
Pocket PC magazine January 2004 Issue in MS Reader Format

By Thaddeus Computing, Inc.

Windows Mobile Smartphones are available in the U.S.-finally! Read about the features of Smartphones, and short reviews of the Motorola MPx200 Smartphone available from AT&T wireless and the Samsung SCH-i600 Smartphone available from Verizon wireless. New Dell Axim X3 Pocket PCs, and the iPAQ h1935 Pocket PCs are quite a bargain. Editor Rich Hall reviews these Pocket PCs in detail.



A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthurs Court

By Mark Twain

You might wonder what prompted Mark Twain to sidle from "straight" fiction into the realm of outright fantasy. Twain transports a Connecticut shop foreman twelve centuries into the past [and 5 000 kilometers!] to Camelot and Arthur's court.



By Joseph Conrad

Nostromo contains some of the most vividly realized characterization, plot, and sensory detail of any novel ever written in the English language, period. While the "eponymous" character remains purposefully enigmatic, the other inhabitants of Costaguena.


The Valets Tragedy

By Andrew Lang

Andrew Lang, well known for his fairy stories and fantasy moves here into history. In this book you will find the true stories of the Man In The Iron Mask, the Mystery of Edmund Berry Godfrey and the story of the False Jeanne D'Arc, but you will also find the story of the continuing saga of whether Shakespeare was really Roiger Bacon.


The Red Mans Continent

By Ellsworth Huntington

In writing this book the author has aimed first to present in readable form the main facts about the geographical environment of American history. Many important facts have been omitted or have been touched upon only lightly because they are generally familiar. On the other hand, special stress has been laid on certain broad phases of geography which are comparatively unfamiliar.



By Edgar Rice Burroughs

Although Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote many stories about societies of the distant future or past, peopled with anything from prehistoric creatures to aliens, I believe that this is the best representation of his talent for writing fast paced, fun to read science fiction. Although he did not have the advantage modern authors do of capitalizing on recent scientific advances for story material, he draws the reader in, especially in this book, with his ability to create a world of wild imagination and make the reader feel like they are part of the action.


The Blue Fairy Book

By Andrew Lang

This is the Blue Fairy Book. In this volume you will find stories ranging from Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, to Why the Sea is Salt. It also includes the story of Goldilocks, Red Ridinghood, Beauty and The Beast as well as many more children's classics. Read this book for yourself, but read it to your kids as well.


Crome Yellow

By Aldous Huxley

An interesting first book for a renowned author. Crome Yellow is a wonderful introduction to Huxley's story-telling talents. The scenes were so meticulously laid out I felt I was watching a movie in my head. Crome was also a wonderful introduction to Huxley's knack for detailed characters.


Zen and the Art of the Internet

By Brendan P. Kehoe

Written in 1992 it still is the definitive volume on the Internet and what makes it tick. Of course there isn't a lot about browsers, web sites and the rest, but it does lay a strong foundation for anyone who wants to know how the Internet works and how to use it more effectively. Even the jaded pro may find a few gems in this work.


Barry Lyndon

William Makepeace Thackeray

Meet Redmond Barry, the proud offshoot of a boozy clan. A handsome Irish upstart, he aspires to the rank of gentleman. He duels, drinks, spies, deserts (from two armies), gambles, cheats, lies and chases every skirt - all with impeccable honor, to hear him tell it.


Memoirs Of Extraordinary Popular Delusions

By Charles Mackay

In reading the history of nations, we find that, like individuals, they have their whims and their peculiarities; their seasons of excitement and recklessness, when they care not what they do. We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one object, and go mad in its pursuit; that millions of people become simultaneously impressed with one delusion, and run after it, till their attention is caught by some new folly more captivating than the first.


The Crimson Fairy Book

By Andrew Lang

In continuing with Andrew Lang's series of fairy books we pick up with the Crimson Fairy Book. Here you will meet the Lovely Ilonka, who was intended to be the bride of a prince until evil intervened. Or you can read the story of Peter, who received as his wages only a nut.


Across The Plains

By Robert Lewis Stevenson

Robert Lewis Stevenson is known for his works such as "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde", "Treasure Island" and more adventurous books. But he was also a prolific writer of books on travel. Here we read of his experience as he trveled through out the western United States. This is an enjoyable read and will tell you something about the author.


The Early Short Fiction

Edith Wharton

Edit Wharton, well known for her novels was also a writer of short fiction and of verse. Here in this volume you will find both. Everything from A Venetian Night's Entertainment to Botticelli's Madonna In The Louvre. In the story Xingu you will meet the ladies of the Lunch club, and their distinguished guests.


The Prisoner of Zenda

By Anthony Hope

"The Prisoner of Zenda" is something of a rarity: a Victorian adventure novel that is as fresh and entertaining to read in this modern jaded age as it was in 1894. If you've ever seen one of the many movie adaptations you already know the story: Rudolf Rassendyll, an Englishman vacationing in the tiny European country of Ruritania, meets and befriends the soon-to-be-crowned King Rudolf--his exact and identical double. When the King is kidnapped by the dastardly Black Michael, Rassendyll must impersonate the King in the coronation ceremony...and in the heart of the Queen.


The Young Forester

By Zane Grey

Meet Ken, a young man who seems to be more interested in trees than anything else. In his own words he educates his father, "First I'd cut and sell all the matured and dead timber. Then I'd thin out the spreading trees that want all the light, and the saplings that grow too close together. I'd get rid of the beetles, and try to check the spread of caterpillars.


Tarzan The Terrible

By Edgar Rice Burroughs

Lieutenant Obergatz had fled in terror from the seeking vengeance of Tarzan of the Apes. And with him, by force, he had taken Tarzan's beloved mate, Jane. Now the ape-man was following the faint spoor of their flight, into a region no man had ever penetrated.


Don Rodriguez: Chronicles Of Shadow Valley

By Lord Dunsany

Lord Dunsany's first novel, "Don Rodriguez: Chronicles of Shadow Valley conveys its young disinherited protagonist through a fantasized Spain, gifting him with a Sancho Panza companion, good luck with magicians, and a castle" [The Encyclopedia of Fantasy].


Flappers And Philosophers

By F. Scott Fitzgerald

Fitzgerald's first anthology contains eight stories of jazz-age youth, those whom the author called "romantic egoists." Notably presentùthe still popular "Bernice Bobs Her Hair," the superbly written "Ice Palace," and "The Off-Shore Pirate.


The Skin Game

By John Galsworthy

A Tragi-Comedy in three acts. A rich family, the Hillcrests, is fighting against the speculator, Hornblower, who sends away poor farmers to build factories on their lands. When Mrs. Hillcrest finds out that Chloe Hornblower was a prostitute, she uses this secret to blackmail the speculator and force him to stop his business.


Stories From The Old Attic

By Robert Harris

This delightful book will be a treasure to be cherished and to be read time after time. It is composed of vignettes, parables, and very short stories. Most - but not all - have a moral. the reader will meet him or herself over and over and yet will laugh or smile at what is read.


By The Ionian Sea

 By George Gissing

This book is a travelogue of southern Italy. It brings to life places that we may have never heard of as well as places that do have meaning to us. Written after the turn of the century it is a bit "old" but never the less an enjoyable read.


The Human Drift

by Jack London

Jack London tells stories in this book that are both fiction and non fiction. As there are drifts in the seas of the world, as he explains in the first story, there are also drifts in humanity. And as we drift we perceive changes in the world. If we look closely we will perceive changes in our selves. Here, then, are stories of the Human Drift, by Jack London.


The Lilac Fairy Book

By Andrew Lang

In continuing with Andrew Lang's series of fairy books we continue with the Liliac Fairy Book. Here you will meet Lars, but because he was so little he was called Little Lasse. He builds a fleet of boats - er ships - from pea pods. You will also meet the girl with one hand.



Benita: An African Romance

By H. Rider Haggard

Haggard believes that the basis of this story is true, though he can not prove it. The basis is tor story of buried treasure, adventure, romance, danger and the supernatural. Putting all those ingredients together will insure another page turning adventure.


Black Beauty

By Anna Sewell

In a story that takes place in 19th century England, a gorgeous glossy black colt, who comes to be known as Black Beauty, is born into a life of comfort and kindness. His life is a kind of horsey paradise, until the fortunes of his owners turn...and Black Beauty is sold.



The Frozen Deep

By Wilkie Collins

The date is between twenty and thirty years ago. The place is an English sea-port. The time is night. And the business of the moment is--dancing.  The Mayor and Corporation of the town are giving a grand ball, in celebration of the departure of an Arctic expedition from their port. The ships of the expedition are two in number--the Wanderer and the Sea-mew. They are to sail (in search of the Northwest Passage) on the next day, with the morning tide.


Michael Strogoff

By Jules Verne

Someone must warn the Governor-General of Siberia at once: Ivan Ogareff has allied himself with the fierce and ambitious Feofar-Khan. At their instigation, the Tartar chiefs are pouring their men into Siberia and fomenting rebellion. Should they succeed, the Siberian provinces will be wrestled away from Russian Imperial control. Only one of the Czar's couriers is capable of handling this dangerous mission--Michael Strogoff.


Orange Fairy Book

By Andrew Lang

In continuing with Andrew Lang's series of fairy books we continue with the Orange Fairy Book. In this book you will find The Ugly Duckling, a story we all know so well. Here, as well, are found stories such as The Owl and the Eagle - an unlikely pair who set out to find brides. Or the tale of the Stalos and how they were tricked.



The Barrier

By Rex Beach

Many men were in debt to the trader at Flambeau, and many counted him as a friend. The latter never reasoned why, except that he had done them favors, and in the North that counts for much. Perhaps they built likewise upon the fact that he was ever the same to all, and that, in days of plenty or in times of famine, his store was open to every man, and all received the same measure. Nor did he raise his prices when the boats were late.


Christopher Columbus

By Filson Young

As children in America we all grow up knowing who Christopher Columbus was. It was he who "discovered" America - or at least the New World. Of course he wasn't trying to prove the world was round. that was already a pretty well accepted theory at that time. Instead he was seeking a short route to the Asian continent, encompassing what we today know as China, Viet Nam, Indonesia (The Dutch East Indies and more.) But, of course we all know what happened. But after that we really don't know much about what happened to Columbus. Well at the turn of the century, Filson Young wrote an eight book biography of Columbus.


Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar

By Edgar Rice Burroughs

Tarzan is returning to Opar, a forgotten city, with vaults filled with gold destined for the lost continent of Atlantis. Waiting for Tarzan is Lia, who had tried to sacrifice him on the altar of the Flaming God. Her priests are waiting for Tarzan's return and he is ready to meet them when an earthquake strikes.


Far From The Madding Crowd

By Thomas Hardy

At the beginning of the novel, Bathsheba Everdene is a beautiful young woman without a fortune. She meets Gabriel Oak , a young farmer, and saves his life one evening. He asks her to marry him, but she refuses because she does not love him. Upon inheriting her uncle's prosperous farm she moves away to the town of Weatherbury. A disaster befalls Gabriel's farm and he loses his sheep; he is forced to give up farming. He goes looking for work, and in his travels finds himself in Weatherbury.


The Time Machine

By H.G. Wells

H.G. Wells's 1894 novel (his first) describes the adventures of his hero, the time-traveler, mostly in the year A.D. 802,701, when he encounters a class-ridden battle between the decadent Eloi and the primitive Morlocks. The time traveler describes his interactions with the Morlocks and the Eloi in a thought-provoking manner, creating a highly enjoyable novel.


The Red Fairy Book

Andrew Lang

Here in the Red Fairy Book you will find some familiar characters and stories - and some that are not at all familiar. Stories that you think you know may surprise you, such as the story we all know and love as "Snow White". Another is the Ratcatcher. But you will find familiar titles such as Jack and the Beanstalk or Rapunzel.



By Zane Grey

Saving the life of a man who was injured while capturing a wild horse, Lucy Bostil finds herself the object of Lin Slone's affections, until a rival for the lady's heart and Slone's horse seeks to destroy their happiness.



A Journey To The Center Of The Earth

By Jules Verne

Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth is definitely a must read for science fiction aficionados and classic fiction lovers alike. Verne's sense of humor and incredible imagination make for a mostly credible, and quite enjoyable tale of a young man who accompanies his uncle on the journey of a lifetime.


The Survivors Of The Chancellor

By Jules Verne

Mr. Kazallon thought that booking passage on a cargo ship from Charleston to Liverpool would be a charming way to return to his English homeland. If only he knew! A crazed sea captain, a disaster in the hold, storms, oppressive heat, sharks and starvation are just some of the many travails that will beset both passengers and crew.


Dangerous Days

By Mary Roberts Rinehart

The darkening storm of the first World War threatens to tear apart the lives of a group of friends. At the eye of the storm is Clayton Spencer, an ambitious businessman, who must risk everything to be with the woman he loves.


The Music of Eric Zann

By H.P. Lovecraft

Of all the writers of the horror genre, none can come close to H.P. Lovecraft. This collection of tales is guaranteed to send more than a tingle down your spine. They might cause you to turn on a light before you go to bed.


 Where There's A Will

By Mary Roberts Rinehart

One of Mary Roberts Reinhart's great mysteries Where There's A Will brings the most interesting set of people together under the most interesting circumstances with surprising results. This one will keep you guessing.


The Fathers of the Constitution

By Max Farrand

Here is a look at John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Ben Franklin and all the other men who forged the new nation of America. This is their story, their vision and their work. Without them and their work this world would be a different place today.



The Gods Of Mars

By Edgar Rice Burroughs

John Carter remains the perfect Virginian gentleman, upon returning to his beloved Barsoom, respecting women, seeking no unfair advantage, while fighting plants, animals and multiple races of Martians. He must struggle to overcome them all, if he is to set free his beloved Dejah Theories from a nested series of "Heavens within Heavens."
