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 Convert a date expression into words.


     LongDate( <dDate>[, <lFrench>] ) --> <cLongDateExpression>


     <dDate> is a valid date expression.

     <lFrench> is an optional logical indicating if the return result is to
     be in French.


     LongDate() returns a character string of the supplied date in the form
     of: "CDOW(), CMONTH() DOW(), YEAR()" if it is English (default) or
     "CFDow() le DOW() CFMonth() YEAR()"


     LOCAL dDate := CTOD( "02/14/1993" ) // Valentines day '93
     ? LongDate( dDate )      ==> Sunday, February 14, 1993
     ? LongDate( dDate, .T. ) ==> dimanche, le 14 f.vrier 1993

 Files:  Library is CUACLIP.LIB.

See Also: CFDow() CFMonth()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson