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 Create a print job client record area
      CREATE PRINTJOB <cPrtJob> ;
          [ VERSION      <nVersion>   ] ;
          [ TAB SIZE     <nTabSz>     ] ;
          [ COPIES       <nCopies>    ] ;
          [ TEXT|BINARY               ] ;
          [ NOBANNER                  ] ;
          [ NOFORMFEED                ] ;
          [ INTERRUPT                 ] ;
          [ MAXLINES     <nMaxLn>     ] ;
          [ MAXCHARS     <nMaxCh>     ] ;
          [ FORM NAME    <cForm>      ] ;
          [ BANNER NAME  <cBanNam>    ] ;
          [ BANNER FILE  <cBanFil>    ] ;
          [ HEADER FILE  <cHdrFil>    ] ;
          [ DIRPATH      <cDirPath>   ]

      VERSION <nVersion>
         A numeric indicating the version of the client record area.
         Currently NetWare expects 0.  Default is 0.

      TAB SIZE <nTabSz>
         A numeric indicating the number of spaces to expand tabs to
         if the stream type is TEXT.  Default is 8.  Ignored if stream
         type is BINARY.

      COPIES <nCopies>
         A numeric indicating number of copies to print.  Default is 1.

         Specifies that a banner page is not to be printed.

         If TEXT is specified, then the data to be printed will be
         treated as a text stream, and the characters-per-line and
         lines-per-page and tab-size values will be honored. If
         BINARY is specified, then the data to be printed will be
         treated as a binary stream, and the characters-per-line and
         lines-per-page and tab-size values will be ignored.
         Default is TEXT.  If both BINARY and TEXT are selected,
         BINARY wins.


         Suppresses an automatic page eject at the end of the print job.


         Instructs the Queue server to go ahead and print the job if it
         get interrupted during the capture process.

      MAXLINES <nMaxLn>

         The maximum lines per page, if printing in TEXT stream mode.
         Default is 60.

      MAXCHARS <nMaxCh>

         The maximum characters per line, if printing in TEXT stream
         mode.  Default is 132.

      FORM NAME <cForm>

         A 15 char string indicating the form name.  Different form
         types may be set up for each printer.  If a form type other than
         the current is specified, the print queue manager and any
         designated users will be notified to change forms.

      BANNER NAME <cBanNam>

         A 12 char string that is printed in large letters in the first
         box of the banner.  Novell typically defaults to the User Name
         but we just default to air.

      BANNER FILE <cBanFil>

         A 12 char string that is printed in large letters in the second
         box of the banner.  Novell defaults to the queue file name, we
         we don't default to nuthin.

      HEADER FILE <cHdrFil>

         The file name that is printed in the header of the banner.
         13 characters max.

      DIRPATH <cDirPath>

         The full path name of the file to be printed, up to 79 chars.


      <cPrtJob>, a character string that can be used as the "client
      record area" for a regular Queue job destined to be serviced
      by a NetWare print server.  See CREATE JOBSTRUCT and the other
      QMS calls for further information.


      For printing to the NetWare Print Queue system, a job structure
      must be created that includes the above information in an entry
      called the Client Record Area.  This command lets you easily set
      the proper CRA for print queues.


            /* get list of queues from default server */

      aQueues := fn_scaBndO( "*", OT_PRINT_QUEUE )

            /* select a queue, get Bindery Object ID for it */

      nQueue := 7

      nQueueID := aQueues[ nQueue, 2 ]

            /* create Client Record Area for Netware print server */

      CREATE PRINTJOB cPrtJob                          ;
         NOFORMFEED                                    ;
         BANNER NAME  fn_WhoAmI()

            /* create queue job directed to any print server ( servicing
               the default file server ) */

      CREATE JOBSTRUCT aJob                            ;
         JOB DESCRIPTION       "Weekly Test Results"   ;
         CLIENT RECORD AREA    cPrtJob

            /* create queue job file from newly created job structure */

                  nHandle := fn_CrQJbFi( nQueueID, @aJob )

            /* write to the queue job file */

      FWRITE( nHandle, "This is a waste of paper" )
      FWRITE( nHandle, CHR( 12 ) )   // insert a formfeed in the file

            /* start the queue job (file gets closed automatically ) */

      nJob := aJob[ QJ_JOB_NUMBER ]

      fn_stQJob( nQueueID, nJob, nHandle )


 Author: Glenn Scott

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson