<input type="radio" name="stat" checked value="all"> All Hoardings
<input type="radio" name="stat" value="free"> Only Free
<tr bgcolor="<%=TblHeadBGColor%>">
<th colspan=2>
<input type=submit value=" Show Results ">
</td> </tr>
<td bgcolor="<%=RightColor%>"> </td>
<td colspan=2 bgcolor="<%=LeftColor%>"> </td>
<td colspan=2 bgcolor="<%=RightColor%>"> </td>
set objrs = nothing
if Request.Form("stat")<>"" then
zoneid = Request.Form("zoneid")
hoardingtypeid = Request.Form("htypeid")
hoardingsize = Request.Form("hsize")
hoardingmaterial = Request.Form("hmat")
NearByAreas = Request.Form("hres")
hoardingdemography = Request.Form("hdem")
hoardingtraffic = Request.Form("htra")
stat = Request.Form("stat")
if Request.QueryString("pno")<>"" then
pno = cint(Request.QueryString("pno"))
pno = 1
end if
if pno<1 then pno = 1
'if hoardingsize<>"" then heightwidth = split(hoardingsize, "~")
sql = "select a.HoardingId, a.Location, a.Direction, a.NearByAreas,a.PresentDisplay,a.demography,a.traffic,a.HoardingStatus, a.Status,a.bookingfromdate,a.todate, b.HoardingTypeName, c.ZoneName from HoardingMaster a, HoardingTypeMaster b, ZoneMaster c where a.HoardingTypeId=b.HoardingTypeId and a.ZoneId=c.ZoneId and a.Status=Yes"