DP Tool Club 8
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/* Copyright (c) 1987 Regents of the University of California */
/* SCCSid "@(#)driver.h 2.1 11/12/91 LBL" */
* driver.h - header file for interactive device drivers.
* 2/2/87
struct driver { /* driver functions */
int (*close)(); /* close device */
int (*clear)(); /* clear device */
int (*paintr)(); /* paint rectangle */
int (*getcur)(); /* get cursor position */
int (*comout)(); /* command line output */
int (*comin)(); /* command line input */
int (*flush)(); /* flush output */
double pixaspect; /* pixel aspect ratio */
int xsiz, ysiz; /* device size */
int inpready; /* input ready on device */
extern int stderr_v(); /* error vectors */
extern int (*wrnvec)(), (*errvec)(), (*cmdvec)();
extern struct driver *comm_init(); /* stream interface */
/* magic numbers for verification */
#define COM_SENDM 0x6f37
#define COM_RECVM 0x51da
/* stream commands */
#define COM_CLEAR 0
#define COM_PAINTR 1
#define COM_GETCUR 2
#define COM_COMOUT 3
#define COM_COMIN 4
#define COM_FLUSH 5
#define NREQUESTS 6 /* number of valid requests */
extern struct device { /* interactive device */
char *name; /* device name */
char *descrip; /* description */
struct driver *(*init)(); /* initialize device */
} devtable[]; /* supported devices */
extern char dev_default[]; /* default device name */
#define MB1 ('\n') /* mouse button 1 */
#define MB2 ('\r') /* mouse button 2 */
#define MB3 (' ') /* mouse button 3 */
#define ABORT ('C'-'@') /* abort key */
* struct driver *
* dname_init(name, id)
* char *name, *id;
* {
* Initialize device and return pointer to driver
* functions. Returns NULL if an error occurred.
* The name string identifies the driver,
* and the id string identifies the client.
* A device can be open by at most one client.
* Be verbose in error reports; call stderr_v().
* If device has its own error output, set errvec,
* cmdvec and wrnvec.
* }
* (*dev->close)()
* {
* Close the device. Reset error vectors.
* }
* (*dev->clear)(xres, yres)
* int xres, yres;
* {
* Clear the device for xres by yres output. This call will
* be made prior to any output.
* }
* (*dev->paintr)(col, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
* COLOR col;
* int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
* {
* Paint a half-open rectangle from (xmin,ymin) to (xmax,ymax)
* with the color col.
* }
* (*dev->getcur)(xp, yp)
* int *xp, *yp;
* {
* Get the cursor position entered by the user via mouse,
* joystick, etc. Return the key hit by the user (usually
* MB1 or MB2). Return ABORT to cancel.
* Can be NULL for devices without this capability.
* }
* (*dev->comout)(out)
* char *out;
* {
* Print the string out on the device command line. If the
* string ends with '\n', the message is considered complete,
* and the next call can erase it.
* }
* (*dev->comin)(in, prompt)
* char *in, *prompt;
* {
* Print a prompt then read an edited input command line
* assuming the in buffer is big enough. Unless prompt is NULL,
* the driver may substitute its own rview command. This is
* the most reliable way to repaint areas of the screen.
* If the user enters an unrecognized control character,
* terminate input and return the string with only that character.
* The input string should not contain a newline. The routines in
* editline.c may be useful. Comin must work in consort with comout.
* }
* (*dev->flush)()
* {
* Flush output to the display. This is guaranteed to be called
* frequently enough to keep the display up to date.
* This is an ideal time to check for device input.
* This function can be NULL for devices that don't need it.
* }
* xsiz, ysiz
* The maximum allowable x and y dimensions. If any
* size is allowable, these should be set to MAXRES.
* inpready
* This variable should be made positive asynchronously
* when characters are ready on the input. (Often easiest
* to check for input during calls to paintr.)