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 Introduction    System
 BIOSModel()     Returns the computer model
 BIOSRev()       Returns the BIOS revision
 BIOSSubMod()    Returns the computer submodel
 cArgV()         Returns a command line parameter
 cmosGet()       Gets a CMOS position
 cmosSet()       Sets a CMOS position
 CpuType()       Returns the processor type
 Delay()         Delays a specified number of milliseconds
 Desencrypt()    Deencrypts a string
 DiskSerNum()    Returns the disk serial number
 DOSShell()      Starts a new command processor
 Encrypt()       Encrypts a string
 FastRight()     Returns Fast Library Copyright
 FastVersion()   Returns Fast Library Version
 GetPass()       Gets a password
 Inb()           Reads a byte from a hardware port
 IniLoad()       Loads a configuration file .INI
 IniSearch()     Searchs an item in a configuration file .INI
 IniSave()       Saves an item in a configuration file .INI
 IniWrite()      Writes to disk a configuration file .INI
 Inw()           Reads a word from a hardware port
 IsAnsi()        Determines if Ansi.sys has been loaded
 IsCopro()       Determines if a math coprocessor is present
 IsKeyb()        Determines if Keyb has been loaded
 IsModem()       Determines if an internal modem is present
 IsMSDOS()       Determines if Operating System is MSDOS or DRDOS
 IsNlsFunc()     Determines if NlsFunc has been loaded
 IsQEMM()        Determines if QEMM386.SYS or QRAM.SYS has been loaded
 IsShare()       Determines if Share has been loaded
 IsSmartDrv()    Determines if Smartdrv has been loaded
 IsXMS()         Determines if a XMS driver has been loaded
 MaxFiles()      Returns the number of DOS FILES
 nArgC()         Returns the number of command line parameters
 NullFunc()      Function that does nothing
 NumParallel()   Returns the number of parallel ports
 NumSerial()     Returns the number of serial ports
 Outb()          Outputs a byte to a hardware port
 Outw()          Outputs a word to a hardware port
 Peekb()         Returns the byte at a memory location
 Peekw()         Returns the word at a memory location
 Pokeb()         Stores a byte at memory
 Pokew()         Stores a word at memory
 Reboot()        Reboot the system
 RestSets()      Restores CA-Clipper sets from an array
 SaveSets()      Saves CA-Clipper sets to an array
 SetDate()       Changes system date
 SetTime()       Changes system time

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson