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 Abort servicing queue job and file
      fn_abQJbFi()( <nQueueID>, <nJob>, <nHandle> ) -> lSuccess

     <nQueueID> is the bindery object ID of the queue
     <nJob>     is the job number the server wants to abort
     <nHandle>  is the DOS file handle returned from fn_sQJobFi()


     <lSuccess>, .t. if the call succeeds.  If it doesn't, check
     fn_error() for one of the following error codes:

          150    =  Server out of memory
          208    =  Queue Error
          209    =  No queue
          214    =  No job rights
          217    =  Station is not a server


     This call is made by queue servers, and only if they have
     already obtained a job for servicing.

     This closes the job file and deletes it from the job queue
     if the restart flag was not set.  If the restart flag was
     set, the job remains at the beginning of the queue.

     You might not want to abort queue jobs just because the job
     was not submitted properly, unless you're sure the job will
     be deleted from the queue.  Otherwise, it'll stay there and
     the next time you try to service a job, you'll get the same
     one back.  If you want to finish a job and be sure it gets
     deleted, use fn_finsqjb().


     // This example assumes a lot has been set up.
     // Just pay attention to the abort logic.

     local aJobStruct

     aJobStruct := fn_sQJobFi( nID, -1, @nHandle )
     if !empty( aJobStruct )
        if fatalErr() // determine that server must fatal exit, so:
           fn_abqjbfi( nID, aJobStruct[ QJ_JOB_NUMBER ], nHandle )
        else // finish normally
           fn_finsqjb( nID, aJobStruct[ QJ_JOB_NUMBER ], nHandle )


 Author: Glenn Scott

See Also: fn_finsqjb() fn_sqjbfi()
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