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  2. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  3. |II06155                                                      |                 
  4. |          COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER INFORMATION APAR            |                 
  5. |                                                             |                 
  6. |  Installing EXTENDED SERVICES Communications Manager        |                 
  7. |                                                             |                 
  8. |LAST UPDATE:  07/06/93                          BY: RHB      |                 
  9. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  10. |    A. SUGGESTIONS                                           |                 
  11. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  12. |                                                                               
  13. |1. Read the installation instructions shipped with the product.                
  14. |   On diskette 1 of the Extended Services Installation                         
  15. |   diskettes is a READ.ME file containing installation                         
  16. |   information.                                                                
  17. |                                                                               
  18. |   Also Reference the following publications:                                  
  19. |        IBM Extended Services for OS/2                                         
  20. |             START HERE, S04G-1000                                             
  21. |        IBM Extended Services for OS/2                                         
  22. |             Workstation Installation Guide, S04G-1008                         
  23. |                                                                               
  24. |                                                                               
  25. |2. A copy of the EXTENDED SERVICES ADMINISTRATOR'S KIT                         
  26. |   package may be helpful for reference during installation and                
  27. |   configuration.                                                              
  28. |                                                                               
  29. |   There are basically two ways to order the ES Administrator's                
  30. |   Kit:                                                                        
  31. |                                                                               
  32. |    - AAS (direct order) type/feature -    5876-AAA/2277                       
  33. |    - GEMS (retail ordering) -                   04G1091                       
  34. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  35. |    B.  REFERENCES                                           |                 
  36. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  37. |                                                                               
  38. |1. IBM Extended Services Publications.                                         
  39. |                                                                               
  40. |   IBM Extended Services for OS/2 Hardware and Software                        
  41. |      Reference, S04G-1014, Chapter 3 Memory and Fixed-Disk                    
  42. |      Requirements.                                                            
  43. |                                                                               
  44. |   IBM Extended Services for OS/2 Host Connection Reference                    
  45. |      Reference, S04G-1004, Chapter 1 IBM System/370                           
  46. |      Host Programming and Chapter 2 IBM AS/400 Host                           
  47. |      Programming                                                              
  48. |                                                                               
  49. |2. IBM CM Information APARS                                                    
  50. |      All CM Information APARs can be found by using the                       
  51. |      "CMINFO" keyword when searching RETAIN.                                  
  52. |                                                                               
  53. |3. OTHER REFERENCES:                                                           
  54. |                                                                               
  55. |   OS/2 Systems Migration Considerations, G325-5016 (or                        
  56. |      call 1-800-551-2832 to order). This includes                             
  57. |      information about migrating to OS/2 2.0,                                 
  58. |      Extended Services and LAN Server 2.0.                                    
  59. |   Extended Service for OS/2 Communications Manager                            
  60. |     Tuning Guide for the LAN Adapter and Protocol                             
  61. |      Support (LAPS) Feature, GG66324300                                       
  62. |                                                                               
  63. |   IBM OS/2 Extended Edition 1.3.02 and IBM Extended                           
  64. |      Services for OS/2 Communications Manager:                                
  65. |      3270 Host Print, GG66324100                                              
  66. |                                                                               
  67. |   IBM Extended Services for OS/2 Communications                               
  68. |      Manager, New Features and Enhancements,                                  
  69. |      GG24387600                                                               
  70. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  71. |    C. GENERAL INFORMATION                                   |                 
  72. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  73. |                                                                               
  74. |1. 06/30/92  ES/1 CM has more configuration files than in                      
  75. |             previous releases.                                                
  76. |                                                                               
  77. |                  drive: CMLIB user.CFG                                        
  78. |                  drive: CMLIB APPN user.CF2                                   
  79. |                  drive: CMLIB APPN user.NDF                                   
  80. |                  drive: CMLIB APPN user.LOG                                   
  81. |                  drive: CMLIB APPN user.SEC                                   
  82. |                  drive: IBMCOM user.INI                                       
  83. |                                                                               
  84. |             The existence of the various files depend on                      
  85. |             the features installed on the system.                             
  86. |                                                                               
  87. |             The ES installation process places the  IBMCOM                    
  88. |             subdirectory on the boot drive.                                   
  89. |                                                                               
  90. |             Reference the Workstation Installation Guide,                     
  91. |             Chapter 2.                                                        
  92. |                                                                               
  93. |2. 06/30/92  ES/1 CM CONFIGURATION FILE MANAGER ( COPYCFG )                    
  94. |                                                                               
  95. |             COPYCFG is a utility that will manage the                         
  96. |             configuration files mentioned in Item 1 above.                    
  97. |             COPYCFG can be used to copy the configuration                     
  98. |             files to diskette or load the configuration                       
  99. |             file from a diskette.                                             
  100. |                                                                               
  101. |             COPYCFG is menu driven or can be executed with                    
  102. |             parameters from the OS/2 Command Line or                          
  103. |             from the "COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER ICON VIEW                        
  104. |             WINDOW".                                                          
  105. |                                                                               
  106. |             COPYCFG is installed as part of the utilities                     
  107. |             package.  To install this command, click on                       
  108. |             "Extended Services ICON", then click on                           
  109. |             "ADD OR REMOVE ICON".  This will present the                      
  110. |             "Extended Services Install/Remove Menu".                          
  111. |             Select 1 "Install Communications Manager".                        
  112. |             In "Communications Manager Installation Menu",.                   
  113. |             Select 2 "Additional Features", then "Utilities".                 
  114. |             The ES/1 Installation diskettes will be requested.                
  115. |                                                                               
  116. |             For more information reference COPYCFG, under                     
  117. |             BASIC CONFIGURATION SERVICES AND INSTALLATION,                    
  118. |             in the online ES COMMAND REFERENCE.                               
  119. |                                                                               
  120. |3. 06/30/92  The ES/1 installation program (ESINST) places the                 
  121. |             IBMCOM directory on the boot disk.  If CM                         
  122. |             is installed on another drive, the IBMCOM will                    
  123. |             still be on the boot drive.                                       
  124. |                                                                               
  125. |4. 07/22/92  On page 5-27 in the Communications Manager                        
  126. |             Configuration Guide it says that resources                        
  127. |             can deleted from the configuration files, but                     
  128. |             NOT from an active environment.  Resources                        
  129. |             could be the Define_CNOS in the .NDF file.                        
  130. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  131. |    D. FREQUENT PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS                                         
  132. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  133. |                                                                               
  134. |1. 06/30/92                                                                    
  135. |   PROBLEM:                                                                    
  136. |        ESINST fails due to MINOR INCONSISTENCIES in the 1.3                   
  137. |        CFG file being migrated.  The minor inconsistencies                    
  138. |        were acceptable under CM 1.3.                                          
  139. |                                                                               
  140. |   SOLUTION: JR05999 closed as a suggestion.                                   
  141. |                                                                               
  142. |   CIRCUMVENTION:                                                              
  143. |        After the failure, perform an ESINST command again.                    
  144. |        When prompted, request Advanced Installation,                          
  145. |        then choose to install default configuration files.                    
  146. |        After the installation is completes.                                   
  147. |        Try to upgrade the EE 1.3 configuration                                
  148. |        file via the UPGRADE CONFIGURATION FILES                               
  149. |        option of fullscreen Communications                                    
  150. |        Manager. Any errors that occur will cause                              
  151. |        messages to be generated. Examination of these                         
  152. |        messages in MESSAGE.DAT or ERROR.DAT                                   
  153. |        should indicate corrections                                            
  154. |        which can be made to the EE 1.3 .CFG                                   
  155. |        on a 1.3 system so that it will                                        
  156. |        upgrade successfully on an ES 1.0 system.                              
  157. |                                                                               
  158. |                                                                               
  159. |2. 05/12/92                                                                    
  160. |   PROBLEM:                                                                    
  161. |        Communications Managers (CM) receives an ACS1231                       
  162. |        message.  Look in the Error Log.  If you see Type                      
  163. |        001B Subtype 00000700, locate the sense code in the                    
  164. |        hex data.  To find the sense code go to the end of                     
  165. |        the first line of hex data and count backwards 14                      
  166. |        characters, then start reading left to right, the                      
  167. |        first 8 characters you read is the sense code.                         
  168. |                                                                               
  169. |   SOLUTION:                                                                   
  170. |        A.  If the sense code is 08090049 and CM is                            
  171. |            connecting to an AS/400 see INFO APAR II06157                      
  172. |                                                                               
  173. |        B.  If the sense code is 0806002C the FQ_CP_NAME                       
  174. |            is not unique on the network, or the                               
  175. |            FQ_ADJACENT_CP_NAME is spelled wrong                               
  176. |            in the .NDF file.                                                  
  177. |                                                                               
  178. |            Change the FQ_CP_NAME in the DEFINE_LOCAL_CP                       
  179. |            verb to something unique on the network.                           
  180. |                             - OR -                                            
  181. |            Correct the FQ_ADJACENT_CP_NAME in the                             
  182. |            DEFINE_LOGICAL_LINK verb.                                          
  183. |                                                                               
  184. |        C.  If the sense code is 08090054 the                                  
  185. |            ADJACENT_NODE_TYPE is not correct in the                           
  186. |            .NDF file                                                          
  187. |                                                                               
  188. |            Correct the ADJACENT_NODE_TYPE in the                              
  189. |            DEFINE_LOCAL_LINK verb.                                            
  190. |                                                                               
  191. |                                                                               
  192. |   NOTE:  To change the .NDF file in the APPN                                  
  193. |          subdirectory of the CMLIB directory:                                 
  194. |                                                                               
  195. |               1.  Make a backup copy of your .NDF file.                       
  196. |               2.  Make changes/corrections, using an                          
  197. |                   editor.                                                     
  198. |               3.  Verify the new configuration.                               
  199. |               4.  Stop, then Restart Communications Manager                   
  200. |                                                                               
  201. |3. 06/30/92                                                                    
  202. |   PROBLEM:                                                                    
  203. |        INTERNAL PROCESSING ERROR                                              
  204. |        ##0F00:141E - 0002:141E                                                
  205. |        65535,9051 CPS:EXTENT NOT FOUND                                        
  206. |        INTERNAL REVISION 6.3.07 92/03/01                                      
  207. |                                                                               
  208. |   SOLUTION:                                                                   
  209. |        1. REBOOT ON OS/2 V2 INSTALL DISKETTE                                  
  210. |        2. INSERT OS/2 V2 DISKETTE 1                                           
  211. |        3. PRESS ESCAPE TO A:                                                  
  212. |        4. INSERT OS/2 V2 DISKETTE 2                                           
  213. |        5. CHKDSK 'lowercase drive letter': /f:3                               
  214. |                                                                               
  215. |4.  07/31/92                                                                   
  216. |    PROBLEM: Lost ES/1 ICONS.                                                  
  217. |                                                                               
  218. |    SOLUTION:                                                                  
  219. |    1) Enter "REINST" from OS/2 command prompt enter                           
  220. |       or select "Add or remove                                                
  221. |       features" from the Extended services folder.                            
  222. |    2) Select "1. Install Communications Manager"                              
  223. |       from Extended Services Install/Remove Menu                              
  224. |    3) Select "1. Configuration files"                                         
  225. |       from Communications Manager Install Menu                                
  226. |    4) Select "Esc=Cancel"                                                     
  227. |       from Communications Manager Configuration File Menu                     
  228. |    5) Select "F3=Exit"                                                        
  229. |       from Communications Manager Install Menu                                
  230. |    6) Select "F3=Exit"                                                        
  231. |       from Extended Services Install/Remove Menu                              
  232. |    7) Shut down the workstation and reboot.                                   
  233. |                                                                               
  234. |                                                                               
  235. | 5. 11/18/92                                                                   
  236. |    Problem:  Unable to connect ES/1 CM workstation                            
  237. |              through 3174 cluster control unit.                               
  238. |    Solution: Apply Configuration Support C microcode                          
  239. |              to the 3174.                                                     
  240. |                                                                               
  241. |                                                                               
  242. | 6: 04/29/92                                                                   
  243. |    Problem: SYS1201 message on CM startup indicating                          
  244. |     that NETBIOS.OS2 driver was not installed,                                
  245. |     and that the line in the CONFIG.SYS file that                             
  246. |     reads 'DEVICE=C: IBMCOM PROTOCOL NETBIOS.OS2                              
  247. |     is ignored.  This can apparently occur for other                          
  248. |     device statements as well.                                                
  249. |                                                                               
  250. |     The cause is that Lan Requester/Server has inserted                       
  251. |     an IFS statement before the statement for NETBIOS.                        
  252. |    Solution:  Move the statement                                              
  253. |     'IFS=C: IBMLAN NETPROG NETWKSTA.200 /I:C: IBMLAN /N'                      
  254. |     to a position after the DEVICE stmt for NETBIOS.                          
  255. |                                                                               
  256. | 7: 07/06/93 ESINST fails by returning to the OS/2 prompt,                     
  257. |             various other problems may also be encountered.                   
  258. |    Check that the PATHs (LIBPATH, PATH, and DPATH)                            
  259. |    in CONFIG.SYS are correct. LIBPATH, PATH, and DPATH                        
  260. |    should be defined together without any other statements                    
  261. |    between them.                                                              
  262. |                                                                               
  263. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  264. |KEYWORDS: CMINFO 562121301 R100 CM ESINST ES INSTALL         |                 
  265. |          CFG INI CF2 NDF SEC LOG COPYCFG                    |                 
  266. |          FQCPNAME FQADJACENTCPNAME DEFINELOCALCP            |                 
  267. |          DEFINELOGICALLINK ADJACENTNODETYPE                 |                 
  268. |          DEFINELOCALLINK COMM695 SYS1201 NETBIOS            |                 
  269. |          LOST ICON ICONS RESTORE REINST                     |                 
  270. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 