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 Create a QMS Job Structure (array) the easy way
      CREATE JOBSTRUCT <aJob>               ;
        [ QUEUE SERVER          <nTarg>   ] ;
        [ STARTDATE             <dXdate>  ] ;
        [ STARTTIME             <cXtime>  ] ;
        [ JOB TYPE              <nType>   ] ;
        [ AUTOSTART                       ] ;
        [ RESTART                         ] ;
        [ USERHOLD                        ] ;
        [ OPERATORHOLD                    ] ;
        [ JOB DESCRIPTION       <cDesc>   ] ;
        [ CLIENT RECORD AREA    <cCliRec> ]

       QUEUE SERVER         <nTarg>

         Queue Server Binder ObjectID, or -1 if any server.
         Defaults to -1 (any server).

       STARTDATE            <dXdate>

         Date you want job serviced.  Defaults to ASAP.

       STARTTIME            <cXtime>

         Time you want job serviced.  Defaults to ASAP.

       JOB TYPE              <nType>

         Job type.  Up to queue servers to determine valid job types.
         Defaults to 0.


         If specified, the job will start upon a break to the job server
         connection, even if you have not explicitly started the job.  If
         AUTOSTART is omitted and there is a connection break before you
         have release the job to the queue, the job will be removed from
         the queue.  Defaults to no AUTOSTART.


         If specified and the queue server for some reason aborts the job,
         the job will remain in the queue.  Otherwise the job is removed
         from the queue.  Defaults to no RESTART.


         If specified the job will continue the advance in the queue but
         will not be serviced until the user releases this flag.  Defaults
         to no USERHOLD


         Same as for USERHOLD, however only queue operators may clear or
         set this flag.  Defaults to no OPERATORHOLD

       JOB DESCRIPTION       <cDesc>

         Text job description.  Max len=50 char.

       CLIENT RECORD AREA    <cCliRec>

         Free area for queue servers to define.  You may use this area
         to send information to custom queue servers that you devise.
         NetWare Print Servers require a specially formatted client area;
         use CREATE PRINTJOB to make it.  Max Len=152 char.


      <aJob>, an array that should be considered a "queue job entry
      structure."  You will pass this to other QMS API calls that
      require such a structure.

      The elements of the array are referenced with the QJ_ constants
      in netto.CH


      There are several steps involved when using the Novell QMS system,
      a very important one of which is setting up a proper job

      This command helps you create the front end of a queue job entry
      structure.  Use it in conjuction with CREATE PRINTJOB to create
      jobs for a Novell Print Server.

      For people who are writing client-server applications, you will
      want to define your own Client Record Area.  See a Novell API
      reference manual for a complete description of the queue job
      entry structure.



 Author: Glenn Scott

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson