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   ISCPU( lVerbose )  -> nType / cType

   Checks the type of CPU being used, returns either a
   numeric (default) or a string.

   lVerbose    .F. = Numeric Return Value ( default )
               .T. = String Return

                0 = 8088   1 = 8086
                2 = V20    3 = V30
                4 = 80188  5 = 80186
                6 = 80286  7 = 80386
                8 = 80486
                ( No, Pentium's not included, maybe you have one
                 for me, for testing purposes ? <g> )

   | Please ALWAYS use this function at startuptime. SOUND&VISION   |
   | only works with 80286 and higher.                              |
   | Any return value under 6 indicates, that you should bring your |
   | program back to DOS, otherwise your app' will crash...         |

See Also: Mse_Init
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson