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  1. <%
  2.     if session("AdminLogin")="" then Response.Redirect "default.asp"
  3. %>
  4. <!-- #include file="AdsAdminConstants.asp" -->
  5. <!-- #include file="../AdsOpenConn.asp" -->
  6. <%
  7.     if Request.Form.Count=0 then
  8. %>
  9. <html>
  10.     <head>
  11.         <title> <%=SiteName%> - Welcome </title>
  12.         <meta name="author" content="Jagadish">
  13.         <script language="javascript" src="../func.js"> </script>
  14.         <script language="javascript">
  15.             function check()
  16.             {
  17.                 validateform = document.searchclientform;
  18.                 if((validateform.criteria(1).checked)&&(isempty(validateform.clientname)))
  19.                     validateform.clientname.focus();
  20.                 else
  21.                 if((validateform.criteria(2).checked)&&(!(isemail(validateform.clientemail))))
  22.                     validateform.clientemail.focus();
  23.                 else
  24.                 if((validateform.criteria(3).checked)&&(isempty(validateform.clientloginid)))
  25.                     validateform.clientloginid.focus();
  26.                 else
  27.                     validateform.submit();
  28.             }
  29.         </script>
  30.     </head>
  31.     <body bottommargin=0 topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 rightmargin=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 bgcolor=#ffffff>
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  35.             <td width="210" bgcolor="<%=LeftColor%>"><font face=verdana size=1> </font></td>
  36.             <td width="210" bgcolor="<%=RightColor%>"><font face=verdana size=1> </font></td>
  37.             <td width="180" bgcolor="<%=RightColor%>"><font face=verdana size=1> </font></td>
  38.         </tr>
  39.         <tr>
  40.             <td bgcolor="<%=LeftColor%>" colspan=2 valign=top > <font face="courier new" size=6 color="<%=SiteNameColor%>"> <b>   <%=SiteName%> </b> </font> </td>
  41.             <td bgcolor="<%=RightColor%>" colspan=2 align=right valign=top> <font face=verdana size=2> <a href="AdsAdminHome.asp"><font color="<%=TopLinksColor%>">Home</font></a>     <a href="AdsAdminHome.asp?lo"><font color="<%=TopLinksColor%>">Logout</font></a>   </font> </td>
  42.         </tr>
  43.         <tr>
  44.             <td bgcolor="<%=LeftColor%>">   </td>
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  46.                 <br>
  47.                 <form name="searchclientform" method=post action="<%=Request.ServerVariables("script_name")%>">
  48.                 <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>
  49.                 <tr> <td bgcolor="<%=TblBorderColor%>">
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  52.                     <th colspan=2>
  53.                         <font face=verdana color="<%=TblHeadFGColor%>"> View/Search Clients </font>
  54.                     </th>
  55.                 </tr>
  56.                 <tr bgcolor="<%=TblBGColor%>">
  57.                     <td colspan=2>
  58.                         <font face=verdana size=2 color="<%=TblFGColor%>"> <input type="radio" name="criteria" value="all" checked> All The Clients </font>
  59.                     </td>
  60.                 </tr>
  61.                 <tr bgcolor="<%=TblBGColor%>">
  62.                     <td width="50%">
  63.                         <font face=verdana size=2 color="<%=TblFGColor%>"> <input type="radio" name="criteria" value="name"> Client Name </font>
  64.                     </td>
  65.                     <td width="50%">
  66.                         <input type=text name="clientname">
  67.                     </td>
  68.                 </tr>
  69.                 <tr bgcolor="<%=TblBGColor%>">
  70.                     <td>
  71.                         <font face=verdana size=2 color="<%=TblFGColor%>"> <input type="radio" name="criteria" value="email"> Client Email </font>
  72.                     </td>
  73.                     <td>
  74.                         <input type=text name="clientemail">
  75.                     </td>
  76.                 </tr>
  77.                 <tr bgcolor="<%=TblBGColor%>">
  78.                     <td>
  79.                         <font face=verdana size=2 color="<%=TblFGColor%>"> <input type="radio" name="criteria" value="loginid"> Client Login Id </font>
  80.                     </td>
  81.                     <td>
  82.                         <input type=text name="clientloginid">
  83.                     </td>
  84.                 </tr>
  85.                 <tr bgcolor="<%=TblBGColor%>">
  86.                     <td colspan=2 align=center>
  87.                         <font face=verdana size=2 color="<%=TblFGColor%>"> 
  88.                         <input type="radio" name="betweendates" value="yes"> Regd Between The Dates
  89.                         <input type="radio" name="betweendates" value="no" checked> All
  90.                         </font>
  91.                     </td>
  92.                 </tr>
  93.                 <tr bgcolor="<%=TblBGColor%>">
  94.                     <td> 
  95.                         <font face="verdana" size=2 color="<%=TblFGColor%>">       From Date </font> 
  96.                     </td>
  97.                     <td>
  98.                         <select name="fromdd">
  99.                         <%
  100.                             for i = 1 to 31
  101.                         %>
  102.                             <option value="<%=i%>" <%if i=datepart("d", dateadd("d", -7, date)) then%>selected<%end if%>> <%=i%>
  103.                         <%
  104.                             next
  105.                         %>
  106.                         </select>
  107.                         <select name="frommm">
  108.                         <%
  109.                             months=split("Mon~Jan~Feb~Mar~Apr~May~Jun~Jul~Aug~Sep~Oct~Nov~Dec", "~")
  110.                             for i = 1 to 12
  111.                         %>
  112.                             <option value="<%=i%>" <%if i=datepart("m", dateadd("d", -7, date)) then%>selected<%end if%>> <%=months(i)%>
  113.                         <%
  114.                             next
  115.                         %>
  116.                         </select>
  117.                         <select name="fromyyyy">
  118.                         <%
  119.                             for i = 2002 to datepart("yyyy", date)+1
  120.                         %>
  121.                             <option value="<%=i%>" <%if i=datepart("yyyy", dateadd("d", -7, date)) then%>selected<%end if%>> <%=i%>
  122.                         <%
  123.                             next
  124.                         %>
  125.                         </select>
  126.                     </td>
  127.                 </tr>
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  129.                     <td> 
  130.                         <font face="verdana" size=2 color="<%=TblFGColor%>">       To Date </font> 
  131.                     </td>
  132.                     <td> 
  133.                         <select name="todd">
  134.                         <%
  135.                             for i = 1 to 31
  136.                         %>
  137.                             <option value="<%=i%>" <%if i=datepart("d", date) then%>selected<%end if%>> <%=i%>
  138.                         <%
  139.                             next
  140.                         %>
  141.                         </select>
  142.                         <select name="tomm">
  143.                         <%
  144.                             months=split("Mon~Jan~Feb~Mar~Apr~May~Jun~Jul~Aug~Sep~Oct~Nov~Dec", "~")
  145.                             for i = 1 to 12
  146.                         %>
  147.                             <option value="<%=i%>" <%if i=datepart("m", date) then%>selected<%end if%>> <%=months(i)%>
  148.                         <%
  149.                             next
  150.                         %>
  151.                         </select>
  152.                         <select name="toyyyy">
  153.                         <%
  154.                             for i = 2002 to datepart("yyyy", date)+1
  155.                         %>
  156.                             <option value="<%=i%>" <%if i=datepart("yyyy", date) then%>selected<%end if%>> <%=i%>
  157.                         <%
  158.                             next
  159.                         %>
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  164.                     <th colspan=2>
  165.                         <input type=button value=" Show Results " onclick="javascript:check();">
  166.                     </th>
  167.                 </tr>
  168.                 </table>
  169.                 </td> </tr>
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  172.             </td>
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  175.         <tr>
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  178.         </tr>
  179.         </table>
  180.     </body>
  181. </html>
  182. <%
  183.     else
  184.         if Request.Form("criteria")<>"" then
  185.             criteria = Request.Form("criteria")
  186.             sql = "select ClientId, ClientLoginId, ClientPassword, ClientName, ClientAddress, ClientCity, ClientState, ClientPincode, ClientPhone1,ClientPhone2, ClientFax, ClientEmail, ClientContactPerson, ClientRegDate, ClientStatus from ClientMaster where 1=1"
  187.             if criteria="name" then sql = sql + " and ClientName like '%" + replace(trim(Request.Form("clientname")), "'", "''") + "%'"
  188.             if criteria="email" then sql = sql + " and ClientEmail like '%" + replace(trim(Request.Form("clientemail")), "'", "''") + "%'"
  189.             if criteria="loginid" then sql = sql + " and ClientLoginId like '%" + replace(trim(Request.Form("clientloginid")), "'", "''") + "%'"
  190.             msg = ""
  191.             if Request.Form("betweendates")="yes" then
  192.                 fromdate = Request.Form("frommm") + "/" + Request.Form("fromdd") + "/" + Request.Form("fromyyyy")
  193.                 todate = Request.Form("tomm") + "/" + Request.Form("todd") + "/" + Request.Form("toyyyy")
  194.                 if (not isdate(fromdate)) or (not isdate(todate)) then msg = "Invalid Dates Entered"
  195.                 sql = sql + " and ClientRegDate between #" + fromdate + "# and #" + todate + "#"
  196.             end if
  197.             sql = sql + " order by"
  198.             if Request.Form("betweendates")="yes" then sql = sql + " ClientRegDate,"
  199.             sql = sql + " ClientLoginId"
  200.             set rs = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
  201.             rs.CursorLocation=3
  202.             if msg="" then
  203.                 rs.open sql, con, 3, 3
  204.                 if rs.RecordCount=0 then msg = "No Records Found"
  205.                 rs.Close 
  206.             end if
  207.             if msg<>"" then
  208. %>
  209. <html>
  210.     <head>
  211.         <title> <%=SiteName%> - Welcome </title>
  212.         <meta name="author" content="Jagadish">
  213.     </head>
  214.     <body bottommargin=0 topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 rightmargin=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 bgcolor=#ffffff>
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  222.         <tr>
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  224.             <td bgcolor="<%=RightColor%>" colspan=2 align=right valign=top> <font face=verdana size=2> <a href="AdsAdminHome.asp"><font color="<%=TopLinksColor%>">Home</font></a>     <a href="AdsAdminHome.asp?lo"><font color="<%=TopLinksColor%>">Logout</font></a>   </font> </td>
  225.         </tr>
  226.         <tr>
  227.             <td bgcolor="<%=LeftColor%>">   </td>
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  233.                     <th>
  234.                         <br>
  235.                         <font face=verdana size=2 color="<%=ErrMsgColor%>">
  236.                             <%=msg%> <br> <br>
  237.                             <a href="javascript:history.back();"><font color="<%=ErrMsgColor%>">Back</font></a>
  238.                         </font>
  239.                     </th>
  240.                 </tr>
  241.                 </table>
  242.                 </td> </tr>
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  244.             </td>
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  246.         </tr>
  247.         <tr>
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  251.         </table>
  252.     </body>
  253. </html>
  254. <%            
  255.                 Response.End 
  256.             end if
  257. %>
  258. <html>
  259.     <head>
  260.         <title> <%=SiteName%> - Welcome </title>
  261.         <meta name="author" content="Jagadish">
  262.     </head>
  263.     <body bottommargin=0 topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 rightmargin=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 bgcolor=#ffffff>
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  269.             <td width="50" bgcolor="<%=RightColor%>"><font face=verdana size=1> </font></td>
  270.         </tr>
  271.         <tr>
  272.             <td bgcolor="<%=LeftColor%>" colspan=2 valign=top > <font face="courier new" size=6 color="<%=SiteNameColor%>"> <b>   <%=SiteName%> </b> </font> </td>
  273.             <td bgcolor="<%=RightColor%>" colspan=2 align=right valign=top> <font face=verdana size=2> <a href="AdsAdminHome.asp"><font color="<%=TopLinksColor%>">Home</font></a>     <a href="AdsAdminHome.asp?lo"><font color="<%=TopLinksColor%>">Logout</font></a>   </font> </td>
  274.         </tr>
  275.         <tr>
  276.             <td bgcolor="<%=LeftColor%>">   </td>
  277.             <td colspan=2 align=center height=200 bgcolor="<%=OuterTblBGColor%>">
  278.                 <br>
  279.                 <form name="clientresultform" method=post action="<%=Request.ServerVariables("script_name")%>">
  280.                 <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>
  281.                 <tr> <td bgcolor="<%=TblBorderColor%>">
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  284.                     <th width="30">
  285.                         <font face=verdana size=2 color="<%=TblHeadFGColor%>"> SNo </font>
  286.                     </th>
  287.                     <th width="450">
  288.                         <font face=verdana size=2 color="<%=TblHeadFGColor%>"> Client Details </font>
  289.                     </th>
  290.                     <th width="70">
  291.                         <font face=verdana size=2 color="<%=TblHeadFGColor%>"> Status </font>
  292.                     </th>
  293.                     <th width="50">
  294.                         <font face=verdana size=2 color="<%=TblHeadFGColor%>"> Delete </font>
  295.                     </th>
  296.                 </tr>
  297. <%            
  298.             rs.Open sql, con, 3, 3
  299.             sno = 0
  300.             while not rs.EOF
  301.                 sno = sno + 1
  302. %>
  303.                 <tr bgcolor="<%=TblBGColor%>">
  304.                     <td align=right>
  305.                         <font face=verdana size=2 color="<%=TblFGColor%>"> <%=sno%> </font>
  306.                         <input type=hidden name="ids" value="<%=rs("ClientId")%>">
  307.                     </td>
  308.                     <td>
  309.                         <table width="100%" cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0>
  310.                         <tr>
  311.                             <td width="25%">
  312.                                 <font face="ms sans serif" size=2 color="<%=TblFGColor%>"> Login Id - </font>
  313.                             </td>
  314.                             <td width="35%">
  315.                                 <font face="ms sans serif" size=2 color="<%=ContentColor%>"> <b> <%=rs("ClientLoginId")%> </b> </font>
  316.                             </td>
  317.                             <td width="20%">
  318.                                 <font face="ms sans serif" size=2 color="<%=TblFGColor%>"> Password - </font>
  319.                             </td>
  320.                             <td width="20%">
  321.                                 <font face="ms sans serif" size=2 color="<%=ContentColor%>"> <%=rs("ClientPassword")%> </font>
  322.                             </td>
  323.                         </tr>
  324.                         <tr>
  325.                             <td colspan=4>
  326.                                 <font face="ms sans serif" size=2 color="<%=TblFGColor%>">
  327.                                 Organization & Address :
  328.                                 <font color="<%=ContentColor%>"> 
  329.                                 <b> <%=rs("ClientName")%> </b> <br> <%=rs("ClientAddress")%> <br> 
  330.                                 <%=rs("ClientCity")%> - <%=rs("ClientPincode")%>     <%=rs("ClientState")%>
  331.                                 </font>
  332.                                 </font>
  333.                             </td>
  334.                         </tr>
  335.                         <tr>
  336.                             <td>
  337.                                 <font face="ms sans serif" size=2 color="<%=TblFGColor%>"> Contact Person - </font>
  338.                             </td>
  339.                             <td>
  340.                                 <font face="ms sans serif" size=2 color="<%=ContentColor%>"> <%=rs("ClientContactPerson")%> </font>
  341.                             </td>
  342.                             <td>
  343.                                 <font face="ms sans serif" size=2 color="<%=TblFGColor%>"> Phone1 - </font>
  344.                             </td>
  345.                             <td>
  346.                                 <font face="ms sans serif" size=2 color="<%=ContentColor%>"> <%=rs("ClientPhone1")%> </font>
  347.                             </td>
  348.                             <td>
  349.                                 <font face="ms sans serif" size=2 color="<%=TblFGColor%>"> Phone2 - </font>
  350.                             </td>
  351.                             <td>
  352.                                 <font face="ms sans serif" size=2 color="<%=ContentColor%>"> <%=rs("ClientPhone2")%> </font>
  353.                             </td>
  354.                         </tr>
  355.                         <tr>
  356.                             <td>
  357.                                 <font face="ms sans serif" size=2 color="<%=TblFGColor%>"> e-Mail - </font>
  358.                             </td>
  359.                             <td>
  360.                                 <a href="mailto:<%=rs("ClientEmail")%>"><font face="ms sans serif" size=1 color="<%=NewLinkColor%>"><%=rs("ClientEmail")%></font></a>
  361.                             </td>
  362.                             <td>
  363.                                 <font face="ms sans serif" size=2 color="<%=TblFGColor%>"> Fax - </font>
  364.                             </td>
  365.                             <td>
  366.                                 <font face="ms sans serif" size=2 color="<%=ContentColor%>"> <%=rs("ClientFax")%> </font>
  367.                             </td>
  368.                         </tr>
  369.                         </table>
  370.                     </td>
  371.                     <td align=center>
  372.                         <font face="ms sans serif" size=1 color="<%=TblFGColor%>">
  373.                         <input type="radio" name="status<%=rs("ClientId")%>" value="1" <%if rs("ClientStatus") then%>checked<%end if%>> Active <br>
  374.                         <input type="radio" name="status<%=rs("ClientId")%>" value="0" <%if not rs("ClientStatus") then%>checked<%end if%>> Inactive
  375.                         </font>
  376.                     </td>
  377.                     <td align=center>
  378.                         <input type=checkbox name="delete<%=rs("ClientId")%>">
  379.                     </td>
  380.                 </tr>
  381. <%                
  382.                 rs.MoveNext 
  383.             wend
  384.             rs.Close  
  385.             set rs = nothing
  386. %>
  387.                 <tr bgcolor=#FEFFE1>
  388.                     <th colspan=4>
  389.                         <input type=submit value=" Update ">
  390.                     </th>
  391.                 </tr>
  392.                 </table>
  393.                 </td> </tr>
  394.                 </table>
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  396.             </td>
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  398.         </tr>
  399.         <tr>
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  401.             <td colspan=2 bgcolor="<%=RightColor%>">   </td>
  402.         </tr>
  403.         </table>
  404.     </body>
  405. </html>
  406. <%            
  407.         else
  408.             ids = split(Request.Form("ids"), ", ")
  409.             for i = 0 to ubound(ids)
  410.                 sql = ""
  411.                 if Request.Form("delete" + ids(i))="on" then
  412.                     sql = "delete from ClientMaster where ClientId=" + ids(i)
  413.                 else
  414.                     if Request.Form("status" + ids(i))="0" then
  415.                         sql = "update ClientMaster set ClientStatus=0 where ClientId=" + ids(i)
  416.                     else
  417.                         sql = "update ClientMaster set ClientStatus=1 where ClientId=" + ids(i)
  418.                     end if
  419.                 end if
  420.                 if sql<>"" then
  421.                     con.execute sql
  422.                 end if
  423.             next
  424. %>
  425. <html>
  426.     <head>
  427.         <title> <%=SiteName%> - Welcome </title>
  428.         <meta name="author" content="Jagadish">
  429.         <meta name="author" content="Gopi Tanguturi">        
  430.     </head>
  431.     <body bottommargin=0 topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 rightmargin=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 bgcolor=#ffffff>
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  443.         <tr>
  444.             <td bgcolor="<%=LeftColor%>">   </td>
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  449.                 <tr>
  450.                     <th>
  451.                         <br>
  452.                         <font face=verdana size=2 color="<%=MsgColor%>">
  453.                             Clients' Details Updated Successfully <br> <br>
  454.                             <a href="<%=Request.ServerVariables("script_name")%>"><font color="<%=MsgColor%>">Back</font></a>
  455.                         </font>
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  469.     </body>
  470. </html>
  471. <%            
  472.         end if
  473.     end if
  474. %>
  475. <!-- #include file="../AdsCloseConn.asp" -->