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  MSE_INIT()  -> nErrorCode

  Tests the Video-Adapter, Processor and MouseDriver
  If a VGA and at least an 80286 is found the MouseEventHandler
  will be installed and the status will be returned as an Integer

    | Hey Guys, please listen to this !                              |
    |                                                                |
    | Inside of this function VideoMode 3 is set (VGA 80x25, 9x16)   |
    | and the screen will be wiped ! Therefore you should call this  |
    | function at startup time of your programm.                     |
    | Using this function will also tell you, if your programm is    |
    | running on an 8088; in this case return back to DOS and sell   |
    | your client an 80286 (who would do that ?)                     |

  now on:


          INT  0 = MouseDriver installed
               1 = CPU not supported < 80286
               2 = No VGA/EGA-Adapter
               3 = MouseDriver not installed


            nMouse := MSE_Init()

            DO CASE
            CASE nMouse == 1
                 ?? 'Are you kidding ? This is a PC/XT'
                 QUIT          // see above !

            CASE nMouse == 2
                 ? 'Ray Charles, is it you ?'
                 ? 'You don't have at least an Ega-Adapter !'

            CASE nMouse == 3
                 ?? 'Hu ? You forgot to load your MouseDriver, dummy !'


This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson