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CD-ROM Internet Link

WEBLINK - connect your CD-ROM to your website

WEBLINK is an internet/CD-ROM linkage solution available for licensing by hardware and software companies.

WEBLINK in its simplest form provides easy access to the Internet from within a software product. More sophisticated features support an encrypted file format which allows commands and files to be transferred from the Internet to the user's system.

Establishing an Internet link is as easy as clicking a button. WEBLINK identifies all browsers installed on the customer's hard drive and displays a popup selection list. Launched browsers jump to a preset URL of your choosing or recognize the customer's previously defined home page. Browsers are configured 'on the fly' to recognize and process the WEBLINK MIME type. Data files of all types can be downloaded and configured on your customer's system automatically or via HTML hyperlink: program EXEs, data files, MCI (multimedia) and program commands.

Imagine linking to the Internet from your software and automatically launching cd-rom or hard drive based video or audio upon entry to your web page! Refresh and extend the life of your products by downloading new content! Change the way your software programs execute or provide fixes by downloading new EXE's!

Feature Set

Simple procedure for adding WEBLINK to your software product.

Compatible with all leading 16 & 32 bit browsers (Internet Explorer, Netscape, AOL, Netcom, NetCruiser, GNN, Sprynet Mosiac and more)

Identifies all browsers installed on customer's system and presents selection list.

Provides full internet access solution if customer does not have pre-existing online service. Sprynet online service with free Microsost Internet Explorer 3.0 or Netscape browser!

Can be configured to direct any browser to 'jump to' internet URL from your product using the customer�s favorite browser.

Automatically configures browsers to understand and process WEBLINK MIME type.

WEBLINK MIME type allows you to send MCI commands (multimedia), executables, data files or program commands to your hardware system from internet URLs. This can occur automatically upon entry to a URL, when refreshing a URL or by clicking an HTML hotspot.

Automatic shutdown of user�s browser with a simple command.

Technical & Hardware Specifications
Customer platform Client
Windows 3.1 / Windows 95
internet connectivity capabilities
Alpenglow software
Alpenglow MIME type file editor
HTTP server

Electronic Customer Registration

EREG - Allow your users to register products electronically

EREG! is an electronic registration solution, available for licensing by hardware and software companies.

More cost efficient then traditional paper response card methods, EREG! reduces card handling expenses and eliminates postage while dramatically increasing registration response rates! Customer profiles are more complete and accurate due to automated validation during customer entry.

EREG! first appears during product installation and encourages customers to register immediately. The registration screen continues to appear upon entry to the product until the customer registers or a number of predefined presentations occur. User interface screens and data collection can be customized to meet individual client requirements. EREG! is easily added to your software products with a single command.

Alpenglow also offers a registration service bureau which eliminates client hardware investments, toll free telephone line leasing , technical support functions and registration processing. Registrations are delivered in the format and manner requested by EREG! clients.

Key features:
� significantly increases registration response rates
� provides convenient way for customers to register
� easily added to your products
� can be customized to individual company requirements
� collect registrations directly or subscribe to Alpenglow's service bureau
� registrations are transmitted via modem or may be printed and faxed or mailed.

Feature Set

Simple procedure for adding automatic online registration to product setup programs.

Appears during installation stream or program startup and encourages immediate customer action. Optionally continues to reappear upon reentry to product until customer registers or a predefined number of presentations occur.

Verifies customer input for formatting and required fields before transmission.

Includes custom support source tags which allow tracking of production runs.

We offer full online registration server back end support. No setup time required for server software.

Registrations are transmitted electronically by modem within 10 seconds of connection.

Registrations may also be printed and submitted via fax or by mail.

Automatically deletes from user�s hard disk upon successfully registering preventing re-registration.

User interface and data collection can be customized.

Registration data provided in a variety of file formats and delivered via floppy, email or FTP.

Service Bureau Features
Eliminates dedicated hardware investment.

Eliminates 800 telephone line lease.

Eliminates technical support.

Registrations delivered when you want them and how you want them.

Technical & Hardware Specifications
Customer Hardware platform Client
Windows 3.1 / Windows 95
with Hayes compatible modem
486-66 or Pentium Win 95
(single vs double modem solution)
Hayes compatible modem
1-800 telephone line lease
Alpenglow server & client software

Copyright © 1996 Alpenglow, Inc.
Phone: (800) 440-5595 / (206) 485-3222
Fax: (206) 485-3250
14118 168th Avenue NE
Woodinville, WA USA 98072