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   @ row, col GET xVar AS FRAME IN nCol1, nCol2
             [PICTURE <cPic>]
             [VALID <valid>]
             [WHEN <when>]
             [SEND <msg>]

   Frames the active GetField in a way, that it looks 'sunken'
   ( see DEMO:OutLine )
   Make sure to leave at least one blank line between the GETs.
   The supplied, modified GetSys.obj must be linked with your programm.


   xVar          valid GetVariable
   nCol1         Numeric ColorCode for the GetColor
                         ( Selected ColorCode )
   nCol2         Numeric ColorCode for the BackgroundColor
                         ( Unselected ColorCode )

   You'll find more Parameters in Clipper's own .NG ( @ GET ... )
   The framing of the GETs is achieved by SOUND & VISION's
   internal OutLine / DelLine Functions.


   #define  C_NW       112               // Black on White
   #define  C_NBEIGE   208               // Black on Beige

   @ 10, 40 GET xDummy1 AS FRAME IN C_NW,C_NBEIGE

See Also: Outline DelLine
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson