Miss Satsuki

Vital Statistics

Name: Satsuki
Age: ?
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance (Anime): None yet in US
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 5
Love Interest: Sentaro
Loved by: Sentaro
Rivals/Opponents: None

Profile: Miss Satsuki is a very beautiful woman who once won the title of Miss Tea Ceremony in 1992. She was engaged to Sentaro Daimonji of the Daimonji school of Martial Arts Tea ceremony, but was too embarrassed to show up to mee her future husband. In an attempt to stall until she could get up the courage to meet Sentaro, Satsuki sent her pet monkey Sanae in her place as Miss Satsuki. Unfortunately this set off a chain of events whereby Sentaro attempted to replace who he thought his future wife would be by kidnapping girls and bringing them back to his dojo. Ranma, in female form, was one of those girls.

Eventually, out of guilt for the suffering Sanae, Miss Satsuki set off to meet Sentaro. Unfortunately her horse went out of control all the way to the dojo, where Sentaro accidentally stopped it. Satsuki was fianlly revealed in the eyes of Sentaro, and the two were shortly married thereafter.

Personality: Satsuki appears to be the typical maiden - demure and shy, and her attempts to hide her embarassment and shyness show this. Still, it appears that she is a good match for Sentaro, and the two were, at last sight, enjoying their lives peacfully, much to the relief of Ranma.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez