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   @ row, col GET nButton ;
                AS PUSHBUTTON aButtonArray ;
                COLOR nTextColor ;
                HOTKEY nHotkeyColor
                WHEN lWhenClause  ;
                SEND bMessage ;

   Draws Buttons defined in aButton.
   Same options/exceptions as for DrawButton
   The supplied, modified GetSys.obj must be linked with your programm.


   row           BeginningRow
   col           BeginningColumn
   nTextColor    Clipper ColorCode for the Button (eg 112= B/W)
   nHotKeyColor  Clipper ColorCode for the HotKey (eg 116= R/w)
   WhenClause    Like in Getsys
   bMessage      Like in Getsys
   Vertikal      vertical-direction

   nButton                1-12     ( Key or Mouse )
   CloseButton oder ESC   M_CLOSE  ( Mouse )
   MoveButton             M_MOVE
   ChoiButton             M_ChOICE
   Scrollbar    Up        M_UP     If you don't have a ScrollBar for example,
                Down      M_DOWN   there's no ReturnValue, see....
                Left      M_LEFT
                Right     M_RIGHT


    LOCAL aButton := { 'Drive ~A:', 'Drive ~B:', 'Drive ~C:', 'E~xit' }
    LOCAL nButton := 3

    @ 06, 35 GET nButton AS PUSHBUTTON aButton ;
             COLOR 112 HOTKEY 116  VERTIKAL


    Enriches your application with a vertical ButtonRow, which is
    activated on GET-InputFocus.

See Also: DrawButton
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson