South Luangwa National Park
Situated in a remote region, Zambia's South Luangwa Valley is home to over 50 species of mammals and 400 species of birds. As one of Africa's most unspoiled parks, South Luangwa National Park features a great diversity of habitat, scenery and wildlife. The Luangwa River and its lagoons form the park's eastern boundary and play a major role in the ecology of the region. The visitor can expect a wildlife experience that is difficult to duplicate elsewhere in the world. The valley has been called the "Last Kingdom of Elephants" and today it has a population estimated at 15,000, along with equal number of hippo in the Luangwa River. Luangwa allows night game viewing with spot lights to glimpse the fascinating nocturnal creatures not visible or active during the day. Lions on the hunt, hyenas, civets, honey badgers and porcupines are often seen at night. Most notable, however, are the leopards which are frequently observed stalking and hunting their prey, or interacting with marauding lions or hyenas intent on robbing their kills. Walking safaris, under the guide of experienced safari rangers, can last from a few hours to 4 or 5 days, when you explore this wilderness by walking from bush camp to bush camp.
South Luangwa National Park - Camps, Lodges and Reserves:
Chinzombo Safaris Camps
Kapani Safari Lodge & Camps
Robin Pope Safaris Camps