Sentaro Daimonji

Vital Statistics

Name: Sentaro Daimonji
Age: ?
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance (Anime): None yet in US
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 5
Love Interest: Satsuki
Loved by: Satsuki
Rivals/Opponents: Onna-Ranma, Akane

Profile: Sentaro Daimonji is the heir to the Daimonji school of Martial arts Tea ceremony, an art that involves using the elemtnts and tools of Tea ceremony as deadly weapons.

Sentaro, on a runaway horse, was saved by Ranma, who was in female form at the time. Sentaro then proceeeded to kidnap Onna-Ranma in the hopes of marrying her and thus avoiding his marriage to Miss Satsuki, who turned out to be a monkey (who was later revealed to be Sanae and not the real Miss Satsuki)

Onna-Ranma was forced into a fight to train to beat the vicious Sanae, and was pushed hard by the desperate Sentaro, who repeatedly tried to hit on her and marry her. Later, when it was revealed that Ranma was really a man, Sentaro lost his affections for Onna-Ranma and pushed her even harder to train.

During the following duel between Onna-Ranma and "Miss Satsuki", Sentaro turned his affections to Akane, who had shown up at the Daimonji dojo looking for Ranma. But before he could go through with his plan to get rid of both "Satsuki" and Onna-Ranma, he accidentally saved the real Miss Satsuki, who he immdeiately fell in love with. It was last heard that the two were happily married and on their honeymoon, though they did stop by the Tendo dojo at least once.

Personality: Sentaro appears to be a fearful individual, and very desperate to get out of bad situations (hence the rigourous training of Onna-Ranma and his failed plan to get rid of Sanae and Onna-Ranma to marry Akane). He seems a little fickle and will switch his affections inan instant. Still, it appears that with the real Miss Satsuki in his life he has calmed down quite a bit.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez