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These are the entries for October & November 1996:

I am enthusiast about Incognito in Japan. I will go to the live of them held in Fukuoka pref. in this December. I like Coliblri the best. I also enjoy the new album "beneath the surface". I will access this site as possible as I can from now on.

Sat Nov 30 11:42:51 1996
Hisashi Oyamada (

Sat Nov 30 11:35:48 1996
Hisashi Oyamada

If anyone at all knows when Bluey and the band are coming to Australia, please email me! thanks and groove on!

Sat Nov 30 07:09:11 1996
Rudacious P funk ( know,Incognito is very cool!! I love the guys!! Latest single(in Japan)"out of the storm" is so lovery,I love it. I'll go to the live show in NAGOYA,JAPAN on Dec. Hey,Japanese funs,talk with me about Incognito and the other things in Japanese. I'm not good at the English language.... Thank you!

Fri Nov 29 11:09:14 1996

Good job on the site guys. Anything defintive on when the latest CD is going to be released Stateside? if anyone knows drop me a line

Fri Nov 29 07:24:36 1996

Awesome!! I'm so glad to find such a cool site dedicated to Bluey and Incognito! Incognito's music is for me one of the finest,classiest,tastiest,life reflecting,awe inspiring,soulful,and downright funkiest thing around! Beneath the surface rules,as does Maysa. Randy Hope Taylor's groove rules! Bring on another and another and another album!!! Come back downunder soon!

Thu Nov 28 08:45:46 1996
Rudacious P Funk (

I took one look at the *100 and rising* CD in a music store, followed an instinct, and bought it even without knowing what's inside. That was last year and I haven't regretted it ever since! In fact, I'm scrounging for more Incognito materials. I'm from the Philippines and it's kind of difficult to find the early album releases here. Do you have any info where I can find/buy them? And finding your site really made my day. Thanks!

Wed Nov 27 08:11:44 1996
Aimee Somo (

Welcome to the net! Yokoso !

Wed Nov 27 05:35:31 1996
Lynette (

Great show tonight in Belgrade!Thank you Incognito!

Tue Nov 26 00:57:46 1996

i'm so happy that there is a home page with such an abundance of info on incognito. i've learned so much in such a little time. i'm sure incognito are very proud of this page. keep up the great work.

Mon Nov 25 23:23:48 1996
Jonel (

incognito LOVE!!! I want friend!

Sun Nov 24 08:24:58 1996
Shiho (

It's great that Incognito isn't fully Incognito and we can find them on Site. I'm still a fan of you!

Sat Nov 23 15:36:57 1996
Juraj Vaculik (

Pisite, brate, srpski, da vas ceo svet razume!!! taNyA, ShONe, SEE YOU AT THE CONCERT!!!

Fri Nov 22 17:28:17 1996
Goran Stevanovic (

Tanya,be sure we will stay funky! See you on monday, November 25,`96 in Belgade at the concert.

Fri Nov 22 16:10:53 1996
Nenad Jovanovic (

Stay funky, people.

Fri Nov 22 15:04:47 1996
Tanya Grujicic (

Great site, saw an absolutely fantastic concert in Utrecht the day before yesterday. MAUNICK FOR PRESIDENT!!!

Fri Nov 22 13:13:22 1996
Dennis Keyner (

You are the best! Nenad from Serbia!

Fri Nov 22 11:49:57 1996
Nenad Jovanovic

The concert yesterday in Utrecht, Holland was in one word: FANFUCKIN'TASTIC!!!!!

Thu Nov 21 16:39:20 1996
Heleen van Oord, Den Haag

Great concert in Utrecht Greatings Johan Kousemaker

Thu Nov 21 15:04:54 1996
johan kousemaker (

Love it! It's great to see a tribute to such funky group up on the web! I'm keeping my eyes on the site and in the papers for info about the Australian tour - I'll be there!

Thu Nov 21 07:20:14 1996
Ken Barry (

I'm glad to see many INCOGNITO fans&you!!

Wed Nov 20 17:51:52 1996
Yoshiaki Fujii (

Your site is great, everybody knows that!!! I've seen Incognito last saturday in Switzerland (Lausanne). The fourth time in one year !!! And it's really each time better... Everybody must see them playing LIVE !!! Enjoy INCOGNITO...

Wed Nov 20 15:23:52 1996
J�r�me Revaclier (

Hey, I've been on this planet for 44 years, and been aware of this band for over 3. This band has summarized all the music I appreciate and love. Your site is much appreciate.

Wed Nov 20 14:38:07 1996

Bepp, Your site is one of the very best I have seen. The design is clean and it's extremely well organized. And since Incognito is my favorite musical group, I think your site's content is the best. (The samples are a treat!) Thanks for your hard work on this and for keeping it so up-to-date. -Don

Mon Nov 18 19:52:30 1996

I think that Incognito is the best group out today. I love the horn and string arrangements. If they ever need a singer while in the U.S. contact me at my e-mail address, I'd love to jam with them.

Mon Nov 18 16:45:29 1996
sherri houmadi (

I like the band a lot! Is anybody outthere who can help me to complete my compilation? I still need some singles. So are these: "Still a friend of mine"; "Allways there" & others Mail-me!!!

Mon Nov 18 15:16:44 1996
peter stiefel (

Your site is great, everybody knows that!!! I've seen Incognito last saturday... The fourth time in one year !!! And it's really each time better... Everybody must see them playing LIVE !!! Enjoy INCOGNITO...

Mon Nov 18 13:10:01 1996
Storno> (

The site is great.

Mon Nov 18 12:57:52 1996
Tatjana Lukic (tania@eunet.yu)

This site is the bomb!!! It's so exciting to see all these other messages from Incognito fans. None of the radio stations play their stuff here, so not a lot of people know about Incognito in Vancouver; thanks for hooking me up to some fellow fans. Can't wait to find out the US tour dates. Any chance they'll come to Canada?

Mon Nov 18 10:18:27 1996
Charlene Ma (

New album "bneath the surface" is great. I'm glad to the return of Maysa.

Mon Nov 18 06:31:20 1996
Yohei Hiori (

I must say that this is a sweet Incognito site! Even though I just started listening to them, they are already one of my favorite groups. Keep up the good work. Peace!!!!

Mon Nov 18 01:29:08 1996
Brian Castellanos (

I'm a dutch fan of incognito and I 'll go to their concert at 20 november in Holland.

Sun Nov 17 23:30:28 1996
sander schuurmans (

Hello Bepp and thank you for letting me find anything at all about Incognito on the web Your site is the only one I've found. In my case I was looking for the lyrics in "Don�t you worry..."(at some places you can�t really hear what they say) I'm a member of a popgroup and we play that tune. Now, we can also sing it. Thanks to you!!! See you soon!!!

Thu Nov 14 21:22:09 1996
Roger Ohlsson (

Fantastic Home Page??!!! I'll be back

Wed Nov 13 15:31:36 1996
Chris Lawrie (

I have loved INCOGNITO since I saw their video played on BET. Thanks for this very fullfilling site, it has given me more insight to what INCOGNITO is all about.

Wed Nov 13 03:13:11 1996
Dominic D. Bazile (

I saw them in Brussels (Belgium) ON 1/11/96.It was my first time and i hope not the last........ I have all theire cd's, but i would like to find a maxi version of the single "ROOTS". Does anybody know if theire's a maxi version of this song? Thanks for any reply............; Lieven.

Sat Nov 11 19:07:37 1989
LIEVEN (Lieven.Straetmans)

I'll go to Incognito Tokyo Live on Dec.13,'96.

Sat Nov 11 16:08:46 1989
Tadashi Nakamura (

great web;site guy! see you later

Sat Nov 11 15:42:10 1989
olivier loussert

I knew I'd eventually find a site like this! Incognito is the greatest band on the planet and I...excuse me, WE are the greatest fans in the world! Great job on the we page, Johan. Keep up the good work!

Thu Nov 9 07:55:01 1989
Paul Best (

I'd like to recieve Incognito Digest... Do you know how could I reach them?

Wed Nov 8 20:43:00 1989
Albrematica (

you guys should come over to the philippines and give the music scene here a good kick in the butt.

Wed Nov 8 10:31:10 1989
passage (

This is a totally awesome site!
We also share in the love of Incognito. We would like to find out when they are coming back to the States.
My wife and I moved to a small town and did not even realize until we stumbled onto this site that Incognito had new
music available after 100 degrees.... We are very excited about rushing out tomorrow and making the purchase.
Lastly, I know of few other bands in which you can play any one of their CD's from start to finish without skipping a song or two.
We look forward to visiting this site with some regularity.
Keep it Real!!!!!!!!!

Wed Nov 8 02:18:39 1989
Bob & Celeste Green (

Recently I moved from The Netherlands to Indonesia. In Jakarta I here the Incognito songs constantly as tunes and backgroundmusic on the radio and in shopping malls. I remembered that I have some Incognito CD's already. As soon as my things from The Netherlands arrived I unpacked them and played them. i forgot how great they are. I am back into Incognito again. Best regards, Hajo

Tue Nov 7 14:33:37 1989
Hajo Cijfer (

I saw Incognito in Copenhagen last autumn and I can tell you that it was the best live band I�ve ever seen!
The best live band ever=Incognito
See ya!

Tue Nov 5 18:49:56 1996

I would like to see some tabulature of Icognito material, please.

Tue Nov 5 09:59:00 1996
Andreas Larsson (

I am your japanese fun.
I hear'beneath the surface',VERY GOOD!!
Please come to Japan-Osaka.
I wait for YOU.

Tue Nov 5 09:06:49 1996
Daisuke Ishido (

Just getting into this acid/jazz stuff
It's awesome!!!!

Mon Nov 4 23:20:56 1996
Chip Parker (

When will INCOGNITO come to Indonesia especially to Bandung? You'll be surprised just how much admirer you have here...:>

Meutia Chaerani

Sun Nov 3 14:45:51 1996
Meutia Chaerani (

Great concert on 10/30/96 in Paris and a very good song.

Sat Nov 2 21:56:51 1996
Marco LEFEBVRE(engineer) (

Great Site!!!
Good to see that there are so many Inconito fans out there. I've worked with Bluey on all his albums/singles and remix/production work from "Inside Life" onwards, he's a great guy/friend and it's nice to see that people appreciate his music.

Sat Nov 2 15:23:05 1996
Simon Cotsworth (Engineer/Programmer)

i am a filipino design engineer working here in tokyo. i just learned of incognito because their newest album is one of the top selling albums here in tokyo. i tried their music at a music store and immediately fell in love with their funky jazz style and at that instant, bought "positivity" and "beneath the surface". i am still researching for more info regarding the group. glad that you have this incredible website dedicated solely for them. keep up the good work!! by the way, i want to know the names, how they look like and backgrounds of each member of the group, especially maysa leak. i'll visit this site often for updates. best regards and happy jamming !!

Fri Nov 1 09:05:17 1996
Patrick Ordonez (

I'am from Indonesia. I'am the basist dan I'm crazy about all their song. When Incognito tour to Indonesia? Your big fan in Indonesia Waiting for your performence. It's amazing to visit this homepage, it's so informatif, but more photos please. O.K.! thank's !!

Thu Oct 31 21:51:23 1996
Remi Kusumanjaya (

Hi! I�m a Brazilian fan of incognito. I saw them playing about 20 days ago here at S�o Paulo, and it was really amazing. Bluey is a big fan of Brazilian music and he was wearing the Brazilian soccer team t-shirt. This homepage is very intresting, and informative. I,m glad to visit it.
See ya!

Tue Oct 29 22:44:13 1996

The Manchester gig was truly uplifting.To the group, I send out vibes of true goodness for a successful new album -What an album! Also, thanks "Bluey" for the autograph.
PEACE ALWAYS - Amanda's mate.

Tue Oct 29 11:42:04 1996
Eugene Collins (

Cambridge gig was excellent - more photos please. Watch out for new Jazz/Funk band Irellevant (next best thing to ol' Coggers) but I would say that as I'm the guitarist. Web Page - www.ourworld,

Mon Oct 28 16:23:43 1996
justin grounds (

Storming show last Wednesday in Norwich.
Givin it up as always....

Mon Oct 28 16:09:51 1996
andy deMello (

Great show last night in Brixton.

Mon Oct 28 15:33:28 1996
Steve Harvey

It's great to know there are more fans like me who enjoy AcidJazz. INCOGNITO are by far the best Band there is and I can,t wait to see them live. For now I am happy to have all of there Albums. Please update of the Groups tour Dates and places. !keep the funk alive!!

Mon Oct 28 08:10:31 1996
Marcos Mendoza (

What can I say..........
Great band, nice website!
Can't wait to go to the concert on November 20th. I hope the new album will be released here in Holland soon!
BTW, am I a lucky guy or what: I have tickets for the Jamiroquai concert in Rotterdam on the 15th of November as well!
Keep up the good work, the band deserves it.

Mon Oct 28 00:51:53 1996
Roy Borgman (

I haven't been here in months, and I like the new look!

Sun Oct 27 22:50:24 1996
Wes Matthews

Incognito has to be one of the best Jazz/House groups to have ever been assembled. Keep up the good work.

Sun Oct 27 05:07:52 1996
Kevin L. Ward (

please let me know about the touring dates.

Sat Oct 26 01:33:57 1996
vaagn arakelyan (

Please UPDATE me on the goups tour dates in Queensland Australia

Thu Oct 24 17:53:47 1996
Vicci Sykes (

Just a quickie for all you Incognito fans out there:

Go See Incognito On Tour - They Are HOT!

Thu Oct 24 12:55:49 1996
Japes Jones (

Relly nice work! I�m happy to see that thre�s still people who like good music,
I�m a bass player and this band is where most bassist would like to be. keep funkin! Will I see Inconito in Spain before I die? (I'm 21 ho ho ho)

Wed Oct 23 18:37:06 1996
EDU Moratinos

What a nice surprise to find this lovely site! And made by a swede!
Hej! Den 31 oktober kommer Incognito till Mirano, Bryssel, s� om du har v�garna f�rbi...


Wed Oct 23 15:25:26 1996
Pernilla Bylund (

Exelent site, It was impossible to me to find lyrics of Incognito.
Me and my friends are fans of Incognito in Argentina. I wish they come here !

Tue Oct 22 16:59:20 1996
Juan Carlos Prime (

Feel the music...
Feel the rythm...
There's nothing better than Incognito's songs...
I'm really happy to see that there's so much people enjoying Incognito !!!
Thank You for these Jazzy-Funky Vibes !!!

Tue Oct 22 14:04:35 1996
Storno (

We knew that Incognito is a great band, but we didn't know that they had such great fans around the world!! Johan, we need people like you, keep up the good work.Thank you..
A site full of SMILLING FACES!!!
FUNKY greetings from GREECE!

Tue Oct 22 01:00:57 1996
John & Helen Tsertsiyianni (TSERTS@ATH.FORTHNET.GR)

Hi from a Swiss in Sweden.

Sat Oct 19 17:20:23 1996
Pearcin (

We saw their 1st show in the USA. Phoenix,
AZ just before the release of 100 & Rising. We
They are totally awesome. Can't wait for
the release of their new CD and a USA tour. What are the dates?

Sat Oct 19 17:00:32 1996
Dan & Suzanne Rinehart (

Really good site. Now I can do that music school report about my favourite group.

Fri Oct 18 23:34:17 1996
Daniel Forsberg (

All I can say is keep it comin. The grooves are smooth, the lyrics are always PHAT and the vocalists?...Da Bomb!!

Fri Oct 18 20:41:00 1996
Kevin Brown (

Great to see people with good musical taste.
Are Incognito touring to New Zealand - does anyone know? I had to travel 8 hours to see them last time they were here - well worth the trip!

Fri Oct 18 12:14:54 1996
Stuart Maclaren (

groove a little sex groove a little love infecto is the way it should be....

Fri Oct 18 00:42:35 1996
Eddie Ahmad (

Hi everyone!
Great to have that site now! Thanks a lot!!
Can anyone give me the line-up of this years tour??
Can't wait to buy the new album...

Thu Oct 17 16:44:11 1996
Bettina Berger (

I love the band, and basically love all British
acid jazz/jazzfunk. My favorite band is [was :-(] Level 42. I own all five Incognito commercial releases,
and the remix album. There isn't too much else
available in my neck of the woods, so I can't wait
until Beneath the Surface comes out here in the U.S.

Wed Oct 16 17:01:41 1996
Lolita K. Jackson (

hello and warm greetings. i am SO happy that you have put this page together - i've been looking for something/anything that gives this incredible group its due on the 'net. way 2 go. i'm in philadelphia, pa and i host a jazz show monday thru friday 10am-2pm "the midday show" and we mainly play traditional jazz but we are growing our music base. anyway, i've been listening to incognito since 93 myself and just love 'em. please any updates on their current tour, i.e. new york, philadelphia, wash dc - please let me know. and i think there were a few little mistakes in the lyrics - i'll send them later. thanks again and lete's keep in touch!!!

Wed Oct 16 10:14:45 1996
gregg jewett (

Hejsan Johan !!

Tue Oct 15 18:56:59 1996
Jennie Andersson

Just Keep On Guy!!!

Tue Oct 15 18:05:15 1996
Kin Mau

Johan, your pages are looking good these days. Ready for the moment when da man himself signs the guestbook. BTW, these tags had better work or this is gonna look like gibberish :-)

Long live the tribe with the vibe!

Tue Oct 15 12:02:07 1996
TF in Tokyo

Dear Johann,

You homepage looks really great. Keep up the good work!!!
I sure hope to find samples of the new album very soon on this page.



Tue Oct 15 01:27:45 1996
Rob Bisschops (

Always There!

Mon Oct 14 14:40:03 1996

Been great Incognito fan from the beginning. Pleasantly suprised that new album is coming that soon! Will it be a mondial, european or UK release?

That's all folks! Wish you luck & peace.

Sun Oct 13 16:20:07 1996
marcel swagers (

Hi!!!oh!Great site!!! I'm here because yesterday I went to the show of Incognito here in Brazil (freee jazz festival), and I enjoied very much!!!!!!!really!!!!!!!
I'd like to know if the Incognito has got a fanclub. Please answer me because i want to receive pictures or other things from this group which I loved.
Send a kiss for all by me, and one for you.

Sat Oct 12 21:11:20 1996
renata cristine (

Hey man! Jammin soundbites! I have
downloaded them all, but have yet to figure
out which ones I'll think are really "hot"!

Really nice job on the site, BTW. A
first class effort which befits such a
slammin band.


Sat Oct 12 18:06:25 1996
Eric J. Hansen (

In response to the words of Fred, I cannot but agree. It is unfortunate that fans of Incognito the world over cannot distinguish that the key word is "cool".Sure the BNH crew can play , but are they cool?.See FAZEO Riding High and perhaps this will help. Nuuf respect and that
because it is great to see Inc on the web but it does attract bods doesnt it. Good page though.

Sat Oct 12 11:07:26 1996

Since when were Incognito an acid jazz band ?! This idea is completely against the whole cool that Incognito stand for.
And i suppose that Incognito are similar to Drizabone and Mother Earth are they.

Sat Oct 12 11:00:12 1996

I love this band man!! Only just the other day, I went mad and bought all of the incognito CD's that I didn't already have. I cant get enough of them! I am going to camp outside my fav. music store when the new CD comes out. Hey, cool page Johan. Catch ya later!

Sat Oct 12 08:59:07 1996
Anton Zelcer (Australia)

Hello incognito and fans! I`ve enjoyed your
music very much. To me your finest CD to
date is "Tribes, Scribes and Vibes. And I
will surely get your new CD as soon as I see
it in the music stores. Special greetings
from Fayetteville, NC. Keep making that
good music!

Sat Oct 12 08:56:00 1996

hello there - I am from Germany where Incognito still is the pearl of acid jazz. Positivity is my favourite album and thanks to your site, I am understand the lyrics now

Thu Oct 10 14:43:35 1996
Erich Schumak (

hello Incognito-Fans around the World

I just want to say that for me Incognito is the proudest band in the World!!!

greetings from switzerland


Thu Oct 10 08:29:53 1996
Daniel Laux (

I can't wait their new album in store. Since I live in Atlanta, US, I do not think it would be available at the same date as UK. US printed "Remixed" was out almost a month later UK. So I had to pay more for imported version. I wish I could get it at the same time and same price. Don't you think? Anyhow, I am very excited about new disc!

Wed Oct 9 20:16:11 1996
Koki Yamashita (

Cheers Johan!
My name is Andre. I live in Sao Paulo, Brasil and I work at MTV Brasil. Today we are going to shoot and interview John Paul "Bluey". The concert will happen next friday and I'm looking forward to see it.
Congratulations for your site!
Andre Tartuce

Wed Oct 9 17:45:40 1996
Andre Tartuce (

COOL SITE! Congratulations.
I have been waiting so long to be in an Incognito concert, and when I first hit this site, I realized that in less than 15 days I'll go to 2 concerts : Rio de Janeiro (12-Oct) that is about 400 km from my hometown (Belo Horizonte), and London (27-Oct) where I'll spend the last week in October. THAT'S JUST GREAT !!!!

Wed Oct 9 05:01:37 1996
Christiano Gontijo (from BRAZIL) (

Wayy...Cool!!InCogNitO RuLeZZ!!!...I got nothing to say 'bout them!!...except..I'm not worthy!!!!..keep up the good work on this page man...This is Big Time!!!!,AKE.

Wed Oct 9 04:33:05 1996
Andre Andikasim (

What a class band. Their finest album has to be "Tribes, Vibes and Scribes" - "Magnetic Ocean" is a masterpiece of the first order. Anyone agree or want to talk about it? Get in touch people - share your views!

Tue Oct 8 22:11:55 1996
Floyd Murphy (

I'm very glad 2 have mythic Maysa back on duty with Bluey, they match perfectly well 2gether. Big up 2 all Incognito fans from Italy: still a friend of mine...

Tue Oct 8 20:22:30 1996
Federico Chi

I would like to see more concert-pictures because they are not available at many locations

Tue Oct 8 15:53:29 1996
Jack Baker (

What's up all you acid jazz/ soul lovers....I am a D>J in the Toronto area and I am looking for a hook me at 416-782-9206/ later

Tue Oct 8 14:15:31 1996
jay thomas

'Remixed' is totally rocking.
It just gets better and better.
Full respect Bluey
May the force be with you......

Mon Oct 7 10:25:23 1996
andy de mello (

This is the coolest thing on the internet, quite fitting for the coolest band in the world. The samples were BRILLIANT!!! As soon as the dates for the Australian shows are available, could you let us know, I can't wait.

Sun Oct 6 16:38:19 1996
Naomi Doyle

Incognito's Remixed CD is the bomb. Its really nice, very well mixed with some of the NYC's talened dj's. Are there any U.S. tour dates? I am there is a tour scheduled for the Washington, DC area.

Please advises. THANKS.

Sat Oct 5 21:53:59 1996
Elgin Grove (

Well, it looks as if this guestbook finally works. Go ahead,
start writing!

Wed Oct 2 00:26:51 1996
Johan Ramestam (