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Love for science. connecting subjects, environment and activity has gradually come into being in the environment education of primary and junior school. The environment education is carried out not only through textbook but also through a variety of activity courses so as to cultivate the students' consciousness of protecting the environment.
       The examples include that advocating environmental knowledge on the theme meeting or morning meeting, organizing special research on environment issues, organizing theme activities like "Green education activity", "Cherish water activity", "little environment protecting guard" on special days like "Day of planting tree", "World Sanitation Day", "World Environment Day", and organizing entertainment shows, speech contest, game shows, watching movies, and other interesting activities with environment education as the theme. At the same time, the school also pays great attention on the environment of schoolyard and educates the students subtly through the cleaning and beautifying

Learn to work.the school environment.
       China actively develops the after-class technique activities among juvenile. Since the 1980s, the nationwide juvenile after-class technique activities included Olympic subject series contests, the juvenile invention and science essay competition, the juvenile biology and environment science practice, the juvenile technique summer camp, and the juvenile science exhibition. In the year of 1999, the Science Committee of China has proposed the "2049 Plan". The Ministry of Education and the Science and Technology Association have co-advocated, initiated and promoted a science education reform experiment named "Learning by doing".
       Working skills is a course name formally established by the Ministry of Education in 1981, and is a compulsory course of high school. It plays an important role in the full execution of quality education in fundamental education and is praised as a course "creating wisdom with fingers". The education of working skills consists of two parts: working ethics and operation skills with an aim to teach students to use both hands and brain. The main
