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Text File  |  2007-01-13  |  16KB  |  241 lines

  1. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  2. |                                                              |
  3. |                                                              |
  4. |                Digital Equipment Corporation                 |
  5. |                                                              |
  6. |                   JJJJJJJ       1     1                      |
  7. |                      J         11    11                      |
  8. |                      J          1     1                      |
  9. |                      J    XXX   1     1                      |
  10. |                      J          1     1                      |
  11. |                  J   J          1     1                      |
  12. |                   JJJ          111   111                     |
  13. |                                                              |
  14. |         J-11 MICROPROCESSOR Instruction Set Summary          |
  15. |                                                              |
  16. |                                                              |
  17. |                                                              |
  18. |                                                              |
  19. |                                                              |
  20. |                                                              |
  21. |                                                              |
  22. |                                                              |
  23. |                                                              |
  24. |                    _________    _________                    |
  25. |                   |         \__/         |                   |
  26. |        --> TEST1 -|1                   60|- DAL6 <-->        |
  27. |         <-- AIO0 -|2                   59|- DAL7 <-->        |
  28. |         <-- AIO1 -|3                   58|- DAL8 <-->        |
  29. |         <-- AIO2 -|4                   57|- DAL0 <-->        |
  30. |         <-- AIO3 -|5    ____________   56|- DAL9 <-->        |
  31. |         --> PWRF -|6   |            |  55|- DAL10 <-->       |
  32. |          --> FPE -|7   |Control chip|  54|- DAL11 <-->       |
  33. |        --> EVENT -|8   |____________|  53|- DAL12 <-->       |
  34. |         --> HALT -|9                   52|- DAL13 <-->       |
  35. |         --> IRQ0 -|10                  51|- DAL14 <-->       |
  36. |         --> IRQ1 -|11                  50|- DAL15 <-->       |
  37. |         --> IRQ2 -|12                  49|- DAL1 <-->        |
  38. |         --> IRQ3 -|13                  48|- DAL2 <-->        |
  39. |       --> PARITY -|14                  47|- DAL3 <-->        |
  40. |              GND -|15       DCJ11      46|- Vcc              |
  41. |              Vcc -|16                  45|- GND              |
  42. |          <-- BS0 -|17                  44|- DAL4 <-->        |
  43. |          <-- BS1 -|18                  43|- DAL5 <-->        |
  44. |          <-- MAP -|19                  42|- DV <--           |
  45. |       <--> ABORT -|20                  41|- BUFCTL -->       |
  46. |        <-- DAL21 -|21                  40|- ALE -->          |
  47. |        <-- DAL20 -|22                  39|- STRB -->         |
  48. |        <-- DAL19 -|23   ____________   38|- SCTL -->         |
  49. |        <-- DAL18 -|24  |            |  37|- XTAL0 <-->       |
  50. |        <-- DAL17 -|25  | Data  chip |  36|- XTAL1 <-->       |
  51. |        <-- DAL16 -|26  |____________|  35|- CLK -->          |
  52. |          --> DMR -|27                  34|- CLK2 -->         |
  53. |         --> MISS -|28                  33|- INIT <--         |
  54. |         <-- PRDC -|29                  32|- CONT <--         |
  55. |         NOT USED -|30                  31|- TEST2 <--        |
  56. |                   |______________________|                   |
  57. |                                                              |
  58. |                                                              |
  59. |                                                              |
  60. |                                                              |
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  64. |                                                              |
  65. |                                                              |
  66. |                                                              |
  67. |                                                              |
  68. |Written by     Jonathan Bowen                                 |
  69. |               Programming Research Group                     |
  70. |               Oxford University Computing Laboratory         |
  71. |               8-11 Keble Road                                |
  72. |               Oxford OX1 3QD                                 |
  73. |               England                                        |
  74. |                                                              |
  75. |               Tel +44-865-273840                             |
  76. |                                                              |
  77. |Created        May 1983                                       |
  78. |Updated        April 1985                                     |
  79. |Issue          1.1                Copyright (C) J.P.Bowen 1985|
  80. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  81. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  82. |Mnemonic |Opcode|NZVC|Description               |Notes        |
  83. |---------+------+----+--------------------------+-------------|
  84. |ADCb d   |B055DD|****|Add Carry                 |d=d+C        |
  85. |ADD  s,d |06SSDD|****|Add                       |d=s+d        |
  86. |ASH  s,r |072RSS|****|Arithmetic Shift Combined |        (EIS)|
  87. |ASLb d   |B063DD|****|Arithmetic Shift Left     |d=d*2        |
  88. |ASRb d   |B062DD|****|Arithmetic Shift Right    |d=d/2        |
  89. |BCC  a   |1030XX|----|Branch if Carry Clear     |If C=0       |
  90. |BCS  a   |1034XX|----|Branch if Carry Set       |If C=1       |
  91. |BEQ  a   |0014XX|----|Branch if Equal           |If Z=0       |
  92. |BGE  a   |0020XX|----|Branch if Greater or Equal|If NxV=0     |
  93. |BGT  a   |0030XX|----|Branch if Greater Than    |If Zv{NxV}=0 |
  94. |BICb s,d |B4SSDD|**0-|Bit Clear                 |d=d&{~s}     |
  95. |BISb s,d |B5SSDD|**0-|Bit Set (OR)              |d=dvs        |
  96. |BITb s,d |B3SSDD|**0-|Bit Test (AND)            |d&s          |
  97. |BHI  a   |1010XX|----|Branch if Higher          |If CvZ=0     |
  98. |BHIS a   |1030XX|----|Branch if Higher or Same  |If C=0       |
  99. |BLE  a   |0034XX|----|Branch if Less or Equal   |If Zv{NxV}=1 |
  100. |BLT  a   |0024XX|----|Branch if Less Than       |If NxV=1     |
  101. |BLO  a   |1034XX|----|Branch if Lower           |If C=1       |
  102. |BLOS a   |1014XX|----|Branch if Lower or Same   |If CvZ=1     |
  103. |BMI  a   |1004XX|----|Branch if Minus           |If N=1       |
  104. |BNE  a   |0010XX|----|Branch if Not Equal       |If Z=1       |
  105. |BPL  a   |1000XX|----|Branch if Plus            |If N=0       |
  106. |BPT      |000003|----|Breakpoint Trap           |Vector at 14 |
  107. |BR   a   |0004XX|----|Branch                    |PC=PC+2*XX   |
  108. |BVC  a   |1020XX|----|Branch if Overflow Clear  |If V=0       |
  109. |BVS  a   |1024XX|----|Branch if Overflow Set    |If V=1       |
  110. |CALL d   |0047DD|----|Call subroutine           | (= JSR PC,d)|
  111. |CCC      |000257|0000|Clear all Condition Codes |{C,N,V,Z}=0  |
  112. |CLC      |000241|---0|Clear Carry               |C=0          |
  113. |CLN      |000250|0---|Clear Negative            |N=0          |
  114. |CLRb d   |B050DD|0100|Clear                     |d=0          |
  115. |CLV      |000242|--0-|Clear Overflow            |V=0          |
  116. |CLZ      |000244|-0--|Clear Zero                |Z=0          |
  117. |CMPb s,d |B2SSDD|****|Compare                   |s-d          |
  118. |COMb d   |B051DD|**01|Complement                |d=~d         |
  119. |DECb d   |B053DD|***-|Decrement                 |d=d-1        |
  120. |DIV  s,r |071RSS|****|Divide                    |r=r/s   (EIS)|
  121. |EMT  t   |1040TT|----|Emulator Trap             |Vector at 30 |
  122. |FADD r   |07500R|**00|Floating Add              |        (FIS)|
  123. |FDIV r   |07503R|**00|Floating Divide           |        (FIS)|
  124. |FMUL r   |07502R|**00|Floating Multiply         |        (FIS)|
  125. |FSUB r   |07501R|**00|Floating Subtract         |        (FIS)|
  126. |HALT     |000000|----|Halt                      |             |
  127. |INCb d   |B052DD|***-|Increment                 |d=d+1        |
  128. |IOT      |000004|----|Input/Output Trap         |Vector at 20 |
  129. |JMP  d   |0001DD|----|Jump                      |PC=d         |
  130. |JSR  r,d |004RDD|----|Jump to Subroutine        |r=PC,PC=d    |
  131. |MARK n   |0064NN|----|Mark stack                |RTS aid      |
  132. |MFPD s   |1065SS|**0-|Move From Previous Data   |             |
  133. |MFPI s   |0065SS|**0-|Move From Previous Instr. |             |
  134. |MOVb s,d |B1SSDD|**0-|Move                      |d=s          |
  135. |MTPD d   |1066DD|**0-|Move To Previous Data     |             |
  136. |MTPI d   |0066DD|**0-|Move To Previous Instr.   |             |
  137. |MUL  s,r |070RSS|**0*|Multiply                  |r=r*s   (EIS)|
  138. |NEGb d   |B054DD|****|Negate                    |d=-d         |
  139. |NOP      |000240|----|No Operation              |             |
  140. |RESET    |000005|----|Reset external bus        |             |
  141. |RETURN   |000207|----|Return from subroutine    |   (= RTS PC)|
  142. |ROLb d   |B061DD|****|Rotate Left               |d={C,d}<-    |
  143. |RORb d   |B060DD|****|Rotate Right              |d=->{C,d}    |
  144. |RTI      |000002|----|Return from Interrupt     |{PC,PS}=(SP)+|
  145. |RTS  r   |00020R|----|Return from Subroutine    |PC=r,r=(SP)+ |
  146. |RTT      |000006|----|Return from Trace trap    |No T trap    |
  147. |SBCb d   |B056DD|****|Subtract Carry            |d=d-C        |
  148. |SCC      |000277|1111|Set all Condition Codes   |{C,N,V,Z}=0  |
  149. |SEC      |000261|---1|Set Carry                 |C=1          |
  150. |SEN      |000270|1---|Set Negative              |N=1          |
  151. |SEV      |000262|--1-|Set Overflow              |V=1          |
  152. |SEZ      |000264|-1--|Set Zero                  |Z=1          |
  153. |SOB  r,a |077RNN|----|Subtract One and Branch   |PC=PC-2*NN   |
  154. |SPL  n   |00023N|----|Set Priority Level        |PS<7:5>=N    |
  155. |SUB  s,d |16SSDD|****|Subtract                  |d=d-s        |
  156. |SWAB d   |0003DD|**00|Swap Bytes                |             |
  157. |SXT  d   |0067DD|-*0-|Sign Extend               |d=0 or -1    |
  158. |TRAP t   |1044TT|----|Trap                      |Vector at 34 |
  159. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  160. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  161. |Mnemonic |Opcode|NZVC|Description               |Notes        |
  162. |---------+------+----+--------------------------+-------------|
  163. |TSTb d   |B055DD|**00|Test                      |d            |
  164. |WAIT     |000001|----|Wait for interrupt        |             |
  165. |XOR  r,d |074RDD|**0-|Exclusive OR              |d=dxr        |
  166. |---------+------+----+----------------------------------------|
  167. |         |     B|    |0 for word, 1 for byte (1 bit)          |
  168. |         |    DD|    |Destination field (6 bits)              |
  169. |         |     N|    |Number (3 bits)                         |
  170. |         |    NN|    |Number (6 bits)                         |
  171. |         |     R|    |Register (3 bits, R0-5/SP/PC)           |
  172. |         |    SS|    |Source field (6 bits)                   |
  173. |         |    TT|    |Number (8 bits)                         |
  174. |         |    XX|    |Offset (8 bits, -128 to +127)           |
  175. |----------------+----+----------------------------------------|
  176. | PSW            |-*01|Flag unaffected/affected/reset/set      |
  177. |                |    |Current mode (Bits 15 to 14)            |
  178. |                |    |Previous mode (Bits 13 to 12)           |
  179. |                |    |General register set (Bit 11)           |
  180. |                |    |Priority level (Bits 7 to 5)            |
  181. | T              |    |Trace trap (Bit 4)                      |
  182. | N              |N   |Negative (Bit 3)                        |
  183. | Z              | Z  |Zero (Bit 2)                            |
  184. | V              |  V |Overflow (Bit 1)                        |
  185. | C              |   C|Carry (Bit 0)                           |
  186. |---------------------+----------------------------------------|
  187. | r                   |Register (mode 0)                       |
  188. | (r)                 |Register deferred (mode 1)              |
  189. | @r                  | ditto                                  |
  190. | (r)+                |Auto-increment (mode 2)                 |
  191. | @(r)+               |Auto-increment deferred (mode 3)        |
  192. | -(r)                |Auto-decrement (mode 4)                 |
  193. | @-(r)               |Auto-decrement deferred (mode 5)        |
  194. | nn(r)               |Index (mode 6)                          |
  195. | @nn(r)              |Index deferred (mode 7)                 |
  196. | #nn                 |Immediate (mode 2, r=PC)                |
  197. | @#nn                |Absolute (mode 3, r=PC)                 |
  198. | nn                  |Relative (mode 6, r=PC)                 |
  199. | @nn                 |Relative deferred (mode 7, r=PC)        |
  200. |---------------------+----------------------------------------|
  201. | Rn                  |General purpose Register (16-bit, n=0-5)|
  202. | SP                  |Stack Pointer (16-bit, R6)              |
  203. | PC                  |Program Counter (16-bit, R7)            |
  204. | PS                  |Processor Status (16-bit)               |
  205. |---------------------+----------------------------------------|
  206. | a                   |Relative address                        |
  207. | b                   |Blank or B for word or byte operand(s)  |
  208. | d                   |Destination                             |
  209. | n                   |Register number (0 to 5)                |
  210. | nn                  |16-bit expression (0 to 65535)          |
  211. | r                   |Register (Rn,SP,PC)                     |
  212. | s                   |Source                                  |
  213. | t                   |Trap number (0 to 255)                  |
  214. | +   -               |Add/subtract                            |
  215. | *   /               |Multiply/divide                         |
  216. | ^                   |Exponent power                          |
  217. | &   ~               |Logical AND/NOT                         |
  218. | v   x               |Logical inclusive/exclusive OR          |
  219. | <-  ->              |Rotate left/right                       |
  220. | { }                 |Combination of operands                 |
  221. | < : >               |Bit range                               |
  222. |---------------------+----------------------------------------|
  223. | DEC                 |Digital Equipment Corporation           |
  224. | EIS                 |Extended fixed point Instruction Set    |
  225. | FIS                 |Floating point Instruction Set          |
  226. | PSW                 |Processor Status Word                   |
  227. |---------------------+----------------------------------------|
  228. | 000                 |Reserved vector                         |
  229. | 004                 |Time-out/system error vector            |
  230. | 010                 |Illegal and reserved instruction vector |
  231. | 014                 |BPT instruction vector                  |
  232. | 020                 |IOT instruction vector                  |
  233. | 024                 |Power fail vector                       |
  234. | 030                 |EMT instruction vector                  |
  235. | 034                 |TRAP instruction vector                 |
  236. | 060                 |Console input device vector             |
  237. | 064                 |Console output device vector            |
  238. | 100                 |External event line interrupt vector    |
  239. | 160000-177776       |Device addresses                        |
  240. ----------------------------------------------------------------