Nothing quite like the wonderful experience of hearing Orbs "Little
Fluffy Clouds" for the first time. When it was released in 1986?
mid/late '80s it was just so far ahead of its time.
If you ever saw Public Televisions great 6 or 7 part mini series on
rock & roll it ends very fittingly with Orb sitting in a chair.
I use to know whose voice they sampled but I forgot. There was a
rumor it was Sinead Occoners but that never rang true.
When the music gets weird, the weird listen to music
Nathan Miner wrote:
> Heard a song Sat. night at a dance club that I heard originally as the
> background to a VW commercial - a bug spins in the center of the
> changing colors while a woman talks about recalling the sky and how
> stars used to shine so bright, etc, etc.
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) free association
Date: 17 Mar 1999 16:25:19 -0500
Whilst we are on the Free Design, Association, etc...anyone ever heard this
thrift store find: INNER DIALOG? All I can say is I believe they are
STRANGER than the Free Design, and probably more artistically interesting,
too. The cover makes it look like it would be this faux Brazil '66...but
Inner Dialog takes the Free D to more Freudian heights, certainly. I
borrowed some FD stuff from our man DJJimmyBee, and, at the risk of leaping
FLAMES, I'm gonna say it, or as Chuck D. said more eloquently, "DON'T
BELIEVE THE HYPE!" I mean, I can take the Free Design in small doses, so
don't hate me ova-here, but it's nothing I would buy.
Just my common cents - Jane Fondle
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Date: 17 Mar 1999 17:26:23 EST
In a message dated 03/17/99 3:53:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,
grinderman@juno.com writes:
<< What a coinkidink! I just picked up this record over the weekend >>
Oooooooooooooo Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Laura gunna be pissed.
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Soukichi Kina
Date: 17 Mar 1999 17:24:45 EST
In a message dated 03/17/99 3:37:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,
chuckmk@yahoo.com writes:
<< Hey, boy! Hey, boy!
Bald men are excellent.
My forefathers were really excellent.
OK, man! I'm gonna have cosmetic surgery to add bald spots. >>
that last line brings tears to my eyes.
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From: Pea Hicks <phix@adnc.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) VW Commercial/Little Fluffy Clouds
Date: 17 Mar 1999 15:00:39 -0800
chuck wrote:
> Nothing quite like the wonderful experience of hearing Orbs "Little
> Fluffy Clouds" for the first time. When it was released in 1986?
> mid/late '80s it was just so far ahead of its time.
then i guess Steve Reich's "Electric Counterpoint" was even *further*
ahead of its time... ;)
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From: "dymaxia@ripco.com" <dymaxia@ripco.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) free association
Date: 17 Mar 1999 17:16:28 -0600 (CST)
On Wed, 17 Mar 1999 laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com wrote:
> Whilst we are on the Free Design, Association, etc...anyone ever heard this
> thrift store find: INNER DIALOG? All I can say is I believe they are
> STRANGER than the Free Design, and probably more artistically interesting,
> too. The cover makes it look like it would be this faux Brazil '66...but
> Inner Dialog takes the Free D to more Freudian heights, certainly. I
> borrowed some FD stuff from our man DJJimmyBee, and, at the risk of leaping
> FLAMES, I'm gonna say it, or as Chuck D. said more eloquently, "DON'T
> BELIEVE THE HYPE!" I mean, I can take the Free Design in small doses, so
> don't hate me ova-here, but it's nothing I would buy.
> Just my common cents - Jane Fondle
I was *really* disappointed when I finally
got my hands on the CD. I dunno ... they
were compared to the Carpenters, or late
60s "flufflegum", i.e. The Cowsills, but
there's something that's missing -- I think
they sound a little anemic and colorless.
"Kites are Fun" doesn't exactly make me want
to run down to my local Sportmart. I guess
there's nothing like a little cocaine,
sleeplessness and anorexia to induce that giddy magic.
And as far as their children's music is concerned,
I don't think they'll be taking the place
of Marais and Miranda any time soon.
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From: "Robert Baldock" <rcb@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) free association
Date: 17 Mar 1999 23:39:34 -0000
Ms Fondle wrote:
> Whilst we are on the Free Design, Association, etc...anyone ever heard
> this thrift store find: INNER DIALOG?
Ah! I suspect the list will be hearing from Mingo-go tomorrow - she
has a copy of this strange beast. I have a copy on tape...
> All I can say is I believe they
> are STRANGER than the Free Design, and probably more artistically
> interesting, too. The cover makes it look like it would be this faux
> Brazil '66...but Inner Dialog takes the Free D to more Freudian heights,
> certainly.
I have to say I didn't like it - it sounded like a very obvious FD piss-
take/pastiche album to me... But maybe I need to give it more
than one listen!
> I borrowed some FD stuff from our man DJJimmyBee, and, at the
> risk of leaping FLAMES, I'm gonna say it, or as Chuck D. said more
> eloquently, "DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE!" I mean, I can take the Free Design
> in small doses, so don't hate me ova-here, but it's nothing I would buy.
HEATHEN! No, I am biased being somewhat of an Enoch Light
groupie (no, really?), but the Design are certainly one of my all-time
Top 10 bands...
** ** ** * Spaced Out - the Enoch Light Website * ** ** **
** ** ** * http://www.rcb.easynet.co.uk/light/ * ** ** **
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From: "Robert Baldock" <rcb@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: (exotica) More Moving LP Covers
Date: 17 Mar 1999 23:39:34 -0000
Three more animated Command covers have recently been added
to the Spaced Out front page:
Big Band Bossa Nova
Far Away Places
Man from O.R.G.A.N
More on the way just as soon as I can churn 'em out...!
** ** ** * Spaced Out - the Enoch Light Website * ** ** **
** ** ** * http://www.rcb.easynet.co.uk/light/ * ** ** **
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From: "Robert Baldock" <rcb@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) VW Commercial/Little Fluffy Clouds
Date: 17 Mar 1999 23:39:35 -0000
Chuck wrote:
> I use to know whose voice they sampled but I forgot. There was a
> rumor it was Sinead Occoners but that never rang true.
No, I think it's Joni Mitchell. But wait a minute, I think the new
version has a totally different sample...
** ** ** * Spaced Out - the Enoch Light Website * ** ** **
** ** ** * http://www.rcb.easynet.co.uk/light/ * ** ** **
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) St Patrick's Day Record Finds
Date: 17 Mar 1999 23:21:32 -0500
At 01:42 PM 3/17/99 -0800, chuck wrote:
>Out shopping again, love these record covers but I'm really surprised
>at how little I know about these artists. Thanks for all the advice
>those of you have given me. I really appreciate the help. I won't
>list everything, only the ones I don't know anything about.
Your record finds in the past couple of weeks are like some kind of
lounge/exotica "starters kit". I won't comment on every record, I promise.
>Doc Severinson & Friends "Swinging & Singing"
I have yet to hear a Doc record that I wanted to keep. Not these Command
ones anyway. Once upon a time when I imagined that I might become a
Command completist, I kept them all but at this moment I am Doc-less and
haven't regretted it yet. I can't say what I don't like about them. Too
much trumpet? Not enough percussion? Doc was/is certainly cool but I
guess we don't have the same taste in big band music.
>David Carroll "Mexico"
I don't know this particular record but David Carroll has been a consistent
revelation to me on almost every record of his I've bought... even the ones
where the covers promised blandness.
If you get a chance, check out his "rePercussion" or "Latin Percussion" or
"Percussion Orientale" records. But even the lesser ones are pretty good.
"Yello Rolls Royce"
I pretty well only responded here because of this particular record which
brings back very bittersweet memories. This was one of my father's
favourite records for some reason that none of us kids could ever figure
out. In case you haven't examined it, it's a movie soundtrack. And it's
one of those movies where you follow the car as it goes through a series of
owners, a lot like the recent movie "The Red Violin" if any of you have
heard of that.
Of course I thought it was totally sucky at the time but I would still like
to find it again. As far as I can remember, my father only had about
twenty records.
>Tony Mottola "Plays Country & Western"
You can't knock Tony but again, I only keep the records where he does
sixties tunes. His playing can be annoyingly "tasteful" and I can only
really stand him when he decides he has to rock out a bit.
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From: Risser Family <risser@goodnews.net>
Subject: (exotica) CD Sale
Date: 17 Mar 1999 21:06:03 -0500
If you are interested in any of the following artists, please mail me for a list:
Legendary Jim Ruiz Group, Getaway Cruiser, Bayete, Versus, Air,
Freaky Chakra, Marcy Playground, Bayete and Jabu Khanyile, Thymme Jones,
Lake of Dracula, Ultrababyfat, Pointless Orchestra, Twelve Caesers,
Scooby Doo, Lazy K, Babe the Blue Ox, Across 110th Street OMPS, Gearwhore,
Replikants, Pretty in Pink OMPS, Jewel, No Doubt, Blues Travellers, Dazzling Killmen,
John Zorn, Jan Garbarek, Hafler Trio, Namanax, Luc Ferrari, Robert Fripp,
Sugar Plant, Hundred Sights of Koenji, Uzeda, Bill Horist, Grateful Dead,
Cornelius, Panicsville, Bayete, Wizard of Oz, Take 6, Henry Mancini,
Various - TV Dinner Christmas, Leon Redbone, Helen Merrill, John Zorn,
Various - Hi-Fi Holiday (Starbucks Comp), Moog Cookbook, Meat Beat Manifesto,
Golden Paliminos, Bartok/Boulez, Bartok, Paul Newman, Revolting Cocks,
The list is in Excel 95 or Text format. Please specify.
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From: kbonnett@coax.net (Kevin Bonnett)
Subject: Re: (exotica) Re: Black Lodge Singers, powwow
Date: 18 Mar 1999 04:39:11 -0500
All this talk of Black Lodge is bringing back haunting memories of Twin
Peaks. Anyone else having this trouble?
I'd say a dancing midget that talks backwards is about as exotic as you can
get. ;-)
Hey, pass me a cuppa joe willya? Smells like DAMN good coffee.
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From: kbonnett@coax.net (Kevin Bonnett)
Subject: Re: (exotica) Re: Com Ed/Kahiki photos
Date: 18 Mar 1999 04:47:42 -0500
Kahiki, is this the Kahiki in Columbus, Ohio?
You know, I only learned of the place about a year ago and it's only an hour
or so drive from me. I'm gonna cry. I've been planning to make the trip
but haven't done it yet. I should've known about this.
Kahiki has it's own web site and last I heard is branching out into selling
Kahiki branded products in grocery stores. I'll post the link when I have
time to find it.
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From: "Jill Mingo" <mingo@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) free association
Date: 13 Mar 1999 03:03:42 PST
> Whilst we are on the Free Design, Association, etc...anyone ever heard =
> thrift store find: INNER DIALOG?
Yes. I've posted about the band before, and got about 2 responses. What =
I want to know, is do they have 2 LPs? I am told by a dealer that they =
do, but I've never seen any LP by the Inner Dialogue by Inner Dialogue =
LP. It is one of my all time fave LPs.
at the risk of leaping
> FLAMES, I'm gonna say it, or as Chuck D. said more eloquently, "DON'T
> BELIEVE THE HYPE!" I mean, I can take the Free Design in small doses, =
> don't hate me ova-here, but it's nothing I would buy.
While I can understand the comparisons with the Free Design, I think they=
are kinda different. Free Design is much better produced and the lyrics =
aren't as one dimensional. Inner Dialogue is a self-help type LP and all =
the songs reflect that. Whereas Free Design is a band. I can understand =
why some people don't like Free Design, but considering they are my favou=
rite band, I'm not one of them. It is extremely sugary at times, but I =
feel the harmonies are so rich and the production is so beautiful that =
frankly, what isn't there to like? At least for me.
And if anyone can help me with my Inner Dialogue question, I'd greatly =
appreciate it.
Jill "Mingo-go"
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From: Pearmania@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Comstock LP
Date: 18 Mar 1999 06:44:22 EST
>What does the album cover of this look like?
There is a picture of this LP at:
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From: "Giovanni Berti" <giovanni@pirulazio.interim.it>
Subject: (exotica) IL MONDO DEI GIOVANI cd issue on Studio Uno
Date: 18 Mar 1999 15:52:50 +0000
Out very soon.
1) J. Pisano & J. Chaumont: Kill Them All!
(1971 - OST "Kill");
2) Berto Pisano: Little Snack Bar
(1970 - OST "Interrabang");
3) Gianni Ferrio: La gabbia sequenza
(1973 - OST "Big Guns");
4) Max Rocci: Red Blues
(1975 - from "Il mondo dei giovani, vol. 4");
5) Luis Bacalov: Carrefour
(1976 - OST "Colpita da improvviso benessere");
6) Piero Piccioni: Per le strade
(1974 - OST "Tutto a posto niente in ordine");
7) Stelvio Cipriani: Grattacieli di vetro
(1975 - OST "Mark il poliziotto");
8) Montori & Chiti: Snap Dragon
(1978 - OST "La pioggia cancella ogni traccia");
9) Max Rocci: Niagara Falls
(1975 - from "Il mondo dei giovani, vol. 4");
10) Piero Umiliani: A bocca chiusa
(1965 - from "Al cinema con Piero Umiliani");
11) Piero Piccioni: Pop's Lolly
(1964 - OST "Tre notti d'amore");
12) Angel "Pocho" Gatti: Happy Year
13) Piero Piccioni: O rugido do leao
(1974 - OST "Finche' c'e' guerra c'e' speranza");
14) Pasquale Castiglione & Paolo Casa: Chase
(1975 - from "Clouds");
15) Guido & Maurizio De Angelis: Ankara
(1973 - OST "Afyon oppio");
16) Sante Maria Rumitelli: Beat The Rock
(1976 - OST "Vai col liscio");
17) U. Santucci: Spirale ritmica
(1972 - from "Il mondo dei giovani, vol. 2").
As for "Club Morricone", if interested you can contact me and we'll
arrange some trade (I don't sell records). Else, I can pass your
address to Paolo Scotti (the man from Studio Uno, still without
web page and e-mail address), and you will arrange business
directly with him.
Ciao everybody
Gionni Paludi
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) obits: Wei Lung-hau, Rod Hull
Date: 18 Mar 1999 10:09:36 -0600
*Wei Lung-hau
TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) -- Wei Lung-hau, a master of exchanging jokes in an art
form known as ``xiang sheng'' died March 7 of prostate cancer. She was 70.
Her death ended an era of Chinese arts and culture that prevailed under
Taiwan's policy of seeking unification with mainland China.
Wei was among hundreds of actors, actresses and other performers brought to
Taiwan in 1949 after Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist government lost a civil
war to the Communists on the mainland.
Wei and his long-time performing partner, Wu Chao-nan, attracted large
audiences with ``xiang sheng,'' an entertainment form where two people
exchange rapid-fire jokes with incredible language skills, sing songs and
tell humorous tales. They made the cross-talking art popular in Taiwan at a
time when entertainment was rare.
They succeeded also because they made Chinese matters the theme of their
cross-talk, coinciding with an official policy to promote Chinese culture
and arts to reinforce the Nationalists' claim to be the sole legitimate
government of all China.
Found in alt.obituaries:
The British entertainer Rod Hull, most famous for partnership with his
puppet Emu, has died at the age of sixty three.
He was dead on arrival following a fall from the roof of his house on Kent,
southern England. He has been attempting to mend or adjust a television
aerial.Apologies. Rod Hull died in Winchelsea, East Sussex. Apparantly, he'd
been trying to improve television reception during the European Champions'
League Quarter Final, Second Leg, between Internazionale of Milan and
Manchester United.
Pretty inevitable, I'd say. One hand on the TV aerial, one hand up Emu's
jacksy, what is there left to hold on with??
Bizzare as it may sound, there are two fairly well-known emu puppet acts.
The best-known was Hull - his Emu was a glove puppet famous for savaging all
and sundry. The other act, whose name I forget (Bernie some-one? The whole
act is forgetable) was an unnamed emu (or was it an ostrich?), which he rode.
This rings a bell. I remember a Saturday morning kids show here in the
states with a guy and a puppet emu. Possibly the Harlem Globetrotters, or
the Hudson Bros. I can't imagine there being two emu puppet acts.
The Hudson Brothers Show during 1974-75. Also their nighttime show.
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From: Peter Risser <risser@goodnews.net>
Subject: (exotica) The Persuasive Urbie Green on Command
Date: 18 Mar 1999 11:09:35 -0500
Are his albums any good?
How do they rank next to something like Persuasive Percussion, Enoch Light
or Dick Hyman?
Just curious.
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From: "Michael Greenberg" <mgreenbe@mail.psychiatry.sunysb.edu>
Subject: (exotica) I Hate the Beatles compilation
Date: 18 Mar 1999 11:38:58 -0500
I gather there is an lp compilation called "I Hate The Beatles," that
was recently released. Can someone provide us with a track listing
and a place to purchase it?
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From: "Dom Ciccone" <dciccone@inspex.com>
Subject: (exotica) Martinis With Mancini Playlist. 3/18/99
Date: 18 Mar 1999 13:02:04 -0500
"Martinis With Mancini" broadcasting Thursday's at 6-9 AM from WJUL 91.5 =
Lowell Massachusetts.
Your comments and suggestions welcome.
Like Someone In Love, Bjork
Shangri-la, Robert Maxwell
Quiet Village, Martin Denny
Hey Bellboy! Gloria Wood
Girl Talk, Howard Roberts
Tenderly, The Hi Lo=92s
There=92ll Be Another Spring, George Shearing/Peggy Lee
In A Little Spanish Town, David Carroll
All Of Me, Esquivel!
My Heart Belongs To Daddy, Persuasive Percussion
Some Other Spring, Billie Holliday
It Might As Well Be Spring, Frank Capp/Nat Pierce Juggernaut
Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most, Betty Carter
It=92s Not Unusual, Tom Jones (Request!)
You Go To My Head, Stan Kenton (Request!)
Lover, Richard Marino And His Orchestra
Moon Moods, Les Baxter And His Orchestra
Powerhouse, The Bobby Hammack Combo
Under The Sea, OST The Little Mermaid
Basie, Straight Ahead, Count Basie
You Gotta Try, Buddy Rich And His Orchestra
Dig That Crazy Chick, Sam Butera And The Witnesses
Fungi Mama, Made In The Shade
To C.P. With Love, Louie Bellson=92s Big Band Explosion
The Wipe Out, The Blue Hawaiians
The Human Jungle, The John Barry 7 (Scamp)
The Big Safari, The Countdowns, Dir; John Barry (Scamp)
Mouse On The Moon, The Countdowns, Dir; John Barry (Scamp)
The James Bond Theme, OST Dr. No
The Isle Of Capri, Xavier Cugart
You Must Believe In Spring, Abbey Lincoln
Another Spring, Nina Simone
Baby Elephant Walk, Henry Mancini
Featuring Local Boston Area Artists:
Life Is So Peculiar, Jim Porcella
Spring Is Here, Paul Broadnax
The Nearness Of You, Lisa Thorson With Cercie Miller
Green Dolphin Street, Donna Byrne
At Sundown, Dave Whitney
That=92s My Name, David Whitney
They Can=92t Take That Away From Me, Wayne Newton (Visiting Lowell 3/27)
Spring Is Here, Frank Sinatra
More Local Musicians:
Just You Just Me, Harry Skoller
Breakfast At Denny=92s, Combustible Edison
Sneaky, 4 Piece Suit
Music To Watch Girls By, The James Taylor Quartet.
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From: Pearmania@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Re:The Persuasive Urbie Green on Command
Date: 18 Mar 1999 13:05:27 EST
>Are his albums any good?
>How do they rank next to something like Persuasive Percussion, Enoch Light
>or Dick Hyman?
His Persuasive Trombone albums never did a whole lot for me, but I have his 21
Trombones LP which is pretty good. Not as legendary as Dick Hyman's moog
records or even the first Persuasive Percussion LP, but loaded with rich
layers of mellow brass sound.
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From: Ross Orr <rotohut@ic.net>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Chuck's St Patrick's Day Record Finds
Date: 18 Mar 1999 12:53:52 -0500
>George Cates "Take Five"
Eh. This has about 2% of the cool of his _Polynesian Percussion_.
>Stanley Black "Tropical Moonlight"
I ended up rather liking this--though at first I had my doubts about Lounge
Piano Latin. Play "Atlantide" and if you dig it, give the rest a try.
David Carroll "Mexico"
Score! A bit atypical for Carroll, for some reason he did this LP with
Nashville session men in a TJB-meets-"teen beat" style. "Perfida" done as a
Twist absolutely rocks.
>"The Versatile Henry Mancini"
Score! Mancini covers the Tropical Exotica standards. Very ethereal and
moody. Try "Poinciana."
good finds!
|| Ross "Mambo Frenzy" Orr <rotohut@ic.net>
|| Ann Arbor, Michigan USA
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From: Ross Orr <rotohut@ic.net>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Haisai Ojisan
Date: 18 Mar 1999 12:54:00 -0500
>Cooder does a song called "Going Back To Okinawa" which is in
>the Kina style. Despite the fact that Kina is shamefully not credited
>anywhere on Cooder's album, I read an interview with him and David
>Lindley where they raved about this Okinawa rural dance music by
>Shoukichi Kina.
And they weren't the only ones. . .
Richard Thompson sang a version of this song--yes, in Okinawan!--on the
1987 Rhino album by French Frith Kaiser Thompson titled _Live, Love,
Larf & Loaf_.
Pretty entertaining.
|| Ross "Mambo Frenzy" Orr <rotohut@ic.net>
|| Ann Arbor, Michigan USA
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From: Ross Orr <rotohut@ic.net>
Subject: (exotica) Inner Dialogue
Date: 18 Mar 1999 13:08:40 -0500
>I've posted about the band before, and got about 2 responses. What =
>I want to know, is do they have 2 LPs? I am told by a dealer that they =
>do, but I've never seen any LP by the Inner Dialogue by Inner Dialogue =
>LP. It is one of my all time fave LPs.
Arrgh, I hate it when this happens! I grab a record but decide not to keep
it--then someone on the list raves about somebody and I start to wonder
if I totally missed the point and should have hung onto it.
I'm sorry Jill I can't give you any useful info about the LP I had, except
that it was on the Ranwood label (which was Lawrence Welk's label, no?)
I definitely thought it was parallel to Free Design in some way: "flower
pop" with trippy yet essentially wholesome lyrics. At the time I was
slogging through a pile of 100 obscurities from about 1969 and was feeling
a bit ruthless--and for some reason it didn't grab me enough to keep it.
I do remember having the scary thought that maybe Free Design was the tip
of a rather large iceberg.
|| The Macintosh Witch Doctor: Ross Orr <rotohut@ic.net> (734) 998-2546
|| " . . . it has been said that the Macintosh is the worst possible kind of
|| computer, except for all those other kinds that have been tried from
|| time to time. . . . " [with apologies to Winston Churchill]
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From: "Brian Karasick" <brian@PHYRES.Lan.McGill.CA>
Subject: (exotica) =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Re:_Martin_B=F6ttcher?=
Date: 18 Mar 1999 12:41:32 -0500
Bump wrote:
> watched "Creature with the Blue Hand" with Klaus Kinski the other night
> most groovy. I was by Martin Bottcher (with the two dots over the "o")
> very close to the sound Peter Thomas/Gert Wilden most boppable bassline
> beatnik jazz repleat with girls screams, breaking glass and gunshots.
> any info on this guy would be appreciated.
As the list's token "non-German with fanatical interest in german culture"
representative, here goes... He is a German bandleader who did a
huge number of Film & TV soundtracks. There is a very good compilation
of his stuff on Motor and I actually found a 2 LP set in a store here only
last weekend of Film-TV music. I find most of what I've heard so
far closer to the easy (a la Hort Jankowski) sound than Gert Wilden's
wild sound but wouldn't be at all surprised if he has a broader range.
Speaking of... I wonder if there is more Gert Wilden out there closer to
"I Told You Not to Cry" available as this song is just about my favourite
of the last several years! I also wish I could see some of these films
but I've had no luck finding anything of the sort in North America, even
through the big suppliers of cult films I know. I wonder if they play on
German TV much?
Brian Karasick
Physical Planner
McGill University
Montreal, Canada
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From: Angela <angela@musicfile.com>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Del Close/Inner Dialogue/Introduction
Date: 18 Mar 1999 13:27:21 -0500
I'm new to the list and wanted to chirp up and say hiya.
First off, I was sorry to hear about the death of Del Close- finding
information about him has been difficult, and I unfortunately learned more
about him from his obit than I had from anyone who wanted to celebrate his
accomplishments while he was still living. Isn't that always the way?
Anyone who can give me some tidbits on Close's "How To Speak Hip" partner
John Brent?
As for Inner Dialogue, they do strike me as more immediately accessible
(at least accessible to the ears of people who collect screwy records) than
the Free Design. And the while the arrangements on both Dialogue and Design
lps yield more with further listening, Inner Dialogue doesn't stray back and
forth between originals and covers, there's connections between songs, etc.
But you can't beat the skewed perspective of the lyrical themes in "Kije's
Ouija" (3rd world guru foretells of world's sadness/happiness, only to have
narrator discover he knew outcome of guru's predictions all along), "My
Brother Woody" (Forrest Gump, perhaps?), or that odd song about the
reincarnated dolphin! I'd even argue that there are some odd Freudian
overtones behind the celebration of the existence of Canada. I too have
heard of the existence of a second Inner Dialogue lp, but I haven't ever
seen a copy. What was that about children's music, btw?
Looking forward to being around.
"The Biggest Little Record Store In The World"
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Chuck's St Patrick's Day Record Finds
Date: 18 Mar 1999 15:06:44 EST
In a message dated 03/18/99 1:08:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, rotohut@ic.net
<< >George Cates "Take Five"
Eh. This has about 2% of the cool of his _Polynesian Percussion_.
I feel like this Polynesian Percussion LP by Cates is one of the "unsung"
greats of exotica. Last time I posted that someone said it was too
"pedestrian" for them. A curious word and I am sure the person who uses it
remembers it.
My feelin's ain't hurt, I'm just sensitive,
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Re: Del Close/Inner Dialogue/Introduction
Date: 18 Mar 1999 15:10:06 EST
In a message dated 03/18/99 2:42:13 PM Eastern Standard Time,
angela@musicfile.com writes:
<< I'm new to the list and wanted to chirp up and say hiya. >>
Oooooo! A new chick on the block. Welcome aboard!
Suckin' in my gut,
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) synergy or sh*t
Date: 18 Mar 1999 15:31:16 -0600
Spotted for $1:
Honky-Tonk Hits By The Dozen (RCA;1962;Living Stereo)
Frankie Carle His Piano and Orchestra
Produced by Neely Plumb
Arranged/Conducted by Dennis Farnon and Jimmie Haskell
So, do I overcome my honky-tonk aversion, go back and get it, or count
myself lucky to have resisted the urge to buy it on the spot?
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) A "Project" For the List
Date: 18 Mar 1999 15:32:02 -0500
In a message dated 03/17/99 3:53:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,
grinderman@juno.com writes:
<< What a coinkidink! I just picked up this record over the weekend >>
Oooooooooooooo Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Laura gunna be pissed.
Well, yes, it's partially true...Not "pissed", because somebody who does as
cool a radio show as that Grinder-Man surely deserves that record. But it
it time now to make my plea. I have been looking for PROJECT COMSTOCK
forever, it seems. A friend dubbed a rraaahhhther scratchy copy for me,
but's all I have. I mean, I lived in Florida most my life, and NEVER found
it in a thrift, flea, record show, ANYWHERE! Now, I live in Boston,
and....FOGITABOUTIT! So, if anybody sees a copy on line or anywhere being
sold, please, let me know! Having this record would mean a great deal to
me, since the likelyhood of it ever being released is, um, light years
Sad space gal - Jane Fondle
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From: Ton Rueckert <mojoto@plex.nl>
Subject: Re: (exotica) VW Commercial
Date: 19 Mar 1999 00:00:51 +0100
>Heard a song Sat. night at a dance club that I heard originally as the
background to a VW commercial - a bug spins in the center of the screen
changing colors while a woman talks about recalling the sky and how the
stars used to shine so bright, etc, etc.
>Who does this tune? Where can I find it?
Not Sinead O' Connor, not Joni Mitchell, but Ricky Lee Jones.
The sample is not on any official release, but is taken from
an interview that appeared in a 2-CD promo box issued by Geffen
Records in 1989 in support of her "Flying Cowboys" album.
Cheers, Ton
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** Ton Rueckert Mozartstraat 12 5914 RB Venlo The Netherlands ***
*** mojoto@plex.nl http://www.plex.nl/~mojoto Ph 31/0 773545386 ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Remain calm. And share your bananas. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Mantra for the Modern Jungle. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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From: "Giovanni Berti" <giovanni@pirulazio.interim.it>
Subject: (exotica) tape exchange
Date: 19 Mar 1999 00:07:17 +0000
> > Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 05:25:41 EST
> > From: Chazbam@aol.com
> > Subject: (exotica) Exchange proposition for exotic music lovers
> >
> > Hello exotic music lovers
> > You are talking about exotic music all day long and all of this looks very
> > attractive and fun ! What about trying to share more than infos ?
> > I'm a TAPE lover, and I love to send tapes and to receive them
> > I've got a friendly proposition :
> > I make sometimes some compilations of the weirdest and nicest stuff I have, on
> > tapes called "Compi for me & my friends"
> > I can send one of those tapes if you do send me before one tape made like this
> > by yourself...
> > This idea of exchanging tapes is mine now, but I do encourage you to steal it
> > !!!!
I totally agree. I love exchanging tapes with you all, as I already
do with many listers. I have recently completed the file of all my
"groovy lounge" - as I call them - records. Every single record,
compilations also, is listed by every single track. It's
a labour of love that costed me months of work, but I came to a point
that I couldn't recall where (and if) I had a certain cut. At the
moment, they're 230 lp's/cd's by single artist or group, 125 singles
and 297 lp/cd compilations, for a total of 7144 tracks.
If you're interested in exchanging tapes, write me off list and I
will send you my file, so that you can choose what you like.
Ciao belli
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From: "Giovanni Berti" <giovanni@pirulazio.interim.it>
Subject: (exotica) Celebrities for trade
Date: 19 Mar 1999 00:07:39 +0000
> > Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 08:29:37 PST
> > From: studio@wayno.com
> > Subject: (exotica) Celebs at their Worst -- Recommendation with Reservations
> > Overall, "Celebrities At Their Worst Vol. 2" is less satisfying
> > than the first volume...
> > Still, for those interested in the sludge behind Hollywood's
> > plastic facade, it's worthwhile. I got mine from Aquarius Records
> > in San Francisco (http://aquarius.bianca.com), and they're charging
> > $15.98 plus shipping, which isn't bad for a two-disc set.
Wanna spend nothing for getting vol. 1 which is even better, as
Wayno neatly said?
Write me and we'll arrange some trade.
Wow I made four consecutive lines starting with "W".
Weird! And that's five.
Also still have Jayne Mansfield Busts Up Las Vegas CD for trade.
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From: "Giovanni Berti" <giovanni@pirulazio.interim.it>
Subject: (exotica) Bossa e Balanco
Date: 19 Mar 1999 00:07:39 +0000
> > Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 09:22:48 PST
> > From: "Robert McKenna" <rmckenna@hotmail.com>
> > Subject: (exotica) Bossa & Balanco
> >
> > Came across this mighty fine mini-album (Bossa & Balanco with a sedilla
> > under the c, except not in ascii) in my local record shop the other day.
> > They had it listed in new arrivals as 'Ennio Morricone house remix' by
> > some dj i'd heard of. It appears to me to be beautiful wordless vocal
> > bossa nova based music recorded with a live band (balanco) rather than
> > samples, though otherwise quite similar to fantastic plastic machine
> > (though humour is not part of the intention), and does include 1
> > Morricone track. Anyone know anything about it? i'd thoroughly recommend
> > it.
It's basically the same people from "Quintetto X", an italian group
who put out their beautiful "Novo esquema da bossa" cd. The
singer is the same, and she has a truly amazing voice. If you love
bossa, they're both definetely a must have. I don't find much
similarility to Fantastic Plastic Machine; to compare with something
japanese, they sound like Gonzales Suzuki's "Soul Bossa Trio" outfit.
BTW, The Soul Bossa Trio albums are ABSOLUTE KILLER bossa groove to
Sergio Mendes is god.
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From: "Kevin C." <kevin@kevdo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Burbank, CA finds
Date: 18 Mar 1999 15:29:45 -0800
There is a signed copy of George Cates' Polynesian Percussion (for $5), as well
as lots of other good LPs at DB Cooper's record store in Burbank. They have a
nice bin with all the exotica stuff in one place! The clerk even directed me to
some Les Baxter and Arthur Lyman stashed in the (relatively small) New Arrivals
Prices seem very reasonable.
Check it out!
Kevin Crossman
The Search for the Ultimate Mai Tai
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Analyze Walter
Date: 18 Mar 1999 19:42:02 EST
Took St. Patty's Day and went to see "Analyze This". (They do that in Boston,
take St. Patty's Day off, that is) There's a scene in it where DeNiro and
Crystal are conversing in a kind of exotic bar, where two nubiles, clad as
mermaids, swim in two wall mounted aquariums. While they talk what is playing?
Walter Wanderly's "Summer Samba"!
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From: "Br. Cleve" <bcleve@pop.tiac.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) A "Project" For the List
Date: 18 Mar 1999 20:24:14 -0500
At 3:32 PM -0500 3/18/99, <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com> wrote:
>Having this record would mean a great deal to
>me, since the likelyhood of it ever being released is, um, light years
It's up to the bootleggers on this one. Ashley & I tried to get (tracks
from) this out a number of years ago, but Warners has seemingly lost the
original contract on it, which means they cannot legally re-release it.
br cleve
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From: Jeffery Hess <grinderman@juno.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) A "Project" For the List
Date: 18 Mar 1999 19:44:03 -0600
laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com writes:
>Oooooooooooooo Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Laura gunna be pissed.
>Well, yes, it's partially true...Not "pissed", because somebody who
>does as cool a radio show as that Grinder-Man surely deserves that
>But it it time now to make my plea. I have been looking for PROJECT
>COMSTOCK forever, it seems.
If I found it once, I could probably find it again. The midwest is a
haven for vintage vinyls. I'll rifle through the bins a little harder
next time, and If I see it,
you'll be the first to know.
Comes In Colours
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Immediately following The Wayback Machine
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) The Persuasive Urbie Green on Command
Date: 18 Mar 1999 21:04:36 -0500
At 11:09 AM 3/18/99 -0500, Peter Risser wrote:
>Are his albums any good?
>How do they rank next to something like Persuasive Percussion, Enoch Light
>or Dick Hyman?
They're not as good as the best of Command, put it that way. There are
mediocre Enoch records and I'm not a big fan of Hyman's piano records so
I'd rate Urbie's records around there, in the middle somewhere. I have one
or two Urbie's and there's a cut or two on each that stands out but it's
really only the completist in me that holds onto these records.
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From: James G <jamesbg@home.com>
Subject: (exotica) Ananda Shankar CD
Date: 18 Mar 1999 19:53:07 -0800
A broken escalator kept me on the first floor of Virgin Megastore today,
and while browsing the import section a german CD(9362472632)of Ananda
Shankar's 1970 WEA Reprise record (40 minutes long) jumped out and
grabbed me by the neck. The raga rock (remember that marketing
appellation?) that makes up about half the CD's 8 cuts (JJ Flash & Light
My Fire) is great, but its also fun to hear the Moog swooshing behind
the 13 minute classical Indian piece that eventually rocks like Ravi at
Monterey. Paid $17 retail, CD Now has a different release for over $21.
There is one unimpressive vocal. If you want to hear tons of Indian
vocals and watch filmi trailers just go to this link I found on Joe Bob
Briggs' TNT Monstervision site of all places:
The ultra-cool can even get a free bollywood e-mail address there !!!!
PS: A Lord Sitar CD will be out sometime soon......Hare Rama, baby....
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From: LTepedino@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) VW Commercial
Date: 19 Mar 1999 01:17:40 EST
In a message dated 3/18/99 6:01:52 PM EST, mojoto@plex.nl writes:
<< >Heard a song Sat. night at a dance club that I heard originally as the
background to a VW commercial - a bug spins in the center of the screen
changing colors while a woman talks about recalling the sky and how the
stars used to shine so bright, etc, etc.
>Who does this tune? Where can I find it?
Not Sinead O' Connor, not Joni Mitchell, but Ricky Lee Jones.
The sample is not on any official release, but is taken from
an interview that appeared in a 2-CD promo box issued by Geffen
Records in 1989 in support of her "Flying Cowboys" album. >>
The VW commercial uses the Orb song "Fluffy White Clouds" which has the Ricky
Lee Jones sample.
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From: LTepedino@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) VW Commercial
Date: 19 Mar 1999 01:24:04 EST
In a message dated 3/18/99 6:01:52 PM EST, mojoto@plex.nl writes:
<< >Heard a song Sat. night at a dance club that I heard originally as the
background to a VW commercial - a bug spins in the center of the screen
changing colors while a woman talks about recalling the sky and how the
stars used to shine so bright, etc, etc.
>Who does this tune? Where can I find it?
Not Sinead O' Connor, not Joni Mitchell, but Ricky Lee Jones.
The sample is not on any official release, but is taken from
an interview that appeared in a 2-CD promo box issued by Geffen
Records in 1989 in support of her "Flying Cowboys" album.
Sorry to not finish this, but this Orb track is available on the just recently
released Orb best of CD set as well as being on their first album "Adventures
In the Underworld, " on their "UFOrb " live album, and also with a very rare
mix on the now deleted "Aubrey Mixes" album. I guess they liked this track a
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From: HOUSEOBOB@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Eli Radish?
Date: 19 Mar 1999 01:34:27 EST
As in ...who the hell is Eli Radish? I picked up this LP on Capitol Records
called "I Didn't Raise My Boy To Be a Soldier " Covers of tunes written
during various wars (Over There, Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition, etc)
with a solarized black and white photo of a late sixties/ early seventies long
haired band. I figured - great, it's gonna be psychedelic ironic treatments
but instead they are just bad covers. I figure there must have been an insert
with some info, but it's gone now. Anybody know the story ?
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From: Michael Davidson <pinwhiz@icarus.ihug.co.nz>
Subject: (exotica) LP Cover Scan.
Date: 19 Mar 1999 19:50:49 +0000
Hi all
Well I've finally managed to scan a whole LP cover on my A4 scanner and
piece the various bits together with photoshop and for you entertainment
pleasure heres probably the "best" exotic LP cover released in New
Peter Posa and His Golden Guitar :
The White Rabbit and other tunes for playboys. (1963/64)
Peter Posa had a huge hit here with his cover of "The White Rabbit" and
this is actually quite a common LP to find here.
(he also had his own TV show here for a while and toured with Marty
Robbins & Helen Shapiro)
"The White Rabbit" is easily his best LP - the other two I've found
"Flying High" and the wonderfully named "Tiki Tunes" are fairly bland.
Its mainly covers done in "venturers-ish" reverby guitar style.
Auckland, New Zealand
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From: "Ron Grandia" <rgrandia@xtabay.com>
Subject: (exotica) New, Improved shoutcast streams..
Date: 18 Mar 1999 01:34:25 -0800
Lots more input from folks this week about the audio streams, most of =
which were complaints from people with modems too slow to get the 48kb =
stream without serious gaps. Well that's all better now, with the =
addidion of a 24k stream that should be listenable at 28.8 - I'd love to =
get some reception reports on this.
Running right now:
Fantastica #6, 10 and 17, Aaaannnd Our own Basic Hip's compilation =
"Switched-On Basic Hip!" Weeeoooweeeoo! Fan-friggan-tastic!
I have the low-bit stream linked at =
and will link the 56k stream after I get some shuteye.
The webcam is trained on the altar featuring my brand new, nearly =
life-sized Richard Nixon candle. Stop by..say hi.
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From: "Giovanni Berti" <giovanni@pirulazio.interim.it>
Subject: (exotica) I HATE THE BEATLES lp compilation
Date: 19 Mar 1999 12:41:30 +0000
> Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 22:55:14 +0100
> From: "Arjan Plug" <ajplug@bart.nl>
> Warhoofd the "genius" behind such comps as 'Waterpipes &
> Dykes' and 'I Hate The Beatles' ... etc.
> Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 11:38:58 -0500
> From: "Michael Greenberg" <mgreenbe@mail.psychiatry.sunysb.edu>
> Subject: (exotica) I Hate the Beatles compilation
> I gather there is an lp compilation called "I Hate The Beatles,"
> that was recently released. Can someone provide us with a track
> listing and a place to purchase it?
I have bought it at a record convention from the dutch seller Jan
Van Dorsten. The stall was of his shop "Record Palace",
Wateringschans 33 (opposite to ex-church now-live club "Paradiso", if
you're familiar to the place), 1017 RV Amsterdam. Tel.: 020-622.39.04
(must add international code for Holland). It sure is made in Holland
and it's a boot. Well worth having, in my opinion, if you agree
buying bootlegs (I do). Beautiful cover: red with four
squashed beatle-faced & dressed beetles. Complete title is:
"You Think You've Heard It All?! Well, Hell No!! I HATE THE
BEATLES, volume 1 - 19 very good reasons from all over
the world to kill yourself if you still love these insects"
1 - Exterminators: Beetle-bomb (USA 1965)
2 - Bijele Strijele: Voli me (Yugoslavia 1964)
3 - Die Beat Oma: Ich bin die beat oma (Germany 1965)
4 - Simo Je Spede: Keltainen jaansarkija (Finland 1966)
5 - Los Yaki: Cumpleanos (Mexico 1968)
6 - Copperplated Integrated Circuit: Revolution (USA 1969)
7 - Hans Uwe Schneider und die Beatelchen: Baby Beatle Song
(Germany 1964)
8 - Grupo 15: Un novelista (Spain 1965)
9 - Lord Sitar: I Am The Walrus (UK 1967)
10 - The Ladmo Trio: Michelle (USA 1965)
11 - Mighty Fire Steelband: A Hard Day's Night (Jamaica 1968)
12 - Los Jovenes: Ella te quiere (Spain 1964)
13 - Mae West & The Somebody's Children: Day Tripper (USA 1966)
14 - Shaggs: The Night Before (USA 1967)
15 - Alan Lorber Orchestra: Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (USA 1968)
16 - Sweet Feeling: The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill
(Belgium 1969)
17 - Emi Bonilla y su Cuadro Flamenco: Era te quiere (Spain 1964)
18 - The D-Drifters Five: I Feel Fine (Canada-Ukraine 1966)
19 - London Philarmonic Orchestra: A Hard Day's Night (UK 1970)
The record comes complete with liner notes and a boffo insert.
Red picture disc.
Some are covers, some are just beatle-inspired.
All makes it a TRUE BLAST, imho.
My highlight: the Ladmo Trio, they can't finish the song, they laugh
to death all through it.
If you can't find it, I will be happy to make a tape to anyone
Gionni Paludi
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From: SLarry3595@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) sad obit
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:29:44 EST
It is always sad to have to send you a message like this.
Today, there is great mourning in the entertainment world. William
Thorntonson, the man who wrote the beloved, and often recorded song "The Hokey
Pokey", died today.
Family and friends mourning Thorntonson's death were horrified during the
funeral when the morticians were unable to keep him in his casket. They put
his left leg in and,.......well,... you know the rest.
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From: Kerry Keane <dymaxia@ripco.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Ananda Shankar CD
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:35:43 -0600
James G wrote:
> There is one unimpressive vocal. If you want to hear tons of Indian
> vocals and watch filmi trailers just go to this link I found on Joe Bob
> Briggs' TNT Monstervision site of all places:
> http://www.bollywoodworld.com/bollywood.htm
> The ultra-cool can even get a free bollywood e-mail address there !!!!
That reminds me -- I picked up "Bombay the Hard Way"
last weekend, and I wholeheartedly recommend it.
There are even a few cuts that sound like the Love
Unlimited Orchestra goes to India.
I spent $105 at Dustygroove last weekend. I have
trouble tearing myself away from them. I can't decide
if their proximity is a blessing or a curse -- I've
never seen so many cool records in one place in my
> JamesB
> PS: A Lord Sitar CD will be out sometime soon......Hare Rama, baby....
Oh, cool! *Please* keep us posted so that I can go out and buy this.
If only they would reissue _Balsara and his Singing Sitars_. I love
Balsara's "I Want to Hold Your Hand" -- better than the Beatles!
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From: Brad Bigelow <spaceagepop@earthlink.net>
Subject: (exotica) Odell Brown and the Organ-izers
Date: 19 Apr 1999 08:52:44
One of the great treats of an avid record collector is the finding
something completely unexpected and wonderful. I'm always on the lookout
for covers of space age pop standards like "Caravan," "The Third Man Theme"
(found an Aerobicize version just this week), and "Quiet Village." I also
have a running list of about 500 other songs, styles, and artists I'm on
the lookout for.
So I was delighted to stumble across Odell Brown and the Organ-izers'
album, "Mellow Yellow," Cadet LPS 788. Odell and his group are a classic
grits-and-cornbread funky soul jazz organ/sax/rhythm quartet from the late
60s, just the kind of group that the James Taylor Quartet takes its
inspiration from. Who cares what tunes they played--this was going to be a
good album.
But to flip it over and find--my God!--"Quiet Village." I thought I'd seen
about the last unusual cover of this, but this blew me away. And it's
everything you could ask for: jungle cries, rippling Hammond organ,
building up to a boiling climax. I felt like smoking a cigarette
afterwards. 11 stars. Thank you, Goodwill!!
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) obits: Ernest Gold, James D. Johnson, Ray Russell, Walter
Date: 19 Mar 1999 10:40:01 -0600
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Oscar-winning composer Ernest Gold, who wrote scores
for ``Exodus,'' ``It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World,'' ``On the Beach'' and
``The Secret of Santa Vittoria,'' has died. He was 77.
Gold died Wednesday of complications from a stroke, daughter Martha Gold
Carr said.
Gold's most recognized work was the score of the 1960 movie ``Exodus,'' for
which he won an Academy Award and two Grammys.
He received two Academy Awards nominations -- best score and best song --
for the 1963 film ``It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World,'' and also received
nominations for 1959's ``On the Beach'' and the 1969 movie ``The Secret of
Santa Vittoria.''
Born in Vienna, Gold was raised in a musical family. He wrote a full-length
opera when was 13, Mrs. Carr said.
He emigrated to New York with his family in 1938 after the Nazi annexation
of Austria.
His credits also included ``Smooth As Silk,'' ``Wyoming,'' ``Witness for
the Prosecution,'' ``The Pride and the Passion,'' ``Too Much Too Soon,''
``The Defiant Ones,'' ``Inherit the Wind,'' and ``The Runner Stumbles.''
*James D. Johnson
MARIETTA, Ga. (AP) -- Artist and illustrator James D. Johnson, who did
album covers for Frank Sinatra and promotion posters for the movie ``Ben
Hur,'' died Monday of prostate cancer. He was 78.
Johnson, who painted under the name Jim Jonson, was a junior tennis
champion who went to California for a tournament and fell in love with the
state. After serving in the Army during World War II, he took a set design
job with 20th Century Fox.
Over the years, his personal artwork sold in galleries and museums
nationwide while he supported himself with commercial work for record
companies, Hollywood studios and magazines.
Johnson later moved to New York, where he became known for sports paintings
that he sold to Sports Illustrated, private collectors and corporations.
He moved to Marietta in 1986 and held a national ranking with the U.S.
Tennis Association well into his 70s.
*Ray Russell
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Ray Russell, a prolific horror and fantasy writer and a
former executive editor of Playboy magazine, died Monday from complications
from a stroke. He was 74.
In addition to seven novels, Russell wrote dozens of stories that appeared
in 100 various anthologies. His works were translated into several languages.
His 1960 novella, ``Sardonicus,'' was praised by writer Stephen King as
``perhaps the finest example of the modern Gothic ever written.'' The tale,
about a man who suffers hideous consequences when he digs up his father's
grave to retrieve a winning lottery ticket, was made into the 1961 film
``Mr. Sardonicus.''
He joined Playboy in 1954, serving as an associate editor. He was executive
editor from 1955-1960. He remained a contributing editor to Playboy into the
early 1970s.
His last published novel was 1992's ``Absolute Power.''
Illness later forced him into retirement.
Russell held the 1991 World Fantasy Award for life achievement and the 1993
Bram Stoker Award for life achievement from the Horror Writers Association.
*Walter Decker Scott
CARMEL, Calif. (AP) -- Walter Decker Scott, a former NBC chairman who led
the network when it committed itself to color programming in the mid-1960s,
died March 12 of complications from pneumonia. He was 84.
Scott joined the network as a salesman in 1937 and was named chairman and
chief executive in 1966. He was also elected a director of RCA, which was
bought by General Electric in 1985.
Scott was credited with persuading the network to risk production cost
increases by adopting a schedule of color programming in 1965. He based his
idea in part on information showing that families with color sets watched
television more than families with black-and-white sets.
NBC advertised itself as being ``The Full Color Network'' and added its
peacock logo.
From Reuters:
Thursday March 18 8:25 PM ET
Trumpeter Al Hirt Ailing After Stroke
NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) - Jazz trumpeter Al Hirt is in failing health in a New
Orleans hospital after suffering a stroke, friends said Thursday.
The 76-year old musician was listed in serious condition at East
Jefferson General Hospital in suburban Metairie, La., a hospital spokeswoman
Clarinetist Pete Fountain told Reuters the prognosis was not good for
Hirt, who won a 1963 Grammy for the pop hit ``Java'' but was best known for
his swinging Dixieland jazz.
``I spoke to his wife just yesterday and he's not doing too well. I
told her 'maybe he'll bounce back,' but she said the doctors said no,'' he
said of his long-time friend.
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From: "Irwin & Michelle" <irwin@wfmu.org>
Subject: (exotica) B J Snowden on WFMU
Date: 19 Mar 1999 02:05:09 -0400
on Wednesday, March 24
from 3-4 PM (EST)
WFMU's Incorrect Music Show
will be pre-empted for
Co-hosts Irwin and Michelle welcome
the small-world renowned
singer, songwriter, keyboardist
and *outsider* musician extraordinaire
for a live in-studio performance and interview
"B.J. Snowden is the 90s Renaissance woman.
Composes, plays, arranges and sings the heck out of tune."
-- Fred Schneider (B-52s)
B.J.'s son will accompany her on electric guitar
Her mother will accompany them on the trip
from their home in New England
B.J.'s phenomenal CD, _Life in the USA and Canada_
was released by NYC's Venus Records shop on their
in-house DeMilo Records label in 1996
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From: "Nathan Miner" <nminer@jhmi.edu>
Subject: (exotica) WinAmp...
Date: 19 Mar 1999 09:18:29 -0500
Could somebody e-mail me that message about WinAmp and that audio feed??
- Nate
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) These kids today and that rock-n-roll!
Date: 19 Mar 1999 10:52:40 -0500
> "What does any child want to hear when he's growing up? Does he want to
>to the opera? Does he want lush music? No! He wants a noisy beat:
>'dung-dung-dung-dunga-dung'! And this is exactly what the broadcasters of
>America feed the youth of America! All the old blues beats-'Walk right in,
>sit right down, baby, let your mind roll on!' That became number one in
>America? It sure did. Now, who's to say what effect they've had on the
>manners and the morals of America? And go right ahead and quote me!"
> --Sammy Cahn, 1972
Ahh, yes, Sammy Cahn, a man who wrote for morally bankrupt Vegas
performers, who questions the
"manners and morals of Amercia." Hmmm...
Wife swapping, anyone? - Jane Fondle
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From: "Charles Moseley" <Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-EXTERNAL@MCKINSEY.COM>
Subject: (exotica) Chom Khitari's Sound of Sitar
Date: 19 Mar 1999 16:19:23 +0000
Could anybody on the list give me the lowdown on Chom Khitari's Sound of
Sitar LP? Have I even spelt it right?
Is it now sound cover versions done with a sitar? or something more
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From: Bump <bumpy@megsinet.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Dusty Wallet
Date: 19 Mar 1999 11:26:42 -0500
Thought one of my schizoid personalities posted this...
>dymaxia@ripco.com wrote...
>I spent $105 at Dustygroove last weekend. I have
>trouble tearing myself away from them. . . -- I've
>never seen so many cool records in one place in my
Just found out what my problem is...an Exoticondition called Dymaxia!
It's a Good Hurt!
This list hurts so good too! Cheers Everyone!
Kirk Out.
Universal DJ
Defective Records
"The future will be better tomorrow."
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
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From: G.R.Reader@bton.ac.uk
Subject: Re: (exotica) FRANK COMSTOCK and off again
Date: 19 Mar 1999 16:33:36 -0000
br cleve said
It's up to the bootleggers on this one. Ashley & I tried to get (tracks
from) this out a number of years ago, but Warners has seemingly lost the
original contract on it, which means they cannot legally re-release it.
br cleve
This is the real reason that the big companies won't release stuff, bad
filing. Not lack of interest or any of that stuff, they've lost the
sodding contracts. I think this upsets me even more.
El Maestro Con Queso
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From: chuck <chuckmk@yahoo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Analyze Walter
Date: 19 Mar 1999 09:37:42 -0800 (PST)
In the late '70s my freinds & I use to drive down to>
Mexico/Gutemala/Belize and one of the cassettes I made had a great
version of Sleigh Ride followed by Hey Pocka Way by the Meters,
followed by Walter Wanderly's Summer Samba, then the Girl from Ipanema
45 version. We listened to the cassette so much that to this day
whenever I hear the Meters Hey Pocka way I think Summer Samba is next.
Whenever Quiet Village by Denny came on and we were driving through
the jungle we'd turn the music up extra loud.
Sure wish I was thrifting for exotica back then.
When the music gets weird, the weird listen to music
> > ---DJJimmyBee@aol.com wrote:
> > >
> > > take St. Patty's Day off, that is) There's a scene in it where
DeNiro and Crystal are conversing in a kind of exotic bar, where two
nubiles,clad as mermaids, swim in two wall mounted aquariums. While
they talk what is playing?
> > > Walter Wanderly's "Summer Samba"!
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
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From: Pearmania@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Project Comstock
Date: 19 Mar 1999 12:42:52 EST
>It's up to the bootleggers on this one. Ashley & I tried to get (tracks
>from) this out a number of years ago, but Warners has seemingly lost the
>original contract on it, which means they cannot legally re-release it.
Comstock's LP followed by Paul Tanner's Music for Heavenly Bodies would make a
great CD two-fer
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From: "Robert McKenna" <rmckenna@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Bossa e Balanco
Date: 19 Mar 1999 10:52:38 PST
i must agree with you. it's nothing like FPM. i think at the time i
wrote that i was just referring to the fact that it was bossa with
female vocals very definately recorded in a modern style (bass sound). i
suppose the fact that i tend to play that record a bit fast would
explain it too...
thanks for the recommendations
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) Re: BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MUSIC? (Betty Page CDs)
Date: 19 Mar 1999 16:56:59 +0100
* v/a: "Betty Page, Danger Girl. Burlesque Music"
Really great spy and crime sounds, from the Chappel and Marlowlynn
music libraries
my rating: 5 on 5
* v/a: "Betty Page, Jungle Girl. Exotique music"
Follow-Up To the "Danger Girl" CD. This one is a mixed, unbalanced
bag with crime/spy stuff as on the revious volume, Hollywoodian Latin
(think Edmundo Ros) and other random library stuff.
my rating: 4 on 5
| ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) FWD> Jim's Ithaca Music Shop
Date: 18 Mar 1999 19:41:29 +0100
>From: dexter@jims.com
>Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 10:58:48 -0500
>"The Internet Music Source"
>voice 607.277.5352
>fax 607.277.5846
>405 Mitchell Street
>Ithaca, New York
>14850 USA
>3. Another Crazy Cocktail Party! / Shake Your Congas Various
>Artists.....CD.....RCA 39147.....$5.00
>4. The Aqua Velvets Nomad.....CD.....Milan 35765.....$5.00
>29. Combustible Edison Four Rooms / Soundtrack.....CD.....Elektra
>105. Laika & The Cosmonauts The Amazing Colossal Band.....CD.....Upstart
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From: "telstar" <telstar@albedo.net>
Subject: (exotica) The Electric Indian
Date: 19 Mar 1999 14:38:45 -0500
I bought a rather curious 45 at a local thrift shop a week or two back:
"The Electric Indian": Broad Street/Keem-O-Sabe released by United Artist
Records. Both songs are credited to B. Borisoff & B. Binnick. The record
was arranged by Tom Sellers & produced by Len Barry. Musically, the single
wouldn't sound out of place on "The Easy Project" compilations.
Can anyone provide any info regarding this record? Year of release? Did The
Electric Indian ever record anything else?
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: (exotica) only in america v. 2
Date: 19 Mar 1999 14:58:13 -0500
I keep forgetting to mention this, but, the other week I received Arf! Arf!
Records' latest mail order catalog.
Which says in tiny print: "And in the not-too-distant future, we plan to
unleash the long overdue Only In America Volume 2"
Also supposed to be a new 60s instro package coming. And they're currently
having a "buy one get one free" deal on the Jack Mudurian and "Talent Show"
I guess I should throw in a link...
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) These kids today and that rock-n-roll!
Date: 19 Mar 1999 15:31:03 -0500
Speaking of Sammy Cahn...
Just as the "Star Trek" theme has unused lyrics, Sammy wrote a forgotten
set of words for "The Odd Couple" theme (music by Neil Hefti). They read
somewhat like a schoolboy trying to pad out a 500 word essay:
"No matter where they go -- they are known as the couple.
They're never seen alone -- so they're known as the couple.
As I've indicated, they are never quite separated.
They are peas in a pod. Don't you think that it's odd?"
"Their habits, I confess, none can guess with the couple.
If one says no it's yes -- more or less with the couple.
But they're laugh provoking; yet they really don't know they're joking.
Don't you find when love is blind it's kind of odd!"
"Don't you think it's odd?
Don't you think it's odd?
Don't you think it's odd?"
Did someone say subtext? How does this reflect on the "manners and morals
of America"?
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: Peter Risser <risser@goodnews.net>
Subject: (exotica) Mumba!
Date: 19 Mar 1999 16:26:09 -0500
Ma-bungaloo, Ma-bungaloo! Aiiyeeeeeeee! Mooga-ya-ya-ya!
Saboo-gadong, saboo-gadong!
(Chorus: Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya!)
Yum pa do!
Yaga dayo, sabu gadong.
Yaga dayo, sabu gadong!
Yunga waba zeeba!
Yunga waba looba!
Afro-Desia is such a great rekkid.
What were they thinking?
Is it anything but gibberish?
How come Scamp released this one separately, and not doubled with another
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From: "Mats 0ljare" <oljare@hotmail.com>
Subject: (exotica) Name That Tune
Date: 19 Mar 1999 14:04:07 PST
This is my first post.Well,i┤ve heard this tune in many,many different
places,but i┤ve never been able to catch the title of it.So i thought
maybe you know what it┤s called.I know it┤s something with trolls.Here┤s
a midi version of it:
Mats ╓ljare
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) The Electric Indian
Date: 19 Mar 1999 22:23:48 -0500
At 02:38 PM 3/19/99 -0500, telstar wrote:
>I bought a rather curious 45 at a local thrift shop a week or two back:
>"The Electric Indian": Broad Street/Keem-O-Sabe released by United Artist
>Records. Both songs are credited to B. Borisoff & B. Binnick. The record
>was arranged by Tom Sellers & produced by Len Barry. Musically, the single
>wouldn't sound out of place on "The Easy Project" compilations.
>Can anyone provide any info regarding this record? Year of release? Did The
>Electric Indian ever record anything else?
All this time I've been thinking that the band was called Kemosabe and the
name of the record was "The Electric Indian" but now on closer inspection,
I see that indeed the band is called The Electric Indian and the record is
called "Kemosabe".
So, yes the Electric Indian recorded at least one LP on United Artists
called "Kemosabe". They do covers of "I heard it through the grapevine",
"Spinning Wheel" and Len Barry's "1, 2, 3 " as well as a few originals.
I think Kemosabe is a great tune and I'd classify the record as closer to
"jazz rock" in a Ramsey Lewis vein than "easy project" but then again, I'm
not sure what easy project really implies.
Speaking of the arrangers on the record, besides Tom Sellers, there's also
Vince Montana Jr. and Jimmy Wisner, a name that shows up on a lot of
Canadian easy listening records. Anyone know anything about Jimmy Wisner?
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From: LTepedino@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) VW Commercial
Date: 19 Mar 1999 01:24:04 EST
In a message dated 3/18/99 6:01:52 PM EST, mojoto@plex.nl writes:
<< >Heard a song Sat. night at a dance club that I heard originally as the
background to a VW commercial - a bug spins in the center of the screen
changing colors while a woman talks about recalling the sky and how the
stars used to shine so bright, etc, etc.
>Who does this tune? Where can I find it?
Not Sinead O' Connor, not Joni Mitchell, but Ricky Lee Jones.
The sample is not on any official release, but is taken from
an interview that appeared in a 2-CD promo box issued by Geffen
Records in 1989 in support of her "Flying Cowboys" album.
Sorry to not finish this, but this Orb track is available on the just recently
released Orb best of CD set as well as being on their first album "Adventures
In the Underworld, " on their "UFOrb " live album, and also with a very rare
mix on the now deleted "Aubrey Mixes" album. I guess they liked this track a
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From: "Arjan Plug" <ajplug@bart.nl>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Caravan faves
Date: 20 Mar 1999 14:41:50 +0100
>Among my favorite versions are those by Nat King Cole and by Lambert,
>Hendricks and Ross.
There's also a scorching version by the Skatalites called Ska-ra-van
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From: "Arjan Plug" <ajplug@bart.nl>
Subject: (exotica) Humppa Tour 99
Date: 20 Mar 1999 14:50:04 +0100
Finnish Humppastars Elakelaiset are touring part of Europe next month.
New CD "Werbung Baby!" also out in April.
7.4- Geslenkirchen-Kaue Club
9.4-Luxrmburg Esch-Centre Culturel
10.4 Karlsruhe-Substage
11.4 A-Bregenz-Berg Isel Club
13.4 A-Wien-B 72 Club
14.4 A-Wien-B 72 Club
15.4 A-Salzburg-Rockhouse
16.4 Regensburg-alte Malzerei
17.4 Waldkirchen-Dorftrottel
18.4 Waldkirchen-Dorftrottel
19.4 Dresden-Barenzwinger
21.4Hannover-Faust Club
22.4Bamberg-Live Club
23.4 Nurnberg-K4
24.4.Weinheim,Cafe Central
lets humpp....
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From: "Arjan Plug" <ajplug@bart.nl>
Subject: (exotica) Re: I HATE THE BEATLES lp compilation
Date: 20 Mar 1999 14:46:44 +0100
> I gather there is an lp compilation called "I Hate The Beatles,"
> that was recently released. Can someone provide us with a track
> listing and a place to purchase it?
>I have bought it at a record convention from the dutch seller Jan
>Van Dorsten. The stall was of his shop "Record Palace",
I actually picked up the last copy in that store for fellow-listee Marco
(coming soon! promise!) a few weeks ago.
The guy there told me there was rumor of a CD version being released soon.
>All makes it a TRUE BLAST, imho.
Yes, give me that idiotic flamenco version of "She Loves You" every day!
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From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" <weirdomusic@wxs.nl>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Re: I HATE THE BEATLES lp compilation
Date: 20 Mar 1999 15:36:28 +0100
Arjan Plug wrote:
> I actually picked up the last copy in that store for fellow-listee Marco
> (coming soon! promise!) a few weeks ago.
I'm still waiting... :-)
Marco "Kallie" Kalnenek
Record Collector's Heaven
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From: "Arjan Plug" <ajplug@bart.nl>
Subject: (exotica) Punk Chartbusters
Date: 20 Mar 1999 18:05:35 +0100
is an enjoyable series of compilations on the German Wolverine Records
punklabel. Volume 3 (a double cd) is just out and is chockful of punkrock
versions of your favorite chart-hits like Every Breath You Take, Barbie
Girl, Blue Hotel, The Boxer, Take on Me, Summer of 68 etc. etc. No hardcore,
strictly punkrock with the odd ska song thrown in. A bit in the style of
last year's Me First + The Gimme Gimmes cover album (on Fat Wreck records).
There's also a skaversion of "Strychnine" I quite like.
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From: "Phil Clark" <phil-c@dircon.co.uk>
Subject: (exotica) Ska tune in chocolate ad (UK TV) ?????? / Jimmy Smith live in London
Date: 20 Mar 1999 20:38:34 -0000
hey gang
Ok so I don't really watch TV an awful lot (an hour a week is usually
enough) but right now here on UK terrestrial there is an ad for (I think) a
chocolate bar, with a great ska soundtrack, real old and muddy-sounding. I
must have it! Does anyone know what it is?, or even if it's authentic?
Would be int'rested t'know.
BTW I caught Jimmy Smith live here in London this week, maybe not that
exotic but pretty cookin' all the same. If anyone would like a quick gig
review, just say the word.
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Ska tune in chocolate ad (UK TV) ?????? / Jimmy Smith live in London
Date: 20 Mar 1999 16:51:01 EST
In a message dated 3/20/99 4:44:00 PM, phil-c@dircon.co.uk wrote:
>If anyone would like a quick gig
>review, just say the word.
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From: "Darrell Brogdon" <dbrogdon@falcon.cc.ukans.edu>
Subject: (exotica) Retro Cocktail Hour
Date: 20 Mar 1999 18:10:06 -0600
Zip up your pressure suit and pour yourself an atomic mai tai for
this week's Retro Cocktail Hour webcast. It's a repeat of our
popular "Outer Space Exotica" special, featuring classic tunes with a
space age flavor.
Russ Garcia, Frank Comstock, Dr. Samuel Hoffman, Raymond Scott, Mel
Henke, Sid Bass, Ferrante and Teicher, The Ames Brothers and Les
Baxter are just a few of space cadets featured tonight. You'll hear
tracks from classics like "Space Escapade", "Fantastica" and "Music
from Outer Space", plus rarities like Jimmie Haskell's "Countdown in
Stereo", space songs for kids by Tony Mottola and his Orchestra and
the trailers from some cheesy '50s sci-fi movies. All that plus
Barbarella, Space Patrol and Fireball XL-5, too.
To hear The Retro Cocktail Hour on the World Wide Web, just go to:
Requires a minimum 28.8 Internet connection and RealPlayer. Download
RealPlayer for free at:
And, if you tune us in, please drop us an email and let us know
you're out there. Next week - back to brand-new shows!
Thanks for the space.
Darrell Brogdon
The Retro Cocktail Hour
KANU Radio
Broadcasting Hall
The University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045
Visit The Retro Cocktail Hour at:
Listen to The Retro Cocktail Hour at:
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From: cheryl <cheryls@dsuper.net>
Subject: (exotica) Playlist For Space Bop, March 21
Date: 21 Mar 1999 01:34:12 -0500
Beyond kitsch, Space Bop is one hour of full galactical wonder, and can
be heard every Sunday from 4 to 5 pm on CKUT 90.3 FM in Montreal,
Canada, and (FINALLY!)on RealAudio (www.ckut.ca) All comments,
questions, and feedback welcome.
Space Bop #40 Funkungfusion
This week, true funk confusion - not as funky as James Brown or Isaac
Hayes, but semi-funky nonetheless! Some new stuff, and lots of oldies
but goodies that we don't listen to anywhere near as often as we should!
Dave Pike Set: Do You Know The Way To San Jose "Got The Feelin'"
Kid Creole & The Coconuts: Going Places "Fresh Fruit In Foreign
Places" (thanks, Allan!)
The Waitresses: I Know What Boys Like "Wasn't Tomorrow Wonderful?"
Pizzicato Five: Twiggy Twiggy/Twiggy vs. James Bond "Made In U.S.A."
Big Jim Sullivan: Sunshine Superman "Further Inflight Entertainment"
Kalyanji & Anandji Shah: My Guru "Bombay The Hard Way - Guns, Cars &
Reddy Bobbio e il Suo Complesso: Dirty Feet "Mo'Plen 1000"
Ursula 1000: Very Leggy "The Now Sound Of Ursula 1000"
Lost Gringos: Ethnoporno "Endstation Eldorado"
Liquid Liquid: Lock Groove (In) "Successive Reflexes"
ESG: You're No Good "ESG"
Judy Nylon: Jailhouse Rock "Pal Judy"
Can: Dizzy Dizzy "Cannibalsm (Soon Over Babaluma)"
Thanks for reading.
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From: LTepedino@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Mumba!
Date: 21 Mar 1999 10:37:43 EST
In a message dated 3/19/99 4:36:18 PM EST, risser@goodnews.net writes:
<< Ma-bungaloo, Ma-bungaloo! Aiiyeeeeeeee! Mooga-ya-ya-ya!
Saboo-gadong, saboo-gadong!
(Chorus: Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya!)
Yum pa do!
Yaga dayo, sabu gadong.
Yaga dayo, sabu gadong!
Yunga waba zeeba!
Yunga waba looba!
Afro-Desia is such a great rekkid.
What were they thinking?
Is it anything but gibberish?
How come Scamp released this one separately, and not doubled with another
album? >>
I'm glad you share my feelings for "Afro-Desia" being an amazing album. This
was the very first of their Denny albums released. Not knowing if we would be
able to put out any more, I had to decide which album would be most worthy to
be released on CD and for atmospherics and exotica quotient "Afro-Desia" had
to rank as one of the most incredibly examples of the whole "exotica" genre.
It was only following the success of this album that I approach EMI with the
request to go after the other albums which they thankfully allowed.
As Denny comments on this album in the linear notes appearing in the "Quiet
Village"/"Enchanted Sea" CD stating that these lyrics WERE gibberish. They
were what they imagined African chanting sounded like -- all the more adding
to world- music-meets-Tin-Pan-Alley aspect that made "exotica" so precious.
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Playlist For Space Bop - ESG film cameo
Date: 21 Mar 1999 15:10:43 -0500
>ESG: You're No Good "ESG"
That reminds me... the other night I discovered that ESG makes a (too)
minimal appearance performing "Moody" in a nightclub scene in the
comedy/horror movie, "Vampire's Kiss" (1988). Yes, that's the one where
Nicholas Cage ate a cockroach. An over-the-top and beyond performance...
one for the ages.
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: Thinkmatic@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) The Now Sound of a filtered 100
Date: 21 Mar 1999 20:14:13 EST
I was just watching some old TV commercials on video and I heard an
instrumental jingle that was both a nostalgic bullet train ride back to the
late '60s and a nice little bit of music. It's the Benson & Hedges jingle. I
haven't heard the thing in nearly 30 years and now I can't stop humming the
frickin' thing.
So here's are the questions. Who wrote it? Who performed it, and if anyone
knows anything else interesting about it, like the name of the song if it has
one, that would be great?
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From: Ottotemp@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) SF shows this week
Date: 21 Mar 1999 20:54:47 EST
here's a few shows this week hope some of you can make it to some of them
I have dj gigs
Sunday March 21 (tonight)
at The Li Lo
18th and Connecticut
on Potrero Hill
9 pm til close
Tuesday March 23
the Beauty Bar
Mission and 19th
with guest DJ Christian Bentley joining us
Thursday March 25
Radio Valencia Cafe
Valencia and 23rd
join me for dinner or just a beer
as with all the dj gigs, it is FREE
Saturday, March 27
The Ventures and The Mermen
Maritime Hall
Buy advance tix if you can and save some $$
Liftoff and Tiki News provide halftime entertainment
including live ukulele music and hula dancing
rare surf/Ventures videos will be provided before and during the ventures set
AND, The rumor that the "real" Mermen are not playing is FALSE
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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From: BasicHip@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) The Now Sound of a filtered 100
Date: 21 Mar 1999 21:31:00 EST
<< It's the Benson & Hedges jingle. I haven't heard the thing in nearly 30
years and now I can't stop humming the frickin' thing....>>
That's because it is a great tune and is THE undisputed now sound anthem as
far as I am concerned...
<<So here's are the questions. Who wrote it? Who performed it, and if
anyoneknows anything else interesting about it, like the name of the song if
it has
one, that would be great? >>
Writing credits go to one Mitch Leigh.
The Brass Ring (featuring Phil Bodner) performed it. Keep an eye peeled for
the album (Dunhill) which has a tall, pretty blonde with her arms wrapped
around a short, portly fellow, who stands a good tweleve inches shorter than
she and is thrice her age.
It actually hit the charts in 1967, made it to #36. Title is "The Dis-
Advantages Of You".
The Brass Ring's other big success was "The Phoenix Love Theme" (from "Flight
Of The Phoenix") which did slightly better in 1966, hitting #32.
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From: the_curator@eat78rpm.demon.co.uk
Subject: (exotica) Rhapsody 21 by Toni Mineo lp up for grabs
Date: 22 Mar 1999 11:11:49 +0000
over the weekend i found a copy of ...
Rhapsody 21 on World's Fair Records. Original Music by Toni Mineo.
Orchestrated by Attileo Mineo. Conducted by Paul Whiteman.
It's more of an piano and orchestral thing than the truly amazing "Man in
Space with Sounds", but if anyone is interested and would like to offer
some swaps offlist, I'll be glad to hear from you.
I'd also be intested to know what year this was from (there's no clue on
the sleeve).
The cover is a bit battered ...(hell, it's made a long journey
...geaographically and temporally), but as i'm listening to it now, there
are no craclkes at all ...
i was delighted to rescue it ...
Sem Sinatra
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From: G.R.Reader@bton.ac.uk
Subject: (exotica) Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 12:19:37 -0000
Date: 22 Mar 1999 05:21:00 -0700
Sorry to disturb you all, I think I've fallen off the list, its been
very quiet since Friday, can anyone let me know (directly, please) if
they've had a digest since 352, thank you for your indulgence.
El Maestro Con Queso
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) obits: Bob Cato, Ernie Wise
Date: 22 Mar 1999 10:34:23 -0600
*Bob Cato
NEW YORK (AP) -- Bob Cato, who helped turn record album covers into a form
of contemporary art and won two Grammy awards for his designs, died Friday
due to complications of Alzheimer's disease. He was 75.
He joined CBS-Columbia Records in 1960, serving as art director and vice
president of creative services for ten years. He worked with musicians
including Miles Davis, Janis Joplin and Leonard Bernstein, and painters like
Robert Rauschenberg and Andy Warhol.
His cover designs for Barbara Streisand's ``People'' (1964) and ``Bob
Dylan's Greatest Hits'' (1967) won him Grammy awards from the National
Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. He received the academy's
President's Merit award in 1997.
Cato's career spanned 50 years, beginning in 1947 at Harper's Bazaar
magazine. There he was exposed to a mixture of photography, Modernist art,
open space and sharp typography that would help define his later work.
His final ten years were largely devoted to fine art, photography and
producing books, including ``Joyce Images'' (1994).
Ernie Wise, straight man (though he hated that description; "he was the
comedian, I was the dancer" he said) to Eric Morecambe in the British comedy
duo "Morecambe and Wise", died on 21st March 1999.
Their career had started when each were already established 'juvenile'
(now that's a word you don't hear very often these days) performers. Ernest
Wiseman danced and Eric Bartholemew sang comedy songs including, "I'm Not
All There." The song wasn't at all politically correct but, as Eric
performed it, it was bloody funny.
The partnership started their act in the long range 'big gestures and
lots of repetition' style of performance required by music hall and, later,
variety theatre performance. Then they took in the halfway-house 'sound only
' technique needed for radio.
Later still, they developed their material to the 'close up' visual
comedy style which was only possible with the coming of television. Others
didn't and *they* fell by the wayside while Eric and Ernie were still
cruising at the top of the profession.
They did this with the aid of considerable skill and very good writing,
and those who call(ed) them cliched and derivative miss(ed) the point that
they themselves established many of the conventions which they later sent up.
Ernie would not accept anything other than 'Top Of The Bill' after Eric
died of a heart attack, and this limited the amount he worked in his last
few years. A great shame, but a situation of his own making.
Death anniversaries for the week of 22 March - 28 March:
Monday, 22 March
1978 - Karl Wallenda; high-wire walker
1991 - Dave Guard; musical performer, The Kingston Trio
1994 - Walter Lantz; animator, Woody Woodpecker
Thursday, 25 March
1992 - Nancy Walker; actress, "Rhoda"
Friday, 26 March
1990 - Halston; fashion designer
Sunday, 28 March
1979 - Emmett Kelly; clown
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From: "Nathan Miner" <nminer@jhmi.edu>
Subject: (exotica) Brains Attack!!!
Date: 22 Mar 1999 09:19:48 -0500
Okay, so my girlfriend and I are browsing through the "Mainframe" clothing =
line at Sears, and they have TV video MTV-style "oh so cool" young dj guy =
spinning dance videos and urging everyone to go try on the clothes and buy =
them (Very Weird....).
Anyway, one of the tunes was cool - and the video was fun. It was done =
like an old sci-fi movie/trailer, and the title was something about =
"Squishy Brains Attack" or something....
What band is this?
- Nate
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.net>
Subject: (exotica) Comstock LP
Date: 22 Mar 1999 11:20:59 -0500
This looks like the restaurant in the middle of the Los Angeles International
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: (exotica) bio-profile tv (and a link)
Date: 22 Mar 1999 11:54:57 -0500
Those dueling clones, "A&E's Biography" and "Bravo Profiles" include these
items this week:
Charles Aznavour - Bravo - Tuesday night, 10:00pm, 1:30am; Wednesday
afternoon, 3:00pm
McDonald's mogul, Ray Kroc - A&E - Wednesday night, 8:00pm, midnight
John Cleese - Bravo - Wednesday night, 10:00pm, 1:30am; Thursday afternoon,
Dutch Schultz - A&E - Thursday night, 8:00pm, midnight
Here's a cool "daily pick" tv site I recently stumbled on:
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: m h jemmeson <m.h.jemmeson@ncl.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Ska tune in chocolate ad (UK TV) ?
Date: 22 Mar 1999 16:12:50 +0000
(apologies if this is the second time)
> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 20:38:34 -0000
> From: "Phil Clark" <phil-c@dircon.co.uk>
> Subject: (exotica) Ska tune in chocolate ad (UK TV) ?????? / Jimmy Smith live in London
> hey gang
> Ok so I don't really watch TV an awful lot (an hour a week is usually
> enough) but right now here on UK terrestrial there is an ad for (I think) a
> chocolate bar, with a great ska soundtrack, real old and muddy-sounding. I
> must have it! Does anyone know what it is?, or even if it's authentic?
not having a tv at the moment (damn! i'll never be ready to enter the
Jetsonian world of the year 2000 at this rate) i'm not sure on this, but i
noticed that there is an advert using
Two Badcard ft Dennis Alcapone 'Leaving Rome' (On-U)
but that might be too slow to be what you're thinking of, and it's only 1996
(but sounds older)
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From: m h jemmeson <m.h.jemmeson@ncl.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Ska tune in chocolate ad (UK TV) ??????
Date: 22 Mar 1999 16:10:20 +0000
> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 20:38:34 -0000
> From: "Phil Clark" <phil-c@dircon.co.uk>
> Subject: (exotica) Ska tune in chocolate ad (UK TV) ?????? / Jimmy Smith live in London
> hey gang
> Ok so I don't really watch TV an awful lot (an hour a week is usually
> enough) but right now here on UK terrestrial there is an ad for (I think) a
> chocolate bar, with a great ska soundtrack, real old and muddy-sounding. I
> must have it! Does anyone know what it is?, or even if it's authentic?
not having a tv at the moment (damn! i'll never be ready to enter the
Jetsonian world of the year 2000 at this rate) i'm not sure on this, but i
noticed that there is an advert using
Two Badcard ft Dennis Alcapone 'Leaving Rome' (On-U)
but that might be too slow to be what you're thinking of, and it's only 1996
(but sounds older)
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) fwd: CDnow/N2K merger
Date: 22 Mar 1999 12:21:38 -0600
< @ N Y >
Issue 4.29
March 19, 1999
The Silicon Alley Network
^ While Silicon Alley waited this week for the super-hyped iVillage
IPO, a group of business people gathered quietly on the 25th floor of the
New York Information Technology Center at 55 Broad Street. The occasion was
the formal board approval and closing of the merger of N2K and CDnow, a deal
made even more urgent by the fast growth of Amazon.com's online music sales.
CDnow and N2K now go forward as a single company with the stronger CDnow
brand out front, executive offices here in Silicon Alley, and renewed
strength of fight the online music wars.
. The ink is finally dry on the deal that unites one time rival music
marketers CDnow and Silicon Alley start up N2K. The combined company will
operate under the CDnow moniker, company exec announced. N2K's New York
offices, at the New York Information Technology Center at 55 Broad Street,
will serve as the combined company's headquarters and will house much of the
company's sales and marketing staff. But CDnow's facility in Fort Wayne,
Pennsylvania will be home to most of the company's employees including Web
developers and back-end office staff. On a combined basis the company would
have had 1.6 million customers and $98.5 million in revenues at the end of
1998, making it one of the biggest companies in Silicon Alley. Jon Diamond,
co-founder and CEO of N2K, will be chairman of the board of CDnow, Inc.,
while Jason Olim will remain as president and CEO.
In the months since the deal was first reached in principal, Olim and
Diamond have quietly been busy reinventing the business. Before they agreed
to merge, CDnow and N2K had waged a war against one another for distribution
with each company agreeing to high guaranteed payments to get high traffic
real estate at portal sites like Excite and Yahoo. Together the companies
have nearly all of the high profile sites sewn up and can drive a harder
bargain. In an interview with @NY, Diamond said the company has already
renegotiated several of its portal deals to lower customer acquisition cost.
Diamond said last year the combined company would have spend $50 a head on
fixed customer acquisition costs, not including the costs of special
one-time promotional and direct marketing deals. That will go down this
year. In addition, the companies will dramatically trim the combined
advertising budget, said Olim, since the new CDnow won't be marketing
against N2K.
But when the companies take the wraps off the new Website that will combine
the CDnow and Music Boulevard sites, there will be a brand new focus on
downloadable music. "I think the number of people using MP3 demonstrates
that the core competency is there," said Olim. "We'll be using the eMod
platform that N2K developed, building on top of it a whole-album download
Basically, just as software consumers at Beyond.Com can order their software
on disk or download it directly, so CDnow customers will be able to order
albums on CD, cassette or through whatever downloadable formats conforming
with the security measures the record industry is expected to adopt this
fall. Olim and Diamond said they're already talking with independent labels
about direct download opportunities. And they expect to involve the major
labels with direct download promotions and with sales of back catalogue
titles. "Digital distribution is going to be an important part of our
business," said Olim.
The pair also plan to being offering music-related products for sale
including MP3 players, music related book, and videos and DVD's. But,
although Olim and Diamond were very talkative about plans for the combined
site they were mum on whether or not the combined entity is in acquisition
talks. Published reports over the last several months have suggested that
the combined company has many suitors including, Time Warner,
Barnesandnoble.com, and even chief rival Amazon.Com.
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From: Eric_Marvin@cc.chiron.com (Eric Marvin)
Subject: (exotica) Streets of San Francisco
Date: 22 Mar 1999 10:36:37 -0800
First time poster longtime lurker. Looking for soundtracks for any of
a number of 70's cop shows, especially Streets of San Francisco,
Baretta, Cannon, or Barnaby Jones. Do they exist? Any help would be
greatly appreciated.
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 12:19:37 -0000
Date: 22 Mar 1999 14:28:35 EST
In a message dated 3/22/99 8:21:46 AM, G.R.Reader@bton.ac.uk wrote:
>I think I've fallen off the list, its been
>very quiet since Friday,
leading one to suspect that most people are using computers at work for their
transmission and reception
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) The Now Sound of a filtered 100
Date: 22 Mar 1999 14:25:32 EST
In a message dated 3/21/99 9:17:15 PM, Thinkmatic@aol.com wrote:
>It's the Benson & Hedges jingle. I
>haven't heard the thing in nearly 30 years and now I can't stop humming the
>frickin' thing.
>So here's are the questions. Who wrote it? Who performed it, and if anyone
>knows anything else interesting about it, like the name of the song if it has
>one, that would be great?
It could be "The Disadvantages Of You' by The Brass Ring off the LP of the
same name (and a funny cover too, a silly millimeter wider)
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From: "Nathan Miner" <nminer@jhmi.edu>
Subject: (exotica) FYI - Some Japanese LP's
Date: 22 Mar 1999 14:17:24 -0500
These were picked-up by a friend......maybe interesting - maybe not!
<<In other news, I listened to those Japanese records I bought and -
of course - learned that I have so much more to learn. As hoped, these
records provided me with a great deal to think about... as well as serving
as launching pad for further investigation. The first record I listened =
was the one with the song "Tokyo No Bus-Girl" on it. Being a "pop" =
I guess it should come as no surprise that it did not sound distinctly
"Japanese". Still, I did not expect that there would be so little that =
recognizably "Japanese" about it. In fact, it sounded more like an
impassioned Eastern European peasant lament (complete with an accordion),
though it was backed by a 1940's Hollywood movie Big Band sound! The =
was equally unusual. Again, rather than sounding "Japanese", it sounded =
at all unlike a traditional British Whistling tune. Pretty cool, =
The second record was also interesting. Though the 4 songs (more
folky, than "pop") were punctuated with stereotypically Japanese string
plucking, the singing was composed of what I have come to accept as
Arabic-influenced yodeling and rhythms. Odder still, these were interrupte=
by a chanting chorus of children (or high-pitched women), more familiar - =
me at least - as a component of Eastern European folk songs.
Finally, there's the picture disk, which I discovered is part of a
series of records, offering Western listeners an audio tour of Japan. =
particular record explores the sounds - past and present - of the city of
Kyoto. While side one is comprised of very traditional Japanese
classical-folk music, side two finds an English language narrator guiding
the listener through Kyoto, stopping along the way to listen to the =
song of a wandering flower peddlar, the robust chorus of sake brewers, the
solemn bell-ringing of the Shin-sect monks, etc. All-in-all, I'd say it =
a damn fine purchase!>>
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From: tosh@loop.com (Tosh)
Subject: Re: (exotica) FYI - Some Japanese LP's
Date: 22 Mar 1999 12:44:55 -0800 (PST)
> The second record was also interesting. Though the 4 songs (more
>folky, than "pop") were punctuated with stereotypically Japanese string
>plucking, the singing was composed of what I have come to accept as
>Arabic-influenced yodeling and rhythms. Odder still, these were interrupted
>by a chanting chorus of children (or high-pitched women), more familiar - to
>me at least - as a component of Eastern European folk songs.
By this description it maybe folk music from the Island of Okinawa, which
is part of Japan.
Tosh Berman
TamTam Books
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From: recliner <recliner@maine.rr.com>
Subject: (exotica) Cat Themes
Date: 22 Mar 1999 19:05:24 -0400
I'm back after almost a month hiatus due to a screwy new server and I've
e got a fun little query for you all to ponder.
I'm planning (or more realistically would like to be able to do in the
future) a cat themed radio show of our treasured 50's and 60's music.
So far I have found the following tunes in my collection:
The theme to the Pink Panther (natch)
What's new Pussy Cat (double natch)
Pussy's theme - Ray Martin doing JB stuff
Something for Cat -Breakfast at Tiffanys
Andre Williams - Sweet little Pussy Cat -Las Vegas grind
Theme to Top Cat
Theme to A walk on the Wild Side (see the movie and you'll get it)
The Ocelot - Honey West soundtrack
and I'm still looking for my copy of the Daktari sound rack with a
Clarence the cross-eyed lion tune on it.
I've got a long way to go before I get a shows worth of material but I
just thought of this idea this morning so there's still a good chance of
me finding the material in my records if I'm reminded of a few titles.
So, put your cat clothes on and try to think up some 50's and 60's cat
tunes. From my examples you can see that I'm certainly open to jungle
cats or even a cat related song whose title does not reflect this.
Long lost Frank
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.net>
Subject: (exotica) Cat Themes
Date: 22 Mar 1999 19:17:02 -0500
How about...
Kitten on the Keys - Dick Hyman
Alley Cat - Bent Fabric
Pet Me, Poppa - Rosemary Clooney
The Scratch - James Brown
Bear Cat - Rufus Thomas
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From: recliner <recliner@maine.rr.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Cat Themes
Date: 22 Mar 1999 19:52:19 -0400
How about...
Alley Cat - Bent Fabric
Wow! I knew that there was an obvious candidate that I was over looking.
I just looked to find the version by David Carroll that I have, I know i
have one or two others but at the risk of a brain hemorrhage I'll try
not to think too hard on it.
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From: jschwart@voicenet.com
Subject: (exotica) The Electric Indian
Date: 22 Mar 1999 20:04:11
"Keem-O-Sabe " by the Electric Indian was a big instrumental hit in
Philadelphia, where the record was made. It also charted nationally at #16,
according to the Billboard Top 40 book. The album charted at #104.
Borisoff is indeed Len Barry (formerly of the Dovells), and many of the
people involved in manking the single and album were the staff musicians
who made the Philadelphia International records of the early '70s. You can
hear the trademark TSOP strings and rhythm section stylings clearly.
The original pressing of "Keem-O-Sabe/Broad Street" was on the Marmaduke
label, but you probably won't find that outside of Philly.
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From: recliner <recliner@maine.rr.com>
Subject: (exotica) John Barry on Fresh Air
Date: 22 Mar 1999 20:06:19 -0400
I was just listening to my local Public Radio Station and they announced
that on tomorrow's edition of the interview show Fresh Air that host
Terry Gross would be interviewing John Barry, specifically focusing on
his James Bond period!!
I'm ready to tape this one.
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Cat Themes
Date: 22 Mar 1999 20:07:38 -0500
"Teach Me Tiger" April Stevens
"Cat's Eye In The Night" Claude Yvoire and His Orchestra from "Jewels From
Cartier: Gem Portraits by Louis Alter" (RCA, 1956)
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: HOUSEOBOB@aol.com
Subject: Re: Re: (exotica) Cat Themes
Date: 22 Mar 1999 21:12:39 EST
"Go Go Kitty" by the New Bangs
Available on "Only in America" (Arf Arf Records)
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From: King Kini <kingkini@tamboo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Cat Themes
Date: 22 Mar 1999 18:43:34 -0600
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"
funny you should ask... i've been meaning to make a cat show myself
and have this list from my collection so far...
Howard Roberts Pussy Cat (or Cy Coleman)
Henry Mancini Something for Cat (or Barney Kessel)
Henry Mancini One Eyed Cat (or George Wilkins)
Henry Mancini The Pink Panther Theme (or many others to choose from)
Henry Mancini The Dancing Cat
Fred Astaire The Panther Mambo
Don Ralke Black Panther
Les Baxter Peking Tiger
George Wilkins Toy Tiger
Markko Polo Night of the Tiger
Sounds Orchestral Blues for Pussy
Arthur Lyman The (Jungle) Cat
Quincy Jones What's New Pussycat? (or Burt Bacharach)
Lalo Schifrin The Cat
Combustible Edison Cat o' Nine Tails
Perez Prado Tomcat Mambo
Doc Severinsen Hey, Pretty Pussycat!
Buddy Morrow The Black Cat
Harmonicats The Cats Meow
Harmonicats Catwalk
Sondi Sodsai Siamese Cat Song
Phil Harris The Persian Kitten
Burt Bacharach Pussy Cats on Parade
April Stevens Teach Me Tiger
ciao ciao ciao!
- kk
> So, put your cat clothes on and try to think up some 50's and 60's cat
> tunes. From my examples you can see that I'm certainly open to jungle
> cats or even a cat related song whose title does not reflect this.
King Kini's C L U B V E L V E T
Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="us-ascii"
funny you should ask... i've been meaning to make a cat show myself
and have this list from my collection so far...
<fontfamily><param>Courier</param><bigger>Howard Roberts Pussy
Cat (or Cy Coleman)
Henry Mancini Something for Cat (or Barney Kessel)
Henry Mancini One Eyed Cat (or George Wilkins)
Henry Mancini The Pink Panther Theme (or many others to choose
Henry Mancini The Dancing Cat
Fred Astaire The Panther Mambo
Don Ralke Black Panther
Les Baxter Peking Tiger
George Wilkins Toy Tiger
Markko Polo Night of the Tiger
Sounds Orchestral Blues for Pussy
Arthur Lyman The (Jungle) Cat
Quincy Jones What's New Pussycat? (or Burt Bacharach)
Lalo Schifrin The Cat
Combustible Edison Cat o' Nine Tails
Perez Prado Tomcat Mambo
Doc Severinsen Hey, Pretty Pussycat!
Buddy Morrow The Black Cat
Harmonicats The Cats Meow
Harmonicats Catwalk
Sondi Sodsai Siamese Cat Song
Phil Harris The Persian Kitten
Burt Bacharach Pussy Cats on Parade
April Stevens Teach Me Tiger
</bigger></fontfamily>ciao ciao ciao!
- kk
<excerpt>So, put your cat clothes on and try to think up some 50's and
60's cat
tunes. From my examples you can see that I'm certainly open to jungle
cats or even a cat related song whose title does not reflect this.
King Kini's C L U B V E L V E T
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From: "Sandberg Magnus" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: SV: (exotica) Cat Themes
Date: 23 Mar 1999 04:37:52 +0100
What about:
"The Cat" Jimmy Smith and Lalo Schifrin. Its hot!
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From: Elisabeth Vincentelli <teppaz@panix.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) John Barry on Fresh Air
Date: 22 Mar 1999 23:12:40 -0500
>I was just listening to my local Public Radio Station and they announced
>that on tomorrow's edition of the interview show Fresh Air that host
>Terry Gross would be interviewing John Barry, specifically focusing on
>his James Bond period!!
>I'm ready to tape this one.
I hope he focuses on his Bond period indeed, because his new,
non-soundtrack CD is really boring. Lotsa sweeping violins. Blah.
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From: recliner <recliner@maine.rr.com>
Subject: (exotica) One eyed Mr. Lucky
Date: 22 Mar 1999 23:24:36 -0400
Thanks to King Kini for adding, among others, Mancini's "One eyed Cat"
from Mr. Lucky to my ever growing list of cat tunes.
I just happen to notice that on the album cover is indeed a picture of a
one eyed cat!!
Having never seen the original television show Mr. Lucky I haven't a
clue as to the significance of this, if there is any. So what's the poop
(cat poop) on this?
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From: G.R.Reader@bton.ac.uk
Subject: (exotica) from the weekend..Films and Christmas
Date: 23 Mar 1999 11:38:09 -0000
A bit of a good weekend for films. At least for me.
Firstly, The Presidents Analyst with James Coburn. Great soundtrack by
Lalo Schiffrin, very groovy 60's sound, does anyone know if there is
an OST for this? Also there were scenes on the road with a hippie band
in the middle (Mr Coburn on the Gong, oh yes) which I quite enjoyed,
were this lot a real band, I didn't recognise them. Great fun. Also
on the James Coburn tip was in like flint, not as impressed with the
soundtrack on this one (Jerry Goldsmith? my girlfriend told me but I
wasn't really paying much attention). If it was Goldsmith, I've seen
his name on lots of films but nothing that comes to mind, Has he any
outstanding Soundtracks to look out for?
And Life Force, which was also great, like Species done by Gerry
Anderson or Space 1999, great mostly British cast and a quite poor
soundtrack by Mancini. Also the lead actress only has clothes in one
scene, of course absolutely vital to the plot. directed by Tobe
Hooper, I bet Joe Bob loved this one (four stars, check it out).
Totally unseasonally I got Herb Alperts Christmas LP a week or so ago,
a real find for me. One side is great, among the best Christmas LP's
I've got, and the other is so dire it's untrue. Now thats a well
programmed LP, just play side 1.
El Maestro Con Queso
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From: "Sandberg Magnus" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: SV: (exotica) John Barry on Fresh Air
Date: 23 Mar 1999 12:57:01 +0100
Elisabeth wrote:
>his new, non-soundtrack CD is really boring
>Lotsa sweeping violins.=20
How many? 101?
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) obits: James McMillan, Eric Stanton, Ernie Wise, David
Date: 23 Mar 1999 10:01:27 -0600
*James McMillan
LAS VEGAS (AP) -- James McMillan, a black leader who led the fight to
integrate Las Vegas and its casino industry in 1960, died Saturday of
cancer. He was 82.
McMillan, who served several terms as head of the Las Vegas chapter of the
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, was best known
for his battle with the city's white establishment. The fight came at a time
when top name black entertainers headlined at Strip hotels, but could not
stay in them.
In 1960, McMillan sent a letter to business and civic leaders throughout
Nevada, threatening a massive march on the Strip if the white-only resorts
did not change their racist policies.
Days before the march was to be held, the casino industry agreed to
*Eric Stanton
CLINTON, Conn. (AP) -- Eric Stanton, an erotic illustrator who drew pinup
icon Bettie Page, died Wednesday after a long illness. He was 72.
Stanten, born Ernest A. Stanten, was dubbed by biographers and archivists
the ``Father of Fetish'' and ``Eric the Wild.'' He was seen in some circles
as an underground pioneer at a time when his work, once confiscated by New
York police, was considered taboo.
He is the subject of several books, including a coffee table volume, ``Eric
Stanton: Dominant Wives and Other Stories,'' by the German publisher Taschen.
Most of his illustrations were done on commission for private buyers around
the world, according to the book's introduction. His images depicting
dominant women captured a range of fetishes and were printed in more than
100 adult novels and magazines.
His subjects included Bettie Page, a sexual icon of the World War II era.
Stanten also worked as a cartoonist for two newspapers in New York, the
Daily News and the Brooklyn Mirror.
*Ernie Wise
LONDON (AP) -- Ernie Wise, the consummate straight man who entertained
Britons for four decades with his comic partner, Eric Morecambe, died Sunday
from heart failure and a chest infection. He was 73.
Wise and Morecambe were one of Britain's best-loved comedy teams. Their
Christmas specials became television classics.
Known as the one with the ``short, fat, hairy legs,'' Wise was the straight
man in the two-man act. Wise said Morecambe was the ``show'' while he was
the ``business.''
Morecambe died in 1984, and Wise did some solo work but never reached the
level of success he'd enjoyed with his partner. He retired from show
business three years ago.
Born Ernest Wiseman, Wise left school at 13 and teamed up with Morecambe
three years later in a show called ``Youth Takes a Bow.''
In 1976, Morecambe and Wise were awarded OBE medals -- Officer of the Order
of the British Empire -- by the queen.
*David Strickland
LAS VEGAS (AP) -- David Strickland, who played the music critic on the NBC
sitcom ``Suddenly Susan'' and had a role in the new movie ``Forces of
Nature,'' was found dead in a motel room Monday. He was 28.
A worker at the Oasis Motel found Strickland's body hanging from a bed
sheet strung from a ceiling beam, and chair was next to the body. Police
were investigating the death as a suicide.
Strickland played Todd on NBC's ``Suddenly Susan,'' which stars Brooke
Shields as a magazine writer. He had been on the show for the last three
Strickland also appears in ``Forces of Nature,'' starring Sandra Bullock
and Ben Affleck. Strickland played the ex-boyfriend of Affleck's fiancee.
Al Hirt's condition upgraded:
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From: BasicHip@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Streets of San Francisco
Date: 23 Mar 1999 10:08:01 EST
eric writes:
<< Looking for soundtracks for any of
a number of 70's cop shows, especially Streets of San Francisco,
Baretta, Cannon, or Barnaby Jones. Do they exist? Any help would be
greatly appreciated. >>
to the best of my knowledge, i'm afraid the answer is no.
the best you'll be able to come up with would be collections of tv themes from
that period. i know henry mancini did a cop theme record and i have one by
johnny gregory...there is also that series of tv themes, must be five or six
of them, with sixty tracks each...
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) God I hate to ask . . .
Date: 23 Mar 1999 10:31:48 EST
I hate to ask this question because I absolutely despise The Gap . . .
.however, they had a commercial on The Oscars that was called "Khaki A Go Go"
with some cool spy-jazzy type music. Anybody see it? Anybody know where it
is from? I hate it when the Gap ads have something worth talking about.
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From: "Nathan Miner" <nminer@jhmi.edu>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Cat Themes
Date: 23 Mar 1999 09:28:19 -0500
There's a song on one of the Strip comps. (Las Vegas Grind Vol. 1 or 2) =
where the guy makes "meoooow" sounds and says something like "Nice little =
pussy cat"
- Nate
(Nobody knew anything about that "Brains" dance tune???? C'mon!!!!)
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Cat Themes
Date: 23 Mar 1999 11:09:46 -0500
At 07:05 PM 3/22/99 -0400, recliner wrote:
>I'm planning (or more realistically would like to be able to do in the
>future) a cat themed radio show of our treasured 50's and 60's music.
>So far I have found the following tunes in my collection:
Is it too late for "Walking my cat named dog" by Norma Tanega?
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From: "telstar" <telstar@albedo.net>
Subject: (exotica) "Mondo Bongos" playlist for March 24, 1999
Date: 23 Mar 1999 14:50:19 -0500
Mondo Bongos can be heard every Wed at 9 am on CFRU 93.3 fm in Guelph,
Ontario.Canada. Comments & questions welcome.
Enoch Light - I'm in the Mood for Love "Persuasive Percussion"
Dimitri from Paris - Une Very Stylish Fille "Sacrebleu"
Francoise Hardy - Another Place "Maid in Paris"
Massive Attack - Karmacoma "Protection"
Nino Nardini & the Pop Riviera Group - Latinova "Rotonde Musique"
The Wolfgang Dauner Group - Reading Machine "Rischkas Soul"
The Other Side - Lion Hunt "(Don't Look Back) Behind the Shack"
Nino Nardini & the Pop Riviera Group - Frisco Hills "Rotonde Musique"
Gert Wilden - Blues Party "Schulmadchen Report"
The Tiki Tones - Island Uprising "Idol Pleasures"
X-Ray Tango - Chile City "Spy Fidelity"
Southern Culture on the Skids - House of Bamboo "Plastic Seat Sweat"
Enoch Light - Japanese Sandman "Persuasive Percussion"
Kid Creole & the Coconuts - Dowopsalsaboprock "In Praise of Older Women &
Other Crimes"
Thanks for reading...
Websites of Interest:
Desco Records http://www.descorecords.com/
Kid Creole http://www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/studio/7054/coconuts.html
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From: "Arjan Plug" <ajplug@bart.nl>
Subject: (exotica) Abba Pater
Date: 23 Mar 1999 22:21:59 +0100
Anyone bought the Pope's CD yet?
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From: Pea Hicks <phix@adnc.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Abba Pater
Date: 23 Mar 1999 14:02:08 -0800
Arjan Plug wrote:
> Anyone bought the Pope's CD yet?
no, but i heard a story about it on NPR this morning.........!! I was
going to mention it on the list- sounds like a prime candidate for a
future WEIRD record!! (Not that it's not weird NOW!) it was pretty
awful......... imagine a really weak Enigma sound-alike with the pope
over the top instead of chanting monks............ eeeeeeeeeeeeshh!!!
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Where are they now: Brother Theodore
Date: 23 Mar 1999 17:07:49 -0600
Crank up the RealAudio and head to:
Meet Brother Theodore =A0=20
Theodore is one of the most influential monologuists alive today. Known for
his dark humor and decades of solo performances, he is believed to be around
92 years old. A year and a half ago, Brother Theodore fell down in his Upper
West Side apartment and hasn't performed since. Jon Kalish recently visited
him at home. Morning Edition
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From: "Ron Grandia" <rgrandia@xtabay.com>
Subject: RE: (exotica) Cat Themes
Date: 22 Mar 1999 13:52:20 -0800
> Is it too late for "Walking my cat named dog" by Norma Tanega?
Howzabout "Everybody wants to be a cat" From the Aristocats OST.
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Where are they now: Brother Theodore
Date: 23 Mar 1999 17:16:00 -0600
At 05:07 PM 3/23/99 -0600, I wrote:
>Crank up the RealAudio and head to:
>Meet Brother Theodore =A0
My mistake. They haven't loaded a RA link to the actual radion interview.
Instead there's a transcript of the piece:
Meet Brother Theodore =A0=20
=A0By John Kalish
Brother Theodore is one of the most influential monologuists alive today.
Known for his dark humor and decades of solo performances, he is believed to
be around 92 years old. A year and a half ago, Brother Theodore fell down in
his Upper West Side apartment and hasn't performed since. Jon Kalish
recently visited him at home.=20
Brother Theodore grew up in Germany, the son of a wealthy Jewish family. His
parents were murdered by the Nazis, and Theodore spent a year in the Dachau
concentration camp. The Nazis released him after he signed over the family
publishing business to the Third Reich. He came to America and started
performing in San Francisco. But it was in New York that his career took
off. In the 1960's he sold out Town Hall six times.=20
Theodore from LP: My name, as you may have guessed, is Theodore. I come from
a strange stock. The members of my family were mostly epileptics,
vegetarians, stutterers, triplets, nailbiters...=20
In his macabre one-man show, Brother Theodore bemoaned the futility of life
and heaped abuse upon his audience, prompting the "Daily News" to dub him "a
genius of the sinister." He is a short man with a full head of unruly gray
hair who basically made a career out of being himself and got away with it.
TV talk show hosts appreciated Theodore's ability to titillate audiences. In
the 1960's and 70's he made dozens of appearances on the Merv Griffin Show.
In the 1980's and 90's he was a guest on David Letterman's show more than
twenty times.=20
Theodore: To tell you the truth, whenever I come here and sit on this chair,
you know, because of your overpowering personality, I start immediately
sweating like a chunk of rancid pork [laughter]. All over my body.
Letterman: Would you like a tissue?=20
Brother Theodore performed once a week at the 13th Street Theater in the
Village for 17 years. This is from one of his last shows at the Theater.
Theodore in performance at the 13th Street Theater: To be Brother Theodore
is no bed of roses. I'm the bride at every funeral. I'm the corpse at every
wedding. Each time I look into the mirror I burst into tears. Sure, sure. I
burst into tears.=20
The man who has seen more Brother Theodore performances than anyone else is
Tom O'Connor, who served as Theodore's stage manager for more than 15 years.=
O'Connor: Many people knew of him. They knew his name but they had no idea
of what he did and they would ask me "What is the show? Will I like it?
Should I come to see it?" And I would tell everyone "You have to see it. If
you come to see it and you hate it, you still have to see it because there
is nobody else like him. There is nobody else doing what he does."
In the summer of 1997, Brother Theodore fell at home. He broke his nose and
his hip and hasn't performed since. He can barely walk, and hardly ever
leaves his Upper West Side studio apartment. Theodore: I'm in perpetual
pain. Arthritis, you know and, uh, I don't want really to go into it. People
are not interested in my woes. They say old people talk about nothing but
what ails them, you know. I lost many friends by talking incessantly about
my pain. They're not interested in my pain.=20
Those who have followed Theodore's career are struck that the material in
his act now seems to describe his real life.
Theodore in performance at the 13th Street Theater: There is no mail at the
mailbox. The telephone never rings. The party is over!=20
O'Connor: As Theodore has grown older...
[Stage manager Tom O'Connor.]=20
O'Connor: ...the truth of what he says in his show has sort of come home to
roost for him. You know, he's always been obsessed with death. He's always
been aware of what a frail existence we lead, but that awareness, I think,
was intellectual, and I think that as the years have progressed and he's
seen his physical condition deteriorate, I think, of course, he can only
become more aware of how true are the things that he says in his show.=20
Theodore: If you said to me "Theodore, we pay you $20,000 and you perform at
Town Hall," I might be able to do it and afterwards, simply drop dead. The
alternative is to lie safely in my bed and don't perform and have to wait
three or four or five years in utter loneliness and in great pain and
confusion. So I might take the risk to do it once and say "OK, so I die
after the show." But it's better to have the applause and die, than to lie
here for the next five years and end up in a nursing home forever and ever
and ever.
Brother Theodore may yet perform again. A video crew has recorded him at
home doing short excerpts from his solo show and is shopping a demo tape
around cable TV networks. There is also talk of a voice over career. But
Theodore recently turned down an invitation to appear on Howard Stern's
radio program.=20
Brother Theodore is an avowed atheist, but that hasn't prevented him from
seeking assistance from above in jumpstarting his career.=20
Theodore: Dear God, if you exist, help me. And if you don't exist, help me
Thank you. This is Jon Kalish, for WNYC. member Association of Independents
in Radio and National Writers Union... visit kalish.con at
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From: Angela <angela@musicfile.com>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Sammy Cahn's morals/bollywood/ESG
Date: 23 Mar 1999 13:06:19 -0500
Thanks much to those who came round with the welcome wagon after my initial
hello-post last time.
I've always thought one of the best places to jump into that swarming
vortex of screwed up American morality could be found in the lyrics to
Disney's (from Peter Pan) "What Made The Red Man Red":
What made the red man red?
When did he first say 'ugh'?
Let's go back two million years
when we didn't know what we know now
but the Indian kept on asking questions
and learned it all by asking 'how'
And those lyrics were of course written by the great Sammy Cahn. I don't
quite have them right here, as I'm going from memory, and there's a verse
about the red man's sqaw getting a divorce from him which shouldn't be
missed. So dig out your kids records and check up on this one sometime.
You will not find these sorts of lyrics on the net's Disney lyric pages,
About Bollywood (why isn't it Bali-wood?), there's a new compilation out
by the same people who put out those "Love Peace and Poetry" compilations of
60s psych (QDK Media). It's called "Doob, Doob O'Rama". While it's true
that anyone who lives in an urban area can get cassettes of Indian film
soundtracks for an awful lot cheaper- you're not guaranteed a high quantity
of musical oddness. This is a good introduction and features some tracks
from Lata Whatshername (help me with this one please?), the most-recorded
recording artist in history.
Finally, would someone clue me in with some ESG history and reviews? I
don't know much about them and would like to get the scoop.
Thanks again.
"The Biggest Little Record Store In The World"
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From: "Dom Ciccone" <dciccone@inspex.com>
Subject: (exotica) Dimitri From Paris's "Sacreblue"
Date: 23 Mar 1999 16:10:31 -0500
Went down to The Place Where You Pay Towering Prices to pick up the latest
copy of "Cool and Strange Music Magazine". Great magazine. Have to
subscribe soon.
Window shopping and saw Dimitri From Paris's "Sacreblue". Is this the one
everyone was talking about earlier on the list? The album with music remixed
for the commercial?
If the list experts say it's really good and can't find it on my next junket
through the Boston/Cambridge used stores I may have to (OH MY!) buy it new.
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From: King Kini <kingkini@tamboo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Dimitri From Paris's "Sacrebleu"
Date: 23 Mar 1999 16:58:29 -0600
buy the damn thing!! that's the one! it's gotta be 3 years old by now!!
- kk
> Window shopping and saw Dimitri From Paris's "Sacreblue". Is this the one
> everyone was talking about earlier on the list? The album with music remixed
> for the commercial?
> If the list experts say it's really good and can't find it on my next junket
> through the Boston/Cambridge used stores I may have to (OH MY!) buy it new.
King Kini's C L U B V E L V E T
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: (exotica) Montreal weekend purchases (loooong)
Date: 23 Mar 1999 18:02:50 -0500
It's a week late but here's a list of my Montreal vinyl purchases.
Just doing my part to keep those lists of records flowing. The basic
message is "These records exist!"
I was in Montreal to show a bit of my film-in-progress to some of Professor
Will Straw's students but really that was just a way of paying for the trip
and getting a two hundred dollar honorarium which I could - and did - blow
on records.
Montreal is nothing like Toronto when it comes to lounge/exotica/NOW sound,
in that it's an identified genre there and many of the stores have large
sections dedicated to it. In Toronto, it's catch-as-catch-can.
The records I bought ranged from one to six dollars. I did buy two for
eight dollars, both of which I now regret. One was one of those double
Command compilations - The Kaleidoscopic Keyboard Stylings of Dick Hyman.
There's only a couple of organ cuts and I find his piano work to be
The other one I had great hope for. It's in the "Stereo Workshop Series"
which I'd never seen before. I passed up the Buddy Cole record in that
series and instead bought the Shorty Rogers one, hoping it would be some
great lost crime-jazz gem. It wasn't. Still, nice packaging.
Okay here's the list, with the minimum of comment...
"NOW SOUND" (basically...):
John Keating Sounds Galactic - "Astromusical Odyssey"
Enoch Light Four Channel Stereo (Sampler)
Enoch Light Four Channel "Dynamite"
Ron Frangipane - "Rated X for Excitement" (better than I expected but not
Carl Swoboda - "Dancing Zither" (not bad)
Earl Palmer - "Drumsville" (thought it would be funky, unfortunately more
Willie Mitchell - "On Top" (the pick of the litter)
Les Baxter - "Love is Blue" (full of promise undelivered)
Duane Eddy - "Biggest Twang of them All" (not great but cool to have Duane
doing tunes like "Where were you when I needed you")
Billy Strange "Plays the Hits"
Billy Strange and the Challengers (a cool thing, Billy with a
semi-legitimate surf band but the moments are far between)
Sandy Nelson "Beat that *&%$ drum"
Sandy Nelson "Beat Goes On" (great cover)
Sandy Nelson "Groovy" (I've now reached saturation on Sandy Nelson. Only
his best records are in Ventures territory but Ventures records in Montreal
were all basically twelve bucks)
Perez Prado "Twist Goes Latin" (good Perez records are not that easy to
find at this point. This is one of them.)
Si Zentner et al "Exotica Suite" (Who cares if this is good? I finally have
the record with the burlap on it!)
Francis Bay "Latin Heat Cha Cha Cha" (not much heat but pleasant anyway)
Clebanoff - "Lush, Latin and Bossa Nova" (truth in advertising)
Jack Costanzo "Mr.Bongo Plays Hi Fi" (still don't get the Costanzo
Buddy Merrill "Many Splendored Guitar"
Buddy Merrill "Sounds of Love" (always happy to find Buddy records but so
far none has come within a mile of the first one I got "Land of a Thousand
Claudine Longet "Let's Spend the Night Together" (surprisingly good
Claudine playing with the early 70's L.A. Tom Scott studio types)
Frank Sinatra JR. - "It's All Right" (produced by Billy Strange, in
Nashville on a totally obscure little label. Couldn't Daddy have gotten
him a better label???)
Sammy Davis "Now" (if you've never heard him do "John Shaft", you must!)
Regis Philbin - "Time for Regis" (done in his Joey Bishop days, he can
almost sing. not bad enough to be funny)
Telly Savalas - "Who Loves Ya Baby" (another Telly record. Another gem.)
Best of Buddy Greco (including his six-minute take on "Like a Rolling Stone")
April Stevens - "Teach me Tiger" (a real record by a real singer)
Jack Jones - "For the In Crowd" (can always use more Jack)
I was sick the week I played them but most of them made me sicker. I think
it was mostly the guilt. Or maybe I've finally reached over-saturation on
the (cheesy) sixties covers. It was amazing to be around all those bins
and bins and bins of easy listening but on some level, it was less fun to
be around so many It's hard to know what to buy when so many of them are
vaguely appropriate.
If this wasn't so long already, I would comment on the charmed lives led by
Montreal listers Will, Cheryl and Brian but suffice to say, I was jealous
all weekend. And not just because of the records.
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From: "Dom Ciccone" <dciccone@inspex.com>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Dimitri From Paris's "Sacrebleu"
Date: 23 Mar 1999 18:14:51 -0500
>>buy the damn thing!! that's the one! it's gotta be 3 years old by
OK OK! wow, I've only been interested in this kind of music for about 1
year. That's when I first tuned into Jimmy's program. So it's all new to me.
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re (exotica) Cat Themes
Date: 23 Mar 1999 19:39:35 EST
Let's get nasty with Blowfly: "Who Did I Eat Last Night?"
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Re: Dimitri From Paris's "Sacrebleu"
Date: 23 Mar 1999 19:51:02 EST
In a message dated 3/23/99 7:14:00 PM, dciccone@inspex.com wrote:
>>buy the damn thing!! that's the one! it's gotta be 3 years old by
>OK OK! wow, I've only been interested in this kind of music for about 1
>year. That's when I first tuned into Jimmy's program. So it's all new to me.
And its all new to everyone at some point fellas and gals. I knew jack about
this stuff until I stumbled into Brother Cleve's "Saturnalia" night at the
Lizard Lounge in Cambridge a little over 2 years ago. My attendance rate at
that function shot up to 100% when my ears picked up on the stuff. Sooner may
be better, but late beats never..Jimmy Botticelli
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.net>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Cat Themes
Date: 23 Mar 1999 20:08:08 -0500
There is also a great version of Tiger Rag by Alvino Rey with the King Sisters
(NOT the King Family, for those who can remember those awful specials). There
is a great moment where Rey makes his Guitar g-r-r-o-w-w-l.
For that matter:
Leave My Kitten Alone - Little Willie John (complete with the backup singers
going Me-oww!)
I have a Gymnasts Floor Excercise record that has a wonderfully camp medley
called "Kittens, Kittens, Kittens" which mashes three or four songs together in
about a minute and fifteen seconds.
Brian Phillips
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.net>
Subject: (exotica) "Dear John, How I hate to write..."(answer to I hate
Date: 23 Mar 1999 20:16:49 -0500
I hate to ask this question because I absolutely despise The Gap . . .
.however, they had a commercial on The Oscars that was called "Khaki A Go Go"
with some cool spy-jazzy type music. Anybody see it? Anybody know where it
is from? I hate it when the Gap ads have something worth talking about.
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From: BasicHip@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Johnny Spots
Date: 23 Mar 1999 20:28:48 EST
Johnny (radio) Spots
does anybody out there have Johnny Spots material that they would tape for me?
I'll send you something if you do.
please let me know!
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.net>
Subject: (exotica) "Dear John, How I hate to write..."(answer to I hate
Date: 23 Mar 1999 20:43:30 -0500
with some cool spy-jazzy type music. Anybody see it? Anybody know where it
is from? I hate it when the Gap ads have something worth talking about.
This is from the website:
Directed by graphic artist and music video director Mike Mills, the dancers do
the jerk, the pony, and the frug to '60s-inspired track "Wild Elephants."
I don't the artist, though.
Brian Phillips
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From: Ross Orr <rotohut@ic.net>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Streets of San Francisco
Date: 23 Mar 1999 21:47:57 -0500
Hi Eric--
>Looking for soundtracks for any of
> a number of 70's cop shows, especially Streets of San Francisco,
> Baretta, Cannon, or Barnaby Jones. Do they exist?
One that definitely exists--I have a scratchy copy--is Lalo Shifrin's
"Mannix" soundtrack (Paramount PAS 5004).
Maybe not the pinnacle of brassy 70s cop show themes, but it does have its
By they way, the liner notes says Lalo's name is pronounced "shif-REEN,"
which was news to me.
|| Ross "Mambo Frenzy" Orr <rotohut@ic.net>
|| Ann Arbor, Michigan USA
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From: Ross Orr <rotohut@ic.net>
Subject: (exotica) Vinyl Microsurgery
Date: 23 Mar 1999 22:05:34 -0500
Hey, I never had the nerve to do this before. But the other day I was
desperate to get rid of a record skip in a track I really liked ("Mambo
Jambo" by the Latin Brass)--and I was willing to try anything.
I spun the record around with the motor off (whub, errrrb, brubbb) until I
found the exact spot where the skip was. Then I took the record off the
turntable and looked at the spot with a 10x magnifier under a strong light,
tilting it back and forth until I could see which groove had the mashed vinyl.
Then, *shudder* I took a very sharp X-acto blade, laid the beveled edge in
the groove, and pushed the point backwards through the skip (i.e. in the
opposite direction from the way the stylus goes).
I was expecting to hear some speaker-wrecking "whump" at the point in the
song I did this--but I was amazed to find it worked great, and I couldn't
hear anything weird at all. I guess there was enough undamaged groove wall
left that the stylus tracked over whatever scars I left.
Scary, though!
Anyone else discovered a good technique for fixing skips?
|| Ross "Mambo Frenzy" Orr <rotohut@ic.net>
|| Ann Arbor, Michigan USA
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From: "Ron Grandia" <rgrandia@xtabay.com>
Subject: RE: (exotica) Vinyl Microsurgery
Date: 22 Mar 1999 19:53:38 -0800
> I was expecting to hear some speaker-wrecking "whump" at the point in =
> song I did this--but I was amazed to find it worked great, and I =
> hear anything weird at all. I guess there was enough undamaged groove =
> left that the stylus tracked over whatever scars I left.
> Scary, though!
> Anyone else discovered a good technique for fixing skips?
Xacto knife? What a wimp! I use a blowtorch!
heheh... For specks of fly-shit or whatever those things are that =
accumulate on records, I find that isolating the spot, applying downward =
pressure on the cartridge shell and rocking the turntable back and forth =
under the needle can often knock the concretions loose. =20
But it still gives me the willies.
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From: G.R.Reader@bton.ac.uk
Subject: Re: (exotica) Streets of San Francisco
Date: 24 Mar 1999 10:22:26 -0000
eric writes:
<< Looking for soundtracks for any of
a number of 70's cop shows, especially Streets of San Francisco,
Baretta, Cannon, or Barnaby Jones. Do they exist? Any help would
greatly appreciated.
I have a great Henry Mancini version of the Ironside Theme. Its on an
LP that seems to come from a readers Digest style box set. It is No.6
The adventurous Mr Mancini. It also has A Shot In The Dark, Theme from
Medical Centre and the Theme from Shaft amongst others. There are of
course copious useless sleeve notes on the career of Mr Mancini, but
nothing on the origins of the music. Sorry, this isn't really helpful
is it? Perhaps it may trigger someone else's memory.
A problem with buying from Charity shops I suppose.
El Maestro Con Queso
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Where are they now: Brother Theodore
Date: 24 Mar 1999 07:38:24 EST
In a message dated 3/23/99 5:10:28 PM Eastern Standard Time,
lousmith@pipeline.com writes:
<< Meet Brother Theodore >>
LOVED this dude's hair cut when he used to appear on Letterman.
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Gap A Go Go Commercial
Date: 24 Mar 1999 07:44:11 EST
In a message dated 3/23/99 8:41:54 PM Eastern Standard Time,
hagar@mindspring.net writes:
<< Directed by graphic artist and music video director Mike Mills, the dancers
the jerk, the pony, and the frug to '60s-inspired track "Wild Elephants."
I don't the artist, though.
Anybody have any leads on this Wild Elephant tune???
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From: Peter Hipwell <petehip@cogsci.ed.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Gap A Go Go Commercial
Date: 24 Mar 1999 13:37:53 GMT
> << Directed by graphic artist and music video director Mike Mills,
> the dancers do the jerk, the pony, and the frug to '60s-inspired
> track "Wild Elephants."
> Anybody have any leads on this Wild Elephant tune???
IIRC there is a track called "Wild Elephants" by James Clarke on
a CD compilation of library music from Amphonic called "Ready Steady
Boogaloo". I have no idea if this is the track in question.
Maybe this is a good place to start the elephant thread...
"Baby Elephant Walk" by Henry Mancini; "Elephant Shake" by Francis Lai
from the OST of "Hannibal Brooks"; "The Happy Elephant" by Gerry Blake
on the Studio 2 album "Sounds Like Swingin'"; "Fairy Elephant" from
"Comedy Cornball" (Bruton Music) -- they use this one on "Eurotrash"
regularly; ...
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From: King Kini <kingkini@tamboo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Elephants (was Gap A Go Go)
Date: 24 Mar 1999 08:47:00 -0600
> Maybe this is a good place to start the elephant thread...
> "Baby Elephant Walk" by Henry Mancini; "Elephant Shake" by Francis Lai
> from the OST of "Hannibal Brooks"; "The Happy Elephant" by Gerry Blake
> on the Studio 2 album "Sounds Like Swingin'"; "Fairy Elephant" from
> "Comedy Cornball" (Bruton Music) -- they use this one on "Eurotrash"
> regularly; ...
Elephant Trail - Les Baxter
The Elephants Wail - Shorty Rogers
Elephant Walk - Art Blakey w/Sabu
Theme From "Hatari!" - Henry Mancini
The Sounds Of Hatari - Henry Mancini
King Kini's C L U B V E L V E T
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From: BasicHip@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Cat Themes
Date: 24 Mar 1999 09:52:25 EST
you need a moog title in there:
Cat In The Night - JJ Perrey
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) obit: Charles Sawtelle
Date: 24 Mar 1999 10:08:19 -0600
*Charles Sawtelle
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- Charles Sawtelle, a musician known as ``The
Bluegrass Mystery,'' died Saturday of complications related to a bone marrow
transplant as part of his battle with leukemia. He was 52.
Sawtelle was a founding member of the bluegrass group Hot Rize. He played
guitar, bass guitar and sang with Pete Wernick, Tim O'Brien and Nick Forster.
The four also played together as a hardcore-country band, Red Knuckles and
the Trail Blazers, in which Sawtelle played a character named Slade.
Founded in 1978, Hot Rize played together until 1990.
After the band split up, Sawtelle organized a Colorado bluegrass band,
Charles Sawtelle and The Whippets, and he recorded and toured with fellow
bluegrass musician Peter Rowan.
Sawtelle started his career playing steel guitar, joining the Drifting
Ramblers in early 1976.
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) Pagan Love
Date: 24 Mar 1999 10:00:34 -0500
Tad-dah! Jane Fondle, back in action, because of list inaction. Gotta
know some stuff about that crazy Stanley Wilson. Someone kindly tell me,
is PAGAN LOVE by him just primo exotica, or what? What with Summer tiki
parties just around the corner, I gotta know!
Aku-aku, from Jane!
p-s: Do we wanna start a dog song strain now?
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) one-note promo
Date: 24 Mar 1999 10:59:49 -0500
A one-line sentence to say my group AstroSlut is playing Fri. 3/26 at the
Middle East in Cambridge, MA.
Over-n-out: Jane Fondle(thanks!)
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From: "Robert McKenna" <rmckenna@hotmail.com>
Subject: (exotica) Gap A Go Go Commercial..Elephants
Date: 24 Mar 1999 08:34:56 PST
>"Fairy Elephant" from
>"Comedy Cornball" (Bruton Music) -- they use this one on "Eurotrash"
>regularly; ...
not on my copy it isn't. i have a bunch of bruton records i'm afraid to
listen to, as very rarely do they do anything for me, so i went home at
lunch all expectation. i listened to this album BRF 2 (66) and comedy
BRF1 (50), which is better, has alan hawkshaw sub JJP comedy moog (miss
the beats). the best thing for me on comedy cornball was 'cor blimey'
cod cockney song. which you would probably have to not be english to
find even vaguely amusing.....
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
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From: Thinkmatic@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Dimitri From Paris's "Sacreblue"
Date: 24 Mar 1999 12:06:29 EST
In a message dated 3/23/99 5:33:56 PM Eastern Standard Time,
dciccone@inspex.com writes:
> If the list experts say it's really good and can't find it on my next junket
> through the Boston/Cambridge used stores I may have to (OH MY!) buy it new.
Hi Dom,
My 2.5 cents.
Record the Volvo commercial off your television, loop it, and listen to it for
45 minutes. The commercial's soundtrack is better then the version on the
album and the version on the album is the best thing ...on the album.
However, there is one other song that I believe is a demo track off a $49.00
Casio keyboard. So you could either buy this CD or go hang around Circuit
City for an hour and you'll most likely hear the Volvo commercial blasting out
of one of their 120 inch HDTVs and the Casio demo in the background and it
won't cost you a cent.
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From: recliner <recliner@maine.rr.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Gap A Go Go Commercial
Date: 24 Mar 1999 12:14:06 -0400
> Maybe this is a good place to start the elephant thread...
> "Baby Elephant Walk" by Henry Mancini; "Elephant Shake" by Francis Lai
> from the OST of "Hannibal Brooks"; "The Happy Elephant" by Gerry Blake
> on the Studio 2 album "Sounds Like Swingin'"; "Fairy Elephant" from
> "Comedy Cornball" (Bruton Music) -- they use this one on "Eurotrash"
> regularly; ...
Don't forget "Elephants on Parade" , Sun Ra's version is transcendent.
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From: Peter Hipwell <petehip@cogsci.ed.ac.uk>
Subject: [Robert McKenna: (exotica) Gap A Go Go Commercial..Elephants]
Date: 24 Mar 1999 17:13:13 GMT
> From: "Robert McKenna"
> >"Fairy Elephant" from "Comedy Cornball" (Bruton Music) -- they use
> >this one on "Eurotrash" regularly; ...
> >
> not on my copy it isn't. i have a bunch of bruton records i'm afraid to
> listen to, as very rarely do they do anything for me, so i went home at
> lunch all expectation. i listened to this album BRF 2 (66) and comedy
> BRF1 (50), which is better, has alan hawkshaw sub JJP comedy moog (miss
> the beats). the best thing for me on comedy cornball was 'cor blimey'
> cod cockney song. which you would probably have to not be english to
> find even vaguely amusing.....
> rob
Right you are guv'nor. It's on "Looney Tunes", NOT "Comedy
Cornball". I'm pretty sure. But I can't check from here... I *do* find
"Cor Blimey" amusing, but then I'm sick enough to collect cockney
music too.
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Pagan Love
Date: 24 Mar 1999 12:39:20 -0500
>know some stuff about that crazy Stanley Wilson. Someone kindly tell me,
>is PAGAN LOVE by him just primo exotica, or what? What with Summer tiki
>parties just around the corner, I gotta know!
>Aku-aku, from Jane!
I wanna take you Heyer, Doll, by saying, it is primo! Buy, buy, buy! I am a
proud owner of said record and it is a must. King Kini likes it so much, it's
pictured on his site.
Brian Phillips
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Abba Pater
Date: 24 Mar 1999 12:46:03 -0500
> Anyone bought the Pope's CD yet?
Make that his second CD, sort of. Remember that Sarah Vaughan put out an album
of his poems to music called "Sarah Vaughan Sings Pope John Paul II".
"I'm not making this up, you know" - Anna Russell
Brian Phillips
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From: Peter Risser <risser@goodnews.net>
Subject: (exotica) Cat Songs
Date: 24 Mar 1999 11:56:28 -0500
Sorta off topic, but not totally,
George Clinton and Parliament's "I Call My Baby Pussy Cat".
Exotic in a different way.
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From: "Dom Ciccone" <dciccone@inspex.com>
Subject: Fw: (exotica) Dimitri From Paris's "Sacreblue"
Date: 24 Mar 1999 12:56:33 -0500
In a message dated Wednesday, March 24, 1999 12:06 PM
Thinkmatic@aol.com writes:
>Record the Volvo commercial off your television, loop it, and listen to it
>45 minutes. The commercial's soundtrack is better then the version on the
>album and the version on the album is the best thing ...on the album.
Thanks Roy for confirming my suspicions about how I *might* feel.
Sometimes your first listening experience to a certain piece of music can
make you bias towards that version and this might be a good example.
Remember the Vangelis "Opera Savage" track used in a wine commercial years
ago? The music in the commercial and the album were different. I disliked
the album version. Maybe because it was just different from what I heard on
television. Or maybe the commercial version was just better.
Same for the Blade Runner album that came out and was different from the
Another example off the exotica track is Vivaldi's "4 Seasons" done by
Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic. No other recording has
been able to give me that "baroque buzz" like the first one I heard.
Fortunately for me this is rare and enjoy different interpretations of
lounge and jazz standards. Keep those versions of "Caravan" and "Body and
Soul" coming!
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From: "Arjan Plug" <ajplug@bart.nl>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Cat Themes
Date: 24 Mar 1999 18:19:56 +0100
Roland Alphonso - El Pussy Cat (on Island's classic Intensified!
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From: Ton Rueckert <mojoto@plex.nl>
Subject: RE: (exotica) Cat Themes
Date: 24 Mar 1999 19:39:09 +0100
>> Is it too late for "Walking my cat named dog" by Norma Tanega?
>Howzabout "Everybody wants to be a cat" From the Aristocats OST.
And what about "Sure he's a cat" by The Cats?
'Sure he's a cat, nobody's gonna argue with that...'
Cheers, Ton
Dutch hit in the mid 60's.
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** Ton Rueckert Mozartstraat 12 5914 RB Venlo The Netherlands ***
*** mojoto@plex.nl http://www.plex.nl/~mojoto Ph 31/0 773545386 ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Remain calm. And share your bananas. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Mantra for the Modern Jungle. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.net>
Subject: (exotica) "Sauvageblue"
Date: 24 Mar 1999 13:50:30 -0500
>Remember the Vangelis "Opera Savage" track used in a wine commercial years
Oh brother, do I! I was working at Tower Records when someone had written into
Parade Magazine asking what that song was from the commercial. Polydor dragged
their feet putting that out on CD, as I was constantly turning people away. It
had gotten to the point that I would see people waving little rectangles of
newsprint and before they could say anything I would tell them, "It's not on CD
Vangelis was also used on a Triumph TR7 ad. Fortunately for me, I was not
working at Tower and CD's had not been invented yet.
So the moral of the story is, follow your dreams.
Sorry, couldn't think of a way to end this post.
Brian Phillips
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Re: B J Snowden on WFMU
Date: 24 Mar 1999 15:12:16 -0600
At 02:04 AM 3/19/99 -0400, Irwin wrote:
>on Wednesday, March 24
>from 3-4 PM (EST)
>WFMU's Incorrect Music Show
>will be pre-empted for
This is on NOW, and if you're not listening, well....
RealAudio connection from http://wfmu.org
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From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
Subject: (exotica) who luvs ya, baby ?
Date: 23 Mar 1999 13:44:39 -0800
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From: "Nathan Miner" <nminer@jhmi.edu>
Subject: (exotica) Ray Conniff singers....
Date: 24 Mar 1999 08:37:03 -0500
Do these records feature lyrics or do they "do wah, do wee" their way =
across the muscial landscape??
- Nate
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From: "Nathan Miner" <nminer@jhmi.edu>
Subject: Re: RE: (exotica) Cat Themes
Date: 24 Mar 1999 14:07:56 -0500
Hillbilly Hellcats from "Rev. it up with Taz"
"Tom Cat" - (I'm an old tom cat and I don't get no tail....)
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From: SLarry3595@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Ray Conniff singers....
Date: 24 Mar 1999 17:48:43 EST
The Ray Conniff Singers LPs have singing, whereas the Ray Conniff Chorus
records have the la,la,las. I have heard several and most are not too good,
with maybe the exception of 1 or 2 tracks. Some of the later ones are bad
straight through. "Touch Of Latin" is a good Chorus one, and the one with
"Music To Watch Girls By" (if memory serves the LP is "Look At Me") is a good
Singers one. If you thrift you can find these easily.
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) ESG
Date: 24 Mar 1999 18:32:43 -0500
>Finally, would someone clue me in with some ESG history and reviews? I
>don't know much about them and would like to get the scoop.
Take this with a grain of salt as I'm just working from memories of
early-80s issues of New York Rocker...
They were three young (maybe teenage) women from Brooklyn or the Bronx (I
forget which), playing bass, drums and guitar. Vocals too, of course. They
may have been related somehow or other, sisters, cousins??? Someone's male
cousin was subsequently added on percussion. Their music was loose-limbed,
leisurely, extremely minimal funk. To my ears, their vocals had a bit of a
primeval girl group quality to them, though in a totally different setting.
Around 1981, they infiltrated the downtown Manhattan underground scene and
immediately blew away a bunch of art-school intellectuals who had been
playing at funk. Very soon, they were in the studio for Factory Records.
I've only ever seen two records.
A three song 7-inch (45 on one side, 33 1/3 on the flip) with "You're No
Good" (*not* the Ronstadt song), "UFO" and "Moody".
A 12-inch, maybe 6 songs, with the three tracks above, and, uh, I can't
remember what else.
I don't know if there was ever anything else. An album maybe? I would like
to know.
Oh yeah -- ESG stood for: Emerald Sapphire & Gold.
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: recliner <recliner@maine.rr.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Ray Conniff singers....
Date: 24 Mar 1999 18:55:17 -0400
Nathan Miner wrote:
> Do these records feature lyrics or do they "do wah, do wee" their way across the muscial landscape??
What Larry just reported is the general rule. If you want lyrics look for The Ray Conniff Singers (or
later on Ray Conniff and the Singers). If you want dubba dah, do, do, do, etc.
look for Ray Conniff and his orchestra or Ray Conniff and his orchestra and chorus.
Here the break down from a random selection from what I have.
Albums with Lyrics:
Somewhere my Love and other great hits
It's the talk of the Town
So Much in love
Dubba Dah Albums:
Hollywood in Rhythm
Friendly Persuasion
You Make me Feel so Young
Rhapsody in Rhythm
Say it with Music
's Marvelous
's Awful Nice
Memories are made of this
Broadway in Rhythm
Happy listening...
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From: recliner <recliner@maine.rr.com>
Subject: (exotica) A Conniff, a cat
Date: 24 Mar 1999 19:01:10 -0400
Weird list synchronicity. As I was looking through the Conniff albums I
noticed on Friendly Persuasion a version of Tiger Rag (Hold that Tiger)!
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) ESG
Date: 24 Mar 1999 19:07:48 -0600
At 06:32 PM 3/24/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>Finally, would someone clue me in with some ESG history and reviews? I
>>don't know much about them and would like to get the scoop.
>Take this with a grain of salt as I'm just working from memories of
>early-80s issues of New York Rocker...
You can read a bio and discography of The South Bronx Shaggs at:
and at
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From: HOUSEOBOB@aol.com
Subject: Re: Re: (exotica) ESG
Date: 25 Mar 1999 00:25:59 EST
In a message dated 3/24/99 6:40:17 PM, you wrote:
<<I don't know if there was ever anything else. An album maybe? I would like
to know.
There was at least one album in 1983 on 99 Records called "Come Away". I'm
fairly sure they were from the bronx. More recently there was a record on Pow
Wow Records , I believe.
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From: "Charles Moseley" <Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-EXTERNAL@MCKINSEY.COM>
Subject: (exotica) Jackie Mittoo
Date: 25 Mar 1999 09:00:22 +0000
I'd just like to recommend a couple of Jackie Mittoo songs to the list.
Although he is a reggae artist, I have to say that his Keep on Dancing LP
is a mixture of funky groovy now sound and ska. Juice Box and the Theme
from Hang em High from that LP are both superb, featuring Jackie on his
bizarre Farfisa organ, over very rough sounding funky arrangements. Cool.
Has anybody found out which ska record is on that cholcolate advert yet?
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) obit: William H. ``Billy'' Dial
Date: 25 Mar 1999 10:24:46 -0600
*William H. Dial
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- William H. ``Billy'' Dial, a banker who helped Walt
Disney buy thousands of acres of land that eventually became Walt Disney
World, died Tuesday. He was 91.
As chairman of the bank that would later become SunTrust, Dial also
successfully pushed for Interstate 4 to pass through downtown Orlando.
Dial became chairman of First National Bank at Orlando in 1968 and remained
with the company into the 1970s as the institution added affiliate banks and
was renamed SunBanks Inc. The bank, now based in Atlanta, is the nation's
10th-largest banking company.
Dial aided representatives of Walt Disney as they quietly, and thus
cheaply, bought 27,400 acres southwest of Orlando in the 1960s. The
property, more than twice the size of Orlando, became home to the sprawling
Walt Disney World resort.
Dial also helped convince the Martin Co., now Lockheed Martin Corp., to
build a plant in Orlando. It became the city's largest employer when it
opened in 1957.
ORLANDO, Fla. March 24 (UPI) -- A man instrumental in the development of
the Orlando area into a tourist destination is dead.
Ninety-one-year-old banker and attorney Billy Dial worked with the lawyers
who purchased thousands of acres of land for Disney World in the 1960's, but
did not know who the buyer was and said he didn't want to so he could not be
blamed if there was an information leak.
He also helped persuade the legislature to build Interstate 4 and the
Florida Turnpike through the area and was on the Board of Regents when it
approved plans for the University of Central Florida.
He is survived by two daughters, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
NON-OBIT: Andy Williams Enjoys Success in UK
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Decades after his ``Moon River'' had lovers swooning,
Andy Williams is enjoying a comeback thanks to a greatest hits album and a
Fiat TV commercial featuring another tune, ``Music to Watch Girls By.''
``To have 20-year-old girls jumping up and down in front of you is more
effective than Viagra,'' the 70-year-old Williams said Wednesday.
Three days after the 32-year-old song was re-released in Great Britain, it
entered the British record charts at No. 9.
Personal appearances to promote the album ``In The Lounge With ... Andy
Williams,'' as well as broadcast of the Fiat commercial, have made the
singer the latest rage abroad.
``It's very flattering to know that my music has stood the test of time,''
Williams said. ``It's great to see that a whole new generation is going
nutty over music that I made 30 years ago.''
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From: "Dom Ciccone" <dciccone@inspex.com>
Subject: (exotica) Martinis With Mancini Playlist. 3/18/99
Date: 25 Mar 1999 13:03:15 -0500
"Martinis With Mancini" broadcasting Thursday's at 6-9 AM from WJUL 91.5 =
Lowell Massachusetts. 25 miles North-West of Boston
Once again thanks to everyone who contributes to the mailing list. The
comments are a source of programming inspiration.
And I=92m getting phone calls from people who are enjoying the show and a=
about what I am playing. So the lounge is getting out there to the peopl=
Plugging the new issue of C&SMM and the Music hound book.
Lou Smith, glad you gave the Music Hound book a fair shake in your review=
C&SMM. I consider it the lounge =93Bible=94, essential for newbies like m=
e. (I
scream it from the roof tops! : =93I am a Lounge Newbie!)
Darrell Brogdon: Thanks for featuring the Music Hound book on your web pa=
I may not have found it otherwise.
Jane Fondel, Plugged your concert. People I work with who listened could
not believe I said =93Astroslut=94 on the air... at least twice! Have a=
The playlist: also at http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Booth/8007/
Like Someone In Love, Bjork
Statte Vicino Amme, Sergio Franchi (LP)
Don=92t Cry For Love, Vaya Con Dios
Just A Friend Of Mine, Vaya Con Dios
Stairway To The Stars, Johnny Manthis (LP)
The Peacocks, Branford Marsalis (Visiting Manchester NH April 11)
Duke Ellington Sound Of Love, Joe Lovano
Call Me Irresistible, 4 Freshmen (LP)
More, 4 Freshmen (LP)
Exodus Main Theme, OST Exodus, Ernest Gold
It=92s A Mad Mad Mad Mad World,Main Theme, Ost It=92s A Mad Mad Mad Mad W=
Fly Me To The Moon, Tony Bennett
Azure-Te, Karrin Allyson
They Can=92t Take That Away From Me, Neil Hefti Quintet (LP)
My Favorite Things, Dave Brubeck
Straight No Chaser, Quincy Jones And His Orchestra
Mango=92s, Buddy Morrow And His Orchestra (LP)
Dragnet, Ray Anthony
Java, Al Hurt (LP)
The Poor People Of Paris, Les Baxter
What Made The Red Man Red?, OST Peter Pan (LP)
Moten Swing OST Kansas City
Main Title, OST I Want To Live
Poker Game, OST I Want To Live
Hit The Road Jack, Ray Charles (LP)
Jumpin=92 At The Woodside, Count Basie
You Made Me Love You, Harry James
Paris, Perez Prado (LP)
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams, Esquivel!
Jungle Drums, Xavier Cugat
Borzeguim, Antonio Carlos Jobim
Buento Da Separcao, Antonio Carlos Jobim
Slow Boat To China, Holly Cole Trio
The Thin Man, Mundell Lowe And His All Stars (LP)
The Indigo Swing, Indigo Swing
Friday The 13th, Royal Crown Review
Red Roses For A Blue Lady, Wayne Newton (LP) (Visiting Lowell 3/27)
So Long Lucy, Wayne Newton (LP)
Magazines, June Christy
Brief And Breezy, Henry Mancini (theme song for my promo)
Mambo Par Isenne, Henry Mancini
On The Sunny Side Of The Street, Keely Smith
You Must Believe In Spring, Jack Jones
Mean To Me, Dave Whitney
I Love You Samantha, Dave Whitney
The Checkered Flag, Combustible Edison
The Mod Squad Theme, Al Caiola
Take 5 , Carl Swobada (Pop Goes The Zither)
Jungle Madness, Martin Denny
Smoke, The Three Suns
Hansel And Pretzel, Hene Henri And His Orchestra
4 Piece Suit, El Nino
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Little Rascals Theme Song
Date: 25 Mar 1999 13:49:04 EST
Can anybody tell me the name of the group that played the original Little
Rascals theme song? The song was actually called "Good Old Days". Ultimately
I want this rekkid on 78 (crank um up!)
It appears that The Beau Hunks recorded it (maybe in the 1950's) but I cannot
verify if they were the original recording artists.
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From: Peter Risser <risser@goodnews.net>
Subject: (exotica) Lions and Tigers and Elephants, Oh My!
Date: 25 Mar 1999 14:55:48 -0500
Billy Mure has a Tiger song on his Supersonic! LP. I can't remember if
it's just Tiger Guitars or something more than that. But I'm pretty sure
that it has the word Tiger in it. Also, maybe you could get a copy of the
Exxon commercial that claims a Tiger in your Tank. And Tones on Tail has a
song called Lions that could squeeze into an exotica set. Maybe. :)
As for elephants, I'd say "Mama Elephant" by E.Cap on the Sound Gallery 2
comp is great. Also, can't forget Effervescing Elephants by Syd Barret,
which also talks about a tiger.
And, yeah, Pink Elephants on Parade as done by Sun Ra is PHANtastic!
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From: Peter Risser <risser@goodnews.net>
Subject: (exotica) Cop Shows
Date: 25 Mar 1999 14:55:05 -0500
I don't know about full on soundtracks (except Peter Gunn, natch), but
Buddy Morrow has Impact! and More Impact! (something along those lines)
which are supposed to be pretty good and are all cop themes.
Also, lots of cop sound-a-like music on Sound Galleries, especially #1.
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From: "Kevin C." <kevin@kevdo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Tikitune records
Date: 25 Mar 1999 12:26:57 -0800
I recently came across a CD of Les Baxter's "Ritual of the Savage" and "Tamboo!"
on one CD issued by Tikitune Records in NYC.
There isn't an UPC code on the back of the CD, and it is obviously mastered from
an LP. Anyone know more about these? I assume they are some sort of high-quality
bootleg, but perhaps this is/was legit???
Kevin Crossman
The Search for the Ultimate Mai Tai
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: (exotica) Jayne & Mickey tv
Date: 25 Mar 1999 16:00:50 -0500
Pete Kelly's Blues (1955) Another play for Jack Webb's jazz tribute. With
Jayne Mansfield as the cigarette girl. AMC - Friday afternoon, 1:30pm
(eastern times).
Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf? (1966) Liz & Dick hammer each other over
cocktails. AMC - Friday afternoon, 3:15pm
The Manchurian Candidate (1962) Excellent cold-war paranoia piece starring
Frank Sinatra. AMC - Friday night, 5:30pm, 12:45am (late show likely to be
in letterbox format)
The Mouse That Roared (1959) Excellent cold-war satire piece starring Peter
Sellers. Bravo - Saturday night, 5:00pm, 11:30pm, 4:00am
Hercules Vs. The Hydra [aka: The Loves Of Hercules] (1960) Starring Mickey
Hargitay as Herc and Jayne Mansfield in *two* (one good, one evil) roles.
Who could ask for more? AMC - Saturday night, 12:15am
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: JDi2196653@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Cop Shows
Date: 25 Mar 1999 16:05:31 EST
Both of the Buddy Morrow LP's are great GREAT!
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From: JDi2196653@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Tikitune records
Date: 25 Mar 1999 16:09:31 EST
A number of those CD's came out about 4 - 5 years ago.
There are some great one's other than that LB you mentioned, which is great.
Jack Diamond carries them all, though I'm not sure if he has them all on his
site, I bought all of them from him and they are well worth the money.
That guy is just too cool and knows his stuff like almost nobody else.
Nice guy, Jack is.
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From: "Robert Baldock" <rcb@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Tikitune records
Date: 25 Mar 1999 21:10:16 -0000
Kevin C. wrote:
> I recently came across a CD of Les Baxter's "Ritual of the Savage" and
> "Tamboo!" on one CD issued by Tikitune Records in NYC.
> There isn't an UPC code on the back of the CD, and it is obviously
> mastered from an LP. Anyone know more about these? I assume they are some
> sort of high-quality bootleg, but perhaps this is/was legit???
No, they're boots or more accurately I suppose "pirated" copies... I
believe they were part of the series of twofer "reissues" which came
out a few years back and included Exotic Moog/Moog Rock, Astro
Sounds/Miracles, Music Out of The Moon/Music for Peace of
Mind/Perfume, Shock/Panic etc etc.
** ** ** * Spaced Out - the Enoch Light Website * ** ** **
** ** ** * http://www.rcb.easynet.co.uk/light/ * ** ** **
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From: "Brian Karasick" <brian@PHYRES.Lan.McGill.CA>
Subject: (exotica) Bollywood & ESG
Date: 25 Mar 1999 16:34:12 -0500
Angela wrote:
> About Bollywood (why isn't it Bali-wood?),
It is most likely a contraction of Bombay-Hollwood, Bombay being the
city where the Indian film industry is centred.
> Finally, would someone clue me in with some ESG history and reviews? I
> don't know much about them and would like to get the scoop.
Just to add to M. Ace's list as I have a bit more of their material,
being a big fan of this label since it's inception (BTW, the label was also
a really good store located in a basement at 99 MacDougall St. in New
York just off Bleecker). I certainly agree with all that has already
been said about ESG and can't really add much more. The connection
here is one Ed Bahlman who produced both Liquid Liquid and ESG and
for all I know owned the label. It was a very consistent label perhaps
closest to it would be another now defunct NY label, Neutral, which
also released Glenn Branca material, among others.
The ESG 2 - 12" I have was a later release I happened to turn up in a
used record store here a few years back. It had little info on it & was in
one of those cardboard disco single type sleeves and wasn't nearly as
strong as the group's early stuff. I don't know which of these are on the
reissue but here is a relatively complete 99 discography:
Branca, Glenn - Lesson No.1 (99, 99-01 EP, 1980, U.S.) 12"
Bush Tetras - Too Many Creeps (99, 99-02, 1980, U.S) 12"
Congo - At the Feast (99, 9906 EP, 1981, U.S.) 12"
ESG - You're No Good (99, 99-04 EP/FAC 34, 1980, U.S.) 12"
ESG - Dance/The Beat/Moody (99, 99-10EP, 1982, U.S.) 12"
ESG - Come Away With ESG (99, 99-003LP, 1983, U.S.) 12"
Goldman, Vivien - Dirty Washing (99, 99 05 EP, 1981, U.S.) 12"
Liquid Liquid - Liquid Liquid (99, 99-07EP, 1981, U.S) 12"
Liquid Liquid - Successive Reflexes (99, 99-09 EP, 1981, U.S.) 12"
Liquid Liquid - Optimo (99, 99-11EP, 1983, U.S.) 12"
Liquid Liquid - Dig We Must (99, 99-13EP, 1985, U.S.)12"
Maximum Joy - Stretch/Silent Street (99, 99-08 EP, 1981, U.S.)12"
Y Pants - Off The Hook (99, 99-03EP7, 1980,U.S.) 7"
Non 99, but related
ESG - You're No Good - 7" - (Factory, FAC 34, U.K.)
ESG 2 - Bam-Bam Jam - 12' - (ESG, ESG-300, U.S.)
Brian Karasick
Physical Planner
McGill University
Montreal, Canada
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Little Rascals Theme Song
Date: 25 Mar 1999 17:37:04 EST
In a message dated 03/25/99 2:38:04 PM Eastern Standard Time,
whitley@vuse.vanderbilt.edu writes:
<< As a million listees will probably now be telling you, the Beau Hunks
are a comptemporary group from the Netherlands, who have undertaken
several recreation projects... where they strive to create the
original sound... in this case, of the Little Rascals music and
in another case, of Raymond Scott music.
The liner notes of the Beau Hunks CD might have the info re: the
original group.
:-) Kirsten >>
Anybody got this CD????
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From: chuck <chuckmk@yahoo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Dr. Wernher von Braun
Date: 25 Mar 1999 15:03:08 -0800 (PST)
This is really weird. I have a similiar conquest of space album that
actually takes you on a trip through outer space pass Mars, Venus and
our own solar system. Dr Werner von Braun does an introduction on it.
This is on cool lp and I made a whole cassette based upon it in the
late '70s when I was a young chicadee like you. I'll have to go home
and check it out.
When the music gets weird, the weird listen to music
---jack@jackdiamond.com wrote:
> I saw this item for sale at eBay, the world's largest personal
trading community, and thought that you might be interested.
> Title of item: Willy Ley,Dr. Wernher von Braun Conversation
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Jayne & Mickey tv
Date: 25 Mar 1999 18:07:47 -0500
>The Manchurian Candidate (1962) Excellent cold-war paranoia piece starring
>Frank Sinatra. AMC - Friday night, 5:30pm, 12:45am (late show likely to be
>in letterbox format)
Excellent soundtrack by David Amram.
The writer of this regarded this as a comedy (!)
>The Mouse That Roared (1959) Excellent cold-war satire piece starring Peter
>Sellers. Bravo - Saturday night, 5:00pm, 11:30pm, 4:00am
Catch it from the very beginning, so you can catch a great joke!
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From: jschwart@voicenet.com
Subject: (exotica) Re: exotica-digest V2 #355
Date: 25 Mar 1999 04:16:16
On Wed, 24 Mar 1999 18:32:43 -0500, "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com> wrote:
>>Finally, would someone clue me in with some ESG history and reviews? I
>don't know much about them and would like to get the scoop.
...Very soon, they were in the studio for Factory Records.
It was 99 Records (who did seem to be going for a Martin Hannett sound with
Otherwise, your memory seems perfect (from what I can remember without
going through the NY Rockers).
Sometime in the last decade, a friend of mine saw them play a reunion show
at some posh New York dance club. He said it was very expensive, nobody was
there, and it wasn't that good.
- Jay
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) no "Goin' to the Chapel"
Date: 25 Mar 1999 11:48:50 -0500
>know some stuff about that crazy Stanley Wilson. Someone kindly tell me,
>is PAGAN LOVE by him just primo exotica, or what? What with Summer tiki
>parties just around the corner, I gotta know!
>Aku-aku, from Jane!
>>>I wanna take you Heyer, Doll, by saying, it is primo! Buy, buy, buy! I
am a
proud owner of said record and it is a must. King Kini likes it so much,
pictured on his site.
Brian Phillips
Well, Brian and King Kini, I know you don't work for Capitol Records...so,
here's the question(Ashley, Cleve?):
why weren't any of those cuts placed on the ULTRALOUNGE MONDO EXOTICA
volume, or anywhere else for that matter?
Jane Fondle wants to know!
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From: "Nathan Miner" <nminer@jhmi.edu>
Subject: (exotica) Anybody heard this??
Date: 25 Mar 1999 11:55:42 -0500
Like You
music with
a wicked
sense of
This one
thrift shop
with talk
radio. The
cover, a
collage by
the artist, is
the perfect
of her
- Nate
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From: recliner <recliner@maine.rr.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Jackie Mittoo
Date: 25 Mar 1999 18:30:35 -0400
Jackie Mittoo is great stuff. The is an excellent 2 CD collection of his late
60's early 70's recordings (Heartbeat 189/190)
I'm not the biggest reggae fan but I do like the earlier rock-steady style and
Mittoo fits somewhere in-between both stylistically and chronologically.
How is this exotica? Well it's 60's organ, 95% instrumental and he covers such
wonderful tunes as "Nature Boy " and "It was a very good year".
Highly recommended.
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From: recliner <recliner@maine.rr.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Martinis With Mancini Playlist. 3/18/99
Date: 25 Mar 1999 18:46:00 -0400
> Plugging the new issue of C&SMM and the Music hound book.
I don't want to rain on your parade but perhaps you missed out on my rant about
this Music Hound lounge book.
Might I suggest you seek out the two volumes of Incredibly Strange Music and J.
Lanza's book Elevator Music. Not only are they far more informative and
inspiring the are also way more entertaining. I am certain that with these
books you'll start to see the dust gather on your Lounge Hound book.
I will never forgive the Lounge Hound folks for their egregious inclusions
(John Denver et. al.) and I feel strongly enough to be quite vocal about this.
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From: Elisabeth Vincentelli <teppaz@panix.com>
Subject: (exotica) recommendations
Date: 25 Mar 1999 21:03:47 -0500
I just got a compilation of music from movies starring French comedian
Louis de Funes, and I highly recommend it. It's mostly from the
"Gendarmes" series (6 of them starting in the 60s) with 4 more.
Everything is by Raymond Lefevre: excellent stuff, from twist to
cocktailish stuff to chase 'n' bongos extravaganzas that compares
favorably to Lalo at his best. Some of it is akin to 60s Mancini. One of
the tracks is titled "Cauchemar Pop" ("Pop Nightmare")--great title!
On top of that the packaging is excellent (nice booklet + cardboard outer
sleeve), and it only costs $14 at Dusty Groove. I'm ordering volume 2
immediately. Thank you Dusty Groove!
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From: Dlsmay@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Cat Themes
Date: 26 Mar 1999 00:43:36 EST
"The Cat" - Lalo Schifrin
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From: Dlsmay@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Gap A Go Go Commercial
Date: 26 Mar 1999 00:51:17 EST
Mike Mills might've directed it, but I'll bet you a bundle that Toni Basil did
the choreography. She did the Gap Swing ad, and aside from her "Mickey"
notoriety is the ultimate go go choreographer (did Hulabaloo, Shindig, The
Cool Ones, Pajama Party... in the sixties).
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From: "Jill Mingo" <mingo@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Anybody heard this??
Date: 15 Mar 1999 14:37:29 PST
> 00594
> Hate
> People
> Like You
> CD
Yes. I did the publicity on it. I think I even posted something about it =
at the time. It's more avant garde than loungecore, but it has some cut =
and paste moments of brilliance. Some spoken word too, but a lot of almos=
t industrial gurgling and distortion too. I like it, but I think it's def=
initely one for folks who like the avant garde.
Jill "Mingo-go"
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Gap A Go Go Commercial
Date: 26 Mar 1999 06:52:31 EST
In a message dated 3/26/99 12:51:17 AM Eastern Standard Time, Dlsmay writes:
<< Mike Mills might've directed it, but I'll bet you a bundle that Toni Basil
did the choreography. She did the Gap Swing ad, and aside from her "Mickey"
notoriety is the ultimate go go choreographer (did Hulabaloo, Shindig, The
Cool Ones, Pajama Party... in the sixties). >>
Wasn't Toni in her 20's (early???) when she did the Mickey thing about 1978 or
79??? She would have been 10 years old when Shindig and Hulabaloo were out.
Am I totally confused???
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Anybody heard this??
Date: 26 Mar 1999 06:54:25 EST
In a message dated 3/25/99 6:26:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, nminer@jhmi.edu
<< 00594
Like You
music with
a wicked
sense of
This one
thrift shop
with talk
radio. The
cover, a
collage by
the artist, is
the perfect
of her
- Nate
Was there some artistic reason this post was typed like this?
EXOTICA TYPING ! ! ! ! ! ! !
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Rat Themes
Date: 26 Mar 1999 06:57:36 EST
I just heard the horrible tune "Muskrat Love" by the Capt. and Tenille.
Can anybody else think of some rat and/or vermin themes?
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Oh, and one more themes comment . . .
Date: 26 Mar 1999 07:02:58 EST
And maybe we can get some "Dog Themes" to chase those damn "Cat themes" away
and some "Mice Themes" to scare the "Elephant Themes" away. Am I the only one
tired of these (worn) threads???????
If I want animals I will go to the zoo.
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From: "Charles Moseley" <Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-EXTERNAL@MCKINSEY.COM>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Gap A Go Go Commercial
Date: 26 Mar 1999 12:07:20 +0000
And Toni Basil was in Easy Rider - that was 1969. Or am I confused?
Oh Mickey, I'm confused
I'm confused and so are you
Hey Mickey!
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From: "Charles Moseley" <Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-EXTERNAL@MCKINSEY.COM>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Oh, and one more themes comment . . .
Date: 26 Mar 1999 12:09:07 +0000
Talking of Elephants does anybody on the list know a soundtrack called An
Elephant Called Slowly?
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From: dan hill <dan@state51.co.uk>
Subject: (exotica) new reviews on motion
Date: 26 Mar 1999 12:11:38 +0000
---+ new exotica/soundtrack reviews
Furuholmen/Bjerkestrand/Wadling - Hermetic (Rune Grammofon)
Yoshihiro Hanno - Flowers of Shanghai [OST] (Flavour of Sound)
Rabih Abou-Khalil - Yara (Enja)
thanks, and apologies for cross-postings
the motion team
---+ motion
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From: Mark Renwick <tibia@compuserve.com>
Subject: (exotica) Little Rascals Theme Song
Date: 26 Mar 1999 07:33:16 -0500
Since the Little Rascals movies were "shorts" made during
the 1930s, it's unlikely that a group, per se, played the
music. It was most likely just a bunch of studio musicians
assembled for the person. Leroy Shield was the obscure film
There are two Beau Hunks CDs of Little Rascals music. The
same music was used by director Hal Roach in the Laurel and
Hardy films.
--Mark Renwick
Jacksonville, Florida, USA
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From: "Rajnai, Charles, NNAD" <crajnai@att.com>
Subject: (exotica) Basil -- Gap A-Go-Go Commercial
Date: 26 Mar 1999 08:00:54 -0500
> Wasn't Toni in her 20's (early???) when she did the Mickey thing about
> 1978 or
> 79??? She would have been 10 years old when Shindig and Hulabaloo were
> out
Not quite. Toni Basil worked with Bruce Conner in the Sixties on a piece
called Breakaway. I think it was like 1962. And I think she sang it too.
She was partially nude for the piece, dancing in a typical Go-Go style. She
indeed looked in her 20s then. She was billed as Antoinette Basillicotta.
FYI Bruce Conner is/was the granddaddy of the modern Music Video. He did
another piece for 'Mona Lisa' the fast version, I forget who did it, with
this cute blonde girl laying around display cases with a 1960s rangefinder
camera. He also did a video for Devo's pre-Warner Bros. 'Mongoloid" and for
the Eno/Byrne song America is Waiting.
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From: "Rajnai, Charles, NNAD" <crajnai@att.com>
Subject: RE: (exotica) Rat Themes
Date: 26 Mar 1999 08:02:03 -0500
> I just heard the horrible tune "Muskrat Love" by the Capt. and Tenille.
> Can anybody else think of some rat and/or vermin themes?
The Boomtown Rats' first big hit "Rat Trap" of the A Tonic For The Troops
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Gap A Go Go Commercial
Date: 26 Mar 1999 10:07:04 -0500
>Mike Mills might've directed it, but I'll bet you a bundle that Toni Basil did
>the choreography.
..and that's her dancing with Davy Jones in the Monkees' sole movie, "Head"
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Basil A Go Go Commercial
Date: 26 Mar 1999 10:18:47 -0600
At 12:07 PM 3/26/99 +0000, you wrote:
>And Toni Basil was in Easy Rider - that was 1969. Or am I confused?
Her allmovie.com bio sez she was born in 1948 (or 1950 if you read
American dancer/choreographer/actress Toni Basil listed her official film
debut as 1966. However, she can be spotted as a go-go dancer (along with
Teri Garr) in 1964's The T.A.M.I. Show, and in the chorus of several other
like-vintage musicals. Larger non-musical parts came Basil's way in two of
Dennis Hopper's films, Easy Rider (1969) (as Mary) and The Last Movie
(1971); and also in Robert Downey's allegorical western Greaser's Palace
(1972). Bob Rafelson, another of the new-wave American directors of the
1970s, cast Basil as Terry Grouse in Five Easy Pieces (1972). Evidently a
favorite of "cult" directors into the 1990s, Toni Basil was one of a
fascinating group of birthday celebrants in Henry Jaglom's off-the-cuff
Eating (1990). -- Hal Erickson
Here's her filmography (dig the last entry):
1992 Sinatra [TV] Choreography =A0=20
1991 Mobsters=A0=A0=A0=A0 aka The Evil Empire Choreography =A0=20
1990 Eating Actor =A0=20
1990 Rockula Actor =A0=20
1990 Pacific Palisades Actor [Starring] =A0=20
1988 Angel 3: The Final Chapter Actor =A0=20
1988 Slaughterhouse Rock Actor [Starring] =A0=20
1984 Citizen Soldier Actor =A0=20
1983 Toni Basil: Word of Mouth [doc] Actor =A0=20
1982 Hey Good Lookin' [anim]=A0=A0=A0=A0 aka Hey, Good Lookin' Actor =A0=20
1980 Divine Madness! [perf] [doc] Choreography =A0=20
1979 The Rose Choreography =A0=20
1976 Mother, Jugs & Speed Actor =A0=20
1972 Greaser's Palace Actor =A0=20
1971 The Last Movie Actor =A0=20
1970 Five Easy Pieces Actor =A0=20
1969 Easy Rider Actor =A0=20
1969 Sweet Charity Actor =A0=20
1968 Head Choreography =A0=20
1967 The Cool Ones Choreography =A0=20
1965 Village of the Giants Choreography / Actor =A0=20
1964 Pajama Party=A0=A0=A0=A0 aka The Maid and the Martian Actor =A0=20
1931 The Rosary Choreography =A0=20
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Recording industry blames MP3 for declining sales
Date: 26 Mar 1999 10:18:49 -0600
SAN MATEO, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A., 1999 MAR 25 (NB) -- By Matt Hines,
Newsbytes. In a new twist in its ongoing protest of the MP3 digital music
format, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is blaming the
platform for a fall off in sales of compact discs to teenagers and young
In its annual Sound Recording Consumer Profile report, released this week,
RIAA targets MP3 as a possible catalyst behind the decline in album sales to
15 to 24-year-olds, a key market segment for the recording companies it
For the rest of this story, go to:
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Little Rascals Theme Song
Date: 26 Mar 1999 10:21:34 EST
In a message dated 03/26/99 7:35:20 AM Eastern Standard Time,
tibia@compuserve.com writes:
<< Since the Little Rascals movies were "shorts" made during
the 1930s, it's unlikely that a group, per se, played the
music. It was most likely just a bunch of studio musicians
assembled for the person. Leroy Shield was the obscure film
There are two Beau Hunks CDs of Little Rascals music. The
same music was used by director Hal Roach in the Laurel and
Hardy films.
--Mark Renwick
Jacksonville, Florida, USA
I kinda figured this but still would like the music on the original 78's.
Again, any leads appreciated.
Does anybody have the Hunks CD's and could they comment on the quality,
availability and cost???
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Rat Themes
Date: 26 Mar 1999 10:24:30 EST
In a message dated 03/26/99 8:02:50 AM Eastern Standard Time, crajnai@att.com
<< The Boomtown Rats' first big hit "Rat Trap" of the A Tonic For The Troops
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Re: Basil -- Gap A-Go-Go Commercial
Date: 26 Mar 1999 10:23:32 EST
In a message dated 03/26/99 8:01:28 AM Eastern Standard Time, crajnai@att.com
<< > Wasn't Toni in her 20's (early???) when she did the Mickey thing about
> 1978 or
> 79??? She would have been 10 years old when Shindig and Hulabaloo were
> out
Not quite. Toni Basil worked with Bruce Conner in the Sixties on a piece
called Breakaway. I think it was like 1962. And I think she sang it too.
She was partially nude for the piece, dancing in a typical Go-Go style. She
indeed looked in her 20s then. She was billed as Antoinette Basillicotta.
So if she was say 18(?????) in 1962 she did the Mickey thing when she was
about 37?????
Hung up on the age thing,
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Basil -- Gap A Go Go Commercial
Date: 26 Mar 1999 10:26:49 EST
In a message dated 03/26/99 10:05:12 AM Eastern Standard Time,
hagar@mindspring.net writes:
<< ..and that's her dancing with Davy Jones in the Monkees' sole movie, "Head"
Well that gal musta know Ponce de Leon or something. Maybe she had that bug
that Cleopatra had on that Twilight Zone episode. I could benefit from "A
Bug's Life" like that.
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) Angelo!
Date: 26 Mar 1999 10:01:58 -0500
I forgot to jump in on the TWIN PEAKS thread of a few weeks ago, but, heck,
in the early 90's you coulda just called me "Laura Palmer." I was totally
obsessed with that show, and it sticks with me today(I am still afraid of
I also grew to appreciate the work of Angelo Badalamenti(sp?), and have the
TP and BLUE VELVET soundtracks(don't yet have FIRE WALK WITH ME.) I was
wondering if his body of work for other films and project is consistent
with the coolness of the aforementioned.
"Only two have seen him, the gifted and the damned" _AKKKKKKKKKK-Jane
Fondle,who can ALSO tie a cherry stem with her tongue(honestly!)
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From: "Dom Ciccone" <dciccone@inspex.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) A Conniff, a cat
Date: 26 Mar 1999 11:00:19 -0500
On Wednesday, March 24, 1999 6:52 PM you wrote:
>Weird list synchronicity. As I was looking through the Conniff albums I
>noticed on Friendly Persuasion a version of Tiger Rag (Hold that Tiger)!
Also done by Joe Jackson on the OST of Tucker.
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From: BenWaugh <sophisticatedsavage@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: (exotica) Rat Themes
Date: 26 Mar 1999 08:08:46 -0800 (PST)
Red-Eyed Rats, Kenyon Hopkins (on a Bond-sploitation lp
I can get the title, etc, of if ant are interested):
great noirish piece accompanied by gnawing sounds
(which at times sound like creaking bed springs), a
young lady having a bad dream (moaning ;), etc. Hopkins
contributes several tracks on this lp, btw.
Do You Yahoo!?
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Recording industry blames MP3 for declining sales
Date: 26 Mar 1999 11:32:09 -0500
>In a new twist in its ongoing protest of the MP3 digital music
>format, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is blaming the
>platform for a fall off in sales of compact discs...
Second verse, same as the first...
"Home taping is killing music."
(remember that old propaganda campaign?)
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: "Marco \"Kallie\" Kalnenek" <weirdomusic@wxs.nl>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Little Rascals Theme Song
Date: 26 Mar 1999 17:46:44 +0100
Rcbrooksod@aol.com wrote:
> I kinda figured this but still would like the music on the original 78's.
> Again, any leads appreciated.
This music was never issued on record at the time. It only exists in the
original movies. The whole idea behind the Beau Hunks was: 'this music
has been heard by millions of people, but it's not available anywhere
(apart from some mediocre recreations by Ronnie Hazlehurst in the 80s) -
so it's time that we record it properly'. Piet Schreuders edited the
original pieces together from videotapes and all the arrangements were
transcribed by members of the Beau Hunks. It wwas only later that
original sheet-music was discovered.
> Does anybody have the Hunks CD's and could they comment on the quality,
> availability and cost???
Yep, I have 'em. They're great. Beautiful recreation of the original
'feeling' of this music. Please note that in Europe these CD's are
issued not as Little Rascals music, but as Laurel & Hardy music.
Go to http://www.basta.nl for details on ordering them directly from
that label.
Marco "Kallie" Kalnenek
Record Collector's Heaven
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From: Jeffery Hess <grinderman@juno.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Recording industry blames MP3 for declining sales
Date: 26 Mar 1999 10:43:59 -0600
>Second verse, same as the first...
>"Home taping is killing music."
"Keep up the good work", as read in the liner notes of the
In Space.
Comes In Colours
KDHX FM 88.1 Sunday mornings 3-6 AM (CST)
Immediately following The Wayback Machine
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Recording industry blames MP3 / counterpoint
Date: 26 Mar 1999 12:09:18 -0500
Here's an amusing rant by Mojo Nixon:
"Recording Industry In Denial" by Rob Landley:
"Technology Powershift" by Jeremy Ardmore:
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) Good Moog
Date: 26 Mar 1999 14:24:46 +0100
BTW, "Good Moog" is an understatement. it's brilliant, wonderful, funny
stuff. more than 73 minutes, 40 tracks of Moog humor. half of them
co-written by Harry Breuer, and those have the same musical sound as that
famous Perrey-Breuer collaboration LP, "The Happy Moog": keystone kapers go
to the eletronic circus! a must-have!
| ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Cat Themes
Date: 26 Mar 1999 15:04:32 +0100
this is part of a playlist of an old radio show of mine, called "Foplala",
in which i played lots of novelty, and this one had... CATS as theme:
* Andrew Sisters: "Pussy cat song"
* Bob Bunny: "Scatty cat " (from "Las Vegas Grind! vol. 3")
* Danny Kaye: "I taut I taw a puddy-tat"
* Frank Kratz: "Go cat go"
* Nona Rae: "Real kool kitty" (from "Las Vegas Grind" ?)
* "3 little kittens " (Nursery rhyme)
* "Pussy cat " (Nursery rhym)
* Peggy Lee: "Siames cat song (Lady and the tramp)"
* Radio commercial: "Meow Mix Catfood" (from "The commercials")
* tv tunes: "Felix the cat" (Paul Whiteman & Orch. did that do)
* Disney: "Everybody wants to be a cat" (from "The Aristocats")
* Disney: "Tomas o'Malley cat" (from "The Aristocats")
* Walter Carlos: "what's new pussycat?"
* Claude Denjean: "Honky cat" (from "Open Circuit")
* Connie Vannett: "The pussy cat song" (from "Raunchy Rock & Roll")
* Leona Anderson: "Hep cat" (from "Music To Suffer By")
* Spike Jones: "Alley cat" (from "Washington Square")
* Russ Meyer: "Run pussy cat (from "Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!")
* not from 50's or 60's, but hilarious opera:
Rossini: 'Duetto buffo di due gatti" (comical cat's duet)
and last but not least:
* JJ Perrey: Krazy cat rag (from "Good Moog")
| ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) fwd: Will hip tunes prod you ...
Date: 26 Mar 1999 13:24:22 -0600
Will hip tunes prod you to buy a T-shirt? by CSM/John Christian Hoyle
For years, shopping malls have piped in innocuous ``elevator music'' to
soothe savage shoppers into unloading their bulging pocketbooks.
Well, it's time to say arrivederci to Mantovani.
Today, stores like Pottery Barn, Victoria's Secret, and even staid Brooks
Brothers are blasting hipper background music to entice customers to buy.
And it's worked so well, retailers are selling recordings of the music that
echoes throughout their stores.
The result: The CDs conveniently displayed next to cash registers with a
sign that reads ``Now playing.''
Take Banana Republic's ``Road Trip,'' an eclectic selection of pop hits
aimed at the store's young, professional clientele.
``It's a collection of tunes your best friend would put together for you
if you were taking a road trip,'' says Cindy Capobianco, spokes-woman for
the company. ``Where else can you find Al Green and Iggy Pop featured on the
same disc?''
The average price of a store compilation is $6 to $12. Retailers,
however, say that the discs are not intended to be cash cows. ``They're more
like brand builders,'' Ms. Capobianco says. ``When people listen to one of
these CDs in their home or car, they're likely to think about the store
where they bought it,'' she adds. ``It's a brilliant way to market the
company image as a lifestyle.''
Many retailers attribute the popularity of their CDs to the frantic pace
of American shoppers. They argue that these shoppers simply don't have time
to browse through music stores, so they buy their tunes from other retail
``These enormous music stores that offer thousands of discs are
intimidating to many people,'' says Mike Roland, a spokesman for Starbucks.
``People simply don't have the time to waste shuffling through hundreds of
Starbucks was one of the first to offer a CD compilation. The company's
``Blue Note Blend'' was released in 1995. The disc, which featured classics
by John Coltrane, Nat ``King'' Cole, and Billie Holiday, was an instant hit.
Starbucks claims to have sold more than 50,000 copies the first month.
This year, the company plans to release 11 CDs featuring a wide range of
jazz, classical, world music, and fledgling songwriters.
The cost of producing the CDs is relatively low. Stores choose
inexpensive tunes from thousands of volumes of cataloged music.
``Music is an important part of the retail environment,'' says Barry
Knittel, an executive with AEI Music Network, which mixes soundtracks for
retail outlets.
``If customers like what they hear, they stay and spend,'' Mr. Knittel
adds. ``Selling compilation CDs of what they play allows retailers another
avenue to advertise their image.''
At this rate, it's fair to ask, ``What's next?'' Perhaps an Ace Hardware
CD compilation with ``If I Had a Hammer.''
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Tikitune records
Date: 26 Mar 1999 13:24:24 -0600
At 04:09 PM 3/25/99 EST, JDi2196653@aol.com wrote:
>A number of those CD's came out about 4 - 5 years ago.
>There are some great one's other than that LB you mentioned, which is great.
>Jack Diamond carries them all, though I'm not sure if he has them all on his
>site, I bought all of them from him and they are well worth the money.
>That guy is just too cool and knows his stuff like almost nobody else.
>Nice guy, Jack is.
Hey Jack -- is this you trying out a new AOL account?? :)
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From: "Dom Ciccone" <dciccone@inspex.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Martinis With Mancini Playlist. 3/25/99
Date: 26 Mar 1999 13:32:08 -0500
On Thursday, March 25, 1999 6:37 PM Frank the Recliner wrote:
>I don't want to rain on your parade but perhaps you missed out on my rant
>this Music Hound lounge book.
>Might I suggest you seek out the two volumes of Incredibly Strange Music
and J.
>Lanza's book Elevator Music. Not only are they far more informative and
>inspiring the are also way more entertaining. I am certain that with these
>books you'll start to see the dust gather on your Lounge Hound book.
>I will never forgive the Lounge Hound folks for their egregious inclusions
>(John Denver et. al.) and I feel strongly enough to be quite vocal about
Wish I was on the list when this subject was discussed.
I enjoyed the Incredibly Strange Music books. Saw them on Vic's web page &
found them through an inter-library loan. Spent a whole month absorbing the
articles, interviews, names and album covers.
The Esquivel interview. A real gem.
Frank, Thanks for reminding me about them. Have to go back and revisit now
that it's been almost a year. At the time I was just getting started on
exotica and some of it seemed a little too strange.
And now some of the things I hate and like about the Music Hound book:
Articles and full page photos of rock stars like Madonna and Billy Joel?? I
agree with you that the likes of John Denver and Billy Joel should not even
be in there. (Billy Joel's overexposure may be the reason I'm a
left-side-of-the-dial refugee")
Some rockers could be in there like Madonna and Joe Jackson. But only for
albums like "Jumpin' Jive" and "I'm Breathless" (my opinion only). Don't
give a rating for every album.
Some of the editors did rock books so they are biased. Since I now volunteer
at a college radio station I'll borrow some Stereolab and Morressey (?)
disks this summer and draw my own opinion.
Lou's review struck a cord with me because I made the same judgement: Know
the book has faults. Be careful with the rockers. Focus on the good stuff.
It's a handy reference to take take with you when you go flipping through
the used CD's and albums. Alphabetical, indexed and has a good list of
Plus the book made me feel like I always liked lounge because all the
jazzplayers and vocalists I like are represented. Now to get to the other
more exotic 1/2!
Hope you don't mind me giving one last kick to this old dead-horse
discussion. And that the list focus on other things.
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) speaking of Andy Williams
Date: 26 Mar 1999 13:11:33 -0500
as was Lou...do you think Claudine Longet is still burning through his
system? Must be...
Now, speaking of Claudine, I was in first grade when the whole "ski
shooting" incident took place, and I remember a parody song that went
something like this:
"I didn't know
the gun was loaded, and I am so sorry my friends.
I didn't know, the gun was loaded...
and I'll never do it again." It was sort of a cheery, "Beer Barrell Polka"
kinda numbah! Anybody else remember this, or is dementia just settling in
Jane "do the math" Fondle
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) Can you say that on the list?!
Date: 26 Mar 1999 10:46:13 -0500
>>Jane Fondel, Plugged your concert. People I work with who listened could
not believe I said =93Astroslut=94 on the air... at least twice! Have a=
great concert.
Why thankyou, Dom! Speaking of George Carlin-esque things, DJJimmyBee,
forgot to ask you about that Blow-Fly progeny that you played on your show
a few weeks ago! I can't believed you were on the next week! But I am
glad you played it.
Oh, and this is disturbing to all you TIKI collectors out there. A rather
perverse friend of mine was in a China Town sex shop,and saw, um, oh, I
can't say it...let's just say it was some sort of "probe" with a tiki atop!
Jane Fondle, who does NOT have one of those in her tiki collection!
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From: "Basta Audio Visuals" <basta@xs4all.nl>
Subject: (exotica) Little rascals - Beau Hunks
Date: 26 Mar 1999 08:47:24 +0100
>From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
>Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 13:49:04 EST
>Can anybody tell me the name of the group that played the original Little
>Rascals theme song? The song was actually called "Good Old Days".
>I want this rekkid on 78 (crank um up!)
>It appears that The Beau Hunks recorded it (maybe in the 1950's) but I
>verify if they were the original recording artists.
It was recorded by the Beau Hunks, but in 1994. The vintage sound was
created by using vintage instruments, vintage microphones and vintage
recording techniques. If you would like to get some customer-reviews, you
should post to alt.comedy.laurel-hardy . Ask them if anyone knows the Laurel
& Hardy or Little Rascals recordings, and what their opinion is regarding
sound quality etcetera.
Jeroen van der Schaaf
Basta Audio Visuals
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Where are they now: John Byner
Date: 26 Mar 1999 14:11:57 -0600
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., March 26 /PRNewswire/ -- Hollywood Actor and
Comedian John Byner, who was the 1st celebrity to have a full face lift by
Dr. Richard Ellenbogen "Live" on the Internet, will be unveiled Monday March
29, 1999 at 8:00am Pacific Standard Time at http://www.CelebrityDoctor.com .
Byner's surgery was performed by Dr. Richard Ellenbogen on Monday March
8th, 1999 at 8:00am.
John Byner starred for the UPN Network as Ed Sullivan for The Virtual Ed
Sullivan Show, was seen in the role of Cotton Dunn on Silk Stockings,
co-starred in a special episode of Dharma and Greg, and Caroline in the
City; to name a few. His 1st ACE award was for Bizarre and the 2nd ACE
award for Comedy on the Road. John is always a favorite guest of Jay Leno,
David Letterman, and Tom Snyder.
Los Angeles Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon Dr.
Richard Ellenbogen http://www.beverlyhillsbody.com , performed the following
plastic surgery procedures: a Full Face Lift, Fat Grafting, Lower
Blepharoplasty, Forehead Lift, Corner Mouth Lift and other special procedures.
Here are some Links in conjunction with John Byner:
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: Re: (exotica) Tikitune records
Date: 26 Mar 1999 14:30:52 EST
In a message dated 3/25/99 5:14:02 PM, JDi2196653@aol.com wrote:
>Nice guy, Jack is.
Thanks for sharing Jack ;-)
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Rat Themes
Date: 26 Mar 1999 14:42:07 EST
The Rat Catchers on the Loungecorps CD on Sequel
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: Re: (exotica) Can you say that on the list?!
Date: 26 Mar 1999 14:56:10 EST
In a message dated 3/26/99 3:41:37 PM, you wrote:
>forgot to ask you about that Blow-Fly progeny
Oh yes, that was Butter-Fly who's LP on Weird World circa about 1973 lances
into whites. I recently scored a whole pile of sealed Weird World LP's, mainly
by Blow-Fly, but also Rudy Ray Moore and Butter-Fly
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From: chuck <chuckmk@yahoo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Siesta Keeps Rolling Along
Date: 26 Mar 1999 12:36:53 -0800 (PST)
Siesta has released some wonderful music over the last year. I
purchased all of mine from roundaboutpop@hotmail.com James will be
happy to receive your email and he's a pleasure to buy from.
"Sound track" by Red Sleeping Beauty (1998?) Is my personal fav of the
siesta world these days. A fabulis cd with haunting melodies,
cardiganesque/belle&sebastian vocals. The soft beautiful easypop
melodies with gentle instrumentation make this cd get better with each
"Musica para hacer la digestion" (1998) A 22 piece orchestra handles
bacharac/frances lai style music with style. You sometimes think
you're listening to a wonderful French sound track ala 1972 but these
are all new compositions. All instrumental with one wordless vocal.
A stunning release from Siesta!
"Initial" by Laila Amazon.(1997) Produced by Louis Philippe, this
young Morrocon sings the most beautiful modern music. Over 20
musicians make this a feast for your ears of lush exotic soft easypop.
Bossa influenced tunes sung in english & french make this a modern
day Astrud Gilberto album. Louis Philippe has an equall great group
of albums and on Siesta he has "Jackie Girl" with a picture of Jackie
de Shannon on the cover and some songs about her or inspired by her on
the cd. This is also a masterpiece of soft
bossa/bacarah easypop.
"Strange Letters" by Scarlet's Well 1999) is another easypop release
with a more british ballads feel then the ones mentioned so far. Soft
vocals over delicate haunting melodies. As usual a wonderful package
accompanies the cd. A nice orchestra backs up the 3 vocalists.
Other great albums (though all are on a more pop level) on Siesta are
"Spanish Slalom" by Eggstone; "Knowing Who Your Friends Are" by
kaleda; "Sniff" by the Legendary Jim Ruiz Group; " La Buena Vida" &
"Soidemersol" by La Buena Vida.
Also there are 2 great collections on Siesta, "Expresso" &
"Apperitivo" Both are a great start to a great label.
Special mention must also go to Free Design's 2 siesta releases,
"Raindrops" & "Bubbles"
Easy listening to easypop in the Big Easy
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Rat Themes
Date: 26 Mar 1999 19:12:59 EST
In a message dated 03/26/99 11:09:04 AM Eastern Standard Time,
sophisticatedsavage@yahoo.com writes:
<< Red-Eyed Rats >>
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) obit: Ananda Shankar
Date: 26 Mar 1999 19:22:03 -0600
Just found this in Usenet. I can't find the article at the URL below,
though. If someone does find it, could you post it here?
The Hindu
Saturday, March 27, 1999
Read the complete article at:
Jai Maharaj
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From: Larson/Thomas <jlarson1@san.rr.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) speaking of Andy Williams
Date: 26 Mar 1999 16:34:39 -0800
>I remember a parody song that went
>something like this:
>"I didn't know
>the gun was loaded, and I am so sorry my friends.
>I didn't know, the gun was loaded...
>and I'll never do it again."
That was a song that Dr. Dimento used to play on his show in the early 70s!
It sounded a bit like a Red Ingles(?) tune, but I'm not too sure on that.
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From: Citizen Kafka <ckafka@dti.net>
Subject: (exotica) ananda shankar
Date: 26 Mar 1999 20:03:29 -0500
hope this format is ok...
URL is http://www.hinduonline.com/today/stories/04272267.htm
Ananda Shankar dead
CALCUTTA, March 26.
Ananda Shankar, noted musician and son of choreographer
Uday Shankar,
died at a south Calcutta nursing home this morning, family
sources said.
He was 50 and is survived by choreographer wife, Ms.
Tanushree, and a
Ananda Shankar, who was suffering from cardiac problems,
was in the
nursing home's ICCU for some time. He was to be shifted to
the ward
today after his condition improved. The end came suddenly
at 8.45 a.m.
Son of legendary dancer, Uday Shankar, and danseuse, Amala
and nephew of renowned sitarist, Pt. Ravi Shankar, Ananda
Shankar was
brought up in an atmosphere where music, dance and culture
Regarded as one of the foremost exponents of experimental
music after
Timir Barun, the greatness of Shankar's composition lay in
the fine blend
of west and the east, without diluting the uniqueness of
Indian music.
Ravi Shankar mourns
The sitar maestro, Ravi Shankar, today expressed shock
over the death of
Ananda Shankar.``I share the terrible grief alongwith his
mother, wife,
daughter and sister. It seems so unfair that at the prime
of his life he has left us,'' the Bharat Ratna recipient
said in a message.
Citizen Kafka, Producer, "The Secret Museum of the Air"
every Wednesday 7-8 PM EST WFMU 91.1 FM & WXHD (Hudson Valley) 90.1 FM
http://wfmu.org/ then go to 'listen to wfmu'
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) obit: Ananda Shankar
Date: 26 Mar 1999 19:40:51 -0600
Ananda Shankar dead
CALCUTTA, March 26.
Ananda Shankar, noted musician and son of choreographer Uday Shankar, died
at a south Calcutta nursing home this morning, family sources said.
He was 50 and is survived by choreographer wife, Ms. Tanushree, and a daughter.
Ananda Shankar, who was suffering from cardiac problems, was in the nursing
home's ICCU for some time. He was to be shifted to the ward today after his
condition improved. The end came suddenly at 8.45 a.m.
Son of legendary dancer, Uday Shankar, and danseuse, Amala Shankar, and
nephew of renowned sitarist, Pt. Ravi Shankar, Ananda Shankar was brought up
in an atmosphere where music, dance and culture harmoniously co-existed.
Regarded as one of the foremost exponents of experimental music after Timir
Barun, the greatness of Shankar's composition lay in the fine blend of west
and the east, without diluting the uniqueness of Indian music.
Ravi Shankar mourns
The sitar maestro, Ravi Shankar, today expressed shock over the death of
Ananda Shankar.``I share the terrible grief along with his mother, wife,
daughter and sister. It seems so unfair that at the prime of his life he has
left us,'' the Bharat Ratna recipient said in a message.
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From: bag@hubris.net
Subject: Re: (exotica) Tikitune records
Date: 26 Mar 1999 18:27:33 +0000
>At 04:09 PM 3/25/99 EST, John wrote:
>>That guy is just too cool and knows his stuff like almost nobody else.
>>Nice guy, Jack is.
At 01:24 PM 26-03-99 -0600, Lou wrote:
>Hey Jack -- is this you trying out a new AOL account?? :)
Can't be. No swear words.
Byron Caloz
Portland, Oregon, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way
The Mr. Smooth site: http://www.hubris.net/zolac/smooth
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From: "Jill Mingo" <mingo@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Can you say that on the list?!
Date: 16 Mar 1999 02:17:13 PST
> Oh, and this is disturbing to all you TIKI collectors out there. A rat=
> perverse friend of mine was in a China Town sex shop,and saw, um, oh, =
> can't say it...let's just say it was some sort of "probe" with a tiki =
WOW! Where, o' where can I get my tiki dildo????! I want one NOW!
Jill "Mingo-go"
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Angelo!
Date: 27 Mar 1999 11:21:50 -0500
>I forgot to jump in on the TWIN PEAKS thread of a few weeks ago, but, heck,
>in the early 90's you coulda just called me "Laura Palmer." I was totally
>obsessed with that show, and it sticks with me today(I am still afraid of
I'm afraid of Bob too.
He's even on the list... Rcbrooksod@aol.com
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: cheryl <cheryls@dsuper.net>
Subject: (exotica) Playlist For Space Bop, March 28
Date: 27 Mar 1999 17:36:39 -0500
Beyond kitsch, Space Bop is one hour of full galactical wonder, and can
be heard every Sunday from 4 to 5 pm on CKUT 90.3 FM in Montreal,
Canada, and (FINALLY!)on RealAudio (www.ckut.ca) All comments,
questions, and feedback welcome.
Space Bop #41 The Wild World of Soundtracks!
Jean Yatove: Chemisettes "Bandes Originales des films de Jacques Tati"
Andre Popp: Theme de Tintin "Tintin au cinema"
Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers: No Hay Problema "Les liaisons
Georges Garaventz: Paris 65 "Musiques de films"
Michel Legrand: The Boston Wrangler "Cocktail Mix 4: Soundtracks With
A Twist"
Jimmy Smith and Lalo Schifrin: The Cat "The Cat"
Bob Crewe: Barbarella "Barbarella"
Henry Mancini: The Village Inn "The Pink Panther"
Billy Strange: Casino Royale "Secret Agent File"
Gert Wilden: Follow Me "Schulmadchen Report"
Les Hommes Que Adorent Les Femmes: Sexy Amazonas "Pervirella"
Lalo Schifrin: Jaws "Black Widow"
Der Plan: Junger Mann "Die Letzte Rache"
The Residents: Lord It's Lonely "Whatever Happened To Vileness Fats"
Iggy Pop: In The Deathcar "Arizona Dream"
Michael Nyman: Car Crash "A Zed And Two Noughts"
Thanks for reading.
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From: "Brian Karasick" <BRIAN@PHYRES.Lan.McGill.CA>
Subject: (exotica) Mrs. Miller has company!
Date: 27 Mar 1999 18:11:42 -0500
Hey all you Mrs. Miller fans! Hooked but having trouble finding more
product to fulfill your sick and demented craving? Well look no
further, there's Madame St. Onge! After some searching I was finally
able to track down a sealed copy of the only known record by Quebec's
answer to Mrs. Miller. All sung in French, there is a version of Help,
I'm so Lonsesome I could Cry, The Girl from Ipanema, Call me, and 6
other gems on her LP "Les 10 plus grands succes de Mme St-Onge". It's
an all-Canadian production on Laval Records. Of course judging from
the photo on the cover I'm a bit suspicious that Madame may really be
Monsieur but who can say. My guess is it dates from the 1970's but it
certainly isn't new judging from the familiar mildew smell in the
jacket. It's times like this I wish I had a CDR!
Brian Karasick
Physical Planner
McGill University
Montreal, Canada
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From: "Ron Grandia" <rgrandia@xtabay.com>
Subject: RE: (exotica) Can you say that on the list?!
Date: 26 Mar 1999 15:12:14 -0800
Laura advises me that it is likely a Tiki anal probe... (I asked for =
mine OFF list.)
I suspect that she will be receiving an alarming number of requests for =
this item from listees. I will now spend the rest of my day reflecting =
on the thought of our favorite Astroslut strutting into this place and =
boldly proclaiming the need for a ten-pack of these tikiticklers and =
unabashedly asking for a volume discount.=20
I can die now. Happy.
> WOW! Where, o' where can I get my tiki dildo????! I want one NOW!
> Jill "Mingo-go"
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Can you say that on the list?!
Date: 27 Mar 1999 10:00:08 EST
In a message dated 3/27/99 4:54:52 AM Eastern Standard Time,
mingo@easynet.co.uk writes:
<< > Oh, and this is disturbing to all you TIKI collectors out there. A
> perverse friend of mine was in a China Town sex shop,and saw, um, oh, I
> can't say it...let's just say it was some sort of "probe" with a tiki atop!
WOW! Where, o' where can I get my tiki dildo????! I want one NOW!
Jill "Mingo-go"
I hear it is like the one that has the jewels for the eyes and has a "music
chip" that plays Quiet Village when you turn it on. Althought from the looks
of it, Left Arm of Buddah may be more appropriate.
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From: "Darrell Brogdon" <dbrogdon@falcon.cc.ukans.edu>
Subject: (exotica) Retro Cocktail Hour
Date: 27 Mar 1999 21:22:50 -0600
It's an all-new Retro Cocktail Hour webcast this week, featuring some
of the rarest crime jazz ever - Richard Markowitz's score from the
'50s B-pic "Stakeout on Dope Street", performed by the Hollywood
Chamber Jazz Group (from a hard-to-find RCA EP issued in 1958).
Plus -- tracks from the new Ryko CD reissues of "I Want To Live" and
"Johnny Cool", and swinging movie tunes by Armando Trovaioli, Jerry
van Rooyen and Aaron Bell.
Also this week -- our bout with bongo fever continues, thanks to Jack
Costanzo, Candido and Don Ralke; Buddy Cole does amazing stuff with
his organ(s); Stanley Wilson serves up some exotica from "Pagan
Love"; and we'll hear from Dick Schory, The Three Suns, Diana Dors,
Sid Bass, Rene Bloch and Al Caiola.
To hear The Retro Cocktail Hour on the World Wide Web, just go to:
Requires at least a 28.8 Internet connection and RealPlayer.
Download RealPlayer for free at:
If you tune in our webcast, please drop us an e-mail and let us know
you're out there!
Thanks for the space.
Darrell Brogdon
The Retro Cocktail Hour
KANU Radio
Broadcasting Hall
The University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045
Visit The Retro Cocktail Hour at:
Listen to The Retro Cocktail Hour at:
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From: JDi2196653@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Tikitune records
Date: 27 Mar 1999 23:01:33 EST
In a message dated 3/26/99 10:27:31 AM Pacific Standard Time,
lousmith@pipeline.com writes:
Hey Jack -- is this you trying out a new AOL account?? :)
You guys are weird. My name is John
Nice welcome from y'all (sarcasm)
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Weird Welcome
Date: 28 Mar 1999 08:47:12 EST
In a message dated 3/27/99 11:03:44 PM Eastern Standard Time,
JDi2196653@aol.com writes:
<< You guys are weird. My name is John >>
Oh tell us something we don't already know. BTW, via computer viral psycho-
physical dynamics, and thru your fingers touching your computer keyboard,
guess what?
You are weird too!!!
Or was that something you already knew?
Welcome aboard our hopelessly (or is that haplessly) adrift boat,
P.S. Oh, btw John, did you read Jill Mingo-go's request for Jane Fondle to
send her a Tiki dildo? Such banter is the norm.
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From: Citizen Kafka <ckafka@dti.net>
Subject: (exotica) who is Dr. Dirt??
Date: 28 Mar 1999 11:18:44 -0500
A comedian, who (we think) did a routine sitting at piano playing simple
chords and singing bizarre fake Moldavian(?) folk songs, who also played
a character named "Dr. Dirt" in a TV commercial ('60's?).
Information, a name, anything! (it is not victor borge, not even
This is not a contest, i need this info for research.
thanks for any help!!
citizen kafka
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From: "Robert Baldock" <rcb@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: (exotica) Gak Sato
Date: 28 Mar 1999 17:19:09 +0100
Has anyone heard anything of a new CD by Gak Sato called Post-
echo (on the Right Tempo label)? It's a debut album described (by
the Scotsman newspaper) as "absurdist bossa-nova house" from a
Japanese-Italian "studio whizz" recalling Pizzicato 5 and Dimtri
from Paris. The cover looks very Persuasive Percussion...
I think it comes out tomorrow.
** ** ** * Spaced Out - the Enoch Light Website * ** ** **
** ** ** * http://www.rcb.easynet.co.uk/light/ * ** ** **
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From: "Robert Baldock" <rcb@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: (exotica) Roy Budd Reissues
Date: 28 Mar 1999 17:19:09 +0100
Now that I've got a "proper job" I'm not monitoring this list as
closely as I once did but I don't think I've seen a mention of the
bunch of Roy Budd soundtrack reissues which have come out
recently. I'm sure we all know about the Get Carter reissue but did
you know these are also out:
Black Windmill, Diamonds, Fear Is The Key, Paper Tiger, Sinbad &
The Eye Of The Tiger.
They're all on the Cinephile label. Dusty Groove has them and
Scottish list members will also find them in Fopp.
** ** ** * Spaced Out - the Enoch Light Website * ** ** **
** ** ** * http://www.rcb.easynet.co.uk/light/ * ** ** **
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From: "Robert Baldock" <rcb@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: (exotica) Ananda Shankar - or rediscovering how cool one's parents really are...
Date: 28 Mar 1999 17:19:09 +0100
Sad news indeed about the loss of this psychedelic sitar maestro.
Ananda Shankar is very much in my thoughts at the moment after
a very strange experience in a record shop this afternoon when I
picked up a copy of his eponymous album's reissue.
Having heard such great things about this legendary piece of sitar
rock, I'd been after a copy of this for a good 2-3 years. But as
soon as I saw the cover I realised it was actually another "lost"
album of my childhood (though I'd mistakenly remembered it as
having been a Ravi Shankar album...), joining the ranks of Spaced
Out, Kaleidoscopic Vibrations and Moog Indigo.
Strangely, listening to the album again - probably for the first time
in 25 years! - the only track I half remembered was Snow Flower.
But rediscovering the album has been confirmation indeed that my
parents' musical taste has had a very formative effect indeed all
these years later...!
** ** ** * Spaced Out - the Enoch Light Website * ** ** **
** ** ** * http://www.rcb.easynet.co.uk/light/ * ** ** **
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From: "Chasmo" <chasmo@zapt.com>
Subject: (exotica) introduction: Chasmo (LONG!)
Date: 28 Mar 1999 10:49:36 -0800
I've been active on the Net since 1994, and would have joined this
list long ago if not for the fact that my job (freelance tech writer and
webmaster) requires me to monitor several much less interesting
lists, which daily fill my mail buffer to capacity with exciting posts
like "HOT TIPS on setting file permissions in Perl CGI scripts."
Finally last week I said screw it, and dumped a couple of the most
boring listservers to free up space. And here I am on the exotic
music list in all my naked glory.
I've been an avid LP, 45, and 78 rpm disc collector for almost seven
years. I have about 10,000 records, which is nice to boast about on
lists like this one, but not so great when it comes to moving, which
I'll be doing next week. I've moved twice since I started amassing
this collection, and both times heard plenty of bitching and
moaning from friends as they realized the many heavy LP boxes
they helped me load were filled with titles like "George Wright
Goes South Pacific" and "101 Strings Play Spaghetti Western
For this move, I'm getting smart and loading the boxes with rare
Beatle and Stones LP's up top, so that my friends will think they're
actually helping deliver a highly valuable collection to its new
residence. The Leonard Nimoy and Les Baxter sections will be
buried deep inside those U-Haul boxes this time.
I started buying exotica sides about two years after my collection
seriously began. My inspiration was a cassette my band at that
time used as setting-up music. It was some stereo demonstration
record that I've yet to find again, with cuts from mariachi bands,
accordion trios, and Larry Adler-style harmonicizing. We thought
we were so damn hip using this tape for its cheese factor, but I
soon found myself playing the thing regularly at home instead of
the other more "valuable" LP's I'd been picking up at thrift stores.
Soon the bug hit me and I started picking up every Esquivel and
Martin Denny title the Salvation Army had to offer. I hate to think
now what great stuff I had been passing up previous to my
conversion, well before the publication of "Incredibly Strange
Music" when alterna-types suddenly started raiding the thrift bins of
all the Dick Hyman moog workout discs.
Still, the town I live in (Chico, CA, a college town about 90 miles
north of Sacramento) is not exactly a hotbed of culture, meaning
that the local frat dude and white trash tastes are more inclined to
Night Ranger and Bad Company discs when it comes to vintage LP
collecting. That leaves at least some room for people like me to go
in and snap up all the Enoch Light's and stuff.
I've been a musician since I was twelve, drumming (mostly),
playing guitar and producing/recording for a variety of rootsy-type
bands. My first high-school band was a '60s-style garager outfit,
but we didn't go over well at a time when our peers were just
discovering the "magic" of The Cure, The Smiths, etc. We became
a rockabilly band just in time to miss the tail end of the Stray Cats'
rockabilly revival, then a ska band just as acts like The Specials
and the English Beat were falling out of favor. Oh well.
In 1991 after a drunken conversation with a guitar-playing friend ("I
love you man," "We oughta start a band," etc.) I put together a
Velvet Underground "tribute" band with me in the Lou Reed spot.
Our goal was to do one big show, with props, costumes,
dominatrixes (dominatrices?), and the whole bit, then disband. We
ended up keeping the thing going for almost a year. We played
pretty much dead-on VU covers. A tribute band isn't the most
creative approach to music, but I have to admit it was fun doing
Lou, and we turned a lot of people on to glories of noise guitar.
Hopefully we didn't also turn a lot of people on to heroin.
My biggest brush with greatness to date was drumming for a swing
band I helped found in 1992, Blue Plate Special. At that time, there
were only a handful of swing acts playing the San Francisco club
scene, so seven guys in suits were definitely an anomaly up here
in Steve Miller country.
A friend and I started Blue Plate after many herb-filled evenings of
listening to the great jazz and blues hybrid music of the late 1940s.
We figured it would never go over, but as musicians, it was either
follow our dream or resolve to play Skynyrd covers at the local
bars. To our surprise the thing took off, and we were soon touring
LA and SF regularly and playing great gigs like the post-Grammy
party in 1996, where we backed up Stevie Wonder on some old
Ray Charles tunes, jammed with young-lion trumpeter Roy
Hargrove, and earned the admiration of both Chuck Berry and John
Popper. I even danced with Sheryl Crow, though I didn't know who
she was at the time. (I'm name dropping here, OK?)
Gradually the swing thing started ramping up, and we saw our
friends in bands like Royal Crown Revue and Big Bad Voodoo
Daddy start appearing in films and TV spots. The band as a whole
decided it was time to relocate to Los Angeles and start
hobnobbing with the industry execs. Call it fear of success, but I
didn't think I'd enjoy actually making it "big" and declined to move
with them. All this happened at a time when the Gap ad with "Jump
Jive and Wail" was turning former Goth-heads into reconstructed
Hepcats, and I smelled a foul trend emerging.
I've always been attracted to music styles that lie outside the
mainstream tastes, and when a style suddenly becomes the Big
New Thing, I tend to lose interest even though the music itself may
not change a bit. I could see that happening with the swing revival,
and I really didn't want to ruin this style I loved by seeing it co-
opted by the 90210's and yupsters and Macy's Tiger Shops. That's
the lofty, principled excuse I gave for not moving; probably more
influential was the fact that I just hate fucking LA.
In short, I stayed in Chico, and Blue Plate Special is now having
moderate success as one of those touring acts that draws great
crowds in metro areas but because of poor management still can't
put together enough coins to buy a ham sandwich. They've made
numerous TV appearances and visited nearly every state in the US,
but I don't miss it, and I still think I made the right decision for
myself. Listeners who aren't musicians don't realize that the hour
or two you're on a stage are only a couple out of a long day of
corporate ass-kissing, riding in a smelly van, waking up next to a
trumpet player who wears Underoos, and getting into a wool suit
that has seen three outdoor summer festivals and then rode around
stuffed in a drum trap case for three days.
Today I drum for three bands, one a local rockabilly outfit that
probably won't ever get out of Chico but is a great excuse to drink
free beer, another an up-and-coming "American music" trio backing
an incredible roots guitar player and bassist, and the third a band
that is probably of most interest to this list.
It's called Dan Cohen's Near Death Explosion, and it is the product
of a 50-something eccentric guy named (duh) Dan Cohen. Dan
grew up in LA in the late '60s and early '70s playing with
underground garage acts and sharing bongs with guys like Arthur
Lee of Love. Today he lives with his elderly mother in a retirement
village in a town called Paradise (which provides plenty of
songwriting fodder) and does pretty much nothing but write and
Dan is also a collector of exotica, particularly stuff like theremin
records, sound effects discs, and old exercise records, all of which
we use as backing on his recordings. The recordings we make are
what this project's all about, since we rarely play live--Dan is a little
on the anti-social side and often starts forgetting lyrics and chords
to his own tunes when he's faced with an audience.
We've been featured on two CD's so far, both of them released by
NYC saxist John Zorn. The latest is a T-Rex tribute titled "Great
Jewish Music Volume I," in which our track appears sandwiched
between a really horrible Sean Lennon cut and something by
guitarist Vernon Reid, who really doesn't belong on the disc at all.
Zorn wants to release a full-length disc of our stuff, so Dan and I
just wrapped up post-production last week. Dan's also pitching the
disc to Tom Waits, a friend and mutual fan (in fact, Dan's brother
Greg is the bassist on Swordfishtrombones and is now on tour with
I decided not wait for the release of this thing and posted all of the
tracks on the Web in RealAudio. It's to be titled "11 Dan Cohen
Fans Can't Be Wrong." You can hear the whole bit at:
Criticism, both constructive and destructive, is welcome.
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: (exotica) Little Jimmy Scott and other tv
Date: 28 Mar 1999 14:17:56 -0500
Bravo reruns their recent Profile of Little Jimmy Scott, Tuesday night at
10:00pm and 1:30am (eastern).
Bravo also pulls out the Profile of Dusty Springfield, Wednesday night at
10:00pm and 1:30am. As this was a full hour program in Bravo's
no-commercial days, one can assume that 10 to fifteen minutes of material
will now be missing. Well, I *know* this is so, 'cause I caught some of it
the other week when they threw it on unscheduled, and there were chunks
missing, it lost its flow, very clunky (and heck, let's face it -- most of
these things are really British productions that Bravo simply buys US
rights for... last year's Stax documentary was a French/British production
that was several years old).
Now... after a year "on hiatus" I've revived my website's TV picks page. So
if there's something really special and "listly," I'll post it here, but
otherwise just swing on by my site to check the schedule. There's quite a
lot this week. It covers a wider range of material than would be relevant
to mention here. And I feel less guilty about clogging the mailboxes of
those who aren't interested (or our international correspondents). Please
check it out. Use it if it's useful. Pleased to be of service.
Located here:
Click on "TV Scavenger" in the Features column
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
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From: Bump <bumpy@megsinet.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Gak Sato
Date: 28 Mar 1999 14:47:32 -0500
>Has anyone heard anything of a new CD by Gak Sato called Post-
>echo (on the Right Tempo label)?
Not yet...
I liked the remixes they, he, she, it have done for Right Tempo like the
Sesso Matto Experience and the Lady Magnolia, Umiliani, and Masquerade by
Armando Trovajoli from the Right Tempo Experience. Should be worth a listen
at least.
but i gotta put a period to my buying sprees!
i am drowning in new vinyl.
maybe some nice person will mp3 it for us.
Since we are all wierd.
and talking about tiki dildoes (is that the right pluralization?)
I want a videotape of them in action.
or at least stills! :0
Jane, maybe your porno music video director can incorporate your new toy
in the upcumming Astroslut vid. :}
Bump out
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From: the_curator@eat78rpm.demon.co.uk
Subject: (exotica) Lee Hazlewood re-issues
Date: 28 Mar 1999 23:35:12 +0100
I haven't seen anyone post this info yet and i knew some would be
interested ...
Smells Like Records have started their Lee Hazlewood re-issue programme ..
YAY !!!
i've received copies of 'Cowboy In Sweden' (from the Swedish TV progeramme)
and 'Farmisht, Flatulence, Origami, Arf!!! And Me' (recorded in Tempe,
Arizona in 1997, is a collection of pop standards backed by the Al Casey
'Cowboy In Sweden' sounds great ... some songs i'd not heard before ... all
the right ingredients ... on 'Farmisht, Flatulence, Origami, Arf!!! And Me'
his voice has changed only a little in about 30 years and needless to say
it's still GREAT ... this is Lee relaxed and enjoying himself ... all
covers including 'She's Funny that Way' which he did on 'Requiem For An
Almost Lady' ... i've never heard the Al Casey Combo before but they're
pretty sympathetic ... not quite the same buzz as the older sounds and dark
arrangements ... but great to hear new material and maybe getting enough
just deserts to get him over here to England ...
Apparently, later on will be 'Trouble Is A Lonesome Town','13' and 'Requiem
For An Almost Lady', 'The Not So Very Important People', Singles
compilation (title tba) and 'The Cowboy & The Lady' (with Ann Margaret).
Us lucky people have got some rather nice listening time ahead of us ...
friendly almost every day
Sem Sinatra
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From: "Sandberg Magnus" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: SV: (exotica) introduction: Chasmo (LONG!)
Date: 29 Mar 1999 08:55:57 +0200
Well, i take the opportunity to welcome you to the list!=20
My name is Magnus Sandberg and I live in Stockholm, Sweden. My favorite =
exotica so far is Phil Moores "Polynesian Paradise" and Russ Garcias =
Happy to have you with us! says,
Magnus (pronounced Mah-ng-nus)
Finally last week I said screw it, and dumped a couple of the most=20
boring listservers to free up space. And here I am on the exotic=20
music list in all my naked glory.
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From: Ottotemp@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Basil A Go Go Commercial
Date: 29 Mar 1999 04:23:23 EST
I just saw her in Annette's Pajama Party!!
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From: Ottotemp@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Thursday in SF
Date: 29 Mar 1999 04:23:48 EST
this Thursday is the second of my premiere nights at the Li Lo Lounge
Connecticut @ 18th on Potrero Hill, San Fran
9 pm til close
If you are attending due to this email please introduce yourself and I will
buy you a drink!!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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From: "Charles Moseley" <Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-EXTERNAL@MCKINSEY.COM>
Subject: (exotica) Weekend Scores
Date: 29 Mar 1999 10:19:29 +0000
The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 soundtrack LP (bootleg). Very very good, all
over the place Lalo meets Quincy with more dramatic effects than you can
shake a stick at.
Diamonds soundtrack LP - A one trick pony, with the same theme all the way
through the LP but still very good. Bass heavy, breaks driven jazz in a KPM
style, lots of samples and very cool.
Fear is the Key soundtrack LP - Very jazzy, well produced set somwhere
between swinging/now sound with a couple of tracks that were on the House
of Loungcore compilation
I notice that the Cinephile label which has reissued the Roy Budd material
is run by Jonathan Wassisname who is also the man behind Trunk - The Super
Sounds of Bosworth and who has sold me a batch of Indian records in the
past including two Anandar Shankar LPs and the Shalimar soundtrack. Good
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From: "Giovanni Berti" <giovanni@pirulazio.interim.it>
Subject: (exotica) BOB!
Date: 29 Mar 1999 15:46:40 +0000
Laura Palmer wrote:
> I forgot to jump in on the TWIN PEAKS thread of a few weeks ago,
> but, heck, in the early 90's you coulda just called me "Laura Palmer." I
> was totally obsessed with that show, and it sticks with me today (I am still
> afraid of BOB!)
and M.Ace wrote:
> I'm afraid of Bob too.
> He's even on the list... Rcbrooksod@aol.com
I don't know if BOB is actually on the list, but I can ASSURE you I
saw him LIVE. I mean, some years ago I went to this Desmond Dekker
(btw, greatest reggae voice alive) gig here in Bologna, Italy and
BOB was PLAYING GUITAR with him. No kidding, the man was really
looking like BOB with absolute precision. It FREEZED MY BLOOD,
especially when he kept looking RIGHT INTO MY EYES for minutes while
playing. He was very tall, long grey hair and left-handed. At first,
I thought it was just my PARANOIA, but - SHIT - couldn't believe my
eyes. For the skeptics, I have three explanations: the actor who
impersonated BOB (no Actor's Studio skillness required, btw) was this
reggae musician, or that man must have a perfect twin, or..........
aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhh nnnnoooooooooooooo don't take me
awaaaaaaaaaaaaaay bbbbbbbbooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb!!!!!!!!!!
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From: "Giovanni Berti" <giovanni@pirulazio.interim.it>
Subject: (exotica) one more from the zoo
Date: 29 Mar 1999 15:46:40 +0000
> > Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 09:28:19 -0500
> > From: "Nathan Miner" <nminer@jhmi.edu>
> > Subject: (exotica) Re: Cat Themes
> >
> > There's a song on one of the Strip comps. (Las Vegas Grind Vol. 1 or 2) =
> > where the guy makes "meoooow" sounds and says something like "Nice little =
> > pussy cat"
It's the GREAT Andre Williams' "Sweet Little Pussycat" on vol. 4
(vinyl edition). He's BOSS, still.
Other remarkable track in the series: "Scatty Cat" by Bob Bunny on
vol. 3.
ciao & miao
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) BOB!
Date: 29 Mar 1999 09:47:36 EST
In a message dated 03/29/99 8:45:23 AM Eastern Standard Time,
giovanni@pirulazio.interim.it writes:
<< Laura Palmer wrote:
> I forgot to jump in on the TWIN PEAKS thread of a few weeks ago,
> but, heck, in the early 90's you coulda just called me "Laura Palmer." I
> was totally obsessed with that show, and it sticks with me today (I am
> afraid of BOB!)
and M.Ace wrote:
> I'm afraid of Bob too.
> He's even on the list... Rcbrooksod@aol.com >>
Of course I now insert a keyboard piece (letter) under my victim's fingernail
instead of just a typed letter.
See you in the trees.
[Waitress pours Cooper's coffee:]
Cooper: Wait a minute! Wait a minute! [sips, sighs blissfully] This is--
excuse me--a DAMN fine cup of coffee. I've had I don't know how many cups of
coffee in my life, but this is one of the best. Two eggs over hard. I know,
I know, it's hard on the arteries, but old habits die hard--just about as hard
as I want those eggs. Two strips of bacon, extra crispy--almost black.
Cremate it. And I'd like a big glass of grapefruit juice, just as long as
those grapefruits... [sees Audrey walking towards him] ...are freshly
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Weekend Scores
Date: 29 Mar 1999 11:07:16 -0600
At 10:19 AM 3/29/99 +0000, you wrote:
>The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 soundtrack LP (bootleg). Very very good, all
>over the place Lalo meets Quincy with more dramatic effects than you can
>shake a stick at.
This has been officially released on CD in a limited edition by the guys at
Film Score Monthly. More details at their site, http://filmscoremonthly.com
You can also crank up the RealAudio, go to the following URL, and hear two
interesting segments from the latest NPR/Weekend Edition radio show:
Annoying Music -- The city of Fort Lupton, Colorado requires noise pollution
offenders to attend a class which consists of listening to loud annoying
music. (2:55)=20
Lalo Schifrin -- Scott Simon interviews Argentinian composer Lalo Schifrin.
He's composed the soundtrack for movies such as "Cool Hand Luke," "Dirty
Harry," and "The Cincinnati Kid," and of course, his famous tune, the theme
song from the t-v show "Mission Impossible." His most recent work is the
score for the movie "Tango." (12:00)=20
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Beyond Lawrwnce Welk (NYTimes)
Date: 29 Mar 1999 11:07:18 -0600
March 29, 1999
Beyond Lawrence Welk: Contest Aims to Bring Accordions Into the '90s
BRANSON, Mo. -- Until her first year of high school, Terri Conti lived a
secret life. During the week, she was a typical New Jersey teen-ager. But on
weekends, Ms. Conti strapped on her accordion and sneaked out to musical
A math teacher finally blew her cover when she was in the ninth grade,
putting a newspaper article about a contest she won on the class bulletin
"There was this whole life in school, and then I would go to a bowling alley
a couple of nights a week and play in a big accordion band with 25 or 30
other players," Ms. Conti said.
Ms. Conti, 36, a part-time stockbroker, is no longer so shy about her choice
of instrument. She and more than 150 other accordion players entered the
national "Hottest Accordionist" contest that was held recently in this
Ozarks resort city.
The goal of the contest was to find someone who could promote the accordion
to the MTV generation. Organizers said they weren't exactly looking for the
reincarnation of Lawrence Welk.
"There wasn't an age limit, but when you're asking for someone hip and
saucy, word goes out that you're not looking for older people," said Faithe
Deffner, president of the American Accordionists Association.
Players say the time is right for a squeezebox renaissance. They point to an
influx of accordion music in songs by such popular performers as Sheryl Crow
and Hootie and the Blowfish.
The accordion is an attractive instrument because it is fairly easy to play,
said Ms. Deffner. She said most children should be able to play a
recognizable song after five or six lessons.
Part of the goal of the contest was to show how versatile the accordion can
be in current music. Players performed songs from Louis Prima's "Jump Jivin'
Whale" to Paul Simon's "You Can Call Me Al."
The instrument's image suffered in the 1960s, when things electric were
cool, and 1950s things -- such as Welk and his accordion-flavored music --
were square.
"Rock continued to dominate the scene and the accordion wasn't prominent in
that music," Ms. Deffner said.
Phoebe Legere, a semifinalist, believes that the accordion was not sensual
enough to keep the public's attention at that time. The 32-year-old New
Yorker, who performed in heels and a skintight white dress, said that was
all a big misunderstanding.
"The accordion hangs on the breast, right over the heart," she said. "It's
an instrument that speaks to us."
Most of the semifinalists in the competition began playing before the age of
9 and all said they received a lot of support from their families about
their choice of instrument.
"My dad said 'I'll pay if you play,' and he's been paying ever since," said
22-year-old Tim Padilla of Norco, Calif. He said a competition accordion can
cost around $16,000 and most players have a few accordions of varied
quality, weight and style.
The contest winner, 20-year-old Dwayne Dopsie of Metairie, La., said that as
a child he did not have much choice of which instrument to study. His late
father, Alton Rubin Sr., a popular performer of zydeco music known as Rockin
Dopsie, put a washboard and spoon in his hand when he was only 3.
"I'm like Lawrence Welk Jr. I grew up believing the accordion was hot," said
Dopsie, who wowed judges with a purple suit, fast-fingered style and James
Brown-like dance moves.
Dopsie took home the title, the promise of media exposure -- the contest
organizers hope to get him on talk shows -- and the right to play with Myron
Floren, accordionist with the Lawrence Welk Orchestra, at the Polka Festival
here in June.
But Dopsie says his mission is to let young listeners know there's more to
the accordion than the polka.
"I want to make the accordion an everyday thing. I want to hear on the radio
pop and rock and rap and zydeco stations," he said. "I'm going to go ahead
and change a whole lot of minds."
It's not going to be easy, warned a fellow semifinalist, Jason Stephen, who
introduced his accordion to his Delta Chi fraternity brothers at the
University of Missouri at Kansas City. They were taken aback at first, but
eventually warmed to the instrument.
"I'm a normal college student," Stephen said. "I listen to the Beastie Boys
and Beck. I just also play the accordion."
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) obits: Ellen Langer,Frederick McCallin,Theodore McRae,Lillian
Date: 29 Mar 1999 11:07:13 -0600
*Ellen Hall Langer
BELLEVUE, Neb. (AP) -- Ellen Hall Langer, a Hollywood starlet of the 1940s,
has died. She was 75.
Langer was born in Los Angeles to parents who were in the film industry,
having first appeared in ``All Quiet on the Western Front'' at age seven.
She later made her debut as a Goldwyn girl in ``Up in Arms'' with Danny
Kaye. Langer's lead debut was in 1943 in ``Outlaws of Stampede Pass'' with
Johnny Mack Brown.
Langer held a number of parts in movies and musicals with the stars of her
time, including Bob Hope, Bela Lugosi and Hopalong Cassidy.
*Frederick McCallin
DENVER (AP) -- Maverick priest Frederick McCallin, who shocked the Catholic
community by adding a bar and grill to his church, died Saturday. He was 85.
McCallin stirred controversy in 1975 when he opened a restaurant and bar at
St. Thomas More Church in Arapahoe County. Critics called it the ``Catholic
country club,'' but McCallin reasoned that ``Christ loved to eat.''
Parishioners protested to no avail when McCallin was forced by church rules
to retire at 75.
McCallin was born in Denver and attended St. Francis de Sales school, Regis
College and St. Thomas Seminary in Denver.
*Theodore McRae
NEW YORK (AP) -- Theodore ``Teddy'' McRae, an arranger and composer who
worked with such jazz notables as Sy Oliver and Chick Webb, died March 4. He
was 91.
McRae's hits include ``Back Bay Shuffle'' (1938) and ``Traffic Jam''
(1939), both written with clarinetist and band leader Artie Shaw.
McRae also wrote ``You Showed Me the Way'' (1937) with Ella Fitzgerald, Bud
Green and Webb.
He played the saxophone and served as arranger and musical director with
Webb's band from 1936 to 1939.
In 1958, McRae formed the Enrica Records and Rae-Cox companies with Eddie
Wilcox. He produced many record albums, including ``Bennie Green Swings the
Blues'' and ``Rumpus on Rampart Street.''
March 29, 1999
Theodore McRae, 91, a Jazz Musician (NYTimes)
Theodore (Teddy) McRae, a composer and arranger who worked with such
jazz artists as Artie Shaw, Sy Oliver and Chick Webb, died on March 4 at his
home in Manhattan. He was 91.
McRae's hits included "Back Bay Shuffle" (1938) and "Traffic Jam"
(1939), both written with Shaw, the clarinetist and band leader, who made
them into best-selling recordings.
McRae's other credits included "You Showed Me the Way," which he wrote
in 1937 with Ella Fitzgerald, Bud Green and Webb. He played saxophone with
the Chick Webb band from 1936 to 1939, also serving as arranger and musical
director, and led his own band in 1944.
In 1958 he formed the Enrica Records and Rae-Cox companies with Eddie
Wilcox and produced many record albums, including "Bennie Green Swings the
Blues" and Edmund Hall's "Rumpus on Rampart Street."
McRae was born in Waycross, Ga., and reared in Philadelphia.
He studied medicine, then switched to music and in 1928 organized a
band with his brothers, Bill, Ed, Floyd and Dave.
Later, he was musical director for Louis Armstrong and worked with the
Lionel Hampton and Cab Calloway orchestras.
He was a contributor to the Jazz Oral History Project of the Institute
of Jazz Studies at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J.
He is survived by his wife, Fredist; a son, Robert, and five daughters,
Freda Staton, Norma McRae, Mattina Whitehead-Hamilton, Ethel Newbold and
Lavonia Reeves-Bailey.
March 29, 1999
Lillian McMurry, Blues Producer, Dies at 77
Lillian Shedd McMurry, who stumbled on a cache of old blues records in
1949 and was so taken by the pure, haunting sound that within a year she had
opened a recording studio, died on March 18 at a hospital near her home in
Jackson, Miss. She was 77 and, as the founder of Trumpet Records, had been
the first to record two giants of the Delta blues, Sonny Boy Williamson and
Elmore James.
Friends said the cause was a heart attack.
It is a reflection of the way things were in the prewar South that a
white woman from a musical family could grow up moving from Mississippi town
to Mississippi town and never once hear the area's most evocative music. She
became an unlikely pioneer in an unfamiliar field.
It was also a reflection of the time and place that some of the
century's most original and talented musicians could perform for decades,
sometimes even on the radio, without being offered recording contracts.
It was a tribute to Mrs. McMurry's character, vision and love of music
and musicians that once she was exposed to the blues she began making up for
lost time, recruiting and recording many leading figures, among them Willie
Love, Big Joe Williams and Jerry McCain.
A native of Purvis, Miss., who had a peripatetic, hardscrabble
childhood, she became a state secretary in Jackson, Miss., took some law
courses and in 1945 married Willard McMurry, who eventually operated several
furniture stores, including one at 309 Farish St. in Jackson.
While helping her husband clean out the Farish Street building in 1949,
Mrs. McMurry came upon a stack of old records. Curious, she put one on a
turntable and what she heard changed her life. It was a song called "All She
Wants to Do Is Rock," by Wynonie "Mr. Blues" Harris, and as Mrs. McMurry
recalled years later, the sound was as strange to her as it was thrilling.
"It was the most unusual, sincere and solid sound I'd ever heard," she
said. "I'd never heard a black record before. I'd never heard anything with
such rhythm and freedom."
Mrs. McMurry was so taken with the music that she opened a record
department in the furniture store, specializing in blues, gospel and other
black music.
The department proved so popular, especially after she began
advertising on the local 50,000-watt radio station, that it soon became a
full-fledged store.
Less than a year later Mrs. McMurry converted the store into a
recording studio and created the Trumpet label, initially recording local
gospel groups.
Then after hearing about a blues singer who played the harmonica, or
harp as it is known in blues circles, she got in her car, headed north and
tracked him down in a small Delta town.
He called himself Sonny Boy Williamson, and by the time Mrs. McMurry
found him, he had been performing for almost 20 years and acquiring a
devoted following through his regular radio appearances on "King Biscuit
Time" over station KFFA in Helena, Ark.
Mrs. McMurry, who signed him to a contract in December 1950, did not
learn until years later that he was really Alex Miller, known since
childhood as Rice. Typically, Williamson had appropriated the name of
another highly regarded harmonica-playing blues singer, but only,
apparently, because as an escaped convict (the story was that he had stolen
a neighbor's mule and painted it white, and had gotten away with it -- until
it rained), he needed a different name.
Over the next few years, with Mrs. McMurry serving as a demanding,
inspired producer, he turned out a string of blues standards, among them
"Eyesight to the Blind," "Nine Below Zero," "Mr. Down Child," "Mighty Long
Time," "Red Hot Kisses" (written by Mrs. McMurry) and "Pontiac Blues," a
Williamson tribute to Mrs. McMurry's car.
He also brought in his friend Elmore James, the slide guitarist, whose
first, and only, Trumpet recording, "Dust My Broom," became a major blues
hit and led to a career with a succession of other labels.
Williamson remained loyal to Mrs. McMurry, perhaps partly because she
was a reliable friend who regularly bailed him out of jail and gave him
advances on his royalties -- more, in the end, than he earned.
A hard-drinking, cantankerous man who tended to get into fights when he
was drunk, Williamson, who carried a knife and a gun, also used a lot of
foul language, but according to local legend only did so once around Mrs.
As the story goes, when Williamson began cursing at the studio one day,
she chewed him out and told him to leave. When he refused, Mrs. McMurry, who
had taken the precaution of making him check it, pulled his own pistol on
him, marched him outside and ordered him not to come back. When he returned
a couple of weeks later and apologized, she took him back.
Mrs. McMurry, whose husband died in 1996, is survived by a daughter,
Vitrice Rankin of New Orleans; a sister, Doris Wells of Sealy, Texas; a
brother, Milton Shedd of Jackson, and a granddaughter.
Partly because of unscrupulous competition from bigger record
companies, Trumpet folded in 1955, but the McMurrys eventually managed to
pay off its debts. (Always scrupulous about paying royalties on time, Mrs.
McMurry, who was inducted into the Blues Hall of Fame last year, continued
to make sure her former artists got their due when collections of Trumpet
songs were released over the years.)
Williamson landed at Chess records after Trumpet folded, but continued
to rely on Mrs. McMurry. After he died in 1965, it was she who paid for his
Death anniversaries for the week of 29 March - 4 April:
Tuesday, 30 March
1986 - James Cagney; actor
Wednesday, 31 March
1986 - Jerry Paris; actor, "The Dick Van Dyke Show"
1995 - Selena; tejano singer
Thursday, 1 April
1984 - Marvin Gaye; R&B singer
Friday, 2 April
1987 - Buddy Rich; drummer & bandleader
Sunday, 4 April
1983 - Gloria Swanson; actress
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From: <Jonathan.Perl@mail.ing.nl>
Subject: (exotica) Lynch Soundtracks/Andy Williams
Date: 29 Mar 1999 08:34:18 +0000
>I also grew to appreciate the work of Angelo Badalamenti(sp?), and
>have the TP and BLUE VELVET soundtracks(don't yet have FIRE WALK
>WITH ME.) I was
>wondering if his body of work for other films and project is >
>consistent with the coolness of the aforementioned.
I was also very influenced by the Badalamenti soundtracks; in fact
'fire walk with me' was the first CD I ever bought. It is
brilliant, and far more varied than the tv soundtrack album. The
only other lynch/badalamenti soundtrack which I would recommend is
WILD AT HEART, which, aside from two or three slightly duff tracks
(Nicolas Cage singing 'be bop a lula' and 'love me tender' and some
hard rock anthem) is fantastic. It has more of a fifties influence
than the twin peaks soundtrack, but some of the tracks would fit
right in on TP.
>as was Lou...do you think Claudine Longet is still burning through
>his system? Must be...
I saw an aged Andy Williams performing 'music to watch girls by' on
'Top of the Pops' this week. He sung live, and hasn't quite got it
any more. I must confess that my mind strayed and I kept wondering
about him and Claudine...
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From: "Sandberg Magnus" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: (exotica) David F Friedman is here
Date: 29 Mar 1999 20:27:03 +0200
Stockholm met David F Friedman this weekend, he was here with Mike =
Wraney and Lisa Petrucci from Something Weird Video with there =
filmfestival Something Weird 2000.
Dave was in a good mood, and obviously loved to be here. He watched many =
of his films, including "The erotic adventures of Zorro", in which he =
had the most disgusting part playing "Man with snake".
For those of you who still havent made any excursions into the =
psychotronic filmworld i can tell you that you really are missing =
something, the best exotica is featured in many many of them, i watched =
10 films this year, and found clips from "Man in space" in two of them. =
Probably there were clips from African Lament too. That was in of one of =
Daves films called "Trader Hornee". Lots of weird exotica in that one. =
Funny movie too!
Sadly enough last years festival was superior, the films then were all =
weird and strange, and i had a wonderful time, but it looks like Mike =
want to attract a new kind of customers to his buisness, and not us who =
allready is "with it" and has seen a lot.
Bowanga Bowanga!
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Beyond Lawrwnce Welk (NYTimes)
Date: 29 Mar 1999 14:49:54 -0500
>Beyond Lawrence Welk: Contest Aims to Bring Accordions Into the '90s
Report including photos here:
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: "Sandberg Magnus" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: SV: (exotica) one more from the zoo
Date: 29 Mar 1999 21:44:29 +0200
Andre Williams is on tour and next week i will go on his concert. I'll =
send a report to the list. Has anyone seen him recently?
It's the GREAT Andre Williams' "Sweet Little Pussycat" on vol. 4=20
(vinyl edition). He's BOSS, still.
Other remarkable track in the series: "Scatty Cat" by Bob Bunny on=20
vol. 3.
ciao & miao
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From: "Sandberg Magnus" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: (exotica) Haack and Beck
Date: 29 Mar 1999 21:46:44 +0200
Can anyone tell me if the rumour is true that Beck has bought all rights =
to Bruce Haacks recordings? If he has will he reissue them or will he =
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: (exotica) what hath I wrought?!
Date: 29 Mar 1999 13:39:57 -0400
Hi, Jane "The Smut Peddler" Fondle here...wishing to clean up, uh, the mess
I've made!:
>>>.Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 15:12:14 -0800
>>Laura advises me that it is likely a Tiki anal probe... (I asked for =
mine OFF list.)
Well, you've gone public for the both of us, Ron! Thanks fer nuthin'! I
hope yours is BROKEN! ;^P(kidding, Ron!)
<< I suspect that she will be receiving an alarming number of requests for
this item from listees.
Guess what, baby? YOU are the only one! OK, so for the more FAMILY
oriented members of the list, I do apologize! But you gotta admit, tiki
collectors, you probably don't have THIS one on your leopard print shelf! _
Jane "I need a shower now, bleech" Fondle
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From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
Subject: (exotica) Paradise Found comment
Date: 29 Mar 1999 09:06:37 -0800
Will writes;
jack -
you could hype this one up all day and you wouldnt be lying.
i seriously think this is the best commercial collection of exotic
music ive heard. seriously beautiful stuff. im sure you've
probally heard most of the songs before this cd, but i hadnt and
there are a lot of standout tracks.
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From: Jack <jack@jackdiamond.com>
Subject: (exotica) New Exotica CD Add
Date: 29 Mar 1999 08:50:35 -0800
New Exotica CD Add:
"Paradise Found: Rare Exotica Sounds" CD
(Hibiscus Records, HBCD 1001, 1999)
16 different artists/titles, all great, seriously.
Intro: Aloha Malahahini!, The Surfmen-Taboo, Gene Rains-Bangkok Cock Fight,
Warren Barker-Malayan Nightbird, Ted Auletta-Quiet Village, Phil
Moore-Return To Paradise, Frank Hunter-White Goddess, Johnny Spencer and
His Kona Koasters-S'Pacifica, The Royal Samoans-Similau, The Exciting
Sounds of Milt Raskin-Kapu!, The Polynesians-Hawaiian China Doll, Chaino
and His African Percussion Safari-The Jungle Chase, Sondi Sodsai-Sondi, The
Yokohama Knights-A Man and A Woman, Outro-Outrigger Canoe Ride.
10 Stars, No lie.
This is a *serious* collection of classic exotica.
If you love Martin Denny, Les Baxter, Arthur Lyman et al, then this is THE
Exotica CD you need to own.
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From: "Sandberg Magnus" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: SV: (exotica) Haack and Beck
Date: 29 Mar 1999 22:14:24 +0200
>There is a remix project involving Beck and others in the works, =
Remix? What a bad idea. Beck is out of inspiration or what?
Thanks for the answer Clark.
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From: "Ron Grandia" <rgrandia@xtabay.com>
Subject: RE: (exotica) what hath I wrought?!
Date: 28 Mar 1999 12:45:52 -0800
> Well, you've gone public for the both of us, Ron! Thanks fer nuthin'! =
> hope yours is BROKEN! ;^P(kidding, Ron!)
> << I suspect that she will be receiving an alarming number of requests =
> =3D
> this item from listees.
> Guess what, baby? YOU are the only one!=20
Not true... I quote Ms Mingo-go:
"WOW! Where, o' where can I get my tiki dildo????! I want one NOW!"
I am putting mine on the altar tight next to the life-sized Richard M. =
Nixon candle. Hmmm... TWO fake... Oh never mind.
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From: "Ron Grandia" <rgrandia@xtabay.com>
Subject: RE: (exotica) what hath Nixon wrought?!
Date: 28 Mar 1999 14:37:23 -0800
Hey... as it turns out... the Nixon candle is currently in view on the =
http://www.xtabay.com/feelthyradio.htm It's to the right of the lava =
Up untill a day or two ago, tricky Dick was sporting headphones.
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From: Pearmania@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Weird
Date: 29 Mar 1999 19:12:02 EST
<< You guys are weird. My name is John >>
>Oh tell us something we don't already know. BTW, via computer viral psycho-
>physical dynamics, and thru your fingers touching your computer keyboard,
>guess what?
>You are weird too!!!
If you felt compelled to join this list, you've reached weird level one.
If you find yourself hanging around month after month, year after year, like
many of us, you've reached maximum level weird.
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From: DJJimmyBee@aol.com
Subject: Re: (exotica) Weird
Date: 29 Mar 1999 19:48:14 EST
In a message dated 3/29/99 8:26:28 PM, Pearmania@aol.com wrote:
>If you felt compelled to join this list.....then you are in violation of the
Groucho Marx creed: "I wouldn't join ANY list that would have me as a member."
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From: cheryl <cheryls@dsuper.net>
Subject: (exotica) Eddie Cano?
Date: 29 Mar 1999 21:15:11 -0500
I saw a CD reissue by Eddie Cano (at least, I think that was his name) -
latin percussion, or something like that in the title. Anyone know
anything about him?
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From: "Paul Moshay" <mighty65@pacbell.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Eddie Cano?
Date: 29 Mar 1999 18:29:32 +0000
He had a half a dozen lp's on Reprise. He/his combo played
big residency gigs I understand at "P.J.'s" in Hollywood/W.Hollywood.
(The "Trini Lopez" P.J.'s, yea). Always love an opportunity to mention
my compadre Trini :)
P.J.'s became The Starwood later (early 70's, I think). Cano's sthick was
an entirely enjoyable little latin flavored pop standards thing for the most
The six or so Cano Reprise Lp's I own are terrific. Not challanging, not
dopey either. My uncle says he was pretty highly regarded with the early
6 T's affluent Hollywood hipster crowd.
Paul Moshay
Toluca Lake, California
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From: bag@hubris.net
Subject: Re: (exotica) Eddie Cano?
Date: 29 Mar 1999 20:41:24 +0000
At 06:29 PM 29-03-99 +0000, Paul Moshay wrote:
>He had a half a dozen lp's on Reprise. He/his combo played
>big residency gigs I understand at "P.J.'s" in Hollywood/W.Hollywood.
>The six or so Cano Reprise Lp's I own are terrific. Not challanging, not
>dopey either.
I agree with Paul. I have just started finding and looking for
more of his records.
Most recently I found two of his Reprise LPs:
Eddie Cano at PJ's R-6030 (stereo, despite the record number)
Broadway Right Now RS-6124
Before Reprise, he recorded for RCA
Time for Cha Cha Cha LSP-1672 1958
Deep in a Drum LSP-1645
Cole Porter and Me LPM-1340
Obviously there are more, but these are the only I know of.
Byron Caloz
Portland, Oregon, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way
The Mr. Smooth site: http://www.hubris.net/zolac/smooth
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From: bag@hubris.net
Subject: Re: (exotica) Eddie Cano?
Date: 29 Mar 1999 20:51:36 +0000
More on Eddie Cano from Leonard Feather's essential "The Encyclopedia of
Piano is his main instrument but he also played trombone and bass.
It is possible he is still with us. He was born in 1927 in a family of
musicians...his grandfather played in the Mexico City Symphony Orchestra
and his father played the bass and guitar.
After a stint in the Army he played with Miguelito Valdes from 45 to 46, then
led his own combo 1948 -49 before joining the Bobby Ramos band in 1949. He
in 1953 to back up Tony Martinez.
According to Feather, Cano's favorite solo was "I Can Groove You" from
the 1956 RCA record "Cole Porter and Me." He also recorded with Les Baxter
Cal Tjader.
Byron Caloz
Portland, Oregon, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way
The Mr. Smooth site: http://www.hubris.net/zolac/smooth
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From: King Kini <kingkini@tamboo.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Eddie Cano?
Date: 30 Mar 1999 00:02:41 -0600
i've got two Cano LPs ("Best of Eddie Cano"- RCA LSP-2636, and "Cano
Plays Mancini" - Reprise R9-6068)... both are very nice smooth
piano/percussion, slightly latin type things that i use often.
- kk
> I saw a CD reissue by Eddie Cano (at least, I think that was his name) -
> latin percussion, or something like that in the title. Anyone know
> anything about him?
King Kini's C L U B V E L V E T
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From: Ottotemp@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Leeteg review
Date: 30 Mar 1999 02:15:40 EST
To read the latest write-up on velvet master Edgar Leeteg go to:
and click the phil.enquirer features button
for Tuesday March 30
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From: Ottotemp@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Otto's April Fools Day
Date: 30 Mar 1999 02:15:49 EST
I will be djing at the Li Lo Lounge for Thursday April 1
Val will be your cocktail hostess
Sudsey will be your bartender and he will be concocting fine Polynesian
elixirs including a few trader Vic originals!
18th and Connecticut
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From: Ottotemp@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Leeteg review
Date: 30 Mar 1999 02:15:44 EST
To read the latest write-up on velvet master Edgar Leeteg go to:
and click the phil.enquirer features button
for Tuesday March 30
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From: Ottotemp@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Thursday April 1
Date: 30 Mar 1999 02:15:53 EST
If you miss my regular Tuesday night at the Beauty Bar, I will be djing at the
Li Lo Lounge for Thursday April 1
Val will be your cocktail hostess
Sudsey will be your bartender and he will be concocting fine Polynesian
elixirs including a few trader Vic originals!
18th and Connecticut
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From: Ottotemp@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) Vancouver Tiki Art Show
Date: 30 Mar 1999 02:45:43 EST
SAVAGE CITY is showing at MoonBase Gallery from March 26 to April 18
address; 231 Carrall Street, Vancouver
phone: 604-608-0913
gallery hours -- Wednesday through Sunday, 12-6 pm
website: http:/www.vancouver.planeteer/~atomos/moonbase.html
features local Vancouver artists: Atomos, Robert Elliott, I
Braineater, Rod Filbrandt, Vicki M, 12 Midnight, and more. Don't miss
Vancouver's only 14 foot Easter Island Head.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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From: Bump <bumpy@megsinet.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) andre williams
Date: 30 Mar 1999 07:18:21 -0500
>Andre Williams is on tour and next week i will go on his concert. I'll
>send a report to the list. Has anyone seen him recently?
I know i told some folks about this but not sure if i posted to the whole
list but
About 2 months ago i actually had the extreme honor of being in the company
of Mr. Williams for about 6 hours. i sat in on a AM radio interview my
buddy dj John Rouse did with him in Annapolis MD.
he told great tales of his early days as we drank straight rum for 3 hours.
the radio show (the dj was sloshed) got sooo sloppy, wrong songs were
played, songs cut short, andre's mike was left open and lots of the seven
words you can't say were shocking listeners left and right. the phones were
ringing telling us about it! john just asked if they were taping it--no
proof, no sweat!
andre was loving it. it got so crazy that the station actually switched to
country station a couple days after! (it is a pretty conservative station
we then took him to his gig in DC, he was unfortunately opening for John
Spencer (who i did not stay for). to sober up the trashed dj , Andre bought
us dinner at a Nation of Islam beans and rice joint (had i been eating
there myself i know i would have been sallowing some chef spit) in a rather
gritty section of DC still spouting off tales and "what it isms" of the
record industry.
He was the coolest. what can you say? i felt like the luckiest guy on
earth that day. and i have a cool photo with him to remember it all by.
at the 9:30 club his set was way too short (no encore) and was in the
style of his last LP on In The Red called Silky. Andre was wild and raunchy
but his back up band were a bunch of white boy rockers from Cali that, to
me, really were not that great.I heard when he played the night before in
Baltimore that he did a medley of older stuff like Bacon Fat for the encore.
i would like to see a show of more root down R+B rawness.
maybe if he is touring now as the headliner the show would be better and
especially if it is at a intimate venue.
do you have any tour dates?
Universal DJ
Defective Records
"The future will be better tomorrow."
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
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From: "Rajnai, Charles, NNAD" <crajnai@att.com>
Subject: RE: (exotica) Otto's April Fools Day
Date: 30 Mar 1999 08:48:16 -0500
> I will be djing at the Li Lo Lounge for Thursday April 1
Everyone, please say what city you are in when posting gigs. I would hate
to miss one if indeed it WAS on the east coast.
surfng the chaos,
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) obits: Benjamin Gailing,Brock Speer,Margaret Mason,Joe Williams
Date: 30 Mar 1999 10:17:03 -0600
*Benjamin Gailing
BOSTON (AP) -- Benjamin Gailing, a former actor in Yiddish theater and a
former radio host, died Saturday at age 100.
Gailing also wrote two plays and one book, translated hundreds of songs
from English to Yiddish and wrote a humor column for a New York newspaper.
He began his career as an actor with the Yiddish Art Theater. He also sang,
danced and played the violin on stages in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago
and Boston.
For 53 years, Gailing was host of the Sunday morning Yiddish Radio Show on
WDLW in Boston.
For the last 26 years, he was cantor for Temple Beth Abraham in Canton.
*Brock Speer
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- Brock Speer, patriarch of the singing Speer Family
and former president, chairman of the board and permanent board member of
the Gospel Music Association, died Monday of natural causes at age 78.
Speer started singing with his parents and siblings in 1925 and stayed with
them until an interruption caused by World War II.
The Speer Family moved to Nashville in 1946. Over the course of their
career, the family recorded for a number of labels including Bullet,
Columbia, RCA, Benson, HeartWarming and Homeland.
Country singer Chet Atkins used Speer and his brother, Ben, as backing
vocalists on recording sessions during the '50s.
Both men joined Gordon Stoker of the Jordanaires on Elvis Presley's first
Nashville session for RCA Victor in 1956, according to The Tennessean. The
Speers also contributed to Presley sessions when he recorded his hit, ``I
Want You, I Need You, I Love You.''
Speer was inducted into the Gospel Music Association's Hall of Fame in
1975. The Speer Family was inducted into the GMA Hall of Fame in 1998, the
first year groups were allowed to join, and they are the only group to
receive the GMA's Lifetime Achievement Award.
*Margaret Mason
SILVERDALE, Wash. (AP) -- Actress Margaret Mason, who appeared in ``The
Manchurian Candidate'' in 1962 and more recently on a daytime soap opera,
died Friday of a heart attack. She was 58.
Ms. Mason starred on Broadway in ``Boys Will Be Boys,'' and also appeared
on television shows including ``Wagon Train,'' ``Ironside,'' ``The Wild,
Wild West,'' ``Adam 12'' and ``Playhouse 90.''
In addition to ``The Manchurian Candidate,'' she appeared in ``How to
Succeed in Business Without Really Trying,'' ``No Time For Sergeants,''
``The Train Doesn't Stop Here,'' ``Beach Party'' and ``Honeymoon Hotel.''
She returned to daytime television later in her career, playing Eve Howard
in CBS' ``The Young and the Restless,'' from 1982-86, and again in 1993. She
also starred in the soaps ``General Hospital'' and ``Days of Our Lives.''
LAS VEGAS (AP) -- Joe Williams, whose smooth baritone and collaborations
with Count Basie won him acclaim as one of the great voices of jazz,
collapsed and died on a city street after walking away from a hospital. He
was 80.
Williams apparently died of natural causes, Clark County Coroner Ron Flud
said. He had walked several miles Monday and was a few blocks from home.
His wife, Jillean, said he had been admitted to Sunrise Hospital a week ago
for a respiratory ailment. The hospital reported Williams missing several
hours before his body was found.
Singer Robert Goulet said: ``At the age of 80, Joe could sing better than
most people at the age of 20. He was one of the greatest jazz and blues
singers of all time, and he was such a good man, too.''
Williams' appeal stretched to other mediums: He played Bill Cosby's
father-in-law, Grandpa Al, on ``The Cosby Show'' in the 1980s. He and Cosby
were friends, and the childhood memories Grandpa Al spun on the show were
his own from Chicago.
But his fame was in jazz. Williams became a sensation in 1955 when he
recorded ``Everyday I Have the Blues'' with Basie, and the two were together
for seven years. Williams repeatedly was chosen the top male jazz singer in
readers' polls for Downbeat and other magazines.
``I'm most pleasantly surprised at what still comes out of my throat,''
Williams said in an 1986 interview. ``I'm thrilled and thankful. I remember
Edward (Duke Ellington) saying, `I'm just a messenger boy for God.' Much of
what we do comes through us. I thank God for what comes through me.''
Born Joseph Goreed on Dec. 12, 1918, in Cordele, Ga., the entertainer was
raised by his mother and grandmother. He found fun in playing the piano and
singing the spirituals he heard at the Methodist church where his mother was
the organist.
In his teens in the 1930s, he led the singing group The Jubilee Boys in
performances in Chicago churches. He later sang solo in a Chicago club, and
made his professional debut in 1937 with the late Jimmy Noone.
His big break came in 1943, when Williams was working as a security guard
to support himself. He wound up guarding the front door of the Regal Theater
and met jazz luminaries such as Duke Ellington. The Regal's manager sent
Williams to the Tick Tock in Boston to join Lionel Hampton's band, which had
its own powerhouse blues singer, Dinah Washington.
The magic came with Basie. Williams said Basie hired him on the advice of
his band.
``Basie said, `I can't give you what you're worth. But, things get better
for me, they get better for you.' I had the good sense to go with him,''
Williams recalled.
The two played together from 1954 to 1961, and Williams often performed
with Basie until his death in 1984; Williams dedicated his renditions of
``You Are So Beautiful'' to Basie.
``As a talent, he was one of the best blues singers in the world and also
one of the best ballad singers,'' added friend and singer Buddy Greco.
``There will never be anyone like him, again.''
Tony Bennett recalled Williams once telling him: ``It's not that you want
to sing, it's that you have to sing.''
``He defined who I really am,'' Bennett said in 1992.
Even in his later years, Williams sang on cruise ships, at festivals, in
hotels and clubs, working about 40 weeks a year. He was an avid golfer.
Besides his wife, Williams is survived by his son, Joe; and his daughter,
Anne. Funeral information was not immediately available.
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.net>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Joe Williams
Date: 30 Mar 1999 10:27:56 -0500
If you listened to NPR's Morning Edition, you would have found that Williams
was a "Blues Singer" and Andy Kirk fronted an "R&B band".
Thank heavens for these people! I've been getting these "facts" wrong all this
"Brian" Phillips
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Angelo!
Date: 29 Mar 1999 19:45:41 +0200
At 16:13 -0700 99/03/27, laura.taylor wrote:
>I ....... have the
>TP and BLUE VELVET soundtracks(don't yet have FIRE WALK WITH ME.) I was
>wondering if his body of work for other films and project is consistent
>with the coolness of the aforementioned.
I used to prefer the TV soundtrack (maybe because of the length of
some of the tracks on this CD, or because i never saw the movie, only the
tv seriers), but gradually started liking the film soundtrack as much.
Moody spooky finger-snapping lounge cool jazz.
| ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) Re: Roy Budd Reissues
Date: 30 Mar 1999 16:47:34 +0200
At 09:09 -0700 99/03/29, Robbie wrote:
>Black Windmill, Diamonds, Fear Is The Key, Paper Tiger, Sinbad &
>The Eye Of The Tiger.
can you tell us something about them?
| ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \ | ) / \
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From: chuck <chuckmk@yahoo.com>
Subject: (exotica) Sid & Marty Krofft
Date: 30 Mar 1999 09:32:11 -0800 (PST)
A while back I ordered this cd from 2 different venders and both could
not get a hold of it even though it was listed at their site.
Does anyone know where I can find this cd?
The link below is out of commission also.
Thanks for you help
Easy listening in the Big Easy
---"m.ace" wrote:
>>* Sid & Marty Krofft: Greatest Hits (Interscope) -- finally!
> They produced a roster of bizarre kid's TV shows in America, from 1969
> through much of the 70s.
> Read more about it:
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
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From: "Br. Cleve" <bcleve@pop.tiac.net>
Subject: Re: SV: (exotica) one more from the zoo
Date: 30 Mar 1999 12:12:35 -0500
At 9:44 PM +0200 3/29/99, Sandberg Magnus wrote:
>Andre Williams is on tour and next week i will go on his concert. I'll
>send a report to the list. Has anyone seen him recently?
a good friend of mine saw him in NYC 2 weeks ago and said he was terrible:
didn't seem to give a fuck, was fairly loaded, and spent too much time
doing chitlin circuit retreads like Mustang Sally amd Land of 1000 Dances,
alongside uninspired versions of his classics like 'Jailbait'.
br cleve
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From: "Br. Cleve" <bcleve@pop.tiac.net>
Subject: (exotica) Futurama
Date: 30 Mar 1999 14:20:13 -0500
Anybody (in the U.S.) see the premiere episode of Matt Groening's
"Futurama" cartoon series the other night? The theme song is a note for
note rip off of Pierre Henry's "Psyche Rock". The 'composer' is Christopher
Tyng, whom I'm unfamiliar with...........anybody know this guy?
br cleve
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From: cscheffy@kinglet.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: Re: (exotica) Futurama
Date: 30 Mar 1999 11:19:45 -0800
I was hearing Jacques Loussier's soundtrack to "You Only Love Once" in
but hadn't compared the songs side by side.
At 02:20 PM 3/30/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>Anybody (in the U.S.) see the premiere episode of Matt Groening's
>"Futurama" cartoon series the other night? The theme song is a note for
>note rip off of Pierre Henry's "Psyche Rock". The 'composer' is Christopher
>Tyng, whom I'm unfamiliar with...........anybody know this guy?
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) Futurama/Christopher Tyng
Date: 30 Mar 1999 15:31:42 -0600
At 02:20 PM 3/30/99 -0500, Br. Cleve wrote:
>Anybody (in the U.S.) see the premiere episode of Matt Groening's
>"Futurama" cartoon series the other night? The theme song is a note for
>note rip off of Pierre Henry's "Psyche Rock". The 'composer' is Christopher
>Tyng, whom I'm unfamiliar with...........anybody know this guy?
I found this tidbit re. Tyng:
The winner of the 1990 BMI/PETE CARPENTER FELLOWSHIP, Christopher Tyng,
composed music for feature films Bring Me the Head of Mavis Davis, which was
named Best Soundtrack at the 1997 San Reames Film Festival in London, The
Associate and Kazaam, and TV show The Parent Hood. He was also the musical
supervisor for CityKids, ABC's Saturday morning series featuring hip-hop
kids and Jim Henson Muppets, and composed for The Babysitter's Club. In
addition, Tyng was nominated for a Cable ACE Award for Best Original Song
for a work written for Attack of the 5-2 Women.=20
Here's his allmovie listing:
Christopher Tyng=20
Occupation=A0 Composer (Music Score), Songwriter=20
Genres=A0 Drama, Crime, Comedy, Children's/Family=20
1998 Bad As I Wanna Be: The Dennis Rodman Story [TV] Composer (Music Score)=
1997 Bring Me the Head of Mavis Davis Composer (Music Score) =A0=20
1996 Cadillac Ranch Composer (Music Score) =A0=20
1996 Mr. Spreckman's Boat Songwriter =A0=20
1996 Kazaam Songwriter / Composer (Music Score) =A0=20
1996 The Associate Songwriter =A0=20
1995 Crosscut Composer (Music Score) =A0=20
1994 Across the Moon Composer (Music Score) =A0=20
Exene Cervenka and Christopher Tyng, "Across The Moon" (Film
Score/Title song/Music supervisor), Hemdale Films
1992 Delta Heat Composer (Music Score) =A0=20
Also see:
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From: "telstar" <telstar@albedo.net>
Subject: (exotica) "Mondo Bongos" playlist for March 31, 1999
Date: 30 Mar 1999 16:44:29 -0500
Mondo Bongos can be heard every Wed at 9 am on CFRU 93.3 fm in Guelph,
Ontario.Canada. Comments & questions welcome.
Sparks - This Town Ain't Big Enough for the Both of Us "Kimono My House"
Eno - Dead Finks Don't Talk "Here Comes the Warm Jets"
Goblin - Zombie "Dawn of the Dead" [ost]
Goblin - Profondo Rosso "The Goblin Collection 1975-1989"
- http://goblinhome.simplenet.com/
Bo Hansson - The Black Riders/Flight to the Ford "The Lord of the Rings"
Claude Denjean - Desormais "Moods"
The Bob Crewe Generation - A Felicidade (theme from Black Orpheus) "Music
to Watch Girls By"
Burt Bacharach - Do You Know the Way to San Jose "On the Move"
- a rather curious lp released by Chevrolet. The back cover has photos of
the 1970 models of the Monte Carlo, Caprice & Chevelle and on the front
cover has the note "as seen on the CBC-TV Chevrolet Special". Features 3
songs by Burt, 3 by Glen Campbell & 4 by Dionne Warwick.
Gershon Kingsley - Hey, Hey "Music to Moog By"
Orchid Spangiafora - Hold Everything "Flee Past Ape Elf"
- one of my desert island discs. Released in 1978 by Twin/Tone Records &
features cut-ups of daytime television broadcasts.
Enoch Light - Blue is the Night "Persuasive Percussion"
The Tape Beatles - is the night Blue "Music with Sound"
- a re-ordering of the Enoch Light recording.
Negativland - Clowns and Ballerinas "A Big 10-8 Place"
The Electric Moog Orchestra - Cantina Band "Music from Star Wars"
Gershon Kingsley - Popcorn "Music to Moog By"
Orchid Spangiafora - Dime operation "Flee Past Ape Elf"
Thanks for reading,
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From: jmhuber@mindspring.com
Subject: (exotica) Re: Lynch soundtracks
Date: 30 Mar 1999 16:45:38 -0600
Hello -
Anyone on this list in a band that plays Angelo Badalamenti music or music
inspired by this composer? Also, would Ennio Morricone fall under the
"exotica" category?
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From: Rcbrooksod@aol.com
Subject: (exotica) In the nick of time.
Date: 30 Mar 1999 17:44:43 EST
Check your realaudio out at:
or go to this site and click when directed.
How would you like to have that guy's job? He sounds like the announcer from
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From: "Robert Baldock" <rcb@easynet.co.uk>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Re: Roy Budd Reissues
Date: 31 Mar 1999 00:32:09 +0100
Johan wrote:
> >Black Windmill, Diamonds, Fear Is The Key, Paper Tiger, Sinbad &
> >The Eye Of The Tiger.
> can you tell us something about them?
Not really - I haven't heard any of them! But there are some
capsule reviews at the Dusty Groove site.
** ** ** * Spaced Out - the Enoch Light Website * ** ** **
** ** ** * http://www.rcb.easynet.co.uk/light/ * ** ** **
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From: Scott Swanson <swandwn@agora.rdrop.com>
Subject: (exotica) FOR SALE: Larry Page/Music For Night People
Date: 30 Mar 1999 16:09:33 -0800 (PST)
I have an extra copy of "Music For Night People" by The Larry Page
Orchestra which I would like to sell. Nice lounge/easy listening
material. The CD is brand new. I'm asking $6 plus shipping.
Please reply to: swandwn@agora.rdrop.com
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From: "Charles Moseley" <Charles_Moseley%MCKINSEY-EXTERNAL@MCKINSEY.COM>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Re: Roy Budd Reissues
Date: 31 Mar 1999 09:01:53 +0000
Once again, I'll re-post my one-line reviews and maybe try to expand on
them. Here we go:
Diamonds soundtrack LP - A one trick pony, with the same theme all the way
through the LP but still very good. Bass heavy, breaks driven jazz in a KPM
style, lots of samples and very cool. Minimal drumming and nice rhodes -
all very moody, like an updated The Hanged Man.
Fear is the Key soundtrack LP - Very jazzy, well produced set somwhere
between swinging/now sound with a couple of tracks that were on the House
of Loungcore compilation. This one has the 10 minute Car Chase tune which
has sirens and engine sounds mixed in. Very good and extremely difficult to
find the original.
Both of these, I would say are obligatory purchases for anyone on this
I also have Paper Tiger at home (LP) but I wouldn't recommend this one,
orchestral and rather bland, easy to find and often very cheap. Avoid!.
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From: "Sandberg Magnus" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: RE (exotica) Futurama
Date: 31 Mar 1999 11:35:34 +0200
>Anybody (in the U.S.) see the premiere episode of Matt Groening's
>"Futurama" cartoon series the other night
How was the cartoon? Is it like a Homer in space thing?=20
mmmmm spaaaaaaaace
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From: "Sandberg Magnus" <m.sandberg@telia.com>
Subject: SV: (exotica) David F Friedman is here
Date: 31 Mar 1999 15:42:45 +0200
>I have to mention the frantic organ in=20
>"Mad Daddy=B4s Spook Show"
YEAH! It was like getting 13, 14 no 15 daggers in the head at the same =
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From: Nat Kone <bruno@yhammer.com>
Subject: Re: RE (exotica) Futurama
Date: 31 Mar 1999 09:15:39 -0500
At 11:35 AM 3/31/99 +0200, Sandberg Magnus wrote:
>>Anybody (in the U.S.) see the premiere episode of Matt Groening's
>>"Futurama" cartoon series the other night
>How was the cartoon? Is it like a Homer in space thing?
As someone who has occasionally thanked God for the Simpsons, I hate to say
this but Futurama did not make me laugh a single time. I almost smiled
when Leonard Nimoy's head tried to catch the fish food they were feeding it
but that was about it. I find this distressing but something tells me that
Futurama is going to continue to disappoint. I hope I'm wrong.
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) obits: Leonard Mountain Chief, Joe Williams
Date: 31 Mar 1999 10:07:48 -0600
*Leonard Mountain Chief
HEART BUTTE, Mont. (AP) -- Leonard Mountain Chief, a tribal elder of the
Blackfeet Indian tribe, movie actor and champion fiddler, died Monday of a
heart attack. He was 59.
Mountain Chief appeared in the 1989 film ``War Party.'' He also played
actor Steven Seagal's father-in-law in the recent film ``The Patriot.''
Mountain Chief had roles in 17 films and documentaries since 1948,
including ``All the Young Men'' with Sidney Poitier in 1957. He ranched in
the Heart Butte area and was active in the political community, serving
three terms in the Blackfeet Tribal Council, and as chairman of the Land
Board and gambling committee.
An avid fiddler, Mountain Chief had played in Nashville and Hollywood, and
in 1987 headlined a country jamboree at the then-College of Great Falls.
Later that year he performed in a show with Willie Nelson and Waylon
Jennings and toured Russia.
March 31, 1999
Joe Williams, Jazz Singer of Soulful Tone and Timing, Is Dead at 80
Joe Williams, whose urbane bass-baritone and suavely heartbroken songs made
him one of the most important singers in jazz, died on Monday in Las Vegas,
Nev. He was 80 years old.
Williams collapsed on a city street a few blocks from his home after walking
out of Sunrise Hospital, where he had been admitted last week for a
respiratory ailment. The hospital had reported him missing several hours
before his body was found. "He's an adult and chose to leave," Ann Lynch,
vice president for human services at the hospital, said. "We don't confine
people here. Upon finding him missing, the facility was checked, and then
the police were notified to continue the search."
Ron Flud, the Clark County Coroner, said Williams had apparently died of
natural causes.
As a blues and ballad singer, Williams was widely admired for his heartfelt
tone and impeccable timing. "He sang real soul blues on which his perfect
enunciation of the words gave the blues a new dimension," Duke Ellington
wrote in his autobiography, "Music Is My Mistress." "All the accents were in
the right places and on the right words."
Williams traded supple syncopations with big bands and small groups and gave
ballads a tender authority; his voice could also reach raw blue notes and
breaking, ululating inflections that harked back to the music's African
roots. As the singer with the Count Basie Orchestra in the 1950's, he
carried the group to its commercial peak, beginning with what became his
signature song, Memphis Slim's "Every Day (I Have the Blues)."
"He brought the blues from the country to the city," the jazz singer
Cassandra Wilson said yesterday. "His voice is rich and it's bittersweet,
but it's a very composed sound. Everything is well-formed in his mind before
he opens his mouth, and it's flawlessly executed. He reminds me of autumn.
His voice is bronze and burnt sienna and golden, warm and enveloping, just
an incredible instrument. It's a life's work to create that kind of a sound."
Williams reached his broadest audience in the 1980's with occasional
television appearances on "The Cosby Show" as Grandpa Al, whose
reminiscences about Chicago were often drawn from his own life. But his
recording career continued into the 1990's. His album "Nothin' but the
Blues" (Delos) won him a Grammy Award in 1984 as best jazz vocalist.
He was named Joseph Goreed when he was born to a teen-aged mother on Dec.
12, 1918, in the small town of Cordele, Ga. When he was 3, his grandmother
took him to Chicago, where his mother had gone to work as a cook; he lived
with his mother and aunt, who both played the piano. He sang in church,
learned some piano and listened to jazz and opera on the radio, particularly
to Ethel Waters, whose precise diction and deep emotion left a lasting
impression on his style.
He started singing with a teen-aged gospel quartet, the Jubilee Boys, when
he was 14. A year later, he was found to have tuberculosis and had to have a
lung collapsed for treatment, but his voice was undamaged. At 16, he got his
first job as a pop singer, performing for an all-white audience in a club
called Kitty Davis's, where he cleaned latrines and sang for tips. He
dropped out of high school to work and changed his last name to Williams. He
sang in clubs around Chicago with bands led by Joe Long and Erskine Tate.
In 1937, Williams joined the band led by the clarinetist Jimmie Noone, which
was broadcast nationally on the CBS network. He toured the Midwest with the
Les Hite band between stints with Noone, and in 1941 he joined the Coleman
Hawkins big band, which dissolved in 1942. For steady work, Williams became
the stage doorman at the Regal Theater in Chicago, where he met the leading
musicians on the jazz and rhythm-and-blues circuit. He joined the Lionel
Hampton band during its engagement there, working alongside Dinah
Washington, and went on to tour with the band. He sat in for six weeks,
replacing Big Joe Turner, in a blues show with Pete Johnson and Albert
Ammons, and went on to join Andy Kirk's big band.
He was married twice in the 1940's: to Wilma Cole from 1943 to 1946 and to
Ann Kirksey from 1946 to 1950. Williams suffered a nervous breakdown in
1947, and spent a year in a state hospital. He then sold Fuller Cosmetics
door to door before returning to performing. He worked around Chicago,
building a strong local reputation at the Club DeLisa, and sang with George
Shearing's quintet. He married Lemma Reid in 1951, but that marriage
foundered after the birth of their daughter, JoAnn, in 1953; after years of
separation, they were divorced in 1964.
Williams sat in regularly with a septet led by Count Basie when it came to
Chicago in 1950. Four years later, Basie had put together a new big band,
and after it came through Chicago, Basie invited Williams to join. He became
a member of the band on Christmas Day in 1954. "He told me he couldn't pay
me what I was worth," Williams said in an interview with The New Yorker,
"but as things got better for him they would get better for me."
Things got better quickly. Williams chose not to sing material associated
with the Basie band's former vocalist, Jimmy Rushing, and introduced his own
blues repertory. He had been singing "Every Day (I Have the Blues)" in his
club dates, bringing sets to a peak with its mournful incantations. He had
recorded it in 1951, backed by a Chicago band, and it became a local hit.
In 1955, he recorded a new version, arranged by Ernie Wilkins, that became
the Count Basie Orchestra's first major hit in 15 years; it appeared on the
album, "Count Basie Swings, Joe Williams Sings" (Verve).
He made his first network television appearance on CBS's "Music 55." With
the Basie band, he toured the United States and Europe, sometimes singing
alongside Sarah Vaughan or Ella Fitzgerald; he also made albums on his own.
In 1957, the Basie band became the first black performers to appear at the
Starlight Roof of the Waldorf-Astoria. There, Williams met an Englishwoman,
Jillean Hughes-D'Aeth, whom he went on to marry in 1965.
His vocal style was changing. When he began singing, he often performed
without amplification, belting above the band. But during his years with the
Basie band, he listened to tape recordings of his nightly performances, and
he honed his style, paring away nonessentials, improving his intonation and
adding new subtleties. His role with the Basie band was as a blues singer,
but he was increasingly drawn to ballads.
By 1960, Williams was losing interest in the routine of the Basie band.
Basie agreed to let him go and offered strategic career advice. After
playing a final engagement with the Count Basie Band in January 1961,
Williams embraced Basie on the stage at the Apollo Theater in Harlem -- they
had never even shaken hands before -- and started his solo career.
Williams formed a small group featuring the trumpeter Harry (Sweets) Edison,
who had been a Basie band member. While many jazz musicians struggled in the
1960's as rock took over popular music, Williams worked steadily. He
appeared frequently on television shows, notably the "Tonight" show with
Johnny Carson. He settled in Las Vegas with his wife, though he was on the
road about 40 weeks a year, usually working with small groups. Through the
years, his accompanists included the pianists Junior Mance, Ellis Larkins
and Norman Simmons. Williams also worked during the 1960's with the Thad
Jones-Mel Lewis band.
In the 1970's, he collaborated with the saxophonist Julian (Cannonball)
Adderley on the album "Joe Williams Live" and he sang the role of John Henry
in "Big Man," Mr. Adderley's "folk musical." He reunited with the Count
Basie Orchestra in 1974 for a Newport Jazz Festival concert in New York City
that drew rave reviews and appeared frequently with the group until Basie's
death in 1984. In 1978 and 1979, Williams and the trumpeter Clark Terry
toured Africa, sponsored by the United States State Department.
During the 1980's, Williams toured with Mr. Edison and other Basie alumni,
as well as with his own trio. His star was placed next to Basie's on the
Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1983, and in 1984, he sang Duke Ellington's "Come
Sunday" to a hushed crowd at Basie's funeral. In 1989, he had his own
tribute concert as part of the JVC Jazz Festival, backed by Frank Foster
conducting the Count Basie Orchestra. In 1992, "Every Day (I Have the
Blues)" was added to the Grammy Awards Hall of Fame for recordings.
Williams recorded in the 1980's for Verve and in the 1990's for Telarc
Records; his last album, a set of spirituals called "Feel the Spirit"
(Telarc), was released in 1995. More recently, he recorded duets with a
young singer, Nicole Yarling, for the Manchester Craftsmen's Guild label;
they have not been released.
Well into the 1990's, Williams was one of the most dependably moving
performers in jazz. Standing nearly still, perhaps with his hands folded in
front of him, he would make ballads sound like resonant, intimate
conversation, then open up a blues with a voice that was both knowing and
heartsick. "There is nothing wrong," he told an interviewer, "with singing a
song the way it is written, with making a song say, 'Please like me.' "
He is survived by his wife and daughter.
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From: Johan Dada Vis <Quiet@village.uunet.be>
Subject: (exotica) Davie Allan - Bullseye CD: track list
Date: 30 Mar 1999 19:21:47 +0200
Davie Allan - Bullseye CD:
Apache 65
Slip Stream
Blues Theme = Wild Angels Ost
Unknown Rider = Wild Angels Ost
Thene From Unknown
Thunderball = Wild Angels & Other Themes
Action On The Street
Sorry Bout That
Ghost Riders
Devils Angels = Wild Angels & Other Themes
Mind Transferral
Blues Trip
Another Cycle In Detroit
Cycle Delic
Born Losers Theme
Moondawg 65
War Path
High Noon
Angel With A Devils Heart
Runaway 66
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Sid & Marty Krofft
Date: 31 Mar 1999 14:54:28 -0500
>The link below is out of commission also.
>> Read more about it:
Yup, Living Island seems to be Dead Island now. These things happen.
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: "m.ace" <ecam@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Futurama
Date: 31 Mar 1999 14:55:09 -0500
>As someone who has occasionally thanked God for the Simpsons, I hate to say
>this but Futurama did not make me laugh a single time. I almost smiled
>when Leonard Nimoy's head tried to catch the fish food they were feeding it
>but that was about it. I find this distressing but something tells me that
>Futurama is going to continue to disappoint. I hope I'm wrong.
I liked it when the police broke in and Bender the Robot shat a brick (with
a metallic clunk).
But yeah, I had reservations about it afterwards too. Still, it'd be unfair
to judge it on one episode, especially one saddled with setting up the
situation. For me the major problem is the 'audience surrogate' character,
Fry, who's basically a dweeb with dialogue mostly along the lines of,
"wow," "gee whiz," "cool," and "alright!" He's going to have to get a lot
more interesting than he is now. Bender is fun -- apparently he's the
designated bad role model in this one. He's closest to a Homer in Space.
From what I've read, they'll be adding more characters as it progresses.
Maybe as it develops they'll figure out which characters work best and
emphasize them. Time will tell.
m.ace ecam@voicenet.com
OOK http://www.voicenet.com/~ecam/
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From: "Ron Grandia" <rgrandia@xtabay.com>
Subject: (exotica) Now playing on Feelthy Monkey!
Date: 30 Mar 1999 11:41:12 -0800
Still running skeleton programming on the FeelthyMonkey shoutcast =
server, but it's getting lots of listeners nonetheless - this week it =
hit #40 out of roughly 500 active servers. HeeHEE!
Playing right now is Fantastica #15 see the playlist at :
Along with How to Speak Hip (Del Close John Brent)
Roughly 1:45 end-to-end. Worth a listen.
There are now TWO streams - one for modem users and one for high-speed =
connections. Please send a reception report if ya stop by.
Listen to FeelthyMonkeyRadio http:www.xtabay.com/feelthyradio.htm=20
Exotica, Moog, IncrediblyStrange
Whacked-Out, Space-Age Weirdness
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From: Lou Smith <lousmith@pipeline.com>
Subject: (exotica) who is Dr. Dirt??
Date: 31 Mar 1999 15:00:37 -0600
At 11:18 AM 3/28/99 -0500, Citizen Kafka wrote:
>A comedian, who (we think) did a routine sitting at piano playing simple
>chords and singing bizarre fake Moldavian(?) folk songs, who also played
>a character named "Dr. Dirt" in a TV commercial ('60's?).
It was Ronny Graham. Here's his allmovie.com bio:
Not to be confused with the "Ronald Graham" who appeared in the 1939
Broadway production The Boys From Syracuse, actor Ronny Graham made his own
New York theatrical bow in 1951. The white-maned, wide-grinning Graham
gained prominence in the 1952 revue New Faces, for which he also contributed
comedy material; when New Faces was committed to film in 1953, he was
promoted from mere ensemble player to star, carrying the grafted-on
backstage plotline. A busy cabaret performer since 1950, Graham has appeared
in several one-man shows, and has written, produced, directed and/or
co-starred in such popular attractions as the annual Upstairs at the
Downstairs revue. He also wrote the lyrics and libretto for the Broadway
"book" musical Bravo Giovanni. He has been seen in dozens of TV commercials,
most famously as "Mr. Grime" in a group of auto-service ads in the early
1970s. Graham was a regular on the video variety series The New Bill Cosby
Show (1972) and The Hudson Bros. Show (1974), as well as the weekly sitcoms
The Bob Crane Show (1975, as Ernest Busso) and Chico and the Man (1975-78,
as Rev. Bemis). Most of Ronny Graham's latter-day film appearances have been
in association with producer/director/comedian Mel Brooks, who'd been one of
the staff writers for New Faces; among the Brooks endeavors in which Graham
has been featured (and has sometimes made screenplay contributions) are
History of the World Part One (1981), To Be or Not to Be (1982), Spaceballs
(1989), Life Stinks (1991) and Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993). -- Hal Erickson
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From: "Nathan Miner" <nminer@jhmi.edu>
Subject: (exotica) Sandy Warner
Date: 31 Mar 1999 10:48:24 -0500
I got an update for Netscape at the work cell, and now I can't get that =
fancy Sandy Warner pic to work ........
Sorry for the "open post" but whoever made up those files, can you tell me =
if they work with the new Navigator???? The "N" graphic is now a =
different type of file that links to the Netscape page........
- Annoying Nate
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From: "Nathan Miner" <nminer@jhmi.edu>
Subject: (exotica) "Open All Night"
Date: 31 Mar 1999 11:56:19 -0500
Anybody remember this show???
I know, not any exotic music content - but.....
It was about a couple and their teenage son who ran a convenience =
- Annoying Nate
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From: <laura.taylor@us.pwcglobal.com>
Subject: Re: (exotica) Sandy Warner
Date: 31 Mar 1999 16:08:48 -0500
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(Embedded Laura Taylor
image moved 03/31/99 04:04 PM
to file: (Embedded image moved to file:
pic15054.pcx) pic31323.pcx)
I got an update for Netscape at the work cell, and now I can't get that
fancy Sandy Warner pic to work ........Sorry for the "open post" but
whoever made up those files, can you tell me if they work with the new
Navigator???? The "N" graphic is now a different type of file that links
to the Netscape page........
- Annoying Nate
>>>That should be "saucy" Nate...but I digress...I am actually glad you
brought up one of my favorite va-va-voom gals of all time, because I wanna
know, from anybody on this list, if they've heard her epic record FAIR AND
WARMER...and what it's like?
Jane"warnerwannabe" Fondle
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From: Brian Phillips <hagar@mindspring.net>
Subject: (exotica) who is Dr. Dirt??
Date: 31 Mar 1999 17:18:31 -0500
>A comedian, who (we think) did a routine sitting at piano playing simple
>chords and singing bizarre fake Moldavian(?) folk songs, who also played
>a character named "Dr. Dirt" in a TV commercial ('60's?).
To add to the Erickson post:
The commercials were for Mobil, he was Mr. Dirt not Mr. Grime and this was in
the seventies. There were a couple of commercials, but one I vaguely recall is
him crawling through a pipe reciting a poem about how he was going to "make an
engine sickly". The recitation ended, "I'm dirt, haha, I'm dirt haha, I'm
DIRT!!" A voice over would then be heard and you would hear a car starting and
see gasoline sloshing around in the "O" of the Mobil.
As for him being on the New Bill Cosby Show, my brother saw him and said,
"That's Mr. Dirt!". In one appearance, he was part of a group of tuxedoed
singers and the song was an outtro to a commercial. The song was a round and
sung in a :
"We'll be right back (We'll be right back),
"After we (After we) go,
"To the bahthroooom."
When your eight, that's funny. The show wasn't too funny and I am a long-time
Cosby fan. The intro (which varied) would have a woman say something along the
lines of , "...and now here is William H. and the "h" stands for Hamhock,
Cosby, Jr.!
Not only did Graham co-write with Mel Brooks, he also did a lot of voice-over
work. I can remember hearing him during a promo for the movie, "Murder by
Death", saying "...and also starring Estelle Winwood! Is she still
Don't know why I remember this, but you asked,
Brian Phillips
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From: Citizen Kafka <ckafka@dti.net>
Subject: (exotica) bruce haack on CD??
Date: 31 Mar 1999 21:32:04 -0500
Hi, all,
If the original label Dimension 5 would re-issue any of their original
titles, would folks be interested??
And, i've got some solid info about Haack reissues, tribute compilation,
beck, etc. which will follow when i have 5 minutes instead of 2.
let me know via the list or privately, either way. Miss Nelson wants to
citizen kafka
Citizen Kafka, Producer, "The Secret Museum of the Air"
every Wednesday 7-8 PM EST WFMU 91.1 FM & WXHD (Hudson Valley) 90.1 FM
http://wfmu.org/ then go to 'listen to wfmu'
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