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Text File  |  1993-07-07  |  20KB  |  241 lines

  2. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  3. | II07003                                                     |                 
  4. |          COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 1.0  562125400            |                 
  5. |                                                             |                 
  6. |          Installing Communications Manager/2 1.0            |                 
  7. |                                                             |                 
  8. |          Tips, Techniques, Questions and Answers            |                 
  9. |                                                             |                 
  10. |LAST UPDATE:  05/25/93                          BY: RHB      |                 
  11. |                                                             |                 
  12. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  13. |                                                                               
  14. |A. The following information is applicable to                                  
  15. |   SYSLEVEL WR06000, and WR06050.                                              
  16. |                                                                               
  17. | 1. 05/25/93 README Highlites:                                                 
  18. |    This file contains last minute information and corrections                 
  19. |    to publications which were discovered after the                            
  20. |    publications had been printed.  It also contains technical                 
  21. |    information about restrictions, compatibility, and                         
  22. |    coexistence with other products.                                           
  23. |                                                                               
  24. |    You can find the "README" file on diskette 1.                              
  25. |    or once installed you can select the README                                
  26. |    ICON from the Communications Manager/2 Folder to                           
  27. |    review this on-line.                                                       
  28. |                                                                               
  29. |    SOME OF THE TOPICS DISCUSSED ARE:                                          
  30. |       Access to Extended Services Icons                                       
  31. |       AS/400 PC Support Text Assist feature                                   
  32. |       Compatibility and Coexistence                                           
  33. |       Disk Space Requirements                                                 
  34. |       Enhancements                                                            
  35. |       Extended Services Database Manager                                      
  36. |       Hints and Tips                                                          
  37. |       Installation                                                            
  38. |       Installing from CD-ROM or Optical Disks                                 
  39. |       ISDN Users and NTS/2                                                    
  40. |       Optimal Error Reporting                                                 
  41. |       PNA                                                                     
  42. |       Prerequisite Product Fixes                                              
  43. |       Productivity Aids                                                       
  44. |       Programmatic Configuration                                              
  45. |       Restrictions                                                            
  46. |       Upgrading from Extended Edition 1.3 or Extended Services                
  47. |                                                                               
  48. | 2. 05/25/93 Quick Installation                                                
  49. |    The Communications Manager/2 package contains a                            
  50. |    Quick Installation Card, SX75008500.  Reference this                       
  51. |    information to quickly install and setup                                   
  52. |    3270 or 5250 terminal emulation sessions.                                  
  53. |                                                                               
  54. | 3. 05/25/93 Installation information                                          
  55. |    The Communications Manager/2 package contains                              
  56. |    the following publications to assist you when                              
  57. |    installing and configuring Communications Manager/2:                       
  58. |    Start Here, SC31610400                                                     
  59. |    Workstation Installation Guide, SC31616900                                 
  60. |                                                                               
  61. | 4. 05/25/93 LAPS or NTS/2 is required.                                        
  62. |    If you plan to install Communications Manager/2                            
  63. |    on a Local Area Network (LAN), or if you are                               
  64. |    using integrated services digital network (ISDN)                           
  65. |    then LAN Adapter and Protocal Support (LAPS) is                            
  66. |    required. The level of LAPS shipped with                                   
  67. |    Network Transport Services/2 (NTS/2)                                       
  68. |    Version 1.0 or LAN Server Version 3.0                                      
  69. |    is recommended; however Communications                                     
  70. |    Manager also supports the levels of LAPS                                   
  71. |    available with LAN Server Version 2.0 and Extended                         
  72. |    Services for OS/2.                                                         
  73. |    Reference: Communications Manager/2 Workstation                            
  74. |    Installation Guide Version 1.0, SC31616900                                 
  75. |    under Upgrade Considerations.                                              
  76. |                                                                               
  77. |                                                                               
  78. | 5. 05/25/93 OS/2 BASE PREREQUISITE PRODUCT FIXES                              
  79. |    If you are using OS/2 2.0 with the Service Pak applied,                    
  80. |    OS/2 Base APAR PJ06671 should be applied.                                  
  81. |                                                                               
  82. |    Otherwise:                                                                 
  83. |                                                                               
  84. |    - The Communications Manager Setup ( CMSETUP )                             
  85. |      and Keyboard REMAP push buttons may not work and                         
  86. |      the CMSETUP graphic displays (METAFILES)                                 
  87. |      may not be displayed. Unexpected return code                             
  88. |      from WMS (Window Management System) messages                             
  89. |      and other various messages are produced.                                 
  90. |                                                                               
  91. |    - A possible system hang condition may occur                               
  92. |      after issuing the CMSETUP command when                                   
  93. |      the following options are chosen: After                                  
  94. |      issuing the CMSETUP command using                                        
  95. |      Communications Manager/2, the                                            
  96. |      COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER CONFIGURATION                                     
  97. |      DEFINITION window appears. At this window                                
  98. |      a WORKSTATION CONNECTION TYPE and a FEATURE OR                           
  99. |      APPLICATION is entered. The error occurs here when                       
  100. |      the system clock appears and stops but the screen does                   
  101. |      not change and you cannot go any further.                                
  102. |                                                                               
  103. |                                                                               
  104. |                                                                               
  105. | 6. 05/25/93 OTHER PREREQUISITE PRODUCT FIXES                                  
  106. |                                                                               
  107. |    - ISDN users who are using NTS/2 must apply the fix for                    
  108. |      NTS/2 APAR IC04997.                                                      
  109. |                                                                               
  110. |    - Coexistence with PNA requires the application of                         
  111. |      the fix provided as a part of the PNA APAR IC04781.                      
  112. |      Without this fix, Communications Manager/2 will report                   
  113. |      a command syntax error.                                                  
  114. |                                                                               
  115. | 7. 05/25/93 Corrupted or Missing Group Boxes, ICONs or Folders                
  116. |    Use Communications Manager/2's CMSETUP command or                          
  117. |    select the SETUP ICON in the Communications Manager/2                      
  118. |    Folder, select OPTIONS, then RECREATE FOLDERS                              
  119. |    This rebuilds all group box, or folder                                     
  120. |    entries for all features and functions installed                           
  121. |    on the workstation.  If you have moved icons                               
  122. |    to other folders, they will be recreated in the                            
  123. |    Communications Manager/2 folder.  If you deleted                           
  124. |    the folder it will be recreated.                                           
  125. |                                                                               
  126. | 8. 05/25/93 Lost or corrupted Communications Manager/2                        
  127. |             CONFIG.SYS entries.                                               
  128. |    Use Communications Manager/2's CMSETUP command or                          
  129. |    select the SETUP ICON in the Communications Manager/2                      
  130. |    Folder, select INSTALL, then select the correct                            
  131. |    directory and configuration file to                                        
  132. |    reinstall the same configuration. This will reset                          
  133. |    the CONFIG.SYS entries.  This updates PATH, DPATH                          
  134. |    and LIBPATH statements in CONFIG.SYS. It will also                         
  135. |    add all necessary device drivers to support the default                    
  136. |    configuration and any installed additional functions.                      
  137. |    UPM and FFST/2 statements are only updated when                            
  138. |    executing CMSETUP from the diskette or                                     
  139. |    diskette images.                                                           
  140. |                                                                               
  141. |                                                                               
  142. | 9. 05/25/93 Reinstalling OS/2 when Communications Manager/2                   
  143. |             is already installed                                              
  144. |    OS/2 install will not retain all Communications                            
  145. |    Manager/2 CONFIG.SYS entries.                                              
  146. |    The PATH, DPATH, and LIBPATH will be retained.                             
  147. |    The device drivers will NOT be retained,                                   
  148. |    but will be commented out (REM ...).                                       
  149. |    Reinstalling the same Communications Manager/2                             
  150. |    configuration will restore CONFIG.SYS, etc.                                
  151. |    UPM and FFST/2 statements are only updated when                            
  152. |    executing CMSETUP from the diskette or                                     
  153. |    diskette images.                                                           
  154. |                                                                               
  155. |10. 05/25/93 FFST/2 and UPM                                                    
  156. |    If FFST/2 SYSLEVEL says a newer version of FFST is on                      
  157. |    the workstation Communications Manager/2 1.0 will NOT                      
  158. |    install FFST/2. If UPM (User Profile Management) SYSLEVEL                  
  159. |    says a newer version of UPM is on the workstation                          
  160. |    Communications Manager/2 1.0 will NOT install UPM.                         
  161. |    Communications Manager/2  will use the newer                               
  162. |    versions that are already installed.                                       
  163. |                                                                               
  164. |11. 05/25/93 XCOPY or COPY *.* of files from an Installed                      
  165. |             Communications Manager/2 will fail.                               
  166. |    Communications Manager/2 must be installed                                 
  167. |    using Communications Manager/2's CMSETUP command or                        
  168. |    selecting the SETUP ICON in Communications Manager/2's                     
  169. |    Folder, selecting INSTALL.                                                 
  170. |    You can install Communications Manager from a                              
  171. |    redirected drive.  Reference Communications                                
  172. |    Manager/2 Network Administration and                                       
  173. |    Subsystem Management Guide, SC31616800,                                    
  174. |    under "Communications Manager Configuration                                
  175. |    Methods" in Chapter 1.                                                     
  176. |                                                                               
  177. |                                                                               
  178. |12. 05/25/93 .CF2 file cannot be found when upgrading from                     
  179. |             Communications Manager Extended Services                          
  180. |    This can occur during CMSETUP processing when the                          
  181. |    diskette containing the ES 1.0 Communications Manager                      
  182. |    configuration does not contain the .CF2 file.  To                          
  183. |    upgrade you will need the following Communications                         
  184. |    Manager ES 1.0 files from the following ES 1.0                             
  185. |    directories                                                                
  186. |        CMLIB <your>.cfg                                                       
  187. |        CMLIB APPN <your>.CF2                                                  
  188. |        CMLIB APPN <your>.NDF                                                  
  189. |        CMLIB APPN <your>.SEC                                                  
  190. |                                                                               
  191. |    This can also occur when trying to use an                                  
  192. |    ES 1.0 Communications Manager                                              
  193. |    configuration to upgrade to Communications                                 
  194. |    Manager/2 1.0, but install Communications Manager/2 1.0                    
  195. |    on a different drive than where ES 1.0 Communications                      
  196. |    Manager was installed. Communications Manager/2 1.0                        
  197. |    requires that all the configuration files be located                       
  198. |    in the same directory on the ES 1.0 Communications                         
  199. |    Manager, copy:                                                             
  200. |        CMLIB APPN <your>.CF2   to  CMLIB *.*                                  
  201. |        CMLIB APPN <your>.NDF   to  CMLIB *.*                                  
  202. |        CMLIB APPN <your>.SEC   to  CMLIB *.*                                  
  203. |    This is not a problem when installing Communications                       
  204. |    Manager/2 1.0 on the same drive over ES 1.0 Communications                 
  205. |    Manager, because Communications Manager/2 1.0 Install                      
  206. |    collapses the ES 1.0 Communications Manager APPN                           
  207. |    sub-directory into CMLIB.                                                  
  208. |                                                                               
  209. |B. The following information is applicable only to                             
  210. |   SYSLEVEL WR06000.                                                           
  211. |                                                                               
  212. | 1. 05/25/93 Installing Communications Manager/2 with                          
  213. |             less than 32K free on the boot drive.                             
  214. |    This will return  you to the command line                                  
  215. |    with no messages displayed and no messages                                 
  216. |    logged.  You will need to free enough space                                
  217. |    on the boot drive for Communications                                       
  218. |    Manager to install.  Reference the README file on                          
  219. |    diskette one for more information.                                         
  220. |                                                                               
  221. | 2. 05/25/93 Missing DLL when attempting to use REINST to                      
  222. |             add or remove ES 1.0 Database Manager.                            
  223. |    The update to REINST was not installed.                                    
  224. |    This update is only applied when you install                               
  225. |    a configuration. Therefore, running CMSETUP from                           
  226. |    diskette, selecting  Close on the main window,                             
  227. |    selecting YES to install the setup code, will NOT                          
  228. |    install the REINST update. The REINST update will be                       
  229. |    installed when the first configuration is installed.                       
  230. |    Consult the README on diskette 1 under                                     
  231. |    "Extended Services Database Manager".                                      
  232. |                                                                               
  233. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  234. |KEYWORDS: CM2INFO CMINFO 562125400  100                      |                 
  235. |          INSTALL INSTALLATION CMSETUP                       |                 
  236. |          PCSUPPORT                                          |                 
  237. |                                                             |                 
  238. |                                                             |                 
  239. |                                                             |                 
  240. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 