Kapani Safari Lodge & Camps
Location: Beside the Luangwa River, bordering South Luangwa National Park, Zambia

Kapani Safari Lodge - 8 chalets
Nsolo Bush Camp - 4 cottages
Luwi Bush Camp - 4 bamboo rooms

Game Viewing Activities: Day and night game viewing drives in open 4-wheel drive vehicles, walking safaris, visits to traditional villages
Kapani Safari Lodge: Kapani Lodge is owned by well-known conservationist and author, Norman Carr, founder of walking safaris in Zambia. Kapani is situated on a quiet lagoon beside the Luangwa River, accommodating up to 16 guests. The stone built rooms are designed for the warmer weather with tiled roofs, high ceilings, overhead fan and large gauged windows. Each bedroom has en suite shower, washbasin, toilet and private verandah with bar fridge. A thatched, open plan bar and dining room provides meals and service to an excellent standard. There is a shady viewing platform and two thatched chitenges where you can relax overlooking the lagoon. Also offered are a secluded swimming pool and a gift shop. Normally, small parties are taken game viewing twice daily in open vehicles. Night drives with a spotlight are one of the highlights of the Luangwa Valley, giving the chance to see nocturnal animals, especially leopard, for which it is famous. However, our safaris are flexible and for those staying more than a few days, visits to the crocodile farm, a local village, leisurely picnic drives or a nature walk can be arranged. During the dry season (June - October), those keen on walking can set out on foot with a guide and armed game scout for morning walks from Kapani, or on a more extensive foot safari from the bush camps.
Walking Safaris: For those who want to experience more of the wild, combining the atmosphere of the camp fire with the adventure of safaris on foot, we recommend a stay at our bush camps - Luwi and Nsolo. These camps are situated in an isolated part of the National Park about one hours drive from Kapani. They are within a mornings walking distance of each other, each located under shady evergreen tress on the banks of the Luwi Sand river. The walking safaris are not strenuous, usually lasting 3 to 4 hours, and are led by one of our specially trained safari guides, and an armed game scout. Although the emphasis is on walking, occasional game drives can be undertaken from the bush camps.
Nsolo Bush Camp: Nsolo camp has four spacious rooms, accommodating up to 8 guests, built from grass with en suite shower, washbasin, flush toilet and a verandah. At Nsolo one is able to enjoy a little luxury in the heart of the wilderness. In a thatched chitenge with a bar and dinning area, superb cuisine is served. A nearby hide overlooks a waterhole where game viewing is most rewarding.
Luwi Bush Camp: Luwi camp consist of four simple thatched bamboo rooms set in a beautiful shady grove, accommodating up to 6 guests, with an al fresco dining area. For your comfort we concede hot showers, flush toilet and solar lights. The evenings at Luwi are spent under the stars absorbing the sounds of the night or listening to talks of the bush around the camp fire. A short distance away is a large oxbow lagoon teeming with hippos and crocodiles.
Contact information:
Kapani Lodge
P.O. Box 100
Mfuwe, Zambia
Telephone - (260) 62-45015
Fax - (260) 62-45025
Safari Booking