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   ISVIDEO( lVerbose ) -> nType / cType

   Checks the type of video-adapter being used. Returns either
   a numeric (default) or a string.

   lVerbose   .F. = Numeric Return Value  ( default )
              .T. = String Return

              00  oder 'MDA Mono  '
              01       'MDA  Color'
              02       'CGA  Mono '
              03       'CGA  Color'
              04       'MCGA Mono '
              05       'MCGA Color'
              06       'EGA  Mono '
              07       'EGA  Color'
              08       'VGA  Mono '
              09       'VGA  Color'

  To use the graphical mouse-cursor of SOUND&VISION, you have to have
  at least an EGA-Card. SetDAC() needs a VGA-Card. Fonts can only be
  loaded since EGA anyway...
  So, forget about your Hercules MDA (and the rest of it).
  This is 1993 !

See Also: IsCpu
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson