Incognito Everyday

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I first got interested in Incognito some years ago when I was listening to a CD at my friend's place. The music was really different from anything I had ever heard before. It got me interested, so I borrowed the CD from my friend and made a tape copy. Having listened to the tape almost all the time, I was happy one day when I finally bought my first Incognito CD in 1992. It was called 'Tribes, vibes & scribes'.

I wanted to find out more about the band, so I started to search the web, but with no luck. It really surprised me that I could not find anything of interest. So, I started to gather the material I had, building the foundation for my Incognito site in early '95.

Unfortunately, the work with the homepage did not last for long. The sparse source of information I had was empty, and so was my inspiration. The project was put on a shelf.

Later the same year, after the release of 100 and rising, I got new inspiration and picked up the work with my site again. I literally sucked the net for every little tiny piece of information I could get. Slowly, the site started to take shape. But due to the fact that I was (and still am!) trying to get my master in Software Engineering at the same time, I was not able to spend as much time with the site as I wanted to.

But then, finally, in the end of May '96, I had four days off which I *dedicated* to the site. It was wonderful to be able to make the changes and updates I always wanted to do, even if it was a lot of hard work, not the least making all the samples and transcription lyrics!

Summer passed, and as school started again, I didn't have much time for updating the site. At one point, I could not stand it any longer, so I started to completely rebuild the whole structure of the site and change the layout. Some sections were removed and some new were added. One important change I made, was to decrease the number of pages from more than 100 down to 40!

On an average, I spend about two hours every day with the site, although it usually occupies entire weekends. I've gotten much positive response on the site so far from people all around the world, and I hope that it will continue to grow everyday.

Incognito is more than just another musical group - it's a religion! A true adventure in harmony, which is realized by some of the best musicians around, lead by Jean-Paul 'Bluey' Maunick. His work with Incognito (and others) has brought new dimensions to the musical experience. "We just do what we like to do" - If you have not seen Incognito live, then what are you waiting for? You will not know what pure joy is all about until you have been there!

I hope you will enjoy your visit and that you listen to all the wonderful music here! If you have comments or suggestions, don't hesitate to send them to me, or sign the guestbook! If you want to find out more about me, have a look at my homepage.

Legal stuff
This site is provided free of charge and none of the information here comes with any form of warranty. Some material has been used without permission from the original copyright holders, including song lyrics, pictures and sound samples. All material is provided for your personal use only and is not to be used in any profit-making operation.

This web site and its author have no official connection with Incognito, their management or record company.

I would like to thank the following people for having contributed to the pages in one way or another:

First and foremost, I must thank Simon Cotsworth (Incognito's engineer) who has helped me a *lot* providing valuable information. Furtheron, Alfred Wong and Mike Best who has provided me with both records and information. When I didn't know how to transcribe some of the lyrics, Wes Matthews helped me a lot, thank you! And of course, Eric J. Hansen who maintains the Incognito mailinglist, which is a great media to meet Incognito fans around the world. The inspiration for my design layout did I find on the jamiroquai page by David Rowe. By a coincidence, I managed to sample all the songs from the new album, before it was released - thanx to Christer Rindebäck. My neighbours David "DJ" Jay and Dan Andersson kindly let me user their equipment every now and then *grin* And if I would not have been introduced to Incognito many years ago by my old friend Fredrik "Freppa" Persson, you would not have been looking at this page right now *smile*... and last but not the least, I would like to thank my lovely girlfriend Oanna, who respects my addiction!

And of course, a big thanx goes out to all of you who have sent me comments and corrections. Stay tuned!