Pantyhose Tarou

Taro Dossier pic

Vital Statistics

Name: Pantyhose Tarou
Age: 16
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
First Appearance (Anime): None as of yet in the USA
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 18 (Japanese)
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: Ranma, Happosai

Profile: Pantyhose Tarou is a Chinese martial artist who desires revenge on anyone who makes fun of his unwillingly awarded name, and also wants to force the man who gave it to him, Happosai, to change it. He comes to Nerima with this purpose in mind, as he beats up most of the local martal artists and leaves pantyhoses wrapped around them.

It turns out that when Tarou was born as an infant, he was sort of "baptised" as a ritual into the spring of drowned bull, crane, eel, and yeti (a very mixed bag, to say the least). Happosai was the one who performed the ritual, and was also by right the one to give (and alter, if need be) the newborn's name, which he did - and ended up giving him the horribly humiliating name of "Pantyhose" Tarou.

It is for this reason that Pantyhose Tarou comes to Japan - to find Happosai and force him to change his name to something more respectable. Now a full grown large monster in cursed form, he beats up people very easily, and almost finishes Ranma as well before Happosai himself steps in to save him. However, the monster kidnaps a helpless Akane and takes her back to his base of operations.

With Ryouga, Shampoo, and Mousse's help (who are all in it for their own reasons), Ranma decides to go after Tarou to bring back Akane. Despite cold water traps set to curse the Ranma team, all of them manage to make it to Tarou's place unharmed. However, it takes all of them and most especially, a new special move by Ranma (shooting star kick) to down Tarou in monster form.

Eventually both Happosai and Tarou are tied up, and even though Ranma and company try to convince Happosai to change Tarou's name for him, he refuses to do so. Eventually after a beating by Ranma, Happosai is tricked into agreeing to change Tarou's name. However, he only ends up suggesting stupid name changes, much to Tarou's anger and frustration. Tarou continues to hold a grudge against Happosai for keeping his name the same.

Personality: Tarou is a very strong fighter who is formidable in his cursed form which towers over most people. He has a winner-takes-all attitude and will go to any lengths to win against his opponent. Though somewhat brash and egotistical, he can, like Ranma, back up his words with his skill in Chinese martial arts. Tarou appears to have no respect or regard for anyone and will brutally push them out of the way to get what he wants, especially when it comes to changing his name. Tarou is angered very easily if someone calls him by his first name (Pantyhose).

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez